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How to craft an effective critique essay – a step-by-step guide to capturing readers’ attention, providing insightful analysis, and offering constructive feedback.

How to write a critique essay

Evaluating someone else’s writing can be a challenging task, but with the right tools and approach, you can become a skillful critic in no time. Whether you’re analyzing a piece of literature, an article, or a research paper, a critique essay allows you to delve into the elements that make up a strong written work.

By honing your critical thinking skills, you’ll be able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a piece and provide insightful feedback. Through this process, you’ll not only improve your own writing abilities but also enhance your understanding and appreciation of the written word.

In this comprehensive article, we will equip you with the essential techniques and strategies needed to write an effective critique essay. From analyzing the structure and organization of a piece to evaluating the author’s arguments and evidence, you’ll learn how to assess a work’s strengths and weaknesses with precision and clarity.

What is a Critique Essay and Why is it Important?

A critique essay is a type of academic writing that involves analyzing and evaluating a piece of work, such as a book, film, artwork, or research paper. Unlike a simple summary or review, a critique essay goes beyond providing a surface-level examination of the work and delves into an in-depth analysis of its strengths, weaknesses, and overall value.

But why is writing a critique essay important? Well, there are several reasons. Firstly, it allows you to develop critical thinking skills by carefully examining and assessing the merits of a work. This type of analysis helps you become more discerning and thoughtful in your judgments, which is a valuable skill in many aspects of life.

In addition, writing a critique essay encourages you to become an active participant in the intellectual discourse surrounding a particular topic or field. By engaging with a work and providing your own analysis, you are contributing to the ongoing conversation and expanding the collective understanding of the subject matter.

Furthermore, a critique essay can serve as a useful tool for the creator of the work being critiqued. Constructive criticism can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improvement, helping the creator gain a fresh perspective and refine their skills.

Ultimately, the importance of writing a critique essay lies in its ability to foster critical thinking, contribute to intellectual discourse, and provide constructive feedback. Whether you are a student honing your analytical skills or a professional offering insights in your field, learning how to effectively critique a work is a valuable and essential skill.

Choosing a Topic for Your Critique Essay

Choosing a Topic for Your Critique Essay

When it comes to writing a critique essay, the first and most important step is choosing a topic that is both interesting and suitable for critique. The topic you choose will determine the direction and focus of your essay, as well as the arguments and evidence you will present. It is crucial to select a topic that you are passionate about and have a strong opinion on, as this will make the writing process more enjoyable and engaging.

When considering potential topics for your critique essay, it can be helpful to brainstorm a list of subjects that you have recently encountered in your studies, personal life, or current events. This can include books, movies, artworks, scientific studies, political speeches, or social issues. Reflect on your experiences and think about which topics have sparked your interest or elicited an emotional response.

Once you have a list of potential topics, narrow it down to one that you feel confident in critiquing. Consider the availability of resources and research materials related to the topic, as well as the relevance and significance of the subject matter. It is important to choose a topic that is not too broad or too narrow, but one that allows for a thorough analysis and evaluation.

Furthermore, when selecting a topic for your critique essay, consider the potential audience and the purpose of your writing. Are you writing for a specific academic or professional audience, or for a general readership? Is your goal to persuade, inform, or entertain? Understanding your audience and purpose will help you choose a topic that is relevant, engaging, and appropriate for your intended readers.

In conclusion, the process of choosing a topic for your critique essay requires careful consideration and reflection. By selecting a topic that you are passionate about, narrowing down your options, and considering the audience and purpose of your writing, you can ensure that your critique essay is engaging, informative, and well-structured.

Effective Methods for Analyzing and Evaluating the Work

Effective Methods for Analyzing and Evaluating the Work

When it comes to critiquing a piece of work, it is important to employ effective methods for analyzing and evaluating the work. These methods allow you to objectively assess the strengths and weaknesses of the work while providing constructive feedback.

One method for analyzing the work is to carefully examine the overall structure and organization. This involves evaluating the flow of ideas and the logical progression of the work. Pay attention to how well the work introduces and supports its main argument or thesis statement. Look for any inconsistencies or gaps in the logic and assess the effectiveness of the transitions between ideas.

Additionally, it is important to assess the use of evidence and examples in the work. Look for both quantitative and qualitative evidence that supports the main argument. Evaluate the credibility and relevance of the sources cited and determine if they strengthen the overall argument. Consider the quality of the examples provided and how well they illustrate the key points of the work.

Another critical aspect to evaluate in the work is the clarity and effectiveness of the writing style. Assess the use of language, considering factors such as clarity, conciseness, and precision. Look for any instances of wordiness or ambiguity and consider how well the writer communicates their ideas. Pay attention to the use of tone and voice and evaluate if they are appropriate for the intended audience.

Furthermore, it is essential to consider the originality and creativity of the work. Analyze whether the ideas presented are innovative and unique, or if they rely heavily on existing research and ideas. Evaluate the extent to which the writer brings a fresh perspective or contributes new insights to the topic. Consider the level of critical thinking and depth of analysis demonstrated in the work.

Finally, it is crucial to provide constructive feedback when evaluating the work. Identify specific strengths and weaknesses and provide evidence to support your analysis. Offer suggestions for improvement and recommend areas where the writer can further develop their ideas or arguments. Remember to maintain a balance between positive and negative feedback to help the writer grow and improve their work.

  • Analyze the overall structure and organization of the work
  • Assess the use of evidence and examples
  • Evaluate the clarity and effectiveness of the writing style
  • Analyze the originality and creativity of the ideas presented
  • Provide constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement

By utilizing these effective methods for analyzing and evaluating the work, you will be able to provide a comprehensive critique that offers valuable insights and helps the writer enhance their work.

Tips for Writing a Strong and Persuasive Critique Essay

When crafting a critique essay, it is essential to adopt a strong and persuasive writing style to effectively convey your thoughts and opinions. By employing certain techniques and considerations, you can enhance the impact of your critique and make it more persuasive. This section will provide valuable tips to help you write a compelling critique essay.

Be clear and concise
Provide evidence and examples
Offer a balanced perspective
Use persuasive language and rhetorical devices
Structure your critique effectively
Consider your target audience
Support your arguments with credible sources

First and foremost, clarity and conciseness are key. Make sure your critique is written in a clear and straightforward manner, avoiding any unnecessary jargon or complex language. This will ensure that your ideas are easily understood by your readers, allowing them to fully grasp your perspective.

Additionally, providing evidence and examples is crucial to strengthen your critique. Back up your opinions with credible sources, such as research studies, statistical data, or expert opinions. This will make your arguments more persuasive and lend credibility to your critique.

It is also important to offer a balanced perspective in your critique. While expressing your own views, be sure to acknowledge and address counterarguments or differing opinions. This will demonstrate your ability to consider multiple perspectives and make your critique more comprehensive and well-rounded.

Using persuasive language and rhetorical devices can significantly enhance the impact of your critique. Employ techniques such as persuasive appeals (ethos, logos, pathos), rhetorical questions, metaphors, and analogies to captivate your readers and engage them on an emotional and intellectual level.

Structuring your critique in a logical and organized manner is another essential aspect. Break down your critique into distinct sections, such as introduction, body paragraphs discussing various aspects of the subject, and a conclusion summarizing your main points and reinforcing your overall perspective. This will make your critique more coherent and reader-friendly.

Consider your target audience when writing your critique. Tailor your language, tone, and style to resonate with your intended readers. Adapt your arguments and examples to align with their interests, values, and beliefs. This will make your critique more relatable and persuasive to your specific audience.

Lastly, support your arguments with credible sources. Incorporating research findings, expert opinions, or firsthand experiences will strengthen the validity of your critique and provide additional weight to your arguments. This will make your critique more persuasive and enhance its overall impact.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your critique essay is not only strong but also persuasive. By employing clear and concise language, providing evidence and examples, offering a balanced perspective, using persuasive language and rhetorical devices, structuring effectively, considering your target audience, and supporting your arguments with credible sources, you can craft a compelling critique essay that effectively conveys your thoughts and opinions.

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How to Write an Article Critique Step-by-Step


Table of contents

  • 1 What is an Article Critique Writing?
  • 2 How to Critique an Article: The Main Steps
  • 3 Article Critique Outline
  • 4 Article Critique Formatting
  • 5 How to Write a Journal Article Critique
  • 6 How to Write a Research Article Critique
  • 7 Research Methods in Article Critique Writing
  • 8 Tips for writing an Article Critique

Do you know how to critique an article? If not, don’t worry – this guide will walk you through the writing process step-by-step. First, we’ll discuss what a research article critique is and its importance. Then, we’ll outline the key points to consider when critiquing a scientific article. Finally, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to write an article critique including introduction, body and summary. Read more to get the main idea of crafting a critique paper.

What is an Article Critique Writing?

An article critique is a formal analysis and evaluation of a piece of writing. It is often written in response to a particular text but can also be a response to a book, a movie, or any other form of writing. There are many different types of review articles . Before writing an article critique, you should have an idea about each of them.

To start writing a good critique, you must first read the article thoroughly and examine and make sure you understand the article’s purpose. Then, you should outline the article’s key points and discuss how well they are presented. Next, you should offer your comments and opinions on the article, discussing whether you agree or disagree with the author’s points and subject. Finally, concluding your critique with a brief summary of your thoughts on the article would be best. Ensure that the general audience understands your perspective on the piece.

How to Critique an Article: The Main Steps

If you are wondering “what is included in an article critique,” the answer is:

An article critique typically includes the following:

  • A brief summary of the article .
  • A critical evaluation of the article’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • A conclusion.

When critiquing an article, it is essential to critically read the piece and consider the author’s purpose and research strategies that the author chose. Next, provide a brief summary of the text, highlighting the author’s main points and ideas. Critique an article using formal language and relevant literature in the body paragraphs. Finally, describe the thesis statement, main idea, and author’s interpretations in your language using specific examples from the article. It is also vital to discuss the statistical methods used and whether they are appropriate for the research question. Make notes of the points you think need to be discussed, and also do a literature review from where the author ground their research. Offer your perspective on the article and whether it is well-written. Finally, provide background information on the topic if necessary.

When you are reading an article, it is vital to take notes and critique the text to understand it fully and to be able to use the information in it. Here are the main steps for critiquing an article:

  • Read the piece thoroughly, taking notes as you go. Ensure you understand the main points and the author’s argument.
  • Take a look at the author’s perspective. Is it powerful? Does it back up the author’s point of view?
  • Carefully examine the article’s tone. Is it biased? Are you being persuaded by the author in any way?
  • Look at the structure. Is it well organized? Does it make sense?
  • Consider the writing style. Is it clear? Is it well-written?
  • Evaluate the sources the author uses. Are they credible?
  • Think about your own opinion. With what do you concur or disagree? Why?


Article Critique Outline

When assigned an article critique, your instructor asks you to read and analyze it and provide feedback. A specific format is typically followed when writing an article critique.

An article critique usually has three sections: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

  • The introduction of your article critique should have a summary and key points.
  • The critique’s main body should thoroughly evaluate the piece, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses, and state your ideas and opinions with supporting evidence.
  • The conclusion should restate your research and describe your opinion.

You should provide your analysis rather than simply agreeing or disagreeing with the author. When writing an article review , it is essential to be objective and critical. Describe your perspective on the subject and create an article review summary. Be sure to use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, write it in the third person, and cite your sources.

Article Critique Formatting

When writing an article critique, you should follow a few formatting guidelines. The importance of using a proper format is to make your review clear and easy to read.

Make sure to use double spacing throughout your critique. It will make it easy to understand and read for your instructor.

Indent each new paragraph. It will help to separate your critique into different sections visually.

Use headings to organize your critique. Your introduction, body, and conclusion should stand out. It will make it easy for your instructor to follow your thoughts.

Use standard fonts, such as Times New Roman or Arial. It will make your critique easy to read.

Use 12-point font size. It will ensure that your critique is easy to read.


How to Write a Journal Article Critique

When critiquing a journal article, there are a few key points to keep in mind:

  • Good critiques should be objective, meaning that the author’s ideas and arguments should be evaluated without personal bias.
  • Critiques should be critical, meaning that all aspects of the article should be examined, including the author’s introduction, main ideas, and discussion.
  • Critiques should be informative, providing the reader with a clear understanding of the article’s strengths and weaknesses.

When critiquing a research article, evaluating the author’s argument and the evidence they present is important. The author should state their thesis or the main point in the introductory paragraph. You should explain the article’s main ideas and evaluate the evidence critically. In the discussion section, the author should explain the implications of their findings and suggest future research.

It is also essential to keep a critical eye when reading scientific articles. In order to be credible, the scientific article must be based on evidence and previous literature. The author’s argument should be well-supported by data and logical reasoning.

How to Write a Research Article Critique

When you are assigned a research article, the first thing you need to do is read the piece carefully. Make sure you understand the subject matter and the author’s chosen approach. Next, you need to assess the importance of the author’s work. What are the key findings, and how do they contribute to the field of research?

Finally, you need to provide a critical point-by-point analysis of the article. This should include discussing the research questions, the main findings, and the overall impression of the scientific piece. In conclusion, you should state whether the text is good or bad. Read more to get an idea about curating a research article critique. But if you are not confident, you can ask “ write my papers ” and hire a professional to craft a critique paper for you. Explore your options online and get high-quality work quickly.

However, test yourself and use the following tips to write a research article critique that is clear, concise, and properly formatted.

  • Take notes while you read the text in its entirety. Right down each point you agree and disagree with.
  • Write a thesis statement that concisely and clearly outlines the main points.
  • Write a paragraph that introduces the article and provides context for the critique.
  • Write a paragraph for each of the following points, summarizing the main points and providing your own analysis:
  • The purpose of the study
  • The research question or questions
  • The methods used
  • The outcomes
  • The conclusions were drawn by the author(s)
  • Mention the strengths and weaknesses of the piece in a separate paragraph.
  • Write a conclusion that summarizes your thoughts about the article.
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Research Methods in Article Critique Writing

When writing an article critique, it is important to use research methods to support your arguments. There are a variety of research methods that you can use, and each has its strengths and weaknesses. In this text, we will discuss four of the most common research methods used in article critique writing: quantitative research, qualitative research, systematic reviews, and meta-analysis.

Quantitative research is a research method that uses numbers and statistics to analyze data. This type of research is used to test hypotheses or measure a treatment’s effects. Quantitative research is normally considered more reliable than qualitative research because it considers a large amount of information. But, it might be difficult to find enough data to complete it properly.

Qualitative research is a research method that uses words and interviews to analyze data. This type of research is used to understand people’s thoughts and feelings. Qualitative research is usually more reliable than quantitative research because it is less likely to be biased. Though it is more expensive and tedious.

Systematic reviews are a type of research that uses a set of rules to search for and analyze studies on a particular topic. Some think that systematic reviews are more reliable than other research methods because they use a rigorous process to find and analyze studies. However, they can be pricy and long to carry out.

Meta-analysis is a type of research that combines several studies’ results to understand a treatment’s overall effect better. Meta-analysis is generally considered one of the most reliable type of research because it uses data from several approved studies. Conversely, it involves a long and costly process.

Are you still struggling to understand the critique of an article concept? You can contact an online review writing service to get help from skilled writers. You can get custom, and unique article reviews easily.


Tips for writing an Article Critique

It’s crucial to keep in mind that you’re not just sharing your opinion of the content when you write an article critique. Instead, you are providing a critical analysis, looking at its strengths and weaknesses. In order to write a compelling critique, you should follow these tips: Take note carefully of the essential elements as you read it.

  • Make sure that you understand the thesis statement.
  • Write down your thoughts, including strengths and weaknesses.
  • Use evidence from to support your points.
  • Create a clear and concise critique, making sure to avoid giving your opinion.

It is important to be clear and concise when creating an article critique. You should avoid giving your opinion and instead focus on providing a critical analysis. You should also use evidence from the article to support your points.

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How to Write an Article Critique

Tips for Writing a Psychology Critique Paper

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  • Steps for Writing a Critique

Evaluating the Article

  • How to Write It
  • Helpful Tips

An article critique involves critically analyzing a written work to assess its strengths and flaws. If you need to write an article critique, you will need to describe the article, analyze its contents, interpret its meaning, and make an overall assessment of the importance of the work.

Critique papers require students to conduct a critical analysis of another piece of writing, often a book, journal article, or essay . No matter your major, you will probably be expected to write a critique paper at some point.

For psychology students, critiquing a professional paper is a great way to learn more about psychology articles, writing, and the research process itself. Students will analyze how researchers conduct experiments, interpret results, and discuss the impact of the results.

At a Glance

An article critique involves making a critical assessment of a single work. This is often an article, but it might also be a book or other written source. It summarizes the contents of the article and then evaluates both the strengths and weaknesses of the piece. Knowing how to write an article critique can help you learn how to evaluate sources with a discerning eye.

Steps for Writing an Effective Article Critique

While these tips are designed to help students write a psychology critique paper, many of the same principles apply to writing article critiques in other subject areas.

Your first step should always be a thorough read-through of the material you will be analyzing and critiquing. It needs to be more than just a casual skim read. It should be in-depth with an eye toward key elements.

To write an article critique, you should:

  • Read the article , noting your first impressions, questions, thoughts, and observations
  • Describe the contents of the article in your own words, focusing on the main themes or ideas
  • Interpret the meaning of the article and its overall importance
  • Critically evaluate the contents of the article, including any strong points as well as potential weaknesses

The following guidelines can help you assess the article you are reading and make better sense of the material.

Read the Introduction Section of the Article

Start by reading the introduction . Think about how this part of the article sets up the main body and how it helps you get a background on the topic.

  • Is the hypothesis clearly stated?
  • Is the necessary background information and previous research described in the introduction?

In addition to answering these basic questions, note other information provided in the introduction and any questions you have.

Read the Methods Section of the Article

Is the study procedure clearly outlined in the methods section ? Can you determine which variables the researchers are measuring?

Remember to jot down questions and thoughts that come to mind as you are reading. Once you have finished reading the paper, you can then refer back to your initial questions and see which ones remain unanswered.

Read the Results Section of the Article

Are all tables and graphs clearly labeled in the results section ? Do researchers provide enough statistical information? Did the researchers collect all of the data needed to measure the variables in question?

Make a note of any questions or information that does not seem to make sense. You can refer back to these questions later as you are writing your final critique.

Read the Discussion Section of the Article

Experts suggest that it is helpful to take notes while reading through sections of the paper you are evaluating. Ask yourself key questions:

  • How do the researchers interpret the results of the study?
  • Did the results support their hypothesis?
  • Do the conclusions drawn by the researchers seem reasonable?

The discussion section offers students an excellent opportunity to take a position. If you agree with the researcher's conclusions, explain why. If you feel the researchers are incorrect or off-base, point out problems with the conclusions and suggest alternative explanations.

Another alternative is to point out questions the researchers failed to answer in the discussion section.

Begin Writing Your Own Critique of the Paper

Once you have read the article, compile your notes and develop an outline that you can follow as you write your psychology critique paper. Here's a guide that will walk you through how to structure your critique paper.


Begin your paper by describing the journal article and authors you are critiquing. Provide the main hypothesis (or thesis) of the paper. Explain why you think the information is relevant.

Thesis Statement

The final part of your introduction should include your thesis statement. Your thesis statement is the main idea of your critique. Your thesis should briefly sum up the main points of your critique.

Article Summary

Provide a brief summary of the article. Outline the main points, results, and discussion.

When describing the study or paper, experts suggest that you include a summary of the questions being addressed, study participants, interventions, comparisons, outcomes, and study design.

Don't get bogged down by your summary. This section should highlight the main points of the article you are critiquing. Don't feel obligated to summarize each little detail of the main paper. Focus on giving the reader an overall idea of the article's content.

Your Analysis

In this section, you will provide your critique of the article. Describe any problems you had with the author's premise, methods, or conclusions. You might focus your critique on problems with the author's argument, presentation, information, and alternatives that have been overlooked.

When evaluating a study, summarize the main findings—including the strength of evidence for each main outcome—and consider their relevance to key demographic groups.  

Organize your paper carefully. Be careful not to jump around from one argument to the next. Arguing one point at a time ensures that your paper flows well and is easy to read.

Your critique paper should end with an overview of the article's argument, your conclusions, and your reactions.

More Tips When Writing an Article Critique

  • As you are editing your paper, utilize a style guide published by the American Psychological Association, such as the official Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association .
  • Reading scientific articles can be challenging at first. Remember that this is a skill that takes time to learn but that your skills will become stronger the more that you read.
  • Take a rough draft of your paper to your school's writing lab for additional feedback and use your university library's resources.

What This Means For You

Being able to write a solid article critique is a useful academic skill. While it can be challenging, start by breaking down the sections of the paper, noting your initial thoughts and questions. Then structure your own critique so that you present a summary followed by your evaluation. In your critique, include the strengths and the weaknesses of the article.

Archibald D, Martimianakis MA. Writing, reading, and critiquing reviews .  Can Med Educ J . 2021;12(3):1-7. doi:10.36834/cmej.72945

Pautasso M. Ten simple rules for writing a literature review . PLoS Comput Biol . 2013;9(7):e1003149. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003149

Gülpınar Ö, Güçlü AG. How to write a review article?   Turk J Urol . 2013;39(Suppl 1):44–48. doi:10.5152/tud.2013.054

Erol A. Basics of writing review articles .  Noro Psikiyatr Ars . 2022;59(1):1-2. doi:10.29399/npa.28093

American Psychological Association.  Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association  (7th ed.). Washington DC: The American Psychological Association; 2019.

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

How to Critique an Article: Mastering the Article Evaluation Process

critiquing article essay

Did you know that approximately 4.6 billion pieces of content are produced every day? From news articles and blog posts to scholarly papers and social media updates, the digital landscape is flooded with information at an unprecedented rate. In this age of information overload, honing the skill of articles critique has never been more crucial. Whether you're seeking to bolster your academic prowess, stay well-informed, or improve your writing, mastering the art of article critique is a powerful tool to navigate the vast sea of information and discern the pearls of wisdom.

How to Critique an Article: Short Description

In this article, we will equip you with valuable tips and techniques to become an insightful evaluator of written content. We present a real-life article critique example to guide your learning process and help you develop your unique critique style. Additionally, we explore the key differences between critiquing scientific articles and journals. Whether you're a student, researcher, or avid reader, this guide will empower you to navigate the vast ocean of information with confidence and discernment. Still, have questions? Don't worry! We've got you covered with a helpful FAQ section to address any lingering doubts. Get ready to unleash your analytical prowess and uncover the true potential of every article that comes your way!

What Is an Article Critique: Understanding The Power of Evaluation

An article critique is a valuable skill that involves carefully analyzing and evaluating a written piece, such as a journal article, blog post, or news article. It goes beyond mere summarization and delves into the deeper layers of the content, examining its strengths, weaknesses, and overall effectiveness. Think of it as an engaging conversation with the author, where you provide constructive feedback and insights.

For instance, let's consider a scenario where you're critiquing a research paper on climate change. Instead of simply summarizing the findings, you would scrutinize the methodology, data interpretation, and potential biases, offering thoughtful observations to enrich the discussion. Through the process of writing an article critique, you develop a critical eye, honing your ability to appreciate well-crafted work while also identifying areas for improvement.

In the following sections, our ' write my paper ' experts will uncover valuable tips on and key points on how to write a stellar critique, so let's explore more!

Unveiling the Key Aims of Writing an Article Critique

Writing an article critique serves several essential purposes that go beyond a simple review or summary. When engaging in the art of critique, as when you learn how to write a review article , you embark on a journey of in-depth analysis, sharpening your critical thinking skills and contributing to the academic and intellectual discourse. Primarily, an article critique allows you to:

article critique aims

  • Evaluate the Content : By critiquing an article, you delve into its content, structure, and arguments, assessing its credibility and relevance.
  • Strengthen Your Critical Thinking : This practice hones your ability to identify strengths and weaknesses in written works, fostering a deeper understanding of complex topics and critical evaluation skills.
  • Engage in Scholarly Dialogue : Your critique contributes to the ongoing academic conversation, offering valuable insights and thoughtful observations to the existing body of knowledge.
  • Enhance Writing Skills : By analyzing and providing feedback, you develop a keen eye for effective writing techniques, benefiting your own writing endeavors.
  • Promote Continuous Learning : Through the writing process, you continually refine your analytical abilities, becoming an avid and astute learner in the pursuit of knowledge.

How to Critique an Article: Steps to Follow

The process of crafting an article critique may seem overwhelming, especially when dealing with intricate academic writing. However, fear not, for it is more straightforward than it appears! To excel in this art, all you require is a clear starting point and the skill to align your critique with the complexities of the content. To help you on your journey, follow these 3 simple steps and unlock the potential to provide insightful evaluations:

how to critique an article

Step 1: Read the Article

The first and most crucial step when wondering how to do an article critique is to thoroughly read and absorb its content. As you delve into the written piece, consider these valuable tips from our custom essay writer to make your reading process more effective:

  • Take Notes : Keep a notebook or digital document handy while reading. Jot down key points, noteworthy arguments, and any questions or observations that arise.
  • Annotate the Text : Underline or highlight significant passages, quotes, or sections that stand out to you. Use different colors to differentiate between positive aspects and areas that may need improvement.
  • Consider the Author's Purpose : Reflect on the author's main critical point and the intended audience. Much like an explanatory essay , evaluate how effectively the article conveys its message to the target readership.

Now, let's say you are writing an article critique on climate change. While reading, you come across a compelling quote from a renowned environmental scientist highlighting the urgency of addressing global warming. By taking notes and underlining this impactful quote, you can later incorporate it into your critique as evidence of the article's effectiveness in conveying the severity of the issue.

Step 2: Take Notes/ Make sketches

Once you've thoroughly read the article, it's time to capture your thoughts and observations by taking comprehensive notes or creating sketches. This step plays a crucial role in organizing your critique and ensuring you don't miss any critical points. Here's how to make the most out of this process:

  • Highlight Key Arguments : Identify the main arguments presented by the author and highlight them in your notes. This will help you focus on the core ideas that shape the article.
  • Record Supporting Evidence : Take note of any evidence, examples, or data the author uses to support their arguments. Assess the credibility and effectiveness of this evidence in bolstering their claims.
  • Examine Structure and Flow : Pay attention to the article's structure and how each section flows into the next. Analyze how well the author transitions between ideas and whether the organization enhances or hinders the reader's understanding.
  • Create Visual Aids : If you're a visual learner, consider using sketches or diagrams to map out the article's key points and their relationships. Visual representations can aid in better grasping the content's structure and complexities.

Step 3: Format Your Paper

Once you've gathered your notes and insights, it's time to give structure to your article critique. Proper formatting ensures your critique is organized, coherent, and easy to follow. Here are essential tips for formatting an article critique effectively:

  • Introduction : Begin with a clear and engaging introduction that provides context for the article you are critiquing. Include the article's title, author's name, publication details, and a brief overview of the main theme or thesis.
  • Thesis Statement : Present a strong and concise thesis statement that conveys your overall assessment of the article. Your thesis should reflect whether you found the article compelling, convincing, or in need of improvement.
  • Body Paragraphs : Organize your critique into well-structured body paragraphs. Each paragraph should address a specific point or aspect of the article, supported by evidence and examples from your notes.
  • Use Evidence : Back up your critique with evidence from the article itself. Quote relevant passages, cite examples, and reference data to strengthen your analysis and demonstrate your understanding of the article's content.
  • Conclusion : Conclude your critique by summarizing your main points and reiterating your overall evaluation. Avoid introducing new arguments in the conclusion and instead provide a concise and compelling closing statement.
  • Citation Style : If required, adhere to the specific citation style guidelines (e.g., APA, MLA) for in-text citations and the reference list. Properly crediting the original article and any additional sources you use in your critique is essential.

How to Critique a Journal Article: Mastering the Steps

So, you've been assigned the task of critiquing a journal article, and not sure where to start? Worry not, as we've prepared a comprehensive guide with different steps to help you navigate this process with confidence. Journal articles are esteemed sources of scholarly knowledge, and effectively critiquing them requires a systematic approach. Let's dive into the steps to expertly evaluate and analyze a journal article:

Step 1: Understanding the Research Context

Begin by familiarizing yourself with the broader research context in which the journal article is situated. Learn about the field, the topic's significance, and any previous relevant research. This foundational knowledge will provide a valuable backdrop for your journal article critique example.

Step 2: Evaluating the Article's Structure

Assess the article's overall structure and organization. Examine how the introduction sets the stage for the research and how the discussion flows logically from the methodology and results. A well-structured article enhances readability and comprehension.

Step 3: Analyzing the Research Methodology

Dive into the research methodology section, which outlines the approach used to gather and analyze data. Scrutinize the study's design, data collection methods, sample size, and any potential biases or limitations. Understanding the research process will enable you to gauge the article's reliability.

Step 4: Assessing the Data and Results

Examine the presentation of data and results in the article. Are the findings clear and effectively communicated? Look for any discrepancies between the data presented and the interpretations made by the authors.

Step 5: Analyzing the Discussion and Conclusions

Evaluate the discussion section, where the authors interpret their findings and place them in the broader context. Assess the soundness of their conclusions, considering whether they are adequately supported by the data.

Step 6: Considering Ethical Considerations

Reflect on any ethical considerations raised by the research. Assess whether the study respects the rights and privacy of participants and adheres to ethical guidelines.

Step 7: Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses

Identify the article's strengths, such as well-designed experiments, comprehensive, relevant literature reviews, or innovative approaches. Also, pinpoint any weaknesses, like gaps in the research, unclear explanations, or insufficient evidence.

Step 8: Offering Constructive Feedback

Provide constructive feedback to the authors, highlighting both positive aspects and areas for improvement for future research. Suggest ways to enhance the research methods, data analysis, or discussion to bolster its overall quality.

Step 9: Presenting Your Critique

Organize your critique into a well-structured paper, starting with an introduction that outlines the article's context and purpose. Develop a clear and focused thesis statement that conveys your assessment. Support your points with evidence from the article and other credible sources.

By following these steps on how to critique a journal article, you'll be well-equipped to craft a thoughtful and insightful piece, contributing to the scholarly discourse in your field of study!

Got an Article that Needs Some Serious Critiquing?

Don't sweat it! Our critique maestros are armed with wit, wisdom, and a dash of magic to whip that piece into shape.

An Article Critique: Journal Vs. Research

In the realm of academic writing, the terms 'journal article' and 'research paper' are often used interchangeably, which can lead to confusion about their differences. Understanding the distinctions between critiquing a research article and a journal piece is essential. Let's delve into the key characteristics that set apart a journal article from a research paper and explore how the critique process may differ for each:

Publication Scope:

  • Journal Article: Presents focused and concise research findings or new insights within a specific subject area.
  • Research Paper: Explores a broader range of topics and can cover extensive research on a particular subject.

Format and Structure:

  • Journal Article: Follows a standardized format with sections such as abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion.
  • Research Paper: May not adhere to a specific format and allows flexibility in organizing content based on the research scope.

Depth of Analysis:

  • Journal Article: Provides a more concise and targeted analysis of the research topic or findings.
  • Research Paper: Offers a more comprehensive and in-depth analysis, often including extensive literature reviews and data analyses.
  • Journal Article: Typically shorter in length, ranging from a few pages to around 10-15 pages.
  • Research Paper: Tends to be longer, spanning from 20 to several hundred pages, depending on the research complexity.

Publication Type:

  • Journal Article: Published in academic journals after undergoing rigorous peer review.
  • Research Paper: May be published as a standalone work or as part of a thesis, dissertation, or academic report.
  • Journal Article: Targeted at academics, researchers, and professionals within the specific field of study.
  • Research Paper: Can cater to a broader audience, including students, researchers, policymakers, and the general public.
  • Journal Article: Primarily aimed at sharing new research findings, contributing to academic discourse, and advancing knowledge in the field.
  • Research Paper: Focuses on comprehensive exploration and analysis of a research topic, aiming to make a substantial contribution to the body of knowledge.

Appreciating these differences becomes paramount when engaging in the critique of these two forms of scholarly publications, as they each demand a unique approach and thoughtful consideration of their distinctive attributes. And if you find yourself desiring a flawlessly crafted research article critique example, entrusting the task to professional writers is always an excellent option – you can easily order essay that meets your needs.

Article Critique Example

Our collection of essay samples offers a comprehensive and practical illustration of the critique process, granting you access to valuable insights.

Tips on How to Critique an Article

Critiquing an article requires a keen eye, critical thinking, and a thoughtful approach to evaluating its content. To enhance your article critique skills and provide insightful analyses, consider incorporating these five original and practical tips into your process:

1. Analyze the Author's Bias : Be mindful of potential biases in the article, whether they are political, cultural, or personal. Consider how these biases may influence the author's perspective and the presentation of information. Evaluating the presence of bias enables you to discern the objectivity and credibility of the article's arguments.

2. Examine the Supporting Evidence : Scrutinize the quality and relevance of the evidence used to support the article's claims. Look for well-researched data, credible sources, and up-to-date statistics. Assess how effectively the author integrates evidence to build a compelling case for their arguments.

3. Consider the Audience's Perspective : Put yourself in the shoes of the intended audience and assess how well the article communicates its ideas. Consider whether the language, tone, and level of complexity are appropriate for the target readership. A well-tailored article is more likely to engage and resonate with its audience.

4. Investigate the Research Methodology : If the article involves research or empirical data, delve into the methodology used to gather and analyze the information. Evaluate the soundness of the study design, sample size, and data collection methods. Understanding the research process adds depth to your critique.

5. Discuss the Implications and Application : Consider the broader implications of the article's findings or arguments. Discuss how the insights presented in the article could impact the field of study or have practical applications in real-world scenarios. Identifying the potential consequences of the article's content strengthens your critique's depth and relevance.

Wrapping Up

In a nutshell, article critique is an essential skill that helps us grow as critical thinkers and active participants in academia. Embrace the opportunity to analyze and offer constructive feedback, contributing to a brighter future of knowledge and understanding. Remember, each critique is a chance to engage with new ideas and expand our horizons. So, keep honing your critique skills and enjoy the journey of discovery in the world of academic exploration!

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What Steps Need to Be Taken in Writing an Article Critique?

What is the recommended length for an article critique.

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critiquing article essay

The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Writing Critiques

Writing a critique involves more than pointing out mistakes. It involves conducting a systematic analysis of a scholarly article or book and then writing a fair and reasonable description of its strengths and weaknesses. Several scholarly journals have published guides for critiquing other people’s work in their academic area. Search for a  “manuscript reviewer guide” in your own discipline to guide your analysis of the content. Use this handout as an orientation to the audience and purpose of different types of critiques and to the linguistic strategies appropriate to all of them.

Types of critique

Article or book review assignment in an academic class.

Text: Article or book that has already been published Audience: Professors Purpose:

  • to demonstrate your skills for close reading and analysis
  • to show that you understand key concepts in your field
  • to learn how to review a manuscript for your future professional work

Published book review

Text: Book that has already been published Audience: Disciplinary colleagues Purpose:

  • to describe the book’s contents
  • to summarize the book’s strengths and weaknesses
  • to provide a reliable recommendation to read (or not read) the book

Manuscript review

Text: Manuscript that has been submitted but has not been published yet Audience: Journal editor and manuscript authors Purpose:

  • to provide the editor with an evaluation of the manuscript
  • to recommend to the editor that the article be published, revised, or rejected
  • to provide the authors with constructive feedback and reasonable suggestions for revision

Language strategies for critiquing

For each type of critique, it’s important to state your praise, criticism, and suggestions politely, but with the appropriate level of strength. The following language structures should help you achieve this challenging task.

Offering Praise and Criticism

A strategy called “hedging” will help you express praise or criticism with varying levels of strength. It will also help you express varying levels of certainty in your own assertions. Grammatical structures used for hedging include:

Modal verbs Using modal verbs (could, can, may, might, etc.) allows you to soften an absolute statement. Compare:

This text is inappropriate for graduate students who are new to the field. This text may be inappropriate for graduate students who are new to the field.

Qualifying adjectives and adverbs Using qualifying adjectives and adverbs (possible, likely, possibly, somewhat, etc.) allows you to introduce a level of probability into your comments. Compare:

Readers will find the theoretical model difficult to understand. Some readers will find the theoretical model difficult to understand. Some readers will probably find the theoretical model somewhat difficult to understand completely.

Note: You can see from the last example that too many qualifiers makes the idea sound undesirably weak.

Tentative verbs Using tentative verbs (seems, indicates, suggests, etc.) also allows you to soften an absolute statement. Compare:

This omission shows that the authors are not aware of the current literature. This omission indicates that the authors are not aware of the current literature. This omission seems to suggest that the authors are not aware of the current literature.

Offering suggestions

Whether you are critiquing a published or unpublished text, you are expected to point out problems and suggest solutions. If you are critiquing an unpublished manuscript, the author can use your suggestions to revise. Your suggestions have the potential to become real actions. If you are critiquing a published text, the author cannot revise, so your suggestions are purely hypothetical. These two situations require slightly different grammar.

Unpublished manuscripts: “would be X if they did Y” Reviewers commonly point out weakness by pointing toward improvement. For instance, if the problem is “unclear methodology,” reviewers may write that “the methodology would be more clear if …” plus a suggestion. If the author can use the suggestions to revise, the grammar is “X would be better if the authors did Y” (would be + simple past suggestion).

The tables would be clearer if the authors highlighted the key results. The discussion would be more persuasive if the authors accounted for the discrepancies in the data.

Published manuscripts: “would have been X if they had done Y” If the authors cannot revise based on your suggestions, use the past unreal conditional form “X would have been better if the authors had done Y” (would have been + past perfect suggestion).

The tables would have been clearer if the authors had highlighted key results. The discussion would have been more persuasive if the authors had accounted for discrepancies in the data.

Note: For more information on conditional structures, see our Conditionals handout .

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Before you start writing, it is important to have a thorough understanding of the work that will be critiqued.

  • Study the work under discussion.
  • Make notes on key parts of the work.
  • Develop an understanding of the main argument or purpose being expressed in the work.
  • Consider how the work relates to a broader issue or context.

Example template

There are a variety of ways to structure a critique. You should always check your unit materials or Canvas site for guidance from your lecturer. The following template, which showcases the main features of a critique, is provided as one example.


Typically, the introduction is short (less than 10% of the word length) and you should:

  • name the work being reviewed as well as the date it was created and the name of the author/creator
  • describe the main argument or purpose of the work
  • explain the context in which the work was created - this could include the social or political context, the place of the work in a creative or academic tradition, or the relationship between the work and the creator’s life experience
  • have a concluding sentence that signposts what your evaluation of the work will be - for instance, it may indicate whether it is a positive, negative, or mixed evaluation.

Briefly summarise the main points and objectively describe how the creator portrays these by using techniques, styles, media, characters or symbols. This summary should not be the focus of the critique and is usually shorter than the critical evaluation.

Critical evaluation

This section should give a systematic and detailed assessment of the different elements of the work, evaluating how well the creator was able to achieve the purpose through these. For example: you would assess the plot structure, characterisation and setting of a novel; an assessment of a painting would look at composition, brush strokes, colour and light; a critique of a research project would look at subject selection, design of the experiment, analysis of data and conclusions.

A critical evaluation does not simply highlight negative impressions. It should deconstruct the work and identify both strengths and weaknesses. It should examine the work and evaluate its success, in light of its purpose.

Examples of key critical questions that could help your assessment include:

  • Who is the creator? Is the work presented objectively or subjectively?
  • What are the aims of the work? Were the aims achieved?
  • What techniques, styles, media were used in the work? Are they effective in portraying the purpose?
  • What assumptions underlie the work? Do they affect its validity?
  • What types of evidence or persuasion are used? Has evidence been interpreted fairly?
  • How is the work structured? Does it favour a particular interpretation or point of view? Is it effective?
  • Does the work enhance understanding of key ideas or theories? Does the work engage (or fail to engage) with key concepts or other works in its discipline?

This evaluation is written in formal academic style and logically presented. Group and order your ideas into paragraphs. Start with the broad impressions first and then move into the details of the technical elements. For shorter critiques, you may discuss the strengths of the works, and then the weaknesses. In longer critiques, you may wish to discuss the positive and negative of each key critical question in individual paragraphs.

To support the evaluation, provide evidence from the work itself, such as a quote or example, and you should also cite evidence from related sources. Explain how this evidence supports your evaluation of the work.

This is usually a very brief paragraph, which includes:

  • a statement indicating the overall evaluation of the work
  • a summary of the key reasons, identified during the critical evaluation, why this evaluation was formed
  • in some circumstances, recommendations for improvement on the work may be appropriate.

Reference list

Include all resources cited in your critique. Check with your lecturer/tutor for which referencing style to use.

  • Mentioned the name of the work, the date of its creation and the name of the creator?
  • Accurately summarised the work being critiqued?
  • Mainly focused on the critical evaluation of the work?
  • Systematically outlined an evaluation of each element of the work to achieve the overall purpose?
  • Used evidence, from the work itself as well as other sources, to back and illustrate my assessment of elements of the work?
  • Formed an overall evaluation of the work, based on critical reading?
  • Used a well structured introduction, body and conclusion?
  • Used correct grammar, spelling and punctuation; clear presentation; and appropriate referencing style?

Further information

  • University of New South Wales: Writing a Critical Review
  • University of Toronto: The Book Review or Article Critique

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Chapter 8: Being Critical

8.1 What Makes a Critique a Critique?

Learning Objectives

  • Define what it means to critique
  • Explain the differences between a critique and other essay forms

This section will introduce you to another essay form instructors often ask their students to produce: the critique.

A critique is a written work critically analyzing or evaluating another piece of writing; also known as a review or critical response.

What Is a Critique?

When you see the word critique , the first thing you may think of is to criticize . In actuality, critiques do not need to look only at the negative aspects of a source; they can also focus on the positive components or even have a mix of the positive and negative elements. They are critical response papers analyzing and evaluating an original source , such as the academic journal article you are being asked to use for this assignment.

Self-Practice Exercise 8.1

H5P: Reading Critical Response

Read the following short critique, and then come up with a list of elements you believe make this a critique as opposed to an expository paper.

Vetter and Perlstein’s work on terrorism and its future is an excellent basis for evaluating views and attitudes to terrorism before the tragic events of 9/11. Written in 1991, the book provides an objective (but more theoretical) view on what terrorism is, how it can be categorized, and to what ideology it can be linked. Perspectives on Terrorism is a multifaceted review of numerous factors that impact and influence the global development of terrorism; those studying sociology or criminal justice might find ample information regarding the ideological roots and typology of terrorism as a phenomenon and as a specific type of violent ideology that has gradually turned into a dominant force of political change.

Vetter and Perlstein (1991) begin their work with the words “it has almost become pro forma for writers on terrorism to begin by pointing out how hard it is to define the term terrorism.” However, the authors do not waste their time trying to define what terrorism is; rather, they are trying to look at terrorism through the prism of its separate elements, and objectively evaluate the concept of public acceptability of terrorism as a notion. Trying to answer the two critical questions “why surrogate the war?” and “who sponsors terrorism?” Vetter and Perlstein (1991) evaluate terrorism as a unjustifiable method of violence for the sake of unachievable goals, tying the notion of terrorism to the notion of morality.

To define terrorism in its present form it is not enough to determine the roots and the consequences of particular terrorist act; nor is it enough to evaluate the roots and the social implications of particular behavioural characteristics beyond morality. On the contrary, it is essential to tie terrorism to particular political conditions, in which these terrorist acts take place. In other words, whether the specific political act is terrorist or non-terrorist depends on the thorough examination of the social factors beyond morality and law. In this context, even without an opportunity to find the most relevant definition of terrorism, the authors thoroughly analyze the most important factors and sociological perspectives of terrorism, including the notion of threat, violence, publicity, and fear.

Typology of terrorism is the integral component of our current understanding of what terrorism is, what form it may take, and how we can prepare ourselves to facing the challenges of terrorist threats. Vetter and Perlstein (1991) state that “finding similarities and differences among objects and events is the first step toward determining their composition, functions, and causes.” Trying to evaluate the usefulness of various theoretical perspectives in terrorism, the authors offer a detailed review of psychological, sociological, and political elements that form several different typologies of terrorism. For example, Vetter and Perlstein (1991) refer to the psychiatrist Frederick Hacker, who classifies terrorists into crazies, criminals, and crusaders. Later throughout the book, Vetter and Perlstein provide a detailed analysis of both the criminal and the crazy types of terrorists, paying special attention to who crusaders are and what role they play in the development and expansion of contemporary terrorist ideology. Vetter and Perlstein recognize that it is almost impossible to encounter an ideal type of terrorist, but the basic knowledge of terrorist typology may shed the light onto the motivation and psychological mechanisms that push criminals (and particularly crusaders) to committing the acts of political violence.

Perspectives on Terrorism pays special attention to the politics of terrorism, and the role, which ideology plays in the development of terrorist attitudes in society. “Violence or terrorism can be used both by those who seek to change or destroy the existing government or social order and those who seek to maintain the status quo” (Vetter & Perlstein, 1991). In other words, the authors suggest that political ideology is integrally linked to the notion of terrorism. With ideology being the central element of political change, it necessarily impacts the quality of the political authority within the state; as a result, the image of terrorism is gradually transformed into a critical triangle with political authority, power, and violence at its ends. In their book, Vetter and Perlstein (1991) use this triangle as the basis for analyzing the political assumptions, which are usually made in terms of terrorism, as well as the extent to which political authority may make violence (and as a result, terrorism) legally permissible. The long sociological theme of terrorism that is stretched from the very beginning to the very end of the book makes it particularly useful to those who seek the roots of terrorism in the distorted political ideology and blame the state as the source and the reason of terrorist violence.

Vetter, H.J. & Perlstein, G.R. (1991). Perspectives on terrorism (Contemporary issues in crime and justice). Pacific Grove, CA, USA: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.

Taken from:

List three to five elements you think make this a critique.

How a Critique Is Different

A critique is different from an expository essay which is, as you have learned, a discussion revolving around a topic with multiple sources to support the discussion points. As you can see in Self – Practice Exercise 8.1 , depending on the type of critique you are writing, your reference page could include one source only. However, as you may discuss topical ideas within the original source, you may also want to include secondary sources to which you can compare and contrast the original source’s ideas, but you need to always connect your discussion points back to the original source. Figure 8.1: Critiquing v ersus Other Essay Forms shows visual representations of what a critique structure could look in comparison to another essay, such as one that is expository or persuasive in purpose.

a mind map for a critique essay, image described in the following text

If you look at the mind map for the critique, you can see how all of the discussion points stem from and relate back to the original article and how all of the discussion points can be interconnected. Also, the bubble labelled Secondary Sources/Support shows you can integrate secondary sources to compare and contrast when discussing either rhetorical or idea points. In the second diagram, you can see that the supporting ideas relate to the central topic, but they are extensions of the topic each with their own supporting forms of evidence. There is less emphasis placed on synthesis of ideas, although this is something you can still do when composing this type of essay.

The Purpose of Critiquing

In a post-secondary environment, your instructors will expect you to demonstrate critical thinking skills that go beyond simply taking another person’s ideas and spitting out facts. They will want you to show your ability to assess and analyze any type of information you use; they will also want to see that you have used sources to develop ideas of your own. Critiquing, or critical analysis, demonstrates you are able to connect ideas, arrive at your own conclusions, and develop new directions for discussion. You are also showing you have strong background knowledge on the topic in order to provide feedback on another person’s discussion on the issue.

Critical analysis appears in many forms in the academic world. It is present when you select appropriate sources for your support; you practise it when you choose what information from those sources to include as your evidence; you demonstrate it when you start breaking down your topic to develop discussion points. Very importantly, you also use critical analysis or thinking when you synthesize, or blend, your ideas with those of experts. This means you go beyond a statement of facts and take a stance on a topic. In this case of a critique, you not only state your view on an idea or issue but also on one core source of information on that topic: you insert your ideas into the text’s conversation.

Elements of a Critique

Often people go online for to read reviews of services or products. They sometimes make personal choices based on those reviews, such as what movie to go to or which restaurant to eat at. When you ask for a recommendation, the person you are asking will usually give you a brief summary of the experience then break his or her opinion down into smaller aspects—good and bad. For example, imagine you want to visit a new restaurant, and you ask your friend to recommend a place. Here is a sample response:

There is an amazing Japanese restaurant called Mega Sushi at the corner of Main and 12th. The food, atmosphere, and service are great. The food is always excellent, and they have a lot of original creations or spins on traditional Japanese food, but it still tastes authentic. The ingredients are always incredibly fresh, and you never have to worry about ordering the sashimi. The decor is also very authentic and classic, and the entire place is incredibly clean.

The service is generally very good—they even bring you a free sample roll while you wait for your food—but it can be a little slow during the dinner rush because it is such a popular place. Also, the prices are a little high because an average roll costs $15, but for the amazing food you get, it is totally worth it! I love this place!

When you break this example into sections, you can see the first and second sentences give the reviewer’s general opinion of the restaurant; they also summarize the main components the reviewer will cover. The review is then broken into smaller categories or points. Notice that not all the points covered are positive: while the food and atmosphere are good, the service has both positive and negative aspects but is overall good. Also, the prices are high, but the writer states that people who eat there get good value for their money. Providing a generalized description first, the reviewer introduced the topic to the audience; she then analyzed individual aspects or components of the experience with examples to help convince the audience of her perspective. Not everyone may have the same positive experience, of course. What if it was someone’s first time at this particular restaurant, and she arrived during the dinner rush feeling very hungry and had to wait a long time for a table? Not knowing how good the food is and that it is worth the wait, she may just leave, so her general impression of the restaurant would probably not be favourable. Whether the experience would be positive or negative would depend on an individual’s personal experience and situation. The same is true for any critique. No two people will have exactly the same response to a source because of who they are, the time, and their prior experiences. When critiquing, you are responding to anything that sparks a response in you when you are reading a source. When reading your article, pay close attention to any time you have to reread a sentence or paragraph. Make note of this; at the time you may not know why you have an issue with that section. Just realize that there was a point where you had to stop and make a notation of some sort on the paper. Once you have finished reading, you can go back and think about what the issue actually was. Maybe the vocabulary was difficult; maybe the author’s grammar was awkward and confusing; maybe the ideas did not make sense how they were organized; maybe you completely disagreed with the idea the author presented. Also, maybe something you read really sparked your interest, and you have the same opinion as the author, or perhaps the vocabulary was academic but not overly challenging where you would need to use a dictionary (the guiding questions for each critique form provided below will help you with this). All of these responses are valid and are things you can write about in your critique. Any critique, no matter if it is of a book, an article, or a movie, needs to contain the following elements:

  • Example: In Smith’s (2009) article, he effectively argues his case for the reinstatement of capital punishment in Canada.
  • This would be the same as if you were writing a summary of any source you read.
  • You will decide on these points based on your reactions and personal preferences using the guiding questions for each of the forms below as suggestions.

Writing for Success - 1st Canadian H5P Edition Copyright © 2021 by Tara Horkoff is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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How to Critique an Article Right and Easy

Updated 03 Sep 2024

When an average person thinks about how to critique an article, they usually believe that the purpose is to find all the wrong points and be as critical as possible. Our guide helps to demystify the majority of questions related to the article critique. These basic rules, explanations, and an example can help you learn along. Even if you receive cryptic instructions from your college professor, our article critique guide will make things clearer as you continue!

What is an Article Critique?

In simple terms, an article critique is a type of essay writing where an author should provide sufficient, unbiased, critical evaluation of the article in question. Of course, it will involve at least a brief summary of the contents and information about the author's background (if it is necessary). Yet, it does not have to turn into a listing of the contents! Knowing how to summarize and critique an article means helping your audience see all the key points of the article along with the author's ideas, objectives, or major intentions. The main purpose of every article critique is to reveal the strengths and the weaknesses of the article by keeping the tone neutral in terms of personal considerations. Since it has to be written in formal language with a precise structure, one should follow the general academic pattern where analysis has the beginning or introduction, the body parts, and a strong conclusion that sums things up.

The trick is to read it more than once and describe how it makes you feel through the lens of academic objectives and the general academic value. Speaking of the purpose, composing an article critique, you have to describe the main ideas of the author. Provide a brief description of why it is important in your specific context. Next, remember to mention all the interesting aspects that help to reveal the value of the article. Finally, talk about the author's intention and vision regarding the subject. The final part of the article critique must offer a summary of the main purpose. Learning how to write a critique of an article, remember that your conclusion is the important part where you can let the audience know whether you agree or disagree with the author. It is the place to provide supporting thoughts and references either from the article or another academic source. Need a dissertation service? Try us.

How to Write an Article Critique Step-by-Step?

The writing process of the article critique is simpler than it seems. It is only necessary to know where to start and how to align your critique when you are dealing with complex academic writing. Therefore, follow these simple four steps as you learn how to do an article critique:

  • Take Enough Time to Read The Article.  Such an approach is necessary to understand every idea described in your reading material. It may be challenging at times to understand it. Check it again or read it aloud to see if it makes more sense. When in doubt, you can consult similar sources or articles that further explain the subject. Consider the readability and clarity of the article as you criticize it.
  • Take Notes.  When the article feels clear to you and you understand (more or less!) what it is about, it is high time to read it again in a bit different way and take notes to help yourself move along. For example, if you encounter something interesting or an argument that moves you, you should consider it as something that is worth being discussed. You can either quote the part or use it as argumentation to prove your point.
  • Turn Your Notes Into Outline.  Your notes are there for a reason. You can implement them into your structure and use your points as the topic sentences as you discuss the important parts. As you let your article critique evolve, provide opinions or leave comments to help your audience understand things clearer.
  • Your Opinion Comes Here.  This is where you should summarize your thoughts and explain whether you like the article or if it has too many weak and unclear parts. Of course, your ideas should be supported with a piece of clear evidence.

Remember that if you have used any other reference or consulted external information beyond the article in question, always mention it on your Bibliography / References page. Every part of your article critique should be written in a proper way and sometimes qualified dissertation help online is just what you need to keep all your worries aside.

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Learn About Article Critique Format & Structure

Unless it is specified otherwise, your article critique should follow this template:

  • Outline.  This is what your introduction should look like since you have to provide background information about the article and explain the author's main points without turning it into a summary. Approach things from the critical point of view.
  • Thesis Statement.  Your thesis statement should explain the value of the article or methodology if you are dealing with a research article critique.
  • Article's Purpose.  This part is your body paragraphs part where you have to brainstorm the author's ideas and crash-test them against the common knowledge. See what is good, what is insufficient, and what parts are the most important for achieving a certain purpose set by the author.
  • Additional References.  If you are dealing with a research article, it may be necessary to consult relevant external research papers to prove the importance and methodology of the article before you explain your opinion.
  • Conclusion/Summary With Your Opinion.  The conclusion part of the article critique is usually the most challenging. It is where you have to explain your opinion. The trick is just saying how the article has made you feel, how it has helped you, or what flaws you have found,  always providing relevant evidence.

Without a doubt, you may have to provide a different structure, yet following the structure above is the perfect balance where you express both your findings, opinion, and the general variables. Remember that your article critique must cover not only the negative points that you encounter but the positive discoveries as well.

How to Write an Article Critique: Journal vs Research Article

The major difference between writing a research article critique and dealing with the general journal article is the approach that you have to take. As a rule, research articles represent empirical or primary sources. It means your critique style must consider the introduction provided by the author, the methods that have been used, the samples and surveys, the results of the certain research, and the discussion of the outcomes that have been achieved.

Now dealing with the general review articles that mostly represent secondary sources with an already included synthesis of certain information, you should work with the topic and its importance for the general audience. In other words, the purpose is always different. You should provide more of a summary than the analytical research work. Coming back to the research article critique,try to study the problem and see if the author makes some statement. Then, focus on review of the relevant literature, and hypothesis or research questions set by the author.

Remember to review the Bibliographical information if it is provided and explain whether it poses importance for the review and if all the information mentioned in the article has been properly referenced. Remember you should also provide references for your quotes and references in your article critique in relevant writing style (APA, MLA, or Chicago) to avoid possible plagiarism issues.

The Article Critique Example

As an example of the article, let us take " Contribution of Psychoacoustics and Neuroaudiology in Revealing Correlation of Mental Disorders With Central Auditory Processing Disorders " that has been presented in 2003 by V. Iliadou and S. Lakovides. Below is the short passage, an article critique sample that will help you get an idea of how it’s done:

The article represents interesting and innovative research in the field of Psychoacoustics by focusing not only on the aspects of Neuroaudiology but also dealing with the electrical activity of the auditory pathways. The authors have dealt with the challenges of Central Auditory Processing Disorders, meaning that the article relates to the field of Psychiatry. This particular MEDLINE research has been conducted by turning to over 564 papers to establish the methodology and sufficient samples to maintain the importance of psychoacoustic elements through the lens of neurological or mental disorders. What makes this research special is the use of various tests and experiments that have been done with the help of auditory simulation methods. All the sources provided are properly referenced and offer sufficient background regarding the reasons why particular scientific aspects have been highlighted. The authors provide a unique balance between psychoacoustic and electrophysiologic tests based on the type of lesion chosen. It must be noted that the various types of mental disorders have been taken into consideration to provide well-weighted research. The article meets its purpose of providing varied research based on the works of skilled experts in Psychiatry, Neurology, Neuropsychology, and Pediatric Psychology among other sciences. The value of the article also lies in the importance of addressing numerous learning challenges like dyslexia, ADHD, and autism differently because the auditory aspect is explored at greater depth. Although the educational factor is mentioned briefly as the article is more evidence-based, it leaves enough space for relevant scientific research.

As you can see, the purpose is to explain and show why the article is important and what exactly makes it special. Try offering related evidence from the critique article either with the quotes or by paraphrasing. 

Affordable & Reliable Writing an Article Critique Help

If the concept of article critique still seems too confusing to you or you would like to get your critique assignment checked in terms of clarity, style, or plagiarism, the help is out there. Regardless if you need to learn how to write an article review or struggle with critique writing, we know how to make things easier. Turn to our writers who are ready to help you 24/7. Keep your challenges resolved, meet the deadlines and avoid plagiarism. Just place your order with EduBirdie and let our professionals deal with even the most complex article critique or any other college task.

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A critique asks you to evaluate an article and the author’s argument. You will need to look critically at what the author is claiming, evaluate the research methods, and look for possible problems with, or applications of, the researcher’s claims.


Give an overview of the author’s main points and how the author supports those points. Explain what the author found and describe the process they used to arrive at this conclusion.

Body Paragraphs

Interpret the information from the article:

  • Does the author review previous studies? Is current and relevant research used?
  • What type of research was used – empirical studies, anecdotal material, or personal observations?
  • Was the sample too small to generalize from?
  • Was the participant group lacking in diversity (race, gender, age, education, socioeconomic status, etc.)
  • For instance, volunteers gathered at a health food store might have different attitudes about nutrition than the population at large.
  • How useful does this work seem to you? How does the author suggest the findings could be applied and how do you believe they could be applied?
  • How could the study have been improved in your opinion?
  • Does the author appear to have any biases (related to gender, race, class, or politics)?
  • Is the writing clear and easy to follow? Does the author’s tone add to or detract from the article?
  • How useful are the visuals (such as tables, charts, maps, photographs) included, if any? How do they help to illustrate the argument? Are they confusing or hard to read?
  • What further research might be conducted on this subject?

Try to synthesize the pieces of your critique to emphasize your own main points about the author’s work, relating the researcher’s work to your own knowledge or to topics being discussed in your course.

From the Center for Academic Excellence (opens in a new window), University of Saint Joseph Connecticut

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How to Critique an Article: Zealous Approach to Article Evaluation

Suppose all people inherit with mother’s milk the skill of criticizing something or someone. However, the article critique is not the same as pointing out mistakes or giving instructing suggestions. If you want to know how to write a critique on an article and what the peculiarities are, get ready to fasten your belts since our journey in academic writing starts right now.

This guideline will be essential for those who intend to discover all the crucial steps for critiquing an article and receive helpful tips for critiquing different article types. Before launching a close acquaintance with the process, it is worth defining the essence of article critique.

What Are Articles Critique? Pivotal Things You Need to Know

Before you start writing, knowing the definition, meaning, and aim of article critiquing is essential. An article critique comprehensively evaluates and analyzes a scholarly essay or research paper. It involves examining the article’s content, methodology, and overall effectiveness to assess its strengths and weaknesses. An article critique aims to provide a thoughtful and balanced perspective, highlighting the work’s perks and limitations.

When delving into a critical evaluation of articles, one must thoroughly read and understand the article’s main arguments, research objectives, and essential findings. It lets the critic grasp the author’s intended message and evaluate its impact. The critique should assess the article’s methodology, study design, data collection, and analysis techniques. Critical thinking skills are crucial in this stage, as the critic must identify any flaws or biases that may affect the results’ significance.

Moreover, an article critique should consider the article’s relevance and significance within its field of study. Is the research addressing a knowledge gap? Does it contribute new insights or challenge existing theories? These questions help determine the article’s impact and importance.

Who Can Critique an Article?

In general, anyone can do it, but the quality will depend on the skills and experience of the critiquer. Article critiques are typically written by individuals with a background in academia or journalism. These individuals include researchers, scholars, journalists, or anyone with expertise in the subject matter of the articles to critique.

Alternatively, individuals interested in a specific subject may also write article critiques. These individuals may not necessarily have formal credentials but possess extensive knowledge and understanding of the topic. Their analyses may be shared on personal blogs, online forums, or social media chats to engage in discussions and share their perspectives.

When Critique of the Article Is Expedient?

We will have a detailed overview of how to critique articles. But first, determining in what situations you may need to evaluate an essay is essential. Critique of a piece becomes expedient in various cases where the intention is to provide constructive qualitative and quantitative feedback and demonstrate the comprehension of the discovered topic. Suppose you must submit academic writing, so you will require trustworthy resources to refer to. It is essential to know how to differentiate credible resources for further application. Of course, you may pay for an essay and be confident in a qualified bibliography, but comprehension of basic sorting-out strategies will not be superfluous. Here are a few scenarios where critique is essential:

Article Critiquing When They Are Academic and Scholarly Publications

In academic papers, critique is crucial in refining research papers, journal articles, and dissertations. Peers and experts analyze the content, methodology, arguments, and conclusions to ensure accuracy, validity, and rigor. Constructive peer-reviewed article critique helps researchers improve their work and contribute to advancing knowledge.

Critique an Article in Professional Journalism

Journalistic integrity hinges on presenting information accurately and objectively. Journalists refer to the critique of the article to hold themselves accountable and maintain high standards. Constructive feedback from editors and colleagues helps journalists enhance their writing, fact-checking, and reporting skills, ensuring that articles are fair, balanced, and credible.

Critique of the Article in Creative Writing and Literature

Critique plays a vital role in the craft of writing. Authors often seek feedback from writing groups, mentors, and editors to refine their work. Constructive criticism helps polish the plot, character development, narrative structure, and writing style, resulting in more prosperous and engaging stories.

Critiquing an Article Targeted on Public

When critiquing an article written by public figures, politicians, or organizations, it is necessary to remember that it often undergoes critique to ensure accountability and transparency. Critical analysis highlights potential biases, misinformation, or problematic claims, holding individuals and entities responsible for the information they share.

In all these scenarios, critique catalyzes growth and improvement. When conducted respectfully and constructively, it helps authors, journalists, researchers, and content creators refine their work, maintain high standards of integrity, and contribute to the collective knowledge and discourse in their respective fields.

Pivotal Steps for Critiquing an Article

Before you wonder ‘How to make an article critique?’ you may be curious about ‘Can I do it myself?’ Of course, you can do it if you have a strong wish and need an article evaluation. It is an essential skill for those who strive to pick worthy information and want to be 100% sure of the data quality referred to in the field they are engaged in. This guideline will provide a step-by-step approach to assist in mastering article critiques.

  • Step 1: Devote Yourself to End-to-End Article Reading

Before diving into the critique, read the article attentively from start to finish. Don’t neglect to take notes of your initial impressions, critical arguments, supporting evidence, and any potential biases you notice initially. Finally, familiarize yourself with the author’s main objectives and the article’s overall structure.

  • Step 2: Analyze the Article’s Purpose and Context

Next, delve deeper into understanding the purpose and context of the article. Consider the target audience, the publication in which it appears, and any external influences that may have shaped its content. Assess the author’s motivations, potential conflicts of interest, or underlying biases that may impact the information presented.

  • Step 3: Evaluate the Article’s Structure and Organization

Assess the article’s structure and organization to summarize its effectiveness in delivering information. Look for title-context correspondence, a clear introduction, coherent paragraphs, logical transitions, and a well-defined conclusion. Determine if the article provides a balanced perspective and focuses on the central argument or purpose.

  • Step 4: Examine the Article’s Argument and Evidence

Effective article critique proposes an evaluation of the strength of the article’s central argument and the evidence provided to support it. Look for logical reasoning, well-supported claims, and relevant citations or references. Assess the quality and diversity of sources used to support the author’s viewpoint. Identify any apparent flaws or biases that may compromise the article’s credibility.

  • Step 5: Assess the Article’s Use of Language and Style

Consider the article’s language, tone, and writing style. Evaluate whether the language is clear, precise, and accessible to the intended audience. Look for appropriate use of terminology, consistency, and proper grammar. Consider whether the author adheres to the indicated formatting style (APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, etc.) Assess whether the writing style engages the reader effectively, is excessively biased, sensationalized, or lacks factual accuracy.

  • Step 6: Reflect on the Article’s Contribution and Significance

Reflect on the article’s contribution to the field or topic of study. Determine its significance in advancing knowledge or understanding. Assess if it introduces innovative ideas, challenges prevailing theories, or provides valuable insights into the education niche. Consider whether the article has potential implications for further research or practical applications.

  • Step 7: Offer Constructive Feedback

Finally, provide constructive feedback by offering specific suggestions for improvement. Highlight the article’s strengths, acknowledging well-constructed arguments or insightful analysis. Identify areas where the article could be further developed, providing specific examples, alternative perspectives, or additional evidence. Remember to respectfully impart your critique, focusing on enhancing the article’s quality rather than attacking the author personally.

Critiquing an article requires a systematic approach that involves careful analysis, evaluation, and reflection. By following this article analysis guide, you can develop a critical mindset to assess any article’s validity, reliability, and overall quality. Remember that practice makes perfect, and with time, your ability to critique articles will improve, allowing you to make informed decisions based on credible and well-supported information.

Differences to Consider When Analyzing Academic Articles and Critiquing Journal Articles

Critiquing academic and journal articles may vary in focus, depth, and intended audience. Here are some key differences you must consider while writing your evaluation.

Academic articles emphasize the author’s original research and contribution to a specific field. These articles often present a hypothesis, methodology, results, and analysis.

On the other hand, journal articles typically focus on reporting and disseminating research findings, often in a concise and structured format.

Academic articles usually undergo a rigorous peer-review process before being accepted for publication. They are expected to meet high standards of methodological accuracy, logical consistency, and theoretical relevance.

Meanwhile, journal articles may also go through a review process but may have less stringent requirements, depending on the specific journal.

  • Language and Style

Academic articles are typically formal and technical, emphasizing domain-specific terminology and concepts. They target researchers, scholars, and experts within a specific field.

Journal articles, while still scholarly, often use a more accessible language to reach a broader audience, including professionals, practitioners, and interested individuals.

  • Length and Structure

Academic articles tend to be longer and more detailed, involving extensive literature reviews, theoretical frameworks, and complex analyses. They often have a consistent structure, including sections like abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion.

Journal articles, depending on the publication, may be shorter, more focused, and have a specific structure predetermined by the journal.

  • Citations and References

Academic articles heavily rely on citations to support claims, acknowledge previous research, and provide an extensive bibliography.

Journal articles also include citations and references, but the extent and style may vary depending on the journal’s requirements.

Considering that these differences can vary across disciplines and individual publications is crucial. It’s always recommended to consider the specific guidelines and expectations of the target journal or academic community when analyzing academic articles and critiquing journal articles.

Article Critique Structure: Essential to Follow

Even if you know how to do a critique on an article and what the paramount steps to adhere to are for unbiased success, you need to know the basic structure to ensure structural and logical analysis catering.

Like any other academic writing article, critique does not tolerate chaos and inconsistency in the structure. So, before you launch the process, discover how to start an article critique, present your outcomes, and conclude.

  • Introduction

The critique should begin with an introduction summarizing the evaluated article. It should include the author’s name, the article’s title, the published journal, and the central thesis or research question being addressed. The introduction helps orient the reader and gives them a clear understanding of the article’s content.

The next section of the article critique format should consist of a summary of the article, highlighting the main points, arguments, and evidence used by the author. This summary should be objective and accurately convey the article’s content without personal opinions.

  • Evaluation of the Author’s Argument

In this section, the critique assesses the strength and effectiveness of the author’s argument. It examines the thesis’s clarity, the supporting evidence’s coherence, and the logical progression of ideas. Any flaws in reasoning, unsupported claims, or contradictions should be identified and critically analyzed.

  • Evaluation of Research Design and Methodology

Evaluating the research design and methodology employed for research articles is crucial. This section focuses on the appropriateness of the research methods, samples of techniques, data collection procedures, and statistical analyses. Critiquing the research design helps determine the reliability and validity of the study’s findings.

  • Analysis of Supporting Evidence

Willing to evaluate the credibility and reliability of the article, the critique should assess the quality of supporting evidence and sources. Questions to consider include: Are the sources recent, reputable, and relevant to the topic? Are there any biases or conflicts of interest? Are alternative viewpoints adequately considered?

  • Discussion of Ethical Considerations

Ethical concerns may arise in some disciplines, such as medical or social sciences. This section reviews whether ethical guidelines were followed during data collection, participant recruitment, or any other aspects of the research process. If any ethical issues arise, they should be discussed, and their potential impact on the study should be highlighted.

The critique summarizes the main points addressed and offers a holistic paper evaluation. A well-rounded conclusion provides a final assessment of the article’s strengths and weaknesses, highlights its contribution to the field, and suggests possible avenues for further research or improvement.

Finally, including a list of references for any sources cited within the critique is essential. It demonstrates academic integrity and allows readers to explore the referenced material more deeply.

Constructing a well-structured article critique is essential to evaluate scholarly work comprehensively. Following the suggested article critique structure, readers can critically analyze articles, offer valuable feedback, and contribute to advancing knowledge in their respective fields. Remember, compelling critique identifies flaws and recognizes the article’s strengths, thus promoting scholarly dialogue and the pursuit of excellence.

Tips for Critiquing Research Papers: Level-Up the Quality

If your assignment is to analyze a research paper, we offer some practical tips to follow to produce constructive and unbiased research paper critiques.

  • Understand the research objective. Before delving into critiquing, it is vital to understand the primary aim of the research paper. Determine if the study aims to explore a new phenomenon, verify an existing theory, or propose a solution to a problem. This foundational understanding lays the groundwork for a contextual evaluation.
  • Read and analyze the paper thoroughly. To provide a comprehensive critique, read the paper carefully, ensuring you grasp all the aspects, including the introduction, literature review, methodology, outcomes, and conclusion. Assess the logical flow of ideas, clarity of arguments, and the coherence of the overall structure. Pay attention to the methodology’s appropriateness, data analysis techniques, and coherence with the research question.
  • Analyze the discussion and interpretation. The discussion section of the research paper presents the findings and their implications. Evaluate how the authors interpret their results and link them to existing literature. Consider whether the conclusions are consistent with the evidence presented and if alternative interpretations were adequately considered. Assess the generalizability of the study’s findings and their potential impact on the field of study.
  • Provide constructive feedback. When critiquing a research paper, aim to provide constructive feedback that helps the authors enhance their work. Begin by highlighting the strengths and commendable aspects of the study. Clearly and concisely articulate areas that require improvement, providing specific suggestions for enhancement.
  • Keep personal biases in check. Bias should have no place in the critiquing process. Remain objective and evaluate the paper solely based on its scientific merit. Avoid criticizing the authors personally or deviating from the focus of the research. Your article critiques should be independent of your own views or preferences.

Following these tips for critiquing research papers can enhance your ability to provide insightful and constructive feedback. Approach the task with fairness, thoroughness, and an open mind, fostering an environment of continual improvement in scientific research.

Effective Recommendations for Mastering Article Critiques

It is impossible to upgrade your critiquing skills without regular practice. You should read articles not for the sake of reading and even for gaining information. All your attention should be paid to the holistic evaluation of its context, analysis, and presence of credible evidence. Of course, you may start by exploring examples of professional article critique and comply with our practical recommendations.

  • Read Actively. Active reading is the foundation of mastering article critiques. Understanding the article’s purpose, main arguments, and research methods. Take notes, highlight essential points, and jot down questions or concerns that arise while reading. Engage with the content and develop a deep understanding of the author’s perspective.
  • Practice and Seek Feedback. Mastering article critiques requires training. Engage in regular critique exercises, analyze articles from various disciplines, and participate in peer-review activities. Seek colleagues, mentors, or supervisors’ feedback to enhance your critique skills and refine your approach.
  • Stay Updated. The research landscape is dynamic, so staying updated is crucial. Regularly explore new articles, keep abreast of emerging methodologies, and familiarize yourself with evolving publishing trends. Continuously refining your knowledge base will enhance your ability to critically evaluate writings effectively.

Mastering article critiques requires a combination of active reading, critical thinking, and practical communication skills. Adhering to the strategies emphasized in this guide can enhance your ability to evaluate, provide constructive criticism, and contribute meaningfully to academic or professional discussions. Practice and continuous learning are vital to becoming a proficient article critic.

What Is the Ideal Length for an Article Critique?

There are specific guidelines regarding the recommended length for an article critique. Generally, an article critique should fall within 800 to 1,200 words. It is essential to note that this range may vary based on the specific requirements outlined by the instructor, journal, or publication guidelines.

In some instances, academic institutions may provide explicit instructions regarding word count or page limitations for article critiques. When there are no strict specifications, it becomes crucial to balance conducting a thorough analysis and maintaining conciseness.

Don’ts of Effective Article Critique

The final and effective don’ts that may enhance the quality of your article review process.

  • Don’t skip the reference rules.
  • Don’t utilize unreliable sources.
  • Don’t provide unproven evidence.
  • Don’t exaggerate by summarizing.
  • Don’t forget to proofread.

When analyzing academic articles, these prohibitions will guide you to positive outcomes.

In essence, the art of critiquing articles is a fundamental skill that facilitates our intellectual development and enables our active involvement in the academic community. It is vital to embrace the opportunity to engage in thoughtful analysis and provide constructive feedback, as this contribution paves the way for a more enlightened realm of knowledge and comprehension.

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What is an article critique?

A critique is not (only) a criticism. A critique is a specific style of essay in which you identify, evaluate, and respond to an author's ideas, both positively and negatively. It is usually applied to academic sources .

  • What is the article's background and purpose?
  • What is the main idea (the main argument) that the article is communicating?
  • How convincing is the argument?
  • What does the argument assume?
  • How useful or applicable is the article?
  • How does the article compare with other current theory and research?
  • What is your assessment of the article?
  • What issues does it raise?
  • What issues does it avoid?

You are expected to engage with the article rather than just summarize it, by considering its content carefully, and from different angles. Your critique must be objective, so support it with evidence rather than instinct or emotion.

As a tertiary student you are expected to read widely and develop analytical skills to assess what you read. When you engage in a critique you are demonstrating to your marker that:

  • You have read extensively
  • You can identify the particular strengths and weaknesses of those readings
  • You can identify different positions and perspectives in the readings
  • You are developing the skills and knowledge to engage with the experts
  • You are joining in a broader academic debate about an article's merits

Critiquing means that you are developing an understanding of more than a single article: it means that you are developing an understanding of the 'big picture', of the discipline as a whole. Later in your study you may be expected to contribute new understandings to the discipline, so it is important to understand the current state of knowledge.

Writing a critique

  • Background?
  • Use of evidence?
  • Methodology?

This is covered in detail in the section on critical reading .

The structure of an article critique is typically the same as for an essay .

References and further reading

Metcalfe, M. (2006). Reading critically at university. Sage. [Massey Library link]

Page authorised by Director - Centre for Learner Success Last updated on 26 February, 2020

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Article Critique

Ai generator.

critiquing article essay

In the realm of academia and intellectual discourse, the art of critiquing articles holds significant importance. It not only refines one’s skills but also contributes to the growth of knowledge. A well-executed article critique showcases your ability to analyze, evaluate, and engage with scholarly work. This article delves into the concept of article critiques, offering insights into their purpose and benefits, along with a step-by-step guide on how to craft one effectively.

What is an Article Critique?

An article critique is a detailed evaluation and analysis of a scholarly article or research paper . It involves an objective assessment of the author’s arguments, evidence, methodology, and conclusions. An effective critique goes beyond summarizing the content; it delves into the strengths, weaknesses, and implications of the article. Developing this skill allows you to identify the characteristics that contribute to a compelling scholarly work, while also honing your ability to engage critically with academic literature.

Article Critique Format

1. introduction.

  • Article Information : Mention the title of the article, the author’s name, the source ( journal , magazine , etc.), and the publication date.
  • Thesis Statement : Summarize the main argument or purpose of the article.
  • Scope of the Critique : Briefly outline the main points you will discuss in your critique.

2. Summary of the Article

  • Main Points : Summarize the key points and arguments presented by the author.
  • Purpose and Scope : Explain the purpose of the article and the main topics covered.
  • Findings and Conclusions : Highlight the primary findings and conclusions drawn by the author.

3. Critical Analysis

A. structure and organization.

  • Introduction : Evaluate the effectiveness of the introduction. Does it set the stage for the article?
  • Body : Assess the organization of the main sections. Are the arguments and evidence presented logically?
  • Conclusion : Examine the conclusion. Does it effectively summarize the article and provide closure?

b. Content and Arguments

  • Clarity : Determine if the article is clear and easy to understand.
  • Evidence : Analyze the evidence used to support the arguments. Is it relevant and convincing?
  • Consistency : Check for logical consistency in the arguments.

c. Research Methodology

  • Approach : Evaluate the research methods used in the article. Are they appropriate for the research question ?
  • Data Collection : Assess the reliability and validity of the data collection methods.
  • Analysis : Examine the thoroughness and accuracy of the data analysis .

d. Writing Style

  • Tone : Assess the appropriateness of the tone for the target audience.
  • Language : Evaluate the use of language. Is it precise and concise?
  • Grammar and Syntax : Check for grammatical correctness and syntactical clarity.

e. Contribution to the Field

  • Originality : Determine the originality of the article. Does it offer new insights?
  • Impact : Assess the potential impact of the article on the field. Does it advance knowledge or understanding?

4. Personal Response

  • Strengths : Identify the strengths of the article. What did the author do well?
  • Weaknesses : Point out the weaknesses or areas for improvement.
  • Overall Impression : Provide your overall impression of the article.

5. Conclusion

  • Summary : Summarize your main points of critique.
  • Recommendation : Offer any recommendations for future research or improvements to the article.

6. References

  • Citation : Provide a full citation of the article in the appropriate format (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).
  • Additional Sources : Include citations for any additional sources referenced in your critique.

Examples of Article Critique For Students

Psychology article critique.

Reference: Smith, J. A., & Brown, R. L. (2022). The impact of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance. Journal of Psychological Research , 34(2), 123-135. Introduction In their article “The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Cognitive Performance,” Smith and Brown (2022) examine the effects of sleep deprivation on various cognitive functions. The authors aim to highlight the importance of adequate sleep for maintaining cognitive health and performance. Summary Smith and Brown (2022) conducted a series of cognitive tests on participants who were sleep-deprived for 24 hours. The results indicated significant declines in memory retention, attention span, and problem-solving skills among the sleep-deprived group. The article also discusses potential long-term consequences of chronic sleep deprivation on brain health. Critique Smith and Brown (2022) provide compelling evidence linking sleep deprivation to cognitive decline. Their methodology is robust, featuring a well-defined participant group and controlled variables. However, the study’s sample size is relatively small, which may limit the generalizability of the findings. Additionally, the article does not sufficiently explore potential confounding factors, such as stress and caffeine intake, which could influence cognitive performance. Conclusion Overall, Smith and Brown (2022) effectively underscore the critical role of sleep in cognitive health. Despite some methodological limitations, their findings contribute valuable insights to the field of sleep research. Future studies should aim to address the identified limitations to strengthen the generalizability and applicability of the results.

Education Article Critique

Reference: Johnson, L. M., & White, P. D. (2023). The impact of technology integration on student learning outcomes. Journal of Educational Technology , 29(1), 45-59. Introduction In the article “The Impact of Technology Integration on Student Learning Outcomes,” Johnson and White (2023) explore how incorporating digital tools and resources in the classroom affects students’ academic performance. The authors aim to identify both the benefits and challenges of technology integration in education. Summary Johnson and White (2023) evaluate various forms of technology integration, including interactive whiteboards, educational software, and online resources. They analyze the effects of these tools on student engagement, motivation, and achievement across different subjects and grade levels. The study presents data from several schools that have implemented these technologies, showing improvements in test scores and classroom participation. Critique The article by Johnson and White (2023) provides a comprehensive analysis of the positive impacts of technology on student learning. The use of multiple case studies strengthens the validity of their conclusions. However, the study’s focus on urban schools may not reflect the experiences of students in rural or underfunded schools, limiting the generalizability of the findings. Additionally, the reliance on short-term data does not capture the long-term effects of technology integration on student learning. Conclusion Johnson and White (2023) make a compelling case for the positive impact of technology on student learning outcomes. While the article effectively demonstrates the benefits of digital tools, addressing the identified limitations would provide a more comprehensive understanding of technology integration in education. Future research should focus on long-term effects, diverse educational settings, and the challenges of teacher training and equitable access to technology.

Business Article Critique

Reference: Davis, K. L., & Roberts, J. H. (2021). Corporate social responsibility and business success: A review of recent research. Journal of Business Ethics , 38(4), 220-235. Introduction In their article “Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Success: A Review of Recent Research,” Davis and Roberts (2021) explore how corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives impact business performance. The authors aim to demonstrate the benefits of CSR in enhancing corporate reputation and customer loyalty. Summary Davis and Roberts (2021) review several studies that analyze the outcomes of CSR initiatives across different industries. The article highlights positive correlations between CSR activities and financial performance, as well as improvements in brand reputation and customer satisfaction. The authors also discuss the potential challenges businesses face when implementing CSR programs. Critique Davis and Roberts (2021) provide a thorough review of the literature on CSR and its impact on business success. The article effectively synthesizes findings from various studies, supporting their argument that CSR can be beneficial for companies. However, the article could be improved by including more critical perspectives on CSR, such as potential drawbacks or instances where CSR initiatives have failed. Additionally, the authors do not provide detailed guidelines on how companies can measure the effectiveness of their CSR efforts. Conclusion Overall, Davis and Roberts (2021) make a strong case for the positive impact of CSR on business success. Their review underscores the importance of socially responsible practices in building a positive corporate image and achieving long-term profitability. Future research should address the limitations noted, particularly by exploring the challenges and failures of CSR initiatives and providing actionable metrics for evaluating their success.

Health Sciences Article Critique

Reference: Nguyen, M. T., & Kim, H. S. (2020). The effects of a plant-based diet on cardiovascular health: A systematic review. Journal of Nutritional Science , 17(3), 95-110. Introduction In the article “The Effects of a Plant-Based Diet on Cardiovascular Health: A Systematic Review,” Nguyen and Kim (2020) investigate the impact of plant-based diets on heart disease prevention and management. The authors aim to provide evidence supporting dietary recommendations for cardiovascular health. Summary Nguyen and Kim (2020) review multiple studies comparing the cardiovascular outcomes of individuals on plant-based diets versus those on omnivorous diets. Their findings suggest that plant-based diets are associated with lower cholesterol levels, reduced blood pressure, and decreased incidence of heart disease. The authors discuss potential mechanisms, such as reduced intake of saturated fats and increased consumption of fiber and antioxidants. Critique Nguyen and Kim (2020) present a comprehensive review of the cardiovascular benefits of plant-based diets. The inclusion of various studies strengthens the validity of their conclusions. However, the review would benefit from a more balanced discussion of potential challenges, such as the risk of nutrient deficiencies and the social and cultural barriers to adopting a plant-based diet. Additionally, the article focuses primarily on short-term studies, and more research on the long-term sustainability of these diets is needed. Conclusion Overall, Nguyen and Kim (2020) provide strong evidence supporting the cardiovascular benefits of plant-based diets. Their systematic review contributes valuable insights to the field of nutritional science. Future research should address the limitations identified, particularly regarding long-term sustainability and potential challenges in adhering to plant-based diets.

Social Sciences Article Critique

Reference: Lopez, G. R., & Thompson, S. L. (2021). Urban poverty and social policy: Examining the effectiveness of welfare programs. Journal of Social Policy , 43(2), 180-195. Introduction In the article “Urban Poverty and Social Policy: Examining the Effectiveness of Welfare Programs,” Lopez and Thompson (2021) analyze the impact of various welfare programs on reducing urban poverty. The authors aim to assess the effectiveness of these programs in improving the socioeconomic conditions of urban populations. Summary Lopez and Thompson (2021) evaluate several welfare programs, including food assistance, housing subsidies, and employment training initiatives. Their analysis reveals mixed outcomes, with some programs showing significant positive effects on poverty reduction, while others have minimal impact. The authors discuss factors contributing to these varied results, such as program design, implementation quality, and participant engagement. Critique Lopez and Thompson (2021) provide a detailed analysis of the effectiveness of welfare programs in addressing urban poverty. The article’s strength lies in its comprehensive evaluation of multiple programs and consideration of various influencing factors. However, the study relies on data from a limited number of cities, which may not be representative of broader urban contexts. Additionally, the authors could have included more qualitative data to provide deeper insights into the lived experiences of program participants. Conclusion Overall, Lopez and Thompson (2021) offer valuable insights into the effectiveness of welfare programs in reducing urban poverty. Their findings highlight the need for well-designed and effectively implemented programs to achieve meaningful poverty reduction. Future research should aim to include a more diverse range of urban settings and incorporate qualitative data to enrich the understanding of program impacts.

Examples of Thesis Statements for Article Critiques

Psychology article critique thesis statements.

  • “The article successfully links mindfulness practices to reduced anxiety levels, yet it overlooks the potential variability in individual responses, which could affect the generalizability of the results.”
  • “While the study provides significant insights into the effects of social media on adolescent self-esteem, its cross-sectional design limits the ability to infer causality.”

Literature Article Critique Thesis Statements

  • “The article provides a nuanced analysis of the themes of isolation in ‘Frankenstein,’ but its limited engagement with contemporary critical perspectives reduces its impact.”
  • “Although the article offers a compelling interpretation of symbolism in ‘Moby Dick,’ its narrow focus on literary devices neglects the broader socio-political context of the novel.”

Business Article Critique Thesis Statements

  • “The article effectively highlights the benefits of agile project management in tech startups, but it fails to consider the potential downsides, such as the risk of scope creep and resource strain.”
  • “Despite presenting a well-researched argument for the advantages of remote work, the article’s lack of empirical data on long-term productivity effects weakens its conclusions.”

Health Sciences Article Critique Thesis Statements

  • “The article convincingly argues for the role of gut microbiota in mental health, though it would benefit from a more thorough exploration of the mechanisms underlying this relationship.”
  • “While the study provides strong evidence for the benefits of intermittent fasting on metabolic health, its reliance on short-term studies limits the understanding of long-term effects.”

Education Article Critique Thesis Statements

  • “The article makes a strong case for the use of gamification in education to enhance student motivation, yet it neglects to address potential challenges related to accessibility and equity.”
  • “Despite effectively demonstrating the positive impacts of project-based learning on student engagement, the article lacks consideration of the additional resources and training required for successful implementation.”

Environmental Science Article Critique Thesis Statements

  • “The article offers a comprehensive review of the impacts of deforestation on climate change, but it would be strengthened by incorporating more case studies from diverse geographic regions.”
  • “While the article effectively discusses the potential of urban green spaces to mitigate air pollution, it underestimates the complexities of urban planning and maintenance costs.”

Social Sciences Article Critique Thesis Statements

  • “The article provides valuable insights into the influence of cultural norms on gender roles, but its limited geographic focus restricts the applicability of its findings to a global context.”
  • “Although the study sheds light on the relationship between economic inequality and crime rates, its reliance on correlational data makes it difficult to draw definitive causal conclusions.”

Example of Article Critique About Education

Article Title : The Impact of Technology Integration on Student Learning Outcomes Introduction The article “The Impact of Technology Integration on Student Learning Outcomes” investigates how the use of digital tools and resources in the classroom influences students’ academic performance. The research aims to identify the benefits and potential drawbacks of incorporating technology into educational settings. Summary The study evaluates various forms of technology integration, including interactive whiteboards, educational software, and online resources. It examines their effects on student engagement, motivation, and achievement across different subjects and grade levels. The article presents data from several schools that have implemented these technologies, showcasing improvements in test scores and classroom participation. Critique The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the positive impacts of technology on student learning. The use of multiple case studies strengthens the validity of its conclusions. However, the article could improve by addressing some critical aspects: Sample Size and Diversity : The study primarily focuses on schools in urban areas, which may not reflect the experiences of students in rural or underfunded schools. Expanding the sample size to include a more diverse range of schools would enhance the generalizability of the findings. Longitudinal Data : The research relies heavily on short-term data, which may not capture the long-term effects of technology integration on student learning. Longitudinal studies are necessary to understand the sustained impact of these tools. Teacher Training and Support : While the article highlights the benefits of technology, it overlooks the challenges teachers face in integrating these tools effectively. Providing adequate training and ongoing support is crucial for the successful implementation of technology in the classroom. Equity and Access : The article briefly mentions the digital divide but does not delve into how disparities in access to technology can affect educational outcomes. A more thorough examination of equity issues would provide a balanced perspective on the advantages and limitations of technology integration. Conclusion Overall, the article makes a compelling case for the positive impact of technology on student learning outcomes. It effectively demonstrates how digital tools can enhance engagement and academic performance. However, to provide a more comprehensive understanding, future research should address the limitations identified, particularly regarding sample diversity, long-term effects, teacher support, and equity issues. By doing so, the research could offer more actionable insights for policymakers and educators striving to harness the full potential of technology in education.

More Examples & Samples Article Critique in PDF

1. quantitative article critique.

Quantitative Article Critique

2. Article Critique Guidelines

Article Critique Guidelines

4. Critiquing Research Articles

Critiquing Research Article

4. Article Review & Critiques

Article Review Critiques

5. Instructions for Article Critiques

Instructions for Article Critiques

6. Critique of an Academic Article

Critique of an Academic Article

7. Critique and Review of Research Articles

Critique and Review of Research Articles

8. Article Critique Assignment

Article Critique Assignment

9. Book Review or Article Critique

Book Review or Article Critique

10. Press Article Critique

Press Article Critique

Purpose of Article Critique

An article critique serves multiple essential purposes in both academic and professional contexts. Below, we delve into the primary objectives of conducting an article critique, which are vital for developing critical thinking, analytical skills, and subject-specific knowledge.

1. Developing Critical Thinking Skills

Critical Evaluation:

  • Encourages students and professionals to go beyond surface-level reading.
  • Promotes a deeper understanding of the material by questioning the validity and reliability of the arguments presented.

Analytical Reasoning:

  • Helps in identifying logical fallacies, biases, and unsupported claims.
  • Facilitates the assessment of evidence and methodologies used in the article.

2. Enhancing Understanding of Subject Matter

In-Depth Analysis:

  • Requires a thorough examination of the article’s content, including the main arguments, evidence, and conclusions.
  • Enhances comprehension of complex concepts and theories within a specific field.

Contextual Awareness:

  • Places the article within the broader context of existing literature.
  • Identifies gaps in the research and suggests areas for further investigation.

3. Improving Academic Writing Skills

Structured Writing:

  • Teaches students how to organize their thoughts coherently.
  • Develops skills in writing clear, concise, and structured critiques.

Evidence-Based Arguments:

  • Encourages the use of evidence to support evaluations and opinions.
  • Helps in the practice of citing sources correctly and ethically.

4. Facilitating Peer Review and Feedback

Constructive Criticism:

  • Provides a framework for giving and receiving constructive feedback.
  • Enhances collaborative learning by engaging in discussions about the strengths and weaknesses of an article.

Quality Assurance:

  • Plays a crucial role in academic publishing and professional fields by ensuring the quality and credibility of published work.
  • Helps maintain high standards in research and scholarship.

5. Encouraging Lifelong Learning

Continual Improvement:

  • Fosters a habit of continuous learning and improvement.
  • Keeps individuals updated with the latest research, trends, and advancements in their field.


  • Prepares students and professionals to adapt to new information and changing paradigms.
  • Cultivates a mindset that is open to questioning and re-evaluating established knowledge.

Components of an Article Critique

Components of an Article Critique

An effective article critique includes several key components to ensure a thorough evaluation and analysis. Below are the main components:

  • Provide an overview of the article.
  • Introduce the main thesis and key points.


  • Title and Author: State the article’s title and author.
  • Publication Details: Include publication name, date, etc.
  • Thesis Statement: Summarize the article’s main argument.
  • Purpose of the Critique: Explain your objective.
  • Summarize the article’s content.
  • Main Points: Highlight key arguments.
  • Methodology: Describe research methods briefly.
  • Findings and Conclusions: Outline main findings and conclusions.

3. Analysis

  • Critically examine the article’s structure, content, and logic.
  • Structure and Organization: Evaluate clarity and coherence.
  • Content Evaluation: Assess relevance and depth.
  • Argumentation: Analyze logical flow and evidence strength.
  • Methodology: Critique research methods and identify biases.
  • Sources and References: Evaluate quality and relevance of cited sources.

4. Evaluation

  • Assess the article’s overall contribution.
  • Strengths: Highlight strengths such as originality and depth.
  • Weaknesses: Identify weaknesses like gaps and biases.
  • Contribution to the Field: Discuss the article’s impact.
  • Summarize the critique and provide final thoughts.
  • Summary of Evaluation: Recap key points.
  • Overall Assessment: Provide a final judgment.
  • Recommendations: Suggest future research or improvements.
  • List sources cited in your critique.
  • Citations: Format according to the appropriate style (e.g., APA, MLA).

How to Write an Article Critique

Mastering the art of crafting an effective article critique requires a systematic approach. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you navigate this process with finesse.

Step 1: Reading and Observation

Before diving into the critique, thoroughly read the article. Take notes on the main points, observation ,  objectives , and tone of the article. Identify the author’s goals and the case study , if applicable. This step is crucial for grasping the nuances of the work.

Step 2: Analyzing Structure and Content

Evaluate the structure of the article. Identify the introduction, main arguments, supporting evidence, and conclusion. Examine the use of verbs and analogies , as well as the cause-and-effect relationships presented. Analyze how effectively the author communicates their ideas.

Step 3: Assessing Methodology and Evidence

Scrutinize the methodology used by the author. Is it appropriate for the objectives of the article? Evaluate the quality and relevance of the evidence presented. Consider whether the evidence supports the author’s claims adequately.

Step 4: Critical Evaluation

Engage in a critical evaluation of the article. Identify its strengths and weaknesses. Does the author effectively address counterarguments? Are there any gaps in the logic? Assess the overall coherence and effectiveness of the article’s presentation.

Why is article critique important?

It develops critical thinking, enhances understanding of the subject, improves academic writing skills, and provides constructive feedback.

What are the main components of an article critique?

Introduction, Summary, Analysis, Evaluation, Conclusion, and References.

How do I start an article critique?

Begin with an introduction that provides the article’s title, author, publication details, and a brief summary of its thesis and purpose.

What should be included in the summary?

Key points, research methods, findings, and conclusions of the article.

How do I analyze an article?

Examine the structure, content, logic, argumentation, methodology, and sources for clarity, relevance, and evidence strength.

What makes a good evaluation?

Balanced assessment of the article’s strengths and weaknesses, and its contribution to the field.

How should I conclude an article critique?

Summarize your findings, provide an overall assessment, and offer suggestions for improvement or future research.

How do I cite sources in an article critique?

Follow the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA) and ensure all references are correctly formatted.

What are common pitfalls to avoid in an article critique?

Avoid biased or overly negative reviews, lack of evidence for claims, and failure to provide a balanced perspective.

How can I ensure my critique is objective?

Use evidence to support your points, acknowledge both strengths and weaknesses, and avoid personal biases.


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How to Write a Critique Paper: Format, Tips, & Critique Essay Examples

A critique paper is an academic writing genre that summarizes and gives a critical evaluation of a concept or work. Or, to put it simply, it is no more than a summary and a critical analysis of a specific issue. This type of writing aims to evaluate the impact of the given work or concept in its field.

Want to learn more? Continue reading this article written by Custom-writing experts! It contains:

  • best tips on how to critique an article or a literary work,
  • a critique paper example with introduction, body, and conclusion.

💁 What Is a Critique Paper?

  • 👣 Critical Writing Steps

👀 Critical Essay Types

📝 critique paper format, 📑 critique paper outline, 🔗 references.

A critique is a particular academic writing genre that requires you to carefully study, summarize, and critically analyze a study or a concept. In other words, it is nothing more than a critical analysis. That is all you are doing when writing a critical essay: trying to understand the work and present an evaluation. Critical essays can be either positive or negative, as the work deserves.

👣 How to Write a Critique Essay: Main Steps

Starting critique essays is the most challenging part. You are supposed to substantiate your opinion with quotes and paraphrases, avoiding retelling the entire text. A critical analysis aims to find out whether an article or another piece of writing is compelling. First, you need to formulate the author’s thesis: what was the literary work supposed to convey? Then, explore the text on how this main idea was elaborated. Finally, draft your critique according to the structure given below.

Critical Writing Steps Include: Critical Reading, Analyzing the Text, and Making the Draft.

Step 1: Critical Reading

1.1. Attentively read the literary work. While reading, make notes and underline the essentials.

  • Try to come into the author’s world and think why they wrote such a piece.
  • Point out which literary devices are successful. Some research in literary theory may be required.
  • Find out what you dislike about the text, i.e., controversies, gaps, inconsistency, or incompleteness.

1.2. Find or formulate the author’s thesis. 

  • What is the principal argument? In an article, it can be found in the first paragraph.
  • In a literary work, formulate one of the principal themes, as the thesis is not explicit.
  • If you write a critique of painting, find out what feelings, emotions, or ideas, the artist attempted to project.

1.3. Make a summary or synopsis of the analyzed text. 

  • One paragraph will suffice. You can use it in your critique essay, if necessary.
  • The point is to explore the gist.

Step 2: Analyzing the Text

After the reading phase, ask yourself the following questions :

  • What was your emotional response to the text? Which techniques, images, or ideas made you feel so?
  • Find out the author’s background. Which experiences made them raise such a thesis? What other significant works have they written that demonstrate the general direction of thought of this person?
  • Are the concepts used correctly in the text? Are the references reliable, and do they sufficiently substantiate the author’s opinion?

Step 3: Drafting the Essay

Finally, it is time to draft your essay. First of all, you’ll need to write a brief overview of the text you’re analyzing. Then, formulate a thesis statement – one sentence that will contain your opinion of the work under scrutiny. After that, make a one-paragraph summary of the text.

You can use this simple template for the draft version of your analysis. Another thing that can help you at this step is a summary creator to make the creative process more efficient.

Critique Paper Template

  • Start with an introductory phrase about the domain of the work in question.
  • Tell which work you are going to analyze, its author, and year of publication.
  • Specify the principal argument of the work under study.
  • In the third sentence, clearly state your thesis.
  • Here you can insert the summary you wrote before.
  • This is the only place where you can use it. No summary can be written in the main body!
  • Use one paragraph for every separate analyzed aspect of the text (style, organization, fairness/bias, etc.).
  • Each paragraph should confirm your thesis (e.g., whether the text is effective or ineffective).
  • Each paragraph shall start with a topic sentence, followed by evidence, and concluded with a statement referring to the thesis.
  • Provide a final judgment on the effectiveness of the piece of writing.
  • Summarize your main points and restate the thesis, indicating that everything you said above confirms it.

You can evaluate the chosen work or concept in several ways. Pick the one you feel more comfortable with from the following:

  • Descriptive critical essays examine texts or other works. Their primary focus is usually on certain features of a work, and it is common to compare and contrast the subject of your analysis to a classic example of the genre to which it belongs.
  • Evaluative critical essays provide an estimate of the value of the work. Was it as good as you expected based on the recommendations, or do you feel your time would have been better spent on something else?
  • Interpretive essays provide your readers with answers that relate to the meaning of the work in question. To do this, you must select a method of determining the meaning, read/watch/observe your analysis subject using this method, and put forth an argument.

There are also different types of critiques. The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, in the article “ Writing critiques ,” discusses them as well as the appropriate critique language.

Critique Paper Topics

  • Critique of the article Is Google Making Us Stupid? by Nicholas Carr .
  • Interpret the symbolism of Edgar Alan Poe’s The Black Cat .
  • Examine the topicality of the article Impact of Racial/Ethnic Differences on Child Mental Health Care .
  • Critical essay on Alice Walker’s short story Everyday Use .
  • Discuss the value of the essay The Hanging by George Orwell.
  • A critique on the article Stocks Versus Bonds: Explaining the Equity Risk Premium .
  • Explore the themes Tennessee Williams reveals in The Glass Menagerie.
  • Analyze the relevance of the article Leadership Characteristics and Digital Transformation .
  • Critical evaluation of Jonathan Harvey’s play Beautiful Thing .
  • Analyze and critique Derek Raymond’s story He Died with His Eyes Open .
  • Discuss the techniques author uses to present the problem of choice in The Plague .
  • Examine and evaluate the research article Using Evidence-Based Practice to Prevent Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia .
  • Explore the scientific value of the article Our Future: A Lancet Commission on Adolescent Health and Wellbeing .
  • Describe the ideas E. Hemingway put into his A Clean, Well-Lighted Place .
  • Analyze the literary qualities of Always Running La Vida Loca: Gang Days in L. A .
  • Critical writing on The Incarnation of Power by Wright Mills.
  • Explain the strengths and shortcomings of Tim Kreider’s article The Busy Trap .
  • Critical response to Woolf’s novel Mrs. Dalloway .
  • Examine the main idea of Richard Godbeer’s book Escaping Salem .
  • The strong and weak points of the article The Confusion of Tongues by William G. Bellshaw .
  • Critical review of Gulliver’s Travels .
  • Analyze the stylistic devices Anthony Lewis uses in Gideon’s Trumpet.
  • Examine the techniques Elie Wiesel uses to show relationship transformation in the book Night .
  • Critique of the play Fences by August Wilson.
  • The role of exposition in Achebe’s novel Things Fall Apart.
  • The main themes John Maxwell discusses in his book Disgrace .
  • Critical evaluation of Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 .
  • The ideas and concept of the book The Vegetarian Imperative .
  • Different points of view on one historical figure in the book Two Lives of Charlemagne .

Since the APA critique paper format is one of the most common, let’s discuss it in more detail. Check out the information below to learn more:

The APA Manual recommends using the following fonts:

  • 11-point Calibri,
  • 11-point Arial,
  • 10-point Lucida Sans Unicode,
  • 12-point Times New Roman,
  • 11-point Georgia,
  • 10-point Computer Modern.

Add 1-inch margins on all sides.

📌 Page numbers

Page numbers should appear at the top right-hand corner, starting with the title page.

📌 Line spacing

The entire document, including the title page and reference list, should be double-spaced.

📌 Title page

The title page should include the following information:

  • page number 1 in the top right-hand corner of the page header,
  • paper title,
  • the student’s name,
  • the name of the department and the college or university,
  • course number and name,
  • the instructor’s name,
  • due date (the date format used in your country).

📌 Critique paper title

The title of your critique paper should be no more than 12 words. In addition, it should be centered and typed in bold using title case.

📌 In-text citations

For the in-text citation, provide the author’s last name and publication year in brackets. If you are using direct citation, add the page number after the year.

📌 References

The last page of your paper should include a list of all sources cited in your essay. Here’s a general format of book and journal article citations you should use:

Book: Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year). Book title: Subtitle . Publisher.

Journal article: Last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year). Title of the article. Journal Title, volume (issue number), start page–end page.

The main parts of good critical response essays are:

  • Introduction. The introduction is the most essential part of the critical response. It should be concise and include the author and title of the work being analyzed, its main idea, and a strong thesis statement.
  • Summary. This should be brief and to the point. Only the author’s/creator’s main ideas and arguments should be included.
  • Analysis/interpretation. Discuss what the author’s/creator’s primary goal was and determine whether this goal was reached successfully. Use the evidence you have gathered to argue whether or not the author/creator achieved was adequately convincing (remember there should be no personal bias in this discussion).
  • Evaluation/response. At this point, your readers are ready to learn your objective response to the work. It should be professional yet entertaining to read. Do not hesitate to use strong language. You can say that the work you analyzed was weak and poorly-structured if that is the case, but keep in mind that you have to have evidence to back up your claim.
  • Conclusion. The last paragraph of your work should restate the thesis statement, summarize the key points, and create a sense of closure for the readers.

Critique Paper Introduction

The introduction is setting the stage for your analysis. Here are some tips to follow when working on it:

  • Provide the reader with a brief synopsis of the main points of the work you are critiquing .
  • State your general opinion of the work , using it as your thesis statement. The ideal situation is that you identify and use a controversial thesis.
  • Remember that you will uncover a lot of necessary information about the work you are critiquing. You mustn’t make use of all of it, providing the reader with information that is unnecessary in your critique. If you are writing about Shakespeare, you don’t have to waste your or your reader’s time going through all of his works.

Critique Paper Body

The body of the critique contains the supporting paragraphs. This is where you will provide the facts that prove your main idea and support your thesis. Follow the tips below when writing the body of your critique.

  • Every paragraph must focus on a precise concept from the paper under your scrutiny , and your job is to include arguments to support or disprove that concept. Concrete evidence is required.
  • A critical essay is written in the third-person and ensures the reader is presented with an objective analysis.
  • Discuss whether the author was able to achieve their goals and adequately get their point across.
  • It is important not to confuse facts and opinions . An opinion is a personal thought and requires confirmation, whereas a fact is supported by reliable data and requires no further proof. Do not back up one idea with another one.
  • Remember that your purpose is to provide the reader with an understanding of a particular piece of literature or other work from your perspective. Be as specific as possible.

Critique Paper Conclusion

Finally, you will need to write a conclusion for your critique. The conclusion reasserts your overall general opinion of the ideas presented in the text and ensures there is no doubt in the reader’s mind about what you believe and why. Follow these tips when writing your conclusion:

  • Summarize the analysis you provided in the body of the critique.
  • Summarize the primary reasons why you made your analysis .
  • Where appropriate, provide recommendations on how the work you critiqued can be improved.

For more details on how to write a critique, check out the great critique analysis template provided by Thompson Rivers University.

If you want more information on essay writing in general, look at the Secrets of Essay Writing .

Example of Critique Paper with Introduction, Body, and Conclusion

Check out this critical response example to “The Last Inch” by James Aldridge to show how everything works in practice:


In his story “The Last Inch,” James Aldridge addresses the issue of the relationship between parents and children. The author captured the young boy’s coming into maturity coinciding with a challenging trial. He also demonstrated how the twelve-year-old boy obtained his father’s character traits. Aldridge’s prose is both brutal and poetic, expressing his characters’ genuine emotions and the sad truths of their situations.

Body: Summary 

The story is about Ben Ensley, an unemployed professional pilot, who decides to capture underwater shots for money. He travels to Shark Bay with his son, Davy. Ben is severely injured after being attacked by a shark while photographing. His last hope of survival is to fly back to the little African hamlet from where they took off.

Body: Analysis 

The story effectively uses the themes of survival and fatherhood and has an intriguing and captivating plot. In addition, Ben’s metamorphosis from a failing pilot to a determined survivor is effectively presented. His bond with his son, Davy, adds depth and emotional importance to the story. At the same time, the background information about Ben’s past and his life before the shark attack could be more effectively integrated into the main story rather than being presented as separate blocks of text.

Body: Evaluation 

I find “The Last Inch” by James Aldridge a very engaging and emotional story since it highlights the idea of a father’s unconditional love and determination in the face of adversity. I was also impressed by the vivid descriptions and strong character development of the father and son.


“The Last Inch” by James Aldridge is an engaging and emotional narrative that will appeal to readers of all ages. It is a story of strength, dedication, and the unbreakable link between father and son. Though some backstory could be integrated more smoothly, “The Last Inch” impresses with its emotional punch. It leaves the readers touched by the raw power of fatherly love and human will.

📚 Critique Essay Examples

With all of the information and tips provided above, your way will become clearer when you have a solid example of a critique essay.

Below is a critical response to The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman.

When speaking of feminist literature that is prominent and manages to touch on incredibly controversial issues, The Yellow Wallpaper is the first book that comes to mind. Written from a first-person perspective, magnifying the effect of the narrative, the short story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman introduces the reader to the problem of the physical and mental health of the women of the 19th century. However, the message that is intended to concern feminist ideas is rather subtle. Written in the form of several diary entries, the novel offers a mysterious plot, and at the same time, shockingly realistic details.

What really stands out about the novel is the fact that the reader is never really sure how much of the story takes place in reality and how much of it happens in the psychotic mind of the protagonist. In addition, the novel contains a plethora of description that contributes to the strain and enhances the correlation between the atmosphere and the protagonist’s fears: “The color is repellent, almost revolting; a smoldering unclean yellow, strangely faded by the slow-turning sunlight” (Gilman).

Despite Gilman’s obvious intent to make the novel a feminist story with a dash of thriller thrown in, the result is instead a thriller with a dash of feminism, as Allen (2009) explains. However, there is no doubt that the novel is a renowned classic. Offering a perfect portrayal of the 19th-century stereotypes, it is a treasure that is certainly worth the read.

If you need another critique essay example, take a look at our sample on “ The Importance of Being Earnest ” by Oscar Wilde.

And here are some more critique paper examples for you check out:

  • A Good Man Is Hard to Find: Critique Paper
  • Critique on “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
  • “When the Five Rights Go Wrong” Article Critique
  • Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey — Comparison & Critique   
  • Benefits and Disadvantages of Prone Positioning in Severe Acute Respiratory Distress: Article Critique
  • Reducing Stress in Student Nurses: Article Critique
  • Management of Change and Professional Safety – Article Critique
  • “Views of Young People Towards Physical Activity”: Article Critique

Seeing an example of a critique is so helpful. You can find many other examples of a critique paper at the University of Minnesota and John Hopkins University. Plus, you can check out this video for a great explanation of how to write a critique.

  • Critical Analysis
  • Writing an Article Critique
  • The Critique Essay
  • Critique Essay
  • Writing a Critique
  • Writing A Book Critique
  • Media Critique
  • Tips for an Effective Creative Writing Critique
  • How to Write an Article Critique
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How to Write a Thesis Statement for an Article Critique

Article critiques should always discuss the author's main points, how they argue those points and any weaknesses in the argument. A thesis statement for such a critique should encompass your general response to the main arguments in the original article and can also suggest some further insights you would give to the main article's premise. Writing a few rough drafts of the thesis statement will help you refine the main argument of your article critique.

Note all the main points you will bring up in the article critique on a sheet of scratch paper. For example: the original author's main point, their main emphases in the article, and the strengths and the weaknesses of the article. These points will comprise the main points you will be making in the article and the potential ideas that will make up your thesis statement.

Connect the main points from Step 1 into your concise argument or response regarding the article. For example, the author may be talking about issues with dyslexia, which adds to the literature on the topic, but they do not problematize a couple of their sources. A possible conclusion you would draw from these factors would be that the article is helpful in building on earlier authors, but fails to complete the argument because of weak sources.

Practice writing sentences that reflect your ideas from Step 2. For example, "This article adds valuable emphasis to work done on the level of stress experienced by children with dyslexia, although the author could have used stronger sources." This statement could be made into more than one sentence if there is too much information for a single sentence. The thesis statement should tell the reader where you are going with your response to the critique, and open up the rest of the critique.

Place the thesis statement in the first paragraph of the article critique. Often, the thesis will come near the end of the first paragraph.

  • Edit the thesis as your article critique changes. Your critique will transform as you write, and so will your thesis statement.

Things You'll Need

  • OWL Purdue: Creating a Thesis Statement

Sarah Vrba has been a writer and editor since 2006. She has contributed to "Seed," "AND Magazine," Care2 Causes and "202 Magazine," among other outlets, focusing on fashion, pop culture, style and identity. Vrba holds an M.A. in history with an emphasis on gender and fashion in the 19th century.


  • Queen's University Library
  • Research Guides

How to Critique an Article (Psychology)


  • The introduction is a justification for why the study was conducted.
  • By the end of the introduction you should have a very good idea of what the researchers are going to study, and be convinced that the study is absolutely necessary to advance the field.
  • The justification should be a combination of improving on previous research and good theoretical reasons and practical reasons for why the study is important.
  • If the authors are talking about a controversial issue, are they presenting both sides in a reasonable way? Is their choice of one side over the other based on hard evidence?
  • Do you understand what their hypotheses are e.g. what they expect to find?
  • It is not good enough just to say that the study has not been done before. There are plenty of topics that have not been scientifically researched before but that doesn't mean that they should be. For example, I doubt that anyone has ever looked at the correlation between favorite color of Skittles and personality, but that doesn't mean that it should be researched unless there is a good theoretical reason for why we would expect a relationship and a good reason to think that knowing the relationship would advance our understanding of personality in some meaningful way.

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  • Last Updated: Jun 27, 2024 1:59 PM
  • Subjects: Psychology
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critiquing article essay

Essay Critique Guidelines

critiquing article essay

Whenever you read an essay, use the following questions to guide your response.

First, keep in mind that, although you may not be a writing expert, you are THE reader of this essay and your response is a valid one . I have found that almost every reader, regardless of experience, can identify the primary strength and weakness in an essay, although their method of describing those issues may be different. The author will welcome your response and your ability to explain your reaction in a new way. Although the author is not required to, and really shouldn’t, respond to everything you say, he or she will take your comments seriously and consider how the essays has enlightened or confused you. Therefore, comment freely, although respectfully. Keep in mind that it is better to begin by noting the strengths of the essay before pointing out the areas that need improvement. I would always include a personal response to questions like the following: What about the essay most connects with your experience? Moves you? Provokes you? Entertains you?

So that is how to respond. So how do you critique? For every essay, regardless of the mode, consider the broad categories of content, organization, style, and correctness.

  • Content : Consider the topic (its appropriateness and interest for the assignment as well as a clear focus suitable to essay length) and the way the topic is developed (clarity sufficiency of its argument, its scope, subcategories, amount and type of examples, anecdotes, evidence, etc.).
  • Organization : Consider how the essay is introduced and concluded (especially looking for a “frame” to the essay, where the intro and conclusion refer to the same idea), whether the thesis is located in the most helpful place (direct or implied), how the essay is structured, whether the order or extent of development is successful, as well as how individual paragraphs are organized (clear topic sentences, appropriate and concrete evidence, logical organization of evidence).
  • Style : Style can refer to the overall style of an essay: whether the tone is appropriate (humorous, serious, reflective, satirical, etc.), whether you use sufficient and appropriate variety (factual, analytical, evaluative, reflective), whether you use sufficient creativity. Style can also refer to the style of individual sentences: whether you use a variety of sentences styles and lengths, whether sentences are worded clearly, and whether word choice is interesting and appropriate.
Rolling around in the bottom of the drawer, Tim found the missing earring. [certainly the earring was rolling, not Tim!]

You could also easily tell that the following sentence actually contains two sentences that need punctuation between them:

The new manager instituted several new procedures some were impractical. [You need to add punctuation (period) after “procedures” and capitalize “some.”]

Further Directions for Specific Assignments

Below are more detailed questions to consider when responding to individual types of essays. First, make sure that you have reviewed the description of the essay mode in the Essay Assignment Guidelines. Use at least one or two of these when responding to an essay. Do not simply answer yes or no; offer specific evidence from the text and elaborate on the reasons behind your answer.

Personal Essay Critique:

  • Does the writer have a clear but understated purpose to the essay?
  • Does it avoid being overly moralistic or heavy-handed?
  • Does the essay contain suspense or tension that is resolved in some way?
  • Do you have any suggestions for organizing the essay, such as focusing in on one event rather than many, providing more background, turning explanation into action, etc.?
  • Does the essay make good use of concrete description, anecdote, and dialogue?
  • Does the essay help you to feel the emotions rather than just describe the emotions of the author?
  • Does the essay reveal a significant aspect of the writer’s personality?
  • Does the writer seem authentic?
  • Is this a passionate piece? Is it creative?

Critical Review Critique

  • Does a direct thesis convey both the subject and the reviewer’s value judgment?
  • Does the review provide a summary or description to help you experience the film, music, event, etc.? Note places where the author provides too much or too little detail.
  • Does the essay clearly identify relevant criteria for evaluation? Are they appropriate, believable, and consistent?
  • Are any important features of the reviewed subject omitted?
  • Logos (logic, content) : Does the essay provide sufficient, relevant, and interesting details and examples to adequately inform and entertain?
  • Ethos (author) : Does the author’s judgment seem sound and convincing?
  • Pathos (emotional appeals) : Does the author responsibly and effectively utilize emotional appeals to the audience?
  • Does the author include adequate reference to the opposition and respond to that opposition appropriately?

Information Essay Critique : The questions posed about an informative essay will vary, depending on the purpose and strategy of the essay. The SMGW suggests evaluating for the following issues:

  • Is topic clearly explained and sufficiently focused?
  • Does the content fit the audience?
  • Is it organized effectively?
  • Are definitions clear?
  • Are other strategies (classification, comparison/contrast, analysis) used effectively?
  • Are sources used sufficiently, effectively, and appropriately?

You might also assess the following criteria:

  • Does the author utilize vivid detail, interesting examples, and lively language?
  • Does the essay avoid emphasizing judgment over explanation?
  • Does the essay have a clear focus or implied thesis?

Comparison/Contrast Essay Critique

  • Is the purpose for a comparison or contrast evident and convincing?
  • Does the essay identify significant and parallel characteristics for comparison?
  • Does the author adequately explain, analyze, or reflect on the comparison or contrast?
  • Does the author provide appropriate transitions words to indicate comparison and contrast?
  • Is the treatment of each side of the comparison or contrast in balance?
  • Does the essay provide sufficient, relevant, and interesting details?

Feature Article Critique

  • Does this article interest you? Do you think it will interest the intended audience? Can you suggest ways to increase interest?
  • Can you tell what the “angle” or implied thesis is? Does the author avoid editorial judgment on the subject while still keeping the purpose clear?
  • Has the writer done sufficient research? What questions have gone unasked or unanswered? Whose point of view or what information would add further to the completeness of the feature?
  • Is the subject presented vividly with sensory images, graphic detail, and figurative language? Do you have suggestions of details or images to include?
  • Does the writer use an appropriate mixture of anecdote, quotation, description, and explanation? Would more or less of one of these improve the essay?
  • Are the beginning and ending paragraphs interesting and appropriate for the specific audience? Consider the need for a “lead sentence” if intended for a newspaper.

Documented Argument Critique

  • Is the thesis clear, argumentative, and effective? Why or why not?
  • Are the topic and thesis are reasonable for the assignment, audience, and context of the essay?
  • Does the author define his or her terms and provide sufficient background information? What ideas or terms are undefined or inadequately explained?
  • Is the thesis supported by clear reasons? Are the reasons clearly worded and supported sufficiently?
  • Do the reasons fit logically together and are they placed in the right order?
  • Does the author adequately address the opposition? What is another opposing argument he/she should or could have addressed?
  • Has the author done adequate research?
  • Are the works cited adequately introduced and explained before citing from them?
  • Does the paper contain an appropriate blend of well-placed quotations within a context of the author’s own words and paraphrases from other sources?
  • Is the writer clearly in charge, naturally introducing and interacting with sources rather than merely reporting on them?
  • Do you find the argument convincing? What might you add or omit?

Business Writing Critique

  • Does the memo begin with the most important information?
  • Does the memo build rapport by involving the reader in opening paragraph?
  • Does the memo provide sufficient, relevant, and interesting details? Is it focused and brief?
  • Does the memo focus each paragraph on one idea?
  • Is the memo informed, accurate, demonstrating the author’s grasp of the situation?
  • Is the final paragraph calling for a specific action? Is it brief? Does it build good will?
  • Is the memo form correct, with concise subject line, initialed name, correct spacing?
  • Is the information arranged (indentations and numbering) in a way that makes it easy to skim and still get central information?

Cover letter

  • Does the first paragraph identify who the author is, briefly state why he/she is writing, and refer to how he/she found out about the job?
  • Does the second paragraph highlight specific strengths, special abilities, or features of the résumé to be noted?
  • Does the third paragraph make a specific request of the reader or address what action is to be taken?
  • Does the letter provide sufficient, relevant, and interesting details to make the request convincing?
  • Is the letter brief and focused? What elements could be eliminated?
  • Does the writer achieve his or her purpose? Does it make you want to consider the résumé more carefully?
  • Is the tone of the letter courteous without being too formal, relaxed without being too familiar?
  • Is the letter’s form appropriate (heading, spacing, greeting, salutation)? Is the letter addressed to a specific person rather than a general “Dear Madam/Sir”?
  • Does the résumé contain the necessary features for the position (name/address, position desired, education, work experience, achievements, relevant personal information, references)?
  • Does the résumé contain only essential, relevant information for the position required?
  • Does the résumé emphasize the applicant’s strengths?
  • Does the résumé emphasize what is unique about this person’s experience? Does it demonstrate a common interest or ability (leadership, teaching experience, dedication, creativity, etc.)?
  • What additional information might you like to have about this applicant?
  • If you were leading an interview based on this résumé, what are two questions you might ask?
  • Does the résumé look neat (appropriate spacing, clear headings, good quality paper)?
  • Is the résumé easy to read?
  • Is the information presented as concisely as possible?
  • Are the elements of each section of the résumé presented in a parallel format and style (begin w/ active verbs, put date in consistent place, use of parallelism for elements, consistent underlining or italics)?
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Ryan Murphy Has 'Many Things to Say' Following Erik Menendez's Critiques of Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menéndez Story

On Friday, Sept. 20, Erik trashed the portrayals of himself and Lyle, claiming that the show didn't depict the trauma and violence they experienced in their childhood accurately

critiquing article essay

Taylor Hill/FilmMagic; Los Angeles Times/Getty

Ryan Murphy is addressing Erik Menéndez 's statement against his latest project, Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menéndez Story .

The executive producer and creator of the Netflix true crime drama, 58, defended his interpretation of Erik, 53, and his 56-year-old brother Lyle Menéndez and their crimes after the former slammed the streamer for its portrayal of their lives.

When asked how he reacted to the statement, Murphy told Entertainment Tonight that he had "many things to say about that."

"I think it's interesting that [Erik] issued a statement without having seen the show," he continued. "I know he hasn't seen the show in prison. I hope he does see the show. I think he sees the work that Cooper Koch [the actor who plays him] did."

Miles Crist/Netflix

The Emmy Award-winning writer admitted that it must be "really, really hard" to see "your life up on screen."

"If you watch the show, I would say 60 to 65 percent of our show, in the scripts and in the film form, center around the abuse and what they claim happened to them," he explained. "We do it very carefully, and we give them their day in court, and they talk openly about it, we present the facts from their point of view."

Murphy revealed that he and his team spent three years researching the Menéndez brothers and their story. He added that writing about sexual abuse for television and writing from "all points of view" can be controversial.

In 1989, Erik (Koch) and Lyle (played by Nicolas Alexander Chavez) were convicted of killing their parents, José and Mary Louse "Kitty" Menéndez . The brothers claimed that they acted in self-defense after allegedly enduring years of sexual, physical and emotional abuse from their parents.

Erik and Lyle were eventually both found guilty of two counts of first-degree murder and conspiracy to murder. They were sentenced to life in prison without parole and are currently serving time.

While the series has been seen as controversial for its depictions of the siblings, Murphy told ET that he and his team took a "Rashomon kind of approach."

"There were four people involved in that. Two of them are dead and two of them are alive," he continued. "But what about the parents? We had an obligation to storytellers to also try and put in their perspective, based on our research, which we did."


On Friday, Sept. 20, Erik trashed the portrayals of himself and Lyle, claiming that the show didn't depict the trauma and violence they experienced in their childhood accurately.

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“I believed we had moved beyond the lies and ruinous character portrayals of Lyle, creating a caricature of Lyle rooted in horrible and blatant lies rampant in the show," Erik began. "I can only believe they were done so on purpose. It is with a heavy heart that I say, I believe Ryan Murphy cannot be this naive and inaccurate about the facts of our lives so as to do this without bad intent.”

He continued: “It is sad for me to know that Netflix’s dishonest portrayal of the tragedies surrounding our crime have taken the painful truths several steps backward — back through time to an era when the prosecution built a narrative on a belief system that males were not sexually abused, and that males experienced rape trauma differently than women."

Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menéndez Story is now streaming on Netflix.

If you suspect child abuse, call the Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-4-A-Child or 1-800-422-4453, or go to All calls are toll-free and confidential. The hotline is available 24/7 in more than 170 languages.

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The N.B.A. Is Choosing Hoops Over Human Rights in Abu Dhabi

An illustration of a statue of an N.B.A. player tied down by ropes held by silhouetted figures.

By Stanis Elsborg

Mr. Elsborg is a senior analyst at Play the Game, an initiative promoting democracy, transparency and freedom of expression in sport.

In a bygone era, N.B.A. teams enforced an unofficial quota on Black players, apparently fearing that a “too Black” team might alienate its white audience. Today, this same league is celebrated as one of the world’s most progressive sports organizations.

Indeed, N.B.A. and W.N.B.A. players have consistently demonstrated over the years that athletes can be drivers of change, helping to create a more just and equal society. The N.B.A., after struggling with racism and injustice, is now a leading advocate of diversity and positions social justice as a core mission . The league has aligned itself with movements like Black Lives Matter, proclaimed the value of freedom of expression and established initiatives such as the Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Social Justice Champion Award, honoring players who make significant strides in the fight for social justice.

However, the N.B.A.’s commitment to these values starkly contrasts with its recent partnership with Abu Dhabi, one of the seven emirates that constitute the United Arab Emirates — a nation accused of human rights violations. On Oct. 4 and 6, the Boston Celtics and the Denver Nuggets will play preseason games in Abu Dhabi as part of a broad multiyear deal between the N.B.A. and the emirate dating to 2022, when the first preseason dates there took place. This raises a critical question: Can the N.B.A. maintain its standing as a beacon of its professed ideals while being a partner with such a regime?

Over the past few decades, the N.B.A. has expanded globally , promoting basketball and its brand while cultivating new markets around the world. And while its partnerships with repressive regimes are not limited to the United Arab Emirates — its ties with countries including China and Rwanda have also warranted scrutiny — the upcoming Abu Dhabi games underscore the persistent conflict between the league’s professed values and its engagement with an authoritarian regime.

The United Arab Emirates’ suppression of free speech and political dissent and its harsh treatment of critics have been well documented, although new laws in recent years have provided more protection for women and migrant workers on paper. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch frequently report on the United Arab Emirates’ lack of judicial transparency, limiting of women’s rights , criminalization of L.G.B.T.Q.+ individuals and exploitation of migrant workers .

Regarding civil liberties and political rights, the United Arab Emirates ranks among the lowest countries globally, with a Freedom House Index score of just 18 out of 100, classifying it as “not free.” Comparatively, Qatar — which came under heavy scrutiny in the lead-up to the 2022 FIFA World Cup for its human rights violations, including exploitation of migrant workers , a lack of L.G.B.T.Q.+ rights and restrictions on women’s rights — scores slightly higher, at 25. Yet while Qatar’s human rights issues sparked significant and justified global criticism , the United Arab Emirates’ equally troubling record has largely flown under the radar, particularly in the context of high-profile sports.

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