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Do You Need to Include the Company’s Address (or Yours) on a Cover Letter?

Cover Letters

A title graphic featuring an alternate version of the article's title: "Do You Need the Company's Address in a Cover Letter Heading?"

It seems to be common practice to include the company’s address on a cover letter … but do you really need to? Actually, no. Here’s an expert guide on how to write a cover letter without a company address to save valuable space.

Updated January 2024.

By: Katelyn Skye Bennett | Contributor for Let’s Eat, Grandma

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And why, oh why, do some “experts” still stay it’s common practice to include the company’s address in the heading of a cover letter?

Many cover letter templates still show the intended company’s full physical address (sometimes after the applicant’s full physical address), with each address item on a new line.

This takes up at least a third of the page before getting to the actual letter.

In a world where cover letters are submitted via email or directly uploaded to online applications, is this still necessary?

should i put my address on my cover letter

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Should I put the company address on a cover letter? 

Here at Let’s Eat, Grandma, we maintain you don’t need to put the company address on a cover letter anymore.

Of course, it’s likely that including the company’s address is not going to hurt you, but there’s really no point since you aren’t sending the letter by snail mail. The address will just take up space, and the formality doesn’t carry any real meaning.

And, since including the company address in a cover letter is an outdated practice, you may set yourself up for ageism by doing it.

Instead, put your effort into addressing the hiring manager by name and creating compelling body content .

Wayyy back in 2012, Forbes wrote about changing formats and the importance of concision in the midst of changing norms about cover letters. They caught the gist of this issue a decade ago by pointing out the importance of content over format.

Your reader cares about what’s in your cover letter, not about an arbitrary formality, such as reminding them where they’re located.

Still not convinced that you should submit your cover letter without the company address, though? Maybe you’re still thinking, “Better safe than sorry.”

Fair enough, but let’s break it down a little further.

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3 reasons not to list a company’s address on a cover letter

1. it’s unnecessary information in our virtual age.

You’re likely submitting your application to a company online, rather than to their physical address.

Have you ever actually mailed a cover letter as a physical letter to a company in the last 20 years? If you have, well, you won’t need to for your next application.

The company may even be remote at this point, not operating out of its mailing address as it did in pre-COVID years.

Either way, you’re going to be submitting the application electronically, and they know their own location.

2. It makes your format look outdated 

Etiquette evolves with time. This aspect of cover letters hasn’t been much discussed in the public realm, unlike the development of applicant tracking systems, but the times have still changed.

Companies may have thought that including their address at the top of a cover letter was a polite formality in times past, but it’s difficult to imagine a recruiter today thinking, “Oh, they didn’t include our address? What an uncultured buffoon! No one with these improper manners will set foot in my establishment!”

And as we mentioned before, using an outdated format could even work against you. Unfortunately, ageism is a concern in the hiring world, and using a cover letter convention from 20+ years ago could lead to unhelpful assumptions.

A screenshot of a cover letter with a full company address written before the body, with one address item on each line.

3. It’s a waste of space 

Look at all that space taken up with of information that no one is going to read.

The body is the part that matters, since it’s where you introduce yourself to the employer and elaborate on why you’re a good fit for the job. Your vivid examples and compelling, perhaps transferable skill sets look best within half to three-quarters of a page .

Wasting space with the company’s address on multiple lines in your cover letter limits you and gives you less space to express yourself.

Of course, including the company’s address in the cover letter may not be a major turn-off compared to having a sloppy body, using an unprofessional email address , or not including a cover letter at all.

But it’s simply unnecessary at best, and a waste of precious space at the worst.

should i put my address on my cover letter

Photo by Yannik Mika on Unsplash

Should you include your own address on a cover letter?

Now that we’ve got that straight, what about your own address?

Just like on your resume, there’s no need to include your full address or ZIP code on a cover letter (i.e., your street address).

That said, you should include your general location so hiring manager knows your home base. This can be a city “Phoenix, AZ” or area, “Denver Metropolitan Area, CO.”

If you live in a small town near a large city, but you’re fine with commuting to that city for work, you can put the larger city name.

This applies even if the job is a remote job. Some employers want to make sure you’re in the same country, region, or state as the company location, even if you never have to physically go in to the office.

We advise using the same header for both your resume and cover letter, and this should include your name, city, email address, phone number, and LinkedIn profile URL.

Pro Tip: You can also repeat the email and phone number again as a CTA in the last paragraph of your cover letter. This way, you can be absolutely sure the company will know how to reach you.

So there you have it. Write your next cover letter without the company address or yours, and you’ll have so much more room for the stories, values, and personal voice that will actually help you get hired.

should i put my address on my cover letter

Photo by The Jopwell Collection on Unsplash

Who should I address my cover letter to?

Now that you have the heading down, let’s talk about the salutation for a minute.

When crafting a cover letter, addressing it to the right person can make a significant impact on your job application. This means you should make an effort to avoid the formal and archaic “To whom it may concern.”

Ideally, you should address your cover letter to the hiring manager or the person responsible for making hiring decisions. This is often listed in the job description, especially if you found the job on LinkedIn, or if the listing requests that you email the application materials to HR.

If the job listing does not specify a name, take the time to research the company’s website or LinkedIn to find the appropriate contact. Addressing the letter to a specific individual not only personalizes your application but also demonstrates your initiative and attention to detail. If you are unable to find a name, using a professional greeting such as “Dear Hiring Manager” is acceptable, but personalized salutations will always give you an edge in making a strong first impression.

Interested in learning more about addressing your cover letters? We discuss this topic and more on this Career Warrior podcast episode.

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Should I put my address on my cover letter?

Should I Put My Address on My Cover Letter?

When crafting a cover letter, there are several questions that can arise. One of the most common concerns is whether to include your address on the cover letter. The answer is not a simple yes or no, as it depends on various factors. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of including your address on your cover letter, helping you make an informed decision.

Direct Answer:

No, you should not put your address on your cover letter . Here’s why:

  • It’s not necessary : Your address is already included in your resume, which is typically attached to the cover letter.
  • It takes up valuable space : The space on a cover letter is limited, and including your address can take away from the space needed to effectively highlight your skills and experience.
  • It’s not a standard practice : In most cases, hiring managers and recruiters do not expect to see an address on a cover letter.

Why You Shouldn’t Put Your Address on Your Cover Letter

Including your address on your cover letter can have several drawbacks. Here are some of the most significant reasons to avoid it:

  • Lack of professionalism : Including your address on your cover letter can give the impression that you are not taking the time to tailor your application to the specific job.
  • Overemphasis on personal information : A cover letter should focus on your skills, experience, and qualifications for the job. Including your address can shift the focus away from these important details.
  • Inconvenience : If you include your address on your cover letter, you may need to update it every time you move, which can be a hassle.

Why You Might Want to Include Your Address on Your Cover Letter

While including your address on your cover letter is not recommended, there are some situations where it might be necessary:

  • You’re applying for a job that requires a specific location : If the job requires you to work at a specific location, it may be necessary to include your address to show that you are willing to relocate.
  • You’re applying for a job in a highly competitive field : In highly competitive fields, including your address may help you stand out from other applicants.
  • You’re applying for a job that requires a physical presence : If the job requires you to be physically present at a specific location, including your address may be necessary to show that you are able to travel to the location.

When to Include Your Address on Your Cover Letter

While it’s generally recommended not to include your address on your cover letter, there are some situations where it may be necessary. Here are some guidelines to follow:

Best Practices for Writing a Cover Letter

Regardless of whether you include your address on your cover letter, there are some best practices to follow:

  • Keep it concise : Your cover letter should be no more than one page in length.
  • Use a professional tone : Avoid using slang, jargon, or overly casual language.
  • Focus on the job : Use the cover letter to highlight your skills and experience as they relate to the job.
  • Use active language : Use active verbs and language to describe your achievements and qualifications.

In conclusion, including your address on your cover letter is not necessary and can actually be a hindrance to your application. Instead, focus on highlighting your skills, experience, and qualifications for the job. Remember to keep your cover letter concise, professional, and focused on the job. By following these best practices, you can create a strong cover letter that will help you stand out from other applicants.

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Do You Put Your Address on a Cover Letter?

Wondering if you should include your address on a cover letter? Explore the pros and cons in our detailed guide to modern cover letter best practices.

Don Hamilton

Don Hamilton

should i put my address on my cover letter

We live in a digital world now and snail mail is passé. Formal document formats have changed over time, with most being sent by email today, and cover letters are no exception. So, do you still need to put your own address on a cover letter? Well, not usually, but sometimes it helps - let’s talk about it.

Why Do You Think Your Address Might Be Necessary?

Back when job applications and résumés were sent by postal mail, there were good reasons to include both your complete mailing address and the hiring company address at the top of your formal cover letter . 

Companies needed this information so they could know where you’re from and how to contact you when following up. Plus, cover letters were considered formal business documents and that’s how they were handled. It was the traditional way.

Business communications were more structured in the past. Standard practice was to always start your formal letters with the following format.

  • [Your Name]
  • 123 Maple Street
  • Anytown, State, 12345
  • Phone: (123) 456-7890
  • [Employer’s Name]
  • [Company’s Name]
  • 456 Corporate Blvd
  • Businesstown, State, 67890
  • Dear [Employer’s Name],

What’s wrong with this format?

This is still a valid way to begin a printed letter to be sent by snail mail, but there are problems with this format if you’re sending it by email.

  • It takes up too much space at the top of the letter.
  • It doesn’t include your email address or other contact links.
  • Your physical address is only relevant if you are applying for a location-specific job and you want them to know where you're located. 
  • Businesses no longer need you to tell them their company's address.

The traditional format needs tweaking for the modern world. The biggest problem is the waste of space and time required to scroll down to where the letter gets interesting. 

Modern Email Addressing Standard Practices

Because today’s email provides instant contact with the click of a button, physical addresses have been relegated to the end of the email and included only if needed. 

Here’s a streamlined heading you can use in your cover letter email.

  • [Your name]
  • Email: [email protected]
  • LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/yourname
  • Dear (Mr/Ms) [Hiring Manager’s Name or Title],

This improved, uncluttered format is more concise, includes your email and professional links, and tells the recipient who you are with no extra fluff. If you'd prefer not to leave your contact details on your cover letter, make sure there's some way to get in touch with you on your resume so the hiring manager knows how to follow up on your online applications.

Additional Considerations for Cover Letters

You must review any application instructions to learn if a particular cover letter format is specified. Be sure to follow directions.

In researching the hiring company you should have investigated its culture and expectations. Being either overly formal or too informal is to be avoided. The company’s style should guide your choice of including your address in the traditional way or not. Try to fit in as a knowledgeable and tuned-in professional.

There are also legal requirements to consider in this global age. 

Some jurisdictions have personal information protection laws that influence how much information should be shared. It may be inadvisable to include your personal physical address.  You’ll need to research this based on the laws of your country and those of the hiring company.

Also, think of your own online security, as the potential for identity theft is growing. Emails may be forwarded to others who don’t respect your right to privacy. Only include personal information that’s absolutely necessary in your cover letters - most of the time your postal address isn't needed. 

The key here is to focus on your cover letter’s content and less on your private information.

What About ATS Scans?

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) scan your cover letter for keywords, skills, experiences, and education. They are less interested in your physical address and whether you include it or not.

The only time an ATS might assign value to your address is if the job is location-specific. In this case, including your city and country is appropriate. You needn’t provide your street address.

Also, if your email is improperly formatted the ATS may have difficulty recognizing and parsing your cover letter, including any included address information. Keep your layout simple and stick to standard modern business letter practices. 

Pros and Cons of Including Your Address on a Cover Letter

If you're still not sure whether you should include your address on your cover letter, here are some pros and cons that should help you make up your mind:

  • Location Relevance: If the job is location-specific, including your address can demonstrate that you are local or within a commutable distance, which may be advantageous to employers. Some employers might also prefer or give priority to candidates who are already residing within the region, reducing potential relocation concerns.
  • Formality and Tradition: Including your address can convey a sense of professionalism and adherence to traditional business communication standards, which might be appreciated by some conservative industries or companies. A full address can make your cover letter appear more complete and well-structured, which could be beneficial in some formal settings.
  • Specific Instructions: If a job posting explicitly asks for a full address, including it ensures that you are following the application instructions precisely, which can reflect well on your attention to detail.
  • Privacy and Security: Including your address can expose you to privacy risks, such as identity theft or unwanted contact, especially if the email is forwarded or shared beyond the intended recipient. With increasing concerns over data breaches, minimizing personal information in digital communications can be a safer practice.
  • Irrelevance in Digital Age: Including your address takes up valuable space at the top of your cover letter, potentially pushing more relevant content further down where it might be overlooked. In the digital era, where email and online applications are the norms, physical addresses are often unnecessary information and can make your cover letter appear outdated.
  • Bias and Discrimination: Revealing your address can inadvertently introduce bias if the employer has preferences for candidates from specific areas or if they have concerns about potential relocation costs or complications. If you are applying for jobs in different cities or countries, including your address might make you seem less appealing compared to local candidates, even if you are willing to relocate.
  • Formatting Issues: Overly complex formats that include full addresses might be misinterpreted by Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), potentially impacting how your application is parsed and evaluated. A lengthy address format can clutter your cover letter, making it less visually appealing and harder to read quickly, which is crucial for keeping the hiring manager’s attention.

Looking Forward

There is more to think about beyond putting your address on a cover letter. 

To create a great cover letter, you must:

  • Highlight your relevant skills and show how they match the requirements of the job.
  • Include keywords that the ATS can match to the job description.
  • Demonstrate that you understand the company culture, products or services, and position in the industry. 
  • Mention your availability, especially if the job description lists specific start and end dates.
  • Showcase highly relevant examples from your work history that illustrate your ability to do the job.

The Final Verdict: Does a Cover Letter Need an Address?

The short answer is no. Back in the day, when people mailed in their job applications, it made sense to include both your address and the employer's. But now, with most applications being submitted online, this practice has become outdated. Plus, if you're applying for jobs in a different city or country, including your address could make you seem less appealing compared to local candidates. Instead of worrying about this old-school detail, focus on what really matters: showcasing your skills, experience, and passion for the job.

Do You Need to Include the Company’s Address on a Cover Letter? No, it is generally not necessary to include the company’s address on a cover letter, especially if you are submitting it via email. Modern business practices prioritize digital communication, and including the company’s address can make your cover letter look cluttered. Focus instead on providing your email, phone number, and relevant professional links.

Should You Include Your Own Address on a Cover Letter? Including your own physical address on a cover letter is not typically necessary in the digital age. Most employers prefer to contact candidates via email or phone. However, if the job is location-specific, you might consider including your city and state to indicate your proximity to the job location.

What Contact Information Should Be Included in a Modern Cover Letter? In a modern cover letter, you should include your name, email address, phone number, and a link to your LinkedIn profile or other relevant professional sites. This streamlined format ensures that hiring managers can easily contact you.

Are There Situations Where Including an Address is Important? Yes, if you are applying for a location-specific job and your proximity is a selling point, including your city and state might be beneficial. Additionally, some application instructions may specifically request a full address, in which case you should comply with the requirements.

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include an address on a cover letter

Should You Include an Address on a Cover Letter?

It is crucial to spend time doing the things that matter during a job search. Do you include an address on a cover letter? Don’t worry about it too much. Following outdated conventions that have no functional purpose is a waste of time.

Protocol dictates that a business letter should contain the full postal address of the writer and the postal “inside address” of the recipient. Many job search websites still include these legacy rules in their cover letter examples. They are giving poor and outdated advice. You definitely don’t need an employer “inside” address on a cover letter.

Times have changed, and modern cover letter guidance is changing with them.

Let’s consider both types of addresses. Firstly, the candidate’s home address:

A candidate needs to include their town (and maybe country for an international search) in the address section, but there are two reasons why anything more could be detrimental. Discrimination is a scientifically proven fact. Including the actual address could result in discriminatory judgements for all sorts of reasons. Secondly, with the amount of hacking and data insecurity globally, would you want your full address on hundreds of ATS databases? I wouldn’t.

Inside address on a cover letter

Then, the most significant time suck, the “inside address” of the employer:

The recipient’s address in a business letter is an age-old rule that should still be obeyed if you are sure that it is correct, and you want an ideal application. However, in a recent poll of 1,000+ career experts, 93% stated that this was not required. Trying to find the right inside address takes a lot of time, there is a high risk of getting it wrong, the hiring manager doesn’t care if it is there. It takes up valuable cover letter space that could contain a few more lines of career story. Include the hiring manager’s name, their position, and company name. That is more than enough.

Conventions are changing, and job seekers need to be confident to choose how they apply for jobs. A well-written cover letter can absolutely complement a CV. Many career experts are even questioning whether it should be seen as a “letter” that is addressed to one individual. Many people read it, it resides on a general ATS database, and it can often stay there for years, long after that individual may have left the business. In my view, it should be addressed to an appropriate person where possible. You don’t need to include their address. Save yourself a lot of time. Don’t do it.

This is not cutting corners; it is being efficient.

Think carefully about how you frame your cover letter. Your choices about addressing it are more important than you think.

This blog is shared with Job Seeker Duetists.

Written by former recruitment ghostwriter Paul Drury (not AI).


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