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Communication Skills Class 10 Notes PDF

In this chapter of class 10 Employability Skills, we will discuss the various methods of communication. This article includes all the topics covered in CBSE syllabus 2020-21. You have to study a total of 4 chapters in this unit. Here I have tried to provide you complete notes for your Class 10th board exam 2020. You can download the PDF format of all the notes in a single click. Please share with your friends.

Communication Skills Class 10

Communication Skills means how do we communicate with each other. The way of presenting our information is very important. Communication Skills include those areas which deal with our talking, writing, expressing our views. By reading this chapter you will understand how to communicate with others decently. This includes the overall development of your personality.

Session 1: Methods of Communication

Communication has three important parts:,   communication process and elements, methods of communication, choosing the right method of communication depends on, session 2: verbal communication, type of verbal communication, advantages of verbal communication,   disadvantages of verbal communication, mastering verbal communication.

  • • Think about your topic.
  • • Think about the most effective ways to make your listeners
  • Write or note down whatever you plan to say.
  • Concise and Clear
  • Speak clearly, loudly and at moderate speed.
  • Be sure the information you want to share is to the point.
  • Do not repeat the same sentences.
  • Confidence and Body Language
  • Be confident.
  • Maintain eye contact, stand straight and be attentive.
  • Be friendly.

Session 3: Non-verbal Communication

Importance of non-verbal communication, types of non-verbal communication, session 4: communication cycle and the importance of feedback, types of feedback, a good feedback is one that is:, importance of feedback, session 5: barriers to effective communication, what is effective communication, barriers to effective communication, ways to overcome barriers to effective  communication, • use simple language • do not form assumptions on culture, religion or geography • try to communicate in person as much as possible • use visuals • take help of a translator to overcome differences in language • be respectful of other’s opinions  , 7 c's of communication, session 6: writing skills — parts of speech, capitalisation rules, basic parts of speech, session 7: writing skills — sentences active and passive sentences, types of sentences, post a comment, 15 comments.

assignment on communication skills class 10

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Thanks sir. It helped a lot. And all the best for the students giving their board exams!! God bless..

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Communication Skills Class 10 Questions and Answers

Teachers and Examiners collaborated to create the Communication Skills Class 10 Questions and Answers . The team has gathered all of the important QA from Communication Skills Class 10 Questions and Answers. All of the MCQs have been organized topic wise.

Communication Skills Class 10 Questions and Answers

Session 1: methods of communication, 1. what is communication.

Answer – The act of giving, receiving, and sharing information is known as communication. Signs and signals provide information. Communication can take the form of speaking, writing, or any other medium. The word ‘Communication’ comes from the Latin word communicare, which means ‘to share’.

2. What are various elements of a communication cycle?

Answer – The various elements of a communication cycle are –

  • Sender : the person beginning the communication.
  • Message : the information that the sender wants to convey.
  • Channel : the means by which the information is sent.
  • Receiver : the person to whom the message is sent.
  • Feedback : the receiver’s acknowledgement and response to the message.

3. What is 7 C’s effective communication?

Answer – There are 7 C’s effective communication which are applicable for both written as well as oral communication. These are as follows –

  • Clear – Always say clearly, what you want to say.
  • Concise – Always use simple language and say only what is required.
  • Concrete – Always use proper words and phrases in the sentences.
  • Correct – Always use correct spelling and grammar in the sentences.
  • Coherent – Your word should be related to the main topic and your word should make sense.
  • Complete – Your message should be complete and have all the needed information.
  • Courteous – Be honest, respectful and friendly with others.

4. What are the key components of effective communication?

Answer – Effective communication involves clear expression, active listening, non-verbal cues, and feedback. It requires the ability to convey messages clearly and to understand and interpret the messages of others accurately.

5. List the various methods of communication.

Answer – The various methods of communication are –

  • Face-to-face informal communication – There is nothing better than face-to-face communication. It helps the message to be understood clearly and quickly.
  • e-mail – e-mail can be used to communicate quickly with one or many individuals in various locations. It offers flexibility, convenience and low-cost.
  • Notice/Posters – It is effective when the same message has to go out to a large group of people. Generally used for where email communication may not be effective.
  • Business Meetings – Communication during business meetings at an organisation are generally addressed to a group of people. It can be related to business, management and organisational decisions.

6. Why are communication skills important in our daily lives?

Answer – Communication skills are essential for effective interaction with others. They help in expressing thoughts, ideas, and feelings, and in understanding the perspectives of others. Good communication fosters better relationships, reduces misunderstandings, and is crucial for success in various aspects of life.

7. What are the learning objectives of communication?

Answer – Learning objectives of Effective communication are :

  • Sending, receiving and understanding the message or information
  • Development of Interposal Skills
  • To express effectively with maximum efficiency

8. Communication skills are very important for any business. Explain any two elements of a communication process.

  • Sender: the person beginning the communication.
  • Message: the information that the sender wants to convey.
  • Channel: the means by which the information is sent.
  • Receiver: the person to whom the message is sent.
  • Feedback: the receiver’s acknowledgement and response to the message.

Session 2: Verbal Communication

9. what is verbal communication and its type.

Answer – Sounds, words, language, and speech are all examples of verbal communication. Speaking is one of the most effective and often used in verbal communication methods.

  • Interpersonal Communication – This type of communication is a one – on – one communication that takes place between two people. It can be formal or informal.
  • Written Communication – This method of communication entails the use of written words. Letters, circulars, reports, manuals, SMS, social media chats, and so on are all examples. It could be a group of two or more persons.
  • Small Group Communication – When there are more than two people participating, this form of communication occurs. Each participant has the opportunity to interact and speak with the others.
  • Public Communication – The communication takes place when one individual addresses a large group of audience.

10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of verbal communication?

Answer – Advantage of verbal communication are –

Advantages of Verbal communication

  • Time Saving – We can express our thoughts easily and quickly and it is an easier form of communication.
  • Quick Feedback – We can get a quick response from the listener.

Disadvantages of verbal communication

  • Cultural Difference – The cultural difference is the main disadvantage of verbal communication
  • Language barriers – Difficult to share thoughts or ideas in different languages.

11. Write down the different types of verbal communication. Give an example for each type.

Answer – Verbal communication can be divided into two categories.

  • Oral or Spoken communication – Oral Communication involves Face-to-face communication, Teaching in classroom or talking on the phone is an example of oral or spoken communication.
  • Written Communication – Written Communication involves written or typed words. Banners, Articles, Notes, Writing letters, email, and Short Messaging Services are examples of written communication.

12. What is public speaking?

Answer – Speaking face – to – face to a live audience or in front of a large group is known as public speaking, you can use the 3Ps method to get over your fears, and become a confident speaker. The 3Ps method is – a. Prepare b. Practice c. Perform

13. Explain non-verbal and visual communication and their importance.

  • Non-Verbal Communication: It involves conveying messages without the use of words. Examples include body language, facial expressions, gestures, and eye contact.
  • Visual Communication: It includes the use of visual elements such as charts, graphs, images, and videos to convey information.

14. Identify different types of non-verbal communication.

Answer – Different types of non-verbal communication are –

  • Facial Expression – Our expressions can show different feelings, such as Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Surprise, Fear, etc.
  • Posture – Postures show our confidence and feelings. For example, a straight body posture shows confidence while a slumped posture is a sign of weakness.
  • Gestures or Body Language – Gestures include body movements that express an idea or meaning. For example, raising a hand in class to ask a question and biting nails when nervous.
  • Touch – We communicate a great deal through touch. For example, a firm handshake to display confidence and pat on the back to encourage someone.
  • Space – Space is the physical distance between two people. The space between tow persons while communicating, generally depends on the intimacy or closeness between them.
  • Eye Contact – The way we look at someone can communicate a lot. Eye contact shows that we are paying attention to the person as opposed to looking away, which can make the other person feel ignored.
  • Paralanguage – How we speak affects our communication and includes the tone, speed and volume of our voice. For example, talking fast may show happiness, excitement or nervousness while speaking slow may show seriousness or sadness.

15. What are the common mistakes in non-verbal communication.

Answer – Avoiding common mistakes in non-verbal communication is crucial for conveying messages accurately and building effective interpersonal relationships. Here are some tips to avoid these mistakes:

  • Lack of Eye Contact
  • Inappropriate Facial Expressions
  • Poor Posture
  • Ignoring Cultural Differences
  • Ignoring Tone of Voice

Session 3: Non – verbal Communication

16. what is non-verbal communication.

Answer – Without using word if you are sending some information to others is known as non- verbal communication, Some of the non – verbal communication is –

  • Eye contact
  • Expressions
  • Para Language

17. What is the importance of Non-verbal communication?

Answer – In our day-to-day communication

  • 55% communication is done using body movements, face, arms, etc.
  • 38% communication is done using voice, tone, pauses, etc.
  • only 7% communication is done using words.
  • around 93% of our communication is non-verbal.

18. What is the purpose of non – verbal communication?

  • When we communicate with the correct gestures, our message becomes more effective.
  • We can know our audience’s reaction and change our conversation accordingly if we understand nonverbal communication.
  • Using the right gestures and postures is a sign of professionalism and etiquette.
  • We can utilize our hand movements to exchange communications if verbal messages are blocked by noise, distance, or other factors. For example, placing a finger on the lips indicates the need for silence while nodding the head is the same as saying ‘yes’.

19. Type of non-verbal communication?

Answer – Type of non – verbal communication are –

  • Facial expressions – The movement and changes of the face are the facial expressions. Many times facial expressions show the feelings of a person. For example, expressing your thoughts using a smile, when we are happy, or when we are sad.
  • Posture – Postures means body of the positions, postures shows how confident you are and your emotional feelings. For example, straight body posture means confidence.
  • Gestures or Body language – Gestures means with the help of hands or head if you are sharing any idea or meaning. for example pointing, waving and using our hands when speaking.
  • Touch – Some time we communicate using touch we also share messages to others, for example hand shaking and patting on the back.
  • Space – When the two people are communicating and you will find some space between these two people depending on closeness or intimacy between them.
  • Eye contact – Maintaining eye contact is very important when you are talking about interest, whereas, looking at any other side can make the other person feel ignored.
  • Paralanguage – Tone of our voice, speed and volume that makes a difference in the meaning is a paralanguage.

20. What is Visual Communication?

Answer – Visual communication is the process of exchanging messages mainly through images or photographs. Example of visual communication are –

  • Under construction sign
  • Danger warning
  • Sign of Under CCTV surveillance

Session 4: Communication Cycle and Importance of Feedback

21. what is feedback in communication skills.

Answer – The communication cycle is incomplete without feedback. It is essential for the effective communication that the sender receives confirmation from the receiver that the message was received. The receiver provides feedback on the received message while the transmitter sends information.

Feedback can be positive or negative. A good feedback is always

22. How many types of Feedback in communication skills?

Answer – There are basically three types of feedback.

  • Positive Feedback
  • Negative Feedback
  • No Feedback

23. What are the good feedback in communication skills?

Answer – A good feedback is one that is –

  • Specific : General comment should be avoided. To clarify your statement, try to provide examples. Rather than giving advice let the receiver decide what to do with your feedback.
  • Timely : Always respond on time, because if input is delayed for too long, it loses its impact.
  • Polite : While sharing feedback is necessary, the recipient should not be insulted by the input’s language.
  • Offering continuing support : Feedback should be shared on a regular basis. Let recipients know you’re available for help once you’ve given them feedback.

24. Importance of Feedback?

Answer – Most important factors of feedback is –

  • It validates effective listening: It verifies effective listening by ensuring that the person providing feedback is understood and that their feedback is useful.
  • It motivates: People can be motivated by positive feedback to improve their working relationships and continue doing the good job that has been recognized.
  • It boosts learning: It’s critical to get feedback in order to stay on track with your goals, improve your planning, and generate better products and services.
  • It improves performance: Feedback can assist in making better judgments in order to improve and boost performance.

25. Identify how and when to give feedback.

Answer – Feedback is an important part of the communication cycle. For effective communication when sender sends information, the receiver provides feedback on the received message.

26. Explain the importance of feedback.

Answer – Importance of feedback are –

  • Validates Effective Listening: Shows you’re paying attention and understanding.
  • Motivates People: Makes people feel good and encourages them.
  • Boosts Learning: Helps us learn and improve.
  • Improves Performance and Decision Making: Points out what’s done well and where to improve.

Session 5: Barriers to effective communication

27. what is effective communication.

Answer – We now understand that communication can take three forms: nonverbal, verbal, and visual. All of these strategies, however, will only be effective if we adhere to the fundamental principles of professional communication.

Clear, Concise, Concrete, Correct, Coherent, Complete, and Courteous are the acronyms for these 7 Cs qualities.

28. Barriers of Effective Communication?

Answer – Barriers of the Effective Communication are –

  • Physical Barriers – The environmental and natural conditions that operate as a barrier in communication when conveying messages from sender to receiver are referred to as physical barriers.
  • Linguistic Barriers – A language barrier to communication is the inability to communicate using a language. The most common communication barriers are language barriers, which lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations between people.
  • Interpersonal Barriers – When a sender’s message is received differently than intended, it creates barriers to interpersonal contact. It’s also tough to communicate with someone who refuses to converse or express their emotions or opinions.
  • Organizational Barriers – Formal hierarchical structures are used to create organizations that adhere to performance standards, rules & regulations, processes, policies, and behavioral norms, among other things.
  • Cultural Barriers – When people from different cultures are unable to understand each other’s languages, it causes problems and inconveniences.

29. What are the different ways to overcome from communication barriers?

  • Use simple language
  • Try to communicate in person as much as possible
  • Do not form assumptions on culture, religion or geography
  • Take help of a translator to overcome differences in language
  • Use visuals
  • Be respectful of other’s opinions

Session 6: Writing Skills – Parts of Speech

30. what are written skills.

Answer – If you are sending any message or instruction through writing is known as written communication. Written communication is important because it communicates the message with clarity and ease.

31. How to improve writing skills

  • Improve your Vocabulary
  • Capitalization Rules
  • Punctuation
  • Basic parts of speech

32. What are the basic parts of speech in the English Language?

Answer – There are eight basic parts of speech in the English language. These are none, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction and interjection.

  • Noun – Nouns is the name of a person, place, animal or thing. This is also called ‘naming words.
  • Pronoun – A pronoun is used in place of a noun.
  • Adjectives – Adjectives are words that describe other words.
  • Verbs – Verbs are words that show action.
  • Adverbs – Adverbs are words that add meaning to verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.
  • Preposition – A preposition is a word palace before a noun or pronoun.
  • Conjunction – A conjunction is a word that connects two words, phrases, or clauses.
  • Interjection – A word used to communicate emotion is called an interjection.

33. Definition of pronunciation?

Answer – Many words in English are not pronounced the way they are spelt, so if you don’t say them right, others won’t understand what we’re saying. Pronunciation is defined as the act or style of pronouncing a word.

Session 7: Writing Skills – Sentences

34. what are the various parts of the sentence.

Answer – A subject and a verb make up a sentence. There is an object in some of the sentences. The subject is generally a noun, which is a term that refers to a person or thing who performs a specific activity.

The verb comes after the subject and indicates that something is being done. An object, which usually comes after the verb, receives the action.

There are three different types of parts of sentences – a. Subject b. Verb c. Object

35. How many types of objects are there in the English language?

Answer – Normally, the object comes after the verb phrase. The meaning of the verb determines whether or not an object is present. In English, there are two types of objects.

  • Direct – The effects of action are known as direct objects. The queries ‘what’ and ‘whom’ are answered by a direct object. Ramesh spent the entire day collecting honey. Honey is made the direct object.
  • Indirect – The queries ‘to whom’, ‘for whom’, ‘to what’, and ‘for what’ are all answered by an indirect object. In the statement “Imran gave a gift to his mother,” for example. The verb is “gave,” and there are two objects in the sentence: “gift” and “mother.”.

36. What are the Paragraphs?

Answer – A paragraph is made up of a set of sentences, and paragraphs support the reader in reading the sections by dividing the material into separate portions. If you’re writing about your school, the opening paragraph could include sentences that describe the school’s name, location, size, and other characteristics.

Reference Textbook of Class 10 Computer Chapter 1 Communication Skills

The above Unit 1 Communication Skills Class 10 was created using the NCERT Book and Study Material accessible on the CBSE official website as a reference.

Employability skills – . CBSE Academic. (n.d.). Retrieved March 10, 2022, from

You can download the employability Skills from CBSE Academic Website or you can download from CBSE Skill Education website.

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Employability skills class 10 textbook class X helps to improve the ‘soft’ skills, nowadays employers want candidates to demonstrate to show that they can work well in the organization.

These skills help to become a successful entrepreneur or if you plan to work freelance on projects with clients.

Disclaimer – 100% of the questions are taken from the CBSE textbook Class 10 Communication Skills, and our team has tried to collect all the correct questions and answers from the textbook communication skills 2 class 10. If you found any suggestion or any error please contact us [email protected].

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Class 10 Unit 1- Communication Skills – II Notes with worksheet

Class 10 unit 1 – communication skills – ii notes with worksheet.

Hello Dear Readers!

In this post, I seek to furnish you with study material based on the NCERT Book on Unit 1 Communication Skills -II. It is widely known that Employability Skills are a requirement for every Skill Education course. I sincerely hope that this study material will assist you in your exam preparation and help you secure good grades in the examination.

Let us comprehend what topics you should study for Unit 1 Communication Skills II.

Syllabus as per CBSE:

assignment on communication skills class 10

Study Material/Notes


The word communication is derived from latin word Communis or Communicare, which means to make common, i.e. to share. Communication means the exchange of ideas, thoughts, opinions, information, messages, feelings, emotions, etc.

Communication Process :-

The process of sending and receiving messages through verbal or nonverbal means including speech or oral communication, writing or written communication, signs, signals, and behaviour is called Communication Process.

F orms of communication : –

(i). Verbal Forms – communicating orally.

(ii) Non-verbal form (communicating using body language, gestures, or tone and pitch)

(iii) Written form – communicating via handwritten or printed information.

(iv) Visual form – communicating via pictures, logos, posters, maps or charts, etc.

V erbal communication :- The style of communication in which you interact with others through words i.e. orally called Verbal Communication, It is an interactive form of communication.

Pros / Advantages of verbal communication

Verbal communication has the following pros/ advantages –

  • It is straightforward to express the feelings.
  • It is an interactive form of communication.
  • It is a speedy form of communication.
  • Easy to give instant feedback.
  • The preferred form for maintaining relationships.

Cons / Disadvantages of Verbal Communication :

Verbal communication has the following cons/disadvantages-

  • Not easy to communicate to people of different region or language.
  • It require proximity.
  • No permanent records.
  • Not possible to represent legally or officially.
  • It is not a complete form of communication.
  • There are emotional barriers.

Non – Verbal communication

The process of wordless communication i.e. sending and receiving wordless messages between people using body language, gestures, and voice-tones, etc., is called Non-verbal communication.

Pros of Non-Verbal communication :-

Non-Verbal communication has the following pros/advantages-

  • Very easy to demonstrate.
  • Very useful for conveying a message where verbal is unable to reach.
  • No language barriers.
  • Conveys the messages very fast.

Cons/disadvantages of non-verbal communication: Non-Verbal communication has the following cons/disadvantages-

  • Non-verbal communication is not suitable for lengthy messages.
  • It is an incomplete form of communication.
  • Chances of misinterpretation by the receiver.
  • Regional and cultural differences are barriers for non-verbal communication.

Visual communication :

Communicating by using non-verbal mediums such as posters, logos, visual aids, sign-boards, headings, etc. called Visual Communication.

Class 10 – Communication Skills Notes with worksheet

Pros / Advantages of Visual Communication :

Visual communication has the following pros/advantages –

  • It reinforces other forms of communication.
  • It can explain things in a way which are not possible through words.
  • It clears the barrier of qualification or language.

Cons / Disadvantages of Visual Communication :

Visual communication has the following cons / disadvantages –

  • Expansive medium of communication.
  • Require specialised storing i.e. specific place and specific form of storage.
  • It is a time consuming i.e. all forms of visual aids consume time for their preparation.

Written Communication : Conveying messages or information through written means is known as written communication. Eg. Letter, Mail, etc.

Pros / Advantages of Written Communication :

Written communication has the following pros / advantages –

  • It can be recorded and stored permanently.
  • It has a legal standing than other forms of communication.
  • It facilitates re-use.
  • It can be produced in bulk or duplicated multiple times.
  • It is suitable for lengthy message and information.
  • It conveys sincerity.
  • All its copies are identical.

Cons / disadvantages of Written Communication :

Written communication has the following cons / disadvantages –

  • It is costly.
  • It is time consuming i.e. not an instant from of communication.
  • It has a barrier of qualification / languages.
  • It require a specific form of storage, so it is costly.

Examples of all forms of communication : –

Examples of different types of communication are –

  • Verbal / Oral Communication – Meeting, Teleconference, Informal Talk, Video Conference, Oral presentation, Discussions, Telephonic talk, Public speaking, Lecture.
  • Non-verbal Communication – Facial expressions, Tone of voice, Body Language, Hand movement, Gestures, Proximity, Warmth in appearance, Enthusiasm, Mood.
  • Visual Communication – Logos, Signboards, Signs, Signals, Charts, Graphs, Images, Pictures, Illustrate, Cartoons animations..
  • Written Communication – Letter, Email, Fax, Magazine, Article, Book, Document, Reports, Notices, Newsletter, Business card, Media release, Legal documents, Manuals.

Body language : – Body language is an aspect of non – verbal communication where physical behaviour is used (as opposed to or in addition to words) to convey information. Body language includes:

  • facial expressions posture
  • the use of space
  • eye movement

It’s also known as “kinesics”/ kinaesthetics.

Do’s of body language : –

Do’s of body language –

  • Make Eye Contact
  • Have a firm handshake
  • Check your facial expression.
  • Be natural with your gestures.
  • Maintain a receptive posture.
  • Refrain from sending mismatched messages
  • Watch for actions that can be taken for defensiveness.
  • Don’t appear disengaged.

Don’ts of body language : –

Don’ts of body language –

  • Rubbing your hands together during an important meet up
  • Leaning back while meeting with a friend or close colleague.
  • Crossing your arms during an interesting conversation.
  • Not making eye contact.
  • Making too much eye contact.
  • Touching your face too often.

Learning objectives of effective communication : – Learning objective of effective communications are

  • Sending, receiving and understanding the message or information
  • Development of Interpersonal Skills
  • To express effectively with maximum efficiency

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Class 10 – Communication Skills 50+ most important qui z

Communication Cycle

Communication cycle is the process by which a message is sent by one individual, and it passes through a chain of recipients.

Elements of Communication

Elements of Communication are :-

(a) Sender (Communicator)

(b) Receiver

(c) Message

(d) Communication Channel

(e) Response / feedback.

Feedback ensures the successful delivery of message. Feedback completes a two-way communication.

Important of Feedback in communication?

Feedback is important as it ensures the success and effectiveness of communication. Without feedback, the sender cannot find if the message intended has been successfully delivered with the same intent.

Characteristics of Feedback

Feedback has following characteristics :

a) Intention

b) Specific

c) Fair and Non-judgmental

d) Timeliness

e) Usefulness

Types of Feedback?

Feedback can be in various forms and types. These are

a) Formal & Informal Feedback

b) Descriptive and Non-descriptive Feedback

c) Specific and Non-specific Feedback.

Formal & Informal Feedback

Formal Feedback – In formal feedback, receiver gives the feedback in the preset format or structure. It has many predefined points and has a specific blueprint. It takes times to construct.

Informal Feedback – is an instant feedback and does not stick to a specific structure. Such as instant comments given by listener or audience. Eg. Good, Sorry, etc.

Descriptive & Non-Descriptive Feedback

Non-Descriptive Feedback – The feedback which conveys meaningful specific response but does note give detailed descriptions, called Non-Descriptive Feedback. Eg.

“In your homework, index needs to rewrite”

Descriptive Feedback – A feedback which provides meaningful information in a detailed, expressive manner and also contained some suggestions etc, called Descriptive Feedback. Eg.

“In your homework, you have not written the index properly. You need to mention the data, chapter number and chapter name”

Specific & Non-Specific Feedback

Specific Feedback – The specific feedback talks about a thing or a point particularly without taking about a general overview. Example-

“I like your story. It is good”

Non-Specific Feedback – In Non-Specific feedback, they talks about everything while giving a general overview. It does not pinpoint a specific thing / feature. Eg.

“I like the way you described your super hero character. It makes me feel like I know him very well. It is good. I love your story.”

Effective Communication

Effective communication is a two-way communication process where both parties (i.e. sender and receiver) have right and convenience to express their messages, opinions, facts, information etc.

Principles of Effective Communication

Effective communication has some principles which need to be follows. These are –

(a) Clarity – should be clear and easy understandable.

(b) Attention – receiver must be attentive.

(c) Consistency – consistent with the planned objective.

(d) Adequacy – information must be complete and adequate.

(e) Timeliness – message must be given at proper time, otherwise communication will lose its importance and effectiveness.

(f) Feedback – receiver must give the feedback to sender.

(g) Economy – communication process must be cost effective i.e. less costly.

Class 10 – Communication Skills 50+ most important question answer

The 7C’s of Effective Communication

7 C’s of Effective communication – are the set of rules which must be followed by sender while creating the messages. These rules are –

(i) Control – Control over yourself, body language, tone, pace, etc..

(ii) Conversational – must be two-way communication i.e. try to converse to involves the other person.

(iii) Confident – Sender must be confident.

(iv) Competent – deliver of message in a way which can be understand by receiver i.e. sender must be competent to deliver the same message differently.

(v) Calm – sender must be calm and relaxed.

(vi) Clear – Be clear in message, i.e. easy to understand by receiver.

(vii) Concise – Always be specific, don’t waste valuable time. Always deliver in a short and concise way.

Barriers in Effective Communication?

Barriers in communication are –

(i) Lingual Factor / Language Barriers

(ii) Environmental Fact

(iii) Past Experiences / Past habbits

(iv) Cultural Influence

(v) Prejudice / Preconceptions

(vi) Feelings / Emotions / Mood

(vii) Personal Factors / Lack of confidence

What is Sentence?

A sentence is a group of words giving a complete thought. A sentence must contain a subject and a verb. There are three types of sentences – (a) Simple Sentence (b) Compound Sentences and (c) Complex Sentences.

Simple Sentence

A simple sentence is one independent clause that has a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought. • Must have a subject and a verb. • Must express a complete thought. • Must only have one clause. Examples • I am out of paper for the printer. • Will you help me with the math homework?

Compound Sentence

A compound sentence allows us to share a lot of information by combining two or more related thoughts into one sentence. Example :- I drove to the office, and then I walked to the cabin.

Complex Sentence

Answer: A complex sentence is a sentence that combines one independent clause with at least one dependent clause. Example:- •Although Rohan had some doubts, he found the courses very useful. •Computers have come a long way since they first came on the market.

What is Phrases?

Phrases are a group of words that work together to communicate an element of speech.

Types of phrases are – i) Prepositional Phrases ii) Participial Phrase iii) Appositive Phrase. iv) Gerund Phrase v) Infinitive Phrase

Parts of Sentence

Answer: Every sentence can be broken into two parts-

a) Complete Subject – The complete subject consists of simple subject ( The noun or the pronoun is the subject is about) and its modifiers b) Complete Predicate – The complete predicate is made of up of verb and its modifiers.

The old man built a road.

the subject is – “the old man”

the predicate is – “built a road”

What is Object?

The object is a part of the predicate. Object tell about the things being acted upon by the verb.

  • the object is – ‘ a road’
  • the verb is – ‘ built’

What is Parts of Speech?

A category to which a word is assigned in accordance with its syntactic functions.

In English the main parts of speech are noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection.

Types of Parts of Speech with example

There are eight parts of speech in English. These are

(i) Noun – A word for a person, place of things. e.g. – Rama, Chennai, Box, Info Tech, democracy, gravity, etc.

(ii) Pronoun – A word that stands in for a noun i.e. to use in place of noun. e.g. he, she, I, we, they, him, her, me, us, them.

(iii) Adjective -A word that describes the noun or pronoun. e.g. green – ‘green leaf’, young in ‘young girl’

(iv) Verb – A doing word. e.g. cried, jump, read, like, etc.

(v) Adverb – A word that describes an adjective, adverb or verb. e.g. quickly, slowly, carefully, etc.

vi) Preposition – A word that shows the position in time or space i.e. shows relationships. e.g. on, over, for, besides, etc.

vii) Conjunction – A word that connects two sentences together i.e. joining words. Eg. and, but, or, because.

viii) Interjection – A word of surprise. Eg. hey, well, now, so, Wow!, Oh my!

ix) Article – A word that introduces a noun. e.g. a, an, the

What is Quantifiers?

The words that describe the quantity or amount of a noun are called quantifiers. e.g. much, many, little, few, bit, several, etc.

Countable Nouns

Countable nouns are those which can be counted. Countable noun can be used in both singular and plural forms e.g, books, apples, pens, phones, rooms, glasses, etc.

Uncountable Nouns

Uncountable nouns are those which cannot be counted. Uncountable noun can be used in singular forms e.g, books, apples, pens, phones, rooms, glasses, etc.

Quantifiers for Countable & Uncountable Nouns

Quantifiers are used when we want to give information about number or quantity of a noun.

much, a little, little, very little, a bit, a great deal of, a large amount of, a large quantity of , a bit ofmany, a few, few, very few, a number, several, a large number of, a great number of, a majority of, couple of

Quantifiers that can be used with both Countable & Uncountable Nouns

all, enough, more, most, less, least, no, none, not any, some, any, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, heaps of, tons of, loads of

What is Article Writing?

Article writing is the process of creating a non-fiction text about current or recent news, items of general interest or specific topics.

Format of Article writing


What is a Paragraph?

A paragraph is a series of sentences that are organized and coherent, and are all related to a single topic.

A paragraph is a group of sentences that describes one idea.

Parts of a Paragraph

A paragraph is having different parts –

a. Topic sentences

b. Supporting details

c. Colourful vocabulary

d. Concluding sentences

Rules for writing a good paragraph are :-

A basic rule of writing a paragraph is –

A paragraph represent one idea., if you have to write about different idea, start a new paragraph.

To write a good paragraph, you need to follow these rules –

a) Write an Outline for the Paragraph – (i) topic and (ii) supporting information of the topic

b) Write the topic sentence – that describe the topic.

c) Write supporting sentences for each outline, with the help of example or facts.

d) Write the concluding sentence, i.e. sum up the idea of the paragraph.

e) Combine all the lines to get your final paragraph.

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Communication Skills: Ultimate Guide for CBSE Class 10

by Shweta | Last updated Oct 11, 2022 | CBSE Class 10

Effective communication is a crucial employability skill. Communication Skills is the first component of CBSE classes 9 and 10 Employability Skills unit of many courses such as Artificial Intelligence (417), Information Technology (402), etc. Employability Skill is a full fledged course in itself for classes 9 and 10.

At the end of this lesson you will be able to:

  • Discuss the various communication methods
  • Provide appropriate feedback
  • Gain knowledge of techniques to overcome communication barriers
  • Manage stress effectively
  • Develop ability to work independently
  • Gain basic writing skills

Table of Contents

  • What is communication
  • Importance of feedback
  • What is stress and how to manage it
  • Working independently
  • Writing skills in English
  • Lesson recap

What is Communication

Communication is the ability to exchange ideas with each other. Communication must take place between two or more parties, where the party maybe a single person, an organisation or a group of people.  

The person who wants to share some information is the sender while the person or group of persons who receives this information is the receiver . It is the responsibility of the sender to ensure that the information is understood completely and correctly by the receiver.

Therefore it is very important to use the correct language and keep the cultural background of the other party in mind when communicating. If you fail to make the other person understands what you want to convey, it is failure of communication.

To ensure success of communication, the sender must know what the aim of the communication is, so that he or she may ascertain that it has been effective.

Methods of communication

There are three acceptable methods of communication:

  • Verbal : Communication through the use of words, be it written or spoken, is called verbal communication .
  • Non-verbal : Communication through the use of signs and body language, without any use of words, is called non-verbal communication .
  • Visual : Sharing of ideas and information by making others see what you want to communicate is called Visual communication .

Verbal communication

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Verbal communication may occur face to face, as in meetings and personal interview, over the telephone, through letters, lectures and seminars. In the modern world, e-mail messages, chatting and video conferencing are also popular. Verbal communication is the most popular form of communication in both personal and professional lives because it enables you to share your feelings,  start a relationship even with stranger, ask for help immediately and assess whether your information is being understood by the receiver or not.

Non-verbal communication

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If you think you are not communicating anything while you are sitting silently, you are grossly mistaken. Despite the importance of spoken or written words during communication, importance of silence or not speaking anything cannot be underestimated.

The way you sit, the erectness of your posture, the way your hands are held, the type of dress you are wearing, your facial expressions, everything convey many things about your personality, current state of your mind, your stress levels, etc. So you must be careful even when you are not directly engaging with someone by talking.

Being silent also enables you to listen to others and understand what they want to share. As it is, your body speaks for you even when you are silent. Here are some things to keep in mind about body language:

  • Always sit or stand straight, look the other person in the eyes and speak clearly.  However you should take care not to stare are the other person and make them uncomfortable. Also, speaking clearly never implies speaking loudly.
  • Always be properly dressed according to the occasion. For example, if you are going for a formal meeting, you must wear formal shoes besides formal dress. However if you are going out with friends for coffee you can be dressed casually. In fact you should be dressed casually so that you feel relaxed and enjoy. It has been observed that the way you dress reflects in the way you behave as well.

Visual communication

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A picture is worth a thousand words. When you use images, real objects, models, charts and graphs, etc. while communicating, others can understand you better. This is so because people are able to understand better when they see something as compared to read or listen.  That is why creating presentation for meetings, be it in-house or with clients, is becoming mandatory nowadays.

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A typical communication cycle starts with a sender having ideas about what they want to communicate. This idea is converted to a concrete message in the form of an email message, PowerPoint presentation, training material, etc. (the encoding part). This message is sent through a communication channel. This channel may be the e-mail service provider, training classes, telephonic conversations, face-to-face interviews, etc. The receiver decodes this message upon receiving.  After decoding the message, they give a response to the sender. The response that a receiver provides to the sender in a communication channel is called feedback . This feedback may be of these two types:

  • An action or decision that needs to be taken as per the communication
  • More information required for understanding the communication completely

You know that a communication is complete only when the desired action is taken.

How communication cycle plays out in real life

Let us take an example to understand this whole process. Suppose you want physics lab manual from your friend because you were absent during some physics lab period. You call up your friend on the phone and ask him to bring the manual the next day. In this whole communication, you are the sender. The request or instruction please bring your physics lab manual tomorrow to school is the message . 

Upon hearing your request your friend may ask you  the experiment that you want to copy from them because they want to cross check whether they have that experiment recorded in the manual or not.  This is your friend’s feedback about your message. It tells you that your communication was not complete to get the desired result, that is copy a certain experiment from your friend’s physics lab manual.  

In order to achieve your goal , you need to provide additional information. Ideally your original message itself should have been something like this:

I need to copy experiment 10 from your physics lab manual. If you have it please bring the manual tomorrow.

The feedback from your friend ensures that when your friend brings the manual for you they actually have the right information you want.

Importance of feedback in communication

No communication is complete without feedback because communication must always be two-way between the two parties concerned. A two-way communication means that there is exchange of ideas between the sender and the receiver. Two way communication or feedback is important due to these reasons:

  • Feedback makes communication more effective by filling the gaps. If there were some things that were not missing during communication, feedback ensures that the missing information is provided to the receiver.
  • Feedback is essential to make a system run in a better way. For example, when you are studying in class, if you do not tell the teacher what you are unable to understand a certain point, the teacher will not be able to explain it to you more clearly and in a different way.
  • Feedback captures the receiver’s ideas , which might be valuable in improving and gaining more knowledge. For example, you have made a project for your social science exhibition. When you present the project to your tutor or even classmate, they may share their own ideas on how to improve it. Some part of their feedback might be really useful in making your project better.

Types of feedback

The feedback received or provided can be categorised in many ways, like intention of the person giving the feedback or level of detailing in the feedback. You will learn about these types of feedback here:

  • Non-specific
  • Constructive
  • Descriptive

Specific feedback

Feedback that goes into specific details like what parts are exactly good and what parts improvement how improvement could be achieved, etc. is called specific feedback . It helps the sender in understanding why his communication was effective, so that it may be repeated the next time.

Non-specific feedback

As opposed to specific feedback, some feedback are very vague and do not give any details. A feedback that only says whether the communication was good or bad, in a generic manner, is called non-specific feedback .

For example, after your drawing competition, one of the judges tells you that you are good. On the other hand another judge tells you that you are strokes were very bold or colours were very striking or the overall concept was very good. The first judge has given a non-specific feedback while the second judge has given you a specific or constructive feedback.

Positive feedback

Telling someone what they have done correctly is called positive feedback . It helps the person receiving the feedback to know what their strengths are and what activities they do well so that they may continue doing the same thing for continued success. For example, if your teacher tells you that you are good in writing essays, you will definitely attempt more long answer type questions in the exam and participate in writing competitions. If a manager tell his team member that she is good in handling people, she would volunteer for client meeting and answering customer queries in future.

Negative feedback

Telling someone about where they have gone wrong is called negative feedback .  If you think that no feedback would be better than negative feedback because it may hurt someone sentiments, you are wrong.  Negative feedback is much better than not getting any feedback at all. Negative feedback enables you to know what part of yourself or your performance you need to improve.

Constructive feedback

Feedback that tells you only whether you are good or bad does not help in improving yourself tangibly. Constructive feedback points out the specific area where you are good and how you can make it even better. In case of negative feedback, the person giving the feedback tells you where you went wrong and how you can improve it. This makes even negative feedback constructive and useful.

Descriptive feedback

Feedback maybe written or oral.  Written feedback in the form of comments or detailed conversation discussing it is called descriptive feedback . It is more applicable to situations where a teacher or trainer is trying to make others learn something.

Have you noticed that when you submit your copies for correction to your teachers, they often write out complete answers if you have written anything wrong? If you have done something good, they write encouraging comments. This is giving descriptive feedback.

In case of a professional training, the trainer might sit with each trainee and discuss about how useful the training was to them.  What were the activities or areas that the trainee found most appropriate whereas what were the areas that were boring or even irrelevant?  This conversation can help both the trainer and trainee in giving and receiving feedback. If this feedback are incorporated by both the parties, the next training could be much more useful and relevant for all parties involved.  

Descriptive feedback helps the learner to evaluate his or her own performance in depth.

Barriers to Effective Communication

Anything that prevents successful communication is a communication barrier . Just to remind you, a communication that achieves its goal is a successful communication. At the onset of a communication you must be aware of why you want to communicate. This “ why” is the goal of your communication. Let us look at some of the most common barriers to communication.

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Physical barriers

The environmental condition that act as a barrier to communication between the receiver and sender is called physical barrier . Factors like noise, technical issues, etc. form the physical barrier. For example, if the microphone being used to address a large gathering of people is not functioning properly, those at the back may not be able to listen to what is being said.  

Language barriers

Obstacles created during communication if the sender and receiver do not speak the same language is called language barrier .  Language barrier does not pertain only to difference in language but also to difference in dialect, use of phrases, colloquial aspect of language, etc.

Cultural barriers

The problems that arise during communication due to cultural differences between the sender and the receiver is called cultural barrier . The way a person communicates with or receives communication from another person depends upon the culture to which they belong. This is because culture shapes their thinking process, body language, communication norms, etc.  For example, some cultures promote looking into the eye while talking whereas some cultures take it to be rude.

Personal barriers

The barriers that are personal to the sender or the receiver and affect the successful outcome of the communication are called personal barriers . These barriers could be due to different emotional levels of maturity, past experiences, physical disabilities, etc.

Measures to overcome barriers in effective communication

Communication barriers must be removed partially or completely before any effective and successful communication may take place. Let us look at some of the ways in which the barriers discussed about may be overcome:

Be clear about what you want

You should have a very clear cut goal for your communication. Also, the message that you send out in the form of telephonic conversation, presentation, e-mail, departmental memo, training material, etc. should be very clear. You will learn more about characteristics of communication later in this lesson.

Use correct communication channel

The choice of communication channel must be correct. If you try to give lots of instructions over the phone, the receiver might not remember all of them afterwards. It is best to send list of instructions through e-mail or written memos. Similarly, if your teacher tries to teach you a concept only through smart board presentation will you be able to understand? Not necessarily. In this case it would be best to explain verbally and then use the presentation as an add-on information tool.

Use simple language while communicating

All communication, whether it is written or oral or visual, must use simple and easy to understand language. This is not the time to show off your expertise in the language. Your aim is to get the message across to the receiver.

Communicate what your audience wants

Always keep the need of your audience in mind while preparing communication material. If you try to impose your own ideas without incorporating their needs, the audience will not be receptive to your message and hence all your efforts will go waste.

Use correct body language

As you know, body language is very important in sharing your intent behind the message. So always use positive body language, do not get aggressive, never use foul language and be  conscious of whether your audience is interested or not. For example, if you have written an e-mail, read it at least once to check if it is interesting till the last word. If not, the receiver would simply stop reading the message midway and your communication will fail.

Remove linguistic barriers to communication

If you are going to communicate with someone who doesn’t speak your language, you must learn the language or use an interpreter or translator.  Even if you are sending message to someone in the same language it would be good if you take care of the colloquial phrases used by people living in the same geographical area as your receiver.

Get to know the receiver’s culture

If you are communicating with people of a different culture, you need to know about the cultural differences, especially with reference to body language, speaking norms, etc.  

Always get feedback on your communication

Getting feedback helps you in improving your communication the next time. Do not shy away from receiving feedback because you fear you might receive a negative feedback. Even if the other person is not giving the negative feedback constructively, you should use it to identify areas that need improvement.

7 Cs of Communication

As evident from the communication cycle image, there are seven elements of the communication channel, namely, sender, ideas, encoding, communication channel, receiver, decoding, and feedback.

Basically, sender has some ideas about the messages that he wants to send the receiver. The sender uses mechanisms like writing messages, creating presentations, collecting photographs, etc.  and sends it through an appropriate communication channel. This channel maybe email, telephone call, video call, conference, etc. the receiver tries to understand the message when he receives it. Then the receiver provides a feedback to the sender so that they may know that the message has been understood correctly.

Feedback helps in improving communication but it would be better if you start by framing a message that is effective.

Here you will learn how to create a message that conforms to the 7 C’s of effective communication.

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The most important aspect of any communication is that it must be easily understood. This is possible only if you are clear about what you want to communicate. If you are not sure yourself, you cannot expect the receiver to understand your ideas correctly.

You should use minimum amount of words and sentences to convey your message. Many people think that if they explain their message exhaustively the other person would be able to understand it better. However if you send a long message, whatever the communication channel, the other person is less likely to go through everything and comprehend it. You should try to keep your communication brief and to the point. For example if you share or present a PowerPoint Presentation with 42 slides in it, you are bound to lose your audience’s attention midway.

Here are some tips to create concise messages:

  • Do not repeat anything again and again in different words.
  • Touch upon only the fact without sharing your own perspective about them unless your perspective is important for taking a decision

Being concise and to the point should not mean you are so cryptic that you are unable to convey your message completely. You must share the most essential points of your idea so that even the receiver is completely focused on the key points. If you do not convey all the main points about your product you are likely to lose potential customers.

You must check your message for correctness again and again before sharing it. Here correctness includes use of right vocabulary, no grammatical errors, no errors in names and salutations, and use of the right technical terms according to audience’s level of understanding. If you do not communicate correctly, the receiver will be biased against your communication even in future. So incorrect communication not only affects your current message but your future messages as well.

The message that you are trying to convey must be coherent. It means that all the ideas present in it should be logically related and present a unified single idea. If you try to convey too many messages together, the audience or the receiver may get confused.  This is especially applicable when you are writing emails or creating reports.  Each sentence must relate to the previous one as well as the next one logically.  You should try to keep one message for one topic. If you must include more than one topics, you must make it clear that now you would be touching upon another topic which is not entirely related to the first one.

The message you send must have all the information that the receiver might need to take an action or make a decision. For example if you are advertising a product, you must  explicitly mention what you want  your audience to do –  buy the product,  send an email or an SMS, login to their website to participate in some competition, etc.

If your message is not complete, you might have to re-send messages, which can eat into your time as well and money. Complete messages also have a better chance of persuading the receiver to agree to your ideas.

Whether you are communicating with customers, subordinates, team members, or senior management, your tone must always be courteous. You will be able to achieve more with your communication and make greater impact if your messages are free of discourteous words, insult or veiled threats.

If you are sharing feedback or an idea as a response to the other person’s prior action, you must be even more careful to speak or write with respect. Because you have a greater chance of showing your displeasure.

Here are some ways in which you can ensure courteousness in your communication:

  • Emphasize on use of you rather than I or we
  • Understand the other person’s perspective rather than imposing your own
  • Always be positive and result oriented in your communication
  • Show interest in your receiver before expecting them to show interest in what you have to convey

What is Stress and how to handle it

The pressure felt by a person due to demanding or difficult situations is called stress . Some amount of stress is necessary for preparing ourselves to deal with difficult circumstances. However, high level of stress that continues for a long period of time is unhealthy for everyone. Some of the negative effects of stress include:

  • Decreased performance levels
  • Sleeping disorders
  • Poor digestion
  • Reduction in capacity to think and/or remember
  • Poor communication skills

You can see that stress causes emotional, physical as well as psychological problems. So we should be able to identify stress and know how to handle it.

Stress Management

Managing a person’s stress levels by using various techniques and therapies is called stress management .  

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Stress Management Techniques

Stress management techniques can broadly be categorised into professional stress management and self-help. If a person’s stress levels reach dangerous proportion and do not let him or her function properly, professional stress management is required. It entails therapies given by healthcare professionals.

On the other hand, lower level of stress can be managed by the person themselves if they are aware of their own condition. This can be identified by the symptoms being shown. The effects or symptoms of stress have already been discussed above. Let us now look at some of the stress management techniques that you can use easily.

Physical exercise

Physical exercise releases hormones that help the body to fight stress. It also reduces stress symptoms like sleep disorder, low energy levels, depression, digestive disorders, etc. So physical exercise should be part of everyone’s daily routine. It is not necessary that you do exercises for an hour every day; even 15 to 20 minutes of exercises is sufficient to relieve stress.

Yoga and meditation

Stress is caused when our mind is unable to deal with the pressure to do something. This something could be securing good marks in examination, landing a good job, getting promotions, performing well, etc. Yoga and meditation calm your mind and enable you to deal with difficult and unexpected situations without coming under stress.

Taking regular breaks

Taking break from your regular environment, which is instrumental in causing stress, is essential for managing stress.  You as a student should take break from your studies to go cycling with friends or play outdoor games so that the change in environment causes your mind and body to relax.  

Mind you, playing on mobile and PlayStation tires your mind and body even further, so they cannot be counted as break to relieve stress. Professionals need to go on vacation once in a while so that they can forget about the pressure at work and enable their mind and bodies to relax and heal.

Enjoying with family and friends

Being sincere and hardworking, whatever your age and work profile, does not mean that you should not enjoy life with family and friends. Your friends and family help you to highlight the good things in life, so you should spend time with them to unwind and relax. For students, Board examinations are very stressful because of the pressure to perform. So they need to close their books once in a while, maybe every couple of days, and enjoy time out with their friends or family members without worrying about the coming exams.

Taking nature walks

Nature has its own way of healing your body and mind. So whenever you feel stressed, you should go out for a walk in natural surroundings like gardens and parks. A vacation in natural surroundings like hilly areas, sea beaches, villages is located deep in jungles, is supposed to be a sure shot way of managing stress. Mind you, this location could be situated very near to where you live but you have never explored them.

Working Independently

Whether you work on your own or as part of a team, you need to be able to work independently. Working independently means that you can complete the tasks assigned to you without any supervision. When you work as part of a team, you need to be able to communicate and collaborate with others to complete task assigned to your team. In a team, the work must be broken down into activities that can be completed by individual members. So even when as part of a team, eventually you have to work on your own to achieve the targets assigned specifically to you.

To work independently you need to have certain skills such as self-awareness, self-motivation and self-regulation. Let us now discuss these terms now.

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Self- awareness

Knowledge about one’s own feelings, emotions and capabilities is called self-awareness . Self-awareness is very essential to be able to work independently because it empowers you to identify what you are good at and which areas you need to improve upon. The self-aware person compares their own actions to those of their contemporaries and tries to analyse whether they are right or wrong. In this process, they are able to improve their skills, personality and performance.

As a student, you should be aware of your own strengths and weaknesses. You should know subjects that you are good at, the skills that you possess and topics that excite you. But you also need to identify the subjects where you need to work harder and skills that you need to acquire to succeed in life. When you know these things about yourself you will be able to achieve happiness and satisfaction, the ultimate aim of all human beings.

These are some of the things that you can do to increase your self-awareness about yourself:

  • Write down your short term as well as long term goals. Short term goal could be achievements in your board exams whereas long term goals could be where you see yourself 5 or 10 years down the line.
  • Take feedback from othere. Ask your close friends and family members to describe you. Listen to what they say attentively because they might be able to see things in you that you could not see yourself.
  • Build the habit of self-reflection. Think about your actions, your choices, your feelings and emotions regularly, maybe once a week.  This is called self-reflection .  Self-reflection enables you to analyse your behaviour and improve it further. When you grow up you should do this every day because as an adult you do so many things, make so many choices and meet new people every day.
  • Practice yoga and meditation every day.  It increases your mental health, as discussed earlier, and helps you become more self-aware.
  • Test yourself. You can also take personality and psychometric tests that are readily available on the Internet to access your own personality. However take care to select the established ones so that you do not end up getting wrong information about yourself. Also, always take these tests in consultation with your parents.


The reason why we should do a certain task is called motivation .  The ability to do what you should, without anyone else asking you to do so is called self-motivation . Whenever you do something, you always work towards a goal; you have some target to achieve, a deadline to meet or finances to manage.  You must motivate yourself to meet your goals. When you are working with others or in a team, you are accountable to your team members and have to meet the team targets. These things motivate you.

However, when you work on your own, you must set your own targets and do them without anyone else monitoring you.

As a student, you must study on your own. That means, you are working independently. In certain situations you need to motivate yourself to keep studying. You could remind yourself of the target that you have set for yourself – maybe in terms of marks that you want to score, college that you want to go to or some family record that you want to break – to keep yourself motivated. Remember that you need to break down your goals into smaller achievable tasks so that you keep hitting milestones on your way to the final goal and feel motivated.


Taking responsibility for one’s own learning and improvement is called self-regulation .  It is most relevant in case of people who are trying to learn something. As a student you need to regulate yourself so that you can gain the required knowledge.  Self-regulation has three steps:

  • Doing self-study
  • Monitoring the outcome of self-study
  • Making changes to improve the outcome of self-study

While self-regulating your studies, you start with studying yourself from what you have been taught by your teachers as well as other study materials.  Once you have studied a topic, you need to take a test to find out how much you have actually learnt. Then you need to study again to fill the gaps in your understanding.

Writing Skills in English

The first thing that you must have learnt in English was the alphabets.  Alphabets are used to build words and the words are written together meaningfully to form sentences. When you want to send a written message sentences are the basic building blocks of the message. In this section we are going to look at some aspects of writing well on whatever topic given

Parts of speech

There are eight parts of speech – noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, conjunction, preposition and interjection. We will discuss each of them now.

Name of a place, person, thing, animals, etc., is called noun . For example:

Radha is going to school.

In this sentence Radha is the noun.

Any word a group of words that replace a noun is called a pronoun . Some examples of pronoun include he, she, it, they, we, ours, etc. Example of pronoun in a sentence:

Mohan is going to the market.   He is carrying a large yellow umbrella.

Here the word he is being used in place of Mohan and hence it is a pronoun.

Any word that describes a noun is called an adjective . In the sentence “ He is carrying a large yellow umbrella” the word umbrella is also a noun and yellow is describing it. So “yellow” is an adjective

A word or group of words that show an action is called verb . In the sentence “ Mohan is going to the market” , going is the action word and hence it is a verb.

A word a group of words that tell you something more about the verb is called an adverb . For example,

Latika writes beautifully .

In the above sentence the word beautifully give me more information about the verb writes, so beautifully is an adverb of writes .


A word that establishes a relationship between noun, pronoun or phrases with other parts of the sentence is called a preposition. Examples of prepositions are above, below, in, under, above, outside, etc.

The car is parked inside the garage.

 Here the word inside is a preposition.


A word or group of words that joins words, phrases or sentences together is called conjunction . Examples of conjunctions – and, because, but, for, or, etc.

Example of conjunction used in a sentence:

The cat is hiding under the bed because a dog has come with the guests.


A word or a group of words that express emotions are called interjection .  Interjections are usually followed by an exclamation mark.  Examples of interjection are wow, ouch, hey, oh, etc.

Example of interjection used in a sentence:

Oh! It’s so hot outside.

Parts of Sentence

  • Sentences have two parts – subject and predicate.

Subject contains the person, place, animal or thing that we are talking about in that sentence. It could be a noun or pronoun. Predicate is the part that contains what we are saying about that subject.

For example, look at this sentence:

assignment on communication skills class 10

Basically the noun of the sentence is the subject and rest of the sentence forms the predicate.

assignment on communication skills class 10

A group of words that do not form a complete sentence but have a meaning of their own are called phrases .  For example, in the water, for three hours, in the park, near the gate, a dozen oranges, etc.

 Features of a phrase:

  • It cannot begin with a capital letter
  • It does not end with the punctuation mark
  • It does not make complete sense though it is meaningful
  • It does not have a verb
  • If you add a verb or a subject to it, it makes a complete sentence

 The children are playing in the park.

 Here, in the park is a phrase.

assignment on communication skills class 10

Kinds of Sentence

We categorise sentences into different kinds depending on the situation we are using them in,

For example, if you want to give an instruction to your younger brother you would say go to the market. If you are asking a question you would say are you going to the market?

This is look at the different kinds of sentences that we use

  • Declarative sentences – Sentences in which you speak about a true fact or your ideas are declarative sentences. They can be both positive and negative. For example: I like to watch movies. The sun rises in the east.
  • Interrogative sentences – Sentences that ask a question are called interrogative sentences. They end with a question mark. For example: Is that your sister? Where do you live?
  • Imperative sentence – Sentences which give a command or make a request or make a suggestion are called imperative sentences. These sentences may end with a full stop or an exclamation mark. For example: Please bring me a glass of water. (request) You should brush your teeth twice a day. (suggestion) You must drink milk every day. (command)
  • Exclamatory sentences – Sentences used to express very strong emotions are called exclamatory sentences. They always end with an exclamation mark.  For example: Wow! This is so beautiful! My team performed fantastically!

A , an and the are called articles . They are used before nouns and used to clarify which person or thing you are referring to in a sentence.

 For example,

The moon is visible at night.

A boy was going to school.

I want to eat an apple.

 Here some points you should remember about articles:

  • “A” and “an” can refer to indefinite things. So these are called indefinite articles . For example, A dog is sleeping under the tree.  This is an orange.
  • “The” is used to refer to a particular person or thing in a sentence. So “the” is a definite article. For example, I forgot my phone at the shop.  
  • Definite article is not used before names of persons, languages, games, plural words, uncountable nouns, and names of plants.

Construction of Paragraph

A sequence of related sentences make a paragraph . When you have to write many things about a topic, you write in one or more paragraphs to express yourself clearly and effectively. Here are some points you must keep in mind while constructing a paragraph:

  • One paragraph should have only one idea. If you move on to another idea, you should start a new paragraph.
  • The first sentence of the paragraph should state the main idea. Sentences after that should support that main idea.
  • All the sentences of the paragraph should be clearly understandable.
  • No paragraph should really be more than half a page or 6 to 7 sentences. Long paragraphs make understanding the idea being discussed difficult.
  • A paragraph should be complete in itself.  If you want to break an idea into multiple paragraphs because one paragraph will be too long, you must have a single sub idea in each paragraph.

Recap of the lesson

After such a long lesson, a recap of concepts covered is in order!

  • Communication is the ability to exchange ideas with each other.
  • To ensure success of communication, the sender must know what the aim of the communication is.
  • There are three acceptable methods of communication – verbal , non-verbal and visual .
  • Communication through the use of words, be it written or spoken is called verbal communication .
  • Communication through the use of signs and body language, without any use of words, is called non-verbal communication .
  • Visual communication is sharing of ideas and information by making others see what you want to communicate.
  • Verbal communication is the most popular form of communication in both personal and professional lives.
  • The response that a receiver provides to the sender in a communication channel is called feedback .
  • No communication is complete without feedback.
  • Feedback that goes into specific details like what parts are exactly good and what parts improvement how improvement could be achieved, etc. is called specific feedback.
  • A feedback that only says whether the communication was good or bad, in a generic manner, is called non-specific feedback .
  • Telling someone what they have done correctly is called positive feedback .
  • Telling someone about where they have gone wrong is called negative feedback.
  • Constructive feedback points out the specific area where you are good and how you can make it even better.
  • Written feedback in the form of comments or detailed conversation discussing it is called descriptive feedback .
  • Anything that prevents successful communication is a communication barrier.
  • The environmental condition that act as a barrier to communication between the receiver and sender is called physical barrier .
  • Obstacles created during communication if the sender and receiver do not speak the same language is called language barrier .
  • The problems that arise during communication due to cultural differences between the sender and the receiver is called cultural barrier .
  • The barriers that are personal to the sender or the receiver and affect the successful outcome of the communication are called personal barriers.
  • Communication barriers must be removed partially or completely before any effective and successful communication may take place.
  • The most important aspect of any communication is that it must be easily understood.
  • You should use minimum amount of words and sentences to convey your message.
  • The message that you are trying to convey must be coherent.
  • The message that you’re trying to convey must have all the information that the receiver might need to take an action or make a decision.
  • Whether you are communicating with customers, subordinates, team members, or senior management, your tone must always be courteous.
  • The pressure felt by a person due to demanding or difficult situations is called stress .
  • Managing a person’s stress levels by using various techniques and therapies is called stress management .
  • To work independently you need to have certain skills like self-awareness, self-motivation and self-regulation.
  • Knowledge about one’s own feelings, emotions and capabilities is called self-awareness .
  • The reason why we should do a certain task is called motivation .  
  • The ability to do what you should without anyone else asking you to do so is called self-motivation .
  • Taking responsibility for one’s own learning and improvement is called self-regulation .
  • There are eight parts of speech – noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, conjunction, preposition and interjection.
  • A group of words that do not form a complete sentence but have a meaning of their own are called phrases .
  • A sequence of related sentences make a paragraph .

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Communication Skills Class 10 CBSE AI Notes

Communication Skills Class 10 CBSE AI Notes

Communication Skills Class 10 Employability Skills Artificial Intelligence, Based on the CBSE Curriculum , Explores the different ways of communication, types, and methods.

The barriers to communication and ways to overcome them, the feedback , and writing skills. All Combines give an immersive learning experience to enhance communication skills .

Table of Content

Methods of communication, verbal communication, non-verbal communication, communication cycle and importance of feedback.

  • Barriers to Effective Communication
  • Writing Skills – Part of Speech

Definition of Communication

The imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium and means of sending or receiving information. ( Source: CBSE )

OR ( Simplified )

The exchange of information between the sender and receiver with the help of a medium is known as Communication .

Flow Chart of Communication

Origin : The word ‘Communication’ comes from the Latin word commūnicāre , meaning ‘to share’.

Clear and concise communication is of immense importance in the work and business environment as there are several parties involved.

Various stakeholders , like, customers, employees, vendors, media, etc., are always sending important information to each other .

Communication has three Important Parts:

TransmittingThe sends (transmits) the message through one medium or another.
ListeningThe listens or understands the Message
The conveys their understanding of the message to the sender in the form of feedback to complete the communication cycle

Communication Process and Elements

The Different Elements of a communication cycle are:

  • Sender : the person beginning the communication.
  • Message : the information that the sender wants to convey.
  • Channel : the means by which the information is sent.
  • Receiver : the person to whom the message is sent.
  • Feedback : the receiver’s acknowledgment and response to the message.

CBSE Employability Skills Class 10 Elements of Communication

Methods of Communication:

  • It helps the message to be understood Clearly and Quickly
  • Since body language can be seen in this case; it adds to the effectiveness of the communication.
  • Can be used to communicate quickly with one or many individuals in various locations.
  • It offers flexibility, convenience, and low-cost
  • It is effective when the same message has to go out to a large group of people.
  • Generally used where email communication may not be effective.
  • Ex: “Change in the lunchtime for factory worker”
  • Generally addressed to a group of people.
  • Can be related to business, management, and organizational decisions.
  • Social networks, messages, phone calls for communication, newsletter, blog, etc

Choosing the right method of communication depends on:-

  • Target audience
  • Kind/type of information
  • Urgency/priority

The methods of communication you choose could affect your relationship with peers, supervisors, and customers.

It is, therefore, vital that you spend considerable time and consider all factors in choosing the right methods to aid you in your tasks

Learning Objectives of Effective Communication

  • Development of Interpersonal Skills
  • To express effectively & with maximum efficiency

Verbal communication includes sounds, words, language, and speech.

Speaking is one of the most effective and commonly used ways of communicating. It helps in expressing our emotions in words.

By improving your verbal communication skills you will build rapport and have a better connect

Types of Verbal Communication

Interpersonal Communication:  

  • This form of communication takes place between two individuals and is thus a one-on-one conversation . It can be formal or informal .
  • A manager discussing the performance with an employee.
  • Two friends discussing homework, etc

Written Communication:  

  • This form of communication involves writing words . It can be letters, circulars, reports, manuals, SMS, social media chats, etc. It can be between two or more people.
  • A manager writing an appreciation e-mail to an employee
  • Writing a letter to grandmother enquiring about health.

Small-Group Communication:  

  • This type of communication takes place when there are more than two people involved . Each participant can interact and converse with the rest.
  • Press conferences
  • Board meetings
  • Team meetings

Public Communication : 

  • This type of communication takes place when one individual addresses a large gathering .
  • Election campaigns
  • Public speeches by dignitaries

Related Question Advantages and Disadvantages of Verbal Communication

Advantages of Verbal Communication

Given below are the advantages of Verbal Communication :-

  • It is an easy mode of communication in which you can exchange ideas by saying what you want and get a quick response .
  • Verbal communication also enables you to keep changing your interaction as per the other person’s response .

Disadvantages of Verbal Communication

Since verbal communication depends on written or spoken words, sometimes the meanings can be confusing and difficult to understand if the right words are not used

Mastering Verbal Communication

Most people tend to get nervous while speaking in front of a large group, or even while speaking to their teachers, managers, or supervisors

Focusing on the following points can help you to enhance and master your verbal communication skills.

Think Before You Speak Think about your topic.
Think about the most effective ways to make your listeners
Concise and Clear Speak clearly, loudly, and at moderate speed.
Be sure the information you want to share is to the point.
Do not repeat the same sentences.
Confidence and Body Language Be confident.
Maintain eye contact, stand straight and be attentive.
Be friendly

Definition : Non-verbal communication is the expression or exchange of information or messages without using any spoken or written word.

Here, we send signals and messages to others, through expressions, gestures, postures, touch, space, eye contact, and paralanguage.

Importance of Non-verbal Communication

In our day-to-day communication:

  • 55% of communication is done using body movements, face, arms, etc.
  • 38% of communication is done using voice, tone pauses, etc.
  • Only 7% of communication is done using words.

Related Question Importance of Non-verbal Communication

Types of Non-verbal Communication

1. Facial Expressions

MeaningOur expressions can show different
feelings, such as Happiness,
Sadness, Anger, Surprise, Fear, etc
Effective Usage• Smile when you
meet someone.
• Keep your face relaxed.
• Match your expressions
with your words.
• Nod while listening.
MeaningPostures show our confidence and
feelings. For example, a straight
body posture shows confidence
while a slumped posture is a sign of
Effective UsageKeep your shoulders
straight and body relaxed.
• Sit straight while resting
your hands and feet in
relaxed position.
• While standing, keep your
hands by your sides.

3. Gesture or Body Language

MeaningGestures include body movements
that express an idea or meaning.
For example, raising a hand in
class to ask a question and biting
nails when nervous.
Effective Usage• Keep your hands open.
• Avoid pointing your finger
at people.
• Tilt your head a bit to show
that you are attentive.
MeaningWe communicate a great deal
through touch. For example,
a firm handshake to display
confidence and pat on the back
to encourage someone.
Effective UsageShake hands firmly while
meeting someone.
• Avoid another touch
gestures during formal
MeaningSpace is the physical distance
between two people. The space
between tow persons while
communicating, generally depends
on the intimacy or closeness
between them.
Effective Usage• Maintain proper space
depending on the
relationship, which could
be formal or informal or
the closeness with the
person with whom you
are talking.

6. Eye Contact

MeaningThe way we look at someone can
communicate a lot. Eye contact
shows that we are paying attention
to the person as opposed to looking
away, which can make the other
person feel ignored.
Effective Usage• Look directly at the person
who is speaking.
• Avoid staring; keep a
relaxed look.
• Maintain eye contact with
intermittent breaks.

7. Paralanguage

MeaningHow we speak affects our communication and includes the
tone, speed and volume of our voice. For example, talking fast may show happiness, excitement or nervousness while speaking slow may show seriousness or sadness.
Effective Usage• Use a suitable tone
and volume
• Maintain a moderate speed
while talking

Visual Communication

Visual communication proves to be effective since it involves interchanging messages only through images or pictures and therefore, you do not need to know any particular language for understanding it.

It is simple and remains consistent across different places.

A few Common types of visual communication are shown below :-

Meaning Information (Image)
Under construction

No pets allowed
No parking zone
No entry
Danger warning
Under CCTV surveillance
No mobile phone

Feedback is an important part of the communication cycle

For effective communication , it is important that the sender receives an acknowledgment from the receiver about getting the message across. While a sender sends information, the receiver provides feedback on the received message.

Feedback can be positive or negative

Types of Feedback

Positive Feedback ✅Job finished perfectly. Good Job!
Negative Feedback ❌Please smile when you talk to hotel guests
No Feedback 🚫It is also a feedback in itself which indicates disagreement of ideas

A Good Feedback is Always:-

Feedback, if shared properly, can help reinforce existing strengths and can increase the recipient’s abilities to rectify errors . It can have a long-term effect on managing and achieving goals.

Good feedback is one that is:

  • Specific: Avoid general comments. Try to include examples to clarify your statement . Offering alternatives rather than just giving advice allows the receiver to decide what to do with your feedback.
  • Timely:  Being prompt is the key , since feedback loses its impact if delayed for too long.
  • Polite: While it is important to share feedback, the recipient should not feel offended by the language of the feedback . 
  • Offering continuing support: Feedback sharing should be a continuous process . After offering feedback, let recipients know you are available for support.

Importance of Feedback

Feedback is the final component and one of the most important factors in the process of communication since it is defined as the response given by the receiver to the sender.

Reasons why feedback is important :

  • It validates effective listening : The person providing the feedback knows they have been understood (or received) and that their feedback provides some value.
  • It motivates : Feedback can motivate people to build better work relationships and continue the good work that is being appreciated.
  • It is always there : Every time you speak to a person, we communicate feedback so it is impossible not to provide one.
  • It boosts learning : Feedback is important to remain focused on goals, plan better and develop improved products and services.
  • It improves performance : Feedback can help to form better decisions to improve and increase performance.

Session 5: Barriers to Effective Communication

What is effective communication.

There are different methods of communication: non-verbal, verbal, and visual.

However, all these methods can only be effective if we follow the basic principles of professional communication skills.

These can be abbreviated as 7 Cs i.e., Clear, Concise, Concrete, Correct, Coherent, Complete, and Courteous.

7 C's of Effective Communication Image Class 10

The Barriers to Effective Communication

There are many reasons for interpersonal communication to fail. This results in many issues, the message may not be received the way the sender intended and hence lead to miscommunication

⤏ Physical Barriers

Definition: Physical barrier is the environmental and natural condition that acts as a barrier to communication in sending a message from sender to receiver.

For example : text messages are often less effective than face-to-face communication

⤏ Linguistic Barriers

Definition : The inability to communicate using a language is known as a language barrier to communication. (The most common communication barriers )

Example : Slang, professional jargon, and regional colloquialisms can make communication difficult.

⤏ Interpersonal Barriers

Definition : When the sender’s message is received differently from how it was intended. It becomes difficult to communicate with someone who is not willing to talk or express their feelings and views.

Example : Stage fear, lack of will to communicate, and personal differences can create interpersonal barriers to communication.

⤏ Organizational Barriers

Definition : Organizations are designed on the basis of formal hierarchical structures that follow performance standards, rules, regulations, procedures, policies, behavioral norms, etc. All these affect the free flow of communication in organizations.

  • Superior-subordinate relationships in a formal organizational structure can be a barrier to free flow of communication .
  • Sometimes due to the stringent rules, the employees find it difficult to communicate with their peers too.

⤏ Cultural Barriers

Definition : Cultural barriers is when people of different cultures are unable to understand each other’s customs, resulting in inconveniences and difficulties.

Example : People sometimes make stereotypical assumptions about others based on their cultural background, this leads to differences in opinions.

Ways to Overcome Barriers to Effective Communication

  • Use simple language
  • Do not form assumptions on culture, religion or geography
  • Try to communicate in person as much as possible
  • Use visuals
  • Take the help of a translator to overcome differences in language
  • Be respectful of other’s opinions

Writing Skills — Parts of Speech

Writing skills are part of verbal communication and include e-mails, letters, notes, articles, SMS/chat, blogs, etc.

A sentence is a group of words that A group of words, which , is known as a phrase
Example: Pooja goes to school.Example: Pooja goes.


“ TINS ” simple rule that helps you capitalise words correctly, Each letter in the word TINS refers to one Capitalisation Rule .

  • T ( Titles ) : Capitalise the first letter in the titles used before people’s names.
  • I ( Word ‘I’ ) : Capitalise the letter ‘I’ when it is used as a word (Pronoun).
  • N ( Names ) : Capitalise the first letter in the names of people, places, days and months.
  • S ( Starting Letter ) : Capitalise the first letter in every sentence .


Definition :

A certain set of marks , such as full stop, comma, question mark, exclamation mark, and apostrophes are used in communication to separate parts of a sentence for better clarity of message are called Punctuation Marks .

➡️ List of Important Punctuation Marks:

Full Stop ( . ) :

  • Used at the end of a sentence
  • Used with the short form of long words.
  • Example : Omar is a professor. His students call him Prof. Omar.

Comma ( , )

  • Used to indicate a pause in the sentence.
  • Used to separate two or more items in a row.
  • Example: Before walking away, Lalit waved his hand.

Question Mark ( ? )

  • Used at the end of a question.
  • Example: Where is your book?

Exclamation Mark ( ! )

  • Used at the end of a word or a sentence to indicate a strong feeling.
  • Example: What a beautiful dress!

Apostrophe ( ‘ )

  • Used followed by an ‘s’ to show possession or belonging.
  • Used with a shortened form of words in informal speech.
  • Example: That is Laado’s cat. OR He isn’t coming today.

Basic Parts of Speech

The part of speech indicates how a particular word functions in meaning as well as grammatically within the sentence.

Some examples are nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs.

Parts of Spech

The topics covered in this module are: 1. Methods of Communication 2. Verbal Communication 3. Non-verbal Communication 4. Communication Cycle and Importance of Feedback 5. Barriers to Effective Communication 6. Writing Skills – Part of Speech 7. Writing Skills – Sentences

Learn CSE

  • Class 10 – IT 402 Communication Skills – II – MCQs

Class 10 – Part A – Unit 1 – Communication Skills – MCQs

Why Communication Skills Matter: Effective communication is the foundation of success in both academic and professional settings. Communication plays an important role in oue life. Clear communication enhances understanding, collaboration, and employability.

Class 10 IT (Code 402)- Communication Skills – II NCERT-Based MCQs: Practice makes perfect! Here, we’ve curated a set of Solved NCERT-based multiple-choice questions to test your understanding of the Communication Skills unit of Class 10 – Information Technology (Code 402) session and chapter-wise. These MCQs are designed to help you gauge your knowledge and identify areas for improvement for CBSE examination.

Session 1: Methods of Communication

MCQ 1: Which of the following is a written method of communication? a) Speaking b) Sign language c) Body language d) Email

MCQ 2: Which method of communication is primarily used for long-distance communication? a) Verbal communication b) Nonverbal communication c) Telecommunication d) Visual communication

MCQ 3: What is the primary advantage of face-to-face communication? a) It is the fastest method of communication b) It can reach a global audience c) It allows for immediate feedback d) It doesn’t require any technology

MCQ 4: Which communication method involves the use of gestures, facial expressions, and body language? a) Verbal communication b) Written communication c) Non-verbal communication d) Formal communication

MCQ 5: Which communication method is most suitable for conveying complex technical information? a) Oral communication b) Visual communication c) Written communication d) Nonverbal communication

MCQ 6: What is the main purpose of visual communication? a) To convey emotions b) To communicate through sound c) To convey information through images and graphics d) To use written words only

MCQ 7: Which method of communication is least likely to be misinterpreted due to its directness? a) Written communication b) Nonverbal communication c) Verbal communication d) Telecommunication

MCQ 8: Which method of communication is used in emergency situations or for urgent messages? a) Written communication b) Telecommunication c) Verbal communication d) Short Message Service (SMS)

MCQ 9: What type of communication is facilitated by social media platforms? a) Verbal communication b) Face-to-face communication c) Written communication d) Online communication

MCQ 10: Which communication method allows for interaction and real-time responses? a) Written communication b) Nonverbal communication c) Interactive communication d) One-way communication

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  • Class 10 – IT 402 ICT Skills – II – MCQs
  • Class 10 – IT 402 Self-Management Skills – II – MCQs

MCQ 11: What type of communication involves the use of symbols, signs, and colors to convey meaning? a) Oral communication b) Verbal communication c) Visual communication d) Nonverbal communication

MCQ 12: Which method of communication is essential for the deaf and hard of hearing community? a) Verbal communication b) Visual communication c) Nonverbal communication d) Sign language communication

MCQ 13: What is verbal communication primarily based on? a) Written words b) Body language c) Spoken words d) Visual cues

MCQ 14: Which aspect of verbal communication includes the emotional quality of speech? a) Volume b) Pitch c) Pace d) Vocabulary

MCQ 15: What does the term “articulation” refer to in verbal communication? a) Speaking clearly and distinctly b) Using complex vocabulary c) Speaking loudly d) Speaking rapidly

MCQ 16: Which of the following is NOT a component of effective verbal communication? a) Tone b) Hand gestures c) Volume d) Pace

MCQ 17: What does a varied pitch in verbal communication help to achieve? a) Boredom b) Monotony c) Engagement d) Confusion

MCQ 18: Which of these communication elements is NOT part of verbal communication? a) Eye contact b) Facial expressions c) Vocabulary d) Handwriting

MCQ 19: What is the significance of active listening in verbal communication? a) It ensures clarity in your speech b) It helps you practice pronunciation c) It improves your vocabulary d) It promotes understanding and effective response

MCQ 20: What role does nonverbal communication play in enhancing verbal communication? a) It distracts from the spoken message b) It contradicts the spoken message c) It reinforces and complements the spoken message d) It substitutes for spoken words

MCQ 21: What is the purpose of adjusting your speaking pace in different situations? a) To impress the listener with speed b) To make the communication more complex c) To ensure clear understanding d) To demonstrate authority

MCQ 22: Which form of communication is particularly effective in conveying emotions and enthusiasm? a) Monotone communication b) Varied pitch communication c) Verbal communication with complex words d) Verbal communication with emotional tone

MCQ 23: What can appropriate eye contact during verbal communication signify? a) Disinterest b) Dishonesty c) Engagement and attentiveness d) Boredom

MCQ 24: In the digital age, what form of verbal communication allows for visual cues and body language to be conveyed? a) Phone calls b) Video conferencing c) Text messages d) Emails

MCQ 25: Writing Skills is a part of ____. a) Verbal communication b) Non-verbal communication c) Visual communication d) None of the above

MCQ 26: Which of the following statement is true about communication? a) 50% of our communication is non-verbal b) 20% communication is done using body movements, face, arms, etc c) 5% communication is done using voice, tone, pauses, etc d) 7% communication is done using words

MCQ 27: Which of the following is not the method of Communication? a) Verbal b) Non-Verbal c) Visual d) Visible

MCQ 28: Talking fast may show ____. a) Happiness b) Excitement c) Nervousness d) All of the above

MCQ 29: Text messages are often ____ effective than face-to-face communication a) more b) less c) very d) None of the above

MCQ 30: Simran is going to speak in morning assembly in her school. Which of the following points she should focus during her speech. a) She should not repeat the same sentences. b) She should be confident. c) Maintain eye contact, stand straight and be attentive d) All of the above

MCQ 31: Which of the following is an example of oral communication? a) Newspapers b) Letters c) Phone call d) E-mail

MCQ 32: What are the types of words we should use for verbal communication? a) Acronyms b) Simple c) Technical d) Jargons

MCQ 33: Why do we use e-mails? a) To communicate with many people at the same time b) To share documents and files c) To talk to each other in real-time d) To keep a record of communication

MCQ 34: ____ is the exchange of information or messages without using any spoken or written word. a) Non-verbal communication b) Verbal communication c) Written communication d) None of the above

MCQ 35: Raising a hand to greet or say goodbye is an example of ____. a) Non-verbal communication b) Verbal communication c) Written communication d) None of the above

MCQ 36: Non-Verbal Communication includes ____. a) Gestures b) Expressions c) Body Language d) All of the above

MCQ 37: Which of the following is not a non-verbal communication? a) Gestures or Body Language b) Posture c) Poster d) Facial Expressions

MCQ 38: When we communicate verbally, we should use ____. a) difficult words b) simple words c) confusing words d) abbreviations

MCQ 39: Classroom teaching is an example of ____. a) Written Communication b) Verbal Communication c) Non – Verbal Communication d) None of the above

MCQ 40: When we greet someone by raising/waving hand, then we are communicating by non verbal method using ____. a) Eye contact b) Expressions c) Gestures d) None of the above

MCQ 41: We can show our happiness or sadness to others by our ____. a) Facial Expressions b) Postures c) Touch d) None of the above

MCQ 42: Biting nails shows ____. a) Happiness b) Angerness c) Nervousness d) Confidence

MCQ 43: Walking with a straight body posture shows _____. a) Happiness b) Angerness c) Nervousness d) Confidence

MCQ 44: Visual Communication involves interchanging messages only through ____. a) Images b) Actions c) Body Language d) Postures

MCQ 45: Which of these is a positive (good) facial expression? a) Frowning while concentrating b) Maintaining eye contact c) Smiling continuously d) Rolling up your eyes

MCQ 46: Two people talking to each other over phone or video call is an example of ____. a) Public Communication b) Small Group Communication c) Written Communication d) Interpersonal Communication

MCQ 47: Which of these is NOT an appropriate non-verbal communication at work? a) Keeping hands in pockets while talking b) Talking at moderate speed c) Sitting straight d) Tilting head a bit to listen

MCQ 48: Which of the following is NOT the form of Written Communication? a) Email b) Letter c) Mobile d) Blog

MCQ 49: Which of the following skills are important to communicate properly? a) Reading b) Writing c) Speaking d) All of the above

MCQ 50: The word ‘communication’ comes from the Latin word ____. a) Commūnicāre b) Commūnicāte c) Commūnicāreon d) Commūnicā

MCQ 51:  ____ are needed to communicate effectively with people. a) Self Management Skills b) Communication Skills c) ICT Skills d) Time Management Skills

MCQ 52: Which of the following is the method of communication? a) Face to Face b) E-mail c) Notices/Posters d) All of the above

MCQ 53: Which of the following method is used to communicate quickly with one or many individuals in various locations. a) Face to Face b) E-mail c) Notices/Posters d) Business Meetings

MCQ 54: Which of the following method is used to communicate when the same message has to go out to a large group of people. a) Face to Face b) E-mail c) Notices/Posters d) Business Meetings

MCQ 55: Ananya is the manager of a Store and many workers are working under her. Which of the following method is effective to inform everyone about the change in duty hours? a) Face to Face b) E-mail c) Notices/Posters d) Business Meetings

MCQ 56: Choosing the right method of communication depends on ____. a) Target audience b) Costs c) Urgency/Priority d) All of the above

MCQ 57: Suman need to apply leave at work? Which method of communication will she use? a) E-mail b) Poster c) Newsletter d) Blog

MCQ 58: In which of the following method of communication, body language can be seen? a) Face to Face b) Email c) Blog d) Posters

MCQ 59: ____ is one of the most effective and commonly used way of communicating. a) Reading b) Writing c) Speaking d) Listening

MCQ 60: ____ includes sounds, words, language, and speech. a) Verbal communication b) Non-Verbal communication c) Both of the above d) None of the above

MCQ 61: Two friends discussing about homework is an example of ____. a) Interpersonal Communication b) Written Communication c) Small Group Communication d) Public Communication

MCQ 62: Aman is writing an email to his Boss for leave. This mode of communication is an example of ____ a) Public Communication b) Small Group Communication c) Written Communication d) Interpersonal Communication

MCQ 63: Social media chats, reports, SMS is an example of ____. a) Public Communication b) Small Group Communication c) Written Communication d) Interpersonal Communication

MCQ 64: Communication in which more than two people are involved and each participant can interact with each other is an example of ____. a) Public Communication b) Small Group Communication c) Written Communication d) Interpersonal Communication

MCQ 65: ____ takes place when one individual addresses a large gathering. a) Public Communication b) Small Group Communication c) Written Communication d) Interpersonal Communication

MCQ 66: Which of the following is not an element of communication process cycle? a) Channel b) Receiver c) Sender d) Time

MCQ 67: Which of the following transmits/sending the message through one medium or another? a) Receiver b) Listener c) Sender d) None of the above

MCQ 68: Which of the following listens or understands the message? a) Receiver b) Channel c) Sender d) None of the above

MCQ 69: The ____ conveys the message to the sender in the form of feedback to complete the communication cycle. a) Sender b) Environment c) Receiver d) Circumstances

MCQ 70: A ____ is used to transfer the message. a) Change b) Channel c) Receiver d) Listener

MCQ 71: ____ is/are elements of a communication cycle. a) Sender b) Receiver c) Channel d) All of the above

MCQ 72: ‘A’ is sending a message to ‘B’. Who is Receiver here? a) A b) B c) Both A nd B d) None of the above

MCQ 73: A sender sends information, the receiver provides _____ on the received message. a) data b) information c) feedback d) None of the above

MCQ 74: Feedback given by the receiver is ____. a) always positive b) always negative c) positive or negative d) None of the above

MCQ 75: A good feedback is always ____. a) Specific b) Helpful c) Kind d) All of the above

MCQ 76: Which of the following is a positive feedback? a) You take really long to reply to e-mails! b) You are not working hard c) You keep forgetting to smile at the hotel guests when you talk to them d) You have done a great job

MCQ 77: ____ is the final component in the process of communication cycle. a) Answer b) Data c) Information d) Feedback

MCQ 78: Feedback is defined ____. a) as the response given by the sender to the receiver b) as the response given by the receiver to the sender c) as the channel used by the receiver d) None of the above

MCQ 79: Why feedback is important? a) It validates effective listening b) It motivates c) It boosts learning d) All of the above

MCQ 80: Which of the following is NOT the feature of feedback? a) It improves performance b) It improves relationship c) It helps to plan better and develop improved products and services d) None of the above

MCQ 81: Which of these are examples of positive feedback? a) Excellent, your work has improved b) I didn’t noticed your dedication towards the project c) You are always doing it the wrong way d) All of the above

MCQ 82: Which of these are examples of negative feedback? a) I hate to tell you this but your drawing skills are poor b) You can surely improve your drawing c) This is a good drawing but you can do better d) None of the above

MCQ 83: What is the first step in the communication cycle? a) Encoding b) Feedback c) Decoding d) Message (Drafting the message)

MCQ 84: Which step of the communication cycle involves translating thoughts into understandable language? a) Encoding b) Decoding c) Feedback d) Message

MCQ 85: What is the final step of the communication cycle? a) Encoding b) Message c) Decoding d) Feedback

MCQ 86: What is the primary purpose of feedback in the communication cycle? a) It conveys information to the sender b) It generates new messages c) It creates noise in communication d) It decodes the message

MCQ 87: What does the term “decoding” refer to in the communication cycle? a) Converting thoughts into language b) Transmitting the message c) Receiving and interpreting the message d) Providing feedback

MCQ 88: What role does the “receiver” play in the communication cycle? a) Encoding the message b) Transmitting the message c) Decoding and interpreting the message d) Providing feedback

MCQ 89: How does feedback contribute to effective communication? a) It increases the length of the message b) It allows for real-time interaction c) It simplifies the message d) It confirms understanding and clarifies the message

MCQ 90: In the communication cycle, what can “noise” refer to? a) Audible disturbances b) Background music c) Interference that disrupts communication d) Nonverbal cues

MCQ 91: What is the significance of the “sender” in the communication cycle? a) Decoding the message b) Receiving feedback c) Initiating the communication by creating and sending the message d) Ensuring proper feedback

MCQ 92: What purpose does the “channel” serve in the communication cycle? a) It encodes the message b) It provides feedback c) It transmits the message from sender to receiver d) It generates noise

MCQ 93: Why is feedback important in effective communication? a) It increases the length of the message b) It confirms understanding and ensures the message’s accuracy c) It replaces the need for encoding d) It slows down the communication process

MCQ 94: Which step in the communication cycle involves the receiver interpreting the message based on their experiences and knowledge? a) Encoding b) Decoding c) Feedback d) Channel

MCQ 95: ____ is the receiver’s acknowledgement and response to the message. a) Feedback b) Backfeed c) Feed d) Information

MCQ 96: Which of the following are barriers of effective communication? a) Physical and Organizational b) Interpersonal c) Linguistic d) All of the above

MCQ 97: The inability to communicate using a language is known as _____________ a) Physical Barrier b) Linguistic Barrier c) Interpersonal Barrier d) Organisational Barrier

MCQ 98: People of different cultures are unable to communicate due to _____ a) Physical Barrier b) Linguistic Barrier c) Cultural Barriers d) Organisational Barrier

MCQ 99: Which of these are ways to overcome language barriers? a) Respecting each other’s differences b) Using a translator c) Not communicating at all d) Using your own language for comfort

MCQ 100: What are communication barriers? a) Obstacles that prevent messages from being transmitted b) Advanced communication techniques c) Nonverbal cues d) Visual aids

MCQ 101: Which of the following is an example of a physical barrier to communication? a) Using complex vocabulary b) Speaking too fast c) Noisy environment d) Effective feedback

MCQ 102: Which of these is NOT a common communication barrier? a) Linguistic barrier b) Interpersonal barrier c) Financial barrier d) Organisational barrier

MCQ 103: Which of the following ways help to overcome barriers to effective communication? a) Use simple language b) Take help of a translator to overcome differences in language c) Use visuals d) All of the above

MCQ 104: Which of the following is NOT a type of communication barrier? a) Semantic barrier b) Psychological barrier c) Verbal communication d) Cultural barrier

MCQ 105: What does the term “jargon” refer to in the context of communication barriers? a) A form of physical barrier b) Language that is clear and easily understood c) Technical or specialized vocabulary d) A type of nonverbal communication

MCQ 106: What is a psychological barrier to communication? a) Language differences b) Lack of feedback c) Preconceived notions and biases d) Poor encoding

MCQ 107: Which of the following can contribute to a semantic barrier in communication? a) Using simple language b) Using gestures and body language c) Misinterpretation of words’ meanings d) Clear pronunciation

MCQ 108: What is the primary purpose of feedback in overcoming communication barriers? a) To create more noise b) To reinforce the barriers c) To clarify understanding and correct misunderstandings d) To complicate the message

MCQ 109: What is a cultural barrier in communication? a) Using formal language b) A difference in cultural backgrounds that affects understanding c) Clear enunciation d) Speaking too loudly

MCQ 110: How can active listening help overcome communication barriers? a) It makes the message more complicated b) It increases noise in communication c) It ensures effective decoding and understanding d) It focuses on nonverbal cues

MCQ 111: What role does empathy play in overcoming communication barriers? a) It reinforces the barriers b) It complicates the message c) It helps in understanding others’ perspectives and feelings (Answer) d) It increases the use of jargon

MCQ 112: How can choosing the right communication channel contribute to overcoming barriers? a) It increases noise b) It creates more psychological barriers c) It ensures the message is delivered clearly and effectively (Answer) d) It encourages the use of jargon

MCQ 113: Which of the following is not the 7Cs principle of communication? a) Concrete b) Coherent c) Complete d) Compare

MCQ 114: Which of the following 7Cs Principle is represented by the words “Use exact words and facts” a) Clear b) Concise c) Concrete d) Correct

MCQ 115: Which of the following 7Cs Principle is represented by the words “Be clear what you want to say” a) Clear b) Concise c) Concrete d) Correct

MCQ 116: Which of the following 7Cs Principle is represented by the words “Include all the needed information” a) Clear b) Complete c) Concrete d) Correct

MCQ 117: Which of the following 7Cs Principle is represented by the words “Words should make sense and related to the main topic” a) Clear b) Coherent c) Concrete d) Correct

MCQ 118: Basic principles of professional communication skills can be abbreviated as _____. a) 7 C’s b) 7 S’s c) 7 N’s d) 7 F’s

MCQ 119: What is the primary goal of effective communication? a) Using complex vocabulary b) Transmitting as much information as possible c) Conveying messages clearly and achieving mutual understanding d) Keeping the message brief

MCQ 120: What does the term “active listening” refer to in effective communication? a) Hearing words without paying attention b) Paying attention to nonverbal cues only c) Fully engaging with the speaker and understanding their message d) Speaking louder than the other person

MCQ 121: Which of the following is NOT a component of effective communication? a) Nonverbal cues b) One-way communication c) Empathy d) Clarity in expression

MCQ 122: Why is clear and concise language important in effective communication? a) It makes the message sound more sophisticated b) It helps confuse the audience c) It ensures the message is easily understood d) It adds unnecessary complexity

MCQ 123: How does feedback contribute to effective communication? a) It adds to the length of the message b) It reinforces barriers c) It confirms understanding and provides room for clarification d) It replaces the need for encoding

MCQ 124: What is the role of nonverbal communication in effective communication? a) It is unnecessary and should be avoided b) It complements and reinforces the spoken message c) It replaces the spoken message d) It creates noise in communication

MCQ 125: How can adapting communication style to the audience enhance effectiveness? a) By using complex vocabulary b) By speaking loudly c) By using language familiar and appropriate to the audience d) By avoiding visual aids

MCQ 126: What does the term “empathy” mean in effective communication? a) Being critical of others’ opinions b) Ignoring others’ feelings c) Understanding and sharing the feelings of others d) Interrupting others while they speak

MCQ 127: Why is asking questions an important aspect of effective communication? a) It prolongs the conversation unnecessarily b) It creates confusion c) It encourages engagement and clarification d) It prevents the speaker from expressing their thoughts

MCQ 128: How can body language impact the effectiveness of communication? a) It has no effect on communication b) It can contradict or support the spoken message, affecting understanding c) It is a substitute for verbal communication d) It replaces the need for active listening

MCQ 129: What is the significance of maintaining eye contact in effective communication? a) It is unnecessary and can be intimidating b) It prevents the speaker from focusing on their thoughts c) It demonstrates attentiveness and engagement d) It makes the message more complex

MCQ 130: Why is clarity in expression crucial for effective communication? a) It adds a formal tone to the message b) It makes the message sound more professional c) It ensures the message is easily understood and prevents misunderstandings d) It replaces the need for nonverbal cues

MCQ 131: What is the purpose of basic writing skills? a) To impress readers with complex vocabulary b) To convey information clearly and effectively c) To use as many words as possible d) To follow grammar rules perfectly

MCQ 132: What does the term “grammar” refer to in writing skills? a) The art of creative writing b) The structure and rules of a language c) The use of complicated words d) The length of a sentence

MCQ 131: Why is proper punctuation important in writing? a) It adds decorative elements to the text b) It is unnecessary in modern writing c) It clarifies meaning and enhances readability d) It makes the writing more formal

MCQ 132: What does the “editing” process involve in writing skills? a) Choosing a topic for the writing b) Adding more words to make the text longer c) Revising and improving the content for clarity and correctness d) Adding creative embellishments

MCQ 133: How does organizing ideas affect the quality of writing? a) It makes the writing more confusing b) It ensures a random sequence of thoughts c) It enhances clarity and coherence d) It adds complexity to the writing

MCQ 134: What does the term “conciseness” mean in writing skills? a) Using complex vocabulary b) Making the writing as long as possible c) Conveying information in a clear and brief manner d) Overusing punctuation

MCQ 135: How does using active voice enhance writing clarity? a) It confuses the reader b) It makes the writing sound more formal c) It clearly identifies the “doer” of the action d) It makes the writing more abstract

MCQ 136: What is the purpose of a thesis statement in an essay? a) To introduce the topic in a lengthy manner b) To confuse the reader c) To present the main idea or argument d) To provide background information

MCQ 137: What role does proofreading play in writing skills? a) It is unnecessary in modern writing b) It ensures the writer’s opinions are presented clearly c) It identifies and corrects errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation d) It adds complexity to the text

MCQ 138: How can using a variety of sentence structures enhance writing quality? a) It makes the writing more boring b) It confuses the reader c) It adds depth and rhythm to the writing d) It makes the writing harder to understand

MCQ 139: What is the purpose of an introduction in a piece of writing? a) To conclude the writing b) To present the main argument or topic c) To include irrelevant information d) To use complex vocabulary

MCQ 140: What does the term “clarity” mean in writing skills? a) Using complex language b) Conveying ideas in a way that is easily understood c) Adding excessive adjectives d) Repeating words for emphasis

Here are some Class 10 Communication Skills based multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on various aspects of basic writing skills, including phrases, kinds of sentences, parts of sentences, parts of speech, and more, along with their answers:

MCQ 141: What is a phrase in grammar? a) A complete sentence b) A group of related words that lacks a subject and a verb c) A long and complex sentence d) A type of punctuation mark

MCQ 142: Which of the following is an example of a prepositional phrase? a) “She ran quickly.” b) “The cat jumped over the fence.” c) “They are singing.” d) “He wrote an interesting story.”

MCQ 143: What type of sentence expresses a command or request? a) Declarative sentence b) Interrogative sentence c) Imperative sentence d) Exclamatory sentence

MCQ 144: Which type of sentence asks a question? a) Exclamatory sentence b) Imperative sentence c) Declarative sentence d) Interrogative sentence

MCQ 145: What is the subject of a sentence? a) The action being performed b) The person performing the action c) The main topic or focus of the sentence d) The time and place of the action

MCQ 146: Which part of a sentence describes the action or state? a) Subject b) Object c) Verb d) Preposition

MCQ 147: What is the function of an adjective in a sentence? a) To express an action b) To modify a noun or pronoun c) To connect clauses d) To show the relationship between words

MCQ 148: Which part of speech describes a noun or pronoun and typically answers questions like “which one?” or “what kind?” a) Verb b) Adjective c) Adverb d) Preposition

MCQ 149: Which of the following is a pronoun? a) Jumped b) Beautiful c) She d) Quickly

MCQ 150: What is the role of an adverb in a sentence? a) It modifies a noun or pronoun b) It connects two clauses c) It describes a verb, adjective, or another adverb d) It replaces a noun

MCQ 151: Which part of speech is used to connect words, phrases, or clauses? a) Preposition b) Conjunction c) Interjection d) Verb

MCQ 152: What is an interjection? a) A word that expresses strong emotion or surprise b) A type of adjective c) A word that describes a verb d) A part of a prepositional phrase

MCQ 153: What are articles in English grammar? a) Proper nouns b) Specialized vocabulary c) Words used to indicate nouns d) Sentences that start with a capital letter

MCQ 154: Which of the following is an indefinite article? a) The b) An c) This d) Those

MCQ 155: What is the primary purpose of a paragraph in writing? a) To use complex vocabulary b) To make the writing longer c) To present and develop a single idea d) To include unrelated information

MCQ 156: What is the recommended length of a well-developed paragraph? a) One sentence b) Several pages c) 4-6 sentences d) Exactly 10 sentences

MCQ 160: A sentence is a group of ____. a) paragraph b) words c) pages d) vowels

MCQ 161: A sentence always begins with ____. a) Capital letter b) Small letter c) Alphabet ‘A’ d) Word “The”

MCQ 162: A group of words, which does not make complete sense, is known as a ____. a) Sentence b) Phrase c) Paragraph d) Poster

MCQ 163: Which of the following punctuation mark is used to end the given sentence? When will you complete your homework a) ! b) . c) ? d) :

MCQ 164: Which of the following punctuation mark is used to end the given sentence? What a beautiful dress a) ! b) . c) ? d) :

MCQ 165: Which of the following punctuation mark is used at the end of a word or a sentence to indicate a strong feeling? a) Exclamation mark b) Comma c) Question mark d) Full stop

MCQ 166: Which of the following punctuation mark is used at the end of a question? a) Exclamation mark b) Comma c) Question mark d) Full stop

MCQ 167: How many punctuation mark are we using in the given sentence? Are these Rahim’s colour pencils? a) 1 b) 2 c) 0 d) 3

MCQ 168: Those words which are used to refer a person, place, thing or idea is called ____. a) Noun b) Pronoun c) Adjective d) Verb

MCQ 169: Those words which are used in place of noun is called ____. a) Adjective b) Pronoun c) Verb d) Adverb

MCQ 170: Those word that show action is called ____. a) Adjective b) Pronoun c) Verb d) Adverb

MCQ 171: Which of the following is not the basic part of speech? a) Adjective b) Pronoun c) Verb d) Action

MCQ 172: Which of these sentences is capitalised correctly? a) Ravi and i are going to the movies b) Salim is visiting India in july c) the Tiger is a strong animal. d) She is arriving on Monday.

MCQ 173: Which of the following is supporting parts of speech? a) Conjunctions b) Articles c) Interjection d) All of the above

MCQ 174: Which of the following joins two nouns, phrases or sentences? a) Articles b) Conjunctions c) Prepositions d) Interjections

MCQ 175: Which of the following generally used before nouns.? a) Articles b) Conjunctions c) Prepositions d) Interjections

MCQ 176: ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’ are ____. a) Articles b) Conjunctions c) Prepositions d) Interjections

MCQ 178: ‘on’, ‘in’, ‘over’, ‘under’ are ____. a) Articles b) Conjunctions c) Prepositions d) Interjections

MCQ 179: Which of the following is not the part of the sentence? a) Subject b) Object c) Action d) Verb

MCQ 180: Which of the following describes an action in the sentence? a) Subject b) Object c) Action d) Verb

MCQ 181: Which of the following are the types of objects in a sentence? a) Direct and Indirect b) Upper and Lower c) First and Second d) None of the above

MCQ 182: Sentences where the subject does an action are known as ____. a) Active Voice b) Passive Voice c) Inactive Voice d) Direct Voice

MCQ 183: Sentences in which the subject receives an action are known as ____. a) Active Voice b) Passive Voice c) Inactive Voice d) Direct Voice

MCQ 184: Which of the following types of sentences shows strong emotions or feelings? a) Declarative Sentence b) Exclamatory Sentence c) Imperative Sentence d) Interrogative Sentence

MCQ 185: Which of the following types of sentences shows an order, command, request or advice? a) Declarative Sentence b) Exclamatory Sentence c) Imperative Sentence d) Interrogative Sentence

MCQ 186: Identify the correct increasing order. a) Character, Word, Sentence, Paragraph b) Character, Word, Paragraph, Sentence c) Word, Character, Sentence, Paragraph d) Character, Sentence, Word, Paragraph

MCQ 187: Which of these is an imperative sentence? a) Switch off the fan. b) Sheila has gone to the market. c) Where are my pen colours? d) Oh no! I missed my flight.

MCQ 188: Identify the object, verb and subject in the sentence, ‘The car crashed into a tree.’ a) Object: a tree; Verb: crashed; Subject: the car b) Object: The car; Verb: crashed; Subject: a tree c) Object: crashed; Verb: the tree; Subject: the car d) Object: crashed; Verb: the car; Subject: the tree

MCQ 189: Anil is the class monitor. He wants to know why Ramesh is coming late every day. Which of the following is a question that Raju can ask Ramesh? a) Do you come on time? b) Are you late? c) Why are you late every day? d) Will it not be easier to complete your work if you come on time?

MCQ 190: The study of symbols, signs and visual communications is called ____. a) semiotics b) visualisation c) semiology d) sign language

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Communication Skills Class 10 Quiz-1

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9 thoughts on “Communication Skills Class 10 Quiz-1”

very easy i like this test

Yes you are right

Easy for exams preparation

Amazing questions but too easy test

I Like this test very much very easier way to attempt in board exam

I like this test

Ya I like this test 😌

Yo liked this test.Very easy. can you make this test more harder for a better preparation. Thank you.

I think it is a good test for quick basic revision of a chapter

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  1. Communication Skills Class 10 Notes CBSE Quick Guide

    The communication cycle includes-. Sender — The person beginning the communication. Message — Information the sender wishes to share. Channel — The method used to send information. Receiver — The person receiving the message. Feedback — The receiver's acknowledgment and response to the message. Method of Communication.

  2. PDF Unit 1 Communication Skills

    4 EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS - CLASS X The various elements of a communication cycle are: Sender: the person beginning the communication. Message: the information that the sender wants to convey. Channel: the means by which the information is sent. Receiver: the person to whom the message is sent. Feedback: the receiver's acknowledgement and response to the message.

  3. Communication Skills Class 10 Notes PDF

    communication skills class 10 information technology Interpersonal Communication: This form of communication takes place between two individuals and is thus a one-on-one conversation. It can be formal or informal. Written Communication: This form of communication involves writing words. It can be letters, circulars, reports, manuals, SMS, social media chats, etc.

  4. Communication skills Class 10 Notes PDF Download

    The "Communication skills Class 10 Notes Class 10 Questions" guide is a valuable resource for all aspiring students preparing for the Class 10 exam. It focuses on providing a wide range of practice questions to help students gauge their understanding of the exam topics. These questions cover the entire syllabus, ensuring comprehensive preparation.

  5. Communication Skills Class 10 Questions and Answers

    Answer - The act of giving, receiving, and sharing information is known as communication. Signs and signals provide information. Communication can take the form of speaking, writing, or any other medium. The word 'Communication' comes from the Latin word communicare, which means 'to share'. 2.

  6. PDF Unit 1 Communication Skills

    Coherent: making sense, related to the main topic Communication: sharing of information between two or more people to reach a common understanding. Concise: using simple words and saying only what is needed, not extra. Concrete: using exact words and facts Courteous: showing respect, polite, friendly.

  7. Communication Skills Class 10 Notes PDF

    This document provides a summary of notes for Communication Skills from the Class 10 Employability Skills textbook. It covers 7 sessions on various topics related to communication skills, including methods of communication, verbal communication, non-verbal communication, the communication cycle and feedback, barriers to effective communication, writing skills, and sentences. The notes are ...

  8. Class 10 Unit 1- Communication Skills

    Class 10 - Communication Skills 50+ most important quiz. Communication Cycle. Communication cycle is the process by which a message is sent by one individual, and it passes through a chain of recipients. Elements of Communication. Elements of Communication are :-(a) Sender (Communicator) (b) Receiver (c) Message (d) Communication Channel

  9. CH 1

    CH 1 - Communication Skills Class 10 Student Notes - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

  10. NCERT Textbook: Communication Skills

    The "NCERT Textbook: Communication Skills Class 10 Questions" guide is a valuable resource for all aspiring students preparing for the Class 10 exam. It focuses on providing a wide range of practice questions to help students gauge their understanding of the exam topics. These questions cover the entire syllabus, ensuring comprehensive preparation.

  11. Communication Skills: Ultimate Guide for CBSE Class 10

    Communication Skills is the first component of CBSE classes 9 and 10 Employability Skills unit of many courses such as Artificial Intelligence (417), Information Technology (402), etc. Employability Skill is a full fledged course in itself for classes 9 and 10. At the end of this lesson you will be able to:

  12. Communication Skills Class 10 Notes Important Points

    Parts of Communication. Communication has three important parts: Transmitting —The sender transmits the message through one medium or another. Listening — The receiver listens or understands the message. Feedback —The receiver conveys their understanding of the message to the sender in the form of feedback to complete the communication cycle.

  13. PDF Communication Skills

    oncise and accurate. Effective communication skills help us to communicate the message correctly, prec. sely and completely. Lack of communication skills can result in confusion, frustration, wasted effort and. ies.Listening skillEvery effective conversation s. arts with listening. Listening skill is one of the most important ski.

  14. Communication Skills Class 10 CBSE AI Notes

    Communication Skills Class 10 Employability Skills Artificial Intelligence, Based on the CBSE Curriculum, Explores the different ways of communication, types, and methods. The barriers to communication and ways to overcome them, the feedback, and writing skills. All Combines give an immersive learning experience to enhance communication skills.

  15. Class 10

    1. Verbal Communication is the most popular means of sharing information or ideas. People use words to exchange thoughts, feelings and ideas with others. a. Oral Communication using words orally (using mouth, vocal, spoken words) b. Written Communication using written words. 2.

  16. Communication Skills Class 10 Notes

    Communication_Skills_Class_10_Notes - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Communication involves transmitting messages between a sender and receiver. There are three main types of communication: verbal, non-verbal, and visual. Verbal communication includes speaking and writing, while non-verbal communication conveys messages through body language ...

  17. Important Chapter Wise Communication Skills Class 10 MCQs

    Here, we've curated a set of Solved NCERT-based multiple-choice questions to test your understanding of the Communication Skills unit of Class 10 - Information Technology (Code 402) session and chapter-wise. These MCQs are designed to help you gauge your knowledge and identify areas for improvement for CBSE examination.

  18. 40+ Best Communication Skills Class 10 Questions and Answers

    Communication Skills Class 10 Questions and Answers. Communication Skills Class 10 Questions and Answers. Q1. What do you mean by communication? Q2. Mention the three important parts of communication. Q3. Write all the elements of a communication cycle.

  19. Communication Skill Class 10 IT 402 Book Solution

    A. Multiple choice questions. Read the questions carefully and circle the letter (s) (a), (b), (c) or (d) that best answer (s) the question. (Note: There can be more than one correct choice) Q1. Which of the following is NOT an element of communication within the communication process cycle? Q2.

  20. PDF Unit 3 Information and Communication Technology Skills

    3. ation andCommunicationTechnology SkillsIntroductIonI. T stands for Information and Communication Technology. It includes a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communica. e, create, disseminate, store, and manage information. ICT includes computers, the Internet, broadcas. ing technologies (radio and television) and ...

  21. Communication Skills Class 10 Quiz-1

    Welcome to your Communication Skills Class 10 Quiz-1. Name. Email. School Name. Q1. Which of the following skills are important to communicate properly? Reading Writing ... Artificial Intelligence Class 10 (4) Assignment (3) Binary File Handling (2) Case Study Based (2) Class 10 IT 402 QnA (49) Class 10 IT Notes (18) Class 11 Chapter wise MCQ (6)

  22. Unit 1: Communication Skills Assignment Solutions

    IT 402_Class IX_01_AssignmentSolutions - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document provides information about communication skills and grammar terms. It contains: 1) Multiple choice, very short answer, and short answer questions about formal/informal communication, encoding/decoding, communication channels, and objectives of communication.