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Leaving School Essay Examples

Leaving School - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Leaving school is a poignant moment in a student’s life. It marks the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new journey. For some, it is a time of excitement and anticipation as they embark on their next steps towards adulthood. However, for others, leaving school can be an overwhelming experience, filled with uncertainty and apprehension. It is a time of reflection and reminiscence of the years spent in classrooms and the bonds forged with classmates and teachers. Leaving school requires a balance of courage, resilience, and optimism as the path ahead is unknown, yet full of potential.

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Essay on Life after School

List of essays on life after school, essay on life after school – short essay (essay 1 – 150 words), essay on life after school – 10 lines written in english (essay 2 – 250 words), essay on life after school (essay 3 – 300 words), essay on life after school – facts (essay 4 – 400 words), essay on life after school (essay 5 – 500 words), essay on life after school – for school students (class 11 and 12 standard) (essay 6 – 600 words), essay on life after school – challenges and hardships (essay 7 – 750 words), essay on life after school – long essay for college and university students (essay 8 – 1000 words).

Life after school isn’t always easy and without stress. Once we leave school, things and situations around us begin to change in a very drastic way; life itself changes drastically for us. After leaving school we have a lot of new experiences and challenges.

School life is considered as the golden period of one’s life. However, as soon as one finishes the school and moves to college, there comes a sense of freedom as if one is a free bird now.

No matter what, life after school is entirely contrasted from what it used to be in school. It is important, however, to make the students aware of the challenges that lie ahead when they venture into life after school.

Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for school students (Class 11 and 12 Standard) and college students.

Life after school can cause great anxiety in many young people. After the years we spend in education, one can be overwhelmed by all the responsibilities that await us and most of them are concerned with earning money.

Life after school can strike us suddenly and without warning so it is better to think about the future before it strikes us on the face. In the life after school, you need to take decisions regarding career choice and ultimately the job you want to do in future. Life after school comes as a natural transition from one period to another without too much stress.

Learning to lead a life after school is an important and the last step in our process of growing up and maturing as individuals. Making the necessary preparations is the best thing we can do to help us in this transition.


As a student, the focus is always on life after school. The ambitious minds of young students wander into every possibility in life. There is always the desire of a good life for everyone, which is the assumption of life after school. To some of the students, it is a motivating factor while to some it does not make an impact whatsoever. It is important to have a vision and a desire in life. Life after school is basically adulthood and there is a lot about adulthood that students do not yet understand. Most of us hate school because we believe that life out there is nice and warm.

Reality of Life After School:

The future is what begins in life after school. This is when important life decisions have to be made. It is evident that people end up in different paths from what they had anticipated but it is still important to have an idea of the path to take. Parents usually put pressure on their children and force them to make life choices that they are not comfortable with.

It is important that students seek advice from counsellors or any other role model to get guidance. When diving into life after school, it is not strange to change your mind on the career path you had earlier decided on because as people grow older, there is change in perspective which influence a change in decision-making. Dedication and determination are the important moral values that help to build better life after school.

I remember being both sad and happy when my school was about to end. Of course, I had my college to ponder about and at the same time, there was a sense of freedom and responsibilities as well.

A lot of people believe that life after school takes a U-turn as you realize how big the world truly is and how minuscule we may be. The truth really is that you need to keep an eye out on your career and understand well what you want to do and how you desire to live life after school.

The Career Foundation:

When I think about my life after school, I often wonder about the hours and hours I had put in to ensure that I got into the best college. I always believe that choosing a good college is essential because it kind of prepares you for your career and the rest of the life.

At the same time, my life after school was also devoted a great deal to understanding the different career streams and wondering what the right choice was for me. I was the kind of student who wanted to plan things well in advance and duly.

The Social Butterfly:

Also, when I look back at life after school, I realize that it was then that I really grew into being a social butterfly. I had always been an introvert in school but I knew I wanted to shirk that image more than ever. I started mixing with people, heading to parties and even tried and put in an effort to stay in touch with my friends as well. This helped me become a social butterfly and I believe that it also influenced the way I planned my career ahead.

So, life after school can vary a great deal based on who you are as a person!

Life after school is very different from life in the school. Life after school is very different and changes drastically once we are out of school. Schooling normally ends after class 12 or equivalent or sometimes after class 10.

School Life:

While in school, we are considered as children and our parents and teachers take all the decisions for us. We have strict rules that needs to be obeyed. The school timings, teaching-study pattern, activities and playtime – everything is fixed as decided by teachers and by parents at home. We do not take decision and the strict routine and rigid rules are quite exhausting. The advantage in school life is that we live a carefree life and we do not have to worry about the consequences.

Take Decisions:

All above changes after school and we face new experiences every day. As we step out of the school, we get flexibility and choices but we need to take decisions and be responsible for the consequences. Therefore, we have to be very careful about every decision we take in the life after school.

Challenges of Life After School:

Life after school is full of challenges. One of the biggest challenge is to decide the career and build it – to go for higher studies or to do job or to be an entrepreneur – all are to make a good living. This is most critical issue in life after school. For higher studies, we need to decide career path – engineering, science, medical, humanities, law – research or service – public or private sector, etc., and to pursue the path, choose a good course-university-college and attain required qualifications. A search needs to be done and several factors be considered before finalizing. If the decision is job, we need to hunt for job opportunities. To be an entrepreneur, we need to be innovative. We need to face the real world, meet, deal and build contacts with all kinds of people in the life after school.

Life After School is Full of Challenges:

The freedom to choose – career, course, job, life partner, recognition, decent living etc., pose continuous challenges at every step after we move out of school and get into life after school. However, freedom comes with responsibilities. We are accountable for our decisions and actions. Maintaining balance between personal and professional life is yet another challenge in life after school. Life can be handled smartly if we plan things properly and work diligently.

Life after school isn’t always easy and without stress. Once we leave school, things and situations around us begin to change in a very drastic way; life itself changes drastically for us. After leaving school we have a lot of new experiences and challenges. We begin to realise that the world is a lot different than we thought. As we leave school, we discover that every step and decision we take matters a lot and we need to start paying full attention to them. This period is a very important phase in our lives.

It is particularly during this period that we learn a lot of things that can help us advance in life. Once we are out of school and without the guidance and check up of teachers and professionals we begin to see who we truly are and our personality comes out. It is during this period that our parents grant us the opportunity to take independent decisions on our own.

What we can make out of life after school:

There are a lot of things we should try to do in life after school to help develop ourselves.

We will be looking at some of the things we can do below:

1. Pursue Hobbies:

With all of the stress of school including the bulky syllabus, assignments and other challenges we face in school, it is almost impossible for us to create time to go after all of our habits. When we leave school, before taking any further decisions or steps in our lives, we should take time to pursue all of our hobbies and develop skills that might be useful for us in the future. The truth is that the little period after school might be the only time we will ever have to ourselves. Therefore, it is best to use the time to do the things we love and enjoy and also try to learn new skills that might come in handy in the future.

2. Make Time for Personal Relationships:

Because of the constant pressure to study and the very strict schedule. Students don’t usually have the time to spend time with their relatives and loved ones, attend family functions and even go on trips and vacations with their friends. All of the above listed things can be done after school. It is important to note that taking time out to be with friends and family is essential for our development. We are able to fully understand all of these relationships and value them a lot more. It is very important that we make time for personal relationships in life after school.

3. Take Personal Decisions:

While we were in school, we didn’t take decisions of our own. Most of our decisions as students are largely influenced by our parents and teachers in school. Our teachers have a lot of say on our lives as students, most parents entrust the education of their children into the hands of the teachers. Once we live school and don’t have teachers again, we should start taking decisions of our own.

Life after school can be tough exciting and frustrating. As young people, schools have always provided a comfort zone. There is no obligation to work or provide for anyone since your needs are met by family. Also, aside from passing your exams, there is no intense pressure to succeed.

However, as soon as you leave school, you are faced with a hostile environment. Everyone is out for himself and you quickly realize that for the first time you are alone. Also, you suddenly have bills to pay and responsibilities to bear.

Life after school can also be rewarding. You no longer have to listen to anyone about your personal decisions. You are free to think about the future direction of your life. In other words, your destiny is finally in your hands.

Taking Your Fears for Life after School:

Taking on this phase of your life can be daunting challenging. The thought of fending for yourself alone can give you Goosebumps. The safety net of having less responsibility and being concerned about yourself alone is about to be taken off. So it’s only natural that you’re scared of what’s coming next.

However, to properly navigate this transition in your life, you must rid yourself of fear. Fear paralyzes the mind and rids it of its ability to respond to challenging situations. Thus, you would not get too far in life after school if you maintain this state of mind.

The better approach is to use your fears as a fuel for your drive to succeed. See life after school as an opportunity to surprise yourself and prove your critics wrong. This way you’ll increase your chances of success.

Preparing for Life after School:

The skills required to succeed when you were in school are not the same skills needed on the outside. For instance, to pass an exam all you have to do is study and have a decent ability to remember facts. However, life after schools dictates that you are able to solve daily challenges by rational thinking.

Thus, while you are in school, there are certain skills that you must learn to succeed on the outside.

Some of them are highlighted below:

i. Logical thinking:

Life after school would bombard you with complex problems that requires depth to solve. In school, you were probably given parameters that would help you solve your problems. However, life after school is complex and lawless. What matters, in this case, is the result. You would also get little or no help in solving your problems.

Thus, to survive in this setting you need to learn how to think logically. This form of thinking involves making sound deductions from a given set of facts. This skill would be important in several parts of your life after school.

ii. Taking responsibility:

You probably refused to be the group leader in school or failed to do your assignments a few times with little or no repercussions. Life after school isn’t so forgiving in similar circumstances. When you refuse to take responsibility, the consequences can be immediate and damning.

iii. Perseverance:

Once you step out of the comfort zone of your various campuses, things would not always go your way. Life after school demands that you maintain a tough skin when faced with challenges. The ability to persevere in the face of a daunting task is the difference between champions and losers.

iv. Management:

The ability to manage a situation cannot be overemphasized. If you cannot control how you spend your time, money and your relationship with people, life after school might be rocky for you. Consequently, you must learn to manage all the resources at your disposal.


Growth can be painful because of the changes it brings along with it. Life after school is not an exception to this rule. See this process as an avenue to grow and you’ll be fine.

School life is always memorable and carefree time the students have as they are free of any responsibilities and seriousness rather than studies. Once this is finished, then your life will take a sharp turn to a completely different atmosphere.

The change in the life of a student from the secured and guided school to a rather responsible and independent life after school is going to be challenging. Teachers and parents try their best to mold the students to be able to face these challenges, however, it is not that easy to pass this phase of life after school.

Comparison of both Life Phases:

The comparatively carefree life they lived as a school student is not going to continue in life after school. During school, in your home, everything was decided and spoon fed to you by your parents. From the time you wake up to the food you eat to the school you study, everything was decided by them.

There were fixed decisions taken by your parents about your mode of studies and the free time activities you do. Your study time was set by them and play times too. All these decisions made will help the students to live a free-minded and happy life, which was controlled and well balanced by the parents. They won’t be asked to choose or take any options of their actual interest, which in turn may affect the person badly. But the good part was that life was easier and stress-free.

At school, all the activities and studies were under the strict supervision of your teachers. They constantly guided you to the correct path and according to the school rules, they led you to the disciplined school life. They were there to continuously observe your actions and punish you when you are wrong. Your life was moving according to the school time and timetables, which were set by the elders. The students didn’t get to make any decisions of their interest.

But thing are completely in life after school. The best part in life after school is that the students get more free decision making authorities. You can decide your stream of interest and further proceed with your career. The old school pattern will be totally deleted and in this phase, once your study time is over you can do any activity of your interest. Colleges won’t be as strict as schools and most probably there won’t be anyone to control your wishes. You can pursue your dreams and spend the extra time as you wish.

Even though this freedom is a gift, it also means an extra effort should be put from your part.

Challenges and Hardships:

Once you are out of school life, the actually responsible section of your life has started, where you will be considered responsible for every action you take and the consequences. Each and every option you choose will lead you to some part of your future career, whether success or failure. The freedom of decision making should not be taken lightly and proper researches should be done before fixing on any decision.

Life after school is full of responsibilities and expectations. We should take the responsibility of parents, who took care of you from your childhood and look after them from then on. Another responsibility and challenge are to build a good career. This can be done by deciding the right stream that compliments your interest and further work harder for achieving an admission in a reputed college through selection exams.

Once you start your college life, your challenges increases trying to complete the course with good marks and the list will go on till you think your goal is attained. When you complete your whole study procedure, you will be facing the real world trying to get a good job and a living. In this stage, it will be challenging and stressful to maintain calm and composed life.

Unlike the school atmosphere, in life after school, you will be made to mingle with more diverse types of people and environments, whether at your college or at your workplace. There will be a need to choose your contacts and friends wisely, which is also a challenge as they will be playing a major role in your further growth.

All these processes will completely be weighing a lot on your shoulders, once you step out of your school life. But when you start the journey, you will remember that many lessons taught by your teachers and parents will help you to take many valuable decisions. All the strict rules and discipline you learned from school will help you to lead a smooth life in the life after school.

In India, a child on attaining the age of three is required to be admitted to a school for formal schooling. The child remains in school for fourteen years and passes out only after completing class twelfth. At this time around, the child is in his / her teens at around 17 years of age. The remaining part of life is considered as life after school. But, the question is what life is after school? Is it the same what you had in school or is it totally in contrast to the school life?

The College Life:

First and foremost challenge a student faces in his /her life after school is choosing the right college. At times, you may not have the desired marks required to get admission in the college of your choice. This is perhaps the first learning of life after school. It is that you don’t get things on a platter and you have to earn them. So, you get to choose a college as per your efforts done during your school time.

Having said that another important lesson of life learnt here is that it not the end of the road. What if the college is not the one you dreamt, try and choose the course of your choice as your career is dependent on the course you choose, be it a science stream, some field of accounts or a graduation in subjects related to humanities. Every subject has its own future.

New Friends Vs. the Older Ones:

Regardless of whether it sounds unfathomable at the present time, your whole lot of friends may not stay together with you for your lifetime. The vast majority of friends keep in contact with a bunch of their absolute best companions from secondary school and that is it. With time, fiends tend to keep busy and you may not able to enjoy those times of enjoyment with your friends like the one you used to have in your school life. In the event that that idea makes you pitiful, don’t stress, the general group who are extremely worth keeping around in your life will dependably be there for you. Moreover, you are bound to make new friends as you grow up and meet new people.

The Process of Growing Up:

In life after school, Graduation is a mammoth achievement; however, it is not everything in the world. There are still more milestones to come and graduation is just the beginning. You’re still going to feel like a lost little child some of the time, particularly when it comes to documentation for that new occupation or settle on a significant choice about your master’s degree. The mystery is realizing that each and every other individual your age feels the very same way.

Becoming Fearless:

Life after school makes you fearless. Since you have a confirmation added to your collection, the result of long periods of diligent work and commitment, you realize you can go up against any test and finish it with energy. It means that you become more fearless with age. And to top it, mostly it is for your own betterment and you learn to take risks in life. Nothing seems harder to achieve and there is this strong desire to show the world what you are capable of.

Changing Expectations of Parents:

But, there is another side of the coins as well. Growing up and living a life after school comes with responsibilities also. Especially at home, your parents expect much more from you than when you were at school. First of all, they probably won’t have disapproved of when you skipped keeping your utensils in the kitchen once you are done with your lunch or dinner. In any case, now that you’re out of school, they will begin treating you like a genuine grown-up, which implies more obligations. Here’s the peculiar thing of managing yourself is something you may hate to do. It may make you think that your parents have changed. However, it is just that you have grown up.

The First Thought of Money:

You know growing up is quite an expensive affair and you must have often seen your parents struggling with money matters in trying to provide you with all that you dream of. In any case, now that you’re a secondary school graduate, you’ll be paying for your own gas, titbits, and garments soon, and perhaps more. So, it is time for a payback now. The drive to make and spare the money you earn is quite natural. Remember, the first occasion when you see a noteworthy number in your financial balance is the most fulfilling inclination on earth. It gives you that immense peace of mind for which you would have probably been dreaming since your school days.

All is not over yet. There are many other things which are bound to happen to you when you live your life after school. For instance, you grow up and do not look the same cute baby you were in school. You need to accept the changes in your body as well. Additionally, you have longer schedules to adjust to and remember, managing personal and professional life in today’s competitive times is not an easy task.

Growing up is a natural part of our life cycle. So is life after school. It happens to everyone. So there is nothing that you are the first one of the planet to have to go through it.

However, one thing you must not forget is that you must accept the changes in your life in a positive manner and just don’t succumb to the pressures of the real world.

The world is a beautiful place to live in and there is life beyond school. And trust your elders, the life after school is much enjoyable, have a lot of stress as well as emotions but in the end, it gives you the freedom to live a life of your choice. It is up to you what you want to make of it. So, dream big today and strive to achieve your goals once you step out for life after school.

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What Legacy Do I Want To Leave My School Essay

As you finish your high school career and look ahead to the future, one of the questions that looms is: what legacy do I want to leave at my school? Do you want to be remembered as an outstanding student who achieved all-around excellence? Perhaps you’re hoping for a memory in which your contributions made tangible improvements in any areas, whether academics, social clubs or athletics. Together we will explore how to put together a great essay answering this question while leaving a lasting mark on your school. If you are wondering how to do my essay on legacy, sit down and think about everything from start to end and all the experiences you faced. 

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Table of Contents

Why Legacy Matters: What Legacy Means To You And Why It Matters:

Like many students you are also thinking about How to do my essay on legacy? First thing is you should understand What legacy means? To me is that it is something that I want to leave behind for the people around me. It is a way to remember what I have done and how I have been influenced by others. Legacy means being able to look back on my life and see all the good that I have done, as well as all the bad. But whatever legacy I leave behind, I know that it will be something that the people who are close to me can be proud of. It will leave a lasting impression on those who experience them and they all contribute something unique and valuable to the world. 

  • Legacy represents the culmination of someone’s life experiences and hard work. It’s a testament to their accomplishments and a symbol of their impact on society.
  • A legacy is a source of pride for the descendants of the person who created it. They can be proud of what their ancestors accomplished, even if they didn’t have anything directly involved in it.
  • Legacy can inspire others to reach for their dreams and achieve great things.
  • Legacy establishes a culture of excellence. It creates a set of expectations that can be difficult to achieve without precedent.
  • Legacy teaches employees how to operate within boundaries and with a common goal in mind. It develops teamwork and communication skills.
  • Legacy fosters innovation by providing an environment where new ideas can be tested and adopted. Employees who are passionate about their work will be more likely to come up with innovative solutions.
  • Legacy reinforces company values and sets the standard for what is expected from employees. This helps them identify with the company and feel invested in its future success.
  • It builds trust between the company and its customers, which enhances relationships and strengthens business ties over time

The Importance Of Legacy: 

Legacy means different things to different people, but the importance of leaving a legacy is undeniable. Legacy can be defined as an inherited or acquired characteristic, typically a lasting one. Legacies can be either positive or negative, but in either case they have the potential to influence future generations. Positive legacies can include accomplishments such as improving society or making a significant contribution to one’s field of study. Negative legacies, on the other hand, can include crime and abuse. 

Regardless of its nature, leaving a legacy is important because it demonstrates that someone was willing to invest themselves in something larger than themselves. It also shows that a person was willing to sacrifice their time and effort for others.

Choosing A Legacy: What Legacy Should You Choose?

Choosing a legacy for school can be difficult, but it’s important to think about what you want your legacy to be. 

There are many different options and it really depends on what you’re looking for in life. Here are some things to consider when choosing your legacy: 

What are your goals? Are you hoping to make a difference in the world? Are you looking to help others? If so, what kind of difference do you want to make?

Who are your role models? Do any of them have particular legacies that inspire you? What lessons have they taught you that you want to pass on?

What type of person do you want to be remembered as? Are you more interested in being known for your accomplishments or for who you were close to?

leaving school essay

  • Academic Scholarships: Legacy students often pursue academic scholarships to further their education and leave a lasting legacy at the school they are attending. These scholarships can provide financial assistance as well as recognition of their hard work and dedication to their studies.
  • Service Projects: Many legacy students choose to leave a lasting impact on their schools by taking part in service projects that benefit the student body or the surrounding community. This could include volunteering for local charities, leading club activities, or organizing events on campus.
  • Sports Teams: For generations, many families have had a long-standing tradition of being involved in athletics at the high school and college level. Legacy students may choose to continue this tradition by participating in sports teams at their chosen school and leaving an indelible mark on its competitive spirit.
  • Leadership Opportunities : Legacy students often have access to leadership opportunities that are unavailable to other students such as positions within student organizations, on-campus jobs, or even presidential positions at universities like Harvard or Yale. These positions allow students to make decisions that affect the entire student body and leave a lasting impression on their university’s culture and atmosphere.
  • Alumni Networking: Legacy students often use their alumni connections to obtain internships, jobs, and mentorships after graduation. This allows them to keep connections with people who share similar interests and experiences while also furthering their own careers after graduation.

What are some things I can do to create a legacy at my school?

Creating a legacy at your school can be done in many ways. Here are some suggestions to help you get started:

  • Host events or activities for the student body. Whether it’s a charity drive, a fundraiser, or any kind of event that benefits the greater good of your school community, hosting such events will leave behind a lasting impression and an inspiring story for future generations.
  • Get involved with various clubs and organizations on campus. Joining groups that align with your passions and interests can help you develop deeper connections within the student body while also expanding your knowledge and skillset.
  • Mentor younger students or peers in need. Developing meaningful relationships with students who may be struggling academically, socially, or otherwise can leave an impact beyond just their current academic career. You could even start a mentorship program at your school to help other students excel in their studies while giving back to the community.
  • Become an advocate for student rights or initiatives that benefit the larger school population. If there is something you feel strongly about that may improve student life, stand up for what is right and lead by example so other students feel inspired to do the same.
  • Form meaningful relationships with faculty members and administrators at your school by taking initiative in discussing ways to better the environment at your institution through various projects or initiatives you have come up with yourself or alongside your peers.  Working collaboratively on finding solutions can lead to great results that will make a lasting impact on both current and future students of the school for years to come

Tips For Crafting A Legacy School Essay:

Legacy school essays are an important component of the college admissions process. Crafting a strong, unique essay can help you stand out from the crowd and give you an edge when it comes to acceptance. If you are thinking about how to do my essay for college.

Here are some tips to help you craft a compelling legacy school essay:

Brainstorm Ideas: Before you begin writing, take time to think about what makes your story unique and how it will set you apart from other applicants. Consider your experiences, family history, and special skills that have shaped who you are as a person.

Establish Your Goals: What do you hope to achieve by attending this particular school? Why is this specific institution the right fit for your future career path? Answering these questions can help ensure your essay focuses on relevant, meaningful topics related to your ultimate goals.

Research The School: Researching the school’s mission statement and values allows you to provide more detailed information in your essay that shows why this particular school is ideal for your individual needs. Be sure to include facts about courses or academic programs that excite you and demonstrate why the school is the perfect place for you to reach your goals.

Use Rich Vocabulary & Details : Using high-level language can help capture the attention of admissions officers and make a lasting impression on them throughout their reading process. Additionally, including vivid details can bring life and color into your story and make it easier for readers to connect with what you’re saying in paper form rather than hearing it spoken aloud.

Revise & Proofread: After finishing your first draft, take time to review it carefully and make any necessary changes or edits before submitting the final version of your essay. Having someone else read through it can also be helpful in finding any mistakes or improving certain lines of thought that may otherwise go unnoticed.

Sample Essay:

Throughout my time at School I have been immensely fortunate to have so many positive experiences and fond memories. From the friends and mentors that I’ve made, to the lessons that I’ve learned, the impact of this school has had a lasting impression on me. As my time here comes to an end, I am reminded of what legacy I want to leave behind for future generations of students.

I want to leave behind a legacy that emphasizes the importance of community involvement. One of my favorite things about this school is how passionate everyone is about bettering themselves as well as their peers. During my time here, it became clear that there was an unspoken agreement among all students: We should help each other out in any way possible in order to create a better learning environment for everyone. Whether it be helping out with homework or offering moral support during rough times, I believe it is essential for us all to work together if we are going to achieve success as a community.

In addition, I want to leave behind a legacy that highlights the importance of embracing diversity and inclusivity within our school walls. Everywhere you look at our school you can find representation from different cultures and backgrounds which makes our school such a unique place. It’s something special when we all come together despite our differences and strive towards a common goal. To me, this demonstrates the power of collaboration and how great things can be accomplished when we put aside any preconceived notions or biases we may have had before getting acquainted with one another.

Lastly, but most importantly, I wish for my legacy at School to promote respect for oneself as well as for others around them. Throughout my time here, I found it incredibly inspiring how everyone respected each other’s opinions regardless of what those opinions were; not just respecting those who agreed with them but also those who held different viewpoints than their own. This level of respect truly made me appreciate the diverse group of people present at our school more than ever before and inspired me to extend kindness on both sides during difficult conversations or debates regarding differing beliefs.

Through these three values- community involvement, embracing diversity & inclusivity, and mutual respect-I would like to make sure that my presence here will continue on even after graduation season ends by leaving behind a meaningful legacy that current and future students alike can be proud of.

Final Thoughts:

In conclusion, if you want to leave Legacy: Be yourself, and don’t be afraid to be creative. Believe in yourself, and never stop believing in your dreams. If you can do these things, then your legacy will be something that is remembered for a long time and will make a positive impact on the world and you are having difficulty writing an essay try Edu Jungles .

Faqs On What Legacy Do I Want To Leave My School Essay

Here are 5 FAQs with answers for “What Legacy Do I Want To Leave My School Essay”:

What is a legacy? 

A legacy refers to the impact or influence that an individual has on others, and the lasting impression they leave behind.

Why is it important to think about the legacy you want to leave at school?

Thinking about the legacy you want to leave at school can help you set goals and work towards making a positive impact on your community. It also allows you to reflect on your values and what you hope to achieve during your time in school.

How can I identify what kind of legacy I want to leave at school?

Take some time to think about your personal values and interests, as well as the needs of your school community. Consider ways in which you can use your strengths and talents to make a positive impact, whether it’s through academics, extracurricular activities, or community service.

What are some examples of legacies that students have left at their schools?

There are many different types of legacies that students can leave at their schools, such as starting a new club or organization, leading a successful fundraising campaign for a local charity, or mentoring younger students.

How can I ensure that my legacy has a lasting impact at my school? 

To ensure that your legacy has a lasting impact, focus on building strong relationships with others in your school community and collaborating with them to achieve common goals. Additionally, document your accomplishments and share them with future generations of students so that they may be inspired by your example.

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School Leavers

  • Mar 3, 2023

A School Leavers’ Guide to Planning for the Future

Check out all your options before you make any plans for the future.

Electra Michaelidou

Electra Michaelidou

Career and Lifestyle Writer

Reviewed by Hayley Ramsey

School leavers wondering how to plan for their future

Though Mom refers to her college years as the best of her life, you may not be as keen on moving miles away from home as soon as you graduate. At the same time, Dad may even be trying to persuade you to gain some work experience before choosing a major, saying hard skills are more important than a degree. But perhaps you’re not ready for the grind either — at least not yet.

Though the “adultier” adults in your life could be making some good points, the decision about what to do after leaving school should ultimately be yours. And, because we know how hard it can be to decide when you’ve got many options , we’ll give you some advice on how to approach the situation.

Read the tips in our school leavers’ guide below and see which ones resonate with you the most. By the end, narrowing things down should (hopefully) become a little easier!

Choosing your next steps

Deciding what the next chapter in your life should look like can be difficult. As you want your decision to be as informed as possible, it’s good to start the brainstorming process early. Bringing other people into it can also provide you with some ideas you wouldn’t have otherwise thought of.

Here are some things you may like to try before the decision-making begins:

Getting advice from teachers

If you’ve got a teacher you really love or look up to, ask them to have a chat with you. Your teachers have been observing you and your classmates for months: they’ll know your strengths, talents, and personality .

Share both your dreams and concerns with them, and allow them to give you an honest opinion on where they see you in a year’s time.

Speaking to your high school counselor

Many, many students struggle with choosing a degree or university, and that’s exactly what career counselors are there for. On the surface, you may appear undecided about whether college is right for you; beneath that, however, may lie the fact that you’re uncertain what you should spend the rest of your life doing .

Taking a career test

If you don’t have access to a career counselor, there are plenty of career-matching tests you can take online to take some of the guesswork out of choosing a major . These tests, such as our own, CareerHunter , are typically created by career experts and psychologists and can help eliminate your uncertainty.

Visiting colleges

Seeing a campus in full swing could help you visualize yourself there — or not! Either way, we encourage you to keep an eye out for college visit days or go for a walk around public campus areas. You could even contact university admissions, who will be happy to answer any questions that come to mind.

Talking to friends for inspiration

They may drive you mad half of the time, but you’d trust your friends with your life — figuratively, at least. Though you’ve probably discussed your future plans with one another, to what depth did you go? How much of your fear, excitement, hope, and confusion did you share? Our advice is to talk openly to as many of your peers as possible. After all, they have a firsthand understanding of what you’re experiencing.

Big decisions can be a big source of anxiety. Make sure you prioritize your mental and physical well-being during this time. Minimizing stress can even help you make better choices.

Creating a back-up plan

Unless you get your thoughts in some sort of order, they can eventually overwhelm you. A simple way to give jumbled ideas a less intimidating form is to write them down in a list.

Listing all possible options can help you arrange them in order of preference. It can also provide clear-cut solutions to fall back on if something doesn’t work out.

What you can do after school

Once you’ve talked to your friends and family and done some thinking on your own, you will arrive at some great-sounding options for the future. As with most things in life, however, these options will have their pros and cons. Before making a choice, it’s important to consider the “for” and “against” for each possible scenario.

Go to university

If you have a clear idea of what you’d like to do for a living, then pursuing higher education is a reasonable next step upon leaving high school. The sooner you start studying for your chosen subject, the sooner you’ll graduate and work in a field you like . Even if you don’t land your dream job right away, college can still equip you with skills and knowledge that can be applied in other professions .

At the same time, college can be very expensive. There is always a possibility that you take out a student loan , enroll in a course, and then realize it wasn’t the right decision for you. Though this isn’t an “end of the world” scenario, it can be tricky to navigate.

Take a gap year

Gap years are becoming increasingly more popular, and for good reason. Taking a break from studying means you can clear your head and spend more time deciding on your next steps. Gap years also provide the opportunity to step outside of your comfort zone through travel, work, or volunteering. The more things you try, the more you’ll discover about yourself, and the better your decision-making will become.

At the same time, if you take a year out you may lose your momentum in terms of studying. Getting used to the classroom setting and endless revision time after a year off can make college an even bigger challenge.

Complete an internship

Similarly to enrolling in university right out of high school, completing an internship can have its perks and its downsides. If you know what field interests you and you’re eager to gain some real-world experience , finding an internship is the logical thing to do.

However, internships tend to pay little or, in some cases, offer no remuneration at all. If saving up money is your priority, then it may be best to find a job that requires no degrees or certifications. Contrary to what you may think, some of these jobs pay big bucks!

Enroll in an online degree

So, maybe you want to go to university but aren’t so enthusiastic over the prospect of leaving your hometown behind. That’s fine! If the people in your life or your current environment are a big priority to you, you can always sign up for an online undergraduate or associate degree .

Though online learning can grant you the comfort of staying home, you may find it less engaging compared to onsite learning. E-Learning will also mean fewer academic resources: no group study rooms, no physical library, no in-person meetings with your professors. This is why, generally, online degrees have higher dropout rates compared to courses taught in person.

Volunteering is an excellent way to gain valuable skills and experience and give back to your community. If you’re eager to spread your wings, there are also plenty of volunteer opportunities you can pursue in different cities, states, or even abroad .

Doing selfless work can help you learn more about yourself, form new friendships, and build your confidence in the process. Perhaps the only undesirable aspect of this otherwise rewarding experience is that it can be expensive.

"Voluntourism" scams are rising steadily. Before committing to an organization for an opportunity abroad, do your research. It’s important to ensure that what you’re signing up for is legitimate.

Finding a job right out of high school is an excellent way to learn new skills and earn some money. It can also teach you self-reliance and discipline, which are excellent qualities to cultivate as a young adult.

Getting a job, however, can be significantly less thrilling than enrolling in a degree that excites you.

Luckily, if there’s a subject you’re passionate about, you could always combine studying with part-time work and get the best of both worlds.

Start a business

Though this may not be the most conventional path for high school leavers , higher education and training isn’t a prerequisite for developing an idea you have.

Signing up for an incubator program for your startup is a great way to receive mentorship around technical and financial matters. This can increase your chances at succeeding.

If you’ve just left high school , however, it’s likely that you don’t have much hands-on experience in the industry you’d like to break into. If you wait until your 30s or 40s, you’ll be statistically more likely to do a better job of setting up your own business .

Regardless of age, big decisions aren’t easy to make. Breaking down the process into steps, though, can simplify things. Download our checklist and stay on track:

School Leaver Checklist - Cover

Download the checklist

Key takeaways

As the end of the school year draws closer, you might notice your fear of the future intensifying. This is perfectly natural, so try to avoid beating yourself up about it. Accepting how you feel can help you overcome internal obstacles quicker, which can benefit you in the decision-making process.

To summarize, it’s good to remember the following when deciding on a new direction:

  • Consider your own priorities, interests, and ambitions . What makes sense for your friends might not work for you, so try not to compare yourself to them.
  • Do your research . To ensure your decision is the right one, you must have a thorough understanding of the pros and cons for each of your choices.
  • Trust your gut if it says you’re not ready for a degree or job . Ignoring your instincts and rushing to make a choice can backfire.
  • Follow advice that resonates with you . Though it’s important to ask your family and friends for advice, they shouldn’t make a decision for you.
  • Embrace change . Just because you thought you wanted something a year ago doesn’t mean you have to want it today. Allow yourself to re-evaluate things.

How do you approach making big decisions? Share any tips you’ve got with other students in the comments section.

Originally published October 28, 2016.

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Leaving a Legacy: My Aspirations for School

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