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Philosophy Dissertation Topics

Published by Grace Graffin at January 9th, 2023 , Revised On January 9, 2023


The choice of dissertation topic is crucial for research as it will facilitate the process and makes it an exciting and manageable process. Several dissertation ideas exist in philosophy, including metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, logic, aesthetics, deontology, absurdum, and existentialism. Philosophy dissertations can be based on either primary research or secondary research.

Primary data dissertations incorporate the collection and analysis of data obtained through questionnaires and surveys. On the other hand, secondary data dissertations make use of existing literature to test the research hypothesis . To help you get started with philosophy topic selection for your dissertation, a list is developed by our experts.

These philosophy dissertation topics have been developed by PhD qualified writers of our team , so you can trust to use these topics for drafting your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the topic,  research question ,  aim and objectives ,  literature review  along with the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics for 2022 here.

Philosophy Dissertation Topics of Research

Topic 1: an examination of women's perspective on feminist philosophy..

Research Aim: This study aims to look into the importance of feminism in a philosophical context. It will also identify the factors that lead to postmodernism and liberal feminism from women’s perspectives and will also focus on the impact of feminist philosophy on the development of modern society.

Topic 2: Sociological Functionalism- Investigating the Development and Beliefs

Research Aim: This research study will focus on new types of functionalism and get a deeper understanding of inner and outer circumstances in which different approaches take place. This study will also investigate how the researchers use social theory to acquire a better understanding of the environment in which these concepts are used. It will also promote sociology through informing and inspiring practices and research.

Topic 3: Assessing the History and Development of Philosophical Work from the 15th to 21st Century.

Research Aim: This study aims to find the history and development of philosophical work from the 15th and 21st Centuries. It will examine the theoretical foundations of the practice, applications, and social consequences. This study will also focus on different factors of how philosophy has evolved in these centuries and what changes have occurred.

Topic 4: A Comprehensive View of Social Development of Loneliness.

Research Aim: This study will comprehend how various theoretical points of view are connected or linked r to loneliness. This study will also present an argument for an interpretative social point of view by dissembling the sense of loneliness into key components. It will also focus on the problems and different behaviours of people.

Topic 5: What does it mean to live in an Ideal Society- Discuss using Plato's Philosophies.

Research Aim: Plato is well known for his monologue known as the Republic; he was also the classical political philosopher whose views influenced future political thoughts. Plato’s ideal society was created during a time when Plato was exceedingly optimistic about human nature and its ability to absorb knowledge. This study will conduct a deep analysis of Plato’s ideologies and his views and their impact on the western political world.

More Philosophy Dissertation Research Topics

Topic 1: why we should stop capital punishment and adopt permanent solutions to help solve crimes..

Research Aim: This research aims to analyse the importance of rehabilitation and counseling of criminals to bring them back to their usual walks of life. The whole idea is to eliminate crime, and capital punishment does not provide solutions where a clean society can be developed.

Topic 2: Should people always obey the rules? A closer look at the line between breaking rules and rebellion.

Research Aim: Rules are developed to maintain a balance in society and ensure discipline, which helps an individual in every sphere of their lives. But specific rules are created only for serving a group and not for the whole society’s best interest. This research aims at finding pieces of evidence where rule-breaking is a rebellion and for the upliftment of humanity and not in personal interest.

Topic 3: Loneliness: Reconstructing its meaning

Research Aim: This research aims at finding the meaning of loneliness, what it is to feel lonely, why some people are reclusive, isolate themselves. Loneliness is not always related to sadness, and some people feel better in isolation due to their bitter experiences of life.

Topic 4: Understanding why religion is paramount above anything else for many people around the globe.

Research Aim: Religion forms the basis of life and way of living for many people around the globe. People often get confused with religion and spiritualism, and the grandeur associated with religion becomes more important. The lack of knowledge and education forces blind faith. This research aims to find the reason for dependency on religion and how it negatively affects human lives.

Topic 5: What is the best way to boost a person’s creativity?

Research Aim: This research aims at finding the best possible way to boost a person’s creativity. The most important way is to motivate, inspire, and support them in their process of exploring innovative ideas. Recognition of talent can be the most effective method, which the research will investigate.

Topic 6: Morality and religion: Why are they different, yet they talk about the same thing?

Research Aim: The fundamental essence of religion is compassion and empathy for humans and ensures morality and ethics as a way of life. This research emphasises the primary aim of a religion and how people are getting disoriented and making rituals of religion the prime concern.

Topic 7: Wealth: Is it possible to be rich without having a lot of money?

Research Aim: Wealth and money are co-related as lots of money gives the power to buy anything. But a wealth of human life lies in their moral values, love, affection, proper health and wellbeing, and money cannot accept them. This research topic will speak about becoming wealthy, even with limited monetary wealth.

Topic 8: How can the custom of dowry be eliminated from people’s minds?

Research Aim: Dowry is a social parasite, and it is now a punishable offence by the law. But rules alone cannot change society. The research aims at eradicating the practice of dowry from people’s minds in the light of education.

Topic 9: To love or to be loved: Which is more important?

Research Aim: Love is the feeling of intense desire or deep affection. The most beautiful feeling gives a sense of satisfaction and grows through exchange between two individuals. To love and be loved are two co-related aspects as human expects love in return. The research focuses on the more critical dilemma, being on the giving or receiving side of love.

Topic 10: Why social behaviour and ethics cannot be separated?

Research Aim: The research aims to evaluate the importance of ethics in social behaviour and why they cannot be separated. An ethical society is a proper place to thrive for every individual.

Topic 11: A more in-depth look at things that make human life meaningful.

Research Aim: Money, power does not always buy happiness. The research lays the foundation for the importance of care, compassion, empathy. Love and affection as the more essential aspects that make human life meaningful.

Topic 12: Is it possible to create an ideal society?

Research Aim: An ideal society is free from any crime and economic disparities where everyone is treated equally. This research will discuss whether a perfect community is attainable; it is practically possible or not.

Topic 13: A closer look at modern life values.

Research Aim: The research aims to focus on the change in values in modern times. The research’s primary purpose is to provide a comparative study of how modern people’s mindset has changed over time.

Topic 14: Euthanasia: Is it ethical?

Research Aim: A long time debate exists regarding the ethical side of euthanasia. Ending someone’s life can be considered unlawful as we do not have the right to end something we did not create. This research aims at providing evidence in favour of euthanasia and also the negative aspects.

Topic 15: What is the value of truth? Are there instances when lying is good?

Research Aim: The research aims to provide evidence where lying is not unethical. The study will give an example from Bhagwat Gita, where Lord Krishna lied to safeguard humanity.

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Past Dissertations

Hyperlinked dissertations are available through  Proquest Digital Dissertations .

Dissertations from 2021
2024 John Greco
2023 Bryce Huebner
2023 David Luban
2022 Karen Stohr
2022 David Luban
2022 Quill R. Kukla
2022 Quill R. Kukla
2022 Bryce Huebner
2021 William Blattner
2021 Henry Richardson
2021 Maggie Little
2021 Mark Lance
2021 Bryce Huebner
2021 Quill R. Kukla
Table 1: Dissertations from 2020-2010
Karen Rice2020 Karen Stohr
Hailey Huget2020 Margaret Little
Michael Barnes2019 Rebecca Kukla
Matthew Shields2019 Mark Lance
Quentin Fisher2019 Mark Lance
Megan Dean2019 Rebecca Kukla
Daniel Threet2019 Henry Richardson
Joseph Rees2018 Rebecca Kukla
Paul Cudney2018 Nancy Sherman
Gordon Shannon2017 Mark Murphy
Nabina Liebow2017 Rebecca Kukla
Colin Hickey2017 Madison Powers & Maggie Litte
Cassie Herbert2017 Rebecca Kukla
Jacob Earl2017 Maggie Little
Francisco Gallegos2017 William Blattner
Laura Guidry-Grimes2017 Alisa Carse
Chong Un Choe-Smith2016 Mark Murphy
Trip Glazer2016 Rebecca Kukla
Patricia McShane2015 Mark Murphy
Torsten Menge2015 Rebecca Kukla
Anne Jeffrey2015 Mark Murphy
Oren Magid2015 William Blattner
Anthony Manela 2014 Maggie Little
Travis Rieder2014 Henry Richardson
Kyle Fruh2014 Judith Lichtenberg
Emily Evans2014 Tom Beauchamp
Diana Puglisi2014 Wayne Davis
Ann Lloyd Breeden2014 Henry Richardson
Richard Fry2014 Tom Beauchamp
James Olsen2014 William Blattner
Kelly Heuer2013 Maggie Little
Marcus Hedahl2013 Maggie Little
Yashar Saghai2013 Maggie Little
Tony Pfaff2013 Nancy Sherman
Nate Olson2012 Henry Richardson
Luke Maring2012 Henry Richardson
Christian Golden2012 Gerald Mara, Mark Lance
Karim Sadek2012 Terry Pinkard
Daniel Quattrone2011 Steven Kuhn
Amy Sepinwall2011 David Luban
Lee Okster2011 Alisa Carse
Jeffrey Engelhardt2011 Wayne Davis
David Bachyrycz2010 John Brough
Justyna Japola2010 Wayne Davis
Table 2: Dissertations from 2009-2000
Lauren Fleming2009 Maggie Little
Robert Leider2009 Henry Richardson
Billy Lauinger2009 Mark Murphy
Tea Logar2009 Maggie Little
Kari Esbensen2008 Madison Powers
Ashley Fernandes2008 Edmund Pellegrino
Chauncey Maher2007 Mark Lance
Michael Ferry2007 Mark Murphy
Matthew McAdam2007 Wayne Davis, Maggie Little
Jeremy Snyder2007 Margaret Little
Matthew Rellihan2006 Wayne Davis
Katherine Taylor2006 Alisa Carse
Patricia Flynn2006 Henry Richardson
Elisa A. Hurley2006 Margaret Little & Nancy Sherman
Colleen MacNamara 2006 Margaret Little
Daniel H. Levine2005 Henry Richardson
Michelle Strauss2005 Margaret Little
Jennifer K. Walter2005 Alisa Carse
Justin Weinberg2004 Henry Richardson
Matthew Burstein2004 Mark Lance
Todd Janke2004 William Blattner
Thane M. Naberhaus2004 John Brough
Nathaniel Goldberg2004 Linda Wetzel
Sven G. Sherman-Peterson2003 G. Madison Powers
Eran Patrick Klein2002 Edmund Pellegrino
Harrison Keller2002 Henry Richardson
Thaddeus Pope2002 Tom Beauchamp
William H. White2002 Mark Lance & Margaret Little
Stephen Scott Hanson2002 Tom Beauchamp
Cynthia Foster Chance2000 Terry Pinkard
Lauren Christine Deichman2000 Alisa Carse
Kevin Fitzgerald, SJ2000 LeRoy Walters
Jeffrey C. Jennings2000 Edmund Pellegrino
Table 3: Dissertations from 1999-1990
Frank Chessa1999 Tom Beauchamp
Elizabeth Hill Emmett-Mattox1999 G. Madison Powers
John J. Gunkel1999 William Blattner
Michael P. Wolf1999 Mark Lance
Laura Jane Bishop1998 LeRoy Walters
Whitley Robert Peters Kaufman1998 Henry Richardson
Jeremy Randel Koons1998 Mark Lance
Sharon Ruth Livingston1998 Steve Kuhn
Lester Aaron Myers1998 Wilfried Ver Eecke
Randall K. O’Bannon1998 John Langan
Julia Pedroni1998 LeRoy Walters
Carol Mason Spicer1998 LeRoy Walters
Susan Allison Stark1998 Margaret Little
Carol R. Taylor1997 Edmund Pellegrino
Andrew Cohen1997 G. Madison Powers
Suzanne Shevlin Edwards1997 G. Madison Powers
Robin Fiore1997 G. Madison Powers
Kimberly Mattingly1997 G. Madison Powers
Wilhelmine Davis Miller1997 Alisa Carse
Frank Daniel Davis1996 Edmund Pellegrino
Judith Lee Kissell1996 Edmund Pellegrino
Ronald Alan Lindsay1996Self-Determination, Suicide, and Euthanasia: The Implications of Autonomy for the Morality and Legality of Assisted Suicide and Voluntary Active Euthanasia (Volumes 1 & 2)Tom Beauchamp
Robert S. Olick1996Deciding for Incompetent Patients: The Nature and Limit of Prospective Autonomy and Advance DirectivesRobert Veatch
William Edward Stempsey1996Fact and Value in Disease and Diagnosis: A Proposal for Value-Dependent RealismRobert Veatch
John J. DeGioia1995The Moral Theories of Charles Taylor and Alasdair MacIntyre and the Objective Moral OrderTerry Pinkard
Susan Beth Rubin1995Futility: An Insufficient Justification for Physician Unilateral Decision MakingRobert Veatch
Daniel Patrick Sulmasy1995Killing and Allowing to Die, Volumes 1 & 2Edmund Pellegrino
Paul Fein1994We Have Ways: The Law and Morality of the Interrogation of Prisoners of War (Volumes 1, 2 & 3)John Langan
Catherine Myser1994A Philosophical Critique of the ‘Best Interests’ Criterion and an Exploration of Balancing the Interests of Infants or Fetuses, Family Members, and Society in the United States, India, and SwedenLeRoy Walters
Laura Shanner1994Phenomenology of the Child-Wish: New Reproductive Technologies and Ethical Responses to InfertilityLeRoy Walters
Christine Grady1993Ethical Issues in the Development and Testing of a Preventative HIV VaccineLeRoy Walters
Kevin Arthur Kraus1993Hoping in the Healing Process: An Integral Condition to the Ethics of CareEdmund Pellegrino
Patricia Von Gaertner Mazzarella1993Can Eternal Objects Be the Foundation for a Process Theory of Morality?Edmund Pellegrino
Cynthia Anderson1992Kant’s Theory of MeasurementJay Reuscher
Carol Jean Bayley1992Values and Worldview in Clinical Research and the Practice of MedicineRobert Veatch
Leonard Ferenz1992Social and Ethical Impacts of Life-Extending Technologies and Interventions into the Aging ProcessRobert Veatch
Aaron Leonard Mackler1992Cases and Considered Judgments: A Critical Appraisal of Casuistic Approaches in EthicsTom Beauchamp
Dennis E. Boyle1991Geometry, Place Relations and the Illusion of Physical SpaceWayne Davis
Dianne Nutwell Irving1991Philosophical and Scientific Analysis of the Nature of the Early Human EmbryoEdmund Pellegrino
Robert A. Mayhew1991Aristotle’s Criticism of Plato’s Republic: A Philosophical CommentaryAlfonso Gomez-Lobo
Cecilia Regina Ortiz-Mena1991From Existence to the Ideal: Continuity and Development in Kant’s TheologyJay Reuscher
Minerva San Juan1991Being Moved by Reasons: The Superiority of Kant’s InternalismHenry Richardson
Christopher Francis Schiavone1991The Contemplative Dimension of Rationality in the Thought of Karl Rahner: A Condition of Possibility for Revelation (Volumes 1 & 2)Frank Ambrosio
Virginia Ashby Sharpe1991How the Liberal Idea Fails as a Foundation for Medical Ethics, or, Medical Ethics “In a Different Voice”Edmund Pellegrino
Mary Louise Wessell1991Health Care for the Poor: A Critical Examination of the Views of Edmund A. Pellegrino and H. Tristram EngelhardtEdmund Pellegrino
Patrick Sven Arvidson1990Limits in the Field of ConsciousnessJohn Brough
Sigrid Fry-Revere1990The Social Accountability of Bioethics Committees and ConsultantsLeRoy Walters
Marilee R. Howard1990The Relevance of Catholic Social Teachings for Determining Priorities for Rationing Health CareJohn Langan
Jeffrey Paul Kahn1990The Principle of Nonmaleficence and the Problems of Reproductive Decision MakingTom Beauchamp
Mark Steven Mitsock1990Husserl on Modern Philosophy: A Study of Erste PhilosophieJohn Brough
Maura Ann O’Brien1990Moral Voice in Public Policy: Responding to the AIDS PandemicLeRoy Walters
William Charles Soderberg1990Genetic Obligations to Future GenerationsLeRoy Walters
Susan Sylar Stocker1990Husserl and Gadamer on Historicity of Understanding: Can Historicism Be Avoided?John Brough
Cornelia Tsakiridou1990The Death of Form: Artistic Being and Artistic Culture in HegelWilfried Ver Eecke
Bruce David Weinstein1990Moral Voice in Public Policy: Responding to the AIDS PandemicRobert Veatch
Table 4: Dissertations from 1989-1980
Fatin Khalil Ismail Al-Bustany1989Scientific Change as an Evolutionary, Information Process: Its Structural, Conceptual, and Cultural ElementsGeorge Farre
David Dion DeGrazia1989Interests, Intuition, and Moral Status (Vol. 1)Tom Beauchamp
Jacqueline Jean Glover1989The Role of Physicians in Cost Containment: An Ethical AnalysisLeRoy Walters
John Lawrence Hill1989In Defense of Surrogate Parenting Arrangements: An Ethical and Legal AnalysisLeRoy Walters
Eric Mark Meslin1989Protecting Human Subjects from Harm in Medical Research: A Proposal for Improving Risk Judgments by Institutional Review BoardsLeRoy Walters
Albdelkader Aoudjit1988A Critique of Existential MarxismGeorge Farre
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter1988Explanation in Clinical Medicine: Analysis and CritiqueTom Beauchamp
Marcella Fausta Tarozzi Goldsmith1988Nonrepresentational Forms of the Comic: Humor, Irony, and JokesWilfried Ver Eecke
Margaret McKenna Houck1988Derek Parfit and Obligations to Future GenerationsLeRoy Walters
Erna Joy Kroeger Mappes1988The Ethics of Care and the Ethic of Rights: A Problem for Contemporary Moral TheoryTom Beauchamp
Rolland William Pack1988Case Studies and Moral Conclusions: The Philosophical Use of Case Studies in Biomedical EthicsEdmund Pellegrino
Joseph Francis Rautenberg1988Grisez, Finnis and the Proportionalists: Disputes over Commensurability and Moral Judgment in Natural LawRichard McCormick
Najla Abri Hamadeh Osman1987Freud’s Theory of the Death Instinct and Lacan’s InterpretationWilfried Ver Eecke
Devra Beck Simiu1987Disorder and Early Alienation: Lacan’s Original Theory of the Mirror StageWilfried Ver Eecke
Barry Kerlin Smith1987The Problem of Truth in LiteratureJohn Brough
James Winslow Anderson1986Three Abortion Theorists: A Critical AppreciationLeRoy Walters
Angela Rose Ricciardelli1986A Comparison of Wilfred Desan’s and Pierre Teihard de Chardin’s Thinking With Regard to the Nature of Man’s Survival in a United WorldSr. Virginia Gelger & Thomas McTighe
Gladys Benson White1986A Philosophical Analysis of the Normative Status of the FamilyLeRoy Walters
Timothy Owen Davis1985The Problem of Intersubjectivity in Husserlian PhenomenologyJohn Brough
Eric Thomas Juengst1985The Concept of Genetic Disease and Theories of Medical ProgressTom Beauchamp
Jameson Kurasha1985The Importance of Philosophy of Mind in Educational TheoryWayne Davis
Deborah Ruth Mathieu1985Preventing Harm and Respecting Liberty: Ethical and Legal Implications of New Prenatal TherapiesHenry Veatch
John Marcus Rose1985Plotinus and Heiddeger on Anxiety and the NothingThomas McTighe
Dorothy E. Vawter1985The Truth and Objectivity of Practical Propositions: Contemporary Arguments in Moral EpistemologyAlfonso Gomez-Lobo
Abigail Rian Evans1984Health, Healing and Healer: A Theological and Philosophical InquiryWilliam May
Sara Thompson Fry1984Protecting Privacy: Judicial Decision-Making in Search of a PrincipleLeRoy Walters
Michael Patrick Malloy1984Civil Authority in Medieval Philosophy: Selected Commentaries of Aquinas and BonaventureThomas McTighe
Ray Edward Moseley1984Animal Rights: An Analysis of the Major Arguments for Animal RightsLeRoy Walters
Jody Palmour1984The Ancient Virtues and Vices: Philosophical Foundations for the Psychology, Ethics, and Politics of Human Development (Volume 1)Wilfried Ver Eecke
Marcia Winfred Sichol1984The Application of Just War Principles to Nuclear War and Deterrence in Three Contemporary Theorists: Michael Walzer, Paul Ramsey, and William V. O’BrienJohn Langan
Donald Clare Bogie1983For an Ethical IndividualismHenry Veatch
Katheryn A. Cabrey1982An Ethical Perspective on the Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources as Exemplified in the Federal Financing of Care to Renal PatientsLeRoy Walters
Alan Lawrence Udoff1982Evil, History and FaithThomas McTighe
William R. Casement1981Indoctrination and Contemporary Approaches to Moral EducationJesse Mann
John Francis Donovan1981Church-State Relations in Hegel’s Philosophy of RightThomas McTighe
Fr. Thomas Joseph Joyce1981Dewey’s Process of Inquiry as the Basis of His Educational ModelJesse Mann
Josef Kadlec1981Aging – A New Problem of Modern MedicineH. Tristram Engelhardt Jr.
James Joseph McCartney1981The Relationship Between Karol Wojtyla’s Personalism and the Contemporary Debate Over the Ontological Status of Human Embryological LifeRichard McCormick
Nina Virginia Mikhalevsky1981The Concept of Rational Being in Kant’sMetaphysics of the Groundwork of MoralsH. Tristram Engelhardt Jr.
John MacMillan Simons1981Spirit and Time: Plotinus’s Doctrine of the Two MattersThomas McTighe
Carol Ann Tauer1981The Moral Status of the Prenatal Human Subject of ResearchTom Beauchamp
Charlotte Elizabeth Witt1981Essentialism: Aristotle and the Contemporary ApproachAlfonso Gomez-Lobo
Emmanuel Damascus Akpan1980The Pseudo Deontology of John Rawls: In Defense of the Principle of UtilityTom Beauchamp
Johanna Maria Bantjes1980Kripke’s Interpretation of Wittgenstein’s Theory of Proper NamesGeorge Farre
Gary Martin Seay1980Prescriptivism and Moral WeaknessTom Beauchamp
Table 5: Dissertations from 1979-1970
Peter McLaren Black1979Killing and Letting DieTom Beauchamp
Ileana Jacoubovitch Grams1979The Logic of Insanity DefenseTom Beauchamp
Sander H. Lee1979Does Moral Freedom Imply Anarchism?Henry Veatch
Francine Michele Rainone1979Marx and the Classical Tradition in Moral PhilosophyHenry Veatch
Francis Joseph Kelly1978Structural and Developmental Aspects of the Formulation of Categoral Judgments in the Philosophy of Edmund HusserlJohn Brough
Richard Norman Stichler1978Ideals of FreedomTom Beauchamp
Charles Coulter Verharen1978The Demarcation of Philosophy from Science and Art in the Methodology of WittgensteinGeorge Farre
Harold Bleich1977Herbert Marcuse’s Philosophy: A Critical AnalysisWilfried Ver Eecke
Andrea Beryl King1977Benevolent Dictatorship in Plato’s Republicn.a.
Emil James Piscitelli1977Language and Method in the Philosophy of Religion: A Critical Study of the Philosophy of Bernard LoneganThomas McTighe
Jane S. Zembaty1977The Essentialism of Kripke and Madden and Metaphysical NecessityTom Beauchamp
Michael Jan Fuksa1976Logic, Language and the Free Will DefenseHenry Veatch
Ann Neale1976The Concept of Health in Medicine: A Philosophical AnalysisLeroy Walters & Tom Beauchamp
Richard Chibikodo Onwuanibe1976An Ethical Inquiry on Franz Fanon’s Revolutionary Humanism: A Critique of the Use of ViolenceHenry Veatch & Jesse Mann
Sue Ellen Sloca1976An Examination and Evaluation of Criticism Directed Against the Linguistic Relativity HypothesisWilfried Ver Eecke
Michael Eugene Downey1975Language About God: Analytic, Synthetic, or Synthetic a priori?Henry Veatch
John Joseph Drummond1975Presenting and Kinaesthetic Sensations in Husserl’s Phenomenology of PerceptionJohn Brough
Thomas James Hickey1975Systems Approach to the Logic of Justification in Ordinary LanguageGeorge Farre
Francis Ignatius Kane1975Heidegger’s Sein and Linguistic Analytic ObjectionsThomas McTighe
George John Marshall1975Can Human Nature Change?: A Tentative Answer in the Light of the Positions of Dewey, Sarte, and Their CriticsWilfred Desan & Jesse Mann
Michael Christopher Normile1975Individual and Society: Dewey’s Reconstruction and ResolutionJesse Mann
Kathleen Louise Usher1975A Clarification of Edmund Husserl’s Distinction Between Phenomenological Psychology and Transcendental PhenomenologyJohn Brough
Debra Beth Bergoffen1974The Crisis of Western Consciousness: An Interpretation of Its Meaning Through an Analysis of the Temporal Symbols of Western CultureWilfried Ver Eecke
Sister Marietta Culhane1974Philosophical Clarification of the Contemporary Concept of Self-IdentityRocco Porreco
James George Fisher1974The Distinction Between Substances and Principal Attribute in DescartesThomas McTighe
Sister Patricia Hayes1974An Analysis of Kant’s Use of the Term ‘Metaphysics’John Reuscher
Thomas Albin Mappes1974Inductive Reasoning and Moral Reasoning: Parallel Patterns of JustificationTom Beauchamp
Joseph Edmund Martire1974The Logic of Depiction and the Logic of Description: An Analysis of ‘The Picture Theory’ of the Tractatus and Its Criticisms in the Philosophical InvestigationsGeorge Farre
John Patrick Mohr1974Self-Referential Language and the Existence of God in the Philosophy of HegelWilfried Ver Eecke
Sister Marilyn Clare Thie1974Whitehead on a Rational Explanation of Religious ExperienceLouis Dupré
Sister Mary-Rita Grady1973Time, The Form of the Will: An Essay on Josiah Royce’s Philosophy of TimeJesse Mann
Jerome Aloysius Miller1973The Irrefutability of Metaphysical TruthsThomas McTighe
Anne Rogers Devereux1973Der Vorgriff (The Pre-Apprehension of Being) and the Religious Act in Karl RahnerLouis Dupré
Thomas Toyoshi Tominaga1973A Wittgensteinian Inquiry into the Confusions Generated by the Question ‘What is the Meaning of a Word?’George Farre
Sister Mary Elizabeth Giegengack1972Can God Be Experienced? A Study in the Philosophy of Religion of William Ernest HockingLouis Dupré
Kevin Benedict McDonnell1971Religion and Ethics in the Philosophy of William of OckhamGermain Grisez
David Novak1971Suicide and Morality in Plato, Aquinas, and KantGermain Grisez
William M. Richards1971A New Interpretation of the Tractatus Logico-PhilosophicusGeorge Farre
Joseph Michael Boyle1970The Argument from Self-Referential Consistency: The Current DiscussionGermain Grisez
John Barnett Brough1970A Study of the Logic and Evolution of Edmund Husserl’s Theory of the Constitution of Time-Consciousness, 1893-1917Louis Dupré
Rev. Martin Joseph Lonergan1970Gabriel Marcel’s Phenomenology of IncarnationWilfred Desan
John Patrick Minahan1970The Metaphysical Misunderstanding of Wittgenstein’s TractatusGeorge Farre
George Francis Sefler1970The Structure of Language and its Relation to the World: A Methodological Study of the Writings of Martin Heidegger and Ludwig WittgensteinWilfred Desan
Thomas Joseph Shalvey1970The Philosophical Foundations of the Role of the Collective in the Work of Levi-StraussWilfred Desan
Olaf Philip Tollefsen1970Verification Procedures in Dialectical MetaphysicsGermain Grisez
Table 6: Dissertations from 1969-1960
Michael Didoha1969Conceptual Distortion and Intuitive Creativity: A Study of the Role of Knowledge in the Thought of Nicholas BerdyaevWilfred Desan
Joel Celedonio Ramirez1969The Personalist Metaphysics of Xavier ZubiriJesse Mann
Raymond Michael Herbenick1968C.S. Peirce and Contemporary Theories of the Systems Concept and Systems Approach to Problem-Solving and Decision-Making: An Introductory Essay on Systems Theory in Philosophical AnalysisJesse Mann
Rev. Walter John Stohrer1968The Role of Martin Heidegger’s Doctrine of Dasein in Karl Rahner’s Metaphysics of ManWilfred Desan
John H. Walsh1968A Fundamental Ontology of Play and LeisureWilfred Desan
Loretta Therese Zderad1968A Concept of EmpathyWilfred Desan
Mary-Angela Harper1967A Study of the Metaphysical Problem of IntersubjectivityLouis Dupré
Elena Lugo1967Jose Ortega y Gasset’s Sportive Sense of Life: His Philosophy of ManWilfred Desan
Carl Herman Pfuntner1967An Examination of the Extent of Philosophical Dependence, Methodological and Metaphysical, of John Dewey on Charles PeirceJesse Mann
Rev. Rene Firmin De Brabander1966Immanent Philosophy and Transcendent Religion: Henry Dumery’s Philosophy of ChristianityLouis Dupré
Joseph C. Mihalich1965The Notion of Value in the Existentialism of Jean-Paul SartreWilfred Desan
Magda Munoz-Colberg1965An Evaluation of Auguste Comte’s Theory of InequalityWilfred Desan
William A. Owen1964Whitehead’s Philosophy of Science the Concept of SubstanceJesse Mann
Thomas E. Schaefer1963The Meaning of Chun Tzu in the Thought of Menciusn.a.
Eulalio R. Baltazar1962A Critical Examination of the Methodology of Wilfred Desan
Pierre Emile Nys1961Body and Soul: The Center of Metaphysics?Thomas McTighe
Paul R. Sullivan1961Ontic Aspects of Cognition in PoetryRudolph Allers
Forrest H. Peterson1960The Study of Power in the Philosophies of Hegel and MarxH. A. Rommen
Table 7: Dissertations from 1959-1958
Rev. John R. Kanda1959Certain Intellectual Operations and the Neo-Scholastic MethodEdward Hanrahan
Rev. Robert R. Kline1959The Present Status of Value Theory in the United StatesRudolph Allers
Joseph G. Connor1958The Jesuit College and Electivism: A Study in the Philosophy of American EducationJohn Daley
Robert P. Goodwin1958The Metaphysical Pragmatism of Charles Sanders PeirceRudolph Allers
John Paul W. Fitzgibbon1958The Philosophy of Poetic Symbolism, Medieval and ModernRudolph Allers

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Last NameFirst NameDateThesis TitleThesis Supervisor(s)Real Date
HeineJessicaMay 2024How Things Seem: Arbitrariness, Transparency, and RepresentationByrne06/26/24
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BalinAllisonSep 2022 White09/01/22
RavanpakRyanSep 2022 Hare, Skow09/01/22
SchillingHaleySep 2022 White09/01/22
WebberMallorySep 2022 Yablo09/01/22
WuXinheSep 2022 McGee09/01/22
RätyAnniMay 2022 Schapiro05/01/22
AthertonEmmaSep 2021 Haslanger09/01/21
BoulicaultMarionSep 2021 Haslanger09/01/21
ByrneThomasJun 2021 Hare06/01/21
BalcarrasDavidSep 2020 Byrne09/01/20
Baron-SchmittNathanielSep 2020 Skow09/01/20
HodgesJeromeSep 2020 Haslanger09/01/20
KoslowAllisonSep 2020 Byrne09/01/20
BuilesDavidMay 2020 Skow05/01/20
DorstKevinSep 2019 White09/01/19
GrantCosmoSep 2019 Stalnaker09/01/19
LenehanRoseSep 2019 Haslanger09/01/19
Phillips-BrownMiloSep 2019 Yablo09/01/19
WhitePatrick QuinnSep 2019 Setiya09/01/19
HesniSamiaJun 2019 Haslanger06/01/19
MuñozDanielJun 2019 Schapiro, Setiya06/01/19
BoylanDavidSep 2018 Stalnaker09/01/18
GrayDavidSep 2018 Byrne09/01/18
JaquesAbbySep 2018 Setiya09/01/18
SchultheisVirginia Sep 2018 White09/01/18
SaillantSaidSep 2017 White09/01/17
WellsIanSep 2017 White09/01/17
RichardsonKevinSep 2017 Yablo09/01/17
JennyMathiasSep 2017 McGee09/01/17
de KenesseyBrendanSep 2017 Setiya09/01/17
BianchiDylanSep 2017 Byrne09/01/17
MandelkernMatthewJun 2017 Stalnaker and von Fintel06/01/17
Ortiz-HinojosaSofiaSep 2016 Byrne09/01/16
MillsopRebeccaSep 2016 Haslanger09/01/16
Marley-PayneJackSep 2016 Stalnaker09/01/16
DoodyRyanSep 2016 Rayo09/01/16
DasNilanjanSep 2016 White09/01/16
BotchkinaEkaterinaSep 2016 Haslanger and Yablo09/01/16
AliArdenSep 2016 Setiya09/01/16
SchumacherMelissaSep 2015 Skow09/01/15
SalowBernhardSep 2015 White09/01/15
LenehanRoseSep 2015 Haslanger09/01/15
EvansOwainSep 2015Bayesian Computational Models for Inferring PreferencesWhite09/01/15
HorowitzSophieJun 2014 White06/01/14
RochfordDamienSep 2013 Stalnaker09/01/13
HagenDanielSep 2013 Haslanger09/01/13
CarrJenniferSep 2013 Holton09/01/13
SliwaPaulineSep 2012 Holton09/01/12
HeddenBrianSep 2012 Hare09/01/12
SchoenfieldMiriamJun 2012 White06/01/12
GrecoDanielJun 2012 White06/01/12
EmeryNinaJun 2012 Skow06/01/12
WaldenKennethSep 2011 Holton and Langton09/01/11
SantorioPaoloSep 2011 Stalnaker09/01/11
RinardSusannaSep 2011 White09/01/11
Pérez CarballoAlejandroSep 2011 Stalnaker and Yablo09/01/11
ManneKateSep 2011 Holton09/01/11
GrahamAndrewSep 2011 Yablo09/01/11
AlmotahariMahradSep 2011 Stalnaker09/01/11
RobichaudChristopherFeb 2011 Langton02/01/11
VavovaEkaterinaSep 2010 White09/01/10
UrbanekValentinaSep 2010 Hare09/01/10
KwonHongwooSep 2010 Stalnaker09/01/10
KrupnickAriSep 2010 Stalnaker09/01/10
HendersonLeahSep 2010 Stalnaker09/01/10
DoughertyThomasSep 2010 Holton and Langton09/01/10
LogueHeatherSep 2009 Byrne09/01/09
HoseinAdamSep 2009 Langton09/01/09
HollandSeanSep 2009 Haslanger09/01/09
HoffmanGingerSep 2009 Holton09/01/09
GlickEphraimSep 2009 Stalnaker09/01/09
AshwellLaurenSep 2009 Byrne, Holton & Langton09/01/09
MossSarahJun 2009 Stalnaker06/01/09
BriggsRachelFeb 2009 Stalnaker02/01/09
YalcinSethSep 2008 Stalnaker & Yablo09/01/08
NinanDilipSep 2008 Stalnaker09/01/08
EtlinDavidSep 2008 Stalnaker09/01/08
KurtzRoxanneFeb 2008 Cohen & Haslanger02/01/08
SinJessicaSep 2007 Holton09/01/07
FineganJohannaSep 2007 Thomson09/01/07
de BresHelenaSep 2007 Cohen09/01/07
BerkerSelimSep 2007 Thomson09/01/07
BattyClareSep 2007 Byrne09/01/07
DeckerJasonFeb 2007 Yablo02/01/07
SwansonEricSep 2006 Stalnaker09/01/06
Bach-y-RitaPeterSep 2006 Thomson09/01/06
Abdul-MatinIshmawilSep 2006 Cohen09/01/06
NickelBernhardSep 2005 Hall, Stalnaker, Yablo09/01/05
SveinsdottirAstaSep 2004Siding with Euthyphro: Response-Dependence, Essentiality, and the Individuation of Ordinary ObjectsHaslanger09/01/04
RoskiesAdinaSep 2004 Hall09/01/04
JohnJamesSep 2004 Byrne09/01/04
DoggettTylerSep 2004 Byrne09/01/04
SofaerNeemaJun 2004 Cohen06/01/04
EganAndrewFeb 2004 Yablo02/01/04
HawleyPatrickSep 2003 Stalnaker09/01/03
HarmanElizabethSep 2003 Cohen09/01/03
FlahertyJoshuaSep 2003 Cohen09/01/03
EinheuserIrisSep 2003 Yablo09/01/03
SartorioCarolinaJun 2003 Yablo06/01/03
KoellnerPeterJun 2003 McGee06/01/03
NewmanAnthonySep 2002 Byrne09/01/02
McGrathSarahSep 2002 Hall09/01/02
MaitraIshaniSep 2002 Haslanger09/01/02
HoffmannAvivSep 2002 Stalnaker09/01/02
SimonStevenJun 2002 Stalnaker06/01/02
FriedmanAlexanderJun 2002 Thomson06/01/02
PettitDeanSep 2001 Stalnaker09/01/01
MeyerUlrichSep 2001 Stalnaker09/01/01
ElgaAdamSep 2001 Hall09/01/01
JónssonÓlafurJun 2001 Thomson06/01/01
RayoAgustinFeb 2001 McGee02/01/01
HernandoMiguelFeb 2001 Stalnaker02/01/01
GrayAnthonyFeb 2001 Stalnaker02/01/01
WhiteRogerSep 2000 Stalnaker09/01/00
EklundMattiSep 2000 Yablo09/01/00
UzquianoGabrielSep 1999 McGee09/01/99
StreifferRobertSep 1999 Thomson09/01/99
McKitrickJenniferSep 1999 Byrne09/01/99
BrownRachelSep 1999 Cohen09/01/99
SerenoLisaFeb 1999 Stalnaker02/01/99
SpencerCaraSep 1998 Stalnaker09/01/98
BotterellAndrewSep 1998 Stalnaker09/01/98
GraffDeliaSep 1997 Stalnaker09/01/97
Maciá FábregaJosepJun 1997 Stalnaker06/01/97
FeldmannJudithFeb 1997 Stalnaker02/01/97
KermodeRobertJun 1996 Byrne06/01/96
HintonTimothyJun 1996 Cohen06/01/96
StoljarDanielSep 1995 Block09/01/95
SzabóZoltánJun 1995 Boolos06/01/95
StanleyJasonJun 1995 Stalnaker06/01/95
KoslickiKathrinJun 1995 Thomson06/01/95
BumpusAnnJun 1995 Thomson06/01/95
JungDarrylFeb 1995 Boolos02/01/95
LauYen-fongSep 1994 Stalnaker09/01/94
HunterDavidSep 1994 Stalnaker09/01/94
McConnellJeffreyMay 1994 Block05/01/94
ClappLeonardMay 1994 Bromberger05/01/94
StaintonRobertSep 1993 Bromberger09/01/93
PicardJ.R.W. MichaelSep 1993 Cartwright09/01/93
WomackCatherineJun 1993 Higginbotham06/01/93
UlicnyBrianJun 1993 Higginbotham06/01/93
JeskeDianeSep 1992 Brink09/01/92
ReimerMargaretJun 1992 Cartwright06/01/92
IsaacsTracyJun 1992 Thomson06/01/92
SteinEdwardFeb 1992 Block02/01/92
Heck Jr.RichardJun 1991 Boolos06/01/91
GallowayDavidJun 1991 Boolos06/01/91
DwyerSusanJun 1991 Higginbotham06/01/91
AntonyMichaelOct 1990 Block10/01/90
RuesgaAlbertJun 1990 Higginbotham06/01/90
PrevettElizabethMay 1990 Brink05/01/90
PietrowskiPaulMay 1990 Stalnaker05/01/90
PageJamesMay 1990 Boolos05/01/90
LormandEricMay 1990 Block05/01/90
KayeLarryMay 1990 Stalnaker05/01/90
RodriguezJorgeSep 1989 Cartwright09/01/89
UebelThomasJun 1989 Bromberger06/01/89
PattersonSarahJun 1988 Block06/01/88
LebedJay AaronJun 1988 Block06/01/88
LindMarciaFeb 1988 Cohen02/01/88
SegalGabrielJun 1987 Block06/01/87
SatzDebraFeb 1987 Cohen02/01/87
CobettoJack BernardMay 1985 Cartwright05/01/85
Akhtar KazmiAliFeb 1985 Boolos02/01/85
GillonBrendanSep 1984 Higginbotham09/01/84
McClamrockRonaldJun 1984 Block06/01/84
WetzelLindaFeb 1984 Cartwright02/01/84
AppeltTimothyFeb 1984 Cartwright02/01/84
AntogniniThomasFeb 1984 Boolos02/01/84
PresslerJonathanSep 1983 Cohen09/01/83
RussinoffIleneMay 1983 Boolos05/01/83
PolandJeffreyMay 1983 Fodor05/01/83
ChristieAndrewMay 1983 Higginbotham05/01/83
BerkLonSep 1982 Boolos09/01/82
CannonDouglasJun 1982 Boolos06/01/82
KrakowskiIsraelJun 1981 Block06/01/81
KatzFredric M.Jun 1981 Boolos06/01/81
Stabler, Jr.Edward PalmerFeb 1981 Fodor02/01/81
LevinJanet MarchelSep 1980 Block09/01/80
KammFrances MyrnaFeb 1980 Herman02/01/80
SmithGeorgeJun 1979 Cartwright06/01/79
RabinowitzJoshuaSep 1978 Judith Thomson09/01/78
AuerbachDavidJun 1978 Boolos06/01/78
PriorStephenJun 1977 Block06/01/77
MendelsohnRichardFeb 1977 Cartwright02/01/77
FosterSusanFeb 1977 Herman02/01/77
LevinHaroldSep 1976 Boolos09/01/76
HorowitzTamaraJun 1976Apriority and Necessity.Boolos06/01/76
SparerAlanFeb 1976Political Obligation and the Just State.Judith Thomson02/01/76
SoamesScottFeb 1976 Bromberger02/01/76
SiegelKennethSep 1975Identity Across Possible Worlds.Boolos09/01/75
KarpDavidJun 1975General Ontology.Brody06/01/75
SteckerRobertFeb 1975Moral Sense Theories.Brody02/01/75
LiptonMichaelSep 1974Quine’s Criterion of Ontological Commitment.Cartwright09/01/74
WestonThomasJun 1974 Cartwright06/01/74
NishiyamaYujiJun 1974The Structure of Propositions.Katz06/01/74
ZaitchikAlanSep 1973The Limits of Hypothetical Contractualism.Judith Thomson09/01/73
SiemensWarrenSep 1973Theories of Scientific Change: Their Nature and Structure.Bromberger09/01/73
ShelleyKaranSep 1973Theories of Scientific Change: Their Nature and Structure.Bromberger09/01/73
MellemaPaulJun 1973 Bromberger06/01/73
HarnishRobertSep 1972Studies in Logic and Language.Katz09/01/72
KirkRobertJun 1972Intermediate Logics and the Equational Classes of Brouwerian Algebras.James Thomson06/01/72
FriedmanKennethJun 1972Foundation and Probability Theory and Statistical Thermodynamics.Bromberger06/01/72
McEvoyPaulSep 1971The Philosophy of Niels Bohr.Graves09/01/71
WhitbeckCarolineJun 1970The Concepts of Space and Time in the General Theory of Relativity.Graves06/01/70
BoydRichardFeb 1970A Recursion-Theoretic Characterization of the Ramified Analytical Hierarchy.Cartwright02/01/70
TellerPaulSep 1969Problems in Confirmation Theory.James Thomson09/01/69
LeedsStephenJun 1969Arithmetical Degrees in the Hierarchy of Constructible Sets of Integers.James Thomson06/01/69
ThomasStephenSep 1968Philosophical Model-Building and the Philosophy of Mind.Judith Thomson09/01/68
DavisBernardSep 1968The Notion of Protomeaning.Bromberger09/01/68
MartinEdwinJun 1968Quantifying into Opaque Contexts: May We or May We Not?Cartwright06/01/68
BoolosGeorgeJun 1966The Hierarchy of Constructible Sets of Integers.Putnam06/01/66
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227 Philosophy Thesis Topics To Use Right Now

philosophy thesis topics

A philosophy dissertation everyone’s favorite. The long list of philosophers and their allegories or theories is not a subject most students would want to listen to comfortably. However, students still have to write a philosophical thesis in their undergraduate or post-graduate to graduate.

Let us narrow down this elephant in the room for you.

What Is A Philosophical Thesis?

A philosophical paper is not a report of what various scholars have had to say on a particular issue. It is a reasoned defense of a particular thesis. Unlike other papers that present the latest findings of tests or experiments, this paper tries to persuade the reader to give in to a particular point of view together with grounds or justification for its acceptance.

The introduction of a philosophy paper states what the writer is trying to show the reader. When writing a dissertation in philosophy, follow the following simple guidelines for efficiency:

  • Very carefully and think about your topic
  • Have a rough idea of what you intend to establish
  • Determine how you’ll go about convincing the reader that your thesis is correct.

For an outstanding philosophy thesis, ensure that you say what you mean and in a way that minimizes the chances of being misunderstood. It is the general rule thumb for this paper that every student should have at his/her finger-tips.

What To Avoid in a Philosophy Dissertation

Understanding the do’s and don’ts of any paper is essential in ensuring that you stick within the scope of what is required of you. Here are some of the things to avoid in philosophical thesis papers for college:

  • Lengthy quotations: It is essential to understand that quotations are an essential part of philosophy papers. However, stating long quotes that run into paragraphs or more does not make your paper sound original. One will only see this as a duplication of another person’s work.
  • Circular reasoning: If you presuppose the truth of whatever it is that you are trying to bring out in the course of arguing for it, then you are guilty of begging the question.
  • Lengthy introductions: An intro should only serve the purpose of giving the context of your philosophy topic and creating interest in the reader. You can do it in less than four short and precise questions. Overloading your introduction only serves to drain your readers’ energy before they get into the real deal – the body.
  • Fence sitting: Most students are guilty of presenting several positions in their papers and then saying they are not qualified to settle the matter. Do not close by saying that philosophers have been divided over a particular issue. That only shows how shallow and scanty you were in your research process.

Always organize your work carefully, using the right words to present your stance without any disputes. The stance should also come out naturally without making the reader feel that you are forcing him/her to ascribe to your particular point of view.

It is also essential to support your arguments with undisputed evidence. Do not assume that your reader may not be skeptical of your arguments. Every reader is skeptical of whatever they read, and if sufficient evidence is not provided, then you might not convince anyone at the end of your 20-page long thesis.

Now, for you to have a strong thesis, ensure that it is:

  • Answering a specific question;
  • Engaging; one that can be challenged or opposed, thus also defended;
  • Passes the “so what? Or why should I care?” test;
  • Supported by your paper; and
  • Not too broad nor too vague.

To have a strong argument in your philosophical paper, demonstrate these sorts of things that make your opponent’s views false in a fashion that does not presuppose that your position is correct. Your philosophy research topics will play a significant role in supporting this claim.

You can find philosophy research paper topics from:

Early American Imprints of 1639 to 1819 Early English Books Online of 1475 to 1700 Internet archives The War Diaries of Jean-Paul Sartre The Metaphysics of Morals by Emmanuel Kant

And many more sources that are readily available in your college library or online catalogs.

We now advance to our professional philosophy topics list:

Sample Thesis Topics For Philosophy of the Human Sciences

  • Critique of mainstream assumptions and practices of human behavior globally
  • How are constructions of human nature affect our associations and lineation
  • Adopting a human science framework to the problem of racial discrimination in the US
  • How to adopt positivism in a world bombarded by negative news all the time
  • A rigorous and systematic approach to man’s natural behavior
  • The role of the Greek philosophers in shaping human sciences around the 18th century
  • How existential phenomenology found its way from Europe
  • Cultural and biological dimensions of human science research programs
  • The role of qualitative research methods across the discipline of the human sciences
  • How humanistic psychology offers more substantive findings in human science tradition
  • An evaluation of the colleges and universities dedicated to humanistic/human science philosophy
  • Discuss the impact of the American infusionism into the cultures and systems of the world
  • Fundamental tenets of Western civilization in developing countries
  • An assessment of the ancient nature of human interactions
  • Political and cultural standards acceptable to all human interactions

Philosophy Potential Senior Thesis Topics

  • A philosophical perspective of evil actions and evil persons
  • How the ideology of Darwinism has affected the aspect of natural selection
  • Distinguishing the underlying differences between intervention and information
  • Psychoanalysis of melancholia in teenagers
  • Investigating the use of biology in dealing with human philosophical issues
  • The evolution of philosophical writings from the 15th century to the 21st century
  • Examine the connection between shame and an immoral piece of art
  • How depression relates to natural and interactive children
  • What is the logic behind nightmares and madness in dreams?
  • An investigation of how man is adapting to the invasion of privacy by new technologies
  • The ethical and practical arguments against voluntary euthanasia
  • Discuss the relationship between value, dignity, and human virtue in the Modern Virtue Theory
  • The evolution of personal and corporate responsibility in the 21st century
  • Trends in sex and sexuality as seen in the 21st century
  • Why arousal of an emotion in the listener is essential in the delivery of any speech

Undergraduate Philosophy Thesis Topics

  • Modern science: Should we employ a monistic or pluralistic model?
  • How moral philosophy can help improve our understanding of folk psychology
  • Why is it close to impossible to escape mental externalism?
  • The emergence of technology and resulting bioethics as seen in the 21st century
  • Investigate the willingness to accept punishment after committing a civil crime
  • Why artificial intelligence may not be a genuinely creative entity
  • Discuss empathy, fiction, and morality in the development of fiction stories and folklores
  • The role of sporting activities in developing virtues and morals in the society
  • Is voluntary suicide justified for any reason whatsoever?
  • Why postmodern philosophical theories and market anarchism are enemies
  • Discuss the ultimate goal of humanity in the backdrop of the changing roles
  • Give a detailed analysis of the relationship between fate, destiny, and free will
  • What is the essence of dreams and visions to man?
  • Evaluate the sources of your self-worth in the light of personal attributes
  • What is the impact of a person’s name on who they become in the future?

Best-Rated Political Philosophy Thesis Topics

  • Consider the dividing line between distributive justice and the family
  • Investigate the gendered basis for care and caregiving
  • What are the underlying differences between multiculturalism and feminism
  • Discuss the liberal versus radical feminist positions on pornography
  • How social beings should live together considering the underlying differences
  • Following the example of Plato, discuss what it means to have an ideal society
  • Given the knowledge and resources available, discuss the best form of society using the US as a case study
  • The evolution of democracy in the US presidential election
  • How the history of the past several centuries has impacted the role of citizens in participation in democracy
  • What is the essence of having a conservative free-market economy in the 21st century?
  • The role of the government in regulating the economy
  • Should the economy incorporate both capitalist and socialist structures?
  • Do we have an economically viable socialist alternative to capitalism?
  • Is it worth fighting for an economically viable alternative to capitalism?
  • The conservative view of the post-World-War-Two period

Thesis Topics on the Renaissance and Philosophy

  • The impact of the renaissance period o man’s view of the world
  • Compare and contrast the High Renaissance in Rome as compared to the of Northern Europe
  • The impact of the scientific revolution on the renaissance period
  • The early renaissance period in Florence and the existence of the Flemish art
  • Discuss the contributions of some of the godfathers of the Renaissance
  • The perfect interplay between music and painting during the renaissance period
  • The humanist intellectual, cultural, and artistic revolution of the Renaissance
  • Religious symbolism and naturalistic beauty as exemplified in the renaissance period
  • The role of sexuality and eroticism in the works of the 16th-century renaissance art
  • How the discoveries of the renaissance period helped shape people’s attitudes towards life
  • Identify and explain the role of the Carolingian Renaissance on the Bible
  • The impact of the Great migration and economic changes on literature and art
  • Discuss how art patronage was conducted in Italy during the Renaissance
  • How science has made advancements in renaissance culture and art
  • Impacts of the early Renaissance on the medical innovations

Master Thesis Topics in Philosophy

  • Discuss the benefits and impacts of the renaissance period on the man
  • How the renaissance period played a part in the reformation of the world
  • A comparative analysis of philosophy, art, and culture during the Renaissance
  • How much influence did the renaissance period have on dressing?
  • Conduct a critical analysis of Langston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance
  • The contribution of sculptors of the Italian Renaissance
  • Discuss artistic renaissance humanism during 1400 and 1650
  • The Renaissance and religion: A case study of the Catholic church
  • Artistic revolution as a significant element of the Renaissance
  • The role of William Shakespeare in the renaissance period
  • Discuss the classical and Renaissance humanities art of the Greco-Roman artists
  • The cultural, economic, and political influence of the Renaissance
  • The age of revolutionary, Renaissance, and enlightenment period
  • The representation of nature in the European renaissance artistic works
  • How Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Rafael contributed to the new era of the Renaissance

Introduction to Philosophy Thesis Topics

  • Discuss whether people are good or evil by nature
  • What are the limitations to free will in making personal decisions?
  • What is the impact of the belief in God on a person’s way of life?
  • Discuss the compatibility issues between science with religion
  • Give a detailed argument for or against utilitarianism
  • What is the logic behind psychological and ethical egoism?
  • Ascertain the relevance of morals to culture or society
  • The role of Aesop’s fables in contributing to human philosophy
  • Discuss the history and development of African philosophy
  • What are the central tenets of African Sage Philosophy?
  • The critical role played by altruism and group selection
  • Conduct a detailed analysis of the American Enlightenment Thought
  • How does the American Wilderness Philosophy vary from that of today?
  • A case study of Anselm’s Ontological Argument for the Existence of God
  • Critically evaluate motion and its place in nature
  • Discuss association in the philosophy of the mind
  • How Bolzano’s mathematical knowledge played a crucial role in human philosophy

Thesis Papers Topics on Buddhist Philosophy

  • The view of sin and punishment between the Buddhist and Hindu religions
  • Buddhist believe in rebirth, which is determined by the actions one does in daily life.
  • Misconceptions about sexuality in the Buddhist religion
  • Discuss the relationship between Shinto with China and Buddhism
  • Analyze the four noble truths of Buddhism
  • The concept of salvation according to the Zen Buddhism religion
  • A detailed study of the confluence of Buddhism and Hinduism in India
  • An analysis of the faith and practices of Buddhism as a religion in India
  • The role of Mahatma Gandhi in advancing the ideologies and practices of Buddhism
  • Evaluate the vase of treasure hidden in the Buddhist iconography
  • Compare and contrast the various variations between Buddhism and Christianity
  • Elements of the Buddhism religion that make it sacred
  • Discuss the concept of anger and how to manage it in the Buddhism religion
  • Cultural histories and the expansion of the Buddhism religion in China
  • Differences in the Japanese versus Chinese Buddhism practices

Types of Philosophy Thesis Topics

  • Discuss the role of aesthetics in the study of philosophy
  • How epistemology has contributed to the growth in philosophical literature
  • Elaborate the role of ethics on the survivability of a society
  • How logic has been crucial in making rational decisions in a man
  • What are the limitations of metaphysics as a branch of philosophy?
  • Analyze the philosophy of mind given the fundamental tenets
  • Discuss the major revolutions of the African philosophy
  • Why does Eastern philosophy have a lower absorption rate?
  • Reasons why Western philosophy has a greater acceptance in the world as compared to others
  • Give the unique characteristics of the ancient and classical philosophy
  • Why the medieval and post-classical philosophies have a place in the modern world
  • The modern and contemporary philosophy in terms of improvements
  • Discuss the philosophy of language theories and stances in Europe
  • What is the impact of the philosophy of science theories and stances?
  • Discuss the epistemological stances of different philosophical schools of thought

Epistemology Paper Topics

  • The concept of skepticism among different readers
  • Analyze the internalist vs. externalist accounts of knowledge and justification
  • Discuss the structure of knowledge and justification
  • What contributes to contextualism in epistemology?
  • Impacts of the relevant alternative accounts of knowledge
  • Discuss the pros and cons of the epistemology of lotteries
  • A case study of foundationalism and coherentism
  • The impacts of facts and beliefs on people
  • Is skepticism doomed to an inevitable defeat?
  • Arguments and positions in epistemology in the 21st century
  • The pros and cons of different positions in epistemology
  • Relevant arguments and principles in epistemology: A case of The Closure Principle
  • Critically discuss Shoemaker’s ‘self-blindness’ concept
  • How the epistemology of attitudes like the belief is very different from the epistemology of other mental states
  • Fundamental flaws in various epistemological theories

High-Quality Philosophy Project Topics

  • Discuss the concept of happiness
  • Why egoism is a negative trait
  • Discuss the motive behind acts of charity
  • Is love merely an illusion of the mind?
  • Are criminals evil by nature?
  • Is the current generation less affectionate?
  • Discuss the concept of true friendship
  • Is there happiness in achieving nothing?
  • Does a perfect life exist?
  • Why do people struggle to attain perfectionism?
  • The impact of technology of taking away emotions
  • Analyze time management among high school versus campus students
  • Is obsession replacing true love?
  • Is the concept of ‘You Only Live Once’ viable?
  • Why are most geniuses’ introverts?

Easy Philosophy Paper Topics

  • Discuss the existence of fate in the modern world
  • Can we achieve an ideal society?
  • Is life meaningful after all?
  • Why should people work, yet they will die in the end?
  • Is the concept of feminism overhyped?
  • Is every human action predetermined?
  • Discuss the components of the human consciousness
  • Why do people tend to do the bad instead of the good?
  • Are atheists deceiving themselves?
  • Why is the world changing so fast?
  • Is there life after death?
  • Why must everyone go to school?
  • Who determines what clothes each gender should don?
  • The impact of religious beliefs on science
  • Does death usher in the new life?

Top Philosophical Topics To Write About

  • Will the world ever come to an end?
  • Why do people have different religions?
  • Does stealing originate from the person’s mind?
  • Who is responsible for the rot in the society
  • The role of parents in instilling morals
  • Why do people believe in revenge?
  • What makes man different from animals?
  • Why should we care about our neighbors?
  • Is humility a virtue for ladies?
  • Why are most men aggressive
  • Discuss the role of sleeping at night
  • Should people eat food after all?
  • Is man the biggest threat to himself?
  • Is the judicial system serving justice?
  • Will robots make the world better?

Good Philosophy Topics

  • Do beliefs and superstitions match?
  • Is sex necessary?
  • Why should people love each other?
  • Should a woman head the house also?
  • Are other planets mere superstitions?
  • Are the stars in the sky fantasies?
  • Why bother about planning?
  • Do aliens exist?
  • Why is man rational?
  • What is the effect of finding a purpose in life
  • Do shooting stars fall on earth?
  • Why do fiction movies move people?
  • Does the moon exist?
  • Are we living reality or a fantasy?
  • Can one love more than two people?

Interesting Philosophy Topics

  • Was man made out of clay?
  • Do guns protect?
  • Does true love exist among teenagers?
  • Beauty and morality
  • Religion and power
  • Memories and love
  • Peace and war
  • Religion and own belief system
  • Angels and demons
  • Heaven and earth
  • Plastic surgery and ethics
  • Character and upbringing
  • Dreams and the future
  • The rich and the poor
  • Is death inevitable

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Philosophy Thesis Topics

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1000 Philosophy Thesis Topics and Ideas

Selecting the right thesis topic in philosophy is a crucial step in the academic journey of any student. A well-chosen topic not only aligns with your personal interests but also allows you to contribute meaningfully to ongoing discussions within the field. This comprehensive list of philosophy thesis topics is designed to help you find the perfect subject for your research. Organized into 25 distinct categories, this list offers a wide array of options, ensuring that you can identify a topic that resonates with your intellectual curiosities and academic goals. Whether you are drawn to the foundational questions of ancient philosophy or the pressing ethical dilemmas of contemporary society, this list has something for everyone. Explore these categories to discover the vast possibilities that the field of philosophy offers.

  • The Role of Beauty in Art
  • Aesthetic Experience and Emotional Response
  • The Concept of the Sublime in Art
  • The Relationship Between Aesthetics and Ethics
  • The Impact of Technology on Artistic Expression
  • The Aesthetics of Minimalism
  • The Role of the Viewer in Art Interpretation
  • The Aesthetics of Performance Art
  • The Concept of Ugliness in Aesthetics
  • Aesthetics and Cultural Identity
  • The Philosophy of Music and Emotion
  • The Aesthetics of Film
  • The Role of Context in Aesthetic Judgment
  • Aesthetics and the Everyday: The Philosophy of Design
  • The Aesthetics of Abstract Art
  • The Influence of Aesthetic Theories on Modern Art
  • Aesthetic Realism vs. Aesthetic Idealism
  • The Aesthetics of Nature
  • The Role of Aesthetics in Political Art
  • The Intersection of Aesthetics and Psychology
  • The Aesthetics of Digital Art
  • The Philosophy of Photography
  • The Concept of Artistic Genius in Aesthetics
  • The Aesthetic Experience in Literature
  • The Role of Color in Aesthetic Theory
  • The Relationship Between Aesthetics and Semiotics
  • The Aesthetics of Religious Art
  • The Philosophy of Fashion and Aesthetics
  • The Aestheticization of Everyday Life
  • The Role of Aesthetics in Architecture
  • The Aesthetics of Graffiti and Street Art
  • The Influence of Aesthetics on Social Media
  • The Role of Emotion in Aesthetic Experience
  • The Aesthetic Value of Imperfection
  • The Relationship Between Aesthetics and Morality
  • The Aesthetics of Dance and Movement
  • The Concept of Beauty in Different Cultures
  • The Role of Aesthetics in Environmental Art
  • The Future of Aesthetics in the Digital Age
  • The Philosophy of Language and Logic
  • Analyzing the Concept of Free Will
  • The Nature of Propositional Attitudes
  • The Role of Analytic Philosophy in Cognitive Science
  • The Philosophy of Mathematics in Analytic Tradition
  • The Concept of Truth in Analytic Philosophy
  • The Role of Identity in Analytic Metaphysics
  • The Nature of Modality in Analytic Philosophy
  • The Problem of Other Minds in Analytic Thought
  • The Analysis of Knowledge: A Philosophical Approach
  • The Role of Paradoxes in Analytic Philosophy
  • The Philosophy of Science in Analytic Tradition
  • The Nature of Meaning: A Study in Analytic Philosophy
  • The Role of Analytic Philosophy in Ethics
  • The Concept of Personal Identity in Analytic Philosophy
  • The Role of Logic in Analytic Philosophy
  • The Nature of Time: An Analytic Perspective
  • The Philosophy of Mind in Analytic Tradition
  • The Role of Language in Thought: An Analytic Approach
  • The Concept of Possible Worlds in Analytic Metaphysics
  • The Analysis of Causation in Analytic Philosophy
  • The Role of Analytic Philosophy in Political Theory
  • The Concept of Rationality in Analytic Thought
  • The Nature of Belief: An Analytic Approach
  • The Philosophy of Perception in Analytic Tradition
  • The Role of Analytic Philosophy in Epistemology
  • The Nature of Reference in Analytic Philosophy
  • The Role of Analytic Philosophy in Legal Theory
  • The Concept of Existence in Analytic Metaphysics
  • The Role of Analytic Philosophy in Social Sciences
  • The Nature of Intention: An Analytic Perspective
  • The Philosophy of Religion in Analytic Tradition
  • The Role of Analytic Philosophy in Aesthetics
  • The Concept of Probability in Analytic Thought
  • The Nature of Consciousness: An Analytic Approach
  • The Role of Analytic Philosophy in Normative Ethics
  • The Concept of Identity Over Time in Analytic Philosophy
  • The Role of Analytic Philosophy in Philosophy of Mind
  • The Nature of Ontology: An Analytic Perspective
  • The Influence of Analytic Philosophy on Modern Thought
  • Socratic Method and Moral Philosophy
  • Aristotle’s Ethics and Virtue
  • Plato’s Theory of Forms
  • The Role of Fate in Stoic Philosophy
  • The Concept of the Soul in Ancient Thought
  • The Influence of Ancient Philosophy on Modern Ethics
  • The Nature of Knowledge in Ancient Philosophy
  • The Role of Myth in Ancient Greek Philosophy
  • The Concept of Justice in Plato’s Republic
  • The Influence of Pythagorean Thought on Ancient Philosophy
  • The Role of Friendship in Aristotle’s Ethics
  • The Concept of the Good Life in Ancient Philosophy
  • The Philosophy of Time in Ancient Thought
  • The Role of Logic in Ancient Philosophy
  • The Concept of the Divine in Ancient Philosophy
  • The Influence of Pre-Socratic Philosophy on Western Thought
  • The Nature of Reality in Ancient Greek Philosophy
  • The Role of Virtue in Ancient Philosophy
  • The Concept of Happiness in Ancient Thought
  • The Influence of Ancient Philosophy on Christian Thought
  • The Philosophy of War in Ancient Greece
  • The Role of Reason in Ancient Philosophy
  • The Concept of Justice in Ancient Greek Thought
  • The Influence of Ancient Philosophy on Modern Science
  • The Nature of the Self in Ancient Philosophy
  • The Role of Education in Ancient Greek Philosophy
  • The Concept of the Cosmos in Ancient Thought
  • The Influence of Ancient Philosophy on Medieval Thought
  • The Role of Religion in Ancient Philosophy
  • The Concept of Freedom in Ancient Thought
  • The Influence of Ancient Philosophy on Renaissance Thought
  • The Philosophy of Love in Ancient Greece
  • The Role of Tragedy in Ancient Greek Philosophy
  • The Concept of the Ideal State in Plato’s Republic
  • The Influence of Ancient Philosophy on Modern Political Thought
  • The Role of the Polis in Ancient Greek Philosophy
  • The Concept of Virtue in Stoic Philosophy
  • The Influence of Ancient Philosophy on Enlightenment Thought
  • The Role of Philosophy in Ancient Greek Society
  • The Concept of Virtue in Plato’s Meno and its Influence on Later Philosophical Thought
  • The Ethics of Genetic Engineering
  • Bioethics and Human Rights
  • The Role of Autonomy in Bioethics
  • The Ethics of Cloning
  • The Philosophy of End-of-Life Care
  • The Role of Consent in Medical Ethics
  • The Ethics of Organ Donation
  • The Concept of Personhood in Bioethics
  • The Role of Bioethics in Public Policy
  • The Ethics of Reproductive Technologies
  • The Philosophy of Disability in Bioethics
  • The Role of Justice in Bioethics
  • The Ethics of Animal Research
  • The Concept of Dignity in Bioethics
  • The Role of Bioethics in Global Health
  • The Ethics of Stem Cell Research
  • The Philosophy of Health and Illness
  • The Role of Vulnerability in Bioethics
  • The Ethics of Genetic Testing
  • The Concept of Harm in Bioethics
  • The Role of Bioethics in Environmental Ethics
  • The Ethics of Vaccination
  • The Philosophy of Pain and Suffering
  • The Role of Bioethics in Mental Health
  • The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
  • The Concept of Risk in Bioethics
  • The Role of Bioethics in Disaster Response
  • The Ethics of Palliative Care
  • The Philosophy of Healthcare Access
  • The Role of Bioethics in Aging and Elderly Care
  • The Ethics of Population Control
  • The Philosophy of Life and Death in Bioethics
  • The Role of Bioethics in Pandemic Response
  • The Ethics of Biomedical Research
  • The Concept of Care in Bioethics
  • The Role of Bioethics in Reproductive Rights
  • The Ethics of Genetic Modification
  • The Philosophy of Medicine and Society
  • The Role of Bioethics in Health Disparities
  • The Ethics of Personalized Medicine
  • The Impact of Postmodernism on Contemporary Thought
  • The Ethics of Globalization
  • The Role of Identity Politics in Contemporary Philosophy
  • The Concept of Power in Postmodern Philosophy
  • The Influence of Feminist Philosophy on Contemporary Thought
  • The Philosophy of Social Justice in Contemporary Society
  • The Role of Technology in Contemporary Philosophy
  • The Concept of Truth in Postmodern Thought
  • The Influence of Environmental Philosophy on Contemporary Ethics
  • The Role of Cultural Critique in Contemporary Philosophy
  • The Concept of Freedom in Contemporary Political Thought
  • The Influence of Critical Theory on Contemporary Philosophy
  • The Role of Language in Contemporary Philosophy
  • The Concept of the Other in Postmodern Thought
  • The Influence of Continental Philosophy on Contemporary Ethics
  • The Role of Aesthetics in Contemporary Philosophy
  • The Concept of Subjectivity in Postmodern Thought
  • The Influence of Analytic Philosophy on Contemporary Ethics
  • The Role of Ethics in Contemporary Political Philosophy
  • The Concept of Community in Contemporary Thought
  • The Influence of Existentialism on Contemporary Philosophy
  • The Role of Religion in Contemporary Philosophy
  • The Concept of the Body in Postmodern Philosophy
  • The Influence of Hermeneutics on Contemporary Thought
  • The Role of Ethics in Contemporary Technology
  • The Concept of Alienation in Contemporary Philosophy
  • The Influence of Postcolonial Theory on Contemporary Thought
  • The Role of Phenomenology in Contemporary Philosophy
  • The Concept of Agency in Contemporary Political Thought
  • The Influence of Marxism on Contemporary Philosophy
  • The Role of Ethics in Contemporary Environmental Philosophy
  • The Concept of Gender in Postmodern Thought
  • The Influence of Psychoanalysis on Contemporary Philosophy
  • The Role of Science in Contemporary Philosophy
  • The Concept of Justice in Contemporary Political Thought
  • The Influence of Structuralism on Contemporary Philosophy
  • The Role of Philosophy in Contemporary Cultural Critique
  • The Concept of the Self in Postmodern Philosophy
  • The Influence of Deconstruction on Contemporary Thought
  • The Role of Virtual Reality in Shaping Contemporary Philosophical Thought
  • Heidegger’s Concept of Being
  • The Philosophy of Existentialism
  • The Role of Phenomenology in Continental Thought
  • The Influence of Marxist Philosophy on Continental Thought
  • The Concept of the Other in Continental Philosophy
  • The Role of Hermeneutics in Continental Thought
  • The Philosophy of Deconstruction
  • The Influence of Psychoanalysis on Continental Thought
  • The Concept of Power in Continental Philosophy
  • The Role of Aesthetics in Continental Thought
  • The Influence of Poststructuralism on Continental Philosophy
  • The Concept of Subjectivity in Continental Thought
  • The Role of Ethics in Continental Philosophy
  • The Influence of French Feminist Philosophy on Continental Thought
  • The Concept of Difference in Continental Philosophy
  • The Role of Language in Continental Thought
  • The Influence of German Idealism on Continental Philosophy
  • The Concept of Alienation in Continental Thought
  • The Role of Critique in Continental Philosophy
  • The Influence of Postmodernism on Continental Thought
  • The Concept of Freedom in Continental Philosophy
  • The Role of Philosophy of History in Continental Thought
  • The Influence of Structuralism on Continental Philosophy
  • The Concept of Temporality in Continental Thought
  • The Role of Ethics in Phenomenological Philosophy
  • The Influence of Existentialism on Continental Thought
  • The Concept of Anxiety in Continental Philosophy
  • The Role of Autonomy in Continental Thought
  • The Influence of Critical Theory on Continental Philosophy
  • The Concept of Authenticity in Continental Thought
  • The Role of the Unconscious in Continental Philosophy
  • The Influence of Frankfurt School on Continental Thought
  • The Concept of Ideology in Continental Philosophy
  • The Role of the Body in Continental Thought
  • The Influence of Kierkegaard on Continental Philosophy
  • The Concept of the Self in Continental Thought
  • The Role of Imagination in Continental Philosophy
  • The Influence of Nietzsche on Continental Thought
  • The Concept of Repetition in Continental Philosophy
  • The Role of Desire in Continental Thought
  • The Ethics of Climate Change
  • Philosophical Perspectives on Sustainability
  • The Role of Environmental Justice in Philosophy
  • The Concept of Nature in Environmental Thought
  • The Influence of Ecofeminism on Environmental Philosophy
  • The Ethics of Conservation
  • The Role of Indigenous Philosophy in Environmental Thought
  • The Concept of Deep Ecology
  • The Influence of Environmental Philosophy on Public Policy
  • The Ethics of Animal Rights
  • The Role of Environmental Aesthetics in Philosophy
  • The Concept of the Anthropocene in Environmental Thought
  • The Influence of Biocentrism on Environmental Philosophy
  • The Ethics of Environmental Activism
  • The Role of Ecocriticism in Environmental Philosophy
  • The Concept of Wilderness in Environmental Thought
  • The Influence of Social Ecology on Environmental Philosophy
  • The Ethics of Environmental Restoration
  • The Role of Ecojustice in Environmental Philosophy
  • The Concept of Environmental Virtue Ethics
  • The Influence of Gaia Theory on Environmental Thought
  • The Ethics of Sustainable Development
  • The Role of Environmental Pragmatism in Philosophy
  • The Concept of Ecological Footprint in Environmental Thought
  • The Influence of Environmental Philosophy on Global Ethics
  • The Ethics of Ecological Restoration
  • The Role of Ecofascism in Environmental Thought
  • The Concept of Eco-Efficiency in Environmental Philosophy
  • The Influence of Environmental Ethics on Legal Theory
  • The Ethics of Renewable Energy
  • The Role of Environmental Philosophy in Education
  • The Concept of Ecocentrism in Environmental Thought
  • The Influence of Environmental Philosophy on Human Rights
  • The Ethics of Resource Management
  • The Role of Environmental Ethics in Corporate Responsibility
  • The Concept of Eco-Spirituality in Environmental Thought
  • The Influence of Environmental Philosophy on Urban Planning
  • The Ethics of Global Environmental Policy
  • The Role of Environmental Philosophy in Social Justice
  • The Concept of Sustainability in Environmental Thought
  • Theories of Knowledge and Justification
  • The Role of Perception in Epistemology
  • The Concept of Belief in Epistemology
  • The Influence of Skepticism on Epistemology
  • The Nature of Truth in Epistemology
  • The Role of Memory in Knowledge
  • The Concept of Certainty in Epistemology
  • The Influence of Social Epistemology on Knowledge Theory
  • The Nature of Justification in Epistemology
  • The Role of Testimony in Knowledge Acquisition
  • The Concept of Epistemic Virtue
  • The Influence of Externalism vs. Internalism in Epistemology
  • The Nature of Epistemic Injustice
  • The Role of Contextualism in Epistemology
  • The Concept of Epistemic Responsibility
  • The Influence of Epistemic Relativism on Knowledge Theory
  • The Nature of A Priori Knowledge
  • The Role of Epistemic Agency
  • The Concept of Epistemic Trust
  • The Influence of Virtue Epistemology on Knowledge Theory
  • The Nature of Epistemic Luck
  • The Role of Epistemic Autonomy
  • The Concept of Epistemic Disagreement
  • The Influence of Foundationalism vs. Coherentism in Epistemology
  • The Nature of Epistemic Normativity
  • The Role of Epistemic Authority
  • The Concept of Epistemic Dependence
  • The Influence of Feminist Epistemology on Knowledge Theory
  • The Nature of Epistemic Objectivity
  • The Role of Epistemic Agency in Knowledge Acquisition
  • The Concept of Epistemic Closure
  • The Influence of Reliabilism in Epistemology
  • The Nature of Epistemic Virtue and Vice
  • The Role of Social Networks in Knowledge Acquisition
  • The Concept of Epistemic Circularity
  • The Influence of Contextualism on Epistemic Theory
  • The Nature of Epistemic Justification
  • The Role of Evidence in Knowledge Acquisition
  • The Concept of Epistemic Authority in Social Epistemology
  • The Influence of Epistemic Justice on Knowledge Theory
  • The Ethics of War and Peace
  • Moral Relativism vs. Moral Absolutism
  • The Role of Virtue Ethics in Contemporary Thought
  • The Concept of Moral Responsibility
  • The Influence of Utilitarianism on Ethical Theory
  • The Ethics of Global Poverty
  • The Role of Deontological Ethics in Modern Philosophy
  • The Concept of Moral Luck
  • The Influence of Ethics on Public Policy
  • The Role of Environmental Ethics in Philosophy
  • The Concept of the Common Good
  • The Influence of Ethical Theory on Human Rights
  • The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
  • The Role of Feminist Ethics in Philosophy
  • The Concept of Justice in Ethical Theory
  • The Influence of Ethics on Legal Theory
  • The Role of Bioethics in Medical Ethics
  • The Concept of Autonomy in Ethical Theory
  • The Influence of Ethical Relativism on Moral Philosophy
  • The Ethics of Euthanasia
  • The Role of Ethical Theories in Business Ethics
  • The Concept of Fairness in Ethical Theory
  • The Influence of Virtue Ethics on Contemporary Moral Thought
  • The Ethics of Capital Punishment
  • The Role of Moral Theories in Political Philosophy
  • The Concept of Moral Agency
  • The Influence of Ethics on Environmental Policy
  • The Ethics of Human Enhancement
  • The Role of Ethical Theories in Social Justice
  • The Concept of Integrity in Ethical Theory
  • The Influence of Ethics on Economic Theory
  • The Ethics of Privacy in the Digital Age
  • The Role of Ethical Theories in Healthcare
  • The Concept of Moral Dilemmas
  • The Influence of Ethics on Technology
  • The Ethics of War Crimes
  • The Role of Ethical Theories in Global Ethics
  • The Concept of Moral Courage
  • Symbolic Logic and its Applications
  • Paradoxes in Logical Theory
  • The Concept of Logical Consequence
  • The Influence of Formal Logic on Philosophy
  • The Nature of Logical Truth
  • The Role of Logical Positivism in Philosophy
  • The Concept of Modality in Logic
  • The Influence of Intuitionism on Logical Theory
  • The Nature of Logical Proof
  • The Role of Logical Analysis in Philosophy
  • The Concept of Logical Consistency
  • The Influence of Constructivism on Logic
  • The Nature of Logical Paradoxes
  • The Role of Logic in Mathematics
  • The Concept of Logical Necessity
  • The Influence of Fuzzy Logic on Logical Theory
  • The Nature of Logical Connectives
  • The Role of Logic in Computer Science
  • The Concept of Logical Inference
  • The Influence of Modal Logic on Philosophy
  • The Nature of Logical Entailment
  • The Role of Logic in Artificial Intelligence
  • The Concept of Logical Validity
  • The Influence of Set Theory on Logic
  • The Nature of Logical Reasoning
  • The Role of Logic in Linguistics
  • The Concept of Logical Equivalence
  • The Influence of Non-Classical Logic on Philosophy
  • The Nature of Logical Interpretation
  • The Role of Logic in Cognitive Science
  • The Concept of Logical Operators
  • The Influence of Logic on Epistemology
  • The Nature of Logical Deduction
  • The Role of Logic in Metaphysics
  • The Concept of Logical Possibility
  • The Influence of Logic on Ethics
  • The Nature of Logical Structures
  • The Role of Logic in Political Philosophy
  • The Concept of Logical Form
  • The Influence of Logic on Theology
  • Augustine’s Confessions and the Problem of Evil
  • Aquinas’ Natural Law Theory
  • The Role of Faith and Reason in Medieval Philosophy
  • The Influence of Aristotle on Medieval Thought
  • The Concept of the Soul in Medieval Philosophy
  • The Role of Scholasticism in Medieval Thought
  • The Influence of Islamic Philosophy on Medieval Thought
  • The Nature of God in Medieval Philosophy
  • The Role of the Church in Medieval Philosophy
  • The Concept of Free Will in Medieval Thought
  • The Influence of Neoplatonism on Medieval Philosophy
  • The Nature of Reality in Medieval Thought
  • The Role of Mysticism in Medieval Philosophy
  • The Concept of the Good in Medieval Thought
  • The Influence of Augustine on Medieval Philosophy
  • The Role of Ethics in Medieval Thought
  • The Concept of Divine Command in Medieval Philosophy
  • The Influence of Aquinas on Medieval Thought
  • The Nature of Knowledge in Medieval Philosophy
  • The Role of Reason in Medieval Thought
  • The Concept of Truth in Medieval Philosophy
  • The Influence of Medieval Philosophy on Renaissance Thought
  • The Role of Metaphysics in Medieval Thought
  • The Concept of Original Sin in Medieval Philosophy
  • The Influence of Christian Doctrine on Medieval Thought
  • The Nature of Justice in Medieval Philosophy
  • The Role of Virtue in Medieval Thought
  • The Concept of the Eternal Law in Medieval Philosophy
  • The Influence of Medieval Philosophy on Modern Thought
  • The Role of Education in Medieval Thought
  • The Concept of the Divine Will in Medieval Philosophy
  • The Influence of Medieval Philosophy on Enlightenment Thought
  • The Nature of Ethics in Medieval Thought
  • The Role of Philosophy in Medieval Theology
  • The Concept of Predestination in Medieval Philosophy
  • The Influence of Medieval Thought on Modern Ethics
  • The Role of Philosophy in Medieval Mysticism
  • The Concept of the Incarnation in Medieval Philosophy
  • The Influence of Medieval Philosophy on Contemporary Thought
  • The Role of Mystical Theology in the Writings of Meister Eckhart
  • The Nature of Reality
  • The Problem of Identity Over Time
  • The Concept of Causality in Metaphysics
  • The Role of Metaphysics in Philosophy of Science
  • The Nature of Time in Metaphysics
  • The Concept of Modality in Metaphysics
  • The Role of Metaphysical Realism
  • The Influence of Metaphysical Anti-Realism on Philosophy
  • The Nature of Ontology in Metaphysics
  • The Concept of Possible Worlds in Metaphysics
  • The Role of Metaphysical Necessity
  • The Influence of Metaphysical Contingency on Philosophy
  • The Nature of Existence in Metaphysics
  • The Concept of Substance in Metaphysics
  • The Role of Metaphysical Idealism
  • The Influence of Metaphysical Materialism on Philosophy
  • The Nature of Mind-Body Problem in Metaphysics
  • The Concept of Universals in Metaphysics
  • The Role of Metaphysical Dualism
  • The Influence of Metaphysical Monism on Philosophy
  • The Nature of Space in Metaphysics
  • The Concept of Free Will in Metaphysics
  • The Role of Metaphysical Naturalism
  • The Influence of Metaphysical Supernaturalism on Philosophy
  • The Nature of Change in Metaphysics
  • The Concept of Being in Metaphysics
  • The Role of Metaphysical Nihilism
  • The Influence of Metaphysical Existentialism on Philosophy
  • The Nature of Reality in Metaphysics
  • The Concept of Identity in Metaphysics
  • The Role of Metaphysical Pluralism
  • The Influence of Metaphysical Dual-aspect Theory on Philosophy
  • The Nature of Consciousness in Metaphysics
  • The Concept of Personal Identity in Metaphysics
  • The Role of Metaphysical Reductionism
  • The Influence of Metaphysical Holism on Philosophy
  • The Nature of Time Travel in Metaphysics
  • The Concept of Ontological Dependence in Metaphysics
  • The Role of Metaphysical Emergentism
  • The Influence of Metaphysical Essentialism on Philosophy
  • The Enlightenment and the Birth of Modern Thought
  • Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason
  • The Role of Rationalism in Modern Philosophy
  • The Influence of Empiricism on Modern Thought
  • The Concept of Autonomy in Modern Philosophy
  • The Role of Freedom in Modern Thought
  • The Influence of Descartes on Modern Philosophy
  • The Nature of Knowledge in Modern Thought
  • The Role of the Self in Modern Philosophy
  • The Concept of the Social Contract in Modern Thought
  • The Influence of Hume on Modern Philosophy
  • The Nature of Morality in Modern Thought
  • The Role of Reason in Modern Philosophy
  • The Concept of the Sublime in Modern Thought
  • The Influence of Spinoza on Modern Philosophy
  • The Nature of the Mind in Modern Thought
  • The Role of Skepticism in Modern Philosophy
  • The Concept of Human Nature in Modern Thought
  • The Influence of Rousseau on Modern Philosophy
  • The Nature of Political Authority in Modern Thought
  • The Role of Religion in Modern Philosophy
  • The Concept of Enlightenment in Modern Thought
  • The Influence of Locke on Modern Philosophy
  • The Nature of Reality in Modern Thought
  • The Role of Ethics in Modern Philosophy
  • The Concept of Progress in Modern Thought
  • The Influence of Leibniz on Modern Philosophy
  • The Nature of Space and Time in Modern Thought
  • The Role of Aesthetics in Modern Philosophy
  • The Concept of the Good Life in Modern Thought
  • The Influence of Berkeley on Modern Philosophy
  • The Nature of the State in Modern Thought
  • The Role of Language in Modern Philosophy
  • The Concept of the Will in Modern Thought
  • The Influence of Kant on Modern Philosophy
  • The Nature of Truth in Modern Thought
  • The Role of Metaphysics in Modern Philosophy
  • The Concept of Beauty in Modern Thought
  • The Influence of Newton on Modern Philosophy
  • The Role of Enlightenment Rationalism in the Development of Secular Ethics
  • Husserl and the Theory of Intentionality
  • The Role of Consciousness in Phenomenology
  • The Concept of Lifeworld in Phenomenology
  • The Influence of Phenomenology on Existentialism
  • The Nature of Perception in Phenomenology
  • The Role of Embodiment in Phenomenology
  • The Concept of Intersubjectivity in Phenomenology
  • The Influence of Heidegger on Phenomenology
  • The Nature of Time in Phenomenology
  • The Role of Space in Phenomenology
  • The Concept of Phenomenological Reduction
  • The Influence of Merleau-Ponty on Phenomenology
  • The Nature of Selfhood in Phenomenology
  • The Role of Temporality in Phenomenology
  • The Concept of Being-in-the-World
  • The Influence of Phenomenology on Hermeneutics
  • The Nature of Language in Phenomenology
  • The Role of Memory in Phenomenology
  • The Concept of Existential Phenomenology
  • The Influence of Phenomenology on Cognitive Science
  • The Nature of Emotion in Phenomenology
  • The Role of Phenomenology in Aesthetics
  • The Concept of Phenomenological Ontology
  • The Influence of Phenomenology on Political Philosophy
  • The Nature of Action in Phenomenology
  • The Role of Phenomenology in Ethics
  • The Concept of Phenomenological Psychopathology
  • The Influence of Phenomenology on Theology
  • The Nature of Conscious Experience in Phenomenology
  • The Role of Phenomenology in Social Theory
  • The Concept of Phenomenological Anthropology
  • The Influence of Phenomenology on Art Theory
  • The Nature of Intentionality in Phenomenology
  • The Role of Phenomenology in Environmental Philosophy
  • The Concept of Phenomenological Psychology
  • The Influence of Phenomenology on Feminist Philosophy
  • The Nature of Intercorporeality in Phenomenology
  • The Role of Phenomenology in Medical Humanities
  • The Concept of Phenomenology of Perception
  • The Influence of Phenomenology on Cultural Studies
  • The Definition of Art
  • The Relationship Between Art and Morality
  • The Concept of Aesthetic Experience
  • The Role of Art in Society
  • The Influence of Art on Human Emotion
  • The Nature of Beauty in Art
  • The Role of the Artist in Creating Meaning
  • The Influence of Art on Ethical Thought
  • The Nature of Artistic Representation
  • The Role of Interpretation in Art
  • The Concept of Art as Expression
  • The Influence of Art on Political Thought
  • The Nature of the Artistic Imagination
  • The Role of Context in Artistic Meaning
  • The Concept of Art as Communication
  • The Influence of Aesthetic Theory on Art Criticism
  • The Nature of Art as a Form of Knowledge
  • The Role of Art in Human Development
  • The Concept of Art as a Reflection of Culture
  • The Influence of Art on Perception
  • The Nature of Creativity in Art
  • The Role of the Viewer in Art
  • The Concept of Art as a Social Construct
  • The Influence of Technology on Art
  • The Nature of Art and its Relationship to Reality
  • The Role of Art in Expressing Identity
  • The Concept of Art as a Form of Resistance
  • The Influence of Art on Cognitive Science
  • The Nature of Art as a Vehicle for Truth
  • The Role of Art in Education
  • The Concept of the Aesthetic Object
  • The Influence of Postmodernism on Art
  • The Nature of the Avant-Garde in Art
  • The Role of Art in Shaping Moral Values
  • The Concept of Art as a Universal Language
  • The Influence of Art on Philosophical Thought
  • The Nature of Artistic Genius
  • The Role of Art in Building Community
  • The Concept of Art as a Reflection of the Human Condition
  • The Role of Critical Thinking in Education
  • Philosophical Foundations of Educational Theories
  • The Concept of Lifelong Learning in Philosophy of Education
  • The Influence of Pragmatism on Educational Thought
  • The Nature of Knowledge in Educational Philosophy
  • The Role of Ethics in Education
  • The Concept of Autonomy in Educational Philosophy
  • The Influence of Existentialism on Education
  • The Nature of Moral Education in Philosophy
  • The Role of Philosophy in Curriculum Development
  • The Concept of Democratic Education
  • The Influence of Constructivism on Educational Theory
  • The Nature of Educational Justice in Philosophy
  • The Role of Philosophy in Teacher Education
  • The Concept of Holistic Education
  • The Influence of Feminist Philosophy on Education
  • The Nature of Educational Equality in Philosophy
  • The Role of Philosophy in Educational Assessment
  • The Concept of Educational Freedom
  • The Influence of Postmodernism on Education
  • The Nature of Educational Rights in Philosophy
  • The Role of Philosophy in Educational Leadership
  • The Concept of Student-Centered Learning
  • The Influence of Marxist Philosophy on Education
  • The Nature of Educational Theories in Philosophy
  • The Role of Philosophy in Educational Reform
  • The Concept of Social Justice in Education
  • The Influence of Cultural Philosophy on Education
  • The Nature of Learning in Educational Philosophy
  • The Role of Philosophy in Early Childhood Education
  • The Concept of Educational Virtue in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Continental Philosophy on Education
  • The Nature of Educational Policy in Philosophy
  • The Role of Philosophy in Higher Education
  • The Concept of Educational Inclusion
  • The Influence of Analytic Philosophy on Education
  • The Nature of Educational Research in Philosophy
  • The Role of Philosophy in Adult Education
  • The Concept of Educational Accountability
  • The Influence of Social Philosophy on Education
  • Feminist Philosophy and Gender Theory
  • The Ethics of Sexuality
  • The Role of Gender in Social Identity
  • The Concept of Gender Performativity
  • The Influence of Queer Theory on Gender Philosophy
  • The Nature of Sexual Consent in Philosophy
  • The Role of Gender in Political Philosophy
  • The Concept of Intersectionality in Gender Theory
  • The Influence of Gender on Moral Philosophy
  • The Nature of Sexual Orientation in Philosophy
  • The Role of Philosophy in Gender Equality
  • The Concept of Masculinity in Gender Philosophy
  • The Influence of Gender on Epistemology
  • The Nature of Sexual Autonomy in Philosophy
  • The Role of Gender in Ethics
  • The Concept of Gender Justice in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Feminism on Sexual Ethics
  • The Nature of Gender Roles in Philosophy
  • The Role of Gender in Phenomenology
  • The Concept of Sexual Difference in Gender Philosophy
  • The Influence of Gender on Aesthetics
  • The Nature of Gender Identity in Philosophy
  • The Role of Gender in Existential Philosophy
  • The Concept of Gender Oppression in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Gender on Political Thought
  • The Nature of Sexual Liberation in Philosophy
  • The Role of Gender in Psychoanalytic Theory
  • The Concept of Gender Norms in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Poststructuralism on Gender Theory
  • The Nature of Gender Equality in Philosophy
  • The Role of Gender in Social Philosophy
  • The Concept of Sexual Ethics in Gender Philosophy
  • The Influence of Cultural Theory on Gender Philosophy
  • The Nature of Gender Discrimination in Philosophy
  • The Role of Gender in Identity Philosophy
  • The Concept of Sexual Freedom in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Gender on Legal Theory
  • The Nature of Gender Fluidity in Philosophy
  • The Role of Gender in Contemporary Philosophy
  • The Concept of Gender and Power in Philosophy
  • The Philosophy of Historical Narratives
  • The Role of Memory in History
  • The Concept of Historical Objectivity
  • The Influence of Hegel on Philosophy of History
  • The Nature of Historical Truth in Philosophy
  • The Role of Philosophy in Understanding History
  • The Concept of Historical Progress
  • The Influence of Marx on Philosophy of History
  • The Nature of Historical Interpretation in Philosophy
  • The Role of Philosophy in Historical Methodology
  • The Concept of Historical Agency in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Postmodernism on Philosophy of History
  • The Nature of Historical Events in Philosophy
  • The Role of Philosophy in Understanding Historical Change
  • The Concept of Historical Determinism in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Historicism on Philosophy of History
  • The Nature of Historical Evidence in Philosophy
  • The Role of Philosophy in Understanding Historical Context
  • The Concept of Historical Causality in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Phenomenology on Philosophy of History
  • The Nature of Historical Knowledge in Philosophy
  • The Role of Philosophy in Understanding Historical Narratives
  • The Concept of Historical Contingency in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Cultural Theory on Philosophy of History
  • The Nature of Historical Consciousness in Philosophy
  • The Role of Philosophy in Understanding Historical Time
  • The Concept of Historical Reality in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Structuralism on Philosophy of History
  • The Role of Philosophy in Understanding Historical Continuity
  • The Concept of Historical Relativism in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Analytic Philosophy on Philosophy of History
  • The Nature of Historical Explanation in Philosophy
  • The Concept of Historical Interpretation in Contemporary Philosophy
  • The Influence of Existentialism on Philosophy of History
  • The Nature of Historical Theory in Philosophy
  • The Role of Philosophy in Understanding Historical Memory
  • The Concept of Historical Understanding in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Critical Theory on Philosophy of History
  • The Nature of Meaning in Language
  • The Role of Metaphor in Thought
  • The Concept of Reference in Philosophy of Language
  • The Influence of Wittgenstein on Philosophy of Language
  • The Nature of Language and Reality in Philosophy
  • The Role of Language in Shaping Thought
  • The Concept of Speech Acts in Philosophy of Language
  • The Influence of Semiotics on Philosophy of Language
  • The Nature of Syntax and Semantics in Philosophy
  • The Role of Pragmatics in Philosophy of Language
  • The Concept of Linguistic Relativity in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Formal Logic on Philosophy of Language
  • The Nature of Communication in Philosophy of Language
  • The Role of Language Games in Philosophy
  • The Concept of Meaning in Context in Philosophy of Language
  • The Influence of Analytic Philosophy on Language Theory
  • The Nature of Truth-Conditional Semantics in Philosophy
  • The Role of Language in Social Interaction
  • The Concept of Linguistic Meaning in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Pragmatism on Philosophy of Language
  • The Nature of Language and Cognition in Philosophy
  • The Role of Language in Cultural Understanding
  • The Concept of Syntax in Philosophy of Language
  • The Influence of Hermeneutics on Philosophy of Language
  • The Nature of Linguistic Normativity in Philosophy
  • The Role of Language in Human Understanding
  • The Concept of Linguistic Structure in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Deconstruction on Philosophy of Language
  • The Nature of Language Acquisition in Philosophy
  • The Role of Language in Constructing Reality
  • The Concept of Indexicals in Philosophy of Language
  • The Influence of Postmodernism on Philosophy of Language
  • The Nature of Speech and Communication in Philosophy
  • The Role of Language in Philosophy of Mind
  • The Concept of Language and Power in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Structuralism on Philosophy of Language
  • The Nature of Translation in Philosophy
  • The Role of Language in Social Philosophy
  • The Concept of Language and Identity in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Phenomenology on Philosophy of Language
  • The Relationship Between Law and Morality
  • The Concept of Justice in Legal Theory
  • The Role of Human Rights in Legal Philosophy
  • The Influence of Natural Law Theory on Legal Philosophy
  • The Nature of Legal Reasoning in Philosophy
  • The Role of Precedent in Legal Philosophy
  • The Concept of Legal Positivism in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Critical Legal Studies on Philosophy
  • The Nature of Legal Interpretation in Philosophy
  • The Role of Law in Society in Legal Philosophy
  • The Concept of Legal Obligation in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Feminist Legal Theory on Legal Philosophy
  • The Nature of Punishment in Legal Philosophy
  • The Role of Legal Realism in Philosophy
  • The Concept of Legal Rights in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Marxist Legal Theory on Philosophy
  • The Nature of Law and Economics in Philosophy
  • The Role of Legal Formalism in Philosophy
  • The Concept of the Rule of Law in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Legal Pragmatism on Philosophy
  • The Nature of Legal Authority in Philosophy
  • The Role of Law and Justice in Legal Philosophy
  • The Concept of Legal Pluralism in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Postmodernism on Legal Philosophy
  • The Nature of Law and Society in Legal Philosophy
  • The Role of Legal Ethics in Philosophy
  • The Concept of Legal Realism in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Legal Positivism on Legal Philosophy
  • The Nature of International Law in Legal Philosophy
  • The Role of Law in Social Justice in Legal Philosophy
  • The Concept of Legal Responsibility in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Legal Formalism on Legal Philosophy
  • The Nature of Constitutional Law in Legal Philosophy
  • The Role of Law in Human Rights in Legal Philosophy
  • The Concept of Legal Interpretation in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Legal Realism on Legal Philosophy
  • The Nature of Criminal Law in Legal Philosophy
  • The Role of Law in Political Philosophy
  • The Concept of Legal Validity in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Legal Theory on Political Philosophy
  • The Nature of Mathematical Objects
  • The Philosophy of Infinity
  • The Concept of Mathematical Proof
  • The Influence of Formalism on Philosophy of Mathematics
  • The Nature of Mathematical Truth in Philosophy
  • The Role of Mathematics in Logical Positivism
  • The Concept of Numbers in Philosophy of Mathematics
  • The Influence of Constructivism on Philosophy of Mathematics
  • The Nature of Set Theory in Philosophy of Mathematics
  • The Role of Mathematics in Analytic Philosophy
  • The Concept of Mathematical Platonism
  • The Influence of Intuitionism on Philosophy of Mathematics
  • The Nature of Axiomatic Systems in Philosophy of Mathematics
  • The Role of Mathematics in Scientific Philosophy
  • The Concept of Mathematical Structures in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Logicism on Philosophy of Mathematics
  • The Nature of Mathematical Formalism in Philosophy
  • The Role of Mathematics in Metaphysics
  • The Concept of Mathematical Realism in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Nominalism on Philosophy of Mathematics
  • The Nature of Mathematical Abstraction in Philosophy
  • The Role of Mathematics in Epistemology
  • The Concept of Mathematical Proof Theory in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Structuralism on Philosophy of Mathematics
  • The Nature of Mathematical Logic in Philosophy
  • The Role of Mathematics in Phenomenology
  • The Concept of Mathematics and Reality in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Neo-Fregeanism on Philosophy of Mathematics
  • The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge in Philosophy
  • The Role of Mathematics in Ontology
  • The Concept of Mathematical Fictionalism
  • The Influence of Mathematical Realism on Philosophy
  • The Nature of Mathematical Theories in Philosophy
  • The Role of Mathematics in Cognitive Science
  • The Concept of Mathematics and Metaphysics in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Set-Theoretic Realism on Philosophy of Mathematics
  • The Nature of Mathematical Language in Philosophy
  • The Role of Mathematics in Philosophy of Language
  • The Concept of Mathematical Intuition in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Modal Logic on Philosophy of Mathematics
  • The Mind-Body Problem
  • Theories of Consciousness and Intentionality
  • The Concept of Personal Identity in Philosophy of Mind
  • The Influence of Dualism on Philosophy of Mind
  • The Nature of Mental States in Philosophy
  • The Role of Functionalism in Philosophy of Mind
  • The Concept of Mental Representation in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Behaviorism on Philosophy of Mind
  • The Nature of Qualia in Philosophy of Mind
  • The Role of Cognitive Science in Philosophy of Mind
  • The Concept of Mental Causation in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Materialism on Philosophy of Mind
  • The Nature of Conscious Experience in Philosophy
  • The Role of Intentionality in Philosophy of Mind
  • The Concept of Mind-Body Supervenience in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Physicalism on Philosophy of Mind
  • The Nature of Consciousness in Phenomenology
  • The Role of Mind-Brain Identity Theory in Philosophy
  • The Concept of Epiphenomenalism in Philosophy of Mind
  • The Influence of Eliminative Materialism on Philosophy
  • The Nature of the Self in Philosophy of Mind
  • The Role of Embodied Cognition in Philosophy
  • The Concept of Mind as Information Processor in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Extended Mind Theory on Philosophy
  • The Nature of Thought in Philosophy of Mind
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Philosophy of Mind
  • The Concept of Intentionality in Philosophy of Mind
  • The Influence of Computational Theory of Mind on Philosophy
  • The Nature of Consciousness and its Role in Philosophy
  • The Role of Neurophilosophy in Philosophy of Mind
  • The Concept of Panpsychism in Philosophy of Mind
  • The Influence of Phenomenology on Philosophy of Mind
  • The Nature of Mental Imagery in Philosophy of Mind
  • The Role of Perception in Philosophy of Mind
  • The Concept of Mental Content in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Philosophy of Mind on Cognitive Science
  • The Nature of Emotion in Philosophy of Mind
  • The Role of Mental Representation in Philosophy of Mind
  • The Concept of the Unconscious in Philosophy of Mind
  • The Influence of Neuroscience on Philosophy of Mind
  • The Existence of God
  • The Problem of Evil in Religious Thought
  • The Concept of Faith and Reason in Philosophy of Religion
  • The Influence of Theodicy on Philosophy of Religion
  • The Nature of Religious Experience in Philosophy
  • The Role of Miracles in Philosophy of Religion
  • The Concept of Divine Omniscience in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Religious Pluralism on Philosophy of Religion
  • The Nature of God in Classical Theism
  • The Role of Divine Command Theory in Philosophy of Religion
  • The Concept of Atheism in Philosophy of Religion
  • The Influence of Agnosticism on Philosophy of Religion
  • The Nature of Religious Language in Philosophy
  • The Role of Religion in Moral Philosophy
  • The Concept of Immortality in Philosophy of Religion
  • The Influence of Secularism on Philosophy of Religion
  • The Nature of Religious Belief in Philosophy
  • The Role of Religion in Political Philosophy
  • The Concept of Divine Providence in Philosophy of Religion
  • The Influence of Natural Theology on Philosophy of Religion
  • The Nature of the Soul in Philosophy of Religion
  • The Role of Eschatology in Philosophy of Religion
  • The Concept of Religious Epistemology in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Mysticism on Philosophy of Religion
  • The Nature of Revelation in Philosophy of Religion
  • The Role of Philosophy in Understanding Religious Experience
  • The Concept of Theism in Philosophy of Religion
  • The Influence of Philosophy of Religion on Ethics
  • The Nature of the Afterlife in Philosophy of Religion
  • The Role of Philosophy in Religious Studies
  • The Concept of Divine Simplicity in Philosophy of Religion
  • The Influence of Existentialism on Philosophy of Religion
  • The Nature of Faith in Philosophy of Religion
  • The Role of Philosophy in Theological Ethics
  • The Concept of God’s Omnipotence in Philosophy of Religion
  • The Influence of Process Theology on Philosophy of Religion
  • The Nature of Divine Justice in Philosophy of Religion
  • The Role of Religion in Philosophy of History
  • The Concept of Religious Truth in Philosophy of Religion
  • The Influence of Postmodernism on Philosophy of Religion
  • The Scientific Method and Philosophy
  • The Role of Falsifiability in Science
  • The Concept of Scientific Realism in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Instrumentalism on Philosophy of Science
  • The Nature of Scientific Explanation in Philosophy
  • The Role of Theory in Scientific Philosophy
  • The Concept of Causality in Science
  • The Influence of Empiricism on Philosophy of Science
  • The Nature of Scientific Laws in Philosophy
  • The Role of Paradigms in Scientific Philosophy
  • The Concept of Scientific Objectivity in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Relativism on Philosophy of Science
  • The Nature of Scientific Revolutions in Philosophy
  • The Role of Science in Philosophy of Mind
  • The Concept of Reductionism in Philosophy of Science
  • The Influence of Quantum Mechanics on Philosophy of Science
  • The Nature of Scientific Theories in Philosophy
  • The Role of Models in Scientific Philosophy
  • The Concept of Realism and Anti-Realism in Philosophy of Science
  • The Influence of Philosophy on Scientific Inquiry
  • The Nature of Scientific Discovery in Philosophy
  • The Role of Probability in Scientific Philosophy
  • The Concept of Verificationism in Philosophy of Science
  • The Influence of Philosophy on Scientific Methods
  • The Nature of Scientific Progress in Philosophy
  • The Role of Observation in Scientific Philosophy
  • The Concept of Empirical Adequacy in Philosophy of Science
  • The Influence of Technology on Philosophy of Science
  • The Nature of Scientific Realism in Contemporary Philosophy
  • The Role of Philosophy in Scientific Practice
  • The Concept of Scientific Instrumentalism in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Kuhn’s Paradigm Theory on Philosophy of Science
  • The Nature of Scientific Explanation in Modern Philosophy
  • The Role of Science in Understanding the World
  • The Concept of Objectivity in Scientific Philosophy
  • The Influence of Philosophy on Modern Scientific Thought
  • The Nature of Science and Society in Philosophy
  • The Role of Scientific Theories in Understanding Reality
  • The Concept of Observation in Philosophy of Science
  • The Influence of Scientific Realism on Philosophy
  • The Concept of Justice in Political Theory
  • The Ethics of Revolution
  • The Role of Democracy in Political Philosophy
  • The Influence of Social Contract Theory on Political Thought
  • The Nature of Political Authority in Philosophy
  • The Role of Rights in Political Philosophy
  • The Concept of Freedom in Political Theory
  • The Influence of Liberalism on Political Philosophy
  • The Nature of Power in Political Thought
  • The Role of Equality in Political Philosophy
  • The Concept of Citizenship in Political Theory
  • The Influence of Republicanism on Political Philosophy
  • The Nature of Political Legitimacy in Philosophy
  • The Role of Sovereignty in Political Thought
  • The Concept of Justice in International Relations
  • The Influence of Marxism on Political Philosophy
  • The Nature of the State in Political Theory
  • The Concept of Political Obligation in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Feminism on Political Theory
  • The Nature of Authority in Political Philosophy
  • The Role of Public Reason in Political Philosophy
  • The Concept of the Common Good in Political Theory
  • The Influence of Anarchism on Political Philosophy
  • The Nature of Political Freedom in Philosophy
  • The Role of Political Theory in Understanding Power
  • The Concept of Global Justice in Political Philosophy
  • The Influence of Socialism on Political Thought
  • The Nature of Political Ideologies in Philosophy
  • The Role of Political Philosophy in Understanding Justice
  • The Concept of Political Responsibility in Philosophy
  • The Influence of Libertarianism on Political Philosophy
  • The Nature of Political Violence in Philosophy
  • The Role of Civil Disobedience in Political Theory
  • The Concept of Human Rights in Political Philosophy
  • The Influence of Conservatism on Political Thought
  • The Nature of Political Obligation in Modern Philosophy
  • The Role of Political Philosophy in Understanding War
  • The Concept of Social Justice in Political Theory
  • The Influence of Environmentalism on Political Philosophy

This extensive list of philosophy thesis topics underscores the incredible breadth of philosophical inquiry, offering students a myriad of paths to explore. Whether you are interested in ancient philosophical traditions or contemporary ethical debates, the topics within these 25 categories provide a rich foundation for your academic research. We encourage you to dive into these categories to discover a thesis topic that aligns with your interests and passions. By carefully selecting a topic that resonates with you, you can contribute meaningfully to the ongoing philosophical discourse and make a lasting impact in your field.

The Range of Potential Thesis Topics in Philosophy

Philosophy is a rich and diverse field, playing a foundational role in shaping human thought and understanding across centuries. From the ancient reflections of Socrates and Plato to the modern analyses of consciousness and ethics, philosophy continues to challenge and refine our perspectives on the world. For students embarking on their academic journey, the range of potential thesis topics within philosophy is vast and varied, offering a wealth of opportunities to explore profound questions and contribute to ongoing debates. Whether your interest lies in ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, or political philosophy, there is a topic that aligns with your intellectual curiosities and academic ambitions. This article will delve into the current issues, recent trends, and future directions in philosophy, providing a comprehensive guide to selecting the perfect thesis topic.

Current Issues in Philosophy

One of the most compelling aspects of philosophy is its engagement with contemporary debates and challenges that are central to modern life. Issues such as the ethics of artificial intelligence, the nature of consciousness, and the implications of genetic engineering have brought new urgency to age-old philosophical questions. For example, the rapid advancement of AI technology raises critical questions about the nature of agency, personhood, and moral responsibility. These debates are not only academically stimulating but also deeply relevant to society, making them ideal subjects for a philosophy thesis.

In addition to technology, contemporary philosophy grapples with questions of identity, justice, and power. The rise of identity politics and discussions around race, gender, and sexuality have spurred philosophical inquiries into the nature of identity and the structures of oppression. These issues offer fertile ground for thesis topics that explore the philosophical underpinnings of social justice movements or the ethical implications of policies aimed at addressing systemic inequalities.

Furthermore, environmental philosophy has gained prominence in recent years, as the global community confronts the existential threat of climate change. Philosophical discussions on sustainability, environmental ethics, and the rights of future generations are increasingly relevant. These topics not only challenge traditional ethical frameworks but also demand innovative thinking, making them excellent choices for students looking to contribute to pressing global issues through their philosophical research.

Recent Trends in Philosophy

Recent developments in various philosophical disciplines have also opened up new avenues for thesis topics. One significant trend is the increasing intersection of philosophy with cognitive science and neuroscience. Philosophers are now exploring questions about the mind, consciousness, and free will in light of new scientific discoveries. This interdisciplinary approach has led to novel insights and has redefined traditional philosophical debates, providing students with unique opportunities to engage with cutting-edge research.

Another emerging trend is the resurgence of interest in ancient and medieval philosophy, particularly in how these historical perspectives can inform contemporary issues. For instance, the revival of Aristotelian virtue ethics in modern moral philosophy has led to a re-examination of classical texts and their relevance to today’s ethical challenges. Similarly, the application of medieval scholastic methods to contemporary philosophical problems has sparked new discussions in metaphysics and epistemology.

The growing influence of non-Western philosophical traditions is also reshaping the landscape of philosophy. Philosophers are increasingly turning to Eastern, African, and Indigenous philosophies to broaden the scope of philosophical inquiry. This trend not only diversifies the range of philosophical perspectives but also challenges the dominance of Western thought, offering students the chance to explore alternative approaches to fundamental philosophical questions. These developments make for dynamic and timely thesis topics that reflect the evolving nature of the discipline.

Future Directions in Philosophy

As we look to the future, the trajectory of philosophical inquiry promises to be both exciting and transformative. One potential area for groundbreaking research is the philosophy of technology, particularly as it relates to emerging fields such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and virtual reality. These technologies pose unprecedented ethical and metaphysical questions, from the nature of virtual identities to the ethical treatment of AI entities. Exploring these issues could lead to innovative thesis topics that address the philosophical implications of technological advancements.

Another promising direction for future philosophical research is the continued integration of philosophy with other disciplines, such as psychology, linguistics, and environmental science. This interdisciplinary approach can yield fresh insights into longstanding philosophical problems, such as the nature of consciousness or the ethics of human-animal relationships. By embracing these intersections, students can develop thesis topics that not only advance philosophical knowledge but also contribute to broader scientific and ethical discussions.

Finally, the future of philosophy may see a greater emphasis on public philosophy, where philosophers engage with the general public on critical issues. This movement toward a more accessible and socially engaged philosophy opens up new opportunities for thesis topics that focus on the role of philosophy in public discourse, the ethics of communication, and the impact of philosophical ideas on public policy. By choosing topics that bridge the gap between academic philosophy and real-world issues, students can make meaningful contributions to both philosophical scholarship and society at large.

The range of potential thesis topics in philosophy is vast and diverse, reflecting the discipline’s rich history and ongoing relevance. From addressing current issues to exploring recent trends and speculating on future directions, students have a wealth of opportunities to engage with both traditional and emerging areas of philosophy. By selecting a topic that resonates with their interests and intellectual goals, students can contribute to the philosophical discourse and make a lasting impact in their field. Whether you are drawn to ancient metaphysical debates or the ethical challenges of modern technology, the possibilities are endless within the realm of philosophy thesis topics.

iResearchNet’s Custom Thesis Writing Services

At iResearchNet, we understand that writing a philosophy thesis can be a daunting task. Selecting the right topic, conducting thorough research, and crafting a compelling argument require time, dedication, and expertise. That’s why we offer a comprehensive philosophy thesis writing service designed to support students at every stage of their academic journey. By ordering a custom thesis paper from iResearchNet, you gain access to personalized support, expert guidance, and the assurance of a high-quality, meticulously researched thesis tailored to your specific needs and academic requirements.

  • Expert Degree-Holding Writers: Our team comprises writers with advanced degrees in philosophy, ensuring that your thesis is crafted by someone with a deep understanding of the subject matter.
  • Custom Written Works: Every thesis we produce is custom-written to meet your unique requirements, with original content tailored specifically to your chosen topic.
  • In-Depth Research: We conduct thorough and comprehensive research using reputable academic sources, ensuring that your thesis is well-supported by evidence and scholarly analysis.
  • Custom Formatting (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard): We adhere to your specified formatting guidelines, whether it’s APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard, or any other style, to ensure your thesis meets academic standards.
  • Top Quality: Our commitment to quality means that your thesis will be well-structured, clearly written, and free of errors, providing a polished and professional final product.
  • Customized Solutions: We offer flexible services that cater to your specific needs, whether you require assistance with the entire thesis or just certain sections.
  • Flexible Pricing: Our pricing model is designed to be affordable and adaptable, allowing you to choose the services that fit your budget without compromising on quality.
  • Short Deadlines Up to 3 Hours: For urgent needs, we offer fast turnaround times, delivering high-quality work even under tight deadlines, with options as short as 3 hours.
  • Timely Delivery: We understand the importance of meeting deadlines, and we guarantee that your thesis will be delivered on time, every time.
  • 24/7 Support: Our customer support team is available around the clock to answer your questions, address your concerns, and provide updates on your order.
  • Absolute Privacy: We prioritize your privacy and confidentiality, ensuring that your personal information and the details of your order are kept secure and private.
  • Easy Order Tracking: Our user-friendly system allows you to easily track the progress of your order and communicate directly with your writer throughout the process.
  • Money-Back Guarantee: We stand by the quality of our work, offering a money-back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied with the final product.

Choosing iResearchNet’s custom thesis writing services means investing in your academic success. With our expert support, personalized solutions, and commitment to quality, you can be confident that your philosophy thesis will meet the highest academic standards. Don’t let the challenges of thesis writing hold you back—take advantage of our professional services and achieve the results you deserve. Let iResearchNet guide you to success with a custom thesis that reflects your hard work and intellectual achievement.

Order your custom thesis paper today!

At iResearchNet, we are committed to helping you achieve academic excellence with a custom philosophy thesis that meets your specific needs and academic standards. By choosing our services, you gain access to expert degree-holding writers, in-depth research, top-quality writing, and personalized support every step of the way. Whether you’re facing tight deadlines, need assistance with complex topics, or simply want to ensure your thesis is of the highest caliber, iResearchNet is here to help.

Don’t wait—secure the expert help you need to succeed. Act now and order your custom thesis paper today! With our flexible pricing, 24/7 support, and timely delivery, we make it easy for you to achieve your academic goals. Let iResearchNet take the stress out of thesis writing and help you make your mark in the field of philosophy.


philosophy dissertation ideas

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Philosophy Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

On the Possibility of Secular Morality , Zachary R. Alonso

An Ecofeminist Ontological Turn: Preparing the Field for a New Ecofeminist Project , M. Laurel-Leigh Meierdiercks

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Karl Marx on Human Flourishing and Proletarian Ethics , Sam Badger

The Ontological Grounds of Reason: Psychologism, Logicism, and Hermeneutic Phenomenology , Stanford L. Howdyshell

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Interdisciplinary Communication by Plausible Analogies: the Case of Buddhism and Artificial Intelligence , Michael Cooper

Heidegger and the Origin of Authenticity , John J. Preston

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Hegel and Schelling: The Emptiness of Emptiness and the Love of the Divine , Sean B. Gleason

Nietzsche on Criminality , Laura N. McAllister

Learning to be Human: Ren 仁, Modernity, and the Philosophers of China's Hundred Days' Reform , Lucien Mathot Monson

Nietzsche and Eternal Recurrence: Methods, Archives, History, and Genesis , William A. B. Parkhurst

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Orders of Normativity: Nietzsche, Science and Agency , Shane C. Callahan

Humanistic Climate Philosophy: Erich Fromm Revisited , Nicholas Dovellos

This, or Something like It: Socrates and the Problem of Authority , Simon Dutton

Climate Change and Liberation in Latin America , Ernesto O. Hernández

Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa as Expressions of Shame in a Post-Feminist , Emily Kearns

Nostalgia and (In)authentic Community: A Bataillean Answer to the Heidegger Controversy , Patrick Miller

Cultivating Virtue: A Thomistic Perspective on the Relationship Between Moral Motivation and Skill , Ashley Potts

Identity, Breakdown, and the Production of Knowledge: Intersectionality, Phenomenology, and the Project of Post-Marxist Standpoint Theory , Zachary James Purdue

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

The Efficacy of Comedy , Mark Anthony Castricone

William of Ockham's Divine Command Theory , Matthew Dee

Heidegger's Will to Power and the Problem of Nietzsche's Nihilism , Megan Flocken

Abelard's Affective Intentionalism , Lillian M. King

Anton Wilhelm Amo's Philosophy and Reception: from the Origins through the Encyclopédie , Dwight Kenneth Lewis Jr.

"The Thought that we Hate": Regulating Race-Related Speech on College Campuses , Michael McGowan

A Historical Approach to Understanding Explanatory Proofs Based on Mathematical Practices , Erika Oshiro

From Meaningful Work to Good Work: Reexamining the Moral Foundation of the Calling Orientation , Garrett W. Potts

Reasoning of the Highest Leibniz and the Moral Quality of Reason , Ryan Quandt

Fear, Death, and Being-a-problem: Understanding and Critiquing Racial Discourse with Heidegger’s Being and Time , Jesús H. Ramírez

The Role of Skepticism in Early Modern Philosophy: A Critique of Popkin's "Sceptical Crisis" and a Study of Descartes and Hume , Raman Sachdev

How the Heart Became Muscle: From René Descartes to Nicholas Steno , Alex Benjamin Shillito

Autonomy, Suffering, and the Practice of Medicine: A Relational Approach , Michael A. Stanfield

The Case for the Green Kant: A Defense and Application of a Kantian Approach to Environmental Ethics , Zachary T. Vereb

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Augustine's Confessiones : The Battle between Two Conversions , Robert Hunter Craig

The Strategic Naturalism of Sandra Harding's Feminist Standpoint Epistemology: A Path Toward Epistemic Progress , Dahlia Guzman

Hume on the Doctrine of Infinite Divisibility: A Matter of Clarity and Absurdity , Wilson H. Underkuffler

Climate Change: Aristotelian Virtue Theory, the Aidōs Response and Proper Primility , John W. Voelpel

The Fate of Kantian Freedom: the Kant-Reinhold Controversy , John Walsh

Time, Tense, and Ontology: Prolegomena to the Metaphysics of Tense, the Phenomenology of Temporality, and the Ontology of Time , Justin Brandt Wisniewski

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

A Phenomenological Approach to Clinical Empathy: Rethinking Empathy Within its Intersubjective and Affective Contexts , Carter Hardy

From Object to Other: Models of Sociality after Idealism in Gadamer, Levinas, Rosenzweig, and Bonhoeffer , Christopher J. King

Humanitarian Military Intervention: A Failed Paradigm , Faruk Rahmanovic

Active Suffering: An Examination of Spinoza's Approach to Tristita , Kathleen Ketring Schenk

Cartesian Method and Experiment , Aaron Spink

An Examination of John Burton’s Method of Conflict Resolution and Its Applicability to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict , John Kenneth Steinmeyer

Speaking of the Self: Theorizing the Dialogical Dimensions of Ethical Agency , Bradley S. Warfield

Changing Changelessness: On the Genesis and Development of the Doctrine of Divine Immutability in the Ancient and Hellenic Period , Milton Wilcox

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Statue that Houses the Temple: A Phenomenological Investigation of Western Embodiment Towards the Making of Heidegger's Missing Connection with the Greeks , Michael Arvanitopoulos

An Exploratory Analysis of Media Reporting of Police Involved Shootings in Florida , John L. Brown

Divine Temporality: Bonhoeffer's Theological Appropriation of Heidegger's Existential Analytic of Dasein , Nicholas Byle

Stoicism in Descartes, Pascal, and Spinoza: Examining Neostoicism’s Influence in the Seventeenth Century , Daniel Collette

Phenomenology and the Crisis of Contemporary Psychiatry: Contingency, Naturalism, and Classification , Anthony Vincent Fernandez

A Critique of Charitable Consciousness , Chioke Ianson

writing/trauma , Natasha Noel Liebig

Leibniz's More Fundamental Ontology: from Overshadowed Individuals to Metaphysical Atoms , Marin Lucio Mare

Violence and Disagreement: From the Commonsense View to Political Kinds of Violence and Violent Nonviolence , Gregory Richard Mccreery

Kant's Just War Theory , Steven Charles Starke

A Feminist Contestation of Ableist Assumptions: Implications for Biomedical Ethics, Disability Theory, and Phenomenology , Christine Marie Wieseler

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Heidegger and the Problem of Modern Moral Philosophy , Megan Emily Altman

The Encultured Mind: From Cognitive Science to Social Epistemology , David Alexander Eck

Weakness of Will: An Inquiry on Value , Michael Funke

Cogs in a Cosmic Machine: A Defense of Free Will Skepticism and its Ethical Implications , Sacha Greer

Thinking Nature, "Pierre Maupertuis and the Charge of Error Against Fermat and Leibniz" , Richard Samuel Lamborn

John Duns Scotus’s Metaphysics of Goodness: Adventures in 13th-Century Metaethics , Jeffrey W. Steele

A Gadamerian Analysis of Roman Catholic Hermeneutics: A Diachronic Analysis of Interpretations of Romans 1:17-2:17 , Steven Floyd Surrency

A Natural Case for Realism: Processes, Structures, and Laws , Andrew Michael Winters

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Leibniz's Theodicies , Joseph Michael Anderson

Aeschynē in Aristotle's Conception of Human Nature , Melissa Marie Coakley

Ressentiment, Violence, and Colonialism , Jose A. Haro

It's About Time: Dynamics of Inflationary Cosmology as the Source of the Asymmetry of Time , Emre Keskin

Time Wounds All Heels: Human Nature and the Rationality of Just Behavior , Timothy Glenn Slattery

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Nietzsche and Heidegger on the Cartesian Atomism of Thought , Steven Burgess

Embodying Social Practice: Dynamically Co-Constituting Social Agency , Brian W. Dunst

Subject of Conscience: On the Relation between Freedom and Discrimination in the Thought of Heidegger, Foucault, and Butler , Aret Karademir

Climate, Neo-Spinozism, and the Ecological Worldview , Nancy M. Kettle

Eschatology in a Secular Age: An Examination of the Use of Eschatology in the Philosophies of Heidegger, Berdyaev and Blumenberg , John R. Lup, Jr.

Navigation and Immersion of the American Identity in a Foreign Culture to Emergence as a Culturally Relative Ambassador , Lee H. Rosen

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

A Philosophical Analysis of Intellectual Property: In Defense of Instrumentalism , Michael A. Kanning

A Commentary On Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz's Discourse on Metaphysics #19 , Richard Lamborn Samuel Lamborn

Sellars in Context: An Analysis of Wilfrid Sellars's Early Works , Peter Jackson Olen

The New Materialism: Althusser, Badiou, and Zizek , Geoffrey Dennis Pfeifer

Structure and Agency: An Analysis of the Impact of Structure on Group Agents , Elizabeth Kaye Victor

Moral Friction, Moral Phenomenology, and the Improviser , Benjamin Scott Young

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

The Virtuoso Human: A Virtue Ethics Model Based on Care , Frederick Joseph Bennett

The Existential Compromise in the History of the Philosophy of Death , Adam Buben

Philosophical Precursors to the Radical Enlightenment: Vignettes on the Struggle Between Philosophy and Theology From the Greeks to Leibniz With Special Emphasis on Spinoza , Anthony John Desantis

The Problem of Evil in Augustine's Confessions , Edward Matusek

The Persistence of Casuistry: a Neo-premodernist Approach to Moral Reasoning , Richard Arthur Mercadante

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Dewey's Pragmatism and the Great Community , Philip Schuyler Bishop

Unamuno's Concept of the Tragic , Ernesto O. Hernandez

Rethinking Ethical Naturalism: The Implications of Developmental Systems Theory , Jared J.. Kinggard

From Husserl and the Neo-Kantians to Art: Heidegger's Realist Historicist Answer to the Problem of the Origin of Meaning , William H. Koch

Queering Cognition: Extended Minds and Sociotechnologically Hybridized Gender , Michele Merritt

Hydric Life: A Nietzschean Reading of Postcolonial Communication , Elena F. Ruiz-Aho

Descartes' Bête Machine, the Leibnizian Correction and Religious Influence , John Voelpel

Aretē and Physics: The Lesson of Plato's Timaeus , John R. Wolfe

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Praxis and Theōria : Heidegger’s “Violent” Interpretation , Megan E. Altman

On the Concept of Evil: An Analysis of Genocide and State Sovereignty , Jason J. Campbell

The Role of Trust in Judgment , Christophe Sage Hudspeth

Truth And Judgment , Jeremy J. Kelly

The concept of action and responsibility in Heidegger's early thought , Christian Hans Pedersen

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Philosophy PhD thesis collection

philosophy dissertation ideas

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The PhD theses in this collection must be cited in line with the usual academic conventions. These articles are protected under full copyright law. You may download it for your own personal use only.

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Phronimo: an argument for the use of an ai bot to augment human moral reasoning , agency machine: motives, levels of confidence and metacognition , objectification of women: new types and new measures , wisdom as responsible engagement:how to stop worrying and love epistemic goods , prescribing the mind: how norms, concepts, and language influence our understanding of mental disorder , humean constitutivism: a desire-based account of rational agency and the foundations of morality , predictive embodied concepts: an exploration of higher cognition within the predictive processing paradigm , impacts of childhood psychological maltreatment on adult mental health , epistemic fictionalism , thinking for the bound and dead: beyond man3 towards a new (truly) universal theory of human victory , function-first approach to doubt , abilities, freedom, and inputs: a time traveller's tale , concept is a container , analysing time-consciousness: a new account of the experienced present , emotion, perception, and relativism in vision , justice as a point of equipoise: an aristotelian approach to contemporary corporate ethics , asymmetric welfarism about meaning in life , mindreading in context , economic attitudes and individual difference: replication and extension , mindful love: the role of mindfulness in willingness to sacrifice in romantic relationships .

philosophy dissertation ideas

Recent Dissertations

Kylie Shahar  “Emerging Themes in Early Modern Philosophy: Locke, Cockburn, and Kant on Moral Knowledge and Development”

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Michael Calasso  "Ontological Methodology and the Philosophy of Arithmetic: A Critique of Abstractionism’’

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Tucker Marks  “From Well-Being to Citizen Well-Being in Jean-Jacques Rousseau”

Christopher Nagel  "Subjectivism About Artistic Value"

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Max Dresow "Time, Life, and Environment: Practices of Geohistory at the Intersection of the Earth and Life Sciences." Advisor: Alan Love

Brian Tebbitt (MA Plan A) "Demarcation and Definition: The Metaphysics of Project Management Considered." Advisor: Peter Hanks

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Kathryn Swanson "Non-Ideal Autonomy in the Relationship of Care" Co-advisors: Sarah Holtman and Joan Tronto (POSC)

William Bausman "From Biological Practice to Scientific Metaphysics" Advisor: C. Kenneth Waters

Patrick Laine "The Living Mind" Advisors: Peter Hanks, Naomi Scheman

John "Jack" Powers "Descriptive Practices and Values in Endocrine Disruption Research" Advisor: Alan Love

Jason Steffen "A Kantian Theory of Criminal Law" Advisor: Sarah Holtman

Yi Tong "Conceptual Analysis in Jurisprudence: An Essay in Methodology" Advisor: Brian Bix

Brian Wilson Baer "A Theory of Moral Obligation" Advisors: Sarah Holtman, Roy T Cook

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Yi Deng "Toward 'Free Trade' from Kant's Cosmopolitan Ideal" Advisors: Sarah Holtman, Joseph Owens

Loree Kalliainen "The Application of Evidence-Based Medicine to the Field of Surgery" Advisor: Michael Root

Anastasia Panagopoulos "Knowing What It's Like and Mind-Reading" Advisor: Peter Hanks

Hyun Joo Shin "Individualism and the Aesthetic" Advisors: Joseph Owens, Geoffrey Hellman

Monica Berrier "Rethinking Aesthetic Concepts: Lessons from the Art of Classical Dressage" Advisor: Keith Gunderson

Jovana Davidovic "International Law and Global Justice: Why Institutional Features of International Law Matter to Discussions of Global Justice" Advisor: Michelle Mason

Joseph Martin (MA) "Contingency, Predication, and Counterfactuals in the History and Philosophy of Science" Advisor: C. Kenneth Waters

Ian Stoner "The Reward of Virtue: An Essay on the Relationship Between Character and Well-Being" Advisors: Valerie Tiberius, Michelle Mason

Deepanwita Dasgupta "On the Peripheries of Western Science: Indian Science from 1910-1930, a Cognitive-Philosophical Analysis" Advisor: Ronald Giere

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132 Philosophy Dissertation Topics: Inspirational Ideas List

132 Philosophy Dissertation Topics

Does your philosophy essay need revamping, and you don’t know where to start? Here are 132 top philosophy dissertation topics for your success.

Students pursuing art or social science-related course will have to deal with a philosophy essay at one time. Unpacking the various fundamental truths in different niches and establishing their relationships is not easy. This article provides you with tried and tested writing ideas for your philosophy assignment in college or university. Here is what to expect in this expert guide:

  • Definition of philosophy
  • Different parts of a philosophy dissertation
  • Top-notch philosophy writing prompts

You should be able to write and present a top-tier philosophy paper at the end of this reading. If you still have questions, our experts will be more than glad to help right away.

What Is A Philosophy Essay?

Philosophy refers to studying the elemental nature of reality, existence, and knowledge. As an academic discipline, this field is concerned with various theories and principles guiding a particular behavior. You can term it as people’s understanding of their relationship with the world and each other.

Therefore, philosophy as a discipline is concerned with the following:

  • A reasoned pursuit of underlying truths
  • A quest for understanding
  • An exploration of the various principles of conduct

The definition and the illustrations given above may look technical, but trust me, the inner core is fun and interesting. Otherwise, how would scholars like Immanuel Kant, Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates dedicate their lives to such a study? I know some are already scared at the mention of these names but don’t fret; we are not going any further with them.

Different Types of Philosophy

Again, we will not seek to unravel the complex subfields of philosophy and tire you with philosophical terms. You are here for the topics – that is what you will get in a few. However, in the meantime, here is a brief sketch of the essential subfields of philosophy:

  • Logic : Concerned with reasoning
  • Ethics : Deals with moral concepts
  • Metaphysics : Concerned with the first principles of things
  • Epistemology : Explores the scope and nature of knowledge

I am sure that you now have two or three topics from our discussions above. Before we majestically land on the list of philosophy topics, let us clear the runway with the following important cues.

Parts of a Philosophy Dissertation

Every form of writing has a unique structure with basic elements that define it. A philosophy dissertation also follows a particular format which is crucial for writing such an essay. The vital components of a philosophy dissertation include:

The title : It conveys the main idea of your philosophy paper in a concise but elaborative manner. Every philosophy title should have a particular scope and depth with an interesting angle for the reader. Remember that this will determine the length and breadth of your research and the paper length. The introduction : This section highlights your main claim and how you intend to prove it. It is where you state your position – your lecturer does not have to agree with it at first. The other sections will help you support it. The thesis statement is also here, and it provides a definite assertion about the topic under discussion. The stance you pick here should be consistent throughout the rest of your paper. Analysis and explanation of your thesis : This section gives you a chance to explain the meaning of the various terms used in your thesis. You do not present arguments at this stage but explain what you mean by your thesis statement. You should also write a little background information about your subject. Arguments supporting the thesis statement : Here is the flesh of your paper, requiring you to dig up strong arguments. It involves supporting your philosophy dissertation with evidence while refuting potential arguments from the opposition. Conclusion : You can summarize your main points, state your conclusion and wind up your dissertation.

Do you see how simple it is to write an outstanding philosophy dissertation? Now let us proceed to the fascinating topics that drew your attention to this professional guide. Furthermore, don’t you forget you can get any assignment help online from our professional team.

Interesting Philosophy Dissertation Topics

  • Discuss the difference in brain processes between the young and old
  • Factors that determine the religious beliefs of an individual
  • The role of desire in causing strife and anxiety
  • How feelings affect the interaction of people
  • Discuss events and occurrences that lead to sensations
  • How passion determines one’s possibility to succeed in a given venture
  • The role of will in making important decisions and accepting the consequences
  • Effects of personality on growth and development patterns
  • Discuss the relationship between reason and religion
  • How intentions affect the outcome of events
  • Why do people throw the blame on others when something goes wrong?
  • The role of ordinary physical events in determining our actions
  • Can man act freely without being induced by internal or external forces
  • How biology attempts to explore the field of philosophy
  • Explore the logic of scientific findings and inventions
  • Do scientific theories and laws offer a final answer to the questions of nature?
  • Explain the difference in interactions between adolescent boys and girls

Examples Of Dissertation Topics For Uni

  • Evaluate the need for compulsory education
  • What determines the preferential treatment of the silent minority in society?
  • Discuss the justice of taxation in social philosophy
  • Analyze the cultural determinants of moral limits
  • Explain the role of free expression in a democratic state
  • Factors that determine the relationship between a patient and a physician
  • Why do special medical procedures attract questions?
  • Discuss why abortion is still a subject of contention today?
  • Does euthanasia demean the human right to life?
  • Discuss the differences in animal and human interactions
  • Explore the ethical standards for conducting medical research
  • Is it right to experiment using human subjects?
  • The science behind art and appeal to emotion
  • Factors involved in evaluating works of art
  • Evaluate the relationship between cosmetic appliances and morality
  • How does science influence the manner of life today?
  • Determine how words create meaning in communication

The Best Business Philosophy Dissertation Topics

  • Is profit-making a wrong motive in business ethics?
  • Discuss the scope and nature of the social responsibilities of corporations
  • The effects of business monopoly in a free society
  • How should businesses relate to each other without creating a conflict of interest?
  • Modern discussions on the fundamental purposes of a company
  • The pursuit of money and exploitation in business
  • Effects of commercial civilization on business ethics
  • Should money always be the end goal in a business venture?
  • Factors that make a business decision ethical
  • Character and virtues that determine ethical business undertakings
  • The role of moral codes of conduct in business
  • Evaluate the relationship between happiness and making money
  • The role of corporate moral agencies
  • Discuss the various important frameworks for business ethics
  • Evaluate how advertising leads to manipulation
  • Explain the business ethics behind hiring and firing
  • Do companies offer meaningful compensation for work done?

Advanced Science Philosophy Topics

  • Evaluate the philosophy of statistics in science
  • Explain how the science of numbers is essential in answering the central questions about life
  • The role of modern physics in shaping reality
  • Science philosophy and its contribution to causality and determinism questions
  • Effects of quantum mechanics on making work easier
  • Does the philosophy of chemistry always confirm findings?
  • How experimentation leads to solid conclusions
  • Evaluate the use of indirect measures as evidence in chemistry
  • How chemical bonds help explain relationships in reality
  • Discuss the developments made in the philosophy of astronomy
  • Determine the reliability of theories and formulas used in scientific studies
  • The difference between philosophical insights and scientific findings
  • Analyze the mechanisms of obtaining and verifying knowledge using science philosophy
  • Discuss ethical issues in epistemological studies
  • Evaluate the rise of the modern synthesis in biology
  • Genetic engineering and philosophical inferences
  • Incorporation of scientific study into the psychology

Relevant Topics In Philosophy

  • How ancient philosophy is shaping modern life
  • The implication of western civilization on developing nations
  • Differences between philosophy in Africa and Latin America
  • The role of stoicism in modern movements
  • Evaluate ethics and moral philosophy in America
  • Effects of empiricism on modern-day philosophy
  • How the philosophy of the mind is crucial in times of pandemics
  • The role of philosophy in Computer Science and Mathematics in innovations
  • The crucial role of crowds during political campaigns
  • Discuss the philosophy of race and racism in the US
  • Distinguish regional philosophical traditions between the US and UK
  • Discuss modern problems of ancient philosophy
  • Emerging issues in environmental philosophy: A case of global warming
  • Analyze action theory
  • Why is anarchism more likely today than in the ancient world?
  • The role of intelligence in success
  • Importance of logical studies in college

Custom Political Philosophy Dissertation Topics

  • Evaluate the pressing social and political issues of the 21 st century
  • Discuss the relationship between political and legal philosophy
  • How social media is changing modern-day politics
  • The relationship between propaganda and campaigns
  • Discuss the various theories of political revolution
  • How do the theories of utopia shape today’s politics?
  • Criminal justice and authoritarianism
  • Feminist and liberal traditions in political philosophy
  • Evaluate the tenets of capitalism versus socialism
  • How modern-day developments are shrinking or expanding democracy
  • Does 21 st -century politics need a conservative free-market economy?
  • Explain the impact of government intervention in social affairs
  • How the Ukraine-Russian war is a reflection of ancient political rivalry
  • Discuss how nationalism shapes political peace
  • How group rights play into political campaigns
  • The effects of colonialism on a country’s political structure
  • Discuss the problem of technology in modern-day politics

Feminist Philosophy Dissertation Topics

  • Evaluate the various feminist interventions in philosophy
  • The role of feminist beliefs and resultant feminist movements
  • Evaluate the normative and descriptive feminist components
  • How the society is embracing the diversity of women
  • Discuss feminism as anti-sexism
  • Evaluate the general treatment of women in the institution of marriage
  • The role of feminism in championing gender equity
  • Differences in how men and women view the subject of love
  • Explain how the complexities of a woman impact her location
  • Discuss how the society continues to undervalue women’s problems
  • Feminism and the rise of civil movements supporting women
  • The role of feminine subjects in shaping the central concepts of philosophy
  • Analyze the contribution of feminist philosophers
  • The place of feminism in classical American philosophy
  • Analyze emerging feminist philosophical circles
  • The analytic philosophy methods of understanding feminism
  • The role of feminist movements in the girl-child empowerment

Reliable Philosophy Of Religion Dissertation Topics

  • The philosophical reflection of common religious beliefs
  • The role of religion in encouraging positivism
  • Evaluate reformed religious epistemology
  • Discuss theism and emerging alternatives in the 21 st century
  • Discuss the role of religion in answering cosmological arguments
  • Evaluate the role of religion in dealing with the problems of evil
  • How religious experience affects societal views
  • Discuss the effects of religious pluralism in developing nations
  • How the media is propagating religious beliefs in the modern world
  • Discuss the emergence of religious extremism in the wake of terrorism
  • Evaluate the crucial role played by religion in spearheading morals and ethics in the society
  • How religious differences affect societal relationships
  • Analyze the conflict between atheism and Christianity

Need a Hand to Write a Paper for You?

The field of philosophy has great topics in almost every aspect of our lives. Whether watching TV or attending a worship service, philosophy will always come into play. Students who are still struggling can find our professional dissertation help useful in many ways. We have excellent writers ready to offer top-notch assignment assistance in any field. With our 24/7 customer support, you can just pay someone to do your assignment and get perfect grades effortlessly. Try our fast and reliable online help for your philosophy assignment needs today!

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100+ Philosophy Research Paper Topics

philosophy paper topics

One of the most difficult tasks philosophy students faces each year is in having to come up with a philosophy topic to write a paper on. Students can get notifications of big projects months ahead of time and then spend weeks trying to figure out whether their philosophy essay topics are good enough to earn a good grade.

We get it. It’s hard to pull this task together with schedules and responsibilities. This is why we work to find philosophical topics that are current and relatable. We stick to important issues that are at the forefront of the discipline and bring them to you in one convenient philosophical topic for the essay list.

Finding the right philosophy topics can turn regular assignments into A+-winning assignments and we’ve done the work to help you and hundreds of other students get started with these philosophy paper topics. Here are our top 100 philosophy topics for the current school year:

Argumentative Philosophy Research Paper Topics

  • Do people naturally have good and bad qualities?
  • Do we need family support to find happiness?
  • How humans can be happy without reproduction?
  • What is the definitive explanation of happiness?
  • Do most people feel they aren’t living their full lives?
  • Would you marry for money if it meant you could never be happy?
  • Would you like to live your life more than once?
  • Would you rather work vocationalation job or a high-paying job?
  • Are personalities unique or are they just template?
  • Do you think that it is moral to follow all the rules?

Good Philosophy Paper Topics for All Levels

  • Does one need to lead a moral life to achieve happiness?
  • Why do people find life harder than expected?
  • Which is the better teacher? Experience or learning?
  • Do people always do what they want at that moment?
  • Is truth universal or does it change because of perspective?
  • Do animals have a better sense of morals than humans?
  • Can people gain an education without proper schooling?
  • Does one need to be literate to understand philosophy?
  • Which ie preferable? Determinism or Free Will?
  • Is capital punishment ethical in today’s world?

Controversial Topics in Philosophy

  • How does society shape a person’s life and beliefs?
  • Do you need a lot of money to live a rich life?
  • Why are some people living without actually experiencing things?
  • Is spiritual power more important than free will?
  • Do genetics play a bigger role in the way people behave?
  • What impact does the word “love” have on positivity?
  • What is the real reason we live our lives?
  • Is it possible to form a perfect world?
  • Do religion and philosophy contradict one another?
  • Can a world exist without laws or regulations?

Fun Philosophy Paper Topics for High School

  • What would be your form ideal government?
  • What are the different ways in which humans understand each other?
  • How is the concept of happiness defined by different philosophers?
  • Is existence simply a dream experienced by a larger being?
  • If you can spend a week in any period, which would it be?
  • Are we alone in our galaxy or are there other intelligent life forms?
  • What does it mean to have free will versus determinism?
  • If you can change one thing from your past, what would it be?
  • Does religion limit our abilities to explore the meaning of life?
  • What does it mean to be loved or to love others?

Topics for Philosophy Paper on the Classics

  • What does it mean to understand our universe?
  • Does happiness come from our actions toward others?
  • Are our thoughts evidence that we exist?
  • What is the definition of evil as it relates to the modern world?
  • Could societies exist without laws and regulations?
  • Are people born good or evil or are they raised to be one or the other?
  • Is torture a justifiable form of punishment?
  • How can past leaders influence today’s youth positively?
  • Is beauty truly in the eye of the beholder?
  • Can we refocus our minds to think more positively?

Easy Philosophy Paper Topics for High School

  • What does it mean to be moral in today’s world?
  • Can wars be justified if it supports the greater population?
  • What does it mean to be a postmodern philosopher?
  • What are today’s most important life values?
  • What is the current perspective on the definition of loneliness?
  • How does one prepare for life after death?
  • Would you like to repeat your life with full knowledge of the prior?
  • Does something better than nothing always lead to benefits?
  • Do people choose to suffer or is it a feeling beyond our control?
  • Should people have to right to die by suicide?

Philosophy Topics to Write About Quickly

  • Do we exist in some form after death?
  • Do supernatural entities exist in the world?
  • Are video games negatively impacting people’s moral values?
  • How does one boost his or her ability to be creative?
  • Is it important to spend your entire life learning?
  • What does it mean to be mentally conscious?
  • What is the definition of loneliness and have you experienced it?
  • What are the most important character traits for leaders to have?
  • Does one need a lot of money to be considered rich?
  • Are we alone in the universe or is there another life?

Philosophical Topics for Essays on Current Issues

  • Are parents responsible for how their children behave?
  • Are the U.S. and U.K. meritocratic societies?
  • Has social media had an impact on people’s morals?
  • Do you agree with the notion that love only exists for 3 years?
  • Are humans more likely to cause trouble because of boredom?
  • Is capital punishment morally justified in modern society?
  • Do humans have the same ideas about what is right and what is wrong?
  • How does death affect how humans view life?
  • Is it complicated to live a life of happiness?
  • Should teenagers be given the responsibility to make their own choices?

Philosophy Thesis Topics for a Big Project

  • Do religion and the belief in God change a person’s behavior?
  • Are Machiavellian ideals still relevant in today’s government?
  • Is animal experimentation ever justified to protect humans?
  • What are the pros and cons of a utilitarian society?
  • What are the pros and cons of a communist government?
  • Why are humans the only species to be violent?
  • Is economic justice more important than legal justice?
  • Should women have univerabortion rightstion?
  • What impact did the 20th-century wave of philosophy have on the U.S.?
  • How do you know that you are different from other people?

Philosophy Research Paper Topics

  • What are the tendencies we see most in humans?
  • Are our morals connected to or influenced by culture?
  • Would you live your life a second time?
  • Should religion have a voice in a nation’s government?
  • What do you think makes for an ideal society?
  • Are truths relative to specific situations or circumstances?
  • What is the most important aspect to gain human knowledge?
  • What is something that veritably upsets you?
  • What is something in your life that you would like to change?
  • What is the most effective way to increase one’s IQ?

Getting a good grade on a philosophy research paper requires you to consider several different options and narrow down those options to a topic you feel you can conduct complete philosophy research on. The topic should also be something that interests you and verges into new areas in the discipline and area of study. This can be a difficult task for many students, so we create custom philosophy research topics to suit every situation. If you can’t find a topic you like from this list, just give us a call, email us, or send us a message via chat. We can direct you to a qualified philosophy expert writer to create a custom list of philosophical ideas to fit your assignment needs.

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Guidelines For Writing A Philosophy Dissertation

Writing a philosophy dissertation can be a daunting task. It requires careful research and analysis of existing philosophical theories, as well as the development of original ideas.

This article provides an overview of essential guidelines for writing a successful philosophy dissertation. The guidelines outlined here are intended to assist students in structuring their dissertation in order to produce an effective and coherent document.

They include advice on selecting a topic, organizing one’s research, developing an argument, and using proper referencing. Additionally, they provide suggestions for the formatting of the document and advice on how to ensure that it meets scholarly standards.

Following these guidelines will help ensure that the dissertation is well-written and properly presented.

What Is A Philosophy Dissertation?

A philosophy dissertation is a research paper that focuses on the exploration of a philosophical topic. The goal of this type of paper is to provide an in-depth analysis that considers the contemporary relevance, ethical implications, and epistemological implications of the chosen topic. Through this form of writing, students are encouraged to engage with ontological exploration, and rigorously consider normative viewpoints.

The structure of a philosophy dissertation is typically divided into three sections: Introduction, Main Body, and Conclusion.

In the introduction, the author should introduce their topic and explain why it is important or relevant.

In the main body, they should explore their arguments and evidence in depth.

Finally, in the conclusion they should restate their argument and discuss its implications for future research or study.

Preparation Of The Dissertation

Having discussed what a philosophy dissertation is, it is now time to turn to the preparation of the dissertation itself.

The first step in any serious philosophical work is to consider the assumptions that one is making. This means examining any proposed claims and their moral implications, as well as considering ethical considerations that may arise in the course of researching and writing.

In addition, it is essential to be aware of any relevant philosophical debates that are occurring, and examine them for logical implications.

When constructing an argument or thesis statement for a philosophy dissertation, it is important to make sure that all premises are clear and logically consistent. Furthermore, when presenting evidence or arguments from other sources, one should be careful to explain how they support their position.

Finally, it is necessary to ensure that any conclusions drawn are based on valid reasoning and critical thinking. By following these steps and adhering to good academic practice, one can ensure that their philosophy dissertation meets even the most rigorous standards of scholarship.

Selecting A Topic

Selecting a topic for your philosophy dissertation can be both exciting and overwhelming.

It is important to consider the interdisciplinary approach you will take as well as ethical considerations when narrowing down subject matter.

Language barriers and cultural influences should also be taken into account, particularly if the topic has a historical context.

When choosing a topic for your dissertation, it is essential to ensure that it is something you are passionate about and confident that you can complete in the allotted amount of time.

Doing research on the area of study helps identify whether there are enough resources available to adequately explore the topic.

Additionally, reaching out to experts in the field can provide insight into other aspects of the research that may have been overlooked during initial investigation.

Lastly, make sure to review any guidelines or expectations set forth by your institution to ensure that you meet all requirements.

Research And Reading

It is important to have a well-defined research strategy when writing a philosophy dissertation; this should include deciding on key research questions, choosing an appropriate methodology, and creating a timeline to ensure the research is completed in a timely manner.

Developing effective reading strategies is also key to writing an effective philosophy dissertation; this should include reading widely and critically, noting down key points, and evaluating the relevance and reliability of information sources.

A variety of sources of information should be used when researching for a philosophy dissertation; these can include primary sources such as books and articles, as well as secondary sources such as interviews, surveys, and online resources.

Research Strategies

Researching and reading for a philosophy dissertation requires critical analysis, argumentative approaches, and empirical evidence. Therefore, it is essential to develop appropriate research strategies that can help you find the necessary information.

Firstly, it is important to create an effective research plan by determining the resources needed for your project. Furthermore, it is beneficial to organize available resources into categories such as primary sources, secondary sources, and tertiary sources. Additionally, developing a timeline for completing your research can help you stay on track with your project.

It is also wise to identify reliable sources of information such as scholarly articles or books from established authors in the field. Finally, it is advisable to consult with peers or faculty members who have expertise in the topic you’re writing about since they can provide valuable insight into your work.

Following these steps can help ensure that your philosophy dissertation is well-researched and written with accuracy and precision.

Reading Strategies

Once you have an effective research plan in place, it is important to develop efficient reading strategies for your philosophy dissertation.

A key element of research and reading for a dissertation is the ability to identify ethical implications, logical reasoning, and philosophical theories within the text.

To do this effectively, it is essential that you read material slowly and carefully so that you can comprehend the information as well as critically analyze its contents.

Additionally, it is beneficial to take notes while reading so that you can easily refer back to important details when writing your dissertation.

Finally, engaging with peers or faculty members while reading can help deepen your understanding of the material by allowing you to gain insights from their perspectives.

Sources Of Information

When researching and reading for a philosophy dissertation, it is essential to identify reliable sources of information.

Primary research such as interviews and surveys are an effective way to gather data that can be used in your paper.

Additionally, online resources such as scholarly journals and reputable websites can provide valuable information.

It is important to ensure the accuracy of any online sources by using peer review and checking for reliability when citing materials.

As an online tutor, I advise my students to critically evaluate all their sources before using them for their research.

In summary, carefully selecting trustworthy sources is a key part of research and reading for a successful dissertation.

Structure Of The Dissertation

The structure of the dissertation is important in order to ensure that the content and ideas are presented in a coherent and logical manner.

An inquiry-based learning approach is recommended as it provides an opportunity for critical thinking and analysis.

Structured conceptual frameworks should be employed to provide a basis for understanding and interpretation of the topic, while analytical approaches can be used for deeper investigations.

Argumentative structures are beneficial when exploring a particular perspective or concept, and this should be followed by a critical evaluation to evaluate the proposed ideas.

In addition, conclusions should be drawn from the evidence presented throughout the dissertation.

Acknowledging and discussing potential limitations of arguments can also be useful to further develop understanding of the topic.

Finally, references must be provided in accordance with academic guidelines in order to demonstrate sources of information used in the dissertation.

Writing Style

When writing a dissertation on philosophy, it is important to pay attention to grammar and punctuation. This will help to make sure that the paper is clear and concise, and that it conveys the author’s ideas effectively.

Grammar is an essential component of writing style, as it contributes to linguistic accuracy and can help convey academic vocabulary.

To ensure a good sentence structure, it is important to pay attention to the rules of the English language such as punctuation, spelling, syntax and agreement between subjects and verbs.

As an online tutor, I recommend that my students review their texts for grammatical errors before submitting them in order to make sure that their work conveys the information they are trying to communicate in a clear way.

Moreover, taking the time to proofread will also help them avoid making mistakes that can distract readers from focusing on the content of their writing.

Therefore, grammar should be considered an important part of any written piece in order to make sure its message is properly understood by its audience.


When it comes to grammar, punctuation is just as important. It is essential for online tutors to understand the conventions of semicolon usage, comma rules and other punctuation marks in order to ensure that their students’ writing conveys their message accurately.

For instance, learning when to use a comma or a semicolon can make all the difference in understanding the meaning of a sentence. Therefore, it is important to be mindful of these grammar conventions in order to produce clear and concise written pieces.

By taking the time to incorporate proper punctuation into their work, students can help make sure their writing communicates their message effectively and efficiently.

Referencing And Citations

The referencing and citations of any dissertation are essential for demonstrating the credibility of the argument and conclusions that are being made.

It is important to be aware of the ethical implications, logical reasoning and philosophical implications when citing sources.

Here is a 4 item list to consider when constructing your references:

  • Primary sources should be used whenever possible;
  • Secondary sources should only be used when primary sources cannot be found;
  • All references must include accurate bibliographic information;
  • Citations must adhere to an accepted style guide such as APA or MLA.

It is important to not overlook the importance of referencing and citations, as they provide evidence of research that has been conducted and allow readers to assess the accuracy and reliability of your work.

As a tutor, I am able to provide support in formatting citations, developing a comprehensive reference list, and understanding ethical considerations for using sources responsibly.

Editing And Revision

Editing and revising is an essential part of the writing process. It requires significant effort, yet it can drastically improve the quality of your dissertation. In this section, we will discuss impactful editing and revising strategies, as well as proofreading techniques that you can use to make your work stand out.

As an online tutor, I recommend that you take some time to review your dissertation carefully before submitting it. This includes reading through it multiple times while focusing on different elements such as sentence structure, grammar, and content. Pay attention to the flow of ideas, making sure each point is clearly presented and transitions are smooth.

Additionally, make sure there are no typos or other errors that could detract from the overall quality of your work. Finally, double-check all references before publication to ensure accuracy and completeness.

Your hard work should pay off when you submit a high-quality dissertation for review. Editing and revising will help you refine your work until it meets the highest standards of academic writing. With careful attention to detail and diligent effort in these areas, you will be able to create a dissertation that has a lasting impact on its readership.

Submission Of The Dissertation

Formatting Requirements for a Philosophy Dissertation may include items such as the length of the document, the font and font size, the page margins, and the page numbering system.

Deadlines for Submission of the Philosophy Dissertation may vary based on the educational institution and should be reviewed carefully to ensure compliance.

Before submitting a Philosophy Dissertation, it is important to review a Document Checklist to ensure that all necessary items are included in the final document.

Formatting Requirements

When formatting a philosophy dissertation, there is an expectation to present the ideas in a clear and concise manner. It is essential that the logical reasoning behind each argument is presented in a holistic approach, while also considering ethical considerations.

To ensure that the finished product meets the requirements for submission, it is important to pay attention to details such as page margins and font size. Additionally, it is imperative that all sources of information are properly cited according to the guidelines of the institution or publisher.

Careful review of these elements will ensure that any written work is accurately represented when presented for review. Achieving this level of excellence requires commitment and dedication from those submitting the dissertation.

Deadline Submission

Once the formatting and sourcing of the dissertation has been completed, it is important to consider deadline submission.

Time management is essential when deciding how long to dedicate to each element of the dissertation.

It is also necessary to select a methodology that will allow for an efficient completion of the work while taking into account ethical considerations.

To ensure successful completion by the deadline, it is important to keep track of progress and adjust as needed.

By maintaining focus and prioritizing tasks, a successful submission of the dissertation can be achieved in a timely manner.

Document Checklist

Once the formatting and sourcing of the dissertation has been completed, it is important to consider the document checklist.

A document checklist is a tool used to ensure that all necessary documents have been collected and organized prior to submission.

As part of this process, it is essential to review the entire project with a fine-tooth comb and make sure that all formatting requirements are met.

This will require excellent time management and researching skills, as well as peer review from others.

It is also important to be aware of any potential ethical considerations related to the chosen methodology for completing the work.

By following a rigorous document checklist, a successful submission of the dissertation can be achieved with high quality work.

Final Tips And Advice

Writing a dissertation can be an overwhelming process, but with some focus, organization and effort, you can create a well-structured document that reflects your knowledge and skills.

In this section, we will provide several final tips to help you make the most of your writing.

Evaluating resources is key when it comes to dissertation writing; make sure that all sources are reliable and up-to-date.

Additionally, proofreading strategies should be employed to ensure accuracy and clarity in your work.

Time management is also essential; plan ahead so that you can meet all deadlines without sacrificing quality.

When it comes to data analysis, use a systematic approach to ensure you are interpreting the results correctly.

Lastly, remember the importance of academic integrity; follow all guidelines for proper citation of sources and avoid any form of plagiarism.

By following these tips, you will have taken important steps towards creating an exceptional dissertation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of timeline should i expect for completing a philosophy dissertation.

When it comes to structuring time for completing a philosophy dissertation, the timeline may vary depending on the research and writing process.

It is important to find experienced mentors who can give advice on how to approach the project and which resources can be used to develop ideas.

Staying creative in the research and writing process is also important, as this will help ensure the philosophical concepts are presented in a clear and concise manner.

Lastly, seeking support from other students or colleagues can be beneficial for staying motivated during the dissertation process.

How Should I Go About Finding A Supervisor For My Project?

Finding a mentor for your philosophy dissertation is an important part of the process.

When examining mentors, make sure to look for someone who can help you in structuring arguments and analyzing evidence as well as discussing the implications of your research.

Additionally, be clear on your objectives and expectations from each other at the very start in order to prevent any confusion or disagreements further down the line.

Ultimately, by finding a mentor that meets these criteria, you will ensure that you have support throughout this challenging process.

What Advice Would You Give For Making The Most Of The Research And Writing Process?

When engaging in research and writing for a philosophy dissertation, it is important to make the most of the process.

This includes such considerations as finding the right mentors, managing one’s time efficiently, seeking peer review, familiarizing oneself with various referencing styles, and researching topics thoroughly.

An online tutor can provide guidance on how to do this effectively and efficiently in order to increase the chances of success.

It is also important to stay motivated and engaged throughout the process by regularly checking progress towards deadlines, setting achievable goals, and rewarding oneself for accomplishments.

How Do I Ensure That My Dissertation Is Unique And Original?

When writing a philosophy dissertation, it is important to ensure that the work is both unique and original.

Brainstorming strategies, philosophical methodologies, data analysis techniques, referencing standards, and research limitations should all be taken into consideration in order to make sure that your work stands out.

Additionally, consulting with an online tutor can be very helpful in understanding the specific requirements for the project and in creating a unique and original dissertation.

Finally, it is essential to remain engaged with the research process throughout in order to make sure that your dissertation is as unique and original as possible.

What Resources Are Available To Support My Dissertation Project?

Writing a philosophy dissertation can be an exciting and rewarding experience. The key to a successful dissertation project is having access to the right resources.

When working on your dissertation, you’ll need to develop ideas, research methods, analyze data, form arguments, and create conclusions. Consider utilizing online tutorials or engaging in one-on-one sessions with a tutor who specializes in philosophy.

You may also wish to join an online community of philosophy students where you can share your thoughts and experiences with members from around the world.

Finally, don’t forget about academic journals, books, and other resources that are available in libraries or online. By utilizing these resources, you’ll be able to craft a unique and original philosophy dissertation that will make you stand out from the crowd.

The writing of a philosophy dissertation can be a challenging process, but it is also very rewarding. With the right kind of guidance and preparation, it can be an enjoyable and productive experience that leads to the successful completion of an original and unique dissertation.

It is important to begin by finding a supervisor who understands your project and will provide the necessary guidance and support.

Establishing a timeline for completing the dissertation is also essential for keeping on track. In addition, there are many resources available to help you along the way including online tutorials, library research databases, and academic writing workshops.

With these tools at your disposal, you can make the most of the research and writing process while ensuring that your dissertation is both original and academically rigorous.

Finally, it is worth remembering that philosophy dissertations require careful planning and dedication in order to produce a high-quality piece of work. Taking time to familiarise yourself with the expectations of your department as well as understanding how best to utilise resources available can greatly enhance your chances of success.

By following these guidelines, you will be well on your way to producing an outstanding philosophy dissertation.

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60 Fascinating Philosophy Dissertation Topics on 5 Different Branches

Philosophy Dissertation

Table of Content

2. Politics

3. anthropology, 5. aesthetics.

Philosophy is a discipline that is applied to almost every area of our lives. The subject deals with many different problems in various fields, such as knowledge, culture, wisdom, values, and so on. While studying this subject, students often cross their path with various academic writing tasks, and in that dissertation is the most important one.

Writing a philosophy dissertation is tedious because it presents many challenges, as most philosophy topics have no specific answers. Such questions entirely rely on critical thinking that students have to develop to defend their arguments effectively. 

Many students struggle to find unique and trending  philosophy dissertation topics . Are you looking for the same? In this blog, we have explained different areas of philosophy and dissertation topics related to them. Go through the list and choose the topic that resonates with your interest.

What Are the Main Branches of Philosophy?

Before you pick any topic for your dissertation, it is essential to know all the main areas of philosophy. It will help you narrow down the area of your interest and select the best topic to write a perfect dissertation .

Ethics is the branch of philosophy that involves defending and systematizing the different concepts of right and wrong behaviour. It basically deals with resolving questions related to human morality by defining concepts for good and evil.

Every opinion that involves political arguments to solve major societal problems comes under philosophical politics. One may characterize politics as the activities and practices that are concerned with the government.

The main aim of anthropology is to study empirical investigations of human nature. It helps in understanding different individuals that create their values related to putting some efforts into research.

It is another branch of philosophy that deals with different sets of questions related to predication, identity, truth, and necessity. It is about applying formal logical techniques to every philosophical problem in the world.

Aesthetics is the philosophical branch that deals with the appreciation of different art, beauty, and good taste. It is also termed as a critical reflection of art because people who study this branch always learn to admire the right things and forget about extracting flaws from anything.

These are the five different branches of philosophy. Our experts have provided the most interesting and unique topics on every branch to make sure you choose an effective one for your dissertation.

Let's get started with the most philosophy dissertation topics on ethics.

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Best Ethics Philosophy Dissertation Topics

  • How to compare the education quality on the basis of teaching business ethics to students in developed and underdeveloped countries?
  • How is the concept of 'aesthetics' and 'business ethics' are interlinked with each other?
  • How is bribery completely against the business ethics?
  • The ethics perspective: What motivates a company's business decisions?
  • How do business ethics contribute to winning employee trust?
  • What is the impact of ethical decision making on online business operations?
  • Why does ethical business decision making come under historical countdown?
  • What is the role of the share market, and how it contributes to exploring business code?
  • Why is it mandatory to get rid of corporate egoism for effective business decision making?
  • University students in business institutes in the USA - An exploration of business ethics perceptions and practice
  • How to conduct a critical analysis by discussing management ethics on the market failure approach?
  • How does an extensive literature review on business ethics help in discussing the parameters of hiring an employee?

Politics Philosophy Dissertation Ideas for College Students

  • What is the role of government and people in making the country corruption-free?
  • Why must the citizens hold a right to learn about the wealth of crucial politicians who are governing different states of any country?
  • What are the biggest threats to the United Kingdom's foreign policy?
  • Why should there be a good transparency among different political groups?
  • How can one explain that democracy is the best way to run any nation?
  • Are the governments around the globe taking enough measures to cope with environmental issues like global warming?
  • Discuss the changes and impacts brought by the political party in the United Kingdom since they came to power
  • How has the evolution of the internet changed the practice of election campaigns in recent times?
  • Do imposing ban on illegal practices related to gambling and lotteries have any relation with political parties?
  • How to compare and contrast the functions of the legislative and executives in the presidential and parliamentary system of the UK government?
  • In the wake of the UK Brexit, How can Britain employ its military, economic, and diplomatic power to improve its position in world politics?
  • Why are countries like Iran and Syria punished while Pakistan and China are allowed to get away with international law infringements?

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Interesting Philosophy Dissertation Topics on Anthropology

  • How one can determine the impact of political systems on individual societies by using anthropological research?
  • How to explain the expansion and development of anthropology in the late 20th and 21st centuries?
  • Why is it important to study the comparison of different art forms in an anthropological context in Eastern countries and non-Eastern countries?
  • How professionals of Ayurveda discovered and developed medical treatments to cure many rare and deadly diseases?
  • Explain the significance of social anthropology in relation to the overall subject of anthropology
  • Explain the importance of trust in the client-lawyer relationship
  • What can students learn about themselves through anthropological research?
  • What are all evidence of devolution that contributed a significant amount of knowledge over the past million years?
  • How is the field of semiotics used by anthropologists while studying linguistic anthropology?
  • In relation to nutritional anthropology, what have been the significant consequences and benefits of globalization?
  • What are the major difference between biological and physical anthropology?
  • How cultural and religious anthropology help general people understand more about themselves?

Trending Logic Philosophy Dissertation Topic Ideas

  • What are the key parameters that hold students thinking and increases their IQ level?
  • What do students study in advanced logic?
  • Explain axiomatic propositional logic with relevant examples.
  • Describe the deduction theorem in reference to mathematics and present all the key elements by citing relevant examples in it.
  • What is the modal logic and how professors teach students this mathematical logical reasoning by giving relevant examples given in the textbook?
  • On what basis experts tell that physical science alone cannot explain the conscious experience?
  • What are the key reasons behind not declaring humanity as a supreme religion?
  • Is there any logic behind killing people in the name of religion?
  • How to evaluate the relationship between war and peace?
  • Why should parents be held responsible for the actions of their kid?
  • How can one connect traditions supported by humanity and force people to follow them as customs?
  • What moral obligation do develop nations have to address issues such as famine?

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Philosophy Dissertation Topics & Ideas on Aesthetics

  • Is there any fine relationship between morality and arts?
  • How does art specialists relate economic power to class structure?
  • What are the characteristics of aesthetic intelligence, and how does it relate to other sorts of intelligence?
  • Why is it necessary to find the relationship between fine art, commercial art, and craftwork in the field of aesthetics?
  • Why do researchers suggest enhancing a clear conceptual methodological attention to workplace aesthetics?
  • Why universities and different research centers are interested in neuroaesthetics and empirical aesthetics?
  • Why is there a difficulty in understanding aesthetic theology?
  • What technique is helpful in finding the Visual Aesthetic Sensitivity Test (VAST)?
  • Is there any legal act that helps in regulating aesthetic and cosmetic treatments in the UK?
  • Which ‘normative' dimension determine to create a good perception in the residents of the UK?
  • What factors signify semiotics a simple dimension of aesthetics?
  • Which method is considered as the best for effective measurement of architectural aesthetics in private and public buildings?

These are a few philosophy dissertation topics on five different branches. It is quite normal if you get stuck or confused about choosing a topic when you have so many topics in front of you. If you are struggling with the same, you must seek assistance from our professional writers.

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Can't Select Philosophy Dissertation Topics? Here's the Solution

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  • Our philosophy dissertation help experts will provide the document on time.
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These are the reasons why you should choose us for your philosophy dissertation writing assistance. We make sure to get you the grades that you deserve!

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Philosophy dissertations

undergraduate Y4

I supervise at least one undergraduate a year. Many of the same questions come up each year. I have prepared below a set of guidelines to help when starting out on a dissertation.

Please note that this is personal advice and not to be taken as a substitute for the undergraduate handbook and marking scheme.

Do’s and Don’t’s for a dissertation

  • Have a claim. You should be able to state your claim clearly in 1–2 sentences.
  • Have claim of the right size – viz. a size you can defend (be careful not to be too ambitious here)
  • Have a rigorous argument for your claim. Your argument should be able to convince a rational person who does not already believe your claim
  • Make your dissertation clearly understandable to a philosopher who is not an expert in this area
  • Explain why your claim is important
  • Be honest if you do not conclusively establish your claim – e.g. clarify that your claim follows conditional on certain stated assumptions, list unresolved objections
  • Make clear your original contribution
  • Make use of your supervisor for feedback on drafts


  • Aim for this to be your magnum opus or last word on the topic
  • Try to solve a major problem (e.g. the mind-body problem, external world scepticism)
  • Cover every possible view in the field
  • Include extra material unless it advances your argument
  • Have one massive 6,000 word chapter
  • Leave it until Semester 2 to start work

How to write a dissertation

The points above give you an idea of what to aim for but they don’t provide a method for how to get there. There are many ways to write a dissertation. It may be reassuring to know that there are simple methods that can reliably produce an excellent dissertation. The algorithm below is one method:

  • Find the general area you like (e.g. phenomenal consciousness)
  • Select one article/book chapter in that area that you find fascinating (e.g. Smith (2009))
  • Summarise Smith (2009) carefully in your own words, paying attention to whether each step in the argument follows from the previous
  • Look for weaknesses in Smith (2009)’s argument
  • Which new resources do you need to draw on?
  • Which alternative conclusions follow?
  • Which objections can be raised to your proposal?
  • Draw on relevant bits of surrounding literature to support (5)

You have a first class dissertation!

Filling the dissertation with enough words

A common worry among students is whether they are able to write enough words. The longest piece of philosophical writing they may have done so far is 3,000 words. How can you write a sustained argument that lasts for 8,000 words? This turns out to be easier than you might think. Indeed, the difficulty often turns out to be not going over the word limit.

For the sake of argument, let us see how following the algorithm above might work out in terms of word count.

  • Introduction (500 words): What is your claim, the outline of your argument?
  • Chapter 1 (1,000 words): Why is your claim important? What are the pay-offs?
  • Chapter 2 (2,000 words): Careful and charitable summary of X in your own words
  • Chapter 3 (2,000 words): Your rigorous criticism of X
  • Chapter 4 (2,000 words): How X should be corrected, associated costs, consequences for views that use X, possible objections
  • Conclusion (500 words): Summary and next steps for future work

And we are done!

Milestones to aim for

Milestones depend on the specific project and you should talk to your supervisor about your workload and what would be a reasonable plan for finishing the dissertation in the year. Below is a rough plan that one might aim for.

  • End Y3: meet supervisor & agree on general topic
  • Summer vacation: background reading on topic
  • Start Y4: find 1 article/chapter to focus

Year 4, Semester 1:

  • Start: meet with supervisor & agree plan for year
  • Middle: first draft of 2 chapters
  • End: polished draft of 2 chapters

Year 4, Semester 2:

  • Start: first draft of entire dissertation
  • Middle: polished draft of entire dissertation
  • End: revisit, revise, and submit dissertation

Background reading

A dissertation in philosophy is a story … like all good stories, it only includes what is essential to the story — Robert Paul Wolff’s astute advice that applies just as well to UG dissertations as well as PhD theses

Be concise, but explain yourself fully — Jim Pryor with an excellent 3-stage plan for writing philosophy

Style is the feather in the arrow, not the feather in the cap — Peter Lipton has some wonderful and concise writing advice

Read your work aloud. … Be firm: take your prose to the gym, and keep working at it until the bones and sinews show through! — Peter Smith, previously editor of Analysis , with some fantastic advice

What is an argument? — Jim Pryor’s guide is essential reading for anyone writing philosophy; it contains a lexicon of philosophical terms and a taxonomy of good and bad arguments, which is useful for classifying the arguments you consider

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Philosophy Dissertation Topics

Info: 2751 words (11 pages) Dissertation Topic Published: 16th Aug 2021 in Dissertation Topic

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Tagged: Philosophy

We have provided a selection of example philosophy dissertation topics below to help and inspire you.

Historical Philosophy

Taking a look into the origins of philosophy and the philosophers who shaped the way the subject is taught today is a fascinating way to approach your dissertation. You could consider comparing their teachings to the modern day or comparing the theorists of the time!

Example historical philosophy dissertation topic 1:

‘Bellum omnium contra omnes’ and contemporary regime change

Writing during the English Civil War, Hobbes stated his belief of the realities of life without government. In elucidating his views further Hobbes gave no space for separation of powers, arguing instead that man should be ruled by a sovereign authority in which the sovereign authority protects. Accordingly, any abuses of power that the sovereign may discharge are a legitimate price for the protection and preservation of peace. He did, of course, however, also concede that when a sovereign’s power to protect is no more, citizens have the right to change allegiance. This dissertation applies the theories and thinking of Hobbe’s to the instances of recent regime change in Libya and Egypt and asks whether the success of the revolutionary forces did or did not conform to Hobbe’s view of the relationship between sovereign authority and citizens with regard to power, protection, peace, and loyalty.

Suggested initial topic reading:

  • Martinich, A.P. (1993). Philosophy and government, 1572-1651. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Skinner, Q. (1996). Reason and rhetoric in the philosophy of Hobbes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Strauss, L. (1936). The political philosophy of Hobbes; Its basis and its genesis. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Example historical philosophy dissertation topic 2:

Breaking free from the cave: Plato’s relevance to contemporary views of body image

Chained in the cave, Plato’s prisoners only see that which is placed before them by the puppeteers. Nothing else can be realised or believed. Such is the level of control that when one of the prisoners eventually breaks free and returns to the cave with ‘the truth’ he is not believed. This dissertation contemporises Plato’s allegory and in so doing questions whether the lessons learnt from Plato should be applied as a ‘reality check’ against media stereotypes and the way that people should look.

  • Heidegger, M. (2002). The essence of truth: On Plato’s parable of the cave and the Theaetetus. (English translation of Vom Wesen der Wahrheit, 1988). London: Continuum.
  • Myers, P.N. and Biocca, F.A. (1992). ‘The elastic body image: The effect of television advertising and programming on body image distortions in young women’, Journal of Communication, Vol. 42, pp. 108-133.
  • Shusterman, R. (2008). Body consciousness: A philosophy of mindfulness and somaesthetics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Philosophy of Religions

Researching Philosophy from a religious perspective is a very popular way to complete a dissertation. Whether you want to discuss religious experiences, diversity or the spiritual life, the philosophy of religions could be the subject for you!

Example philosophy of religions dissertation topic 1:

Rousseau, Plato and the concept of civil religion

Within the chapter ‘On civil religion’ of Book IV of the Social Contract Rousseau discusses how institutions of state contribute to the preservation of regime. In so doing he suggests that when citizens deviate from general will (when seeing such a course as advantageous) the regime is at its greatest level of threat. In so doing he can be seen to be echoing the sentiments that he expressed in the Second Discourse regarding civil religion as being a legal institution. He accordingly notes that “[a]s men began to look to the future and as they all saw themselves with some goods (quelques biens) to lose’, and that ‘there was not one of them who did not have to fear reprisals against himself for wrongs (torts) he might to do another,” (Rousseau, Second Discourse, p. 154. Emile, pp. 97-99). Immediately thereafter Rousseau notes the role of Ceres (the Roman God of Harvest) and in so doing can be seen to be using religion as a basic for civil law. This dissertation seeks to compare and contrast Rousseau’s use of gods and civil religion as a means of strengthening the legislator with that used by Plato in The Laws.

  • Angrosino, M. (2002). ‘Civil religion redux’, Anthropological Quarterly, Vol. 75(2), pp. 239-267.
  • Rousseau, J-J. (1979). Emile, or On education. (Translated by A. Bloom.) New York: Basic Books.
  • Rousseau, J-J. (1993). Discourse on the origins of inequality (Second Discourse), Polemics, and political economy. (Translated by J.R. Bush, R.D.
  • Masters, C. Kelly, and T. Marshall.) Hanover, NH: Dartmouth University Press.

Example philosophy of religions dissertation topic 2:

Malebranche, the simplicity of God, and the Catholic Church

As a seventeenth century philosopher, Malebranche, suggested, in his Treatise on Nature and Grace (1680) that God had the power to prevent naturally occurring evils (such as his mal-formed spine). He further argued that God could have, had He so desired, created a better world than that which He did create. Malebranche also suggested that it is not God who is responsible for sinful actions because such acts derive not from His being or grace but from other sinful agents. The Roman Catholic Church subsequently placed the book on its Index of Prohibited Books in 1690. This dissertation seeks to analyse this work of Malebranche and also to place it into its historic context by reviewing the counter contemporaneous philosophical arguments furthered by, for instance, Antoine Arnauld and Jean-Jacques d’Ortous de Mairan.

  • Malebranche, N. (1992). Treatise on nature and grace. (Translated by P. Riley.) Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Schmaltz, T. (1996). Malebranche’s theory of the soul. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Schumacher, R. (2008). ‘Locke on the intentionality of sensory ideas’, Theories of Perception in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy, Vol. 6, pp. 271-283.

Contemporary Philosophy

If you are more interested in the current social and political issues relating to philosophy then contemporary philosophy may be a good choice for your dissertation!

Example contemporary philosophy dissertation topic 1:

The present global economic crisis: A new Kuhnian paradigm shift?

As a twentieth century philosopher Kuhn coined the concept ‘paradigm shift’ – when there is a change of basic assumptions. Within the field of economics two substantive paradigm shifts can be noted within the twentieth century. The first was the move to Keynesianism and its resultantly becoming the principle doctrine of economic policy making. The second was in the early 1970s when monetarism not only replaced Keynesianism but also debased elements of the basic assumptions that had underlined it, namely, that both fiscal and monetary policies were important in stabilising inflation. This dissertation questions, given the perceived failings of monetarism through the present economic global crisis whether, in applying the paradigm shift concept of Kuhn, a new eco-political reality is emerging in which the base assumptions of monetarism (like Keynesian before it) have also been found wanting.

  • Colander, D., Holt, R. and Rosser, B. (2004). ‘The changing face of mainstream economics’, Review of Political Economy, Vol. 16(4), pp. 485-499.
  • Fine, B. (2002). ‘Economics imperialism and the new development economics as Kuhnian paradigm shift?’, World Development, Vol. 30(12), pp. 2057-2070.
  • Korhonen, J. (2002). ‘The dominant economics paradigm and corporate social responsibility’, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Vol. 9, pp. 66-79.

Social and Political Philosophy

Deciding to do your dissertation on society or politics is a fantastic angle to take when writing your dissertation. Whether you are interested in society and politics of the modern day or would prefer to look at the philosophy of politics from other centuries, social and political philosophy may be the one!

Example social and political philosophy dissertation topic 1:

The philosophy of wellbeing

Traditional measures of wellbeing centre upon tangible measurements such as economic health, the GDP of nations and income. In contrast, this dissertation looks at the measurement of well-being in terms of happiness. In so doing it looks at the state of Bhutan, the only state in the world to record an official measure of happiness. David Cameron, the UK prime minister under the Coalition Government, has suggested that the UK, too, should measure happiness, a policy that has been scorned by both ends of the political spectrum. This thesis hopes to show that subjective measures of wellbeing through happiness are indeed relevant and that they are, therefore, as relevant to issues of public policy, as more readily quantifiable measurements pertaining to issues such as data and wealth.

  • Ash, C. (2007). ‘Happiness and economics: A Buddhist perspective’, Society and Economy, Vol. 29(2), pp. 201-222.
  • Bates, W. (2009). ‘Gross national happiness’, Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, Vol. 23, pp. 1-16.
  • Thinley, L.J.Y. (2004). ‘Value and development: Gross national happiness’. In, Mukherjee, P.N. and Sengupta, C., Indigeneity and universality in social science: A South Asian response. New Delhi: SAGE, pp. 203-211.

Example social and political philosophy dissertation topic 2:

Locke and the state of nature: evaluating the critics

The 17th century philosopher John Locke noted that ‘want [lack] of a common judge, with authority, puts all persons in a state of nature’ and that ‘men living according to reason, without a common superior on earth, to judge between them, is properly the state of nature’ (1988, p. 19). This dissertation presents three different interpretations of what Locke meant by these words and through so doing not only critiques the work of Locke himself but also: Dunn, Simmons, and Strauss.

  • Dunn, J. (1969). The political thought of John Locke. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Simmons, A.J. (1993). On the edge of anarchy: Locke, consent, and the limits of society. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Strauss, L. (1953). Natural right and history. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Example social and political philosophy dissertation topic 3:

European federalism: A movement in keeping with Kant’s model of perpetual peace?

In expanding his theory of perpetual peace and the groupings of nations, Kant commented in his three definitive articles in the essay ‘Perpetual peace: A philosophical sketch’ (1795) that, ‘the civil constitution of every state should be republican’, ‘the law of nations shall be founded on a federation of free states’, and ‘the law of world citizenship shall be limited to conditions of universal hospitality’. He also stated that the executive should be separate from the legislature. Given the present legislative and executive structure of the EU, the creation of a European presidency, and the nature of European citizenship, this dissertation seeks to evaluate the extent to which Kant’s three articles can be seen to be enshrined within the constitutional arrangements of the developing EU federal state.

  • Eleftheriades, P. (2007). ‘The idea of a European constitution’, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. 27(1), pp. 1-21.
  • Kagan, R. (2002). ‘Power and weakness: Why the United States and Europe see the world differently’, Policy Review, Vol. 113, pp. 3-29.
  • Přibáň, J. (2009). ‘The juridification of European identity, its limitations and the search of EU democratic politics’, Constellations, Vol. 16, pp. 44-58.

Maybe ethics is more for you? Looking into the ethics of humans, their morality, the ethics of judgment or the nature of ethics could be the topic for you!

Example ethics dissertation topic 1:

What is a person? How the 21st century is shaping a modern-day philosophical conundrum

Designer babies, cloning, memory, personality and IQ enhancing drugs are but some aspects of the modern human condition. Genetic manipulation is another facet of modern life through which we have the scientific skill (if not the legal framework) to eradicate or change further characteristics of human nature. Such developments suggest, at least philosophically, that we may be approaching a time when ‘what it means to be human’ is more open to debate than hitherto. Indeed, what aspects of a person are unchanging and fixed – if any? Musing upon this contemporary philosophical conundrum, this dissertation seeks answers not only through the utilisation of historic core texts of philosophy but also through the medium of developing science and ethics. This is a cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary dissertation that has much scope for original thought.

  • Baumeister, R.F. (2005). The cultural animal: Human nature, meaning, and social life. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Hauskeller, M. (2009). ‘Making sense of what we are: A mythological approach to human nature’, Philosophy, Vol. 84(1), pp. 95-109.
  • McConnell, T. (2011). ‘Genetic enhancement and moral attitudes toward the given’, Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol. 28, pp. 369-380.

Maybe you are fascinated by the teachings of specific theorists like Marx, Locke or Plato. If so, these suggested topics may be best for you:

Example theorists dissertation topic 1:

The importance for critical theory and Marxism of the Habermas-Gadamer debacle

The criticisms of Gadamer’s views upon hermeneutics by Habermas in Zue Logik der Sozialwissenschaften (1970) centred upon methodological issues in the social sciences and resulted in a protracted academic argument that also involved inputs from distinguished contemporaneous philosophers including Wellmer, Ricouer, and Apel. This dissertation re-examines aspects the debate between Habermas and Gadamer and in so doing focuses particularly upon issues of linguistic philosophy, the interaction between living traditions and critical theory and the effect that each of these can be seen to have upon Habermas’ interpretation of Marxism both in the 1970s and the present day.

  • Habermas, J. (1971). Knowledge and human interest (English translation). Toronto: Beacon Press.
  • Piercey, R. (2004) ‘Ricoeur’s account of tradition and the Gadamer-Habermas debate’, Human Studies, Vol. 27(3), pp. 259-280.
  • Wellmer, A. (2009). ‘On spirit as a part of nature’, Constellations, Vol. 16, pp. 213-226.

If these example dissertation topics have given you some inspiration and you now feel ready to choose a topic, see our  guide to choosing a dissertation topic  for further guidance.

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Philosophy Dissertation Topics (30 Examples) For Research

Mark Aug 18, 2021 Aug 12, 2021 Philosophy No Comments

Writing about philosophy requires significant time and research. To speed up the process, we have developed a list of some interesting philosophy dissertation topics. The field of philosophy is vast and has a lot of scope for research and development. A list of philosophy dissertation topics is developed consisting of some recent and relevant areas […]


Writing about philosophy requires significant time and research. To speed up the process, we have developed a list of some interesting philosophy dissertation topics. The field of philosophy is vast and has a lot of scope for research and development.

A list of philosophy dissertation topics is developed consisting of some recent and relevant areas for research. Once you select any research topic on philosophy or project topic on philosophy, we can offer you professional writing services.

A list Of Philosophy Dissertation Topics

Exploring the concepts of logic and metaphysics.

Studying the crossing boundaries in the life sciences.

Exploring the importance of philosophy of mind and language.

To examine the history and aim of science.

A literature review on the prediction of behaviour and phenomenology.

Identifying the ethics of cultural heritage.

Studying the impact of the state of mind on the life choices and decisions.

Exploring the epistemology knowledge theory and solipsism theory.

Comparing and contrasting the concepts of educational freedom.

Exploring humanity in the womb of history.

Analysing the ideas of Plato in the philosophy of the 21st century.

Reclaiming the power of thought and its related theories.

Exploring the quality indicators of life.

Studying the concept of positivism and its impact on human life and nature.

To explore the balancing of efficacy and effectiveness with philosophy and history.

Investigating the legal philosophy as a practical philosophy.

A philosophical argument on the models versus theories as for the primary carrier of nursing knowledge.

Explanation and comparison of the idealised theories.

Agent-based modelling in social science, history, and philosophy.

Philosophy for finance – theory and practice.

A philosophical comparison of the multidimensional model of black identity and nigrescence theory.

Studying the use of history as evidence in the philosophy of science.

Exploring the advancement in the philosophy of medicine.

To study the philosophy of psychology and cognitive science.

Exploring the philosophy of language and philosophy of mind.

Studying the concept of semantic externalism.

Comparing the ancient philosophy with modern philosophy.

Exploring the dynamicist approach to cognition.

Differences and similarities in extended and distributed cognition.

To study the Bayesian epistemology, decision theory and confirmation theory.

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Philosophy theses and dissertations, dauerhafte uri für die sammlung.

This collection contains some of the theses and dissertations produced by students in the University of Oregon Philosophy Graduate Program. Paper copies of these and other dissertations and theses are available through the UO Libraries .

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  • Item access-status.embargo.listelement.badge Making and Unmaking Worlds: Towards Liberation Beyond Subjectivity ( University of Oregon , 2024-08-07 ) Friaz, Ricardo ; Russell, Camisha item.truncatable-part.show-more This dissertation develops the concept of liberation by questioning what it means to destroy, abolish, and create worlds. I develop a critical position towards agential or subject-based accounts of liberation in order to think through Abolitionist and Decolonial accounts of mourning and collective world-making. I trace the endurance of historical processes of slavery and colonialism and their violent effects today, and I discuss contemporary police torture and migrant camps to reflect on practices of observing world destruction that do not center a subject of liberation. I give a critical account of the contemporary organization of the world around the Cartesian subject, and develop an alternative account of the world by drawing on Spinoza’s account of substance and bodily knowing. I conclude by developing an account of world creation by engaging with Lugones’ account of world-traveling and playfulness along with Winnicott’s theories of the playground and transitional object. item.truncatable-part.show-more
  • Item access-status.open.access.listelement.badge A Critical Feminist Semiology: De-naturalizing and Re-Politicizing Patriarchal, White Supremacist, and Settler-Colonial Systems of Meaning ( University of Oregon , 2024-08-07 ) Ring, Annalee ; Stawarska, Beata item.truncatable-part.show-more This dissertation de-naturalizes and re-politicizes patriarchal, white supremacist and settler-colonial systems of meaning through creating a methodology of critical feminist semiology. This methodology is built from the contributions of many thinkers’ works in semiology, phenomenology, philosophy of myth, feminist philosophy, and critical philosophy of race. I return to the emergence of semiology in Ferdinand de Saussure’s work to show that it has been more political than the dominant reading takes semiology to be. My reading of his work emphasizes the importance of studying politics, history, institutions, colonialism, and geography in the study of signs as a part of social life. I critique Roland Barthes for depoliticizing the method of semiology while acknowledging his many contributions, especially in the study of myths. Barthes’ emphasis on the operation of myths to naturalize and depoliticize politically motivated contingencies is a major contribution to the method of critical feminist semiology. This project turns to Simone de Beauvoir’s work The Second Sex and reads it as a semiological phenomenology. Beauvoir’s work closely considers signs as a part of social life through demonstrating the contingency of the myth of the eternal feminine as well as its political, economic, social, and ontological operations. She shows how this myth shapes lived experiences and how it might be resisted. This chapter demonstrates that the myth of the eternal feminine operates as a part of a patriarchal system of meaning. The dissertation then turns to the field of Black feminist thought, which considers how myths sustain and reinforce race and gender oppression in a more collective manner than the semiologists previously considered. This chapter identifies clusters of myths that support one another and that support what I call the meta-myth of white supremacy. White supremacy is both a singular myth and a meta-myth that is supported by clusters of myths. To dismantle the meta-myth of white supremacy, it is vital to understand how it is supported by and supports clusters of myths; that is, treating it as an individual myth is insufficient. This dissertation then engages with Indigenous and decolonial scholars to show how clusters of myth sustain settler colonialism. The cluster of myths considered in this chapter also supports the meta-myth of white supremacy. Decolonial scholars demonstrate the importance of purging mythologies that contribute to the material success of settler-colonialism. Throughout the dissertation, myths are considered material; rather than treated as abstractions alone, myths have significant impacts on material conditions and as such should be given moral scrutiny. item.truncatable-part.show-more
  • Item access-status.open.access.listelement.badge Critical Phenomenology of Illness: Towards a Politics of Care ( University of Oregon , 2024-08-07 ) McLay , Sarah ; Stawarska, Beata item.truncatable-part.show-more Working at the intersection of phenomenology and critical disability studies, this dissertation develops a critical phenomenology of illness and health. Moving beyond classical phenomenologies of illness—which center on the first-person experience of a consciousness abstracted from social and historical structures—I argue that responsibly examining illness (and health) demands concretely attending to the ways that particular illness experiences are instituted from within a socio-historical field. Importantly, beyond describing the lived experience of illness, critical phenomenology must track the material-historical structures and norms that foreclose possibilities for coping and living with illness. This involves reckoning with how oppressive structures—in disproportionate ways—debilitate bodies and make them sick. When we do this work, it becomes clear that we must broaden the scope of Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s (1964) call for “an ontological rehabilitation of the sensible” (167). That is, given that phenomenology can’t extract itself from the natural attitude, and given that natural attitudes are implicitly shaped by debilitating structures of oppression, if phenomenology demands rehabilitation, then rehabilitation can’t just take place at the theoretical level. Instead, a radically responsible phenomenology of health/illness demands that we work towards dismantling debilitating systems, and creating a world where all bodies might flourish. item.truncatable-part.show-more
  • Item access-status.open.access.listelement.badge The Problem of Freedom and Universality: Marxian Philosophical Anthropology ( University of Oregon , 2024-03-25 ) Ralda, Oscar ; Muraca, Barbara item.truncatable-part.show-more This dissertation has two principal aims. First, it provides a critical reconsideration of Marx’s philosophical anthropology as it bears on the essential continuity of his emancipatory critique of political economy. Second, it makes an argument for well-suitedness of Marxian philosophical anthropology in critically assessing the systematic irrationality of capitalist society, that is, its incorrigible failure to meet substantive human needs and its ecologically destructive accumulative imperatives. It is argued, then, that the normative underpinnings of Marx’s critique of capitalist society derive from his philosophical anthropology and that the latter therefore proves indissociable from the positive necessity of the socialist alternative.Traditionally conceived, philosophical anthropology involves a form of inquiry concerned with articulating the qualities distinctive of, and essential to, human beings. A Marxian philosophical anthropology, however, does not propose a rigid taxonomy of human qualities, but instead develops a critical dialectic capable of grasping the immanent, developmental character of the necessary material and ontological determinations constitutive of human sociality, paradigmatically expressed in the cooperative form of the labor process as the very locus of the process of conscious human self-mediation. Hence, the actualization of universal human freedom pertains to the conscious socialization––or the substantive humanization––of those determinations which form both the limits of social existence generally and which, in their distorted and antagonistically constituted form, become sources of a dysfunctional, irrational, and deficient form of human self-mediation; that is, they assume the form of alienated actualizations of our social nature or essence. In the case of Marxian critique, the necessarily social character of the labor process constitutes not only the primary object of critique in its antagonistically constituted and alienated form, but also constitutes the point of immanence needed for specifying the necessary transcendence of capitalist social relations and hence the destructive social metabolism sustained by capital and its alienated compulsions. In reconstructing Marx’s early work and its constitutive philosophical anthropological concepts, in returning to his metacritique of G. W. F. Hegel, and in tracing the ambivalent reception of the ‘essentialist’ and ‘naturalist premises’ of Marx’s claims within Marxist theory and critical theory more broadly, the dissertation makes the case that the historical materialist critique of capitalist society requires a positive notion of human self-mediation, and that such a notion is supplied by Marx’s philosophical anthropology. Essential to this philosophical anthropology is not only an account of self-mediation as the open-ended development of human needs and powers, but also as the very need for social relations in which social individuals, conscious of their universal interdependence, become for each other the positive condition of their reciprocal self-actualizing freedom, transcending thereby the antagonisms whereby sociality appears as an alienated, altogether external constraint. It is in this way that universal, substantive socialist freedom becomes intelligible––a human necessity. item.truncatable-part.show-more
  • Item access-status.embargo.listelement.badge Living Legality: Law and Dussel's Philosophy of Liberation ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-10 ) Ospina Martinez, Juan Sebastián ; Vallega, Alejandro item.truncatable-part.show-more In this dissertation I examine the theoretical underpinnings necessary for a philosophy of liberationaccount of law and suggest an alternative conceptualization of the function of law and political institutions, following the normative contributions of Enrique Dussel’s political philosophy of liberation. I argue that, while Dussel has not yet developed a complete account of legality proper in his political philosophy, his work contains resources for developing a liberatory philosophy of law. Specifically, this dissertation explores the normative dimensions of this question by offering a systematization of Dussel´s philosophy of liberation of law through which is possible to conceive an alternative form of constituent power and institutions that result from this decolonial tradition. In pursuing this inquiry, I connect concepts from liberation philosophy to questions about the meaning of legal notions that are understood as the basic framework of our political life. I examine the notion of constituent power and its potential to redefine political and legal institutions. item.truncatable-part.show-more
  • Item access-status.embargo.listelement.badge Making Sense of the Practical Lesbian Past: Towards a Rethinking of Untimely Uses of History through the Temporality of Cultural Techniques ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-10 ) Simon, Valérie ; Koopman, Colin item.truncatable-part.show-more This dissertation focuses on the practice of untimely uses of lesbian history, and in particular the diverse practices of engagement with lesbian activist history, all of which aim to mobilize this activist history for the present and towards the construction of alternate futures. I approach such practices technologically by foregrounding the method and theory of ‘cultural techniques’ in a way that reframes the problem oriented by engagement with lesbian activist history. Specifically, I develop a reframing that shifts the focus from a question of representation (how to ensure the histories engaged with are more diverse?) to a question of how to engage with lesbian history in ways that guide and inspire action in the present and towards the future worlds that we deserve. I argue that to answer the latter question what is needed is attention to the practices (and in particular the technologies) we find in archives and to evaluate what these practices might do in the present through an understanding of these practices’ temporality, historicity and the ethico-political questions they raise. item.truncatable-part.show-more
  • Item access-status.open.access.listelement.badge An Argument for a Cartographic Approach to Technology ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) McLevey, Mare ; Morar, Nicolae item.truncatable-part.show-more This dissertation develops a way to study technology and politics that is an alternative to dominant approaches particular to contemporary philosophy of technology’s empirical and ethical turns. Dominant models fix technologies as stable objects to be related to in ethical ways or as objects whose designs should be reformed over time. Alternatively, I develop what I call a cartographic approach to technology (CAT). CAT situates technologies as components of larger dynamic ensembles the transformations of which must be diagrammed and mapped. The cartographic task is not simply to describe existing relations; it involves the creation of new assemblages through the experimental construction of maps linking technologies with other forces and elements in the wholes of which they are a part. I argue CAT underscores how technological objects themselves are the products of multi-scalar processes of arrangement. Furthermore, these processes are always political and might be points of intervention at any and every moment. CAT throws technologies back into the ensembles enmeshing them and forces productive links between heterogeneous elements. This linking work might carry libidinal, material, psychic, structural, and other types of weight in the real. And it should be undertaken with a view to the production of new cartographies. My argument unfolds across four chapters. In Chapter 2, I develop four tenets of CAT drawing on Deleuze and Guattari’s analytic focus on transformations and their concepts of machines, assemblages, and cartography. I illustrate these tenets in Chapters 3 and 4 through comparative studies of CAT alongside Postphenomenology and Critical Theory of Technology, respectively. In Chapter 5, I propose that collective counter-mapping projects such as those of the Counter-Cartographies Collective and Iconoclasistas suggest concrete possibilities for CAT as a site of collective knowledge production about technology. All four chapters together outline an image of philosophy of technology as experimental, creative, collective, and guided by explicit political commitments. item.truncatable-part.show-more
  • Item access-status.open.access.listelement.badge Nietzsche, Reification, and Open Comportment ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) Currie, Luke ; Stern, Michael item.truncatable-part.show-more This work primarily discusses the “fallacy of reification” from the perspective of Nietzsche’s late philosophy (particularly in the chapter on ‘Reason’ in philosophy in his Twilight of the Idols). While reification is typically a logical, metaphysical, or epistemological problem in Modern Western philosophy, the author attempts to show that reification is also a problem in ethics. An outline of a groundwork for an ethical “open comportment” is gestured toward by way of Nietzsche’s critiques of “anti-natural morality” and the “conceptual mummies” of philosophy. The likes of William James, Willard Van Orman Quine, and Henri Bergson are discussed to expand on the points made by Nietzsche and to show how his thought could be developed further, though the scope of the paper remains mostly within the perspective of late Nietzschean philosophy. Additionally, the likes of Hesiod, Kant, and aspects of Christianity are mentioned to serve as examples to situate Nietzsche’s campaign to “re-evaluate all values” (a simultaneously destructive and creative endeavor) in the thesis.When a reified concept replaces the “real” entity from which it is abstracted, the original entity risks being missed in favor of the concept. For example, if an outsider has a prejudice about what a certain group of people are like without being open to experiencing them in their multiplicity and diversity, any given person from that group is at risk of being reduced to the prejudice of the outsider, and thereby is treated and understood according to the outsider’s prejudice (regardless of its accuracy in relation to the particular person on whom this prejudice is imposed). The prejudice, in this example, is a reified concept. It is not recognized as an ossified abstraction, but instead appears as a simple, given truth. This blindness to the origin of concepts and their sublimation of difference under abstract sameness is as much of an ethical issue as an issue for the development of human knowledge. Bergson’s peculiar “infinite” shows that things are not reducible to concepts alone, and thereby suggests a possible avenue for open engagement insofar as we develop a comportment toward the irreducible indeterminacy of becoming. item.truncatable-part.show-more
  • Item access-status.open.access.listelement.badge Time, Capitalism, and Political Ecology: Toward and Ecosocialist Metabolic Temporality ( University of Oregon , 2022-10-26 ) Gamble, Cameron ; Muraca, Barbara item.truncatable-part.show-more The ecological crises that have already marked the 21st century, and which will continue to do so on an increasingly intense and destructive scale, present theory in every discipline and field of study with a number of problems. Due to the complex historical origins and specific characteristics of these crises, many of the theoretical problems that arise with them, I contend, have to do with time and temporality, and not just in terms of how we conceive of time and temporality, but with the ways in which we socially and practically organize them, at the level of both the individual and collective, that is, the time of the worker and the time of social production.In this dissertation, I present an analysis of the problem of time in the warming world and of the temporal logic of capital to gain a better understanding of capitalism’s socio-metabolic temporality and the ways in which this specific organization of our interchange with nature produces ecological degradation and destruction. I argue that capital’s temporal logic and accumulation imperative, which have produced a global metabolic rift between nature and society, also results in the production of temporal- ecological rifts. In its ceaseless process of valorizing value, I show that capital subsumes ecological temporalities – that is, the life-cycles and rhythms of nature – under its own alienated, abstract temporality in order to make nature conform to capital’s time and accumulation imperatives. In light of this, I assert that the warming world we now inhabit requires a strain of Political Ecology able to break with capital’s temporal logic if we are to foster a just socio-ecological transition that ensures a habitable planet for future generations. For this, we require a dialectical conception of the relation between society and nature and an eco-chronopolitic that considers the ecological long-term – not just the dictates of capital’s immediate, short-term expansion. In aiming to ecologically rationalize our socio-metabolic exchange with nature, I argue that we require an ecosocialist society and that Metabolic Rift Theory presents the best theoretical and practical guide for this task. item.truncatable-part.show-more
  • Item access-status.open.access.listelement.badge Demystifying Racial Monopoly ( University of Oregon , 2022-10-04 ) Haller, Reese ; Russell, Camisha item.truncatable-part.show-more Through analysis of private, public, and state reactions to the Great Depression and northward black migration, this thesis demystifies four key functions of race constitutive of capitalist racial monopoly: historical availability, division of labor, motivation of surplus absorption, and embodiment of false consciousness. Nonetheless, the working class’s immanent limitations and transcendent activities in this paradigm later gave rise to the 1950s and 60s racial liberation movement’s social constructionist critiques. The following counterintelligence reactions of the Federal Bureau of Investigation neutralized, abstracted, and mystified such racial politics, rendering their truncated identarian form available to a variety of political groups from the anti-racist left to the ethnonationalist right. In this way, capital now appropriates resistant racial politics as part of a commodified and mutually antagonistic multiracial plurality. To resuscitate multiracial coalitional politics that can challenge capital’s racial monopoly, today’s anti-racism must reassess the historical development of racial monopoly in the mid-twentieth century. item.truncatable-part.show-more
  • Item access-status.open.access.listelement.badge Pragmatism, Genealogy, and Moral Status ( University of Oregon , 2022-10-04 ) Showler, Paul ; Koopman, Colin item.truncatable-part.show-more This dissertation draws from recent work in pragmatism and philosophical genealogy to develop and defend a new approach for thinking about the concept of moral status. My project has two main aims. First, I argue that Huw Price’s recent theory of philosophical naturalism, subject naturalism, can avoid several challenges by looking to the resources of philosophical genealogy, especially as it is developed in the work of Bernard Williams. Second, employing the methodological insights gained from this amended version of Price’s project, I defend a genealogical account of moral status. Rather than theorize the grounds of moral status on the basis of an individual’s properties or provide a conceptual analysis of moral status, my starting point is to look to the function that the concept plays within moral practice. In particular, I argue that it plays an indispensable, but overlooked role in allowing agents to deliberate about their practical identities and to articulate conceptions of moral progress. Taking this “function-first” approach, I argue, not only sheds light on various theoretical disagreements within applied ethics, but it advances debates concerning political and legal projects of affording rights to non-human animals, the natural environment (e.g., ecosystems), and machines displaying intelligence. item.truncatable-part.show-more
  • Item access-status.open.access.listelement.badge Ethics for the Depressed: A Value Ethics of Engagement ( University of Oregon , 2022-10-04 ) Fitzpatrick, Devin ; Johnson, Mark item.truncatable-part.show-more I argue that depressed persons suffer from “existential guilt,” which amounts to a two-part compulsion: 1) the compulsive assertion or sense of a vague and all-encompassing or absolute threat that disrupts action and intention formation, and 2) the compulsive taking of such disruption to be a reason for inaction. I develop in response an “ethics for the depressed,” an ethical theory directed to those suffering from existential guilt. The first part of this dissertation, comprising Chapters 2 through 4, largely concerns the first aspect of existential guilt: it is a metaethics for the depressed, or “ethics as a reliable guide” as a response to “demoralization” and “hypermoralized deliberation.” There I challenge what I call the Stocker-Smith account of depressive loss of motivation as being a loss of desires and argue instead that it involves the defeating presence of what the phenomenologist Matthew Ratcliffe calls “pre-intentional” mental states, a category that I redefine and expand to include second-order “quasi-beliefs” and habits of feeling, that interfere with intention formation and action despite the persistence of desire. The second part of this dissertation, comprising Chapters 5 and 6, largely concerns the second aspect of existential guilt: it is a normative ethics for the depressed, or a “value ethics of engagement” premised on “contingent value ranking.” After demonstrating in the first part that depressed persons may retain their desires and values in depression, I premise a value ethics upon what I call the consistent desire for a “sense of stability” in response to experiences of precarity and isolation. From the phenomenology of value, I develop a concept of the heart as the set of “felt values” or intuitive value paradigms that are themselves pre-intentional states or dispositions. I thus attempt to structure a complete ethical theory, integrating plural philosophical traditions and founded on the phenomenological category of pre-intentional mental states, in response to the presence of existential guilt and its component compulsions as experienced by an otherwise reasonable interlocutor. I put an orthodox style of philosophy in service of an unorthodox agent: one who is “aspiringly autonomous.” item.truncatable-part.show-more
  • Item access-status.open.access.listelement.badge Soul and Polis: On Arete in Plato's Meno ( University of Oregon , 2022-10-04 ) Smith III, Ansel ; Warnek, Peter item.truncatable-part.show-more In “Soul and Polis: On Arete in Plato’s Meno,” I interpret Meno as a dialogue in which the pursuit of individual arete appears intertwined with political arete. While the differentiation of these two arete is itself noteworthy, my analysis also draws out the dialectical tension between the soul and the polis, a tension which is constitutive of the pursuit of the human good. Socrates’ philosophical practice emphasizes the power of the individual to subvert and undermine the claim of the polis on the soul; and yet, Socrates remains beholden to his interlocutors (and Athens), constantly imploring them to share in the search for arete. The mutual dependence of Socrates on his interlocutor and his interlocutors on Socrates bespeaks a surprising interaction between one’s self relation and one’s relation to others. One can neither become a good person in isolation from others nor because of the honor or “good reputation” of others alone. My interpretation of Meno departs from much of the Anglophone scholarship on this text by focusing on the ubiquitous political implicature throughout the dialogue rather than on its epistemological significance. The latter emphasizes Socrates’ account of recollection (ἀνάμνησις) as the decisive textual insight. By contrast, my analysis draws on the intertextual resonance of Ancient Greek sources as a way to draw out Meno’s significance in an ongoing political discourse. My interpretation progresses through Meno linearly, tracking the development of problems concerning arete as they appear in the discussion. Socrates first engages with Meno, inviting him to account for arete, but after Meno fails to satisfy Socrates, Socrates takes it upon himself to persuade Meno to search for arete with a different dialogical comportment than the one Gorgias had inculcated in him. This task draws others into the dialogue as well—a slave/boy (παῖς) and an Athenian statesman named Anytus. By the end of the dialogue, it seems unlikely that Socrates has changed Meno in any meaningful way, but my analysis of Socrates’ engagement with his interlocutors draws out the urgency of Socrates’ concern for arete as a political task. item.truncatable-part.show-more
  • Item access-status.open.access.listelement.badge Place-in-Being: A Decolonial Phenomenology of Place in Conversation with Philosophies of the Americas ( University of Oregon , 2022-05-10 ) Newton, Margaret ; Mann, Bonnie item.truncatable-part.show-more Our experiences of place and emplacement are so fundamental to our everyday existence that most of us rarely dedicate much time to thinking about how place and emplacement impact the various aspects of our daily lives. In this work, I apply a decolonial lens to philosophy of place literature and argue that philosophical approaches to place should recognize and consider, what I term, the coloniality of space, the pluriversality of place, and place-in-being. The coloniality of space describes the pattern of valuing the concept of “space” over “place” in Western philosophical literature as motivated by projects of colonization. The Western philosophers that I discuss in my second chapter, value the concept of space over place since space is ascribed the characteristics of universality and limitless expansion. I note that this affinity towards space, and especially the erasure of place, is connected to coloniality and colonization. My third chapter argues in favor of critical phenomenologies of place, while my fourth chapter, in conversation with North American Indigenous philosophies, applies a decolonial lens to Western philosophical literature of place and defends what I call the pluriversality of place. The pluriversality of place conceptualizes the existence of multiple ways of theorizing place, as well as naming the experiences some might have of singular places manifesting in plural ways. Lastly, my fifth chapter draws on two philosophies from the Americas, American pragmatism and Latina feminist border thought, to argue that place-in-being be recognized as one way of understanding the relationship between pluriversality of place and multiplicitous selfhood. Place-in-being is meant to describe the profound and unique relationships we can form with places, and how places can mediate certain affective dimensions of experience, such as intersubjectivity, temporality, vitality, ontological possibility, and the preservation of habit. item.truncatable-part.show-more
  • Item access-status.open.access.listelement.badge Species Trouble: From Settled Species Discourse to Ethical Species Pluralism ( University of Oregon , 2021-11-23 ) Sinclair, Rebekah ; Koopman, Colin item.truncatable-part.show-more In this dissertation, I develop and defend the importance of species pluralism (the recognition and use of multiple species definitions) for both environmental and humanist ethics. I begin from the concern that, since the concepts of the human and animal have been rightly challenged for their essentializing and exclusionary social function, the concept of species has come to serve as a supposedly more accurate, value-neutral, and ethical ground on which to negotiate moral claims. Yet I show that in the absence of critical evaluation, and with very little attention to the complexity and uncertainty of species boundaries as articulated in the sciences, much environmental philosophy and ethics instead deploy a myopic understanding of species that is both scientifically reductive and morally problematic. I draw insights from philosophy of biology, as well as Native American and Latinx philosophies to identify and challenge what I call the settled species discourse, or the widespread tendency to understand species as self-evident, mutually exclusive groups with singular, clear boundaries and stable natures. By understanding species this way, the concept of Homo sapiens in ethics plays a similarly and dangerously normative role to that of the human, while essentialized understandings of species can undermine the very ethical goals for which they are deployed. I thus turn from monism to multiplicity to develop a heuristic I call ethical species pluralism. Specifically, I argue that accounts of epistemic and ontological pluralism from within anti-colonial traditions can productively supplement the important framework of species pluralism in philosophy of biology, even as the former also provide tools for making such pluralism actionable in society, ethics, and policy. Building on this heuristic, I conclude by showing that approaching ethical species pluralism historically (generating counter-histories that do not take species as givens) can helpfully track and challenge the way make specific species or species groups are made legible and disposable in science and society. By placing Indigenous and Latinx perspectives together with philosophy of biology and environmental science, this dissertation hopes to help bridge the gap between these literatures while also producing more scientifically and morally responsible interspecies ethical frameworks. item.truncatable-part.show-more
  • Item access-status.open.access.listelement.badge The Hybris of Plants: Reinterpreting Philosophy through Vegetal Life ( University of Oregon , 2021-11-23 ) Kerr, Joshua ; Vallega-Neu, Daniela item.truncatable-part.show-more This dissertation reexamines the place of plants in the history of Western philosophy, drawing on the diverse philosophical approaches of Plato, Aristotle, Goethe, Hegel, and Nietzsche, among others. I suggest that a close reading of these philosophers reveals an aspect of vegetal existence that calls for a fundamental reconceptualization of life as a manner of being: in its ambivalent encounters with philosophy, the vegetative shows itself in terms of what I call hybris. By “hybris” I mean the activity by which the plant relates a proliferative, overflowing growth with a characteristic proportionality by which the plant composes a determinate manner of existence. In Part One, I trace the emergence of “plant hybris” in Goethe and Hegel’s scientific writings and Nietzsche’s philosophy of life. In Part Two, I expand and develop this concept by returning to Plato and Aristotle’s biological works. item.truncatable-part.show-more
  • Item access-status.open.access.listelement.badge Decolonizing Silences: Toward a Critical Phenomenology of Deep Silences with Gloria E. Anzaldúa and Maurice Merleau-Ponty ( University of Oregon , 2021-11-23 ) Ferrari, Martina ; Stawarska, Beata item.truncatable-part.show-more Motivating this dissertation is a concern for how Western philosophical, cultural, and political practices tend to privilege speech and voice as emancipatory tools and reduce silence to silencing. To locate power in silence and not exclusively in speech and voice, the dissertation grapples with the normative implications of coloniality vis-à-vis the phenomenon of silence at both the theoretical and sensible levels; it investigates how modern/colonial assumptions affect Western understandings of the phenomenon of silence and eventuate modalities of existence that preclude hearing the polyvocality of silences. To press Western culture beyond its negative affinities with “silence,” I develop and defend the concept of “deep silence.” Unlike “silencing,” which is understood as the opposite of speech and signification and, as such, as a matter of an already available utterance being smothered or unspoken, “deep silence” indicates a transformative power that generates meanings that have not yet been voiced and that, importantly, breaks with colonial norms and expectations. Deep silences, I argue, can be a powerful decolonizing tool.The main interlocutors of the dissertation are Gloria E. Anzaldúa and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. For these authors, silence is not the opposite of speech, or a matter of an already available utterance being smothered or intentionally withheld. Rather, it plays a central role in giving human beings sensible access to the world. Both thinkers, moreover, appeal to the aesthetic to express the otherwise-elusive senses of silence. Working closely with Anzaldúa’s decolonial mythopoetics and Merleau-Ponty’s aesthetic and ontological writings, I propose that the modality whereby one bears witness to experiences of marginalization matters to decolonizing endeavors. Mobilizing, rather than eliding, deep silences in one’s account decenters key assumption of Western thinking, opening onto modalities of healing often overlooked by Western legalism and Transitional Justice initiatives; it makes “visible” colonial historias without capitulating to specularization, i.e., rendering experiences of coloniality specular to and readily available for dissection and inspection by the colonizing gaze. My project thus not only offers a critique of discursive approaches to emancipation; it also provides a philosophically rich contribution to current debates about decolonizing methodologies and sense-making. item.truncatable-part.show-more
  • Item access-status.open.access.listelement.badge Mere Appearance: Redressing the History of Philosophy ( University of Oregon , 2021-09-13 ) Zimmer, Amie ; Stawarska, Beata item.truncatable-part.show-more The principal aim of this dissertation is to seriously consider what accounts of fashion and dress can offer—have indeed already offered—to philosophy. In recounting these histories, I have two primary goals. The first is to show that, despite the breadth of primary literature on the subject, fashion and dress have not been meaningfully taken up as sites of continuing philosophical inquiry. The second is to provide a foundation upon which continuing work on the subject may be done in the discipline of philosophy. Regarding the first, it will be my contention throughout the dissertation that the philosophical disregard for fashion can indeed be accounted for on philosophical grounds. There are two primary motives accounting for fashion remaining in philosophy’s closet: 1) the metaphysical subordination of appearances to essences; and 2) the feminization of fashion, and subsequent subordination of the feminine within philosophy. It is my view that the “feminization” of fashion, or the designation of clothing as a uniquely feminine concern, has perpetuated its erasure as a meritorious topic of philosophical concern. The five major chapters of the dissertation can be divided into two thematic parts. Section I comprises Chapters II, III, and IV, and centers on the project of “recovery,” or rather, the project of “raiding” philosophy’s closet for new (old) tools to wield in the development of a philosophy of fashion. Section II analyzes just some of the social and political implications of a metaphysical schema in which clothing is made to be “only” or “merely” about the world of appearances. item.truncatable-part.show-more
  • Item access-status.open.access.listelement.badge Universal History as Global Critique: From German Critical Theory to the Anti-Colonial Tradition ( University of Oregon , 2021-09-13 ) Portella , Elizabeth ; Zambrana, Rocío item.truncatable-part.show-more This dissertation argues for a critical reconstruction of the concept of universal history. In doing so, it draws on theoretical resources offered by a materialist philosophy of history, as it is expressed in both German critical theory (of the 19th and 20th centuries) and Afro-Caribbean, anti-colonial thought (of the 20th century). Proceeding through an examination of classical conceptual oppositions in the history of philosophy such as historical specificity versus transhistoricity, nature versus history, and universality versus particularly, the project also surveys tensions and limitations of the historical assumptions of the existing literature in social and political thought. The dissertation explores the possibility of global critique for the present which emphasizes a multi-traditional and multi-regional approach to historically situated, critical social theory. It is argued that between the resources of the Western Marxist tradition (including Hegel, Marx, as well as the Frankfurt and Budapest Schools of critical theory) and anti-colonial thought (esp. systemic, materialist critiques of colonialism and imperialism from the Afro-Caribbean), the concept of universal history can be critically reconstructed to ground critiques of an antagonistic and unequal global society. item.truncatable-part.show-more
  • Item access-status.open.access.listelement.badge Synoptic Fusion and Dialectical Dissociation: The Entwinement of Linguistic and Experiential Pragmatisms à la Wilfrid Sellars ( University of Oregon , 2021-09-13 ) Naeb, Cheyenne ; Pratt, Scott item.truncatable-part.show-more This work will attempt to examine the relationship between experiential and linguistic pragmatism through the lens of the twentieth-century Analytic philosopher, Wilfrid Sellars. I maintain that Sellars meta-linguistic nominalism and theory of both conceptual and non-conceptual representation, the latter being known as “picturing”, can stitch together the most vital components from both sides of the schism. I shall compare the thought of Sellars to that of two representatives corresponding to the two forms of pragmatism listed above, those representatives being John Dewey and Robert Brandom. Using Sellars’s famous critique of “the given” as a starting point, I assess whether either thinker falls prey to said critique. From thereon I examine both representatives’ relation to Sellars and where the differences and similarities lie. I conclude with a Hegelian interpretation of Sellars’s theory of representation as a preliminary sketch of a future “naturalized pragmatism.” item.truncatable-part.show-more
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Philosophy Dissertation Topics and Ideas

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Philosophy Dissertation Topics

Best  philosophy dissertation topics which will give your subject a new dimension to explore.

There are distinctive ethical theories for supporting or disproving any occasion or any social issue. As philosophy dissertation topics, there are myriads of moral arguments that can be explained, discussed, evaluated, and explored exhaustively to comprehend the whole stance of morals with regard to figuring out what is correct and what’s going on.

It is right now the significance of the pragmatic hypothesis of morals deserves special notice. The utilitarian theory or the most celebrated hypothesis can be applied to pretty much every such occasion that should be evaluated as far as a result – either positive or negative.

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What is a Philosophy?

Philosophy covers the study of many  fundamental and general problems which are concerned with the existence and wisdom of mankind. It is distinguished from other studies in the criteria that it generates arguments on rational grounds.

Philosophy Dissertation

Philosophy studies are in close proximity to the other fields of humanities which gives students a wide choice – as some fields intersect with it – in selecting the philosophy dissertation topic. However, it is important to understand that a philosophy dissertation is not like an essay in which one just analyzes and gives one’s opinion.

Unlike essays, it is a deep topic in terms of understanding. Hence, a lot of hard work is required in the process of writing a philosophy dissertation. If philosophy is considered a wide subject and its works are elaborated in a true sense then philosophy dissertation titles would cover many pages, for the range of topics become quite broad.

Nonetheless, the following topics are as per the understanding and capability of students. Hence they can pick one of them for a philosophy dissertation.

Good Philosophy Dissertation Topics

  • The concept of justice in ancient Greek philosophy
  • The influence of Kant’s moral theory on modern ethical thought
  • The concept of the self in Eastern and Western philosophy
  • The role of reason in the philosophy of Descartes
  • The concept of freedom in the philosophy of John Locke
  • The influence of Nietzsche’s philosophy on contemporary cultural thought
  • The concept of the good life in the philosophy of Aristotle
  • The influence of feminist philosophy on social and political theory
  • The concept of mind-body dualism in the philosophy of René Descartes
  • The role of language in the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • The concept of freedom in the philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre
  • The influence of Marxist philosophy on political theory
  • The concept of the divine in medieval philosophy
  • The role of consciousness in the philosophy of Immanuel Kant
  • The concept of the unconscious in the philosophy of Sigmund Freud
  • Discussing the theories on rationality with special reference to Plato and John Searle
  • Discussing the views of Foucault and Mills regarding power
  • Analyzing the work of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke
  • A critical analysis of Rousseau’s social contract theory
  • Discussing Neo-Platonism, Stoicism, and Epicureanism
  • Comparing the Romantic, Post-Romantic, and Enlightenment periods
  • A critical analysis of the philosophies of Kant and Mill
  • Discussing and analyzing Pythagorean theory
  • A definition of divorce in different societies
  • Discussing Absurdity in the views of Albert Camus
  • Discussing the human nature theories
  • Writing a critical analysis of Plato’s ‘Republic’
  • Discussing the role of truth in freedom
  • The ideas of Socrates in the modern world
  • An experiment of philosophy

Trending Philosophy Dissertation Topics

  • While referring to Bertrand Russell’s theory of Atomism discussing the problem of language
  • Discussing responsibility in the light of freedom and determinism
  • Discussing the role of religion in morality
  • Analysis of the works of Plato, Mill, and Nietzsche from the perspective of moral character
  • Addressing reason, nature, and God in the views of Nietzsche and Spinoza
  • Analyzing the natural philosophy in the light of Greek beliefs
  • Moral virtues and moral defects – a critical analysis
  • Analyzing the history of philosophy
  • Discussing human rights in the current century
  • Describing major moral theories
  • The influence of existentialist philosophy on literature and art
  • The concept of the sublime in the philosophy of Edmund Burke
  • The role of skepticism in the philosophy of David Hume
  • The concept of the social contract in the philosophy of Thomas Hobbes
  • The influence of Stoic philosophy on modern thought
  • The concept of the soul in ancient Greek philosophy
  • The role of empiricism in the philosophy of John Locke
  • The concept of determinism in the philosophy of Baruch Spinoza
  • The influence of postmodern philosophy on cultural theory
  • The concept of the self in the philosophy of Martin Heidegger

I hope these ideas are helpful! Philosophy is a broad and fascinating field, and there are many other topics that could be explored in a dissertation. If you have a particular area of interest, you may want to consider focusing your topic in that direction. Good luck with your dissertation!

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  21. PhilPapers: Online Research in Philosophy

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