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lilo and stitch experiment 383 swirly

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Lilo & Stitch: The Series S1 E13 "Swirly" » Recap

Lilo & Stitch: The Series S1 E13 "Swirly" Recap

Meanwhile, on Gantu's ship, his computer warns about an activated experiment, and Hämsterviel commands Gantu to capture immediately. However, he is busy watching a marathon of his favorite show, Look at This , which showcases "freaks" and their talents on live TV. After getting chewed out for laziness by his employer, he reluctantly leaves the ship to capture 383.

Mertle and her friends discuss that the reality show Look at This is doing an episode in Kauai. Keoni reveals exciting news that he pulled a few strings, and all the hula girls will be able to dance on the show as part of a cut to commercial. Lilo, having just arrived with Stitch, expresses disgust at the show because of its tendency to humiliate contestants just for being different. She refuses Keoni's offer and turns to leave on her tricycle, but Mertle implies that Lilo is too scared to perform on TV and calls her a "big chicken." Unfortunately, the Ice Cream Man happens to be staring at 383 nearby and is hypnotized into acting like a big chicken. Stitch uses his infrared vision and spots his cousin in the bushes, and the duo run off to chase 383.

Gantu interferes and captures 383 himself, picking up a tree and throwing it at Stitch as he makes his escape. However, Stitch takes a beehive from the tree and throws it back at Gantu. As Gantu is swarmed by the angry bees, Lilo and Stitch put 383 in a backpack and head home.

Pleakley is practicing a juggling act to audition for Look at This, and Lilo chastises him for liking the show and "sounding just like Mertle." She heads into the kitchen to show the newly-captured 383 to Jumba, who reveals its power to be the ability to hypnotize people into following the first command they are given. Evidently, 383 was invented to be great at parties by entertaining guests who aren't hypnotized. Lilo christens 383 "Swirly" because of "the eye thing", but Jumba says that the only way to avoid getting hypnotized is to wear special goggles that are immune to 383's powers. The only problem is that there's no such thing. Jumba: Under no circumstances to be looking at 383 without wearing protective hypnosis-proof goggles. Lilo: Where are you going? Jumba: To invent protective hypnosis-proof goggles.

Nani comes home and Lilo and Stitch quickly try to find a place to hide 383 for the time being. Stitch takes the backpack containing 383 and climbs up the ceiling to hide. However, 383 falls out of the backpack and puts Lilo into a trance just as Nani walks in to meet her. Nani tries to get her attention, but Lilo simply stands still, staring forward. Nani asks if she is okay, and Pleakley interjects saying that Lilo is not okay because she cannot appreciate that Look at This is quality television. He then says that Lilo "should be more like Mertle," which snaps her out of her trance. She suddenly says she has to go get changed so she can go dance with all the other girls on Look at This.

Pleakley raids Nani's closet for a "disguise" to wear for his juggling audition on the show. Stitch, who is hiding under Nani's bed, realizes that his backpack is empty and 383 has escaped. Lilo enters the room donning Mertle's hairdo and outfit, complete with glasses. note  The transformation was so complete, she even swapped voice actors! Stitch looks around the room for 383 as Lilo raves about how awesome Look at This is. She says "You just gotta love that show!" just as Stitch spots 383 and is hypnotized to love the show.

As 383 wanders away, Nani finds Stitch under her bed and orders everyone out of her room, exasperated. 383 is captured by Gantu, but neither Lilo nor Stitch notice or care because they are both too busy obsessing over the show and heading for the filming sight for Lilo's dance. She meets up with Mertle at the rehearsal and proceeds to out-Mertle Mertle with her snotty behavior. Meanwhile, Stitch is so in love with Look at This that he is kissing and slobbering all over the television. This prompts Lilo (yes, Lilo ) to insult Stitch and call him a disconfigured dog. Mertle reluctantly allows Lilo to rehearse with the rest of the girls.

Meanwhile, Gantu returns to his ship with 383 in hand. However, he is quickly put into a trance and Reuben decides to have a little fun with him, making Gantu to a variety of humiliating things while hypnotized. Hämsterviel calls the ship and immediately recognizes 383's effect on Gantu ("I remember him, big fun at parties") and joins in with Reuben giving orders. Gantu eventually juggles while balancing on a rolling pin with a cake on his head, until he falls over and Hämsterviel snaps his fingers to snap Gantu out of hypnosis. Hämsterviel hatches a plan for Gantu to take 383 to the Look at This show (which apparently broadcasts on an intergalactic level) and hypnotizes every viewer to become his slaves.

Pleakley performs his juggling act in front of the show's producer, who lets him onto the show not as a juggler (which was terrible), but as a contortionist (because Pleakley is boneless and therefore very flexible). Stitch auditions for the show and makes it in due to his ability to lift up the entire stage effortlessly. Gantu, with 383 in tow, also tries to audition but the producer says that he had already selected his two contestants. 383 hypnotizes the producer into letting Gantu onto the show, causing Pleakley's act to be canceled (much to his chagrin).

Meanwhile, back at the house, Jumba has finally invented a pair of protective hypnosis-proof goggles and looks for Lilo and Stitch around the house. He instead sees Look at This playing on the TV as it introduces a certain "real freaky dog" as its first contestant. Jumba sits down to watch his experiment perform live on TV as Stitch performs acrobatics, does tricks, and lifts heavy objects. Meanwhile, Lilo is still offstage acting like Mertle, rubbing the fact that Stitch is on TV into the real Mertle's face (and being a real jerk about it too). Jumba, still watching from home, sees Gantu with 383 offstage and rushes toward the film site.

Stitch's act continues to the point where he is holding a giant piece of construction equipment over his head, but Gantu secretly puts extra weight on it so that it is too heavy for Stitch to hold. Stitch is crushed by the equipment and his act is effectively over, allowing Gantu to begin his act, which is, of course, to hypnotize every viewer into becoming Hämsterviel's slave. However, Jumba arrives in time to snap his fingers and break both Lilo and Stitch out of their trances, returning them to normal. They come to their senses and realize they need to stop Gantu before it's too late.

Just as Gantu is about to hypnotize everyone, the TV signal cuts out because Stitch unplugged all the power cables. He swings down, snatches 383, then plugs all the cables back in. As Lilo and Stitch make their getaway with the experiment, Gantu is now stuck on live television with no way to complete his mission. On the air with no way out, he eventually resorts to performing an act himself — a juggling act. Pleakley, obviously, is not thrilled with the situation. Neither is Hämsterviel, but he is willing to take the loss in exchange for seeing Gantu humiliate himself on live TV.

Experiments who appeared or were mentioned in this episode:

  • Swirly (X-383) : This episode's Monster of the Week ; a small turquoise ( green in this episode ) koala-like experiment with a big head and big eyes. He is designed to hypnotize others into obeying the next command they hear. Snapping one's fingers undoes the effect. He's great at parties.
  • Cannonball (X-520) : Seen sliding into a wading pool at the end of the episode.
  • Reuben (X-625)

This episode contains examples of:

  • Aliens Steal Cable : Downplayed ; the alien society in the franchise is already highly-developed and very culturally Earth-like. Still, Hämsterviel reveals that Look at This is popular off-Earth as its broadcast signal gets picked up intergalactically.
  • Chekhov's Gun : Swirly is mentioned to be "great at parties" by Jumba and Hämsterviel. His "one true place" involves using his abilities to entertain people at, you guessed it, parties.
  • Hypnotic Eyes : How Swirly performs his hypnosis. Lilo decides to give Swirly his name because of that fact.
  • I've Heard of That — What Is It? : Inverted example. Jumba tells Pleakley that looking at Swirly would be impossible without hypnosis-proof goggles, only to admit that he just made up the concept right then and the goggles don't actually exist yet.
  • Mind-Control Eyes : Everyone who falls victim to Swirly has these, but the effect fades once they receive an order or suggestion.
  • Show Within a Show : Look at This is a popular talent show in the Lilo & Stitch universe.
  • Lilo & Stitch: The Series S1 E12 "Amnesio"
  • Recap/Lilo & Stitch: The Series
  • Lilo & Stitch: The Series S1 E14 "Fibber"

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lilo and stitch experiment 383 swirly

Disney Wiki

" Swirly " is the thirteenth episode of Lilo & Stitch: The Series . It aired on November 3 , 2003 .

A popular television show called Look at This! comes to Hawaii as a hypnotizing experiment is activated. Lilo and Stitch hate the show, but Lilo falls under Swirly's spell and is instructed to be more like Mertle , who happens to love the show. Stitch also falls under Swirly's spell and is instructed to love the show. Hämsterviel orders Gantu to go on the show and use the experiment to hypnotize the viewers, thus bringing them under Hämsterviel's power.  Jumba frees Lilo and Stitch from the hypnosis and they rescue Swirly just in time and leave Gantu stranded in front of a live audience. Stitch later throws a party he won from the show, and Mertle is hypnotized by Swirly into thinking she's a chicken much to her friends humor. 

  • Moral: Don't like something just because everyone else does.
  • When Swirly hypnotizes the Ice Cream Man , his eyes can be seen.
  • This is one of the only times the Ice Cream Man has any vocal effects, the other time being in " Babyfier ".
  • According to Lilo,  Nani prohibits having any of Jumba's illegal genetic experiments in their  house  other than Stitch. However, she doesn't seem to mind letting Belle and Glitch live in their home.
  • This is the second time Stitch's rather infamous ability to lift 3,000 times his own weight is joked about, when Gantu correctly guessed that Stitch cannot lift even an ounce more than 3,000 times his size and weight by adding a small ticket to the load.
  • This is one of the rare times Hämsterviel shows amusement after witnessing Gantu under Swirly's hypnosis, and also when Gantu made a fool of himself on the Look at This! show.

Experiments mentioned [ ]

  • Experiment 383: Swirly
  • Experiment 520: Cannonball
  • Experiment 625: Reuben


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Lilo & Stitch: The Series » Lilo & Stitch: The Series #113 - Swirly: Experiment 383 released by Disney on November 3, 2003.

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lilo and stitch experiment 383 swirly

Swirly: Experiment 383 last edited by cloudguy on 01/28/22 03:09AM View full history

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lilo and stitch experiment 383 swirly

lilo and stitch experiment 383 swirly

Character » appears in 1 games

Swirly, also known as Experiment 383, is one of Stitch's experiment "cousins" in Disney's "Lilo & Stitch" franchise. He is designed to hypnotize people into obeying the next order or suggestion they hear.

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Swirly last edited by videogamerkc on 04/27/20 06:08PM View full history

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lilo and stitch experiment 383 swirly

Experiment 383: Swirly

Stats/strengths [ ].

Pod Color:  Yellow

Experiment 383 Swirly

Proof that the truth is in the eye of the beholder!

Gender:  Male

Special Abilities:

Ah, here is Experiment that is perfect for parties! 383 was design-ed to hypnotize entire armies into submission, commanding entire countries to will of user! However, there was minor problem his program; if there's no orders within a few minutes, the effect is nullified. The only other way to stop the effect is a mere snap of the fingers, which wakes up the free will-controlling neurons in the brain turned off by 383's effects. Which is good, since 383 quickly got out of control over the course his debut.

But back on to 383 himself; he was created by using the DNA of an actual koala and some chinchilla's DNA for both color and design, and also the effects of hypnosis by using the strands of an exotic pet called the Hypno-Tarsier. To add more potency to the effects, I added the non-lethal substances excreted from the glands of Trance Toads on Kweltikwan. One lick can send you into a trip you will never wake until an entire week has passed; as I found out the hard way. *chuckles* That's one night on Shplorgahck I won't soon forget...

One True Place:  Thankfully, he has found a much less havoc-causing venture when he discovered the world of live performances. Now, he entertains as birthday parties, bar mitzvahs, weddings, and will often collaborate with 604 in big magic acts! In fact, recently, Experiment 020 convinced 383, 345, 322, 604, 390, 523, 513, 606 and 033 to work together on a big charity drive last Christmas! Oh, that was truly a sight to behold! 

  • 1 Experiment 628
  • 2 Experiment 607: Launch
  • Original release 3 November 2003
  • Previous episode S01E12 - Amnesio
  • Number S01E13
  • Director Victor Cook
  • Writer Brian Swenlin
  • Country United States
  • Genres Action, Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Science-Fiction
  • External links TheTVDB page IMDB page TheMovieDB page
  • Last update 23 July 2022 - 23:09 on 11 databases

Experiment #383 - Swirly A new show called 'Look at This!' is going to be broadcast lives in the Birds of Paradise Hotel, and everyone is excited, except Lilo and Stitch. At the same time, Experiment #383 is activated and is a hynotic experiment. Hamsterviel sends Gantu after it to hynotise everyone who watches the episode of 'Look at This!'. Things soon break into chaos when Lilo and Stitch capture Swirly from Gantu and take him home, ending up hynotised, and Swirly is recaptured. Will Lilo and Stitch realise who they are? Will they recapture Swirly and give him his one true place?

lilo and stitch experiment 383 swirly

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Episode Number 13
TV Release Date 3 November 2003


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lilo and stitch experiment 383 swirly

Lilo & Stitch: The Series (TV Series)

Swirly: experiment 383 (2003), full cast & crew.

lilo and stitch experiment 383 swirly

Directed by 

... (as Michael Girard)

Writing Credits  

... (written by)
... (creator)
... (creator)

Cast (in credits order)  

... (voice)
... (voice)
... (voice)
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
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... (voice)
... (voice)
... (voice)

Produced by 

... line producer
... executive producer
... executive producer
... supervising producer (as Michael Girad)
... co-executive producer
... line producer
... executive producer

Music by 

Editing by 

... (as Julie Lau)

Casting By 

... voice casting director

Production Management 

... post-production supervisor
... executive in charge of production: Disney Channel
... production executive
... executive in charge of production: Disney Channel
... post-production supervisor
... production manager
... executive in charge of production: Disney Channel

Art Department 

... key location designer
... storyboard artist
... location designer
... prop designer
... prop designer
... storyboard artist
... storyboard revisionist

Sound Department 

... re-recording mixer
... track reader
... original dialogue recordist
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... assistant dialogue engineer
... track reader
... sound effects editor
... sound recordist
... sound
... dialogue editor
... re-recording mixer
... foley
... sound designer
... sound effects editor

Visual Effects by 

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... cgi artist
... cgi artist

Animation Department 

... color stylist
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... layout artist
... lead character designer
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... timing director
... animation director
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... layout artist (as Ren Chong Rong)
... color stylist
... layout artist
... background key color correction
... lead background painter
... animation director
... background painter
... layout artist
... digital ink & paint supervisor

Casting Department 

... casting coordinator

Editorial Department 

... pre-production track editor
... assistant film editor
... post-production coordinator
... assistant editor
... reversioning editor

Music Department 

... music editor
... producer: main title theme
... music administrator
... composer/producer: main title theme
... music editor
... composer: main title theme (as Ali B. Olmo)
... composer: additional music (uncredited)

Script and Continuity Department 

... script coordinator
... continuity coordinator

Additional Crew 

... story editor
... production associate
... production secretary
... voice dubbing
... talent coordinator (as Brian L. Mathias)
... production coordinator
... dialogue director
... production associate
... executive in charge: Disney Channel
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lilo and stitch experiment 383 swirly

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Vital statistics
experiment 383
genetic experiment
hypnotizing people at parties.
  • 1 Physical Appearance
  • 2 Primary Function
  • 3 Weaknesses
  • 4 Appearances
  • 6 One True Place

Physical Appearance [ ]

Swirly is a small turquoise koala-like experiment with a huge head with an expressionless face with a little mouth, little nose, huge back eyes (with white swirling lines when using powers), rabbit-like ears, a single small antenna on the middle of his head and a huge furry slug-like tail.

Primary Function [ ]

Designed to hypnotize people to obey the first command they are given. This trance-like state is initialized through eye contact where swirly's eyes will begin to swirl in a hypnosis-type effect. The effected being will then stand motionless until given a command to obey.

Weaknesses [ ]

To avoid the effects of 383, one must either avoid eye contact or possess some form of hypnosis proof goggles (later developed by Jumba ). To snap a person out of their trance once effected, a different invividual mus snap his or her fingers infront of the hypnotized being, and say "snap out of it".

Appearances [ ]

  • Lilo and Stitch the series : Season 1, Episode 13 (as the primary new cousin of the episode)
  • Leroy and Stitch  (the stadium with all the other experiments who were captured by Leroy for permanent disintegration.)

Voiced by Sean Schemmel, It is currently unknown if 383 is capable of dialogue in any language since he possesed no lines in any of his appearances; only giving off small gasps and groans.

One True Place [ ]

He initially served as a form of entertainment through hypnosis acts at common parties. Though his one true place is hypnotizing women at bachelorette parties.

  •  He appears in the astroied where he was used to put a grouchy alien in a trance making enoth time for Lilo and Stitch put a hyper drive in the asdroid The effect can be undone by saying 'snap out of it' and snapping one's fingers.
  • 1 List of Experiments
  • 2 Marvin “628”

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  • Lilo & Stitch: The Series Experiments

Tank , also known as Experiment 586 , is an illegal genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba and a character in the Lilo & Stitch franchise . He is designed to consume metal and grow exponentially larger with all that he eats. He was captured by Gantu , but was rescued in " Snafu ".

  • 1.1 Lilo & Stitch: The Series
  • 1.2 Leroy & Stitch
  • 2 Personality
  • 3.1 Physical appearance
  • 3.2 Special abilities
  • 3.3 Weaknesses

Background and appearances [ ]

Experiment 586 was the 586th genetic experiment created by Jumba with Hämsterviel 's funding. He was designed to consume metal and grow exponentially bigger with each feast. 586 and the other first 624 experiments were deactivated and smuggled to Earth by Jumba during his mission to capture Experiment 626 .

All of the experiment pods were released and scattered across the island of Kauai , with 586's pod landing in a car's grille.

Lilo & Stitch: The Series [ ]

Lilo & Stitch The Series - Tank - Tank after activation

Tank after being activated

When the owner washed down his car with a hose, 586's pod got wet, activating the experiment. 586 then ate the driver's automobile, leaving only the rubber tires, and ran off.

Later, 586 devoured a huge factory that was being shown to some tourists riding in a van, then proceeded to eat metal throughout town until he grew to a large enough size to go on a rampage.

Gantu had been informed about 586 and realized he couldn't possibly catch the experiment in a containment orb, due to how large it had grown. He then prepared the cargo bay of his ship for abducting 586.

Meanwhile, Lilo won tickets to the Elizabethan Fair and invited the hula girls (who ditched Mertle when she refused to participate with Lilo), but neglected Stitch after he told her an experiment was running amok. Later, Stitch (who couldn't attend the fair because no dogs were admitted) teamed up with a lonely Mertle in hopes of stopping 586.

Lilo & Stitch The Series - Tank - Giant Tank at medieval fair

Stitch and Mertle evaded the gigantic 586 in Nani 's dune buggy after he got distracted from his metal-eating feast. After a while, a tractor beam abducted Stitch and Mertle into Gantu's ship. Though Gantu was briefly discouraged that he failed to capture 586, he locked Stitch and Mertle in teleport chambers and prepared to try again.

Experiment 625 was inexplicably fascinated by Mertle. She used this to her advantage by soft-soaping Reuben, who released her from containment as a result. Mertle then locked Reuben in the teleport chamber, and after she freed Stitch from the adjacent one, they escaped the ship as well as 586's clutches.

Gantu later chased down 586 in his ship, but the former was thwarted by Lilo, who brought down Gantu's ship and had two jugglers hinder his progress. Meanwhile, Stitch attempted to battle 586, but due to the latter's enormous size, he proved impossible to defeat, despite Stitch's best efforts. Seeing that Stitch was outmatched by 586, Lilo turned to Gantu for help.

Lilo & Stitch The Series - Tank - Tank abducted by Gantu

Captured by Gantu

586's rampage continued to spread, where, after an attack on Stitch, he was abducted by a tractor beam from Gantu's ship, as Lilo had convinced Gantu earlier to get the humongous experiment away from Stitch. Mertle later reunited with the hula girls who agreed to take her back, and Lilo made amends with Stitch.

Presumably after this, 586, named Tank, was sent to Hämsterviel who somehow found a way to shrink him back to his normal size and confine him in a container.

Although Tank was unseen in " Woops ", he is known to have been sent back to Gantu along with all of Hämsterviel's other captive experiments after Experiment 600 caused chaos and nearly blew Hämsterviel's cover to the prison guards .

Tank reappeared in " Snafu ", and was freed along with Gantu's other captive experiments by Lilo, Stitch, and several other experiments in a rescue mission. Tank even helped with the escape by eating Gantu's gun after Plasmoid broke it in two with a plasma blast.

Leroy & Stitch [ ]

The first 624 experiments, including Tank, were rounded up by Leroy and taken to a stadium to be destroyed. However, Lilo, Stitch , Jumba , Pleakley , Reuben and Gantu arrived before the experiments could be destroyed.

Tank participated in the following battle between the experiments and the Leroy clones by eating attacking Leroys.

However, the Leroys soon gained the upper hand in the battle, but were defeated when Lilo, Stitch, Reuben and several other experiments performed the song " Aloha ʻOe ", which caused the Leroy army to shut down due to the original Leroy's fail-safe.

Personality [ ]

Tank is a giant experiment whose intimidating nature only grows with his size. He is shown to be extremely insatiable and voracious, having an enormous appetite for metal. He will hurt anyone who gets in his way and can hold a grudge against them, like he did with Stitch, but otherwise ignores individuals who run from him.

Biology [ ]

Physical appearance [ ].

Tank is a round, quadrupedal, orange armadillo/bulldog-like experiment with thick legs, black eyes, a brown oval nose, a large, wide mouth, sharp metal-like teeth, a short tail, two small ears, and plates going from the front of his head to the end of his tail.

Special abilities [ ]

Tank has exponential jaw strength that enables him to chew any type of metal with ease, such as iron, tin, steel, copper, silver, aluminum, etc. His teeth/jaws are highly durable and capable of processing metal, while his overbite jaw is able to stretch amazingly, allowing him to eat things many times his size (such as a factory) and/or many times his length (such as an automobile bumper) without struggle. His body size increases exponentially with any metal he consumes, thus his digestive system must work hundreds of times faster than a regular human being's.

Weaknesses [ ]

If Tank goes without eating any metal after a while, he will gradually revert to his normal size.

  • Tank was first revealed in a DVD bonus feature of Stitch! The Movie in the experiment gallery.
  • Tank is not referred to by his new name at any point in his debut , but his name officially appears on the experiments list in the end credits of Leroy & Stitch .
  • Tank, along with Gigi , Dorkifier , Nosox ,  Butter , Shortstuff , Spike , Yang , Richter , Phoon , Splodyhead , and one unconfirmed experiment , are the only known experiments that are primarily quadrupeds.
  • Tank's pod color is blue.
  • The Experiment Pod Container describes Tank as: "Experiment 586. Primary function: Metal consumption. Experiment grows exponentially larger with everything it eats."
  • Tank has shrunk from a massive size back to his normal size between his debut and " Snafu ", suggesting he returns to his normal size after a while without eating any metal.
  • Tank is one of the few experiments to not have his one true place revealed.
  • Also during the battle, Tank is shown eating several Leroy clones, though it is unknown whether or not this actually killed the clones.
  • Tank's ability to grow larger from eating metal is similar to Ploot 's ability to grow larger from eating garbage and Fudgy 's ability to grow larger from eating chocolate in the Stitch! anime.
  • Tank appears in the online game Lilo & Stitch: Alien Interception , along with Clyde , Dupe , Yang, Plasmoid , and Hämsterviel .

Gallery [ ]

has a collection
of images and media related to
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Other • • ( ) •
  • 1 Angel (624)
  • 3 Stitch (626)


  1. Lilo and Stitch Experiment 383 Swirly

    lilo and stitch experiment 383 swirly

  2. "Lilo & Stitch: The Series" Swirly: Experiment 383 (TV Episode 2003)

    lilo and stitch experiment 383 swirly

  3. SWIRLY 11" Experiment 383 Stitch SEGA 2006 & Disney Store Japan Plush

    lilo and stitch experiment 383 swirly

  4. Experiment 383

    lilo and stitch experiment 383 swirly

  5. Swirly ( 383 )

    lilo and stitch experiment 383 swirly

  6. Swirly (383)

    lilo and stitch experiment 383 swirly


  1. Swirly (383)

    Swirly, also known as Experiment 383, is an illegal genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba and a character in the Lilo & Stitch franchise. He is designed to hypnotize individuals into obeying the next order or suggestion they hear; snapping one's fingers will break the victim's trance. His one true place is hypnotizing guests at children's parties. Experiment 383 was the 383rd genetic ...

  2. Lilo and Stitch Experiment 383 Swirly

    In this episode we're going through the life of Experiment 383 Swirly as well as where we located this cousin. Twitter: https://twitter.com/WiredAnomaly#lilo...

  3. Swirly

    Swirly, also known as Experiment 383, is an illegal genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba and a character in the Lilo & Stitch franchise. He is designed to hypnotize individuals into obeying the next order or suggestion they hear; snapping one's fingers will break the victim's trance. His one true place is hypnotizing guests at children's parties. Swirly is mute and mostly docile ...

  4. "Lilo & Stitch: The Series" Swirly: Experiment 383 (TV Episode 2003

    Swirly: Experiment 383: Directed by Victor Cook, Mike Girard. With Daveigh Chase, David Ogden Stiers, Chris Sanders, Jillian Henry. Lilo, Gantu, and Stitch all lose their memory due to a hypnotizing experiment.

  5. Lilo & Stitch: The Series S1 E13 "Swirly" Recap

    Stitch uses his infrared vision and spots his cousin in the bushes, and the duo run off to chase 383. Gantu interferes and captures 383 himself, picking up a tree and throwing it at Stitch as he makes his escape. However, Stitch takes a beehive from the tree and throws it back at Gantu. As Gantu is swarmed by the angry bees, Lilo and Stitch put ...

  6. Swirly (383)/Gallery

    Images of Swirly (383). Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

  7. Swirly (episode)

    "Swirly" is the thirteenth episode of Lilo & Stitch: The Series. It aired on November 3, 2003. A popular television show called Look at This! comes to Hawaii as a hypnotizing experiment is activated. Lilo and Stitch hate the show, but Lilo falls under Swirly's spell and is instructed to be more like Mertle, who happens to love the show. Stitch also falls under Swirly's spell and is instructed ...

  8. Swirly

    "Swirly" is the thirteenth episode of Lilo & Stitch: The Series. It aired on November 3, 2003. A popular television show called Look at This! comes to Hawaii as a hypnotizing experiment is activated. Lilo and Stitch hate the show, but Lilo falls under Swirly's spell and is instructed to be more like Mertle, who happens to love the show. Stitch also falls under Swirly's spell and is instructed ...

  9. Lilo & Stitch: The Series season 1 Swirly: Experiment 383

    Picks up where STITCH: THE MOVIE left off, with the experiment pods scattered all over the Hawaiian islands! The series followed Lilo and Stitch, as they rounded up Stitch's cousins (the other experiments) and repurposed those that they caught to do what they do best. ===== The series only had 2 seasons. The items listed in Season 3 of this guide are movies or other stuffAnother straight to ...

  10. Swirly

    Experiment 383, "The Hypnotizer," is activated by a wave washing up onto the sandy shore where it's lodged. The swirly-eyed experiment is designed to …

  11. Lilo & Stitch: The Series

    Experiment #383 - Swirly | A new show called 'Look at This!' is going to be broadcast lives in the Birds of Paradise Hotel, and everyone is excited, except Lilo and Stitch. At the same time, Experiment #383 is activated and is a hynotic experiment. Hamsterviel sends Gantu after it to hynotise everyone who watches the episode of 'Look at This!'.

  12. Lilo & Stitch: The Series #113

    Lilo & Stitch: The Series. Lilo & Stitch: The Series » Lilo & Stitch: The Series #113 - Swirly: Experiment 383 released by Disney on November 3, 2003. Swirly: Experiment 383 last edited by ...

  13. "Lilo & Stitch: The Series" Swirly: Experiment 383 (TV Episode ...

    "Lilo & Stitch: The Series" Swirly: Experiment 383 (TV Episode 2003) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Menu. Movies. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight.

  14. Swirly (Character)

    Swirly, also known as Experiment 383, is one of Stitch's experiment "cousins" in Disney's "Lilo & Stitch" franchise. He is designed to hypnotize people into obeying the next order or suggestion they hear.

  15. Experiment #383- Swirly (2003) Season 1 Episode 129- Disney's Lilo

    In depth information about Experiment #383- Swirly, produced by Walt Disney Television Animation. Download Cartoon Now Online. Disney's Lilo & Stitch Episode Guide. Lilo changes her look and acts like Myrtle; an experiment causes embarrassing gossip. Lilo changes her look and acts like Myrtle; an experiment causes embarrassing gossip. ...

  16. Experiment 383: Swirly

    The only other way to stop the effect is a mere snap of the fingers, which wakes up the free will-controlling neurons in the brain turned off by 383's effects. Which is good, since 383 quickly got out of control over the course his debut. But back on to 383 himself; he was created by using the DNA of an actual koala and some chinchilla's DNA ...

  17. Where to watch Lilo & Stitch: The Series season 1 episode 13 full

    Experiment #383 - Swirly A new show called 'Look at This!' is going to be broadcast lives in the Birds of Paradise Hotel, and everyone is excited, except Lilo and Stitch. At the same time, Experiment #383 is activated and is a hynotic experiment. Hamsterviel sends Gantu after it to hynotise everyone who watches the episode of 'Look at This!'. Things soon break into chaos when Lilo and Stitch ...

  18. Lilo & Stitch: The Series

    26 June 2024... Swirly: Experiment 383 pictures, plot summary, trivia, quotes, news, reviews, cast, crew. Swirly: Experiment 383 photos, posters, stills and award ...

  19. "Lilo & Stitch: The Series" Swirly: Experiment 383 (TV Episode ...

    "Lilo & Stitch: The Series" Swirly: Experiment 383 (TV Episode 2003) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Menu. Movies. ... Lilo & Stitch a list of 45 titles created 08 Aug 2019 TV Episodes Watched in 2023 a list of 692 titles ...

  20. lilo and stitch experiments 383 Swirly Plush

    lilo stitch experiments plush 383 Swirly. Condition is "New". Shipped with USPS Priority Mail. from

  21. Swirly

    Swirly is a small turquoise koala-like experiment with a huge head with an expressionless face with a little mouth, little nose, huge back eyes (with white swirling lines when using powers), rabbit-like ears, a single small antenna on the middle of his head and a huge furry slug-like tail. Designed to hypnotize people to obey the first command they are given. This trance-like state is ...

  22. Amnesio (303)

    Amnesio, also known as Experiment 303, is an illegal genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba and a character in the Lilo & Stitch franchise. He is designed to erase his victims' memories with a red laser vision from his eyes. Luckily, Jumba programmed a password into him to reverse the amnesia process, though it must be spoken within earshot of him. He was captured by Gantu, but was ...

  23. Tank (586)

    Tank, also known as Experiment 586, is an illegal genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba and a character in the Lilo & Stitch franchise. He is designed to consume metal and grow exponentially larger with all that he eats. He was captured by Gantu, but was rescued in "Snafu". Experiment 586 was the 586th genetic experiment created by Jumba with Hämsterviel's funding. He was designed to ...