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Deposit Checklist

Use this deposit checklist form to ensure all requirements have been met before submitting your thesis to the Purdue OGSPS. This checklist will help to mitigate common formatting errors.

Please review each item and check all boxes. Once the form is completed, you will be able to submit your thesis.

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I have submitted my Form 9.

I have completed the following survey(s) required for my degree:

  • Master’s students must complete the Master’s Exit Questionnaire.
  • PhD students must complete both the Doctoral Exit Questionnaire and the Survey of Earned Doctorates.
  • PhD students must complete the Survey of Earned Doctorates.

To format my thesis, I have used:

Purdue Microsoft Word thesis template

I have used the official Purdue Microsoft Word thesis template from the Purdue University Thesis & Dissertation division website.

I am submitting my final thesis as a Microsoft Word document. (IUPUI/IU Indianapolis students - submit a PDF of your approved Word document).

I have used the correct graduation month & year date on the title cover page.

All committee member names and the department thesis form head name on the Statement of Committee Approval page in my thesis/dissertation match the names shown on my Form 9 Electronic Thesis Acceptance Form.

I have complied with all Purdue University Thesis & Dissertation division template formatting requirements.

Submit Your Thesis

Purdue LaTeX/Overleaf thesis template

I have used the official Purdue LaTeX/Overleaf thesis template from the Purdue University Thesis & Dissertation division website.

I am submitting my final thesis as a PDF document. I understand that the LaTeX/Overleaf source file should not be included in the submission.


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Using LaTeX for Your Thesis or Dissertation - Engineering Computer Network - Purdue University

Purdue University

Using LaTeX for Your Thesis or Dissertation

Author: Mark Senn

purdue thesis overleaf

-Timothy Johnson, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Dec. 2006; M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Aug. 2002

LaTeX is a software system for typesetting documents. It is especially good for technical documents that contain lots of mathematics. LaTeX can be used to print or make PDF files for letters, journal articles, proposals, reports, books, etc. LaTeX automatically takes care of margins, fonts, spacing, numbering, hyphenation, cross referencing, citing references, etc. so you can concentrate on the content, instead of the appearance, of your document.

LaTeX is free and is available for a very wide range of computers and operating systems.

The puthesis document class is used with LaTeX to do Purdue theses and dissertations. Thousands of students have graduated using it. See the puthesis home page for more information about LaTeX and puthesis.

-Andy Hughes, ECE Thesis Format Advisor

-Mark D. Jaeger, Manager, Thesis/Dissertation Office

Purdue Online Writing Lab Purdue OWL® College of Liberal Arts

University Thesis and Dissertation Templates

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Theses and dissertations are already intensive, long-term projects that require a lot of effort and time from their authors. Formatting for submission to the university is often the last thing that graduate students do, and may delay earning the relevant degree if done incorrectly.

Below are some strategies graduate students can use to deal with institutional formatting requirements to earn their degrees on time.

Disciplinary conventions are still paramount.

Scholars in your own discipline are the most common readers of your dissertation; your committee, too, will expect your work to match with their expectations as members of your field. The style guide your field uses most commonly is always the one you should follow, and if your field uses conventions such as including all figures and illustrations at the end of the document, you should do so. After these considerations are met, move on to university formatting. Almost always, university formatting only deals with things like margins, font, numbering of chapters and sections, and illustrations; disciplinary style conventions in content such as APA's directive to use only last names of authors in-text are not interfered with by university formatting at all.

Use your university's formatting guidelines and templates to your advantage.

If your institution has a template for formatting your thesis or dissertation that you can use, do so. Don't look at another student's document and try to replicate it yourself. These templates typically have the necessary section breaks and styles already in the document, and you can copy in your work from your existing draft using the style pane in MS Word to ensure you're using the correct formatting (similarly with software such as Overleaf when writing in LaTeX, templates do a lot of the work for you). It's also often easier for workers in the offices that deal with theses and dissertations to help you with your work if you're using their template — they are familiar with these templates and can often navigate them more proficiently.

These templates also include placeholders for all front matter you will need to include in your thesis or dissertation, and may include guidelines for how to write these. Front matter includes your table of contents, acknowledgements, abstract, abbreviation list, figure list, committee page, and (sometimes) academic history or CV; everything before your introduction is front matter. Since front matter pages such as the author's academic history and dissertation committee are usually for the graduate school and not for your department, your advisor might not remember to have you include them. Knowing about them well before your deposit date means you won't be scrambling to fill in placeholders at the last minute or getting your work returned for revision from the graduate school.

Consider institutional formatting early and often.

Many graduate students leave this aspect of submitting their projects until it's almost too late to work on it, causing delays in obtaining their degree. Simply being aware that this is a task you'll have to complete and making sure you know where templates are, who you can ask for help in your graduate office or your department, and what your institution's guidelines are can help alleviate this issue. Once you know what you'll be expected to do to convert to university formatting, you can set regular check-in times for yourself to do this work in pieces rather than all at once (for instance, when you've completed a chapter and had it approved by your chair). 

Consider fair use for images and other third-party content.

Most theses and dissertations are published through ProQuest or another publisher (Harvard, for instance, uses their own open publishing service). For this reason, it may be the case that your institution requires all images or other content obtained from other sources to fall under fair use rules or, if an image is not considered under fair use, you'll have to obtain permission to print it in your dissertation. Your institution should have more guidance on their specific expectations for fair use content; knowing what these guidelines are well in advance of your deposit date means you won't have to make last-minute changes or removals to deposit your work.

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LaTeX Users must use purduethesis.cls as template

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Mark Senn of Purdue Maintains this Page

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Overleaf for LaTeX Theses & Dissertations: Home

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  • Adding Tables, Images, and Graphs

Tips and tools for writing your LaTeX thesis or dissertation in Overleaf, including templates, managing references , and getting started guides.

Managing References

BibTeX is a file format used for lists of references for LaTeX documents. Many citation management tools support the ability to export and import lists of references in .bib format. Some reference management tools can generate BibTeX files of your library or folders for use in your LaTeX documents.

LaTeX on Wikibooks has a Bibliography Management page.

Find list of BibTeX styles available on Overleaf here

View a video tutorial on how to include a bibliography using BibTeX  here

Collaborate with Overleaf

Collaboration tools

  • One version of your project accessible to collaborators via a shared link or email invitation
  • Easily select the level of access for collaborators (view, edit, or owner access)
  • Real-time commenting speeds up the review process
  • Tracked changes and full history view help to see contributions from collaborators
  • Labels help to organize and compare different versions
  • Chat in real time with collaborators right within the project

How to get started writing your thesis in LaTeX

Writing a thesis or dissertation in LaTeX can be challenging, but the end result is well worth it – nothing looks as good as a LaTeX-produced PDF, and for large documents it's a lot easier than fighting with formatting and cross-referencing in MS Word. Review this video from Overleaf to help you get started writing your thesis in LaTeX, using a standard thesis template from the Overleaf Gallery .

You can upload your own thesis template to the Overleaf Gallery if your university provides a set of LaTeX template files or you may find your university's thesis template already in the Overleaf Gallery.

This video assumes you've used LaTeX before and are familiar with the standard commands (see other tutorial videos  if not), and focuses on how to work with a large project split over multiple files.

Add Institutional Library contact info here.

Contact Overleaf   or email [email protected]

5-part Guide on How to Write a Thesis in LaTeX

5-part LaTeX Thesis Writing Guide

Part 1: Basic Structure corresponding  video

Part 2: Page Layout corresponding  video

Part 3: Figures, Subfigures and Tables   corresponding video

Part 4: Bibliographies with Biblatex corresponding video

Part 5: Customizing Your Title Page and Abstract corresponding video

Link your ORCiD ID

Link your ORCiD account to your Overleaf account.

See Overleaf news   on  our blog.

  • Next: Using Templates on Overleaf >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 20, 2024 5:29 PM
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Case Study - Purdue University - Graduate School improves thesis authoring and submission processes

Purdue and Overleaf

Executive Summary

The Purdue University Graduate School was evaluating tools and solutions that would address the following goals:

  • Make the thesis writing process easier for students.
  • Decrease the amount of time and work required by the Graduate School to review theses.
  • Streamline the thesis review process.

Providing premium Overleaf accounts and customized writing templates to all students, faculty and staff is helping the Purdue Graduate School achieve these goals.

Results from 1-year Pilot:

  • After a successful 1-year trial, the Purdue Graduate School chose to invest in a 5-year adoption of the Overleaf platform to benefit students, faculty and staff.
  • 35% of all STEM students now use the Purdue Overleaf thesis template – with that number continuing to grow.
  • In cases where students used Overleaf to write their theses, workload and review times were significantly reduced – from 5 or more graduate staff/student meetings per thesis to approximately 2-3 meetings per thesis.
  • Out of 1,400 theses submitted to the Purdue Graduate School per year, ~490 will be submitted using Overleaf – providing an estimated 980 meetings removed, a huge time savings!
  • The Purdue Graduate School now recommends the use of Overleaf to all students - “The Graduate School and I recommend you use Overleaf.” - Mark Senn, Engineering Computer Network Systems Programmer.

Prior to partnering with Overleaf, the Purdue Graduate School provided theses templates to students as traditional LaTeX templates and Word documents. Both options had, and continue to present, challenges.

Word documents may be more familiar and easier for students to use initially; however, there are specific formatting requirements and rules that must be followed for a thesis to be accepted which are not easily accomplished using Word. Word requires students to format and compose their documents prior to submission. This is rarely done correctly. A huge amount of time is then required by the Graduate School to reformat, clean up and work with students on finalizing their documents. For the Purdue Graduate School, this resulted in 5 or more meetings between the student and the Graduate School staff.

Due to these formatting requirements, and time needed to fix formatting issues, LaTeX templates have always been preferred by the Graduate School. LaTeX composes the document for students based on the template layout – so there is much less work required on the back-end for formatting. However, with the traditional LaTeX template, the hurdle was the learning curve and accessibility of LaTeX itself. It’s a programming language – so students need to know how to use it. And even though LaTeX is free to download and use, it’s not easy to install and there are versioning issues. So even though Purdue had a LaTeX template which was superior to Word – few students used it. It was highly intimidating.

Purdue was looking for a way to overcome the LaTeX intimidation and accessibility hurdle. They knew that having students use the LaTeX template would save everyone time and headaches in the end, but they also knew they had a challenge getting student and faculty buy-in on a format that was not widely known or used.

They started looking for LaTeX options – they wanted an ‘off the shelf’ solution that would allow students to start using their LaTeX template right away – without having to install and learn the LaTeX programming language. Andy Hughes, a thesis format reviewer in the Electrical Engineering Department came across Overleaf and was impressed. He started the ball rolling by bringing his findings to Mark Jaeger, Manager of the Thesis/Dissertation Office and Dr. Philip Pope, Sr. Associate Dean of the Graduate School.

Andy Hughes, Manager of Web and Multimedia Services, Electrical Engineering Department says:

“I looked at several different LaTeX authoring tools and Overleaf was by far the best. It was easy to use, very intuitive, with nothing to install - just open and write. And the ability to have our template loaded onto their site and ready for students to use made it a perfect fit.”

How Overleaf Helped

Overleaf is a cloud-based, collaborative LaTeX and Rich Text authoring platform. Think of it like Google Docs™, but for researchers, scientists and engineers. It’s incredibly intuitive and simple to use – users go to the website, open a template (over 3000 available), and start to write. There’s nothing to download or install. And users can choose to write in LaTeX or a Rich Text mode, which provides a ‘word processor’ type environment for users who are new to or aren’t familiar with LaTeX. This was perfect for Purdue – it allowed students to use LaTeX quickly and easily and put a friendly face on LaTeX.

On top of that, Purdue took advantage of Overleaf’s ‘TeXperts’ to enhance and improve upon their current thesis template for use in Overleaf. It allows students to very easily click a link, open the template in the cloud-based Overleaf editor, write, and invite collaborators into the document if wanted or required. The platform automatically composes the document for the students, as they write – in real-time – they write on the left and see the finished document on the right. When they’re finished, they simply download the finished file as a PDF or zip file with the LaTeX source and supporting files.

This met the goals of Purdue – they were able to provide their LaTeX template to students in an easy to use format, which in-turn, persuaded more students to use LaTeX, which in-turn eased the thesis writing process for students, which in-turn, saved the Purdue Graduate School staff a lot of time! On top of that, Overleaf provided unexpected benefits.

Purdue Institutional Portal

Unexpected Benefits

Overleaf provided a custom Purdue Institutional Web Portal . This allowed the Graduate School to easily provide a URL to students and faculty from which they could quickly enroll for the service with no administration from Purdue. Students and faculty simply used their Purdue email address to enroll – nice and easy. Through this portal, the students and faculty also had access to multiple templates relevant to Purdue students, faculty and researchers. This not only included the thesis template, but templates for scientific journal submissions and standard papers. Access to quick start guides , help, and FAQs were available via the web portal as well and Overleaf ‘TeXperts’ were available to answer questions about the service, the template, or even LaTeX itself.

Overleaf provided marketing and training support – so campus-wide promotion and roll-out was much easier. The Graduate School set up a series of training sessions which, with the help of Overleaf, they marketed to students and faculty. Posters, literature, and swag were provided to help spread the word and entice students to the sessions. Overleaf further supported the effort by attending the sessions live and via webex. Having Overleaf available ‘live’ to explain and help launch the service was beneficial.

And lastly, Overleaf provided a data and analytics web portal which gave Purdue a detailed look into the program and template use. Purdue can access their custom analytics hub at any time and see how many students and faculty are using the service, which departments are using the service, the template use, and what collaborations are happening – both internally and with external institutions. The ability to gather these details allowed the Graduate School to keep track of their trial and make sure it was being used as expected.

Mark Jaeger - Manager, Thesis and Dissertation Office at Purdue says:

"We provide students with customized Overleaf thesis and dissertation templates - it provides a quick and easy way for students to write in the correct format which saves our department huge amounts of time.  Overleaf submissions come in beautifully formatted and ready to go!"

Results, Return on Investment and Future Plans

The trial was a huge success! The Purdue Graduate School sees an average of 1,400 theses submissions each year – out of these ~490 or 35% now use the Overleaf template.

These submissions come into the Graduate School correctly formatted and ready to go – allowing the Graduate School staff to work with students on content – not formatting. It allows both students and staff to focus on what’s most important – the research.

By taking out the need to deal with formatting and composition issues, this took the number of meetings between students and Graduate School staff from an average of 5 or more meetings, down to 2-3 meetings. That’s an average of 980 meetings cut!

The feedback from students and faculty has been overwhelmingly positive. The ease of use and accessibility are incomparable and they appreciate the Graduate School providing a tool that is not only useful for their thesis, but for a myriad of other authoring and class projects as well.

With the trial being such a resounding success, Purdue has signed up for a 5-year partnership. Not only will they continue to push Overleaf for thesis use, but they hope to see use of Overleaf grow to other departments and campus use. A possible next step will be to integrate into the Purdue institutional repository – making it simple for students and faculty to write and then submit into the institutional repository directly from within Overleaf - with 1-click.

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Purdue University to Continue Partnership with Overleaf After Successful Pilot

February 7, 2017 – London, UK and Boston, USA – Overleaf, an innovative provider of scientific writing and publishing tools, today announced that Purdue University will continue in a five year partnership after a successful year-long pilot.

During the pilot, premium Overleaf accounts and customized writing templates were made available to all students, faculty and staff. Purdue University Graduate School were looking for a way to overcome LaTeX intimidation and accessibility hurdles faced by their students. Their goals were to make the thesis writing process easier and more streamlined for students, reducing time spent on thesis reviews.

Since the pilot has been executed, 35% of all STEM students now use the Purdue-Overleaf thesis template. This adoption is already bringing real benefits: an estimated 980 meetings have been removed, and workload and review times have been significantly reduced. The Purdue Graduate School now recommends the use of Overleaf to all students.

Andy Hughes, Manager of Web and Multimedia Services, Electrical Engineering Department, Purdue University said:

“I looked at several different LaTeX authoring tools and Overleaf was by far the best. It was easy to use, very intuitive, with nothing to install – just open and write. And the ability to have our template loaded onto their site and ready for students to use made it a perfect fit.”

Mark Jaeger, Manager at the Thesis and Dissertation Office at Purdue, adds:

“We provide students with customized Overleaf thesis and dissertation templates – it provides a quick and easy way for students to write in the correct format which saves our department huge amounts of time.  Overleaf submissions come in beautifully formatted and ready to go!”

You can read a case-study with the details of the year-long pilot here ( ). For more questions on this new Overleaf partnership and integration, please contact Mary Anne Baynes, CMO, Overleaf. ( )

About Purdue University – Purdue University, a top public research institution, offers higher education at its highest proven value. Committed to affordability, the University has frozen tuition and most fees at 2012-13 levels. Committed to student success, Purdue is changing the student experience with greater focus on faculty-student interaction and creative use of technology. Committed to pursuing scientific discoveries and engineered solutions, Purdue has streamlined pathways for faculty and student innovators who have a vision for moving the world forward.

Visit: and follow @PurdueUnivNews on Twitter.

About Overleaf – Founded in 2012 and with over 600,000 registered users, Overleaf is an academic authorship tool that allows seamless collaboration and effortless manuscript submission, all underpinned by cloud-technology. By providing an intuitive online collaborative writing and publishing platform, Overleaf is making the process of writing, editing and publishing scientific documents quicker and easier. Researchers and academics can now write, collaborate, and publish with a single click, directly from the Overleaf web-app. Publishers and Institutions are partnering with Overleaf to provide customized writing templates, simple reference tool linking, and one-click publishing submission links.

Supported by Digital Science, Overleaf aims to make science and research faster, more open and more transparent by bringing the whole scientific writing process into one place in the cloud – from idea, to writing, to review, to publication.

Visit and follow @overleaf on Twitter.

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purdue thesis overleaf

Purdue University

Purdue University on Overleaf

Quick start.

Purdue University is providing Overleaf Professional features for all students, faculty and staff who would like to use a collaborative, online LaTeX editor for their projects. Overleaf Professional features include real-time track changes, unlimited collaborators, and full document history.

Overleaf is designed to make the process of writing, editing and producing your research papers and project reports much quicker for both you and your collaborators. Overleaf can also be linked to other services to best fit into your workflow.

Claim your Overleaf Professional upgrade by signing up (or signing in) below. You'll need to verify a Purdue University email address.

Please note that at the present time, Overleaf is not a suitable platform for Theses that include export controlled information . If your thesis was generated from a project with a Technology Control Plan, please contact [email protected] before proceeding.

Join a community of over 9491 authors at Purdue University

sign in    if you already have an Overleaf account.

sign up    if you don't have an Overleaf account yet.

Welcome to the Purdue University quick start guide to Overleaf. We've put together some useful resources and links in the sections below, and if you have any questions about how to get started please let us know and we'll be happy to help!

For Students

Try out the overleaf editor with built in tutorial.

If you'd like to dive straight into the editor, simply click the button to create a new paper using our quick-start template. A short tutorial will walk you through the main features to quickly get you started.

Browse the Overleaf template gallery

You can view the Purdue Thesis templates , or check out our full template gallery for more ideas and inspiration.

Take our free course to quickly master the LaTeX essentials

If you're new to LaTeX, we've put together a free online course to help you learn the basics. If you have never used LaTeX before, or if it has been a while and you would like a refresher, this is the place to start.

For Researchers

Find a journal template.

Through our partnerships within the publishing community, we provide a selection of academic journal templates for articles and papers. These templates automatically format your manuscripts in the style required for submission to that journal.

Edit in Rich Text mode or directly in LaTeX

Overleaf provides an intuitive and easy-to-use manuscript editor (our rich text mode), which is especially useful if you or your co-authors aren't familiar with writing in LaTeX.

If you prefer to edit directly in LaTeX, you can! Overleaf provides a full collaborative online LaTeX editor you can switch to at any time.

Submitting your articles to journals, repositories and more

You can also submit your paper directly to a number of journals and other editorial and review services via the publish menu in the editor. Simply open the publish menu from any document and follow the appropriate 'Submit to ...' link.

For Teachers

Introducing students to latex.

Overleaf has several on-demand webinars available that address a variety of beginner, intermediate, and advanced topics.

Help students understand LaTeX errors

Addressing errors as they happen helps ensure that your LaTeX project continues to compile and look the way it should.

Show your class how to turn on track changes for review

Overleaf offers an impressive collection of collaboration features, and your institutional subscription provides all users with access to the powerful track changes feature.

Ausgewählte LaTeX-Vorlagen

PurdueThesis template for Purdue University theses, dissertations, etc.

FAQ & Help

Who should i contact if i have questions about overleaf or the purdue license.

Please use our contact form and we'll make sure your question gets to the right person in our team. You can also direct Purdue-specific questions to Ashlee Messersmith , Manager, Thesis/Dissertation Office.

I'm new to Overleaf, how should I get started?

We've put together a short How do I use Overleaf help page to give you pointers on exactly that :)

I'm having trouble logging in - who should I contact?

Please get in touch with our support team via our contact page , and include the email address you've used to register on Overleaf. We'll be happy to help sort out any problems you have logging in.

Keine Suchergebnisse

  • Sharing your work with others
  • Track changes and comments
  • Joining an institutional subscription
  • Using the Overleaf history feature
  • Helpful how-to guides

More resources from Purdue University

  • Guidance from Purdue University Graduate School , on topics including:
  • Deposit Process Guidance
  • Video Instruction
  • Copyright Information, and
  • Campus Resources
  • The Doing Purdue University Theses Using LaTeX site , a resource for students which describes how to use the puthesis (Purdue University thesis) LaTeX typesetting system documentclass to format Purdue University Master's bypass reports, Master's theses, PhD dissertations, and PhD preliminary reports.

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  1. How to write your thesis: FREE LaTeX template and note on Overleaf

    purdue thesis overleaf

  2. Purdue Thesis Template

    purdue thesis overleaf

  3. Purdue Thesis Template, Determine What Kind Of Paper You Are Writing:

    purdue thesis overleaf

  4. Using Overleaf

    purdue thesis overleaf

  5. Purdue Thesis Template

    purdue thesis overleaf

  6. Title Page for Report/Thesis in LATEX

    purdue thesis overleaf


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  2. Research paper writing using LaTeX Overleaf

  3. Proofread File

  4. How to Make an Impressive Resume || Perfect CV #resume #cv #overleaf

  5. Write a summary in LaTeX

  6. Why LaTeX for Ph.D.? #labtech #latex researchtools #overleaf #thesiswriting


  1. PurdueThesis template for Purdue University theses ...

    Please take note that Overleaf SHOULD NOT be used for writing, editing, or publishing documents or research papers that contain data subject to EAR, ITAR, DFARS Clause 252.204-7012, and other controlled data designators due to the increased security required for these types of data. ... , % Thesis and Dissertation Office, % Purdue University ...

  2. Purdue University

    Purdue University is providing Overleaf Professional features for all students, faculty and staff who would like to use a collaborative, online LaTeX editor for their projects. Overleaf Professional features include real-time track changes, unlimited collaborators, and full document history. Overleaf is designed to make the process of writing ...

  3. Templates

    The Thesis & Dissertation Office recommends using the PurdueThesis.cls file. Please take note that Overleaf SHOULD NOT be used for writing, editing, or publishing documents or research papers that contain data subject to EAR, ITAR, DFARS Clause 252.204-7012, and other controlled data designators due to the increased security required for these types of data.

  4. The PurdueThesis LaTeX document class (Jul 28, 2024)

    Purdue's Thesis and Dissertation Office recommends using Overleaf if you use LaTeX. To get started go to the PurdueThesis documentclass template and click "Open as Template". Please take note that Overleaf SHOULD NOT be used for writing, editing, or publishing documents or research papers that contain data subject to EAR, ITAR, DFARS Clause ...

  5. Thesis and Dissertation Office

    The Thesis and Dissertation Office assists graduate students in the formatting, editing, and depositing of their theses. Our staff will consult with you to ensure that your thesis is ready for defense. Our website provides many resources for students, such as templates, copyright information, official policies, deadlines, and more. Communication.

  6. Thesis and Dissertation Office

    I have used either the official Purdue Microsoft Word thesis template or the official Purdue LaTeX/Overleaf thesis template to prepare my thesis or dissertation. I have obtained written permission from original sources when using content from existing and submitted publications and copyrighted material within my thesis or dissertation.

  7. Using LaTeX for Your Thesis or Dissertation

    I love the puthesis template and think that all Purdue students should be encouraged to use LaTeX for their theses and dissertations. I had a much easier time formatting my dissertation in LaTeX than I did formatting my thesis in Microsoft Word. -Timothy Johnson, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Dec. 2006; M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Aug. 2002

  8. University Thesis and Dissertation Templates

    University Thesis and Dissertation Templates. Theses and dissertations are already intensive, long-term projects that require a lot of effort and time from their authors. Formatting for submission to the university is often the last thing that graduate students do, and may delay earning the relevant degree if done incorrectly.

  9. LaTeX Users must use purduethesis.cls as template: Depositing Thesis or

    Depositing Thesis or Dissertation. LaTeX Users must use purduethesis.cls as template. ... Create a FREE Overleaf Account with your Purdue email. Work LIVE in PurdueThesis.cls. LaTeX Information Link. Mark Senn of Purdue Maintains this Page. Join the LaTeX PurdueThesis listserv.

  10. Case Study

    35% of all STEM students now use the Purdue Overleaf thesis template - with that number continuing to grow. In cases where students used Overleaf to write their theses, workload and review times were significantly reduced - from 5 or more graduate staff/student meetings per thesis to approximately 2-3 meetings per thesis.

  11. Customer Stories: Purdue University

    We provide students with customized Overleaf thesis and dissertation templates—it provides a quick and easy way for students to write in the correct format which saves our department huge amounts of time. Overleaf submissions come in beautifully formatted and ready to go! —Mark D. Jaeger, Manager, Thesis / Dissertation, Purdue University

  12. LibGuides: Overleaf for LaTeX Theses & Dissertations: Home

    Writing a thesis or dissertation in LaTeX can be challenging, but the end result is well worth it - nothing looks as good as a LaTeX-produced PDF, and for large documents it's a lot easier than fighting with formatting and cross-referencing in MS Word. Review this video from Overleaf to help you get started writing your thesis in LaTeX, using ...

  13. How to write a thesis using LaTeX **full tutorial**

    Get started with LaTeX using Overleaf: My thanks to Overleaf for sponsoring t...

  14. Thesis and Dissertation Office

    For a non-controlled thesis/dissertation draft formatting review, email your completed draft as a Microsoft Word document to [email protected]. If you are using LaTeX/Overleaf to create your draft, you will need to email it to us as a PDF document.

  15. Case Study

    35% of all STEM students now use the Purdue Overleaf thesis template - with that number continuing to grow. In cases where students used Overleaf to write their theses, workload and review times were significantly reduced - from 5 or more graduate staff/student meetings per thesis to approximately 2-3 meetings per thesis.

  16. Templates

    CHPB LaTeX Template. A template for final reports of Center for High Performance Buildings at Purdue University. Zechao Lu. PurdueThesis template for Purdue University theses, dissertations, etc. Official. This is the PurdueThesis 2022-10-05 template—it is the most-up-to-date PurdueThesis software. Please use this software.

  17. Purdue University to Continue Partnership with Overleaf After

    Since the pilot has been executed, 35% of all STEM students now use the Purdue-Overleaf thesis template. This adoption is already bringing real benefits: an estimated 980 meetings have been removed, and workload and review times have been significantly reduced. The Purdue Graduate School now recommends the use of Overleaf to all students.

  18. Purdue University

    Purdue University is providing Overleaf Professional features for all students, faculty and staff who would like to use a collaborative, online LaTeX editor for their projects. ... If your thesis was generated from a project with a Technology Control Plan, please contact [email protected] before proceeding.

  19. How to Write a Thesis in LaTeX (Part 1): Basic Structure

    The preamble. In this example, the main.tex file is the root document and is the .tex file that will draw the whole document together. The first thing we need to choose is a document class. The article class isn't designed for writing long documents (such as a thesis) so we'll choose the report class, but we could also choose the book class.. We can also change the font size by adding square ...

  20. MASS_Thesis_Template_Tor_Vergata

    MASS_Thesis_Template_Tor_Vergata. Open as Template View Source View PDF. Author. Brandon Rajkumar. Last Updated. před 5 dny. License. Creative Commons CC BY 4.0. Abstract. Thesis template provided my MASS project office including title page require by the University of Rome (Tor Vergata) Tags.

  21. Templates

    Moreno La Quatra. Tips for writing (in LaTeX) This template will get you started with writing your report or thesis and can also be used to create slides. This template is too large to compile with Overleaf's free plan. For possible workarounds, read the last paragraph of section A.1.4.

  22. MASS_Thesis_Template_Tor_Vergata

    MASS_Thesis_Template_Tor_Vergata. Open as Template View Source View PDF. Author. Brandon Rajkumar. Last Updated. 5 days ago. License. Creative Commons CC BY 4.0. Abstract. Thesis template provided my MASS project office including title page require by the University of Rome (Tor Vergata) Tags.

  23. Log in to Overleaf

    An online LaTeX editor that's easy to use. No installation, real-time collaboration, version control, hundreds of LaTeX templates, and more.

  24. MASS_Thesis_Template_Tor_Vergata

    Thesis template provided my MASS project office including title page require by the University of Rome (Tor Vergata) ... Overleaf on Twitter. Overleaf on Facebook. Overleaf on LinkedIn. We only use cookies for essential purposes and to improve your experience on our site.