Stickyball ESL Lessons

We have several free ESL writing lessons on this page, including sample essays, sentence patterns, writing assignments, and more! If you like these lessons, consider buying our ESL writing textbooks to get even more content just like this!

Beginner ESL Writing Lessons

The four units below are all taken from our book Write Right: 9 Beginner ESL Writing Lessons , available for instant download!

Sample Essay: “My Hobby” – Introductory sample essay that students can reference later when writing their own essays

Sentence Pattern: Start/stop verb+ing – Practice adding “ing” to verbs after “start/stop/quit/begin”

Grammar: Past Tense – Simple introduction to past tense verbs

Error Correction Worksheet – Correct the errors in this sample “My Hobby” essay

Assignment: “My Hobby” – Use the grammar and sentence patterns from Unit 1 to write an essay titled “My Hobby”

Sample Essay: “A Funny Story” – Introductory sample essay that students can reference later when writing their own essays

Past Tense Error Correction Worksheet – Review of past tense; rewrite the paragraph and correct the past tense errors

Indention and Quotations – Teaches students to indent new paragraphs and use quotation marks correctly

Indentions and Quotations: Error Correction Worksheet – Identify and correct the mistakes in the paragraph

ESL Writing Assignment: “A Funny Story” – Students use the grammar and sentence patterns from Unit 2 to write an essay titled “A Funny Story”

Sample Essay: “My Favorite Place” – Introductory sample essay that students can reference later when writing their own essays

Sentence Pattern: Although / Even though – Introduction to “although” and “even though”, with sample sentences and practice exercises

Sentence Pattern: not…at all – Introduction to the sentence pattern “(not)…at all”, with sample sentences and practice exercises

Error Correction Worksheet – Identify and correct the mistakes in the paragraph

ESL Writing Assignment: “My Favorite Place” – Students use the grammar and sentence patterns from Unit 3 to write an essay titled “My Favorite Place”

ESL Writing Exercises: Activities, Worksheets, and Ideas!

UNIT 4: “Letter to a Relative”

Sample Essay: “Letter to a Relative” – Introductory sample letter that students can reference later when writing their own essays

Writing Lesson: The Elements of a Letter – Introduction to the elements of a letter (greeting, body, conclusion)

Writing Lesson: Conjunctions – Introduction to the conjunctions and/but/or/so, with an explanation of how to punctuate them correctly

Error Correction: Conjunctions – Identify and correct the mistakes in the letter

ESL Writing Assignment: “Letter to a Relative” – Students use the grammar and sentence patterns from Unit 4 to write an letter to one of their relatives

Intermediate/Advanced Writing Lessons

The writing lessons and worksheets below are taken from our book Write Right: Transitions , available for instant download!

Writing a Formal Paragraph

Topic Sentences (Introduction) – Introduction to topic sentences and their function in a formal paragraph

Introduction to Similes and Metaphors – Using similes and metaphors to write interesting topic sentences

Similes and Metaphors Review – Practice describing people and things using similes and metaphors

Topic Sentences (Review) – Practice writing topic sentences

The Body of a Paragraph (Introduction) – Introduction to the body of a paragraph and the information that should be contained therein

The Body of a Paragraph (Review) – Practice thinking of information to use in the body of a paragraph

Concluding Sentences (Introduction) – Introduction to concluding sentences and their function in a paragraph

Concluding Sentences (Review) – Practice writing concluding sentences

Punctuation and Conjunctions

Sentence Fragments and Complete Sentences – Introduction to sentence fragments and a review exercise to practice identifying them

Run-on Sentences – Worksheet to practice correcting run-on sentences

Comma Splices and Conjunctions – Worksheet to practice using conjunctions correctly to fix comma splices

Commas and Conjunctions (“and”) – Explanation of how to correctly use commas with the conjunction “and”

Semi-colons – Introduction to this often baffling piece of punctuation, with a review exercise

Transitions and Connectors

Listing Things in Order – Practice listing items or events in order using words like “First”, “Next”, “After that”, “Finally”, etc.

In addition / Additionally / Moreover / Furthermore / Plus / …as well – Introduction to these commonly used transitions, with several sample sentences

In addition / Additionally / Moreover / Furthermore / Plus / …as well – Review worksheet to practice writing sentences with these transitions

However / Nevertheless / Still / Despite that / Nonetheless / Even so – Introduction to these commonly used transitions, with several sample sentences

However / Nevertheless / Still / Despite that / Nonetheless / Even so – Review worksheet to practice writing sentences with these transitions

Therefore / Consequently / As a result / Thus / For this Reason – Introduction to these commonly used transitions, with several sample sentences

Therefore / Consequently / As a result / Thus / For this Reason – Review worksheet to practice writing sentences with these transitions

Review of these Transitions and Connectors – Review worksheet to practice using all of the transition words above

More Transitions and Connectors

Although / Even though – Introduction to these commonly used transitions, with several sample sentences and review exercises

Though – Introduction to “though” and it’s various uses in a sentence

Despite / In spite of – Introduction to these commonly used transitions, with sample sentences

Despite / In spite of – Review worksheet to practice writing sentences with these words

Despite vs. Although – Explanation of how to use these similar transition words, with several sample sentences

Despite vs. Although – Review worksheet to practice using “despite” and “although” correctly

Because vs. Because of – Explanation of how to use these similar transition words correctly, with several sample sentences

Because vs. Although – Explanation of the difference between these two words, with several examples and a review exercise

Because of vs. Despite – Worksheet to practice using these transitions, which have nearly opposite meanings

Regardless of – Introduction to this commonly used transition, with several sample sentences

Regardless of / No matter – Review worksheet to practice using these transitions correctly, including an explanation of “embedded questions”.

Review of Transitions and Connectors

Transitions and Punctuation – Explanation of how to correctly punctuate transitions using commas, periods, and semi-colons. Also includes a review worksheet.

Transitions and Punctuation (2) – Students rewrite a short essay, adding punctuation around transition words as needed.

Review of Above Transitions and Connectors – Fill in the blanks with an appropriate transition word to complete the essay

Additional Review of Transitions and Connectors – Review of several transition words/phrases (For this reason / Despite the fact that / No matter / Due to / Consequently / As a result / In spite of / Regardless of / Owing to)

Additional FREE ESL Writing Worksheets, Activities, and Ideas:

Useful phrases and sentence patterns.

Instead of / Rather than – Handout explaining how to use these phrases, with sample sentences

Instead of / Rather than – Review – Worksheet to practice using “instead of” and “rather than” correctly

Instead – Worksheet reviewing different ways to use the word “instead” in a sentence

Would rather – Handout explaining how to use “would rather”, with sample sentences

Would rather – Review – Worksheet to practice using “would rather” correctly

Prefer – Worksheet to practice using “prefer” correctly

Regardless / Regardless of / No matter – Examples and practice sentences

Gradually / Eventually / Sooner or later / At some point / In the end / …end up… – Examples and practice sentences

More sentence patterns and phrases (in no particular order):

vary / varies from __ to __

that which / those who

Just because [A] doesn’t mean that [B]

If it weren’t for [A], then I never would have [B]

If I hadn’t [A] then I wouldn’t have [B]

I wish I had / I should have

Found myself

(Currently) in the process of

ESL Writing Activities

Putting pen to paper doesn’t always have to be boring. Here are some activities and game-like things to make writing a bit more enjoyable.

Interactive Stories – Students collaborate to write each others’ stories.

The Lying Game – Guess which statements are true and which statements are lies!

Idiom Worksheets – Give advice using idioms. Less a “game” than an “assignment,” though the idioms tend to make things a little more interesting.

Explain the Idiom – Try to guess what the idioms mean, and use them in a dialogue.

Writing Scenarios

Writing Topics For ESL Students

30 Writing Topics and Writing Prompts For ESL Students

When learning a new language like English, developing writing skills is essential. Many beginner ESL students find it difficult to write essays, especially if they have to come up with the essay topic themselves.

List Of ESL Writing Topics

Here is a list of ESL writing topics and writing prompts your students can write about.

Tips For Teaching ESL Writing

Error correction.

Although it is necessary to highlight and correct students’ errors, it can be quite demotivating for a student to only hear all the things they got wrong.

After correcting errors, give students an opportunity to re-write their essays and correct their mistakes. Once students have completed their final draft, be sure to let them know what you liked about their essay, and you can even share this praise with other students, teachers, and even the student’s parents.

Ask About Students’ Interests

A great way to encourage this is to ask about things students are interested in and then tailor the writing topic to them.

Provide Enough Writing Prompts

To help students write longer essays, be sure to give them enough writing prompts to cover the different aspects they should cover in their writing.

Structure The Essay

To help ESL students become better at writing in English, teach them a particular structure you would like them to follow when writing their essays.

Thanks for reading. I hope you found some useful ESL writing topics and writing prompts you can use in your next writing class. 

ESL Essay: Unboxing an ESL Essay with Topics and Examples

Learning foreign languages can be enjoyable, however, writing essays is often the one task that students dread. Fortunately, there are reliable custom writing services like Edusson that can help students create compelling and interesting ESL essays. In this post I will explain what an ESL essay is, why it is needed, and how to make it interesting.

What is ESL Essay?

ESL – is an abbreviation that stands for English as a second language . ESL Essay is an essay that is written by a person whose mother tongue is not English. In today’s world, the English language has become a very important thing. It is now the third most widespread native language in the world and the global language of business. Many people all over the world learn it because some of them want to move to English speaking country in pursuit of a better life, some of them want to get a better job at their country and some of them just like this language.

Why writing ESL Essay?

The main reason for writing ESL Essay is practice. As people say – practice makes perfect and they are not wrong. Because the only way you can make something good is to do it over and over again. While learning English most people usually think only about their conversational skills and I understand them. When you are learning a foreign language your biggest desire is to start speaking it as soon as possible and hopefully sound like a native speaker. But they forget that writing skills are also very important and you should practice them on a regular basis. And what is more suitable and fun way to do it? Writing essays, of course!

What can you write about?

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Interesting ESL Essay Topics


  • What is your favorite place? Describe it as detailed as you can.
  • What is your favorite movie/book character? Describe him/her as detailed as you can.
  • What are your hobbies? What do you like to do in your free time?
  • If you could wear only one set of clothes for the rest of your life, what would you chose and why?
  • Imagine that you have a dinner party for 4 guests, who would you invite and what kind of activities would you suggest to your guests?

Persuasive Writing Practice

  • Tell about your favorite book or movie and why do you think other people have to read or watch it.
  • What do you think about technologies taking over people’s lives? Why are we so dependent on it? Would we be better off without them?
  • Do you think it would be better if students had a summer break or be in a year-round school system with more breaks throughout the year?

Verb Tense Practice

  • Imagine that you are babysitting a child who accidentally breaks a window. Explain to the child how did it happen and how it could have been avoided.
  • Tell about one thing that you could never live without and why?
  • Imagine that you have got a chance to build a perfect city, describe it and explain why is it perfect.
  • Set yourself some specific goals you want to accomplish this year and explain how you are going to accomplish them.

Writing Process

  • Think about what topic. You need to get as much information as you possibly can. If you are writing about something that is not from your own experience, do not just use Wikipedia, I know we all love it, but it is not enough. You need to get some good and reliable sources. Do not forget about the library.
  • Focus. The essay is written strictly in accordance with the theme, and it uses clear arguments. The content does not deviate from the given topic.
  • Organization. A good writer does not write everything that comes to his mind. He ponders the structure and order in which his thoughts will be expressed, before beginning the work on the text. But remember that you can always go back and made amends.
  • Support. In a good essay, all thoughts that are wrote down must be supported by facts, or statements in the text that the author analyzes.
  • Clarity. A good composition is written by taking into account all the rules of grammar, spelling and punctuation.
  • Set aside some time to write. It is important to remember to not be in a rush as it will not result in a good essay. Allow yourself around an hour or two and don’t forget to take breaks in between in order to give your brain a rest. Additionally, if you don’t feel like you have enough time or writing skills to complete the essay, you can always opt to pay for thesis writing services.

Essay Outline

Although writing an essay can seem tedious and hard, it can also be enjoyable. You have the freedom to choose any topic that you would like to write about, and if you are passionate about it, the words will flow naturally. However, there are some rules to follow, like the structure of the essay. If you are struggling with it, you can buy a literature essay to get a better idea of how to tackle your essay-writing project.

When writing an ESL Essay you have to follow specific 5-paragraph essay format. Here is a sample essay outline, but keep in mind that once you are okay with working with this kind of format, you can always expand it later, add more details or information etc Connect with a professional writer in 5 simple steps. Start now Please provide as many details about your writing struggle as possible. Next What's the area of study of your paper? English Business and Entrepreneurship Nursing History African-American Studies Accounting Anthropology Architecture Art, Theatre and Film Biology Business and Entrepreneurship Chemistry Communication Strategies Computer Science Criminology Economics Education English Engineering Environmental Issues Ethics Finance Geography Healthcare History International and Public Relations Law and Legal Issues Linguistics Literature Management Marketing Mathematics Music Nursing Nutrition Other Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Religion and Theology Sociology Sport Technology Tourism Next How many pages do you need? Next When is it due? 01 AM 02 AM 03 AM 04 AM 05 AM 06 AM 07 AM 08 AM 09 AM 10 AM 11 AM 12 AM 01 PM 02 PM 03 PM 04 PM 05 PM 06 PM 07 PM 08 PM 09 PM 10 PM 11 PM 12 PM Next What's your e-mail? Next Done!

  • Introduction:

Here you have to give some general information about your topic, tell the reader why he should be interested in what you are writing, in different words – attention catcher, make your reader want to stay and read your paper to the very end

Thesis statement:

Topic Sentence 1:

  • Support your argument
  • Give more details, explanations, examples
  • Conclusion of the paragraph

Topic Sentence 2:

Topic Sentence 3:

  • Concluding Paragraph

Restate thesis using different words:

Sum up the main points, return to general context, wrap-up the essay, but make it interesting and memorable.

If you are reading this part of this post, I suppose you still not sure that your writing skills are good enough. I can understand that, but do not worry, I have a couple of resources that will help you master your skills.

  • Essay Checker – the most important thing to do after you have finished writing, is to check your essay for plagiarism, check its readability level, see if you have answered to all the questions and if your answers are relevant. You can do all these things using this one resource. How convenient is that?
  • Essay Topic Generator – this resource I am giving to you just in case you have problems with picking a topic for your essay. I know that that might be a real problem for many students. So, here you go, just enter the keywords of your essay and pick the category of it and here you go, you have a great essay title.
  • Essay Examples – I know that sometimes it is pretty hard to understand how to structure your essay from the outline only, that is why using this site you can see essay examples that will give you a general idea. Remember that these are just samples, not free essays for you to take.
  • Essay Editing Service – even when you know all the rules you still might feel insecure and have doubts that something is not right. In this case, use this site, where professional editors will check and correct your essay. Make it as good as it can be.

To sum up, I hope you found this article useful and interesting. Remember, if you purchasing a term paper , you are still responsible for the work you submit and should treat it as seriously as if you had written it yourself. However, don’t worry too much if you make mistakes as it’s not the end of the world. Learn from your errors, and you’ll be better prepared for the next time. That is all I have for you today.

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  • How to Write an Abstract for a Research Paper
  • How to Write a Cause and Effect Essay
  • How to Format Essay. Example MLA, APA Essay Format
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How To Write A Process Essay: Essay Outline, Tips, Topics and Essay Help

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50+ ESL Writing Prompts

Prompts are excellent for countering the dreaded blank page during writing exercises, which many ESL students find not only intimidating but also immobilizing. After all, they’re working in a second language that might not even share the same writing system as their own.

Let’s have a look at more than 50 different writing prompts and how you can use them to give students a boost in the right direction. The guide also includes top resources to find more great writing prompts.

Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Click here to get a copy. (Download)

Process Writing

A person writing in a notebook

Process writing is a good place to start with your beginner students.

Simple process writing can be nothing more than a numbered list of steps written in the simple present with imperative grammar.

You can also use these prompts for intermediate and advanced students by asking them to write full paragraphs using smooth transitions.

Process Writing Prompts

  • What’s your favorite food from your home country? How do you make it?
  • How did you travel from your home country to the U.S.?
  • What’s the best way to study for an exam?
  • How does a person learn to read? What are the necessary steps?
  • What’s something you’re good at? How did you learn to do it?
  • How do you get ready every morning? Discuss each step of your morning routine.
  • How does a person get a job? What steps must they take?
  • How do you get a driver’s license? What steps must you follow?
  • How does an acorn grow into a tree? What are the stages of its life?
  • What are the stages of the water cycle?

How to set your students up for success

When brainstorming ideas, ask your students to list the steps of how they came up with the content to write about. If you want to challenge intermediate and advanced students, have them write paragraphs describing the brainstorming process rather than writing a numbered list.

For certain topics, students may need time for additional research, like when writing about science.

Also, be aware of any vocabulary that may be specific to the process students are describing. For example, if they’re describing a food from their home country, students may need to define a particular ingredient (e.g. kimchi, herbs de provence ) that may not have a good English equivalent.

Opinion Writing

A person writing on a laptop

Opinions are everywhere. From social media posts to commentary on news programs, we’re constantly exposed to other opinions and ideas. For this reason, it’s important for students to be able to both express their own opinions and evaluate the opinions of others.

And what better way to express one’s opinions than with a written argument? Here are some prompts to help your students vocalize their opinions.

Opinion Writing Prompts

  • Should people under the age of 21 be allowed to drink alcohol? Please explain.
  • Should college students be allowed to choose their own courses or study from a set list of required courses? Please explain.
  • Is it better for young adults to live at home with their parents or to live on their own? Please explain.
  • Should your country require young adults to serve in the military? Why or why not?
  • Should professional athletes be allowed to compete in the Olympics? Why or why not?
  • Should people be allowed to smoke in restaurants? Please explain your opinion.
  • Should parents be allowed to arrange marriages for their children? Why or why not?
  • Should students be required to take physical education? Why or why not?
  • Should teenagers be allowed to make decisions about their sexual health without the consent of their parents? Please explain your opinion.
  • Should students be required to clean their schools? Please explain.

Before starting the assignment, review modal verbs with your class . Explain to your students that the verb, “should,” is a signal word for opinion writing and is commonly used when expressing one’s thoughts, opinions and ideas.

Graphic organizers are a great way to help students think through what they believe about a given topic and get those thoughts in the right order for writing. Curriculum developer, Scholastic, has some great organizers you can print and give to your students to help them gather their thoughts before they write.

Good opinion writing takes both sides of an argument into consideration. While students should devote the majority of their essay to supporting the facts they agree with, they also need to dedicate a section to addressing the opposition’s argument and explaining why it’s wrong. This is called the rebuttal and should come just before the conclusion in an opinion piece.

Narrative Writing

A person writing with a pen and paper

Narrative writing tells a story.

It has a beginning, a middle and an end, and aims to engross the reader and make them feel as if they’re experiencing the story firsthand. Moreover, narrative writing covers a sequence of events, telling the reader how these events relate to one another.

Narrative Writing Prompts

  • Think about a time in your life when you were disappointed. What caused this, and how did you get over it?
  • Did you have a pet as a child? If so, tell the story of how you got it.
  • Who’s your hero? What did they do to gain your respect and admiration?
  • What was an important event in your childhood? Write about what happened and how it has affected you.
  • Tell about a time you were embarrassed.
  • How did you meet your significant other? Tell the story of that first meeting. (For younger students, you can ask the question, “How did your parents meet each other?”)
  • When did you first think about traveling overseas to study English?
  • What would the perfect day look like? Discuss how you would spend it from when you woke until you went to sleep. (Note: Your students need to use the conditional form for this narrative. Take time to review it with them before assigning this prompt.)
  • Describe the life of a dollar bill, from when it comes off the printing press until it retires.
  • Describe the life of someone famous in your culture. Where did they come from? How did they become famous?

Absolutely essential for narrative writing, transitions ensure the sequence of events flows smoothly. Before beginning the writing exercise, take a few minutes to review transition words and phrases with your students. You can even  give them a copy of this list  to help them get started.

Another important part of narrative writing is action words. Great for boosting the imagination, action words help the reader visualize the story while reading. Encourage your students to add extra color to their stories by having them brainstorm a list of action words at the beginning of the lesson.

Lastly, make sure that your students use proper verb tenses throughout their writing. Regardless of whether the story is being told in past or present tense, students must learn to keep the verb tense is consistent throughout the story without switching from past to present, or vice versa, unless talking about two different points in time.

Descriptive Writing

A person writing with a fountain pen on paper

Descriptive writing is all about writing the details, and mixing them in with sensory words and literary devices . While there’s definitely a stylistic component to descriptive writing, anyone with a good-sized vocabulary and a little bit of practice can write a vivid story.

Descriptive Writing Prompts

  • Go to a coffee shop or restaurant and watch the people. Describe what you see.
  • Write a travel brochure for your favorite vacation spot. Describe in detail why others should visit this location.
  • Describe a classroom in your home country. How’s it different from our classroom?
  • Think about a time you were scared. Describe where you were and what frightened you.
  • Think of a scene in your favorite movie. Describe what happened without referencing characters in the movie.
  • What’s something that is very valuable to you? Describe that object.
  • Close your eyes. Tune in to what you can hear, smell and feel. Now open your eyes and write about what you observed.
  • (First, have your students close their eyes, then play them a clip from a movie scene)  What did you picture as you listened to the scene?
  • Describe your favorite Halloween candy, making note of how it tastes and smells.
  • Describe your dream car.

The best way to help your students master descriptive writing is to get them accustomed to using sensory words —the words that describe how something looks, sounds, smells, feels and tastes.

If your students are describing a person, have them start at their head and move down to their feet, or vice versa. If they’re describing a room, have them start at the door and work their way around the room clockwise. That way, their descriptions are organized and structured, making it easier for the reader to form a clear picture of the imagery in their mind as they read.

Creative Writing

A neon sign in a window that says "what is your story?"

Everyone loves a good story, but not all people feel confident writing one of their own.

With a solid setting, character and conflict, anyone can come up with a gripping and exciting story—even your students.

Here are some writing prompts to get your students expressing themselves with stories.

Creative Writing Prompts

  • A young boy sees what appears to be a UFO land outside his home late one Tuesday night. What happens next?
  • Use the following scene for inspiration: The boat rocks as each towering wave tosses it into the air and then lets it plunge. You hang over the edge of the boat waiting for the current wave of nausea to pass. Suddenly you hear at least a dozen sets of boots running along the deck…
  • The year is 1880, and a young girl whose bonnet hangs down her back from its strings sighs in relief. She’s in a ghost town. How did she get there? Tell the story of her past.
  • This morning is just like any other school morning, except one thing: No one else is at school. The doors are opened and unlocked, but you’re completely alone. Write the story of what happened.
  • Start a story with the following phrase: It was the worst mistake he’d ever made.
  • Use the following scene for inspiration: She’d never seen an animal like this before, but it seems to be friendly. Just then a news alert comes over the radio…
  • Start a story with the following phrase: He could see eyes in the shadows.
  • Use the following scene as inspiration: They said I was free to leave, but sitting in a helicopter with the city beneath me, where could I really go?
  • Choose a favorite character from a book or movie. Then put this character in a setting from a different movie or book—for example, Harry Potter finds himself on the Millennium Falcon with Chewbacca. Then, tell the story of what happens next.
  • Have each person in class write down a setting, one character and one object on three separate slips of paper. Collect each category separately, shuffle them and redistribute the papers to your students. Each person must write a story incorporating the setting, character and object they received.

For a story to be successful, it needs three important elements: setting, character and conflict .

Take a few moments to talk about each of these elements with your students before they begin the activity. Have them think about these elements and how they’ll be presented in their own stories by asking the following questions:

  • Where will the story take place?
  • Who’s the main character of the story?
  • What conflict will that person face?
  • How will they overcome what is stopping them?

Once they can answer these essential questions, they’re ready to begin writing.

If you’re teaching beginner or intermediate students, separate the language from the story elements by having them write a story they already know. They can write a story of their favorite movie, rather than come up with a plot of their own.

Also, if your students are struggling to come up with their own stories, use comic books for inspiration . Writing comics is also a great way to give students writing practice without requiring imagination to go along with it.

Resources for Finding More Inspiring ESL Writing Prompts

A woman writes in a notebook

Writer’s Digest

The  Writer’s Digest  website and magazine is full of tips and tricks for writing, interviews with authors, and insight into what it’s like to be in the writing business. The prompts section contains mostly fiction and creative writing prompts, and is updated every week with a new prompt.

Reddit is a huge community of people who love to share things they find around the Internet, and have conversations. The Writing Prompts section has some really creative ideas, and you can even see what other people have written in the comments.

Tumblr is a great place to find ideas. It’s a place where people can blog about whatever they want, but it’s more visual than most other blogs. (That means it focuses more on pictures.) The “Writing Prompts” Tumblr uses pictures to share prompts, both creative and nonfiction. There’s even one prompt for a song!

Lindsay Ann Learning

The prompts on this website are meant for school children, but they are excellent writing starters for any age. The page focuses on journal writing, so these prompts are mostly for nonfiction writing.

Language Is a Virus

The Writing Prompts Generator on this site has a huge number of ideas for fiction and nonfiction writing, which you can see one at a time. This website also has some fun  word games  to get you thinking and being creative.

This website has over 300 prompts for you to try. Just reading through the prompts will give you some new words to learn! Most of these prompts are for creative writing, but there are a small number of nonfiction thoughts in there too.

Writing Forward

This list of creative writing prompts has 25 story starters. Just pick a first sentence and see where the story takes you! There are also some questions and ideas to explore. When you’re done here, head over to the  Grammar section  for some tips from the pros.

Writing Prompts by 21×20 Media

Want to get your prompts in a phone-friendly format? Try the Writing Prompts app from 21×20 Media. It’s not free, but at just $1.99 you get hundreds of prompts organized by type. Look through pictures, place and character ideas, and much, much more.

Wrighting Words

You’ll find almost 500 creative writing prompts on Wrighting Words. The long list has everything from interesting story starters to fun with vocabulary words. There are even some titles and dialogue ideas. You’re sure to find something to inspire you here.

Pinterest has many great collections of writing ideas and exercises. You can really browse the entire website for ideas and inspiration. For some more focused writing, check out the Writing Picture Prompts board linked to above, which has nearly 400 picture prompts meant to inspire you.

Think Written

How about a prompt for each day of the year? Think Written has that. The list here focuses on words and themes, so you can write fiction or nonfiction—it’s up to you. For a real challenge, try following the list, doing one prompt every day. How far down the list can you make it?

Visual Prompts

If you prefer to see your prompts and not just read them, you will love the Visual Prompts website. Each prompt is written over a picture that can help you imagine what you’re writing about. There’s also a nice mix of creative and nonfiction prompts here.

The Write Prompts

The Write Prompts has almost 2,000 prompts, but you might find the word prompts the most useful. Each prompt comes with a list of vocabulary words that you have to use in your story. Can you string the words along and make an interesting story or essay?

Seventh Sanctum

The Seventh Sanctum is a collection of writing generators—websites that create prompts for you. There is a nearly  infinite  (never-ending) number of possible prompts! You can also try any of the other generators, like the  setting  (place) one , or the one that asks creative  “What if…?” questions . There is so much to play with here!

Buzzfeed is mostly known for its funny picture articles , but this article has an excellent list of prompts for all kinds of writing. These prompts can be used in a school, but they can also be used by adults. Some of these will get you feeling creative, and some will make you think. Have fun with both!

The Journal

The Journal is another website for nonfiction and blog writing ideas. There is even more here too—get ideas for writing your opinions about topics, your memoirs (writings about yourself), and free-writing, which is when you don’t stop writing for 10 or 15 minutes.

Education World

Education World is a website for teachers, so these prompts are meant for the classroom. This means that they will make you think, and each prompt has a helpful tip box with some ideas for what you can write on the topic.

These are just some of the ways to get your students thinking about how to fill the page with their thoughts and ideas. A list of writing prompts and a helpful teacher can go a long way in preventing writers’ block and helping students look at every empty page as an opportunity to express themselves.

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Step-By-Step Guide to Essay Writing

By: Author Rosie

Posted on Last updated: October 25, 2023

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Writing an essay can be an overwhelming task, especially if you are not familiar with the process. However, with a clear and detailed step-by-step guide, the task can become manageable and even enjoyable. This guide will take you through the essay writing process, from the initial planning and research stages to the final proofreading and editing.

It will provide tips and strategies for organizing your thoughts, constructing a clear and logical argument, and effectively presenting your ideas in written form. Whether you are a student, professional or just someone looking to improve their writing skills, this guide will help you to write clear, concise and well-structured essays every time.

Read the essay question carefully

  • Highlight keywords.
  • Use the dictionary to check the meaning of any unfamiliar words.
  • Identify the task words that indicate what needs to be done, eg “discuss”, “explain”, and “compare”.
  • Identify the topic words that indicate the particular subject of the essay, eg the character of “Juliet” in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the “causes” of World War 1.
  • Identify any limiting words that restrict the discussion to a particular area, eg in “Chapters 1-3”, during the “nineteenth century”.

Finish any necessary reading or research as background to the essay

  • Be selective: use sources that are relevant and accessible.
  • Write notes in your own words.
  • Write down quotations that may be particularly useful, but ensure the source of these quotes is acknowledged if they’re used.
  • Take note of sources so they can be provided in the footnotes and the bibliography.

Brainstorm ideas in response to the question

  • Jot down any relevant points.
  • Make note of any relevant evidence or quotes that come to mind.
  • Use a mind map to help stimulate lateral thinking.

Step-By-Step Guide to Essay Writing

Develop a thesis (idea/argument) that encapsulates the response to the question

  • The thesis should be a statement that strongly expresses the overall response to the question.
  • Avoid a thesis that’s too simplistic – show thought has been put into some of the complexities behind the question.
  • The thesis is the backbone of the essay – it will be stated in the introduction. It also needs to be referred to several times in the essay before restating it and demonstrating how it has been proven in the conclusion.

Write a plan for the response

  • Order ideas in a logical sequence.
  • Make sure every point in the plan is relevant to the question.
  • After the plan has been written it should be clear where the essay is going.

Write the introduction

  • Open up the discussion.
  • Introduce the thesis.
  • Indicate how the questions will be answered.
  • Name any texts to be discussed, if appropriate.
  • Engage the reader.

Step-By-Step Guide to Essay Writing 1

Write the main body of the essay

  • Ensure each point is given a new paragraph.
  • Use words or phrases at the start of each paragraph that will indicate to the reader how it relates to the previous paragraph, eg, “however”, “in addition”, “nevertheless”, and “moreover”.
  • Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that clearly links the paragraph to the rest of the essay, eg “A striking example of Gary Crew’s use of light and darkness imagery to suggest notions of knowledge and ignorance occurs in the scene on the jetty”.
  • Provide supporting evidence for each point that you make.
  • Revisit the thesis, and express it in different ways if possible, to emphasize how the question is being addressed.

Step-By-Step Guide to Essay Writing 2

Write the essay’s conclusion

  • Summarise the main ideas.
  • Demonstrate how you have proven your thesis.
  • Finish with an interesting or thought-provoking, but relevant, comment.

Edit the draft

  • Check for spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
  • Delete any sections that are not particularly relevant.
  • Change vocabulary to improve expression.
  • Seek feedback from peers or a teacher before writing the final copy.

Write the final copy

  • Add any footnotes or bibliography if required.
  • Present a clean, neat copy.


Step-By-Step Guide to Essay Writing 4

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Essay Writing

Step-By-Step Guide to Essay Writing 5

Top 5 Tips for Writing a Good Essay

Step-By-Step Guide to Essay Writing 6

Some Tips to Write “For and Against” Essay

Step-By-Step Guide to Essay Writing 7

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365 essays for english learners.

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Common Sense Teaching ESL

English as a second language teaching techniques and perspectives, • powerful tool for esl writers: giving examples in essays..

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(This posting includes a handout which you are welcome to use with your students.) *

A researcher asked people in a retirement home what they regret .  He found that older people regret not the things that they did, but rather the things they didn’t do, for example , never learning to salsa dance, never traveling the world or never learning to play a musical instrument.

That paragraph, from Brain Briefs by Markman and Duke, I think illustrates the importance of examples . Imagine what we’d wonder about had they not included those three examples.

I have found a great improvement in the clarity of my students’ writing and in my enjoyment of reading their papers after they’ve practiced using examples and then applied that tool. I’ve often noticed that they seem liberated by this tool. If they are struggling with how to explain something, they can almost always come up with an example to do it.

In this post, I’ll include:

  • Samples of places in a paper where an example would be helpful.
  • Samples of how students a t different writing-skill levels successfully used examples to explain everything from simple ideas to abstract ones.
  • Effective and simple ways for teachers to indicate to students where to include them in their papers and to encourage their use.

Exercises to help students develop this tool that you can use with your students.

Samples of place in a paper where an example would have been helpful ..

In the paragraph below, it would be very interesting for the teacher / others to read an example of how his friend made school life fun for him , especially if the readers are from a different culture. 

My school life was changed by my best friend. We were in the same class and he made my school life fun for me.

In this next paragraph, instead of trying to explain what the knowledge was about , one example would have been clearer.

  Moreover, my new teacher gave us a lot of knowledge which was not just about the subject we were studying. We learned information about other topics that we could use to improve our lives. Sometimes that other information was more important than subject topic that we were studying.

The samples below show how students at different writing-skill levels successfully used examples to explain everything from simple ideas to abstract ones.

( Simple example : This intermediate-level writer below wanted to explain the problems with permissive parents . Rather than try to just explain this concept, she added this brief example on her second draft.  Notice how much it helps the reader.)

Secondly, there are permissive parents. It means that they always allow their children to do anything that they want. The parents don’t discipline their children.  For example , the family goes to a restaurant, and their young children run around making noise.

( Personal experience: This student is writing about why it’s better to get married in the early 20s than early 30’s . After explaining several reasons such as childbirth factors, she adds another support and gives an example from her personal experience which makes a strong impact.)

Furthermore, bearing at an early age makes your children closer to you when they grow up. My mom had me when she was almost 38 years old.  She is almost 60 now and because of our age gap, I feel like she doesn’t perceive my feelings or give me what I need. For example , when I go shopping with her, my mom usually picks clothes that match her age. Sometimes she hands me those clothes to try on. I still love my mom, and she loves me, but at times, I want someone to understand me when I’m struggling.

  (The writer’s culture: This writer was writing about pleasures that can come from simple acts of kindness .  This example of a concept from his culture not only clearly supports his idea but also is compelling for readers from other cultures.

In Egypt, we have a word called Baraka, which means having a small quantity of something, but it would give satisfaction to a lot of people.  For instance , when my mother and her friends were having their lunch break, they decided to share because two of them didn’t bring their lunch.  Although the food was too little compared to the number of people, everyone ate and felt full. My mother came home that day saying that the lunch that day had Baraka.

  (Explain abstract idea : This writer is discussing sarcasm and gives this example which encapsulates it clearly.)

In other words, to understand sarcasm correctly, it is important to understand the situation and be able to catch the implied meaning. For example , to say, “You are not smart” to a student who go a poor grade is definitely an insult.  However, to say, “Congratulations, you did a great job! to that same person is an example of sarcasm.

Effective and simple ways for teachers to indicate to students where to include them in their papers and encourage their use.

After students have completed some exercises practicing the tool of giving examples ( see below for handouts ), it’s very easy to help students apply it to their papers. In the margin, the teacher merely writes, “Give an example” or “Give an example or tell a story” in the place that one would be helpful.

Here is part of a paragraph from an early draft about characteristics of a good company to work for.

Sample parag needs example Shot

This is the revised draft with an example . Notice how it clarifies the point that he is making and is fun to read .

In addition, good bosses are people who do not give personal business.   For example, six years ago, I worked in the center which serviced for disable people.  My boss gave me his family works like driving his daughter, helping his wife to cook, bringing something from his house and feeding his dog.  I could reject what he asked me, but I didn’t say no.  If I had refuse, he would not be kind to me anymore.  Consequently, I did his personal works.  Thus, I could not focus my company’s work well because of my boss’s personal work.

What is especially fun about this for the teacher is to see what the students will come up with in their next draft.

To encourage students to use example , it’s especially helpful to indicate where they used them by simply writing “ Good example ” in the margin and/or to underline the words “ For example ” in green. (See  Students’ Positive Responses to this Teacher Technique  

This student was writing about types of parents .

Example positive green shot

Feel free to download and use these two exercises for your students to practice giving examples.

For low-intermediate level students:   exercise give examples low intermediate level  .

(For more writing techniques at this level, see Pro Lingua Learning–Write after Input  )

For higher-level students:   Exercise Giving Examples Higher Level              

(For more writing techniques at this level, see  Pro Lingua Learning–Writing Strategies Book 2  , which is now available in digital and print version for students to rent or buy.

* About the free-download materials. During my 40 years of teaching ESL, I have had many colleagues who were very generous with their time, advice and materials. These downloads are my way of paying it forward.  

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Georgetown University.

Sample Essays

The breadth of Georgetown’s core curriculum means that students are required to write for a wide variety of academic disciplines. Below, we provide some student samples that exhibit the key features the most popular genres. When reading through these essays, we recommend paying attention to their 

1. Structure (How many paragraphs are there? Does the author use headers?) 

2. Argument (Is the author pointing out a problem, and/or proposing a solution?) 

3. Content (Does the argument principally rely on facts, theory, or logic?) and 

4. Style (Does the writer use first person? What is the relationship with the audience?)

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Policy Brief

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Chapter 9-2: The Cause & Effect Essay


In a cause and effect essay, the writer studies the reasons for an event, the results of the event, or both.

Example topics:

Discuss the reasons people decide to have children (cause essay)

Examine the consequences of Brexit (effect essay)

Analyze the causes and effects of drug addiction (cause and effect essay)

sample essay esl

We can use the five-paragraph approach for any type of cause and effect essay:

An introductory paragraph

The introduction should include a hook, which opens the essay in an engaging way. A few sentences of connecting information will lead to the thesis statement. The thesis statement will state whether you're focusing on effects, causes, or both.

Three evidentiary body paragraphs

Your three body paragraphs and their content will vary based on whether you're discussing only cause or effect, or cause and effect. See below for a general guideline.

A conclusion

Your conclusion will restate your thesis based on the points you made in the body of the essay. Then you can close your essay with an opinion, suggestion, or prediction.

Cause or Effect

Cause/Effect 1 with supporting evidence and explanation

Cause/Effect 2 with supporting evidence and explanation

Cause/Effect 3 with supporting evidence and explanation

Cause and Effect

This structure has a bit more flexibility, depending on what causes and effects you choose to discuss, but here is one guideline:

Cause 1 and Effect of Cause 1

Cause 2 and Effect of Cause 2

Cause 3 and Effect of Cause 3

Useful Words

As a consequence

As a result

For this reason

For example

For instance

In conclusion


in addition to

on account of


Useful Phrases

(X) causes / produces (Y)

(X) leads to / gives rise to / brings about / results in (Y)

This means that...

One consequence of this is...

Affect vs. effect

These two words can be easy to confuse. Here's the difference:

have an effect on; make a difference to.

"Climate change affects animal habitats."

a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.

"the effects of video games"

Essay Outline

This outline of a cause and effect essay should help you with the content of your essay.

Teacher’s Name

Course Title

Title: Choose something informative that will let readers know if you're studying causes, effects, or both

Your introduction paragraph will open with a hook to engage the reader. Some connecting information should follow. Lastly, you should have your thesis statement. The thesis statement will summarize what you're studying: causes, effects, or both.

Cause/Effect 1: In this paragraph, address the first cause or effect. A good structure is to begin with evidence or supporting information and end with the cause or effect.

Cause/Effect 2: Examine the second cause or effect. It is good to have more than one point of evidence or information to support each cause or effect.

Cause/Effect 3: The third paragraph will have the third and final cause or effect. Remember to use the useful words and phrases from above to connect ideas.

Summarize your conclusions with your ending paragraph. Restate your thesis paragraph and your three points. Then end the essay with a suggestion, opinion, or prediction.

Sample Essay

NOTE: this is a sample essay designed to fit on one page. The number of words that you are required to write, the number of ideas that you are required to express, and the formatting rules you are required to follow may be different for your own assignment. Refer to your assignment instructions for this information.

The MLA format for essays has the following rules:

Font: 12pt Times New Roman

Margins: One-inch margins in all sides

Heading: Left-justified at the beginning of the essay and includes:

Teacher's name

Course title

Paragraphs: Double spaced with indentation on first line

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  • How to write an essay outline | Guidelines & examples

How to Write an Essay Outline | Guidelines & Examples

Published on August 14, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

An essay outline is a way of planning the structure of your essay before you start writing. It involves writing quick summary sentences or phrases for every point you will cover in each paragraph , giving you a picture of how your argument will unfold.

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Table of contents

Organizing your material, presentation of the outline, examples of essay outlines, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about essay outlines.

At the stage where you’re writing an essay outline, your ideas are probably still not fully formed. You should know your topic  and have already done some preliminary research to find relevant sources , but now you need to shape your ideas into a structured argument.

Creating categories

Look over any information, quotes and ideas you’ve noted down from your research and consider the central point you want to make in the essay—this will be the basis of your thesis statement . Once you have an idea of your overall argument, you can begin to organize your material in a way that serves that argument.

Try to arrange your material into categories related to different aspects of your argument. If you’re writing about a literary text, you might group your ideas into themes; in a history essay, it might be several key trends or turning points from the period you’re discussing.

Three main themes or subjects is a common structure for essays. Depending on the length of the essay, you could split the themes into three body paragraphs, or three longer sections with several paragraphs covering each theme.

As you create the outline, look critically at your categories and points: Are any of them irrelevant or redundant? Make sure every topic you cover is clearly related to your thesis statement.

Order of information

When you have your material organized into several categories, consider what order they should appear in.

Your essay will always begin and end with an introduction and conclusion , but the organization of the body is up to you.

Consider these questions to order your material:

  • Is there an obvious starting point for your argument?
  • Is there one subject that provides an easy transition into another?
  • Do some points need to be set up by discussing other points first?

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Within each paragraph, you’ll discuss a single idea related to your overall topic or argument, using several points of evidence or analysis to do so.

In your outline, you present these points as a few short numbered sentences or phrases.They can be split into sub-points when more detail is needed.

The template below shows how you might structure an outline for a five-paragraph essay.

  • Thesis statement
  • First piece of evidence
  • Second piece of evidence
  • Summary/synthesis
  • Importance of topic
  • Strong closing statement

You can choose whether to write your outline in full sentences or short phrases. Be consistent in your choice; don’t randomly write some points as full sentences and others as short phrases.

Examples of outlines for different types of essays are presented below: an argumentative, expository, and literary analysis essay.

Argumentative essay outline

This outline is for a short argumentative essay evaluating the internet’s impact on education. It uses short phrases to summarize each point.

Its body is split into three paragraphs, each presenting arguments about a different aspect of the internet’s effects on education.

  • Importance of the internet
  • Concerns about internet use
  • Thesis statement: Internet use a net positive
  • Data exploring this effect
  • Analysis indicating it is overstated
  • Students’ reading levels over time
  • Why this data is questionable
  • Video media
  • Interactive media
  • Speed and simplicity of online research
  • Questions about reliability (transitioning into next topic)
  • Evidence indicating its ubiquity
  • Claims that it discourages engagement with academic writing
  • Evidence that Wikipedia warns students not to cite it
  • Argument that it introduces students to citation
  • Summary of key points
  • Value of digital education for students
  • Need for optimism to embrace advantages of the internet

Expository essay outline

This is the outline for an expository essay describing how the invention of the printing press affected life and politics in Europe.

The paragraphs are still summarized in short phrases here, but individual points are described with full sentences.

  • Claim that the printing press marks the end of the Middle Ages.
  • Provide background on the low levels of literacy before the printing press.
  • Present the thesis statement: The invention of the printing press increased circulation of information in Europe, paving the way for the Reformation.
  • Discuss the very high levels of illiteracy in medieval Europe.
  • Describe how literacy and thus knowledge and education were mainly the domain of religious and political elites.
  • Indicate how this discouraged political and religious change.
  • Describe the invention of the printing press in 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg.
  • Show the implications of the new technology for book production.
  • Describe the rapid spread of the technology and the printing of the Gutenberg Bible.
  • Link to the Reformation.
  • Discuss the trend for translating the Bible into vernacular languages during the years following the printing press’s invention.
  • Describe Luther’s own translation of the Bible during the Reformation.
  • Sketch out the large-scale effects the Reformation would have on religion and politics.
  • Summarize the history described.
  • Stress the significance of the printing press to the events of this period.

Literary analysis essay outline

The literary analysis essay outlined below discusses the role of theater in Jane Austen’s novel Mansfield Park .

The body of the essay is divided into three different themes, each of which is explored through examples from the book.

  • Describe the theatricality of Austen’s works
  • Outline the role theater plays in Mansfield Park
  • Introduce the research question : How does Austen use theater to express the characters’ morality in Mansfield Park ?
  • Discuss Austen’s depiction of the performance at the end of the first volume
  • Discuss how Sir Bertram reacts to the acting scheme
  • Introduce Austen’s use of stage direction–like details during dialogue
  • Explore how these are deployed to show the characters’ self-absorption
  • Discuss Austen’s description of Maria and Julia’s relationship as polite but affectionless
  • Compare Mrs. Norris’s self-conceit as charitable despite her idleness
  • Summarize the three themes: The acting scheme, stage directions, and the performance of morals
  • Answer the research question
  • Indicate areas for further study

If you want to know more about AI tools , college essays , or fallacies make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples or go directly to our tools!

  • Ad hominem fallacy
  • Post hoc fallacy
  • Appeal to authority fallacy
  • False cause fallacy
  • Sunk cost fallacy

College essays

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  • Write a College Essay
  • Write a Diversity Essay
  • College Essay Format & Structure
  • Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay

 (AI) Tools

  • Grammar Checker
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  • Text Summarizer
  • AI Detector
  • Plagiarism Checker
  • Citation Generator

You will sometimes be asked to hand in an essay outline before you start writing your essay . Your supervisor wants to see that you have a clear idea of your structure so that writing will go smoothly.

Even when you do not have to hand it in, writing an essay outline is an important part of the writing process . It’s a good idea to write one (as informally as you like) to clarify your structure for yourself whenever you are working on an essay.

If you have to hand in your essay outline , you may be given specific guidelines stating whether you have to use full sentences. If you’re not sure, ask your supervisor.

When writing an essay outline for yourself, the choice is yours. Some students find it helpful to write out their ideas in full sentences, while others prefer to summarize them in short phrases.

You should try to follow your outline as you write your essay . However, if your ideas change or it becomes clear that your structure could be better, it’s okay to depart from your essay outline . Just make sure you know why you’re doing so.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). How to Write an Essay Outline | Guidelines & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from

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Jekyll and Hyde: A* Grade / L9 Essay Example (Tension and Mystery)

Jekyll and Hyde: A* Grade / L9 Essay Example (Tension and Mystery)

Subject: English

Age range: 14-16

Resource type: Unit of work

Scrbbly - A* Grade Literature + Language Resources

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8 September 2024

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This is a student essay that was written outside of timed conditions. It received an A* grade at GCSE, for the AQA English Literature syllabus. Typos and grammatical errors have been left in, to show that even a top grade is achievable with minor errors.

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A MEGA REVISION 'JEKYLL AND HYDE' BUNDLE! (Digital + Printable PDFs, PPTs and worksheets!)

This bundle contains everything you need to teach or study Stevenson's novella 'The Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' in the form of digital and printable PDF documents. It’s perfect for students aged 14+. **This bundle is currently available at a 50% discount! ** Preview this document for free, to check whether the whole bundle is right for you [Jekyll and Hyde: Character Breakdown / Analysis]( With this bundle, students will be able to: * Understand the structural elements and key moments of the plot * Deepen their knowledge of characters, including understanding the deeper messages behind each one * Integrate the significance of the setting into their analyses and interpretations of the play as a whole * Memorise a range of carefully chosen key quotations for use in essays and analysis * Develop their language, structure and form analysis skills, with guided support and examples * Identify and analyse the thematic and contextual details * Learn approaches to a range of essay question types: discursive, argumentative, close reading * Become confident with extract interpretation and analysis * Develop their knowledge of tragic conventions and apply them to the novella * Expand their critical aptitude via exposure to key critical frameworks and critics’ quotations (for higher-level students) * Write their essays on Jekyll and Hyde, after support with planning help and example A* / top grade model answers Reasons to love this bundle: * Downloadable PDF documents, graphically designed to a high level, PowerPoints (ppts) and worksheets * Visual aids (photographs and drawings) to support learning * Organised categories that simplify the text for students * Print and digital versions - perfect for any learning environment * The unit has everything you need to start teaching or learning - starting with the basic story summary, going right up to deep contextual and critical wider readings * Lots of tasks and opportunities to practice literary analysis skills - students will be guided through writing a literary analysis response to the novella -This is what you’ll get with this bundle: (each document includes digital + printable revision guide + PowerPoint + worksheet)- THE COMPLETE JEKYLL AND HYDE COURSE: 1. [Character Analysis / Breakdown]( 2. [Plot Summary / Breakdown]( 3. [Context Analysis]( 4. [Genre]( 5. [Key Quotations]( 6. [Narrative Voice]( 7. [Setting]( 8. [Themes]( 9. [Critical Interpretation / Critics' Quotations]( 10. [Essay Help]( 11. [Essay Planning]( 12. [PEE Paragraph Practise]( 13. [Essay Practise (Gothic Atmosphere)]( 14. [L9 / A* Grade vs L7 / A Grade Example Essays + Feedback (Frightening Outsider)]( 15. [L9 / A* Grade Essay Example (Tension and Mystery)]( 16. [L8 / A Grade Essay Example + Feedback (Unnatural and Threatening)]( 17. [L6 / B Grade Essay Example + Feedback (Suspicious Atmosphere)]( 18. [L4 / C Grade Essay Example (Secrecy and Reputation)]( 19. [Study Questions / Exercises]( 20. [Essay Questions + Passage-based Questions]( Please review our content! We always value feedback and are looking for ways to improve our resources, so all reviews are more than welcome. Check out our [shop]( here.

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