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117 Real Estate Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Real estate is a vast and diverse industry that encompasses everything from buying and selling properties to property management and development. There are many fascinating topics within the field of real estate that can be explored through essays. If you are a student or professional in the real estate industry looking for essay topic ideas, you have come to the right place. In this article, we have compiled a list of 117 real estate essay topic ideas and examples to inspire your writing.

  • The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the real estate market
  • The role of technology in the future of real estate
  • The importance of sustainable development in real estate
  • The pros and cons of investing in commercial real estate
  • The impact of gentrification on urban neighborhoods
  • The benefits of using a real estate agent when buying or selling a home
  • The challenges of property management in a competitive market
  • The rise of co-living spaces in major cities
  • The impact of Airbnb on the traditional hotel industry
  • The role of real estate in economic development
  • The benefits of investing in real estate as a long-term strategy
  • The impact of zoning laws on property values
  • The benefits of investing in real estate crowdfunding platforms
  • The challenges of affordable housing in major cities
  • The impact of interest rates on the real estate market
  • The role of real estate developers in shaping urban landscapes
  • The benefits of investing in real estate investment trusts (REITs)
  • The challenges of property flipping in a competitive market
  • The impact of climate change on real estate values
  • The benefits of investing in rental properties
  • The challenges of managing a multi-family property
  • The impact of foreign investment on the real estate market
  • The benefits of investing in vacation rental properties
  • The challenges of buying a foreclosed property
  • The impact of historic preservation on property values
  • The benefits of investing in mixed-use developments
  • The challenges of property maintenance in a rental property
  • The impact of urban sprawl on property values
  • The benefits of investing in student housing properties
  • The challenges of investing in a fixer-upper property
  • The impact of property taxes on real estate values
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  • The challenges of investing in a property with high property taxes
  • The impact of mixed-use developments on property values
  • The benefits of investing in a property with a strong school district
  • The challenges of investing in a property with a high crime rate
  • The impact of green roofs on property values
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  • The impact of walkable neighborhoods on property values
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  • The impact of public parks on property values
  • The benefits of investing in a property with access to public transportation
  • The impact of mixed-income housing on property values

Whether you are a student looking for a research topic or a professional looking to expand your knowledge, these real estate essay topic ideas and examples can help you explore the many facets of the industry. From the impact of technology on the future of real estate to the challenges of investing in a fixer-upper property, there are endless possibilities for exploration within the field of real estate. So pick a topic that interests you, do some research, and start writing your next real estate essay today!

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Real Estate Business Essay Sample

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Business , Real Estate , Customers , Market , City , Marketing , Company , Development

Words: 3250

Published: 02/27/2020


Following the American Psychological Association’s Guidelines

Introduction In this essay, how the real estate business is creating an oligopoly market in the city is to be discussed. As known, the new developing cities attract investors to the cities and the first investors in the city become the people related to the real estate business. The new developing cities are the places where changing economic conditions creates new job and business opportunities; therefore they attract more population including new investors, new workers, new service business etc. The more population in the new developing city means the higher demand for the accommodation facilities such as new buildings, condominiums, apartments, children parks, social facilities, and other residential related investments. All the new needs a developing city might have are related to the real estate business, and the demand for land increases. As a result of a higher demand for land, also it is known that the total amount of land is limited; the city faces higher prices for the land. The higher prices for the land cause a new result; an investor who is willing to invest in the real estate business becomes in need of higher amount of financial resources. This situation creates an oligopoly market in the real estate business. Mostly, financially strong companies can enter the market and the number of these companies becomes limited because of the limited amount of the land in the city. Another fact in the real estate business is the information. Only the big companies can make better studies to assess the values of the developing cities and this information gives them the power to be oligopolistic. Consequently, due to the higher demand and the higher prices for the land and the asymmetric information problems, we observe that an oligopolistic market comes into existence in the new developing cities. Also it should be mentioned that even the old cities might face the same problem of oligopolistic real estate market, because the new developments in the settled and old cities might influence the value of the land. The change in the value of the land mostly causes an oligopolistic market in the real estate market. Thus, the oligopoly problem in this market might occur in the new developing cities and in the old cities as well.

Market Structures: Perfect Competition,

Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly, and Monopoly In this section, short information on the different market types is to be given. Perfect competition, monopolistic competition, monopoly, and oligopoly markets will be introduced at a basic level. Perfect competition market is an idealistic market which is not possible to observe in the real life. The most important two features of the perfect competition are the following assumptions: 1) All the agents in the market has the full information of the market including the cost structures of the productions, quality of the products in the market, price determination processes, customer’s utilities, customers’ demand function, etc., and 2) Entrance to and exit from the market is free for sellers and buyers. Full information and free entry and exit assumptions create an environment where producers and buyers can do anything inside the market price mechanism; therefore, companies have the equal opportunity in the market. Monopoly is a market structure where one company dominates the market and there exist insurmountable entry barriers. These barriers help the company hold the full market share. However, these barriers do not guarantee a full power to the only company in the market, because the company has to convince the customers in the market. We sometimes observe that monopoly companies are advertising to raise the company’s market power, even though it is a monopoly company. Monopolistic competition market has a theoretical place between monopoly and perfect competitive market. In general there is perfect competition and there are no certain entry or exit barriers in the market. However, there is something different from perfect competitive market: Companies can differentiate their products. That makes a great difference between monopolistic competition and perfect competition markets. Companies aim at creating a temporarily monopoly power. Basically, companies try to create a product image telling customers that their product is better than other products, and when the customers believe in this claim, the company has a monopoly power. However, when the customers believe that there is no difference among the different companies’ products, the company loses the temporary monopoly power. Because of that, all the companies struggle to continue spending their efforts to have monopoly power and they spend a lot of resources for advertisement. Also, in the monopolistic competition market, the full information assumption does not hold, because the companies hide some information from the customers, while they are trying to differentiate their products from the other substitution products in the market. Oligopoly market is a non-competitive market type, and there exist some barriers to enter the market. These barriers might be created due to some legal arrangements such as copyright laws, or economic barriers such as very high entrance investment costs, or an agreement on creating barriers among the strong incumbent companies. Because of these barriers, only a few companies might enter and operate in the market. For example, the train logistics market is an oligopoly market and cell phone markets are oligopoly markets, because, to enter these markets, a company needs to make a large amount of investment, and only a few companies can afford this spending. In the oligopoly market, companies would like to continue their power, and mostly they make an agreement implicitly or explicitly. These agreements are not required to be a written agreement, and even they are mostly verbal agreements.

The Structure of the Real Estate Market

The real estate market is an oligopoly market. In old times, the countries were trying to create a social equality, and people were getting equal amount of land per household. However, in the modern times, the human population has been increasing logarithmically and the demand for land is increasing accordingly. Consequently, as human race, we need to use more lands to create accommodations for people. The new dynamics for a world with larger population are creating new opportunities for cities. There are a few dominant industries and these industries are being relocated. For example, the more industrial production places are moving to the cities in the developing countries and the cities in the developed countries are becoming more service dominant places. This movement is causing a change in the value of the land in the different cities. Subsequently, the change in the value of the land is creating new opportunities in the cities. The new opportunities appearing in the cities do not mean an equal opportunity for every citizen, because of the high costs of purchasing and developing real estates. Mostly, financially strong companies are being able to penetrate to the real estate market easily in the different part of the world. For example, we observe that some real estate companies in Florida is marketing shops, houses and other real estate products in Dubai, Istanbul or in other cities with an emerging economy, and they have the financial and organizational power to play an important role in the international real estate market while the local actors cannot enter this market. Thus, basically we observe that a certain number of players in the international real estate market has the capacity to catch any opportunity in any city all around the world, and the other local real estate agents cannot compete against them. How can some real estate companies have that much power in the market? There are two main factors to answer this question: 1) They are financially strong, and 2) They have the capacity to gather the market information better than other people; therefore they are making better studies to guess the opportunities in the real estate market; in another word, there exists an inequality to reach the information – asymmetric information. Analyzing the real estate at the city level, the local real estate agents and residents of the city has a big disadvantage against the large international real estate companies. As a result of this, the real estate market is an oligopoly market at the city level and at the international level.

Entry Barriers and Long Profitability for the Companies

The real estate market is very dynamic industry. The dynamic economies of the cities are immediately influencing the real estate market. Let us assume that a city with lower level of economic activity is being transformed into a developing city with new developing industries. As a result of the economic development in the city, the demand for the real estate increases, and subsequently, this increase causes an increase in the price of the real estate products. At the beginning, the local people and the local real estate agents have the property rights for the lands in the city, and they cannot collect the information efficiently compared to the large real estate companies to make better real estate investment decisions. Mostly, the owners of the real estates, after receiving a little better real estate prices for their properties, they will make a decision of selling their real estates, and they sell their real estate with a price lower than the future higher prices. The large real estate companies can easily develop a long term real estate development strategy for this city. In the short run, they purchase most of the lands in the city, and they develop their building and social facility projects. In the future, they can easily sell their developed real estate products for higher prices than the price they purchase from the local people and from the local real estate agents. In time, we can observe that most valuable lands belong to the large real estate companies. Because of the astronomic or higher prices for the real estate products, the ex-owners of these lands cannot enter the real estate market again. Consequently, the city has an oligopolistic real estate market. In the short run, the local people and the local agents might make some profit by selling their real estate products; however, in the long run, the local agents may not have the opportunity to develop real estate and make higher profits. The large real estate companies have the capacity to develop real estate projects, and, considering that they have enough financial resources, the large companies will have better opportunity to make higher profits in the real estate market. Thus, we can claim that in the short run the local agents might make some profits, however, in the long run only the oligopolistic large companies can make profit. Another important fact, the large companies can have hidden or explicit agreements among themselves, because they have better information and they have better human resources to use this information. Therefore, if they all see a common gain for all large companies, they can arrange agreements to create higher profits from the real estate business and share it. The number of the local agents is large, they cannot collect enough information, and they do not have high quality human resources. Subsequently, the large companies can create very high barriers for the local people and the local agents to enter the market and make profit in the long run. The local people and the local agents mostly realize the situation later than the large companies. Even though they realize that the real estate business is gaining more value in the city, they might not afford to enter the market. Finally, the large companies sweep them out of the market.

Competitive Pressures in the Real Estate Market with High Barriers

In the real estate marker, there is no high competition. Mostly, we observe that a few large companies are leading the market, because the real estate business requires having a large amount of capital. Also developing real estate projects are also very costly. Beside the high costs, also the strong companies can make agreements to have the oligopolistic power in the market. Finally, we do not observe a competitive pressure in the real estate market. However, as mentioned in the second section of this essay, having the monopoly or oligopoly power, the large companies might have some problems. The real estate market is important in the country economies. This sector provides accommodation and social facilities for the people. People might construct their own houses; but that might be costly; therefore, they prefer buying apartments inside condominiums with some social facilities. Consequently, we see that the large companies have an advantage of producing housing for people for lower costs. This lower cost advantage gives a power to the large companies to create a profit maximizing marketing strategy. Thus, we can observe the competition between the customers and the large real estate companies. The customers try to get more in quality and quantity, while the large companies try to maximize their profits.

Price Elasticity of Demand in the Real Estate Market

Because the amount of lands is limited and there is an oligopoly structure, the customers’ price elasticity of demand will be lower. As known, price elasticity of demand exhibits us how strong the customers are against the oligopolistic companies. In the real estate case, the customers have some advantages and some disadvantages. The customers can prefer other accommodation alternatives such as living in a close city, living in a village, staying in RV etc. However, on the other side, the city is attracting the people because of the more job opportunities. Thus, people are feeling that they need to live in this city. There might be many other factors influencing the strength of the customers and of course their price elasticity. The real estate prices also might shape the demography of the population. For example, some people might create some social groups which help people to survive together. In this case, the people belonging to these social groups might catch better job opportunities, higher income and better living conditions. Therefore, they might be able to afford the higher prices for accommodation. Another case might like Detroit example. The automotive companies have hired many engineers and other blue collar workers in their factories. The blue collar people make higher income; therefore a group of people who can afford the higher prices for accommodation might be in the city. Thus, if there is a group of people who can afford the higher prices, than their price elasticity of demand might be lower. The customers become less sensitive to the prices. Otherwise, if the average income in the city is low, then the price elasticity of demand will be higher. In another word, the customers will be very sensitive to the prices.

The Role of Government’s Decisions on the Real Estate Market

Governments might intervene the real estate market, because the real estate market productions are also social products. Accommodation is important for people socially. In many culture, having a house, or having better accommodation conditions are also kind of prestige for people. Housing is also a part of socio-economic development, and governments are responsible for creating socio-economic development. With this background information, we can claim that a government with social objectives might intervene the real estate market. In house renting business, we observe that some countries have developed some laws to protect the renters from the high prices. Also, some governments are trying to redistribute the lands in favor of poor people in the rural areas. Also some taxation application might be used to decrease the social loss due to the higher prices in the real estate market. Applying higher tax ratios for the secondary houses or for the income from developing real estate projects might decrease the profitability of the large real estate companies. Another important factor that might be a reason for a government to intervene the market can be environment protection. As known, the real estate business is very closely related to the construction business. Construction business ingredients are gathered from the nature and it damages the environment. Thus, to protect the environment, a government might implement higher tax ratios for damaging the environment or might implement some other punishments. However, we observe that the large real estate companies can easily cope with these problems. They can create a pressure on the local governments and they can convince the governments to continue their activities. Also as known, some liberal political parties support the foreigner large companies and they might provide better opportunities for the large multinational companies.

International Trade’s Influence on the Real Estate Market

The real estate business is closely related with international trade. Some multinational companies are dominant in the real estate market. They find the best regions in the other countries to invest and they can carry large amount of capital to these countries. They also can create a political pressure on the local governments by using the power of capital. These companies also are able to create efficient organizations in the other countries with high skilled workers. All the facts mentioned in the above paragraph, they can create a big influence on the developing countries and even on the developed countries. The last global financial crisis have proved us that the real estate market and other closed markets like mortgage and sub-mortgage markets might change the economic environment in the world. The crisis has spread to the other countries in a short time period. Also these companies can organize their real estate production processes in different countries. Marketing departments locate in the developed countries while the cement and the other ingredients important for real estate business might locate in the developing countries with lower cost of production. By using all these advantages, they can easily penetrate into any economy. These companies also show their power in the countries which experienced a large destruction due to the local wars such as Iraq, Lebanon, and other similar countries. They can make large profits and they carry their profits back to their home countries.

Bardhan, A.D., R.H. Edelstein and C. Leung, 2004, “Globalization and Urban Residential Rents,” Journal of Urban Economics, 56, 3, 505-513. Conover, C.M., H.S. Friday and G.S. Sirmans, 2002, “Diversification Benefits from Foreign Real Estate Investments,” Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, 8, 1, 17-25 Dokko, Y., R. Edelstein, A.J. Lacayo, and D.C. Lee, 1999, “Real Estate Value Cycles: A Theory of Market Dynamics,” Journal of Real Estate Research, 18, 1, 69-95. Eichholtz, P.M.A., R. Huisman, K. Koedijk, and L. Schuin, 1998, “Continental Factors in International Real Estate Returns,” Real Estate Economics, 26, 493-509 Newell, G. and J. Webb, 1996, “Assessing Risk for International Real Estate Investments,” The Journal of Real Estate Research, 11, 2, 103-115.


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Essays on Real Estate

Real Estate is a topic that affects everyone, whether we are looking to buy or sell a property, or just interested in the market trends. Writing an essay about Real Estate can help you explore various aspects of this field and contribute to the conversation about this important topic.

Choosing a topic for your Real Estate essay can be challenging, but it's important to pick one that you are passionate about and that will capture the interest of your readers. Whether you want to write an argumentative essay, a cause and effect essay, an opinion essay, or an informative essay, there are plenty of topics to explore. For an argumentative essay, you could discuss the impact of real estate on the economy or the pros and cons of investing in property. For a cause and effect essay, you might explore the reasons behind the housing market crash or the effects of gentrification on communities. If you prefer to write an opinion essay, you could share your thoughts on the best real estate investment strategies or the future of the housing market. And for an informative essay, you could delve into the history of real estate or the process of buying a home.

For example, if you choose to write an informative essay on the history of real estate, your thesis statement could be: "The history of real estate is a fascinating journey that has shaped the world we live in today."

In your paragraph, you could start by providing a brief overview of the history of real estate, highlighting key moments and developments. You could then discuss the significance of understanding this history and how it impacts the current real estate landscape.

In your paragraph, you could summarize the main points of your essay and emphasize the importance of learning from the past to make informed decisions in the future. You could also encourage further exploration of this topic and its relevance to our lives.

By following these examples and tips, you can create a compelling and engaging essay on Real Estate that will captivate your readers and contribute to the ongoing conversation about this dynamic and influential field.

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Real estate is property consisting of land and the buildings on it, along with its natural resources such as crops, minerals or water; immovable property of this nature; an interest vested in this (also) an item of real property, (more generally) buildings or housing in general.

There are five main categories of real estate: residential, commercial, industrial, raw land, and special use.

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essay on real estate business


Essay on Real Estate

Students are often asked to write an essay on Real Estate in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Real Estate

What is real estate.

Real estate is about owning, buying, or selling land, houses, or buildings. It’s a big part of the economy and can be a good way to make money. There are three main types: residential, commercial, and industrial.

Residential Real Estate

Residential real estate is about homes. It includes houses, apartments, townhouses, and condos. This is the type most people think of when they hear “real estate”. People buy these properties to live in or rent out to others.

Commercial Real Estate

Commercial real estate is for business use. It includes offices, malls, and stores. Businesses rent these spaces to run their operations. Investing in commercial real estate can be profitable but it’s also risky.

Industrial Real Estate

Industrial real estate includes factories, warehouses, and research centers. These properties are used for making goods, storing items, or doing research. This type of real estate is important for businesses that make or store things.

Real Estate as Investment

250 words essay on real estate.

Real estate is land plus anything permanently fixed to it, like buildings, houses, and other structures. It includes both natural and man-made things. The term “real” comes from the Latin root res, meaning “things.”

Types of Real Estate

There are four types of real estate. The first is residential, which includes homes for families, apartments, and townhouses. The second type is commercial, which includes office buildings, shopping centers, and hotels. The third type is industrial, which includes factories and warehouses. The last type is land, which includes vacant land, working farms, and ranches.

Buying and Selling Real Estate

People buy and sell real estate for many reasons. Some buy homes to live in. Others buy to rent out and make money. Businesses buy commercial and industrial properties to use for their operations. Selling real estate can provide a large profit if the property’s value has increased over time.

Real Estate Agents

Real estate agents help people buy and sell properties. They know about the local market and can give advice on prices. They also help with paperwork and negotiations.

Why is Real Estate Important?

Real estate is important because it’s a big part of the economy. It can create jobs and wealth. It also gives people a place to live and work. It’s a way for people to invest their money and potentially earn more in the future.

500 Words Essay on Real Estate

Real estate is land, plus any buildings or resources on that land. It is divided into three types: residential, commercial, and industrial. Residential real estate includes houses and apartments. Commercial real estate includes offices and shopping centers. Industrial real estate includes factories and mines.

People buy and sell real estate for many reasons. Some people buy a house to live in. Others buy real estate to make money, by renting it out or selling it for a higher price later. When you sell a piece of real estate, you can make a profit if its value has gone up. But if its value has gone down, you might lose money.

Investing in Real Estate

Investing in real estate means buying property to make money. There are several ways to do this. You can buy a property and rent it out, earning money from the rent. You can also buy a property and sell it later for a higher price. Some people invest in real estate by buying properties that need fixing up, then selling them for a profit once they’re improved.

Risks and Rewards of Real Estate

Investing in real estate can be risky, but it can also be very rewarding. The value of real estate can go up and down, and there’s always a risk that you might not make money. But if you make smart choices and understand the market, you can make a lot of money from real estate. It’s also a tangible asset, which means you can see and touch it, unlike stocks or bonds.

The Role of Real Estate in the Economy

In conclusion, real estate is a complex field with many different aspects. It can be a good investment, but it also comes with risks. Understanding the basics of real estate can help you make informed decisions, whether you’re buying a home to live in or investing in property to make money.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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  • Identify Who You Are as a Real Estate Agent
  • Analyze Your Real Estate Market
  • Identify Your Ideal Client
  • Conduct a SWOT Analysis
  • Establish Your SMART Goals
  • Create Your Financial Plan
  • Track Your Progress & Adjust as Needed
  • Bringing It All Together

Are you ready to take your business to the next level? I’ve got just the thing to help you— a foolproof real estate business plan. But before you start thinking, “Ugh, not a boring business plan for real estate,” hear me out. I’ve got a template that’ll make the process a breeze. Plus, I’ll walk you through seven easy steps to craft a plan to put you ahead of the game and have you achieve your wildest real estate dreams in no time. Your success story starts now.

Screenshot of Real Estate Business Plan Template

Key Takeaways:

  • A well-crafted business plan is your roadmap to success. It guides your decisions and keeps you focused on your goals.
  • Create a solid plan by defining your mission, vision, and values, analyzing your market and ideal client, conducting a SWOT analysis, setting SMART goals, and creating a financial plan.
  • Regularly track your progress, review your key performance indicators (KPIs), stay flexible, and seek accountability to ensure long-term success.
  • Remember, your Realtor business plan should evolve with your business. Embrace change and stay focused on your goals to make your real estate dreams a reality.

Do Agents Really Need a Real Estate Business Plan?

Absolutely. Your real estate agent business plan is your roadmap to success. Without it, you risk losing direction and focus in your real estate career.

A well-crafted business plan helps you:

  • Understand your current position in the market
  • Set clear and achievable goals
  • Create a roadmap for success
  • Track your progress and performance
  • Make informed decisions and adjustments

Think of your real estate business planning as your GPS, guiding you from your current situation to your desired destination. It serves as your North Star, keeping you focused and on track, even in challenging times. Invest the time to create a solid business plan, and you’ll be well-positioned to succeed in your market and achieve your goals. Your future self will appreciate the effort you put in now.

Before we dive into this section, get our real estate business plan template ( click here to go back up to grab it ) and work through it as I explain each section. I’ll give you some direction on each element to help you craft your own business plan.

1. Identify Who You Are as a Real Estate Agent

Let’s start with your “why.” Understanding your purpose for choosing real estate is crucial because it is the foundation for your business plan and guides your decision-making process. Defining your mission, vision, and values will help you stay focused and motivated as you navigate your real estate career.

Mission: Your mission statement defines your purpose for choosing real estate. It clearly states what you’re trying to do, the problem you want to solve, and the difference you want to make.

Ex: Wanda Sellfast’s mission is to empower first-time homebuyers in Sunnyvale, California, to achieve their dream of homeownership and build long-term wealth through real estate.

Vision: Your vision statement focuses on the ultimate outcome you want to achieve for your clients and community.

Ex: Wanda Sellfast’s vision is a Sunnyvale, where everyone has the opportunity to own a home and build a stable, secure future, creating a more inclusive and prosperous community for all.

Values: Your core values are the guiding principles that shape your behavior, decisions, and interactions with clients and colleagues.

Ex: Wanda Sellfast’s core values include:

  • Integrity: Being honest, transparent, and ethical in all dealings.
  • Dedication: Being devoted to clients’ success and going the extra mile.
  • Community: Building strong, vibrant communities and giving back.

Clearly defining your mission, vision, and values lays the foundation for a strong and purposeful real estate business that will help you positively impact your clients’ lives and your community.

2. Analyze Your Real Estate Market

As a real estate pro, you must deeply understand your local market. This knowledge includes knowing key metrics such as average days on market, average price points, common home styles and sizes, and demographic trends. When someone asks about the market, you should be able to confidently roll those numbers off your tongue without hesitation.

To quickly become the local expert, choosing specific farm areas to focus on is crucial. Concentrate your marketing efforts and build your local knowledge in a handful of communities and neighborhoods.

Some places to do research include:

  • Your local MLS: Check your hot sheet daily
  • Zillow: Check out the Premier Agents who show up in your neighborhood
  • Social media: Who is targeting their posts to your area?
  • Direct mail: Check your mailbox for flyers and postcards
  • Drive by: Drive through your farm areas to see who has signs in yards

Row of small houses in different colors.

Once you’ve identified your target areas, start conducting comparative market analyses (CMAs) to familiarize yourself with the properties and trends in those neighborhoods. That way, you’ll provide accurate insights to your clients and make informed decisions in your business.

Remember to research your competition. Understand what other agents working in the same area are doing, who they’re targeting, and identify any gaps in their services. This understanding will help you differentiate yourself from your competition and better serve your clients’ needs. In our real estate business planning template, I ask you to examine and record:

  • Trends: Track key metrics, such as days on market and average sold prices, to stay informed about your specific market.
  • Market opportunities: Identify situations where there are more buyers and sellers (or vice versa) in the marketplace so you can better advise your clients and find opportunities for them and your business.
  • Market saturation: Recognize areas where there may be an oversupply of certain property types or price points, allowing you to adjust your strategy accordingly.
  • Local competition: Analyze your competitors’ strengths, weaknesses, and gaps in their services to identify opportunities for differentiation and possibilities to create a more meaningful impact.

Remember, real estate is hyper-local. While national and state news can provide some context, your primary focus should be on specific needs and trends within your target areas and the clients you want to serve. By thoroughly analyzing your local real estate market, you’ll be well-equipped to make informed decisions, provide valuable insights to your clients, and ultimately build a successful and thriving business.

3. Identify Your Ideal Client

When creating your real estate business plan, it’s crucial to identify your ideal client. You can’t be everything to everyone, no matter how much you think you should. And trust me, you certainly don’t want to work with every single person who needs real estate advice. By focusing on your ideal client, you’ll create a targeted marketing message that effectively attracts the right people to your business—those you want to work with. 

Two young women looking at a laptop together in a coffee shop.

Think of your target market as a broad group of people who might be interested in your services, while your ideal client is a specific person you are best suited to work with within that group. To create a detailed profile of your ideal client, ask yourself questions like:

  • What age range do they fall into?
  • What’s their family situation?
  • What’s their income level and profession?
  • What are their hobbies and interests?
  • What motivates them to buy or sell a home?
  • What are their biggest fears or concerns about the real estate process?

Answering these questions will help you create a clear picture of your ideal client, making it easier to tailor your marketing messages and services to meet their needs. Consider using this ideal client worksheet , which guides you through the process of creating a detailed client avatar. This will ensure you don’t miss any important aspects of their profile, and you can refer back to it as you develop your marketing plan .

By incorporating your ideal client into your overall business plan, you’ll be better equipped to make informed decisions about your marketing efforts, service offerings, and growth strategies. This clarity will help you build stronger relationships with your clients, stand out from the competition, and ultimately achieve your real estate business goals.

4. Conduct a SWOT Analysis

If you want to crush it in this business, you’ve got to think like an entrepreneur. One of the best tools in your arsenal is a SWOT analysis. It sounds ominous, but don’t worry, it’s actually pretty simple. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It’s all about taking a good, hard look at yourself and your business.

Infographic of a SWOT analysis with strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

What do you slay at? Maybe you're a master negotiator or have a knack for finding hidden gem properties. Whatever it is, own it and make it the backbone of your strategy.What's happening in your market that you can use to your advantage? Is there an untapped niche or a new technology that could help you streamline your business?
We all have weaknesses, so don't be afraid to admit yours. You may not be the best at staying organized or struggle with marketing. The key is to be honest with yourself and either work on improving those areas or hire someone to help you.There's competition out there, but don't let that keep you up at night. Instead of obsessing over what other agents are doing, focus on your game plan and stick to it. Identifying threats means recognizing things outside your control that could hinder your success, like the slowing real estate market or limited inventory.

By conducting a SWOT analysis as part of your real estate business plan, you’ll have a clear picture of your current situation and your future goals. And don’t just do it once and forget about it—review and update it regularly to stay on top of your game.

5. Establish Your SMART Goals

If you want to make it big in real estate, setting goals is an absolute must . But not just any goals— I’m talking about SMART goals . SMART stands for Specific , Measurable , Achievable, Relevant , and Time-bound . It’s like a recipe for success, ensuring your goals are clear, realistic, and have a deadline.

Your SMART goals are an integral part of your overall business plan for real estate. They should be stepping stones to help you achieve your long-term vision and mission. So, analyze your SWOT analysis, ideal client, and market, and craft goals that will help you dominate your niche.

Example Smart Goal: Close 10 transactions in the next quarter.

Make sure to provide as many details as possible behind your goals. Don’t just say, “I want to sell more houses.” That’s too vague. In the example above, the goal is specific: “close 10 transactions.”

If you can’t measure your progress, how will you know if you’re crushing it or falling behind? Ensure your goals have numbers attached to track your success or see where you need to focus more energy. “Close 10 transactions” has a specific number, so you have a way to measure your progress.

I know you’ve got big dreams for your real estate business , but Rome wasn’t built in a day. Set goals that stretch you beyond your comfort zone but are still achievable. This way, you’ll gain confidence, build momentum, and push yourself to new heights. Closing 10 transactions in a quarter is a lofty goal, but it’s still achievable. Your goals should stretch you but still be within your reach.

Relevant goals are the ones that actually move the needle for your business. Sure, becoming the next TikTok sensation might be a lot of fun, but unless TikTok generates most of your clients, it won’t help you close more deals. Your goals should be laser-focused on the activities and milestones that will help you grow your real estate career. In the example above, the goal is specifically related to real estate. 

Deadlines are your friend. Without a timeline, your goals are just wishes. Give yourself a precise end date and work backward to create a plan of action. In the example, the deadline for achieving the goal is the end of the current quarter. If you don’t achieve the goal, you can evaluate where the shortfall was and reset for the next quarter.

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”

Tony Robbins headshot

Tony Robbins

Remember, just like your SWOT analysis, your goals aren’t set in stone. Review and adjust them regularly to stay on track and adapt to business and market changes.

6. Create Your Financial Plan

Financial planning might not be your idea of a good time, but this is where your real estate business plan really comes together. Thanks to all the research and strategizing you’ve done, most of the heavy lifting is already done. Now, it’s just a matter of plugging in the numbers and ensuring everything adds up.

In this real estate business plan template section, you’ll want to account for all your operating expenses. That means everything from your marketing budget to your lead generation costs. Don’t forget about the little things (like printer ink, file folders, thank you cards, etc.)—they might seem small, but they can add up quickly. Some typical expenses to consider include:

  • Marketing and advertising (business cards, website , social media ads )
  • Lead generation ( online leads , referral fees, networking events )
  • Office supplies and equipment (computer, printer, software subscriptions )
  • Transportation (gas, car maintenance, parking)
  • Professional development (training, courses, conferences )
  • Dues and memberships (MLS fees, association dues)
  • Insurance (errors and omissions, general liability)
  • Taxes and licenses (business licenses, self-employment taxes)

Once you’ve figured out your expenses, it’s time to reverse-engineer the numbers and determine how many deals you need to close each month to cover your costs. If you’re just starting out and don’t have a track record to go off of, no worries! This planning period allows you to set a budget and create a roadmap for success.

essay on real estate business

Pro tip: Keep your personal and business finances separate. Never dip into your personal cash for business expenses. Not only will it make tax time a nightmare, but it’s way too easy to blow your budget without even realizing it.

If you’re evaluating your starting assets and realizing they don’t quite match your startup costs, don’t panic. This new insight is just a sign that you must return to the drawing board and tweak your strategy until the numbers line up. It might take some trial and error, but getting your financial plan right from the start is worth it.

7. Track Your Progress & Adjust as Needed

You’ve worked hard and created a killer real estate business plan, and you’re ready to take on the world. But remember, your business plan isn’t a one-and-done deal. It’s a living, breathing document that needs to evolve as your business grows and changes. That’s why it’s so important to track your progress and make adjustments along the way. 

Here are a few key things to keep in mind:

  • Set regular check-ins: Schedule dedicated time to review your progress and see how you’re doing against your goals, whether weekly, monthly, or quarterly.
  • Keep an eye on your KPIs: Your key performance indicators (KPIs) are the metrics that matter most to your business. Things like lead generation, conversion rates, and average sales price can give you a clear picture of your performance.
  • Celebrate your wins: When you hit a milestone or crush a goal, take a moment to celebrate. Acknowledging your successes will keep you motivated and energized.
  • Don’t be afraid to pivot: If something isn’t working, change course. Your real estate business plan should be flexible enough to accommodate new opportunities and shifting market conditions.
  • Stay accountable: Find an accountability partner, join a mastermind group, or work with a coach to help you stay on track and overcome obstacles.

“It’s the small wins on the long journey that we need in order to keep our confidence, joy, and motivation alive.”

Brendon Burchard headshot

Brendon Burchard

Remember, your real estate business plan is your roadmap to success. But even the best-laid plans need to be adjusted from time to time. By tracking your progress, staying flexible, and keeping your eye on the prize, you’ll be well on your way to building the real estate business of your dreams.

How do I start a real estate business plan?

Use this step-by-step guide and the downloadable real estate business plan template to map your business goals, finances, and mission. Identify your ideal client so you can target your marketing strategy. Once you’ve completed all the business plan elements, put them into action and watch your real estate business grow.

Is starting a real estate business profitable?

In the most simple terms, absolutely yes! Real estate can be an extremely profitable business if it’s run properly. But you need to have a roadmap to follow to keep track of your spending vs income. It’s easy to lose track of expenses and overextend yourself when you don’t have a set plan.

How do I jump-start my real estate business?

One of the easiest ways to jump-start any business is to set clear goals for yourself. Use this guide and the downloadable template to ensure you have clear, concise, trackable goals to keep you on track.

How do I organize my real estate business?

Start by setting some SMART goals to give yourself a concrete idea of what you see as success. Then, make sure you’re using the right tools—customer relationship manager (CRM), website, digital document signing, digital forms, etc., and make sure you have them easily accessible. Try keeping most of your business running from inside your CRM. It’s much easier to keep everything organized if everything is in one place.

Now, you have a step-by-step guide to creating a real estate business plan that will take your career to the next level. Taking the extra time to map your path to success is an essential step in helping you achieve your goals. Spend the extra time—it’s worth it. Now, it’s time to do the work and make it happen. You’ve got this!

Have you created your real estate business plan? Did I miss any crucial steps? Let me know in the comments!

essay on real estate business

As a licensed real estate agent in Florida, Jodie built a successful real estate business by combining her real estate knowledge, copywriting, and digital marketing expertise.


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Real Estate Business, Essay Example

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You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work.

Realtors use a variety of different media in order to advertise and promote their services. The following are examples of media examples they utilize to promote their services:

Web Sites: These are useful for gaining linkages to social media sites like Facebook, Twitter etc. In addition for gaining valuable small local business sponsors by linking to their sites and having reciprocal advertising banners that enables you to widen the net for customer access. Search engine optimization allows you to appear on web browsers by linking keywords with locations e.g. Realtors, Real Estate Agent, and Toronto.  Thus allowing interested parties to focus in on your location.  Websites allow realtors to list their properties and submit virtual tours, allowing prospective buyers to view the properties online. This can be linked to maps, local amenities, services etc.

Mass Media advertising: Items like the Television, Magazines and Mailing lists allow wide circulation of the Realtors Services.  This has also included banners on Taxis and Buses depicting the friendly realtor and services.  These are indiscriminate marketing services with the hope of volume saturation capturing a small percentage of the market. A one per cent return, say 10 customers out of 1,000 may constitute a successful return. The value of mass media advertising is that it is reducing in cost and becoming a viable useful tool in the realtors marketing armoury. (Understanding e-commerce, 2011)

Personal Contact: Personal contacts i.e. return customers, referrals, direct recommendations etc. are the most powerful and effective means of doing business. A dedicated committed realtor that offers a high quality personal service that is considered value for money will always yield higher results. (MacLennan, 2008).  Most realtors prefer to build up portfolios of personal contacts, existing clients and targeted new clients.

Works Cited

MacLennan, S. J. (2008, 9 24). The Value of a Personal referal . Retrieved 7 9, 2011, from Edmonton Real Estate: http://edmontonrealestateblog.com/2008/09/the-value-of-a.html

Understanding e-commerce. (2011, 5 13). Mass Media Advertising is Far Less Expensive Than Ever . Retrieved 7 9, 2011, from Understanding e-commerce: http://understandingecommerce.com/2011/05/mass-media-advertising-is-far-less-expensive-than-ever/

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Blog Business 5 Real Estate Business Plan Examples & How to Create One?

5 Real Estate Business Plan Examples & How to Create One?

Written by: Danesh Ramuthi Nov 28, 2023

Real Estate Business Plan Examples

Crafting a business plan is essential for any business and the real estate sector is no exception. In real estate, a comprehensive business plan serves as a roadmap, delineating a clear path towards business growth. 

It guides owners, agents and brokers through various critical aspects such as identifying target markets, devising effective marketing strategies, planning finances and managing client relationships.

For real estate businesses, a well-written plan is crucial in attracting potential investors, showcasing the company’s mission statement, business model and long-term income goals.

So, how can you write one?

Leveraging tools like Venngage Business Plan Make r with their Business Plan Templates to create your own real estate business plan can be transformative.

They offer a lot of real estate business plan examples and templates, streamlining the process of crafting a comprehensive plan.

Click to jump ahead: 

  • 5 real estate business plan examples

How to write a real estate business plan?

  • Wrapping Up

5 Real estate business plan examples

As I have said before, a well-crafted business plan is a key to success. Whether you’re a seasoned agent or just starting out, examples of effective real estate business plans can offer invaluable insights. Along with a solid business plan, incorporating innovative real estate marketing ideas is crucial for standing out in this competitive market.

These examples showcase a range of strategies and approaches tailored to various aspects of the real estate market. They serve as guides to structuring a plan that addresses key components like market analysis, marketing strategies, financial planning and client management, ensuring a solid foundation for any real estate venture.

Real estate business plan example

There are various elements in a real estate business plan that must be integrated. Incorporating these elements into a real estate business plan ensures a comprehensive approach to launching and growing a successful real estate business. 

Real Estate Business Plan Template

What are they?

  • Executive summary: The executive summary is a concise overview of the real estate business plan. It highlights the mission statement, outlines the business goals and provides a snapshot of the overall strategy. 
  • Company overview: An overview on the history and structure of the real estate business. It includes the company’s mission and vision statements, information about the founding team and the legal structure of the business. 
  • Service: Here, the business plan details the specific services offered by the real estate agency. This could range from residential property sales and leasing to commercial real estate services. The section should clearly articulate how these services meet the needs of the target client and how they stand out from competitors.
  • Strategies: A very crucial part of the plan outlines the strategies for achieving business goals. It covers marketing strategies to generate leads, pricing strategies for services, and tactics for effective client relationship management. Strategies for navigating market shifts, identifying key market trends and leveraging online resources for property listings and real estate listing presentations to help with lead generation are also included.
  • Financial plan: The financial plan is a comprehensive section detailing the financial projections of the business. It includes income statements, cash flow statements , break-even analysis and financial goals. Besides, a financial plan section also outlines how resources will be allocated to different areas of the business and the approach to managing the financial aspects of the real estate market, such as average sales price and housing market trends.

Real Estate Marketing Plan Template

Read Also: 7 Best Business Plan Software for 2023

Real estate investment business plan example

A real estate investment business plan is a comprehensive blueprint that outlines the goals and strategies of a real estate investment venture. It serves as a roadmap, ensuring that all facets of real estate investment are meticulously considered.

Real Estate Investment Business Plan Template

Creating a business plan for real estate investment is a critical step for any investor, regardless of their experience level Typically, these plans span one to five years, offering a detailed strategy for future company objectives and the steps required to achieve them.

Key components:

  • Executive summary: Snapshot of the business, outlining its mission statement, target market, and core strategies. It should be compelling enough to attract potential investors and partners.
  • Market analysis: A thorough analysis of the real estate market, including current trends, average sales prices and potential market shifts.
  • Financial projections: Detailed financial plans, including income statements, cash flow analysis, and break-even analysis.
  • Strategy & implementation: Outlines how the business plans to achieve its goals. This includes marketing efforts to generate leads, pricing strategies, client relationship management techniques, and the integration of effective real estate digital marketing agency initiatives.
  • Legal structure & resource allocation: Details the legal structure of the business and how resources will be allocated across various operations, including property acquisitions, renovations and management.

Real estate agent business plan example

A real estate agent business plan is a strategic document that outlines the operations and goals of a real estate agent or agency. It is a crucial tool for communicating with potential lenders, partners or shareholders about the nature of the business and its potential for profitability.

Real Estate Agent Business Plan Templa

A well-crafted real estate agent business plan will include

  • Where you are today: A clear understanding of your current position in the market, including strengths, weaknesses and market standing.
  • Where you aim to be: Sets specific, measurable goals for future growth, whether it’s expanding the client base, entering new markets or increasing sales.
  • How can you get there: Outlines the strategies and action plans to achieve these goals, including marketing campaigns, client acquisition strategies and business development initiatives.
  • Measuring your performance: Defines the key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to assess progress towards the set goals, such as sales figures, client satisfaction rates and market share.
  • Course correction: Establishes a process for regular review and adjustment of the plan, ensuring flexibility to adapt to market changes, shifts in client needs and other external factors.

For real estate agents, a comprehensive business plan is not just a roadmap to success; it is a dynamic tool that keeps them accountable and adaptable to market changes.

Realtor business plan example

A realtor business plan is a comprehensive document that outlines the strategic direction and goals of a real estate business. It’s an essential tool for realtors looking to either launch or expand their business in the competitive real estate market. The plan typically includes details about the company’s mission, objectives, target market and strategies for achieving its goals.

Realtor Business Plan Template

Benefits of a realtor business plan and applications:

  • For launching or expanding businesses: The plan helps real estate agents to structure their approach to entering new markets or growing in existing ones, providing a clear path to follow.
  • Securing loans and investments: A well-drafted business plan is crucial for securing financing for real estate projects, such as purchasing new properties or renovating existing ones.
  • Guideline for goal achievement: The plan serves as a guideline to stay on track with sales and profitability goals, allowing realtors to make informed decisions and adjust strategies as needed.
  • Valuable for real estate investors: Investors can use the template to evaluate potential real estate businesses and properties for purchase, ensuring they align with their investment goals.
  • Improving business performance: By filling out a realtor business plan template , realtors can gain insights into the strengths and weaknesses of their business, using this information to enhance profitability and operational efficiency.

A realtor business plan is more than just a document; it’s a roadmap for success in the real estate industry. 

Writing a real estate business plan is a comprehensive process that involves several key steps. Here’s a detailed guide to help you craft an effective business plan :

  • Tell your story : Start with a self-evaluation. Define who you are as a real estate agent, why you are in this business and what you do. Develop your mission statement, vision statement and an executive summary​​.
  • Analyze your target real estate market : Focus on local market trends rather than national or state-wide levels. Examine general trends, market opportunities, saturations, and local competition. This step requires thorough research into the real estate market you plan to operate in​​.
  • Identify your target client : After understanding your market, identify the niche you aim to serve and the type of clients you want to target. Create a client persona that reflects their specific needs and concerns​​.
  • Conduct a SWOT analysis : Analyze your business’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. This should reflect a combination of personal attributes and external market conditions​​​​.
  • Establish your SMART goals : Set specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely goals. These goals could be financial, expansion-related or based on other business metrics​​​​.
  • Create your financial plan : Account for all operating expenses, including marketing and lead generation costs. Calculate the number of transactions needed to meet your financial goals. Remember to separate personal and business finances​​.
  • Revisit your business plan to monitor & evaluate : Treat your business plan as a living document. Plan periodic reviews (quarterly, semi-annually or annually) to check if your strategies are advancing you toward your goals​​​​.
  • Defining your mission & vision : Include a clear mission and vision statement. Describe your business type, location, founding principles and what sets you apart from competitors​​.
  • Creating a marketing plan : Develop a marketing plan that addresses the product, price, place and promotion of your services. Determine your pricing strategy, promotional methods and marketing channels​​. If you’re unsure what marketing activities to choose, consider this guide on how to market yourself as a realtor .
  • Forming a team : Ensure the cooperation of colleagues, supervisors and supervisees involved in your plan. Clarify their roles and how their participation will be evaluated​​.

Related: 15+ Business Plan Examples to Win Your Next Round of Funding

Wrapping up

The journey to a successful real estate venture is intricately linked to the quality and depth of your business plan. From understanding the nuances of the real estate market to setting strategic goals, a well-crafted business plan acts as the backbone of any thriving real estate business. Whether you’re developing a general real estate business plan, focusing on investment, working as an agent, or operating as a realtor, each plan type serves its unique purpose and addresses specific aspects of the real estate world.

The examples and insights provided in this article serve as a guide to help you navigate the complexities of the real estate industry. Remember, a real estate business plan is not a static document but a dynamic blueprint that evolves with your business and the ever-changing market trends.

Crafting a strategic real estate business plan is a crucial step towards achieving your business goals. So, start shaping your vision today with Venngage.

Explore venngage business plan maker & our business plan templates and begin your journey to a successful real estate business now!

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Writing a Business Plan

Writing a business plan may seem a daunting task as there are so many moving parts and concepts to address. Take it one step at a time and be sure to schedule regular review (quarterly, semi-annually, or annually) of your plan to be sure you on are track to meet your goals.

Essential Components of a Real Estate Business Plan

Why Write a Business Plan?

Making a business plan creates the foundation for your business. It provides an easy-to-understand framework and allows you to navigate the unexpected.

Quick Takeaways

  • A good business plan not only creates a road map for your business, but helps you work through your goals and get them on paper
  • Business plans come in many formats and contain many sections, but even the most basic should include a mission and vision statement, marketing plans, and a proposed management structure
  • Business plans can help you get investors and new business partners

Source: Write Your Business Plan: United States Small Business Association

Writing a business plan is imperative to getting your business of the ground. While every plan is different – and most likely depends on the type and size of your business – there are some basic elements you don’t want to ignore.

NAR Library & Archives has already done the research for you. References (formerly Field Guides) offer links to articles, eBooks, websites, statistics, and more to provide a comprehensive overview of perspectives. EBSCO articles ( E ) are available only to NAR members and require the member's nar.realtor login.

Defining Your Mis​sion & Vision

Writing a business plan begins by defining your business’s mission and vision statement. Though creating such a statement may seem like fluff, it is an important exercise. The mission and vision statement sets the foundation upon which to launch your business. It is difficult to move forward successfully without first defining your business and the ideals under which your business operates. A company description should be included as a part of the mission and vision statement. Some questions you should ask yourself include: 

  • What type of real estate do you sell?
  • Where is your business located?
  • Who founded your business?
  • What sets your business apart from your competitors?

What is a Vision Statement ( Business News Daily , Jan. 16, 2024)

How to Write a Mission Statement ( The Balance , Jan. 2, 2020)

How to Write a Mission Statement pdf ( Janel M. Radtke , 1998)

Using a SWOT Analysis to Structure Your Business Plan

Once you’ve created a mission and vision statement, the next step is to develop a SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for “Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.” It is difficult to set goals for your business without first enumerating your business’s strengths and weaknesses, and the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors. Evaluate by using the following questions:

  • Do you offer superior customer service as compared with your competitors?
  • Do you specialize in a niche market? What experiences do you have that set you apart from your competitors?
  • What are your competitors’ strengths?
  • Where do you see the market already saturated, and where are there opportunities for expansion and growth?

Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat (SWOT) ( Investopedia , Oct. 30, 2023)

How to Conduct a SWOT Analysis for Your Small Business ( SCORE , Apr. 28, 2022)

SWOT Analysis Toolbox ( University of Washington )

Setting ​Business Goals

Next, translate your mission and vision into tangible goals. For instance, if your mission statement is to make every client feel like your most important client, think about the following:

  • How specifically will you implement this?
  • Do you want to grow your business?
  • Is this growth measured by gross revenue, profit, personnel, or physical office space?
  • How much growth do you aim for annually?
  • What specific targets will you strive to hit annually in the next few years?

Setting Business Goals & Objectives: 4 Considerations ( Harvard Business School , Oct. 31, 2023)

What are Business Goals? Definition, How To Set Business Goals and Examples ( Indeed , Jul. 31, 2023)

Establishing a Format

Most businesses either follow a traditional business plan format or a lean startup plan.

Traditional Business Plan

A traditional business plan is detailed and comprehensive. Writing this business plan takes more time. A traditional business plan typically contains the following elements:

  • Executive Summary
  • Company description
  • Market analysis
  • Organization and management
  • Service or product line
  • Marketing and sales
  • Funding request
  • Financial projections

Lean Startup Plan

A lean startup plan requires high-level focus but is easier to write, with an emphasis on key elements. A lean startup plan typically contains the following elements:

  • Key partnerships
  • Key activities
  • Key resources
  • Value proposition
  • Customer relationships
  • Customer segments
  • Cost structure
  • Revenue stream

Creating a Marketing Plan

You may wish to create a marketing plan as either a section of your business plan or as an addendum. The Marketing Mix concerns product , price , place and promotion .

  • What is your product?
  • How does your price distinguish you from your competitors—is it industry average, upper quartile, or lower quartile?
  • How does your pricing strategy benefit your clients?
  • How and where will you promote your services?
  • What types of promotions will you advertise?
  • Will you ask clients for referrals or use coupons?
  • Which channels will you use to place your marketing message?

Your Guide to Creating a Small Business Marketing Plan ( Business.com , Feb. 2, 2024)

10 Questions You Need to Answer to Create a Powerful Marketing Plan ( The Balance , Jan. 16, 2020)

Developing a Marketing Plan pdf ( Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation )

Forming a Team

Ensuring the cooperation of all colleagues, supervisors, and supervisees involved in your plan is another important element to consider. Some questions to consider are:

  • Is your business plan’s success contingent upon the cooperation of your colleagues?
  • If so, what specifically do you need them to do?
  • How will you evaluate their participation?
  • Are they on-board with the role you have assigned them?
  • How will you get “buy in” from these individuals?

How to Build a Real Estate Team + 7 Critical Mistakes to Avoid ( The Close , May 17, 2023)

Don’t Start a Real Estate Team Without Asking Yourself These 8 Questions ( Homelight , Jan. 21, 2020)

Implementing a Business Plan and Reviewing Regularly

Implementation and follow-up are frequently overlooked aspects to the business plan, yet vital to the success of the plan. Set dates (annually, semi-annually, quarterly, or monthly) to review your business plans goals. Consider the following while reviewing:

  • Are you on track?
  • Are the goals reasonable to achieve, impossible, or too easy?
  • How do you measure success—is it by revenue, profit, or number of transactions?

And lastly, think about overall goals.

  • How do you plan to implement your business plan’s goals?
  • When will you review and refine your business plan goals?
  • What process will you use to review your goals?
  • What types of quantitative and qualitative data will you collect and use to measure your success?

These items are only a few sections of a business plan. Depending on your business, you may want to include additional sections in your plan such as a:

  • Cover letter stating the reasoning behind developing a business plan
  • Non-disclosure statement
  • Table of contents

How To Write a Business Proposal Letter (With Examples) ( Indeed , Jul. 18, 2023)

How To Implement Your Business Plan Objectives ( The Balance , Aug. 19, 2022)

The Bottom Line

Creating a business plan may seem daunting, but by understanding your business and market fully, you can create a plan that generates success (however you choose to define it).

Real Estate Business Plans – Samples, Instructional Guides, and Templates

9 Steps to Writing a Real Estate Business Plan + Templates ( The Close , Apr. 3, 2024)

How to Write a Real Estate Business Plan (+Free Template) ( Fit Small Business , Jun. 30, 2023)

The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Real Estate Business Plan + Free Template ( Placester )

Write Your Business Plan ( U.S. Small Business Administration )

General Business Plans – Samples, Instructional Guides, and Templates

Business Plan Template for a Startup Business ( SCORE , Apr. 23, 2024)

Guide to Creating a Business Plan with Template (Business News Daily, Mar. 28, 2024)

Nine Lessons These Entrepreneurs Wish They Knew Before Writing Their First Business Plans ( Forbes , Jul. 25, 2021)

How to Write a Business Plan 101 ( Entrepreneur , Feb. 22, 2021)

Books, eBooks & Other Resources

Ebooks & other resources.

The following eBooks and digital audiobooks are available to NAR members:

The Straightforward Business Plan (eBook)

Business Plan Checklist (eBook)

The SWOT Analysis (eBook)

The Business Plan Workbook (eBook)

Start-Up! A Beginner's Guide to Planning a 21st Century Business (eBook)

Complete Book of Business Plans (eBook)

How to Write a Business Plan (eBook)

The Easy Step by Step Guide to Writing a Business Plan and Making it Work (eBook)

Business Planning: 25 Keys to a Sound Business Plan (Audiobook)

Your First Business Plan, 5 th Edition (eBook)

Anatomy of a Business Plan (eBook)

Writing a Business Plan and Making it Work (Audiobook)

The Social Network Business Plan (eBook)

Books, Videos, Research Reports & More

As a member benefit, the following resources and more are available for loan through the NAR Library. Items will be mailed directly to you or made available for pickup at the REALTOR® Building in Chicago.

Writing an Effective Business Plan (Deloitte and Touche, 1999) HD 1375 D37w

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The inclusion of links on this page does not imply endorsement by the National Association of REALTORS®. NAR makes no representations about whether the content of any external sites which may be linked in this page complies with state or federal laws or regulations or with applicable NAR policies. These links are provided for your convenience only and you rely on them at your own risk.

Real Estate Investment Decisions Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Over the years, commercial real estate investment has developed into a fully-fledged industry that continues to attract more investors. This observable fact has been necessitated by the fact that buying and selling property has proven to work as a financial investment option through which people can supplement their income (Ling & Archer, 2017).

Besides, benefits such as appreciation of properties, a favorable reward profile, low liquidity, cash flow, and tax benefits have also played a pivotal role in the high rate of growth experienced in the industry since the turn of the century. However, experts argue that investing in commercial real estate has its risks that every investor has to put into consideration to make informed and intelligent decisions (Rodgers & McFarlin, 2016).

This mainly entails conducting a thorough market and property analysis before making any investment. Studies have shown that the importance of conducting the analysis is that it helps an investor to establish whether he or she will enjoy good profit margins and growth from an investment (Coppola, 2014). Real estate is a complex investment that requires an investor to have a good comprehension of the most significant aspects that often influence one’s ability to make decisions that are well informed and intelligent enough.

According to experts in commercial real estate, investment decisions are often influenced by several aspects. One of the most significant aspects is the location of a property (Ling & Archer, 2017). To have a commercial real estate property that has the potential for a high return on investment, it is important to ensure that it is located close to social amenities such as schools, hospitals, shopping centers, major highways, and religious centers.

Also, investors need to choose tax-exempt and peaceful areas for their properties. The main reason for this is the fact that these elements make commercial properties more affordable and attractive to their clients (Coppola, 2014). Experts also argue the location of commercial properties is important in ensuring that the needs of the targeted clients are met in terms of scenic views and neighborhood status.

Choosing the right location for commercial real estate investment constitutes informed and intelligent decisions because property valuations are often based on their proximity to essential amenities such as markets, warehouses, and transport hubs all of which are integral elements in the daily activities of the clients (Rodgers & McFarlin, 2016). To make the right decisions, experts advise that an investor should make an effort of checking the ownership and intended use of all the free land in the locality to ensure that their future usage will not compromise the profitability of their investment (Ling & Archer, 2017). Adherence to zoning regulations helps one in choosing the right location for commercial real estate investment.

Another significant aspect of real estate investment decisions is the horizon and purpose of investment. Studies have shown that low liquidity is one of the characteristic elements of the real estate industry that can easily compromise the ability of an investor to achieve high profitability form commercial properties (Coppola, 2014). The ease of entry and exit in real estate investment often leads many people to invest without a clear purpose. Investors need to have a good comprehension of the numerous real estate horizons and choose the one that aligns with one’s investment purpose.

They can buy commercial property for self-use, leasing, as well as for selling on a short-term or long-term basis. All these categories have unique dynamics that can lead to unexpected results and financial distress to an investor if the purpose of investing is not clear enough. Buying a property for self-use helps one to save money on rentals. Besides, one tends to enjoy the benefits of self-utilization, as well as the appreciation of the property’s value (Coppola, 2014).

Buying property for commercial purposes such as leasing helps an investor to enjoy the regular income and the long-term value appreciation. This means that the investor will become a property owner, which will require adequate preparation about managing tenants, meeting regular costs relating to repairs, as well as enhancing their capacity to handle disputes and legal issues related to the leasing of properties. Investors can also buy a property to sell for short-term benefits or long-term use such as a retirement home.

Understanding these categories constitutes informed and intelligent decisions because an investor will buy a property depending on its valuation and ability to reward him or her with sustainable profit margins and prolonged growth. According to experts, investors in commercial real estate need to have a clear purpose for buying property as a way of cautioning them from poor investment decisions characterized by monetary loss and acquiring properties of low value (Ling & Archer, 2017).

Decisions for commercial real estate investment are highly dependent on the ability of an investor to manage the pitfalls associated with loans. Investing with borrowed money helps to amplify potential gains at the risk of greater losses. Although loans provide an investor with a certain degree of convenience, they also attract big costs because they tend to commit future income to get utility whose cost of interest is spread across several years (Coppola, 2014).

Investors should avoid ignoring the risks associated with loans if one intends to maximize their benefits. When taking loans to finance a commercial real estate investment, an investor must consider the projected future earnings, which often determine the ability to adapt a sustainable payment plan. Therefore, an investor should choose a mortgage loan that fits his or her situation by considering crucial elements such as charges levied by financiers, as well as terms and conditions (Ling & Archer, 2017).

Also, an investor should take time to look around and bargain for a deal with lower interest rates and insurance premiums. This is a crucial element of informed and intelligent investment decisions because the success of real estate investments requires a lot of financing. Therefore, a decision on whether to take up a fixed rate, adjustable floating rate, interest-only, or zero down payment mortgages should be of paramount importance before making a real estate investment (Rodgers & McFarlin, 2016). The main reason for this is the need to maximize the return on investment and growth potential of a property.

Another important aspect of investment decisions is the state of the economy in terms of the rate of employment and incentives for investment. Research has shown that the success of real estate investment is highly influenced by the spending power of the people (Rodgers & McFarlin, 2016). This phenomenon is often dependent on the rate of employment, in that the higher the number of people with a steady income in an area the higher the likelihood that they will purchase homes or increases the demand for better housing. Experts argue that a high rate of employment leads to an increase in homeownership, thus resulting in a drop in inventory and a rise in prices (Ling & Archer, 2017).

Therefore, buying properties to sell them at a profit is very sensitive to an investor. Also, an investor can opt to buy houses at low prices in areas where the rate of unemployment is high to sell them as soon as the economic climate of the areas starts to show signs of improvement. However, such decisions cannot be made without conducting a thorough market analysis. The economic potential of an area can be determined by assessing any proposed developments and the existing amenities.

An investor should also assess the state of the economy in terms of the rate of construction in an area. If the number of homes being built is very high, chances are the value of properties in the area is very low. On the other hand, if the constructions are limited, the value of properties is often high due to high demand and limited supply. These elements play a pivotal role in helping an investor to make informed decisions because one will choose an area that will attract a high return on investment (Ling & Archer, 2017).

Real estate investments have a high-value return profile that can be hard to ignore for any investor. However, the success of commercial real estate investments is highly dependent on informed and intelligent decisions. Significant aspects of investment decisions include the location of a property, the price, potential income, taxation, zoning laws, the purpose of investment, and the source of financing. Thoughtful consideration of these aspects plays a pivotal role in helping investors make decisions that enable them to reap maximum benefits while mitigating any related risks.

Coppola, C.R. (2014). How to win in commercial real estate investing: Find, evaluate & purchase your first commercial property- in 9 weeks or less . New York, NY: RDA Press.

Ling, D.C., & Archer, W. (2017). Real estate principles: A value approach (Mchill- hill/Irwin series in finance, insurance, and real estate) (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Rodgers, W., & McFarlin, T.G. (2016). Decision making for personal investment: Real estate financing, foreclosures and other issues . New York, NY: Springer.

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IvyPanda. (2020, December 13). Real Estate Investment Decisions. https://ivypanda.com/essays/real-estate-investment-decisions/

"Real Estate Investment Decisions." IvyPanda , 13 Dec. 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/real-estate-investment-decisions/.

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Real Estate Investment Decisions'. 13 December.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Real Estate Investment Decisions." December 13, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/real-estate-investment-decisions/.

1. IvyPanda . "Real Estate Investment Decisions." December 13, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/real-estate-investment-decisions/.


IvyPanda . "Real Estate Investment Decisions." December 13, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/real-estate-investment-decisions/.

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The Business Plan Real Estate Professionals Need In 2024 

A guide to developing an actionable business plan that gets your new real estate company off the ground..

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Not having a business plan is the quickest way for your new real estate company to fail. In fact, 25% of enterprises without a business plan fail within the first two years of operating.

However, a business plan entails much more than a mission statement, executive summary, and financial plan. A concrete plan encompasses all the aspects involved in running a successful real estate business.

Proper real estate business planning includes thinking beyond the first few clients you’ll acquire. Solid business plans incorporate considerations for building your real estate team, promoting your business, and competing in ever-changing markets.

In this article, we discuss three steps to develop a comprehensive business plan for your new real estate company so that you can achieve longevity and success.

Step One: Conduct Market Analysis

It’s likely that the market you’re entering into is crowded. Your business plan needs to outline how you will compete within your niche. To do this, you can conduct market analysis.

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You need to answer the question: why would clients choose to buy or sell with me and not other companies?

It’s vital to look at what your competitors are doing on a regular basis. This allows you to find ideas that you can easily replicate and identify gaps in the market that you can fill.

➡️ Understand your target market

You’ll need in-depth knowledge of the real estate market to grow your brokerage. Keeping your finger on the pulse of this fast-moving industry requires regular research.

For example, you could check listings or read real estate newsletters several times a week. This will help you understand market trends and find new ways to generate leads for your own business.

When developing your business plan, you should research:

  • The types of properties in your area.
  • The average sales prices for these properties.
  • The average time on the market.
  • Typical commission rates for agents
  • What potential buyers are looking for.
  • The current property demand.

You should also research the market at a state or national level and not limit your real estate business to local opportunities. 

➡️ Analyze your competition

Analyzing the competition helps you see where the market is saturated and how you can carve out your own unique proposition. 

As a new brokerage, you will go up against industry giants operating nationally, established local players, and innovative companies offering a powerful proposition. There are lessons to be learned from these types of real estate companies that you can use in your business plan.

➡️ Get ideas from industry giants

Companies like RE/MAX and Coldwell Banker are household names, with thousands of agents and extensive resources. You might not be able to compete with them directly, but what you can do is cherry-pick ideas that are effective and easy to implement. 

You can also look at what they’re doing poorly, for example. See their shortcomings as opportunities to fill a gap in the market.

A good example is spotting customer pain points and addressing them in your business plan. Take note of what is being written on review sites about your competitors, and think about how you will address such issues within your own business.

Customer pain points are often easy to find on review sites like Yelp or the Facebook page of a real estate business. Type in the competitor’s name, and you’ll quickly find positive and negative reviews.

➡️ Find ways to compete with established local players

Your business plan must include how you will convince prospective clients that they should choose you instead of the other local players.

Find ways to differentiate your real estate business from the rest. There are two main approaches to doing this.

The first is to avoid competing directly. Look at your competitors’ listings and see which properties they are good at selling. You can then target a different kind of property or customer and begin building a niche for your business.

Alternatively, you can take competitors on in their own niche. This will be tough, and you’ll need to identify a tangible benefit you can offer to draw customers away, such as lower commission rates.

➡️ Get inspiration from innovative realtors

Some real estate brokerages make a name for themselves by disrupting their target market with innovative propositions. You need to do the same within your business plan.

Examples include undercutting the market with cheaper real estate agent rates, offering to buy houses below market value, and selling on the customer’s behalf.

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For example, Rex’s unique proposition is based on savings for their clients. They offer a 2% commission and a 50% rebate of the buyer’s agent commission in certain circumstances.

This sets them apart from the standard 6% commission paid by the client to traditional agents.

When considering a unique angle, don’t just try to be different—also think about what your target market is looking for. A community already getting low real estate agent rates won’t be interested in a 1% reduction, so be smart about how you improve on your competitors’ offerings.

Step Two: Plan Your Real Estate Business Structure

The structure of your real estate business will define how it operates on a day-to-day basis. Your business plan is an opportunity to make crucial decisions about your structure.

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Don’t forget to regularly review your initial business structure a few times per year—for example, when reporting quarterly figures. Regular reviews allow you to make changes to your structure without being stuck in one model for a full year.

The only exception is finding agents, which you should make time for every week, especially in the early days of your real estate brokerage. 

➡️ Choose between a franchise or an independent business model 

One of the first questions you must ask yourself is whether you want to be completely independent or buy into a franchise.

The real estate sector is home to many large and successful franchises. That’s because they can give brokers brand recognition and help them attract clients quickly.

Franchises also offer a range of advanced tools, including software for lead tracking, email marketing efforts, deal management, and commission calculating.

The downside is that you’ll give up a certain level of freedom and have to pay a license fee.

Well-known franchise RE/MAX provides extensive support options for its franchisees, including a toll-free line, a grand opening, online support, proprietary software, and a franchisee intranet platform.

However, these benefits don’t come cheap. According to Franchise Direct , RE/MAX’s total franchise fees can cost up to $239,500 . This is what the fees cover:

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Some of these fees are optional and will not be relevant if you decide to operate remotely, for example. In this case, the license cost will decrease accordingly, and the initial investment could be as low as $43,000.

➡️ Choose between a remote or on-site office location

Your business plan must define how you and your team will work. You could decide to run a remote brokerage. This is more affordable to operate and allows you to sell properties almost anywhere.

essay on real estate business

To begin with, all you’ll need is a phone and laptop. In the long run, you’ll need the right software and technology to offer clients a great service.

For example, Matterport provides 3D technology that allows you to create virtual tours of properties. They simplify uploading videos to your site, and you can even include space measurements.  

On the other hand, a brick-and-mortar brokerage provides presence and visibility in busy areas. 

This means that people are more likely to think of you when it comes to selling their homes. You’ll also pick up passing trade and inquiries from people who want to deal with a real estate agent face-to-face.  

However, it also means covering overheads such as electricity and rent, which can significantly increase your operating costs.

We recommend that new brokerages start remotely and only open a brick-and-mortar office if they can afford it. 

➡️ Find great real estate agents

A real estate business cannot function without good agents. A top-tier real estate agent will generate leads that help grow your business and get your name out there.

When your real estate business starts out, it might not be possible to afford more experienced agents because they come with higher demands and commission expectations.

Therefore, finding a promising real estate agent still trying to make a name for themselves is a smart way to gain talent at a lower cost.

➡️ Network with local real estate agents

You’ll need to get out there and start networking to meet potential agents and understand what they are looking for. 

Attend local industry networking events, listen to agents’ concerns and frustrations, and figure out how you can provide them with a better offer.

Invite successful local agents for lunch and find out what would make them want to work for your real estate business. You can also ask them whether they know other agents looking to change brokerages.

essay on real estate business

➡️ Offer agents a better package

A good question to ask yourself is why these agents would switch to your brokerage and how you will retain this talent once you have it.

You need to offer an enticing commission structure that allows your real estate business to profit.

A great example of this is EXIT Realty . This real estate business is known for attracting top agents through a commission structure that rewards good performance. Agents who recruit other employees receive a bonus. Additionally, all their agents receive training to keep them updated with industry trends.

EXIT Realty is a large real estate business with extensive resources. However, you can apply the same underlying training and incentive principles to your recruitment strategy.

➡️ Consider your real estate agent commission structure

Your commission structure is the main factor in attracting agents, and it’s something you need to consider in your business plan.

While agent commission is typically between 5 and 6%, the way it is split between broker and real estate agent can be agreed upon in different ways. The three most common are:

  • Traditional commission split: The total commission is divided between the agent and the broker. This offers the real estate agent a limited incentive.
  • Commission threshold: The percentage the real estate agent pays the broker changes once they’ve passed an agreed-upon target. This is great motivation for agents and keeps real estate business profits growing.
  • Flat-fee structure: The real estate agent keeps 100% of the commission but pays a regular flat fee to the brokerage. This is a better option for a brokerage with a high turnover.

➡️ Offer client incentives

Client incentives help your brokerage to stand out. You’ll need to ensure that your buyer and seller incentives fit your commission structure and niche. Your business plan needs to outline these before your first deal.

For example, offering a flat fee would not be an essential factor for sellers in the luxury property market and would limit your profits if you pay high commission rates.

 The most common incentives include:

  • 1% fee: This is a lower fee than the average of 3%. You earn less per sale, which incentivizes sellers to choose your brokerage. 
  • Flat-fee brokerage : Offering to work for a flat fee ensures the client knows exactly what they’re paying for, no matter the final sale price.
  • Minimum-service flat fee: This model removes the agent, leaving the seller to find the buyer. For a flat fee, it offers minimal services, such as listing the property on a multiple listings service (MLS).
  • Charitable donation: This involves donating a percentage of your commission to a charitable cause, an option that could impress clients without costing the brokerage much.
  • Express sale: The brokerage gives the seller a fast cash offer to buy the property from them before the broker sells it.

Step Three: Planning for Your First Sale

When you start out, no one will have heard of your real estate business, so it’s essential to get your name out there and build a good reputation.

While developing your real estate business plan, you need to consider how you will market your business and build your brand.

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Here are some ideas for your brokerage’s marketing plan:

➡️ Use your existing connections

The real estate industry is all about person-to-person interaction, so the easiest way to make your first sale is by networking and using your current connections.

To begin with, you should call your contacts in local real estate and ask whether there are any opportunities available. 

Regularly remind friends and family to keep their ears to the ground and recommend you to anyone looking to sell or buy property.

You can gradually reduce the frequency of using personal contacts as your brokerage grows and starts to draw business through marketing and word of mouth. 

➡️ Build an online presence

An easy-to-use website, social media presence, and video content will all help you make your first sale.

Different parts of your website will need to be revisited at different times. For example, you’ll want to update your blog at least monthly, while your “About us” section may only change every few years.

Many companies offer website packages with a listings template, and almost all brokerages use these platforms and focus on this feature.

Your website should highlight your expertise and explain how you can help them successfully buy or sell property.

The key elements to include in your website are:

  • An overview of your brokerage: Explain your value proposition to buyers and sellers.
  • An “About us” section: Introduce each real estate agent your clients will work with and highlight their experience, expertise, any big companies they have worked for, or awards they have won.
  • Contact section: Ensure potential clients can speak to an agent instantly. Include an instant messenger option or chatbot to encourage them to get in touch immediately.
  • A real estate blog: Ensure your brand appears in search engine results pages (SERPs) and provide clients with helpful information by regularly posting blog articles. 

➡️ Design for free

There are many easy-to-use website builders that allow you to design your website for free.

Most website builders will charge you for purchasing a domain name or accessing higher-level customization options.

We recommend designing your website in the free version and switching to the paid-for option once you start selling. This saves spending money on your website until it is published.

➡️ Get a good domain name

The domain name is the business card of your real estate business. A simple, easy-to-remember address that someone can type into their search bar is important.

A good domain name could include what your real estate business does, where it is based, who runs it, or all of the above.

➡️ Conduct search engine optimization (SEO)

Good search engine optimization (SEO) is vital for modern brokerages.

If your website isn’t appearing high enough on search engine results pages, it’s unlikely that people would discover your brand when they search for it. 

essay on real estate business

SEO is all about working to increase organic traffic to your site through online searches.

The ultimate aim is to get Google to list your website on the first page of results for specific relevant keywords—for example, “real estate agents in Spokane.”

Appearing on the first page of the SERPs is vital, as few people look further than that.

Good SEO is an ongoing process, and you’ll need to monitor your website’s ranking at least monthly to ensure that your content continues to perform well on the SERPs.

Spokane REALTORS® have done an excellent job at landing the number one spot in Google’s SERPs for the keyword “Spokane realtors”.

essay on real estate business

➡️ Do it yourself or find an expert

You can either optimize your website yourself or hire an agency to do it for you.

Doing it yourself is time-consuming and requires some specialist software—however, it is possible to succeed with DIY SEO. This beginner’s tutorial from Ahrefs provides a step-by-step guide on how to optimize your website.

Using an agency, on the other hand, will cost you more money but may achieve better results.

Local SEO is critical when starting out in real estate, as you’ll usually work with specific neighborhoods and communities. Here are a few ways to improve your local SEO:

➡️ Create quality local content

Populating your website with relevant content will help it rank in SERPs. Consider questions local buyers and sellers may ask and write content that speaks to them.

For example, suppose you want to target the search term: “what is the average property value in Spokane.” In this case, you may choose to write an article about the city’s property market and how sellers can maximize their asking price.

You could also write blog posts that link to local stories. For example, you could create hyperlocal content around property news or changes in the local real estate market.

It’s crucial to ensure that your blog posts are of high quality. The better they are, the greater your chances of ranking well. Quality is far more important than quantity, so your articles should be well researched, expertly written, and relevant. 

essay on real estate business

➡️ Get onto local business directories

Ensuring you’re on large sites like Yelp and smaller local directories helps people find you through another avenue. It may also boost your local SEO ranking.

Google uses these sites to verify the information listed in its index, so the more your real estate business shows up on other sites, the more value is placed on its listing.

➡️ Create a Google My Business Profile

Google My Business is a free online tool that helps you market your real estate business on Google’s search page. It is a crucial part of good local SEO and a cornerstone of any marketing plan.

Here’s an example of a Google My Business profile for Spokane REALTORS®:

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It boosts your brokerage’s visibility by giving you a free profile that appears on popular products such as Google Maps and Google Search.

The first step is to sign up and create the card that appears on the right-hand side of Google when someone searches for your brokerage.

This holds critical information like your website, location, and contact details. This way, if someone is interested in your brokerage, they can contact you immediately.

If you add your address, Google My Business will highlight your real estate business on Google Maps. Clicking your location icon on the map brings up your card. This is helpful if someone searches for a real estate business near them. Watch this guide on how to set up a Google My Business profile for more information.

➡️ Create an email list

Email blasts and newsletters are highly effective marketing strategies that you shouldn’t leave out of your business plan. Unfortunately, most realtors don’t do email campaigns well.

Many customers repeatedly receive the same email content from several brokerages, each providing outdated listings and telling them that the market is “hot.”

A hot market might be great news for realtors who benefit from high demand; however, buyers struggling to find a home may be frustrated by this.

Email campaigns waste time and money if you’re not giving customers useful information.

Put yourself in the client’s position when creating email content—what will help them buy or sell their property?

essay on real estate business

Here are a couple of ideas to create useful marketing email content:

🏠 Buying and selling tips

Most people only buy or sell a property a handful of times in their lives. This means they might only have a basic understanding of how the market and processes work.

Providing buying and selling tips helps them understand the process and sets you up as a trusted partner who understands their challenges.

According to Campaign Monitor , research shows that the perfect newsletter text is a maximum of 200 words—which is far too short to include useful information.

Instead, publish your guides as blog posts on your website and link to them via an enticing email campaign.

You could publish these blog posts on a weekly basis and round them up in an email newsletter at the end of each month. 

🏠 Listing alerts

Many brokerages send out monthly roundups or listings that are usually outdated by the time that clients read them. You can provide a more valuable service by offering customers the chance to sign up for daily alerts. 

Scan your target market every morning. If a new property becomes available, let subscribers to your daily alert mailing list know immediately. This way, you become a reliable source of new opportunities for buyers who may be struggling.

📧 Setting up your email campaign

Setting up a newsletter or email campaign is simple. There are many software options, but the most trusted include MailChimp , Sendinblue , and Active Campaign .

All three offer a free plan and have varying levels of customization to meet your needs.

Each allows you to easily import your own images and content into a template. Alternatively, you can build your newsletter from scratch.

➡️ Cold calling

Cold calling isn’t fun but it’s an effective way to achieve your first sale. Data from the Keller Center into the effectiveness of real estate agent cold calls found significant positive outcomes for successful cold calls.

Additionally, cold calling isn’t just limited to finding clients. You’ll also need to regularly call top-producing real estate professionals in order to build relationships with them and entice them to come and work for you.

To begin with, you’ll have to make cold calls on a daily basis to sell your first property or get your first real estate agent on board. However, even after that, you’ll still need to make regular sales calls to ensure your real estate business continues growing. 

Here is our step-by-step guide to cold calling:

📞 Create a prospects list

To start off with, you’re going to need a list of prospects—people who may be interested in your services.

Building a list requires some research, and an excellent place to start is with expired listings. These will alert you to people who want to sell their homes but have failed with other agents.

Another source is “For Sale By Owners” listings on large property websites. These sellers may be apprehensive about working with a real estate agent, but the effort of selling a house could have turned into an inconvenience by the time you contact them, making you the perfect alternative.

📞 Develop a sales pipeline

Once you have your list, you need to start making phone calls. Your aim shouldn’t be to immediately get the person to buy or sell property with you—after all, you’ve just called out of nowhere, and they don’t know who you are.

Create a sales pipeline that lets you gradually develop trust with the prospect and get them to buy into your services. Instead of getting the person to buy or sell with you, you aim to move them along the sales pipeline.

Here’s an example of a simple real estate sales pipeline, which is a crucial element of your business plan:

  • Awareness: Get on the client’s radar, introduce your real estate business, and understand their needs. Ask them to commit to a short, no-obligation meeting or phone call to discuss how you could help them. Remove any leads that are genuinely not interested from your list.
  • Engage: Meet in person or hold a call. Ideally, view the seller’s property or ask buyers what they are looking for. Ensure you get all the information you need from the customer. Ask buyers to let you suggest suitable properties for sale. Provide sellers with a proposal explaining why they should sell with you.
  • Make an offer: Provide buyers with various property options and ask them to choose two or three to view with you. Present your proposal to sellers and ask for their feedback. If the feedback is negative, adjust your offer. If it’s positive, ask the client to sell with you.
  • Qualify: At this stage, the buyer or seller becomes your client. Your aim is to close a deal and have a happy, satisfied customer.
  • Recommend: Ask your client to write a favorable review online and to recommend you to their friends and family. Ask whether you can get a quote from them to use in your marketing efforts and ask their permission to feature a photograph of them at their new home.

📞 Stay motivated

Cold calling is tough. You should change your script if you’re not succeeding after five calls. Try a new tactic, for example, one based on where clients lost interest during unsuccessful calls.

Researchers from the Keller Center found that motivation is critical for cold-calling agents. Focussing on keeping up the momentum and not becoming despondent improves outcomes when an unreceptive person answers the phone.

Boost Your New Business with Software for Real Estate Success

Developing a comprehensive business plan that considers all the factors above is a surefire way to achieve success in your new real estate venture. 

One crucial part of your business plan to consider is the tools and systems you’ll use to run your company effectively. An example of a tool that can take your new business to the next level is Paperless Pipeline .

Our software automates the entire real estate transaction process, which means you don’t have to spend valuable time trying to stay on top of your transactions. 

Instead, you can focus on growing your new business while letting Paperless Pipeline handle transactions, document management, compliance, and agent commissions.

If you’d like to try Paperless Pipeline out yourself for free, visit our website . We can’t wait to show you how successful your new real estate business can be with our software.

Related Articles:

How to Start a Real Estate Brokerage — The complete guide to starting your own successful real estate brokerage.

The Complete Real Estate Transaction Guide – Real estate transactions from start to finish. Learn about the people involved, what needs to happen, and how to make it simpler.

The Complete Guide to Recruiting Real Estate Agents – Learn how to successfully recruit and retain the very best real estate agents.

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  • Real Estate Company’s Information Management The report addresses the concerns and constraints that real estate firms have to face during the implementation of their key objectives and management of customers’ needs.
  • Factors and Beliefs on Real Estate Markets The government is looking into revamping growth by addressing unemployment and taxation issues. These two vital factors largely affect real estate markets.
  • Restriction on Ownership and Its Impact on Real Estate Market Real estate is a sector that has attracted several investments in recent years. The sector growth has attracted several rules and regulations to protect both private and public interests of its acquisition.
  • Real Estate Market Role in Macroeconomics Real estate markets are affected by several factors, and employment changes are a core factor. Reduction of exports and real estate hiccups are to blame for the soaring unemployment figures being realized.
  • European and American Real Estate Institutions Various countries have different policies and structures that govern the operations of a real estate institution. This paper handles five major real estate institutes.
  • State Bank’s and Real Estate Bank’s Collapse Today, the collapse of state banks is the problematic situation which is often associated with significant economic and political problems in the country.
  • Indonesia’s Potential Real Estate Bubble The Indonesian housing market is heading towards a burst. This reality has been necessitated by economic factors that are integral to its propagation.
  • Cognitive Moral Development and Real Estate Practitioners
  • Effective Facebook Marketing for Real Estate Business
  • Cross Border Real Estate Investment in India
  • European Non-Listed Real Estate Fund Risk Factors
  • Controlling for the Impact of Variable Liquidity in Commercial Real Estate Price Indices
  • China’s House Price: Affected by Economic Fundamentals or Real Estate Policy
  • Expense and Rent Strategies in Real Estate Management
  • Currency Swaps and International Real Estate Investment
  • Buying Real Estate That Is Not for Sale
  • Commercial Real Estate and Corporate Finance
  • European Metropolitan Commercial Real Estate Markets
  • Buy and Holding Real Estate
  • Economic Recovery, Small Business, and the Challenge of Commercial Real Estate
  • Commercial Real Estate and Native American Leasing
  • Budgetary Risks From Real Estate and Stock Markets
  • Cross-Border Capital Flows Into Real Estate
  • Contested Market Making in India’s Private Real Estate Development Sector
  • Economic Risk Factors and Commercial Real Estate Returns
  • Globalisation, Institutional Structures and Real Estate Markets in Central European Cities
  • High Inflation and Returns on Residential Real Estate in Turkey
  • California Real Estate State Exam Latest
  • Broward County Real Estate Best in Florida
  • Asymmetric Information and the Predictability of Real Estate Returns
  • Financial Crisis and the Real Estate Market in Greece: The Impact on Bank Stock Prices
  • Corporate Real Estate’s Impact on the Takeover Market
  • Asymmetric Risk Measures and Real Estate Returns
  • Contrarian Real Estate Investment in Some Asia Pacific Cities
  • Commercial Real Estate and Management Information Systems
  • Corporate Real Estate and Stock Market Performance
  • Creative Real Estate Financing Methods
  • Bargaining over Residential Real Estate: Evidence from England
  • Bridging the Gap between Capital and Real Estate Markets
  • China Real Estate Market
  • Clustering Methods for Real Estate Portfolios
  • Consumer-Oriented Real Estate Technologies
  • Expected Returns and Expected Growth in Rents of Commercial Real Estate
  • Financial Development, Real Estate Development and Economic Development
  • Individual Agents, Firms, and the Real Estate Brokerage Process
  • Financing Real Estate and Urban Regeneration in Iran
  • Key Factors Which Impact on Real Estate Market
  • Are Nurses More Altruistic Than Real Estate Brokers?
  • Can Linear Predictability Models Time Bull and Bear Real Estate Markets?
  • Are Real Estate Markets Integrated With the World Market?
  • Can Institutional Investors Bias Real Estate Portfolio Appraisals?
  • Did Investors Regard Real Estate as ‘Safe’ During the ‘Japanese Bubble’ in the 1980s?
  • Does Real Estate Ownership Matter in Corporate Governance?
  • Does the Diversification Potential of Securitized Real Estate Vary Over Time?
  • What Are Interactions Between Private and Public Real Estate Markets?
  • How Computer Software Can Help the Real Estate Appraiser?
  • How Efficient Are Real Estate and Construction Companies in Iran’s Close Economy?
  • How Globally Contagious Was the Recent Us Real Estate Market Crisis?
  • How Inheritance Affects the Real Estate Market in an Aging Economy?
  • How Real Estate Developers Can Improve Community and Political Stability?
  • What Attracts Foreign Direct Investment in China’s Real Estate Development?
  • What Moves Appraisal-based Real Estate Returns at the Metropolitan Level?
  • What Role Does the Real Estate Construction Sector Play in China’s Regional Economy?
  • Why Real Estate Industry Does Not Build Affordable Housing in India?
  • Why the Real Estate Market Can Work for You and Against You?
  • What Factors Are Affecting the Location of Real Estate?
  • Has the Digital World Had Any Influence on Real Estate in Nigeria?
  • What Are the Dynamics of Real Estate Prices?
  • How Student Loans Are Hurting the Real Estate Market?
  • How the Dot Com Companies Affect Real Estate in New York?
  • Is There a Real Estate Factor Premium?
  • What Is a Regression Method for Real Estate Price Index Construction?

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StudyCorgi. (2022, May 10). 113 Real Estate Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/real-estate-essay-topics/

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1. StudyCorgi . "113 Real Estate Essay Topics." May 10, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/real-estate-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "113 Real Estate Essay Topics." May 10, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/real-estate-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2022. "113 Real Estate Essay Topics." May 10, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/real-estate-essay-topics/.

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Real Estate Entrepreneurship: Attributes, Challenges, and Equality

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  • Passionate - Entrepreneurs and businessmen aren't in it for the money. While that may be an added bonus, the true benefit is doing what they love. Building a business takes a lot of time and effort. It means putting in longer hours and doing extra work.they aren't afraid of hard work because they are so focused on their dream and their vision.
  • Persistence -They don't give up when a challenge arises. They stick with their passion and see it through. As Steve Jobs once said, according to the Smithsonian Institution, "I'm convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance."
  • Motivation -Entrepreneurs are dedicated to their work. They aren't reliant on a manager or colleague to push them toward their goals or to get their work done. Their drive comes from within and allows them to motivate others in turn.
  • Optimism- When you're just starting out, it can seem like getting your business off the ground will never happen. But entrepreneurs don't think like that. They are optimistic about the future and are always looking ahead.
  • Inspire others -Probably the most difficult job for a leader is to persuade others to follow. It can only be possible if you inspire your followers by setting a good example. When the going gets tough, they look up to you and see how you react to the situation. If you handle it well, they will follow you. As a leader, should think positive and this positive approach should be visible through your actions. Stay calm under pressure and keep the motivation level up. As John Quincy Adams puts it, "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." If you are successful in inspiring your subordinates, you can easily overcome any current and future challenge easily.
  • Good communicator- Until you clearly communicate your vision to your team and tell them the strategy to achieve the goal, it will be very difficult for you to get the results you want. Simply put, if you are unable to communicate your message effectively to your team, you can never be a good leader. A good communicator can be a good leader. Words have the power to motivate people and make them do the unthinkable. If you use them effectively, you can also achieve better results.
  • Decision making skills- Apart from having a futuristic vision, a leader should have the ability to take the right decision at the right time. Decisions taken by leaders have a profound impact on masses. A leader should think long and hard before taking a decision but once the decision is taken, stand by it.
  • Risk-Takers- Risk taking is par for the course when you're starting a new business. But taking risks shouldn't scare you. It's necessary to achieve your goals, and successful entrepreneurs understand this.

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Real Estate Entrepreneurship: Attributes, Challenges, and Equality. (2019, Nov 25). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/real-estate-business-essay

"Real Estate Entrepreneurship: Attributes, Challenges, and Equality." StudyMoose , 25 Nov 2019, https://studymoose.com/real-estate-business-essay

StudyMoose. (2019). Real Estate Entrepreneurship: Attributes, Challenges, and Equality . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/real-estate-business-essay [Accessed: 18 Sep. 2024]

"Real Estate Entrepreneurship: Attributes, Challenges, and Equality." StudyMoose, Nov 25, 2019. Accessed September 18, 2024. https://studymoose.com/real-estate-business-essay

"Real Estate Entrepreneurship: Attributes, Challenges, and Equality," StudyMoose , 25-Nov-2019. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/real-estate-business-essay. [Accessed: 18-Sep-2024]

StudyMoose. (2019). Real Estate Entrepreneurship: Attributes, Challenges, and Equality . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/real-estate-business-essay [Accessed: 18-Sep-2024]

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Real Estate Entrepreneurship: Attributes, Challenges, and Equality essay

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How to Start a Real Estate Business

essay on real estate business

Did you know that approximately 25.8% of the $123.8 trillion net worth in the United States is held in real estate?

That means learning how to start a real estate business is one of the most crucial skills for entrepreneurs. Fortunately, we’ve talked to a lot of people about real estate.

We’ve talked to real estate business owners who collectively have hundreds of millions in property value and make millions per year to find out how they approach the real estate industry.

In this blog, we’ll share information about the real estate industry and explain how to start a real estate business. We’ll also analyze case studies and answer frequently asked questions about real estate.

You can either read straight through or click on any of the links below to jump to that section:

Learn About the Real Estate Industry

Successful real estate business examples, real estate business faq.

Let’s start by discussing the real estate industry.

You should familiarize yourself with the real estate market before you decide to start a real estate business. The information in this section comes from our business ideas database . Let’s look at some of the things you’ll want to know before you enter the industry.

How much does it cost to start a real estate business?

Owner of Thach Real Estate holding cash while standing in front of an apartment building

Most real estate businesses cost between $6K and $55K to start. However, some of the more advanced setups like real estate investment trusts cost up to $5.5M in initial costs.

These figures don’t include the costs of becoming a real estate agent or broker. Licensing varies by state and often requires on-the-job experience before you can start your own company or handle real estate transactions.

How much do real estate businesses make?

The average revenue for a real estate business averages between $41K for a real estate photography business to as high as $94M for real estate investment trusts.

The most common type of real estate business is a real estate agency. Those average around $191K per year.

Is real estate profitable?

Most companies in the real estate industry have profit margins of 7.6% to 22.3%. Exact profits will vary based on your niche.

Many real estate agents are licensed but don’t buy or sell any houses during a year. This can be for any number of reasons. They may be licensed to save on transactions or maintain the licensure required for property management.

Plus, there are also business brokerages and commercial leasing agents.

Do I need to be a real estate agent to start a real estate business?

Before-and-after transformation of a man becoming a real estate agent

No, you don’t have to be a real estate agent to start a real estate business, but it’s helpful to be at least an agent and preferably a broker. With these qualifications, you will be able to handle more of the legal aspects yourself.

What are some real estate business ideas?

There are numerous real estate business ideas that you might pursue. Some of the most common business ideas include:

  • Investing in real estate
  • Real estate photography services
  • Mortgage loans
  • Title companies
  • Real estate agencies
  • Flipping houses
  • Real estate investment firms
  • Real estate wholesaling
  • Real estate investment trusts (REITs)
  • Property management companies
  • Real estate software as a service
  • Construction companies

You can learn more about these ideas in UpFlip Academy . Next, let’s look at some examples of successful real estate businesses.

The three entrepreneurs below had very different paths to building wealth through real estate. Check out their stories.

Aaron Amuchastegui

Aaron was building homes when the 2008 financial crisis hit and nobody was buying homes. That’s when he converted to buying foreclosures.

Since then, he’s bought more than 800 properties and created tools like Lead Propeller, Prophawk, and Roddy’s Foreclosure Listing. He also launched a masterclass about buying foreclosures. Aaron now earns more than $3.6 million annually.

Find out how this real estate business mogul runs his businesses:

YouTube player

Nicasa: Airbnb Property Management

Nicasa is a real estate business started by Sid Bahadur and Eva Xia. They run their Airbnb rental and property management company using strategies similar to hotels.

Their strategies have led to over $3 million in revenue while managing 22 properties. They share how they operate their successful real estate business in the video below:

YouTube player

Thach Real Estate Group: Real Estate Agents Becoming Investors

Thach Nguyen was a real estate agent when his mentor explained:

You can become rich as a real estate agent, but you have to buy real estate to become wealthy.

This insight helped him understand that just selling real estate isn’t enough. He started buying real estate and has now developed a portfolio of properties worth over $100M.

Find out how he approaches the real estate business:

YouTube player

As you can see, each of these real estate professionals took a different approach but still developed great wealth. You can become a real estate professional too.

Keep reading to find out everything you need to know to make a real estate business profitable.

Real estate professionals and people in other industries can make a great living with a real estate business. It helps to have a strategy before you start your real estate business. You’ll want to follow a process similar to the one below:

  • Conduct market research.
  • Create a business plan.
  • Determine startup costs.
  • Create a financial plan.
  • Build your brand.
  • Create a sales plan.
  • Obtain your real estate license.
  • Choose a business structure.
  • Get an EIN.
  • Build a website.
  • Get business insurance.
  • Start networking.
  • Join national associations.
  • Find clients and tenants.
  • Keep growing your business.

Find out how each of these steps will help you find success in the real estate industry.

Step #1. Conduct Market Research

The real estate industry is a huge market. There are plenty of ways to make money when you start your own real estate business. Learn about the different niches to figure out what part of the real estate market you want to enter.

Then look at the requirements to start a real estate business and determine who the major competitors are. From there, analyze the growth outlook. These details will all help you create an effective real estate business plan.

Step #2. Create a Real Estate Business Plan

Miniature wooden model of a house on top of a business plan

Creating a real estate business plan is an essential step. Thach explained a really easy way to do it.

Second, what is the average rent in your location?

When you divide the two, you know exactly how many pieces of real estate you need to make the monthly income you want.

Alternatively, you can read our blog about how to create a formal business plan .

Step #3. Determine Start-Up Costs

While most real estate business owners spend between $6K to $55K to get into real estate, your business model will impact the actual costs. Even if you just want to buy a single-family residence to start a real estate business, you’ll still incur at least these baseline costs:

  • Forming a limited liability company: under $1K
  • Real estate license: $400 to $2.5K depending on state requirements
  • Website: $100 monthly
  • Customer relationship management: $0 to $1K monthly
  • Property management software: $0 to $1K monthly
  • Down payment on property: $45.8K to $157.4K
  • Furniture (optional): $2K to $20K

There are also ways to start a real estate business without money like rental arbitrage or wholesale home sales.

Step #4. Create a Financial Plan

You’ll want to create a financial plan to help you figure out how you’re going to reach your goals. This may be a bit challenging because real estate markets fluctuate dramatically even over short periods.

In this financial plan, you’ll need to start with some assumptions:

  • Number of properties owned
  • Interest rates
  • Changes in the housing market for buying new properties

Next, you’ll want to calculate approximate monthly and annual earnings. Include all the costs associated with running the business each month.

Here are the costs allowed by the Internal Revenue Service for Schedule E rental properties:

  • Advertising
  • Auto and travel
  • Cleaning and maintenance
  • Commissions
  • Legal and other professional fees
  • Management fees
  • Mortgage interest paid to banks, etc.
  • Other interest
  • Depreciation expense or depletion

They don’t include the actual principal payments on the mortgage, but they do view depreciation as a non-cash expense. You should anticipate at least the following:

  • Mortgage and property taxes: Variable based on home price
  • Private mortgage insurance: Up to 1.5% of the mortgage
  • Maintenance: 1% to 2% of the property value per year
  • Homeowners insurance: $2,285 per year ( average )

You may also need to budget for utilities and homeowners association fees depending on the exact arrangement of your business.

Pro Tip: It’s best to set aside emergency funds in case you need to pay for unexpected costs such as legal fees or extensive cleaning.

Once you know your expected real estate income and expenses, calculate how much profit you’ll have left each month as well as cumulative profit. Each time you reach enough profit to pay 20% as a down payment, you have enough money to pay for another property.

There are also financial tools that let you borrow against equity to speed up the process of developing wealth. However, these come with additional risk, so you should make sure you fully understand how each loan product works.

Step #5. Build Your Brand

Real estate business owner holding a sign that says "branding"

There are two ways to go about building your brand in real estate: personal brands or corporate brands. Depending on the business and your goals, you may want to build one or even both brands.

Corporate Brands

This is the type of brand you’ll want to build if you’re a company like CBRE Group, Inc., which manages commercial real estate properties. The same applies to RE/MAX for residential real estate.

You’ll want to create content that helps people understand what you do. If you’re also building a personal brand, try to include the same person or people in each piece of content.

Personal Brands

Realtors and real estate agents commonly use personal branding to find clients. This involves using your name in marketing to help people remember you as an individual. The goal here is to create a positive reputation as a real estate agent or other professional.

You might want to develop a reputation for:

  • Commercial real estate
  • Residential real estate
  • Custom homes

You might also want people to describe you as:

  • Informative
  • Resourceful

Promoting what you do and how you do it will help people recommend your real estate business to others who could benefit from your services and personal qualities.

Step #6. Create a Sales Plan

Depending on your real estate business, you will need different strategies to find:

  • Real estate agents
  • Property owners

Look at what the top companies do and what actions you can take to differentiate yourself from competitors.

Step #7. Obtain Your Real Estate License

Real estate license card sitting on a table next to a miniature wooden house

As a business owner, you’ll benefit from becoming a licensed real estate professional. This will normally require pre-licensing education, taking an exam, and passing a background check.

Each state has its own requirements for licensure. Some allow you to immediately become your own real estate brokerage and do almost anything involving real estate. Others have separate requirements for real estate agents, brokerages, property managers, and business brokers.

Make sure to check your state’s requirements.

Step #8. Choose a Business Structure

Some of the most common business structures for your own real estate business include limited liability companies (LLCs), sole proprietorships, S corporations, and trusts.

The majority of these structures separate personal and business liability, but a sole proprietorship does not. It’s ill advised to run a real estate business without liability protection.

We suggest talking to an expert in real estate law to establish the best structure for your real estate business model.

Step #9. Get an EIN

An employer identification number (EIN) is issued by the IRS. You absolutely need to have an EIN if you’re going to hire employees.

Step #10. Build a Website

Owners of Nicasa rental company in front of a screen showing the Nicasa website

You’ll want a real estate website to market your services and properties. At a minimum, you should have separate pages for your company information, properties, contact details, and terms and conditions.

You’ll also need a disclosure about how you use cookies and your site map. Find out more about how to build a website .

Step #11. Get Business Insurance

Real estate companies need to have insurance to protect their properties against damage and liability. This ensures you’re protected in case potential clients, visitors, or employees get hurt on properties that you own or manage.

We suggest using Simply Business to quickly get quotes from multiple insurance companies.

Step #12. Start Networking

Businessman on a laptop with a cartoon rocket and a globe floating in the background

You’ll want a marketing strategy to help you get your brand out to potential clients. There are numerous ways to do this:

  • Making a professional website
  • Attending networking events
  • Marketing your business on social media
  • Joining business directories through groups like the National Association of REALTORS®

For in-person marketing, you’ll need materials such as business cards and pamphlets to help potential clients understand how you can help them with their real estate needs.

Step #13. Join National Associations

Joining associations of real estate agents, investors, property managers, and other real estate professionals is a good way to improve your real estate career. It will also ensure you’re keeping up with industry trends and building your web presence.

The Library of Congress has a great list of real estate associations , including:

  • American Bankers Association
  • American Institute of Architects
  • American Real Estate Society
  • American Seniors Housing Association 
  • Building Owners and Managers Association

Most of these organizations charge membership fees to join. In return, they normally offer industry education, certifications, admission to industry events, and discounts on suppliers.

Step #14. Find Clients and Tenants

Every real estate business needs clients, tenants, or both. We’ve already discussed many of the ways to meet industry professionals, but finding tenants requires slightly different marketing strategies.

One of the simplest methods is to list the property on relevant marketplaces. Some popular markets and platforms include the following:

  • Airbnb: This is currently the leading short-term rental platform.
  • Vrbo: Vrbo is a main Airbnb competitor.
  • Apartments.com: This site allows you to list apartments and home rentals.
  • Facebook Marketplace: Whether you’re selling or leasing, Facebook can help you reach your local community.
  • Zillow: You can list properties for rent or sale on this real estate business site.
  • HotPads: Use this site if you have a unique house and lots of photos.
  • Redfin: This website offers 3D tours, help from local agents, and premium placements.
  • HomeFinder: This listing tool lets you upload photos, share listings to social media, and pay for priority sorting.
  • RealtyTrac: This platform specializes in foreclosures and defaulted properties.
  • Century21: Century21 is one of the top brokerages.
  • Movoto: Movoto is another licensed real estate brokerage if you want to sell without a broker’s license.

As a property manager, you’ll need to follow all applicable real estate laws in your local real estate market. That means you’ll either need to work with a trustworthy real estate professional or become one yourself.

Becoming a professional makes it easier to create contracts like rental agreements, perform background checks, accept payments, and pay suppliers. Plus, you may have to make court filings for evictions or tenant disputes.

You’ll also need a customer relationship management system to manage your real estate properties and routine tenant requests.

Step #15. Keep Growing Your Business

Business owner supporting a giant arrow pointing up with the label "business"

Once your new real estate business starts bringing in a profit, you’ll eventually want to expand. This will mean different things for different types of real estate companies.

A real estate broker or a house flipper might want to make more real estate sales. Meanwhile, a real estate investor or Airbnb owner might want to acquire more properties and rent them out. If you’re a property management company, expanding could involve finding more real estate business owners who need your services.

Growth may be slow at first, but as your profitable business increases the amount of cash you have on hand, you’ll be able to buy more properties at a faster rate.

Want to know more about real estate services? Check out some of the questions below.

How do beginners start real estate businesses?

Real estate business owner with a thought bubble showing a large home and a stack of coins

Beginners can buy shares of a real estate investment trust to start earning profits from the real estate industry. REITs expose you to the market with low risk.

As you build wealth, you might want to consider more direct ownership. This could include buying rental properties, flipping houses, or starting a property management business.

Is it hard to start a real estate business?

Starting a successful real estate business is easier than you might think, but you’ll still need to put in the work. A new real estate business may require education and a significant investment of both time and money.

The key is to create a comprehensive business plan, network with your target audience, and keep pushing forward. There’s a reason why real estate is one of the largest segments of wealth for many Americans.

How to start a real estate business with little money

There are three main ways to start making money in your local real estate market when you don’t have much money:

  • Wholesale real estate: With wholesale real estate , you’re contacting properties that aren’t listed for sale and offering to find potential buyers for a fee.
  • Real estate investment trusts: This involves investing in a business entity that already owns many properties. You earn a share of the profits on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis.
  • Rental arbitrage: In rental arbitrage, you rent a property and sublease it. Many online property listings specifically ban this practice. However, it is legal as long as you negotiate the right to do so.

How do you start making money in real estate?

Real estate business owner holding cash with a cartoon rocket in the background

There are so many ways to start making money by offering real estate services. You should consider the following factors:

  • Personal involvement: Real estate brokers and property managers have the most active involvement. Meanwhile, REITs allow you to invest in other real estate businesses and collect profits.
  • Interest in sales: Real estate agents and brokers are self-employed business owners who are legally allowed to sell real estate to their target markets.
  • Construction knowledge: Many real estate businesses focus on buying homes, fixing them up, and selling them for a profit. Alternatively, you can rent out the property once it’s renovated.

As you can see, you’ll want to do market research to establish which business strategy fits best with your lifestyle and professional goals.

How to start a real estate business with no money

Setting up an LLC and obtaining a business license cost money, so you can’t legally start a real estate business with no money. However, you can start a rental business through home hacking (i.e., renting out rooms in your home), real estate wholesaling, or rental arbitrage.

You’ll be taking on significant personal risk if you run these businesses without an LLC and insurance, so be careful.

How to start a real estate business from home

Many people with a real estate broker’s license run their business from home. It’s a cost-effective way to start selling real estate. In addition, most or all real estate investors run their businesses from home.

As long as you don’t have lots of people coming to your house, you should be allowed to run your own business from home. Some of the main benefits between a home-based real estate business and other real estate brokerages are:

  • Lower business costs
  • Being able to claim part of your home expenses as business expenses

At the same time, you may want to rent a space in a coworking facility for client meetings or other professional activities.

Can you start your own real estate company?

Real estate agent in a large office holding a clipboard and keys

Depending on what you’ll be doing in real estate, you may need to hire a licensed real estate agent or real estate broker to oversee transactions if you aren’t one yourself.

Many other types of real estate companies don’t require special licensing to perform the work.

We started by discussing the opportunities available in the real estate industry. Next, we established how three real estate business owners discovered their target markets and created their own successful real estate businesses.

From there, we explained how to start your own real estate business and answered frequently asked questions about the industry.

What kind of real estate business are you thinking about starting?

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MERED expands into Abu Dhabi with Al Reem Island properties make most of ADGM ecosystem

MERED Abu Dhabi real estate ADGM Al Reem Island

Dubai real estate developer MERED is strengthening its footprint in Abu Dhabi by acquiring two adjacent prime waterfront plots on Al Reem Island.

This acquisition highlights MERED’s continued success and strategic growth, delivering state-of-the-art residential and commercial developments across the capital city.

MERED is leveraging the 6 per cent price increase seen in the city’s high-end apartment market during the first half of 2024.

MERED invests in Abu Dhabi real estate

The combined plots, spanning over 23,433sq m, are located on Al Reem Island, an integral part of the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) and renowned for its breathtaking waterfront views.

As one of the world’s largest financial districts following its recent expansion, ADGM’s jurisdiction now encompasses Al Reem Island, bringing significant opportunities for businesses operating in a globally recognised financial ecosystem.

This expansion further enhances the area’s appeal, offering access to ADGM’s benefits such as English common law, progressive regulations, and a business-friendly environment.

Diana Nilipovscaia, CEO at MERED , said: “The Abu Dhabi real estate market continues to show strong performance, with high demand for upscale residential properties and 225 per cent increase in foreign direct investment.

“Inspired by the success of our ICONIC Tower in Dubai Internet City, we are eager to introduce the same level of innovation and sustainability in Abu Dhabi. Our team’s meticulous research revealed that the time is ripe as investors’ confidence in Al Reem Island has surged in H1 of 2024.

“This acquisition aligns with our vision to develop exceptional properties that elevate cityscapes and enrich lifestyles in the country’s most prime locations.”

MERED’s upcoming development on the plots will include a combination of residential and commercial spaces designed by world-renowned architects.

Currently in the schematic design phase, the project will feature modern architecture, cutting-edge infrastructure, and world-class amenities, offering a unique living experience that reflects MERED’s commitment to redefining real estate with timeless masterpieces.

The island is just five minutes from Reem Central Park, 10 minutes from the main thoroughfare Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Road, and 15 minutes from cultural landmarks such as the Louvre Abu Dhabi and Saadiyat Marina.

Additionally, Abu Dhabi International Airport is only 30 minutes away, enhancing the development’s appeal as a premium investment opportunity.

This marks MERED’s first waterfront development in Abu Dhabi, adding to its growing portfolio of high-profile projects. The developer has already made significant strides in the Dubai real estate market, launching its ICONIC Tower, set to be the tallest structure in Dubai Internet City at 286.4m.

The project, which includes 310 luxury apartments and world-class amenities, exemplifies MERED’s dedication to swift and efficient project execution. Partners such as global architectural firm Pininfarina, Mirage and Hirsch Bedner Associates (HBA) have been brought on board to ensure cutting-edge design and luxury.

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Apartment for sale in Moscow

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128 sqm apartment near the Kremlin with a view of Theatre Square

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Apartment in Filevsky district on Beregovoy proezd 5k1

Cheap apartment 42 sqm on the 28th floor

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5 room apartment 236 sqm in the center of Moscow

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3-room apartment 158 sqm near the Kremlin

Apartment in Luzhniki on Mosfilmovskaya street

Apartment 170 sqm on the 36th floor

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Looking for apartments for buying in russia.

Choosing the neighborhood of your future residence is a task to be treated with diligence. Poor transport accessibility, a lacking infrastructure and unsatisfactory ecological parameters may noticeably dampen the joy a new property owner is sure to feel from their purchase. To help you avoid such a scenario, we have put together a short overview of the areas in Moscow where you may be considering the purchase of a home , complete with the pros and cons of each of the different locations:

Arbat District – the cultural and business center of Moscow. One of the most prestigious locations in the capital. It boasts a very good infrastructure and high transport accessibility. Unsurprisingly, the property costs here are the highest in Moscow. Despite its small size, the district contains around 10% of all of the capital’s new elite residential buildings, and apartments for sale make up 96% of the properties on the market in this neighborhood. The price of a square meter (3.28 sqft) for an apartment in a new building with penthouses is, on average, 12 000 USD, while the cost of the same in an old building is 9 000 USD. One can even find luxury condos with open terraces for sale in the area.

Kuntsevo District – a beautiful locality surrounded by vast areas of woodland and river beaches on the banks of Moskva River. A strong point of this neighborhood is its good environmental conditions. Brand new and modern residential compounds have been erected here. One square meter (3.28 sqft) of an apartment in a new housing complex in Kuntsevo District currently costs 3 000 USD.

Cozy russian apartment for sale in Moscow

Yakimanka District – one of the most interesting and prestigious areas of Moscow by popular opinion. It is packed full of well-known historic monuments, museums and large parks. The Yakimanka District changed drastically during the Soviet era: most of the centuries-old low-rise houses and mansions were completely demolished or restructured. By the beginning of the 1990’s, new residential and public complexes had already taken their place. Today, one can find condos for sale in Yakimanka’s new residential complexes for the average price of 11 000 USD per square meter (3.28 sqft). The price of a square meter in a Soviet era panel building is 4 000 USD.

Here in Russia’s capital we have our own skyscrapers – grouped together in the compound famously dubbed Moscow-City (the Moscow International Business Center). Many large corporations have their headquarters here. For 1 million US dollars you can purchase a 3-room apartment with a floor area of 607 sqft (185 m²) in one of the towers. This particular listing is located on the 25 th floor.

Where Can I Find Cheap Flats?

If you happen to be a student or if your budget is capped at 300 000 USD and you are looking for cheap condos for sale in Moscow, then the Mitino, Nekrasovka, Cheryomushki, Butovo and Novogireyevo Districts will best suit your needs. These neighborhoods each contain a great number of residential complexes inhabited by Moscow’s middle class. They also have everything one might need for a comfortable life: many schools, kindergartens, big supermarkets, public pools, hospitals, etc. One of Moscow’s Metro stations is also usually just a short walk away. The minimum price of a furnished studio flat in a location within the Moscow Ring Road (a.k.a. MKAD) is currently 100 000 USD.

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