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Research Article

Exploring the nexus between FDI inflows and economic growth: A sectoral level analysis

Roles Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Supervision, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing

Affiliation School of Economics, Lanzhou University, Gansu, Lanzhou, China

* E-mail: [email protected]

Affiliations School of Economics, Lanzhou University, Gansu, Lanzhou, China, Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship, Department of Business Administration, Daffodil International University, Daffodil Smart City, Ashulia, Dhaka

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Affiliation Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship, Department of Business Administration, Daffodil International University, Daffodil Smart City, Ashulia, Dhaka

Roles Resources, Supervision, Validation, Writing – review & editing

Affiliation Department of Public Administration, Comilla University, Cumilla, Bangladesh

Roles Investigation, Resources, Software, Writing – review & editing

Roles Methodology, Resources, Software, Writing – review & editing

Roles Software, Supervision, Writing – review & editing

Affiliation College of Business Administration, IUBAT University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

  • Guo ai-jun, 
  • A. K. M. Mohsin, 
  • Sayed Farrukh Ahmed, 
  • Mst. Shumshunnahar, 
  • Arifur Rahman, 
  • Ebrahim Abbas Abdullah Abbas Amer, 
  • Hasanuzzaman Tushar


  • Published: May 17, 2024
  • Reader Comments

Table 1

This study investigates the relationship between Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows and economic growth at sectoral levels in Bangladesh, employing a panel study framework. Utilizing sectoral-level panel data spanning six sectors from 2007–08 to 2018–19, the analysis is conducted using Panel Vector Error Correction Model (Panel VECM). Results from panel unit root tests confirm that all variables are integrated of order one I (1) , indicating stationarity. The Pedroni panel co-integration test further supports the presence of co-integration among the variables. Notably, the Panel VECM reveals evidence of a unidirectional causal relationship from Real Gross Domestic Product (RGDP) to Real Foreign Direct Investment (RFDI) across all six sectors of Bangladesh. The findings underscore the significance of formulating pragmatic policies and implementing them effectively to attract FDI across sectors, thereby contributing to the overall economic growth of Bangladesh.

Citation: ai-jun G, Mohsin AKM, Ahmed SF, Shumshunnahar M, Rahman A, Amer EAAA, et al. (2024) Exploring the nexus between FDI inflows and economic growth: A sectoral level analysis. PLoS ONE 19(5): e0301220.

Editor: Nikeel Nishkar Kumar, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, AUSTRALIA

Received: August 6, 2023; Accepted: March 12, 2024; Published: May 17, 2024

Copyright: © 2024 ai-jun et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Data Availability: All relevant data are within the manuscript and its Supporting Information files.

Funding: The author(s) received no specific funding for this work.

Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

1. Introduction

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is the investment from one country (home country) into another country (host country) in an attempt to ensure a substantial degree of influence or control on the enterprises of the host country [ 1 ]. Countries with ample capital resources constantly look for opportunities to enter into foreign markets to get maximum return from investment in host countries [ 2 – 4 ] with sustainable consumption. On the other hand, countries, suffering from capital shortages, are inclined to attract FDI to fill-up their saving-investment gap, increase knowledge as well as technological spillovers, and enrich their economic development as well as non-linear effects [ 5 – 7 ].

In addition to supply of capital in the host countries, FDI provides advanced technology and managerial know-how to the host economies, contributing to the host country’s development endeavor [ 8 – 12 ]. Moreover, some studies have documented that countries having superior growth rates are in an advantageous position to attract larger amounts of FDI [ 2 , 13 – 17 ]. Furthermore, countries with established financial structures, stable political conditions, bureaucratic efficiency, improved infrastructures, efficient human capital and stable economic situation can attract substantial amount of FDI [ 13 , 18 ].

Empirically, a good number of studies [ 19 – 28 ] have focused their attention on the relationship between FDI and host country’s economic growth at sectoral-level in a panel study framework. Some studies [ 19 , 21 – 27 ], using sectoral level data, have suggested that the FDI’s effect on economic growth differ across various sectors. This study is an attempt to fill the gap in the extant literature with a contribution in the area of the relationship between FDI and economic growth at sectoral level.

Since after independence, Bangladesh has attracted FDI in major sectors of economy including Agriculture and Fishing; Power; Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals; Gas and Petroleum; Textiles and Wearing; Fertilizer; Cement; Food Products; Leather Products; Trade and Commerce; Services; Transport, Storage and Communications; Construction etc. During the fiscal year (FY) 2020–21, major sectors of Bangladesh that attracted FDI inflows (Net) include Power (US$456.62 million), Textiles and Wearing (US$376.78 million), Food Products (US$307.31 million), Telecommunication (US$243.10 million), Banking (US$240.56 million), and Gas and Petroleum (US$150.09 million) which accounted for 18.2%, 15%, 12.3%, 9.7%, 9.6% and 6%, respectively of total FDI inflows (Net) of US$2507.31 million [ 29 ].

It is interesting to note that the economic studies on the relationship between total FDI and aggregate growth were predicated on the shaky premise that FDI in various sectors would have an equal influence on economic growth and would have homogeneous features [ 22 ]. It is not reasonable to expect FDI to have the same economic effects throughout an economy’s sectors. This is because each of these sectors has a distinct technological foundation, investment absorption capacity, and regulatory environment, among other factors [ 21 ]. The effect of FDI can therefore differ depending on sectoral specification for obvious reasons. Consequently, it would be beneficial to investigate the relationship between FDI and Bangladesh’s economic growth using sector-level data, as each sector has unique characteristics and, therefore, a significantly varied ability to generate influence from FDI.

While Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has been drawn into various sectors of Bangladesh over an extended period, the specific effects of FDI on economic growth across different sectors remain largely unexplored. Notably, there is a scarcity of studies examining the relationship between FDI and economic growth using sectoral level data within the context of Bangladesh. Consequently, policymakers are confronted with the absence of a definitive answer regarding the extent of FDI’s impact on the economic growth of Bangladesh at the sectoral level. Although a solitary study [ 30 ] has addressed the effect of FDI on sectoral economic growth in Bangladesh, utilizing data from 1995–2005, there remains an opportunity to conduct research using the latest sectoral data to glean fresh insights into the sector-specific effects of FDI on Bangladesh’s economic growth.

This study aims to bridge this gap by investigating the relationship between FDI and economic growth in Bangladesh using sectoral level data. The unique focus on this individual, country-specific study, particularly at the sectoral level, is expected to make a significant contribution to empirical research on the relationship between FDI and economic growth using sectoral level panel data. The study is motivated by the potential findings regarding the relationship between FDI and economic growth at the sectoral level, which can contribute to the growing literature in this area and provide valuable insights for policymakers in formulating targeted policies to attract FDI into specific sectors.

The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 reviews relevant empirical literature. Section 3 outlines the data and methodology employed. Section 4 presents the results and provides discussion. Finally, Section 5 concludes the study with pertinent policy implications.

2. Literature review

Several empirical studies [ 19 – 28 , 31 ] have delved into the relationship between Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and economic growth at the sectoral level. Some of these studies [ 19 , 21 – 27 ], utilizing sectoral level data, have highlighted variations in the impact of FDI on economic growth across different sectors. Additionally, certain studies [ 20 , 25 – 27 ] have pointed out challenges related to the reliability and availability of sectoral level data, which can hinder empirical research in this area.

For instance, [ 32 ] employed the 2SLS approach to analyze the impact of sectoral FDI on economic growth across 85 developing countries from 1996 to 2019. Their findings underscored the significant role played by sectoral FDI inflows in driving economic growth in these countries. Specifically, they found that while services and manufacturing FDI have limited growth-promoting effects in low-income nations, industry and agriculture FDI are more impactful. Moreover, FDI inflows were found to stimulate economic growth across all sectors in high-income nations, except for services.

[ 33 ] used panel data estimate methodologies and data from 2011 to 2019 to study the effects of FDI sectors on the economic growth of 10 ex-socialist Asian and European nations. The study found that FDI inflows into the industrial sector significantly affect growth. Interestingly, not all FDI inflows into the manufacturing sector boost economic growth, according to the empirical study conducted at the subsector level. In particular, the findings demonstrated that, out of 13 subsectors, only 6 subsectors had statistically significant and favorable effects on growth from FDI inflows.

In the case of an emerging economy such as India, [ 34 ] investigated, using data from 1995 to 2016, how sector-wise FDI inflows can influence the growth of respective sectors. As per the VECM findings, inward FDI did not contribute to the growth in agricultural output. Nevertheless, a reverse causal relationship is observed, whereby more FDI in the agricultural sector is drawn to agricultural output. FDI inflow is observed to have a favorable impact on the manufacturing sector’s output. The study also confirmed a bidirectional causal relationship between FDI and growth in the service sector both in long run and short run.

[ 35 ] used sector-specific data from 2007 to 2016 to investigate the sectoral analysis of FDI on Nepal’s economic growth. The results suggested that FDI in the agriculture, tourism, and industry sectors have positive influence on Nepal’s economic growth over the given period.

In a recent study, employed Generalized Methods of Moments (GMM) estimation technique to examine the impacts of sectoral FDI on the economic growth of Egypt by using panel data of 26 Egyptian governorates over the period 1992–2007. The study found no evidence of significant effect of manufacturing FDI on the economic growth of the selected Egyptian governorates. The authors suggested that the Egyptian policymakers should focus on improvement of investment infrastructure and financial reforms to attract more FDI in various sectors.

In addition to these studies, research by [ 36 ] delved into the asymmetric effects of FDI on tourism demand in China over the period 1982–2017. Their study employed advanced methodologies including non-linear autoregressive distributed lag analysis and identified structural breaks using the Bai-Perron test. The results unveiled an asymmetric association between FDI and tourism demand, with declines in FDI having a more pronounced impact on tourism demand compared to increases. This research provides crucial insights for policymakers managing FDI in the tourism sector, emphasizing the need for nuanced strategies to navigate the fluctuations in FDI and their implications for tourism demand.

The study of [ 21 ] investigated the relationship between FDI and sectoral growth of Indian economy by using data of seven sectors (automobiles, telecom, services, metallurgy, chemical, pharmaceuticals and drugs, tourism) over the period from 2001 to 2014. Empirical findings of the study indicated that FDI exerts no significant effect on gross output of the entire sectors chosen, whereas gross output has positive and significant effect on FDI for the entire sectors chosen. With respect to the panel Granger causality test, the study revealed the evidence of bidirectional causal relationship between FDI and gross output. The authors further suggested that the Indian policymakers should focus on the development of financial sector, macroeconomic stability, and relaxation of the regulations for attracting higher FDI inflows into India.

[ 22 ] investigated the sector-specific impact of FDI on economic growth for Turkey by using panel data of 10 sectors between 2000 and 2009. The study concluded that there is long-run cointegrating relationship between FDI and GDP in Turkey and there exists unidirectional causality running from FDI to GDP which means that FDI has planted in first period, and then, GDP has exhibited an improved growth rate in second period. At the sectoral level, FDI facilitates growth rate of Turkey most in the manufacturing, power, gas and water, electricity, wholesale, and retail trade sectors.

[ 23 ] applied panel cointegration framework to investigate the empirical relationship between FDI and output at sectoral levels for Pakistan by using panel data of 23 industries for a period of 1981–2008. Their results found one-way causality running from GDP to FDI in long-run and two-way causality between FDI and GDP in short-run. Moreover, the study also suggested that the impact of FDI on growth differs broadly across diverse sectors. They indicated that in the primary and service sectors, growth is caused by FDI, while in the manufacturing sector, it is growth that stimulates FDI.

[ 24 ] applied random effect model and weighted least squares (WLS) method to examine the heterogeneous effects of sector-level inflows of FDI on the economic growth of host country by using data of 12 Asian countries over the years from 1987 to 1997. The study showed that FDI in various sectors does have diverse effects on the economic growth of host country. Specifically, the study revealed that manufacturing FDI has significant and positive impact on the economic growth of host countries chosen for study, whereas non-manufacturing FDI does not play important role in enhancing growth. The author suggested to adopt favorable investment-friendly policies for attracting substantial amount of FDI in specific sectors.

The study of [ 30 ] endeavored to examine the effect of FDI on the sectoral economic growth of Bangladesh by considering sectoral data (industry, agriculture, and service) from 1995 to 2005. The study found correlation between FDI in the service sector with service sector growth, whereas, in case of FDI in the industrial sector and FDI in the agricultural sector, the study found no correlation.

[ 26 ] investigated the role of sectoral composition of FDI inflows on economic growth by using data of 33 countries over the period from 1990 to 2002. The findings of the study confirmed that the composition of FDI inflows influence the economic growth of host country. The study revealed growth effects when FDI in manufacturing sector captures a significant portion, but negative growth effects when FDI in primary or service sector is very high.

In their study, [ 27 ] applied fixed effect model to explore the effects of FDI on the economic growth at different sectoral levels of Indonesia by using data of 12 sectors over the period from 1997 to 2006. The study revealed that FDI appears to have positive impact on economic growth at aggregate level of Indonesia, while the impacts of FDI on growth at sectoral level differ across sectors. In addition, the authors emphasized on appropriate sectoral composition of FDI in host country and further suggested to formulate effective policies for ensuring maximum benefits from inflows of FDI.

In a study, [ 19 ] empirically explored the impact of FDI on economic growth by considering sectoral data of 47 countries over the period 1981–1999. The study revealed that the effect of FDI differ significantly across sectors (primary, services, manufacturing) for the countries chosen for the study. In addition, FDI in manufacturing sector tends to have positive impact on growth, evidence from primary sector is negative one, whereas FDI in services sector tends to have no significant contribution to economic growth.

The existing literature utilizing panel data has yielded diverse findings concerning the effects of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on economic growth across various sectors and countries. While some sectors experience growth due to FDI inflows, others witness a reverse causality where growth stimulates FDI. Conversely, certain studies have found no discernible causal relationship between FDI and economic growth in specific sectors. Moreover, conflicting results have been observed, with some studies reporting positive effects of FDI on growth while others highlight negative impacts across multiple sectors.

Despite the extensive research in this field, there is a notable scarcity of empirical studies investigating the relationship between Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and economic growth at the sectoral level, especially in developing countries like Bangladesh. Despite Bangladesh’s consistent attraction of FDI across various sectors, policymakers are still uncertain about the presence and characteristics of this relationship at the sectoral level. By analyzing this relationship using sectoral-level data, we can not only clarify how FDI impacts Bangladesh’s economic growth in specific sectors but also assist policymakers in crafting precise FDI policies tailored to each sector’s needs.

Therefore, it is imperative to explore the relationship between FDI and economic growth in Bangladesh using sectoral level data. Such research has the potential to make a distinctive contribution not only to the literature on Bangladesh but also to the global understanding of FDI’s impact on economic growth at the sectoral level. The findings can provide valuable insights into the real impact of FDI on economic growth and inform policymakers in designing effective policies to attract FDI to specific sectors.

3. Data and methodology

In the study, sectoral level panel data of six different sectors (Agriculture and Fishing; Manufacturing; Power; Construction; Transport, Storage and Communication; Financial Intermediations) of Bangladesh over the period from 2007–08 to 2018–19 have been used. The selection of six sectors and time periods of twelve years is driven by data availability on the relevant variables. Due to the unavailability of data on the relevant variables of the mentioned time period, data of some sectors (such as gas and petroleum, trading, services) could not be considered for the study. In the study, the period of twelve years may not be a problem as the period of twelve years or less had been used in several panel studies [ 22 , 27 , 28 , 37 , 38 ].

Over the study period from 2007–08 to 2018–19, FDI net inflows brought by six sectors was about 86%, on average [ 29 ]; whereas six sectors contributed about 65% to real GDP (constant 2005–06 BDT), on average [ 39 ]. The study is limited to the bivariate relationship between FDI and economic growth in a panel study framework in the context of Bangladesh. In the relevant literatures of panel study, this restriction is fairly common. In similar types of study, [ 25 , 38 , 40 ] had used the bivariate approach. The detailed description of the variables used in the study is provided in Table 1 below.


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In the study, all the variables have been transformed in logarithmic forms for avoiding the scaling problem. It may help to avoid the sharpness as well as the variations in the data so that coefficients are not affected by the extreme values or outliers [ 44 ].

3.2. Methodology

The study regarding the relationships between FDI inflows and economic growth of Bangladesh at sectoral levels in a panel study framework follows the three-step procedure as suggested by [ 25 , 42 ]. First, panel unit root of each variable used in the study has been tested. Second, upon getting the confirmation that the studied variables are integrated order, I(1) , panel co-integration test suggested by [ 45 ] has been used to test the long-run co-integration relationship between the studied variables. Finally, given the existence of co-integration, the Panel Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) has been applied to investigate the causal relationship between the variables.

literature review on fdi and economic growth

Upon getting the confirmation that all of the variables, based on the outcomes of panel unit root tests, are integrated order, I(1) , panel co-integration test proposed by [ 45 ] has been used to detect the long-run co-integration relationship between the studied variables.

literature review on fdi and economic growth

[ 45 ] proposes seven statistics that test the null hypothesis of no co-integration against co-integration in the panel data. Of these seven statistics, four are called panel co-integration statistics (within dimension-based statistics) and three are referred to as group-mean panel co-integration statistics (between dimension-based statistics).

Given the existence of co-integration between the studied variables, the panel VECM has been applied to examine the causal relationship between the variables which not only identifies the sources of causation but also differentiates between the long-run and the short-run relationship in the series. Panel VECM fails to provide individual sector test output for which sector-wise result cannot be shown [ 25 , 42 ].

In the present study, the panel VECM has been used which has numerous benefits. It allows for the interpretation of both long-term and short-term equations. Using VECM, the first differenced variables and error correction term could be determined. Coefficient estimates in the VAR that results from the VECM representation are more accurate [ 25 , 42 ].

literature review on fdi and economic growth

In Eqs ( 6 ) and ( 7 ), two coefficients φ 1 i and φ 2 i denote the speeds of adjustment along the long-run equilibrium path. Failing to reject H 0 : φ 1 i = 0 for all i ( i = 1, 2, …, 6), indicates that RFDI does not Granger cause RGDP for any of the sectors included in the panel in the long run. On the other hand, failing to reject H 0 : φ 2 i = 0 for all i ( i = 1, 2, …, 6), means that RGDP does not Granger cause RFDI for any of the sectors included in the panel in the long run. Besides, failing to reject H 0 : β 1 ik = 0 for all i ( i = 1, 2, …, 6) and k ( k = 1,2,…‥, k ) suggests that RFDI does not Granger cause RGDP for any of the sectors included in the panel in the short run. Moreover, failing to reject H 0 : α 2 ik = 0 for all i ( i = 1, 2, …, 6) and k ( k = 1,2,…‥, k ) indicates that RGDP does not Granger cause RFDI for any of the sectors included in the panel in the short run.

4. Results and discussion

Table 2 presents the descriptive statistics of the variables. It is apparent that average RGDP is US$9151.67 million. It ranges from US$790.84 million to US$27316.69 million. On the other hand, average RFDI is US$131.19 million. It ranges from US$0.14 million to US$472.73 million.


The standard deviations indicate higher variation in the data across sector and over time of the variable RGDP compared to RFDI. Table 3 shows descriptive statistics (within and between variations) of the variables of the study.


From Table 3 , it can be concluded that average RGDP for each sector varies between US$1144.81 million and US$18,952.16 million. The calculated standard deviation indicates that the variation in RGDP across sectors is US$6772.60 million and the variation in RGDP within a sector over time is US$2077.20 million. On the other hand, average RFDI for each sector varies between US$4.89 million and US$339.86 million. The calculated standard deviation shows that the variation in RFDI across sectors is US$127.56 million and the variation in RFDI within a sector over time is US$79.77 million. The results of various panel unit root tests of LRFDI and LRGDP are shown in Table 4 below.


Table 4 shows that most of panel unit root tests fail to reject the null hypothesis of unit root at levels, meaning that LRFDI and LRGDP are non-stationary at levels, but the results of panel unit root tests in the first difference suggest that all the variables are stationary after the first difference because most of these tests reject the null hypothesis of unit root in the first difference. That is to say, the variables are integrated of order one, I(1) .

With the confirmation that all of the variables, based on the results of panel unit root tests, are integrated order, I(1) , panel co-integration test as proposed by has been applied to check the long-run co-integration relationship between the variables.

Before applying the Pedroni panel co-integration test, the optimal lag length has to be specified.

As is apparent from Table 5 , the optimal lag of two has been selected on the basis of AIC, SC, LR, FPE and HQ.


Table 6 shows the results of Pedroni panel co-integration test. All Pedroni statistics, except Panel v-statistic, Panel rho-statistic, and Group rho-statistic, reject the null of no co-integration, thereby indicating the co-integration between LRFDI and LRGDP.


Thus, the results of Pedroni panel co-integration test support the co-integration between LRFDI and LRGDP as majority of the statistics suggest the rejection of null of no co-integration. With the affirmation that LRFDI and LRGDP are cointegrated based on the results of Pedroni panel co-integration test, the panel VECM can be applied for identifying the sources of causation as well as distinguishing between the long-run and the short-run relationship of the series. As mentioned in the methodology part, Panel VECM fails to provide individual sector test output for which sector-wise result cannot be shown [ 25 , 42 ].

Table 7 shows the result of panel VECM for RGDP equation ( Eq 6 ). From Table 7 , it is apparent that the coefficient of the ECT (ECT t-1 ), is negative (-0.00016) but not statistically significant, thereby indicating no long-run causality running from RFDI to RGDP. The possible reason may be that FDI in Bangladesh, particularly at the sectoral level, could not contribute to the sectoral economic growth. The outcome is consistent with the results of similar types of previous panel studies [ 20 , 21 , 23 ].


Moreover, the null hypothesis that there is no short-run causality is not rejected indicating that there is no evidence of short-run causal relation running from RFDI to RGDP when considering the entire panel of 6 sectors. The finding is consistent with the results of [ 21 ].

Bottom panel of Table 7 shows the results of different diagnostic tests. Panel data models could show cross-sectional dependence in the errors resulting from the common shocks as well as unobserved components [ 52 ]. Ignoring cross-sectional dependence in estimation may result in invalid test statistics and estimator efficiency loss [ 50 ]. The Residual Cross-section Dependence Test indicates no cross-section dependence in residuals. The residuals are not found normally distributed as suggested by the Jarque-Bera (JB) test for normality.

Table 8 shows the result of panel VECM for RFDI equation ( Eq 7 ). From Table 8 , it is evident that the coefficient of the ECT (ECT t-1 ) is negative (-0.201) and statistically significant at 1 percent level, indicating the long-run equilibrium relationship between RFDI and RGDP. More specifically, it can be said that there is the evidence of long-run causality from RGDP to RFDI. It means that 20.1 percent of disequilibrium in the long-run relationship is corrected each period into its equilibrium or the whole system is getting back to long-run equilibrium at the speed of 20.1 percent annually or it requires about 4.98 years to reach the long-run equilibrium.


Moreover, the null hypothesis of no short-run causality is rejected at 5 percent level of significance indicating the short-run causal relation running from RGDP to RFDI when considering the entire panel of 6 sectors. It may happen that rapid economic growth requires more investments including FDI for further development. The host country’s better economic performance may create higher opportunities for making profits from investment which may encourage foreign investors to invest more in expectation of greater profit. The outcome is consistent with the results of [ 21 ]. Bottom panel of Table 8 shows the results of different diagnostic tests. The Residual Cross-section Dependence Test finds no cross-section dependence in residuals. The residuals are found to be normally distributed as indicated by the JB test for normality.

Thus, the research results recommend the evidence of unidirectional causal relation running from RGDP to RFDI when considering the entire panel of 6 sectors of Bangladesh. The probable reason may be that perhaps rapid economic growth may give favorable signal to the foreign investors about the country’s economic progress, thus encourage them to invest more in expectation of higher expected profits. This outcome is similar to the ones of [ 21 ]. Policymakers may need to devise and implement effective policies for ensuring sectoral economic growth with the help of FDI allocated in specific sectors. Policymakers not only have to set pragmatic policies but also implement those policies efficiently for inviting FDI in the sectors, keeping in mind the importance of the sectors in the economy. The probable effects of FDI projects on specific sectors (i.e., expected benefits from these FDI projects) may need to be evaluated before allowing FDI into those sectors.

5. Conclusion, implications, limitations and future research direction

The key contribution of the study is the examination of the relationship between FDI inflows and economic growth of Bangladesh at sectoral levels in a panel study framework by using sectoral level panel data of six different sectors (Agriculture and Fishing; Manufacturing; Power; Construction; Transport, Storage and Communication; Financial Intermediations) of Bangladesh over the period from 2007–08 to 2018–19. Firstly, various panel unit root tests have been performed and the results indicate that all the variables (LRFDI and LRGDP) are integrated of order one, I(1) . Secondly, the results of Pedroni panel co-integration test support the existence of co-integration between LRFDI and LRGDP. Finally, with the affirmation that LRFDI and LRGDP are cointegrated based on the results of Pedroni panel co-integration test, the panel VECM has been applied which suggests the evidence of long-run causality from RGDP to RFDI and unidirectional short-run causal relation running from RGDP to RFDI when considering the entire panel of 6 sectors.

The contribution of the study and empirical findings lead to significant policy implications for RFDI and economic growth (RGDP) of Bangladesh at sectoral levels which is consistent to the prior study [ 30 ]. The evidence of unidirectional causal relation running from RGDP to RFDI indicates the fact that perhaps rapid economic growth may give favorable signal to the foreign investors about the country’s economic progress, thus encourage them to invest more in expectation of higher expected profits. It may be worthwhile for the policymakers to evaluate the pros and cons of each of the FDI projects and its probable impact on specific sectors (i.e., expected benefits from these FDI projects) before allowing FDI into those sectors [ 9 , 12 ]. Special attention may need to be given to the improvement of business environment (i.e., ease of doing business index), implementations of necessary sectoral reforms, specialization in production process, good governance, and human-capital development along with attracting foreign investment for ensuring economic development at sectoral levels.

However, the study suffers from some limitations. The selection of six sectors and time periods of twelve years is driven by data availability on relevant variables. Inclusion of more sectors with extended time periods may bring diversified outcomes and make the study more exhaustive. Besides, analysis of sector-wise disaggregation including sector-specific causality test, subject to the availability of data, may be conducted in further study to understand the nature of causal links between FDI and economic growth across various sectors. Future research may focus on the big data analytics, mixed methodology analysis and cross-country analysis in various time periods.

Supporting information

  • 1. UNCTAD, editor. Transnational corporations and export competitiveness. New York: United Nations; 2002.
  • View Article
  • Google Scholar
  • 11. OECD. 2002 [cited 19 Jul 2023]. Available:
  • 29. Bangladesh Bank, 2021. Available:
  • 39. Bangladesh Economic Review. 2023 [cited 19 Jul 2023]. Available:
  • 50. EViews Help. 2023 [cited 19 Jul 2023]. Available:


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A simulation of the necessary total factor productivity growth and its feasible dual circulation source pathways to achieve china’s 2035—economic goals: a dynamic computational general equilibrium study.

literature review on fdi and economic growth

1. Introduction

2. theoretical mechanism and literature review, 2.1. theoretical mechanism analysis, 2.1.1. theoretical foundation in new growth theory, 2.1.2. middle-income trap as a theoretical basis, 2.1.3. restructuring large-scale cge model, 2.2. literature review, 2.2.1. consumption-driven independent innovation approaching the technological frontier, 2.2.2. technological progress through international investment: threshold effects and forward and reverse spillovers, 2.2.3. technological progress through international trade: threshold effects and forward and reverse spillovers, 3. methodology, 3.1. model and innovation, 3.1.1. threshold effect, 3.1.2. final goods trade technology spillover, 3.1.3. intermediate goods trade technology spillover, 3.1.4. factor-strengthening technology spillover brought about by global value chains, 3.2. summary of aggregations and indexes, 3.2.1. aggregation of countries (regions), 3.2.2. aggregation of industries, 3.2.3. summary of technological threshold indexes and spillover coefficients, 3.3. baseline treatment, 3.3.1. china–us trade friction, 3.3.2. consideration of the covid-19 pandemic, 3.3.3. base tfp growth of country groups except for china, 3.4. shocks and scenario settings, 3.4.1. shock variables.

  • avareg (r): Represents internal circulation. Simulates the local technological advances brought about by the consumption growth in the region.
  • aintall (a,r): Represents the spillover type of local macro TFP growth (including forward and reverse) brought about by foreign capital in the external circulation.
  • aoall (a,r): Represents the final goods trade productivity spillover effect (both forward and reverse). Country r and the trading partner f are connected by the final goods trade technology spillover coefficient; a o a l l ( a , r ) = D i r e c t K a f r ∗ a f ( a , f ) .
  • afall (c,a,r): Represents the intermediate goods trade productivity spillover effect (including forward and reverse). Country r and trading partner f are connected by the intermediate trade technology overflow coefficient; a f a l l ( c , a , r ) = I n d i r e c t K a f r ∗ a f ( c , a , f ) .
  • afelabact (a,r): Represents factor enhancement from trade (transforming factor reinforcement (lab-biased)); a f e l a b a c t ( a , r ) = γ ∗ a f ( c , a , f ) .

3.4.2. Scenario Settings and Amplitude of Shocks

5. sensitivity analysis and results discussion, 5.1. sensitivity analysis and reasonable basic growth interval of china, 5.2. results discussion, 5.2.1. relatively scale-steady and independent internal circulation, 5.2.2. as for fdi, 5.2.3. in terms of factor-strengthening effects, 5.2.4. when talking about trade partners, 5.2.5. china’s productive sectors, 5.2.6. decoupling, 5.3. main findings.

  • Internal circulation works independently with external circulation. And since all external circulation will face the stability issue of the international geopolitical atmosphere, whereas internal circulation requires only domestic consumption and its total factor productivity growth, it is obviously more controllable and reliable, for the central government to stimulate with policies. This is why the CCP emphasizes that domestic circulation is the mainstay. This “mainstay” does not refer to the majority in quantity but rather to the foundation and cornerstone for stable and secure economic development. But, the most practical and realistic choice for China is to keep its opening-up trade policy and avoid collisions that could break those trade ties between China and the rest of the world, therefore more easily obtaining the growth limit interval of 5.08% and 5.71%.
  • FDI may not play as crucial a role in increasing China’s TFP as it did when China fist opened up previously. But, domestic capital as a factor can still learn from international trade and develop the potential to provide additional growth effects. The intermediate goods trade can play a slightly more significant role than the final goods trade for the unskilled labor factor.
  • RCEP is the most important trade partner to China now in terms of technological spillovers. Except RCEP, maintaining good relations with the US is perhaps the most realistic choice for China as it is almost impossible to obtain technology spillover effects from EU groups. The Belt and Road Initiative has not assumed the strategic position that it was expected to have for China yet; a lot of work should be carried out in this area.
  • China’s productive service capacity is severely lacking compared to other countries, and it has to rely on imports, thereby increasing economic uncertainty. The realistic choice for China is to open the productive services market more widely to stimulate domestic competition, facilitate domestic market efficiency, and thus increase domestic productive sector contribution.
  • When “decoupling”, the United States would be the country to suffer the most. China will suffer a colossal loss only under the scenarios of a relatively large TFP increase in the US no matter the lasting length of this change, but not in the event of a relatively mild TFP increase. Moreover, China will be one of the countries that benefits from this change happening in the long term in the US. This benefit is rooted in the re-structuring of the world global value chain map, since when changes in TFP in the US are mild, in addition to the North American countries benefiting, the new global value chain will also require those OBOR countries that are connected to RCEP and Hong Kong (representative of China) to join and formulate the whole chain. When this change is sustained over a long period, China and the developed countries in RCEP, as well as other European OBOR countries, are also needed.

5.4. Policy Implications

5.4.1. promoting comprehensive consumer spending is a key focus of china’s internal circulation: it is essential to identify and address the current bottlenecks and challenges in expanding consumption in china and implement corresponding policies to promote it.

  • The impact of the real estate market: The downturn in the real estate market has either damaged household balance sheets or led to increased precautionary savings. The most affected are those who took out loans to buy homes at high prices during the market’s peak and have not yet paid off their mortgages. This group predominantly includes low-income and young individuals who tend to have a higher marginal propensity to consume. As the real estate market weakens and the returns on liquid assets fail to cover borrowing costs, the willingness of residents to save more and prepay loans has significantly increased. For young people who have not yet purchased a home, the rigid demand for housing creates expectations of large future expenditures, further boosting their savings tendencies and constraining the release of their consumption potential.
  • Incomplete consumption scenarios: There is severe competition between online and offline consumption channels, and the service consumption system is underdeveloped. In terms of goods consumption, with the rapid development of the internet, online and offline consumption channels have become noticeably divided. Online channels have gradually increased, including platform consumption and live-streaming sales, but at this stage, online and offline channels are more competitive than collaborative, lacking a healthy model of synergy. Regarding service consumption, industries such as childcare, healthcare, and elderly care are underdeveloped. The main contradiction in society has shifted to one between the people’s growing need for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development (Xi Jinping, Report at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, 27 October 2017).
  • Insufficient high-end consumption hotspots: there is a lack of significant high-end consumption drivers.
  • In terms of housing, stabilize the housing market to enhance residents’ confidence in the long-term stable development of real estate prices and alleviate their concerns about asset depreciation; accelerate the market-oriented reform of mortgage interest rates, support commercial banks in dynamically lowering long-term loan interest rates, and increase support for first-time homebuyers through the housing provident fund; promote the repair of residents’ balance sheets; establish a multi-entity, multi-channel housing supply system to improve the housing market mechanism across various aspects, including rental housing, first-time homebuyer housing, upgrading housing, non-local consumption housing, and mid-to-high-end housing; andccelerate the renovation of old urban residential areas.
  • In terms of businesses, enhance the brand awareness and influence of online businesses; help individual businesses expand their online sales channels; accelerate the digital transformation and upgrading of traditional offline consumption industries and regulate the healthy development of the platform economy; promote the transformation and upgrading of the consumption structure and vigorously advance the development of modern service industries; accelerate the coordinated and healthy development of the elderly public service system and the elderly care industry to tap into the potential of the silver economy; encourage local governments to improve public service levels and reduce the burden of family care; and continue to promote the balanced development of compulsory education and reduce the burden of family education.
  • Use green consumption vouchers, green consumption subsidies, and trade in programs for old products to encourage residents to upgrade to green, low-carbon durable goods such as home appliances and automobiles and enhance the supply capacity of mid-to-high-end consumption. While improving innovation capabilities requires substantial investment in research and development funding and personnel, leveraging the advantages of the large domestic consumer market is crucial for understanding user needs, promoting technological upgrades, and tackling key core technologies. This demand-driven, application-oriented approach not only helps to break through “bottleneck” technologies but also contributes to the development of internationally leading original technologies.

5.4.2. China’s Main Channel for Obtaining Technological Spillover from External Circulation Has Shifted from Foreign Investment, When It First Joined the World Trade Organization, to the Trade of Final Goods—As Such, Emphasis Should Be Placed on Formulating Final Goods Encouragement Policies of How to and What to Import

  • Maintain control over imports: Ensure that import trade policies are aligned with domestic industrial policies and that the types and scale of imported products are integrated with the country’s industrial development plans. It is advisable to increase the import of medium-tech-intensive manufactured goods, as these products often play a crucial role in the research of high-tech products. For high-tech manufactured goods that China is not yet capable of producing, focus on the technology spillover effects of such products and consider providing incentives or conveniences at various stages of the import process.
  • Increase strategic imports: In recent years, due to growing issues such as trade friction and resource constraints, China needs to strategically increase the import of certain resource-based goods from countries where anti-China sentiments have risen as a result of export shocks. This approach can help mitigate the impact of China’s exports on these countries and foster a mutually beneficial and win–win trade model.

5.4.3. Strengthen Ties with RCEP [ 113 , 114 , 115 , 116 , 117 , 118 , 119 , 120 ]

  • Flexibly utilize rules of origin: Provide in-depth guidance to enterprises on the flexible application of the rules of origin accumulation. By first sourcing intermediate products to lower import costs, and then processing them domestically into finished products for export to markets within the region, businesses can benefit from the “double reduction” of tariffs on both imported raw materials and exported finished goods. This approach encourages local participation in RCEP’s regional industrial and supply chain cooperation.
  • Focus on local advantageous industries and RCEP market opportunities: Identify and compile three key lists—RCEP members’ immediate zero-tariff imports, immediate zero-tariff exports, and potential advantageous products. These lists will help enterprises from both sides precisely identify and optimally match the best applicable tariff rates under the agreement, providing guidance on selecting import and export countries.
  • Expand cooperation in emerging cross-border e-commerce: Promote the development of new models such as “cross-border e-commerce + international transportation” aimed at RCEP members through cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zones. Attract high-quality enterprises to build a logistics supply chain system for cross-border e-commerce and support the establishment of overseas warehouses targeting the RCEP market, actively expanding market reach within the RCEP region.
  • Continuously improve financial services to align with RCEP: enhance and align the financial service system to better match RCEP needs, encouraging the increased use of RMB settlement in trade and investment activities within the RCEP region.

5.4.4. The Realistic Choice for China to Improve Its Productive Activities Area Is to Open the Productive Services Market More Widely [ 121 , 122 , 123 , 124 , 125 ]

  • Relax market access: Gradually expand the openness of productive service industries such as accounting and legal services, moderately lower standards for foreign investment entry, and ease restrictions on personnel mobility to create a favorable policy environment for fostering competitiveness in productive services. At the same time, fully implement a negative list for cross-border trade in services, advance comprehensive pilot demonstrations of service sector opening, and promote the cross-border flow of resources such as talent, capital, technological achievements, and data.
  • Optimize regulatory approval processes: Pilot and prioritize policy innovations in areas such as international mergers and acquisitions, foreign exchange control, customs clearance, investment and financing, and cross-border data flows for enterprises within the region. Streamline the regulatory approval processes related to the international expansion of service sector enterprises.
  • Provide tax and financing incentives: Offer tax and financing incentives for emerging service industries venturing abroad, such as cross-border e-commerce logistics and warehousing services and the export of short-form video content. Support the identification of “specialized, refined, unique, and innovative” enterprises, using targeted policies to strengthen business entities and promote the development of new productive capacities.
  • Leverage the policy advantages of free trade zones and ports: Utilize the policy advantages of free trade zones and ports to encourage qualified enterprises, especially state-owned enterprises, to expand overseas, while moderately favoring domestic service enterprises. This approach aims to break the “no experience, no business” vicious cycle.

5.4.5. Strive to Avoid Decoupling and Strengthen Ties with the Belt and Road Initiative (OBOR)

6. conclusions.

  • The vision goal of sustainable economic growth rate by 2035 can be achieved as long as China maintains its trade opening policy. The final product technological spillover in the global value chain is the main channel through which China can achieve TFP increases, thus making external circulation more important than the internal kind for China, although “internal” has been defined as the “mainstay”.
  • The economic growth impacts of external and internal circulation operate relatively independently. FDI itself has a limited effect but does provide a synergistic effect for all forms of external trade circulation. And all external trades are more friendly to domestic “capital” as one of the production factors.
  • As for international trade partners, we find that the RCEP is the most important strategic partnership for China. OBOR has the potential to explore this side.
  • It appears that FDI is not an effective way to lift the productive services sector’s TFP, and, since the productive services sector relies heavily on importation, a realistic option for China is to open up the productive services market more widely.
  • China–US decoupling has a highly significant global impact; in all the scenarios we considered, the United States is always the country that loses the most, and Europe would be the group to benefit when a large increase in TFP occurs in the US. China will be one of the countries that benefits from long-term TFP change happening in the US.
  • CGE models analyze problems within the framework of general equilibrium [ 130 , 131 , 132 ] even after going dynamic, this characteristic will not disappear. General equilibrium means that, under the influence of trend lines, economic growth will be slowly absorbed and dissipated by the economic system, as long as enough time has passed. This framework results in the model’s negative handling of shocks during recursive analysis. This may not be consistent with non-equilibrium phenomena in economic reality.
  • Stochastic economic phenomena happen always. Further research can be conducted and incorporated with DSGE elements as needed, for example by considering non-equilibrium phenomena and divergent shocks near the steady state for some coefficient estimations.
  • The extrapolation algorithm used here assumes equilibrium in growth, following Kaldor’s stylized facts. However, economic reality also encompasses Kuznets’s insights, highlighting structural changes beyond the growth changes outlined by Kaldor’s facts.
  • Further research is needed to clarify and explore the various factors behind the trade structure and international capital flows discussed in this paper by considering integrating more endogenous theoretical elements, such as (1) combining the D-S model, which can incorporate increasing returns to scale and monopolistic competition into general equilibrium models to add and set parameters and variables, and (2) introducing the Melitz model involving micro-industry and firm efficiency.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest, appendix a. e c r e c f represents the share of all commodities “c” exported from country “f” that are destined for country “r” (china).

1 c_Crops0.280.230.300.
2 c_MeatLstk0.
3 c_Extraction0.190.500.
4 c_ProcFood0.
5 c_TextWapp0.070.330.
6 c_LightMnfc0.
7 c_HeavyMnfc0.220.370.
8 c_Util_Cons0.
9 c_TransComm0.
10 c_OthService0.

Appendix B. M d a r P a r M d a f P a f Represents the Proportion of Imported Intermediate Goods “d” Used in the Production of the Same Product in Both Country “r” (CHINA) and the Exporting Country “f”

1 c_Crops0.781.420.520.
2 c_MeatLstk0.570.
3 c_Extraction1.155.900.341.312.680.540.260.170.76
4 c_ProcFood0.
5 c_TextWapp0.
6 c_LightMnfc0.
7 c_HeavyMnfc0.
8 c_Util_Cons0.230.530.
9 c_TransComm1.080.792.411.501.441.621.010.190.35
10 c_OthService0.620.270.550.190.340.
1 c_Crops0.420.
2 c_MeatLstk1.
3 c_Extraction0.1718.
4 c_ProcFood0.
5 c_TextWapp0.
6 c_LightMnfc0.550.210.850.390.710.390.250.500.43
7 c_HeavyMnfc0.120.110.500.200.370.500.220.380.34
8 c_Util_Cons0.530.890.640.931.711.240.570.500.17
9 c_TransComm1.860.693.610.981.781.312.140.592.25
10 c_OthService0.890.731.170.490.660.610.620.810.83
1 c_Crops0.900.130.392.
2 c_MeatLstk0.970.551.570.300.490.291.161.581.41
3 c_Extraction0.151.450.062.285.920.843.020.060.29
4 c_ProcFood0.470.
5 c_TextWapp0.150.160.340.
6 c_LightMnfc1.170.132.850.260.380.530.380.470.55
7 c_HeavyMnfc0.230.240.520.320.340.460.190.510.29
8 c_Util_Cons0.260.430.510.420.550.500.300.180.20
9 c_TransComm6.576.343.936.115.766.861.253.201.05
10 c_OthService1.160.431.901.971.490.710.521.191.03
1 c_Crops0.
2 c_MeatLstk0.480.110.520.
3 c_Extraction0.
4 c_ProcFood0.
5 c_TextWapp0.
6 c_LightMnfc0.
7 c_HeavyMnfc0.
8 c_Util_Cons0.
9 c_TransComm1.631.333.063.402.532.411.441.071.84
10 c_OthService0.460.441.040.690.470.510.360.500.52
1 c_Crops0.
2 c_MeatLstk0.
3 c_Extraction0.012.440.010.080.410.
4 c_ProcFood0.
5 c_TextWapp0.
6 c_LightMnfc0.
7 c_HeavyMnfc0.
8 c_Util_Cons0.
9 c_TransComm0.820.490.820.680.620.770.560.410.66
10 c_OthService0.200.260.450.
1 c_Crops0.
2 c_MeatLstk0.
3 c_Extraction0.040.690.030.140.390.
4 c_ProcFood0.
5 c_TextWapp0.
6 c_LightMnfc0.
7 c_HeavyMnfc0.
8 c_Util_Cons0.
9 c_TransComm0.430.250.350.450.460.450.490.330.60
10 c_OthService0.200.180.350.
1 c_Crops0.610.790.411.400.190.380.820.270.16
2 c_MeatLstk0.800.440.710.360.520.360.770.520.38
3 c_Extraction0.191.940.
4 c_ProcFood0.
5 c_TextWapp0.
6 c_LightMnfc0.
7 c_HeavyMnfc0.
8 c_Util_Cons0.
9 c_TransComm1.851.522.313.332.051.901.200.841.12
10 c_OthService0.240.200.390.
1 c_Crops0.040.310.
2 c_MeatLstk0.100.320.
3 c_Extraction0.0740.420.010.020.3515.480.360.050.79
4 c_ProcFood0.
5 c_TextWapp1.3138.860.770.520.760.530.721.160.74
6 c_LightMnfc0.130.040.450.
7 c_HeavyMnfc0.
8 c_Util_Cons0.
9 c_TransComm0.430.950.731.031.000.980.481.071.14
10 c_OthService0.
1 c_Crops0.520.280.561.331.080.750.440.330.37
2 c_MeatLstk1.370.412.111.230.500.550.650.470.43
3 c_Extraction0.633.981.170.342.471.560.330.180.43
4 c_ProcFood0.150.050.300.
5 c_TextWapp0.
6 c_LightMnfc0.
7 c_HeavyMnfc0.
8 c_Util_Cons0.
9 c_TransComm1.631.151.632.011.751.940.960.691.21
10 c_OthService0.230.100.470.240.370.320.150.320.35

Appendix C. β Represents the Share of Imports from Country “f” in the Total Imports of Production Sector “a” in Country “r”, Where “r” Refers to CHINA in This Paper

1 c_Crops0.110.050.300.
2 c_MeatLstk0.010.320.
3 c_Extraction0.
4 c_ProcFood0.
5 c_TextWapp0.
6 c_LightMnfc0.
7 c_HeavyMnfc0.140.380.
8 c_Util_Cons0.
9 c_TransComm0.
10 c_OthService0.
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Click here to enlarge figure

Regional GroupsSpecific Countries and RegionsRegional GroupsSpecific Countries and Regions
Set 3: RCEPNOBOR (four countries that are members of RCEP but not part of OBOR)Japan, South Korea, Australia, New ZealandSet 5: NAMERICA (the North American region except for the US)Canada, Mexico
Set 2: OBORYRCEP (nine countries that are both part of OBOR and members of RCEP)Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, VietnamSet 7: EU28NOBOR (ten countries that were part of the European Union but not part of OBOR before Brexit in the UK)Germany, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, Ireland, Denmark, Finland
Set 6: OBORYEU28 (eighteen countries overlapping between OBOR and the European Union)Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, SloveniaSet 8: RESTOBOR (twenty-seven countries in the Middle Eastern and West Asian part of OBOR)Armenia, Albania, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, India, Kazakhstan, Oman, Nepal, Mongolia, Pakistan, Russia, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, Israel, Bahrain, Qatar, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan
Set 9: HK (Hong Kong, China)Hong KongSet 10: RESTWORLD (68 remaining countries and regions)Other countries and regions of the world
Industrial ClassificationSpecific Industries IncludedIndustrial ClassificationSpecific Industries Included
(commodities produced include c_Crops and c_MeatLstk)
Paddy rice; wheat; cereal grains NEC*; vegetables, fruit, nuts; oil seeds; sugar cane, sugar beet; plant-based fibers; crops NEC; bovine cattle, sheep and goats, horses; animal products NEC; raw milk; wool, silk-worm cocoons; bovine meat products; meat products NEC; processed ricea_HeavyMnfc
(commodities produced include c_HeavyMnfc)
Petroleum, coal products; chemicals; basic pharmaceutical products; rubber and plastic; mineral products NEC; ferrous metals; metals NEC; computer, electronic, and optical products; electrical equipment; machinery and equipment NEC
(commodities produced include c_Extraction)
Forestry; fishing; coal; oil; gas; minerals NECa_Util_Cons
(commodities produced include c_Util_Cons)
Electricity; gas manufacture, distribution; water; construction
(commodities produced include c_ProcFood)
Vegetable oils and fats; dairy products; sugar; food products NEC; beverages and tobacco productsa_TransComm
(commodities produced include c_TransComm)
Trade; accommodation, food and service activities; transport NEC; water transport; air transport; warehousing and support activities; communication
(commodities produced include c_TextWapp)
Textiles; apparela_OthService
(commodities produced include c_OthService)
Financial services NEC; insurance; real estate; business services NEC; recreational and other services; public administration and defense; education; human health and social work activities; dwellings
(commodities produced include c_LightMnfc)
Leather products; wood products; paper products, publishing; metal products; motor vehicles and parts; transport equipment NEC; manufacturing NEC
Education years ratio
Economic gap ratio (capital–labor ratio)
Technical overflow power value
China’s Industries Other Than the Primary SectorImported Intermediate Commodities
(Intermediate Commodities (Those “c”s) That Account for More Than 10% of the Industrial Output)
Source Regions by Country Group Number
(Countries Whose Exportation Accounts for More Than 5% of China’s Importation of the Same Product)
a_Extractionc_Extractionc_Extraction is from 2/3/8
a_ProcFoodc_Crops; c_HeavyMnfcc_Crops is from 2/3/4/5/10
c_HeavyMnfc is from 2/3/4/7/8/10
a_TextWappc_Crops; c_MeatLstk; c_Extractionc_Crops is from 2/3/4/5/10
c_MeatLstk is from 3/4/5/7/10
c_Extraction is from 2/3/8
a_LightMnfcc_Extractionc_Extraction is from 2/3/8
a_HeavyMnfcc_Extraction; c_HeavyMnfcc_Extraction is from 2/3/8
c_HeavyMnfc is from 2/3/4/7/8/10
a_Util_Consc_Extractionc_Extraction is from 2/3/8
a_TransCommc_LightMnfc; c_HeavyMnfcc_LightMnfc is from 3/4/6/7/10
c_HeavyMnfc is from 2/3/4/7/8/10
a_OthServicec_Extraction; c_HeavyMnfcc_Extraction is from 2/3/8
c_HeavyMnfc is from 2/3/4/7/8/10
RegionsDirectK IndirectK
2. OBORYRCEP0.980.96
3. RCEPNOBOR0.820.69
4. US0.740.40
5. NAMERICA0.680.87
6. OBORYEU280.630.25
7. EU28NOBOR0.670.56
8. RESTOBOR0.700.60
9. HK0.780.01
10. RESTWORLD0.750.31
Product ClassificationUS Tariffs on ChinaChinese Tariffs on US
Pre-Trade-War TariffsPost-Trade-War TariffsPre-Trade-War TariffsPost-Trade-War Tariffs
RegionsHow Much of the Source Industry Increases When the TFP of Chinese Industry Grows by 1% through Direct SpilloverPercent of CEPII Base Accounts for Direct-Source Industry TFP Increase (Left Column)How Much of the Source Industry Increases When the TFP of Chinese Industry Grows by 1% through Indirect SpilloverPercent of CEPII Base Accounts for the Indirect Source Industry TFP Increase (Left Column)
3. RCEPNOBOR1.2247%1.4539%
4. US1.3539%2.5021%
5. NAMERICA1.484%1.155%
6. OBORYEU281.5841%4.0016%
7. EU28NOBOR1.4818%1.7915%
8. RESTOBOR1.4382%1.6771%
9. HK1.2881%100.001%
10. RESTWORLD1.3379%3.2333%
c_TransComm Proportion of a certain industry12.15%12.21%12.33%8.94%9.70%
c_TransComm Proportion of a certain industry8.20%9.45%27.40%20.47%
Average Growth Rate for 2024–2035The Effect of Scenario Factors on the Baseline Mean VelocityYear in Which China Surpasses the United StatesGDP per Capita in 2035
Baseline Scenario3.46%n.a. (not available)n.a.24,891
Trendy TFP Scenario3.17%−0.30%n.a.23,415
Scenario 1: Consumption increased by 8%5.48%2.02%203330,544
Scenario 2: Consumption increased by 3%4.17%0.70%n.a.26,284
Scenario 3: Technological progress of final products5.11%1.65%203529,306
Scenario 4: Technological progress of intermediate products2.51%−0.96%n.a.21,679
Scenario 5: FDI 1%3.29%−0.17%n.a.23,755
Scenario 5 plus: FDI 5%3.63%0.17%n.a.24,706
Scenario 3 + 4: Technological advances in final and intermediate goods4.39%0.92%n.a.26,964
Scenario 3 + 55.20%1.74%n.a.29,610
Scenario 4 + 52.63%−0.83%n.a.21,995
Scenario 6: 3 + 4 + 54.48%1.01%n.a.27,249
Scenario 7: Trade plus FDI 1% plus consumption 3%5.24%1.78%203529,723
Scenario 7+: Decoupling 2%, short term5.19%1.72%n.a.29,552
Scenario 7+: Decoupling 2%, long term5.38%1.92%n.a.30,217
Scenario 7+: Decoupling 5%, short term4.38%0.92%n.a.26,949
Scenario 7+: Decoupling 5%, long term3.31%−0.16%n.a.23,775
Scenario 3 + 8C: Final goods plus capital5.44%1.97%n.a.30,410
Scenario 3 + 8S: Final goods plus skilled labor5.16%1.69%203529,455
Scenario 3 + 8U: Final goods plus unskilled labor5.28%1.81%203529,860
Scenario 4 + 8C: Intermediate goods plus capital2.82%−0.64%n.a.22,486
Scenario 4 + 8S: Intermediate goods plus skilled labor2.55%−0.91%n.a.21,798
Scenario 4 + 8U: Intermediate goods plus unskilled labor2.68%−0.79%n.a.22,110
Scenarios 3
on Capital Factor
Scenarios 3
on Skilled Labor Factor
Scenarios 3
on Unskilled Labor Factor
Scenarios 4
on Capital Factor
Scenarios 4
on Skilled Labor Factor
Scenarios 4
on Unskilled Labor Factor
The extra effect of Scenario 8 on Scenario 3 or 40.32%0.04%0.16%0.32%0.05%0.17%
Average Growth Rate for 2024–2035Effect of Scenario Factors on the Baseline Mean VelocityYear in Which China Surpasses the United StatesGDP per Capita in 2035
Ideal Scenario 4: Technological progress of intermediate products3.08%−0.38%n.a. (not available)23,181
Scenario 3: Technological progress of final products5.11%1.65%203529,306
Scenario 3 + ideal Scenario 4: Technological advances in final and intermediate goods5.02%1.55%n.a.28,981
The effect of Scenario 3 on the baseline mean velocity1.65%Effect of Scenario 4 on the baseline mean velocity−0.96%Effect of Scenario 3 + 4 on the baseline mean velocity0.92%Effect of Scenario 2 on the baseline mean velocity0.70%Effect of Scenario 2 + 3 + 4 on the baseline mean velocity1.70%
Scenarios 3 + 51.74%Scenarios 4 + 5−0.83%Scenarios 3 + 4 + 51.01%Scenarios 2 + 50.80%Scenarios 2 + 3 + 4 + 51.78%
Synergistic effect of FDI0.09%Synergistic effect of FDI0.13%Synergistic effect of FDI0.09%Synergistic effect of FDI0.1%Synergistic effect of FDI0.08%
A Group of Countries Compared with Chinaa_Agricultura_Extractiona_ProcFooda_TextWappa_LightMnfca_HeavyMnfca_Util_Consa_TransComma_OthService
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Qi, Z. A Simulation of the Necessary Total Factor Productivity Growth and Its Feasible Dual Circulation Source Pathways to Achieve China’s 2035—Economic Goals: A Dynamic Computational General Equilibrium Study. Sustainability 2024 , 16 , 8237.

Qi Z. A Simulation of the Necessary Total Factor Productivity Growth and Its Feasible Dual Circulation Source Pathways to Achieve China’s 2035—Economic Goals: A Dynamic Computational General Equilibrium Study. Sustainability . 2024; 16(18):8237.

Qi, Zike. 2024. "A Simulation of the Necessary Total Factor Productivity Growth and Its Feasible Dual Circulation Source Pathways to Achieve China’s 2035—Economic Goals: A Dynamic Computational General Equilibrium Study" Sustainability 16, no. 18: 8237.

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  • Published: 21 September 2024

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literature review on fdi and economic growth

  • Anna Fedyunina   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Liudmila Ruzhanskaya   ORCID: 1 &
  • Yuri Simachev   ORCID: 1  

The urgent imperative for policymakers globally is the widespread adoption of industrial robots, yet a consensus on the critical factors driving this adoption remains elusive. This paper investigates the determinants of robotization in manufacturing, uniquely examining both conventional and artificial intelligence–based (AI-based) robots. We emphasize the role of foreign direct investments (FDIs) and the state as key stakeholders in the robotization process. Specifically, we assess state ownership, government financial and organizational support, and public procurement. Our database is derived from a survey of 1716 manufacturing firms in Russia, and our empirical analysis employs probit and multinomial logit techniques. For the first time in the empirical literature, we demonstrate that conventional and AI-based robotization are characteristic of different enterprises. We find that state-owned and foreign-owned firms are more likely to use conventional robots. In contrast, AI-based robotization is prevalent among firms receiving public orders and financial support, whereas organizational support is more common among firms with conventional robotization. Our findings have significant policy implications, highlighting the importance of FDI and the state’s role through various instruments—ownership participation, financial support, and demand provision via state procurement—in advancing robotization in countries lagging in this domain. A key limitation of our study is the focus on correlations rather than causal relationships, as well as the use of data from 2018, before the shocks of the pandemic and extensive sanctions, which may have altered the drivers of robotization. Nonetheless, our results broaden the understanding of robotization determinants across different economic contexts and underscore the differences in determinants for conventional versus AI-based robots.

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literature review on fdi and economic growth

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Data Availability

The dataset used in the study is available at: .

The data for the EU averages were calculated by the authors based on Eurostat data. The data for Russia were derived from (Abdrakhmanova et al., 2023 ), using a methodology consistent with that of Eurostat.

(Data of International Federation of Robotics, 2018 )

All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities ( ). Classifier section codes are similar to Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community ( ).

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Ural Federal University, 19, Mira Str., 620002, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation

Anna Fedyunina, Liudmila Ruzhanskaya & Yuri Simachev

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Fedyunina, A., Ruzhanskaya, L. & Simachev, Y. Global Imperative, Local Realities: Unveiling Drivers of Industrial Robotization in Russian Manufacturing. J Knowl Econ (2024).

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Received : 05 January 2024

Accepted : 10 August 2024

Published : 21 September 2024


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