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What is a PhD and Why Should YOU do one?

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In the UK, a PhD stands for ‘Doctor of Philosophy’, sometimes referred to as a ‘doctorate’. It is the highest level of degree that a student can achieve. At some institutions, including Oxford University, a Doctor of Philosophy is known as a DPhil. It is distinct from professional doctorates such as an Engineering Doctorate (EngD).

Entry requirements

An undergraduate degree is a minimum requirement and many will also require a master’s degree (such as an MA, MSc or MRes). Some scholarships will be on a 1+3 basis, which is one year of a master’s plus three years of PhD funding.

How to apply for a PhD

Prospective students are usually expected to submit a research proposal to the department they wish to undertake their study in. Some departments will encourage students to discuss their ideas with an academic working in that field first. The proposal will outline what they intend their research to investigate, how it relates to other research in their field and what methods they intend to use to carry out their research. Some PhD’s however, particularly in the sciences, are advertised as studentships where the research aims are more prescriptive.

How long is the course?

A PhD usually lasts three years (four for a New Route PhD – see below), or rather, any available funding usually lasts for that time. Students may be able to take extra time in order to complete their thesis but this will usually be at their own expense. For part-time, self-funded students, it can take up to seven years.

What’s involved

A PhD usually culminates in a dissertation of around 80,000-100,000 words , based on research carried out over the course of their study. The research must be original and aim to create new knowledge or theories in their specialist area, or build on existing knowledge or theories. Many departments initially accept students on an MPhil basis and then upgrade them to PhD status after the first year or two, subject to satisfactory progress. Students who are not considered to be doing work appropriate for the level can instead submit a shorter thesis and gain an MPhil.

There is little taught element, students are expected to work independently, supported by their department and a supervisor. There may be seminars to attend and/or lab work to complete, depending on the subject. During their study, students will try and get academic papers published and present their work at conferences, which will allow them to get feedback on their ideas for their dissertation.

New Route PhD

Introduced in 2001, the New Route PhD is a four-year programme that combines taught elements, including professional and transferable skills, with the student’s research. There are now hundreds of doctoral students studying a variety of subjects at a consortium of universities across the UK.

Career prospects for PhD Students

PhD graduates who go on to work in academia usually start off by undertaking postdoctoral research and then a fellowship or lectureship. Other career options will depend on what the PhD was in – commercial research is an option for some, and many are able to use their specialist knowledge and research skills in areas of business and finance.   

For a real insight into what it’s like to study at PhD level, see our vlog series ,  where we have invited students at various stages of their PhD and locations to film themselves over a month and share their videos with you.

Why do a PhD?

If you are considering doing one make sure that you do it with a purpose. Do one because you want to and know why you want to do it and have a clear idea of what  it could lead to .  How is doing a PhD going to help you achieve what you want to in your future?

Reasons to do a PhD.

  • It’ll be good for your career. No one expects you to have your whole career plan mapped out when you start a PhD, but having some ideas of where you want to get to can be useful. Be aware though that you may not get the career benefits of a PhD straight away.
  • You want to be an expert in a particular area of your subject. If you complete a PhD you will be. No-one, not your supervisor, not your external examiner at the end of your PhD, no-one, will know more about the subject you researched than you do.
  • You want to achieve something. You want to work hard and demonstrate a passion for your subject and show how much time and effort you put in and how motivated you are.
  • Showing your ability to motivate yourself is one of many skills you’ll be able to demonstrate to employers after doing a PhD, which is  handy for entering a competitive job market .

Reasons not to do a PhD.

  • Don’t do it just because your degree research project supervisor asked you if you wanted to do one with them. If you wanted to do one and it’s in an area that interests you then great, go for it. If you hadn’t thought about doing one before they asked, and you’re not sure why you want to do one, make sure you work that out before saying yes to them.
  • Don’t do it because you don’t know what else to do. Many people do a PhD because they don’t know what else to do and think it will give them time to work that out. Doing a PhD is a huge commitment, at least 3-4 years of your life, and hard work, so before you take one on, make sure you understand why.
  • And do it because YOU want to, not because your family, or others expect it of you, or because your family or friends are doing one, or have done one. Make it your decision, not someone else’s.

Why Should YOU Do A PhD?

It is your decision to commit to a significant period of time and work and it needs to be something you approach positively and with enthusiasm but also with realism about the pros and cons of undertaking original research.

Who does a PhD?

The idea of the “perpetual student”, i.e. someone who stays on after an undergraduate and/or masters degree, to do a PhD, is perhaps a traditional view of PhDs. Some of you reading this will fall into the category of those who work through the tiers of higher education in this sequential fashion (it does not necessarily make you a “perpetual student” though!). The PhD population today is very diverse and not made up entirely of 21 to 25-year-olds who have stayed in educational settings for the majority of their lives. Others may be considering a return to education in order to change your career or as part of your professional development within an existing career. Some of you may be considering coming to study in the UK independently or with support from an organisation in your home country. Whatever your situation it is very important that you take time to recognise and understand why you are making this commitment and what it entails.

Let us move to the positives of why YOU should do a Ph.D. Broadly, the positive reasons can be classified into:

You WANT to or You NEED to

Some academic colleagues were asked to give reasons why someone should do a PhD and all came back with statements that had the word “passion” in them. This is having a real passion for your subject and an area of it that you want to investigate further. My colleagues also offered some interesting comments on the reality of making a decision to do a PhD even when you have this passion. Some commented on the need to consider doing the right PhD for you and not just any PhD, and I think it is important that you take this seriously as it can be dangerous to compromise too far and embark on research that you are not interested in just because it will lead to a PhD.

Academic colleagues also wanted you to look ahead and consider where your PhD may take you. Do you want to continue in an academic career or apply for jobs in industry or other organisations where a PhD is a requirement or will help you to work at a different level? Interestingly, research on the career intentions of students, undertaken by Vitae revealed that less than one-third had firm career ideas even in the latter stages of their Ph.D. This statistic is concerning as it may mean that PhD students miss opportunities to add to their range of experience. You don’t need to have an exact career plan in place at the start of your Ph.D., but doing research on where it may take you is valuable. For those already in a career and undertaking a PhD as part of their professional development, or those who are viewing a PhD as part of a career change into academia, they should also look ahead and ensure that plans for the future are realistic and achievable.

A decision to undertake a PhD involves the same steps as any other career decision, you need to find out as much as possible about what a Ph.D. really involves. Alongside considering where your passions lie and where they might lead to, you need to research such things as:

  • The working environment and how you will adapt to any differences with your current situation
  • Working with a supervisor
  • What funding is available and what it covers, i.e. fees only or fees and living costs?
  • Most importantly what behaviours, skills and experiences YOU have that will make you a successful and productive researcher

These points and others are covered in more detail in 7 Ph.D Application Tips .

Find your PhD here

For further PhD tips see:

What Can You Do With a PhD?

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20th August 2020 at 12:31 am

Excellent article. I am know more motivate to get a scholorship for my PHD program. I have to enhance my all effort because it’s not easy to get a fully funded, require more effort and time taken.

' src=

10th March 2022 at 9:58 am

Good morning,

Hope are well? I am thinking of gong for PHD. In any UK universities. Hope to hear from you soonest.

' src=

10th March 2022 at 1:08 pm

Cool, thanks for your advice. It’s an inspiration to let my “passion” be abroad. Best for you.

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9th November 2022 at 8:33 pm

This article is timely and so educative. I’m now better informed on how to make a decision on going for my PhD. Thanks a lot.

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What is a PhD?

Are you considering a phd degree we take a look at what a phd is, how long it takes and how you can go about getting one..

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What’s a PhD?

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The Clearing concierge has the answers

A PhD is the highest postgraduate-level qualification offered by universities in the UK. It’s for those who are looking to build on what they studied during their master’s degree, or for those currently working who wish to research a particular area within their field.

PhDs are research-based degrees. The student comes up with an original research question, often in collaboration with a university professor, and explores that topic in depth. At the end of the degree a final thesis is produced that could range from 40,000 to 120,000 words.

The number of students enrolling in PhD degrees is increasing year-on-year. From 2015/16 to 2019/20 enrolments increased by 2.9%, according to 2019/20 HESA data on student enrolments . This highlights the growing interest in and demand for the postgraduate qualification.

PhD stands for Doctor of Philosophy. You’ll often find this abbreviated to just ‘Doctorate’ as a PhD falls under the umbrella of doctorate degrees.

They vary in length, based on what you decide to research and whether you choose to study part-time or full-time. Full-time PhD students often take three or four years, with part-time students taking up to seven. Some universities even offer deadline extensions of up to four years.

You can expect to pay anywhere from £3,000 to £6,000 per year. This applies to all UK and EU students, with other international students paying more. Most PhD students fund their degree through scholarships, bursaries, and grants. Many UK research organisations also offer studentships through UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) , which can be another form of funding.

  • Bursaries and scholarships
  • Postgraduate funding

Having a strong interest in a particular subject is the first step to a PhD. You’ll either be applying for an already funded project being offered by a university, or you’ll be pitching your own research proposal. Admissions teams want to see your dedication and enthusiasm, so make sure you’re passionate about the subject first.

Universities tend to list available research projects and who’ll be supervising them on their website. Don’t hesitate to contact any professors you know that are doing research in an area you’re interested in. They may have a PhD position available they haven’t yet advertised.

When applying, you’ll need a:

  • Cover letter
  • Research proposal (if pitching an original research idea)
  • Reference (may be asked to provide three people, who know you in an academic setting or can comment on your research capability)

Use your application as a chance to really convey your passion for the subject. It’s important to expand on your interest, explain why you have that interest and cite examples of you pursuing this interest through past experiences. You’ll be studying for at least three to four years and the admissions teams will want to make sure you’ll be dedicated.

Yes, but this will depend on the course you’re applying for and what previous experience you have. Most PhD degrees will require you to have completed a master’s degree or equivalent, but exceptions can be made if you can demonstrate your capability. Universities want to see that you’re passionate, hard-working, and determined.

This is up to you and your career aspirations. Consider how important it is that you have a doctorate degree and what contribution it’ll make to your future.

Boost your employability

Many choose to do a PhD because it’ll increase their chances of employment. This’ll depend on what you want to study and what industry you want to work in, but doing so could increase your job prospects. Recent data from HESA on graduate activities by level of qualification found that 78.9% of doctorate students were employed upon graduating in the academic years 2017/18 to 2019/20. Only 3.4% were unemployed.

Helps you pursue an academic career

Many students use a PhD as a pathway into academia, progressing into full-time roles at a university or other higher education institution. This could be as a professor, researcher, or other role. PhD students are often employed by the university while they study, helping in lectures, labs, tutorials or as research assistants.

Make a significant contribution to your field

Doctorate degrees offer the opportunity to explore an original research question and advance your knowledge in your chosen field. It's a satisfying position to be in and comes with recognition from your peers. This could also open up a wealth of further research to be explored by either you or your peers.

Develop a range of transferrable skills

Through a doctorate degree you’ll learn a range of invaluable skills, transferrable beyond your studies. These can include:

  • Project management
  • Time management
  • Independence
  • Writing and presentation skills
  • Communication skills
  • Research skills
  • Teaching others

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PhD Study in the UK

What is a phd.

A PhD is a research degree and is the highest award available at universities in the UK. The study is based on a substantial research project on an area of academic interest, typically up to 100,000 words in length, written as a thesis, which then must be defended in an oral examination in front of a panel of experts. Students are assigned a supervisor, and a PhD duration is typically three years full-time and six years part-time.

Very few research degrees feature taught modules, so students are expected to take more responsibility for their work and schedule.

PhD Eligibility

UK universities are free to admit anyone, with PhD admission generally conditional on the prospective student having completed an undergraduate degree with at least upper second-class honours and a master's degree . English language ability must be proved; a minimum IELTS score of 7.0 is generally required.

PhD Research Proposal

All students who apply for a PhD must submit a research proposal ( example ). The proposal should address the research you wish to undertake, how you will do it, and why it is important. A panel of experts must accept the proposal before your programme can begin.

Other types of Research Degree

Mphil (master of philosophy).

If you wish to study for a PhD, you may first need to begin an MPhil and then transfer to a PhD programme after 12-18 months. An MPhil is also a qualification in its own right and is generally thesis-only, lasting one year full-time and two years part-time. The thesis must present the results of a study and research and be a maximum of 60,000 words.

Students choose to study an MPhil if the proposed research has insufficient scope for a full PhD.

MRes (Master of Research)

An MRes is an advanced postgraduate research degree in the areas of art, humanities, and social sciences. Some Ph.D. Programs require an MRes qualification before beginning a PhD. The programme proper, and the student is required to complete a 40,000-word dissertation.

An MRes is a good way to see if you enjoy conducting research without fully committing to and funding a full PhD.

Professional Doctorate

Professional doctorates are similar to PhDs but are intended to advance professional practice rather than improve academic ability. Joint professional doctorates include law, education, business, engineering, and medicine.

How long does a PhD last?

A PhD in the UK usually takes three to four years if you study full-time. However, it can vary depending on the subject and how quickly you make progress. If you study part-time, it may take longer, typically five to seven years.

How much does a PhD cost?

Funding and researching a PhD can be expensive, with EU students paying up to £6,000 per year, and international students more.

It is rare for a PhD student to not be supported by some form of bursary, grant or scholarship  though, and many universities and research councils provide monetary support for part or all of a PhD programme.

PhD admission - how do I apply?

Once you have decided on an area of research and have looked into how you will fund your study, you will need to fill out several documents required when submitting your application. They can include:

  • Academic transcripts
  • Academic references
  • Personal statement
  • Research proposal ( example )

Students will also need to identify a supervisor who will oversee their PhD.

Top PhD Programmes in the UK

- university of oxford.

The DPhil in Computer Science at Oxford University offers students the chance to do advanced research in a beautiful setting. You can study topics like linguistics, biology, medicine, and quantum computation alongside computer science, get one-on-one guidance from experienced supervisors, attend lectures, and gain transferable skills.

  • Popular PhD course: DPhil in Computer Science
  • Entry requirements: A first-class or strong upper second-class undergraduate degree with honours in a four-year undergraduate degree (equivalent to a master's degree) in a relevant subject, or a first-class or strong upper second-class undergraduate degree with honours in a three-year BSc/BA degree and a master's degree with merit or distinction in a relevant subject.
  • International fee: £29,700

- University of Cambridge

The PhD in Computer Science at Cambridge University is research-focused. Students work on their research projects under the guidance of a supervisor for three to four years. When admitted, students undergo a probationary period and are registered for the Certificate of Postgraduate Study (CPGS).

  • Popular PhD courses: PhD in Computer Science
  • Entry requirements: A UK First class Honours Degree or international equivalent. Additionally, having a master's-level degree or equivalent postgraduate work is highly desirable. 
  • International fee: £35,673

- Imperial College London

The Imperial College Business School offers a Master's in Research (MRes) that introduces students to theory and research methods in Finance, Economics, and Management, providing a solid foundation for future doctoral studies. Depending on the chosen research area, the MRes programme can be completed in one or two years.

  • Popular PhD course: One year Master’s in Research
  • Entry requirements: A high academic standing (such as a distinction or merit), or a first-class or upper second-class honours undergraduate degree.
  • International fee: £17,500

- University College London

The Management MRes + MPhil/PhD programme at UCL School of Management offers a prestigious research experience for students seeking scholarly careers in management studies. With a strong reputation for world-leading research, the programme provides rigorous academic training and personalised research mentorship.

  • Popular PhD course: Management MRes + MPhil/PhD
  • Entry requirements: A first-class Bachelor's degree from a UK university or an equivalent overseas qualification. UCL encourages applicants from various disciplines to apply and requires them to have taken the GMAT or GRE General Test.
  • International fee: £29,000

- University of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh’s PhD in Informatics focuses on training researchers with comprehensive knowledge in their discipline and a specialised area. During the first year, you will attend relevant lectures, submit a thesis proposal, and receive annual progress reviews. Successful completion of a thesis and oral examination leads to the award of a doctorate. Regular talks and seminars provide additional learning opportunities.

  • Popular PhD course: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Informatics
  • Entry requirements: A degree in an Informatics-related field like Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, or Computer Science. Proficiency in computer programming is required. 

Study a PhD in the UK

If you are interested in studying for a research degree in the UK, arrange a free consultation today. The PhD Service  can also help you apply with expert application advice, interview practice and research proposal editing.

PhD Admission FAQ

Is a phd fully funded in the uk for international students.

PhD funding for international students in the UK varies. Some universities offer full funding, while others require students to find funding. Scholarships, grants, and assistantships are available, but not all PhD programmes are fully funded.

What are the requirements for studying for a PhD in the UK?

To study for a PhD in the UK, you generally need a master's degree or an equivalent qualification in a related field. You'll also need to write a detailed research proposal explaining your research objectives and academic references that assess your research abilities. Additionally, you must secure funding to cover your tuition fees and living expenses, which can come from scholarships, grants, personal funds, or sponsorship. Requirements may vary, so it's best to check with individual universities.

Can international students apply for a PhD in the UK?

international students can apply for a PhD in the UK. UK universities accept applications from students worldwide. 

How much does a PhD cost for international students in the UK?

PhD tuition fees for international students in the UK depend on factors such as the university, field of study, and location. On average, fees range from £15,000 to £35,000 per year. However, it's important to note that actual fees can vary significantly .

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How to apply for a PhD in the UK

Applying for a phd is not quite as daunting as you might think. a postgraduate student recruitment officer from the university of sussex shares his tips for putting together a phd application.

Ben Osborne's avatar

Ben Osborne

Pad of paper with PhD written on

There are many different reasons for wanting to pursue a PhD – to move into an academic role at a university, to continue studying a subject you are passionate about or to further your career. 

Whatever your motivation, many students are now choosing to pursue a PhD abroad. This guide will help you understand how to apply for a PhD at a UK university and answer any questions you might have around doing PhDs.

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How to apply for a phd.

Application rules and methods vary for each university. The number of courses that you can apply for in a year will vary. For example, at the University of Sussex , you can apply for up to three postgraduate courses per year using the postgraduate application system.

If you are applying for more than one degree, you must submit a research proposal/statement specific to each area of study you apply for.

You can also apply to different universities to improve your chances of being accepted to a PhD course of your choosing. 

What qualifications do I need?

Each PhD will have specific entry requirements and you will also need to meet a university’s general entry requirements.  This may be an upper second-class undergraduate honours degree (2:1) or an equivalent international qualification. For some PhDs you may need a master’s qualification, and you may be asked to attend an interview.

International students may also be required to prove language proficiency. This will vary across institutions so do check what level universities expect before starting your application. 

Applicants should always check the specific entry requirements in a university’s online prospectus before making an application.

When should I start applying?

This will depend on when your term start date is. Most research degrees will start in September but some courses offer additional entry points in January or May.

You can apply all year round for research degrees starting in September, January and May, and the deadlines for applying are usually one month before the course start date for UK applicants, and three months before for international applicants.

If you’re applying for funding from an external organisation you’ll need to be aware that they may have different deadlines for the funding application. So give yourself plenty of time to research your funding options, and ensure you know how long the application process takes. 

Many universities offer a number of funded PhD opportunities and PhD scholarships for UK and international students, and it’s always worth investigating funding routes such as research councils and other organisations, both in the UK and overseas.

In some cases, it may be possible to study a PhD by distance which means you’ll be able to learn online and have virtual meetings with your supervisor.

If this is something you would be interested in doing you should check before applying whether your university can accommodate this option. 

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How should I look for a supervisor?

Usually if you are applying for a funded project, or to a research centre or group, you will normally be asked to provide a statement explaining your suitability for working in that area, and if successful you will be allocated a supervisor.

If you wish to propose your own area of research, you need to decide on a research topic, and you will be expected to write a research proposal. In some cases you may only be required to provide a summary of academic interests and this can be used to match you to a researcher that suits you.

If you are proposing your own research topic, there may be a research database at your university that you can search, or your university will match you with a supervisor during the assessment of your application. It may be possible to request supervision by a particular member of faculty – this will be considered but not all requests can be accommodated.

If you do find a potential supervisor who matches your research area, check their online profile for indications of their doctoral supervision capacity. If they are open to doctoral applications, you can contact them directly to check their availability for supervising you.

It is a good idea to draw up a shortlist of two to three potential supervisors, and take an in-depth look into their research history. You can also find out more about your potential supervisors by looking in the reference sections of academic textbooks and searching for articles in research databases and academic blogs.

When you contact your potential supervisor, it is important to tell them something interesting about yourself, and explain your research interests and how you feel your research proposal matches their expertise.

How do I write a research proposal?

If you are proposing your own research you will need to write a strong proposal that formulates a precise, interesting research question, and establishes the relevance and value of the proposed research question in the context of current academic thinking.

You’ll need to make sure your proposal describes the data or source material your research requires, and outlines a clear and practical methodology that enables you to answer the research question and that states clearly what you hope to discover at the end of your research, and what new areas it might open up.

The precise content and structure of your research proposal will depend on your subject area, and the University of Sussex has some helpful resources on our website to guide you through the process.

How long does the application process take?

Completing an application and writing a research proposal may take some time and should not be left until just before the application deadline.

It’s not easy to give a definite idea of how long it takes to hear if your application has been successful, as it will depend on when the application is made and the nature of the specific PhD, and you would need to meet any conditions contained within the offer before you can start the PhD.

What are the associated costs?

There won’t typically be an application fee for PhDs but there are tuition fees. If a university does charge application fees they will usually be between £50-£100.

The tuition fees for students studying in the UK are set by UK Research and Innovation . Fees for international students are £18,975 for non-lab-based subjects, and £22,975 for lab-based subjects per year.

You’ll also need to factor in living costs, but there are a number of funding routes you can apply for to help with this. As well as PhD scholarships and funded research projects there are research council awards, PhD loans for those eligible, and various organisations to which international students can apply for funding, such as The Gen Foundation and Open Society Foundations.

It’s important to be aware of the costs involved, but it’s also worth remembering that the educational, career and personal benefits of PhD study can be worth it.

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5 routes to getting a Doctorate

While most of those studying for a PhD take the PhD by thesis pathway, there are five viable routes to achieving a Doctorate, with both full-time and part-time options available

PhD by thesis

This is the most common means of getting a Doctorate. Over the three or four years of research at university, your PhD supervisor will support you as you aim to produce a thesis based on your research proposal .

A thesis is typically 60,000-90,000 words in length - although this can vary between institutions. For instance, the University of Glasgow's College of Social Sciences expects a thesis to be 70,000 to 100,000 words including references, bibliography and appendices, while the University of Cambridge has set an upper limit of 80,000 words.

Once completed, you'll need to defend your PhD thesis in front of a panel of examiners during your viva voce .

Doctorate by publication

This route involves submitting previously published work - such as books, book chapters and journal articles, which together form a coherent body of work and show evidence of an original contribution to a particular field of study.

The PhD by publication route is often taken by mid-career academics that haven't had the opportunity to undertake a standard Doctorate degree.

Generally, a minimum of five to eight published pieces are required, but this varies between institutions and depends on their length. The published work will be assessed to the same rigorous standards as a traditional PhD by thesis.

You must also provide a written supporting statement, which typically ranges from 5,000 to 15,000 words.

For instance, the University of Westminster asks for a commentary of 5,000 words (science and technology subjects) or 10,000 words (arts, social sciences and humanities). On the other hand, Queen Margaret University Edinburgh requires 12,000 to 15,000 words on the rationale and theoretical context for the portfolio of published work.

The work will then be presented to an academic committee. A supervisor will assist you with selecting which publications to submit, as well as guidance on the supporting statement.

Some universities accept only their own graduates for a PhD by publication, while others restrict this route to their academic staff. In general, you should have graduated from your first degree at least seven years ago to be eligible.

For example, The University of Manchester has published its own Guidance for the PhD By Published Work , with eligibility only extending to current members of staff.

Professional Doctorate

This type of Doctorate includes a significant taught component and a smaller research project, and is geared primarily towards current professionals in vocational sectors such as:

  • engineering and manufacturing
  • teaching and education .

Professional Doctorates are often taken on a part-time basis and can last between two and eight years. Like their standard PhD counterparts, they usually begin in October or January.

While you won't typically be looking to get an academic job , your research is expected to contribute to theory as well as professional practice. Projects often revolve around a real-life issue that affects your employer.

Several professional Doctorates, such as the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (DClinPsy), are accredited by a professional body - for instance, the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC) and The British Psychological Society (BPS) - and may also lead to a professional qualification .

Common titles for graduates of professional Doctorate degrees include:

  • Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
  • Doctor of Education (EdD)
  • Doctor of Engineering (EngD)
  • Doctor of Medicine (MD).

Unlike many professional Doctorates, the EngD is typically offered as a full-time course and is aimed at young engineering graduates with little or no professional experience.

Integrated PhD

This four-year qualification, also known as the New Route PhD, involves studying a one-year research Masters degree (MRes) before progressing onto a three-year PhD.

Offered by a select number of universities across the UK, integrated PhDs are supported by the government and the British Council through UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) .

Visit Research Council funding for further information on research and funding for different types of PhD.

The integrated PhD involves a combination of taught materials, practical experience and advanced research. This allows you to learn subject-specific methodologies, while building the transferable skills that will enable you to become a leader in your chosen profession.

Institutions can also develop personalised integrated PhD programmes to meet each student's needs. For example, universities may offer you the opportunity to gain a postgraduate certificate (PGCert) in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education - perfect if you're considering a career as a higher education lecturer .

Online/distance learning PhD

As PhDs are based primarily on independent research rather than time spent in lectures and seminars, distance learning has always been a viable route for many Doctoral students.

PhDs by distance learning offered by course providers such as The Open University are therefore a good option to consider if you've got family or work commitments or are an international student - as this gives you the chance to undertake Doctoral research without having to live close to your chosen institution. It's also a suitable mode of study if your subject requires you to be based in a specific location away from the university.

For the most part, you'll be in touch with your supervisor by phone, email or Skype/Zoom. You'll need to bear in mind that even if you opt for this form of research, you'll generally still need to attend university for one or two weeks of each academic year for meetings and to receive research skills training. Your final exam may be undertaken either face-to-face or virtually.

With online PhDs, you can usually register as a full or part-time student. The level of fees you pay varies between institutions - some charge the same as for a standard PhD while others offer a reduced rate.

Check that any funding you plan to apply for is available to distance learning students, as this isn't always the case.

Search for online/distance learning PhDs .

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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

What is a phd.

A PhD is a Doctorate of Philosophy, a prestigious qualification which is the highest level of degree that a student can achieve, demonstrating talent, academic excellence and a thirst for knowledge. In a modern knowledge-based economy, highly educated and skilled people such as doctoral graduates, are in great demand. They form the most highly educated and skilled group in the UK and internationally. Many will go on to use their skills within academia or in research-intensive occupations in industry. However, there will be others who will draw on their research background and the skills gained through a doctoral degree in a wide variety of other occupations. Examples of the type of employment opportunities taken up by PhD holders can be found at Vitae: researcher careers .

What will I get from a PhD?

You will get a huge sense of personal achievement. Our doctoral training programme will help you develop transferable skills that will be invaluable in your subsequent career. The research techniques and methodologies you master will enable you to make a direct contribution to the advancement of knowledge in your particular subject area.

Successful candidates are awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and are permitted to use the title ‘Dr’.

How does it work?

The maximum registration for a PhD programme is four years with full-time study, or eight years with part-time study.

All PhD students are initially registered for a Master of Philosophy (MPhil), and the PhD registration is confirmed after the successful completion of an upgrade assessment (at the end of year 1 for full-time students and year 2 for part-time study). You will be registered for a PhD when you pass this upgrade. Your academic progress will be monitored throughout your degree studies, via formal progress reports and regular meetings with your supervisors.

You complete a body of primary, novel research and submit a doctoral thesis of up to 100,000 words, which you then defend via an oral examination (the viva) to the satisfaction of the examiners. Your thesis must meet the expectations specified in the Quality Code .

Entry requirements

Entry requirements vary according to the research topic and/or specific studentships. The normal minimum entrance requirement is an upper second class honours degree or masters degree, relevant to the proposed area of study, from a recognised higher education institution in the UK or other recognised degree-awarding body. The comparability of qualifications from outside the UK with The Open University requirements will be determined through reference to UK ENIC .

The research topic pages (within research areas ) give details of specific entry requirements, and provide contact details to discuss your suitability for the PhD.

English language proficiency

To study with us, you will need to have a good command of English. If your first language is not English, you will need to demonstrate your competence in the English Language in all four elements (reading, writing, listening and speaking). The University requires a minimum IELTS score of 6.5 with no less than 6.0 in any of the four categories (or approved equivalent). If you are an overseas student, you must have your level of proficiency certified through a provider approved by UK Visas and Immigration and provide your certificate and grade with your application.

Application closing dates

Entry may be permitted for direct registration with The Open University at the following points of year: October and February. This ensures that students benefit from development and training in peer groups. For further information on how to apply, see our Application process section. Application deadlines may differ between research topics and studentships; full details of topic application period is detailed in the topic page (within research areas ).

OU PhD student, Hannah Sargeant.

PhD student, Hannah Sargeant. Her research is focussed on water production from Moon rocks as part of the ProSPA instrument that will be flown to the Moon in 2025.

My PhD journey so far has been a wonderful learning experience that made me reflect upon my beliefs and stretch my thinking.

what is a phd in uk

The sweetest thing about the PhD is that you’ve worked hard for it. It is an opportunity to make an original contribution to an academic area I have always found fascinating.

what is a phd in uk

Your questions

For advice about applying for a research degree, or sponsoring a research student, email the Graduate School or call +44 (0)1908 653806.

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Postgraduate research

PhD and MPhil degrees are different from taught degrees - such as Bachelors or Masters degrees - because the programme is an independent research project, rather than a programme of assessed coursework.

Making an original contribution

The essential requirement of a PhD is the creation of new knowledge. Being a researcher means developing new ideas and improving understanding through this creation of new knowledge. Your research will inevitably build on the work and ideas of others, but as a research student you are expected to make an original contribution to knowledge in your discipline.

Leading a research project

You will lead the research project, but you will also have support from a supervisory team who are there to provide guidance and read and comment on draft work - but the ultimate responsibility for planning and managing the research project will rest with you.

Writing a thesis

The research project is then written up as a thesis - usually 50,000-80,000 words depending on the discipline. Again, responsibility for writing and submitting the thesis rests with you, but your supervisory team provide guidance and read and comment on draft chapters to help ensure the thesis is of an appropriate standard.

Viva voce - defending your thesis

Finally, to be awarded a research degree you must defend your thesis in a 'viva voce' (spoken) examination. The viva voce examination is an intense and challenging experience, but we offer workshops and mock examinations to help you prepare and almost all research students who reach this stage go on to successfully complete their degree.

How long does a PhD take?

You will normally complete your active research - experimental work, field work, archival work, etc. - over a maximum period of 3-3.5 years. A fourth year or the remaining part of this can then be used to prepare the thesis for examination.

You would normally complete your active research - experimental work, field work, archival work, etc. - over a maximum period of 6-6.5 years. A seventh year or the remaining part of this can then be used to prepare the thesis for examination.

How long does an MPhil take?

MPhil students would normally complete their active research - experimental work, field work, archival work, etc. - over a maximum period of 1-1.5 years. A second year or the remaining part of this can then be used to prepare the thesis for examination.

MPhil students would normally complete their active research - experimental work, field work, archival work, etc. - over a maximum period of 3-3.5 years. A fourth year or the remaining part of this can then be used to prepare the thesis for examination.

In some cases it may be possible to complete a PhD or MPhil degree in less time, but this is unusual.

Structured training

UK PhD and MPhil degrees are distinctive in that they provide research students with a structured programme of training designed to help them develop their personal and professional capabilities. At Leicester, we are proud of our innovative and flexible approach to supporting the skills and career development of our research students.

Skill and career development

You'll benefit from a structured and tailored programme of skills and career development activities. In addition to the subject-specific research skills that are gained over the course of the research project, we offer workshops and training events that allow you to develop wider generic research skills and transferable skills such as leadership, team working, project management skills, and presentation skills - helping you to enhance your employability whatever your career plans.

Communicating your research

We also provide opportunities to help you develop your ability to share your research and develop your confidence in communicating research concepts and findings to different types of audiences. Schools and departments offer their own seminar and conference programmes in which you are encouraged to participate. Over the course the degree, you'll normally also attend academic conferences in the UK or abroad at which you present your research and have the opportunity both to network with other researchers in your subject and to raise your own profile.


  • Top 20 UK Universities for PhD Study in 2024

Written by Marcus Holt

The United Kingdom has a world-famous higher education system and a large range of degree programmes, making it a very popular destination to study in. So, it’s no surprise that British universities are some of the highest ranking in the world.

But how do you choose the best university to study your PhD at?

It’s not always as straightforward as you might think but you can start by looking at the rankings. These tell you which UK universities are the most internationally respected and renowned.

Top 20 UK Universities in 2024
University THE 2024 QS 2024 ARWU 2023
1 3 7
5 2 4
8 6 23
22 9 17
=30 22 38
=38 40 59
46 45 151-200
51 32 41
81 55 88
=87 =76 101-150
=97 =81 151-200
101 =84 151-200
105 104 151-200
=106 67 101-150
129 75 151-200
=130 =100 101-150
135 =145 201-300
147 167 301-400
155 122 301-400
=168 =176 101-150
World University Rankings, and . Visit their websites for more information.

So, how good are the top universities in the UK for PhD study?

The short answer is: very good! With 11 universities in the top 100 THE ranking, the UK has more top-ranked universities than any other European country.

In fact, the only other country to beat the UK globally is the USA. But, unlike the USA, all the UK’s top universities are publicly funded, reflecting their substantial investment in higher education.

Here we’ve given a brief introduction to university rankings. For a more detailed overview of how the system works and how to get the best out of it, check our guide to PhD rankings .

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PhD in UK

Where Tea Breaks and Thesis Breakdowns Collide!

Are you considering pursuing a PhD in the UK? Completing a PhD in the UK in 2024 from the renowned research institutes present in the country adds a unique weight to your resume. In this blog, we will delve deeper into the intricacies of pursuing a PhD course in UK. This blog aims to provide you with practical advice and in-depth insight for prospective PhD students. Whether you are deciding upon the university to pursue your PhD course or you have already dived into the application process, here is all you need to know about pursuing a PhD course in UK.

Overview of PhD in the UK

PhD is one of the highest degrees awarded in UK universities. A PhD involves a substantial research project prepared around a specific topic and area of interest. It typically involves up to 100,000 words woven together within an informative thesis. In the end, once the thesis has been finalised, the candidates go through a stringent oral examination where they are expected to defend their thesis findings in front of a knowledgeable and esteemed group of experts. 

The candidates each have an assigned supervisor who helps and assists the students with their research. The duration of a PhD generally ranges from three years (full-time) to 6 years part time PhD in UK. Students can choose from full-time and part time PhD courses on the basis of their requirements. Some of the most popular PhD courses opted by students include Computer Science, Medicine, Engineering, Paramedic Sciences, Law, and many more! 

Why Study PhD in the UK?

You can find a plethora of reasons to explore the range of PhD programs in UK. We have listed down a few out of many to help you understand why UK is considered to be one of the best educational destinations in the world:

1. Houses Top-notch Institutions

‍ The UK is home to top universities and educational institutions such as the University of Oxford, Imperial College London, University College London, and many more. This allows students to conduct their research using the right resources under the supervision of esteemed professors. The country has established itself as a leader in the academic sector. 

2. Research-centric Infrastructure

‍ The universities and academic institutions in the UK provide abundant infrastructural support to students who wish to accomplish their research in the country. The UK cherishes an ages-long tradition of substantial research and has also led some of the most groundbreaking research around the world.

3. Scholarships and Grants

‍ If financial constraints are holding you back from enrolling in a PhD course in UK then do not fret. Various private organisations and universities in UK offer scholarships and financial aid to students who come from humble backgrounds. This eases the financial burden on them and helps in the growth of the research community.

4. Globally Established Footing

‍ A PhD in the UK assists students in building their CV and is regarded as one of the best achievements in their professional careers. It opens multiple doors for students in a varied range of fields.

5. Culturally Immersive Experience

‍ UK, being one of the most preferred student destinations, brings students from all over the world together. One can also explore the vibrant culture of UK and learn about the rich and diverse history that the country has had. 

Types of PhD in the UK

There are several types of PhD degrees available in the UK that an individual can pursue. Each of them is tailored with the precision of the respective academic disciplines. 

1. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

This is the most common doctoral degree of all that one can pursue in the UK. It emphasises the original research based on a specific field, which culminates in a thesis or dissertation at the end.

2. Professional Doctorates

This type of PhD degree is specifically curated for practitioners working in fields of education (EdD), business (DBA), engineering (EngD), and even healthcare ( Doctor of Nursing Practice, Doctor of Clinical Psychology)

3. Integrated PhD

An integrated PhD includes a combination of doctoral study with Master’s level coursework. This allows students to seamlessly enter into a PhD after finishing the Master’s degree without actually having to apply for a PhD in the UK separately. 

4. Joint or Dual PhD

A dual PhD or a Joint PhD consists of a collaborative partnership between international institutions. The candidate is supposed to undertake the research under the tutelage of two universities and get a single doctoral degree from both institutions combined.

5. PhD by Publication 

A PhD by publication is when a candidate, a substantially experienced researcher, is allowed to submit a series of published papers or articles. Along with this, they can also submit a contextualising commentary, which works as a basis for their doctoral thesis.

6. Practice Based PhD

Practice-based PhD candidates are those who pursue fields that require an empirical understanding of the subject. This involves creative arts and design disciplines. This kind of PhD generally involves candidates producing and working on their artistic work and even performances along with their theoretical thesis. 

Top Universities for PhD in the UK

Numerous universities in the UK offer top-notch Ph.D. courses in a diverse range of fields. These academic institutions are a major point of attraction for international students pursuing a Ph.D. Here are some of the top universities in the UK and their prominent Ph.D. programmes.

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1. University of Oxford

QC Ranking: #1 Top PhD Course Offered: DPhil in Computer Science, DPhil Socio-Legal Research Eligibility & Admission Requirements: First class or upper second-class bachelor degree with honors in a relevant discipline and four-year undergraduate degree. First class or upper second class 3-year long bachelor degree along with a Master’s with merit or distinction. Average Tuition Fees: £27,770

At the University of Oxford, students can apply for a PhD in Natural Sciences & Mathematics, Social Sciences, Medicine & Health, Humanities, Computer Science, etc.

2. University of Cambridge

QC Ranking: #3 Top PhD Course Offered: PhD in Biological Sciences Eligibility & Admission Requirements: First-class honours degree from a recognized UK university or from an internationally known institution. A Master’s with distinction and relevant work experience. Average Tuition Fees: £31,515

At the University of Cambridge, one can choose from a plethora of domain options for PhD such as Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Archaeology, Criminology, Computation Cognition and Language, etc.

3. Imperial College London

QC Ranking: #6 Top PhD Course Offered: Business School Master’s in Research (MRes) in Finance/ Management Eligibility & Admission Requirements: Four year long undergraduate degree or a Master’s in relevant field along with a significant GMAT/ GRE score.  Average Tuition Fees: £36,800

The university offers a variety of PhD courses in eclectic domains such as Aeronautics, Bioengineering, Brain Sciences, Immunology and Inflammation, Life Sciences, etc.

4. University of Edinburgh

QC Ranking: #22 Top PhD Course Offered: Doctor of Philosophy, Philosophy MScR Eligibility & Admission Requirements: First or upper second class honors degree in UK or equivalent international institutions. Master’s with excellent scores in relevant subject. Average Tuition Fees:  £26,700

The University of Edinburgh is widely recognised for establishing its cachet as a top business school. It offers a variety of business-oriented Ph.D. courses in the UK, such as Those in Accounting, Business Economics, Finance, Financial Technology, and more.

5. University College London

QC Ranking: #9 Top PhD Course Offered: Management MRes + MPhil/ PhD Eligibility & Admission Requirements: First or upper second class honors degree. Master’s from UK or equivalent from international institutions must have an MA degree. Average Tuition Fees:  £28,900

UCL is one of the leading research and management institutes which offers top research programmes. It also offers PhD and doctoral programmes in Computer Science, Engineering and Technology, Paramedic Science, etc.

Admission Requirements & Criteria 

The admission requirements to enrol for PhD programs in UK depend from university to university, although some common requirements for admission are as follows:

 1. Academic Qualifications ‍

Academic qualifications, which involve the candidate’s previous degrees, including their Master’s or equivalent degree, which is extremely important for a PhD. During some exceptional and rare cases, a student with just a Bachelor’s degree can also be selected based on their skills and previous achievements.

2. Research Proposal

‍ Research proposal plays an important role in getting selected for a PhD course in UK. A well-prepared research proposal that underscores the topic, research questions, methods, and, ultimately, the objective is required during the application process. This document helps the jury assess the feasibility of the proposed research project.

3. References & Letter of Recommendations

References are something which any candidate applying to a PhD program in UK must have. These references should come from professors and previous supervisors who need to attest that the candidate holds high academic abilities research potential, and is best suited for the doctoral program.

4. English Proficiency

‍ English language proficiency is also assessed, especially in the case of PhD in UK for international students. The students whose primary language isn’t English are supposed to demonstrate their proficiency through different tests such as IELTS & TOEFL .

Test Scores Required for PhD in the UK

When one decides to study in the UK, one of the major qualification requirements rises to be is language proficiency. To prove the same, one needs to perform well in exams such as IELTS, TOEFL, and many more and score a required grade or band to enrol in their desired course and university.

Application Process

The application process to pursue a PhD degree in the UK is pretty simple. Here is a step by step guide as to how you can apply for your PhD program in the UK.

1. Choose a discipline. Explore what you really wish to pursue and see what all PhD universities in UK are offering.  2. Submit your application to the respective universities and pay the application fee. 3. Submit all the documents and paperwork required by the university. This may vary from university to university.  4. Write down your research proposal and send it in along with all your other documents.  5. Look for a supervisor who can guide you through your research degree.  6. If you are looking for financial aid or scholarships in UK while you pursue your PhD, apply for them at the same time.  7. Wait for the decision from the respective university.

Cost & Tuition Fees for PhD in the UK

The cost and tuition fees for PhD in the UK depends from university to university and course to course. Although, students who come from humble backgrounds can easily apply for various PhD scholarships in the UK to get financial support.

PhD in UK Scholarships

There is a varied range of scholarships that students who wish to accomplish their PhD in the UK can explore. Here is a list of scholarships that one can apply for while planning to pursue PhD programs in UK. Following are the PhD scholarships UK that you should check out:

Career Prospects after PhD in the UK

The UK, being a flourished economy, offers numerous job opportunities to students after they accomplish their PhD degree in the UK. Following are some of the job prospects that you can look after once you have completed your PhD courses in UK. The prospects can be divided into different types such as - Academic Careers, Industry Careers, Government and Public Sector, and much more. Let’s explore the possibilities:

1. Academic Career Opportunities

  • Postdoctoral Researcher 
  • Lecturer (Entry-Level)
  • Senior Lecturer

2. Industry Specific Careers 

  • Research Scientist 
  • Data Scientist 
  • Project Manager

3. Government and Public Sector

  • Policy Analyst 
  • Government Scientist
  • Program Evaluation
  • Entrepreneurship

4. Non-Traditional Careers

  • Science Writer 
  • Scientific Policy Analyst
  • Editor (Publishing)
  • Global Opportunities

All and all, pursuing a PhD degree in the UK opens up a number of opportunities for students who wish to delve deeper into their area of interest. Expanding their knowledge in the respective fields helps these individuals make significant contributions to the fields of academia, a specific industry, and society as a whole.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost of opting for phd courses in uk, what is the duration for phd, what describes a student's eligibility to enrol in a phd program in uk, are there fully funded phd programs in uk, is it worth enrolling for a phd course in uk.

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PhD in UK: Fees 2024, Top Colleges, Placement and Salaries

what is a phd in uk

The average annual tuition fee for pursuing PhD in UK at the top universities is 20,000 GBP- 50,000 GBP (20-50 Lakh INR) and the average cost of living in UK is around 14,000 GBP (14 lakh INR) per year. The opportunities after studying in UK universities are vast. Almost 87% of the Ph.D. students start working after graduation and earn an average pay of 40,000 GBP- 60,000 GBP (40-60 Lakh INR) per annum.


PhD in UK: Top Universities

International students are attracted to the high-quality education offered by the top universities in UK . According to the QS Ranking of 2024, 5 universities in the UK rank among the top 50 universities across the world. The following table lists some of the top universities offering PhD in UK:

Qs Rankings 2024 University Program Application Deadline Annual Tuition Fees (GBP)
#2 University of Cambridge Aerosol Science, Architecture, Archaeology, Biochemistry, Clinical Medicine, , Law, Medical Science, Oncology, Surgery 16 May 2024 25,000 - 55,000
#3 University of Oxford , Engineering Science, Law, Economics, Philosophy,Clinical Medicine, Astrophysics 25 January 2024 25,000 - 30,000
#6 Imperial College London , Physics, Business, Brain Science, Mechanical Engineering 15 April 2024 20,000 - 40,000
#22 University of Edinburgh Nursing Studies, , Engineering, Socio-cultural Studies, Economics, Accounting, Finance 15 July 2024 24,800- 29,700
#32 University of Manchester Accounting and Finance, Criminology, Architecture, Law, Mathematics, Petroleum Engineering, Sociology, 19 January 2024 27,000-40,500

Why Study PhD in UK?

  • PhD graduates from UK universities have a high employability rate, with 82% of them in employment or further study within six months of graduation, Higher Education Statistics Agency.
  • The UK has some of the world's best universities, and many of these institutions are highly ranked for their PhD programs. According to the QS World University Rankings 2024, the UK has 3 universities in the top ten for graduate employability, and five universities in the top 40 for graduate employability.
  • The opportunities after studying in UK universities are vast. Almost 87% of the Ph.D. students start working after graduation and earn an average pay of 40,000 GBP- 60,000 GBP (40-60 Lakh INR) per annum.
  • UK universities offer cutting-edge research facilities and opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration. Students have access to world-class resources and expertise, allowing them to undertake innovative research in their chosen fields.

PhD in UK: Admissions

Depending on the institution and the particular school, the admission requirements for PhD in UK may change, but they typically include academic credentials, English language proficiency, and work experience. In the section below the detailed admission requirements for top universities offering PhD in UK are given.

PhD in UK: Eligibility Criteria

Admission requirements for a PhD in UK can vary depending on the university and the area of research. However, there are some general admission requirements that most universities will require from applicants:

  • Academic Degree- A first-class or strong upper second-class undergraduate degree with honours in a related field of study.
  • Minimum GPA- The minimum GPA requirement is 3.7 on a scale of 4.0
  • English Proficiency Test Score- IELTS: 7.0 or above, TOEFL: 100+.
  • Statement of Purpose (SOP) - Submit a 5000 word personal statement outlining their academic and professional background, their reasons for applying to the program, and their career aspirations.
  • Letters of Recommendation (LOR) - Applicants are usually required to provide at least 2-3 academic or professional references.
  • Research Proposal- A 3000 word research proposal needs to be submitted in the area of research you are applying for.

PhD in UK: Admission Requirements

Following table shows the general admission requirements for getting into a Phd program in the UK universities along with their respective academic requirements and additional document requirements:

University Academic Requirement IELTS Score Additional Documents
A first-class or strong upper second-class undergraduate degree with honours in a related field of study. 7.5 or above SOP (maximum 1,000 words), 3 LOR (all academic), Resume, Transcript(s)
A 4-year Bachelor or Master’s with 70% grades may be accepted for entry to Masters or Research. 7.0 or above SOP, 2 LOR (minimum 1 academic), Resume, Transcript(s)
Professional Bachelor's (at least 4 years) in professional subject from a Well-Ranked Institution with an overall grade of 75% or CGPA 8.0+. 7.0 or above SOP, 2 LOR (minimum 1 academic), Resume, Transcript(s), Research Proposal
A minimum of a three-year degree and who have obtained First Class at a reputable university or have completed a three-year degree with First Class, and also obtained a master's, both from reputable universities with minimum grade of 70% 7.0 or above SOP, 2 LOR (all academic), Resume, Transcript(s), 3000 word Research Proposal
a masters degree in a related or relevant subject, and a research proposal 7.0 or above SOP, 2 LOR (all academic), Resume, Transcript(s), Research Proposal

PhD in UK: Cost of study

United Kingdom is one of the most pursued and sought out countries in the world for international students. The cost of study in UK will include the cost of living and the tuition fees a student is paying for PhD in UK. The cost of study in UK can differ from person to person depending on the university of their choice. The average cost of study in UK ranges from 30,000 GBP to 37,000 GBP (30-37 lakh INR).

PhD in UK: Tuition Fees

A PhD in UK lasts for 3-5 years on a full-time basis depending on the University and the area of research. The following table highlights the annual fees for pursuing PhD in UK universities:

PhD in UK: Tuition Fees

University Total Tuition Fees (GBP) Fee for Indian Students (INR)
University of Oxford 25,000 - 30,000 26-31 Lakh
Imperial College London 21,000 - 44,000 22-45 Lakh
University of Cambridge 25,000 - 55,000 26-57 Lakh
University of Manchester 27,000 - 40,500 28-42 Lakh
University of Edinburgh 24,800- 29,700 26-32 Lakh

Cost of Living in UK

The cost of living in UK includes accommodation, food, transportation, healthcare, personal expenses etc. The average cost of living in UK is around 14,000 GBP- 24,000 GBP (14-25 lakh INR) per year.

Likely living costs for 1 month (in GBP) Likely living costs for 9 months (in GBP) Likely living costs for 12 months (in GBP)
Lower range Upper range Lower range Upper range Lower range Upper range
Food 315 495 2835 4,445 3,780 5,940
Accommodation 745 925 6,705 8,325 8,940 11,100
Personal items 190 320 1,710 2,880 2,280 3,840
Social activities 40 95 360 855 480 1,140
Study costs 35 85 315 765 420 1,020
Other 20 35 180 315 240 420
Total 1,345 1,955 12,105 17,595 16,140 23,460

PhD in UK: Scholarships

If you are planning to study in UK for a PhD you should know that it can become heavy on your pocket. For that reason UK universities provide different scholarships in UK for international students to lighten their burden. Following are some of the scholarships offered to international students who are applying for PhD in UK.  

Scholarship Awarded by (private/government/university) Eligibility Award Value
Scott Trust Foundation Bursary University of London Need Based A bursary covering full tuition fees or 5,000 GBP subsistence allowance
Foundation Degree Scholarship University of Westminster A household income of £25,000 or below as assessed by the Student Loans Company. 1,500 GBP per year towards maintenance costs or tuition fees up to a maximum of four years.
International PGT Merit Scholarship University of Leicester Merit Based Degree equivalent to a UK high upper second class degree – 3,000 GBP. Or Degree equivalent to a UK first class degree – 5,000 GBP.
University of Edinburgh School Doctoral Scholarship Enrolled in Ph.D. in history, classics or archaeology Course fees (equal to UK/EU rate), 15,009 per year stipend
University of Manchester Research Impact Ph.D. Scholarship Enrolled in Ph.D. at Department of Humanities; Research Project related to philanthropic research themes 19,500 per year for 3 years; Additional 1,500 per year

PhD in UK: Job Opportunities

A PhD graduate earns on an average of 40,000 GBP- 60,000 GBP (30-60 Lakh INR) per year in the UK. Most of them go for an academic job especially in the teaching and education sector. According to Prospects UK, over 50% of graduates having PhD in UK are either education or science professionals working in the science and pharmaceutical industry.

Here are some sectors in the where PhD graduates may find job opportunities in UK , along with the percentage of PhD graduates employed in each sector (source: Vitae Researcher Development International):

  • Higher Education - 37%
  • Business and Industry: 23%
  • Government- 16%
  • Non-profit Organizations- 10%
  • Self Employed- 5%
  • Health and Social Care- 5%
  • Other Sectors- 4%

PhD in UK: Job Opportunities

Here are some average salaries for various job titles in the UK for PhD holders:

Job Title Average Salary (in GBP) Average Salary (in INR)
Research Scientist 39,690 41.35 lakhs
Data Scientist 46,474 48.42 lakhs
Postdoctoral Research Associate 36,286 37.80 lakhs
Senior Research Scientist, Biotechnology 41,993 43.75 lakhs
Senior Research Scientist (Unspecified Type) 40,835 42.54 lakhs
Research Associate (Unspecified Type) 36,879 38.42 lakhs
Research Engineer 41,874 43.63 lakhs

Phd in UK: Visa

International students planning to pursue PhD in Uk will require a points-based Student Route visa (previously known as the Tier 4 student visa). To get this visa you must be able to show that you have sufficient money for living costs. The minimum requirements are:

  • £1,023 per month if your PhD is based outside London
  • £1,334 per month if your PhD is based in London

A student visa requires 70 points. These are awarded to you as follows:

  • 50 points – for gaining your confirmation of acceptance for studies
  • 10 points – for proving that you have sufficient funds to support yourself during your degree
  • 10 points – for proving you meet the English language requirements

PhD in UK: Work Permit

Provided you are pursuing a full-time PhD in UK, you may work alongside your project or programme, provided you do not: work for more than 20 hours per week, except during any vacations or in the case of an agreed work placement or internship

PhD in UK: ROI

A UK PhD offers a strong ROI as graduates gain advanced skills leading to higher salaries and diverse career opportunities, offsetting initial costs. The prestige of a UK PhD can boost professional credibility, leading to leadership roles and consulting opportunities, further enhancing ROI.

PhD in UK: ROI

University Annual Tuition Fees (in GBP) Average Salary (in GBP)
University of Oxford 27,510 - 31,480 36,000
Imperial College London 21,600 - 44,100 51,000
University of Cambridge 29,826 - 37,458 39,000
University of Manchester 27,000 - 40,500 35,000
University of Edinburgh 23,350 - 28,000 38,000

PhD in UK: Degree Comparison

The following table draws a comparison between PhD in UK vs PhD in USA on the basis of program duration, tuition fees, cost of living, visa, average salary among other parameters.

Parameter PhD in UK PhD in USA
Duration 3-5 Years 4-6 Years
Average Annual tuition fees 20,000 GBP- 50,000 GBP (20-50 Lakh INR) 20,000 USD- 50,000 USD (16-41 Lakh INR)
Cost of living (per month) 14,000 GBP (14 lakh INR) 1,800 USD (1.4 lakh INR)
Financial Support Scholarships, grants, bursaries Fellowships, assistantships, grants
Average salary 40,000 GBP- 60,000 GBP (40-60 Lakh INR) 55,000 USD- 75,000 USD (45-61 Lakh INR)
English language proficiency tests : 7.0 or above TOEFL: 100+ IELTS: 7.0 or above :110+

Pursuing a PhD in the UK can be a great opportunity for students who are looking for world-renowned universities, a multicultural environment, generous funding opportunities, and a shorter duration of the program. UK offers excellent research opportunities, and PhD graduates from UK universities have a high employability rate. After completing your PhD in UK one can work at higher posts in different fields and earn an average annual salary of 40,000 GBP- 60,000 GBP (30-60 Lakh INR).

Ques. How much does a PhD cost in UK?

Ans . The average annual tuition fee for pursuing PhD in UK at the top universities is 20,000 GBP- 50,000 GBP (20-50 Lakh INR) and the average cost of living in UK is around 14,000 GBP (14 lakh INR) per year.

Ques. How long is the PhD in UK?

Ans . PhD in UK, also referred to as a doctorate, is a 3-5 years full-time and 5-6 years part-time degree depending on the University of choice and the area of research.

Ques. Do PhD students get paid in UK?

Ans A stipend is awarded to students planning to pursue Ph.D in the UK. The cost of the stipend varies from university to university. PhD stipends in the UK were set at £16,062 for students outside of London and £18,062 for those within London, reflecting the higher cost of living in the capital.

Ques. What are some of the top universities offering PhD in UK?

Ans . University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, University College London, and University of Edinburgh are some of the top universities offering PhD in UK.

Ques. What are the admission requirements for applying to a PhD in UK?

Ans . The minimum admission requirement for PhD in UK is to have a first-class or strong upper second-class undergraduate degree with honours in a related field of study or a masters degree with a minimum of 70%, IELTS score of 7.0 or above or a TOEFL score of 100+ and while applying for a PhD in UK you will need to submit a research proposal in the field you of research you are applying for.

Ques. What are the career prospects after completing a PhD in the UK?

Ans . Graduates with a PhD from a UK university have diverse career opportunities. While some pursue academic careers as researchers or professors, others find employment in industry, government, or non-profit organizations. The skills acquired during a PhD, such as critical thinking and problem-solving, are highly valued in many sectors.

Ques. Are there funding opportunities available for international students pursuing a PhD in the UK?

Ans . Yes, many UK universities offer scholarships, grants, and funding opportunities for international PhD students. These may cover tuition fees, living expenses, or research costs. Prospective students should research and apply for relevant funding opportunities early in the application process.


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What to expect from a PhD/ MA by Research

A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the highest level of qualification awarded by universities in the UK, typically aimed at students who have successfully completed a Masters programme.

A  PhD  is awarded for the outcomes of intensive, independent study that demonstrates an original and significant contribution to knowledge in your chosen subject. You will be assessed at the end of the programme by a thesis of 80,000 words which will need to be deemed suitable for publication, in whole or in part in a learned journal or equivalent by your examiners. You will need to defend your thesis and demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of your subject at a  viva voce  (oral examination) before a panel of expert examiners.

By comparison, an  MA by Research  is a research-based Masters programme assessed by a thesis of 40,000 words. An oral examination may be held at the discretion of the examiners.

Unlike our postgraduate taught programmes, there are no formal lectures or seminars in a PhD or MA by Research, and your work is not formally examined until after your thesis has been submitted. Instead, our postgraduate research programmes provide you with the opportunity to undertake research under the expert guidance of a primary supervisor, co-supervisor and mentor, supported by complementary research training.

PhD and MA by Research programmes may start at any time of the year, though we strongly encourage students to begin their studies at the start of the UK academic year (September). We also offer flexibility in our programmes so that you can choose the mode of study that works for you - full-time, part-time, or distance learning . It usually takes three years (full-time) or six years (part-time) to complete a PhD, while the standard duration for an MA by Research is either one year (full-time) or two years (part-time).

Distance learning students will receive the same level of support and supervision as on-campus students, the only difference being that supervisory sessions will take place via audio and visual communication services such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom, rather than in person. You will be funded to make one compulsory visit to the University per year of study (or every other year for part-time students), enabling you to meet your supervisory team, undertake intensive research skills training and make a start on your doctoral studies. You may also be invited to attend the University for annual meetings which give you the opportunity to interact with other research students both socially and academically, undertake important progress-review meetings and carry out any necessary training. For those studying a PhD, you will also generally be required to be present on campus for your viva voce (funded for travel and accommodation).

What is involved in a PhD/MA by Research?

Before you start.

One of your main sources of support, inspiration and encouragement throughout your PhD/MA by Research programme will be your supervisory team. Establishing an effective working relationship is important for staying on top of your work and making the most of your research.

If you are planning to apply for a PhD/MA by Research programme, you should first make sure that the relevant department within the College of Arts and Law offers the necessary expertise. We ask that you identify an appropriate supervisor before you submit your application and contact them in the first instance to discuss your research proposal. If you experience any difficulties with the application process and contacting potential supervisors, please email: [email protected]

Your research proposal should be a short written document (approximately 1,000-1,500 words) which sets out the central issues or questions that you intend to address. It should outline the general area of study within which your research falls, referring to the current state of knowledge and any recent debates on the topic, as well as demonstrate the originality of your proposed research. For further advice, please refer to our research proposal guidance pages .

During your studies

Your supervisory team will meet with you at regular intervals throughout your PhD/MA by Research programme in order to offer guidance on how best to approach, implement and report on your research. Supervisory sessions for distance learning students will take place via audio and visual communication services such as Skype or Facetime, rather than on campus.

Although your supervisory team are there to help you to complete your research, postgraduate research students are expected to take full responsibility for their work. Therefore, you will need to develop your own timetable for academic study, planning and managing your research so that you can successfully complete your thesis on time.

The first year (or part-time equivalent) of a PhD usually consists of a literature review specific to your thesis and topic, along with any other relevant work or training that will prepare you for undertaking the bulk of your research in the second year, which is normally then written up in the third year. For an MA by Research, these timescales are condensed into one year (or two years if studying part time).

During the course of your studies your supervisory team may also encourage you to present your research to the wider academic community and to the general public at seminars and conferences, or even submit work for publication in specialist journals. You will also have opportunities for teaching, networking, and playing an active role in the College's vibrant  postgraduate research community .

If you wish to proceed and submit an application, please refer to our six-step process for applying for PhD and MA by Research opportunities in Arts subject areas.

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What is a PhD?

A PhD is a postgraduate degree. It stands for ‘Doctor of Philosophy’ and is one of the highest academic qualifications you can achieve.

Courses involve both research and academic learning where you take on a significant amount of independent work.

For most PhDs, you’ll research for, write and publish an extensive thesis on a specialist subject area.

How long is a PhD? 

PhDs courses usually last between three to four years if you study full-time. Students often extend their thesis deadlines and finish the work in their fourth year. If you study part-time, courses can last six or seven years. 

Courses can begin anytime throughout the year, though most studentships (doctorate scholarships) start in September or October.

What qualifications do you need for a PhD?

You usually need a good second-class (2.1) undergraduate honours degree in a relevant subject area, or equivalent. Many courses also ask for a master’s degree. 

When applying, you may need to demonstrate an ability to conduct research. This could be by showing your experience of independently working on a research project. You’ll probably also have to submit a research proposal that outlines what you’ll be studying.

How is a PhD taught?

There’s very little teaching involved in a PhD degree. Your course may begin with five or six hours per week of classes where you learn about research methods and techniques. Aside from this, you’re in control of your studies, though you’ll receive some guidance from an academic tutor.

How is a PhD assessed?

PhD students are assessed mainly by a thesis, and a closed oral examination where examiners ask questions about the thesis. 

Degrees are usually graded as pass or fail.

What skills do you learn during a PhD?

As well as subject-specific skills, you develop transferable skills such as: 

  • Organisation 
  • Research 
  • Work habits 
  • Project management 
  • Critical thinking 
  • Written communication 
  • Presentation

How much does a PhD cost? 

Fees vary widely between courses and institutions, but are commonly between £3,000 and £6,000 per year for UK students. International students often pay more. 

Many degrees are partly or fully funded, and lots of students receive scholarships and bursaries. UK Research Councils provide universities with grants of around £4,000 per year for each funded PhD student.

PhD degree facts

Some new PhDs are more vocational and offer practical experiences as well as research. These are designed for those looking to advance their careers. 

When applying for a PhD, you show the university that you’re the right person for an advertised position, or that you’d be suitable to complete your research proposal. 

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8 big differences between the US and UK PhD experience

And one important similarity. 

Helen Robertson

what is a phd in uk

Credit: Malte Mueller/Getty

And one important similarity.

11 March 2020

what is a phd in uk

Malte Mueller/Getty

In 2019, I took a risk by moving halfway around the world as a postdoctoral researcher in molecular evolution.

Since then, I’ve been struck by how different the grad school experience is here at the University of Chicago in the US, compared with my time at the University College London in the UK, where I completed my PhD in 2017.

Here’s what I’ve noticed:

1. UK grad school interviews are shorter and more lab-specific

In the UK, you’re likely to apply directly to a lab for an advertised project or one that you develop with your supervisor.

In the US, the application process is more centralized. You usually apply to a school instead of a lab. Some programs even require you to take a standardized Graduate Entry Program test, though this seems to be on the decline .

Grad school interviews in the US tend to be longer. They can involve a series of interviews, tours, and faculty events over a number of days.

2. In the US, a work-life balance is harder to achieve

I’ve been surprised by how all-encompassing a US doctorate can be. Even after the first year of teaching, the number of seminars, journal clubs, and university-related activities make the US PhD experience very grad school-centric.

I was fortunate during my UK-based PhD to approach it more like a full-time job than a continuation of my masters year. There were intense periods that required late nights in the lab, but I had time to pursue other interests , which provided some balance and made me more productive at work.

Of course, it’s difficult to generalize about working patterns. Demanding schedules are not wholly dictated by the country you’re studying in. A recent study found that 76% of surveyed grad students spent more than 41 hours a week on their project.

3. It takes longer to complete a PhD in the US

Probably the best-known difference is the time it takes to complete a PhD.

UK PhD programs tend towards three years in length, although it’s increasingly getting closer to four years – a trend that might soon be reflected in funding arrangements .

It’s a different story in the US, where, according to the Survey of Earned Doctorates , students take an average of 5.7 years to graduate.

4. UK PhD fees tend to be lower

Fees err on the more expensive side in the US, as they do for undergraduate degrees – although this isn’t always true for international students.

US PhD fees, coupled with the longer study time, means that the costs associated with grad school are generally higher than in the UK, even before living costs are considered.

If you have a funding body attached to your project, it will likely pay your tuition fees as part of its finance package. But this flags a major difference between the two countries: funding and scholarships.

5. Many US students need to apply for their own funding

From my understanding, most advertised science-based PhD projects in the UK are attached to funding, which covers tuition fees, bench costs, and living expenses. The tax-free PhD stipend set by all UK Research Councils is £15,285 (approximately US$20,000), although other funding bodies pay more.

In the US, there is no national funding level – your level of financial support will be dictated by your school or lab. This means there is generally much more encouragement for US PhD students to apply for their own funding than there is in the UK.

This is good experience for a future scientific career, but if you have to work additional hours to supplement scholarships, you’ll ultimately end up with less time for your project.

6. US PhD programs are more structured

This is particularly true in the first year for US PhDs, which includes lectures, exams, and lab rotations. Only at the end of the first year, after passing your qualifying exam, do you have the opportunity to pick the lab you’re going to pursue your PhD research in.

In the UK, I started in the lab that I spent the duration of my studies in. This meant no structured classes or rotations in my first year, and I began my own research right away.

PhDs that are run through a Doctoral Training Centre (DTC) – centres that manage the Research Council-funded PhD degrees – are increasingly popular in the UK, and include classes and rotations during the first year, but often without the frequent exams and coursework that characterize grad school in the US.

7. There is more focus on defending your thesis in the UK

Writing my thesis was the final hurdle of my UK PhD experience. It gave me the opportunity to document my ideas, successes (and failures), and the context of my project. I defended my thesis in a closed session with two examiners: one internal to my institution, and one external.

From what I’ve seen, finishing a doctorate in the US is less focused on a thesis. Instead, your committee determines that you have completed sufficient work and skill attainment to warrant your defense. Only then can you write your thesis, and defend it in a public session.

In the UK, it’s unlikely you’ll know your examiners well, but a US PhD defense is assessed by the same thesis committee that have known you for the duration of your studies.

8. Teaching is an added bonus in the UK

My UK PhD funding set no teaching requirements: instead, I was free to teach labs and mark coursework at the discretion of my supervisor. And I was paid for any teaching hours I did.

Teaching requirements in the US vary from school to school. For some students, working as a teaching assistant is necessary to pay fees and living expenses – particularly if you don’t have comprehensive funding.

There might also be minimum teaching requirements for the duration of your PhD in the US. In this respect, the time commitment and financial compensation of teaching is very institution-specific.

One important similarity: The lab you join will determine your experience

Despite the differences in structure and requirements between UK and US PhDs, one thing that is common to them all is that, ultimately, your PhD is going to be shaped by the lab you decide to join.

If have a positive working environment and appropriate guidance and support from your supervisor, and you’re interested in and motivated by your thesis topic, then your grad school experience will likely be rewarding.

And that’s true regardless of the country you’re studying in.

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PhD Education / Entry requirements

Year of entry: 2024

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Academic entry qualification overview

  • Bachelor's (Honours) degree at 2:1 or above (or overseas equivalent); and
  • Master's degree in a relevant subject - with an overall average of 60% or above, a minimum mark of 60% in your dissertation (or overseas equivalent)

English language

  • IELTS test minimum score - 7.0 overall, 7.0 in writing, 6.0 in other sections.
  • TOEFL (internet based) test minimum score - 100 overall, 25 in all sections.
  • Pearson Test of English (PTE) UKVI/SELT or PTE Academic minimum score - 76 overall, 76 in writing, 70 in other sections.
  • To demonstrate that you have taken an undergraduate or postgraduate degree in a majority English speaking nation within the last 5 years.
  • Other tests may be considered.

English language test validity

Some English Language test results are only valid for two years. Your English Language test report must be valid on the start date of the programme.

Other international entry requirements

We accept a range of qualifications from different countries. For these and general requirements including English language see entry requirements from your country.

The University requires you to reside within a commutable distance from Manchester during your time as a registered student, unless you are on approved fieldwork/a formal placement or are on a period of Submission pending. This is to ensure that you are able to meet attendance expectations and participate in wider research activities within your discipline area and/or School.

what is a phd in uk

what is a phd in uk

  • How Much Does a PhD Cost in the UK?
  • Funding a PhD

Choosing to dedicate the next few years of your life towards a PhD is no light decision. Not only will it require you to dedicate an extensive amount of your personal time, but you’ll also need to consider how you’ll fund it. This raises the question, how much does a PhD cost in the UK?

The cost of a PhD can be divided into three key areas; tuition fees, living expenses and research expenditures. The combined cost of these are approximately  £20,000 per year  for UK students and can increase to over  £40,000 per year  for international students. A more in-depth breakdown of these costs can be found below. We’ve also compared these costs to other countries and outlined the various methods available to you to fund your PhD studies.

Tuition Fees

For UK ‘home’ students, the tuition fee for a PhD varies between £3,000 to £6,000 per academic year. For 2023/24 programmes, most universities opt for £4,712 per year within this range. Although this number may seem a little odd, it’s commonly adopted due to being the indicative rate set by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) for UK universities.

International Fees

Unlike for UK applicants, the rates for international students don’t align with the indicative level set by UKRI. Following the implementation of Brexit, EU students now follow the same fee rates as other international students. International students will find that their tuition fees are higher than those of home students. For example, at the time of writing, the average annual PhD tuition charge at the University of Dundee is £4,825 for home students undertaking an Engineering PhD. This same average is £25,305 for international students.

International applicants will also find that the fee for PhDs in STEM subjects are greater than those in non-STEM subjects. For example, at the University of Bristol, a doctorate degree in Mechanical Engineering costs £25,300 per year whilst a doctorate in Medieval Studies costs £20,100 per year.

To summarise, international students can expect a tuition fee of between £16,000 to £25,000 per year, with an average of around £19,600 per academic year. Non-STEM subjects will generally be at the lower end of the range, whilst STEM subjects will be at the higher end of the range.

Part-time Fees

The above fees are based on full-time postgraduate study. If you’re doing a part-time PhD, you can expect the fee to be half of these amounts. Although this may appear to be a cheaper option, keep in mind that the average duration of part-time PhDs are twice that of full-time PhDs. Therefore, the total tuition cost will amount to the same value and the end of both courses.

Other Degree-related Costs

Research support fees.

If your research project requires a high use of consumables, equipment or other resources, you may have to support the cost of these through an additional annual fee. This additional annual fee, often referred to as either a ‘research support’ or ‘bench’ fee, often apply to laboratory-based STEM research projects. Bench fees vary between different projects, even those within the same field. Therefore, it is best to speak to the admissions team on a project-by-project basis to receive anything useful.

Another cost you will need to account for is travelling. As part of your degree, many supervisors will expect you to attend conferences, training workshops, or other collaboration opportunities. As a result, you will often need to travel to various destinations which aren’t always limited to the UK. Although some programmes will cover these costs, it’s not unheard of that some positions will expect you to fund this yourself. It’s impossible to put a value on this, as the extent of travel depends on each project. Therefore, it would be wise to speak with the admissions team and current PhD students. They can provide you with an accurate estimate and let you know whether the university will cover the expenses.

Overtime Period Fee

When you’re enrolled into a PhD programme, you will be given a period to complete your PhD within. This period is known as your ‘registration period’ and is usually 3-4 years for a full-time PhD and 6-7 years for a part-time PhD. If you’re given an extension due to not completing your PhD study within this time, you will need to pay an overtime registration fee. Although the amount depends on each university, the University of Leeds sets theirs as £290 for 2023/24.

Living Costs

From a 2022 survey of over 2,300 university students , the average living cost, covering expenditures such as rent, bills, food and recreation, was £924 per month. This equates to £11,088 per year.

Although this is an average cost, your true cost of living will depend on your location. Living in major cities such as London will draw significantly higher rent and travel costs than living in more rural locations. Although your living situation will in large be driven by the university you undertake your PhD with, you should factor it in when deciding which universities to apply to.

To put this into perspective, the survey average of £11,088 per year uses a rent average of £418 per month. In London, this average increases to £650 a month and can surpass £1,000 if staying in university halls or private student accommodation. This is supported by University College London (UCL) who state you should expect an average rent of £1,028 per month if living in private accommodation around their university.

Tip  – You can use this handy calculator for an estimated average cost of living for any UK university. All you need to do is select the university, and the calculator does all the rest.

If you’re an international student, you should factor in return flights back home. Although this may seem like a small expenditure compared to tuition fees and rent, they can add up quickly depending on the frequency and distance of your trip.

Finding a PhD has never been this easy – search for a PhD by keyword, location or academic area of interest.

How to Fund Your PhD


A studentship is a form of scholarship for doctoral students. They can either be partially funded, which cover tuition fees only, or fully funded, which also covers living costs through a ‘stipend’.

Studentships can be found in various places. Research Councils (RCUK) and European Social Fund (ESF) make funding available to university departments, who in turn make the funding available to doctoral students. Therefore, you will find that there are many postgraduate funding opportunities available to you, with the best places to look being the RCUK and ESF websites and the university departments themselves. External institutions which focus on research and development such as research trusts and charities would also be a useful place to look for a funded PhD.

Doctoral Loans

If you’re a UK student, you may qualify for a Postgraduate Doctoral Loan from Student Finance England. This form of financial aid is available for nearly all postgraduate research degrees undertaken in a higher education setting. They will allow you to borrow up to a total of £28,673 for 2023/24 courses .

Graduate Teaching Assistantships

Graduate Teaching Assistantships are a form of studentships which allow you to teach undergraduates as part of your research degree. This not only helps improve your academic skills, but it also enables you to receive a salary whilst you’re studying. As well as teaching assistantships, some departments also provide opportunities for demonstrations, marking papers, and tutorial support. The amount you can earn through these schemes will depend on how many hours you work and what agreements you make with your supervisor or course leader.

Working Whilst You Study – Part-time PhDs

A research student may opt for a part-time PhD as opposed to a full-time one. Although this would double the duration of their studies, it allows them to take on a part-time job to improve their financial situation. For students going down this route, it would be highly beneficial to pick up a part-time role in a position related to your industry. This will help refine your skills and increase your employability within this career role should you choose to pursue it after your degree.

If you’re an international student, keep in mind that you’ll likely be on a study visa. Therefore, there’ll be certain restrictions on what you can and can’t do alongside your study.

How Does This Compare to the Fees in Other Countries?

When considering the tuition fee of PhDs across different countries, the United Kingdom is generally considered as being in the ‘middle-ground‘ region.

A handful of countries offer PhD programmes for free. These include, but are not limited to, Denmark, Greece, Iceland, Norway and Poland.

The middle-ground region comprises countries such as Austria, Spain, Russia and New Zealand where postgraduate fees range from £1,400 to £4,000 per academic year.

The upper-end region comprises countries such as Hong Kong and the United States, where postgraduate tuition fees for a PhD student can go up to £33,000 per year.

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Prosecutors will seek death penalty against PhD student accused of killing friend’s newborn baby

Nicole virzi maintains that child slipped out of bouncer and hit his head. doctors told police her version of events don’t add up, article bookmarked.

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Nicole Virzi, pictured in a booking photo, was arrested after police said she killed a six-week-old and assaulted his twin brother. Prosecutors in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania will seek the death penalty if she is convicted

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A PhD student in Pennsylvania could be put to death if prosecutors prove she killed her friends' newborn child and injured the baby’s twin brother.

Allegheny District Attorney's Office said on Friday that it would pursue capital punishment charges against Nicole Virzi , who allegedly crushed the skull of six-week-old Leon Katz.

Virzi, 30, was babysitting Leon in June at his family's home when the incident occurred. She is a “longtime friend of the family,” the San Diego Union-Tribune reports , citing her attorney.

According to prosecutors, Ethan Katz and his wife Savannah Roberts asked Virzi to watch Leon on June 15 while they took his twin brother, Ari, to hospital after the child was injured. Virzi was later accused of causing those injuries as well.

While they were gone, Leon was injured, prompting Virzi to call 911 at around 11:15pm. She told emergency workers that the child had fallen and bumped his head and was unresponsive. Leon was taken to Pittsburgh Children's Hospital and was pronounced dead the following day, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette .

Nicole Virzi, pictured in a booking photo, was arrested in June after police said she killed a six-week-old baby and assaulted his twin brother. Prosecutors in Allegheny County will seek the death penalty if she is convicted

Detectives investigating the incident noted in their reports that from the tallest point of the bouncer seat to the floor is only 18 inches.

Doctors also told detectives that Leon's brother, Ari, had small scratches all over his face, two bruises just below his belly button, swelling, bruising, redness, and scratches on his genitals. They noted to investigators that the injuries were unnatural and suggested abuse.

When questioned, Virzi told police that she was the one who first noticed Ari's injuries and informed the boy's parents. She said she saw the child scratch his own face while he was flailing in a car seat.

Prosecutors noted a number of aggravating factors in the case that they believe justifies pursuing the death penalty. Among those factors is an allegation that Virzi tortured the child, which resulted in the boy's death, according to the Post-Gazette .

When police questioned Virzi about the child's death, she claimed that the boy had fallen out of his bouncer chair when she had stepped away.

Doctors who examined the child's remains were skeptical of that explanation, determining that the injuries were "consistent with having been sustained as a result of child abuse, as these are inflicted injuries that are not natural and not accidental," according to WTAE , which reviewed court and police records.

The child's cause of death was ruled as blunt force trauma to the head. A later CT scan showed that the child had suffered a severe skull fracture on the left side of his head, as well as multiple brain bleeds.

Virzi faces homicide, aggravated assault, and child endangerment charges.

She previously studied clinical psychology at UC San Diego's Joint Doctoral Program. She was temporarily living out of an Airbnb in Pittsburgh when the incident involving Leon occurred.

Virzi has maintainer her innocence and, according to her attorney David Shrager, was devastated by the child's death.

“If there was something that she would want to convey, it would just be the absolutely horrible pain that she’s feeling,” Shrager told the Post-Gazette . “These were her close friends.”

Despite the prosecutors' pursuit of the death penalty in this case, Governor Josh Shapiro has vowed to strike down any death warrants sought during his time in office.

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Woman jumps zoo fence and taunts a tiger before it brutally turns on her

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A woman was captured on video entering a tiger enclosure at Cohanzick Zoo in New Jersey and taunting the big cat

A woman hopped into a tiger enclosure at a zoo and taunted the animal until it almost bit her.

The wild encounter at Cohanzick Zoo in New Jersey , was captured in a video released by the Bridgeton Police Department on Tuesday.

It shows the woman inside the enclosure fearlessly bending down in front of the tiger as the creature paces back and forth in front of her.

The big cat attempts to bite the woman, who pulls her hand away just in time.

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She then calmly exits through a netted door, but also stops and poses as if she is being photographed, before jumping over a wooden barrier back into the public space.

‘A female at the Cohanzick Zoo went over the wooden fence at the tiger enclosure and began enticing the tiger almost getting bit by putting her hand through the wire enclosure,’ the police department wrote on Facebook .

‘We are asking if anyone recognizes the female in the video/photo.’

The offender had not been identified as of Thursday afternoon.

The tiger tried to bite the woman in the hand

Police shared a photo on Facebook of a tiger laying down in the background behind a wooden fence with a sign that read, ‘DO NOT CLIMB OVER THE FENCE’ and ’24 hour surveillance’.

‘Visitors are reminded as per city ordnance 247-C, climbing zoo fences is prohibited,’ wrote the police department.

It was not clear exactly when the incident took place.

The social media post had more than 100 reactions and over 70 comments by Thursday.

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Police are seeking the public's help in identifying the woman who jumped into a tiger enclosure

‘I’m glad the tiger was not harmed during the unauthorized visit !’ wrote one user.

Another user commented sarcastically: ‘I believe if they want to test the tiger they should be allowed.’

One user mentioned the ‘Dumb Ways to Die’ song.

It is not the first time a person has had a deliberate encounter with a wild cat at a zoo in the US recently.

In 2019, a woman climbed into a lion enclosure at the Bronx Zoo in New York and appeared to taunt the beast just a few feet away. The lion stood and watched the woman, who escaped unscathed.

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Social Work PhD student Receives Association for Gerontology Education in Social Work (AGESW) Fellowship

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  • Published August 27, 2024
  • College News , Student Spotlight

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LEXINGTON, Ky. – Mohammad Sajjad Hossain, a third-year Ph.D. student in the College of Social Work at the University of Kentucky, has been recognized as a pre-dissertation fellow of the Association for Gerontology Education in Social Work (AGESW).

The AGESW pre-dissertation fellowship program provides students with a range of professional development opportunities, including working with nationally recognized faculty experts in Gerontological Social Work.

Students receive ten hours of training at the 2024 GSA Annual Scientific Meeting, three professional development webinars, and ongoing connection, networking and mentoring opportunities through AGESW.

Hossain credits his upbringing in Bangladesh to his interest in Gerontological Social Work.

“In Bangladesh, we have a joint family system. So, I saw how older people in the family could experience abuse, exploitation and neglect. From an early stage of my life, I wanted to do more to help them,” Hossain said.

Being a part of this fellowship and pursuing his PhD at the CoSW means a lot to Hossain, especially being from a country close to 8,000 miles away from the United States. Through his time at the CoSW, he has gained hands-on experience addressing real world social issues through appropriate courses and modules.

During his time as a fellow, Hossain hopes to benefit from the mentorship and guidance from experienced faculty members and researchers in the field of Gerontological Social Work.

“This support will help refine my research ideas and methodology and prepare me for my doctoral research. I will be able to engage with peers, mentors and professionals in aging and social work through workshops, conferences and seminars,” Hossain said. “Building these networks can lead to collaboration, future research partnerships and connections within the academic and professional community.”

Through this fellowship, Hossain will be able to prepare himself for his doctoral studies and a professional role in academia, research institute, policy making organization, or a clinical practice setting focused on aging and social work issues.

“I’m optimistic that this fellowship will inspire innovative ideas for my research and keep me updated with emerging trends, theoretical perspectives and evidence-based practices,” Hossain said.

For over 85 years, the College of Social Work (CoSW) at the University of Kentucky has been a leader in education. Our mission is clear: Through rigorous research, excellence in instruction, and steadfast service, the CoSW works to improve the human condition. Always, in all ways.

As the state’s flagship university, our mission is actualized through our deeds. Our faculty are renowned academicians dedicated to fostering the development of high-quality practitioners and researchers. As a college, we promote community and individual well-being through translational research and scholarship, exemplary teaching, and vital community engagement. We are committed to the people and social institutions throughout Kentucky, the nation, and the world.

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    PhD in UK, also referred to as a doctorate, is a 3-5 years full-time and 5-6 years part-time degree. The minimum admission requirement for PhD in UK is to have a first-class or strong upper second-class undergraduate degree or a masters degree with a minimum of 70%, IELTS score of 7.0 or above or a TOEFL score of 100+. While applying for a PhD in UK you will need to submit a research proposal ...

  17. What to expect from a PhD/

    A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the highest level of qualification awarded by universities in the UK, typically aimed at students who have successfully completed a Masters programme. A PhD is awarded for the outcomes of intensive, independent study that demonstrates an original and significant contribution to knowledge in your chosen subject ...

  18. Find your ideal PhD, with the UK's most comprehensive search

    A PhD is a postgraduate degree. It stands for 'Doctor of Philosophy' and is one of the highest academic qualifications you can achieve. Courses involve both research and academic learning where you take on a significant amount of independent work. For most PhDs, you'll research for, write and publish an extensive thesis on a specialist ...

  19. 8 big differences between the US and UK PhD experience

    3. It takes longer to complete a PhD in the US. Probably the best-known difference is the time it takes to complete a PhD. UK PhD programs tend towards three years in length, although it's ...

  20. PhD Education

    English language. International applicants must provide one of the following: IELTS test minimum score - 7.0 overall, 7.0 in writing, 6.0 in other sections. TOEFL (internet based) test minimum score - 100 overall, 25 in all sections. Pearson Test of English (PTE) UKVI/SELT or PTE Academic minimum score - 76 overall, 76 in writing, 70 in other ...

  21. How Long Does A PhD Take?

    In the UK, a full-time PhD will typically take you 3 to 4 years. You will usually spend the first three years on the technical aspects of your doctorate. This includes undertaking independent research, designing your research methodology and collecting and analysing data. You will then spend an additional academic year on writing up your PhD ...

  22. PhD vs doctorate: differences and types of doctorate degrees

    A PhD is an academic degree that deals with data analysis, basic research and the evaluation of theories. A doctorate programme involves formulating solutions to complex problems, researching practical problems and designing and engaging in various professional practices within your field of choice. Doctorate programmes also cover many other ...

  23. How Much Does a PhD Cost in the UK?

    UK Fees. For UK 'home' students, the tuition fee for a PhD varies between £3,000 to £6,000 per academic year. For 2023/24 programmes, most universities opt for £4,712 per year within this range. Although this number may seem a little odd, it's commonly adopted due to being the indicative rate set by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI ...

  24. Prosecutors will seek death penalty against PhD student accused of

    UK Edition Asia Edition Edición en Español. ... A PhD student in Pennsylvania could be put to death if prosecutors prove she killed her friends' newborn child and injured the baby's twin brother.

  25. Woman jumps zoo fence and taunts tiger before it brutally turns on her

    A woman was captured on video entering a tiger enclosure at Cohanzick Zoo in New Jersey and taunting the big cat (Picture: Bridgeton Police Department) A woman hopped into a tiger enclosure at a ...

  26. Social Work PhD student Receives Association for Gerontology Education

    LEXINGTON, Ky. - Mohammad Sajjad Hossain, a third-year Ph.D. student in the College of Social Work at the University of Kentucky, has been recognized as a pre-dissertation fellow of the Association for Gerontology Education in Social Work (AGESW). The AGESW pre-dissertation fellowship program provides students with a range of professional development opportunities, including working with ...