Jan 9, 2018 · Formatting your personal statement correctly gives it a nice flow and takes your reader all the way through. Here are some tips: Write an outline. Before you start writing your personal statement, create a rough outline of what you want to say. This will help you organize your thoughts and get a good handle on the flow of your statement. ... Your personal statement is your chance to showcase your personality, skills, and experiences to the hiring team. As an internship applicant, you likely have limited work experience. The personal statement helps the reader understand who you are beyond your resume. Your personal statement is a powerful tool that can help you stand out from other ... ... Jan 23, 2023 · Your internship personal statement should be in compliance with other documents. So, keep all those docs ready at hand to refer them easily. List all important information: On a piece of paper, note down all important information that may be required while writing your internship personal statement. Write in first person point of view: ... Feb 28, 2023 · Whether applying for a summer internship, a professional development opportunity, such as a Fulbright, an executive MBA program, or a senior leadership development course, a personal statement ... ... Jul 2, 2024 · How to Write a Strong Personal Statement for an Internship. Now that you know what to include in your personal statement, here are some tips to help you write a statement that will stand out: 1. Start Early. Don’t wait until the last minute to start your personal statement. Give yourself plenty of time to brainstorm, write, and edit your ... ... ">

How To Write A Personal Statement For An Internship

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Personal statements are a great way for employers to learn more about the potential interns applying for their internships. It is also a chance for those who want an internship to showcase their amazing skills and talents.

So, that is why it is important that you are able to write a fantastic personal statement. 

A personal statement is an opportunity to show how you are more than just the figures on your resume. It is a chance for you to tell them about your background, challenges you’ve faced, and prove to them that you are the type of person they are looking to hire for this internship. 

It can seem a little daunting trying to figure out what to write about yourself. Well, don’t panic. This guide will help you to figure out what to include and how to write a personal statement for an internship. 

Table of Contents

What Is A Personal Statement?

Plan and reflect, plan your format, writing your opening paragraph , writing about your experience, summarizing, use the active voice, keep your personal statement short and sweet, proofread your work, get someone to give you constructive criticism, don’t repeat yourself, final thoughts .

Before we look at how to write a personal statement, it is important to go through what a personal statement is. 

A personal statement is an essay that goes through the individual’s skills, background, and why the individual would be perfect for the internship . A personal statement should be all about you. 

It might seem like a personal statement is a biography but it is important to keep linking what you’ve put in your personal statement to what you are applying for. This is why it is more like an essay than a biography of your life. 

It is an opportunity to show how you stand out from the other applicants. 

Now that you know what a personal statement is, let’s look at some things you can do to help you write a personal statement. 

The best personal statements are the ones that have been planned out thoroughly. Your personal statement should have a clear structure to it. However, before you can plan what you are going to include, you need to reflect on your life. 

You need to be able to take the time to reflect on your life experiences and what makes you a unique candidate for the internship.

You should go back to the description of the internship and ask yourself what they need that you’ve got to offer. You should think about what you’ve got but they don’t realize they need it. 

If you are struggling with what makes you stand out, then you can ask some of your family and friends. Discuss what qualities they think make you a great candidate for the internship. 

Once you have an idea of what you want to write about to sell yourself, then you can move on to formatting your personal statement.

Personal statements tend to have the same format. They often start with an introduction, then a few main body paragraphs that discuss your skills, experience, knowledge, and how they relate to the internship you are applying for.

Then you might want to include a paragraph of your future goal in relation to your career and link how this internship will help you achieve your goals.

Then it ends with a paragraph that concludes what you have discussed. This paragraph should be like a closing statement of the argument you have explained. 

However, there might be other guidelines as to how you should format your paragraphs from the internship you are applying for. Make sure you follow any instructions they have when it comes to writing your personal statement.

These instructions could be the font you are allowed to use or the size of the font. They might even have a word count limit for how much you can write for each paragraph or in total. 

You might be tempted to state who you are and where you are from in your opening paragraph. However, this doesn’t make you stand out from the crowd like your personal statement is supposed to. 

Instead, you should start your introductory paragraph with a story about the moment in your life that made you decide to pursue the career you have chosen. The point of this story is to hook the reader so that they want to read on. 

For this to be a good opening paragraph, it needs to be personal to you. Don’t go for any generic moment, make sure you are able to convey the importance and influence this moment had over your life. 

The main body paragraphs or the middle paragraphs should be about your experience. You should explain how your experience benefits the internship you are applying for.

During these paragraphs, you want to talk about your experience and what skills you have developed because of this experience. 

Make sure you look over the description of the internship you are applying for and that you have included examples to show that you meet the requirements of the candidate they are looking for. 

The aim of the middle paragraph is to discuss your life and how the things you have experienced in your life have made you right for the role you are applying to.

An example of this would be discussing how being part of the relay team during college has helped you develop resilience, determination, and teamwork skills. 

For your final paragraph, it is important to include a summary of what you have stated in your essay. It is a good idea to link back to the story you included in your first paragraph and develop the significance of that event. 

At this point, some decide to write about their life goals. Others prefer to write a paragraph before their conclusion about these life goals.

Either way is perfectly fine as long as you do include information about your career goals and how this internship will help you achieve your dreams. 

Top Tips 

write a personal statement for an internship

Here are some tips to help you when writing and after you’ve finished writing your personal statement. 

When writing your personal statement make sure you are using the active voice rather than the passive voice. The active voice will make your personal statement seem more personal and the reader will feel more connected to you when reading your personal statement. 

When writing your personal statement it is important that you are genuine and authentic. The reader will be able to pick up on any moments where you are not being genuine in your personal statement. 

Personal statements are about you, so you need to be yourself when writing about your life. Don’t over-dramatize events that have happened in your life as the reader will be able to see that you’ve done that. 

The point of a personal statement is to prove to the employer that you are worthy of a place on this internship. If you are not being truthful or genuine in your statement then you are proving that you are not worthy of a place. 

You might be tempted to include skills that you haven’t developed yet because those skills seem easy to learn. However, if you do get through to the next stage, then you might be required to demonstrate those skills. This will only reflect poorly on you.

The last thing you want to do for a personal statement is to talk about yourself for pages and pages. This will not leave a good impression of you on your employer. Instead, you want to be selective about what you include in your personal statement. 

They are not interested in where you went to kindergarten. You should only be writing about the life experiences that are relevant to what they are looking for. If you do this, it shows them you are able to stay on topic and cut out any unnecessary information. 

There is nothing more important than proofreading your personal statement. If you send off a personal statement that has a lot of small mistakes littered in it, this gives those reading your personal statement a bad impression.

Sending off a personal statement that hasn’t been checked for mistakes gives the impression that you don’t care. It makes it seem like you are less passionate about the role you are applying for compared to other candidates. 

Attention to detail is a valuable skill that a lot of employers want their interns to have, so if your personal statement has mistakes in it, you’ve expressed to your employer that you don’t have this skill. 

Those who are looking at your application are able to tell when you have rushed your personal statement. So, give a good first impression by thoroughly proofreading your work for mistakes. 

Something that you can do in order to check your work is to get someone else to give you feedback. Ask your family or friends for help with proofreading. They might be able to spot mistakes that you haven’t noticed in your work. 

Having someone else read your work is a great way to see what they know about your personal statement and whether it is effective or not. They can help you with the structure of your personal statement to see if it flows smoothly. 

One thing to keep in mind is that you are not repeating yourself. These could be phrases like ‘I am a good fit for the internship because’. Try not to repeatedly use ‘I’. Instead of explicitly telling them you are a good fit, explain how the skills you have are relevant to the role. 

That brings us to the end of this guide on how to write a personal statement for an internship. The main thing to remember is that a personal statement should highlight your strengths and what makes you valuable to them.

As long as you are true to yourself then you should find it easy to plan what you are writing. Make sure to stick to any instructions they give you about writing your personal statement. 

Hopefully, this guide has helped you feel more confident about writing your personal statement. 

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How to Write a Perfectly Formatted Personal Statement for Your Intern Applications

One of the hardest things you’re ever going to write about is yourself. So, it’s no surprise that writing a personal statement is at the top of nobody’s list of favorites.

But your personal statement is important in your application because here you can express your personal side and show your individuality.

Your statement is very different from a laundry list of experience on your resume. Here is where you can make a more personal connection.

Figuring out how and where to start is usually the hardest part.

Formatting your personal statement correctly gives it a nice flow and takes your reader all the way through.

Here are some tips:

Write an outline

Before you start writing your personal statement, create a rough outline of what you want to say. This will help you organize your thoughts and get a good handle on the flow of your statement. It’s also an early opportunity to work on that first paragraph hook that will make the reader want to learn more about you.

Often, they will ask you to answer or discuss a specific question in your personal statement. Answer the actual question as you tell your story. They are asking for a reason.

Typically, a personal statement outline looks like this:

  • Opening paragraph (open with a story…more on this below)
  • A few paragraphs on your skills and knowledge that relate to the application—and how that benefits the company
  • Your life goals and how you see this job getting you there
  • Closing statement which refers back to your story and wraps it all up

Open with a story

Storytelling is always a way to engage the reader and be memorable. Think of a story that relates to how you chose your career path, inspired you or taught you something. If you’re boring, into the trash you go.

A few ideas to get you thinking:

  • A teacher or sports coach at school who taught you the value of research, hard work or pushing through
  • A relative that taught you a specific skill
  • A movie that made you decide to follow your path
  • An event in your life that impacted you, such as moving to a new city or country, even something traumatic from which you learned how to bounce back
  • A famous person who inspired you to pursue your career

Open your statement with a short paragraph about how and why this changed your life, then make references to it as you write the whole document.

The middle section

Write a few paragraphs on your skills and knowledge. Be specific. Use examples that relate to the job you are applying for. Talk about why you think the company will benefit from these talents.

Show a little enthusiasm for what you do and for what THEY do. This is the place to do that.

Read our post on steps you can take to prep your experience section

The wrap-up

Like every story, there is a beginning, middle and end. Wrap up your story by referring back to your story from the first paragraph. You could quote from the person you wrote about, something like…”What my grandmother always said…” or “ I see the challenges of politics is like moving here from China…it’s like learning a whole new culture and language.”

Remember to:

Pay attention to the requirements

Most application statements come with a strict set of requirements or guidelines. For example, there might be a certain font size, minimum page count or word cap (e.g. 800 words max.). This is not the place to show off your creativity.

Talk to your people about you

You may be surprised at how others see you.

Your friends and fam just might have the insight you’re looking for. Talk to them, and find out what they see as unique about you. It can be hard to come up with a list of strengths on your own because you see yourself in a different way. What they say is true: we are all our own worst critics.

They can help you find those key traits that set you apart from other applicants and even give you the confidence you need to see yourself in a more accurate, praise-worthy light.

Tell the reader exactly why you should be chosen

Even if the topic you are given to write about is a bit abstract, let the reader know why you are the right candidate for the internship position. (You know what happens when you leave things open to interpretation.) Present yourself in a positive light.

Have someone else proofread your statement

This pearl of wisdom is an oldie, but still a goodie. Ask trusted friends, family members or your mentor read over your personal statement to check for flow and grammatical mistakes.

Things like poor grammar and misspellings are a sure way to have your application thrown directly into the rejection pile.

You want to hear the best piece of advice ever? Here it is: do NOT wait until the last minute to start! You’ll totally regret it if you do. Give yourself time to revise and revise until every word on that paper is perfect.

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How to Write a Winning Personal Statement for an Internship

Internships can be a highly valuable and rewarding experience for students and recent graduates looking to gain hands-on experience in their field of interest. However, the competition for internships can be fierce, with many qualified candidates vying for the same opportunities. One of the key components of any successful internship application is a well-crafted personal statement. In this article, we will provide you with the essential information and strategies needed to create a winning personal statement that will set you apart from the rest of the applicants.

Understanding the Importance of a Personal Statement

A personal statement is an essential component of any internship application. It is an opportunity for you to showcase your unique skills, experiences, and personality to the hiring team. A compelling personal statement can help you stand out from other candidates and increase your chances of being selected for the internship.

What is a Personal Statement?

A personal statement is a brief essay that provides insight into who you are, your interests, and your goals. It is an opportunity for you to share your personal story, explain why you are interested in the internship, and demonstrate how you are a strong fit for the position. A personal statement should be concise, clear, and focused on your experience and qualifications.

Why is it Crucial for an Internship Application?

Your personal statement is your chance to showcase your personality, skills, and experiences to the hiring team. As an internship applicant, you likely have limited work experience. The personal statement helps the reader understand who you are beyond your resume. Your personal statement is a powerful tool that can help you stand out from other candidates and get noticed by the hiring team.

Knowing Your Audience

Before you begin crafting your personal statement, it is important to understand the hiring team you are targeting. Every internship is unique, and you need to tailor your personal statement to the specific requirements of the position. Researching the company and the internship will help you identify the skills and qualities that are essential for the internship.

Researching the Company and Internship

Before you start writing, it is important to research the company and the internship. A good understanding of the company culture, values, and mission can help you tailor your personal statement to the specific requirements of the position. Make sure that you have a clear understanding of the company's history, mission, and future goals. This will help you better connect your experiences and qualifications with the requirements of the internship.

Identifying the Skills and Qualities They Seek

Once you have a good understanding of the internship and the company, it is time to identify the skills and qualities they are looking for in an intern. Look for specific requirements listed in the job posting, such as technical skills, soft skills, and personality traits. Use this information to craft a personal statement that highlights your relevant skills and experiences.

Crafting a Strong Introduction

The introduction of your personal statement is the first impression the reader will have of you. It is essential to make a great first impression and grab the reader's attention. A strong introduction should establish your motivation and goals and demonstrate why you are a strong fit for the internship.

Grabbing the Reader's Attention

Your personal statement should begin with an attention-grabbing sentence that draws the reader in and makes them want to keep reading. For example, you might start with a personal anecdote that highlights your passion for the field or a thought-provoking statement that showcases your unique perspective.

Establishing Your Motivation and Goals

The reader needs to understand your motivation for applying for the internship. What are your goals, and how does the internship fit into your career path? Explain why you are passionate about the field and how the internship will help you gain the skills and experience you need to achieve your goals.

Showcasing Your Skills and Experiences

The bulk of your personal statement should focus on showcasing your unique skills and experiences. Use this section to highlight your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and relevant work experience. Make sure to connect your experiences with the skills and qualities needed for the internship.

Highlighting Relevant Academic Achievements

Your academic achievements can demonstrate your dedication and knowledge in specific areas. Use this section to highlight any academic awards, honors, or projects that showcase your passion and expertise in the field.

Emphasizing Extracurricular Activities and Leadership Roles

Extracurricular activities and leadership roles can demonstrate your ability to work in a team, your leadership abilities, and your time management skills. Use this section to highlight any relevant extracurricular activities or leadership roles and explain how these experiences have prepared you for the internship.

Demonstrating Real-World Experience

Real-world experience is highly valued by hiring teams. Use this section to highlight any relevant work experience or internships you have completed. Explain how your previous experience has prepared you for this specific internship.

Telling a Compelling Story

Your personal statement should tell a compelling story that connects your experiences with your goals. Use this section to tie together your skills and experiences to demonstrate why you are the perfect candidate for the internship.

Connecting Your Experiences to Your Goals

Show the reader how your experiences have prepared you for the internship and how you plan to use the skills and experience gained from the internship to achieve your career goals. Use this section to explain how the internship fits into your long-term career plans.

Demonstrating Personal Growth and Development

Your personal statement should demonstrate how you have grown and developed over time. Use this section to reflect on your experiences and explain how they have shaped you into the person you are today. Discuss any challenges you have overcome and how these challenges have helped you grow and develop.

ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a Personal Statement for an Internship

Chatgpt prompt.

Please compose a comprehensive and detailed personal statement that effectively conveys your qualifications, interests, and aspirations for an internship opportunity. Your statement should provide a clear and concise overview of your relevant skills and experiences, as well as your motivation for pursuing this particular internship. Additionally, please explain how this internship aligns with your career goals and how you hope to contribute to the organization during your time there.


In conclusion, writing a successful personal statement requires careful planning, research, and attention to detail. Use the strategies outlined in this article to craft a winning personal statement that showcases your unique skills, experiences, and personality. Keep your personal statement concise, clear, and focused on your qualifications, and you will increase your chances of landing that dream internship.

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January 23rd, 2023

How to Write a Perfectly Formatted Personal Statement for Internship in 2023? With Examples

write a personal statement for an internship

Personal statement for internship is a very important document in the applicatio n for internship programs. This guide will show you:

  • How to write personal statement for internship?
  • Interview-fetching personal statement for internship examples for reference
  • Answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding personal statement for internship.

What is a Personal Statement for Internship?

Personal statement for internship is a self-written document that you submit to a company or organization when you apply for internship there.

It is very important to know what is a personal statement for an internship before writing it because it is different from personal statement for course admissions .

How Important is a Personal Statement for Internship?

Internship is a brief period that acts as a bridge between your academic formation and full-time professional career .

As this period is a stepping stone to your career, you need to intern at the best place possible. And that requires you to write a winning personal statement.

A carefully written personal statement for internship accomplishes the following goals.

  • It helps you showcase your personality, achievements experiences, and future goals.
  • It enables the organizations to figure out your suitability more closely than from a CV.
  • It gives you the opportunity to speak about your goals so that the employer might consider you as their employee in future.
  • Personal statement is a personalized document. Thus, employers can easily know whether you have crafted it seriously or not.


How to Write Personal Statement for Internship in Seven Simple Steps?

It is already established that you need a perfect internship personal statement to sell yourself to the prospective employer. Here are the key steps to write a powerful personal statement internship.


Only you can know about your strengths and weaknesses. Take time to reflect on the areas that can be your selling points.

Write a strong introduction:

Every word in the introduction counts. So, try to make it attention-grabbing. Start with an experience from your past that influenced your decision

Write in active voice:

Most students forget about this. A personal statement written in active voice looks more impactful than one written in passive voice.

Talk about your competencies:

Highlight your competencies and how the employer can benefit from them. Use anecdotes to show how you applied your skills and qualities in the past.

Simple and straight to the point:

A generic approach is a big no in writing internship personal statement. Make it specific, simple and straight to the point.

Be true to yourself:

If you don’t possess leadership quality and highlight it in your statement, you may be asked to lead a team of interns and be in real trouble.

Familiarize yourself with the organization:

Research about the organization that are applying and know about it through and through. Your familiarity will be an added merit.

Know the Ideal Format for Personal Statement for Internship

The use of the right personal statement format for internship will make it look well-organized and brings in a good flow.

It enables the reader to scan it easily and find the points that they are specifically looking for. Here is a commonly recognized personal statement format.

Opening paragraph/introduction

This is the most important part in your internship personal statement. This is where you establish your story and grab the attention of the reader.

First body paragraph

Talk about a domain specific skill that you have and support it with ample evidence from past. Demonstrate how the employer will benefit from this quality of yours.

Second body paragraph

Use this paragraph to talk about a personal strength such as leadership quality and elaborate how you applied it. Show how it will favor you during the internship.

Future goals

Talk about your short term as well as long term career goals and say how much you think this internship will help you reach there.

Present your conclusion as the summation of the story you presented. End it with a reiterating closing statement that shows your suitability for the program. 

Read more here on personal statements:

Sample for Internship Personal Statement

Here is an example of personal statement for internship. Use this only as a reference. Do not attempt to do personal statement examples copying as it can lead to plagiarism.

Personal Statement for Internship

My name is ____________ and with much enthusiasm and excitement, I would like to intern at your organization during this summer for the post of Digital Marketing Intern. The internship at your firm is highly sought-after and well regarded due to its quality and highly career oriented level. I am sure with my existing experience and professional mindset, I would be able to perform well in my domain. I am sure this opportunity would surely propel my career and give me a chance to advance in my chosen field.

I understand that you are looking for a candidate, who is professional in approach and dedicated to work. I believe that I possess the right talents you seek for this post and I would be delighted to enhance my skill set with the right guidance and advice received from your end. The post Digital Marketing Intern is a dream for me as I always sought to build a career in this field due to its huge growth opportunities. During my masters in Business Administration at ______________ (name of the institute), I had an overall development as a Marketing Associate in a few of our Management Fests. I also handled social media handles like Instagram, Facebook. Twitter, etc for the popularity of the fest. This gave me hands-on experience in management, administration, web traffic, analytics, content development, etc. This was a golden opportunity for me to polish my skill set and acquire new ones.

As described in the job description, I would like to try my hands on revenue management and analysis of consumer behavior. I would also like to exhibit my skills in Email marketing, Search Engine marketing, advertising, campaigning, etc. This position is a perfect combination of your desires and my skill set. I hope through this internship, I can give an outlet to the theoretical knowledge I have gained. I am sure with my creative writing expertise I can create attractive content for your clients. Through interaction with fellow mates and senior officials I hope to enhance my skill set and digital knowledge. I am sure with the experience gained, I can become a master in my chosen field. As described in the description, I am an expert in social media content and social media campaigns. With this internship I would like to enhance my knowledge on various tools used and techniques implemented.

I would be honored if I receive this internship and opportunity to work with an amazing company. Let me express my gratitude for your time and consideration and I really look forward to hearing from you so that we can take this discussion further. I may be reached _______ or by email at ___________.

Pro Tips from Experienced Internship Personal Statement Writers

It is important to present a concise personal statement for internship that shows your confidence. It can be a challenging task. Follow these key tips from experts to compose a polished piece of writing.

Gather materials:

Your internship personal statement should be in compliance with other documents. So, keep all those docs ready at hand to refer them easily.

List all important information:

On a piece of paper, note down all important information that may be required while writing your internship personal statement.

Write in first person point of view:

Personal statement for internship is a document that is exclusively about you. So, write it using first person singular ‘I’.

Beware of duplication:

Do not repeat any information that has already been said in your personal statement. Also, try to avoid repeating the course titles in the writeup.

Make it unique:

The best way to make your personal statement unique is to present it in the backdrop of an experience you had which influenced your decision.

Keep it brief:

Remember that personal statement is different from statement of purpose. It is a rather brief and concise version which doesn’t go beyond one typed page.

Revise your statement:

It is recommended to write a rough draft at first and then keep it revising and improving gradually. This way, you will get a flawless draft at last.

Seek professional help if needed:

If you don’t feel 100% confident about your personal statement after completely writing it, seek professional help which will help get it made more impactfully.

Six Mistakes That Can Negatively Affect Your Internship Personal Statement

The six common mistakes student often make while composing their personal statement for internship. Beware of them and try to avoid them in your writeup.

  • Not doing enough research about the internship program and the organization.
  • Writing the document generically without focusing on the key themes.
  • Not saying sufficiently about what and how you can contribute to the firm that hires you.
  • Not seeking feedback on your personal statement for internship from someone who is familiar with it.
  • Not being genuine and writing things that are not true to your experience or skills.
  • Not proofreading and correcting the mistakes. Even if they are minor like spelling errors, they could break your chances.

It is completely okay to seek personal statement writing help for internship from experts if you lack the expertise to compose it perfectly. It will improve your acceptance chances and save you from unnecessary worries.

Top 10 Internship Programs You Will Need a Personal Statement For

Today, almost all internship programs ask applicants to include a personal statement in their application. The top 10 programs are:

  • Dietetic internship
  • Summer internship
  • Medical internship
  • Research internship
  • Law internship
  • Semester internship
  • Quarterly internship
  • Holiday internship
  • Fall internship
  • Spring internship

All things considered…

You may have good track records as a student but your prospective employer wouldn’t know about them unless you describe them in a personal statement for internship.

Reading this blog, you have got to the nitty-gritty of writing a strong personal statement to produce in your internship application.

If you still got any doubts or want to share your feedback with us on this blog, use the comment section below.

What is the ideal length for a personal statement for internship?

Personal statement for internship needs to be short and concise. It shouldn’t exceed more than a page in typed version, which would be about 500 words in length.

Who will review my personal statement for internship?

Your personal statement for internship will be checked and verified by the program officer or the HR team of the company/organization/institute you are applying to.

Should I submit a resume along with my personal statement for internship?

It is recommended to verify what documents you are expected to include in the application for internship. Resume is normally asked.

What will happen if my internship personal statement fails to comply with the requirements?

If your personal statement is found to be incomplete or doesn’t meet the requirements put forth by the program, it might lead to the rejection of your application. Once rejected, you won’t probably get a second chance. Therefore, it is important to give as much attention and seriousness as possible while writing it.

Can my teachers or professors write my personal statement for internship?

Personal statement is different from a letter of recommendation. Hence, it is not your teachers or professors who have to write it. Of course, you can seek their guidance before writing it.  If you are not confident to write it on your own, it is better to seek the assistance of a professional who knows about it well.

write a personal statement for an internship

Mrs Jizah M

Mrs Jizah M has always enjoyed writing down her thoughts since school days. What just started as a hobby slowly transformed into a passion. Her writing skills were first acknowledged by few of her professors when she wrote content for the college website; this was a turing. Slowly she started getting freelance works and later on, a series of events led her to specialize in academic and higher education related documentations. In additional to personal statements, she along with her team writes LORs, SOPs, college application essays, admission essays and all similar types of documents.

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How to Write a Perfect Residency Personal Statement in 2023 | A Complete Guide


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How to Write a Strong Personal Statement

by Ruth Gotian and Ushma S. Neill

write a personal statement for an internship

Summary .   

  • Make sure you’re writing what they want to hear. Most organizations that offer a fellowship or internship are using the experience as a pipeline: It’s smart to spend 10 weeks and $15,000 on someone before committing five years and $300,000. Rarely are the organizations being charitable or altruistic, so align your stated goals with theirs
  • Know when to bury the lead, and when to get to the point. It’s hard to paint a picture and explain your motivations in 200 words, but if you have two pages, give the reader a story arc or ease into your point by setting the scene.
  • Recognize that the reviewer will be reading your statement subjectively, meaning you’re being assessed on unknowable criteria. Most people on evaluation committees are reading for whether or not you’re interesting. Stated differently, do they want to go out to dinner with you to hear more? Write it so that the person reading it wants to hear more.
  • Address the elephant in the room (if there is one). Maybe your grades weren’t great in core courses, or perhaps you’ve never worked in the field you’re applying to. Make sure to address the deficiency rather than hoping the reader ignores it because they won’t. A few sentences suffice. Deficiencies do not need to be the cornerstone of the application.

At multiple points in your life, you will need to take action to transition from where you are to where you want to be. This process is layered and time-consuming, and getting yourself to stand out among the masses is an arduous but not impossible task. Having a polished resume that explains what you’ve done is the common first step. But, when an application asks for it, a personal statement can add color and depth to your list of accomplishments. It moves you from a one-dimensional indistinguishable candidate to someone with drive, interest, and nuance.

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How to write a personal statement for an internship

What is a personal statement, why is a personal statement important, what should you include in your personal statement, 1. start early, 2. read the internship description carefully, 3. be concise, 4. be specific, 5. use active voice, 6. get feedback, 7. edit and proofread your statement, 8. make it memorable, how to write a personal statement for an internship.

For many students, an internship is the perfect way to gain experience in their chosen field while also building connections in the industry. However, before you can start interning, you must first write a personal statement that will impress potential employers.

Your personal statement is essentially your sales pitch – it’s your chance to convince an employer that you’re the best candidate for the internship. But how exactly do you go about writing a persuasive personal statement?

In this article, we’ll break down the key components of a strong personal statement and provide you with tips to help you craft a statement that will get noticed.

A personal statement is a brief essay that summarizes your background, experiences, and career objectives. It’s your chance to showcase your skills, personality, and motivations to a potential employer, and demonstrate why you’re the right fit for their internship program.

A personal statement is critical because it’s often the first thing that an employer reads when they receive your application. A strong personal statement can increase your chances of getting selected for an interview and ultimately, landing the internship.

When crafting your personal statement, you should include the following:

  • Your Background: Briefly discuss your education, previous work experience, and any relevant extracurricular activities.
  • Your Skills: Highlight the skills that are most relevant to the internship. This could include technical skills, such as proficiency in a programming language, or soft skills, such as strong communication skills.
  • Your Career Objectives: Discuss your career aspirations and explain how the internship fits in with your long-term goals.
  • Your Personality: Give the employer a sense of your personality. Explain what motivates you, describe any challenges you’ve overcome, and discuss what sets you apart from other candidates.

How to Write a Strong Personal Statement for an Internship

Now that you know what to include in your personal statement, here are some tips to help you write a statement that will stand out:

Don’t wait until the last minute to start your personal statement. Give yourself plenty of time to brainstorm, write, and edit your statement. This will ensure that you have enough time to craft a strong, well-written statement that will impress employers.

Before you start writing your personal statement, make sure that you thoroughly understand the internship description. Identify the skills and qualities that the employer is looking for, and tailor your statement to reflect those qualities.

Your personal statement should be no more than two pages long, so be mindful of the word count. Every sentence should demonstrate the quality or skill you want to convey, and avoid using filler words or redundant phrases.

Avoid vague statements that don’t provide any specific details. Instead, provide examples and specific details of your accomplishments that demonstrate why you’re the right candidate for the position.

Use active voice instead of passive voice to make your personal statement more engaging. Active voice conveys confidence and authority, while passive voice can make your writing seem weaker.

Get feedback from your peers, mentors, or advisers on your personal statement. Constructive criticism can help you improve your statement and make it more persuasive.

Before you submit your personal statement, make sure you have thoroughly edited and proofread it. Pay attention to spelling and grammar errors, and make sure your statement flows smoothly.

A strong personal statement is one that sticks in the mind of the employer. Use vivid language and imagery, and avoid clichés that will make your statement seem generic.

A personal statement is an essential component of any internship application. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can create a statement that will demonstrate your skills, personality, and motivations, and convince employers that you’re the right fit for their program.

About The Author

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Madeline Moran

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