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Britannica Money

  • Introduction

Key products and services

1976: garage days and the first apple computer, 1977–1978: apple ii and early commercial success, 1979: innovations—gui, mice, and icons, 1980–1985: competition from ibm, macintosh, and steve jobs’ exit, 1985–1997: leadership struggles after jobs and wozniak, 1997–2010: renaissance and reinvention.

  • 2011–present: Tim Cook as CEO and the first trillion-dollar company

Garage where William Hewlett and David Packard began their company, HP

Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology company that revolutionized the technology sector through its innovation of computer software , personal computers , mobile tablets, smartphones , and computer peripherals.

One of the most recognizable brands in the world, Apple created the first commercially successful personal computer and was also the first to bring the graphical user interface (GUI) into mass adoption.

Founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in 1976, Apple set new benchmarks in product innovation, user-centric functionality, aesthetics and design, and multiproduct integration. Apple redefined and transformed the capabilities of modern computing. Further, Apple innovated the industry by establishing a marketplace ecosystem for third-party application developers, leveraging this new economy to expand its products’ functionalities and strengthen its position. The company is headquartered in Cupertino, California .

The iPod nano, introduced by Apple CEO Steve Jobs in San Francisco, May 2007. A revolutionary full-featured iPod that holds 1,000 songs and is thinner than a standard #2 pencil. MP3 player, music player, digital music

  • Mac computers. Evolving since 1984, the Mac line has set standards in the world of personal computing.
  • iPhone. Essentially a sophisticated computer packaged in a flat cube, the iPhone was a game changer in mobile technology, altering the way people communicate and consume media.
  • iPad. Bridging the gap between smartphones and laptops, the iPad opened up a new market for digital tablets since its debut in 2010.
  • iPod. A digital music player, the likes of which hadn’t been seen since the Sony Walkman, the iPod revolutionized the music industry in 2001, transforming the way listeners consume music.
  • Apple Watch. Launched in 2015, the Apple Watch is among the most dominant products in the wearable tech sector.
  • MacBook. Apple’s brand of laptop computer, the MacBook has become a mainstay in personal and professional environments.
  • Apple TV+. As Apple’s entry into the streaming entertainment services, Apple TV+ has become a dominant player in the subscription-based entertainment sector.
  • AirPods. Since the product’s launch in 2016, AirPods have become a leader in the wireless audio market.

The genesis of Apple Inc. sprang, not from a vision of an ambitious venture, but from a more modest aspiration: Stephen G. Wozniak had a lifelong dream of building his own personal computer.

Wozniak was inspired by the Altair 8800, the first commercially successful microcomputer launched in 1975. Further encouraged by his friends at the Homebrew Computer Club, a hobbyist group, he quickly developed a simple gaming motherboard: his first personal computer.

first Apple computer

Wozniak, then a 26-year-old engineering intern at Hewlett-Packard , presented his design to his employer. When the company expressed no interest, Wozniak teamed up with a former high school classmate, 21-year-old Steve Jobs. The two decided to set up their operations in the Jobs family garage, founding Apple Inc. on April 1, 1976, along with Ronald Wayne, an experienced tech industry executive who would play a role in helping facilitate and integrate the young founders’ company vision and operational pursuits.

Jobs and Wozniak each held a 45% stake in the company; Wayne had a 10% partnership stake. To fund their venture with working capital, Jobs sold his Volkswagen minibus and Wozniak his programmable calculator.

With the help of its first angel investor and Intel Corporation veteran Armas Clifford “Mike” Markkula, the company unveiled its inaugural product, the Apple I, in July 1976 at a Homebrew Computer Club meeting. Selling for $666.66, the Apple I was a bare motherboard with a basic CPU , random access memory (RAM), and video capabilities, but no keyboard or monitor. Nevertheless, the company’s first product marked the garage start-up’s first success—however minor—selling 200 units that year. Later that year, Ronald Wayne decided to leave the fledgling company, selling back his 10% share for $800.

In January 1977, with Markkula providing his expertise and seed funding of $250,000, Apple Inc. was incorporated .

Apple II, the company’s next product, was released in April 1977 and became the first widely distributed microcomputer. It was a commercial success; some 5 or 6 million units were sold over the next decade.

This new iteration hinted at a slight design breakthrough with its custom-molded plastic casing, a departure from the steel-encased designs of the time. The Apple II also included color graphics, sound, and television plug-in capabilities. Selling for a base price of $1,298, it was perceived as a user-friendly product, contributing to its success among general consumers.

Having achieved its first milestone in the larger consumer market, the company boosted its competitive position when Wozniak introduced a disk controller enabling an affordable floppy disk drive. This inclusion enhanced Apple II’s data storage and retrieval, making it faster and more reliable.

In 1979, Jobs led a team of engineers to see the innovations created at the Xerox Corporation ’s Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) in California.

Apple's Lisa computer

At PARC, they were shown three features that would serve as the company’s game-changing innovations:

  • The functional graphical user interface (GUI), featuring on-screen windows
  • A pointing device known as a mouse
  • The use of icons (pictographs) in place of awkward command line instructions

These features would be integrated into two key projects in development: the Apple Lisa (released in 1983) and the Apple Macintosh (1984). (Xerox would later sue Apple in 1989, claiming it stole the idea for its graphical user interface. The lawsuit was dismissed in 1990 on technical grounds, with the court saying Xerox chose the wrong venue to argue most of its legal points.)

The idea was to develop low-cost and user-friendly personal computers that would introduce the two innovative features—the GUI and mouse—to mass consumers. Although both computers sported these new features, they were designed to appeal to different audiences. The Lisa was geared toward business professionals, while the Macintosh targeted the broader consumer market.

Apple’s profits and size grew at a historic rate. By 1980 the company netted over $100 million and had more than 1,000 employees. In December 1980, Apple went public, offering 4.6 million shares at $22 each.

Apple’s initial public offering (IPO) was the biggest since 1956 when Ford Motor Company went public. Further, by the end of 1980, Apple’s nearly $2 billion valuation was greater than Ford’s.

IBM enters the PC market. As a formidable contender in the emerging PC market, Apple would soon face competition from IBM , the computer industry’s leading player.

IBM launched its own version of the personal computer in 1981, breaking with its tradition of using only proprietary hardware components and software. Instead, IBM built its PC using readily available components, including an Intel microprocessor and a disk operating system (DOS) from Microsoft Corporation .

Because other manufacturers could use the same hardware components that IBM used and license DOS from Microsoft, new software developers could count on a wide IBM PC–compatible market for their software. The system soon had a new spreadsheet program, Lotus 1-2-3, that changed computing and created what would later be known as a “killer app”: a software program (application) so useful that it propels hardware sales.

IBM’s PC won instant support and popularity in the business community, and the Apple II was unable to dislodge IBM’s position. Flanked by its existing suite of business computing products, IBM’s new offering struck a fatal blow to the yet-to-be-released Apple Lisa.

Upon its debut in 1983, the Lisa’s $9,995 price tag was more than five times the cost of an IBM PC. If cost alone didn’t guarantee its commercial underperformance compared to IBM, the Lisa also had numerous hardware issues and incompatibilities that made its performance sluggish compared to its competition.

The Lisa was an epic failure for the company’s foray into the business computing market. But Apple fared better in the general consumer market with the release the following year of a product that might even be considered iconic, culturally perhaps more so than functionally.

Apple launches the Macintosh. Following its failed Lisa launch, Apple prepared for a second product release, hoping to gain a stronger, if not dominant, position in the market. The new product was the Macintosh computer.

Although Jef Raskin led the Macintosh research project as early as 1979, Steve Jobs took over the project in 1981, having been removed from the Lisa project due to collaborative tensions. Jobs’ intervention and contentious disagreements with Raskin on the project’s vision and direction prompted Raskin to leave the company in 1982.

Introduced to the world via television commercial during Super Bowl XVIII on January 22, 1984, Apple immediately became a household name. The commercial, directed by Ridley Scott , struck a hard, albeit symbolic, blow against IBM, associating it with the dystopian and villainous authority of George Orwell’s novel 1984 .

In contrast, the ad portrayed Apple as the countercultural hero of the story—a symbol of freedom, progress, and innovation.

The Macintosh’s integration of a user-friendly GUI, all-in-one design, and affordable price of $2,500 made it accessible and appealing to businesses and technical users but also, and perhaps more importantly, to general consumers. Although the ad profoundly affected viewers, becoming one of the most iconic commercials in Super Bowl history, it generated more cultural buzz than commercial sales.

Despite ecstatic media reaction, the Macintosh initially sold below Apple’s expectations. The Mac, as it came to be known, had insufficient memory and storage capacity. It lacked essential features like cursor keys and a color display, both of which were considered standard amenities for PCs at the time.

Furthermore, skeptics doubted that adults would ever want to use a machine that relied on the GUI, condemning it as “toylike” and wasteful of computational resources.

In the wake of the poor sales performance, Jobs was ousted from the company in September 1985 by chief executive officer (CEO) John Sculley. (Wozniak had left Apple in February 1985 to become a teacher.)

Upon exiting Apple, Jobs founded another computer company, NeXT Inc., in 1985. The next year, he purchased Lucasfilm’s Computer Graphics Division to create Pixar Animation Studios . The founding of both companies, although outside the scope of Apple’s development at the time, would prove instrumental to the company’s forthcoming era of innovation in technology (NeXT’s technology was the foundation of macOS) as well as design and user experience (what is now called UX).

Under Sculley, Apple made steady improvements to the Mac—most notably, the introduction of an affordable laser printer along with Aldus Corporation’s PageMaker, the Mac’s first killer app (1985). Together, these two innovations launched the desktop publishing revolution for consumers and businesses alike. The graphic arts and publishing industries quickly became the Mac’s single most important market.

In 1987, the Mac II and Mac SE were introduced. The Mac II was the first of the Mac line to incorporate color graphics and a modular design, while the Mac SE was the first of its series to offer an expansion slot (later including a hard drive bay as a standard feature).

Although these products boosted Apple’s popularity among consumers, as evidenced by its growing base of one million users, the company would soon be mired in legal challenges that impeded its pace and progress.

Apple litigates while PCs innovate. The Mac’s incompatibility with Apple II software, a problem the company initially ignored, slowed educational sales and compelled the company to retain its outmoded Apple II line through 1993, hampering its progress as an industry innovator.

Consumer sales suffered as Apple discouraged game development out of fear that the Mac would not be taken seriously in the business community. Moreover, Microsoft , after an unsuccessful attempt to secure an agreement to market the Mac OS on the Intel processor, introduced Windows , its own graphical operating system .

Apple litigated for years, in vain, to stop Microsoft from copying the “look and feel” of its operating system, although the Mac OS itself drew upon Xerox’s PARC GUI. Meanwhile, as successive versions of Windows improved and competition among multiple PC manufacturers led to greater innovation and lower prices, fewer consumers were willing to pay the premium Apple had commanded owing to its reputation for quality.

As the 1980s drew to a close, Apple would find itself facing a few more legal headwinds (including its legal battle with Xerox over the graphical user interface):

  • In 1989, Apple Corps Ltd., the Beatles’ record label, sued Apple for trademark issues related to the company’s name and logo. The legal battle spanned several years; it escalated in the 2000s when Apple introduced iTunes and the iPod , thereby entering the music industry.
  • Also in 1989, Apple disposed of unsold Lisa units in a landfill in Logan, Utah. This event became part of tech lore, a symbol of the company’s biggest innovative flop. Meanwhile, Jobs released the NEXTSTEP operating system—a significant development, as it would later serve as the basis for Apple’s Mac OS X upon Jobs’ return to the company.

Apple-IBM rapprochement. In a surprising move, Apple and IBM announced an alliance in 1991. In addition to signing a technology agreement with Motorola, Inc. to develop a next-generation chip, known as the PowerPC, Apple and IBM created two new software companies to develop operating system software: Taligent, Inc., and Kaleida Labs, Inc.

Taligent was expected to enable versions of both the Mac OS and the IBM OS/2 to run on a new computer hardware standard, the common hardware reference platform (CHRP). Kaleida Labs was to develop multimedia software.

But as both companies began to quarrel over CHRP engineering specifications and costs mounted to about $400 million for Taligent and $200 million for Kaleida Labs, Apple pulled out with little to show for its investment.

Apple’s Newton and Claris flops. Sculley also promised more than Apple could deliver with Newton, a personal digital assistant ( PDA ) that suffered from poor handwriting recognition and diverted company engineering and financial resources.

In addition, the company vacillated over Claris Corporation, its software division, first reorganizing it as an independent company and then reabsorbing it when it began shifting more resources to Windows software.

Apple continues to flounder. In 1993, Sculley was replaced by Michael Spindler as CEO. Spindler’s most notable achievements were the successful migration of the Mac OS to the PowerPC microprocessor and the initiation of a shift away from Apple’s proprietary standards.

Nevertheless, Apple struggled with marketing projections, accumulating large unsalable inventories of some models while simultaneously unable to meet a billion dollars in orders for other models.

Combined with drastic quality control problems, notably a defective line of monitors and some highly publicized combustible portable computers, these failings brought Spindler’s reign to an end in early 1996 with the appointment of Gilbert F. Amelio.

In 1996, Apple made a pivotal move that would profoundly affect its strategic direction. After several attempts to develop a replacement for its aging Mac operating system, Apple purchased NeXT Software, Inc., the company that Jobs had founded after being ousted from Apple in 1985.

Building on this move, Apple, under Amelio’s leadership, began cutting operating costs and reestablishing quality controls. Despite these efforts, only a small percentage of new computer buyers were choosing Macs over Windows machines. Apple’s financial situation was dire toward the end of its second decade.

Jobs, now an advisor to Apple’s embattled CEO, quickly became disenchanted with the company’s direction, selling all but one share of the Apple stock he had received in the NeXT sale.

When Apple failed to become profitable under Amelio and its worldwide market share fell to roughly 3%, the board of directors in mid-1997 recruited a surprising temporary replacement: Jobs, who for the first time became the undisputed leader of the company he cofounded.

The return of Jobs: iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone, and iPad. Upon retaking the helm, Jobs immediately set about revitalizing the company, announcing an alliance with erstwhile foe Microsoft, ending the half-hearted (and profit-draining) program to license the Mac OS, streamlining the company’s multiple (and confusing) product lines, and launching the iMac, the first of many affordable and innovative products to come from the now-revitalized company.

Steve Jobs

Apple branded its products as part of an upscale lifestyle, or “iLife,” by emphasizing sleek, minimalist, and aesthetically pleasing designs (like the iMac) that looked more like modern art than machinery.

Designed to revive Apple’s consumer and educational appeal, the iMac quickly became the all-time best-selling Mac, lifting Apple’s U.S. market share to roughly 13.5% in August 1998 from a record low of 2.6% in December 1997. Moreover, Apple had a profitable fiscal year in 1998, its first since 1995.

Apple iMac

In 2001 Apple introduced iTunes , a media player and library software to store, organize, and play digital audio files converted to MP3 format. Later the same year, Apple began selling the iPod , a portable MP3 player, which quickly became the market leader. (The term podcast , combining iPod and broadcast , is used as both a noun and a verb to refer to audio or video material downloaded for portable or delayed playback.) Later models added larger storage capacities or smaller sizes, color screens, and video playback features.

In 2003 Apple began selling downloadable copies of major record company songs in MP3 format over the Internet . The iPod Nano digital music player, one-fifth the size of the original iPod, was introduced by Apple in 2005. By 2006 more than one billion songs and videos had been sold through Apple’s website .

In 2007 Apple introduced the touch screen iPhone , a cellular telephone with capabilities for playing MP3s and videos and accessing the Internet. More than just a mobile computer and media player merged with a phone, it pioneered multi-touch features that shaped the way users interact with technology.

iPod Nano

Although the iPhone was designed for the broader consumer market, one of its biggest competitors— BlackBerry , designed by the Canadian company Research in Motion (RIM)—was the dominant mobile communications device among business users.


In response, Apple sought to dislodge RIM’s position in 2007–2009 by differentiating the iPhone and innovating mobile functionalities that changed consumers’ needs and expectations, including:

  • Multi-touch screen functionalities that allowed users to swipe, pinch (zoom), and type on a digital keyboard. This was a significant departure from RIM’s products, which had physical keys.
  • Combining text and email—the functionalities the BlackBerry specialized in—with phone, Internet browsing, and iPod capabilities.
  • Compatibility with Mac computers, giving the iPhone integrative capabilities that far exceeded those of the BlackBerry.
  • Upgrading the iPhone in 2008 to make it compatible with 3G wireless networks and retrofitting it with global positioning system (GPS) capabilities.
  • Creating an ecosystem of third-party apps (Apple’s App Store) that accelerated the iPhone’s extended capabilities beyond devices, like the BlackBerry, that relied on in-house development.

Apple’s dual focus on consumer needs and business integration, positioning the iPhone as a daily extension of home and work life, eventually gained market share from RIM.

By June 19, 2009, when Apple released the iPhone 3GS (which sold one million units in the first three days), the company’s share of the smartphone market had reached about 20% (compared with about 55% for the BlackBerry line of smartphones).

In addition to hardware changes such as a three-megapixel digital camera that could record digital videos and an internal digital compass capable of working with various mapping software, the iPhone 3GS included a new operating system, the iPhone OS 3.0.

The new system included support for voice-activated controls and peer-to-peer ( P2P ) play of electronic games with other iPhone users over Wi-Fi Internet connections. The latter feature was part of Apple’s strategy to compete in the portable gaming market with the Nintendo Company ’s DS and the Sony Corporation ’s PSP. The iPhone can also be used for reading electronic books, or e-books. E-books in iPhone-compatible formats can be purchased over the Internet from electronic book dealers such as the iTunes store and Amazon.com .

In 2010 Apple unveiled the iPad, a touch screen device whose size and function bridged the gap between a laptop computer and a smartphone. The iPad was a multimedia tablet that allowed users to operate it with the same set of finger gestures as the iPhone. Designed with a touch screen capable of displaying high-definition video, the iPad also provided access to apps via iTunes and the App Store.


In 2011 Apple introduced iCloud, a cloud computing service in which a user’s applications, photographs, documents, calendars, and recently purchased music would be stored on iCloud servers and automatically updated on a user’s devices. Some analysts saw iCloud as Apple’s plan for a future in which users could dispense with the personal computer as the primary place to store data.


APPLE'S INC.  is an American multinational corporation that designs and markets consumer electronic, software and personal computers. The mission statement of Apple is “Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along the OS X, iLife, iWork, and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPod’s and iTunes online store. Apple reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and has recently introduced its magical iPad which is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices.” The vision of the company is “To make a contribution to the world by making tools for the mind that advance humankind.”       Apple operates 300 retail stores in ten countries; they also have an online store where hardware, software products are sold. Apple products include Mac (desktop computers /laptops ), iPod, iPhone, iPad, iTunes, and other products.

Some ways that Apple uses the Web:

  • To advertise their products (Mac, iPod, iPhone, iPad, iTunes,  and other products).
  • To see their products.
  • To have other services to assist you.
  • To have videos to help you set up your Apple 


  • To download data software, updates for Apple
  • To communicate with other Apple users around the world.
  • To contact them for further information.

Introduction (cont.)

Apple is a consumer based industry. The success or failure depends upon how well the products are received by the customers. SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.Strengths and Weaknesses are internal factors that affect company’s success or failure. Opportunities and Threats are external factors the impact the company’s growth. SWOT analysis is performed on each segment individually. It also states and evaluates how well the product meets the consumer's needs and comparing itwith the competitors and focusing on the current and future market.

  • Brand – is extremely important. Apple is one of the most established and healthy IT brands in the world, and has a very loyal set of enthusiastic customers that advocate the brand. Such powerful loyalty means that Apple not only recruits new customers, it retains them. This means they come back for more products and services from Apple, and the company also has the opportunity to extend new products to them, for example the iPod.
  • Design and Innovation  – Apple’s design teams’ primary motivation is to make intuitive products that will allow users to be up and running without having to read instruction books. They set the standard for designing hardware and software products. Apple computers are experts in developing their own software and hardware products.

Strengths (cont'd) :

  • Retail  – In addition to having their online iTunes store, Apple has opened an additional online store called the App Store. These online stores are strengths in that they allow Apple to maintain a continual stream of revenue rather than having to wait solely upon new product development.

Weaknesses :

  • Faulty products – It is reported that the Apple iPod Nano may have a faulty screen. The company has commented instantly that a batch of its product has screens that break under impact, and the company is replacing all faulty items
  • Very proprietary and controlling – Apple would not open their operating system to outsiders to develop hardware to work with other company products, keeping hardware sales to itself.
  • To much reliance on CEO Steve Jobs.


  • Technological Innovations – Apple has the opportunity to develop its iTunes and music player technology into a mobile phone format. A version of Apple's iTunes music store has been developed for the phone so users can manage the tracks they store on it. New technologies and strategic alliances offer opportunities for Apple.
  • Extend new products to loyal customers – Expanding loyal customer base with the release of iPod and the iPhone and later the iPad.
  • Podcasts – are downloadable radio shows that can be downloaded from the Internet, and then played back on iPods and other MP3 devices at the convenience of the listener. The listener can subscribe to Podcasts for free, and ultimately revenue could be generated from paid for subscription or through revenue generated from sales of other downloads.
  • Competition – The biggest threat to IT companies such as Apple is the extremely high level of competition in the technology markets. Since they are a successful company, they attract competition from Dell, HP, Sony, and Toshiba. Apple puts emphasis on researching and developing and marketing in order to retain its competitive position. The popularity of Apple’s iPods’ and Macs’ (computers) are subject to demand. If economies begin to weaken, it will affect demand negatively.
  • Substitute products – There is a high substitution effect of products in the innovative and fast moving IT consumables market. Technology is changing rapidly in the markets. Just yesterday it was CD’s, now its iPod’s. Tomorrow’s technology might be entirely different.
  • Low prices of the competitors – Apple price itself out of the personal computer industry, which is a big problem. This leads to competitors selling their product at a lower price than an apple product.
  • Technical advancements – Microsoft launched Microsoft Vista, Windows 7 which is gaining market share.


The culture of Apple was based on the fact that individuals who are self-motivated will do more work if they do not have a manager/supervisor examining their every action. The unique structure of Apple had allowed it to grow and react more quickly to changes than its competitors. The reason for this quick response is because it is easier to get a project started if there are only a few people to obtain approval from. Apple initially grew fast, because decisions were made at the lowest possible level.

  • Corporate/Company Culture:

Apple has a startup level urgency when the direction comes from Steve. If you have a project that Steve is not involved in, it will take months of meetings to move further. If Steve wants it done, it will be done as fast as possible. The best way to get any work done was to say it’s for Steve and you would probably have it the same day.

For Apple, design is everything. Steve Jobs strongly believes this. When you have a leader that knows and believes in the impact of design, it is easier to make everyone else follow. When the entire company focuses on the design of a product, the result is breathtaking products. This is exactly how Apple does it; they strive for perfection. If at any point in time they make a mistake with a product, or if it’s not perfect in its own unique way, it’s simple, they would not let it go to the public.


The organizational structure of Apple was focused on placing decision making in the hands of the people in the field. Apple was doing exceedingly well and had gotten the attention of many people around the world because the company was performing extremely well and was very responsive to changes that were made. However, after years of success, Apple found themselves in a financial nightmare. Apple suffered problems specifically in the accountability of spending and in economic decision-making. With employees making decisions at different levels of the organization, it is difficult for the corporate office to keep track of spending and purchasing.

Organisational Structure of Apple's Inc


The environment in Apple is one that changes really quickly.

  • Economic Environment

     Apple is not the market leader of the computer industry although, it is only 7%. In the computer industry Apple has many competitors, like Dell, HP, Sony and Toshiba. Due to the economic crisis, Hong Kong has a very high inflation rate. People will not want to purchase such an expensive product like Macbook, but with an increase on their income level might just change their mind. It will increase the willingness of the public to purchase the Apple products.

  • Technological and Information Environment:

      Apple has many well-known software programs, like iOS and iWork. All of them are particularly designed for the Mac computers, there are the comparative advantage of Apple. Apple also make good use of the technology to develop many multi-functional products, and improving the existing programs.


 Apple’s business strategy is to “Think Different”. 

Apple’s ability to align marketing strategy and 

business strategy with product development

leaves competitors in the dust. Their strategy is

product differentiation and strategic alliances.

  • Product Differentiation:

Product differentiation is a viable strategy, especially if the company uses theoretical distinctions for product differentiation.  Those that are relevant to Apple are product features, product mix, and their reputation. Apple prides itself on its innovation. Apple established a reputation as an innovator by offering some easy-to-use products that cover a broad range of segments.

A company’s differentiated product will appear more attractive comparing to substitutes, thus reducing the threat of substitutes.  If suppliers increase their prices, a company with a differentiated product can pass that cost to its customers, thus reducing the threat of suppliers. A company attempts to make its strategy a sustained competitive advantage.  For this to occur, a product differentiation strategy that is economically valuable must also be uncommon, difficult to imitate, and the company must have the organization to take advantage of this.

  • Strategic Alliances:

                        There is economic value in strategic alliances. In the case of Apple, there was the opportunity to manage risk and share costs, facilitate tacit collusion, and manage uncertainty.  It would have been applicable to the industries in which Apple operated.  Tacit collusion is a valid source of economic value in network industries, which the computer industry is.  Managing uncertainty, managing risk, and sharing costs are sources of economic value in any industry.  Although Apple eventually realized the economic value of strategic alliances, it should have occurred earlier.


                The value chain highlights specific activities in the business where competitive strategies and information systems will have the greatest impact. The chain analyzes the firm as a series of primary and support activities that add value to a firm’s products or services. Primary activities are directly related to production and distribution, whereas support activities make the delivery of primary activities possible.

Primary Activities

Support Activities


There are four types of Competitive Strategies:

  • Low Cost Leadership

      This strategy involves the firm winning market share by appealing to customers. This is achieved by having the lowest prices in the target market segment, or at least the lowest price to value ratio. To succeed at offering the lowest price while still achieving profitability and a high return on investment, the firm must be able to operate at a lower cost than its rivals. There are three main ways to achieve this:

  • The first approach is achieving a high asset turnover.
  • The second dimension is achieving low direct and indirect operating costs.
  • The third dimension is control over the supply/procurement chain to ensure low costs.
  • Differentation

        A differentiation strategy is appropriate where the target customer segment is not price-sensitive, the market is competitive or saturated, customers have very specific needs which are possibly under-served, and the firm has unique resources and capabilities which enable it to satisfy these needs in ways that are difficult to copy. These could include patents or other Intellectual Property (IP), unique technical expertise, talented personnel, or innovative processes. Successful brand management also results in perceived uniqueness even when the physical product is the same as competitors. This way, Starbucks could brand coffee, and Nike could brand sneakers. Fashion brands rely heavily on this form of image differentiation.

  • Focus on market Niche
  •   Marketing niche strategy based on customer needs and wants are the most sustainable – this usually arises when the mass-market product does not produce the item required.
  • Marketing niche strategy can also be created if there are social and cultural differences within a single community that may require that changes may be required to be made to a product or service. This regularly gives rise to a niche market.
  •    Marketing niche strategy is also created through exclusive rights – such as brands, trademarks, patents etc. For example under the main brand a niche brand can be created to serve special customer needs e.g. Marketing niche strategy is also achieved through adopting particular delivery channels.
  • Strengthen Customer and Supplier Intimacy

     Customer and supplier intimacy strategy uses information systems to develop strong ties and loyalty with customers and suppliers. Strengthening customer and supplier intimacy can be an extremely effective strategy in itself. Through making transactions and conditions in general, easier and more user friendly for customers and suppliers, the intimacy of the firm and customer/supplier will increase. This offers great incentive for both customer and supplier to continue doing business with the firm. Customer intimacy is a concept from marketing, which describes the ability of a supplier to become accepted and known as the regular partner with its customer. Customer intimacy is the largest source of your growth, sustainable competitive advantage, and profit. Strengthen Customer and Supplier Intimacy: apply information systems to tighten long-term relationship and create brand loyalty with customers and suppliers, including increasing switching costs.

The Strategies that affect Apple Inc. are:

  •           Differentiation
  •           Focus on Market Niche
  •           Strengthen Customer  and Supplier Intimacy
  •   Differentiation

                    Apple Inc. can use differentiation as a competitive strategy to fight the competitive forces, since they have a range of products that stand out against all other products in the electronic industry. For example Apple's design skills or Pixar's animation prowess is one way of showing that this company sis different. This business approaches the non-price sensitive customer and delivers exactly what the customer need.  

  • Focus on Market Niche

    Apple Inc. can also use this competitive strategy since, this company uses high ‘modern-day’ technology that assist the ‘modern-day’ man in every aspect of life. Apple designs products with a unique style that will satisfy the customer that wants a particular feature which the mass product will not entail. 

Apple Inc. can also use this strategy since, they are a well-known organization and although they may be a part of brand loyalty, in order to fight other competitive forces, they may need to keep in touch with their customers and even suppliers. This method helps both customer and supplier to keep doing business with the firm and also assist in company growth, sustainable competitive advantage and increase in profits.

There are three types of information systems that affect Apple Inc. ability to effectively execute the specific strategies:

  •           Transaction Processing Systems
  •           Management Information Systems
  •           Decision Support Systems

         Transaction processing systems (TPS) automate the handling of data about business activities or transactions. The analysis and design of TPS, means focusing on the firm’s current procedures for processing transactions, whether those procedures are manual or automated. The goal of TPS development is to improve transaction processing by speeding it up, using fewer people, improving efficiency and accuracy, integrating it with other organizational information systems or providing information not previously available. Therefore, this is a suitable information system that will assist Apple Inc. to effectively execute the competitive strategies discussed above.


       A management information system (MIS) is a system that provides information needed to manage organizations efficiently and effectively. Management information systems involve three primary resources: technology, information, and people. It's important to recognize that, the most important resource is people. Management information systems are distinct from regular information systems in that they are used to analyze other information systems applied in operational activities in the organization. Hence, management information systems can be used in Apple Inc. to assist in effectively executing the competitive strategies identified above.


A decision support system (DSS) is a computer-based information system that supports business or organizational decision-making activities. DSSs serve the management, operations, and planning levels of an organization and help to make decisions, which may be rapidly changing and not easily specified in advance. A properly designed DSS is an interactive software-based system intended to help decision makers compile useful information from a combination of raw data, documents, personal knowledge, or business models to identify and solve problems and make decisions. Typical information that a decision support application might gather and present are:

·         Inventories of information assets (including legacy and relational data sources, cubes, data warehouses, and data marts),

·         Comparative sales figures between one period and the next,

·         Projected revenue figures based on product sales assumptions.

Therefore, this type of information system is definitely needed in a business such as Apple Inc. 

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Top 10 Apple Company Profile PowerPoint Presentation Templates in 2024

Introducing our fully editable and customizable PowerPoint presentation on the Apple Company Profilea comprehensive resource designed for professionals, students, and enthusiasts alike. This presentation delves into the history, mission, and innovative products of Apple Inc., one of the worlds leading technology companies. Users can effortlessly modify slides to suit their specific needs, whether for a corporate meeting, academic project, or marketing strategy session. The Apple Company Profile presentation includes detailed sections on Apple's founding, key milestones, product lines, and market impact, making it an invaluable tool for understanding the brand's evolution and strategic direction. Use cases range from investor pitches and business analysis to educational purposes in classrooms or workshops. With visually appealing graphics and a cohesive layout, this presentation not only conveys information effectively but also engages the audience. Customize charts, graphs, and images to reflect the latest data or your unique insights, ensuring a tailored experience. Empower your presentations with our Apple Company Profile PPT and experience the ease of creating professional content that captures the essence of one of the most influential companies in the tech industry.

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Apple Company Profile Powerpoint Presentation Slides CP CD

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A corporate profile is a comprehensive snapshot of an organization, aiding investors and stakeholders in assessing its worth and performance. Explore our professionally crafted Apple Company Profile PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation, you will find an array of crucial components. To begin with, it covers essential aspects like the executive summary, company introduction, mission and vision, core values, business model, global footprint, significant historical milestones, and more. Additionally, the profile provides insights into the leadership team, key statistical data, and revenue growth from 2018 to 2022. Furthermore, the Business Profile templates delve into the financial facets, encompassing gross profit, operating profit, net profit, assets and liabilities, cash flow, and more. It also outlines the strategies adopted, including product differentiation, marketing, and distribution strategies. Lastly, the IT Company Profile slides include a SWOT analysis to evaluate business performance, highlight future expectations, and showcase the organizations commitment to corporate social responsibility CSR. It concludes with practical examples of Apples real world accomplishments. Download our fully editable and customizable template, compatible with Google Slides, to tailor it to your needs.

  • Business Profile
  • IT Company Profile
  • Apple Inc Business Outline
  • Iphone Corporate Profile
  • Business Financials

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Icons Slide For Apple Company Profile Apple Company Profile Ppt Icons CP SS

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Our Icons Slide For Apple Company Profile Apple Company Profile Ppt Icons CP SS are topically designed to provide an attractive backdrop to any subject. Use them to look like a presentation pro.

  • Icons Slide

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Apple Employee Base Apple Company Profile Ppt Ideas CP SS

Following slide provides insights into Apple employee base and revenue earned per employee. It showcases yearly growth on Apple employee base and yearly revenue earned per employee. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Apple Employee Base Apple Company Profile Ppt Ideas CP SS. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Employee Base, Revenue Per Employee. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Following slide provides insights into Apple employee base and revenue earned per employee. It showcases yearly growth on Apple employee base and yearly revenue earned per employee.

  • Employee Base
  • Revenue Per Employee

apple company introduction presentation

Apple Subsidiaries Apple Company Profile Ppt Professional CP SS

Mentioned slide outlines Apple Inc. subsidiaries in multiple countries. It includes counties such as US, Mexico, Ireland, Australia, Canada, China, Thailand, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, and India. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Apple Subsidiaries Apple Company Profile Ppt Professional CP SS. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Canada, Australia, Ireland. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Mentioned slide outlines Apple Inc. subsidiaries in multiple countries. It includes counties such as US, Mexico, Ireland, Australia, Canada, China, Thailand, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, and India.

apple company introduction presentation

Apple Segmentation Strategy Apple Company Profile Ppt Ideas CP SS

Mentioned slide provides insights into Apple Segmentation strategy. It provides detailed information about geography, demographics, behavioral, and psychological segmentation. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Apple Segmentation Strategy Apple Company Profile Ppt Ideas CP SS. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Geography, Demography, Behavioural using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Mentioned slide provides insights into Apple Segmentation strategy. It provides detailed information about geography, demographics, behavioral, and psychological segmentation.

  • behavioural

apple company introduction presentation

Apple Competitors Apple Company Profile Ppt Inspiration CP SS

Mentioned slide provides information about company competitors by various segments. It includes competitors by laptops Pc, Smartphones, and electronic products. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Apple Competitors Apple Company Profile Ppt Inspiration CP SS. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Dell, Samsung, Sony. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Mentioned slide provides information about company competitors by various segments. It includes competitors by laptops Pc, Smartphones, and electronic products.

apple company introduction presentation

Apple Customer Base Apple Company Profile Ppt Brochure CP SS

Mentioned slide displays company primary customer base. It comprises of general consumers, small and mid-size businesses, education, enterprises, and government agencies. Introducing Apple Customer Base Apple Company Profile Ppt Brochure CP SS to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with five stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on General Consumers, Education, Government Market, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Mentioned slide displays company primary customer base. It comprises of general consumers, small and mid-size businesses, education, enterprises, and government agencies.

  • General Consumers
  • Government Market

apple company introduction presentation

Company Overview Apple Company Profile Ppt Elements CP SS

Mentioned slide exhibits Apple company overview illustrating details such as company name, industry types, founded year, chief executive officer, founders, headquarters, employee base, annual revenue, net revenue, and market cap. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Company Overview Apple Company Profile Ppt Elements CP SS. This template helps you present information on one stages. You can also present information on Company Information using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Mentioned slide exhibits Apple company overview illustrating details such as company name, industry types, founded year, chief executive officer, founders, headquarters, employee base, annual revenue, net revenue, and market cap.

  • Company Information

apple company introduction presentation

Key Statistics Apple Company Profile Ppt Portrait CP SS

Mentioned slide provides information about key statistics associated with Apple Inc. products. It includes key points such as iPhone users, iPhone market share, and demographics. Introducing Key Statistics Apple Company Profile Ppt Portrait CP SS to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with three stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Market, Demographics, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Mentioned slide provides information about key statistics associated with Apple Inc. products. It includes key points such as iPhone users, iPhone market share, and demographics.

  • demographics

apple company introduction presentation

Case Study Apple Company Profile Ppt Structure CP SS

Mentioned slide provides insights into Laura Canada case study. It includes key points such as goals, strategy to adopt Apple Product and final results. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Case Study Apple Company Profile Ppt Structure CP SS. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Goal, Strategies, Results. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Mentioned slide provides insights into Laura Canada case study. It includes key points such as goals, strategy to adopt Apple Product and final results.

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Apple Inc. timeline

Discover Apple’s journey over the years with the help of our downloadable free Apple history timeline.

Tim Stumbles photo

Tim Stumbles

Mar 30, 2018

14 min read

Last updated on March 13, 2024

Dive into the rich heritage of Apple Inc. with our detailed Apple history timeline, carefully crafted using Office Timeline , an intuitive PowerPoint add-in designed for creating visually impactful timelines. This blog post will guide you through the pivotal moments that have shaped Apple’s innovative journey, offering a glimpse into the milestones that have defined the tech giant’s path to success.

Timeline of Apple Inc.

Apple Inc. was born on the 1st of April 1976 and was founded by Steve Jobs , Steve Wozniak , and Ronald Wayne . The company’s first product was the Apple I, a personal computer designed and hand-built entirely by Wozniak.

Gradually expanding its range of products to consumer electronics and online services, it took the pioneering venture less than half a century to become the world’s largest smartphone manufacturer .

Apple history timeline: key milestones

The Apple Inc. Timeline overviews the important events in the history of the business, including releases of their main products and services. Let’s retrace the major milestones of their journey since establishment until the present day :

  • 1976 : Apple Computer Company is founded
  • 1976 : Apple I
  • 1977 : Apple II
  • 1980 : Apple III
  • 1980 : Company goes public for $22 per share
  • 1984 : The Macintosh
  • 1985 : S. Jobs leaves the company
  • 1989 : The Macintosh Portable
  • 1990 : 3 new Macintosh models
  • 1991 : The PowerBook
  • 1997 : S. Jobs regains position as CEO
  • 1997 : Apple Online Store
  • 1998 : The iMac
  • 2001 : First retail stores
  • 2001 : The iPod
  • 2003 : iTune Store
  • 2007 : Launches the iPhone & Apple TV under new name: Apple Inc.
  • 2008 : App Store
  • 2010 : The iPad
  • 2010 : The iPhone 4
  • 2010 : Apple shares reach an all-time high
  • 2011 : Jobs resigns (health problems)
  • 2012 : The iPhone 5
  • 2017 : Clips app
  • 2015 : Apple Watch
  • 2016 : AirPods
  • 2018 : Apple’s value reaches $1 trillion
  • 2023 : Apple Vision Pro
  • 2026 : 50th anniversary

An in-depth look at the milestones in Apple's history

Let’s take a closer look at how Apple became creator of game-changing devices like the Mac, iPhone and iPod:

1976: Apple Computer Company is founded, and Apple I is born

The identity behind one of the world’s most profitable brands emerged in the garage of Steve Jobs’ childhood home, after he came up with the idea of selling Steve Wozniak’s hand-built computer Apple I . To finance the creation of the device, Jobs sold his VW Kombi van and Wozniak his HP-65 calculator. The prototype was released on the 11th of April 1976, demonstrated 4 months later at the Homebrew Computer Club, and sold at the introductory price of $666 (the equivalent of $2,867 in 2017).

1977: Apple II

Apple II (stylized in the logo as “ apple ][ “)was a pioneering 8-bit home computer introduced in 1977, featuring color graphics, innovative design by Steve Wozniak, and a redesigned Apple logo. It revolutionized the personal computer industry, opening doors to consumer software. Apple II earned acclaim as the greatest PC of all time by PC World in 2006 .

1980: Apple III

The Apple III (stylized as “ apple /// ”) was the first system designed by Apple as a company. It was a business-focused PC released by Apple in 1980 as a successor to the Apple II series. It was designed to provide business users with features such as a true typewriter-style upper/lowercase keyboard and an 80-column display.

The product incurred massive expenses in research, development, and promotion. Unfortunately, because of significant design flaws, it became Apple’s first major market failure . Despite a year-long effort to rectify issues such as chip dislodging, malfunctioning clocks, and overheating, solutions came too late.

1980: Company goes public for $22 per share

Four years after its foundation, Apple Computer Inc. went public at $22 per share, which generated the greatest capital that any IPO had done since Ford Motor Company in 1956, making 300 people millionaires overnight.

1984: The Macintosh

The original Apple Macintosh personal computer, later rebranded as the Macintosh 128K , was introduced in 1984. With a graphical user interface, built-in screen, and mouse, this computer helped popularize desktop publishing due to its ability to handle graphics. The new machine included the powerful 68k microprocessor from the Apple Lisa. Despite initial hurdles, the Macintosh achieved loyal fans and solid sales figures.

1985: Steve Jobs leaves the company

Throughout its activity, the company has seen numerous executive job shuffles, with all three co-founders leaving the board in the early stages and only Jobs returning in 1997 to oversee the rebuilding and consolidation of Apple’s status.

1989: The Macintosh Portable

The Macintosh Portable , Apple’s first battery-powered Mac, was sold from 1989 to 1991. It featured a sharp monochrome LCD screen that was housed in a unique clamshell design, allowing the screen to fold shut against the keyboard. This innovative laptop also included an integrated trackball for navigation and came in an array of technical configurations to satisfy various user needs.

While critics acknowledged the vivid quality of its display, many found the bulky machine to be quite heavy and pricey. Sales failed to meet projections, leading Apple to pull the plug on the Portable in 1991 when they launched their new PowerBook line-up of portable Macs that addressed earlier complaints.

1990: 3 new Macintosh models

In 1990, Apple rolled out a trio of new Macintosh computers, each tailored for a distinct slice of the personal computer marketplace. First came the Macintosh LC (Low Cost), a relatively inexpensive option designed for mainstream consumers seeking colorful graphical capabilities on a budget. While affordable and attractive visually, its functionality was constrained.

By contrast, the high-powered Macintosh IIfx workstation aimed higher, with blazing speeds and extensive customization choices to satisfy professional power users handling data-intensive tasks.

Between these extremes lay the Macintosh Classic , a no-frills machine delivering basic computing skills for essential word processing and spreadsheet duties without fancy flourishes. These three models catered to different segments of the market, providing a range of options for users with varying needs and budgets.

1991: The PowerBook

The PowerBook 100 was designed by Sony for Apple Computer. It was unveiled at the 1991 COMDEX computer expo. Despite its small marketing budget, the PowerBook line was a success, generating over $1 billion in revenue for Apple in its debut year alone. It was praised for its unique design, with the PowerBook 100 being named the tenth-greatest PC of all time in 2006.

1997: Steve Jobs regains position as CEO

In 1997, Steve Jobs returned as CEO of Apple, reviving the company’s fortunes after years of struggle. His comeback followed Apple’s acquisition of NeXT, the company he founded during his time away.

With Jobs back at the helm, Apple underwent a dramatic transformation , introducing ground-breaking products like the iMac, iPod, iPhone, and iPad. Jobs’ relentless pursuit of innovation brought Apple to new heights, solidifying its position as a global tech powerhouse. His return marked the beginning of a new era of creativity and dominance for the company.

1997: Apple Online Store

Once more, 1997 proved a landmark year for Apple. The online Apple Store officially opened on November 10, 1997, and has been online since, offering worldwide buyers direct access to coveted gadgets. The online Apple Store played a crucial role in Apple’s survival and resurgence alongside the return of Steve Jobs and the launch of the iMac and iPod.

1998: The iMac

The iMac G3 , sold by Apple from 1998 to 2003, released under Steve Jobs’ reorganized Apple, proved a landmark in Apple’s history. It featured a distinctive all-in-one design with innovative use of translucent plastic, replacing legacy technologies with CD-ROMs and USB ports.

Despite mixed critical response, the iMac achieved remarkable commercial success, becoming Apple’s fastest-selling computer with over 5 million units sold.

2001: First retail stores

The opening of Apple stores in 2001 had a strong impact on technology retailing. With innovative architectural designs, the stores quickly became destinations known for exhibiting Apple’s cutting-edge devices.

As more places launched worldwide, they gained praise for establishing new standards in visual appeal and utility. By combining art and engineering, Apple Stores have transformed business spaces into brand experiences.

2001: The iPod

The iPod , released by Apple in 2001, changed the way people listened to music. It enabled users to carry thousands of songs in a pocket-sized player and to download straight from the internet. It transformed the way music was accessed and experienced. Hewlett-Packard briefly distributed private labeled iPods for a short time, but conflicts over contractual terms brought that partnership to a halt in 2005.

Apple teamed up with U2 in 2006 to deliver a special edition iPod that let fans securely store the band’s entire catalog locally. Both the Nano and Shuffle lines were retired by Apple in July 2017, signaling the end of those product families. On May 10, 2022 the iPod Touch was discontinued, definitively ending the iPod era.

2003: iTune Store

In 2003, Apple launched the iTunes Store , an online digital media store where users could electronically purchase and download music, TV shows, movies, and other media. It was a new concept at the time that proved highly successful.

2007: Launches the iPhone & Apple TV under new name Apple Inc.

The year 2007 marked important changes for Apple Computers Inc., which became Apple Inc .

The corporation introduced the iPhone showing that phones could be so much more than just for calls and texts. It was a multifunctional handheld device that allowed users to communicate, access multimedia, and browse the internet from the palm of their hand.

In the same year, Apple launched Apple TV , bringing internet video and photos to the family television in a sleek, WIFI-connected package.

2008: App Store

In 2008, Apple changed the mobile landscape introducing the App Store which allowed iPhone users to directly download a diverse array of applications from a digital marketplace curated by Apple.

This original concept enabled third-party developers to create and distribute applications from simple games and social media tools to complex productivity apps. Smartphones become personalized multi-functional devices .

2010: The iPad

Two years later, in 2010, Apple unveiled the iPad , a device similar to the iPhone but with a larger screen, optimized for media consumption and digital content creation.

With its expansive touchscreen display, the iPad provided users with an immersive experience for watching videos, reading electronically published books and periodicals, and playing games. Its larger screen made it easier to use applications for high-level designing, photo editing, video conferencing, and other work or fun activities.

2010: The iPhone 4

In 2010, Apple marked another milestone on the iPhone timeline by launching the iPhone 4 , a smartphone that featured a sleek design with glass front and rear panels, high-resolution Retina display and enhanced camera system. The device’s debut caused a frenzy, with over 600,000 pre-orders – the largest number of pre-orders Apple has ever taken in a single day, far higher than anticipated. The iPhone 4 attracted widespread acclaim for its cutting-edge aesthetics and capabilities . 2010 was a great year for Apple: they were leading the way in the world of mobile technology.

2010: Apple shares reach an all-time high

On Wall Street, Apple stock rocketed to an unprecedented $275 per share. This record was achieved as a result of staggering iPhone 4 sales that had prompted the early order process to be briefly suspended due to being overwhelmed by consumer enthusiasm .

Also, investor optimism was boosted on anticipation of forthcoming products combined with strong sales and financial reports from existing blockbusters.

2011: Jobs resigns (health problems)

In 2011, Steve Jobs resigned as CEO of Apple due to health issues. Tim Cook took over as Apple CEO in 2011, following Steve Jobs’ death. That same year, Cook introduced the Apple Watch, a new product category for Apple. During the announcement, Cook paid tribute to Jobs by using his famous catchphrase, “one more thing.”

2012: The iPhone 5

The iPhone 5 was launched on September 12, 2012. It had a new aluminium design, a taller 4-inch screen, a faster processor, high-speed 4G LTE connectivity, and a retooled 8-megapixel iSight camera. It got over two million pre-orders in a day.

Yet, early adopters encountered some hardware glitches, and the newly adapted Lightning charging port drew polarized opinions and lingering complaints. Apple stopped selling the iPhone 5 on September 10, 2013, when they introduced the iPhone 5S and the iPhone 5C, which replaced it.

2017: Clips app

Apple introduces Clips , a new app for iPhone and iPad. The app was aimed at empowering everyone with creative expression, allowing easy creation of expressive videos on iPhone and iPad.

The video editing app allowed users to liven up short capture with effects, stickers, filters and more through an intuitive interface. Clips became a playground for casual content creators of all ages to craft and share moments with just a few taps.

2015: Apple Watch

The year 2015 marked a major shift in personal technology as Apple launched the Apple Watch , their first wearable. While sleek and stylish in design, the true innovation of the Apple Watch consisted in multiple health and fitness tracking functions.

It allowed users to monitor vitals, exercise routines, and stay connected through notifications and apps from their wrist.

2016: AirPods

Apple caused a stir by announcing in 2016 plans to remove the traditional headphone jack from iPhones. In its place, they launched AirPods , completely wireless earbuds that offered unimpeded music and call experience and became a must-have accessory. Their impressive battery life and seamless pairing made AirPods an instant success story.

2018: Apple’s value reaches $1 trillion

On September 12th of 2018, Apple made history by becoming the very first publicly traded company to reach an unprecedented market value of one trillion dollars . This achievement showed the tremendous success and worldwide influence of Apple’s many products and services. It marked its dominant position within the market on a global scale.

2023: Apple Vision Pro

In 2023, during the WWDC event in June, Apple CEO Tim Cook unveiled the ground-breaking Vision Pro – Apple’s first mixed-reality headset and the company’s most important product launch since the revolutionary Apple Watch. It was released on February 2, 2024, and carries a hefty price tag of $3,499.

Frequently asked questions about Apple Inc.

We’ve gone further and researched more about Apple’s history. Here are the answers to frequent questions that people ask about lesser-known, interesting facts regarding the company.

What does Apple Inc do?

Apple Inc. designs, manufactures, and markets a diverse portfolio of electronic goods, including smartphones, personal computers, tablets, wearables, and accessories; the company also provides a variety of related support services. Its product categories include iPhone, Mac, iPad as well as items in the Wearables, Home, and Accessories segments.

Why did Apple change to Apple Inc?

During his keynote presentation at Macworld Expo 2007 on January 9th, Steve Jobs announced that Apple Computer, Inc. was adopting the shortened name Apple Inc. to symbolize its evolution beyond computers alone. Apple would no longer focus only on building PCs; rather, it aimed to develop a variety of consumer electronics. The rebranding coincided with unveiling the iPhone and Apple TV. This represented a landmark, when Apple diversified its portfolio to transform how people connect, communicate, and are entertained.

What is Apple’s slogan?

Apple’s slogan is “Think Different”. After its initial airing on television in 1997, Apple’s “Think Different” slogan remains linked to the corporation today and continues glowing beside their innovative line of products. These words stand for the potential and progressiveness that drive the company forward.

Why Apple Inc. was named “apple”?

The name “Apple” was chosen due to Steve Jobs’ liking of apples. In Walter Isaacson’s biography of Steve Jobs , Jobs reveals that he came up with the name “Apple” while on one of his fruitarian diets. After visiting an apple farm, Steve thought of the name Apple because “it sounded fun, spirited and not intimidating…plus, it would get us ahead of Atari in the phone book.” As Steve Wozniak remembered, he drove Steve from the airport down Highway 85. Steve had been to Oregon to visit a place he called an “apple orchard”. During their ride, Steve Jobs suggested the name “Apple Computer” for their fledgling business. Another hypothesis links the name of the company to Isaac Newton since the original logo featured Isaac Newton under an apple tree. Jobs even included a quote from a poem indicating a connection to Newton.

Why did Steve Jobs choose Apple logo?

Jobs wanted a logo that would represent the importance of design in modern computers, harmonizing it with the “Apple” brand. The result was a two-dimensional rainbow-colored apple image. This new design highlighted Apple’s groundbreaking Apple II – the world’s first colored-display computer.

Why is Apple logo half eaten?

Rob Janoff, the graphic designer who created the logo in 1977, stated that the bite was primarily added to avoid mistaking the apple for a cherry. The colorful, friendly logo was designed to make computers feel more approachable and less intimidating to newcomers.

What did Apple do before iPhone?

For over three decades, Apple Computer mainly manufactured personal computers for everyday use, such as the highly successful Apple II, Macintosh, and Power Mac lines. They strived to craft intuitive devices that non-experts could easily operate in homes and workplaces. However, the company faced difficulties throughout the 1990s, such as fluctuating sales and diminished market share.

Why did Steve Jobs create Apple?

Jobs and co-founder Wozniak dreamt of designing compact computers for mass adoption. The computers would have been user-friendly enough for everyday use in homes and offices. They aspired to make computing more accessible to all.

At what age did Steve Jobs start Apple?

At only 21 years old, Jobs embarked on his pioneering journey with Wozniak in his family garage. To fund their ambitious startup, Jobs sold his trusty Volkswagen bus, while Wozniak parted with his beloved scientific calculator.

About the Apple history timeline

The Apple Inc. chronology was built with Office Timeline , an easy-to-use PowerPoint add-in that creates professional timelines, visual plans, Gantt charts and other similar graphics with only a few clicks. You can modify our timeline or use the diverse templates library to quickly make new timelines with the free 14-day trial version of Office Timeline.

Tim Stumbles photo

Tim is Co-Founder & CEO of Office Timeline, a Seattle-based start-up that aims to rid the world of boring, uninspiring meetings.

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Apple Company Powerpoint Template

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Company- Apple

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Apple Company

Transcript: The iPod Touch, created in 2007, is one of Apple famous products and one of the most comun among the people. The Apple Company Apple's firts product was created by Steve Jobs and his college friend Steve Wozniak on the garage of his house, in 1976. Steve Jobs (R.I.P) Over 6 Million iPod Touch units have been sold. In 1989 Apple released the Macintosh Portable, the first portable computer Apple created, and with this the the PowerBook series. Apple is famous because of its products and its hystory is a stunning one. The Apple II was introduced by the now famous company in 1977. This launched Apple into a succesful business About 200 units were produced Price:$2,495 In 1972 Jobs began working on the Apple Lisa team, but he got kicked out due to infighting, but continued working on another project... The Macintosh.(1984) It all started with this man About 40,000 units were produced About 70,000 units sold. Price: $666.66 The iMac, created in 1998, led to various of the most famous Apple products like the iPod and the iPad Steve Paul Jobs. (1955-2011) Price:$1289 Macintosh tv ad

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apple company introduction presentation

Transcript: Apple is an American multinational corporation that manufactures its own hardware, software and operating systems to run on your operating system and ancillary equipment for your hardware, among other things. HISTORY Apple products in market is an American multinational corporation that designs and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. The company's best-known hardware products are the Macintosh line of computers, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad. Its software includes the OS X and iOS operating system; the iTunes media browser; and the iLife and iWork creativity and production suites. Apple is the world's third-largest mobile phone maker after Samsung and Nokia It was founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, and started making computers in a garage that evolved, in 1981 Wozniak had an accident and left the company for what Jobs looking for someone to head up with him, after several conflicts Jobs finished out company in 1985 but returned in 1996 after Apple had a crisis with thousands of huge losses and it was he who brought the idea of the iMac computer that was what Apple repositioned in the market. OBJECTIVES Pick up the new iPad and suddenly, it’s clear. You’re actually touching your photos, reading a book, playing the piano. Nothing comes between you and what you love. To make that hands-on experience even better, we made the fundamental elements of iPad better — the display, the camera, the wireless connection. All of which makes the new, third-generation iPad capable of so much more than you ever imagined strengths of the company its market is currently worldwide showing all its grandeur in this audience of technology A remarkably slim design that still makes room for a larger display and a faster chip. Ultrafast wireless that doesn’t sacrifice battery life. And all-new headphones designed to sound great and fit comfortably. So much went into this iPhone. So you could get even more out of it. This company is very important to me as it is one of the best positioned in the current market design, and provides a lot of learning of the new industrial design, which is what I'm studying. Global Design One of the philosophies of Apple is that nothing is impossible and the tougher project should work more inclusive and collaborative, so it is important to work in multidisciplinary teams to achieve targets all members contributing ideas to that the product exists and is as close as possible to the original idea. Such was the case of the creation of iMac, Jobs sought to work on a future product that was always a step ahead of the others and that was not only an update, however when this computer designers proposed seemed too futuristic and impossible, but worked to accomplish and what this invention was rescued Apple from bankruptcy Universidad Autónoma De Colombia Diseño Industrial Ingles 4Sara Navarro Bonett

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Company PowerPoint

Transcript: I picked this company because Nestle is a Worldwide organization and you can find one at most of the malls you go to, and their food is amazing. Nestle Toll House Good Food, Good Life With instant coffee, baby food, and bottled water in the mix, Nestlé crunches more than just chocolate. The world's #1 food and drinks company in terms of sales, Nestlé is also the world leader in coffee (Nescafé). It also makes coffee for the home-brewing system, Nespresso. Nestlé is one of the world's top bottled water makers (Nestlé Waters), one of the biggest frozen pizza makers (DiGiorno), and a big player in the pet food business (Friskies, Purina). Its most well-known global food brands include Buitoni, Dreyer's, Maggi, Milkmaid, Carnation, and Kit Kat. The company also owns Gerber Products. North America is Nestlé's most important market. Why Nestle is better Baby foods Bottled water Cereals Chocolate & confectionery Coffee Culinary, chilled & frozen food Dairy Drinks Food service Healthcare nutrition Ice cream Petcare Weight management Competitors Mars, Incorporated DANONE MONDELEZ INTERNATIONAL, INC. Peter Brabeck-Letmathe (Chairman) Paul Bulcke (CEO) Wan Ling Martello (CFO) Brands Its most well-known global food brands include Buitoni, Dreyer's, Maggi, Milkmaid, Carnation, and Kit Kat. Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company (1866) Farine Lactée Henri Nestlé (1867) Nestlé and Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company (1905) Continued Nestle Toll House Why? Nestlé is the world's biggest food manufacturer, with almost 450 factories spread across the globe, and a portfolio that ranges from baby foods to pet care, from chocolate to mineral water. Its world-famous brands include Nescafe, Kit Kat and Perrier, among many others. The group also owns a large shareholding in cosmetics company L'Oreal. As with other food companies, recent years have seen a greater concentration on a focused food and beverage business. In particular Nestlé has leveraged its performance in sectors such as ice cream and petfoods with an aggressive acquisition strategy. At the same time, it has placed health and wellness at the forefront of its agenda, developing the widest possible range of nutritionally balanced products under the overall umbrella "Good Food, Good Life". See also Nestlé USA, Nestlé UK, Nestlé Australia, Nestlé Latin America and Nestlé Japan. Competition ...is committed to enhancing people's lives by offering tastier and healthier food and beverage choices at all stages of life and at all times of the day. Nestle is an overall amazing company that has all different kinds of food and brands. It has a few competitors but nothing too major that can tear apart the company. ...is committed to enhancing people's lives by offering tastier and healthier food and beverage choices at all stages of life and at all times of the day. Company PowerPoint Overview

apple company introduction presentation

Apple company

Transcript: Apple company Steven Wozniak and Steven Jobs were interested in electronics while being in high school. After graduation they both dropped college and began working for companies in Silicon Valley. Steven Wozniak designed the Apple 1. After that thy solled it . Many people didn't have interest in the Apple 1 thats why they didn't have much success until 1977 when the Apple 11 was invented. Apple 11 was a great machine because it was the first one who came with a plastic case and included color graphics. Sales further increased. With the increase sales they made the Apple 111 after that Apple had several thousand employees, Apple was amazing. Until 1981 A saturated market made it more difficult to sale computers. Apple lost 40 employees and Wozniak was in an accident, Jobs chairman of Apple computer in March. Most selled products Apple 111 http://apple-history.com/h1 Products The Apple company plans initiate a quarterly dividend of $2.65 per share sometime in the fourth quarter of its fiscal. Also the company's board of directors have authorized a $10. billion share repurchase program commencing in the companies fisical 2013. They say they ahd made investments in their business to increase shops and more business. http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2012/03/19Apple-Announces-Plans-to-Initiate-Dividend-and-Share-Repurchase-Program.html Technology company Apple 11 The most selled are the apple macs, Ipads, Ipad 1, Ipad 2, Ipad 3 and Ipad mini. I phones, Most selled I phones now are I phone 4s and I phone 5 which just started selling. Apple company future plans History, Founders, products of the company

apple company introduction presentation

Transcript: "Cubing" Method Cubing is a brainstorming strategy outlined in the book, Writing, by Gregory Cowan and Elizabeth Cowan (New York: Wiley, 1980). With cubing, like with other brainstorming methods, you start with one topic, challenge or issue. Then, you apply six points of view (like the six sides of a cube) to the issue. copy and paste as needed to add notes to your brainstorm iCloud Apple Internal Contradiction Apple Maps Introduction Associate it What does the subject make you think of? Apply it Describe the subject's uses. Describe it Examine the subject closely and describe what you see. Use any reasoning to argue for or against the subject. Argue For or Against It Analyze it Break the subject into parts. Tell how it is made. Compare it What is it similar to? What is it different from?

apple company introduction presentation

Apple Powerpoint

Transcript: Eddy Cue (Internet Software and Services) Scott Forstall (iOS Software) Jonathan Ive (Industrial Design) Bob Mansfield (Hardware Engineering) Peter Oppenheimer (Chief Financial Officer) Phillip W. Schiller (Worldwide Marketing) Bruce Sewell (General Counsel) Jeff Williams (Operations) Eddy Cue Apple Stock Info - iTunes users are reportedly receiving refunds because of hackers. - Reports of iTunes Store accounts cleaned out by thieves. - iTunes accounts and information are being changed because of hackers. - Tim Cook (New) Phillip W. Schiller $310.50 $496.75 52-Week High: Kevin Lee CEO: Executives/Senior VP: Services Future of APPL stocks Even though Apple has some controversy with iTunes, it is still said that the stock is going to be going up. Peter Oppenheimer - Steve Jobs (died) If you invest in a APPL stock you will most likely have a gain. Jeff Williams Div/Yield: N/A Apple I computers were first sold at the "Homebrew Computer Club" which was sold for $666.66. With it's overly popularity on Apple computer designs, it started to have many sales all around the country. Then later, all around the world. Interesting Fact: Prev. Closing price: New products: Evaluation Apple also made the first consumer digital cameras. The Apple Quicktake was launched in 1994 and was discontinued later in 1997. Apple sells over 1 Million computers per year. How it was found: Products / Services History of the Apple logo iMacs / Macbooks iPhone / iPod Touch Headphones Wireless Mouse / Keyboard 52-Week Low: 476.68 Overall: - iPhone 4s - iPad 2 / iPad3 52-week graph Esablished / Founders: Products THANK YOU iTunes thieves: P/E Ratio rate: Ticker symbol: AAPL The highest and lowest price at which a stock has traded in the past 12 months, or 52 weeks. Free Tutoring for any products you are having a problem with. (Computers, applications, etc) CEO / Executives Jonathan Ive Apple is incorporated with NASDAQ stock About Apple Scott Forstall FIN April 1, 1976 in Cupertino, California Bob Mansfield Steve Job, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne Bruce Sewell 14.04 Current News Apple Research Project

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apple company introduction presentation

Apple Company Overview

Jun 26, 2014

30 likes | 1.32k Views

Apple Company Overview. Apple Timeline. 1976- Apple is incorporated 1980- Apple goes public 1991- IBM and Apple make an alliance 1997- The Apple Store opens! 2000- iTunes is introduces 2001- iPods hit the shelves 2007- Apple goes wireless with the iPhone 2010- iPad is released

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Presentation Transcript

  • Apple Timeline 1976- Apple is incorporated 1980- Apple goes public 1991- IBM and Apple make an alliance 1997- The Apple Store opens! 2000- iTunes is introduces 2001- iPods hit the shelves 2007- Apple goes wireless with the iPhone 2010- iPad is released Information courtesy of the following websites: http://ipod.about.com/od/advanceditunesuse/a/history_itunes.htm http://applemuseum.bott.org/sections/history.html http://news.cnet.com/2009-1041-6054524.html http://www.iPhoneHistory.com/iphone-2g/
  • Apple’s Mission Statement Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork, and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and has recently introduced its magical iPad which is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices.
  • Apple is committed to fulfilling unmet needs through numerous outlets: Designs software and hardware for schools Introduces products that are truly unique to the technological community, like the iPod and iPad Stands behind their products through services such as AppleCare, Apple Forums and others
  • Apple’s Alliances In 1979 Xerox invested $1 Million in Apple In 1991 Apple made an alliance with IBM and developed the Power-PC and two businesses (http://applemuseum.bott.org/sections/history.html) In 2007 Apple and AT&T introduce the iPhone Today, Apple products are sold in stores such as Best Buy, Target, Wal-mart, Radio Shack, etc. all over the country
  • Financials Net sales in 2010 was $65225, up $27,734 from 2008 Net income in 2010 was $14,013, up $7894 from their 2008 net income of 6119 There are currently 924,712 shares outstanding 2010 current ratio: 75183/20772= 3.62 2010 quick ratio: 56521/20772= 2.72 2010 debt to capital ratio: 27392/ 47791+27392= .364 Numbers courtesy of Apple: http://phx.corporate-ir.net/External.File?item=UGFyZW50SUQ9ODM5MTd8Q2hpbGRJRD0tMXxUeXBlPTM=&t=1
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How Apple Is Organized for Innovation

  • Joel M. Podolny
  • Morten T. Hansen

apple company introduction presentation

When Steve Jobs returned to Apple, in 1997, it had a conventional structure for a company of its size and scope. It was divided into business units, each with its own P&L responsibilities. Believing that conventional management had stifled innovation, Jobs laid off the general managers of all the business units (in a single day), put the entire company under one P&L, and combined the disparate functional departments of the business units into one functional organization. Although such a structure is common for small entrepreneurial firms, Apple—remarkably—retains it today, even though the company is nearly 40 times as large in terms of revenue and far more complex than it was in 1997. In this article the authors discuss the innovation benefits and leadership challenges of Apple’s distinctive and ever-evolving organizational model in the belief that it may be useful for other companies competing in rapidly changing environments.

It’s about experts leading experts.

Idea in Brief

The challenge.

Major companies competing in many industries struggle to stay abreast of rapidly changing technologies.

One Major Cause

They are typically organized into business units, each with its own set of functions. Thus the key decision makers—the unit leaders—lack a deep understanding of all the domains that answer to them.

The Apple Model

The company is organized around functions, and expertise aligns with decision rights. Leaders are cross-functionally collaborative and deeply knowledgeable about details.

Apple is well-known for its innovations in hardware, software, and services. Thanks to them, it grew from some 8,000 employees and $7 billion in revenue in 1997, the year Steve Jobs returned, to 137,000 employees and $260 billion in revenue in 2019. Much less well-known are the organizational design and the associated leadership model that have played a crucial role in the company’s innovation success.

  • Joel M. Podolny is the dean and vice president of Apple University in Cupertino, California. The former dean of the Yale School of Management, Podolny was a professor at Harvard Business School and the Stanford Graduate School of Business.
  • MH Morten T. Hansen is a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and a faculty member at Apple University, Apple. He is the author of Great at Work and Collaboration and coauthor of Great by Choice . He was named one of the top management thinkers in the world by the Thinkers50 in 2019. MortentHansen

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Company APPLE. Introduction Apple Inc. is an American multinational corporation that designs and sells consumer electronics,

Published by Jason Hancock Modified over 7 years ago

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Apple introduces iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus

iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus in ultramarine are shown side by side.

Built for Apple Intelligence

Five iPhone 16 devices are shown, featuring Apple Intelligence features such as Writing Tools, Siri, and Priority Notifications.

A Beautiful New Design with Industry-Leading Durability

Introducing Camera Control

A user captures a photo of a person holding a ball with iPhone 16.

New Camera Experiences

A closeup image of a frog.

A18: Next-Level Performance and Mobile Gaming

Expanded Communication and Safety Capabilities

iPhone 16 shows a Messages via satellite screen, featuring a satellite image and a text exchange.

Better for the Environment

  • iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus will be available in ultramarine, teal, pink, white, and black in 128GB, 256GB, and 512GB storage capacities. iPhone 16 starts at $799 (U.S.) or $33.29 (U.S.) per month, and iPhone 16 Plus starts at $899 (U.S.) or $37.45 (U.S.) per month.
  • Apple offers great ways to save and upgrade to the latest iPhone. Customers can get $180 (U.S.) to $650 (U.S.) in credit when they trade in iPhone 12 or higher, or up to $1,000 (U.S.) in credits to put toward an iPhone 16 Pro with a carrier offer. Customers can take advantage of these offers by visiting the Apple Store online or an Apple Store location. For carrier offer eligibility requirements and more details, see apple.com/shop/buy-iphone/carrier-offers . To see what their device is worth and for trade-in terms and conditions, customers can visit apple.com/shop/trade-in .
  • Customers in more than 58 countries and regions, including Australia , Canada , China , France , Germany , India , Japan , Malaysia , Mexico , South Korea , Türkiye, the UAE , the U.K ., and the U.S. , will be able to pre-order iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus beginning at 5 a.m. PDT this Friday, September 13, with availability beginning Friday, September 20.
  • iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus will be available in Macao , Vietnam , and 19 other countries and regions beginning Friday, September 27.
  • iOS 18 will be available as a free software update on Monday, September 16.
  • Apple Intelligence will be available as a free software update. The first set of Apple Intelligence features will be available in beta next month as part of iOS 18.1, iPadOS 18.1, and macOS Sequoia 15.1, with more features rolling out in the months to come. It will be available on iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, iPhone 16 Pro, iPhone 16 Pro Max, iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, and iPad and Mac with M1 and later, with device and Siri language set to U.S. English. Later this year, Apple Intelligence will add support for localized English in Australia , Canada , New Zealand , South Africa , and the U.K . Over the course of the next year, Apple Intelligence will expand to more platforms and languages, like Chinese, English (India), English (Singapore), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Vietnamese, and others.
  • In addition to an iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus Clear Case, available for $49 (U.S.), a Silicone Case with MagSafe will be available for $49 (U.S.) in black, denim, fuchsia, lake green, plum, star fruit, stone gray, and ultramarine. Apple cases for the iPhone 16 lineup work seamlessly with Camera Control, featuring a sapphire crystal coupled to a conductive layer that communicates finger movements to the Camera Control. FineWoven Wallet with MagSafe will be available for $59 (U.S.) in black, blackberry, dark green, and deep blue.
  • A new MagSafe Charger enables faster wireless charging up to 25W, is Qi2 certified, and is available in a 1-meter length for $39 (U.S.) or a 2-meter length for $49 (U.S.).
  • AppleCare+ for iPhone provides unparalleled service and support. This includes unlimited incidents of accidental damage, battery service coverage, and 24/7 support from the people who know iPhone best.
  • iCloud+ plans start at 50GB for $0.99 (U.S.) per month and offer up to 12TB for $59.99 (U.S.) per month, providing additional storage to keep files, photos, videos, and more safe in the cloud, accessible across devices, and easy to share with others. iCloud+ also gives access to premium features, including Private Relay, Hide My Email, Custom Email Domains, and HomeKit Secure Video support.
  • Customers who purchase iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus will receive three free months of Apple Music, Apple Arcade, and Apple Fitness+ with a new subscription.

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September 9, 2024


Built for Apple Intelligence with the all-new A18 chip, both models feature Camera Control, powerful upgrades to the advanced camera system, the Action button to quickly access useful features, and a big boost in battery life

CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA  Apple today announced iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus , built for Apple Intelligence, the easy-to-use personal intelligence system that understands personal context to deliver intelligence that is helpful and relevant while protecting user privacy. The iPhone 16 lineup also introduces Camera Control, which brings new ways to capture memories, and will help users quickly access visual intelligence to learn about objects or places around them faster than ever before. The powerful camera system features a 48MP Fusion camera with a 2x Telephoto option, giving users two cameras in one, while a new Ultra Wide camera enables macro photography. Next-generation Photographic Styles help users personalize their images, and spatial photo and video capture allows users to relive life’s precious memories with remarkable depth on Apple Vision Pro. The new A18 chip delivers a huge leap in performance and efficiency, enabling demanding AAA games, as well as a big boost in battery life.

iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus will be available in five bold colors: black, white, pink, teal, and ultramarine. Pre-orders begin Friday, September 13, with availability beginning Friday, September 20.

“iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus mark the beginning of a new era for iPhone with Apple Intelligence delivering powerful, personal, and private experiences to our users,” said Kaiann Drance, Apple’s vice president of Worldwide iPhone Product Marketing. “With new ways to discover the world around you and capture memories using Camera Control; a 48MP Fusion camera that gives you two optical-quality cameras in one; a big boost in battery life; and powerful, efficient performance thanks to the A18 chip, this is the perfect time for customers to upgrade or make the switch to iPhone.”

Apple Intelligence  on the iPhone 16 lineup harnesses the power of Apple silicon and Apple-built generative models to understand and create language and images, take action across apps, and draw from personal context to simplify and accelerate everyday tasks. Apple Intelligence maintains the privacy and security of user data with Private Cloud Compute. This groundbreaking approach provides the ability to flex and scale computational capacity between on-device processing and larger, server-based models that run on dedicated Apple silicon servers — an extraordinary step forward for privacy in artificial intelligence. Apple Intelligence will be available as a free software update, with the first set of features rolling out next month in U.S. English for most regions around the world.

Apple Intelligence unlocks new ways for users to enhance their writing. With systemwide Writing Tools built into iOS 18, users can rewrite, proofread, and summarize text nearly everywhere they write, including Mail, Notes, Pages, and third-party apps. In the Notes and Phone apps, users can also record, transcribe, and summarize audio. When a recording is initiated while on a call in the Phone app, participants are automatically notified, and once the call ends, Apple Intelligence generates a summary to recall key points.

Apple Intelligence helps users prioritize with summarized notifications, along with Priority Messages in Mail, a feature that understands the content of emails and surfaces time-sensitive messages. Across a user’s inbox, summaries convey the most important information of each email instead of previewing the first few lines.

Siri becomes more deeply integrated into the system experience and gets a brand-new design with an elegant glowing light that wraps around the edge of the screen when active. With richer language-understanding capabilities, communicating with Siri is more natural and flexible. Siri follows along when users stumble over their words, and maintains context from one request to the next. Users can type to Siri at any time, and switch fluidly between text and voice as they accelerate everyday tasks. Siri also now has extensive product knowledge to answer thousands of questions about features on iPhone and other Apple devices.

Additional Apple Intelligence features will roll out later this year and in the months following, including Image Playground, which allows users to create playful images in moments. Emoji will be taken to an entirely new level with the ability to create original Genmoji by simply typing a description, or by selecting a photo of a friend or family member. Siri will be able to draw on a user’s personal context to deliver intelligence that is tailored to them. It will also gain onscreen awareness to understand and take action with users’ content, as well as take hundreds of new actions in and across Apple and third-party apps. And while using iOS 18 features like Siri and Writing Tools, users will also be able to easily access ChatGPT from OpenAI.

iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus are beautiful and built to last. iPhone holds its value longer than any other smartphone thanks to its industry-leading durability, including the strong back glass, a water- and dust-resistant design, regular software updates, and the latest-generation Ceramic Shield with an advanced formulation that is 50 percent tougher than the first generation and 2x tougher than glass on any other smartphone. 1 The internal design of iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus has been reengineered to allow for an even larger battery and to better dissipate heat, while making battery service easier. With the new internal design and advanced power management of iOS 18 , the batteries are optimized to offer a big boost in battery life. Available in 6.1-inch and 6.7-inch display sizes, the Super Retina XDR display with OLED technology and the Dynamic Island offers an exceptional viewing experience. 2

The Action button comes to iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus, allowing users to easily access a variety of functions with just a press. Users can quickly open the camera, flashlight, or controls; switch between Ring and Silent; recognize music with Shazam; activate Voice Memos, Focus, Translate, and accessibility features like Magnifier; or use Shortcuts for more options. The Action button can also access in-app functionality, like helping a user unlock and lock their car with FordPass. 3

Camera Control — a result of thoughtful hardware and software integration — elevates the camera experience on the iPhone 16 lineup. It is packed with innovation, including a tactile switch that powers the click experience, a high-precision force sensor that enables the light press gesture, and a capacitive sensor that allows for touch interactions. Camera Control can quickly launch the camera, take a photo, and start video recording so users don’t miss the moment. A new camera preview helps users frame the shot and adjust other control options — such as zoom, exposure, or depth of field — to compose a stunning photo or video by sliding their finger on the Camera Control. Additionally, developers will be able to bring Camera Control to third-party apps such as Snapchat.

Later this year, Camera Control will unlock visual intelligence to help users learn about objects and places faster than ever before. Users can click and hold Camera Control to pull up the hours or ratings for a restaurant they pass, add an event from a flyer to their calendar, quickly identify a dog by breed, and more. Camera Control will also serve as a gateway into third-party tools with specific domain expertise, like when users want to search on Google to find where they can buy an item, or to benefit from ChatGPT’s problem-solving skills. Users are in control of when third-party tools are used and what information is shared.

The powerful new camera system helps users capture both everyday moments and cherished memories like never before. The 48MP Fusion camera enables a 2x optical-quality Telephoto option, which is like having two cameras in one, so users can get closer to the subject to easily frame a photo. In addition to wider-angle shots, the new 12MP Ultra Wide camera with autofocus enables macro photography. The Ultra Wide camera also gathers up to 2.6x more light for higher image quality. Additionally, iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus now take spatial photos and videos to help users relive memories with remarkable depth on Apple Vision Pro.

Next-generation Photographic Styles help users express their creativity and customize their photos by locally adjusting color, highlights, and shadows in real time. Styles also have a deeper understanding of skin undertones, so users can personalize how they appear in photos. Unlike filters, which often use a one-size-fits-all approach by adding a color to an entire scene, adjustments are applied to specific colors of a selected style. A wider set of styles offers more creative options for editing a photo’s aesthetic, and styles can be rendered during live preview, applied after a photo is taken, or even reversed later.

Video can now be captured in Spatial Audio for immersive listening with AirPods, Apple Vision Pro, or a surround sound system. Both iPhone models introduce creative new ways to edit video sound with Audio Mix — allowing users to adjust their sound after capture to focus on the voice of the person on camera, make it sound like the video was recorded inside a professional studio, or position vocal tracks in the front and environmental noises in surround sound. With wind noise reduction, powerful machine learning (ML) algorithms reduce unwanted noise for better audio quality.

Powered by Apple Intelligence, users can search for specific photos in the Photos app using natural language, and search for specific moments in video clips. Additionally, the new Clean Up tool can identify and remove distracting objects in the background of a photo without altering the subject.

A18 delivers a huge leap in performance and power efficiency, and is built on second-generation 3-nanometer technology to further accelerate Apple Intelligence. An upgraded 16-core Neural Engine is optimized for large generative models and runs ML models up to 2x faster than the A16 Bionic chip.

The 6-core CPU is 30 percent faster than the A16 Bionic chip and faster than all the competition. It is also more power efficient and can run the same workload with 30 percent less power than A16 Bionic. The 5-core GPU is up to 40 percent faster and 35 percent more efficient than A16 Bionic to power stunning graphics performance for Apple Intelligence, and puts a powerful gaming device in users’ pockets. Now with hardware-accelerated ray tracing, games on iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus more accurately represent the behavior of light with up to 5x higher frame rates than with software-based ray tracing. Both models support the AAA games previously only available on iPhone 15 Pro, as well as new titles like Honor of Kings: World with an ultra graphics mode optimized for the iPhone 16 lineup, coming next year. Game Mode in iOS 18 delivers more consistent frame rates while making AirPods, game controllers, and other wireless accessories incredibly responsive. The efficiency of A18 and the device’s rearchitected internal design deliver up to 30 percent higher sustained performance for gaming while ensuring Apple Intelligence runs efficiently on iPhone.

The iPhone 16 lineup features innovative ways to stay connected and provides enhanced safety capabilities for peace of mind. Powered by the same groundbreaking technology as Emergency SOS via satellite, users are able to connect to the nearest satellite to send and receive texts, emoji, and Tapbacks over iMessage and SMS while outside of cellular and Wi-Fi coverage. 4 Messages via satellite in iOS 18 are end-to-end encrypted. Also new with iOS 18, Emergency SOS Live Video allows users to share a live video feed or photos with participating emergency dispatchers during an emergency call. 5 Later this fall, Roadside Assistance via satellite — which connects users to a roadside assistance provider if they have car trouble while off the grid — expands beyond the U.S. to the U.K.

iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus are designed with the environment in mind. As part of Apple 2030, the company’s ambitious goal to be carbon neutral across its entire carbon footprint by the end of this decade, Apple is prioritizing renewable electricity in manufacturing, and investing in wind and solar projects around the world to address the electricity used to charge all Apple products, including the iPhone 16 lineup. Today, all Apple facilities run on 100 percent renewable electricity — including the data centers that power Apple Intelligence.

To achieve Apple 2030, the company is also designing products with recycled and renewable materials. iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus feature more than 30 percent recycled content overall, including 85 percent recycled aluminum in the enclosure and 80 percent or more recycled steel across multiple components. The battery is made with 100 percent recycled cobalt and — in a first for iPhone — over 95 percent recycled lithium. 6 The iPhone 16 lineup meets Apple’s high standards for energy efficiency, and is free of mercury and PVC. The packaging is entirely fiber-based, bringing Apple closer to its goal of removing plastic from its packaging by next year.

Pricing and Availability

  • iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus are splash-, water-, and dust-resistant. They were tested under controlled laboratory conditions and have a rating of IP68 under IEC standard 60529 (maximum depth of 6 meters for up to 30 minutes). Splash, water, and dust resistance are not permanent conditions. Resistance might decrease as a result of normal wear. Do not attempt to charge a wet iPhone; refer to the user guide for cleaning and drying instructions. Liquid damage is not covered under warranty.
  • The display has rounded corners that follow a beautiful curved design, and these corners are within a standard rectangle. When measured as a standard rectangular shape, the screen is 6.12 inches (iPhone 16) or 6.69 inches (iPhone 16 Plus) diagonally. The actual viewable area is smaller.
  • Vehicle Control on FordPass with the Action button and Control Center will be available this fall in 56 countries and regions, including Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Mexico, Thailand, the U.K., the U.S., and Vietnam. Some features may not be available for all countries and regions, or all areas.
  • Apple’s satellite features are included for free for two years starting at the time of activation of a new iPhone 14 or later. For Emergency SOS via satellite availability, visit support.apple.com/en-us/HT213426 . Messages via satellite will be available in the U.S. and Canada in iOS 18. SMS availability will depend on carrier. Carrier fees may apply. Users should check with their carrier for details. Roadside Assistance via satellite is currently available in the U.S. with AAA and Verizon Roadside Assistance, and is launching in the U.K. with Green Flag this fall. Participating roadside assistance providers may charge for services, and iPhone users who are not members can take advantage of their roadside assistance services on a pay-per-use basis. Apple’s satellite services were designed for use in open spaces with a clear line of sight to the sky. Performance may be impacted by obstructions such as trees or surrounding buildings.
  • Emergency SOS Live Video will be available in the U.S. in iOS 18.
  • All cobalt and lithium references are on a mass balance allocation.

Press Contacts

Blair Ranger

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on 14, Gimnasicheskaya Street on 67, Petrovskaya Street on 17, Alexandrovskaya Street on 70, Alexandrovskaya Street in Taganrog Haven on 55, Alexandrovskaya Street on 60, Alexandrovskaya Street on 64, Alexandrovskaya Street on 55, Alexandrovskaya Street on 56, Alexandrovskaya Street on 53, Grecheskaya Street in Taganrog Haven on 14, Gimnasicheskaya Street in the city of Taganrog. There are even records that he was fined here for smuggling contraband cigars. A special day for Garibaldi came on a visit to Taganrog in April 1833, as his schooner charged with a shipment of oranges was moored for ten days in the Taganrog seaport. While the ship was unloading, the young captain walked through the streets of the city, visiting the houses of Italians who lived in Taganrog, and spending the night in little port inns. In one of such inns, he met Giovanni Battista Cuneo from Oneglia, a political immigrant from Italy and member of the secret movement "Young Italy"( ). Later, Garibaldi described this meeting in the following way: " ". In Taganrog, Giuseppe Garibaldi joined the society "Young Italy" and took an oath of dedicating his life to struggle for liberation of his Homeland from Austrian dominance.

During the second half of the 19th century the foreign trade turnover of Taganrog increased distinctly. Already at the beginning of the 20th century Taganrog held the second place in Russia in the importation and the sixth in the quantity of exported products. Due to dramatic developments in domestic commerce, the fairs lost their dominant role, and the stores, these 'eternal trade points' started to appear in the city. Petrovskaya Street and Gogolevski Street turned into main commercial highways of Taganrog.

The foreign investments into Russian economy influenced the development of a large-scale industry in Taganrog. In 1896 with Belgian investments, started the construction of the . Next year the factory began to function. The plant produced iron beams, railings, pipes, railway bands, iron sheets, rolled steel.

In 1896 the Belgian company “Albert Neuve, Wilde & Co” started the building of the . Besides the boilers, the works produced metallurgical constructions, iron and coppery castings, although it was inferior to the steel plant in the production volume and workers quantity. The tannery, founded in 1853, passed into the hands of the Belgian experts and was distinctly enlarged then.

Russian playwright and poet who settled in Taganrog in 1857 influenced a lot the way the city and the neighboring area developed. Kukolnik was the first to prove the need of university education in the Don River region and on Azov Sea. His offer to open a university in Taganrog was not successful, but later it proved to be an important foundation for opening the Novorossiysk University in 1865. also proved necessity of a newspaper in Taganrog. It was one of the reasons to open newspaper-publishing houses not only in Taganrog, but also in Odessa and Rostov on Don. Since 1865 Nestor Kukolnik led the workgroup that proved necessity of a railroad line from Kharkov to Taganrog. This work was success and Russian tsar Alexander II approved the project in 1868. He also was the first to raise the issue of environmental protection of the Gulf of Taganrog. But the related project encountered strong resistance from regional leadership and was not realized. assisted in opening the county court in Taganrog, open after his death in 1869.

In 1887, the Taganrog's status as a borough was annulled, and Taganrog was annexed to the Don Voisko Province (earlier Taganrog was part of Yekaterinoslav government). According to the "City Statute" of 1870, the was established in Taganrog for managing local development, trade, healthcare and public education.

Since the 1870 the roadwork was expanded. By the end of the century the main part of the downtown streets was already paved. At the same time the greenery was planted in the city center.

In 1866, the new building was erected by the Italian architect Londeron. Thanks to the excellent acoustics of its hall, the theatre gained a nationwide glory. The plays of , M.Gorky, A.N. Ostrovsky, W. Shakespeare were performed here. The special pride of the citizens was the Italian opera, financed by the local merchants, patrons of art. Taganrog theater had its own Italian opera from 1866 to 1875.

In 1876, the first public library was opened by Mayor Admiral Ivan Furugelm (Johan Hampus Furuhjelm), in 1898 the regional museum was founded, in 1907 the first “Mirage” cinema was built, few years later the wooden building of the circus was erected. In 1871 the first private newspaper “Azovski Vestnik” (“Azov Bulletin”) was established, later renamed “Taganrogski Verstnik” (“Taganrog Bulletin”). Among the city intellectuals were artists, musicians and columnists.

Collection of the Taganrog Museum of Art

born , collection of the Taganrog Museum of Art

(Old postcard)

, adopted
April 10, 1808

Commercial ships unload in Taganrog's haven (German lythography, 1838)

during Crimean War

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  • Type: Locality
  • Location: Rostov Oblast , Southern Russia , Russia , Eastern Europe , Europe
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Other Places Named Oktyabr'skiy

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  • Urochishche Omel'chenko Locality, 3½ km north
  • Tishchenko Locality, 3½ km south
  • Repyakhovka Locality, 3½ km south
  • Krasnoarmeyskiy Hamlet, 4 km southwest
  • Balabanov Locality, 5 km southeast

Landmarks in the Area

  • Millerovo Airfield, 12 km southwest
  • Stantsiya Mechetinskaya Railway station, 15 km northwest
  • Stantsiya Ataman Railway station, 17 km south
  • Mechetinskaya South Airfield, 18 km west
  • Krasnyye Luchi Airfield, 22 km north

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    NPO OKTYABRSKIY ELEKTROZAVOD, OOO - 346495, oblast' Rostovskaya, rayon Oktyabr'skiy, poselok Persianovskiy - INN 6125019030 - OGRN 1026101410158 - Extract from EGRUL, accounting report