Home Blog Business Business Presentation: The Ultimate Guide to Making Powerful Presentations (+ Examples)

Business Presentation: The Ultimate Guide to Making Powerful Presentations (+ Examples)

Business Presentation Ultimate Guide plus examples

A business presentation is a purpose-led summary of key information about your company’s plans, products, or practices, designed for either internal or external audiences. Project proposals, HR policy presentations, investors briefings are among the few common types of presentations. 

Compelling business presentations are key to communicating important ideas, persuading others, and introducing new offerings to the world. Hence, why business presentation design is one of the most universal skills for any professional. 

This guide teaches you how to design and deliver excellent business presentations. Plus, breaks down some best practices from business presentation examples by popular companies like Google, Pinterest, and Amazon among others! 

3 General Types of Business Presentations

A business presentation can be given for a number of reasons. Respectively, they differ a lot in terms of content and purpose. 

But overall, all types of business presentations can be classified as:

  • Informative
  • Persuasive 
  • Supporting 

Informative Business Presentation 

As the name suggests, the purpose of an informative presentation is to discern the knowledge you have — explain what you know. It’s the most common type of business presentation out there. So you have probably prepared such at least several times. 

Examples of informative presentations:

  • Team briefings presentation 
  • Annual stakeholder report 
  • Quarterly business reviews
  • Business portfolio presentation
  • Business plan presentation
  • Project presentation

Helpful templates from SlideModel:

  • Business plan PowerPoint template
  • Business review PowerPoint template
  • Project proposal PowerPoint template
  • Corporate annual report template

Persuasive Business Presentation 

The goal of this type of presentation is to persuade your audience of your point of view — convince them of what you believe is right. Developing business presentations of this caliber requires a bit more copywriting mastery, as well as expertise in public speaking . Unlike an informative business presentation, your goal here is to sway the audience’s opinions and prompt them towards the desired action. 

Examples of persuasive presentations:

  • Pitch deck/investor presentations
  • Sales presentation  
  • Business case presentation 
  • Free business proposal presentation
  • Business proposal PowerPoint template
  • Pitch deck PowerPoint template
  • Account Plan PowerPoint template

Supporting Business Presentation 

This category of business PowerPoint presentations is meant to facilitate decision-making — explain how we can get something done. The underlying purpose here is to communicate the general “action plan”. Then break down the necessary next steps for bringing it to life. 

Examples of supporting presentations:

  • Roadmap presentation
  • Project vision presentation 
  • After Action Review presentation 
  • Standard operating procedure (SOP) PowerPoint template 
  • Strategy map PowerPoint template 
  • After action review (ARR) PowerPoint template 

What Should Be Included in a Business Presentation?

Overall, the content of your business presentation will differ depending on its purpose and type. However, at the very minimum, all business presentations should include:

  • Introductory slide 
  • Agenda/purpose slide
  • Main information or Content slides
  • Key Takeaways slides
  • Call-to-action/next steps slides

We further distill business presentation design and writing best practices in the next section (plus, provide several actionable business PowerPoint presentation examples !). 

How to Make a Business Presentation: Actionable Tips

A business presentation consists of two parts — a slide deck and a verbal speech. In this section, we provide tips and strategies for nailing your deck design. 

1. Get Your Presentation Opening Right 

The first slides of your presentation make or break your success. Why? By failing to frame the narrative and set the scene for the audience from the very beginning, you will struggle to keep their interest throughout the presentation. 

You have several ways of how to start a business presentation:

  • Use a general informative opening — a summative slide, sharing the agenda and main points of the discussion. 
  • Go for a story opening — a more creative, personal opening, aimed at pulling the audience into your story. 
  • Try a dramatic opening — a less apparent and attention-grabbing opening technique, meant to pique the audience’s interest. 

Standard Informative Opening 

Most business presentation examples you see start with a general, informative slide such as an Agenda, Problem Statement, or Company Introduction. That’s the “classic” approach. 

To manage the audience’s expectations and prepare them for what’s coming next, you can open your presentation with one or two slides stating:

  • The topic of your presentation — a one-sentence overview is enough. 
  • Persuasive hook, suggesting what’s in it for the audience and why they should pay attention. 
  • Your authority — the best technique to establish your credibility in a business presentation is to share your qualifications and experience upfront to highlight why you are worth listening to. 

Opening best suited for: Formal business presentations such as annual reports and supporting presentations to your team/business stakeholders. 

Story Opening 

Did you ever notice that most TED talks start with a quick personal story? The benefit of this presenting technique is that it enables speakers to establish quick rapport and hold the listener’s attention. 

Here’s how Nancy Duarte, author of “Slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations” book and TED presenter, recommends opening a presentation: 

You know, here’s the status quo, here’s what’s going on. And then you need to compare that to what could be. You need to make that gap as big as possible, because there is this commonplace of the status quo, and you need to contrast that with the loftiness of your idea. 

Storytelling , like no other tool, helps transpose the audience into the right mindset and get concentrated on the subject you are about to discuss. A story also elicits emotions, which can be a powerful ally when giving persuasive presentations. In the article how to start a presentation , we explore this in more detail.

Opening best suited for: Personal and business pitches, sales presentations, other types of persuasive presentations. 

Dramatic Opening 

Another common technique is opening your presentation with a major statement, sometimes of controversial nature. This can be a shocking statistic, complex rhetoric question, or even a provocative, contrarian statement, challenging the audience’s beliefs. 

Using a dramatic opening helps secure the people’s attention and capture their interest. You can then use storytelling to further drill down your main ideas. 

If you are an experienced public speaker, you can also strengthen your speech with some unexpected actions. That’s what Bill Gates does when giving presentations. In a now-iconic 2009 TED talk about malaria, mid-presentation Gates suddenly reveals that he actually brought a bunch of mosquitoes with him. He cracks open a jar with non-malaria-infected critters to the audience’s surprise. His dramatic actions, paired with a passionate speech made a mighty impression. 

Opening best suited for: Marketing presentations, customer demos, training presentations, public speeches. 

Further reading: How to start a presentation: tips and examples. 

2. Get Your PowerPoint Design Right

Surely, using professional business PowerPoint templates already helps immensely with presentation deck design since you don’t need to fuss over slide layout, font selection, or iconography. 

Even so, you’ll still need to customize your template(s) to make them on brand and better suited to the presentation you’re about to deliver. Below are our best presentation design tips to give your deck an extra oomph. 

Use Images, Instead of Bullet Points 

If you have ever watched Steve Jobs’s presentations, you may have noticed that he never used bullet-point lists. Weird right? Because using bullet points is the most universal advice in presentation design. 

how to make company presentation in powerpoint

But there’s a valid scientific reason why Jobs favored images over bullet-point texts. Researchers found that information delivered in visuals is better retained than words alone. This is called the “ pictorial superiority effect ”. As John Medina, a molecular biologist, further explains :

“Hear a piece of information, and three days later you’ll remember 10% of it. Add a picture and you’ll remember 65%.”

So if your goal is to improve the memorability of your presentation, always replace texts with images and visualizations when it makes sense. 

Fewer Slides is Better

No matter the value, a long PowerPoint presentation becomes tiring at some point. People lose focus and stop retaining the information. Thus, always take some extra time to trim the fluff and consolidate some repetitive ideas within your presentation. 

For instance, at McKinsey new management consultants are trained to cut down the number of slides in client presentations. In fact, one senior partner insists on replacing every 20 slides with only two slides . Doing so prompts you to focus on the gist — the main business presentation ideas you need to communicate and drop filler statements. 

Here are several quick tips to shorten your slides:

  • Use a three-arc structure featuring a clear beginning (setup), main narrative (confrontation), ending (resolution). Drop the ideas that don’t fit into either of these. 
  • Write as you tweet. Create short, on-point text blurbs of under 156 symbols, similar to what you’d share on Twitter. 
  • Contextualize your numbers. Present any relevant statistics in a context, relevant to the listeners. Turn longer stats into data visualizations for easier cognition. 

Consistency is Key 

In a solid business presentation, each slide feels like part of the connecting story. To achieve such consistency apply the same visual style and retain the same underlying message throughout your entire presentation.

Use the same typography, color scheme, and visual styles across the deck. But when you need to accentuate a transition to a new topic (e.g. move from a setup to articulating the main ideas), add some new visual element to signify the slight change in the narrative. 

Further reading: 23 PowerPoint Presentation Tips for Creating Engaging and Interactive Presentations

3. Make Your Closure Memorable 

We best remember the information shared last. So make those business presentation takeaways stick in the audience’s memory. We have three strategies for that. 

Use the Rule of Three 

The Rule of Three is a literary concept, suggesting that we best remember and like ideas and concepts when they are presented in threes. 

Many famous authors and speakers use this technique:

  • “Duty – Honor – Country. Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, and what you will be” . Gen. Douglas MacArthur.
  • “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” are the unalienable rights of all humans that governments are meant to protect.” Thomas Jefferson 

The Rule of Three works because three is the maximum number of items most people can remember on their first attempt. Likewise, such pairings create a short, familiar structure that is easy to remember for our brains. 

Try the Title Close Technique

Another popular presentation closing technique is “Title Close” — going back to the beginning of your narrative and reiterating your main idea (title) in a form of a takeaway. Doing so helps the audience better retain your core message since it’s repeated at least two times. Plus, it brings a sense of closure — a feel-good state our brains love. Also, a brief one-line closure is more memorable than a lengthy summary and thus better retained. 

Ask a Question 

If you want to keep the conversation going once you are done presenting, you can conclude your presentation with a general question you’d like the audience to answer.

Alternatively, you can also encourage the members to pose questions to you. The latter is better suited for informational presentations where you’d like to further discuss some of the matters and secure immediate feedback. 

Try adding an interactive element like a QR code closing your presentation with a QR code and having a clear CTA helps you leverage the power of sharing anything you would like to share with your clients. QR codes can be customized to look alike your brand.

If you are looking for a smoother experience creating presentations on the fly, check out the AI PowerPoint maker —it offers everything you can ask forfrom presentation design in a couple of clicks.

12 Business Presentation Examples and What Makes Them Great 

Now that we equipped you with the general knowledge on how to make a presentation for business, let’s take a look at how other presenters are coping with this job and what lessons you can take away from them. 

1. N26 Digital Bank Pitch Deck 

The Future of Banking by N26. An example of a Business Presentation with a nice cover image.

This is a fine business pitch presentation example, hitting all the best practices. The deck opens with a big shocking statement that most Millennials would rather go to the dentist than step into a bank branch. 

Then it proceeds to discuss the company’s solution to the above — a fully digital bank with a paperless account opening process, done in 8 minutes. After communicating the main product features and value proposition, the deck further conceptualizes what traction the product got so far using data visualizations. The only thing it lacks is a solid call-to-action for closing slides as the current ending feels a bit abrupt. 

2. WeWork Pitch Deck

Business Presentation Example by WeWork

For a Series D round, WeWork went with a more formal business presentation. It starts with laying down the general company information and then transitions to explaining their business model, current market conditions, and the company’s position on the market.

The good thing about this deck is that they quantify their business growth prospects and value proposition. The likely gains for investors are shown in concrete numbers. However, those charts go one after another in a row, so it gets a bit challenging to retain all data points. 

The last part of their presentation is focused on a new offering, “We Live”. It explains why the team seeks funds to bring it to life. Likewise, they back their reasoning with market size statistics, sample projects, and a five-year revenue forecast. 

3. Redfin Investor Presentation 

Redfin Investor Presentation for Business. A Technology-Powered Real Estate Company.

If you are looking for a “text-light” business presentation example, Redfin’s investor deck is up to your alley. This simple deck expertly uses iconography, charts, and graphs to break down the company’s business model, value proposition, market share, and competitive advantages over similar startups. For number-oriented investors, this is a great deck design to use. 

4. Google Ready Together Presentation 

This isn’t quite the standard business presentation example per se. But rather an innovative way to create engaging, interactive presentations of customer case studies .

Interactive Online Presentation example by Google, from Customer Insights.  Google Ready Together Presentation.

The short deck features a short video clip from a Google client, 7-11, explaining how they used the company’s marketing technology to digitally transform their operations and introduce a greater degree of marketing automation . The narrated video parts are interrupted by slides featuring catchy stats, contextualizing issues other businesses are facing. Then transitions to explaining through the words of 7-11 CMO, how Google’s technology is helping them overcome the stated shortcomings.

5. Salesforce Business Presentation Example 

This is a great example of an informational presentation, made by the Salesforce team to share their research on customer experience (CX) with prospects and existing customers.

Business Presentation Example by Service Salesforce on How to Know Your Customer. A look into the Future of Customer Experience.

The slide deck errs on the lengthier side with 58 slides total. But bigger topics are broken down and reinforced through bite-sized statistics and quotes from the company leadership. They are also packaging the main tips into memorable formulas, itemized lists, and tables. Overall, this deck is a great example of how you can build a compelling narrative using different statistics. 

6. Mastercard Business Presentation

This slide deck from Mastercard instantly captures the audience’s attention with unusual background images and major data points on the growth of populations, POS systems, and payment methods used in the upcoming decade.

Business Presentation by MasterCard on Technology and Payment solutions. The Unfinished Revolution.

Perhaps to offset the complexity of the subject, Mastercard chose to sprinkle in some humor in presentation texts and used comic-style visuals to supplement that. However, all their animations are made in a similar style, creating a good sense of continuity in design. They are also using colors to signify the transition from one part of the presentation to another. 

In the second part, the slide deck focuses on distilling the core message of what businesses need to do to remain competitive in the new payments landscape. The team presents what they have been working on to expand the payment ecosystem. Then concludes with a “title close” styled call-to-action, mirroring the presentation title.

7. McKinsey Diversity & Inclusion Presentation 

This fresh business slide deck from McKinsey is a great reference point for making persuasive business presentations on complex topics such as D&I. First, it recaps the main definitions of the discussed concepts — diversity, equity, and inclusion — to ensure alignment with the audience members. 

Business Presentation Example by McKinsey Company on Diversity Wins: How inclusion matters.

Next, the business presentation deck focuses on the severity and importance of the issue for businesses, represented through a series of graphs and charts. After articulating the “why”, the narrative switches to “how” — how leaders can benefit from investment in D&I. The main points are further backed with data and illustrated via examples. 

8. Accenture Presentation for the Energy Sector

Similar to McKinsey, Accenture keeps its slide deck on a short. Yet the team packs a punch within each slide through using a mix of fonts, graphical elements, and color for highlighting the core information. The presentation copy is on a longer side, prompting the audience to dwell on reading the slides. But perhaps this was meant by design as the presentation was also distributed online — via the company blog and social media. 

Business Presentation Example by Accenture on Accelerating Innovation in Energy.

The last several slides of the presentation deck focus on articulating the value Accenture can deliver for their clients in the Energy sector. They expertly break down their main value proposition and key service lines, plus quantify the benefits. 

9. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Technical Presentation 

Giving an engaging technical presentation isn’t an easy task. You have to balance the number of details you reveal on your slides to prevent overwhelm, while also making sure that you don’t leave out any crucial deets. This technical presentation from AWS does great in both departments. 

Business Presentation created by AWS explaining how to build forecasting using ML/DL algorithms.

First, you get entertained with a quick overview of Amazon’s progress in machine learning (ML) forecasting capabilities over the last decade. Then introduced to the main tech offering. The deck further explains what you need to get started with Amazon Forecast — e.g. dataset requirements, supported forecasting scenarios, available forecasting models, etc. 

The second half of the presentation provides a quick training snippet on configuring Amazon SageMaker to start your first project. The step-by-step instructions are coherent and well-organized, making the reader excited to test-drive the product. 

10. Snapchat Company Presentation

Snapchat’s business model presentation is on a funkier, more casual side, reflective of the company’s overall brand and positioning. After briefly recapping what they do, the slide deck switches to discussing the company’s financials and revenue streams.

how to make company presentation in powerpoint

This business slide deck by Snap Inc. itself is rather simplistic and lacks fancy design elements. But it has a strong unified theme of showing the audience Snapchat’s position on the market and projected vector of business development. 

11. Visa Business Acquisition Presentation 

VISA Acquisition of Plaid Business presentation.

If you are working on a business plan or M&A presentation for stakeholders of your own, this example from Visa will be helpful. The presentation deck expertly breaks down the company’s rationale for purchasing Plaid and subsequent plans for integrating the startup into their business ecosystem. 

The business deck recaps why the Plaid acquisition is a solid strategic decision by highlighting the total addressable market they could dive into post-deal. Then it details Plaid’s competitive strengths. The slide deck then sums up all the monetary and indirect gains Visa could reap as an acquirer. 

12. Pinterest Earnings Report Presentation 

Pinterest Business Presentation Example with Annual Report

Annual reports and especially earnings presentations might not be the most exciting types of documents to work on, but they have immense strategic value. Hence, there’s little room for ambiguities or mistakes. 

In twelve slides, this business presentation from Pinterest clearly communicates the big picture of the company’s finance in 2021. All the key numbers are represented as featured quotes in the sidebar with diagrams further showcasing the earning and spending dynamics. Overall, the data is easy to interpret even for non-finance folks. 

To Conclude 

With these business presentation design tips, presentation templates , and examples, you can go from overwhelmed to confident about your next presentation design in a matter of hours. Focus on creating a rough draft first using a template. Then work on nailing your opening slide sequence and shortening the texts in the main part of your presentation when needed. Make sure that each slide serves a clear purpose and communicates important details. To make your business presentation deck more concise, remove anything that does not pertain to the topic. 

Finally, once you are done, share your business presentation with other team members to get their feedback and reiterate the final design.

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Business Presentations, Corporate Presentations, Design, Design Inspiration, Examples, Executive Reports, Inspiration, Presentation Ideas Filed under Business

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how to make company presentation in powerpoint


How to Make a Company Profile Presentation (Tips & Examples)

Learn how to make a company profile presentation with our expert tips and company profile presentation examples. Try interactive templates for a personal touch.

how to make company presentation in powerpoint

Dominika Krukowska

9 minute read

How to make a company profile presentation

Short answer

What is a company profile presentation?

A company profile presentation is a short, visually appealing presentation that tells your company's story — covering its mission, history, key achievements, and future aspirations. It's perfect for making a great first impression on clients and investors, showing them what makes your business special in a clear and engaging way.

Without a compelling company profile, you’re just another logo in a sea of businesses

In a world where every niche is crowded with competitors, both fresh startups and established giants, standing out is not just tough; it's a survival game.

Not having a strong company profile presentation can lead to missed opportunities and potential customers slipping through your fingers.

But here's the good news: I believe your company can not only compete but also shine.

Stick with me, and you'll learn to create a company profile presentation that not only stands out but also holds its own against the big players. I’m going to walk you through easy-to-implement, effective ways to elevate your company profile from just another name to a standout brand.

Let’s get started!

What makes an effective company profile presentation?

An effective company profile presentation blends engaging storytelling, interactivity, and personalized content that speaks directly to your audience. It's about making a connection, tailoring your message to resonate with viewers, and highlighting your company's journey, mission, and successes.

What should a company profile presentation include?

When you're putting together a business profile presentation, think of it as telling your business's story in a way that's both engaging and informative.

It's your chance to connect with your audience, whether they're potential investors, clients, or partners, and give them a real sense of what your company is all about.

Here's a breakdown of what to include to make your business profile presentation shine.

1) The story of your business

Begin with the origins of your company. This isn't just about dates and facts; it's about sharing the journey, the ups and downs, and the lessons learned along the way.

This narrative helps your audience connect with your business on a personal level, understanding where you come from and what has shaped your company.

2) Core principles and goals

Your mission, vision, and values aren't just corporate jargon; they're the heart and soul of your business. They guide your decisions and actions.

Clearly presenting these principles helps your audience understand what your business stands for and what you're striving to achieve.

3) Milestones and success stories

Highlight the key moments that have defined your company's journey. This could be anything from launching a groundbreaking product to expanding into new markets.

These milestones not only showcase your achievements but also demonstrate your growth and adaptability.

4) Awards and recognitions

Displaying awards and recognitions adds a layer of trust and credibility. It shows that external bodies have endorsed your company, which can be a powerful tool in building confidence in your brand.

5) The team

People connect with people, not just brands. Introduce the key figures in your company, highlighting their expertise and roles.

You can also include employee testimonials that offer a genuine look into your company culture and the people who make everything happen. This humanizes your company and builds trust by showing the faces behind the business.

6) What you offer

Clearly outline what your company offers. This section should be straightforward, explaining your products or services and how they benefit your customers.

Keep it simple but informative, ensuring your audience understands your value proposition.

7) What makes you different

In a competitive market, it's crucial to highlight what sets you apart. Discuss your unique selling points and how they differentiate you from your competitors. This is your chance to explain why your company is the better choice.

8) Financial health and growth

Share key financial data that showcases your company's stability and growth potential. This reassures your audience of your business's health and prospects, which is particularly important for investors and partners.

9) Future plans and aspirations

Describe your goals and how you plan to achieve them. This shows that you're not just focused on the present but are actively planning for future growth and success.

10) Clear call to action

Finish your presentation with a clear invitation for your audience to take the next step. Whether it's exploring a partnership, trying out your products, or discussing investment opportunities, make it easy for them to know how to engage with your company.

How do you create a company profile presentation?

Creating a company introduction presentation is more than just listing facts about your business; it's an opportunity to tell a compelling story that resonates with your audience and offer a window into the soul of your business.

Here’s how to create a captivating company introduction presentation in a few easy steps:

1) Understand the purpose of your presentation

Before you start, it's crucial to understand why you're creating this presentation. Is it to attract investors, inform potential clients, or introduce your company to new employees?

Knowing your audience and purpose shapes the content, tone, and style of your presentation, ensuring it resonates with the right people in the right way.

2) Start with a strong introduction

Your introduction is your first impression. Start with something that grabs attention – your company's mission statement, a brief but intriguing history, or an engaging anecdote about how your company came to be.

This isn't just about providing information; it's about setting the stage and getting your audience interested in what comes next.

Here’s an example of a deck with a strong introduction:

how to make a strong introduction slide

3) Personalize your presentation

Customize your presentation to speak directly to your audience's interests and needs. If you're addressing potential clients, focus on how your products or services solve their specific problems. For investors, emphasize business performance and growth potential.

You can also add dynamic variables to your company profile and import relevant data like your reader’s name or company directly from your CRM. This simple trick will get 68% more people to read your deck in full , and share it internally 2.3x more often.

Here’s a great example of a personalized slide:

how to make a good personalized presentation slide

4) Incorporate scrollytelling

Scrollytelling can transform a static presentation into an interactive experience, especially for digital formats.

As the viewer scrolls, new elements of your story appear, keeping them engaged and curious about what's next. This technique works wonders for keeping your audience hooked.

Here’s what scrollytelling looks like in practice:

Narrator slide example

5) Tell your story authentically

Share your company's journey with authenticity. Talk about the challenges you've faced and how you overcame them, the milestones you've achieved, and the reasons behind starting your business.

Authentic storytelling creates a deeper, more emotional connection with your audience.

If you’re looking for inspiration, we have a handy guide including the best presentation storytelling examples and techniques .

6) Add interactive elements

Interactive elements like clickable links, embedded videos, or tiered slides can significantly enhance your presentation's engagement level. These elements provide additional layers of information and interaction without overloading your slides with text.

7) Simplify complex information

Data visualization slides and infographics are powerful tools for presenting complex information in a digestible format.

Whether it's market trends, growth statistics, or financial data, visual representations make it easier for your audience to understand and remember key points.

Here’s a great example of using data visualization in a presentation:

Data slide example

8) Guide your audience to the next step

End your presentation with a clear call to action. What do you want your audience to do next? Whether it’s visiting your website, contacting your team, or exploring a partnership, make this step clear and easy to follow.

Interactive presentation makers let you integrate your calendar into your deck, making it easier than ever for readers to book a meeting with you.

Here’s what a next step slide looks like:

Next step slide example

Company profile examples that make your business stand out

Creating a compelling company profile presentation is an art. It's about striking the perfect balance between informative content and engaging storytelling.

To help you master this craft, let's dive into some standout examples of company profile presentations.

Each one shows just how well creativity and clear thinking can work together to really bring out what a company does best and where it's headed, in a way that's both unique and easy to understand.

Jump ahead to page section

Company highlights

This company highlights template presents your journey, market growth, and customer satisfaction. It's ideal for companies like SMEs, startups, and enterprises looking to illustrate their success in AI-driven innovation.

What makes this company profile presentation great:

Using a mix of storytelling and data to highlight a company’s evolution and expertise.

Interactive elements like clickable data points and embedded testimonials bring the company's impact and client experiences to life.

The presentation strategically targets diverse business segments , demonstrating the company's versatility and wide-ranging applications in AI solutions.

Company profile overview

This template is ideal for businesses seeking to present a comprehensive overview. It effectively communicates your company's mission, vision, achievements, and future goals, making it suitable for all types of businesses aiming to establish a strong brand narrative.

Key metrics like annual revenue growth and customer retention rates are highlighted, demonstrating market impact and growth trajectory.

It cleverly segments its audience , detailing how its AI solutions cater to the specific needs of SMEs, startups, and large enterprises, demonstrating a tailored approach.

The company uniquely positions itself by emphasizing its specialized team , highlighting their expertise in driving AI innovation.

Enterprise snapshot

This template is designed for large-scale organizations. It effectively showcases your company's scale, capabilities, and market position, making it ideal for enterprises aiming to highlight their industry dominance and innovative solutions.

It uses tiered slides with tabs , effectively catering to different use cases and readers, allowing for a personalized presentation journey.

The presentation features easily editable logo placeholders , offering the flexibility to showcase past clients' logos, enhancing credibility and trust.

The ability to embed a case study directly into the presentation, providing tangible evidence of a company’s impact and success in real-world scenarios.

Corporate spotlight

This template is a concise yet impactful tool for highlighting your company's background, values, capabilities, and accomplishments. It's perfect for businesses wanting to emphasize their unique selling points and industry standing.

A smart Call-to-Action (CTA) that's strategically placed to engage viewers and encourage them to schedule a call directly from the company profile deck.

The fully interactive layout of the presentation invites viewers to actively engage with the content, creating a more immersive and memorable experience.

Data visualization elements transform complex data into easily digestible and visually appealing information, enhancing understanding and retention.

Company introduction

This template is tailored for businesses in the finance and technology sector. It effectively communicates your company's solutions, market challenges, and how you address them, making it ideal for companies looking to establish credibility.

The average reading time on the cover slide sets clear expectations for the audience and reduces bounce rate by almost a quarter .

The use of grayed-out content strategically highlights key information, guiding the viewer's focus to the most important aspects of the presentation.

Running numbers dynamically showcase key achievements and growth metrics, capturing attention instantly.

Corporate profile

This corporate profile emplate offers a succinct yet powerful presentation of your company. Highlight your unique selling points and industry standing, making a strong impression on your audience.

A video on the cover slide immediately sets the tone for the company's innovative approach and boosts engagement by up to 32% .

A perfect balance between image and text placeholders ensures a visually appealing layout that communicates effectively without overwhelming the audience.

A built-in analytics panel allows companies to track viewer engagement and gather valuable insights for future presentations and strategies.

General business overview

This general business overview template is a versatile tool for businesses across various industries. It showcases your company's innovative solutions, market growth, and customer satisfaction, suitable for companies aiming to highlight their market impact and user-centric approach.

The presentation begins with a strong, user-centric message , emphasizing commitment to enhancing user experience and streamlining operations.

The ability to add testimonials and case studies can enhance credibility and showcase the real-world impact of your company’s solutions.

A library of data visualization elements to highlight the most important growth metrics in an interactive way.

Company insights

This company insights template is perfect for businesses looking to showcase their innovative solutions and market impact. It highlights your company's growth, customer satisfaction, and industry solutions, ideal for companies aiming to illustrate their success and expertise.

It offers the option to integrate dynamic variables , which enables a personalized experience for each viewer to enhance engagement and relevance.

The ability to use an AI assistant for crafting messages and generating images , showcasing a forward-thinking approach in presentation design.

The presentation design allows for the addition of multiple smart CTAs , giving presenters the flexibility to guide viewer interaction and drive specific actions.

Company overview

This template emphasizes your company's innovative solutions, market growth, and customer satisfaction, making it suitable for e-commerce, startups, and large enterprises aiming to demonstrate their user-centric approach and success.

An intuitive editor makes it easy for users to create and customize their presentations.

Thanks to various CRM integrations , you can personalize your deck at scale, allowing for tailored messaging that resonates with each unique audience segment.

The option to extract branding elements directly from the brand name and company website, ensuring brand consistency and a cohesive visual identity across the presentation.

Company intro

This template showcases your company's innovative solutions, industry challenges, and the benefits of your services, making it ideal for companies aiming to demonstrate their expertise and capacity for digital transformation and financial empowerment.

Using dynamic variables makes personalization quick and easy while ensuring that 68% more people will read your presentation in full .

The layout of the presentation automatically adapts to any changes made, so you don’t have to worry about ever breaking the design.

The option to make changes even after it has been sent , offering flexibility and control over the messaging and content.

Company presentation

This template is perfect for 'About us' decks or company overviews. It tells the story of your business in a way that engages and resonates with the audience, making it ideal for companies looking to create a compelling narrative about their journey and achievements.

A mobile-responsive design ensures it looks great and functions smoothly on any device, enhancing accessibility and viewer engagement.

The option to embed videos directly into the deck adds a dynamic and interactive element that can effectively convey the company's story and values.

The scroll-based design of the presentation creates a seamless and intuitive user experience, guiding viewers through the content in a natural and engaging way.

How to design a company profile presentation?

Designing a compelling company profile presentation is about more than just listing your achievements and services. It's about creating a narrative that resonates with your audience and showcases your company's unique value.

Here’s how to make your company introduction presentation stand out:

1) Tell your company's story visually

Start with a strong visual narrative. Use images, infographics, and timelines to illustrate your company's journey, achievements, and future goals. This approach helps your audience connect with your story on a deeper level.

2) Incorporate your branding

Ensure your presentation reflects your company's branding. Use your brand colors, logos, and fonts consistently throughout the presentation. This does more than just give a polished look; it really helps hammer home what your brand is all about. Use all the toolstack you need for a hgh-end design, from logo creators to brand color palletes.

3) Use data visualization components

When presenting data, such as market growth, financials, or customer demographics, use charts and graphs. This makes complex information more digestible and engaging.

4) Personalize for different audiences

Tailor your presentation to your audience. Whether it's potential investors, clients, or partners, make sure the content speaks directly to their interests and needs.

Also, thanks to CRM integrations, you can extract information such as first name or company name, and use it to personalize your business profile presentations at scale in just a few clicks.

5) Add interactive elements for engagement

Consider adding interactive elements like clickable links, embedded videos, or animated product demos. This interactivity keeps the audience engaged and makes your presentation more memorable.

6) Prioritize clarity and readability

Organize your content in a way that's easy to follow. Use bullet points, short paragraphs, and clear headings. If you have a lot of information, consider using expandable sections or tabs.

7) End with a strong Call to Action

Conclude your presentation with a clear call to action. Whether it’s inviting questions, scheduling a meeting, or directing them to your website, make it easy for your audience to take the next step.

Interactive company profile presentation templates

Starting from scratch on a company profile presentation can be a real challenge. You need to figure out not only what to say but also how to say it in a way that truly represents your brand.

That's where interactive company profile presentation templates are a lifesaver. They give you a solid foundation with professional designs and layouts, so you can focus on customizing the content to tell your company's unique story.

Grab one and see for yourself.

how to make company presentation in powerpoint

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

how to make company presentation in powerpoint

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Opening slide of a branded PowerPoint presentation.

How to make a branded PowerPoint presentation

october 6, 2023

A white Microsoft logo set on a pink and orange background.

by Microsoft Create team

A branded PowerPoint presentation features your business's own visual language in a design template. Here, you create an effective and eye-catching way to represent your company that goes far beyond adding a logo to every slide—for your audience, it conveys an attention to detail that reinforces your brand values. Thankfully, you don't have to be a graphic design expert to create a branded presentation. Start with a professionally designed PowerPoint template and then modify it to reflect the visual identity for your business.

Why create a branded presentation?

A cohesive visual identity is one of the signifiers of professionalism to your audience. It reflects confidence and uniqueness in a world of competitors.

You might already have stationery , business cards , and a website featuring your brand's visual elements—this includes things like color palette, typography, logo size and placement, or decorative elements. It makes sense to carry this cohesion to your presentations. This is often overlooked in establishing a visual identity. Many believe that they must start from scratch, which is time- and labor-intensive. But instead of building a template from the ground up, start by selecting a design that speaks to you and modify a few simple elements to create your own branded presentation.

Screenshots of slides in a branded PowerPoint presentation, in hues of navy, maroon, and brown.

How to create a branded PowerPoint presentation

When developing a branded presentation, there are three important things to include: your logo , your brand colors , and your brand's font.

Example of a logo, brand color palette, and a font. The color scheme is navy, maroon, brown, white, and yellow, with a celestial theme.

Embed your logo

A branded presentation will carry your logo on every slide, as an anchor element. But it should not be too large or distracting that it draws attention away from your content. Your first and last slides should include a large version of your logo, and on your remaining slides, this logo will move to a corner of your presentation, where it will serve as a visual reminder for your audience.

PowerPoint deck with a planet-themed logo positioned in the bottom-right corner.

If you have a copy of your logo saved as a file, it's easy to embed into PowerPoint; here's how:

  • Open your PowerPoint deck and go to the slide where you want the logo.
  • Select  Insert  >  Pictures  >  This Device .
  • Navigate to your logo file, select it, and then select  Insert .
  • Select the logo and resize it (if necessary) by clicking and dragging one of the resize handles, then drag the logo to the position you want it in.

Set your colors

If you've got brand colors, here's how to set them for your presentation:

  • Open your PowerPoint deck.
  • Select  Design .
  • Under  Variants  (toward the right side of the toolbar), select the  More  drop-down and then select  Colors  >  Customize Colors .

PowerPoint theme color dialog box.

If you haven't picked brand colors yet and are looking for guidance, learn how to choose the perfect colors for your brand with help from the Microsoft Create team.

The relationships between groups of colors can establish a mood for your business. Color theory tells us that red means passion and blue represents calm, for example, but a trio or quartet of colors across a spectrum can mean multiple things, whether they complement or contrast with each other. To learn more, check out  The fundamentals of color: What is color theory?  by artist and creative director,  Alberto Cerriteno .

Select a font family

A font is more than just the default text for your presentation: A font family also includes different weights (bold or lightweight, for example), italics, and special or foreign characters. Choosing a font family means versatility for anything you might want to convey to your audience.

Here's how to select the font family:

  • Under  Variants  (toward the right side of the toolbar), select the  More  drop-down and then select  Fonts  and then select a font family.

Tips for successful presentations

  • Balance text and visuals.  A wall of text will be uncomfortable to read, while too much imagery will seem unfocused.
  • Enhance your content through your public speaking, but don't echo it.  Use what you're saying to accentuate the content instead of dryly repeating it.
  • Keep the colors balanced.  Bright or distracting colors will take away from your message, even if it is part of your company's identity.
  • Ensure that fonts are legible.  Avoid using text that's too large and make sure that it can be read from anywhere in the room where you are presenting.
  • Use charts and graphs, but sparingly.  Too much data presented as visuals can be information overload.

Example of a well-designed presentation.

Start with a professional template

Microsoft Create  provides PowerPoint templates that can help take the guesswork out of creating a visual identity from scratch. With just a few clicks, you can edit and revise these customizable templates to match your brand.

Start by looking through our  business presentation templates  and downloading the ones you like best. Then modify them to build your own branded presentation.

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15 Expert Tips for Giving a Powerful Business Presentation

15 Expert Tips for Giving a Powerful Business Presentation

Written by: Mahnoor Sheikh

business presentation - header wide

A powerful business presentation is much more than just a bunch of nice-looking slides.

Whether you’re presenting to venture capitalists, senior management or potential customers, you need to make a great first impression and stand out from the dozens of other speakers they’ll encounter.

For some people, presenting in front of even a handful of listeners can be a nightmare. And when it's a room full of important business folks, like investors or your boss, things get even worse.

If that sounds like you, don't worry. We have a way to calm your nerves and bring back your confidence.

In this post, you'll find 15 expert tips to help you deliver an unforgettable business presentation.

Ready to create your business presentation? Our presentation maker can help you create a professional slide deck quickly and easily using ready-made templates.

1 Know your material.

Before you can convince anyone else, you need to be completely sold on your idea or product. It’s important that you know the points you are making, inside and out.

When you present before an audience, you’ll likely be using visual aids, notes and/or slides. While these tools can help, make sure they aren’t the sum of your expertise.

These are only tools to aid you in your ability to communicate.

Don't rely on them too much or you’ll come across as unsure and boring. Your knowledge of your subject should be beyond your cue-cards so that you can effectively answer any questions that crop up.

You need to inspire confidence. If you bring up a point that is on your slide, back it up with statistics that you’ve encountered or quotes that relate to your topic.

2 Be enthusiastic.

Believe me, vibes matter.

No one wants to hear you drone on about a subject you don’t care for. If you’re tired and bored of your own presentation, your audience is probably feeling the same way.

Anyone listening to you should know how passionate you are about the subject. This will be very apparent in your body language , like the way you speak, make eye contact and walk around on the stage.

Harvard professor Amy Cuddy studies how body postures can communicate power.

Before her highly successful TED talk, she spent time striding, standing tall and extending her body. These movements got her into the zone of feeling powerful and passionate.

It’s also important that you properly energize yourself before a business presentation.

Do some warm-up exercises, like stretching or vocal exercises.

Check out this video on vocal exercises to practice before an important speech or presentation:

You can also do other things that get you focused and energized. Go through inspirational quotes or listen to music. Make sure you’ve drunk enough water and keep a bottle with you during your presentation.

3 Arrive early to set up.

One of the things that can mess up your business presentation is not being familiar with the space you’ll be speaking in. Make sure you arrive at your venue at least an hour in advance.

Set up anything you’ll need , like a projector, laptop or speakers.

If the venue already has all the equipment set up, make sure everything is compatible and working fine. Transfer any files from your USB or download them off of your email or cloud.

Next, check if there are any impediments to your being heard or seen.

Sit at different locations in the audience area to make sure the stage is visible, and the speaker can be heard at the very back. This will help you assess how loud you should be.

Check to see if the projection is visible in the lighting you have, and adjust the lights accordingly.

Another big advantage of arriving early is that you get to meet and greet some of your audience members. This will help you feel more confident on stage as you’ve already broken some of the ice .

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Hey executives! Looking to cut design costs?

4 Be comfortable with your own self.

You’ve prepped well, you know your stuff inside-out and your visual aids are ready. The next big questions are: What should you wear? How should you act?

It can be tricky deciding what to wear to give a killer business presentation, but your look will likely depend upon your comfort and who your audience is.

Lauren McGoodwin, founder and CEO of Career Contessa, recommends :

“When dressing for a presentation, it’s important to wear something you’re comfortable in, and something that makes you feel confident.”

She also says that you should wear something that allows you to move and gesture freely.

But regardless of what you wear, it’s important to be your best self.

Many people are nervous speaking in front of an audience, so rehearse beforehand and have a friend, colleague or any objective observer monitor you.

If you come across as jittery—always shifting your weight from one leg to another, moving your hands too much, shaking, etc—it’s a good idea to take a note of all that and work at establishing a firm presence on stage before your big day.

How you act also depends upon your personality.

Adopt your natural position. If you’re comfortable standing in place, don’t force yourself to stride across the stage. If your voice is gentle, no need to yell, just get a microphone.

Keep your everyday demeanor and bring out the best you.

5 Open strong.

We live in an era where audiences have low attention spans and expect to be entertained. Start your business presentation with a bang so as to set the tone for the rest of your presentation.

You could start off with a statistic that shocks the audience into sitting up and taking note or with a quote that instantly makes them listen.

Don’t forget to put them at ease by reassuring them: “I know you may be wondering…”, “…that fact may seem shocking, but research backs it up because…” etc.

You could also start with an interesting image , an attention-grabbing video or a touching personal story.

Remember, first impressions are everything.

You need to convey to your audience that your business presentation will be worth their while and not just a run-of-the-mill lecture where you dispiritedly talk at them.

6 Set goals for your business presentation.

At the very beginning of your presentation, lay out the goals you hope to meet during your time on stage. This tells the audience why they should listen to you and what they have to gain from paying attention.

As these goals are met, both you and your audience will feel a sense of purpose and achievement at effective communication. Here's a customizable presentation slide template in Visme for goals.

business presentation - set goals slide visme template

Ready to create your own business presentation?

  • Add your own text, images, colors and more
  • Choose from hundreds of slide designs and templates
  • Add interactive buttons and animations

Your audience will be more likely to remain tuned in if they can see the objectives of the presentation being fulfilled and this in turn will make them more likely to deem your talk a ‘success’.

These goals will also help your audience remember crucial points of your business presentation, which will ensure that you have a productive Q&A session.

7 Tell a story.

Stories connect with people much more than statistics, academic points or even quotations do.

A story can be personal, of course, but it can also be the story of a brand or even a story about consumers.

Steve Jobs was a great corporate storyteller and he shone at every Apple product launch presentation. Check out this video of Jobs presenting at the launch of the iPhone in 2007.

Steve Jobs framed his company’s new innovations in terms of stories of revolution. Macintosh “changed the whole computer industry” and the iPod “changed the whole music industry”.

These were stories of change that brought the product, the consumer, and the exciting time they were living in all together—it made the audience go on a journey.

You can work in a similar way by highlighting the problems (the villain) and how your product, business or idea (the hero) will lead your audience closer to a solution. Telling stories can make your business seem like part of a grand narrative that your audience wants to become a part of.

Then, of course, there are personal stories. These usually appear at the beginning, but a good presentation makes effective use of them throughout.

Tell your audience how you got to where you are, and what makes you believe in your business.

Remember to keep it short, but interesting.

The goal is to establish an emotional connection with your audience so your message hits home. Don’t overdo it or deviate from your actual point.

If you’re looking for more storytelling techniques to incorporate into your presentation, check out this Visme video on presentation structures used by top TED speakers:

8 Interact with your audience.

A business presentation can get boring and sleep-inducing real fast if you just talk “at” your audience instead of talking to them.

Turn your presentation into a conversation by involving your audience in the discussion. Ask them questions, take their feedback and connect with them via anecdotes (“I know we’ve all felt this way”.)

You can also get them to sit up and work with you. For example, they could be asked to raise their hands if they agree during certain points of the presentation.

Interacting with your audience during your business presentation will help prevent the dreaded “ death by PowerPoint ” and keep them wide awake and attentive.

9 Use visual aids.

Visuals help people retain information for longer periods of time, so use them generously throughout your presentation to make sure your message hits home.

And no, visual aids don’t necessarily mean boring PowerPoint slides.

Pictures, videos and art are also great mediums to get your points across and intrigue the audience. Visual flowcharts can help summarize complex topics.

And if you really do want to use presentation slides, use a tool like Visme to create ones that look professional and stand out from the rest. Check out these editable business presentation templates .

Use data visualization, like bar graphs, pie charts and more to make numbers look interesting.

Visme lets you create over 15 different types of graphs and tons of data widgets, like progress bars and radials, for your business presentation. You can also tap into the flowchart maker, array maker, map engine and other tools to help you visualize information. Here's a sneak peek at how it works:

As for the slides, make sure you don’t stuff them with text.

If you put bullets up on the screen, make sure they are visible and condensed. No one wants to see entire paragraphs up there when you’re talking to them at the same time.

A quote or two is fine, but don’t overdo it.

10 Add some business-friendly humor.

During long presentations, there is nothing more relaxing than a speaker who can make you laugh.

If you just keep talking in a serious tone, it’ll seem like you’re droning on. A friendly, conversational style and light jokes can make sure that you retain your audience’s attention.

But remember, this is a business presentation. Don’t go overboard with comedy or your audience won’t take you or your presentation seriously.

We recommend using humor only if you’re naturally good at. If not, don’t force it.

11 Make startling statements.

Every once in a while, shock your audience into sitting up and focusing.

Challenge their existing beliefs with solid knowledge and statistics. While a startling fact or statistic can be a great way to begin a presentation, it is also important to use these statements throughout.

Don't overdo it so it loses its appeal, but around thrice during an hour-long presentation should be good.

12 Remember the 10-20-30 rule.

Venture capitalist Guy Kawasaki came up with this handy presentation rule in 2005 .

Here’s an infographic that sums it up:

business presentation - infographic 10 20 30 rule guy kawasaki

Want to create your own stunning infographic in minutes?

  • Choose from dozens of professionally designed templates
  • Add and alter icons, colors, fonts, images and more
  • Customize anything to fit your brand image and content needs

Kawasaki sat through many, many bad presentations and figured out this rule to make sure presentations stop being so repetitive and boring.

10 slides give presenters an ample amount of space to summarize their argument. Any more information and the audience is likely to lose focus and doze off.

20 minutes is how long the average person can pay attention without losing his mind wandering. Kawasaki says that, in an ideal world, the last 40 minutes of the presenter’s hour will be utilized in a Q&A session.

A font size of 30 points means that everyone can read a presentation, even from the back of the room, and the presenter is forced to put minimal text up on the screen.

Keep in mind that Kawasaki is talking about a specific situation, a pitch for a room full of venture capitalists.

While his points can be generalized, a business owner may also find themselves in a situation where they aren’t perfectly applicable. It would be good to revise them slightly in different situations.

13 Make eye contact and smile.

You don’t have to stand there and speak like a machine. Your audience will respond better to the presentation if you personalize your interactions with them.

Make sure you meet the eyes of multiple members of the audience so that they feel like you are paying attention to them individually.

Eye contact can reassure your audience that you value their time and are grateful for their presence and it can also drive home the message that you are confident in your pitch.

Smile at audience members when you meet their eyes! If you’re nervous, locate five or six friendly faces in the crowd and keep coming back to them for encouragement.

14 Be prepared for tough questions.

Don’t underestimate the power of the Q&A session!

Your answers can make or break your business presentation. A good presenter knows their material completely and is ready to face difficult questions.

Here's an editable presentation slide template in Visme for Q&A sessions:

business presentation - question answer qa session slide visme template

Remember, people will trust in you and your business venture if they are sure you know what you’re doing.

If you’ve ended your presentation on an awkward silence, ask some questions yourself and use language that makes it apparent that you know the concerns of your audience.

Start with phrases like “Now, you may be wondering if…”. This sets the crowd at ease and allows them to comfortably voice their concerns.

15 Close on a high.

It is very important to have a closing note after the Q&A session. You shouldn’t need a slide for this part, but you can use one if you want.

The way you conclude your presentation should be powerful and ensure that the audience remembers you. Like your opening, you can end with a personal story or quotation. Or remind them about the goals and summarize the main points quickly.

Make sure the end is euphoric and shows that your ideas can achieve success. This will ensure that your listeners place their confidence in you and leave feeling satisfied and uplifted.

Make Your Business Presentation a Success

The secret to giving a successful business presentation is putting your heart and soul into connecting with your audience and truly showing them the value in your ideas.

This list of professional tips can empower you in small ways, leading to big outcomes.

If you’re already feeling pumped about your next business presentation, create one that doubles your impact using Visme’s presentation maker .

Sign up for a free account today and take it for a test drive!

What do you struggle with the most when it comes to giving business presentations? Let us know your thoughts, questions and feedback in the comments below.

Create beautiful presentations faster with Visme.

how to make company presentation in powerpoint

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how to make company presentation in powerpoint

About the Author

Mahnoor Sheikh is the content marketing manager at Visme. She has years of experience in content strategy and execution, SEO copywriting and graphic design. She is also the founder of MASH Content and is passionate about tea, kittens and traveling with her husband. Get in touch with her on LinkedIn .

how to make company presentation in powerpoint

Top 20 Free Templates For Corporate And Business Presentations

Angie Arriesgado

When you hear the words ‘corporate presentation’ or ‘business presentation,’ what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Serious ? Informative ? Or are you thinking more like boring and yawn-inducing ? Whichever adjective comes to your mind, know that you can break away from the corporate presentation stereotype. How? By using modern-looking PowerPoint templates. In this article, I’ve compiled a list of the top 20 free templates for corporate and business presentations.

how to make company presentation in powerpoint

But before I give you the list, here are some common reasons you may want to use these templates for your next presentation:

  • You don’t have time to design your slides from scratch

Even if you know your way around presentations and graphic design, you don’t have the time to create your presentation slides from scratch. Now, most business templates you’ll find on the web look like amateurs made them. But fret no more. This article will give you the links to all the best free corporate and business presentation templates you’ll ever find online.

  • You’re not a design expert

If creativity and design are your weak points, then worry no more. These 20 templates will be literal life-savers! You no longer need to take a few days off from work just to finish your presentation. You’ll simply need to devote a few hours to customize these templates and you’ll have your slides ready in a few!

  • You don’t want to spend $$$ on a premium business template

While there are advantages to using premium templates, they can easily set you back by $50 or so. While it may not sound like much in the grand scheme of things, a price tag of $0 is a very attractive alternative. Why spend money when you can download a professionally-designed template for free, right?

So, without further ado, here are the top 20 free templates for corporate and business presentations you can download right now!

  • 26 Slide Corporate Template Pack by 24Slides

24Slides' 26 Slide Corporate Template Pack

No matter how long or short your presentation is, you’ll find something useful in this 26-slide template pack. It doesn’t even matter what industry you’re in. If you need a quick and professional template, look no further than this!

You can use this template to outline your organizational chart. You can also use it to simplify your complex business processes. If you’re doing a business proposal, you can use some of the slides to explain how your plan will work and how it’s going to materialize.

  • Corporate Free Presentation Template by SlideForest

SlideForest's Corporate Free Presentation Template

This template pack from SlideForest comes with 8 slides. It may not sound like much, but if you’re an avid Apple Keynote or Google Slides user, then you’ll be happy to know that this pack comes in 3 different file formats. There’s (1) PPTX for PowerPoint, (2) KEY file for Apple Keynote, and (3) GS file for Google Slides.

You can use this pack to give a little background about your company, your social media statistics, and your business process. You can even share a bit about your team’s travel adventures!

  • Light Themed Corporate Presentation Template by 24Slides

24Slides.com's Light Corporate PowerPoint Template Pack

If you need a light-themed PPT template for your presentation, then you need to check this 14-slide template pack right away. With shades of violet, pink and green, this template is bound to capture people’s attention. The icons, graphics and diagrams included in the slides are all on point, and will look good in any business or corporate presentation!

  • Regulus by Jun Akizaki

Regulus by Jun Akizaki of ThePopp

If you want a stylish and elegant-looking template, then make sure to check out Regulus. This template may have been published in 2014, but this is still as relevant today as it was 5 years ago. It includes 22 slides and uses 4 different color themes – pink, blue, green, and yellow. The dark wood background provides a nice contrast to the various elements on the foreground.

  • Corporate PowerPoint Template Pack by 24Slides

Cover slide of Corporate PowerPoint Template Pack from 24Slides

With fuchsia and dark blue highlights, this 14-slide template pack will fit right in in most boardroom meetings and presentations. Use the agenda slide to outline your plan for your meeting and let everyone know what to expect. The process delivery slide can showcase every step of your process – whatever it may be. The product comparison slide is perfect for weighing the pros and cons of your products.

  • Trine by Gabriele Romagnoli

Trine Free PowerPoint Template Pack

As you can see on the screenshot above, this template pack is quite the looker. It has over 50 slides included and comes in two color schemes: aqua and dark wood. Each slide comes in two variants (dark/light), so if you’re a fan of dark backgrounds, you’ll love this pack. Best of all, you can use these for all kinds of presentations too – not just corporate ones!

  • Corporate Package of 20 Slides by 24Slides

Corporate Package of 20 Slides Template Pack cover slide

If you intend to cover a bit of everything in your presentation, then you may want to download this 20-slide template pack. It’s got a lot of graphics and charts included. So, if you intend to use a pie chart, line chart, SWOT analysis, gear process, before and after comparisons, calendars, and more, then this may be the perfect template for you.

  • Nowco Free Corporate Template by Kata Ragasits

Nowco Free Corporate Template

You don’t need to go over the top to get your audience to pay attention to your presentation. You just need to download the Nowco template. It is a perfect example of a template that strikes a nice balance between minimalism, functionality and design. The author has labeled what each slide is for. So, you can go through the different slides and pick out what’s most relevant to your needs.

  • Corporate Data Presentation Template Pack by 24Slides

Corporate Data Presentation Template cover slide

If you need to give a presentation with lots of graphs and charts, then this is the right template for you. This 9-slide template is all about visualizing data. We’ve included a bar chart, several pie charts, stacked bar chart, and stacked line chart. There’s also a dashboard slide to give your audience a bird’s eye view of your corporate data sets.

  • Corporate Sales Management PowerPoint Template by PowerPointify

PowerPointify's Corporate Sales Management PowerPoint Template

As you can see in the screenshot above, this 10-slide template pack comes in a blue background. The smartly-dressed human icons that are present on every slide will add a nice corporate touch to your presentation. You can use the slides to introduce your team, outline your goals, direction and progress. There’s also a couple of slides dedicated to presenting the challenges you’ve faced, your growth and ultimately, your success.

  • Business Clean Presentation by Aleksandr Babin

Aleksandr Babin's Business Clean Presentation Template

There are 15 slides included in this free template pack. If you find this a bit lacking, then the good news is that the author also sells a much more comprehensive premium version (150+ unique slides) on Graphic River. However, for most quick corporate presentations, the free version is good enough to use as a starting point. You can simply duplicate some of the slides and edit the elements as you see fit. To download, simply type $0 on the field, “Name a fair price,” and click the Purchase button.

  • Competitor PowerPoint Template by 24Slides

Top 20 Free Templates For Corporate And Business Presentations - Competitor PowerPoint Template Pack by 24Slides

If you have done no competitor research at all, then you’re potentially leaving a lot of money on the table. It’s important to know your competitor’s strengths and weaknesses, and why customers flock to them. Study the competition and find out how you can fill a specific gap in the market. Then use this PPT template pack to present your findings to your stakeholders.

  • Free SWOT Diagram PowerPoint Templates by SlideForest

SlideForest's Free SWOT Diagram PowerPoint Templates

You need to invest some time to do a thorough SWOT analysis. You don’t want to leave any stone unturned, or else your decision-making skills may be adversely affected. With that said, if you don’t want to settle for plain, old bullet points to present your SWOT analysis, then this template pack will surely help you out. You can choose from 8 different SWOT diagrams. Choose the ones that appeal most to you, and replace the placeholder text with the results of your SWOT analysis.

  • Exclusive Free PowerPoint Template by Slidesmash

Slidesmash's Exclusive Free PowerPoint Template

If you’re looking for an exclusive template, something that’s only unique to you, well, you need to keep looking. But if you don’t mind using something other people have downloaded as well, then the so-called ‘Exclusive’ Free Template may be perfect for your presentation! This template pack includes 25 slides in 16:9 widescreen layout. From the introduction to the ‘meat’ of your discussion, this pack has all the slides you need.

  • Business Presentation Template by 24Slides

24Slides.com's Business Presentation Template

This 20-slide template is perfect for any kind of business presentation. You don’t want to bore your audience off with plenty of text-based slides. Instead, you want to use something like this template pack. It’s packed with graphs and charts that you can use in your presentation. From organizational charts to Gantt charts, mind maps and timelines, and everything in between, this template has got you covered. You can even use this to share your social media statistics or describe your marketing funnel. Check this template out today and add it to your personal template library!

  • Business Pitch by RRGraph Design

RRGraph Design's Business Pitch Template

This is one of the most helpful free templates I’ve downloaded on the web so far. In addition to the PPT file, the author also includes a help guide in PDF format. The guide will show you how you can change the logo, header, footer, color theme, images, adjust the layouts, and edit the placeholders. To download this 10-slide template pack, just hit the social media like or share buttons. The download link will then appear on your screen.

  • Business PowerPoint Template by Slide Fabric

Slide Fabric's Business PowerPoint Template

This free 15-slide PowerPoint template distinguishes itself from all the other templates in this list. How? Well, the authors have added slide transitions and animations, so that’s one less thing you need to worry about.

As you can see in the screenshot above, the template pack already looks great on its own. You don’t need to do a whole lot of changes to make your very own corporate or business presentation slides. All you need to do really is just replace the placeholder content with your own, delete any unnecessary slides, and call it a day!

  • Business Roadmap PowerPoint Template by 24Slides

Business Roadmap PowerPoint Template Pack cover slide

You don’t want to leave your business’ success to pure luck. Instead, you need to spend considerable time and effort planning every aspect of your business. As in, plan everything from A to Z. If you’re trying to persuade potential investors and/or your stakeholders to invest a considerable sum of money on your business, then you should spend most of your time learning how to become a better presenter .

It’s nerve-wracking enough presenting in front of others. So, you should download this 10-slide template pack to make your life less complicated. It’s got all the slides you need to present your business roadmap. It’s got charts and diagrams to give your audience a nice, colorful visual aid during your presentation.

  • Vega by ThePopp

Vega by ThePopp

This template pack is best used by brands that embody the meaning of fun and youthfulness. It’s vibrant and colorful, and a younger audience may be better appreciative of the slide design.

The author has been generous enough to include 89 slides in this template pack. So, you need not be afraid of running out of presentation slides anytime soon. They’ve also bundled free icons as well as two PPT versions in the zip file. One has built-in animations and transitions while the other has none. Pick which one you like best and start customizing it!

  • Aemelia Presentation Template by Slides Carnival

Slides Carnival's Aemelia Presentation Template

Sometimes, you don’t need to use something flashy to make your corporate or business presentation stand out. A simple, but well-designed template pack like Aemelia may be enough to do the job for you. This 25-slide template pack uses transparent icons as a pattern. This is a great design choice because it looks great no matter what background color you choose. You can download the file as a PowerPoint file or use it as a Google Slides theme.

how to make company presentation in powerpoint

Have You Downloaded Your Favorite Templates Yet?

If you have, then good for you! Otherwise, you better get cracking. I’ve handpicked these 100% free templates for corporate and business presentations especially for you. If you’ve done all the hard work, but you’re not 100% satisfied with it, then why don’t you let our in-house designers fix your slides for you? Click here to know more about our presentation design services.

You might also find this interesting:

  • 10 Ways To Repurpose Your Presentation Slides
  • How to improve your business presentations in 2021
  • Top Alternatives To SlidesCarnival Templates

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How to Create the Best PowerPoint Presentations [Examples & Templates]

Discover what makes the best PowerPoint presentations with these examples to inspire you.



Download ten free PowerPoint templates for a better presentation.

how to create the best powerpoint presentations examples templates

Published: 05/15/24

Creating the best PowerPoint presentation isn’t just about slapping facts and figures together or dazzling with snazzy graphics — it’s an art form.

During my time at HubSpot, I created a lot of presentations. Since then, I’ve seen the good, the bad, and the PowerPoints desperately crying for a makeover. I’ve learned that the secret isn’t just in the text or visuals but in how you serve it up.

In this guide, I’ll share some pro tips on how to make the best PowerPoint presentation. You’ll learn how to hold your audience’s attention and drive your message home with clarity. Plus, I’ll share real-life examples to inspire you.

→ Free Download: 10 PowerPoint Presentation Templates [Access Now]

What Good Presents Have in Common

Best PowerPoint Presentations

What do good presentations have in common.

I’ve discovered that five elements are a must-have when creating a great presentation . Let’s look at each one.

1. The presentation is highly relevant to the audience.

A lot goes into creating presentations that hit the mark. First, I clearly define my audience. Then, I choose topics that genuinely interest them, offer actionable advice, answer their questions, or address their pain points.

But this isn’t just my strategy. Mike O’Neill , founder and CEO of Backspace Travel , a modern travel agency, also talks about things that matter to his audience. He says, “We conduct dry runs with a smaller group to gather feedback and refine the presentation. Testing the presentation with colleagues allows us to identify areas that resonate [with our audience] or need improvement before the final delivery.”

I’ve found that crafting a captivating title influences how receptive my audience will be. For example, instead of a bland title like “New Product Features,” I’d go with something more intriguing like “Discover the Hidden Gems of Our Latest Product Features.”

It makes my audience wonder what those hidden gems are and still lets them know it’s about new product features.

how to make company presentation in powerpoint

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2. The presentation has a clear objective.

As a former content manager and strategist at HubSpot, I learned the importance of setting audience expectations. Whether it’s a new project, a marketing strategy , or even a sales pitch, I made sure my slides and commentary tied back to the key takeaways I wanted my audience to remember.

Alexandria Agresta , a corporate trainer and leadership development expert, uses what she calls the three Ps of a presentation:

  • Purpose. What’s the purpose of the presentation?
  • Challenge. What’s the challenge your audience is facing?
  • Possible. What outcome do they desire?

She says this process empowers her to convey her message in a way that resonates with her audience. Once she establishes the three Ps, she creates a clear, concise outline that includes key points and topics she hopes to cover.

“I then create a dedicated slide at the beginning of the presentation that succinctly outlines what will be covered during the presentation. This sets expectations for the audience and gives them a roadmap of what to expect,” Agresta says.

Whatever the topic, highlight your key takeaways on a specific slide (ideally the cover slide), so your audience clearly understands what your presentation is about from the get-go.

3. The presentation follows an organized storyline.

One thing I’ve learned about presentations is that it isn’t just about conveying information; it’s about telling a story that guides your audience from start to finish. Each slide is a chapter that leads to a satisfying conclusion.

There are many ways to infuse storytelling into your presentations. You can get as creative as you want, like Aaron Wertheimer , a full-time SEO marketing copywriter for Marketing Reel , does.

He says, “I infuse storytelling into my PowerPoint presentations by including a Bitmoji sticker of myself as it relates to each slide, and I demarcate each slide with verbiage to indicate which part of the sequence we are currently at in the presentation.”

Just make sure to have a beginning, a middle, and an end so you can clearly demonstrate the point you’re leading towards.

4. The audience understands the next steps.

When creating my presentations, I always specify the action I want my audience to take by the time we conclude. Do I want them to sign up for a service? Consider a new perspective? Remember key points?

Chirag Nijjer , a customer success lead at Google, usually wraps up his presentations with two CTAs: one that’s beneficial to him and one that benefits his audience. His presentations are more impactful when he combines both CTAs.

He explains with an example: “If I’m presenting to a group of professors who intend to use the info to teach their students, I’d write, ‘Would you like access to the summary slides and a list of project ideas for your students to learn this topic? Fill out the feedback form and give me your email address.’”

I can see why this method works. The email address allows him to contact his audience, and he also benefits them by teaching them how to turn his presentations into valuable action. It’s like killing two birds with one stone!

Remember, though, if you want your audience to perform an action after your presentation, be clear about what you want them to do next.

5. The audience leaves with contact information and/or resources.

I’ve observed that at the end of my presentations, most attendees want more information or a chance to discuss the topic further.

That’s why I always provide my contact details or additional resources. So, if anyone wants to reach out for a one-on-one chat or read further, they’ll have what they need to delve deeper into the material.

For example, after a presentation on digital marketing strategies , I might provide my email address and invite attendees to reach out if they have any questions. I could also share a list of recommended books, articles, or even YouTube videos for those who want to take their digital marketing journey to the next level.

How to Do the Best Powerpoint Presentation

Now that I’ve covered what to look for in a killer slide deck, let’s jump right in and talk about how you can make your next presentation unforgettable.

1. Less is more.

I’ve used PowerPoint a lot, and it’s tempting to pack slides with flashy graphics and tons of text. However, I learned the hard way that less is often more.

Once, I was tasked with presenting a new content strategy to the marketing team. Eager to impress, I packed my slides with stunning visuals, intricate graphs, and loads of text explaining every detail of the strategy.

I thought the more information there was, the better. But as I started presenting, I quickly realized my mistake.

The team seemed overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information on the slides. They were so busy trying to decipher the infographics and read the tiny texts that they missed out on the main points I was trying to convey.

In the end, I could sense that I hadn’t made the impact I had hoped for. It was a humbling experience, but it taught me a valuable lesson: simplicity is key.

Since then, I’ve made a conscious effort to streamline my presentations with a clear message and avoid complex details that could distract my audience.

Here are some key points to always remember:

  • Let the focus be on your message instead of the slides themselves.
  • Keep the slides relevant and simple enough so people can pay attention to what you’re saying.
  • Your visuals and fonts should support your message, not steal the spotlight.

2. Keep text to a minimum.

From my experience, you can tell that adding too much text overwhelms people, and instead of listening to you, they focus on trying to read the slides. And that’s not what you want. You want your audience to be engaged, hanging onto your every word, not trying to decipher paragraphs of text.

So, use fewer words in large fonts. That way, you’ll make sure everyone, from the front row to the back, sees what’s on the screen without squinting.

3. Rethink visuals.

People are 30 times more likely to read infographics than written articles. This stat just puts a stamp on what I’ve said about reducing the amount of text in your presentations. It’s like a neon sign screaming: “Less text, more visuals!”

However, that doesn’t mean you can just throw some nice-looking photos onto your pitch deck and move on. Like any other content strategy, your visual game must be on point and relevant.

Let me share the different types of visuals I’ve come across in my years of doing presentations to help you figure out what works best.

PowerPoint templates have come a long way since Microsoft first unveiled the program to the world, and I occasionally use them in my presentations.

However, to make my PowerPoint slides stand out, I always opt for a theme that my audience hasn’t seen dozens of times before — one that vibes with my brand and fits the topic I’m talking about.

Sometimes, I explore presentation platforms other than PowerPoint (like Prezi) to discover fresh templates. There are also tons of visual content design sites that offer customizable templates I can tweak to match my brand and topic perfectly.

Canva is one of my favorites. It offers a plethora of templates and allows me to create presentations from scratch.

I’ve also tested out Venngage’s free presentation maker and found it super handy for getting eye-catching slide templates, icons, and high-quality stock photos for my PowerPoint tutorials.

PowerPoint presentation templates from HubSpot.

Image Source

Pro tip: Download our 10 PowerPoint presentation templates for free to simplify your design process. Each template is made to add that extra flair to your presentation so that your slideshows not only look great but also resonate deeply with your audience.

Charts and Graphs

Graph from McKinsey & Company’s 2022 Women in the Workplace presentation.

One of my favorite ways to back up what I’m saying in my presentation is to toss in some stats and data visualization. Charts and graphs jazz things up and make the numbers way more interesting.

However, I don’t just share the facts; I let my audience know the story behind those numbers. For example, instead of just presenting quarterly sales figures to my team, I would highlight the challenges we faced, the strategies we implemented, and the victories we celebrated to arrive at those digits.

One thing you always need to do, though, is to make sure your charts and graphs blend in seamlessly with the rest of your presentation’s visual theme. Otherwise, these graphics are more likely to steal the show than help you get your point across.

Color Scheme

I understand that colors can really play with my audience’s emotions. So, even if I’m not trying to close a deal with my presentation, I might want to stir up specific feelings or impressions, and the color palette I choose can help with that.

Max Shak , founder and CEO of nerDigital , even considers cultural differences and color associations to make sure his presentations hit the right notes with diverse audiences.

I’d recommend checking out Coschedule’s guide to color psychology in marketing . It’s a goldmine of how different tones, shades, and color combinations can sway buying decisions. You’ll definitely elevate your presentation game by following this guide.

When I add text to my slide decks, I want it to be simple enough for everyone to read. If it’s tiny or crammed, people end up squinting and missing out on what I’m saying.

That’s why I recommend using web-safe fonts like Sans-Serif or Arial. They’re easy on the eyes and can display correctly even if a user hasn’t installed them on their computer.

4. Incorporate multimedia.

I could talk about something all day long, but it won’t have the same impact as showing it to you.

That’s where multimedia comes in — it’s the secret sauce for keeping people engaged in your presentations.

When I do a simple Google search for “ music in presentations ,” it pulls up a bunch of results that talk about how to add music to my slide decks. From this, it’s clear that using music in my presentations is a unique way to engage my audience or at least set a welcoming tone before and after I speak.

But if you want people glued to your slideshows throughout your presentation, incorporate videos. I mean, a whopping 96% of individuals admit they tune into explainer videos to learn more about a product.

So why not give people what they want? Videos can bring theories to life in a way that words or photos alone just can’t match.

In my years of experience, I’ve come across many pitch decks, and the best ones always cut through the clutter. In this section, I’ll share 15 PowerPoint presentation examples that set the bar for what a professional presentation should look like.

1. The HubSpot Culture Code by HubSpot Co-founder Dharmesh Shah


Not to sing our own praises, but The HubSpot Culture Code has been one of our most successful presentations. The secret? Shah chooses a central theme — the acronym HEART (humble, empathetic, adaptable, remarkable, and transparent).

This acronym embodies our company’s values while providing a central message for the presentation. Plus, heart icons on the slides make the connection clear.

I like the style and message of this presentation. It sticks to our brand colors and fonts and makes everything super clear and easy on the eyes.

I especially enjoy the superhero theme on slide 26 — it’s a fun way to say that we’re all about empowering our customers to be their best. It elevates the idea of customer support from a duty to a mission, which I find very motivating.

2. 2022 Women in the Workplace Briefing by McKinsey & Company

Cover slide of McKinsey & Company’s presentation.

This slide deck lays out key data from McKinsey’s 2022 research on women in the workplace. It uses a mix of graphs, images, and other visual representations to illustrate how the expectations women face at work have evolved over time.

I’m impressed by how they’ve maintained their brand colors throughout the presentation. I’m a big fan of consistency, and this slideshow nails it by sticking to its color scheme from start to finish. It creates a cohesive look and reinforces their brand identity , which makes the presentation look professional.

Another thing I like about it is that the titles immediately say what each slide is about. It helps you navigate the presentation effortlessly and keeps you focused on the main points.

3. SEO, PPC, and AI in 2023 and Beyond by Lily Ray

Cover slide of Lily Ray and Inna Zeyger’s presentation.

Lily Ray and Inna Zeyger from Amsive Digital took inspiration from the world of science fiction. It’s pretty cool how they playfully bring in imagery from movies like “Blade Runner“ and “Ghost in the Shell” when talking about AI and the future of marketing in their SlideShare presentation .

The whole futuristic vibe with vibrant colors grabs my attention right away. It’s a fresh break from the usual bland corporate stuff, and they do a fantastic job of making sure you enjoy their presentation while learning something new.

4. ChatGPT: What It Is and How Writers Can Use It by Adsy

Cover slide of Adsy’s ChatGPT presentation.

We all get writer’s block sometimes. Trust me, I’ve been there, staring at a blinking cursor, feeling the frustration build up. But ChatGPT acts like a trusted sidekick, nudging me along and whispering, “Hey, how about this idea?”

This presentation breaks down what ChatGPT is, its limitations, and more importantly, what it can do. I find it pretty helpful, especially if you’re new to the AI chatbot.

One thing I like most about the SlideShare presentation is that it has a lot of use cases that can inspire you. For example, if it tells you ChatGPT can write a YouTube script, it shows you the prompt the creator used and the results they got.

I also love how it uses a combination of bold white text against a blue background or black and blue text on a white background to call out important headings. And those key definitions are right there in the center, surrounded by all that whitespace , practically begging you to take a closer look.

5. Insights from the 2022 Legal Trends Report by Clio

Cover slide of Clio’s Legal Trends Report presentation.

I’m a big advocate of adding visuals to your business presentations. But it doesn’t have to be the same old boring office stock photos. Take a cue from Clio’s presentation.

Clio has incorporated abstract elements to keep things fresh — simple shapes like triangles, rectangles, and circles. These shapes blend seamlessly with different charts and graphs, adding an artistic touch to the slide decks.

6. Email Marketing Trends by Gabriel Blanchet

Cover slide of Gabriel Blanchet’s presentation.

Gabriel Blanchet creates a short presentation to explain some key elements of email marketing and its trends to show us why it’s still a valuable tool despite the rise of social media.

What do I love about these slides? They’re awesome. Bright colors, clean visuals — they’ve got it all. What seals the deal for me is how Gabriel breaks down each point and explains why it matters.

7. 2022 GWI’s Social Report by GWI

Cover slide of GWI’s presentation.

I’m really impressed by how Leticia Xavier uses different shades of pink and purple to add some contrast to the slides. Everything, from the graphs to the backgrounds and images, sticks to this same color palette.

If I’m ever worried about my visuals not contrasting enough, I’ll definitely draw inspiration from Leticia’s color palette. Pick one or two colors and play around with different shades and tones to tie the slides together and make them pop.

8. Digital 2023 Global Overview Report by DataReportal

Cover slide of a presentation by DataReportal.

I chose this slide deck from DataReportal because it reminds me that strong contrast between text and background is crucial. It’s what makes my slides easy to scan.

The presentation uses a dark background throughout. The graphs and icons pop in bright orange, red, blue, and green, while the text keeps it white.

That said, if you’re prepping for an in-person presentation, think about the room. If it’s dim with the lights off, a dark background like this is spot on. But if it’s all bright and sunny, stick to a light background with dark text.

9. ThinkNow Culture Report 2022 by ThinkNow

Cover slide of ThinkNow’s presentation.

ThinkNow impresses me with how they’ve mixed magenta and yellow in the background of their PowerPoint design. Meanwhile, the graphs stick to classic black and white. It’s a smart move that creates sharp contrast and makes the visual elements easy to scan.

Plus, I appreciate how the headers are in a readable font, summarizing what each slide covers.

10. 2023 Metro CERT Annual Event by MNCERTs

Cover slide of Metro CERT presentation.

I’m surprised by how simple this Metro CERT presentation is. It displays just a few words per slide, all in big, bold fonts. The contrast between the blue and yellow colors is striking and makes everything really pop.

And you know what’s even more creative? There are loads of images of people sprinkled throughout. It adds a nice personal touch that keeps things interesting.

11. Pecan Creek Winery 2023 in Pictures Presentations

Cover slide of Pekan Creek Winery’s presentation.

As I was going through Pekan Creek Winery’s business presentation, I noticed how it sticks to a simple color palette of just white and black. It’s clean and sleek and lets the content shine without any distractions.

It’s also packed with loads of pictures that showcase events and the wine-making process. That’s exactly how you craft a presentation that gets people pumped up about your brand.

12. LLMs in Healthcare and Pharma. VTI day

Cover slide of LLMs in Healthcare and Pharma presentation.

This engaging presentation impresses me with its visuals. From charts to photos and even some fun animations, it’s got a little bit of everything to keep its audience hooked.

It keeps the fonts simple, which I appreciate. Plus, those bright background colors make the black and blue text stand out.

The presentation is also spiced up by the story of a dog named Sassy. It adds a personal touch. And who doesn’t like a good story? It’s a surefire way to keep attendees glued to your presentation.

13. Exploring Advanced API Security Techniques and Technologies by Sudhir Chepeni

Cover slide of Sudhir Chepeni’s presentation.

The next time I do a data-heavy presentation, I’ll take some inspiration from Sudhir Chepeni’s slide designs. The dark background paired with bright text commands attention. And those simple, readable fonts make it easy to digest the information.

Plus, I admire how he sprinkled charts and data throughout. It keeps things interesting and breaks up the text nicely.

14. Competition in Energy Markets by Georg Zachmann

Cover slide of Georg Zachmann’s presentation.

Simplifying technical information can be a tough nut to crack, especially when you have to explain it in a slide deck. But Georg Zachmann isn’t afraid of the challenge.

He uses graphs and charts to break down complex technical issues about the energy crisis into clear visual representations, which I really love.

I also noticed the big, bold headings that immediately tell you what each slide is about. You can skim the document quickly and hone in on the key points you need to know.

15. 10 Things That Helped Me Advance My Career by Thijs Feryn

Cover slide of Thijs Feryn’s presentation.

This presentation impresses me right from the cover slide. The image of a man ascending the stairs captures a sense of effort and accomplishment, which is precisely what the presentation is all about.

The keynote speaker, Thijs Feryn, nails it with the storytelling aspect. Each slide feels like a new chapter unfolding and transitioning seamlessly into the next.

And the visuals? They’re top-notch — from captivating photos to lively animations and even a handy map. Plus, those bright colors and huge text fonts make sure every detail pops, even for the person chilling in the back row.

Create the Best PowerPoint Presentation Designs

As someone who’s created countless presentations, I’ve seen firsthand the transformation that happens when you put a little soul into those slide layouts — whether adding sleek visuals, cutting down on clutter, or weaving a story that carries your message.

Implement the tips I’ve discussed here so that each slide can act as a stepping stone that gently guides your audience to where you want them next. These little touches can turn a good slide deck into your best PowerPoint presentation yet.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in March 2023 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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What It Takes to Give a Great Presentation

by Carmine Gallo

how to make company presentation in powerpoint

Summary .   

Never underestimate the power of great communication. It can help you land the job of your dreams, attract investors to back your idea, or elevate your stature within your organization. But while there are plenty of good speakers in the world, you can set yourself apart out by being the person who can deliver something great over and over. Here are a few tips for business professionals who want to move from being good speakers to great ones: be concise (the fewer words, the better); never use bullet points (photos and images paired together are more memorable); don’t underestimate the power of your voice (raise and lower it for emphasis); give your audience something extra (unexpected moments will grab their attention); rehearse (the best speakers are the best because they practice — a lot).

I was sitting across the table from a Silicon Valley CEO who had pioneered a technology that touches many of our lives — the flash memory that stores data on smartphones, digital cameras, and computers. He was a frequent guest on CNBC and had been delivering business presentations for at least 20 years before we met. And yet, the CEO wanted to sharpen his public speaking skills.

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How to Make a Business Presentation (12 Easy Tips)

Jul 25, 2022

Whether over online or in the conference room, there’s a lot to consider when making a business presentation. Finding your unique presentation style that balances humor, confidence, approachability, and professionalism is no easy feat. Above all, capturing and retaining your audience’s attention is the most important and often the most difficult thing to juggle.

In this blog, we’ll share how to make a business presentation that’s compelling, engaging, persuasive, and memorable. Feel free to skip ahead to our 12 tips or start creating your own business presentation with a professional template

2022-06 SEO-Blog-Post-Images Q2-Batch1 How-to-make-a-Business Presentation

Prepare your presentation with Microsoft 365 Copilot

You’ve been asked to give a new presentation and Microsoft 365 Copilot ​​​​​​can help! For this example, we’ll imagine you’re a professional landscaper and you’ve been asked to present to a local community organization about tulips.

Start from an outline

Often the best way to prepare a new presentation is to create an outline of what you plan to cover. For our example we’ll start with Copilot in OneNote.

Start OneNote.

Navigate to the section where you want your presentation outline to live.

Create a new page for your presentation.

Start Copilot from the ribbon.

The Copilot pane will open on the right, waiting for your prompt. You can use natural language, and the more details you can give Copilot the better your results will be.

You could just enter:

Create an outline for a 45-minute presentation on tulips.

But you’ll get better results if you do a couple more things.

Give it context

Start by telling it what role you want Copilot to play in creating this content.

Act as a professional landscaper. Create an outline for a 45-minute presentation on tulips.

By setting that context first, you let the AI know how you want the content framed.

Give it more details

Try adding to your prompt details about what you want it to cover, and who the audience is.

Act as a professional landscaper speaking to a group of interested community members. Create an outline for a 45-minute presentation on tulips. Include sections on the history of the flower, different types, best time to plant, care and feeding.

Now when you run the prompt, you’ll get a more detailed response.

Tip:  Don’t be afraid to play around with the specifics – add or remove details, change the order, try different contexts.

If you’re happy (or mostly happy) with the draft outline Copilot has created, select the copy button in the Copilot pane and paste the outline onto your OneNote page.

Review and edit

Now you’ll want to add your own touches. Go through the outline and add or remove things as you see fit.

Tip:  OneNote excels as a research tool. Don’t be afraid to add your own notes, copy in content from websites, or add other supporting materials to the page that will be helpful as you prepare your presentation.

Create your handout

When you’re happy with your outline it’s time to create some handouts for the audience. Select your outline in OneNote and copy it to the clipboard. Then open Microsoft Word to a new, blank, document.

Screenshot shows Draft with Copilot in Word.

When Word opens the Copilot dialog should appear. Let’s give it a prompt:

Act as a professional landscaper creating an article for an audience of interested community members. Make it clear, simple, and engaging. Base it off this outline: <paste outline from OneNote>.

Copilot will draft an article for you based on your presentation outline.

Save to OneDrive

Before you spend much time editing your handout, save it to OneDrive. This will make sure your work is saved as you go and it’s key to our final step in preparing the presentation.

Go through the article and make sure that what Copilot added is what you wanted. Edit for voice and tone and make sure any facts it’s added are accurate. Remove anything you don’t want and add anything it missed.

Tip:  You can ask Copilot to add more content if you like. Place the cursor where you want that content to be, then click the Copilot button. Tell it what you want. Add two paragraphs about other plants that look good with tulips.

Ask Copilot to Add an image of a Tulip and it will find and suggest some appropriate images to add to the document.

Tip:  For more about having Copilot add images to your document see  Add an image with Copilot in Word.

Create the presentation

Now it’s time to let Copilot in PowerPoint get to work.

Open PowerPoint to a new blank presentation.

Select Copilot from the ribbon.

In the prompt box type Create presentation from  file.

Select a file from the list of suggestions or start typing the file name if the one you want doesn't appear automatically.

Copilot in PowerPoint will build a draft presentation based on your Word document, complete with images and speaker notes.

Your browser does not support video. Install Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe Flash Player, or Internet Explorer 9.

As always, it’s important that you review the draft Copilot has created. Add any additional slides or information you want, remove any that you don’t.  Add your own expertise where appropriate.

If you want to change any of the images Copilot has added just right-click the image and select Change picture .

Tip:  Practice with Speaker Coach When you’re happy with the presentation you might want to practice it once or twice with Speaker Coach before the big day. For more information see  Rehearse your slide show with Speaker Coach.

Give it a try!

Next time you have a presentation to create let Copilot help you at each step of the way.

Welcome to Copilot in PowerPoint

Unleash your productivity with AI

Copilot Lab - Start your Copilot journey!


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  • Powerpoint Tutorials

How to Insert a 3D Model in PowerPoint: Step-by-Step Guide

PowerPoint Tutorials for You - A man sits at a computer working on a PowerPoint presentation with 3D shapes on the screen.

PowerPoints have come a long way. Every time Microsoft updates them, they present and include such cool features to make slides much more interesting. Without much consideration, one of the coolest and most visually interesting things that can be added to a slide is the ability to add 3D models right into your slides. Here in this blog, we will guide you through the way of placing a 3D model in PowerPoint.

What Is a 3D Model in PowerPoint?

A 3D model is the digitized representation of any object that you can see from all directions. Think about holding a real object in your hand and turning it around. Adding 3D models in PowerPoint proves to be an effective dynamic presentation that captures the interest of your audience.

Whether it’s a presentation in school, a business proposal, or even a product showcase, 3D models may just be what gives you that “wow” factor. Let your viewers see the content visually so they understand everything quite easily.

Step-by-Step Guide How to Put a 3D Model in PowerPoint

Alright, let’s break this down into really super simple steps so you can follow along with ease:

1. Open PowerPoint

Open PowerPoint and you can either create a new presentation or open an existing one.

2. Select the Slide

Select which slide you want the 3D model to appear on. Remember, though, that this feature is most effective when you have slides that don’t contain too much text or graphics.

3. Select the Insert Tab

When you get to the right slide, go to the top menu and click ‘Insert’.

4. Click 3D Models

In the ‘Insert’ tab, you will see an option called ‘3D Models’. Select it.

You have two options here:

  • From Online Sources: You can explore the online library of 3D models saved by PowerPoint here.
  • From This Device: If you have a file of a saved 3D model on your computer, you can upload it there.

how to make company presentation in powerpoint

5. Choose a 3D Model

A small library of models will appear if you click ‘3D Models’. It depends on whether you have selected an online model or uploaded one from a device. Choose a model of your choice by selecting it and then clicking ‘Insert’.

how to make company presentation in powerpoint

6. Shrinking and Dragging

If you add a model to your slide, you can drag it, shrink it, and even rotate it. That is done by clicking your model. Then you look above it and find a floating icon called the 3D rotation tool. You’re allowed to drag that around until you get the angle you want.

how to make company presentation in powerpoint

7. 3D Model Tools

When you insert the 3D model, you will have a ‘3D Model Tools’ tab appear in the toolbar. This will let you be able to manipulate the view of the model, resize it, and also include such effects as animations.

Bonus Tip: Animate Your 3D Models

You can even animate your 3D models in PowerPoint. You could make them spin around, zoom in on your presentation, or even float off the page! Here’s how to add some motion:

  • Click on the 3D model.
  • Click the ‘Animations’ on the toolbar.
  • Select an animation: try ‘Turntable,’ ‘Swing,’ or ‘Jump & Turn.’

how to make company presentation in powerpoint

It’s very useful when you have to present some complex data or design to people. Interesting, is it?

Why Use 3D Models?

The best thing about using 3D models in a presentation is that it:

  • Is helpful for Visual Learning: People learn to understand better what they can see and actually play around with something.
  • Engagement: Moving models can catch and hold the eyes of the audience.
  • 3D elements give your slides a very professional and awesome look.

And if you don’t have time to spend for designing, you can simply take off with premade 3D shape PowerPoint templates or even free PPT templates available on the web.

Final Thoughts

Adding 3D models to your presentations can elevate them. It will not only make your slides much more likely to pop and explain your points regarding really complex concepts in the most visual and memorable manner, but it will also make your point much clearer, especially when you have to talk about the design of a product, walk around architectural plans, or even a scientific presentation.

Don’t forget! For more cool hacks to power up your presentations, check out our complete tips and tricks page, containing thousands of ways to enhance your PowerPoint presentations.

Next time you’re crafting a presentation, give 3D models a try and see the difference it makes!

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PowerPoint Tutorials for You - A man sits at a computer working on a PowerPoint presentation with 3D images on the screen.

Arockia Mary Amutha

Arockia Mary Amutha is a seasoned senior content writer at SlideEgg, bringing over four years of dedicated experience to the field. Her expertise in presentation tools like PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Canva shines through in her clear, concise, and professional writing style. With a passion for crafting engaging and insightful content, she specializes in creating detailed how-to guides, tutorials, and tips on presentation design that resonate with and empower readers.

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20 Best Free Corporate PowerPoint Templates: Company PPT Presentations 2024

Sharon Hurley Hall

It happens. Your day's going smoothly. But you're suddenly tasked with a presentation to the C-suite, with almost no time to prepare.

The answer could be a corporate presentation template .

Rogue corporate powerpoint templates

You know  your corporate presentation design needs the wow factor. But you're not quite sure how to achieve it . One way to get up and running fast is to use a corporate PowerPoint template.

A corporate presentation template helps you build the best company profile PPT . You can find plenty of stunning corporate presentation templates on Envato Elements.

In this guide, I'll share some top PowerPoint templates for corporate presentations. Use them to make your company presentations in PPT stand out.

10 Best Corporate PowerPoint Templates From Envato Elements for 2024

Here you'll find some of the best premium corporate presentation template options available. Check these ten business PowerPoint examples:

1. Kalium - Corporate PowerPoint Template

Kalium corporate ppt templates

The Kalium corporate PowerPoint template is excellent for presenting creative ideas. Modern and stylish, this corporate presentation template contains 50 unique slide designs. There are charts and graphs you can edit via tables.

Plus, it's got handy vector icons you can easily resize to meet your needs. If you're looking for the best corporate presentation PPT, Kalium is up there.

2. Linka - Corporate PowerPoint Template

corporate presentation templates - linka

If you're looking for a new company presentation PowerPoint, Linka is a great place to start. It's clean, modern, and attractive. It'll help your facts and data look great. 

Corporate PPT templates with over 30 slides give you lots of freedom. Use the master slides to quickly customize your corporate presentation. Use this PowerPoint design for company introductions.

3. Lovely - Company Presentation PowerPoint

lovely powerpoint templates for corporate presentations

The Lovely theme will suit you if you're looking for a company profile template. That's because it includes 130+ slides to meet every need. Easily match your corporate PPT templates and corporate presentations to your branding.

Choose between one of the 50 included color schemes. There are also 30 corporate PPT slides with icons for extra customization.

4.  Officescape - Corporate PowerPoint Template

officescape corporate ppt presentation

Officescape has three premade color schemes. So, this is a good business PowerPoint background if you like to keep things simple. It's got 30 unique slide designs to help you present your team, services, and data.

This is a top option if you need to make a company PowerPoint template.

5.  Mondor - Corporate PowerPoint Template

mondor corporate ppt slides

Mondor is an elegant corporate PowerPoint template with minimalist slide designs. It uses master slides for easy editing, with 30 slide designs included. The company presentation PowerPoint graphics are easy to edit and resize.

You'll soon have an attractive corporate presentation ready to go. This is a top corporate presentation template available on Envato Elements.

6. Lullaby - Business PowerPoint Template

Lullaby - Vegetables Powerpoint Template

This corporate presentation has 30 unique slides in several color schemes. It also includes device mockups and unique elements. Take advantage of all the features, including the picture placeholders.

It's a special option, better than most free corporate PowerPoint templates out there.

7. Ordena - Corporate PowerPoint Template

Ordena - Business Presentation PowerPoint Template

This business PowerPoint background offers a lot of variety. It comes with graphics, 30 slides, and free fonts. The vector icons are fully resizable.

It's easy to present information with charts and graphs. Get this amazing company PowerPoint template today!

8. Picolo - Corporate PowerPoint Templates

Picolo – Business PowerPoint Template

Picolo is an attractive and full-featured corporate PowerPoint template set. It includes 39 unique slides to help you present any aspect of your business. It's really easy to brand your corporate PowerPoint templates.

The business PowerPoint background also includes charts to present business data. Even the best free corporate presentation template can't match up with Picolo.

9. Public - Company Presentation for PowerPoint

Public Powerpoint Presentation Template

In Public, there are 30 unique and 150 total slides in five color schemes. This set of corporate PowerPoint templates meets a variety of needs. It includes infographic slides to help you make the best company presentation PowerPoint.

Customize your business PPT templates even more with picture placeholders. It's a nice option for a company PowerPoint template.

10. Madun - Company Presentation PowerPoint

Madun – Business PowerPoint Template

Madun is a minimalist business PowerPoint template. It includes 39 unique slides with a crisp, modern look. Based on master slides, this business PPT templates set uses free web fonts.

Madun is worth looking towards instead of free corporate PPT templates.

20 Corporate PowerPoint Templates Free to Download

Do you want a well-designed, unique look for your company introduction PPT presentations? Then premium corporate PowerPoint templates are your best bet .

You'll get plenty of support from designers, and lots of included extras. 

Envato Elements Free Files

Before looking for free corporate PPT presentation templates, check Envato's free offerings. Try premium template files (not always corporate PPT presentations) at no cost to you.

Every month, Envato Elements offers 12 different hand-selected files. These include fonts, corporate presentations, business PowerPoint examples, videos, and more. Create a free account to download this month's free premium files now.

Sometimes free corporate slide decks are what you need. Here are the best company profile presentation PPT templates we could find. We've gathered a selection of free corporate PowerPoint presentation templates today.

Check these free business PowerPoint presentation examples:

1.  Jones - Corporate PPT Templates

Jones Free Template

This free corporate presentation has over 20 slides. It's easy to customize, with included graphs and icons. You can also use corporate PPT templates like this with Google Slides.

2. Medeley - Free Company Presentation PowerPoint

This free business PowerPoint template has a gradient background on the first slide. Easily customize it to show your company's data. 

3. Reed - Free Corporate Presentation Template

Looking for free corporate presentation templates that are simple but still stylish? Check out this free business PowerPoint background. It's a cool corporate template you can customize.

4. Clark - PowerPoint Design for a Company

Business PPT templates like this offer a trendy aesthetic. This has a bright color scheme that could work well for many design situations. Find icons, device mockups, and more!

5.  Howard - Corporate Presentation Template

Howard Free Template

This free corporate PowerPoint template features slides with a neutral background. Graphics and text are eye-catching. It's intended to help quickly present data on your latest project.

6.  Leadership - Corporate Presentation for PPT

This free company PowerPoint template for a corporate presentation has easy-to-edit slides. It's got a simple layout and colorful PowerPoint design for a company.

7.  Holo - Free Corporate Presentation Templates

This free corporate presentation template has a great gradient background. It's easy to customize. Use graphs, maps, and icons to make your data stand out.

8.  Formal B&W- Corporate Presentation Template

Business PPT templates like this work well for an elegant slideshow. It takes a minimalist approach and has several attractive slides. Don't miss out on one of the best free options from this list. 

9.  Dark Radiance - Company PowerPoint Template

This business PowerPoint template is ideal for corporate presentations. It includes 31 different slides and is easy to customize. It's a corporate template with tons of amazing icons.

10.  Julia - Corporate PowerPoint Template

Julia Free Template

This free corporate presentation lets you present company data to investors or stakeholders. This free company presentation for PowerPoint features a well-organized layout with beautiful slides.

11.  Formal Red - Free Corporate Template

This company introduction PPT template is designed to make it easier to present data. It includes icons and picture placeholders. The free company introduction PPT set includes 20+ slides.

12.  Manhattan - Business PowerPoint Template

The best PPT templates for corporate presentations draw the gaze. That's exactly the effect of the yellow design on these slides. This free company introduction PPT is excellent for technological business data.

13.  Philo Free Corporate Presentation Templates

These Philo corporate presentation theme PowerPoint slides have a retro look. They feature an old-fashioned TV screen as a frame for your data. It includes 10 different slides.

14. Dow - Business Company PPT Presentation

This free corporate PowerPoint template is an excellent choice for a minimalist aesthetic. Keep the layout as is or use it to jumpstart your design process.

15.  Scarlet - Free Business Presentation

Scarlet Free Template

Need to make a sales pitch? This business presentation PowerPoint template will get you started fast. Introduce your business plan with great slides to help you win over your audience.

16.  Gray Company - Corporate Template

This corporate PowerPoint template's got pops of red on a grey background. This gives it a clean and uncluttered look. The easy-to-edit corporate presentation template set includes vector icons.

17. IT Company - Corporate Presentation Template

If you like a modern look and feel, give this free corporate presentation a look. Use it as is or add to it to further customize the design. If you can't get a pro corporate presentation, these free slides can work.

18. Monthly Report - Company PowerPoint Template

This design is both simple and trendy. Download these free corporate PowerPoint templates. Add your content, and you have a charming corporate presentation in a snap.

19. Bar Charts Template - Free Corporate Presentation

If you need to pitch a lot of data, check out corporate PPT templates like this. Use it to give a boost to your brand image. Go ahead and try this company PowerPoint template.

20. Smart City - PowerPoint Design for Company PPTs

Smart City Free Template

Add your imagery to this smart city-themed company PowerPoint template. The overlays here work with a wide variety of imagery, making it a versatile starting point.

Modern PowerPoint Templates for Corporate Presentations on Envato Elements (With Unlimited Use)

Are you looking for premium PowerPoint company presentation templates? Envato Elements has an offer you won't want to miss.

Download as many of the best business PowerPoint templates as you want, all for one low price .

Check out the PowerPoint templates for corporate use on Envato Elements. To find the perfect one, visit Envato Elements, and select Presentation Templates . 

Type corporate into the search box to see thousands of company presentation templates. When you find the one you want, select it, and click Download . Then, start customizing your company PPT presentation. 

Modern Corporate PPTs

Design without limits with Envato Elements corporate powerpoint templates

How to Customize Your Corporate PowerPoint Presentation Templates

Now that you've chosen a corporate PowerPoint template, you'll want to customize it.

The corporate presentation we'll use today is the premium Peach Corporate PowerPoint Template . Download it to follow along or go through the steps with your own template.

Coporate PowerPoint Template

Here are some tips on how to customize your company PPT presentation template:

1. How to Change an Object's Color

I'll use slide four to show you how to change an object's color. Select the object that you want to change the color of. You'll know the object is selected when a box appears around it.

Next on the Home tab click the arrow next to the Shape Fill button. This will cause a menu to drop down. From that menu select the color you want to the object to be.

How to Change an Objects Color

2. How to Change the Text Color

Select the text that you want to change the color of. On the Home  tab select the Font Color  button.

Selecting the button will cause a menu to drop down. Select the color that you want to use for your text.

How to Change the Text Color

3. How to Add an Image to Your Slide

Next, I'll show you how to add an image to slide eight. There are two ways to add an image to your slide: 

  • Click the Add Image button in the picture placeholder. After you click this button, you search for the image on your computer. When you find it, insert it. 
  • Click on the Insert tab and click on the Picture  button. When you click on the Picture button a menu will drop down. Select the right option based on where your picture is located.

How to Add an Image to Your Slide

4. How to Change the Background Color of Your Slide

Now let's learn how to change the background color on slide 4. 

To change the background color of your slide, click on the Design tab. Then click on the Format Background button. Clicking on this button causes a sidebar to pop up. 

In the Format Background sidebar click on the Fill Color button. Clicking on the Fill Color button causes a color menu to drop down. Now, select the color that you want the background of your slide to be.

How to Change the Background Color of Your Slide

5. How to Change the Theme Color

Click on the Design tab and click the arrow underneath the slide designs. After you click the arrow, you'll see an option that says Colors . Click on that option.

Next, choose which color scheme you want to use.

How to Change the Theme Colors

5 Tips to Make Great Corporate Presentations With PowerPoint

Want to create even more effective corporate PPT presentations? These tips will help you make a lasting impact on your audience:

1. Know Your Topic 

Knowledge of your corporate presentations is power. There's no better way to wow your audience than to know your stuff. If you're confident about what you're presenting, your PPT will be better.

So, research and practice until you're pitch-perfect.

premium corporate presentation templates

2. Start With the Conclusion 

If you're doing an executive presentation , start at the end. Tell them the main point you're going to make in your corporate presentations. After that, present your evidence. It may seem backward, but this is a proven way to keep execs' attention.

3. Keep Slides Simple 

Often, less is more with corporate PPT templates and presentation slides. Keep slides of your corporate PPT templates uncluttered. Use only the words you need to make your point.

If people get your presentation by reading the slides, then you've written too much. So, go back and pare it down.

Bring N Co Best Company Presentation PPT with Simple Slides

4. Use Charts in Your Company PowerPoint Template

Many corporate presentations include data. Instead of showing a spreadsheet or, even worse, a wall of text, use the data to create charts. 

5. Make Images Clear

Sorry, but muddy or pixelated images just won't cut it. Ensure that the images you use are sharp and relevant to avoid turning off your audience. 

best ppt templates for corporate presentation

Best Company Presentation PowerPoint Trends for 2024

Trying to make the best company presentation you can, but you're not sure of a look or feel for it?

Here are some of the best corporate presentation trends for 2024 to inspire you:

1. Use Eye-Catching Typography

The text in your company PowerPoint template presentation is more than "just text." This is an important part of your corporate PowerPoint templates, and your design choices can make a big impact. 

Note which fonts work with your branding. If you already have an identity established, use those defined fonts. Otherwise, think about what best supports your message.

For example, if you're in the fashion industry, it might be a good idea to take notes from your industry at large. High contrast serifs could work great. Likewise, you might want to try a clean sans serif for a technology focus.

Softly Presentation Template

Not sure where to find font inspiration? Check out these collections. There are plenty of fonts to see.

It's a great idea to do some visual research here and get a feel for what would be right for you.

how to make company presentation in powerpoint

2. Contrast to Command Attention 

Not sure what contrast is? Think about it this way: dark-colored text on a light background really stands out . Likewise, light-colored text on a light background would be harder to see.

Why? Well, it would easily blend into the background of your company presentation template. Contrast refers to this comparison of light and dark values.

Use contrast not only to help readability, but also to help make key parts of your design stand out.

Dodet Presentation

3. Take Your Branding Colors Further

Medical Presentation Template

4. Give Your Company Presentation Template a Space to Breathe

This might just be one of the best corporate presentation trends to keep in mind. Clutter is very rarely in style. Instead, remember to keep "white space" in your design.

Sometimes, less is more. Not only that, but well placed "empty parts" of your design can make for a really clean, elegant look. 

When in doubt, stop and ask yourself if there's too much content on your slide. Take a look at this premium PowerPoint template design below. Notice how many parts of the design use a clean, clear space.

Foundrics Business Powerpoint Template

5. Find Balance Between Variety and Consistency

It's often a good idea to keep things consistent in your design. Having repetitive design elements can help make your slides look cohesive and related. But too many repetitive elements can make your company presentation template look boring.

Variety creates interest. This would be something that changes from slide to slide. Too much variety, though, can be disorganized to look at.

It's important to find a balance between the two. Pick some elements to keep consistent, and the strategically change others. 

Social Humanity Powerpoint Presentation Template

Discover More Great PowerPoint Templates for 2024

You can find more beautiful PowerPoint templates in the roundups below:

how to make company presentation in powerpoint

5 Benefits of Using a Professional Corporate Presentation

In this article you've seen ten premium corporate PowerPoint presentation templates. We also saw 20 free corporate PowerPoint templates.

But is there really that much of a difference? What benefits do professional company presentation PPTs have?

If you're unsure, don't worry. Here are five reasons that you should use a premium company PowerPoint template:

  •   A premium corporate PPT  saves time . A pro corporate presentation template saves time because you aren't starting from scratch. When you use premium corporate presentations, the base is already done. Just add your data and make any changes you need.
  • It's impressive . A pro corporate presentation template is designed to impress. A premium company PowerPoint template comes with professionally designed slides. Plus, many also include illustrations and icons.
  • Slides are already laid out . Ideas are built-in. Most premium corporate PowerPoint templates have prebuilt slides that serve as an outline. This can keep you from accidentally forgetting an important slide.
  • Easily customizable . Every company presentation PowerPoint template is easily customizable. No need to worry that you won’t be able to customize your corporate presentation template. Everything from color schemes to objects is editable with premium corporate presentation templates.
  • They're unique . A premium company presentation PowerPoint is more unique than free corporate PPT templates. Most people won't use a premium corporate presentation template. The impressive designs will stand out when compared to standard or self-made presentations.

Benefits of Envato Elements (The Power of Unlimited Use)

Professional Corporate Presentation Envato Elements

Are you looking for corporate PowerPoint presentation templates? Envato Elements is an awesome choice. One, low fee gets you access to an entire library of content.

You also get access to a library of fonts, graphics, audio, and much more. Sign up today and take advantage of unlimited downloads.

Choose from a wide range of PowerPoint templates and get your project done today!

Common PowerPoint Questions Answered (FAQ)

It doesn't matter if this is your first corporation presentation. It's normal to have questions. We've gathered some common PowerPoint questions (and answers) to help you out:

1. I'm New to PowerPoint. Where Do I Begin?

New software can feel overwhelming. Thankfully, there are a lot of awesome tutorials out there, including here on Envato Tuts+.

If you're looking for a great place to get started right now (for free) check out this tutorial. It's just for beginners and will get you started on the right track.

how to make company presentation in powerpoint

2. How Do I Reduce PowerPoint File Size?

File size can be a big concern. Especially if you're working with a larger company presentation PowerPoint. Thankfully, there are strategies to keep your file sizes small and manageable. 

For example, did you know PowerPoint can compress selected images for you? Read more about it in this free tutorial:

how to make company presentation in powerpoint

3. How Do I Get Started With Corporate PowerPoint Templates?

So, you've decided to work with corporate presentation templates for your next design. It can be a huge time saver, but where do you start? 

Working with a corporate presentation template is like starting from scratch. Editing content and placing content will be the same process. A premium company PowerPoint template may even include a help file.

Need some guidance? This walkthrough can help you play with the text in your next PPT.

how to make company presentation in powerpoint

4. How Do I Share My Company PPT Presentation Online?

There are several ways that you can share your PowerPoint presentation online. You can even share your corporate presentation in a Zoom meeting! How you share will depend on your corporate presentations' goals. 

Curious? Check out this article. 

how to make company presentation in powerpoint

5. What Are Some Best Practices for Ending My Company Presentation in PPT?

Your corporate presentations should have a solid ending. Especially if you're closing with questions. Consider how to prompt discussion and make the audience feel welcome to ask.

Want more tips and tricks on ending your corporate presentation? Check out this free tutorial:

how to make company presentation in powerpoint

Learn More About Corporate PowerPoint Templates

Want to learn more about creating the best company profile presentations? Check out our guide to how to use PowerPoint , or read the articles below:

how to make company presentation in powerpoint

Get a Corporate PowerPoint Template Today

So, what would be the best corporate presentation for your business? A premium PPT can help you make a positive impression on your audience . And a full-featured corporate PowerPoint template has everything to show off your data . 

Download corporate PowerPoint templates at Envato Elements for one low price. There are hundreds of PowerPoint company presentation templates to choose from. Get yours and create a new presentation today.

Editorial Note : This post was originally published on January 27, 2020. It's been updated with contributions from Sarah Joy , Daisy Ein , Nathan Umoh , Gonzalo Angulo , and Renata Martin Intriago . Sarah, Daisy, and Nathan are freelance instructors for Envato Tuts+. Gonzalo is Tuts+ Associate Video Editor. Renata is staff writer with Envato Tuts+ .

Sharon Hurley Hall


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  2. A Company Introduction & Business Plan Presentation Template

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  3. Best Company Profile Templates for PowerPoint (with Examples)

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  4. Company Profile PowerPoint Template

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  5. 35+ Best Business & Corporate PowerPoint Templates 2021

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  1. Loop Dee Do

  2. How to create MINIMALISTIC SLIDE in PowerPoint?

  3. How to Make Powerpoint More Cool with Zoom Effect and Morph Animation

  4. Company Presentation PowerPoint Template

  5. Create Easy Scrolling Slides Zoom in Powerpoint

  6. Gray company presentation PowerPoint template


  1. How To Make a Company Profile Presentation with Templates

    Step 1 - Company Profile Cover Page. Your first slide can include your company logo, a title that typically reads "Company Profile", and a sub-title. A quick one-liner description can be entered here or a meaningful short text with a motto or phrase. Useful tips for reviewing the Cover Page of a Company Presentation.

  2. How to Quickly Make a Company Profile in PowerPoint PPT + Video

    Then, find the Shape Format menu on the ribbon. Click on it, then choose the Shape Fill dropdown. Use the Shape Format menu to update your company profile design PPT with your brand color scheme. Inside, you'll see a color chooser appear. You can choose from preset options, including Solid and Gradient colors.

  3. Guide to Making Great Business Presentations (with Examples)

    We further distill business presentation design and writing best practices in the next section (plus, provide several actionable business PowerPoint presentation examples!). How to Make a Business Presentation: Actionable Tips. A business presentation consists of two parts — a slide deck and a verbal speech.

  4. How to Make Professional PowerPoint Presentations (w/Templates

    To customize the text in this template, you can work with the built-in text placeholders. To start, click into any text box. Then, press Ctrl + A (Cmd + A on Mac) to select all the text inside. Type over the text placeholders in a premium professional presentation so that the slides tell your story.

  5. How to Make a Company Profile Presentation (Tips & Examples)

    1) Tell your company's story visually. Start with a strong visual narrative. Use images, infographics, and timelines to illustrate your company's journey, achievements, and future goals. This approach helps your audience connect with your story on a deeper level.

  6. The Complete Guide to Making Great Business Presentations in 2024

    Go to the file where your outline is stored. To the right of the File name field, switch from All PowerPoint Presentations to All Files. Click on your outline file and then click Open. PowerPoint creates a new presentation, with each paragraph of your outline in the title field of a new slide.

  7. How to make a branded PowerPoint presentation

    Open your PowerPoint deck and go to the slide where you want the logo. Select Insert > Pictures > This Device. Navigate to your logo file, select it, and then select Insert. Select the logo and resize it (if necessary) by clicking and dragging one of the resize handles, then drag the logo to the position you want it in.

  8. How to Quickly Make a Company Profile in PowerPoint

    Curious about how to create a great company profile in PowerPoint? We'll walk through how to quickly create a company profile PowerPoint presentation in this...

  9. How to Make a Business Presentation in 7 Easy Steps [Free Business

    Ask a question. Have them turn to a neighbor and share one reaction to what they just heard. Have people stand up momentarily if they agree with a given statement. Movement will engage attention in a new way and refresh the energy of the room, carrying you through to the end of the presentation. 7.

  10. 15 Expert Tips for Giving a Powerful Business Presentation

    2 Be enthusiastic. Believe me, vibes matter. No one wants to hear you drone on about a subject you don't care for. If you're tired and bored of your own presentation, your audience is probably feeling the same way. Anyone listening to you should know how passionate you are about the subject.

  11. Best Company Profile Presentation Template

    The company profile PowerPoint presentation makes room to share customer testimonials. Ask your best clients to give a review of your services and showcase them here. Get your presentation custom designed by us, starting at just $10 per slide. STEP 1.

  12. Top 20 Free Templates For Corporate And Business Presentations

    Aemelia Presentation Template by Slides Carnival. Sometimes, you don't need to use something flashy to make your corporate or business presentation stand out. A simple, but well-designed template pack like Aemelia may be enough to do the job for you. This 25-slide template pack uses transparent icons as a pattern.

  13. How to Make a "Good" Presentation "Great"

    When in doubt, adhere to the principle of simplicity, and aim for a clean and uncluttered layout with plenty of white space around text and images. Think phrases and bullets, not sentences. As an ...

  14. Use your organization's templates in PowerPoint

    When you first open PowerPoint, in the left column, select New or, if you already have a PowerPoint presentation open, go to File > New. In the New window, open the templates folder with your organization's name on it. You'll see branded templates within or folders containing branded templates. Right-click the template you want and from the ...

  15. How to Make & Give Great PowerPoint Presentations (In 5 Simple Steps)

    To change your PowerPoint theme, navigate to the Design tab on PowerPoint's ribbon. Click the drop-down arrow. Choose one of the thumbnails to change your PowerPoint theme to the best one for your presentation. Change theme designs in PowerPoint. Using themes and adding your content goes hand-in-hand.

  16. How to Create the Best PowerPoint Presentations [Examples & Templates]

    1. The presentation is highly relevant to the audience. A lot goes into creating presentations that hit the mark. First, I clearly define my audience. Then, I choose topics that genuinely interest them, offer actionable advice, answer their questions, or address their pain points. But this isn't just my strategy.

  17. What It Takes to Give a Great Presentation

    What It Takes to Give a Great Presentation. Summary. Never underestimate the power of great communication. It can help you land the job of your dreams, attract investors to back your idea, or ...

  18. How to Make a Business Presentation (12 Easy Tips)

    Make your presentation interactive. Help your audience break out of autopilot by engaging with them during your presentation. Create a dialogue between you and your audience by asking questions, using anecdotes, or opening it up to stories and feedback. 9. Use visual aids to keep your audience engaged.

  19. How to Create Great PowerPoint Presentations (With Top 2024 Examples)

    4. Use a Professional PowerPoint Template. One way to make sure that you've got a great, visually appealing PowerPoint presentation is to use a premium PowerPoint template such as those available through Envato Elements or GraphicRiver. Here are some great PowerPoint examples from Envato Elements of templates that can be useful in creating your presentation.

  20. Prepare your presentation with Microsoft 365 Copilot

    Create an outline for a 45-minute presentation on tulips. But you'll get better results if you do a couple more things. Give it context. Start by telling it what role you want Copilot to play in creating this content. Act as a professional landscaper. Create an outline for a 45-minute presentation on tulips.

  21. How to Insert a 3D Model in PowerPoint: Step-by-Step Guide

    Step-by-Step Guide How to Put a 3D Model in PowerPoint. Alright, let's break this down into really super simple steps so you can follow along with ease: 1. Open PowerPoint. Open PowerPoint and you can either create a new presentation or open an existing one. 2. Select the Slide. Select which slide you want the 3D model to appear on.

  22. 25 PowerPoint Presentation Tips For Good PPT Slides in 2022

    Use a Custom Font. A PowerPoint presentation tip that'll make your slideshow more interesting and more engaging is to use a custom font. Fonts set the tone for your presentation. So, when you use a premium font, you're opting for a high-quality font while also adding a personal or creative touch.

  23. Free Corporate PPT Templates for Company Presentations

    1. Kalium - Corporate PowerPoint Template. Slide through the gallery to see more of this company presentation for PowerPoint. The Kalium corporate PowerPoint template is excellent for presenting creative ideas. Modern and stylish, this corporate presentation template contains 50 unique slide designs.