english homework year 10

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Year 10 English

Pack 4 [July]

Year 10 English Work Pack

Pack 3 [June]

Year 10 English Pack 3

Pack 2 [May]

Year 10 students are encouraged to complete the following:

English Literature – Remote Learning Part 1

English pre-learning Poetry Anthology Booklet

The Globe Theatre are streaming free of charge a production of Macbeth, from 18th May 2020.   Please use this  link

Pack 1 [April]

Year 10 students are encouraged to work on the English Literature Booklets and English Language papers and the revision sheets for the poems below and visit the useful revision websites listed beneath.

A Christmas Carol Revision Booklet

Macbeth Social and Historical Context Booklet

AQA GCSE English Language Paper 1

AQA GCSE English Language Paper 2

GCSE Useful English Revision Sites

AQA English Language

Helpful revision site that looks specifically at your GCSE exam board. Work through units on Reading and Writing and complete end of unit quizzes.  https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/examspecs/zcbchv4

Clear revision guide that walks you through each question of the two exams.  https://www.ktemplar.herts.sch.uk/Learning/English/GCSE_English_Language_Papers_1_and_2_Revision_Guide.pdf

Watch the revision video on how to approach the exams and make notes  https://lifemoreextraordinary.com/revision/revise-english-language-gcse-aqa/

Useful website that covers a multiple of topics and allows you to revise specific sections of the exam http://www.englishbiz.co.uk/

Mr Buff, is an outstanding English teacher and resource maker. His videos on youtube are extremely helpful and on his channel he has also created videos for all of your literature texts! Grab a notepad whilst watching to make those important notes!  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM2vdqz-7e4HAuzhpFuRY8w

AQA English Literature

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zgq3dmn https://www.norlington.net/assets/Uploads/Downloads/Macbeth-Revision-Booklet.pdf http://www.drapersacademy.com/Macbeth https://www.stokenewingtonschool.co.uk/asset/1911

An Inspector Calls

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zpr639q https://www.sparknotes.com/drama/an-inspector-calls/ https://revisionworld.com/a2-level-level-revision/english-literature-gcse-level/inspector-calls-j-b-priestley https://www.norlington.net/assets/Uploads/Downloads/An-Inspector-Calls-Revision-Booklet.pdf

A Christmas Carol

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zwhkxsg http://www.drapersacademy.com/A-Christmas-Carol https://revisionworld.com/a2-level-level-revision/english-literature-gcse-level/christmas-carol-charles-dickens https://www.sparknotes.com/lit/christmascarol http://www.lawnmanor.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Xmas-Carol-revision-guide-1.pdf

Anthology Poems


Home Learning

Please choose a year group to view and download study packs. The latest work packs have also been uploaded into Google classrooms. Year 7   …

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Year 10 English

IXL offers more than 100 Year 10 English skills to explore and learn! Not sure where to start? Go to your personalised Recommendations wall to find a skill that looks interesting, or select a skill plan that aligns to your textbook, national curriculum, or standardised test.

Reading strategies

A. main idea.

  • 1 Determine the main idea of a passage

B. Audience, purpose and tone

  • 1 Which text is most formal?
  • 2 Identify audience and purpose
  • 3 Compare passages for subjective and objective tone
  • 4 Compare passages for tone

C. Literary devices

  • 1 Identify the narrative point of view
  • 2 Interpret the meaning of an allusion from its source
  • 3 Recall the source of an allusion
  • 4 Interpret figures of speech
  • 5 Classify figures of speech: euphemism, hyperbole, oxymoron, paradox
  • 6 Classify figures of speech: review
  • 7 Analyse the effects of figures of speech on meaning and tone

D. Analysing literature

  • 1 Match the quotations with their themes
  • 2 Analyse short stories: set 1
  • 3 Analyse short stories: set 2

E. Analysing informational texts

  • 1 Analyse the development of informational passages: set 1
  • 2 Analyse the development of informational passages: set 2
  • 3 Trace an argument: set 1
  • 4 Trace an argument: set 2
  • 5 Analyse rhetorical strategies in historical texts: set 1
  • 6 Analyse rhetorical strategies in historical texts: set 2

Writing strategies

F. organising writing.

  • 1 Order topics from broadest to narrowest
  • 2 Organise information by topic

G. Topic sentences

  • 1 Choose the topic sentence that best captures the main idea

H. Developing and supporting arguments

  • 1 Distinguish facts from opinions
  • 2 Identify stronger and weaker evidence to support a claim
  • 3 Choose the best evidence to support a claim
  • 4 Identify supporting evidence in a text
  • 5 Evaluate counterclaims
  • 6 Choose the analysis that logically connects the evidence to the claim
  • 7 Transition logically between claims, evidence, analysis and counterclaims

I. Persuasive strategies

  • 1 Identify appeals to ethos, pathos and logos in advertisements
  • 2 Use appeals to ethos, pathos and logos in persuasive writing

J. Creative techniques

  • 1 Use personification

K. Writing clearly and concisely

  • 1 Transitions with conjunctive adverbs
  • 2 Avoid double, illogical and unclear comparisons
  • 3 Identify sentences with parallel structure
  • 4 Use parallel structure
  • 5 Remove redundant words or phrases

L. Active and passive voice

  • 1 Identify active and passive voice
  • 2 Rewrite the sentence in active voice

M. Editing and revising

  • 1 Use the correct frequently confused word
  • 2 Identify and correct errors with frequently confused words
  • 3 Identify and correct errors with frequently confused pronouns and contractions
  • 4 Correct errors with commonly misspelled words
  • 5 Correct errors in everyday use
  • 6 Suggest appropriate revisions

N. Research skills

  • 1 Identify plagiarism

O. Prefixes and suffixes

  • 1 Word pattern analogies
  • 2 Word pattern sentences
  • 3 Words with pre-
  • 4 Words with re-
  • 5 Words with sub-
  • 6 Words with mis-
  • 7 Words with un-, dis-, in-, im- and non-
  • 8 Words with -ful
  • 9 Words with -less
  • 10 Words with -able and -ible

P. Greek and Latin roots

  • 1 Sort words by shared Greek or Latin roots
  • 2 Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to the meanings of words
  • 3 Use words as clues to the meanings of Greek and Latin roots
  • 4 Determine the meanings of Greek and Latin roots
  • 5 Determine the meanings of words with Greek and Latin roots

Q. Homophones

  • 1 Use the correct homophone
  • 2 Identify and correct errors with homophones

R. Foreign words and expressions

  • 1 Use etymologies to determine the meanings of words
  • 2 Use context as a clue to the meanings of foreign expressions
  • 3 Use the correct foreign expression

S. Word usage and nuance

  • 1 Choose the word whose connotation and denotation best match the sentence
  • 2 Use words accurately and precisely
  • 3 Replace words using a thesaurus

T. Analogies

  • 1 Analogies
  • 2 Analogies: challenge

U. Context clues

  • 1 Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context
  • 2 Determine the meaning of words using antonyms in context
  • 3 Use context to identify the meaning of a word

V. Reference skills

  • 1 Use dictionary entries
  • 2 Use dictionary definitions
  • 3 Use dictionary entries to determine correct usage
  • 4 Use thesaurus entries

Grammar and mechanics

W. sentences, fragments and run-ons.

  • 1 Is the sentence declarative, interrogative, imperative or exclamatory?
  • 2 Identify sentence fragments
  • 3 Identify run-on sentences
  • 4 Choose punctuation to avoid fragments and run-ons

X. Phrases and clauses

  • 1 Is it a phrase or a clause?
  • 2 Identify prepositional phrases
  • 3 Identify appositives and appositive phrases
  • 4 Identify dependent and independent clauses
  • 5 Is the sentence simple, compound, complex or compound-complex?
  • 6 Combine sentences using relative clauses
  • 1 Form and use plurals: review
  • 2 Form and use plurals of compound nouns

Z. Pronouns

  • 1 Identify and correct errors with subject and object pronouns
  • 2 Subject and object pronouns review
  • 3 Pronouns after 'than' and 'as'
  • 4 Identify and correct pronoun errors with 'who'
  • 5 Use relative pronouns: who and whom
  • 6 Use relative pronouns: who, whom, whose, which and that
  • 7 Identify vague pronoun references
  • 8 Identify all of the possible antecedents
  • 9 Correct inappropriate shifts in pronoun number and person

AA. Verb types

  • 1 Identify transitive and intransitive verbs
  • 2 Identify linking verbs, predicate adjectives and predicate nouns
  • 3 Identify participles and what they modify
  • 4 Identify gerunds and their functions
  • 5 Identify infinitives and infinitive phrases

BB. Subject-verb agreement

  • 1 Identify and correct errors with subject-verb agreement
  • 2 Identify and correct errors with indefinite pronoun-verb agreement
  • 3 Identify and correct verb agreement with compound subjects

CC. Verb tense

  • 1 Form the progressive verb tenses
  • 2 Form the perfect verb tenses
  • 3 Identify and correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense

DD. Adjectives and adverbs

  • 1 Form and use comparative and superlative adjectives
  • 2 Good, better, best, bad, worse and worst
  • 3 Form and use comparative and superlative adverbs
  • 4 Well, better, best, badly, worse and worst

EE. Conjunctions

  • 1 Use the correct pair of correlative conjunctions

FF. Misplaced modifiers

  • 1 Misplaced modifiers with pictures
  • 2 Select the misplaced or dangling modifier
  • 3 Are the modifiers used correctly?

GG. Restrictive and non-restrictive elements

  • 1 Commas with non-restrictive elements
  • 1 Commas with direct addresses, introductory words, interjections, interrupters and antithetical phrases
  • 2 Commas with compound and complex sentences
  • 3 Commas with coordinate adjectives

II. Semicolons, colons and commas

  • 1 Use semicolons and commas to separate clauses
  • 2 Use semicolons, colons and commas with lists
  • 3 Semicolons, colons and commas: review

JJ. Dashes, hyphens and ellipses

  • 1 Use dashes
  • 2 Use hyphens in compound adjectives
  • 3 Decide whether ellipses are used appropriately

KK. Apostrophes

  • 1 Identify and correct errors with plural and possessive nouns
  • 2 Identify and correct errors with compound and joint possession

LL. Capitalisation

  • 1 Correct capitalisation errors

MM. Formatting

  • 1 Capitalising titles
  • 2 Formatting titles
  • 3 Formatting and capitalising titles: review

english homework year 10

English Department

It is our choices that show what we truly are,  far more than our abilities, gcse english literature homework, paper 1: shakespeare and the 19th century novel, shakespeare: macbeth.

Open the booklet for a range of activities designed to support your learning and develop your vocabulary.

Learning Quotations

As both Literature exams are Closed Book, it is imperative you learn quotations. We've condensed each text for you - learn and practise!

Paper 2: Modern Texts and Poetry

Modern text: an inspector calls, poetry: power and conflict cluster, gcse english language homework, paper 1: creative reading and writing, paper 2: viewpoints and perspectives, spoken language assessment.

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Year 10 Homework booklet

Year 10 Homework booklet

Subject: English

Age range: 14-16

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity


Last updated

28 August 2023

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Term 1 booklet for Year 10 with several tasks a week to complete. Each week tasks are based on Language prep, An Inspector Calls and 3x P&C poems.

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Starting Year 10

group of school students concept art

Here’s what you can expect from Year 10, with tips and advice from other students who’ve been there and done that

Starting Year 10 and your GCSE studies can feel like a big change – maybe you’re worried about bigger piles of homework, everything suddenly getting a lot harder or those looming GCSE exams at the end of Year 11.  

To help put your mind at ease, we’ve answered some frequently asked questions about what it’s really like – with tips from members of The Student Room to help you make the most of the year.

More like this: five ways to impress your new teachers

Will Year 10 be a lot harder?

You might be worried that all your work is suddenly going to step up a gear and get a lot harder in Year 10 – and although this might be true to a certain extent, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to struggle, especially if you make an effort to stay engaged and on top of everything.

And it’s worth remembering that you still have plenty of time before you have to sit your GCSE exams at the end of Year 11.

Year 10 isn't too bad, you just have to actually do work in class, rather than saying 'I'll do it later' because later never exists. chelseagirl2002
Year 10 isn't a bad year at all, as long as you're keeping on top of your work and note-taking for revision. Put the effort it and don't be afraid to ask for help. You still have a while to go till GCSEs, so don't stress too much if you're struggling to grasp exam technique at first; you'll get better over time with practice. Absolutelysprout

student doing homework concept art

Will I get loads more homework in Year 10?

How much homework – and how much more  homework – you get in Year 10 will obviously depend on your school, but members of The Student Room say that the likelihood is that it won’t feel like too big of an adjustment.

I was in Year 9 too and heard all the usual stuff but once you get to it you realise it is not too much more at all and you will still get a lot of free time. RK13476
I didn't get much at all, and most of it was completing classwork, but obviously this will vary between schools. Just make sure you're well organised and you should be fine. absolutelysprout
I would get around three pieces a night but that‘s probably just my school. I’m sure however much you get you’ll be able to manage though! I want to say don’t leave things to the last minute etc but that would make me a bit of a hypocrite considering what I did. Mistyblue123

What if I don’t understand one of my topics?

If you have trouble keeping up with any of your subjects, don’t suffer in puzzled silence – speak to your teacher about it and ask for their help. It’s what they’re there for, after all, and they will want you to do as well as you possibly can.

If you don't understand something or aren't sure of a particular topic, ask your teachers. The worst thing you could do it think ‘I have time, I'll figure it out later’ and then have your exams approaching and still having no idea what you're doing! AmyDron
Ask about anything you don't understand – especially in maths, never go into the next lesson not understanding what happened in the last one. So many people in our maths lessons would say ‘she goes too fast!’ or ‘she doesn't explain it properly!’ The problem being that they never actually told the teacher this, so how was she supposed to know? So whenever you don't understand, ask until you do understand. moutonfou

school teacher concept art

How important are mock exams in Year 10?

Your mock results in Year 10 won’t count towards your final results in Year 11 – but they’re very useful practice for taking the real thing.

Use your mock exams and past papers to get used to working under timed conditions, as well as figuring out where you have gaps in your knowledge – then focus your revision on those areas that need more work.

Don’t get disheartened if you get bad marks – you’re still learning. Ask the teacher what you would need to do to improve and try to do that. Just keep trying to do a little better each time and see how far you can go. moutonfou
I found that doing some mocks before my actual exams was helpful, as I don’t feel so intimidated by the feeling of being in the exam hall now that I’m doing the real thing. They’re also quite good at giving you a sense of the pace you need to work at. moonrose

How should I revise for tests and mocks?

There's no one-size-fits-all revision method: SkyRunner61 says that Year 10 is perfect for “experimenting with which styles of learning work best for you.”

Here are just a few different examples of popular revision methods that you could try out to see how well they work for you:

  • Flashcards and revision cards: Flashcards are small, double-sided pieces of card with a question on the front and its answer on the back of the card that you can use to test yourself on-the-go.
  • Mindmaps: These are diagrams with a central starting point that you add branches to, so you can see the connections between different elements of a topic.
  • Past papers: Find past papers online and take them under timed conditions to show you where you need to improve.
  • The Pomodoro method: This is a time management technique that involves breaking your revision down into 25-minute chunks separated by five-minute breaks.

Those are just a few different ideas to get you started – take a look at our guide to free revision resources for more ideas and links out to free online resource builders.

Find out how you revise best as soon as you can by trying out different methods, this will also make it easier to revise for end of year exams/tests. Abull02
I would say that the most important thing to do in Year 10 is to experiment – this is something that I wish I had done more of. Experiment with different revision techniques, study routines and different amounts of preparation (eg see how your grades for an end of unit test compare after studying for an hour for it vs four hours) when revising for end of unit tests/mocks. At the end of the day, Year 10 is a learning curve and none of the results that you get will affect you too much. goldensun

exam paper concept art

Any other tips for making the most of Year 10?

Lots of The Student Room members stress the importance of keeping your notes organised and preparing for revision as you go, rather than waiting until the end of Year 11 to try to get everything together.

Pay attention in class and make good notes as you go along – it’s much easier to stay organised than get organised. SkyRunner61
Make notes/flashcards every lesson. I know it sounds like a slog but it really will help. I am in Year 11 now waiting for results, and I had to make all my notes in the couple of weeks before the exams, even the night before… very stressful. Abull02
Once you start, make sure you review everything you learn. Make notes, flashcards etc. Treat each test like it's a real GCSE exam. Once you get into Year 11, the notes and flashcards become very useful when you revise. chelseagirl2002

Finally, don’t forget to have fun!

You don’t need to spend every second with your head buried in a textbook – it’s just as important that you also spend time doing the things you love.

Above all, don't stress. You have just under two years until your GCSE exams. In Year 10, I didn't let work get in the way of going out with friends and rarely missed clubs/volunteering due to it. Have fun – make the most of this year because before you know it you will be going into Year 11. goldensun
Don't overwork yourself. Revise for mocks and class tests but you don't need to be revising as soon as you get home till you have to go to bed, you'll just burn out. Do stuff with friends and family to get you away from revising or doing work for a bit. Absolutelysprout

Visit our GCSE hub to find more advice and answers to your GCSE-related questions. 

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english homework year 10

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Year 10 English

Showing top 8 worksheets in the category - Year 10 English .

Some of the worksheets displayed are 2021 year 10 english work i, 2021 year 10 english work 2, Nglish year 10, Year 10 english examination semester 1 2016 question booklet, Grammar and punctuation work, W o r k s h e e t s, Vocabulary games and activities, Study skills work.

Once you find your worksheet, click on pop-out icon or print icon to worksheet to print or download. Worksheet will open in a new window. You can & download or print using the browser document reader options.


2. 2021 year 10 english worksheet 2 -, 3. nglish year 10, 4. year 10 english examination semester 1, 2016 question booklet, 5. grammar and punctuation worksheets, 6. w o r k s h e e t s -, 7. vocabulary games and activities, 8. study skills worksheets.

ESL Worksheets

ESL Worksheets | Free Worksheets For Teaching English

Welcome to our ESL worksheets page. On this page, you can find many printable ESL worksheets on many topics for English language learners and teachers. All the worksheets on Games4esl are absolutely FREE to download and use in your English classes.

Worksheets For Teaching English

Worksheets by topic, worksheets by grade, reading comprehension worksheets, more esl resources.

Before you go, don’t forget to check out our other free ESL materials, including  ESL Games ,  Board Games ,  Flashcards ,  PowerPoint Games , Online Quizzes , and  ESL Lesson Plans .


  1. Year 10 English Worksheet

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  3. History Homework (Year 10)

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  5. Free Printable Year 10 English Worksheets

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  6. Year 10 Work

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  1. Year 10

  2. How I went from 0 to fluent in English in 1 year (No lessons)

  3. Holiday homework English question paper 2024/Abakasha kalina karjyakrama English answer 2024

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  5. Class 10 Half Yearly English Question Paper/Half Yearly Examination 2023 #bongaigaon #questionpaper

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  1. PDF YEAR 10 English Language GCSE Homework Tasks

    Task 3. Create a plan for a story- think about the 6 Ps (people, place, problem, progress, panic, peace). Use one of the following titles: What a night The Creature Never Again. Task 4. Spend 45 minutes writing your story. Challenge Tasks. Write an alternative setting Create a dialogue between two characters Mind map different ways to build ...

  2. Year 10 English

    Year 10 students are encouraged to work on the English Literature Booklets and English Language papers and the revision sheets for the poems below and visit the useful revision websites listed beneath. Helpful revision site that looks specifically at your GCSE exam board. Work through units on Reading and Writing and complete end of unit quizzes.

  3. English Language Home Learning Booklets Year 10 and Year 11 AQA GCSE

    Age range: 14-16. Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. File previews. docx, 11.58 MB. docx, 11.58 MB. English Language home learning / remote learning booklets for Year 10 and 11 AQA English Language GCSE. Creative Commons "Sharealike". See more. Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions.

  4. Year 10 English practice

    Choose the best evidence to support a claim. 4. Identify supporting evidence in a text. 5. Evaluate counterclaims. 6. Choose the analysis that logically connects the evidence to the claim. 7. Transition logically between claims, evidence, analysis and counterclaims.

  5. PDF Year 10 English Language Revision Booklet Paper 1 Fiction

    the key words Extract One: Girl with a Pearl Earrin. This extract is taken from the beginning of the novel. The protagonist, Griet, describes the morning when she meets her future emplo. whom she will work as a. maid. Question 1 - (4 marks)Loo. four things about the narra.


    st the weather was good. England was in. the grip of a heat wave. But then the rains came: six hours of uninterrupted thunderstorm in the early. hours of Friday morning. When I arrived later that day, th. re was a polite drizzle. By yesterday, the rain had given way to an overcast sky, the colour of.

  7. 50 Top "Year 10 English" Teaching Resources curated for you.

    year 10. year 10 english worksheets. Tone and Types of Writing Worksheet 10 reviews. Artificial Intelligence Reading Comprehension 42 reviews. Writing Contextually ( Year 10 Activity) 1 review. Year 10 Baseline Test - GCSE Foundation and Higher Maths 17 reviews. Year 9 - Year 10 English Sentence Openers: Essay Writing 68 reviews.

  8. Year 10

    Year 10; Year 11; Year 12 GCSE; Year 12 A-Level Literature; Year 13 A-Level Literature; News. Extracurricular. Blog: Creative Writing Society; Creative Writing Club; ... GCSE English Language Homework. Paper 1: Creative Reading and Writing. Open the booklet for a range of activities designed to support your learning and develop your vocabulary.

  9. 16 Top "Worksheets On Year 10 English" Teaching Resources ...

    year 10 english. english worksheets. 20 SPaG Starter Worksheets 146 reviews. AQA English Language Paper 1 Questions 1 - 4: Exam Practise Bundle 3 14 reviews. AQA GCSE English Language Intervention Lessons Whole Unit Pack 26 reviews. Year 9 - Year 10 English Sentence Openers: Essay Writing 68 reviews. Using Impressive Vocabulary for GCSE English ...

  10. Year 10 Homework booklet

    Term 1 booklet for Year 10 with several tasks a week to complete. Each week tasks are based on Language prep, An Inspector Calls and 3x P&C poems. ... Year 10 Homework booklet. Subject: English. Age range: 14-16. Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. bex_67. Last updated. 28 August 2023. Share this. Share through email; Share through twitter ...

  11. PDF Year 10 Home Learning English Literature Booklet

    • The poet employs blank verse (iambic pentameter - 10 syllables in each line) Traditionally this form was used to discuss serious issues, or as a conduit for powerful ... 'A four foot box, a foot for every year.' Heaney went on to study English at Queen's University Belfast before training as a teacher. Heaney's first book, Death of a ...

  12. Starting Year 10

    Here's what you can expect from Year 10, with tips and advice from other students who've been there and done that. Starting Year 10 and your GCSE studies can feel like a big change - maybe you're worried about bigger piles of homework, everything suddenly getting a lot harder or those looming GCSE exams at the end of Year 11.

  13. PDF Year 10 Learning at Home Workbooks ENGLISH

    6. Speak for or against the motion, 'Homework should be banned.' 7. Speak for or against the motion, 'Donald Trump is a corrupt president.' 8. Outline your stance on Brexit/ Covid 19 9. Speak for or against the motion, 'Students shouldn't have to wear school uniform.' 10. Discuss technology addiction and reliance amongst young people

  14. 50 Top "Year 10 English" Teaching Resources curated for you.

    Explore more than 50 "Year 10 English" resources for teachers, parents and pupils as well as related resources on "English Year 10". Check out our interactive series of lesson plans, worksheets, PowerPoints and assessment tools today! All teacher-made, aligned with the Australian Curriculum.

  15. PDF English Year 10 Revision Homework Sheet

    English Year 10 Revision Homework‐ Due in Wednesday 5th September 2018. Produce a revision poster or revision cards for 'Jekyll & Hyde'. This can be on A4 or A3 paper or on smaller note cards/paper and will be extremely helpful for your revision in Year 11. You are also required to complete the three tasks/quizzes that will be released on ...

  16. PDF GCSE English homework

    English Lit: AQA GCSE An Inspector Calls 2. Context and Key Themes Wednesday 20th September Comprehension questions on the following KO sections: a) An Inspector Calls - Act One • b) An Inspector Calls - Act Two English Lit: AQA GCSE An Inspector Calls 1. Plot Summary 1.1 - Act One • 1.2 - Act Two Wednesday 27th September

  17. Free Homework & Revision for A Level, GCSE, KS3 & KS2

    The fastest growing homework & revision platform in the UK. Pick from 1000+ KS2, KS3, GCSE & A Level courses based on exam board specifications. We've condensed the content to what you actually need to know for your exams. Your teacher can also create classes and set homework for any revision topic on the study platform creating the perfect ...

  18. PDF Year 10 English Language Revision Booklet Paper 1

    iling, with her hands clasped over her heart, the boy, a thin15 shape, with black hair and ragged clothing, raised his arms in the air with a. appearance of menace and of unappeasable hunger and longing. The moon shone upon his almost transparent hands and Stephen saw that the na.

  19. Year 10 English

    Year 10 English. Showing top 8 worksheets in the category - Year 10 English. Some of the worksheets displayed are 2021 year 10 english work i, 2021 year 10 english work 2, Nglish year 10, Year 10 english examination semester 1 2016 question booklet, Grammar and punctuation work, W o r k s h e e t s, Vocabulary games and activities, Study skills ...

  20. 14 Top "Worksheets On Year 10 English" Teaching Resources ...

    GCSE English Language Reading Homework Booklet 25 reviews. 20 SPaG Starter Worksheets 147 reviews. AQA English Language Paper 1 Questions 1 - 4: Exam Practise Bundle 3 14 reviews. AQA GCSE English Language Intervention Lessons Whole Unit Pack 26 reviews. Year 9 - Year 10 English Sentence Openers: Essay Writing 68 reviews.

  21. ESL Worksheets

    On this page, you can find many printable ESL worksheets on many topics for English language learners and teachers. All the worksheets on Games4esl are absolutely FREE to download and use in your English classes. Worksheets For Teaching English. The worksheets on this page are arranged by topic or by grade.

  22. English: Age 9-10 (Year 5)

    How to help at home. There are a variety of simple things you can do at home to support your child's developing English skills. 1. Continue to make time to read to your child as often as they will let you, or listen to books read aloud. This will support their vocabulary and comprehension skills.