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10 Important Interpersonal Skills (With Examples)

  • Most Common Skills
  • What Are Soft Skills?
  • What Are Leadership Skills?
  • What Are What Are Hybrid Skills?
  • What Are Teamwork Skills?
  • What Are Communication Skills?
  • What Are Organizational Skills?
  • What Are Personal Skills?
  • What Are Interpersonal Skills?
  • What Are Decision Making Skills?
  • What Are Negotiation Skills?
  • How To Multitask
  • What Are Creative Thinking Skills?
  • What Are Adaptability Skills?
  • What Are Internal Analysis?
  • What Are Multitasking Skills?
  • What Is Professional Networking?
  • What Is Nonverbal Communication?
  • What Are Critical Thinking Skills?
  • Presentation Skills
  • What Is Accountability?
  • What Is Emotional Intelligence?
  • Verbal Communication Skills

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What are interpersonal skills in the workplace, and why are they important? Interpersonal skills relate to how you interact and communicate with people. They’re also known as soft skills, emotional intelligence, or people skills. This article will cover interpersonal skills examples, the best interpersonal skills for a resume, and how to improve your interpersonal skills. Whether you’re a job seeker trying to highlight your soft skills or you’re trying to improve your relationships, interpersonal skills are essential in the modern workplace. Key Takeaways: Examples of interpersonal skills include communication, empathy, and active listening. Use the experience section on your resume to show quantifiable achievements you owe to your interpersonal skills. Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to respond to interview questions about your interpersonal skills. In This Article    Skip to section What are interpersonal skills? Interpersonal skills examples Interpersonal skills on a resume Interpersonal skills on a cover letter Interpersonal skills during an interview How to improve your interpersonal skills Interpersonal skills FAQ Sign Up For More Advice and Jobs Show More What are interpersonal skills?

Interpersonal skills are skills that relate to your ability to interact and collaborate with other people. Examples of interpersonal skills range from simply having a good attitude to managing conflict well.

Interpersonal skills are also known as soft skills, in opposition to hard skills, which relate to your on-the-job technical expertise and are learned through instruction.

Soft skills, on the other hand, relate to the intangible qualities and personality traits that make you a great employee. Managers and recruiters value interpersonal skills highly because they’re harder to teach.

Interpersonal skills examples

Interpersonal skills’ definition is simple enough, but to see interpersonal skills’ meaning more clearly, here are examples of the most important ones:

Communication . This is one of the most valuable interpersonal skills in the workplace. Communicating clearly and effectively with your coworkers and clients is vital to the organization’s (and your) success.

This goes beyond crafting engaging presentations and well-written memos. Good communication skills include knowing when to send an email and when to meet face-to-face, sharing your concerns while remaining respectful, and understanding when to speak up and when to save it for later.

The nuances of your communication style should adjust to fit the culture of your workplace, but having a general understanding of how to interact with others well will help projects run smoothly, keep you in good graces, and show that you can take on more responsibility in the future.

Public speaking

Noverbal communication

Constructive criticism

Writing emails

Leadership. Having good leadership skills means more than being bossy. It means taking the initiative, leading by example, looking out for your team and the organization, and being willing to have tough conversations.

Even if you aren’t technically in a leadership position, hiring managers want to know that if they put you in charge of a project or team, you’ll be able to lead it well. They also want to know that you aren’t just a yes-man or lazy worker, but that you will lead by example through hard work and ethical behavior.

People/project management


Active listening . You’ve probably been told, “You have two ears for listening and one mouth for speaking,” at some point in your life. Well, this is a skill that remains important from Kindergarten through adulthood.

Being a good listener involves more than just not talking. Employers want to know that you’ll not only hear them, but that you’ll do what they ask you to do. They also want to know that you’ll listen to customers and colleagues as they bring up concerns and ideas.

Taking direction

Responding to constructive criticism

Giving feedback

Teamwork . Even if you’re the only person in your department, you’re still a part of a larger organization, and you need to be able to show that you’re willing to support it.

Being a team player doesn’t mean you have to roll over and neglect your personal needs, but you do need to give your team your best effort and be willing to make some personal sacrifices for the good of the group.




Conflict management . No matter where you work, chances are you’ll encounter conflict, whether directly involving you or not. Knowing how to manage it well is a skill many companies look for when they’re hiring.

Your ability to be assertive, come up with creative solutions and compromises, and look out for the interests of all parties involved in the conflict is invaluable.

While this is one of the most difficult interpersonal skills to master, it’s also one of the most teachable, as several classes and resources are available to help you learn how to do this well.


Conflict resolution

Empathy . Whether you’re working with customer complaints or just coordinating with your coworkers, being able to put yourself in another person’s shoes is vital.

Before you get defensive about your boss’s complicated new formatting requirements or a customer complaint, take a moment to look at the situation through their eyes.

Maybe the extra five minutes it takes to format your report differently will save your boss hours of work, or maybe the customer is on a tight budget and really needed your product to come through for them, and it didn’t.

This skill will help you be enjoyable to work with and make it easier for you to work with difficult people.



Desire to grow. Most good managers want to help you succeed at your job, and great managers want to help you grow into new roles and responsibilities. They can’t do that if you get defensive every time they try to help you improve, though.

Being coachable is vital to being a good employee and coworker, as well as opening doors for future roles and promotions. Show that you want to learn by seeking out relevant training opportunities, asking for feedback on your work, and thanking those who give you constructive criticism .


Negotiation . Like conflict management, negotiation requires assertiveness and creative problem-solving. Whether you need to negotiate with clients or just help resolve conflicts within the office, having this skill can help you stand out as an employee or manager .

Negotiating well can also help you individually when it comes to your job, especially if you create a lot of sales or contracts.

Thankfully, this skill is relatively easy to find practical training for.

Positive attitude. No one likes a complainer, especially if you have to work with them consistently. You can easily be the bright spot in someone’s day by accepting assignments and facing obstacles with a smile on your face.

You can and should still be realistic, because over-the-top optimism can be just as annoying as constant complaining, but responding graciously, no matter how you feel, will set a pleasant tone for the whole office. It helps you feel better about the situation as well.


Dependability . It may sound obvious, but your employer should feel like they can trust you to do your job. This includes showing up on time and giving consistently good results. It means that when you say you’ll spot-check that report, you’ll do it, and you’ll do it thoroughly and promptly.

You want to be someone your boss and coworkers can rely on to make their jobs easier.



Interpersonal skills on a resume

When it comes time to showcase these skills during the job application process, start by incorporating them throughout your resume . You can list them under the “skills” section or find ways to weave them into your “experience” sections. Check the job description and include the listed skills, as this can often get you through the initial screening.

Interpersonal skills in your resume’s skills section . You might naturally think the skills section is the best place to include your interpersonal skills. While you’re correct to think this makes a good home for them, we don’t recommend simply listing “Interpersonal Skills.”

Interpersonal skills in your resume’s work experience section . Now is when the “show, don’t tell” mantra comes into play. Instead of simply listing your tasks with phrases like “Organized X event” or “Communicated Y data,” look for professional accomplishments you owe to your interpersonal skills.

Interpersonal skills in your resume’s summary statement . You can also lead your resume with a vibrant picture of yourself as possessing top-notch interpersonal skills. Something like “Compassionate caretaker with 5+ years experience helping patients understand, cope with, and manage the stress of illness” helps sell both your experience and your value as an interpersonal wizard.

No matter where you choose to incorporate your interpersonal skills into your resume, be sure to tailor your qualifications to the job. Read the job description carefully and note which interpersonal skills are mentioned multiple times or otherwise emphasized.

Then, look for ways to honestly and naturally use that same language in your resume.

Interpersonal skills on a cover letter

When you write your cover letter , feature your top one or two skills that make you an ideal candidate for the position you’re applying for. Don’t just say you have them; show how you’ve used them in the past and how they’d help you with this position.

A cover letter is a great place to add personality to your resume’s technical qualifications. In short, it’s a great opportunity to show that you’re friendly, personable, and able to communicate clearly via the written word.

As always, try to bring in great results that you owe to your interpersonal skills. For example, if you’re applying for a customer service role, you might write about a time when your positive attitude and solutions-oriented mindset brought about a great resolution that helped create a happy return customer.

Interpersonal skills during an interview

Before your interview, go through this list and think of one or two anecdotes for each skill that demonstrates your abilities. If you do have a weak spot, explain what you’re doing to grow in that area.

This is also a great answer to the ever-popular interview question , “What’s your greatest weakness?” Hiring managers know that no one is perfect, and you have a better chance of being hired if you show that you’re self-aware and actively working to grow.

Many questions that relate to your interpersonal skills are behavioral interview questions that ask you to describe an example of your past behavior. They often start with phrases like “tell me about a time” or “give me an example of a time when.”

The best method for answering these common interview questions is to use the STAR method . STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, Result, and it’s a great way to organize short stories that pack a punch. Let’s take a look at a couple of common interview questions designed to test your interpersonal skills to the test, as well as example answers using the STAR method:

At my last job at XYZ Inc., I had a coworker who would often turn in work late and fail to communicate their progress with teammates. We all did our best to work around the problem, but eventually, it became too much. I stepped up and had a frank conversation with our coworker about how our projects were being delayed because of him and asked if we could work out a better communication system. We agreed to morning meetings every other day to establish how far along he was and get him resources if he was stuck. Overall, the increased accountability led to fewer delays, and the delays that did happen were much more manageable, since we were more in-tune with his progress.
The seasonal rush is a big thing in retail and, sadly, many customers become irate with all the stress of the holidays. Last year, a few days before Christmas, a customer came in with a jacket she had purchased but turned out to be the wrong size. She wanted it fixed before Christmas day, but we were out of stock of her desired size, and our website was also showing out of stock. She became really upset, but I looked into creative solutions. I found that one of our outlets had the same jacket from the previous season in the size she wanted it. Not only did she get the product she wanted, but at half the cost!

How to improve your interpersonal skills

You’ll use these interpersonal skills for the rest of your life, so it’s worth putting in the effort to develop them. Get in the habit of looking for ways to hone your strengths and improve your weaknesses, as this will help you be sure you’re always growing and make you an even more valuable asset to your employer. Here are some ways to do this:

Ask for honest feedback. Find a trusted coworker or manager and ask them which areas you are naturally gifted in and where you might need to improve.

Find a class or workshop. There is no shortage of articles, classes and lectures on the internet. Find some reputable ones and put together your own training regimen.

Look into local in-person classes and workshops that you can attend on your lunch break, or sign up for a conference that covers these topics.

Ask your employer what professional development opportunities they provide as well. Companies are often more than happy to help their employees grow, and they may even pay for your training.

Ask for help. If you have someone you look up to who has strong interpersonal skills, consider asking them to mentor you. This can be over the span of several years or just a day of watching them in action and asking questions.

If you have some specific areas you want to grow in, find one or two people you admire who demonstrate these skills and ask them for advice. Usually, people are more than willing to offer a helping hand.

Practice empathy. We could all stand to focus a little less on ourselves and a little more on those around us. To practice empathy, start putting yourself in the shoes of those you work and live alongside.

Boost your confidence. Feeling good about yourself helps you treat others well. Start keeping a brag book of all the compliments you’ve received at work, and note down any major accomplishments you’re proud of.

Ask more questions. Not just during on-the-clock, professional conversations (but certainly do ask questions that relate to your job performance), but also during less formal conversations. When you express interest in other people’s ideas, you become more likable.

Interpersonal skills FAQ

What is the most important interpersonal skill?

Communication is one of the most important interpersonal skills. Although there are many important interpersonal skills for the workplace, communication is one of the most crucial. Since interpersonal interactions result in many acts of communication, from communication do a lot of other interpersonal skills follow.

Why are interpersonal skills important?

Interpersonal skills are important because the workplace requires effective interactions among employees, clients, and competitors. Most professionals, regardless of their occupation, will inevitably interact with others. Therefore, with good interpersonal skills, you can improve your chances to positive interactions and results.

Which jobs need interpersonal skills?

Highly social jobs such as teaching, nursing, customer service, and marketing need employees with great interpersonal skills. Although many other professions need some level of interpersonal skills, unsurprisingly, jobs that require constant interaction with others require a high level of interpersonal skills. If you plan to work in a profession where your must work with others, make sure you have great interpersonal skills.

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Abby is a writer who is passionate about the power of story. Whether it’s communicating complicated topics in a clear way or helping readers connect with another person or place from the comfort of their couch. Abby attended Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where she earned a degree in writing with concentrations in journalism and business.

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Essential Interpersonal Skills Everyone Should Develop

Sometimes called “soft skills” or “people skills,” these tools are key to creating and maintaining a successful career.

Lisa Bertagnoli

“She’s a people person.” You’ve heard a colleague, manager, friend or relative described that way and you know exactly what it means. This person eases through the workday like a soft summer breeze, feathers rarely ruffled, hackles seldom raised. 

13 Essential Interpersonal Skills

Communication, active listening, emotional intelligence, relational intelligence, decision making, collaboration, objective effectiveness, problem solving, conflict resolution, negotiation.

What’s their secret? Finely developed and assiduously deployed interpersonal skills. “Interpersonal skills are often referred to as ‘people skills’ or ‘social skills,’” said Roberta Matuson, president of Matuson Consulting and author of Can We Talk? Seven Principles for Managing Difficult Conversations at Work. 

What Are Interpersonal Skills? 

“In a nutshell, interpersonal skills are the skills that help us work well with others,” said John Waldmann, CEO and founder of Homebase , a San Francisco, California-based company that makes a time-tracking and employee scheduling app. “They’re the competencies we use to communicate, solve problems, be a part of a team, and move people and projects forward,” Waldmann said.  

“Developing your interpersonal skills, while it may seem touchy-feely, can be an important aspect of your career growth into leadership and roles with a greater scope of responsibility.” - Patrick Hayes, chief strategy officer, UncommonX, Chicago

Interpersonal skills come naturally to some people, but they can be developed and improved with time, experience and even training programs, Waldmann said. In the early days of Homebase, he said he found it “uncomfortable” to pitch the business. “But the more I practiced, the better I got,” he said. “Without taking the chance on developing those skills — communication, curiosity, empathy, adaptability and a lot of perseverance — Homebase wouldn’t be where it is today.”

Interpersonal skills work together as a package. It’s difficult to excel at one skill without excelling at the others. For instance, communication involves verbal and nonverbal skills as well as listening. Listening, “the ability to truly hear what people are saying,” Matuson said, is difficult without emotional intelligence , which is the ability to comprehend and handle emotions. Decision making and problem solving are entwined, as are collaboration and teamwork.

Employers value strong interpersonal skills because they help teams function more effectively,” said Jill Bowman, director of people at New York-based fintech company Octane . Interpersonal skills such as active listening, collaboration, empathy, team building, negotiation and leadership develop over time and can be improved with practice and training, Bowman said.

13 Interpersonal Skills Examples

“How we share ourselves in words and spoken thoughts, express through our physical reactions via body language and actively seek to understand others through listening are crucial to building other interpersonal/soft skills such as teamwork, conflict resolution and negotiation,” said Jamie Johnson, career advisor at the University of Phoenix . Well-developed communication skills create foundational people skills required to successfully interact with others and build fresh and positive personal and professional connections, Johnson added.

“Having the self confidence and conviction to make yourself heard allows you to increase collaboration with others and be an advocate in fostering your own success.” - Meighan (Meg) Newhouse, Inspirant Group, Naperville, Illinois

Communication requires both verbal and nonverbal skills. Verbal skills are the ability to articulate, in writing and while speaking, what you’re thinking, what you need and what you want to contribute, said Meighan (Meg) Newhouse, CEO and cofounder at Inspirant Group , a management consulting company based in Naperville, Illinois. 

“Having the self confidence and conviction to make yourself heard allows you to increase collaboration with others and be an advocate in fostering your own success,” Newhouse said, adding that the best way to develop this skill is to push through fear and “just do it.” 

Nonverbal skills include making eye contact, proper body language (for instance, arms not crossed in a defensive stance) and gestures, all of which can make a difference in people feeling engaged and comfortable, Newhouse said. 

Ever talk to someone whose mind seems to be on everything but what you’re saying? Active listening means engaging with the person with whom you’re talking, not just listening with one ear as you formulate what to say in response.

Active listening is crucial in the workplace, where people must interact in order to overcome challenges, said Mike Grossman, CEO of GoodHire , a Redwood City, California-based company that runs background checks on prospective employees. Active listening involves nonverbal communication, including uncrossed arms, maintaining eye contact and leaning in toward the speaker, Grossman said. 

Strong active listening also means asking specific questions about what the speaker is saying, as well as verbally affirming that you’re paying attention without interrupting the speaker’s train of thought, Grossman said. “This conveys engagement and gives you a fundamentally deeper understanding of the topic being discussed,” he said. 

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Relational intelligence is the ability to successfully connect with people and build strong, long-lasting relationships, said Adam Bandelli , an organizational psychologist who has pioneered the concept and written a book, Relational Intelligence: The Five Essential Skills You Need to Build Life-Changing Relationships , about it. 

It’s the everything bagel of interpersonal skills, encompassing establishing rapport, understanding others, embracing individual differences, developing trust, cultivating influence and serving others.

• Establishing rapport requires making a strong first impression, finding similarities and common ground, and creating a safe and enjoyable space for people to have a positive connection.

• Understanding others requires “good self-awareness and EQ, being curious and inquisitive, and actively listening to others,” Bandelli said. “It’s about being intentional in putting in the time and energy to get to know people on a deep level.”

• Embracing individual differences means understanding and accepting that people might be different from you, and those differences, be they sexual orientation, gender, ethnicities, race, religion or socioeconomic background, are what makes teams strong. 

• Developing trust requires commitment, consistency, character, courage and integrity. “Leaders need to continually deposit into a bank account of trust to build a sense of camaraderie and commitment from their people,” Bandelli said, noting that employees tend to stay with companies when they have a sound relationship with leaders. Once trust is gained, “you can’t use it to manipulate, control or use people” he said. “Trust is not about controlling your people.”

• Cultivating influence means having a positive and meaningful impact on people, whether it’s teammates, direct reports or the entire organization. To develop this part of relational intelligence, find a mentor who has superb interpersonal skills, Bandelli said. 

• Practicing these five essential relational intelligence skills is about servant leadership. No matter their place on the organizational chart, “great leaders know that serving their people leads to higher levels of performance, goals and objectives are attained, KPIs are delivered, and organizations achieve great financial success and profitability,” Bandelli said.

Effectively responding to challenges and questions and offering well-thought-out and convincing evidence and responses is part of the interpersonal/soft skills tool bag, said Johnson of University of Phoenix. 

The art of persuasion is as much about gaining a new perspective as it is convincing someone to your side or “winning” an argument: “They may provide valuable insight into issues and may give you the ability to voice your thoughts and opinions in a situation that can provide another perspective,” Johnson said. 

You need emotional intelligence to manage and leverage your and other people’s emotions, said Donna McGeorge , a productivity coach based in Australia. “It is the ability to understand the way people feel and react, monitor your own state and to use this to make good judgments and to avoid or solve problems,” she said. Developing emotional intelligence builds strong workplace relationships that will help you and your team achieve your goals.

The building blocks of emotional intelligence are self regulation, which is managing your feelings, emotions and behavior in healthy ways, including adapting when necessary; self awareness, or knowing your strengths and weaknesses; other awareness, which is picking up emotional cues and group dynamics and having empathy for the needs of others; building and maintaining relationships via clear communication, McGeorge said.  

It’s how we identify and choose among alternatives and is closely related to problem solving, McGeorge said. Decision-making is far from the rational process we might believe it is, she added, citing a 2000 study by social psychologists Jennifer Lerner and Dacher Kelter. The two found that “fearful people made pessimistic judgments of future events and angry people made optimistic judgments,” the report said. “In other words, we are at risk of making dumb decisions when we are not in full control of our emotions,” McGeorge said. 

Information overload, which results in the illusion of knowledge, incomplete information, or even being under deadline pressure can result in poor decisions, McGeorge said. Lack of sleep, too, has a “tremendous impact” on decision-making, she said. Finally, being bombarded with decisions to make can result in decision fatigue, which can lead to poor decision-making. 

This is one of the interpersonal skills that really pulls together all the skills. Effective teamwork requires communication skills, the ability to support and respect teammates, the ability to think and learn out loud (for instance, “so what I hear you saying is...” or “if I understand you correctly, you’d like us to…”), and the ability to “listen, really listen,” McGeorge said. “Even better, listen with an intention to have your mind changed.” 

The benefits of effective teamwork stretch beyond accomplishing goals, she added. “When done right, there’s almost an alchemy of unique gifts, talents and skills that can create a competitive advantage and have people feel great about their work,” McGeorge said.

“Employers frequently want you to rely on and help others in order to achieve a common goal,” said Shiv Gupta, CEO of Incrementors , an inbound marketing company based in Sacramento, California. Collaboration means knowing when to step back and be supportive and when to take the lead. Collaboration is also entwined with teamwork. “As a successful team player, you should have a variety of the aforementioned talents, including empathy, respect, bargaining, and communication, as well as a positive attitude,” Gupta said. 

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This interpersonal skill combines assertion and the ability to say no, said Lisa Bahar , an adjunct professor of psychology at Pepperdine University, Malibu, California, and a licensed marriage and family therapist and clinical counselor. 

An example of objective effectiveness in use would be describing a situation, expressing your feelings and opinions, asking for what you want, and then helping the other person understand that what you want benefits both of you. “This is not intended to be manipulative,” Bahar said. “There are also skills, when a person responds, which include being mindful of your objective and learning how to ignore attacks.”  

These skills depend on the ability to use analytical and creative thinking to find solutions, said Amy Zimmerman, chief people officer at Atlanta, Georgia-based digital payment system Relay Payments and cofounder of leadership consultancy PeopleCo . Analysis, persuasion, logical reasoning, persistence, brainstorming and decision-making are all skills required to effectively solve problems, she said. 

It’s a way for two or more parties to find a peaceful solution to a disagreement among them. It’s a five-step process, starting with defining the source of the conflict, looking beyond the incident, requesting solutions, identifying solutions both sides can support, and reaching an agreement, Zimmerman said.

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This critical skill involves listening to the other party, understanding where they’re coming from as well as what’s important to them, said Andrea Ippolito, CEO and founder of Ithaca, New York-based SimpliFed , a telehealth platform focused on lactation, child nutrition and on-demand support for new parents. 

Successful negotiators identify the ZOPA, or zone of possible agreement, which is the common area on which both sides agree. “By understanding this zone, it allows you to meet somewhere in there for each party to accomplish what they need,” Ippolito said. 

High-quality negotiating skills help get internal and external stakeholders to buy into what you are trying to communicate, said Joe Vu, digital marketing manager at Fairport, New York-based QuickFi , maker of an app that simplifies business-equipment financing. “Using the right data insights and context can help strengthen your negotiation, and ultimately help you become a better communicator and leader,” he said. 

It’s accepting that other people can and will think and behave differently than you do. “Tolerance can be a challenge in the workplace because of individual disagreements or personal biases,” said Sam Cohen, founder of Gold Tree Consulting , a growth marketing agency based in Austin, Texas. Tolerance is acquired through exposure to different points of view and ways of thinking, and also with experience managing changes. “Change is imminent,” Cohen said, recommending meditation and practicing patience to hone tolerance. 

Why Are Interpersonal Skills Important?

Love makes the world go round, and interpersonal skills keep the workplace world spinning properly. Not only that: Interpersonal skills can make a tech professional a standout and help forge a promising career .

During his 27 years in tech, Patrick Hayes has developed, refined and used interpersonal skills as a way to influence outcomes and gain buy-in from others. “I have often been called a ‘people person,’ or someone who can get along well with others,” said Hayes, chief strategy officer at Chicago-based UncommonX , a SaaS-based cybersecurity firm.

Tech professionals, in his opinion, tend to be introverted and rely on facts, data and technical experience to reach decisions. “Developing your interpersonal skills, while it may seem touchy-feely, can be an important aspect of your career growth into leadership and roles with a greater scope of responsibility,” Hayes said. 

Interpersonal skills help soothe a variety of office issues, including disagreements, which can and will happen even in the happiest of workplaces. “Whatever the disagreement is, it’s important to separate the behavior from the individual,” said Hayes. ”As yourself, ‘why does the other person see things this way?’ You might not reach a mutually shared outcome, but this approach will provide the ability to focus on the issue and not the person,” he said.

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How to Develop Your Interpersonal Skills

To be sure, some people are naturally charismatic and possess a full set of interpersonal skills. Others need to develop and refine interpersonal skills. Miriam Frankel, director of Thrive Group , a Passaic, New Jersey-based counseling center, offers nine tips for doing just that.

Think Positively

Every day, remind yourself of the good things about your life and your job. If you’re upset about a personal matter, set those feelings aside until after work. If you’re stressed about a work issue, look for the positive in the situation and try to build on that.

Control Your Emotions

Work isn’t the place to be overly emotional. Whether you’re extremely irritated, severely depressed or ecstatically happy, take a deep breath and tone your emotions down. Always express yourself in a calm, patient manner.

Acknowledge Others’ Expertise

One of the best ways to build trust at work is to let your co-workers know you appreciate their expertise. Ask for their help on projects and give credit where credit is due.

Show Genuine Interest in Your Colleagues

Make a point of getting to know what’s important to your co-workers. It will help solidify your relationships with them.

Find One Good Trait in Every Co-worker

Not all of us like every single person we work with but you can’t let personal preference get in the way of peak performance. If a colleague’s personality clashes completely with your own, the best way to handle the situation is by finding at least one good trait in that person — preferably something professional.

Practice Active Listening

Maintain eye contact with the speaker, nod your head, and repeat what they have said in your own words. The speaker will feel respected and you’re likely to be able to recall the conversation more easily afterwards.

Be Assertive

Be confident in your ability and opinions, and don’t be afraid to express your needs, as well as your limits.

Practice Empathy

Gain a well-rounded view of things by putting yourself in other people’s shoes. This will help you develop empathy for others, which in turn goes a long way in finding solutions that work for all involved.

Maintain Your Relationships

Connect with college friends and former colleagues on social media or through email; try to set up face-to-face meetings now and then. This shows your connections that you still value the relationship — and that can go a long way in helping you advance your career.

Interpersonal Skills and Impostor Syndrome

Some people might require more time to develop interpersonal skills; others, less. One group of professionals, surprisingly enough, might have highly developed personal skills, yet lack the confidence to recognize them.

That group? People with impostor syndrome — the belief that others think you’re smarter than you think you are.

Impostor syndrome is largely regarded as a professional negative. Yet new research by Basima A. Tewfik , assistant professor of work and organization studies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Sloan School of Management, indicates that those who have “impostor thoughts” might be viewed by others as having better interpersonal skills.

In a paper forthcoming in the Academy of Management Journal , Tewfik “develops a model linking workplace impostor thoughts to other-perceived interpersonal effectiveness,” she writes in the abstract. She posits that people with more impostor thoughts are rated higher in interpersonal effectiveness “because such thoughts make them more other-oriented.”

Perceived interpersonal effectiveness “refers to how well others perceive that one cooperates and interacts with one’s environment,” Tewfik writes in the abstract. People with higher interpersonal effectiveness levels are those who create effective working relationships and relate well to others. 

Because accomplishing things at work increasingly involves interacting with others, having employees low in interpersonal effectiveness can cost workplaces millions of dollars in ill outcomes and mismanaged projects, she writes, citing colleagues’ research on the subject. 

Tewfik tested her theory in four studies with four groups: employees at an investment advisory firm, doctors-in-training and what she calls “two cross-industry sets of employees recruited online.” Members of each group were evaluated for workplace impostor thoughts and interpersonal effectiveness by various means. 

In one employee study, for instance, half of the employees were randomly assigned to recall a time at work in which they had impostor thoughts while the other half were randomly assigned to recall what they had for lunch that day. Employees were all then told to imagine that right after the experience they recalled, they got the chance to have an informal coffee chat with a hiring manager that could result in a promotion. Employees were offered the option of either asking or answering questions during this conversation. 

Tewfik found that those in the “impostor thoughts” group choose to ask more questions. As a result of this increased “other-focus,” hiring managers gave them higher interpersonal effectiveness scores.

In summary? Impostor syndrome might feel like a career liability, but can be a real asset when it comes to getting along in the workplace. And so can a toolbox of well-honed interpersonal skills.

Take a moment each day to perfect these essential skills. Your career will thank you for it.

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10 Interpersonal Skills Games & Activities For Students And Adults

Interpersonal skills are the foundation of effective communication, and they play a vital role in our personal and professional relationships. Whether it’s in the classroom, the boardroom, or at home, the ability to connect with others and make our voices heard is an essential tool for success. However, developing these skills takes practice and effort. That’s where interpersonal skills activities come in.

For adults, they can help to sharpen existing skills, refresh forgotten ones, and offer new perspectives on the importance of interpersonal communication. But what makes these activities so significant? Well, think of them as a workout for your interpersonal skills. 

So, what are you waiting for? Whether you’re a seasoned communicator or just starting out, there’s always room for improvement. With a little effort and some creative thinking, you can hone your interpersonal skills and become a communication master. Who knows? You might even discover a hidden talent for making others feel heard, understood, and valued. In a world where effective communication is becoming increasingly important, there’s no better time to invest in your interpersonal skills.

Connecting through play: Interpersonal skills games & activities for students & adults

Interpersonal skills play a crucial role in today’s learning as well as working environment. Besides a step-by-step guide for improving interpersonal skills , interactive games and activities not only let individuals have fun but also foster communication skills, and teamwork, and help cultivate meaningful bonds with each other. The following games and activities are such that they can be played both by students as well as adults in their group settings. So, let’s begin the fun

1. Listening like a superhero

Listening like a superhero

Listening like a superhero is an interpersonal skills activity designed to teach students the importance of active listening. Active listening is a critical skill that involves paying attention, focusing on the speaker, and actively engaging with the message being communicated. This activity helps students to develop their listening skills by encouraging them to listen carefully, ask questions, and provide feedback to their peers.

To do this activity, gather the students in a circle and have each student take turns speaking about a topic of their choice for two minutes or pair them up. The other students must listen attentively and ask questions to clarify any points they may not have understood. 

After each student has spoken, the group or the pair can discuss what they learned from the exercise and how they can apply active listening in their everyday lives. This activity helps students to build stronger relationships, improve their communication skills, and become more effective listeners.

2. Drama Queen/King

Drama Queen/King

Drama Queen/King is an interpersonal skills activity that helps develop important skills such as active listening, conflict resolution, and effective communication. The activity involves players stepping into their favorite characters and acting out different scenarios. 

To perform the Drama Queen/King activity, gather players into small groups of three or four. Each group should choose a favorite character to play, such as a character from a movie, book, TV show, or even a historical figure. Provide players with different scenarios to act out, focusing on interpersonal skills such as conflict resolution, active listening, or effective communication. 

Give each group a few minutes to prepare and rehearse their scene. Then, have each group take turns acting out their scenario in front of the class. After each performance, encourage the class to provide feedback and discuss what they learned from the exercise. This activity provides students with a fun and engaging way to practice important interpersonal skills and build stronger relationships.

3. The Great Debate

 The Great Debate

The Great Debate is an interpersonal skills activity that helps improve critical thinking, negotiation, and persuasive skills. In this activity, divide the whole group into teams and give them the task of debating a lighthearted and fun topic. This allows players to practice important skills such as expressing their opinions, listening to others, and persuading others to see their point of view. 

Select a fun and lighthearted topic for the debate , such as the best type of pizza topping or the most fun holiday. Provide each team with time to prepare their arguments and practice their delivery. After the debate, debrief with the class to discuss what they learned from the exercise and how they can apply the skills they practiced in their everyday lives.

4. The Empathy Challenge

The Empathy Challenge

The Empathy Maze is an interactive experience designed to foster empathy, active listening, and cooperation among individuals. This empathy activity transports participants through a labyrinth of challenges that require them to step into another’s shoes and grasp their emotions. 

Assemble small groups of individuals, each composed of two or three trailblazers. Conjure up a collection of challenges that will test their ability to understand and empathize with others. These could include imaginative scenarios, where different emotions are displayed and discussed. 

Allow each group to collaborate and discuss with each other and then provide their analysis of the same which can include the emotions involved in the scenario, how one should react in the same, and what could be possible solutions and strategies to cope. As and when everyone is done with their presentation of the viewpoints, the rest of the whole group can give ratings on the basis of how satisfying the response is. 

This activity is a fun and imaginative way for students to build deeper relationships by honing their interpersonal skills. It provides a dynamic platform to develop their empathetic skills and become more effective communicators.

5. Mystery Guest

Mystery Guest

The Mystery Guest is a captivating interpersonal skills exercise that hones individuals’ empathy, active listening, and observation abilities. In this activity, players rotate as the enigma, and the rest of the cohort endeavors to decipher their internal sentiments, musings, and emotions. 

Assemble the participants into a bustling group. Select one player to become the enigmatic visitor and request that they express a specific emotion, thought, or feeling without revealing what it is. Inspire the rest of the cohort to tap into their active listening and observation skills as they attempt to decode the mystery guest’s internal landscape. Continue the activity, rotating through different players as the mystery guest, until all have had a chance to participate.

This activity provides a fun and interactive platform for students as well as adults to improve their interpersonal skills and deepen their understanding of others. By engaging in active listening and observation, players will become more effective communicators and build stronger relationships with their peers.

6. The Body Language Battle

 The Body Language Battle

The body language battle can be the perfect interpersonal skills activity for anyone looking forward to working on their skills. Going well beyond spoken words, the activity requires participants to engage in a friendly competition to see who can best interpret and display various nonverbal cues and body language. 

Through role-plays and demonstrations, participants will learn the power of nonverbal communication and how it can impact their interactions with others. For instance, one member from each of the teams will just act out non-verbally expressions of various emotions.

They will also have the opportunity to practice using effective body language themselves, helping them to better understand and connect with others. The team that is able to guess the most correct emotions with body language displayed wins. The activity will strengthen one’s understanding of human emotions, body language, and interpersonal understanding.

7. Observational skills challenge

Observational skills challenge

This challenge is an interpersonal skills activity designed to help individuals connect with and understand one another. In today’s busy times, instead of building a meaningful connection or know the other person, people usually connect with each other for one or the other purpose only which results in a lack of understanding and coordination among them. So, let’s do this activity, learn, and enjoy.

To start, instruct participants that they need to meet 5 people in the group and try to drive the conversation for at least 5 minutes and observe and note the key points about their personalities. Set a time for about 25-30 minutes for participants to complete the task. Or else, you can give an entire day for this and let them take their time to connect twitch each other. 

Next, gather together and participants can voluntarily share their analysis about each person to which the rest of the people can give feedback and the person for whom the observation is being shared can add his/her inputs too that whether these are right or wrong or what else is there about their personality or nature which is not being observed. This activity can help people challenge their observational skills along with improving communication skills and connecting abilities.

8. Collaborative Storytelling

Collaborative Storytelling

To adapt the activity for adults, you can choose a prompt that relates to the work or industry that the group is in. For example, if the group works in marketing, the prompt could be “Once upon a time, there was a startup that needed to develop a new marketing campaign.” Each person can take turns adding to the story, with each sentence building on the previous one and advancing the narrative. Similarly, the prompt can be according to the age level or experience level of the participants.

Collaborative storytelling can be a valuable interpersonal skills activity for both students as well as adults. It can help develop their communication and collaboration skills, while also fostering creativity and teamwork.

As the story progresses, encourage the group to work together to develop a clear and cohesive message that aligns with their company’s goals and values. This will require active listening, clear communication, and a willingness to collaborate and build on each other’s ideas.

After the story is finished, you can have the group reflect on the process and discuss what they learned about communication, collaboration, and creativity. You can also ask them to brainstorm ways to apply these skills to their work, such as through brainstorming sessions, project collaborations, or team-building activities.

Head Up

Improv Madness is an energetic and entertaining interpersonal skills activity that is perfect for adults who want to have fun while also improving their teamwork, communication, and trust skills. This game helps people connect with each other better and fosters more understanding and coordination among each other.

This game can be played by anyone in a group. All you have to do is stick any word on the forehead of one of the players. The word can be anything, be it related to a movie name, emotion, etc. The player must be unaware of the word being stuck to his/her forehead and the challenge is to guess that word right in the minimum time possible. For the same, the other players need to do some actions in order to help that player get the idea about what it is. 

It is just like charades with the difference of one player being the guesser and the rest all acting to help to get to that mystery word. Being a vocabulary-building activity , it helps participants update their lexicon, learn to work better as a team, communicate more effectively, and build stronger relationships with their peers.

10. Get to Know You” Bingo activity 

Get to Know You" Bingo activity 

Create a bingo board with statements or questions that are relevant to the group’s interests or work. If it is a group of students or individuals at work, then the statements will change accordingly. For example, if the group is a new team at work, the bingo board could include statements like “Has worked in the industry for over 5 years,” “Speaks a second language,” or “Has completed a marathon.” 

Distribute the bingo boards to each participant, and instruct them to mingle and find colleagues who fit the statements or questions in each box. Encourage them to have conversations with each other, and to actively listen to what their colleagues are saying.

The first person to complete a row or column on their bingo board and return to their seat with a completed board wins a prize. This could be something small like a gift card or a snack. After the game is over, have the group reflect on what they learned about each other and what surprised them. Encourage them to share one thing they learned with the whole group.

As a follow-up activity, you can have the group pair up with someone they don’t know well and continue the conversation, using some of the questions from the bingo board as a guide. This will allow them to build connections and deepen their understanding of each other’s interests and experiences.

Interpersonal skills are essential for both students and adults to develop and maintain successful relationships and achieve their personal and professional goals. Games provide a fun and interactive way to practice and improve these skills, including communication, collaboration, problem-solving, and conflict resolution. If you think, you’ve got a strong hold on interpersonal skills, then you must check out interpersonal intelligence career options .

Whether playing with friends, family, or coworkers, incorporating games into one’s personal and professional life can foster greater social connection and increase overall happiness and success. So next time you have a chance to play a game, embrace it as an opportunity to build and strengthen your interpersonal skills.

assignment on interpersonal skills

I am Shweta Sharma. I am a final year Masters student of Clinical Psychology and have been working closely in the field of psycho-education and child development. I have served in various organisations and NGOs with the purpose of helping children with disabilities learn and adapt better to both, academic and social challenges. I am keen on writing about learning difficulties, the science behind them and potential strategies to deal with them. My areas of expertise include putting forward the cognitive and behavioural aspects of disabilities for better awareness, as well as efficient intervention. Follow me on LinkedIn

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21 Best Interpersonal Therapy Techniques & Worksheets [PDF]

Interpersonal Therapy

The authors of the study, Gerald Klerman and Myrna Weissman, found that major depression was a diagnosable and treatable psychiatric illness greatly influenced by a focus on interpersonal factors (Dietz, Weinberg, & Mufson, 2018).

Subsequent research confirmed that targeting a client’s interpersonal context yielded positive results and led to what became IPT (Markowitz & Weissman, 2012).

This article introduces IPT and examines interventions and techniques that support the treatment of mental disorders through the link between the quality of interpersonal relationships and mental health.

Before you continue, we thought you might like to download our three Positive CBT Exercises for free . These science-based exercises will provide you with detailed insight into Positive CBT and give you the tools to apply it in your therapy or coaching.

This Article Contains:

What is interpersonal therapy, relationship to emotional intelligence, 5 ipt techniques, useful worksheets for your sessions, a list of ipt interventions, interpersonal group therapy: 5 activities, 2 valuable manuals and workbooks, 3 books on the topic, a look at the emotional intelligence masterclass, a take-home message.

Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) was initially developed as a time-limited treatment for depression. It has since been extended to treat several other mood and non-mood disorders and validated in multiple clinical research studies (Weissman, Markowitz, & Klerman, 2000).

The underlying principle of IPT is that while the problem presented by a client may have many factors and causes, it typically occurs within a social and interpersonal context. Losing a job, divorce, death of a loved one, relocation, and retirement impact our environment and relationships.

In IPT, the client focuses on “the relationship between the onset and fluctuation in their symptoms and what is currently going on in their life” (Weissman et al., 2000). They learn to understand interpersonal problems and how to deal with them.

Weissman et al. (2000) offer the example of a woman experiencing major depression, describing its onset over several months and the multiple factors involved, including that the woman’s children recently left home.

They point out the different approaches that several therapeutic models might use in treatment. The biological psychiatrist may suggest antidepressants, while the psychoanalyst will most likely propose talking therapy to deal with unresolved childhood difficulties.

The Cognitive-Behavioral Therapist may observe that the “depression is producing distorted thoughts and perceptions of the patient’s current situation,” and the client can learn to challenge these irrational thoughts (Weissman et al., 2000).

The authors conclude that there is no single, dominant approach (we have only listed a selection; there are others) to the treatment of mental illness, but that crucially it occurs within the environment of interpersonal relationships (Weissman et al., 2000; Dietz et al., 2018).

IPT suggests that clinical depression and other mood disorders occur within an interpersonal context. When directed at such relationships, appropriate psychotherapeutic interventions can facilitate recovery (Weissman et al., 2000).

IPT focuses “on reducing the depressive symptoms and improving the state of the client’s significant relationships that appear linked to their mood symptoms” (Dietz et al., 2018).

In the case of the depressed woman, “the onset or recurrence of a depressive episode was related to the patient’s social and interpersonal relationships at the time” (Markowitz & Weissman, 2012).

Indeed, based on strong empirical evidence, several psychosocial aspects typically underpin depression (Markowitz & Weissman, 2012):

  • Social support offers protection for mental health.
  • Depression has an interpersonal context and is often linked to disruption to social relationships and roles.
  • Vulnerable individuals are at greater risk of depressive episodes during challenging interpersonal episodes such as grief, relationship disputes, and lack of social support.

Clinical studies have backed up IPT’s efficacy. “[L]ife events can provide a plausible focus for depressed and otherwise dysphoric patients” (Markowitz & Weissman, 2012). We can also combine the approach with other treatments, including pharmacotherapy and CBT.

Research and clinical experience find that clients can be helped and symptoms improved through working on changes in social functioning in the present (Markowitz & Weissman, 2012).

Emotional Intelligence

Appropriate techniques encourage interpersonal relationships and reduce interpersonal difficulties, facilitating improvements to emotional processing and enhancing empathy (Newman, Jacobson, & Castonguay, 2014; Lipsitz & Markowitz, 2013).

While limited research exists regarding the direct relationship between IPT and emotional intelligence, studies confirm the link between improvements in empathy and emotional processing and enhanced emotional intelligence (Nelis, Quoidbach, Mikolajczak, & Hansenne, 2009).

Therefore, it seems highly likely that IPT can improve interpersonal relationships and generate personal insights that promote emotional intelligence.

assignment on interpersonal skills

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Dimaggio, Ottavi, Popolo, and Salvatore (2020) highlight the importance of metacognition in understanding interpersonal relationships and treating personality disorders.

Recognizing the emotions we experience and “the thoughts that pass through our minds at particular moments” helps us navigate relationship difficulties and misunderstandings (Dimaggio et al., 2020).

Such metacognitive functioning varies greatly depending on the relational context in which a client finds themselves, but it can be improved (Dimaggio et al., 2020).

Several IPT techniques can help interpersonal understanding, including (Dimaggio et al., 2020):

  • Guided imagery and re-scripting The client relives an upsetting or traumatic episode, imagining how they could conduct themselves in a similar, future situation.

With guided imagery therapy , such imagery exposure can desensitize and take the fear out of what is ahead.

  • Drama techniques Role-playing a problematic scene can improve self-reflectivity and help clients understand others’ minds, leading to deeper insights.

Such techniques used in drama therapy offer the client a safe environment to test innovative behavior before using it in real life.

  • Bodily work Exercises involving grounding, breath regulation, and physical training can increase physical and mental wellbeing and “improve emotional and behavioral regulation and access positive self-images” (Dimaggio et al., 2020). Understanding and experiencing strong, energizing physical states can help break damaging interpersonal patterns.
  • Mindfulness and attention regulation Mindfulness is a well-researched tool for increasing self-awareness and self-knowledge, and recognizing that ideas are not facts.

Crucially, mindfulness can help develop a sense of agency, where the client learns they are “not the victim” of their own thoughts and that they can influence how they experience their flow of consciousness (Dimaggio et al., 2020).

  • Restructuring attention Paying attention to the body’s internal signals, position in a room, and sounds can help reduce stress and improve awareness and emotional regulation (Dimaggio et al., 2020).


A suitably trained therapist can improve such relationships and subsequently reduce related mental health issues, such as depression, through appropriate techniques and interventions , including:

Mood Thermometer

The mood thermometer provides a highly effective way to track a client’s mood and identify associated interpersonal interactions.

This visual guide identifies mood changes and how they link to different interpersonal events (for example, in class or at home). It is especially effective for children who are less practiced at spotting moods and potentially related events (Dietz et al., 2018).

Ask the client to complete the Mood Thermometer worksheet to capture times in their life when they felt the mood described at each point along the continuum. The information and awareness gained can be helpful for discussion and insights.

Closeness Circle

The closeness circle is a valuable way to identify patterns of difficulty in maintaining strong interpersonal relationships. The diagram focuses attention on and encourages the development of interpersonal skills (Dietz et al., 2018).

Completing the Closeness Circle worksheet helps the therapist and client form a better understanding of the meaningful relationships in the client’s lives.

Interpersonal Relationships worksheet

Within IPT, the client needs to be aware of their relationships with others and understand their consequences on their lives.

The Interpersonal Relationships worksheet provides helpful prompts to explore each relationship, uncover what makes them special, and determine their impact on the client (modified from Dietz et al., 2018), such as:

Tell me about [person]. What are they like? What don’t you like about them? What do you like about them?

assignment on interpersonal skills

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Interpersonal Parenting Tips worksheet

For most parents, relationships with their children (especially in their teenage years) can, at times, become strained.

The Interpersonal Parenting Tips worksheet contains a list of practical tips for parents to strengthen the relationship with their children and reduce conflict through a focus on:

  • Finding the right time to talk
  • Considering the intention, not the outcome
  • Finding the right balance in how you talk and respond
  • Practicing self-care

Wanting to Be Heard in an interpersonal relationship worksheet

Clients often don’t feel heard in their relationships.

With a few simple techniques and tips, it is possible to significantly improve our ability to process experiences, communicate our needs more effectively, and handle interpersonal conflict.

The Wanting to Be Heard worksheet contains a list of practical tips for clients to communicate effectively:

  • Using good timing
  • Making time for the other person
  • Using I feel statements
  • Doing your homework (prepare)
  • Not giving up

Emotional Repetition and Attention Remodeling

Therapists often pick up on phrases or sentences that the client repeatedly uses to describe themselves in negative and unhelpful ways (Dimaggio et al., 2020).

Techniques that use such phrases can reduce the emotional intensity of frequently encountered situations and prevent the client from feeling overwhelmed (Dimaggio et al., 2020).

Use the Emotional Repetition and Attention Remodeling worksheet to capture common phrases and learn how to desensitize negative feelings encountered under challenging situations.

Typically, after repeating the phrases and then practicing attention remodeling, the client reports a decrease or disappearance in the negative feelings (Dimaggio et al., 2020).

Interpersonal psychotherapy for depression video

IPT helps the client revisit and improve interpersonal relationships through a variety of interventions, including:


Mindfulness can be highly valuable in individual IPT sessions (and beyond) when implementing changes in client’s lives (Dimaggio et al., 2020).

Mindful meditations help the client pay more attention to their environment, the present moment, and their senses.

  • The Five Senses Worksheet brings awareness to each part of the body, grounds the client in the present, and encourages them to pay more attention to physical sensations, reducing stress and anger in difficult situations.
  • The Breath Awareness Meditation is a mindful breathing technique that can help calm the mind and promote awareness of movements and sensations in the body.


Imagery is a valuable therapy technique, with clients either visualizing and living future scenarios or returning to traumatic memories (Dimaggio et al., 2020).

Imagery re-scripting has proven successful in the treatment of many disorders, including social anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, and depression.

  • The Event Visualization Worksheet helps clients reduce concern and anxiety surrounding an event they are worrying about as a means to reduce catastrophizing and increase self-confidence.
  • The Visualization for Kids Handout is a useful aid for introducing children to the benefits of visualization for calming themselves during stress.

Body interventions can “stimulate awareness of psychological functioning and enrich the mental landscape” (Dimaggio et al., 2020).

Interpersonal schemas become rooted in the body based on repetitive intersubjective experiences becoming part of someone’s identity. They ultimately impact posture, behavior, and interaction with the environment (Dimaggio et al., 2020).

  • Techniques include grounding of the body. The therapist works with the client to encourage a sense of balance and an improved awareness of their body in space.
  • Body exercises including yoga and martial arts can help posture, improve breathing habits, and encourage feelings of energy, effectiveness, and powerfulness.

Group Therapy

Group therapy offers a safe place to notice such schemas, learn from the group, and find new ways of behaving.

Group activities include (Dimaggio et al., 2020):

  • Sessions begin with a warm-up , where participants are encouraged to talk openly with one another and learn to overcome fears of being judged.
  • The therapist typically describes motivations in general before exploring each one more deeply. The group discusses the elements that activate it; for example, what drives them to compete or seek attention?
  • Visual tools such as photographs, videos, and cartoons can help illustrate concepts and successfully imprint them in memory.
  • The group can then discuss personal experiences associated with each motivation and other psychoeducational information.
  • Role-play can be highly effective in a group setting. The clients begin by writing down an autobiographical episode that becomes a script for staging in the next role-play. It is played out to explore the situation and the interactions between different people and roles. The role-play provides a safe environment to try out new forms of behavior and identify the reactions it provokes.

Two invaluable and inspiring IPT workbooks for those requiring help include:

1. Mastering Depression Through Interpersonal Psychotherapy: Patient Workbook – Myrna Weissman

Mastering Depression

This book offers a user-friendly guide to IPT for people affected by depression.

It takes the reader through the theory and, at each stage, provides worksheets they can complete, helping them think about their problems and depression in a more constructive way.

Find the book on Amazon .

2. A Cognitive-Interpersonal Therapy Workbook for Treating Anorexia Nervosa: The Maudsley Model – Ulrike Schmidt, Helen Startup, and Janet Treasure

Cognitive-Interpersonal Therapy

This valuable book is a practical resource aimed at adults with anorexia nervosa, their families, and the professionals working with them.

It provides the reader with a step-by-step guide to recovery, covering nutrition, developing treatment goals, thinking styles, and creating an identity beyond the condition.

While there are several therapy books on IPT, we have chosen three of our favorites below.

1. The Guide to Interpersonal Psychotherapy – Myrna Weissman, John Markowitz, and Gerald Klerman

Guide to Interpersonal Therapy

The originators of the treatment have written this book, and it remains a definitive guide to IPT.

It covers the value of IPT in treating depression and its adaptation for other diagnoses and patient populations.

While covering the evidence-led background of IPT, it also teaches the reader how to deliver the treatment.

2. Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy – Giancarlo Dimaggio, Paolo Ottavi, Raffaele Popolo, and Giampaolo Salvatore

Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy

While exploring the concepts behind IPT, this valuable book introduces essential treatments and techniques, including guided imagery, re-scripting, mindfulness, and more.

The book guides the client toward change, prioritizing their goals and needs to overcome pain and act creatively in their everyday lives.

3. Family-based Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Preadolescents: Clinician Guide – Laura Dietz, Rebecca Weinberg, and Laura Mufson

Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Preadolescents

This family-based book contains IPT guidance and interventions for depressed preadolescents. It helps reduce symptoms by teaching readers the skills to improve interpersonal relationships.

The text includes psychoeducation in relation to preadolescent depression, parenting challenges, behavioral expectations, and prevention strategies.

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assignment on interpersonal skills

17 Science-Based Ways To Apply Positive CBT

These 17 Positive CBT & Cognitive Therapy Exercises [PDF] include our top-rated, ready-made templates for helping others develop more helpful thoughts and behaviors in response to challenges, while broadening the scope of traditional CBT.

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While IPT arose from an investigation into treatments for depression, it has since been extended, its tools and techniques proving highly successful in treating other mental health issues (Weissman et al., 2000).

Indeed, research studies have shown IPT to be highly effective in treating mood and other disorders. Not only does it offer a valuable tool for the therapist in its own right, but it can also be used in conjunction with other treatments (Lipsitz & Markowitz, 2013).

The therapy focuses on interpersonal problems in the client’s life that precipitate and maintain mental health problems and increase interpersonal stress. Through IPT, the therapist works collaboratively with the client to enhance emotional support, decrease interpersonal stress, facilitate emotional processing, and improve interpersonal skills (Lipsitz & Markowitz, 2013).

With a solid foundation in research and the number of practitioners continuing to grow, IPT offers a proven technique to improve interpersonal relationships and mental healthcare .

Try out the techniques with new and existing clients to recognize essential relationships and focus attention on those that have broken down.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article. For more information, don’t forget to download our three Positive CBT Exercises for free .

  • Dietz, L. J., Weinberg, R., & Mufson, L. (2018). Family-based interpersonal psychotherapy for depressed preadolescents: Clinician guide . Oxford University Press.
  • Dimaggio, G., Ottavi, P., Popolo, R., & Salvatore, G. (2020). Metacognitive interpersonal therapy: Body, imagery and change . Routledge.
  • Lipsitz, J. D., & Markowitz, J. C. (2013). Mechanisms of change in interpersonal therapy (IPT). Clinical Psychology Review , 33 (8), 1134–1147.
  • Markowitz, J. C., & Weissman, M. M. (2012). Interpersonal psychotherapy: Past, present and future. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy , 19 (2), 99–105.
  • Nelis, D., Quoidbach, J., Mikolajczak, M., & Hansenne, M. (2009). Increasing emotional intelligence: (How) is it possible? Personality and Individual Differences , 47 (1), 36–41.
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  • Weissman, M. M., Markowitz, J. C., & Klerman, G. L. (2000). Comprehensive guide to interpersonal psychotherapy . Basic Books.
  • Weissman, M. M., Markowitz, J. C., & Klerman, G. L. (2017).  The guide to interpersonal psychotherapy: Updated and expanded edition. Oxford University Press.

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The 5 Best Activities for Improving Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal communication is the backbone of human interaction, and organisations that invest in these skills stand to benefit from improved collaboration within teams, reduced levels of conflict, increased productivity, and much more.

In this blog post we’ll help facilitators to design and deliver effective communication training that will empower individuals and organisations to achieve the outcomes mentioned above. Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • What is interpersonal communication
  • The difference between interpersonal communication and interpersonal skills
  • Why interpersonal communication is important
  • What effective communication training entails
  • 5 activities to improve interpersonal communication skills in the workplace

Click here to jump straight to the activities.

What is Interpersonal Communication

At its core, interpersonal communication is the process of exchanging information between two or more people. This can be verbal or nonverbal, and can take place face-to-face or in other settings like phone calls, video calls, social media interactions and so on.

You may come across communication models like the one by Shannon and Weaver that mention sources, transmitters, receivers, and so on: this paring down of communication to a transactional model can be a helpful way to conceptualise it, but it’s also limiting. 

This is because communication is a practical skill, rather than a transaction. And to really facilitate improved interpersonal communications, we need to focus on delivering practical experience with a more human-centric approach. 

This approach focuses on things like:

  • Active listening
  • Conflict resolution

The Difference Between Interpersonal Communication and Interpersonal Skills

The terms ‘interpersonal communication’ and ‘interpersonal skills’ are often used interchangeably, but there’s a subtle functional difference between the two:

  • Interpersonal communication is act of exchanging information and ideas between two or more individuals
  • Interpersonal skills is the broader category of accompanying skills necessary for effective communication

This post will address both with an emphasis on interpersonal skills, with the view to equip facilitators with the tools and knowledge to deliver effective communications training.

Why Interpersonal Communication Skills are Important

Interpersonal communication is a fundamental part of human interaction. In the professional context, interpersonal communication facilitates an improved understanding of communicated information and an improved understanding of different viewpoints.

This in turn leads to an array of benefits, including:

  • Effective collaboration between colleagues, in face-to-face or online settings
  • Improved decision-making
  • Stronger interpersonal relationships
  • Improved morale
  • Increased engagement
  • Clearer understanding of roles
  • Better navigation of complex situations
  • Improved professional outcomes

There are also outward-facing benefits for organisations that invest in improving interpersonal communication in the workplace. These include better customer relationships, reduced misunderstanding, better feedback, improved brand image, increased sales, and more.

What Does Effective Experiential Communications Training Entail

In short, good effective communication training moves beyond the technicalities of communication to the skills, attitudes, approaches and mindsets that enable effective communication. 

This type of training is about creating an immersive and engaging environment where participants can, and want to , practice, reflect upon, and refine their communication skills.

Effective communications training is that which improves an individual’s ability to make an impact . As well as speaking and listening, this training focuses on areas such as:

  • Learning about communication style : developing awareness of different styles, understanding preferences, and adapting style to suit the needs of others.
  • Understanding your limitations : fostering a mindset of ongoing improvement by identifying strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Understanding how you are perceived by others : developing self-awareness, identifying potential barriers to effective communication, and learning how to adjust.
  • Understanding the impacts of ineffective communication : seeing tangible impacts of ineffective communication in a controlled environment, and developing strategies to prevent this.
  • Adaptability : learning what effective communication looks like in different contexts, and how to adapt accordingly.
  • Clarity : explaining succinctly, instructing accurately, and using unambiguous language.
  • Active listening : learning the importance of truly listening, and techniques for making others feel valued, heard, and understood.
  • Giving and receiving feedback : giving constructive feedback, giving feedback without causing defensiveness, seeking feedback.
  • Taking responsibility : learning how to take responsibility, and seeing the impact of not taking responsibility.
  • Tailoring communication to the context : adjusting communication based on the context, audience, and outcome
  • Effective nonverbal communication : using body language, facial expressions, tone of voice, and gestures to strengthen communication

5 Activities to Improve Interpersonal Communication Skills in the Workplace

At MTa, all of our kits and activities are built around the experiential learning methodology , which uses the following structure to deliver impactful, lasting learning:

  • Engaging group tasks
  • Individual reflection
  • Group review to share perspectives and develop ideas
  • Draw conclusions and select the ideas to be implemented
  • Learning transfer
  • Improved workplace performance

Three of our kits have a particular focus on communication: MTa Team Kit, MTa Mini, and MTa Insights. The activities below are taken from these kits.

Sorting Shapes, from MTa Insights

In Sorting Shapes, participants must work together to solve a logic puzzle that’s trickier than it initially seems. Accurate communication is crucial, with teams who struggle to communicate effectively coming up against all sorts of challenges – possibly including having to completely restart the activity.

This time sensitive challenge requires organisation and cooperation to complete successfully, and gives participants the opportunity to explore skills like asking for help, clarifying, listening, explaining, aligning behaviour to others’ needs.

Relevant discussion topics:

  • Accurate verbal communication
  • Clarifying understanding
  • Team problem solving

Take a look at MTa Insights now to discover Sorting Shapes and 52 other impactful experiential activities.

Back to Back, from MTa Insights – Communication, and MTa STEM Kit

This task involves effective communication at two levels, within and between pairs. It also sounds deceptively simple at first: work as a team to build a model. But as limitations on communication and access to information begin to affect the building process, the ability to give and receive instructions effectively makes the difference between success and frustration. 

  • Communicating and appreciating the big picture
  • Effective two-way verbal communication
  • Giving and receiving clear instructions

Back to Back is part of MTa Insights – Communication .

The Frame, from MTa Team Kit

Do you need your participants to keep a strategic focus on the big picture? If so, The Frame will help. 

In this activity, two halves of one team are separated by a door. Each half has a different part of the same task, and neither team can divulge its full information, making effective communication more difficult as pressure and frustration increase.

For those participants that can step back and think things through, things become easier. And teams that try to solve the problem of developing effective communications rather than focusing on the detail of the task are more likely to succeed.

The complexity of this activity and the presence of observers make it particularly good for structured review and exploration of effective communication.

Relevant discussion topics: 

  • Awareness of the needs of others
  • Developing and maintaining trust
  • Testing assumptions (misinterpreting individuals’ actions)

The Frame is taken from the MTa Team Kit: 16 activities designed to build high-performing teams. Take a look at the kit here .

Carts and Horses, from MTa Mini

This is a fast-paced activity with competing objectives that must be deftly managed in order for teams to succeed, and things are made harder by the success of the overall group being dependent on each team meeting their objectives. 

And to make things even more challenging, communication pertaining to complex designs and constituent components must only be verbal. As the activity progresses, those teams who can communicate effectively and collaborate while resisting the urge to compete will pave the way for success.

This activity lets participants explore planning, verbal, spatial, retention of information, attention to detail and accuracy, as well as an ability to understand and respond to the needs of others.

  • Monitoring progress and agreeing when and how to change plans
  • Communicating effectively within and between teams
  • Collaboration vs. competing

Bonus: MTa Coaching Skills

Coaching is a science and an art. And while various coaching models exist to help with the science, learning the art of coaching can be far more challenging. This is why we developed MTa Coaching Skills : our all-in-one coaching skills workshop designed to equip managers, trainers, and teachers with the tools required to deliver a more facilitative approach to learning.

For facilitators to make impactful improvements to interpersonal communication skills, we need to move beyond a transactional understanding of communication, seeing it instead as a network of interrelated competencies that empower individuals to connect meaningfully with the people around them.

The activities in this blog post are designed to develop advanced skills that are integral to effective communication. The experiential methodology and its inbuilt review stage give participants the opportunity to reflect and engage with their learning outcomes, and to take these forward into the workplace.

The MTa Team Kit is designed for facilitators and organisations looking to foster a culture of effective interpersonal communication. It contains 16 impactful experiential activities, each focussing on a specific set of competencies.

You can buy the MTa Team Kit here , or get in touch with our team to discuss your needs.

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Assessing 21st Century Skills: Summary of a Workshop.

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3 Assessing Interpersonal Skills

The second cluster of skills—broadly termed interpersonal skills—are those required for relating to other people. These sorts of skills have long been recognized as important for success in school and the workplace, said Stephen Fiore, professor at the University of Central Florida, who presented findings from a paper about these skills and how they might be assessed (Salas, Bedwell, and Fiore, 2011). 1 Advice offered by Dale Carnegie in the 1930s to those who wanted to “win friends and influence people,” for example, included the following: be a good listener; don’t criticize, condemn, or complain; and try to see things from the other person’s point of view. These are the same sorts of skills found on lists of 21st century skills today. For example, the Partnership for 21st Century Skills includes numerous interpersonal capacities, such as working creatively with others, communicating clearly, and collaborating with others, among the skills students should learn as they progress from preschool through postsecondary study (see Box 3-1 for the definitions of the relevant skills in the organization’s P-21 Framework).

Interpersonal Capacities in the Partnership for 21st Century Skills Framework. Develop, implement, and communicate new ideas to others effectively Be open and responsive to new and diverse perspectives; incorporate group input and feedback into the work (more...)

It seems clear that these are important skills, yet definitive labels and definitions for the interpersonal skills important for success in schooling and work remain elusive: They have been called social or people skills, social competencies, soft skills, social self-efficacy, and social intelligence, Fiore said (see, e.g., Ferris, Witt, and Hochwarter, 2001 ; Hochwarter et al., 2006 ; Klein et al., 2006 ; Riggio, 1986 ; Schneider, Ackerman, and Kanfer, 1996 ; Sherer et al., 1982 ; Sternberg, 1985 ; Thorndike, 1920 ). The previous National Research Council (NRC) workshop report that offered a preliminary definition of 21st century skills described one broad category of interpersonal skills ( National Research Council, 2010 , p. 3):

  • Complex communication/social skills: Skills in processing and interpreting both verbal and nonverbal information from others in order to respond appropriately. A skilled communicator is able to select key pieces of a complex idea to express in words, sounds, and images, in order to build shared understanding ( Levy and Murnane, 2004 ). Skilled communicators negotiate positive outcomes with customers, subordinates, and superiors through social perceptiveness, persuasion, negotiation, instructing, and service orientation ( Peterson et al., 1999 ).

These and other available definitions are not necessarily at odds, but in Fiore’s view, the lack of a single, clear definition reflects a lack of theoretical clarity about what they are, which in turn has hampered progress toward developing assessments of them. Nevertheless, appreciation for the importance of these skills—not just in business settings, but in scientific and technical collaboration, and in both K-12 and postsecondary education settings—has been growing. Researchers have documented benefits these skills confer, Fiore noted. For example, Goleman (1998) found they were twice as important to job performance as general cognitive ability. Sonnentag and Lange (2002) found understanding of cooperation strategies related to higher performance among engineering and software development teams, and Nash and colleagues (2003) showed that collaboration skills were key to successful interdisciplinary research among scientists.


The multiplicity of names for interpersonal skills and ways of conceiving of them reflects the fact that these skills have attitudinal, behavioral, and cognitive components, Fiore explained. It is useful to consider 21st century skills in basic categories (e.g., cognitive, interpersonal, and intrapersonal), but it is still true that interpersonal skills draw on many capacities, such as knowledge of social customs and the capacity to solve problems associated with social expectations and interactions. Successful interpersonal behavior involves a continuous correction of social performance based on the reactions of others, and, as Richard Murnane had noted earlier, these are cognitively complex tasks. They also require self-regulation and other capacities that fall into the intrapersonal category (discussed in Chapter 4 ). Interpersonal skills could also be described as a form of “social intelligence,” specifically social perception and social cognition that involve processes such as attention and decoding. Accurate assessment, Fiore explained, may need to address these various facets separately.

The research on interpersonal skills has covered these facets, as researchers who attempted to synthesize it have shown. Fiore described the findings of a study ( Klein, DeRouin, and Salas, 2006 ) that presented a taxonomy of interpersonal skills based on a comprehensive review of the literature. The authors found a variety of ways of measuring and categorizing such skills, as well as ways to link them both to outcomes and to personality traits and other factors that affect them. They concluded that interpersonal effectiveness requires various sorts of competence that derive from experience, instinct, and learning about specific social contexts. They put forward their own definition of interpersonal skills as “goal-directed behaviors, including communication and relationship-building competencies, employed in interpersonal interaction episodes characterized by complex perceptual and cognitive processes, dynamic verbal and non verbal interaction exchanges, diverse roles, motivations, and expectancies” (p. 81).

They also developed a model of interpersonal performance, shown in Figure 3-1 , that illustrates the interactions among the influences, such as personality traits, previous life experiences, and the characteristics of the situation; the basic communication and relationship-building skills the individual uses in the situation; and outcomes for the individual, the group, and the organization. To flesh out this model, the researchers distilled sets of skills for each area, as shown in Table 3-1 .

Model of interpersonal performance. NOTE: Big Five personality traits = openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism; EI = emotional intelligence; IPS = interpersonal skills. SOURCE: Stephen Fiore’s presentation. Klein, (more...)

Taxonomy of Interpersonal Skills.

Fiore explained that because these frameworks focus on behaviors intended to attain particular social goals and draw on both attitudes and cognitive processes, they provide an avenue for exploring what goes into the development of effective interpersonal skills in an individual. They also allow for measurement of specific actions in a way that could be used in selection decisions, performance appraisals, or training. More specifically, Figure 3-1 sets up a way of thinking about these skills in the contexts in which they are used. The implication for assessment is that one would need to conduct the measurement in a suitable, realistic context in order to be able to examine the attitudes, cognitive processes, and behaviors that constitute social skills.


One way to assess these skills, Fiore explained, is to look separately at the different components (attitudinal, behavioral, and cognitive). For example, as the model in Figure 3-1 indicates, previous life experiences, such as the opportunities an individual has had to engage in successful and unsuccessful social interactions, can be assessed through reports (e.g., personal statements from applicants or letters of recommendation from prior employers). If such narratives are written in response to specific questions about types of interactions, they may provide indications of the degree to which an applicant has particular skills. However, it is likely to be difficult to distinguish clearly between specific social skills and personality traits, knowledge, and cognitive processes. Moreover, Fiore added, such narratives report on past experience and may not accurately portray how one would behave or respond in future experiences.

The research on teamwork (or collaboration)—a much narrower concept than interpersonal skills—has used questionnaires that ask people to rate themselves and also ask for peer ratings of others on dimensions such as communication, leadership, and self-management. For example, Kantrowitz (2005) collected self-report data on two scales: performance standards for various behaviors, and comparison to others in the subjects’ working groups. Loughry, Ohland, and Moore (2007) asked members of work teams in science and technical contexts to rate one another on five general categories: contribution to the team’s work; interaction with teammates; contribution to keeping the team on track; expectations for quality; and possession of relevant knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Another approach, Fiore noted, is to use situational judgment tests (SJTs), which are multiple-choice assessments of possible reactions to hypothetical teamwork situations to assess capacities for conflict resolution, communication, and coordination, as Stevens and Campion (1999) have done. The researchers were able to demonstrate relationships between these results and both peers’ and supervisors’ ratings and to ratings of job performance. They were also highly correlated to employee aptitude test results.

Yet another approach is direct observation of team interactions. By observing directly, researchers can avoid the potential lack of reliability inherent in self- and peer reports, and can also observe the circumstances in which behaviors occur. For example, Taggar and Brown (2001) developed a set of scales related to conflict resolution, collaborative problem solving, and communication on which people could be rated.

Though each of these approaches involve ways of distinguishing specific aspects of behavior, it is still true, Fiore observed, that there is overlap among the constructs—skills or characteristics—to be measured. In his view, it is worth asking whether it is useful to be “reductionist” in parsing these skills. Perhaps more useful, he suggested, might be to look holistically at the interactions among the facets that contribute to these skills, though means of assessing in that way have yet to be determined. He enumerated some of the key challenges in assessing interpersonal skills.

The first concerns the precision, or degree of granularity, with which interpersonal expertise can be measured. Cognitive scientists have provided models of the progression from novice to expert in more concrete skill areas, he noted. In K-12 education contexts, assessment developers have looked for ways to delineate expectations for particular stages that students typically go through as their knowledge and understanding grow more sophisticated. Hoffman (1998) has suggested the value of a similar continuum for interpersonal skills. Inspired by the craft guilds common in Europe during the Middle Ages, Hoffman proposed that assessment developers use the guidelines for novices, journeymen, and master craftsmen, for example, as the basis for operational definitions of developing social expertise. If such a continuum were developed, Fiore noted, it should make it possible to empirically examine questions about whether adults can develop and improve in response to training or other interventions.

Another issue is the importance of the context in which assessments of interpersonal skills are administered. By definition, these skills entail some sort of interaction with other people, but much current testing is done in an individualized way that makes it difficult to standardize. Sophisticated technology, such as computer simulations, or even simpler technology can allow for assessment of people’s interactions in a standardized scenario. For example, Smith-Jentsch and colleagues (1996) developed a simulation of an emergency room waiting room, in which test takers interacted with a video of actors following a script, while others have developed computer avatars that can interact in the context of scripted events. When well executed, Fiore explained, such simulations may be able to elicit emotional responses, allowing for assessment of people’s self-regulatory capacities and other so-called soft skills.

Workshop participants noted the complexity of trying to take the context into account in assessment. For example, one noted both that behaviors may make sense only in light of previous experiences in a particular environment, and that individuals may display very different social skills in one setting (perhaps one in which they are very comfortable) than another (in which they are not comfortable). Another noted that the clinical psychology literature would likely offer productive insights on such issues.

The potential for technologically sophisticated assessments also highlights the evolving nature of social interaction and custom. Generations who have grown up interacting via cell phone, social networking, and tweeting may have different views of social norms than their parents had. For example, Fiore noted, a telephone call demands a response, and many younger people therefore view a call as more intrusive and potentially rude than a text message, which one can respond to at his or her convenience. The challenge for researchers is both to collect data on new kinds of interactions and to consider new ways to link the content of interactions to the mode of communication, in order to follow changes in what constitutes skill at interpersonal interaction. The existing definitions and taxonomies of interpersonal skills, he explained, were developed in the context of interactions that primarily occur face to face, but new technologies foster interactions that do not occur face to face or in a single time window.

In closing, Fiore returned to the conceptual slippage in the terms used to describe interpersonal skills. Noting that the etymological origins of both “cooperation” and “collaboration” point to a shared sense of working together, he explained that the word “coordination” has a different meaning, even though these three terms are often used as if they were synonymous. The word “coordination” captures instead the concepts of ordering and arranging—a key aspect of teamwork. These distinctions, he observed, are a useful reminder that examining the interactions among different facets of interpersonal skills requires clarity about each facet.


The workshop included examples of four different types of assessments of interpersonal skills intended for different educational and selection purposes—an online portfolio assessment designed for high school students; an online assessment for community college students; a situational judgment test used to select students for medical school in Belgium; and a collection of assessment center approaches used for employee selection, promotion, and training purposes.

The first example was the portfolio assessment used by the Envision High School in Oakland, California, to assess critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity. At Envision Schools, a project-based learning approach is used that emphasizes the development of deeper learning skills, integration of arts and technology into core subjects, and real-world experience in workplaces. 2 The focus of the curriculum is to prepare students for college, especially those who would be the first in their family to attend college. All students are required to assemble a portfolio in order to graduate. Bob Lenz, cofounder of Envision High School, discussed this online portfolio assessment.

The second example was an online, scenario-based assessment used for community college students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) programs. The focus of the program is on developing students’ social/communication skills as well as their technical skills. Louise Yarnall, senior research scientist with SRI, made this presentation.

Filip Lievens, professor of psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, described the third example, a situational judgment test designed to assess candidates’ skill in responding to health-related situations that require interpersonal skills. The test is used for high-stakes purposes.

The final presentation was made by Lynn Gracin Collins, chief scientist for SH&A/Fenestra, who discussed a variety of strategies for assessing interpersonal skills in employment settings. She focused on performance-based assessments, most of which involve role-playing activities.

Online Portfolio Assessment of High School Students 3

Bob Lenz described the experience of incorporating in the curriculum and assessing several key interpersonal skills in an urban high school environment. Envision Schools is a program created with corporate and foundation funding to serve disadvantaged high school students. The program consists of four high schools in the San Francisco Bay area that together serve 1,350 primarily low-income students. Sixty-five percent qualify for free or reduced-price lunch, and 70 percent are expected to be the first in their families to graduate from college. Most of the students, Lenz explained, enter the Envision schools at approximately a sixth-grade level in most areas. When they begin the Envision program, most have exceedingly negative feelings about school; as Lenz put it they “hate school and distrust adults.” The program’s mission is not only to address this sentiment about schools, but also to accelerate the students’ academic skills so that they can get into college and to develop the other skills they will need to succeed in life.

Lenz explained that tracking students’ progress after they graduate is an important tool for shaping the school’s approach to instruction. The first classes graduated from the Envision schools 2 years ago. Lenz reported that all of their students meet the requirements to attend a 4-year college in California (as opposed to 37 percent of public high school students statewide), and 94 percent of their graduates enrolled in 2- or 4-year colleges after graduation. At the time of the presentation, most of these students (95 percent) had re-enrolled for the second year of college. Lenz believes the program’s focus on assessment, particularly of 21st century skills, has been key to this success.

The program emphasizes what they call the “three Rs”: rigor, relevance, and relationships. Project-based assignments, group activities, and workplace projects are all activities that incorporate learning of interpersonal skills such as leadership, Lenz explained. Students are also asked to assess themselves regularly. Researchers from the Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE) assisted the Envision staff in developing a College Success Assessment System that is embedded in the curriculum. Students develop portfolios with which they can demonstrate their learning in academic content as well as 21st century skill areas. The students are engaged in three goals: mastery knowledge, application of knowledge, and metacognition.

The components of the portfolio, which is presented at the end of 12th grade, include

  • A student-written introduction to the contents
  • Examples of “mastery-level” student work (assessed and certified by teachers prior to the presentation)
  • Reflective summaries of work completed in five core content areas
  • An artifact of and a written reflection on the workplace learning project
  • A 21st century skills assessment

Students are also expected to defend their portfolios, and faculty are given professional development to guide the students in this process. Eventually, Lenz explained, the entire portfolio will be archived online.

Lenz showed examples of several student portfolios to demonstrate the ways in which 21st century skills, including interpersonal ones, are woven into both the curriculum and the assessments. In his view, teaching skills such as leadership and collaboration, together with the academic content, and holding the students to high expectations that incorporate these sorts of skills, is the best way to prepare the students to succeed in college, where there may be fewer faculty supports.

STEM Workforce Training Assessments 4

Louise Yarnall turned the conversation to assessment in a community college setting, where the technicians critical to many STEM fields are trained. She noted the most common approach to training for these workers is to engage them in hands-on practice with the technologies they are likely to encounter. This approach builds knowledge of basic technical procedures, but she finds that it does little to develop higher-order cognitive skills or the social skills graduates need to thrive in the workplace.

Yarnall and a colleague have outlined three categories of primary skills that technology employers seek in new hires ( Yarnall and Ostrander, in press ):


  • Translating client needs into technical specifications
  • Researching technical information to meet client needs
  • Justifying or defending technical approach to client
  • Reaching consensus on work team
  • Polling work team to determine ideas
  • Using tools, languages, and principles of domain
  • Generating a product that meets specific technical criteria
  • Interpreting problems using principles of domain

In her view, new strategies are needed to incorporate these skills into the community college curriculum. To build students’ technical skills and knowledge, she argued, faculty need to focus more on higher-order thinking and application of knowledge, to press students to demonstrate their competence, and to practice. Cooperative learning opportunities are key to developing social skills and knowledge. For the skills that are both social and technical, students need practice with reflection and feedback opportunities, modeling and scaffolding of desirable approaches, opportunities to see both correct and incorrect examples, and inquiry-based instructional practices.

She described a project she and colleagues, in collaboration with community college faculty, developed that was designed to incorporate this thinking, called the Scenario-Based Learning Project (see Box 3-2 ). This team developed eight workplace scenarios—workplace challenges that were complex enough to require a team response. The students are given a considerable amount of material with which to work. In order to succeed, they would need to figure out how to approach the problem, what they needed, and how to divide up the effort. Students are also asked to reflect on the results of the effort and make presentations about the solutions they have devised. The project begins with a letter from the workplace manager (the instructor plays this role and also provides feedback throughout the process) describing the problem and deliverables that need to be produced. For example, one task asked a team to produce a website for a bicycle club that would need multiple pages and links.

Sample Constructs, Evidence of Learning, and Assessment Task Features for Scenario-Based Learning Projects. Ability to document system requirements using a simplified use case format; ability to address user needs in specifying system requirements. Presented (more...)

Yarnall noted they encountered a lot of resistance to this approach. Community college students are free to drop a class if they do not like the instructor’s approach, and because many instructors are adjunct faculty, their positions are at risk if their classes are unpopular. Scenario-based learning can be risky, she explained, because it can be demanding, but at the same time students sometimes feel unsure that they are learning enough. Instructors also sometimes feel unprepared to manage the teams, give appropriate feedback, and track their students’ progress.

Furthermore, Yarnall continued, while many of the instructors did enjoy developing the projects, the need to incorporate assessment tools into the projects was the least popular aspect of the program. Traditional assessments in these settings tended to measure recall of isolated facts and technical procedures, and often failed to track the development or application of more complex cognitive skills and professional behaviors, Yarnall explained. She and her colleagues proposed some new approaches, based on the theoretical framework known as evidence-centered design. 5 Their goal was to guide the faculty in designing tasks that would elicit the full range of knowledge and skills they wanted to measure, and they turned to what are called reflection frameworks that had been used in other contexts to elicit complex sets of skills ( Herman, Aschbacher, and Winters, 1992 ).

They settled on an interview format, which they called Evidence-Centered Assessment Reflection, to begin to identify the specific skills required in each field, to identify the assessment features that could produce evidence of specific kinds of learning, and then to begin developing specific prompts, stimuli, performance descriptions, and scoring rubrics for the learning outcomes they wanted to measure. The next step was to determine how the assessments would be delivered and how they would be validated. Assessment developers call this process a domain analysis—its purpose was to draw from the instructors a conceptual map of what they were teaching and particularly how social and social-technical skills fit into those domains.

Based on these frameworks, the team developed assessments that asked students, for example, to write justifications for the tools and procedures they intended to use for a particular purpose; rate their teammates’ ability to listen, appreciate different points of view, or reach a consensus; or generate a list of questions they would ask a client to better understand his or her needs. They used what Yarnall described as “coarse, three-level rubrics” to make the scoring easy to implement with sometimes-reluctant faculty, and have generally averaged 79 percent or above in inter-rater agreement.

Yarnall closed with some suggestions for how their experience might be useful for a K-12 context. She noted the process encouraged thinking about how students might apply particular knowledge and skills, and how one might distinguish between high- and low-quality applications. Specifically, the developers were guided to consider what it would look like for a student to use the knowledge or skills successfully—what qualities would stand out and what sorts of products or knowledge would demonstrate a particular level of understanding or awareness.

Assessing Medical Students’ Interpersonal Skills 6

Filip Lievens described a project conducted at Ghent University in Belgium, in which he and colleagues developed a measure of interpersonal skills in a high-stakes context: medical school admissions. The project began with a request from the Belgian government, in 1997, for a measure of these skills that could be used not only to measure the current capacities of physicians, but also to predict the capacities of candidates and thus be useful for selection. Lievens noted the challenge was compounded by the fact the government was motivated by some negative publicity about the selection process for medical school.

One logical approach would have been to use personality testing, often conducted through in-person interviews, but that would have been very difficult to implement with the large numbers of candidates involved, Lievens explained. A paper on another selection procedure, called “low-fidelity simulation” ( Motowidlo et al., 1990 ), suggested an alternative. This approach is also known as a situational judgment test, mentioned above, in which candidates select from a set of possible responses to a situation that is described in writing or presented using video. It is based on the proposition that procedural knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of possible courses of action can be measured, and that the results would be predictive of later behaviors, even if the instrument does not measure the complex facets that go into such choices. A sample item from the Belgian assessment, including a transcription of the scenario and the possible responses, is shown in Box 3-3 . In the early stages of the project, the team used videotaped scenarios, but more recently they have experimented with presenting them through other means, including in written format.

Sample Item from the Situational Judgment Test Used for Admissions to Medical School in Belgium. Situation: Patient: So, this physiotherapy is really going to help me?

Lievens noted a few differences between medical education in Belgium and the United States that influenced decisions about the assessment. In Belgium, prospective doctors must pass an admissions exam at age 18 to be accepted for medical school, which begins at the level that for Americans is the less structured 4-year undergraduate program. The government-run exam is given twice a year to approximately 4,000 students in total, and it has a 30 percent pass rate. Once accepted for medical school, students may choose the university at which they will study—the school must accept all of the students who select it.

The assessment’s other components include 40 items covering knowledge of chemistry, physics, mathematics, and biology and 50 items covering general cognitive ability (verbal, numerical, and figural reasoning). The two interpersonal skills addressed—in 30 items—are building and maintaining relationships and exchanging information.

Lievens described several challenges in the development of the interpersonal component. First, it was not possible to pilot test any items because of a policy that students could not be asked to complete items that did not count toward their scores. In response to both fast-growing numbers of candidates as well as technical glitches with video presentations, the developers decided to present all of the prompts in a paper-and-pencil format. A more serious problem was feedback they received questioning whether each of the test questions had only one correct answer. To address this, the developers introduced a system for determining correct answers through consensus among a group of experts.

Because of the high stakes for this test, they have also encountered problems with maintaining the security of the test items. For instance, Lievens reported that items have appeared for sale on eBay, and they have had problems with students who took the test multiple times simply to learn the content. Developing alternate test forms was one strategy for addressing this problem.

Lievens and his colleagues have conducted a study of the predictive validity of the test in which they collected data on four cohorts of students (a total of 4,538) who took the test and entered medical school ( Lievens and Sackett, 2011 ). They examined GPA and internship performance data for 519 students in the initial group who completed the 7 years required for the full medical curriculum as well as job performance data for 104 students who later became physicians. As might be expected, Lievens observed, the cognitive component of the test was a strong predictor, particularly for the first years of the 7-year course, whereas the interpersonal portion was not useful for predicting GPA (see Figure 3-2 ). However, Figure 3-3 shows this component of the test was much better at predicting the students’ later performance in internships and in their first 9 years as practicing physicians.

Correlations between cognitive and interpersonal components (situational judgment test, or SJT) of the medical school admission test and medical school GPA. SOURCE: Filip Lievens’ presentation. Used with permission.

Correlations between the cognitive and interpersonal components (situational judgment test, or SJT) of the medical school admission test and internship/job performance. SOURCE: Filip Lievens’ presentation. Used with permission.

Lievens also reported the results of a study of the comparability of alternate forms of the test. The researchers compared results for three approaches to developing alternate forms. The approaches differed in the extent to which the characteristics of the situation presented in the items were held constant across the forms. The correlations between scores on the alternate forms ranged from .34 to .68, with the higher correlation occurring for the approach that maintained the most similarities in the characteristics of the items across the forms. The exact details of this study are too complex to present here, and the reader is referred to the full report ( Lievens and Sackett, 2007 ) for a more complete description.

Lievens summarized a few points he has observed about the addition of the interpersonal skills component to the admissions test:

  • While cognitive assessments are better at predicting GPA, the assessments of interpersonal skills were superior at predicting performance in internships and on the job.
  • Applicants respond favorably to the interpersonal component of the test—Lievens did not claim this component is the reason but noted a sharp increase in the test-taking population.
  • Success rates for admitted students have also improved. The percentage of students who successfully passed the requirements for the first academic year increased from 30 percent, prior to having the exam in place, to 80 percent after the exam was installed. While not making a causal claim, Lievens noted that the increased pass rate may be due to the fact that universities have also changed their curricula to place more emphasis on interpersonal skills, especially in the first year.

Assessment Centers 8

Lynn Gracin Collins began by explaining what an assessment center is. She noted the International Congress on Assessment Center Methods describes an assessment center as follows 9 :

a standardized evaluation of behavior based on multiple inputs. Several trained observers and techniques are used. Judgments about behavior are made, in major part, from specifically developed assessment simulations. These judgments are pooled in a meeting among the assessors or by a statistical integration process. In an integration discussion, comprehensive accounts of behavior—and often ratings of it—are pooled. The discussion results in evaluations of the assessees’ performance on the dimensions or other variables that the assessment center is designed to measure.

She emphasized that key aspects of an assessment center are that they are standardized, based on multiple types of input, involve trained observers, and use simulations. Assessment centers had their first industrial application in the United States about 50 years ago at AT&T. Collins said they are widely favored within the business community because, while they have guidelines to ensure they are carried out appropriately, they are also flexible enough to accommodate a variety of purposes. Assessment centers have the potential to provide a wealth of information about how someone performs a task. An important difference with other approaches is that the focus is not on “what would you do” or “what did you do”; instead, the approach involves watching someone actually perform the tasks. They are commonly used for the purpose of (1) selection and promotion, (2) identification of training and development needs, and (3) skill enhancement through simulations.

Collins said participants and management see them as a realistic job preview, and when used in a selection context, prospective employees actually experience what the job would entail. In that regard, Collins commented it is not uncommon for candidates—during the assessment—to “fold up their materials and say if this is what the job is, I don’t want it.” Thus, the tasks themselves can be instructive, useful for experiential learning, and an important selection device.

Some examples of the skills assessed include the following:

  • Interpersonal : communication, influencing others, learning from interactions, leadership, teamwork, fostering relationships, conflict management
  • Cognitive : problem solving, decision making, innovation, creativity, planning and organizing
  • Intrapersonal : adaptability, drive, tolerance for stress, motivation, conscientiousness

To provide a sense of the steps involved in developing assessment center tasks, Collins laid out the general plan for a recent assessment they developed called the Technology Enhanced Assessment Center (TEAC). The steps are shown in Box 3-4 .

Steps involved in Developing the Technology Enhanced Assessment Center. SOURCE: Adapted from presentation by Lynn Gracin Collins. Used with permission.

Assessment centers make use of a variety of types of tasks to simulate the actual work environment. One that Collins described is called an “inbox exercise,” which consists of a virtual desktop showing received e-mail messages (some of which are marked “high priority”), voice messages, and a calendar that includes some appointments for that day. The candidate is observed and tracked as he or she proceeds to deal with the tasks presented through the inbox. The scheduled appointments on the calendar are used for conducting role-playing tasks in which the candidate has to participate in a simulated work interaction. This may involve a phone call, and the assessor/observer plays the role of the person being called. With the scheduled role-plays, the candidate may receive some information about the nature of the appointment in advance so that he or she can prepare for the appointment. There are typically some unscheduled role-playing tasks as well, in order to observe the candidate’s on-the-spot performance. In some instances, the candidate may also be expected to make a presentation. Assessors observe every activity the candidate performs.

Everything the candidate does at the virtual desktop is visible to the assessor(s) in real time, although in a “behind the scenes” manner that is blind to the candidate. The assessor can follow everything the candidate does, including what they do with every message in the inbox, any responses they make, and any entries they make on the calendar.

Following the inbox exercise, all of the observers/assessors complete evaluation forms. The forms are shared, and the ratings are discussed during a debriefing session at which the assessors come to consensus about the candidate. Time is also reserved to provide feedback to the candidate and to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses.

Collins reported that a good deal of information has been collected about the psychometric qualities of assessment centers. She characterized their reliabilities as adequate, with test-retest reliability coefficients in the .70 range. She said a wide range of inter-rater reliabilities have been reported, generally ranging from .50 to .94. The higher inter-rater reliabilities are associated with assessments in which the assessors/raters are well trained and have access to training materials that clearly explain the exercises, the constructs, and the scoring guidelines. Providing behavioral summary scales, which describe the actual behaviors associated with each score level, also help the assessors more accurately interpret the scoring guide.

She also noted considerable information is available about the validity of assessment centers. The most popular validation strategy is to examine evidence of content validity, which means the exercises actually measure the skills and competencies that they are intended to measure. A few studies have examined evidence of criterion-related validity, looking at the relationship between performance on the assessment center exercises and job performance. She reported validities of .41 to .48 for a recent study conducted by her firm ( SH&A/Fenestra, 2007 ) and .43 for a study by Byham (2010) . Her review of the research indicates that assessment center results show incremental validity over personality tests, cognitive tests, and interviews.

One advantage of assessment center methods is they appear not to have adverse impact on minority groups. Collins said research documents that they tend to be unbiased in predictions of job performance. Further, they are viewed by participants as being fairer than other forms of assessment, and they have received positive support from the courts and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

Assessment centers can be expensive and time intensive, which is one of the challenges associated with using them. An assessment center in a traditional paradigm (as opposed to a high-tech paradigm) can cost between $2,500 and $10,000 per person. The features that affect cost are the number of assessors, the number of exercises, the length of the assessment, the type of report, and the type of feedback process. They can be logistically difficult to coordinate, depending on whether they use a traditional paradigm in which people need to be brought to a single location as opposed to a technology paradigm where much can be handled remotely and virtually. The typical assessment at a center lasts a full day, which means they are resource intensive and can be difficult to scale up to accommodate a large number of test takers.

Lievens mentioned but did not show data indicating (1) that the predictive validity of the interpersonal items for later performance was actually greater than the predictive validity of the cognitive items for GPA, and (2) that women perform slightly better than men on the interpersonal items.

See http://www7 ​.national-academies ​.org/bota/21st ​_Century_Workshop_Salas_Fiore_Paper ​.pdf [August 2011].

See http://www ​.envisionschools.org/site/ [August 2011] for additional information about Envision Schools.

Lenz’s presentation is available at http://www7 ​.national-academies ​.org/bota/21st ​_Century_Workshop_Lenz.pdf [August 2011].

Yarnall’s presentation is available at http://www7 ​.national-academies ​.org/bota/21st ​_Century_Workshop_Yarnall.pdf [August 2011].

See Mislevy and Risconscente (2006) for an explanation of evidence-centered design.

Lievens’ presentation is available at http://www7 ​.national-academies ​.org/bota/21st ​_Century_Workshop_Lievens.pdf [August 2011].

Collins’ presentation is available at http://www7 ​.national-academies ​.org/bota/21st ​_Century_Workshop_Collins.pdf [August 2011].

See http://www ​.assessmentcenters ​.org/articles/whatisassess1.asp [July 2011].

  • Cite this Page National Research Council (US) Committee on the Assessment of 21st Century Skills. Assessing 21st Century Skills: Summary of a Workshop. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2011. 3, Assessing Interpersonal Skills.
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What Are Interpersonal Skills?

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How to Use Interpersonal Skills to Get and Keep a Job

assignment on interpersonal skills

Interpersonal skills are the behaviors and tactics a person uses to interact with others effectively. People use interpersonal skills all the time when dealing with others, whether in the workplace, in social situations, or within a family.

In the business world, the term generally refers to an employee's ability to work well with others. Interpersonal skills range from ways of communicating and listening to attitude and deportment.

Key Takeaways

  • Interpersonal skills are behaviors we use to interact with others effectively on the job and in the larger world.
  • Some people are born with good interpersonal skills but everyone can learn, develop and improve them.
  • Expressing appreciation, resolving disputes, and listening well are all interpersonal skills worth practicing.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills in the workplace can enhance camaraderie, improve working results, and support career development .
  • A lack of solid interpersonal skills can put an employee at a disadvantage where group involvement, desired assignments, positive reviews, and job advancement are concerned.

Investopedia / Madelyn Goodnight

Interpersonal skills are often referred to as people skills, social skills, or social intelligence. They involve reading the signals that others send and interpreting them accurately in order to form effective responses. Individuals show their interpersonal skills all the time simply by interacting with others.

Everyone has a personal style and an interpersonal style. Some people are more successful than others at using interpersonal skills for specific, desired results. Interpersonal skills may be based in part on personality and instinct. However, good ones can also be introduced to people and improved upon.

While interpersonal skills can be developed, they cannot be learned solely from a textbook. For some people, they should be practiced, used daily, observed, and then tweaked. That is to say, these skills may come naturally to certain individuals, but others have to work at cultivating them. This cultivation often happens through continuous interaction with other individuals.

In many organizations, employees with strong interpersonal skills are valued for their pleasant demeanor and positive, solution-oriented attitude.

These employees are seen as team players who work well with others to achieve a goal. In more human terms, everyone likes being around them. That's a welcome attribute in any social interaction, including those involving work.

Interpersonal skills are strongly linked to a knowledge of social expectations and customs, whether that knowledge is inherent or learned. People with the strongest interpersonal skills adjust their tactics and communications as needed, depending on the reactions of others to their messages and meanings.

Those without good interpersonal skills can still succeed in business if they are allowed to work in areas that don't require regular interactions with a variety of people. These areas might include research, development, coding, and system testing.

Examples of Interpersonal Skills

The many types of interpersonal skills that can lead to great outcomes at work include:

  • Clear communication, whether you're explaining an idea or asking a question in person, in writing, or by phone
  • Attentive, careful listening
  • Confirming that you comprehend what you've heard from a colleague or customer
  • Empathetic behavior that shows you understand and care about a colleague's situation
  • Supporting the useful ideas and honest efforts of colleagues
  • Responding positively to communications from others
  • Presenting a willingness to get a job done
  • Building relationships
  • Being positive

Benefits of Interpersonal Skills

The importance of solid, properly-used interpersonal skills in the workplace can't be overstated. Their benefits provide advantages for individual employees and companies as a whole. These benefits can include:

  • Better camaraderie
  • Increased trust and dependability
  • More and better creativity through successful collaboration
  • Effective and efficient task completion
  • More enthusiasm for a particular task or job
  • Elimination of unnecessary problems
  • Greater productivity
  • Opportunities for greater exposure to different, positive experiences with other employees or clients
  • Opportunities to display qualities of leadership
  • Opportunities for promotions
  • The growth of a reliable professional network that can help build a career

Can Interpersonal Skills Be Learned?

Normally, social or interpersonal skills are learned by taking part in daily group activities, through specific daily actions involving others, and by watching other people succeed or fail in simple interactions.

Everyday life within a family, at school, at church, or on the playing field offers a wealth of opportunities to be introduced to and practice your interpersonal skills. These skills can be picked up naturally and used with sincerity. The best interpersonal skills are never forced, even if they are used with specific purposes in mind. They are a tool for positive results and living, whether at work or within a community or a family.

Strong interpersonal skills are prerequisites for many professional jobs and for a successful career.

Using Interpersonal Skills in the Job Search

Interpersonal skills are highly valued in the business world. Job seekers should use every opportunity to show their interpersonal skills on resumés and at interviews .

Some of the highly valuable interpersonal skills for business that you can display include:

  • Active listening
  • Eliciting and fully processing information from a speaker
  • Negotiating in sales, marketing , law, and customer service
  • Public speaking
  • Conflict management
  • Team building
  • Collaboration

Showing Interpersonal Skills on a Resumé

On a resumé, a job seeker can highlight the interpersonal skills they have as they relate to the skills sought by the employer. They can underscore those accomplishments that tie directly to important interpersonal skills. For instance, they might highlight an example of teamwork that got a task done to rave reviews, successfully communicating useful ideas to others at a stressful time, or building relationships that underpinned a positive financial outcome.

Showing Interpersonal Skills During an Interview

It can be difficult for an interviewer to gauge a prospective employee's actual ability to perform a particular job in one, potentially short interview. Therefore, candidates should put their interpersonal skills to work during any such opportunity to meet.

Bear in mind that one of the most important interpersonal skills could be simply making a connection with the interviewer. Be friendly, empathetic, understanding, and enthusiastic. Then, look for opportunities in the conversation to drill down to some specifics. For instance:

  • Note how well you've worked with others to achieve specific goals and that such collaboration would be a priority for you in this new job.
  • Explain how listening to customers carefully has been a key to success in your sales.
  • Demonstrate how your patience and clear communications with fellow employees turned a brand new team into a success story.

Sharing your positive interpersonal skill experiences on a resumé and during job interviews in this way can help a company determine how well your skills would fit, not just the job that you've applied for but also, within the larger organization.

Using Interpersonal Skills in the Workplace

Strong interpersonal skills such as negotiating, problem-solving, and knowledge-sharing can be the main requirements for certain jobs. Other interpersonal skills seen as essential for all employees include:

  • Verbal and written communication (e.g., in-person meetings, emails, phone)
  • Non-verbal communication (e.g., eye contact, facial expressions, gestures)
  • Dependability
  • Responsibility

To showcase these skills, try to get involved with colleagues to solve problems. Volunteer to take on tasks that no one else will. Or, be enthusiastic about tasks you're given that you may not enjoy.

Be confident and positive in every dealing with colleagues or managers. Ultimately, being successful with interpersonal skills in the workplace comes down to coming up with and using ideas smartly to build good relationships with others.

It's difficult to imagine a company thriving if its employees do not have interpersonal skills. Most jobs are not isolated and require interaction between many individuals within a firm. These can be colleagues on your level or those more highly placed in the firm, such as a managing director or CEO .

Poor interpersonal skills can be a detriment to an individual and to the workplace, overall. Even if an employee does their work well, poor interpersonal skills could limit their career development at a firm. It could even be a factor in their termination.

Remember that people want to work with individuals that they like and whose personalities improve their workday. Strong interpersonal skills help every employee and company.

According to research firm Gartner, just 8% of communications executives feel that their staffs have the communications skills that are necessary to meet their companies' business needs.

How to Improve Interpersonal Skills

Once acquired, interpersonal skills can be improved. They are best honed by practice. Expressing appreciation for team members and support staff, displaying empathy, moderating and resolving disputes quickly, and controlling displays of temper are all good activities for improving your interpersonal skills.

Active listening can be practiced by repeating back a speaker's comment to make sure true communication is taking place. Furthermore, people can demonstrate their active listening skill by providing a carefully considered and appropriate answer.

Courses often teach these skills and many firms offer them to their employees as a part of cultivating a strong workforce .

What Is an Example of Interpersonal Skills?

Types of interpersonal skills include being a good listener, understanding what's being said, and providing a positive, useful response. Someone with good interpersonal skills might decide to resolve an argument among colleagues that's preventing them from getting an important task done.

How Do You Show Interpersonal Skills?

You show interpersonal skills by the way you behave toward other people. Someone with good interpersonal skills will be supportive, kind, empathetic, patient, and respectful in the way they work with colleagues. Typically, they'll be a pleasure to be around.

How Can I Improve My Intrapersonal Skills?

The way to improve your interpersonal skills is to practice them every day in your daily activities, whether at work, home, or in social situations. Remember that these skills essentially are relationship skills—skills you use to get along with others. When you notice someone who uses these skills well, you might observe them as they put them to work and try to emulate their behavior as you practice.

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