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Animal Study Proposal
The use of this sample animal study proposal is not required and is provided for the convenience of Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUC) at Assured institutions. Sections may be added, deleted, or modified to meet the needs of individual programs.
The sample animal study proposal is provided in response to requests from many institutions that wish to develop or revise an animal care and use protocol form intended for internal institutional use. It is based on a form used by intramural NIH investigators, and was modified as the result of review of many different extramural institutional forms in order to anticipate a variety of research scenarios. Institutions may download the form and modify it to suit their own institutional program and needs.
Most institutions have instituted an animal care and use protocol form that investigators are required to complete and submit to the IACUC. There is great variation in the length, format, content, and use of these forms, and a form that serves one institution well may not necessarily prove successful at another institution. However, in general, many IACUCs have found that use of a protocol form helps research investigators to delineate the information that the IACUC requires in order to review a proposal, and also helps the IACUC to achieve greater consistency in its review. Many of these forms are available from institutional websites.
We are interested in your comments on the content of this sample animal study proposal and in your suggestions for additions, deletions, or revisions. We anticipate changes to this document as institutional comments are received and as animal research and the policies that govern it evolve. Comments should be sent to: [email protected] .
Individuals not familiar with the PHS Policy are encouraged to visit the PHS Policy Tutorial .
View the animal study proposal
- Administrative Data
- Animal Requirements
- Transportation
- Study Objectives
- Rationale for Animal Use
- Description of Experimental Design and Animal Procedures
- Pain or Distress Classification and Consideration of Alternatives
- Anesthesia, Analgesia, Tranquilization, Other Agents
- Methods of Euthanasia or Disposition of Animals at End of Study
- Hazardous Agents
- Biological Material/Animal Products for Use in Animals
- Genetically Engineered Animals
- Exemptions from Environmental Enrichment for Nonhuman Primates or Exercise for Dogs
- Field Studies
- Special Concerns or Requirements of the Study
- Principal Investigator Certifications
- Concurrences
- Final Approval
- Appendix 1 - USDA Classifications and Examples
- Attachment 1 - Explanation for USDA Classification E
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Contact the Division of Policy and Education by phone at 301-496-7163 or e-mail to [email protected] .
Proposal Guidelines
M.s. and ph.d. research proposals:.
All ANSC graduate students must present to their advisory committees a thesis (M.S.) or dissertation (Ph.D.) research proposal for approval during the initial stages of their graduate studies. The timeline for submission is the end of the second semester for M.S. and the end of the third semester for Ph.D. students.
- Why so early in the program? While these deadlines may seem early in comparison to some other programs, preparation of the proposal early in your graduate program will help focus your research and aid you in completing your program in a timely fashion. Otherwise, you may jump from project to project without ever focusing on clear objectives or completing any publishable data.
- What is the goal (big picture) and why is it important?
- What is already known?
- Why do we need to know more?
- Will you have the resources (equipment, animals, and training) necessary to complete the research?
- Will your answers be valid? Will you be using the best approach to obtain the answers to your question? That is, what methods will you use and what are the appropriate statistical methods for the type of data you will obtain? How many samples/animal/replicates will you need to perform in order to obtain statistically significant results?
- How do I choose a problem to study? Talk with your advisor! Research is expensive so you will need to work within the parameters of your advisor’s research program unless you have your own funding. Most advisors enjoy talking science – but you should be prepared – read your advisor’s publications! Read theses/ dissertations of previous graduate students from your lab (see online dissertation database available through library website: http://drum.lib.umd.edu/ and http://www.lib.umd.edu/dbfinder/id/UMD07254 ).
Typical terms used in research proposals include strategy, approach, hypotheses, aims, objectives, and mechanisms. These words can be confusing to someone who hasn’t been involved in research before.
- Strategy - a careful plan or method for achieving a particular goal, usually over a long period of time. More specifically, it is how a research team will meet its overall goals and objectives.
- Approach - a way of dealing with something. In research, a cellular and molecular biology approach would mean that cellular and molecular biology techniques will be used to answer the question, while a genomics approach would focus more on evaluating genetic sequence information available in large databases.
- Hypothesis - a tentative statement that proposes a possible explanation to some phenomenon or response. A testable hypothesis should include a prediction that you can assess using techniques available to your lab. An easily testable hypothesis is “If I ask the graduate director a question which can be easily answered by looking at the ANSC website, then she will frown at me.”
- Aim vs. objective - Though very similar, an "aim" is a general direction or intent, while an "objective" is a more specific or concrete goal or accomplishment.
- Mechanism - a natural or established process by which something takes place or is brought about. For example, the binding of a ligand to a receptor that initiates a specific cascade of intracellular events.
Example of an animal sciences-related problem:
- Problem – Fertility has decreased in dairy cows selected for high milk production.
- Significance - This has a large economic impact on dairy production.
- Question – What genes are responsible for this decrease in fertility?
- Approach – Genomics
- Strategy – Will use the large genetic databases that are available
- Research hypothesis – Genes that are closely linked to milk production affect reproductive success.
- Aims – 1. Identify genes that are linked to known milk production QTLs. 2. Determine whether any of these genes might be involved in reproduction.
Writing Your Proposal:
You should establish ahead of time with your committee what specific format to follow. Typically, a proposal should follow the format of a grant proposal narrative (i.e., the portion of a NIFA, NIH, or NSF grant proposal that actually describes the proposed research plan), which commonly has a page limit of 10-18 pages (depending on the agency) single spaced (11 – 12 pt Arial/Times Roman font), but your committee may request double-spaced text for readability. Some committees may request that a complete literature review be included; this will likely result in a longer proposal. A research proposal should be realistic. Usually, the M.S. proposal will propose a more limited number of objectives relating to ongoing research utilizing methods already established in the lab. A Ph.D. proposal will be more comprehensive and may involve development of new approaches and/or methodology that add more risk/innovative than the typical M.S. proposal.
A Basic Research Proposal Outline:
- Research question - Clearly state the question you will address. This is the big picture question – not the specific objectives that you will describe later. For example – “What controls lineage differentiation in the early embryo?” or “What are the basic mechanisms that limit feed digestion and utilization by dairy cattle?” or “Which genes are associated with reproductive success?”
- Significance to knowledge - Why is it important?
- Previous research - others and your lab’s
- Rigor of the prior research. What are the main challenges to progress? What has led to success so far and what limitations remain? What knowledge is lacking?
- Your preliminary work on the topic (if any) relating to the questions
- Reprise of your research question(s) in this context (provide specific aims)
- Specific aims (goals) and rationale
- Methods used to test the hypotheses (specific techniques, resources to be used (e.g., animals, cells, materials, etc.), number of samples and replicates needed)
- Plan for interpreting results (statistical methods)
- Expected results and potential pitfalls – technical challenges (if doesn’t work as anticipated, what is your alternative plan?)
- Timeline for completion
- References (not included in the page limits)
If you would like to see an example of a Research Proposal, the ANSC Graduate Program can provide one. You can also ask your mentor if you can look at a previous Research Proposal from your lab; however, you want to be careful not to copy from any old examples as that will be construed as plagiarism.
If you will be using animals in your study then sufficient information must be provided within the project description to justify the rationale for involving animals, choice of species and number of animals to be used. Be aware that if you will be using animals you will need to have approval from the University’s IACUC. This approval is needed whether the animals involved are on campus or off-site at another institution (e.g., Smithsonian). Talk with your advisor about this. You should have received the appropriate training (Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR), animal use, biological safety, etc.) prior to starting your research and your lab should have already obtained IACUC and ESSR approvals for the research.
Avoid plagiarism – be careful to correctly cite information and to write using your own words – do not cut and paste from others’ work.
PLAGIARISM: intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of another as one’s own in any academic course or exercise. III-1.00(A) UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND CODE OF ACADEMIC INTEGRITY
These resources were used in preparing this description on how to prepare a research proposal and may provide additional information on preparing a research proposal:
- http://www2.hawaii.edu/~matt/proposal.html
- http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/1998/nsf9891/nsf9891.htm
- http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~sfinger/advice/advice.html
- NIHproposalGuidelines (squarespace.com)
- Graduate School Writing Center | The University of Maryland Graduate School (umd.edu)
Submitting Your Research Proposal:
Graduate (M.S. and Ph.D.) students are required to submit their research proposal to their advisory committee for approval. Typically, the prepared proposal is distributed to the advisory committee in advance, followed by a meeting in which the student gives a brief presentation. The advisory committee may make valuable recommendations based on their knowledge and experience that may alter the proposal. More often than not these recommendations help the student avoid problems that otherwise might delay execution and completion of the project.
- Arrange a time and location for your meeting (reserve a room).
- Distribute your proposal to your committee in advance, at least 1 week in advance
- Prepare a short (20-30 minute) presentation of the proposed research. Include questions & hypotheses; methods & experimental design; preliminary data; broader context & significance of the project.
- Expect to be interrupted with questions during your presentation.
Writing a research proposal
Most granting sponsors have guidelines telling what should be included in a research proposal, as well as formal requirements such as maximum number of pages with a specified font size, line spacing, number of copies to be submitted etc. Make sure to follow these guidelines in every detail! You will not be happy if your project is not even considered for further evaluation because some formalities were not fulfilled in your application.
Your research proposal will usually be reviewed and graded by a number of referees, where some of the people might be specialists in your particular research area, but several of them may not be very familiar with the area. This further stresses the need for your application to be accurate, brief and clear and emphasize essentials. You cannot expect the graders to realize that your project is important unless you manage to convince them that it is!
Essential components of a research proposal
Writing a research proposal is partly similar to writing a scientific paper; you need to define the problem, the objectives, what is known and what is not known about the problem, as well as give your research plan. Instead of presenting results, you describe the expected outcomes. You also give a time plan with short milestones and present a budget for the project. Your (and your collaborators') qualifications are verified in a "C urriculum Vitae ". Make sure you make a structured and logical proposal with suitable headings and an appealing layout.
When writing a research proposal, it is also wise to check the criteria that will be used for grading the applications. Such criteria might be relevance, scientific quality, qualifications of applicant(s), research collaboration, plan for dissemination of results, and budget in relation to project plan and funds available.
Justification, background, objectives and expected output. Define the problem and emphasize the importance and relevance of your proposed research project, and tell what is unique in your approach. Present a brief literature review (and a coherent Reference list) to show what is done already, and also identify information gaps. The objectives might be split into major and specific objectives, and also be put in a broad framework. Specify the expected outcomes and possible applications of your research.
Research plan (including equipment), time schedule and milestones. Describe the research methods and materials to be used, including methods to analyse the materials or data collected (e.g. laboratory or statistical analyses). State the facilities and equipment needed, which of these your organization can provide, and what requires funding within the research proposal. Describe the research methods so that the scientific quality of the proposal can be evaluated, but avoid describing the methods in too much detail. Relate the experiment/study to the objectives. Present a time schedule for the activities to be performed and milestones to be achieved, e.g. as a time-delivery flow chart of achievements and outputs. Note that an ethical approval might be needed for animal experiments.
Dissemination of results . Scientific results must be communicated to relevant audiences. Obviously, scientists aim for publication in scientific journals, and at international and national conferences. In applied areas of research it is as important that the results are also, but not only, communicated to the industry and various authorities outside the scientific community. Such publications must be kept in a popularized form. Many funding organizations require a good plan for publication and information of results to approve an application.
Budget. Many sponsors provide a specific budget format that you must follow, but there might be the possibility to add more details elsewhere. The budget should be credible and realistic, and clearly reflect your research plan. Some items might need specific justification. Indicate whether your organization, or maybe other donors, will cover part of the research costs. If that will be the case, your chances for a research grant might be improved; cost-sharing/matching funds are sometimes a precondition.
Collaborating institutions. Performing the research in collaboration with other institutions might strengthen your proposal, and also indicate a multi-disciplinary approach. Across-country collaboration is sometimes a requirement. Costs for the collaborating institutions may need to be considered in the budget. Evidence of collaboration, i.e. letters of support from collaborating institutions, should be included as an appendix.
Curriculum Vitae ( CV ) . It is common to add a CV as an appendix to the research proposal. Alternatively, if kept short, it may be incorporated at the end of the application. The main purpose of the CV is to provide the reviewers with such information that they can form an opinion whether the applicant(s) have the competence required to carry out the research described in a proposal. The qualifications and abilities of the principal investigator(s) are most important to describe, although CV s may also be required for the collaborating scientists. A CV must be kept brief and clear; include essentials of relevance for the application! Organize the information into categories, such as personal facts, academic education, relevant positions, main research topics, relevant publications, awards or honours received and other skills or experiences that might be of relevance for carrying out the research project. Scientists sometimes overdo the CV and harm themselves by writing a longer CV than the research proposal itself!
A CV is also required in many other situations, e.g. in applications for academic positions. The focus on research, teaching and administration or leadership merits may vary depending on the type of position and the tasks to be performed. Instructions and examples for writing a CV and related letters are easily found on the Internet.
Before delivering a research proposal, also let someone who is not in your area of discipline read it and give you her/his comments. And, remember to make a final check that all requirements set by the sponsor organization are fulfilled (including signatures required)!
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Writing a Scientific Research Project Proposal
- 5 minute read
Table of Contents
The importance of a well-written research proposal cannot be underestimated. Your research really is only as good as your proposal. A poorly written, or poorly conceived research proposal will doom even an otherwise worthy project. On the other hand, a well-written, high-quality proposal will increase your chances for success.
In this article, we’ll outline the basics of writing an effective scientific research proposal, including the differences between research proposals, grants and cover letters. We’ll also touch on common mistakes made when submitting research proposals, as well as a simple example or template that you can follow.
What is a scientific research proposal?
The main purpose of a scientific research proposal is to convince your audience that your project is worthwhile, and that you have the expertise and wherewithal to complete it. The elements of an effective research proposal mirror those of the research process itself, which we’ll outline below. Essentially, the research proposal should include enough information for the reader to determine if your proposed study is worth pursuing.
It is not an uncommon misunderstanding to think that a research proposal and a cover letter are the same things. However, they are different. The main difference between a research proposal vs cover letter content is distinct. Whereas the research proposal summarizes the proposal for future research, the cover letter connects you to the research, and how you are the right person to complete the proposed research.
There is also sometimes confusion around a research proposal vs grant application. Whereas a research proposal is a statement of intent, related to answering a research question, a grant application is a specific request for funding to complete the research proposed. Of course, there are elements of overlap between the two documents; it’s the purpose of the document that defines one or the other.
Scientific Research Proposal Format
Although there is no one way to write a scientific research proposal, there are specific guidelines. A lot depends on which journal you’re submitting your research proposal to, so you may need to follow their scientific research proposal template.
In general, however, there are fairly universal sections to every scientific research proposal. These include:
- Title: Make sure the title of your proposal is descriptive and concise. Make it catch and informative at the same time, avoiding dry phrases like, “An investigation…” Your title should pique the interest of the reader.
- Abstract: This is a brief (300-500 words) summary that includes the research question, your rationale for the study, and any applicable hypothesis. You should also include a brief description of your methodology, including procedures, samples, instruments, etc.
- Introduction: The opening paragraph of your research proposal is, perhaps, the most important. Here you want to introduce the research problem in a creative way, and demonstrate your understanding of the need for the research. You want the reader to think that your proposed research is current, important and relevant.
- Background: Include a brief history of the topic and link it to a contemporary context to show its relevance for today. Identify key researchers and institutions also looking at the problem
- Literature Review: This is the section that may take the longest amount of time to assemble. Here you want to synthesize prior research, and place your proposed research into the larger picture of what’s been studied in the past. You want to show your reader that your work is original, and adds to the current knowledge.
- Research Design and Methodology: This section should be very clearly and logically written and organized. You are letting your reader know that you know what you are going to do, and how. The reader should feel confident that you have the skills and knowledge needed to get the project done.
- Preliminary Implications: Here you’ll be outlining how you anticipate your research will extend current knowledge in your field. You might also want to discuss how your findings will impact future research needs.
- Conclusion: This section reinforces the significance and importance of your proposed research, and summarizes the entire proposal.
- References/Citations: Of course, you need to include a full and accurate list of any and all sources you used to write your research proposal.
Common Mistakes in Writing a Scientific Research Project Proposal
Remember, the best research proposal can be rejected if it’s not well written or is ill-conceived. The most common mistakes made include:
- Not providing the proper context for your research question or the problem
- Failing to reference landmark/key studies
- Losing focus of the research question or problem
- Not accurately presenting contributions by other researchers and institutions
- Incompletely developing a persuasive argument for the research that is being proposed
- Misplaced attention on minor points and/or not enough detail on major issues
- Sloppy, low-quality writing without effective logic and flow
- Incorrect or lapses in references and citations, and/or references not in proper format
- The proposal is too long – or too short
Scientific Research Proposal Example
There are countless examples that you can find for successful research proposals. In addition, you can also find examples of unsuccessful research proposals. Search for successful research proposals in your field, and even for your target journal, to get a good idea on what specifically your audience may be looking for.
While there’s no one example that will show you everything you need to know, looking at a few will give you a good idea of what you need to include in your own research proposal. Talk, also, to colleagues in your field, especially if you are a student or a new researcher. We can often learn from the mistakes of others. The more prepared and knowledgeable you are prior to writing your research proposal, the more likely you are to succeed.
One of the top reasons scientific research proposals are rejected is due to poor logic and flow. Check out our Language Editing Services to ensure a great proposal , that’s clear and concise, and properly referenced. Check our video for more information, and get started today.
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162 Best Animal Research Topics To Nail Your Paper In 2023
The world is filled with living things. There are some animals that we know about, some that we will discover, and there are many that we might never know about. All our knowledge about animals is mostly dependant on researchers.
Well, we are rooting for you to be the next great researcher. Be it zoology, veterinary, or live wild stock, your study needs a research topic. If you’re looking for the best animal research topics to nail this year, we’re here with your help.
Table of Contents
Best Animal Research Topics
We have 162 Animal Research Topics that will help you get the best grades this year.
Physiology of Animals Research Topics
- Description of the knowledge required to work in animal physiology
- Study of animal species with different specialties in the sciences of nature and life
- Life sciences and socioeconomic impacts
- Neurulation appendages birds
- Exercises on gastrulation and neurulation
- Gastrulation amphibians birds
- Fertilization segmentation in the sea species
- Gametogenesis: A Detailed Introduction
- Study of Delimitation: bird appendages
- Particularities of the developmental biology of certain species
- Technical-commercial animal physiology
- Terrestrial and marine ecosystems
- Animal biology and forensic science: Is there a connection?
- Animal Biology Biotechnology and molecules of interest regarding food and industry
- The interest in biology in the diagnosis of animal and plant diseases
- Toxicology and environmental health concerns in animal physiology
- Animal and plant production
- Fundamentals of animal physiology research and analysis
- Behavior and evolution Genetics of behavior in animals
- Adaptation and evolution of behavior
- Comparative studies of general ecology, zoology, and animal physiology
- Study of animals about the conditions prevailing in their immediate environment
- Endocrine and neuroendocrine systems in animals
- Studying the nervous systems in birds
- Genitals and reproductive physiology of birds
- Understanding of the anatomical and functional particularities of invertebrates
- Biology and physiology of invertebrates
- Reconstruction of phylogenetic trees
- Morpho-anatomical arguments and the importance of fossils
- Argued classification of animals
- Study of the evolution of living organisms by making updates on recent advances in Animalia
- Phylogeny and Animal Evolution
- Principles of echolocation in the bats
- Possible evolution of the increase in complexity of the primitive nervous system
- The nervous system of the insect
- Circulation in animal physiology
- Animals without a differentiated circulatory system
- Water and mineral balance in animals
- Thermoregulation in animals
- Musculoskeletal system in animals
- Study of animal blood
- Biological rhythms of animals
- Skin and teguments of mammals
- Animal nutrition and metabolism
- Hormones and endocrine system of animals
- Emerging organic pollutants
- Mechanisms of toxicity in animals
- Animal physiology in animals from temperate regions
- Genetic correlations between animal species
- Animal communities, forest ecology, and forest birds
- Wildlife-habitat modeling
Looking for research topics in general? Read 402 General Research Paper Topics
Animal Research Topics For Student
- Impact of the agricultural raw materials crisis on the marketing of livestock feed
- Analysis of the competitiveness of poultry produced in the USA
- Animal cruelty in USA and European countries
- Seroprevalence of neosporosis in cattle herds
- The peri-urban dairy sector
- Effect of the liberalization of the veterinary profession on the vaccination coverage of livestock
- Why do people kill animals? The psyche behind animal cruelty
- Evaluation of the growth performance of three sheep breeds
- Study on the protection of terrestrial ecosystems
- Ecology of African dung beetles
- Effects of road infrastructure on wildlife in developing countries
- Analysis of the consequences of climate change related to pastoral livestock
- Strategies for management in the animal feed sector
- The feeding behavior of mosquitoes
- Bee learning and memory
- Immediate response to the animal cruelty
- Study of mass migration of land birds over the ocean
- A study of crocodile evolution
- The cockroach escape system
- The resistance of cockroaches against radiation: Myth or fact?
- Temperature regulation in the honey bee swarm
- Irresponsible dog breeding can often lead to an excess of stray dogs and animal cruelty
- Reliable communication signals in birds
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Animal Research Topics For University
- Color patterns of moths and moths
- Mimicry in the sexual signals of fireflies
- Ecophysiology of the garter snake
- Memory, dreams regarding cat neurology
- Spatiotemporal variation in the composition of animal communities
- Detection of prey in the sand scorpion
- Internal rhythms in bird migration
- Genealogy: Giant Panda
- Animal dissection: Severe type of animal cruelty and a huge blow to animal rights
- Cuckoo coevolution and patterns
- Use of plant extracts from Amazonian plants for the design of integrated pest management
- Research on flying field bug
- The usefulness of mosquitoes in biological control serves to isolate viruses
- Habitat use by the Mediterranean Ant
- Genetic structure of the African golden wolf based on its habitat
- Birds body odor on their interaction with mosquitoes and parasites
- The role of ecology in the evolution of coloration in owls
- The invasion of the red swamp crayfish
- Molecular taxonomy and biogeography of caprellids
- Bats of Mexico and the United States
- What can animal rights NGOs do in case of animal cruelty during animal testing initiatives?
Or you can try 297 High School Research Paper Topics to Top The Class
Controversial Animal Research Topics
- Is it okay to adopt an animal for experimentation?
- The authorization procedures on animals for scientific experiments
- The objective of total elimination of animal testing
- Are there concrete examples of successful scientific advances resulting from animal experimentation?
- Animal rights for exotic animals: Protection of forests and wildlife
- How can animal rights help endangered animals
- Animal experimentation are a type of animal cruelty: A detailed analysis
- Animal testing: encouraging the use of alternative methods
- Use of animals for the evaluation of chemical substances
- Holding seminars on the protection of animals
- Measures to take against animal cruelty
- Scientific research on marine life
- Scientific experiments on animals for medical research
- Experimentation on great apes
- Toxicological tests and other safety studies on chemical substances
- Why isn’t research done directly on humans rather than animals?
- Are animals necessary to approve new drugs and new medical technologies?
- Are the results of animal experiments transferable to humans?
- Humans are not animals, which is why animal research is not effective
- What medical advances have been made possible by animal testing?
- Animals never leave laboratories alive
- Scientific interest does not motivate the use of animal research
- Animal research is torture
- How can a layperson work against animal testing?
Every crime is a controversy too, right? Here are some juicy Criminal Justice Research Paper Topics as well.
Animal Research Topics: Animal Rights
- Growing awareness of the animal suffering generated by these experiments
- What are the alternatives to animal testing?
- Who takes care of animal welfare?
- Major global organizations working for animal rights
- Animal rights in developing countries
- International animal rights standards to work against animal cruelty
- Animal cruelty in developing countries
- What can a layperson do when seeing animal cruelty
- Role of society in the prevention of animal cruelty
- Animal welfare and animal rights: measures taken against animal cruelty in developing countries
- Animal cruelty in the name of science
- How can we raise a better, empathetic and warm-hearted children to put a stop to animal cruelty
- Ethical animal testing methods with safety
- Are efforts being made to reduce the number of animals used?
- The welfare of donkeys and their socioeconomic roles in the subcontinent
- Animal cruelty and superstitious conceptions of dogs, cats, and donkeys in subcontinent
- Efforts made by international organizations against the tragedy of animal cruelty
- International organizations working for animal welfare
- Animal abuse: What are the immediate measures to take when we see animal cruelty
- Efforts to stop animal abuse in South Asian Countries
- Animal abuse in the name of biomedical research
Talking about social causes, let’s have a look at social work topics too: 206 Social Work Research Topics
Interesting Animal Research Topics
- The urbanization process and its effect on the dispersal of birds:
- Patterns of diversification in Neotropical amphibians
- Interactions between non-native parrot species
- Impact of landscape anthropization dynamics and wild birds’ health
- Habitat-driven diversification in small mammals
- Seasonal fluctuations and life cycles of amphipods
- Animal cruelty in African countries
- Evolution of the environmental niche of amphibians
- Biological studies on Louisiana crawfish
- Biological studies on Pink bollworm
- Biological studies on snails
- Biological Studies on Bush Crickets
- Biological Studies on Mountain Gorillas
- Biological studies on piranha
- Consequences of mosquito feeding
- Birds as bioindicators of environmental health
- Biological studies on victoria crowned pigeon
- Biological studies on black rhinoceros
- Biological studies on European spider
- Biological studies on dumbo octopus
- Biological studies on Markhor
- Study of genetic and demographic variation in amphibian populations
- Ecology and population dynamics of the blackberry turtle
- Small-scale population differentiation in ecological and evolutionary mechanisms
- Challenges in vulture conservation
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Submarine Animals Research Topics
- The physiology behind the luminous fish
- A study of Fish population dynamics
- Study of insects on the surface of the water
- Structure and function of schools of fish
- Physiological ecology of whales and dolphins
- Form and function in fish locomotion
- Why do whales and dolphins jump?
- Impact of Noise on Early Development and Hearing in Zebrafish
- Animal cruelty against marine life on the hand of fishermen
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Animal Biology Research Topics
- Systematic and zoogeographical study of the ocellated lizards
- Morphological study of neurohistogenesis in the diencephalon of the chick embryo
- Anatomical study of three species of Nudibranch
- The adaptive strategy of two species of lagomorphs
- The Black vulture: population, general biology, and interactions with other birds
- Ocellated lizards: their phylogeny and taxonomy
- Studies on the behavior of ocellated lizards in captivity
- Comparative studies of the egg-laying and egg-hatching methods of ocellated lizards
- Studies on the ecology and behavior of ocellated lizards
- The taxonomic and phylogenetic implications of ocellated lizards
- Research on the egg-laying and egg-hatching methods of ocellated lizards
- Studies on the ecology and behavior of ocellated lizards in their natural environment
- Comparative studies of the egg-laying and egg-hatching methods of ocellated lizards in different countries
- Studies on the ecology and behavior of ocellated lizards in their natural environment in the light of evolutionary and ecological insights
Animal research topics are not hard to find for you anymore. As you have already read a load of them. You can use any of them and ace your research paper, and you don’t even need to ask permission. If you are looking for a paper writing service , be it animal research, medical research, or any sort of research, you can contact us 24/7.
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Animal production research in the Department of Animal Science focuses on improving livestock production systems, management practices, animal health and welfare, and food quality and safety. Animal production research topics include:
- Organic dairy production
- Precision dairy technologies including robotic milking, automated calf feeders and cow behavior sensors
- Transition dairy cow health, management and welfare
- Cow-calf and beef feedlot management
- Pre- and/or post-weaning management practices that enhance meat quality and safety
- Automated monitoring of behavioral indicators of swine welfare
- Reducing piglet mortality in alternative farrowing systems
- Statistical process control principles in dairy and swine
- Sustainable poultry production
- Management, health and stress interactions in market turkeys
- Decision making processes for evaluating management at the farm level for options across all species with implications to environmental impact and food quality/safety
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
EPSRC creates knowledge in engineering and physical sciences for UK capability to benefit society and the economy.
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YouTube: We are the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
YouTube: Culturing meat for a sustainable food system
23 October 2024
World-leading researchers named as Turing AI fellows
22 October 2024
UKRI seeks your views in our 2024 stakeholder perception survey
6 October 2024
Robotic clothing and ‘listening’ for cancer among new projects
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30 September 2024
Transforming biology with generative AI
7 August 2024
My first 100 days as Director of the Rosalind Franklin Institute
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Funding opportunities
Pre-announcement: future leaders fellowships: round 10.
Funding to support ambitious research and innovation across UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)’s remit. You must be an early career researcher or innovator who is either:
- looking to establish or transition to independence
- developing your own original and ambitious plans within a commercial setting
UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships Renewal Meeting 11 (Invite only)
Future Leaders Fellowship (FLF) award holders have the opportunity to extend their four-year fellowship by up to a further three years. The renewal funding will continue to support the development of a fellow and further the fellow’s work to undertake adventurous, ambitious programmes that tackle difficult and novel challenges.
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Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon, SN2 1ET
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UK and Japan quantum technology networking fair 2024
6 December 2024
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This is the website for UKRI: our seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK. Let us know if you have feedback or would like to help improve our online products and services .
The sample animal study proposal is provided in response to requests from many institutions that wish to develop or revise an animal care and use protocol form intended for internal institutional use. It is based on a form used by intramural NIH investigators, and was modified as the result of review of many different extramural institutional ...
Animal Study Proposal v12/8/2015 1 [Use of this sample animal study proposal is not required and is provided for the convenience of IACUCs at Assured institutions. Sections may be added, deleted or modified to meet the needs of individual programs. ] Sample Animal Study Proposal. Date: A. ADMINISTRATIVE DATA . Department: Principal investigator:
This document provides an overview of examples that applicants can use for their grant proposal for animal research, including: examples covering breeding, pilot studies to determine effect size, justification of effect size, and sample size. This is the website for UKRI: our seven research councils, Research England and Innovate UK.
While the exact structure may vary depending on the science field and institutional guidelines, a research proposal typically includes the following sections: Problem, Objectives, Methodology, Resources, Participants, Results&Impact, Dissemination, Timeline, and Budget. I will use this structure for the example research proposals in this article.
Arrange a time and location for your meeting (reserve a room). Distribute your proposal to your committee in advance, at least 1 week in advance. Prepare a short (20-30 minute) presentation of the proposed research. Include questions & hypotheses; methods & experimental design; preliminary data; broader context & significance of the project.
Writing a research proposal is partly similar to writing a scientific paper; you need to define the problem, the objectives, what is known and what is not known about the problem, as well as give your research plan. Instead of presenting results, you describe the expected outcomes. You also give a time plan with short milestones and present a ...
REEport: Project Proposal Guidelines. For new Animal Health Projects. A Research Proposal is a research plan that must be submitted when a Hatch Regular or Animal Health Project is initiated. It must have clear and documented relevance to agricultural research. This proposal is NOT a detailed proposal like those submitted to NIH/NSF, etc.
the Endocrinology and Animal Biosciences Graduate Program Academic Standards Committee (Nick Bello, Tracy Anthony, and Troy Roepke) Introduction ... The research proposal should be developed with the student's advisor, but written entirely by the doctoral student. Each student should comply with the format/type requirements and page limits below.
Department of Animal Sciences Graduate Research Proposal Form and Plan of Study Approval Form. ory Committee Member Approval (Print and Sign):Date Submitted to Grad. ate Studies Committee:Please attach a copy of your research proposal and your plan of study.A copy of the research proposal and plan of study, along with the signed research ...
Jakob Sehested. is.au.dk Tel: +45 8715 7893Preface This catalogue of master thesis projects available in 2015-2016 at the Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University, is considered to inspire and help you selecting a. topic for your master thesis project. The catalogue is intended for students of the Master's Degree Programmes in ...
Animal Science is situated at AU Foulum about one hour's drive from Campus Aarhus. There are student ... The research proposal finally should be completed by a comprehensive working plan, indicating the necessary steps in carrying out the research, as well as their logical order in time,
Name of investigator: Animal study proposal title: Species and number of animals listed in Classification E for each year: Species: Number of animals: year 1 -. year 2 -. year 3 -. Total: Description of project including reason(s) for species selection:
VERTEBRATE ANIMAL RESEARCH PROPOSAL 1. Researcher(s): 2. Advising faculty member(s): 3. Proposed starting date: 4. Research project title: 5. Purpose and objectives of the research project: 6. Scientific name, common name and characteristics of all vertebrate species used. For field studies, please list all target species, species listed as ...
Abstract: This is a brief (300-500 words) summary that includes the research question, your rationale for the study, and any applicable hypothesis. You should also include a brief description of your methodology, including procedures, samples, instruments, etc. Introduction: The opening paragraph of your research proposal is, perhaps, the most ...
Theses and Projects. Topics for Theses and Projects Available in 2019-2020. cienceAarhus UniversityPreface This catalogue of master thesis projects available in the Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University, is considered to inspire and help you selecting a to. ic for your master thesis project. The catalogue is intended for students of ...
Best Animal Research Topics. We have 162 Animal Research Topics that will help you get the best grades this year. Physiology of Animals Research Topics. Description of the knowledge required to work in animal physiology; Study of animal species with different specialties in the sciences of nature and life; Life sciences and socioeconomic impacts
topic for your master thesis project. The catalogue is intended for students of the Master's Degree Programmes in Agrobiology, in Sustainable Animal Nutrition and Feeding (EM-SANF), in Organic Agriculture and Food Systems (EUR-Organic), in Biology and for other animal science related master degree students who would like to do their maste.
Guidelines for the MSc Thesis Research Proposal The Research Proposal Broad agreement exists on the basic scientific standards that apply for a scientific study. Above all, the scientific standards that apply (and thus must be met) are the following: The thesis must be theory-based. The research must be verifiable.
Animal production research in the Department of Animal Science focuses on improving livestock production systems, management practices, animal health and welfare, and food quality and safety. Animal production research topics include: ... Dept. of Animal Science 305 Haecker Hall 1364 Eckles Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108-6118 (612) 624-2722 ...
Master Thesis Projects. l ScienceAarhus UniversityPreface This catalogue of master thesis projects available in the Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University, is considered to inspire and help you selecting a. topic for your master thesis project. The catalogue is intended for students of the Master's Degree Programmes in Agrobiology ...
YouTube: We are the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. YouTube: Culturing meat for a sustainable food system. News. 23 October 2024. World-leading researchers named as Turing AI fellows. EPSRC. 22 October 2024. UKRI seeks your views in our 2024 stakeholder perception survey.