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phd in cyber security iit

Computer Science and Engineering IIT Kanpur

Bt-mt dual degree, mtech and ms in cyber security.

' This list will change as per the availability of new faculty offering new courses related to the curriculum. '

Core Faculty

Manindra Agrawal

Sandeep K. Shukla

Debadatta Mishra

Nitin Saxena

Priyanka Bagade

Urbi Chatterjee

The department of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Kanpur has been offering a good number of courses in Cyber Security related subjects for the last 4 years. Multiple faculty members in the department are engaged in research projects related to cyber security. Therefore, the department feels that it has a critical mass in terms of faculty strength to create new degree programs specializing in cyber security.

Simultaneously, the NASSCOM projects that the country needs cyber security professionals in large numbers – approximately 1 million currently. These professionals also need to have varying degrees of expertise, in order to fulfill their job obligations. The possible roles in cyber security jobs are cyber vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (VAPT) engineers, security operations center (SoC) analysts, security strategists, developers of cyber security tools and technologies, cyber security policy developers, researchers, and chief information security officers (CISO)s etc.

Additionally, a number of Army and Navy officials have personally visited IIT Kanpur, and requested that specialized Masters programs in Cyber Security be offered to defense personnel who upon completion of  their degrees here – could join various positions at the defense CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team), the WESEE (Weapons and Electronics Engineering Center, Indian Navy), the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) , Defense Cyber Agency (DCyA) etc., where cyber security professionals are urgently required.

Due to the confluence of these three facts, the department of CSE is proposing three new master’s programs specializing in Cyber Security. The MTech program in Cyber Security is meant to cater to the students who are likely to take up jobs as VAPT engineers, security center analysis, CERT engineers, cyber security tool developers etc. The MS by research program is designed to train cyber security researchers, technology developers, cyber security strategists, and top-level Cyber Security policy designers. Also, an option for BT-MT dual degree students is proposed to specialize in Cyber Security. This proposal describes the three proposed programs.

Motivation and Goals of the Program

According to the Data Security Council of India’s latest annual Cyber Security India Market report, the cyber security market in India will grow from USD 1.97 billion in 2019 to USD 3.05 billion by 2022. NASSCOM – an industry body for the information technology (IT) industry projected recently that India will need approximately 1 million cyber security professionals in order to protect its cyber space from cyber-attacks. These jobs span diverse sectors including the software product industry, software-based services industry, as well as the government agencies such as NCIIPC (National Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Center), CERT-IN (Computer Emergency Response Team of India), Sector specific CERTs (such as CERT POWER, CERT FINANCE etc.), NIC, Defense CERT, and Defense labs such as WESEE, Defense Intelligence Agency etc.

At the same time, Army and Navy officers have repeatedly requested that IIT Kanpur offer new opportunities for their officers who are deputed to complete their M. Tech at IIT Kanpur. A frequent request has been a degree in Cyber Security in order to train for cyber security related jobs in the Defense. It is worth noting here that the government has recently announced setting up of Defense Cyber Agency (DCyA) for cyber warfare and this agency will require a significant number of well-trained officers.

Our faculty members have been approached by companies such as Intel, AMD, Fortanix, NetApps, NXP Semiconductors, Texas Instruments etc., requesting student interns and future employees who could work in the areas of micro-architecture security, hardware security, secure machine learning etc.

Combined with these three factors is the fact that in the recent years, the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) department has been offering a large variety of cyber security related courses, and several faculty members are engaged in cyber security related research projects. A fairly good number of Masters’ thesis projects have been completed in cyber security related topics.

Keeping these factors in mind, the CSE department has decided to propose three Masters programs with specialization in Cyber Security. The first proposal is to provide an opportunity for BT-MT dual degree students to specialize in cyber security by fulfilling the same course requirements as the proposed MTech program with this specialization. The second proposal is to create an MTech degree with specialization in Cyber Security, and the third proposal is to create an MS by research program with specialization in Cyber Security.

Nature of Employment for students graduating with Cyber Security Specialization

As mentioned earlier, in the recent past, we have received a number of requests from government and non-government entities for creating specialization program in Cyber Security as there is a severe lack of trained man power in this field. In order for everyone to understand the various job roles available, and to distinguish between the job roles expected to be taken up by graduates of BT-MT dual degree students, MTech students and MS students, here we provide a list of common job types for Cyber Security professionals in India.

Like many fields of engineering, the government and industry need both cyber security generalists who have very broad understanding of various aspects of cyber security and how they interact with each other, as well as domain specialists who focus on a single domain – such as Network Security, Web Security, Vulnerability Assessment, Penetration Testing, Hardware Security etc.  While the first type of role would require breadth and some depth, the second type requires domain specific depth, and hands-on experience in researching the specific domain.

Domain Specialist Jobs

  • Information Security Analyst
  • Cryptographer
  • Security Administrator
  • Penetration Tester
  • Sector specific Security Operations Center Analyst
  • Security Operations Center Head
  • Cyber Security Product Engineers
  • Cyber Security Application Engineers

Generalist Jobs

  • Chief Information Security Officer
  • Security Architect
  • Lead Software Security Engineer
  • Cyber Security Product Architect
  • Cyber Security Service Architect
  • Cyber Security Researcher
  • Cyber Security Policy Designer
  • Cyber security Strategists

The above list is not exhaustive, but aims to provide aa broad overview of the diverse roles and responsibilities for cyber security professionals. The roles in blue are roles that require training and hands-on experience in domain-specific cyber security technology, and employees with these roles will be doing more hands-on engineering, product development, application engineering of products etc. The roles in bold and green font are roles that would require more breadth and some hands-on experience. Therefore, it is expected that the generalist jobs will be more suitable for students graduating with BT-MT or MTech in Cyber Security while the other jobs will be more appropriate for students graduating with an MS by research in cyber security with a very in-depth thesis component in a specific topic.

Our proposed curriculum is reflective of what courses we currently have on offer, and we believe that in the future, our curriculum will have a broader choice of courses and courses in Cyber Security Ethics, Laws, and Regulations may be introduced.

Curriculum Structure

Table 1 list of cyber security courses currently offered.

No. of Credits
CS 628 Computer System Security Sandeep K. Shukla 9
CS 641 Modern Cryptography Manindra Agrawal 9
CS 631 Cyber Security of Critical Infrastructures Sandeep K. Shukla 9
CS 665 Secure Memory Systems   9
CS 675 Designing Verifiably Secure Systems   9
CS 658 Malware Analysis and Intrusion Detection Sandeep K. Shukla 9
CS 731 Blockchain Technology and Applications Sandeep K. Shukla 9
CS 771 Introduction to Machine Learning ML faculty in CSE  
CS 730 Topics in Operating System Debadatta Mishra  
CS 698 Linux Kernel Programming Debadatta Mishra  
CS 623 Modern Memory Systems    
CS 681 Computational Algebra and Number Theory Nitin Saxena  

The courses CS 628A and CS 641A will be designated as core courses for all proposed Masters programs.

Table 2 summarizes the credit requirements for the various programs.

MTech Course work = 63 credits, Thesis work: 81 credits. 
18 credits of core courses (Group A in Table 1), 27 credits from courses in Group B, and 9 credits from Group C courses. 9 credits from either Group B or C. 
BT-MT Dual Same as M. Tech
MS (R)

Course work = 36 credits, Thesis work: 108 credits.
18 credits of core courses (Group A in Table 1), 18 credits from courses in Group B.

Each student must complete the two core courses from the Group A courses. They also must complete 27 credits (i.e.3 courses of 9 credit hours each) out of the list of courses in Group B and at least 9 credits (i.e. 1 course of 9 credits) from the list of courses in Group C. However, in total, a student must complete a total of 63 credits (7 courses – each of 9 credits) for completing his/her degree requirements. Therefore, they must complete a minimum of 54 credits (6 courses of 9 credits each) from Group A, B and C, another 9 credits can be taken from either group B or Group C, or any other CSE department course with the explicit permission of the DPGC.

The list of courses currently available are listed in the Table 1. It will be extended in the future. The student must also complete thesis work worth 81 thesis credits (9 units). All requirements for MTech program of CSE vis-a- vis thesis work applies. In summary, the total number of credits required for MTech is 144 credits (63 credits in courses, and 81 credits in M. Tech thesis work).

BT-MT Dual Degree

For students in the BT-MT dual degree, minimum 81 credits of thesis work, and 54 credits in course work (with 18 credits of core courses, minimum 27 credits from Group B courses, and minimum 9 credits from Group C courses) must be completed. Another 9 credit PG level course must be taken either from the Group B or Group C or any other course offered by the CSE department with explicit permission of the DUGC.

For MS by Research

Each student must complete 18 credits of core courses and 18 credits of courses from Group B (i.e. 2 courses each of 9 credit hours). The list of courses in Table 1 will be extended in the future. The student must complete thesis credit of 108 credits (12 units). All requirements for MS program in CSE vis-à-vis thesis work will apply.

Initial Intake Plan

The goal is to start with a small size. For the BT-MT program, we propose to accept up to 10 students for the cyber security specialization. For the MTech program -- we plan to initially accept up to 15 students through GATE and 10 students from Defense and Government sectors based on selection by the Defense/Government agencies. For the MS program, 10 students through GATE, and 5 students from Defense, Government, and Industry sector. There will be no GATE requirement for candidates from Defense/Government/Industry sectors. The reservations as per rules will apply.

Table 3 Initial Intake Plan

MTech 15 10 NA
MS (R) 10 5 NA

Admissions Criteria

The admissions for the various programs will be as per the PG manual .

  • Post Doctoral Fellows
  • Technical Staff
  • Administrative Staff
  • Current Timetable
  • PhD Comprehensive
  • Academic Integrity
  • Mid-Sem Exam Schedule
  • End-Sem Exam Schedule
  • Dual Degree
  • BT-MT, MTech, MS in Cyber Security
  • Minor Programs
  • e-masters (Enrollment Link)
  • Under Graduate
  • Post Graduate
  • Counselling
  • Lab Facilities
  • Room Booking
  • Newsletters
  • Publications
  • CDIS Center

© CSE, IIT Kanpur. All rights reserved.

Cybersecurity Guide

From scholar to expert: Cybersecurity PhD options

In this guide

  • Industry demand
  • 2024 rankings
  • Preparation
  • Considerations
  • School listings

The cybersecurity landscape is not just growing—it’s evolving at a breakneck pace. And what better way to stay ahead of the curve than by pursuing a PhD in cybersecurity?

This advanced degree is no longer confined to the realm of computer science. Today, it branches into diverse fields like law, policy, management, and strategy, reflecting the multifaceted nature of modern cyber threats.

If you’re looking to become a thought leader in this dynamic industry, a PhD in cybersecurity offers an unparalleled opportunity to deepen your expertise and broaden your horizons.

This guide is designed to give prospective cybersecurity PhD students a general overview of available cybersecurity PhD programs. It will also outline some of the factors to consider when trying to find the right PhD program fit, such as course requirements and tuition costs. 

Industry demand for PhDs in cybersecurity

Like other cutting-edge technology fields, until recently, cybersecurity PhD programs were often training grounds for niche positions and specialized research, often for government agencies (like the CIA, NSA, and FBI),  or closely adjacent research organizations or institutions. 

Today, however, as the cybersecurity field grows to become more pervasive and consumer-oriented, there are opportunities for cybersecurity PhDs to work at public-facing companies like startups and name-brand financial, software, infrastructure, and digital service firms.

One trend that is emerging in the cybersecurity field is that cybersecurity experts need to be well-versed in a variety of growing threats. If recent headlines about cybersecurity breaches are any indication, there are a number of new attack vectors and opportunities for cybercrime and related issues. Historically, committing cybercrime took resources and a level of sophistication that required specialized training or skill.

But now, because of the pervasiveness of the internet, committing cybercrime is becoming more commonplace. So training in a cybersecurity PhD program allows students to become an experts in one part of a growing and multi-layered field.

In fact, this trend of needing well-trained, but adaptable cybersecurity professionals is reflected by the move by cybersecurity graduate schools to offer specialized master’s degrees , and many companies and professional organizations offer certifications in cybersecurity that focus on particular issues related to cybersecurity technology, cybersecurity law , digital forensics , policy, or related topics.

That said, traditional research-oriented cybersecurity positions continue to be in demand in academia and elsewhere — a trend that will likely continue. 

One interesting facet of the cybersecurity field is trying to predict what future cybersecurity threats might look like and then develop tools and systems to protect against those threats.

As new technologies and services are developed and as more of the global population begins using Internet services for everything from healthcare to banking — new ways of protecting those services will be required. Often, it’s up to academic researchers to think ahead and examine various threats and opportunities to insulate against those threats.

Another key trend coming out of academic circles is that cybersecurity students are becoming increasingly multidisciplinary.

As cybersecurity hacks impact more parts of people’s everyday lives, so too do the academic programs that are designed to prepare the next generation of cybersecurity professionals. This emerging trend creates an enormous amount of opportunity for students who have a variety of interests and who are looking to create a non-traditional career path.

The best cybersecurity PhD programs for 2024

Georgia institute of technology, northeastern university, marymount university, school of technology and innovation, nova southeastern university, college of computing & engineering, purdue university, stevens institute of technology, worcester polytechnic institute, university of illinois at urbana-champaign, mississippi state university, new york institute of technology.

These rankings were compiled from data accessed in November 2023 from the Integrated Post-Secondary Education Data System (IPEDS) and College Navigator (both services National Center for Education Statistics). Tuition data was pulled from individual university websites and is current as of November 2023.

What is required to get a PhD in cybersecurity?

Good news first: Obtaining a PhD in a field related to cybersecurity will likely create tremendous employment opportunities and lead to interesting and dynamic career options.

Bad news: Getting a PhD requires a lot of investment of time and energy, and comes with a big opportunity cost (meaning you have to invest four to five years, or longer, or pursue other opportunities to obtain a doctoral degree. 

Here’s a quick breakdown of what is required to get a PhD in cybersecurity. Of course, specific degree requirements will vary by program. One growing trend in the field is that students can now obtain degrees in a variety of formats, including traditional on-campus programs, online degree programs , and hybrid graduate degree programs that combine both on-campus learning with online learning. 

Related resources

  • Online PhD in cybersecurity – A guide to finding the right program
  • Cybersecurity degree programs
  • Podcast episodes and expert interviews

Preparing for a cybersecurity doctorate program

Cybersecurity is a relatively new formalized technology field, nonetheless, there are several ways that students or prospective PhD candidates can get involved or explore the field before and during a graduate school program. A few examples of ways to start networking and finding opportunities include: 

Join cybersecurity organizations with professional networks

Specialized professional organizations are a good place to find the latest in career advice and guidance. Often they publish newsletters or other kinds of information that provide insights into the emerging trends and issues facing cybersecurity professionals. A couple of examples include:

The Center for Internet Security  (CIS) is a non-profit dedicated to training cybersecurity professionals and fostering a sense of collaboration. The organization also publishes information and analysis of the latest cybersecurity threats and issues facing the professional community.

The SANS Institute runs several different kinds of courses for students (including certification programs) as well as ongoing professional cybersecurity education and training for people working in the field. The organization has several options including webinars, online training, and live in-person seminars. Additionally, SANS also publishes newsletters and maintains forums for cybersecurity professionals to interact and share information.

Leverage your social network

Places like LinkedIn and Twitter are good places to start to find news and information about what is happening in the field, who the main leaders and influencers are, and what kinds of jobs and opportunities are available.

Starting a professional network early is also a great opportunity. Often professionals and members of the industry are willing to provide guidance and help to students who are genuinely interested in the field and looking for career opportunities. 

Cybersecurity competitions 

Cybersecurity competitions are a great way to get hands-on experience working on real cybersecurity problems and issues. As a PhD student or prospective student, cybersecurity competitions that are sponsored by industry groups are a great way to meet other cybersecurity professionals while getting working on projects that will help flesh out a resume or become talking points in later job interviews.

The US Cyber Challenge , for example, is a series of competitions and hackathon-style events hosted by the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate and the Center for Internet Security to prepare the next generation of cybersecurity professionals.


Internships also continue to be a tried and true way to gain professional experience. Internships in technical fields like cybersecurity can also pay well. Like the industry itself, cybersecurity internships are available across a wide range of industries and can range from academic research-oriented to more corporate kinds of work. 

Things to consider when choosing a cybersecurity PhD program

There are many considerations to evaluate when considering any kind of graduate degree, but proper planning is essential to be able to obtain a doctoral degree. It’s also important to note that these are just guidelines and that each graduate program will have specific requirements, so be sure to double-check.

What you will need before applying to a cybersecurity PhD program:

  • All undergraduate and graduate transcripts
  • A statement of intent, which is like a cover letter outlining interest
  • Letters of reference
  • Application fee
  • Online application
  • A resume or CV outlining professional and academic accomplishments

What does a cybersecurity PhD program cost?

Obtaining a PhD is a massive investment, both in terms of time and money. Cybersecurity PhD students are weighing the cost of becoming an expert in the field with the payoff of having interesting and potentially lucrative career opportunities on the other side.

Degree requirements are usually satisfied in 60-75 hours, so the cost of a doctoral degree can be well into the six-figure range. Here’s a more specific breakdown:

Tuition rates

The Cybersecurity Guide research team looked at 26 programs that offer a cybersecurity-related PhD degree. Here’s a breakdown of tuition rates (all figures are based on out-of-state tuition).

$17,580 is the most affordable PhD program option and it is available at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

$86,833 is the average cost of a cybersecurity PhD and is based on tuition rates from all 26 schools.

$197,820 is the most expensive cybersecurity PhD program and is available at Indiana University Bloomington.

The good news is that by the time students get to the PhD level there are a lot of funding options — including some graduate programs that are completely funded by the university or academic departments themselves.

Additionally, funding in the form of research grants and other kinds of scholarships is available for students interested in pursuing cybersecurity studies. 

One example is the CyberCorps: Scholarships for Service program. Administered by the National Science Foundation, PhD students studying cybersecurity are eligible for a $34,000 a year scholarship, along with a professional stipend of $6,000 to attend conferences in exchange for agreeing to work for a government agency in the cybersecurity space after the PhD program. 

Frequently asked questions about cybersecurity PhD programs

Most traditional and online cybersecurity graduate programs require a minimum number of credits that need to be completed to obtain a degree. On average, it takes 71 credits to graduate with a PhD in cybersecurity — far longer (almost double) than traditional master’s degree programs. In addition to coursework, most PhD students also have research and teaching responsibilities that can be simultaneously demanding and great career preparation.

At the core of a cybersecurity doctoral program is a data science doctoral program, you’ll be expected to learn many skills and also how to apply them across domains and disciplines. Core curriculums will vary from program to program, but almost all will have a core foundation of statistics.  

All PhD candidates will have to take a series of exams that act as checkpoints during the lengthy PhD process. The actual exam process and timing can vary depending on the university and the program, but the basic idea is that cybersecurity PhD candidates generally have to sit for a qualifying exam, which comes earlier in the program (usually the winter or spring of the second year of study), a preliminary exam, which a candidate takes to show they are ready to start the dissertation or research portion of the PhD program, and a final exam where PhD students present and defend their research and complete their degree requirements. 

A cybersecurity PhD dissertation is the capstone of a doctoral program. The dissertation is the name of a formal paper that presents the findings of original research that the PhD candidate conducted during the program under the guidance of faculty advisors. Some example cybersecurity research topics that could potentially be turned into dissertation ideas include: * Policies and best practices around passwords * Ways to defend against the rise of bots * Policies around encryption and privacy * Corporate responsibility for employee security * Internet advertising targeting and privacy * The new frontier of social engineering attacks * Operation security (OpSec) strategy and policy * Network infrastructure and defense * Cybersecurity law and policy * The vulnerabilities of biometrics * The role of ethical hacking * Cybersecurity forensics and enforcement

A complete listing of cybersecurity PhD programs

The following is a list of cybersecurity PhD programs. The listing is intended to work as a high-level index that provides enough basic information to make quick side-by-side comparisons easy. 

You should find basic data about what each school requires (such as a GRE score or prior academic work) as well as the number of credits required, estimated costs, and a link to the program.

Arizona State University

Augusta university, boise state university, carnegie mellon university, colorado school of mines, dakota state university, george mason university, indiana university bloomington, iowa state university, louisiana tech university, marymount university, naval postgraduate school, new jersey city university, new york university, nova southeastern university, rochester institute of technology, sam houston state university, st. thomas university, the university of tennessee, university of california-davis, university of central florida, university of colorado-colorado springs, university of fairfax, university of idaho, university of missouri-columbia, university of north carolina at charlotte, university of north texas, university of texas at san antonio, university of tulsa, virginia tech.

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Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

An institution of eminence, भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान दिल्ली, hauz khas, new delhi-110016, india, publish date: october 28, 2021, online certificate programme on "cybersecurity: foundations and pragmatics".

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IPHE Outreach Event

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Israel Aerospace Industries and IIT Delhi Sign CSR Agreement to Collaborate on Applied Research

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IITD Prelim Quiz

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IIT Delhi’s Department of Humanities and Social Sciences to Offer a New Academic Program ‘M.A. in Culture, Society, Thought’

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02nd online CEP programme titled "Fundamentals of EVs and Charging Infrastructure"

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06th online CEP programme titled "Advanced Programme in Electric Vehicle (EV) Technology"

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9th online CEP programme titled "Project Management"

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A Twist in the Saga of Fractals

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IITD Poster Competition

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Completion of Sequencing of 10000 Genomes of Indian Population: IIT Delhi Scientists Make Significant Contribution

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Bill Gates Inspires IIT Delhi Students, Encourages Them to Apply Their Skills to Global Challenges

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03rd online CEP programme titled "Executive Management Programme in Advanced Strategic Management"

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07th online CEP programme titled "Design Thinking and Innovation"

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LC3-TRC Africa Project Mentored by IIT Delhi Researchers Inaugurated at Kenya’s Meru University of Science and Technology

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Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship 2024 at IIT Delhi

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R Systems International Ltd. and IIT Delhi Partner to Set Up a Centre of Excellence on Applied AI for Sustainable Systems

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Transformative Leadership in STEMM (TLS) Workshop for Ph.D. Scholars from SC/ST Community Held at IIT Delhi

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Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, Inaugurates Two Academic Complexes at IIT Delhi

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UQ-IITD Research Academy publicity for July 2024 admissions

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UQ-IITD Research Academy Seminar Series- Ms.Bernadette Huber

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online CEP programme titled "AI/ML for Industry Bootcamp"

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Faculty Research Awards

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IIT Delhi Launches a New Academic Program ‘M.Sc. in Biological Sciences’; Admissions Through JAM

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In Pictures: IIT Delhi Celebrates 75th Republic Day

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GRIP: IIT Delhi Students Visit Uttarakhand Villages; Will Develop Tech Solutions to Address Issues Faced by Local Population

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IIT Delhi Foundation Day Institute Lecture

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UQ-IITD Research Academy Seminar Series - Prof. Tanusree Chakraborty

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National Service Scheme (NSS) of IIT Delhi Launches an In-house-developed Mobile App, Making Volunteering Much More Accessible

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Bharat Electronics Ltd., FITT-IIT Delhi Sign MoU

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Call for Applications: Transformative Leadership in STEMM (TLS) Workshop for Advanced PhD Scholars from SC/ST community.

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28th Inter IIT Staff Sports Meet: IIT Delhi Wins General Championship (Men's)

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IIT Delhi Newsletter - December 2023 Issue

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online CEP programme titled "Executive Programme for Tech Product Management"

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Season of Alumni Reunions at IIT Delhi Begins

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Request for Proposal: Empanelment of Service providers for the Online CEP Programmes at IIT Delhi

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online CEP programme titled "Executive Certificate Programme in Digital Marketing"

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Placement Season 2023-24: IIT Delhi Students Receive Around 1050 Job Offers in Phase 1

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online CEP programme titled "Chief Technology Officer Programme"

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UQ-IITD Academy of Research Seminar Series - Ms.Neha Singh

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2nd online CEP programme titled "Executive Programme in Healthcare Entrepreneurship and Management"

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Consultative Brainstorming Meeting: ‘DST's Roadmap Towards India’s Net Zero Targets Through Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage’

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Shortlisting Criteria for PhD admissions at CRDT

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Kaspersky, IIT Delhi Partner to Foster Local Cybersecurity Talent Development in India

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04th online CEP programme titled "Certification in Quantum Computing and Machine Learning"

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IIT Delhi Faculty Combines Technology with Art Forms to Offer a Holistic Educational Experience to Materials Engineering Students

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Placement Season Begins at IIT Delhi- Students Receive 480 Job Offers By the End of December 1

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Over 30 High School Girls Successfully Complete Second STEM Mentorship Program Launched by IIT Delhi

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BioTEX-2023 : Organized by the CBME, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi at New Delhi from 27th November-1st December 2023

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Shortlisting Criteria and List of candidates shortlisted for interview for the MSR Program in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering for the session 2023-24, II Semester

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Short-listing criteria for admission to Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering for the year 2023-2024 (2nd Semester)

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Masters in Energy Transition and Sustainability at IIT Delhi Abu Dhabi Campus

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3rd online CEP programme titled "Advanced Certification in Data Science and Decision Science"

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UQ-IITD Academy of Research Seminar Series - Ms. Simran Agarwal

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online CEP programme titled "Hands-on Training on "Semiconductor Device Technology: Fabrication and Characterization"

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QS Asia University Rankings 2024

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In pictures: 16th Open House for School Students at IIT Delhi

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IIT Delhi Showcases Cutting-Edge Research to School Students at the Open House 2023

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IIT Delhi Faculty Prof. Shilpi Sharma and Prof. Anurag Singh Rathore Win Tata Transformation Prize; Recognized for their Cutting-Edge Solutions to Food Security and Healthcare

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Industry

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Hon'ble Vice-President of India, Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar, Visits IIT Delhi and Interacts with Students

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In pictures: Hon'ble Vice-President of India, Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar, Visits IIT Delhi and Interacts with Students

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UQ-IITD Academy of Research Seminar Series - Dr. Zyta Ziora

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Tehri Hydro Development Corporation India Limited (THDCIL) and IIT Delhi Ink MoU for Transformative Research and Development Initiatives

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DAKSH Centre of Excellence for Law and Technology at IIT Delhi Launches a Book Titled ‘Technology and Analytics for Law and Justice’

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Invitation of Applications for the post of Director. IIT Bombay

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8th online CEP programme titled "Project Management"

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37th Inter-IIT Aquatics Meet: IIT Delhi Wins Aquatics Men's Championship for First Time

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online CEP programme titled "Executive Programme in Human Resource Management"

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online CEP programme titled "Advanced Certification Programme in Persuasive UX Strategy"

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IIT Delhi and HORIBA India Jointly Hold Tech Symposium on ‘Solutions for Semiconductor Industry’

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In pictures: Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi and Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Celebrated at IIT Delhi

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Vice President of the Dominican Republic Visits IIT Delhi; MoU Signed

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UQ-IITD Academy of Research - Special seminar on Fire safety engineering

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First of Its Kind ‘Medical Cobotics Centre (MCC)’ Inaugurated in New Delhi; to Foster Innovation in Healthcare

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IIT Delhi Faculty Elected as INSA Fellows and Associate Fellows 2023

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Amrit Kaal Vimarsh on Viksit Bharat@2047: Dr. R. Chidambaram Delivers Lecture

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UQ-IITD Academy of Research Seminar Series - Ms. Deepti Mishra

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IIT Delhi Newsletter - August 2023 Issue

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online CEP programme titled "Certificate Programme in Project Management: Theory & Practice"

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IIT Delhi’s Prof. Dipti Ranjan Sahoo Wins Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for Science and Technology 2022

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IIT Delhi and EXL Enter into MoU to Work Towards Empowering Women Entrepreneurs Through Digital and Financial Literacy

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UQIDAR information session scheduled on 12th and 13th of September

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Join a world-leading joint PhD program with a generous scholarship

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6th online CEP programme titled "Design Thinking & Innovation"

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2nd online CEP programme titled "Executive Management Programme in Advanced Strategic Management"

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5th online CEP programme titled "Advanced Programme in Electric Vehicle (EV) Technology"

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First Batch of UQIDAR Students Receive Joint PhD Degree at 54th IIT Delhi Convocation Ceremony

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UQ-IITD Academy of Research Seminar Series - Dr. Abdullah Mohammed Bareen

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In pictures: IIT Delhi Celebrates Independence Day; Employees Awarded for Exemplary Contribution to Institute

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IIT Delhi's School of Public Policy Successfully Places its Inaugural Masters in Public Policy Batch

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Workshop on MedTech and Healthcare Ecosystem for Upcoming IIT Delhi - Jhajjar Campus Organised

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2357 Graduating IIT Delhi Students Receive Degrees and Diplomas at the 54th Annual Convocation Ceremony

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online CEP programme titled "Certificate Programme in Digital Marketing (Batch 6)"

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online CEP programme titled "Certificate Programme in Project Management (Batch 7)"

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2nd online CEP programme titled "Professional Certificate Programme in FinTech"

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IIT Delhi to Hold its 54th Convocation on August 12; Eminent Virologist Dr. Gagandeep Kang to be the Chief Guest

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Executive Vice President and Finance Minister of Venezuela Visits IIT Delhi

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3rd online CEP programme titled "Certification in Quantum Computing and Machine Learning"

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online CEP programme titled "Fundamentals of EVs and Charging Infrastructure"

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IIT Delhi Recognised as “GATI Achiever” for Promoting Women in STEM

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IIT Delhi Takes Multiple Initiatives Towards Implementing NEP 2020

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IIT Delhi Alumni Awards 2023

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Advertisement inviting for the post of Director IIT Jodhpur

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UQ-IITD Academy of Research Seminar Series - Dr. Vallari R. Chourasia

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MoU for IIT Delhi-Abu Dhabi Campus Signed

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IIT Delhi Student Plays in 2023 ICF Dragon Boat World Cup; Team Wins Bronze

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IIT Delhi Successfully Organizes Open House for JEE (Advanced) 2023 Qualified Female and PwD Candidates

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US Ambassador to India Praises IIT Delhi Ph.D. Scholar for Her Research

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In pictures: International Yoga Day Celebrated at IIT Delhi

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IIT Delhi Research Scholar Anchal Sharma Makes Research Presentation Before Indian PM and US First Lady at NSF

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IIT Delhi is organising an Open House for JEE (Advanced) 2023 qualified Female and Pwd Candidates on June 24, 2023 (Saturday)

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2nd online CEP programme titled "Machine Learning and Deep Learning"

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online CEP programme titled "Applied Data Science using Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence"

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UQ-IITD Academy of research seminar series

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IIT Delhi Organises Workshop on Mental Wellness and Stress Management

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NIRF India Rankings 2023- IIT Delhi Among Top Three Educational Institutions in India

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5th online CEP programme titled "Design Thinking and Innovation"

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UAE’s Economy Minister Visits IIT Delhi; Delivers Talk

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IIT Delhi Celebrates World Telecommunication Day; India’s G20 Sherpa, Mr. Amitabh Kant, Delivers Annual Bharti Lecture

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Result of selected students for PG SRPF 2023

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Haryana School Students Get a Glimpse of World-Class Research Facilities at IIT Delhi

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on-campus CEP programme titled "Business Analytics for Young Managers"

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"Pension Adalat" for IIT Pensioners on 17.05.2023

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Declaration of result of SRFP- 2023

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IIT Delhi Establishes "Bhandari-Sankhla Chair" in the Area of Clean Energy

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2nd online CEP programme titled "Executive Programme in Advanced Project Management"

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Result of MBA and MBA (Telecom) Programme 2023-2025

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IIT Delhi Newsletter - April 2023 Issue

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Apply for Sumant Sinha Sustainability Leadership Award 2023

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5th batch of PGDEx- VLFM (Visionary Leaders for Manufacturing)

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MechAnalyzer Software to Help Engineering Students Learn Concepts of Mechanisms; FITT-IIT Delhi and SVR InfoTech Sign MoU for Sale and Tech Support

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Venus Chair Established at IIT Delhi to Support Teaching and Research & Development in the Area of Fibrous Air Filters

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CRF, IIT Delhi organises DST- STUTI Workshop in Collaboration with NIT Warangal

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Advt. No.- Mission Mode (DR)(4)/2023 is hereby extended upto 12.05.2023 till 05:00 PM

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6th online CEP programme titled "Data Science and Machine Learning"

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Deadline of Submission of Online Applications for SRFP - 2023 extended upto 19.04.2023 till 11:59 PM

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2nd online CEP programme titled "Advanced Certification in Data Science and Decision Science (Batch 2) "

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IIT Delhi’s Two-Day Annual Career Fest ‘Pravritti 2023- Expanding Horizons’ to Begin on April

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2nd online CEP programme titled "Executive Programme for Advanced Product Management (Batch 2)"

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2nd online CEP programme titled "Design Thinking for User Experience"

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"SIRe Symposium 2023" dated 12th April, 2023

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4th online CEP programme titled "Advanced Programme in Electric Vehicle (EV) Technology"

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online CEP programme titled "Certificate Programme in Sales & Marketing"

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IIT Delhi, HORIBA India Sign MoU to Support Students with Disabilities

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online CEP programme titled "Executive Programme in Operations Management And Analytics"

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online CEP programme titled "Executive Programme in Product Innovation & Design Thinking for Business Growth"

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IIT Delhi Launches an Inter-Disciplinary M. Tech. Programme in Robotics

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QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023: IIT Delhi Among the Top 50 Institutions in the World in Engineering & Technology with 48th Rank

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6th online CEP programme titled "Project Management"

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MoS for Education Dr. Subhas Sarkar Inaugurates Unnat Bharat Abhiyan's "UNNATI Mahotsav and Expo" at IIT Delhi

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Advt. No.- Mission Mode (DR)(2)/2023 is hereby extended upto 27.03.2023

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In pictures- Hon'ble Australian PM Mr. Anthony Albanese's Visit to IIT Delhi on March 10, 2023

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Australian Prime Minister Witnesses State-of-the-Art Technologies Developed by IIT Delhi.

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Hon’ble Australian Prime Minister Mr. Anthony Albanese Visits IIT Delhi; Addresses Students

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IIT Delhi’s Three-day Annual Science, Technology and Management Festival “Tryst 2023” Kicks Off

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Advt. No.- Mission Mode (DR)(1)/2023 is hereby extended upto 17.03.2023

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IIT Delhi Alumnus Alok Aggarwal Endows Chair for Research in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Area

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IIT Delhi to Develop Smart Monitoring System to Ensure Safety of Persons Working at Height

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Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Organises Special Orientation Workshop

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ReNew CoE organised event on 1st March 2023 , 5 - 6:30 pm

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IIT Delhi Scientists Design Time Capsule for the Department of Posts

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UQIDAR information session webinar scheduled on 24th February

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Advertisement inviting applications for the post of Director, IIT Goa

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IIT Delhi Inaugurates Second Batch of STEM Mentorship Programme for High School Girls

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online CEP programme titled " Certificate Programme in Design Thinking and Innovation"

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CSM Technologies Sign MoU with IIT Delhi to Establish Annual Scholarship

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IIT Delhi Newsletter - January 2023 Issue

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65th Foundation Day of IIT Delhi Celebrated; Faculty Research Awards 2022 Presented on Foundation Day

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online CEP Programme "Executive Programme in Healthcare Entrepreneurship and Management"

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Online CEP Programme "Digital Marketing"

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Mobility for All: Continental with IIT Delhi Develop A Solution for Visually Impaired To Access Public Buses

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Indian & Foreign Languages Learning Programme

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Annual Summer Faculty Research Fellow Programme (SFRF-2023)

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27th Inter-IIT Staff Sports Meet: IIT Delhi Wins Overall Championship and General Championship (Men)

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Advertisement inviting applications for the post of Director, IIT Guwahati

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Energy Systems, Security and Net Zero Emissions

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IIT Delhi Placement Drive 2022-23: Students Receive Record Number of Job Offers Up to December 15

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IIT Delhi and University of Helsinki, Finland, Sign MoU for Academic Cooperation; Aims to Contribute to Solving Air Quality and Climate Change Challenges in India

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IIT Delhi Showcases Over 80 Technologies Developed by its Researchers at 4th Industry Day

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IIT Delhi to Organise 4th Edition of Industry Day on December 10, 2022

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Placement Season at IIT Delhi for Academic year 2022-23 Commences

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CRDT, IIT Delhi Organises International Symposium on Circular Economy Solutions for Plastics and Microplastics jointly with University of Eastern Finland (UEF)

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IIT Delhi Newsletter - November 2022 Issue

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National Credit Framework (NCrF) Awareness Workshop(North Zone)

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Four Startups led by IIT Delhi Students Win a Grant of Rs 50 lakh Each Under Endowment Nurture Fund Initiative

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Advertisement inviting applications for the post of Director, IIT IIT Kanpur and IIT (ISM) Dhanbad

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IIT Delhi Holds 53rd Annual Convocation Ceremony; 2100 Graduating Students Awarded Degrees and Diplomas

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IIT Delhi to Hold its 53rd Annual Convocation Ceremony on November 05, 2022

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"Advanced Programme in Electric Vehicle (EV) Technology".

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Online CEP Certificate Programme "Project Management"

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Rural Technology Action Group (RuTAG) at IIT Delhi Transfers Two Technologies to Four African Nations

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Department of Telecommunications R&D Centre C-DOT and IIT Delhi Sign MoU for Cooperation in Various Emerging Areas of Telecom

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Quantum Computing & Machine Learning

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Certificate Programme in FinTech

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Workshop on Addressing Air Quality Challenges in Delhi-NCT Held at IIT Delhi; Team Sweden, IIT Delhi Identify Possible Areas of Joint Intervention

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"Seminar on "Polymers in Ionic Liquids" by Prof. Arun Yethiraj

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In Media- IIT Delhi Diamond Jubilee Celebrations Closing Ceremony

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Supreme Court Judge Hon’ble Justice D.Y. Chandrachud to Deliver Inaugural Talk for the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at IIT Delhi

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Hon’ble Union Education Minister, Shri Dharmendra Pradhan Addresses IIT Delhi Diamond Jubilee Celebrations Closing Ceremony

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IIT Delhi Diamond Jubilee Celebrations Closing Ceremony- Director Prof. Rangan Banerjee's Speech

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IIT Delhi Diamond Jubilee Celebrations Closing Ceremony- Hon'ble President of India, Smt. Droupadi Murmu's Speech

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Hon’ble President of India, Smt. Droupadi Murmu Graces IIT Delhi Diamond Jubilee Celebrations Closing Ceremony

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IIT Delhi Newsletter - August 2022 Issue

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FSAE Italy 2022- IIT Delhi’s Automobile Club AXLR8R Formula Racing Secures First Position in Cost and Manufacturing Event

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Office of Career Services, IIT Delhi Unveils its Official Logo

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Union Minister Shri Piyush Goyal Inaugurates Public Systems Lab at IIT Delhi Established in Partnership with UNWFP

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IIT Delhi’s Technology Innovation Hub IHFC Gets 12 Projects Under DST-NSF Joint Research and Development Program

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Over Three Thousand DSEU Students Visit IIT Delhi for Experiential Learning

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Har Ghar Tiranga

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Sumant Sinha Sustainability Leadership Award 2022

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Certificate Programme in Machine Learning and Deep Learning

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IIT Delhi Organises Academic Outreach Day for Students and Faculty of Haryana Govt. Technical Universities and Colleges

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Certificate Programme in Digital Marketing

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Executive Programme in Startup Bootcamp

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NIRF India Rankings 2022- IIT Delhi Achieves 2nd Rank in Engineering; Jumps to 4th in Management; Features Among Top 3 Research Institutes

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IIT Delhi in Association with Prasar Bharati to Host DD-Robocon 2022

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IIT Delhi Alumni Parul and Alok Mittal Join League of IIT Delhi Endowment Fund Founders

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Census Data Workstation Inaugurated at IIT Delhi

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India’s Best Colleges 2022: IIT Delhi #1 Engineering Institute

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mPRAGATI, a One Stop MedTech Technology Development Facility at IIT Delhi Under ICMR-Medical Device and Diagnostics Mission Secretariat, Unveiled

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Empanelment of retired officers as an Inquiry Officers for conducting Departmental Inquiry - reg.

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First Batch Successfully Completes IIT Delhi’s STEM Mentorship Program for High Schoolgirls

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School students showcase promising prototypes they built at Change.Makers summer boot camp organised by IIT Delhi

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IITs in Delhi, Bombay and Kanpur Offer Internship and Sponsored M. Tech. Programmes to Students from Ladakh

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IHFC, TIH of IIT Delhi, Celebrates its 2nd Anniversary; Announces Call for Proposal in Areas of Autonomous Vehicles, Nano Robotics, Block Chain for Applications in Robotics

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Samsung Launches ‘Solve for Tomorrow’, an Innovation Contest for India’s Youth to Crack Real-World Problems; FITT at IIT Delhi to be the Knowledge Partner

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QS World University Rankings 2023- IIT Delhi Achieves an Improved Overall Rank of 174 Globally

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IIT Delhi Student Wins Coveted TCS CodeVita Season 10

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IIT Delhi Study Reveals Mechanisms Driving SARS-CoV-2 Evolution in Humans

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DEPARTMENT OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, IIT DELHI --- Indian & Foreign Languages Learning Programme

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Result- UG - Summer Research Fellowship Programme - 2022 ( IN CONTINUATION TO THE LIST OF STUDENTS PUBLISHED on 13th May, 2022 )

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CEP programme titled "Executive Programme for Advance Product Management"

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Technology Innovation Hub of IIT Delhi (IHFC) Signs MoU with the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE)

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CEP programme titled "Advance Programme in E-Vehicle Technology"

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Result - UG Summer Research Fellowship programme (SRFP 2022)

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3rd online CEP programme on "Design Thinking and Innovation"

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Monumental National Flag Hoisted at IIT Delhi

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ITC Inks Pact with IIT Delhi to Carry Out Collaborative Research in STEM Areas

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IIT Delhi to Organise Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Summer Boot Camp for School Students

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4th online CEP programme on "Project Management"

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4th online CEP programme on "Data Science and Machine Learning"

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Empanelment of Advocates/Law Firms with IIT Delhi for Legal matters.

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Did Climate Change Cause Ancient Civilizations to Collapse? 08thIIT Delhi SciTech Spins Lecture to Explain

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Executive Management Programme in Strategic Management

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IIT Delhi to Organize Career Fest ‘Pravritti 2022- Reshaping Chances to Choices'

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First Online CEP programme on "Quantum Computing & Machine Learning"

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PG Admission including Ph.D. - Last date for submission of online application and application fee has been extended to April 17, 2022 (4 pm). No further extension will be made.

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SIRe Symposium 2022 on 13th, April, 2022 onwards 10:00 am (Hybrid Mode)

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Executive Programme in Advanced Project Management

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Operations Management & Analytics

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Finance for Non-Finance Executives

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Tryst 2022: IIT Delhi’s Annual Science and Technology Festival from April 15

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QS World University Rankings by Subject 2022 - Five IIT Delhi Academic Programmes in Top 100

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IIT Delhi, Delhi Jal Board Sign MoU to Address Water Security Issues Faced by NCT of Delhi

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Executive Programme in Supply Chain Management & Analytics (EPSCMA)

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World Class Indoor Sports Complex Built with Alumnus Saurabh Mittal's Support Inaugurated at IIT Delhi

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2nd online CEP Certificate programme titled Executive Management Programme in Entrepreneurship Development (EMPED)

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Fabiosys Innovations, an IIT Delhi Startup, Develops Technology to Manufacture Extremely Affordable and Highly Effective Antiviral Fabric

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What makes a virus deadly? IIT Delhi SciTech Spins Lecture for High Schoolers to Explain

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Prof. Dilip T. Shahani, Honorary Professor, IIT Delhi Honoured with Padma Shri

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COVID-related Research & Development Work by Centrally Funded Technical Institutes (CFTIs), Ministry of Education, Government of India - February 2022

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Advanced Certification in Data Science and Decision Science

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Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship Programme 2022 at IIT Delhi

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IHFC, Technology Innovation Hub of IIT Delhi, Collaborates with US’ National Science Foundation for Research in Cobotics, AI

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FITT, IIT Delhi Signs Agreement with SVR InfoTech for RoboAnalyzer Software

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Webinar on "What's next in computing: when classical and quantum computing meet" by Dr. Mukesh V. Khare, Vice President, Semiconductor & Cloud, IBM Research, USA on March 04 (Friday) 2022, 8:30 AM IST

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HORIBA India, IIT Delhi Join Hands to Establish Research Center at the Institute’s Chemistry Department

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Troop Comforts Ltd Signs MoU with IIT Delhi to Develop Smart Protective Clothing for Indian Security Forces

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Prof. Rangan Banerjee Takes Charge as New Director of IIT Delhi

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SciTech Spins Lecture: School Students to Learn About Role of Imaging in Advancing Science and Technology

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IIT Delhi Launches an Interactive Website of IIT-PAL to Help High School Students Prepare for Competitive Exams

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IIT Delhi Researchers Develop High Efficiency, Shadow-less, Portable Solar PV Towers for Power Generation

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Summer Faculty Research Fellow Programme 2022 (SFRF-2022) (During June- July 2022)

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Alumnus Dr. Amit Sinha Gifts Rs. 10 Crore Endowment to IIT Delhi

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IIT Delhi Climate Action Plan

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IIT Delhi Celebrates 64th Foundation Day

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Gender Advancement for Transforming Institutions (GATI)

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5th SciTech Spins Lecture: School Students to Explore World of Elementary Particles

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IIT Delhi Celebrates 73rd Republic Day

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IIT Delhi Professor Dr. Dilip T Shahani to be conferred with Padma Shri Award 2022

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Faculty Research Awards 2021

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PMRF Symposium

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IIT Delhi Alumnus Pledges Rs. 11 Cr to IIT Delhi Endowment Fund

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3rd online Certificate Programme on "Digital Marketing"

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2nd online Certificate Programme in "Advanced Programme in E-Vehicle Technology"

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IIT Delhi Alumnus Pledges Rs. 10 Crores to Institute’s Endowment Fund

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IIT Delhi Launches STEM Mentorship Program for Schoolgirls

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IIT Delhi Sets up “Pillay Chair Professor” for Research in Machine Learning, VLSI Design and Sensors

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IIT Delhi Students Receive Record Number of Job Offers Up to December 15 of Placement Drive 2021

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SciTech Spins 4th Lecture: School Students to Learn About Mysteries of Universe from IIT Delhi Scientists

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Indian Air Force Signs MoU with IIT Delhi To Accelerate Indigenisation Efforts

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IIT Delhi’s State of the Art Research & Innovation Park Wins Prestigious Façade Project of the Year Award 2021

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Brain Storming Conclave on Atmanirbhar North East through S&T Interventions at Cotton University, Guwahati, Assam December 21–22, 2021

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IntelliSmart & IIT Delhi collaborate to develop next generation Smart Grid technology solutions & capabilities

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3rd Certificate Programme in "FINANCE FOR NON FINANCE EXECUTIVES"

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IIT Delhi Celebrates International Day for Persons with Disabilities

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A Vibrant Start to Placement Season at IIT Delhi

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IIT Delhi Collaborates with National Law University Delhi for Ushering in Tech-empowered Justice System

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IIT Delhi and Business Sweden - The Swedish Trade and Invest Council Sign MoU for Clean Air and Green Energy Collaborations

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Placement Season to Commence Virtually at IIT Delhi from December 01, 2021

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ITC, IIT Delhi Discuss Opportunities for Collaboration

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Neilom Prize 2020-21: Recent Graduates of IIT Delhi Awarded for their Work in the Field of Assistive Technology

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‘Why did the Titanic Sink?’ 3rd SciTech Spins Lecture by IIT Delhi to Explain This and Many More Questions to School Students

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Technology Innovation Hubs of IIT Delhi and IIIT Delhi Sign MoU to set up India’s First Medical Cobotics Centre

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At 52nd Convocation of IIT Delhi Over 2000 Students Awarded Degrees

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IIT Delhi to Hold its 52nd Convocation on November 13th, 2021

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Alumnus Mr Anant Yardi to Contribute USD 10 Million to IIT Delhi

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State-of-the-art Laboratories Inaugurated at IIT Delhi’s Centre Focusing on Electric Vehicle Technologies

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IIT Delhi Wins Clarivate India Research Excellence- Citation Awards 2021

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IIT Delhi, AIIMS New Delhi Jointly Establish Centre for Advanced Research and Excellence in Disability & Assistive Technology (CARE-DAT), a Centre of Excellence

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IIT Delhi Establishes Prof N K Jha Chair for Research in Chemistry

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IIT Delhi’s School of Artificial Intelligence to Start ‘M.Tech in Machine Intelligence & Data Science (MINDS)’

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Applications are invited for appointment to the post of Director, Indian Institute of Technology (llT) Bhubaneswar

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Advertisement inviting applications for the post of Director, IIT Palakkad, IIT Tirupati, IIT Dharwad, IIT Bhilai, IIT Goa and IIT Jammu

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IIT Delhi to Teach School Students ‘How Powerful Computers Can Help in Providing Insights into Real-Life Phenomena’

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IIT Delhi Announces Scholarships and Seed Funding Programs to Mark 2nd Anniversary of its Alumni Endowment Fund

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IIT Delhi Launches New UG Programme ‘B. Tech. in Energy Engineering’; JEE (Advanced) Qualified Students Eligible

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Alumnus Mohit Aron Gifts USD 1 Million to IIT Delhi’s Computer Science and Engineering Department

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IIT Delhi Establishes SMITA Research Lab Centre of Excellence in Smart Textiles

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Industrial Design, Innovation & Entrepreneurship

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B.Tech. Students of NIT Sikkim to be Eligible for Direct Admission to IIT Delhi’s PhD Programmes

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JK Paper Signs MoU with IIT Delhi to Set Up JK Paper Centre of Excellence in Paper and Packaging

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3rd online Certificate Programme in "Data Science & Machine Learning"

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2nd online Certificate Programme in "Design Thinking and Innovation"

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Advance Certificate Programme in "Operation Management & Analytics"

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Certificate Programme in Project Management

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Certificate Programme in "Human Resource Management"

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IIT Delhi’s Over Rs 500 Cr State-of-the Art ‘Central Research Facility’ Now Open for Researchers from Across Country

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IIT Delhi Establishes Centre of Excellence (CoE) on Quantum Technologies

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Optics and Photonics Centre of IIT Delhi launches an outreach initiative named "Optics Learning Centre"

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IIT Delhi Establishes Alumnus Endowed “Shri. G.K. Chandiramani Chair for Cyber Security”

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Advanced Electrical Characterization Facility Inaugurated at IIT Delhi

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IIT Delhi to Start Bachelor of Design (B.Des.) Programme from Academic Session 2022-23

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Sumant Sinha Sustainability Leadership Award-2021

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IIT Delhi Launches Sci-Tech Spins - A Series of Weekend Seminars & Laboratory Demos for High School Students

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Rapid Antigen Testing Facility for COVID-19 Inaugurated at IIT Delhi

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DAKSH Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Law & Technology, IIT Delhi Releases Report on Six High Court Websites

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IIT Delhi Launches Fundraising Campaign Going Further, by Giving Back

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"ComIN21 Asian Voices in Pandemic" conference organized by the Department of Design, IIT Delhi in December 2021

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ARIIA Rankings

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Seminar on Benefits and Challenges in the Next Decade of Semiconductor Innovation by Dr. Randhir Thakur, Senior Vice President, Intel, USA on 19.08.2021 at 10:00 am

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Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Announces Results of Regional Level Poster and Video Competition for COVID-19 Awareness

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75th Independence Day celebration

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Vipula and Mahesh Chaturvedi Foundation Signs MoU to Attract Outstanding Talent to IIT Delhi

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An Institute Lecture on "Ways to a Carbon-free world" by Mr. Sumant Sinha, Chairman and Managing Director, ReNew Power

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Certificate Programme in "Business Analytics and Optimisation"

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National Health Authority and Indian Institute of Technology Delhi join hands to scale high-potential healthcare innovations

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Attention 2020 Entry UG students: Final list of UG students (2020 Entry) for Change of Programme at the end of 1st Year

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IIT Delhi Establishes Chairs to Support Research in Microelectronics & VLSI Design and Geotechnical & Geo-Environmental Engineering

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Online Teaching for Semester I 2021-22

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Energy Systems And Carbon Neutral Economy

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Healthcare at Scale: Inspiration from Traditional AYUSH Medicine Systems of India

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Entrepreneurship Innovation and Design for Catalysing Rural Economy

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IFFCO Signs MoU with IIT Delhi for Innovative & Collaborative Projects to Bring Labs to Farms

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IIT Delhi Alumni Endow Indu Shrivastava & Serla Singh Chair Professor in Artificial Intelligence

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Prime Minister's event on completion of 1 year of NEP 2020 on 29th July 2021

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IIT Delhi Moves Towards Implementation of National Education Policy 2020

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Covid-19: What the pandemic has taught us and the way forward lecture by Prof./Dr. Randeep Guleria, Director, All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), Delhi

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National Workshop on Solid Waste Management July 30-31, 2021

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IIT Delhi Establishes Manish Singhal Chair to Promote Teaching and Research in the Area of Smart Textiles

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Height of Resilience : IIT- Delhi alumnus fights of COVID-19, scales Everest

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IIT Delhi and IIIT-D come together for research in areas of mutual interest

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Supreme Court Judge Mr. Justice S. Ravindra Bhat inaugurates UJF Lab Facility on AI for Judiciary at IIT Delhi

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IIT Delhi Establishes Jaswinder and Tarvinder Chadha Chair in Data Analytics

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IIT Delhi Launches Grassroots Innovation Programme (GRIP) for Students

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Innovation Hub for Cobotics at IIT Delhi Completes One Year Successfully

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IIT Delhi Launches New PG Programme Master of Public Policy

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IIT Delhi Establishes Professors Narendra and Chandra Singhi Chair Endowed by Alumnus

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IIT Delhi to Establish Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Centre

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QS World University Rankings 2022: IIT Delhi Ranking Goes Up

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IIT Delhi Launches a New PG Programme M. Tech. in Electric Mobility

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IIT Delhi to Establish Department of Energy Science and Engineering: New UG Programme B.Tech. in Energy Engineering To Be Offered from This Year

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Covid-19: IIT Delhi collaborates with Delhi Government to improve oxygen infrastructure and supply chain management in Delhi

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IIT Delhi, NLU Delhi Explore Partnership Opportunities in Technology and Law Field

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IIT Delhi to Create New Centre to Synergize and Boost R&D Activities in Optics and Photonics Field

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Short-listing criteria for admission to Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering for the year 2021-2022 (I Semester) and List of Shortlisted candidates for PhD Interview

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Short-listing criteria for admission to MS(R) in Materials Science and Engineering for 2021-22 (I Semester) & List of Shortlisted candidates for MS (R) Interview

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Online teaching for Semester II, 2020-21

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Result of Summer Research Fellowship Programme

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Invitation of Applications for the post of Director - Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

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ISRO to Support Eight Joint Research Projects

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Online SRFP 2021 For M.TECH. /M.E. Students

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Notice Regarding Selection Procedure to be undertaken of various posts

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Summer Research Fellowship Programme 2021

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IIT Delhi Develops Handheld Device for Early and Rapid Diagnosis of Dengue

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IIT Delhi Reduces its Carbon Footprint by More than 50%

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IIT Delhi alumnus endows "Ramchandran Jaikumar Chair for Decision Sciences"

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IIT Delhi to Establish State-of-the-Art Atmospheric Observatory on its Campus in Sonipat

Type the keyword(s) you are looking for, like... undergraduate programs latest research.

Welcome to Center of Excellence


Launched the new PG program!!

 Submission of online application commences from  20th March 2024 (12:00 Noon) 
 Last date for online submission and fee submission  4th April 2024 (4:00 PM)

For more information, visit https://home.iitd.ac.in/pg-admissions.php

The last date for submission of online applications for PG and PhD Programmes for admission for 1st semester 2024-25 extended up to 08 April 2024 (4 p.m.) for national and international candidates.

Revise : M.Tech Shortlisting Criteria and Other Information for May 2024 : Click here

Latest News

10 power assets, Mumbai, Tamil Nadu ports came under RedEcho cyberattack

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Sopra Steria hit by new version of Ryuk ransomware

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  • No GATE Score required
  • IIT Kanpur Alumni Status

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Key Highlights of IIT Kanpur Masters in Cybersecurity

  • Selection Based on academic and professional background and test, interview where necessary. No GATE required.
  • High Impact Format Weekend-only Live interactive sessions coupled with self-paced learning.
  • Executive Friendly Schedule Learn while you earn, with the flexibility to complete the program between 1 - 3 years.
  • Career Advancement and Networking Support for placement and facilitation of incubation at IIT Kanpur's Incubation Centre.
  • IIT Kanpur Alumni Status Become an IIT Kanpur alumni with access to all the alumni privileges.
  • Credits Transfer Waiver of upto 60 credits for higher education (MTech/PhD) at IIT Kanpur.

Admission Process

  • Application Register with Mobile Number Submit Details Remit Application Fee Upload Documents --> Round 2 applications closing on 20th April --> Application Deadline - 12th May -->
  • Selection Selection Test Starts March 30th --> Application Review Selection Test * Interview --> Selection Announcement June 2023 -->

Class Start - January 2025

* Selection test differs for every programme

e-Masters Degree in Cyber Security Overview

Elevate Your Career in Cybersecurity with IIT Kanpur e-Masters Degree Program.

With a growing number of cyber attacks on information systems, critical infrastructures, and personal devices, there is a high demand for proficient cyber security professionals. Our comprehensive IIT Kanpur Masters program in Cybersecurity offers online education, equipping you with the latest tools, technologies, and concepts in the field. By earning a Masters degree in Cybersecurity from IIT Kanpur, you can take your career to the next level and be ready to tackle the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity.

Explore our e-Masters program in Cybersecurity and join the ranks of top cyber security professionals in India and worldwide. Enroll now and enhance your mastery of the subject with our well-researched curriculum and hands-on experience through projects and case studies.

Graduation Ceremony at IIT Kanpur Campus

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  • Get eMasters Degree from IIT Kanpur
  • Build world-class Cyber Security expertise
  • Learn from the leading research faculty
  • Receive mentorship and career support from the IIT Kanpur placement cell
  • Incubation support for promising startup initiatives
  • Become a part of IIT Kanpur's alumni network

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Why do participants choose the eMasters degree?

  • "I have been managing the technical aspect of Digital & Core banking functions of a banking company (Africa region) over the last decade. Presently, I am working on architecture plans for the secure adoption of On-Prem Cloud solutions & I believe eMasters would augment my skills in this domain." Jaiesh, Lead, Technical Delivery (Digital & Core Banking) for a leading British Bank (Africa region) with 12 years of experience
  • "My aspiration to enroll in this program and advance in my IT career is motivated by the fact that I have a strong interest in cyber security. This presents an unmissable opportunity to deepen my knowledge and advance in the chosen discipline and pursue a career in it in the long run." Anudeep, IT Professional working with a leading IT Consulting Company with 8 years of experience

Hear from our Program Alumni

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Learn from the experts working at the forefront of well-researched curriculum research and technology in Cyber Security.

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e-Masters in Cyber Security Curriculum

The eMasters in Cybersecurity features a comprehensive curriculum divided into Core and Elective modules. The program has 4C+(3/4 out of 4 from Basket I) +(4/5 out of 10 from Basket II) structure.

eMasters in Financial Technology & Management will be offered as a 60-credit program delivered over 12 modules of 5 credits each. The modules are categorized into Compulsory (C) and Projects (P) and participants need to study the compulsory courses and undertake projects, following the 10 C+2 P structure.

Core Modules

  • Introduction to Cryptography
  • Operating System Principles
  • Computer Networking I
  • Introduction to Application Security, Mobile Security, and Critical Infrastructure Security

Elective Modules

Basket I Elective

  • Computer Networking II
  • Introduction to Linear Algebra
  • Introduction to Web Security, Network Security and Defenses
  • Machine Learning for Cyber Security

Basket II Elective

  • Introduction to Hardware Security
  • Embedded and Cyber Physical Systems, and IoT Security
  • Cyber laws, Case studies and Trends
  • Advanced Topics in Cryptography
  • Advanced Critical Infrastructure Security
  • Introduction to Blockchain Technology
  • Computational number theory for cryptographers
  • Introduction to malware analysis
  • Game theory
  • Honeypots and deception technology for advanced protection

Detailed Curriculum

Immersive Learning Format

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  • Online LIVE and self-paced sessions are delivered through AI-powered iPearl.ai
  • Live interaction as per the faculty availability
  • Apply learnings through projects while working in teams and establish a peer network
  • Final module-level exams will be conducted online
  • Opportunity to meet experts and experience the IITK campus during campus visits


  • Bachelor's degree (4 years program) or a Master's degree in appropriate discipline with at least 55% marks or 5.5/10 CPI + 2 years of work experience (an applicant need not be employed to be eligible).
  • Minimum of 2 years of full time work experience (You need not be currently employed to be eligible).
  • Candidates with relevant experience and coding knowledge will be preferred.

Cyber Security Masters: Fees

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Fee structure for candidates opting to complete the program in 1 year .

Details Amount
Registration Fee
To be paid within 1 week of selection
Admission Fee
To be paid to complete enrollment
Module Fee
To be paid at the beginning of every quarter based on no. of modules selected
(Total 12 Modules)
₹45,000 per module
Quarter Fee*
To be paid at the beginning of every quarter
₹15,000 per quarter
Total Fee ₹8,00,000

*For every additional quarter, fees of Rs 15,000 will be applicable.

For Example

Candidates opting to complete the program in 5 quarters need to pay an additional fee of ₹15,000

Candidates opting to complete the program in 11 quarters need to pay an additional fee of ₹1,05,000

All other fees remain the same.

Fees paid are non-refundable (after a certain time period) and non-transferable.

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  • Partial Fee waiver available. For more details Click Here

About IIT Kanpur

Established in 1959 by the Government of India, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IIT Kanpur) is a globally acclaimed university for world-class education and research in science, engineering, management and humanities. We aim to provide leadership in technological innovation for the growth of India.

  • Ranked 5th in Innovation, 4th in Engineering and 4th in Overall Category by NIRF 2023
  • Built on world-class academic research culture
  • Offers various undergraduate, post-graduate, integrated, and research programs in the field of engineering, science, management, and design

IIT Kanpur Online Masters Degree Courses

State-of-the-Art Digital Learning Platform

The eMasters Program by IIT Kanpur will be delivered on iPearl.ai , a State-of-the-Art digital learning platform, powered by TalentSprint. iPearl.ai , highly rated for its user experience, is a direct-to-device platform that works seamlessly on any internet-connected device and provides a single-sign on experience for all your learning needs including recorded videos, reading material, live interactive sessions, assignments, quizzes, discussion forums, virtual lounges and more.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the curriculum for the program.

  • Introduction to Cryptography The module covers the basics of finite field Arithmetic, private and public-key cryptography, existing cryptosystems and their security, Cryptanalysis of existing systems and more.
  • Operating System Principles The module covers the computer organization interface, the concept of a process, threads, scheduling, process synchronization, deadlocks, memory management, and more.
  • Computer Networking I The module covers the introduction, history, and development of computer networks, networks topologies, various aspects of layering and protocols, physical layer, MAC layer, data link layer, and more.
  • Introduction to Application Security, Mobile Security, and Critical Infrastructure Security The module covers various aspects of Security in Mobile Platforms, Application Security, and Issues in Critical Infrastructure and SCADA Security.

Elective Module

  • Computer Networking II The module covers the network layer, transport layer, design issues in protocols at different layers, network programming, socket programming, and application layer.
  • Introduction to Linear Algebra The module covers vector spaces, examples, Rn, Cn; subspaces, linear independence, dependence and dimension, linear transformations, matrices, matrix algebra, determinants, properties of matrices and determinants, systems of linear equations, and more.
  • Introduction to Web Security, Network Security and Defenses The module covers Security Issues in TCP/IP, Wireless Security, Network Defense tools, DNSSec, NSec3, Distributed Firewalls, Intrusion Detection tools, Threat Models, Denial of Service Attacks, DOS-proof network architecture, Security architecture of World Wide Web, Security Architecture of Web Servers, and Web Clients and more.
  • Machine Learning for Cyber Security The module covers an introduction to data classification, Supervised vs. Unsupervised Learning, Linear Regression, Multivariate Regression., Logistic Regression, Hypothesis Testing, Maximum Likelihood Estimation, Bayesian Classification, Model Selection, Regularization, Generalization, Cross Validation and more.
  • Introduction to Hardware Security The module provides an in-depth understanding of Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem and security vulnerabilities, attacks on cyber-physical systems, reverse engineering, side-channel attacks, intellectual property (IP) piracy, Hardware Trojan, electronic counterfeiting, Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) and more.
  • Embedded and Cyber Physical Systems, and IOT Security The module covers the modeling, implementation, and verification issues related to developing a cyber-physical system. In addition, through the discussion of implementing an embedded control system, the module will cover the basic design principles of an embedded system.
  • Advanced Topics in Cryptography The module covers zero-knowledge protocols, one-way functions, advanced protocols for different applications, network, and system-level security issues, post-quantum Cryptography, and more.
  • Advanced Critical Infrastructure Security The module covers Stuxnet worm and its aftereffects in the Critical Infrastructure security, Game Theory and other analytical modeling of the security problems of critical infrastructures, security of the Networked Infrastructure, event monitoring, Event Correlation, and Situational Awareness, vulnerability Database and its importance and more.
  • Introduction to Blockchain Technology The module covers Basic Cryptographic primitives used in Blockchain – Secure, Collision-resistant hash functions, digital signature, public-key cryptosystems, zero-knowledge proof systems, basic Distributed System concepts, Blockchain 2.0, Blockchain 3.0, E-Governance and other contract enforcement mechanisms, and more.
  • Computational Number Theory for Cryptographers The module covers Elementary Operations, Polynomials, Integer Lattices, Elliptic Curves, and more.
  • Introduction to Malware Analysis The module covers malware classification, types, and platform-specific issues with malware, Intrusion into IT and operational network (OT) and their signs, manual malware infection analysis, signature-based malware detection and classification – pros and cons, and need for machine learning-based techniques, and more.
  • Game Theory The module covers non-cooperative game theory, complete information sequential move games, complete information simultaneous move games, incomplete information games, cooperative Game Theory, and more.
  • Honeypots and Deception Technologies for Advanced Protection The module covers Cyber Threat Intelligence Collection Techniques, OSINT, Deception Technology for Monitoring Cyber Threat, Client-Side Deception Techniques, Service side Deception techniques, IT honeypots, OT honeypot, ICS Honeypots and more.

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  •  A 
  •  T 
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Biological Sciences & Bioengineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Science & Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Management Sciences
  • Materials Science & Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Sustainable Energy Engineering
  • Humanities & Social Sciences
  • Economic Sciences
  • Cognitive Science
  • Earth Sciences
  • Mathematics & Statistics
  • Space, Planetary & Astronomical Sciences & Engineering
  • Department of Management Sciences
  • Materials Science Programme
  • Nuclear Engineering & Technology
  • Photonics Science and Engineering Programme
  • Gangwal School of Medical Sciences and Technology
  • Kotak School of Sustainability
  • Advanced Centre for Material Science(ACMS)
  • Advanced Centre for Electronic Systems(ACES)
  • Advanced Imaging Centre
  • Centre for Enviromental Science & Engineering
  • Centre for Mechatronics
  • Centre for Lasers and Photonics
  • Computer Aided Design Laboratory
  • Centre for Nanosciences
  • Prabhu Goel Research Centre for Computer and Internet Security
  • Samtel Centre for Display Technologies
  • SIDBI Innovation and Incubation Centre
  • Center for Mathematical Sciences
  • Syndicate Bank Entrepreneurship Research and Training Centre (SBERTC)
  • Centre for Continuing Education (CCE)
  • Electronic and ICT Academy(E&ICT Academy)
  • Centre for Energy Regulation (CER)
  • Center for Ganga River Basin Management and Studies
  • Energy Analytics Lab (EAL)
  • Rice-IITK Collaborative Center
  • Mehta Family Centre for Engineering in Medicine
  • IIT Kanpur-La Trobe University Research Academy
  • Chandrakanta Kesavan Center
  • Just Transition Research Centre (JTRC)
  • MedTech IIT Kanpur
  • Centre for Railway Research (CRR)
  • Shivani Centre
  • Computer Centre
  • P. K. Kelkar Library
  • Facility for Ecological & Analytical Testing
  • Office Automation
  • Scientific Glassware Fabrication & Special Water Facility (SGF&SWF)
  • Imagineering Laboratory
  • Central Cryogenic Facility
  • Liquid Helium Facility
  • SQUID Facility
  • Virtual Instrument Cell
  • National Center for Geodesy (NCG)
  • National Centre for Flexible Electronics
  • National Information Center of Earthquake Engineering
  • National Wind Tunnel Facility
  • KIT IIT Kanpur
  • Quality Improvement Program (QIP)
  • IP & Technology Transfer Cell
  • Directorate
  • Convocation
  • Transcripts
  • Current Registration/Add-Drop
  • Pre-registraion
  • Lecture Hall Booking
  • Dues Clearance System
  • Information Brochure
  • Rolling Advertisement
  • Current Opening
  • Awards and Honors
  • Faculty Forum
  • Faculty Benefits
  • Artist and Scholar In Residence
  • Dean, Digital Infrastructure & Automation
  • Office Orders
  • Alumni in News
  • Awards and Honours
  • Academic Initiatives
  • Students Initiatives
  • Batch Initiatives
  • Student Assistance
  • Alumni Assistance
  • DORD Online
  • Research Centers
  • Newsletters
  • R&D Forms
  • Project Vacancies
  • Call for Proposal
  • SURGE Programme
  • Student Gymkhana
  • Students Awards
  • Training & Placements
  • Counselling Service
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  • Form DOIP: 101
  • Office Order related to Project Employee
  • Partnership
  • News and Updates
  • Students' Placement Office
  • Why recruit at IITK?
  • Procedures and Policy
  • Contact Placement Coordinator
  • Job Announcement Form
  • Internship Offer Format
  • Campus Recruitment Brochure
  • Campus Recruitment Guide
  • Departmental Brochures
  • Institute Club & Community Center
  • Gliding Club
  • Swimming Pool
  • Staff Gymkhana
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  • Women's Association
  • Lecture Hall Complex (L.H.C) Booking
  • Emergency Services
  • Central Stores
  • Estate Office
  • Finance & Accounts
  • Health Centre
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The program prepares cyber security professionals to navigate the evolving cyber threat landscape

Applications for the July 2024 batches are open till April 30, 2024

Kanpur, 28 April, 2024: IIT Kanpur, ranked among the top 4 engineering colleges in India, has opened its doors to the 4th batch of eMasters program in Cyber Security. The program prepares cyber security professionals to navigate the ever-evolving cyber threat landscape, helping professionals build capabilities for understanding the cyber threats, vulnerabilities and risks posed by cyber threat actors to their organizational network and business functions. Professionals and cyber security enthusiasts are trained through the course work to make them well-versed with the latest concepts in cyber security including application security, web security, network security, mobile security, hardware security, cryptography, IoT security, critical infrastructure security, machine learning based security tooling, and relevant topics in Computer Science such as operating systems, networking and mathematics relevant to cyber security. IIT Kanpur’s world class cyber security research and technology innovation hub C3iHub planned the curriculum, and is in charge of coordinating the program.

As the Indian cybersecurity market is forecasted to reach a valuation of $5.8 billion by 2028, ushering in over 40,000 job opportunities, the demand for cybersecurity experts has never been more pressing. This era of data abundance highlights the crucial role of cybersecurity professionals. According to projections, nearly half of all organizations will have fallen victim to attacks on their software supply chains by next year. As the volume of data burgeons, so does the specter of potential breaches targeting vital information systems, critical infrastructures, and personal devices. Hence, amidst unprecedented technological advancements, the landscape of tomorrow unfolds various innovations. Yet, the cyber realm presents not only boundless opportunities but also lurking threats. The Internet, a cornerstone of modern existence, is besieged by a relentless surge in cyberattacks, disrupting digital ecosystems worldwide.

Crafted by the esteemed Department of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Kanpur, this program has been meticulously designed to meet the needs of executives. It is taught by world-class faculty and researchers. Tailored for the busy schedules of working professionals, participants have the flexibility to complete the industry-focused curriculum, spanning 60 credits across 12 modules, within a timeframe of 1 to 3 years. Admission to the program is based on candidates' academic and professional backgrounds, with no requirement for a GATE score.

Prof. Sandeep K. Shukla, Program coordinator, eMasters in Cyber Security, said, "Massive digitization across sectors and industries has led to an increasing focus on cybersecurity and a demand for professionals trained in relevant skills. The eMasters Degree in Cyber Security will equip professionals with the advanced skills and in-depth knowledge needed to combat the escalating threats of cyberattacks and safeguard critical information infrastructure. The program has been meticulously crafted with a comprehensive curriculum delivered by world-class faculty to ensure that participants are at the forefront of advances in cybersecurity and are ready to tackle emerging challenges to build a resilient digital future."

This program presents a high-impact format featuring weekend-only live interactive classes alongside self-paced learning. Additionally, participants benefit from a unique credits transfer option, enabling the waiver of up to 60 credits for further education (MTech/PhD) at IIT Kanpur. Beyond academic rigor, the program offers access to IIT Kanpur's extensive resources, including the placement cell, incubation cell, and alumni network, providing unparalleled career advancement and networking opportunities. Through immersive learning, professionals cultivate world-class expertise in cybersecurity, while the campus visit to IIT Kanpur facilitates diverse interactions with eminent faculty and peers from various disciplines. Moreover, upon completion, participants attain the prestigious status of IIT Kanpur alumni, further enhancing their professional profile and network.

By opting for this program, professionals can elevate their expertise in cybersecurity to effectively tackle future challenges. Having witnessed three successful enrollment cycles, the program is now attracting a surge of applications for its fourth batch. With over 250 professionals already fulfilling the academic requirements for an eMasters degree from IIT Kanpur, their careers are set to soar in innovative fields. The inaugural batch had the honor of receiving their degrees during the esteemed 56th Convocation of IIT Kanpur. Applications for the July 2024 batch are open until April 30th 2024.

To know more about the program and apply, click here: https://emasters.iitk.ac.in/course/masters-in-cyber-security

About IIT Kanpur:

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur was established in 1959 and declared to be an Institute of National Importance by the Government of India through an Act of Parliament. IIT Kanpur is best known for the highest standard of education in science and engineering and for seminal R&D contributions over the years. The institute has a sprawling lush green campus spread over 1055 acres with a large pool of academic and research resources spanning across 19 departments, 25 centres and 3 interdisciplinary programs in engineering, science, design, humanities, and management disciplines with more than 570 full-time faculty members and approximately 9000 students.

For more information, visit www.iitk.ac.in .

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  • M. Tech. in Cyber Security

SIT hosts the interdisciplinary M. Tech. program in Cyber Security , for which the first batch of students was admitted in 2021. Partner academic units in this program include Departments of Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Management Studies. The  CoE-CSIA co-ordinates the  Cyber Security initiatives in the institute.

Amar Nath and Shashi Khosla School of Information Technology, IIT Delhi

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Earning A Ph.D. In Cybersecurity: Everything You Need To Know

Mariah St. John

Updated: Jan 1, 2024, 3:30pm

Earning A Ph.D. In Cybersecurity: Everything You Need To Know

A Ph.D. in cybersecurity prepares graduates for advanced, high-level job opportunities, including roles in research, education and management.

Cybersecurity Ph.D. programs allow students and professionals to build on their knowledge and skills. Candidates gain experience working with emerging technologies across artificial intelligence, data science and cloud computing to optimize organizational performance. This article overviews cybersecurity doctoral degree options, including standard admission requirements, common coursework and potential career paths.

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What to Expect From a Ph.D. in Cybersecurity

A Ph.D. in cybersecurity provides students with a comprehensive education encompassing technology, data science, leadership, management, ethics and policy. Requirements, course loads and curriculums for these programs vary by school. In most cases, students need to complete between 50 and 70 credits, which typically takes three to seven years.

Several components make up the Ph.D. curriculum, including professional research and theory, an extensive literature review and dissertation preparation. In addition to coursework, Ph.D. students must fulfill teaching and research responsibilities.

Core concepts and topics can include:

  • Machine learning
  • Information theory
  • Applied cryptology
  • Theory of computation
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Network security

Degree Finder

Doctor of philosophy vs. doctor of science vs. doctor of information technology.

When deciding which cybersecurity doctoral program to pursue, you can choose from the following degree options:

  • Ph.D. in cybersecurity
  • Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) in cybersecurity
  • Doctor of Information Technology (DIT)

Ph.D. in Cybersecurity

In general, a Ph.D. in cybersecurity is a research-based degree program that prepares graduates for advanced roles in academia. This degree focuses on research and theory, catering to students and professionals looking to expand their teaching opportunities and become professors or researchers.

D.Sc. in Cybersecurity

A D.Sc. focuses on practical applications of theory in management and leadership roles. Students may research cybersecurity’s emerging theoretical and technical components. This degree suits students who are interested in policy development.

A D.I.T. program serves professionals who are looking to advance their knowledge and expertise in technology and computing. Learners may develop the skills needed to lead an organization. Students can choose a specialization, such as cybersecurity, computer science or data science.

What Kinds of Exams are Required During a Ph.D. Program?

In addition to coursework and a dissertation, students working toward their cybersecurity doctorate must complete exams. In most Ph.D. programs, learners must take three exams.

  • A qualifying exam, which occurs during the early stages of the program
  • A preliminary exam to demonstrate a candidate’s readiness to begin their dissertation and research
  • The final exam, through which a candidate defends their dissertation and research work

Common Courses in a Cybersecurity Ph.D.

Coursework for cybersecurity Ph.D. programs varies among schools. Each program sets a unique curriculum. Below you’ll find just a few examples and variations of common course titles for cybersecurity doctoral programs.

Advanced Security Risk Management and Assessment

Courses on advanced security risk management and assessment provide an overview of methodologies for strategic decision-making. Students analyze various management techniques to develop cyber defense procedures to reduce and address breaches.

Research and Practice in Information Technology

In courses on research and practice in information technology, students analyze research across the spectrum of IT disciplines. Learners review concepts, methodologies and techniques used in computer science, information systems, information management and software engineering research.

This course introduces students to key research paradigms, including the principles of research ethics, design and methods of data collection and analysis as relevant to IT research.

Law, Policy, Ethics and Compliance

Courses on law, policy, ethics and compliance provide an overview of legal, ethical and policy-related cybersecurity issues. Students analyze domestic and international security law, compliance issues and legal principles. Learners critically evaluate policy documents across business sectors to understand how to comply with varying laws and regulations while addressing cybersecurity challenges.


Each doctoral candidate must write a dissertation, or a formal research paper, that presents findings from original research carried out during the duration of the program under the guidance of faculty advisors. Students create the documentation for their dissertation topic, obtain approval from advisors and submit any required information to their institution’s research board.

How to Get Admitted to a Cybersecurity Doctoral Program

The admission requirements for a cybersecurity doctoral program can differ depending on the school. Typically, applicants must have at least an undergraduate degree, such as a bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity . However, some programs require a master’s in cybersecurity or a related subject.

Ph.D. students coming from undergraduate programs may earn their master’s degrees as they complete their doctoral requirements. Those coming from master’s programs may have to complete fewer credits to earn their doctorate.

In addition to submitting a completed application and paying any application fees, standard admission requirements typically include the following.

  • Submit undergraduate transcripts.
  • Meet a minimum GPA requirement.
  • Submit GRE scores.
  • Submit letters of recommendation.
  • Write an admissions essay or personal statement.
  • Submit a résumé or CV with relevant professional experience and educational accomplishments.

What Can You Do With a Ph.D. in Cybersecurity?

Is this cybersecurity degree worth it? A Ph.D. in cybersecurity can help you qualify for various management positions, teaching jobs, research roles and other career opportunities in the information security field.

Below we list some potential careers for cybersecurity doctoral graduates. Cybersecurity job requirements vary widely depending on the specific title and organization. While the main responsibilities for each role are generally consistent across the field, details may vary among industries and workplaces.

We sourced the below salary data from Payscale .

Chief Information Security Officer

Average Annual Salary : Over $174,000 per year Qualifications : At least a master’s degree in cybersecurity, computer science, IT or a closely related field Job Description : A chief information security officer (CISO) is a C-suite management role. These professionals oversee information and data security for an organization, along with IT. CISOs offer strategic oversight on the design, development, implementation and maintenance of security solutions. They ensure organizations are adhering to necessary regulations, protocols and legal obligations.

Director of Operations

Average Annual Salary : Over $100,000 per year Qualifications : A master’s degree is the minimum educational requirement. Certifications and extensive experience can give you an advantage. Job Description : A director of operations oversees an organization’s cybersecurity operations and incident responses. They are responsible for building and cultivating integrated teams to address cyberattacks and threats. These professionals are accountable for timely and strategic responses to risks and security threats.

Education Program Director

Average Annual Salary : Over $68,000 per year Qualifications : At least a master’s degree and relevant work experience Job Description : Education program directors design and implement educational programs for the public or members of an organization. These professionals oversee all aspects of organizational initiatives, budgets and hiring staff. Education program directors develop various educational materials, including the curriculum for classes and content for conferences and lectures.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Cybersecurity Ph.D.s

Is it worth getting a ph.d. in cybersecurity.

Earning a Ph.D. in cybersecurity can expand your career opportunities, increase your earning potential and help you qualify for high-level management positions. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects employment opportunities for information security specialists, including cybersecurity professionals, to grow by 32% from 2022 to 2032.

What can I do with a Ph.D. in cybersecurity?

A Ph.D. in cybersecurity is the highest academic credential available in the field. Depending on your degree option, you can qualify for positions in the education sector to teach, apply for leadership positions and pursue other high-level positions in the field.

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Mariah is a Berlin-based writer with six years of experience in writing, localizing and SEO-optimizing short- and long-form content across multiple niches, including higher education, digital marketing and travel. Her writing expertise extends to brand strategies and driving small business growth through targeted content. In the last three years, she's primarily produced education-focused content, writing on topics like degree programs, trade schools and career pathways.


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IIT Delhi - Indian Institute of Technology [IITD]

New Delhi IIT Delhi Courses & Fees Master of Technology...

Master of Technology [M.Tech] (Cyber Security) From IIT Delhi, New Delhi

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IIT Delhi Latest Updates and News

  • GATE 2025 exam date is Feb 1, 2, 15 and 16, 2025. Eligible candidates can apply for IIT Delhi M.Tech admission till Sep 26, 2024 at  gate2025.iitr.ac.in .
Yearsyear 1year 2
Total Year Wise fees
Tuition fees₹75000₹75000₹75000₹75000
Other fees₹20150₹20150₹20150₹20150

IIT Delhi Upcoming Application Dates 2024

Important events.

GATE 2025 Registration Date Aug 28, 2024 - 
GATE 2025 Admit Card Date Jan 04, 2025
GATE 2025 Exam DatesFeb 01, 2025
GATE 2025 Exam DatesFeb 02, 2025
GATE 2025 Exam DatesFeb 15, 2025
GATE 2025 Exam DatesFeb 16, 2025
GATE 2025 Result Date Mar 16, 2025

Expired Events

GATE 2025 NotificationAug 05, 2024
Timeline for candidates to view offers and take a decision (COAP Round 5) [M.Tech]Jun 08, 2024 - 
Timeline for candidates to view offers and take a decision (COAP Round 4) [M.Tech]Jun 02, 2024 - 
GATE 2025 NotificationAug 05, 2024

Do you think the Dates are wrong ?   Report Here

IIT Delhi Cutoff 2024

Iit delhi, gate cutoff 2021.

The GATE 2021 cutoff marks for the Master of Technology [M.Tech] (Cyber Security) at IIT Delhi was 700 for the General category.

Round 700

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IIT Delhi Master of Technology [M.Tech] (Cyber Security) Ranking

Indiatoday ranking.

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The Week Ranking

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NIRF Ranking

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Outlook Ranking

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Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for Full Time/ Part Time sponsored / Part Time are mentioned below:-

Full-time – The candidates must have passed B.E./B.Tech./ M.Sc. or equivalent with

(a) CGPA 6.00 on a 10-point scale or 60% marks in aggregate for General/OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)/EWS Category with valid GATE score. B.Tech. from IITs with a CGPA of 8.00 without GATE are also eligible for admission.

Part-time – The candidates must have passed B.E./B.Tech./ M.Sc. or equivalent in relevant field with

(a) CGPA 6.00 on a 10-point scale or 60% marks in aggregate for General/OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)/EWS Category and minimum experience. Must submit No Objection Certificate from employer

Course Details

Fee Details :

  • Receiving Institute/Project Assistantship or Teaching Positions Holders

         General/OBC/EWS Tuition Fees (per Semester) – Rs 17,500, Other Charges – Rs 22,400

  • (Sponsored Full-time, Part-time and Non-teaching Position Holders)

         General/OBC/EWS Tuition Fees (per Semester) – Rs 75,000, Other fees – Rs 20,150

All SC, ST & PwD students will get a 100 % tuition fee exemption.

Master of Technology [M.Tech] (Cyber Security) Comparison

IIT DelhiIIIT Delhi
Reviews Rating
Cost To Study
Highest Salary₹20000000₹4900000
Average Salary₹2582000₹2053000
General Course Details 2 Years Full Time Full Time On Campus Post Graduation Degree 2 Years Full Time 105 Full Time On Campus Degree
EligibilityGraduation with 60% + GATEGraduation with 65% + GATE

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Post Graduation Certification in Cyber Security

Amplify growth in the ever-growing digital age that sparks the volume of attacks and nature of cyber threats. Now eradicate these prominent cyber heists with India's leading IITs, IIT Palakkad- Post Graduation Certification in Cyber Security . This new age cyber security programme is opportune; ever-increasing cyber threats to businesses and government bodies. Professionals must know their way around cybersecurity measures and develop a plan to defend their businesses, online organisations, and personal devices. The Post Graduation Certification in Cyber Security gives exposure to hands-on practices in malware analysis by using sandboxes for static and dynamic analysis. Learn in-depth to analyse network traffic, network, and system logs using security information and events monitoring systems. The holistic pedagogy includes technical and policy aspects of cyber security, insight on cryptography, malware analysis, network traffic analysis, emerging threat analysis and much more.

  • Program name:   Post Graduation Certification in Cyber Security
  • Service Provider: Jaro Education
  • Programme Chair: Dr. Satyajit Das
  • Guest Industry Expert: Dr.Vishal Saraswat
  • Programme Faculty: Dr. Srimanta Bhattacharya
  • Brochure: Download
  • Contact: [email protected]

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Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad Kanjikkode | Palakkad Kerala | Pin: 678623

Copyright ©2023 Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad. All Rights Reserved.

Build Cyber Security Expertise with

Advanced certification program in cyber security and cyber defense.


  • 6 Months Executive Friendly Program
  • 120 Hours Hands-on Program
  • 4 Days Campus Visit at IIT Kanpur

IIT Kanpur C3i Edge


IIT Kanpur (IITK) is a global trailblazer of computer science and cyber security Research and Education in India. Established in 1959, IITK is one of the premier institutions in the country, known for its cutting-edge education, conducting original and high-standard research, and providing leadership in technological innovation. The institute took its pioneering steps towards Cyber Security by setting up C3iHub (Interdisciplinary Centre for Cyber Security and Cyber Defense of Critical Infrastructures ), India’s first research centre whose mission is to research, educate, train, and also spawn startups to create technological safeguards to protect critical infrastructure. The center is also engaged in an international collaboration with Israel and the USA to develop world-class research in the field of cyber security.

Limited Early Bird Scholarship

Early bird scholarship closing on june 30th, 91-8125021119.

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Award Winning Faculty

Taught by eminent IISc Faculty


Dr. Sandeep Shukla

Professor and Joint Director - C3iHub, IITK

Expertise: Cyber Security of Cyber-Physical Systems, Blockchain, Embedded Systems Design & Co-design, Networked Embedded Systems, Network Application Design, Embedded Software Engineering

  • Award-winning Professor, EEE Fellow and an ACM distinguished scientist.
  • He earlier led the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at IITK.


Dr. Manindra Agarwal

Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IITK

Expertise: Computational Complexity Theory, Computational Number Theory and Algebra

  • Served as Deputy Director at IITK for three years from 2017 - 2020.
  • Designed the first deterministic algorithm for testing if a number is prime.


Lead Engineer & Security Architect and Security Operations Lead - C3iHub, IITK

Expertise: Industrial Automation, Critical Infrastructures

  • Holds over 8 years of experience specializing in industrial automation.
  • Published research papers on industrial cyber-physical systems.


Anand Handa

Project Executive Officer - C3iHub, IITK

Expertise: Malware Analysis, Image processing, Machine Learning, Computer Vision

  • At C3iHub, Anand works on malware analysis and IDS related projects.
  • He has presented his research work at multiple international conferences.


Dr. S. Venkatesan

Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology, IIIT Allahabad Head, C3iHub IoT Security Lab

Expertise: Network Security, Cloud Computing, Social Network Privacy, Mobile Agent Security, Applied Cryptography, Blockchain

  • Developed a MCQ Conduction and Evaluation portal supporting the online evaluation during Covid'19 outburst.
  • He is a member of the Network Security and Cryptography (NSC) Group, IIITA.

High Impact Format


The Expanding Frontier of Cybersecurity


Most In-demand Cyber Security Career Opportunities in 2024

  • Chief Information Security Officer
  • Information Security Officer
  • Cyber Security Architect
  • Security Engineer
  • Security Analyst
  • Incident Response Coordinator
  • Cyber Security Consultant
  • Security Awareness Trainer
  • Vulnerability Management Specialist
  • Cyber Security Project Manager
  • Penetration Tester
  • Ethical Hacker

Cyber Security Advanced Certification Course Overview

Embark on a transformative journey in the field of Cyber Security with the Advanced Certification Program offered by IIT Kanpur in collaboration with TalentSprint. This comprehensive Cyber Security Course is designed for current and aspiring professionals who are keen to explore and exploit the latest trends in Cyber Security Technologies. Through a perfect blend of academic rigor and practical training, this Cyber Security Certification Course equips participants with in-demand skills and empowers them to build world-class expertise.

With a comprehensive curriculum and 120 hours of hands-on training, this program equips participants with essential practical skills required for Cyber Security professionals. Through interactive live online sessions, learners have the opportunity to engage with expert instructors and industry practitioners, creating a dynamic learning environment that fosters knowledge exchange and skill development.


To ensure the application of acquired knowledge, the program incorporates capstone projects that simulate real-world scenarios. Participants can apply their skills and gain practical experience, enhancing their problem-solving abilities and preparing them to address complex Cyber Security challenges. Additionally, a unique aspect of this program is the chance to visit the prestigious IIT Kanpur campus, providing participants with an immersive experience within its academic and technological ecosystem.


Ideal for a wide range of professionals, including current and aspiring Cyber Security experts, tech professionals seeking career advancement or role changes, graduates with relevant backgrounds and at least one year of experience, and diploma holders with relevant backgrounds and a minimum of three years of experience. Exceptional college students may also apply for special selection, enabling them to kickstart their careers in Cyber Security with a reputable certification from IIT Kanpur. Programming knowledge is required.

IIT Kanpur Campus Visit


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Cyber Security Course Curriculum that embraces the rigour of a Cyber Security expert

  • Faculty-led Interactive LIVE classes weekly

PG Level Advanced Certification Programme - 9 Months

Hello world.

  • Introduction
  • Concluding Lecture & Direction for Presentations

Identify & Prepare

  • Resource Development

Plan & Launch

  • Initial Access
  • Persistance

Takeover & Conduct

  • Privilege Escalation
  • Defense Evasion
  • Credential Access
  • Lateral Movement
  • Command & Control
  • Exfilteration

Monitor & Protect

  • Application Hardening
  • Credential Hardening
  • Message Hardening
  • Platform Hardening
  • Platform Monitoring
  • Network Isolation
  • Execution Isolation

Analyse & Detect

  • File Analysis
  • Identifier Analysis
  • Message Analysis
  • Network Traffic Analysis
  • Process Analysis
  • User Behavior Analysis

Respond & Recover

  • Evict & restore

Deception & Decoys

  • Cloud Security
  • IOT Security
  • Risk Assessment
  • ICS & Critical Infrsatructure

Download Brochure

Capstone Projects

  • Network based Intrusion Detection System (NIDS)
  • Host-based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS)
  • Memory Forensic
  • Secure Inventory Management
  • Application Communication Protocol Testing Tool
  • Application Control
  • Device Control

Participant Profile


Work Experience


From Top Organizations


All logos belongs to respective companies

From Diverse Job Roles

  • System Engineer
  • Program Manager
  • SAP Consultant
  • Network Administrator
  • Solution Architect
  • Chief Technology Officer
  • South Indian Bank
  • Primacy Industries
  • Associate Technical Architecture

From Indian and Global Locations

Projects presented by program alumni.

Some exceptional projects were presented by the participants towards the end of the cohort as part of their final submission. It was not only greatly appreciated by the entire faculty but also a comprehensive update with the findings of the projects was recommended to the Government of India.

  • HoneyNet: A system of Honeypots
  • Network Intrusion Detection System
  • Honeypot NIDS & HIDS Deployment in SOC Environment
  • Host Intrusion Detection Engine (HIDE)
  • Automatic Phishing Detection
  • Cyber Security & Cyber Defense Simulator for SMBs
  • Many More..

Delivery Format


*Dates will be decided keeping the safety of participants in mind. Fees will be based on actuals.

Application and Enrollment

Submit profile, await selection, complete enrollment.

The selection for the programme will be done by IIIT Bangalore and is strictly based on the education, work experience, and motivation of the participants.

Who should join this Cyber Security Certification Course

Ideal profile.

  • Current and /aspiring Cyber Security professionals across India and abroad
  • Graduate and Diploma holders with relevant background and 1+ years experience

What should you expect from the Cyber Security Program?

Accelerate your professional growth.


Enable your organisation respond to cyber threats


Feedback from Program Participants

Chetan Dharmale

Cyber Security Advanced Certification Fee

What is my investment.

Application Fee ₹2,000


Campus visit fee to be borne by the candidate and paid on absolute

phd in cyber security iit

Campus visit fee will be based on actuals and to be borne by the participants

Fee paid is non-refundable and non-transferable.

Modes of payment available


Easy Financing Options

12 Month 0% Interest Scheme / Interest-Based Schemes

Financing as low as ₹6,270/Month

Loan Partners


Program Fee for International Participants $3,125
With Scholarship $2,350

Discuss Financing Options with Program Advisor

Talk to Program Advisor

  • "The Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (IIT Kanpur) in partnership with TalentSprint on Tuesday."
  • "The Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (IIT Kanpur) will be offering an Advanced Certification Program in Cyber Security and ..."
  • "IIT Kanpur announces advanced program in cybersecurity "
  • "IIT Kanpur to launch advanced certification programme on cyber security and defence"
  • "IIT Kanpur, TalentSprint launch programme in Cyber Security"
  • "IIT-Kanpur to launch advanced programme on cyber security"

About TalentSprint

Frequently asked questions, why cyber security and cyber defense.

It is estimated that there will be roughly 200 billion connected devices by 2020. Rapid convergence of Mobility, Internet of Things and Cloud Computing is leading to an explosive increase in security threats and the need for Cyber Defense experts to combat these threats is becoming all the more important.

The demand for such professionals is outstripping supply. Companies need sophisticated responders to defend against the growing threat of cyberattacks. There is a huge talent crunch and 59% of the companies have vacant positions suggesting a cumulative global shortfall of 1.5 million such professionals.

What is unique about this program?

The Advanced Certification Program in Cyber Security and Cyber Defense by IIT Kanpur is designed for current or aspiring Cyber Security professionals who are passionate about exploring disruptions in Cyber Security technology. The program combines deep academic rigor with an intense practical hands-on approach to equip participants to master in-demand skills and capabilities relevant to the domain. The program is taught by the faculty at IIT Kanpur, ranked highly by the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) in 2024.

TalentSprint with its deep understanding of the industry, access to industry experts, and a state of the art technology platform has been chosen by IIT Kanpur as the right partner for this program.

What makes IIT Kanpur special?

  • A trailblazer in Computer Science Research and Education
  • Hosts C3iHub, India’s #1 Cyber Security research center at IIT Kanpur
  • Experts globally recognized for contribution to Cyber Security and Cyber Defense
  • Ranked among top engineering colleges by NIRF 2024
  • Collaborates with global centers of excellence (Israel and USA) in Cyber Security
  • Built on World-class Academic Research Culture

COVID-19 has altered the business landscape extensively. Why is mastering Cyber Security critical in this new world?

The COVID-19 outbreak has changed the cyber security threat landscape. There has been a surge in Work from Home, triggered by this pandemic. Our home networks are far more vulnerable than enterprise networks. As usual, cybercriminals are bound to exploit it. Since the beginning of the crisis, nearly 2000 malicious coronavirus-themed websites have been set up every day.

The writing on the wall is clear. Even after the crisis, companies who have discovered value in the gig economy will continue to operate a significant part of their workforce from home. Hence the need for cyber security expertise becomes apparent.

Is this the right time to pursue a Program in Cyber Security? If yes, how will completing this Program help in my career in cyber security?

Amid COVID-19 crisis, new high-profile cyber attacks seem to constantly flood news headlines. No wonder the need for cyber security professionals is urgent and daunting. Besides, the world’s transition towards aggressive digitization has also marked cyber security as one of the biggest threats to the economy over the next decade. India has reported a hike in attacks (on IoT deployments) by 22% in the country.

Cyber security is one of the most in-demand skills, trending in the job market today. And studies point out that there will be nearly 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs globally by 2021. India alone has reported over 67,000 job openings. Companies are looking forward to professionals with an ability to build a viable cyber-resilient organization.

The Advanced Certification Program in Cyber Security and Cyber Defense is designed to provide an opportunity for aspiring and working professionals to exploit the latest trends in Cyber Security Technologies. Going by the new reality of continued WFH pattern for professionals, the time is right to get armed with cyber security knowledge for today and hereafter.


Expertise : Cyber Security of Cyber-Physical Systems, Blockchain, Embedded Systems Design & Co-design, Networked Embedded Systems, Network Application Design, Embedded Software Engineering

  • He has worked in the telecom sector and worked with leading companies like Intel.
  • Authored books on Networked Embedded Systems, System Design and Computing.
  • Member of Editorial Board of reputed scientific magazines and journals.

Expertise : Computational Complexity Theory, Computational Number Theory and Algebra

  • Won Padma Shri (2013) and Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award (2003).
  • First recipient of Infosys Prize for Mathematics (2008).
  • For his AKS primality test, he won the Fulkerson Prize and Gödel Prize in 2006.

Expertise : Industrial Automation, Critical Infrastructures

  • A well-rounded researcher in the cyber defense of ICS and OT layer.
  • Set the testbed for hardware/software in loop testing facility in IITK for critical infrastructures.
  • Published several international research papers and written several book chapters.

Expertise : Malware Analysis, Image processing, Machine Learning, Computer Vision

  • His research publictions are mostly on ML in cyber security and malaware analysis.
  • He is also an instructor for various certification programs conducted by C3iHub.
  • Member of Bureau of Indian Standards and IET IoT Panel (Cybersecurity Group).


Expertise : Network Security, Cloud Computing, Social Network Privacy, Mobile Agent Security, Applied Cryptography, Blockchain

  • Authored several research papers and book chapters.
  • Active member of scientific associations like IEEE, ACM, CRSI and more.
  • Worked on government funded software development projects.

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The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)


Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Information Security

Page content.

Last updated: 2021-07-13

This is not an official document and it is placed here for the potential applicants’ convenience. It is subject to constant change, especially in Areas B and C, as the participating departments change their offerings and/or the Program’s Graduate Committee modifies the requirements to meet the ever-developing needs of the field. One’s mileage can vary but one can always double check on the availability of a particular course in a particular session by visiting the websites of the appropriate departments.

Program Requirements

Students shall complete 90 credit hours of graduate course work beyond their Bachelors’ degrees, of which up to 30 credits can be earned in individual thesis research with the major professor (XXX 69900, with the designator of the department which will graduate the student—currently, COMM 69900, TECH 69900, or LING 69900).

The preliminary examinations, as negotiated with the student’s Thesis Advisory Committee, and the prospectus (proposal) should then be defended. Typically, the examinations will consist of two research papers supervised by a Committee Chair or member. The papers are research papers, and they are anything negotiated with the committee within the usual range. The idea behind the papers is to help the committee determine that the student is ready for candidacy. The papers can also be used to help advance the student’s progress professionally — by being publishable, being part of the dissertation, etc. Each paper is read by at least two members of the committee and approved or not. The thesis proposal is a synopsis of the dissertation that the whole committee needs to approve usually through an oral defense.

When it is apparent that the committee is generally in favor of what has been prepared, and at least 2 weeks prior to the proposal defense, a Form 8 is to be completed and submitted to the graduate school. The prelims and proposal defense are components of the Graduate School’s total prelim/qual requirements.

A minimum of 3 examiners are required for the proposal defense, 4 examiners for the dissertation defense. We prefer to have 4 throughout. A simple majority decides, and both in the cases of 3 or 4 members, it means that only one negative vote is allowed. The graduating program, (COM, LING, PHL, TECH) must have a faculty member, as Chair or Co-Chair. Any other faculty member, as approved by the Program’s Admission/Management committee may be a co-chair. We expect at least 50% of the students’ dissertation advisory committees to be Fellows or affiliated faculty of CERIAS to ensure a strong commitment to InfoSec in any Ph.D. dissertation we approve.

The student’s thesis must be completed and defended in a public oral examination administered by the Advisory Committee. A minimum of 2 academic semesters of research and writing must elapse between preliminary and doctoral examinations. For example a prelim in Spring 2022 would allow a doctoral defense in Spring 2023.

Students’ Masters’ degrees, if completed by admission time, count for 30 credits, and many of the credits, especially from degrees in related areas, will be approved by the Admission Committee for coverage credits. All the credits from the Purdue Masters’ Program in Information Security will count towards the Ph.D. requirements.

General requirements:

  • Eight (8) required courses from Area A below: four (4) technical courses, two (2) political/social courses, and 2 philosophical/ethical course;
  • A 5-course sub-concentration selected from the Areas A, B, and C below by the student in consultation with his/her advisory committee. Graduate courses taken prior and/or outside of the program may be approved to satisfy this requirement;
  • Sufficient electives to complete the credit requirements. These courses are also to be selected from the following list by the student and his/her advisory committee. At least three of the courses must be seminars;
  • Equivalents may be substituted upon approval of the student’s committee. Transfer courses may be used to satisfy up to two of the above courses, as per Purdue University’s rules, with approval of the student’s committee;
  • Prerequisites: Students are responsible for meeting all prerequisites and/or obtaining permissions, as per departmental regulations.
  • In addition to the courses listed in the requirement areas, the various departments and programs occasionally offer new courses and courses on specific topics that may meet area requirements, especially when they are taught by CERIAS principals and fellows. These include TECH 621 (when content is appropriate), CNIT 623 and 499 ( Prof. Julia (Taylor) Rayz), CNIT 581, LING 689 (Prof. Raskin), some CS 590 offerings, and others. The INSC program administration will announce such courses when they are available, but students are welcome to ask about any courses that might not be otherwise listed.”
  • Courses listed for graduation must total to a GPA of 3.0. or better . Any 300 or 400 course must be completed with a B- or better .

Area A. Required courses

Take 8 courses:

Four technical courses:

  • CS 52600 or CNIT 55500 , and
  • CS 55500 or CS 35500 and
  • CS 62600 or CS 52800 , or CS 52900 or a graduate course from Area B approved by the student’s committee.
  • CS 65500 or special topics course in theoretical or applied cryptography beyond CS 55500, or a graduate course from Area B approved by the student’s committee—or equivalents

Two philosophical/ethical courses:

PHIL 52400 or PHIL 41100 or PHIL 42400 or PHIL 62400 † or TECH 62100 IAE †

*PHIL 58000 is no longer available, but if you have already taken PHIL 58000, it will be recognized as meeting your requirements.

Two political/social courses:

POL 62000 † and TECH 62100 TAP † , CS 52300 (CS52300 Cannot be taken for both Area B and Area A)

Area B. Recommended courses

Any six courses not taken in Area A:

  • AGEC 60800 , 69100 †
  • ASM 59100 †
  • CNIT 42100 , 42200 , 45500 , 45600 , 47000 , 47100 , 49900 † , 51100 , 51200 , 55600 , 55700 , 55800 , 58100 † , 62300 †
  • COM 51200 , 51800 , 55800 , 55900 , 57400 , 59000 † , 63200 †
  • CS 50300 , 52300 , 52700 , 52800 , 52900 , 53600 § , 53700 , 55600 , 56500 , 57700 , 58000 , 59000 † , CS 62600 , 63600 , 65500 , 69000 †
  • ECE 56500 ,
  • ECON 60600 , 61000
  • IE 53000 , 53200 , 57700 § , 65900 , 67400
  • IT 53000 , 54000 , 54500 , 58100 †
  • LING 50000 , 52100 , 53100 , 68900(=ECE 66900) †
  • MGMT 54700 § , 59000 † , 68400
  • OBHR 68100 , 68300
  • PHIL 49000 , 52400 * , 53500 , 62400 †
  • POL 43000 , 62000 †
  • PSY 57700 §
  • STAT 50200 , 51200 , 51300 , 51400 , 51700
  • TECH 58100 † , 62100 †

§ Note: May take one or the other of the following but not both: * Unless Taken Under Area A

  • CS 53600 or MGMT 54700
  • PSY 57700 or IE 57700

† When content is appropriate

Area C. Elective Courses

Any four courses:

  • CNIT 62300RMC ( replaces TECH 64600 ), 62300 NLIAS (Natural Language in Information Assurance and Security) when not taken as Area B
  • * * COM 59000F , 59000G , 60000 , 60100 , 61000 † , 63200 † , 67400 † , 67600 †
  • CS 50200 , 54100 , 54200 , 57300
  • ECE 54400 , 56200 , 56500 , 57000 , 57300
  • ECET 58100 †
  • LING 50000 , 53100 , 53200 , 68900 †
  • MGMT 50500 , 50600 , 54400 , 54500 , 56100 , 59000 † , 60000 , 60100 , 63000 , 68300
  • OBHR 64200 , 64300
  • STAT 69500 †

Any course from Area B above, not taken to satisfy Area B requirement, can be taken in Area C.

* * Note that COM 59000F and 59000G as well as COM 60000 and 60100 are restricted to only COM Ph.D. students.

Courses from at least five different graduate programs should be taken among Areas A, B, and C. Five graduate courses must constitute a declared and approved meaningful sub-concentration.

Specific Departmental Requirements

  • Students graduating via the Department of Communication must satisfy that department’s requirements for the Masters’ degree in Information Security, take COM 60000 and COM 60100 and make sure that they earn a minimum of 12 graduate credits in Communication;
  • Students graduating via Polytechnic Institute must satisfy that department’s requirements for the Masters’ degree in Information Security;
  • Students graduating via Linguistics must take LING 53100 and LING 68900 : Natural Language Processing.

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Requirement

All graduate students are required to complete the CITI RCR training module within 120 days of starting a graduate program and every five (5) years thereafter. More Information


Our annual security symposium will take place on April 7 & 8, 2020. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN More Information

Get Your Degree with CERIAS

University of Michigan-Dearborn logo

Cybersecurity and Information Assurance, MS

Cis graduate program coordinator, related resources.

  • Computer and Information Science
  • College of Engineering and Computer Science

Gain Advanced Cybersecurity Skills

3 students working around a table in RUC.

You can take the courses completely on campus, fully online, or in a mix of both modes. All courses are scheduled during late afternoons or evenings, making them convenient for part-time study while working.

Where a Cybersecurity and Information Assurance Degree Will Take You

The urgent and growing need for cybersecurity professionals with advanced training means you’ll graduate with a wealth of career opportunities in industrial, academic, governmental, and non-governmental institutions. The job titles are as diverse as the opportunities: information security analyst, cybersecurity engineer, computer network architect, database administrator, and forensic science technician, among many others. You’ll also be equipped with the skills to keep learning and growing through continuing professional development.

Career and Salary Outlook

The information in this table is meant to give you an idea of career opportunities with this degree. All information is pulled from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and is meant to be averages across the United States in 2022. Please note that these figures reflect overall averages and may not represent entry-level salaries.

Information Security Analysts

$120,360 Median Salary

Employment of information security analysts is projected to grow 32 percent from 2022 to 2032, much faster than the average for all occupations. About 16,800 openings for information security analysts are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Many of those openings are expected to result from the need to replace workers who transfer to different occupations or exit the labor force, such as to retire.

Network and Computer Systems Administrators

$95,360 Median Salary

Employment of network and computer systems administrators is projected to grow 2 percent from 2022 to 2032, about as fast as the average for all occupations. About 19,800 openings for network and computer systems administrators are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Many of those openings are expected to result from the need to replace workers who transfer to different occupations or exit the labor force, such as to retire.

Computer Systems Analysts

$103,800 Median Salary

Employment of computer systems analysts is projected to grow 10 percent from 2022 to 2032, much faster than the average for all occupations. About 37,600 openings for computer systems analysts are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Many of those openings are expected to result from the need to replace workers who transfer to different occupations or exit the labor force, such as to retire.

Database Administrators and Architects

$117,450 Median Salary

Overall employment of database administrators and architects is projected to grow 8 percent from 2022 to 2032, faster than the average for all occupations. About 10,200 openings for database administrators and architects are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Many of those openings are expected to result from the need to replace workers who transfer to different occupations or exit the labor force, such as to retire.

Computer Network Architects

$129,840 Median Salary

Employment of computer network architects is projected to grow 4 percent from 2022 to 2032, about as fast as the average for all occupations. About 10,200 openings for computer network architects are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Many of those openings are expected to result from the need to replace workers who transfer to different occupations or exit the labor force, such as to retire.

Program Details

What you’ll study.

Our 30-credit program offers a diverse range of courses that explore security and privacy in wireless networks, data mining, multimedia security and forensics, information science and ethics, web technology, software architecture and design patterns, artificial intelligence, data analytics for software engineering, cloud computing security, and intelligent vehicle systems, among many other topics.

Practical Skills You’ll Gain

Our  internship ,  research , and  study abroad programs offer a wealth of hands-on experiences for cybersecurity and information assurance students. Check out the pages for these programs, and talk to your professors to learn more.

Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree in a Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM) field earned from an accredited program with an average of B (or better). 
  • Completion of  one course in probability and statistics, one course in programming, and one course in calculus II. 


  • CIS 200/CIS 2001 (or equivalent) required
  • CIS 350 (or equivalent) recommended


  • MATH 116 (or equivalent) required
  • MATH 215 (or equivalent) recommended
  • MATH 227 (or equivalent) recommended

Statistics (one of these or equivalent required)

  • A course in calculus III and a course in linear algebra are recommended, but not required. 

Ready to Apply?

Estimate your cost of attendance per semester.

Application Deadline

This program operates on a rolling admission basis. It is advised to submit all documents by the advisory deadline to ensure consideration for your preferred term and to facilitate pre-term planning. Advisory deadlines differ for domestic and international students.

Graduate Scholarships

Learn about scholarship opportunities for new and continuing graduate students.

Programs Offered Beyond MS

Computer and information science, phd, related programs, computer and information science, ms, artificial intelligence, ms, data science, ms.

Become a part of the UM-Dearborn community and put your dreams to work for you.

  • Co-Op & Internship Program
  • Alumni Mentorship Program
  • Explore Your Interests / Self Assessment
  • Explore Career Paths
  • Create a Resume / Cover Letter
  • Networking & Making Connections
  • Internships / On & Off-Campus Jobs
  • Prepare for an Interview
  • Negotiate & Accept an Offer
  • E-Verify Search
  • Advanced Digital Tools (ADT) on Elevate
  • Salesforce Foundations
  • Virtual Internships
  • Elevate Research
  • Competitions & Outside Courses
  • Study Away (Student Mobility Office)
  • Professional Development
  • Undergraduate Outcomes
  • Graduate Outcomes
  • Meet our Team
  • Illinois Tech Directory

U.S. Government Accountability Office

Graduate student trainee (information technology).

  • Share This: Share Graduate Student Trainee (Information Technology) on Facebook Share Graduate Student Trainee (Information Technology) on LinkedIn Share Graduate Student Trainee (Information Technology) on X

This position is located in the Government Accountability Office within the Information Technology and Cybersecurity (ITC) Team. GAO supports the Congress in meeting its constitutional responsibilities to legislate, appropriate, and oversee the Federal government for the benefit of the American people. As an ITC Auditor Intern you will be part of a team responsible for planning and conducting in-depth audits and evaluations of executive and legislative branch IT programs.

This vacancy is for Summer internship positions. The anticipated start dates begin in May 2025.

As part of a team, you will assist in planning and conducting in-depth audits and evaluations of federal executive and legislative branch IT programs. The audits cover a range of topics, such as, system acquisition and development; program/project planning and management; requirements management; investment management; information assurance; cloud computing; CIO responsibilities; IT contractor oversight; IT workforce planning; cybersecurity of critical infrastructures; electronic records management; and IT privacy. You will collect appropriate data, analyze the data, develop data-based findings and conclusions, and present the information both orally and in writing to diverse audiences.

Specific duties include:

  • Identifying or developing methodologically sound techniques to audit and evaluate federal IT programs;
  • Learning new and complex IT-related material quickly to understand issues;
  • Researching and collecting relevant information that helps achieve audit objectives;
  • Conducting analyses to assess information collected about federal agencies IT practices and comparing them against IT best practices;
  • Developing findings and conclusions based on analyses;
  • Interviewing agency officials to obtain testimonial evidence to support audit findings and conclusions;
  • Observing federal agencies’ IT systems management and security practices;
  • Writing reports and other written products that effectively communicate findings and information;
  • Communicating relevant information to agency officials, team members, internal stakeholders, and congressional staff, during formal and informal presentations, meetings, and/or interviews;
  • Collaborating with others to address issues or solve problems and follow up with others to ensure needs are met; and
  • Soliciting, listening to, and considering diverse perspectives, approaches, or viewpoints.

Some interns may also have the opportunity to assist in the operation and maintenance of a production and test computer center/network to further enhance and develop new cybersecurity skillsets.

RequirementsConditions of Employment

You must be a U.S. Citizen. Selective Service registration if you are a male born after Dec. 31, 1959. Visit http://www.sss.gov. You will be subject to a background investigation/ suitability determination. Student must work a minimum of 400 hours, not to exceed a total of 640 hours. You must be currently enrolled and in good standing in an accredited undergraduate degree program throughout the duration of the internship.


To qualify for the GS-7 level, you MUST be enrolled in an IT-related Graduate degree program AND meet at least ONE of the following:

  • Have completed between 18 to 35 semester hours or 27 to 53 quarter hours of graduate level education in one of the following IT-related majors: computer science, engineering, information science, information systems management, mathematics, operations research, statistics, or technology management;
  • Have a Bachelor’s degree with Superior Academic Achievement (defined below) majoring in one of the areas listed above;
  • Have a Bachelor’s degree with Superior Academic Achievement in any major that provided a minimum of 24 semester hours in one or more of the IT-related fields identified above, and required the development or adaptation of applications, systems or networks; OR
  • Have one year of specialized experience at the GS-5 level or equivalent. Specialized experience is defined as performing duties that involve evaluating information about IT management and security topics, such as systems development; program planning and management; requirements management; investment management; information assurance; cloud computing; IT contractor oversight; IT workforce planning; cybersecurity of critical infrastructures; electronic records management; and/or IT privacy; and developing recommendations based on findings, and presenting such recommendations to decision makers. In addition , you must have IT-related experience demonstrating each of the following four competencies: (1) Attention to Detail – demonstrates the ability to take thorough notes, prepare accurate written summaries, and synthesize information and drawing preliminary conclusions; (2) Teamwork – demonstrates the ability to collaborate and work effectively in a team-based setting (3) Written and Oral Communication – demonstrates the ability to conduct and participate in meetings, and present information in writing and orally to team members, management, and stakeholders; and (4) Problem Solving – demonstrates the ability to apply analytical methods to identify patterns, trends, or irregularities, and to assess evidence to develop findings and recommendations for improvement.

Superior Academic Achievement is defined as : a) Class Standing – upper third of the graduating class based on completed courses in the college, university, or major subdivision; b) Grade Point Average – 3.0 or higher out of a possible 4.0 as recorded on your official transcript or as computed based on 4 years of education or as computed based on courses completed during the final 2 years of curriculum; OR 3.5 or higher out of a possible 4.0 based on the average of the required courses completed in your major field or the required courses in your major field completed during the final 2 years of your curriculum. If more than 10 percent of total undergraduate credit hours are non-graded, i.e. pass/fail, CLEP, CCAF, DANTES, military credit, etc., you cannot qualify based on GPA; c) Election to membership in a national scholastic honor society (note: freshman honor society cannot be used to meet the requirements of this position). (If qualifying based on class standing or honor society membership, provide appropriate documentation).

To qualify for the GS-9 level, you MUST be enrolled in an IT-related Graduate degree program AND meet at least ONE of the following:

  • Have completed 36 or more semester hours or 54 or more quarter hours of graduate level education that provided a minimum of 24 semester hours in one or more of the following subjects: computer science, engineering, information science, information systems management, mathematics, operations research, statistics, or technology management; and required the development or adaptation of applications, systems or network;
  • Have a Master’s Degree or equivalent graduate degree in one of the majors listed above; OR
  • Have at least one year of specialized experience at the GS-7 level or equivalent. Specialized experience is defined as performing duties that involve evaluating information about IT management and security topics, such as systems development; program planning and management; requirements management; investment management; information assurance; cloud computing; IT contractor oversight; IT workforce Planning; cybersecurity of critical infrastructures; electronic records management; and/or IT privacy; and developing recommendations based on findings, and presenting such recommendations to decision makers. In addition , you must have IT-related experience demonstrating each of the following four competencies: (1) Attention to Detail – demonstrates the ability to take thorough notes, prepare accurate written summaries, and synthesize information and drawing preliminary conclusions; (2) Teamwork – demonstrates the ability to collaborate and work effectively in a team-based setting (3) Written and Oral Communication – demonstrates the ability to conduct and participate in meetings, and present information in writing and orally to team members, management, and stakeholders; and (4) Problem Solving – demonstrates the ability to apply analytical methods to identify patterns, trends, or irregularities, and to assess evidence to develop findings and recommendations for improvement.

At the start of the program, all qualifications must be met and proof of enrollment through August 2025 leading towards an IT-related Graduate degree must be evident. NOTE: If at any point during the internship (and for any reason) your status as a student changes to that of a non-student, your internship will be terminated.

All applicants must submit their academic transcripts in order to be eligible. The transcripts may be unofficial or official and must show your status as a student, as well as support your educational claim.

FOREIGN EDUCATION: If you are using education completed in foreign colleges or universities to meet the qualification requirements, you must show the education credentials have been evaluated by a private organization that specializes in interpretation of foreign education programs and such education has been deemed equivalent to that gained in an accredited U.S. education program; or full credit has been given for the courses at a U.S. accredited college or university. For further information, visit: http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ous/international/usnei/us/edlite-visitus-forrecog.

Additional information

This position does not have promotion potential. Interns are considered for the grade level for which they apply and the pay for these intern positions are at the grade level, step 1.

  • GS-7: $26.80
  • GS-9 $32.78

This position is not in the bargaining unit.

Appointments for student intern positions are nonpermanent and generally last from 10 to 16 weeks. Student interns may have an opportunity for a permanent or term position based on a successful intern experience (completion of a minimum of 400 hours of work, not to exceed a total of 640 hours) and successful completion of degree requirements. The ability to convert to a permanent or term appointment with a minimum 400 hours of work experience is contingent upon budgetary conditions and staffing needs at the time of eligibility.

Applicants who are selected for this position will be required to provide an official transcript on the day of your orientation or within 3 business days after orientation. This transcript must show that you meet the education requirements for the GS-7 or GS-9 grade level, and that you are currently enrolled through at least August 2024 . Failure to meet the requirements or provide the transcript will result in termination of your internship.

The U.S. Government Accountability Office’s policy is to provide equal employment opportunity for all regardless of race, religion, color, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age disability, genetic information, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

OPTION FOR ADDITIONAL SELECTIONS: Based on the staffing needs, additional selections may be made through this vacancy announcement.

Travel and relocation expenses will not be paid for by the GAO.

Selectees will be required to complete questions contained on the Declaration for Federal Employment (OF-306) at the time a tentative job offer is made. If selected, at the time of appointment, selectees will be required to update the OF-306.

REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION: GAO provides reasonable accommodations to applicants and employees (and interns) with disabilities. To request an accommodation, please email [email protected] U.S. Government Accountability Office’s policy is to provide equal employment opportunity for all regardless of race, religion, color, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

If you are a veteran with preference eligibility and are claiming 5-points veterans’ preference , you must submit a copy of your DD-214 or other proof of eligibility. If you are claiming 10-point veterans’ preference , you must also submit an SF-15, “Application for 10-Point Veterans’ Preference” plus the proof required by that form. For more information on veterans’ preference visit: https://www.usajobs.gov/Veterans .

How You Will Be Evaluated

You will be evaluated for this job based on how well you meet the qualifications above.

You will be evaluated in accordance with the Category Rating procedure as defined in the GAO’s Order for Competitive Examining. Applicants who meet the basic minimum qualification requirements established for the position will be referred to the Rating Panel. The panel will assign a score to your application based on the answersyou provide to the essay questions contained in this announcement and your resume. Applicants will be further evaluated against criteria for placement placed into a Quality category. This evaluation is based on the level of your experience, education, and/or training as described by your responses to the Assessment Questionnaire. If your application receives a sufficient rating, you will be assigned to one of three categories: Best Qualified, Well Qualified, or Qualified.

Follow all instructions carefully as incomplete answers, errors or omissions may affect your rating. It is important to have a well-written, thoughtful response to the essay question that is supported by your resume. You should draw upon academic, volunteer, and/or work experience as a basis for your response. Each essay cannot exceed 1000 characters including spaces. You MUST provide detailed and descriptive narrative responses that explains how you have gained the experience that demonstrates that you meet each KSA. Any application that says “Please see resume” or the equivalent or “N/A” will not be accepted. One word or one phrase responses such as “advance,” “basic,” or “well,” will not meet the requirement for the narrative and may result in a disqualification. The information you provide in your essays must be supported by your resume. Failure to provide a narrative may result in a disqualification rating.

All applicants will be rated based on their response to the essay questions, in conjunction with the following competencies:

Veterans’ preference applies to this vacancy. The Category Rating process does not add veterans’ preference points or apply the “rule of three” but protects the rights of Veterans by placing them ahead of non-preference eligible applicants within each quality category. For more information regarding veterans’ preference please visit http://www.fedshirevets.gov/ It is important that you do not overstate or understate your level of experience and capability. Providing inaccurate information on Federal documents could be grounds for non-selection or disciplinary action up to including removal from the Federal service.

To preview the assessment, click here : https://apply.usastaffing.gov/ViewQuestionnaire/12536027

Required Documents

To apply for this position, you must submit a complete Application Package which includes:

Resume showing relevant experience (cover letter optional). Your resume must show the work schedule and hours worked per week as well as dates of employment.

All applicants MUST submit college or university graduate and/or undergraduate transcripts (official or unofficial) that show degree conferral and/or support semester/quarter hours completed as well as proof of current enrollment.

  • If you are completing your first graduate degree and have been accepted into a graduate program to pursue a 2nd graduate degree and do not yet have a transcript, you must submit proof of acceptance/enrollment into your new graduate program, along with the transcripts from your current graduate program.

Current proof of enrollment (i.e., transcript showing coursework through Fall 2024, copy of registered courses for Fall 2024 OR a letter from school registrar’s office confirming enrollment status for the duration of the internship). Note, a letter of acceptance does not qualify as proof of enrollment.

Veterans’ Preference documentation, if applicable (e.g., DD-214 Member Copy 4 showing type of discharge/character of service, SF-15 Form and related documentation, VA letter, etc.)

How to Apply

To apply for this position, you must complete the online application and submit the documentation specified in the Required Documents section below.

A complete application package must be submitted by 11:59 PM (EST) on the closing date of the announcement to receive consideration.

– To begin, click Apply to access the online application. You will need to be logged into your USAJOBS account to apply. If you do not have a USAJOBS account, you will need to create one before beginning the application.

– Follow the prompts to select your résumé and/or other supporting documents to be included with your application package. You will have the opportunity to upload additional documents to include in your application before it is submitted. Your uploaded documents may take several hours to clear the virus scan process.

– After acknowledging you have reviewed your application package, complete the Include Personal Information section as you deem appropriate and click to continue with the application process.

– You will be taken to the online application which you must complete in order to apply for the position. Complete the online application, verify the required documentation is included with your application package, and submit the application.

To verify the status of your application, log into your USAJOBS account (https://my.usajobs.gov/Account/Login), all of your applications will appear on the Welcome screen. The Application Status will appear along with the date your application was last updated. For information on what each Application Status means, visit: https://www.usajobs.gov/Help/how-to/application/status/.

Once your online application is submitted you will receive a confirmation notification by email.

Your application will be evaluated by the Human Resources Office to determine your eligibility for the position. Applicants who meet the basic requirement will be sent to the rating panel for rating and raking to be placed in a quality category. Applicants who are determined to be “best-qualified” may be contacted for an interview.

GAO may contact applicants to determine the most appropriate method for conducting the virtual interview. If you do not meet the key requirements, basic qualifications or fail to submit all required application materials, your application will not be considered.

You can check the status of your application at any time through your personal USAJOBS account.

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  • Master of Cyber Forensics and Security

At the conclusion of their studies, graduates of the Master of Cyber Forensics and Security degree should be able to:

  • Design and implement a comprehensive enterprise security program using both policy and technology to implement technical, operational, and managerial controls
  • Comprehensively investigate information security incidents and violation of law using computer resources in a manner such that all evidence is admissible in a court of law
  • Technically secure enterprise information assets and resources to deter, detect, and prevent the success of attacks and intrusions

Illinois Institute of Technology has been designated as a National  Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education by the National Security Agency and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency . This designation results from meeting stringent Center of Academic Excellence criteria and  mapping of information technology and management curricula  to a core set of cyber defense knowledge units. Students  attending Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense  Education institutions are eligible to apply for scholarships  and grants through the Department of Defense Cyber  Scholarship Program and the Federal Cyber Service  Scholarship for Service Program. This designation reflects Illinois Institute of  Technology’s commitment to producing professionals with  cyber defense expertise for the nation.

Master of Cyber Forensics and Security (Coursework Only Option)

Course List
CodeTitleCredit Hours
Required Core Courses (18)
Cyber Forensics3
Vulnerability Analysis and Control3
Cyber Security Technologies3
Cyber Security Management3
Digital Evidence3
Legal and Ethical Issues in Information Technology3
Elective Courses (12)
Select a minimum of 12 credit hours from the following:12
Vendor Management and Service Level Agreements3
Information Technology Auditing3
Shell Scripting for System Administration3
Introduction to Data Networks and the Internet3
Introduction to Open Source Software3
Special Problems in Information Technology 3
Total Credit Hours30

Substitutions for core course requirements may be made upon presentation of evidence of equivalent coursework, certification, or experience. Approval of course substitutions will be made by the student’s adviser or an ITM associate chair.

Students pursuing the coursework only option may not choose ITMS 549 as an elective course.

ITMS 579 may be taken more than once.

A maximum of six credit hours of ITMT 597 may be used toward degree requirements.

Master of Cyber Forensics and Security (Master's Project Option)

Course List
CodeTitleCredit Hours
Required Core Courses (18)
Cyber Forensics3
Vulnerability Analysis and Control3
Cyber Security Technologies3
Cyber Security Management3
Digital Evidence3
Legal and Ethical Issues in Information Technology3
Research Courses (6)
Select a minimum of six credit hours from the following:6
Special Projects in Information Technology3
Cyber Security Technologies: Projects & Advanced Methods3
Special Problems in Information Technology1-6
Elective Courses (6)
Select a minimum of six credit hours from the following:6
Instructional Technologies3
Information Technology Auditing3
Shell Scripting for System Administration3
Introduction to Data Networks and the Internet3
Introduction to Open Source Software3
Special Problems in Information Technology 3
Total Credit Hours30

ITMS 579 may be taken more than once. 

A maximum of six credit hours of  ITMT 597  may be used toward degree requirements.

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  • Master of Science in Information Technology and Management
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  • Certificate in Advanced Software Development
  • Certificate in Cyber Security Management
  • Certificate in Cyber Security Technologies
  • Certificate in Information Technology Innovation, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship
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  • Cybersecurity Engineering (M.A.S.)
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View all Illinois Tech Cybersecurity Programs

Illinois Tech’s Master of Cybersecurity Engineering degree program will provide students with extensive knowledge, techniques, tools, analysis, policies, and methodologies to solve complex cybersecurity problems of relevance to the engineering field. Students will gain advanced training on critical aspects of cybersecurity including hardware, software, and a strong background in programming.

Enhance your computer science background in such emerging topics as data analytics, machine learning, software engineering, and their applications in cybersecurity. Through a rigorous core curriculum, you will gain a firm grasp on the theories and practices of data security and privacy.

Program Overview

Gain a firm grasp on theories and practices of data security and privacy, while building a strong computer science background in such areas as data analytics, machine learning, and software engineering. Learn aspects of cybersecurity in hardware, software, and programming.

Career Opportunities

Our graduate cybersecurity engineering degree program will prepare you for such careers as:

  • Cybersecurity systems engineer
  • Cybersecurity specialist
  • Network security engineer

The Master of Cybersecurity Engineering curriculum provides students with advanced training on critical aspects of cybersecurity in such areas as hardware and software, in addition to a strong background in programming. This program will prepare students with extensive knowledge in cybersecurity, cyber-physical systems, cloud computing security, network engineering and cyber security for smart grid power systems, security vision systems, coding theory, and wireless secure communications.

View Details

Admission Requirements

Admission to the Master of Cybersecurity Engineering typically requires a bachelor of science degree in electrical or computer engineering from an institution accredited by the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology.

Deficiency courses will be required for students who have not taken prerequisite or equivalent courses as outlined in the course bulletin.

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MS in Cybersecurity Admission & Application Requirements

Cybersecurity application deadlines.

Applications are often accepted after the deadlines posted below when space is available. Please contact the Graduate Studies Office if you have questions.

  • Spring: November 15 (priority)

Part 1: Graduate Studies Application

  • Online graduate application

Submit the Graduate Online Application - This is only the first step in the application process .

  • $35 Non-Refundable application fee for all graduate applications

After you complete the Graduate Online Application:

  • Log in to eServices with your StarID.
  • Click on Bills and Payment, and you will be able to pay the application fee using a credit or debit card.

Note: Upon completion of the application form in step one, you will receive an email in 1-2 business days giving instructions for the remaining steps and completing the program application in Part 2 . Please note that the steps below cannot be completed until you receive that email. If you do not receive the email with Self Service Center instructions, please contact the Graduate Studies Office .

  • Official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended

Contact ALL the colleges and universities you have attended and have your transcripts sent to:

Graduate Studies Office, MSU Moorhead 1104 7th Avenue South Moorhead, MN 56563

You do not need to order transcripts from MSUM or other Minnesota State system institutions . See Transcript Policy for more details.

Part 2: Graduate Program Application

  • While no specific undergraduate major is required, a prospective student i expected to have some background knowledge in computer programming, computer networking, and systems administration. This knowledge can be acquired through short courses and/or undergraduate coursework in these emphasis areas before starting the program.

This requirement will be verified by the Graduate Studies Office and the department.

  • Undergraduate cumulative GPA of 3.0 or at least 3.25 for the last 30 semester credits
  • An essay outlining your educational and career goals, knowledge and interest in the cybersecurity discipline, your ability to identify and analyze problems to present appropriate solutions, and your ability to communicate and create a collaborative environment that supports exchange of ideas (2 pages maximum).
  • Log in to the Self Service Center site (allow 24 hours after application submission before logging in).
  • Select the “Applications” tab, where you will see your graduate application listed.
  • Select “Summary” to see a list of all program requirements and corresponding statuses.
  • Upload document by selecting the “Upload” link under the respective “Action” column.

Prepare a resume that includes education, work experience, etc. Put your name on all pages.

*International students please see additional admission requirements .

Cybersecurity MS Application Deadlines

  • Summer: April 1 ( priority )
  • Fall: July 1 ( priority )
  • Spring: November 15 ( priority )

Steps to Apply

You may begin your application before all documents are ready. GradCAS saves your progress, and you may return any time to continue updating your application.

  • Create your account in GradCAS
  • Select your program from the list and click “+” to add to your cart.
  • Complete the three general application sections.
  • Complete the fourth, MSUM section (See Application Requirements below).
  • Make sure to request all documents before submitting your application. Once you submit, you can no longer amend or upload additional documents.
  • Pay the $50 application fee.

MSUM 4 + 1 Students Only: MSUM undergraduates may apply formally for admission to the accelerated version of the MS in Cybersecurity after completing or registering for the following core courses: CSIS 155, CSIS 255, CSIS 304, CSIS 349, CSIS 362, and CSIS 364.

The Admission and Graduate Studies Offices will verify your documents and requirements.

Cybersecurity MS Admission Requirements

  • A baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution.
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
  • Applicants with an undergraduate GPA below 3.00 should complete the Appeal for Minimum Requirement question.

Cybersecurity MS Application Requirements

  • GradCAS application
  • A current resume.
  • Contact information from one reference.
  • If you attended MSUM or other Minnesota State system institutions , you can retrieve your unofficial transcripts from eServices , contact [email protected] and we can assist.
  • Upon admission, you must request official transcripts from your degree-conferring institutions and any other transcripts listing possible graduate transfer coursework. Official transcripts can be requested through Parchment or the National Student Clearinghouse and sent directly to [email protected] .
  • MSUM or MN system institution students do not need to request official transcripts. The admission team will do this on your behalf.

International Student Requirements

  • An official comprehensive course-by-course transcript evaluation by Educational Credential Evaluator (ECE) , World Education Services (WES) or any other NACES accredited evaluation firm, from post-secondary institutions outside the U.S.
  • The ECE, WES, or NACES evaluation must certify your international degree is equivalent to a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited U.S. institution.
  • TOEFL scores-550 (paper-based) or 78-80 (online)
  • IELTS score of 6.5

On Campus International Students-Visa Sponsorship Requirements

Upload the following documents under the Optional Documents section.

  • Completed International Graduate Student Agreement form .
  • Completed International Graduate Student Sponsor form listing the availability of adequate monetary support for the duration of the graduate program.
  • Verification of additional funds is necessary if you are bringing a spouse or other family members.
  • An official bank statement. The current requirement is approximately $29,600.
  • Completed International Graduate Student Transfer form . (if applicable)
  • University Health Insurance must be purchased. (no exceptions)
  • Passport copy.

NOTE: International students will not be granted a visa for the summer term. They may apply and begin the program online in the summer, then request visa sponsorship for the following fall or spring term.

For questions about the program or the application process please call Graduate Studies 218.477.2134 or email [email protected] .

Visit the GradCAS Applicant Help Center  for detailed application instructions.

Questions about completing the application: Call | GradCAS Customer Service at 857.304.2086 Email | [email protected] Chat help for applicants is available. (Google Chrome and Firefox are the preferred browsers)

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    Students' Masters' degrees, if completed by admission time, count for 30 credits, and many of the credits, especially from degrees in related areas, will be approved by the Admission Committee for coverage credits. All the credits from the Purdue Masters' Program in Information Security will count towards the Ph.D. requirements.

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    MSUM's MS in Cybersecurity is designed to be completed in as little as 12 months. Current MSUM undergraduate students can take advantage of the 4+1 program, getting a head start on their graduate degree. These accelerated pathways allow students to save time and money as they break into a rapidly growing field.

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    Program Overview. The Master of Science in Applied Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics program prepares professionals for the rapidly growing fields of cybersecurity, forensics, and information assurance. Upskill for leadership roles in business, law enforcement, military, government, and other organizations.

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    Summary. This position is located in the Government Accountability Office within the Information Technology and Cybersecurity (ITC) Team. GAO supports the Congress in meeting its constitutional responsibilities to legislate, appropriate, and oversee the Federal government for the benefit of the American people.

  25. Master of Cyber Forensics and Security

    At the conclusion of their studies, graduates of the Master of Cyber Forensics and Security degree should be able to: Design and implement a comprehensive enterprise security program using both policy and technology to implement technical, operational, and managerial controls. Comprehensively investigate information security incidents and ...

  26. Cybersecurity Engineering (M.A.S.)

    The Master of Cybersecurity Engineering curriculum provides students with advanced training on critical aspects of cybersecurity in such areas as hardware and software, in addition to a strong background in programming. This program will prepare students with extensive knowledge in cybersecurity, cyber-physical systems, cloud computing security ...

  27. MS in Cybersecurity Admission & Application Requirements

    Note: Upon completion of the application form in step one, you will receive an email in 1-2 business days giving instructions for the remaining steps and completing the program application in Part 2.Please note that the steps below cannot be completed until you receive that email. If you do not receive the email with Self Service Center instructions, please contact the Graduate Studies Office.