Commaful Storytelling Blog

1001 Writing Prompts About Haunted Houses

March 15, 2021

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Haunted house stories have been around for a long time, but there is something about this trope that makes horror authors want to keep writing about them. Maybe, it is because there’s something very twisted in stories about places that were supposed to give shelter turning against the main characters. 

One of the scariest stories about haunted houses is Edgar Allan Poe’s The Fall of the House of Usher—a Gothic fiction about an unnamed person who visits his ill friend Roderick Usher in his house. Another is Shirley Jackson’s The Haunting of the Hill House—1959 horror novel that follows an occult scholar, his assistant, a fragile young woman well acquainted with poltergeists, and an heir during their stay at a haunted mansion located between many hills. 

If you want to be known for your haunted house stories, like Edgar Allan Poe and Shirley Jackson, here are some writing prompts to give you inspiration:

  • I’d never stop hearing the booing coming from the abandoned haunted house next to me.
  • A lion that was kept in the haunted house woke up screaming.
  • I never walk alone in the dark because the haunted house near my house would always scare me.
  • I stepped into a haunted house. My life was never the same after that.
  • Many visitors claim to have seen ghosts in that house.
  • I would find blood on my closet floor.
  • I like to go to haunted houses.
  • I have walked into the scariest haunted house around the block.
  • The police find the body of a child in a haunted house.
  • A haunting made headlines.
  • The vampire attacks babies in the haunted house.
  • The zombies came out of the haunted house and came after the kids playing in the street.
  • Steps went up to the porch of the haunted house.
  • The ghost of a horrible monster can be found in the haunted house.
  • I went into the haunted house by myself to study.
  • There was heavy breathing coming from the haunted house but no one was there.
  • A family was completely sucked dry by flying objects in a haunted house.
  • One of the most famous haunted houses is about to be torn down.
  • Ghostly happenings have occurred in this house.
  • A bad dream about the girl who died in a haunted house.
  • The ghost that haunts the house was seen in my room.
  • The house on the hill has been abandoned for ten years. No one knows why.
  • The ghost is really scary.
  • A garage in the neighborhood is haunted. People say that spirits yell in the middle of the night.
  • They say the devil lived in this haunted house at one point.
  • I tried to visit the scariest house in town, but was last seen running away.
  • Every holiday weekend, there are haunted houses all over town.
  • A woman died from the haunted house upstairs…no one knew why.
  • New ghosts need to be built for a haunted house.
  • My cousin claims she saw a ghost in the haunted house by the train tracks.
  • I broke into the haunted house and it was full of rats.
  • burglars have broken into the haunted house down the street.
  • I always wondered why there is no neighborhood behind the haunted house.
  • The best parlor for séances was in a haunted house.
  • I hate my haunted house.
  • She who went inside the haunted house never returned.
  • A girl was killed in a haunted house where her murderer buried her body in the basement floor.
  • My father said ghosts lurk in the dark corners of the haunted house.
  • A man tried to debunk all the haunted houses in his city, but he was haunted daily.
  • I have always been afraid of that spooky haunted house down the block from me.
  • My uncle’s paranormal journalism led him into a haunted house.
  • The ghosts living in a haunted house look ordinary.
  • A scientist has tried to pick apart a haunted house.
  • The wind howled outside the haunted house.
  • It was said that the dead horses are now haunting the haunted house.
  • A newly married couple moved into a haunted house and learned the truth the hard way.
  • My parents hate ghosts, which is why my bedroom might be haunted.
  • There is a story on this street about an old lady killed in that old house.
  • I have been hearing about a ghost in a haunted house. He has been haunting there for many years. He is dressed all in white and has a white mask on his face. He is a scary sight to see.
  • The neighbors who lived in that haunted house next door were a weird bunch.
  • The lights always flicker in the abandoned haunted house.
  • A child was seen going into a haunted house. He never returned.
  • The haunted house challenged me by offering a blue key instead of gold.
  • What has happened in haunted houses all over the world.
  • A baby’s cry was heard coming from a haunted house on Halloween night.
  • A murder was committed in the house next door and the killer had been held in the attic.
  • No one dares to come near the haunted house.
  • Three teens were lured into a haunted house.
  • A ghost could be seen in the mirror.
  • What if you lived in a haunted house?
  • The man from the haunted house wouldn’t stay in prison.
  • A ghost was seen in a haunted house several times.
  • While visiting a haunted house, a little girl was seen disappearing into the darkness. Her parents cried, but they could not find her. It was only a matter of time before they discovered the truth must be far more frightening than they could ever imagine.
  • Write about a house that seems to be haunted.
  • A girl went into a haunted house looking for her lost dog. Twenty-four hours later, they found her in a different haunted house. She had been horribly mutilated.
  • The haunted house next door had always been full of strange things.
  • The ghost of the old man who owns the haunted house is reported to have been seen.
  • My sister texted me from inside the haunted house. She’s never coming back.
  • The old man that lived there last year said that his house was haunted.
  • The famous Haunted House was torn down to make a microwave spaghetti factory.
  • A ghost was seen across the street from the haunted house.
  • A horrible smell comes from a nearby haunted house.
  • A real ghost was captured in a haunted house and is now on public display.
  • The ghost can be seen every night running around the haunted house.
  • There is the ghost of a man in my house.
  • Write about a ghost in a haunted house.
  • There have been claims that every member of a family had died in the haunted house across the street.
  • A haunted house full of weird noises, furniture moving by itself, and creepy voices.
  • Little do they know, the spirit of a former occupant still haunts the inner rooms of the house they’re watching.
  • Little red riding hood was haunted by her granny’s ghost.
  • There is a creepy man that has a house of many rooms. There may be more than one man!
  • Yes, in my house there are ghosts. They speak through everything, but not to me.
  • The smell of decay coming from the haunted house is overwhelming.
  • I saved a girl from the haunted house down the street.
  • A girl died in a haunted house, her ghost still haunts it.
  • I can still hear the babies’ screams from the haunted house.
  • There’s a graveyard right near the haunted house.
  • A grisly, gory ghost was spotted inside the haunted house.
  • I have always wanted to visit a haunted house.
  • A stone was found in front of my door of a haunted house.
  • There is a haunting taking place in the haunted house at the edge of town.
  • The haunted house is not the only one to be haunted.
  • People have claimed to see black shadow come out from the haunted house next to mine.
  • I used to live near a haunted house.
  • Someone looked up haunted houses in the yellow pages. The page was all black and when they turned the page, blood came pouring out.
  • I took my dog inside that haunted house and he never came back.
  • My girlfriend went missing. She might be in the haunted house.
  • I heard screaming coming from a nearby haunted house and ran to help.
  • A famous painting titled “The Haunted House” appears to include a ghostly figure.
  • I could see lightning flash around a haunted house in the distance.
  • When you think of the scariest place ever, the place that always comes to your mind is a haunted house.
  • Write about your visit to the most haunted house you have ever been in.
  • Haunted boy having a difficult life.
  • Spooky things happened to me in the haunted house.
  • A woman found a mirror in a haunted house. She looked into the mirror and saw a ghost.
  • People say there is a ghost living in a haunted house in town.
  • Help! A ghost is in my closet! Help!
  • I have that same haunted house just down the road from me.
  • What happened to the man in the haunted house across the street?
  • My house is haunted.
  • Construction workers found a bent metal cage in a boarded up house.
  • My father said that the ghosts in that haunted house looked like monsters to him.
  • I never went inside the haunted house down the street. No one ever came out.
  • I saw the devil in the haunted house myself!
  • Once a haunted house was remodeled into a new house.
  • Spooky keyholes.
  • I swear, that house used to be haunted. Everything was so much better once it got exorcised though.
  • Write about a specific haunted house in your neighborhood or town.
  • The kids couldn’t sleep because of the haunted house.
  • My best ghost friend died in a haunted house.
  • Dream of a haunted house that follows you.
  • Nobody knows why that house gained its reputation as being haunted.
  • Kids say that they saw something strange in the haunted house.
  • Somebody died in that house.
  • I have heard stories of the haunted houses not too far from here.
  • I woke up from a dream where the scary goblin jumped out of the closet.
  • The rain is not a natural phenomenon, the rain is from a haunted house.
  • Shadows seemed to come to my window and talk to me.
  • A haunted house is an illusion or,
  • After haunting several houses for years, the ghost’s soul finally found a permanent home.
  • You should have seen the ghosts flying out of that haunted house!
  • The evil in the haunted house was getting stronger by the day.
  • People say that it is haunted…
  • A haunted house is haunted because of its terrible history.
  • Reflect on the scariest haunted house movie you have ever seen.
  • I’ve heard many strange noises coming from the haunted house next door to my house.
  • Ghosts are real! One was living in the house next door which used to be an old abandoned place..
  • Write about a haunted house in a suburban neighbourhood.
  • A friend of mine rented out a haunted house to make some fast cash.
  • I looked up the haunted house and found a journal telling me everything.
  • I love my mom, but she is scaring my friends away by sharing ghost stories with them.
  • The ha​unted house in the neighborhood was really creepy.
  • Guests found out the hard way we’re renting a haunted house.
  • Four people went into the haunted house and only one came out.
  • What is the most mysterious ghost story in the world?
  • Charles always hated the haunted house next door.
  • I went into a haunted house and came back out alive.
  • A relative is really or says they are being attacked by a ghost.
  • Angering a former occupant of a haunted house can be very hard.
  • There was something in the attic, whispering my name.
  • I saw a ghost inside my own home.
  • True stories of a haunted house.
  • I saw something waving to me from the window of a haunted house.
  • There are weird noises coming from the haunted house next door.
  • Two girls went on a school trip to a haunted house.
  • A haunted house is said to have protective powers.
  • People feel something is amiss in the haunted house, but they still decide to stay there.
  • My friends dare me to see what goes on in the haunted house nearby.
  • People go in and never come out of the haunted house.
  • There are evil things that only haunted houses can contain.
  • People have always refused to live in my house.
  • The mother’s ghost haunts her daughter.
  • A couple was murdered in a haunted house.
  • A group ghost hunt is held at a haunted house.
  • A haunted house was found in the middle of nowhere.
  • My grandpa once got into a fight in a Haunted House.
  • History behind a haunted house.
  • A confusing message about haunted houses stopped being transmitted.
  • What could be making that noise? It could not be human. Express completely to us with these five sets of Story Starter. Using these story starters, You can keep us within your company and Inspire us to write many topics for you. Match Your Birthday to these 20 Powerful, Creative Blog Post Ideas.
  • After her death, the boy’s stepmother moved into the haunted house.
  • People have died in the most haunted house there is.
  • We could hear strange screams coming all the way from the haunted house.
  • Some people living in this haunted house decided to hold a seance but it went wrong and they ended up dead.
  • Ghost was seen in the house of death.
  • A middle aged man had several different puzzles and riddles throughout his haunted house.
  • Ghosts trapped in the house require three spirits to kill them.
  • A ghost once lived in the haunted house.
  • I used to live in the haunted house down the street.
  • I read a book about haunted houses. It was scary.
  • There were screams and horrible sounds coming from the haunted house.
  • Tales from a real life haunted house.
  • I once saw a haunted house on fire.
  • A newlywed couple spent a night in a haunted house.Who came out alive?
  • We have been spending the night in a haunted house!
  • Imagine the loud bangs that appear from the haunted house.
  • Two friends went into a haunted house nearby. Both went missing.
  • Everyone agreed that the house was haunted but no one saw anything.
  • I went to the haunted house next door.
  • A girl died in a haunted house.
  • I heard there was an escapee from the asylum across the street.
  • A group of tourists were kicked out of a haunted house for acting inappropriately, even for ghosts.
  • If you were to go into a haunted house, what would you take with you?
  • My great-grandmother’s house is haunted too.
  • No one has ever actually been inside of the haunted house.
  • Two teenagers got the wrong directions and were stuck at a haunted house.
  • What secrets does that haunted house hold?
  • The haunted house was said to be evil.
  • The ghosts are coming out of the walls.
  • A girl dying by hauntings went to a haunted house to meet her fate.
  • My uncle was murdered in the haunted house down the block.
  • One day at school, we heard that there was a haunted house nearby.
  • I was once inside a haunted house that refused to give me to death.
  • The location of pure evil was discovered in the haunted house down the street.
  • Haunted houses are creepy.
  • No one who comes near it is safe. It is the house that kills.
  • The police found human remains buried beneath the haunted house.
  • List five ways you could protect the house you live in now from becoming haunted.
  • A member of my family was killed in a haunted house the other day.
  • My haunted house is more terrifying than anything you have ever seen.
  • A haunted house? Really? My cousin told that story.
  • Two people come across a haunted house in a small, remote town.
  • I feel as though certain people will disappear if they enter that house. Don’t go there…
  • A fisherman runs his ship right into a haunted house. His body was found later. Write about his ghost.
  • According to one ghost story, a little girl can be heard crying inside the haunted house.
  • A girl was spending the night in the haunted house and was never seen again.
  • A man bought a building in the town. He used to leave odd messages.
  • People hear strange noises in that abandoned haunted house.
  • The local witches and ghosts came out to play.
  • The haunted house down the street is somehow connected to a string of strange animal deaths in the area.
  • There was a murder in a haunted house.
  • Did you hear about the haunted house where the old woman died years later and her ghost still haunts the house?
  • The ghost in the haunted house is supposed to be an actor.
  • A woman and wife tells a story about her safety at a haunted house.
  • The residents of the haunted house say they just wanted to live in a peaceful neighborhood.
  • Séances are held in most homes, but they’re mainly in haunted houses.
  • There is a story of a woman being found in the walls of a haunted house.
  • One of my friends lived inside a haunted house and some of the strange activity happened to her.
  • I could hear the screams coming from the haunted house at night.
  • The old house scares me because it is rumored that a mysterious man was killed there, and no one knows what he looks like.
  • A person once died inside the haunted house.
  • How could anyone survive in a haunted house?
  • There is something weird in a neighbor’s haunted house.
  • A man was found injured in a doorway of a haunted house.
  • A mysterious ladder spontaneously appeared on the second floor of a haunted house.
  • The most haunted house in the world.
  • Ghosts aren’t real. They don’t exist. Do you want to die?
  • I heard the dogs and children in the haunted house next door.
  • What lurks inside the haunted house? Google might help you. Try googling “Free Haunted House Essays” and see what you get. Good luck and enjoy!
  • A scream was heard from the depths of the haunted house.
  • A famous ghost hunter was murdered in a haunted house.
  • Janice believes that the house is haunted, where Chuck thinks there’s a logical explanation for everything. What do they find?
  • A skeleton was found in the haunted house next to my school.
  • A priest was found dead in a haunted house.
  • The old woman grew younger and younger in the haunted house every day.
  • The legend says that the girl will come back from the dead to find her true love.
  • I like to visit the haunted house. Nothing ever happens.
  • What if my body never returned from the haunting house?
  • Superstitious locals said it was haunted.
  • A man said his house was haunted but everyone thought he was merely crazy.
  • I heard that a famous singer was seen going into that haunted house.
  • Phantom cats are seen frequently at the haunted house on Miller Road.
  • A relative from Iowa told us about the hauntings of my family’s house.
  • How would you survive in a haunted house?
  • People claim a ghostly figure walks the halls of Rookwood Manor.
  • Find out what happens when lights go out in the haunted house.
  • Experiences that happened to people inside a haunted house.
  • I felt…a presence. It was behind me! It was in the…
  • A ghost walked out of a haunted house into another haunted house.
  • I once saw a ghost in a haunted house. It had a white face with two white glowing eyes.
  • Three ghosts had been seen in the haunted house, or so they said.
  • Something as cold as ice brushed my hand in the haunted house.
  • The ghost in the haunted house resembles a famous actor.
  • Ten years later, the owner of the haunted house died.
  • And that is my list of writing prompts about haunted houses!
  • I heard someone screaming in the haunted house on the corner.
  • There are strange scratch marks on graves next to a haunted house.
  • My parents are convinced a house is haunted, even though it’s only a rumor.
  • I went into that old haunted house. It was dirty and dark.
  • I saw a ghost in my haunted house.
  • No one knows much about the old house on top of the hill.
  • The remains of a body were found in a haunted house nearby.
  • I go on online roleplays as a ghost and hang in haunted houses.
  • Where could we go to see a real haunted house?
  • The haunted house has a long history. Many people have said that they have been there before.
  • Write about the setting in a haunted house. A long time ago, there used to be a haunted house in the neighborhood. When my parents bought their house, the seller said it was not haunted.
  • I was once chased by a little girl out of a haunted house.
  • A girl was murdered in a haunted house.
  • The headless ghost haunts a haunted house.
  • If you believe in ghosts, then maybe you believe in haunted houses.
  • No one went inside the haunted house before the authorities placed a warning sign.
  • The police found bodies inside the haunted house.
  • A girl thought she saw a boy enter a haunted house one night.
  • My neighbors moved out of their house for unexplained reasons.
  • A little girl who disappeared overnight was reported to be seen in a haunted house.
  • I felt a presence in my room.
  • Physical contact can be made with a ghost.
  • The boy who lived next door to the haunted house died mysteriously.
  • I heard the haunted house was built on an ancient burial ground.
  • Two ghosts dance in the haunted house at midnight every night.
  • Lisa went to check out the knocked down haunted house. It was supposedly haunted.
  • A man bought a haunted house. He thinks that he has made a deal with the devil.
  • Before we entered the haunted house, Officer Johns gave us a safety lecture.
  • It appeared my house was now haunted.
  • Someone claimed to see a ghost in the haunted house.
  • A chance for redemption
  • I saw a vampire/zombie/witch stirring a pot of vampiric/zombifying/witchy potion.
  • The haunted house could be a good business venture.
  • Mystery hands were seen emerging from the window.
  • I fear that the dead could rise again and haunt the world.
  • I once lived in a haunted house.
  • A girl’s family moved into a haunted house and she stopped talking…
  • Red eyes, jumping, spitting, things came out of the walls.
  • I was dreaming that a ghost had eaten my soul, and my neighbor started pounding on my door with a flathead screwdriver.
  • My brother disappeared from the haunted house.
  • The haunted house is more than a century old.
  • Children in the neighborhood would teasingly scare each other by saying, “Someone’s in that haunted house!”
  • I heard that ghosts will haunt anyone that enters a haunted house.
  • I went to a haunted house with a trick-or-treat bag for the first time.
  • Winslow Homer’s 1871 painting “Ghost Story” was inspired by a reported sighting of a monster of the Dover cliffs.
  • A family put a mattress up in the attic of their haunted house.
  • A mysterious creature haunted that house.
  • A real ghost was found in a haunted house nearby. It was about five feet long and smelled horrible.
  • I heard strange noises from the haunted house next door. No one lives there.
  • What kind of spirits haunt the house?
  • A haunted house was abandoned after the mayor drank a potion.
  • What becomes of the ones who die within a haunted house?
  • Films inspired by haunted houses
  • There is a demonic mansion nearby that is extremely haunted.
  • The ghost was seen greeting the brother of the house owner.
  • Your best friend invites you to sneak into the abandoned haunted house down the street.
  • A new family moved in and the house burnt down with everyone in it. The one member who escaped left with no traces of their things and the house frozen in time before the fire.
  • We saw a haunted house nearby, but entered the spooky doors anyway, just to see what’s there.
  • My life was destroyed because of a man who died in a haunted house.
  • Throw a party at a haunted house nearby.
  • There was a real ghost in the haunted house.
  • There was a psycho killer lurking nearby.
  • I have a dream of a haunted house.
  • A family was running towards the haunted house. They were almost there until the house came to life and caused them to flee in the opposite direction
  • Describe the scariest haunted house you had ever been to.
  • What mysteries lie in the haunted houses nearby?
  • I had a friend who broke into a haunted house and never broke out.
  • A ghost has been sighted on a mountain in Tennessee where thousands of Confederate soldiers lost their lives while fighting alongside other soldiers in blue.
  • I don’t think the house is haunted. My dog does.
  • A shadow was seen in the window of the haunted house across the street.
  • A horny girlfriend went into a haunted house
  • Ghosts surround me when I’m in a haunted house.
  • The haunted house creaks every night.
  • If you visited a haunted house, and never left the house, what would you do?
  • After a recent murder in a small town, a family moved into an “haunted” house, unaware that murder victims had also been found there.
  • A killer used to stay in a haunted house on a lonely street.
  • I saw strange lights coming from a haunted house.
  • The door of the haunted house on the hill is unlocked.
  • Ghosts once haunted the corner house two doors away.
  • A house might be haunted because someone died there.
  • A haunted house is said to be very haunted in the old days. Continue writing about it.
  • A haunted house is more than it seems.
  • An abandoned and foreboding old mansion with a blackened building is rumored to be the most haunted house in the country. It is patrolled by college students for ghost hunters, but all that ever comes of it are hushed whispers of poltergeist activity and strange occurrences before turning tail and running for home.
  • I saw a ghost in the haunted house.
  • I drove past a haunted house and could see someone hiding in the front door.
  • There was a man with black and white eyes living in the haunted house
  • The ghosts were attracted to the lights at night.
  • I hear tapping all night in my attic.
  • A ghost was found in the mannequin factory.
  • People heard screams coming from the haunted house. They went to see what was happening.
  • Dead people haunt the rooms of this old haunted house.
  • A strange looking man dressed as a corpse was found dead in a haunted house.
  • An old man was found dead in his haunted house.
  • I saw a ghost in a haunted house recently.
  • A brother and cousin went into a haunted house. They were never seen again.
  • Many children have been known to play on the swings at the haunted house.
  • The cries from the haunted house deep in the woods are making all the teenagers run around like zombies.
  • Someone said the boy had tried to enter the haunted house, but he had been dragged inside.
  • The ghost of a little girl was caught on camera in a haunted house.
  • Ghosts haunt an abandoned house.
  • What was seen in the haunted house next door?
  • I saw something moving in the house across the street from mine.
  • How would you define the scariest haunted house?
  • It was the scariest haunted house. How can such a horrendous place exist?
  • An amusement park is full of haunted houses.
  • There was a man in the cupboard.
  • Someone saw a ghost in a haunted house nearby.
  • The haunted house is where the dead bodies of children are found.
  • Tales have been told of a haunted house.
  • The news talks about a mysterious haunted house with no story.
  • My kind grandmas hated school trips so much because they were always going to haunted houses for exhibition purposes.
  • Have you ever been inside a haunted house before?
  • Write about a ghost that appears in a haunted house.
  • Tales of ghosts and monsters have been heard at the haunted house.
  • I’ve never been inside a haunted house before.
  • An unusually high fatality rate occurred in the haunted house.
  • The ghosts chased us away from the haunted house.
  • A family lived there for many years. They finally had to move because they found the house just unbearable.
  • I told my friends we would play hide and seek inside the haunted house.
  • My father had a very strange relationship with the haunted house across the street.
  • A boy went into a haunted house, and never returned.
  • My little brother went inside a creepy haunted house.
  • A haunted house is built in your neighborhood.
  • The most haunted house in the country lies here.
  • My parents made me stay at a haunted house after they died.
  • A man wandered alone into a haunted house. It was still night.
  • A disgusting house was abandoned three years ago.
  • Witnesses claim to have seen the ghosts of insects haunting a house.
  • The only thing left from the haunted house is a mysterious hole in the garage wall.
  • He ​thinks he ​hears noises from the haunted house across the street.
  • There was something about a little girl skinned alive in this haunted house.
  • A man was killed by the ghosts in a haunted house.
  • An old abandoned house reeks of rotting flesh.
  • The haunted house was next to the
  • A woman has an old dresser in her haunted room. She should throw it away.
  • The haunted house is always playing tricks on me.
  • A haunted house was found nearby. No one enters it. whispers telling strange details
  • We heard these voices coming from a haunted house.
  • A girl went into the haunted house and vowed she would never come out.
  • The couple living at the haunted house tried several ways to rid it of its ghosts from non-violent means to very violent means.
  • A teenager was summoned inside the haunted house to do the bidding of the resident spirits.
  • The very last person to know the inhabitant of the Haunted House has died.
  • People have a funeral for the house of horrors.
  • People who have been to haunted houses always seem to have nightmares every night.
  • The haunted house is now less scary. Its story is known.
  • Someone opened the door to the haunted house and went in.
  • check People have been shopping and sleeping at a haunted house. No one knows about it.
  • For Halloween, we decided to have a haunted house in the backyard.
  • There is a haunted house on my street.
  • My grandmother disappeared after going into that haunted house.
  • Have you ever visited a haunted house?
  • There seems to be a strange ghost in my haunted house.
  • Children were heard talking at night from inside the haunted house.
  • One family ended up getting killed in a haunted house while they were asleep.
  • The policeman told us not to enter the haunted house at all costs.
  • There’s a secret room in the haunted house where the ghosts hang out to wait
  • A boy was carted off by police after he claimed that he will be going into the haunted house to prove himself.
  • Have you ever walked into a haunted house?
  • You hear a scratching of what sounds like a dog against a door from a haunted house.
  • What’s the scariest haunted house you’ve ever been to?
  • Something odd happened inside the haunted house
  • I think my house is haunted.
  • I have to check my hall closet every night before bed to make sure no monster will come out.
  • A knock was heard on the door of a haunted house.
  • Do you want to come with me to check out the supposedly haunted house?
  • A ghost in the air.
  • Blood was observed in the haunted house.
  • This old abandoned family house is haunted by ghosts.
  • Whispers were heard coming from the haunted house a few blocks away.
  • My girlfriend refuses to go into my haunted house.
  • An ancient haunted house with a grim history.
  • A man bought a haunted house to see the ghosts inside.
  • I don’t think they should have put a haunted house here.
  • Children were treated terribly in a haunted house.
  • I saw a floating ghost near the haunted house.
  • I need to treat my daughter’s “hallucinations” so she will not go to that haunted house alone.
  • A woman saw a ghost lurking inside a haunted house.
  • Being inside the haunted house was too scary for the researcher.
  • My father’s collection of dolls is haunting.
  • The child saw the ghosts in the haunted house on Halloween.
  • Something supernatural happened in the haunted house.
  • A team of scientists were sent to investigate the paranormal activity in a haunted house in Grimshaw Row.
  • My friend wouldn’t return home because she saw a ghost in a haunted house.
  • A person had claimed they encountered a zombie in a haunted house.
  • Ghosts haunt people coming near the haunted house.
  • A woman was found dead in the kitchen of a haunted house.
  • My hometown was built over a haunted house.
  • There was a terrible accident in the haunted house.
  • A boy and his friend were playing hide and seek in a haunted house. After a while he started shouting “I will find you!” and nobody was able to find him.
  • I visited the haunted house where Death hung from the tree.
  • The giant pumpkin in the haunted house started to come alive
  • A woman once went into a haunted house looking for her lost cat.
  • Beware when staying in a haunted house.
  • He looks like a horror movie villain.
  • Times Square is really haunted.
  • After going into the haunted house, strange things began to happen.
  • The new kid moved into a haunted house but no one knows that.
  • A group of teenagers were dared to go into a haunted house. Now you can fund the experiment of whether or not these teenagers are alive.
  • A lonely boy wrote a fictional book about a haunted house.
  • It’s probably best not to visit a haunted house on Halloween night.
  • There was a ghost in my sister’s haunted house.
  • The ghost in the haunted house still appears to this day at the stroke of midnight.
  • More than one family has left the haunted house across from me.
  • A woman had recurring nightmares about a haunted house.
  • The neighbors told me that there was a haunted house next to the graveyard.
  • I was woken up last night by sounds of a crying girl from the haunted house.
  • An abandoned haunted house.
  • Everybody in town knows about that haunted house.
  • My vampire boyfriend took pity on me and gave me a peaceful sleep one night in this haunted castle.
  • The haunted house came to my school and brought nightmares with…
  • No one who enters that haunted house ever comes out alive.
  • There was once a haunted house that was built by the residents who had to leave the world due to paranormal activities. That is why it was named “Haunted House”.
  • What if everyone suddenly disappeared from your neighborhood?
  • A monster was crouching outside a haunted house for a long time.
  • The famous haunted house is said to be haunted because a little girl ghost is found there.
  • This house isn’t haunted, there is just a man upstairs who hasn’t left his room in the past forty years.
  • The police investigated an incident at the haunted house two streets over.
  • An abandoned haunted house contains old furniture from hundreds of years ago.
  • My neighbors are bad. They were even reported for child abuse.
  • I’ve never believed in ghosts before until my visit to this house.
  • No one is allowed to go inside the haunted house.
  • A famous treasure was found in a haunted house, but then stolen again.
  • A child drowned in a pond by a haunted house.
  • I was scared to go into that haunted house.
  • A man named Tom has been murdered inside a haunted house. They say he was the neighbor of a young writer.
  • Someone got lost and had to find their way out of a haunted house.
  • Dad was a ghost hunter for haunted houses. When he died, no one knew where to look.
  • Someone said that they saw a ghost peeking into the girls’ shower.
  • People say that children disappear near haunted houses.
  • My home is probably haunted, because it has so many uneven floors.
  • I often feel like someone is following me in my haunted house at night.
  • I have always been afraid of the haunted house on my street.
  • I have seen the ghost of an old lady haunt my bathroom mirror.
  • My parents are afraid to visit this haunted house.
  • Something tells me not to go into this particular haunted house.
  • Write about a haunted house that a local writes about.
  • Three kids set out in search of a haunted house.
  • A group of teenagers went into the haunted house and were never seen again.
  • A strange sound echoed from the ghost occupied house.
  • Years ago, one man went into the most haunted house. He never came out.
  • Describe the scariest thing you have ever encountered.
  • I saw the ghost of my mother haunting the house.
  • Spooky went to her school haunted house for Halloween. She ran out a couple thunder screams later.
  • Look out for ghouls near that haunted house.
  • The house across from mine has curtains that cover each window, therefore, it is always quiet and dark.
  • A haunted house nearby was built over a burial ground.
  • People report seeing the lights in the haunted house even when no one is there.
  • There was a haunted house in the woods nearby. They called it The Darkness.
  • I didn’t think my friend would go into the haunted house, but he did. And then what he saw scared him to death.
  • I saw a dog jump out of a haunted house’s reflection.
  • A man decided to buy a haunted house. It was better for his business.
  • Ghosts were seen in the windows of a haunted house.
  • There are reports that a haunted house in town is crawling with rats.
  • Ancient ghosts haunt happily-married couple Eddie and wifey in their new house by the lake.
  • People say they’ve seen ghosts in that old haunted house.
  • The babysitter disappeared in the middle of the night. When my parents went to look for her, they found that she was frozen.
  • A haunted castle full of spirits is believed to exist on this hill.
  • Kids dare each other to go into a haunted house.
  • My friend lives in a haunted house and films it.
  • There’s a secret room underneath the haunted house.
  • Some of the oldest houses can be quite spooky.
  • You had a creepy feeling about this haunted house.
  • Two men bought the haunted house next door.
  • I had to turn my lights on all night after spending the night in a haunted house.
  • The ghosts in the haunted house have the faces of the children that go missing.
  • There’s a story of witches who used to live in a haunted house far away.
  • The girl across from the haunted house is freezing cold, even under the sun.
  • A terrible murder happened in the haunted house to my right.
  • Our neighbourhood is as quiet as the neighborhood of a haunted house.
  • A girl had seen two ghosts standing in front of the haunted house.
  • A haunted house appeared overnight. No one knew where it came from.
  • The screams were coming from the house next door.
  • An abandoned haunted house was found on an isolated island.
  • An old woman saw a ghost haunting the houses nearby.
  • Seeing two kids standing around the house across the street is strange. There are no children living in that house.
  • There was a murder in that haunted house.
  • I can hear the strange sounds from inside those haunted houses.
  • Ghosts were sighted dancing in the streets at night.
  • For many generations, curses have been told if one enters a haunted house.
  • I would never go inside a haunted house.
  • A man waiting for a bus saw a spooky ghost at the bus stop.
  • Everyone knows there was a ghost in that old house.
  • A man who worked in a haunted house was actually killed.
  • Sometimes the ghosts from the haunted house across the street come over.
  • Colors have faded from the old haunted house.
  • After experiencing a haunting no one will live in the haunted house.
  • An almost-dead ghost was found in the haunted house.
  • A mysterious house in the woods was where they held the sacrifices over the years.
  • A story where the main character moves into a haunted house and renovates it.
  • In a haunted house, you will still find a remote control.
  • A UFO was seen landing near an abandoned house.
  • Noises are heard in a nearby haunted house.
  • A paranormal investigator went to a haunted house and discovered creepy voices and more.
  • A monster was found walking around my house.
  • Crazy haunted house keeper sells tickets to go inside.
  • I had heard the most terrifying screams coming from the haunted house across the street.
  • Some weird things have been going on in that house lately.
  • My neighbor said he was buried in the haunted house behind his house.
  • Dead bodies were discovered in the haunted house.
  • I saw a crumbling house and thought it was completely haunted. It wasn’t.
  • The man who lives next door to the haunted house wouldn’t come outside, even when we tried to convince him.
  • An 8-year-old boy vanished suddenly while walking to a haunted house.
  • There is a ghost in the cookies.
  • A few unknowingly purchased a haunted house to live in.
  • The door to the haunted house was left open by the previous occupants.
  • The spirits in the haunted house lived with an insanely abusive mother.
  • I heard from my neighbor that the house next door to mine is haunted…
  • An unidentified figure was found dead after having entered a haunted house.
  • I found out which part of the house was the most haunted.
  • Pride and peon are antagonists to pride and prejudice.
  • The old lady who lived in the haunted house across the street died.
  • I was locked in a haunted house and couldn’t get out.
  • A ghost came to visit a girl.
  • A woman living in a haunted house committed suicide.
  • A supernatural entity from the haunted house down the street is causing harm to the villagers.
  • We heard a strange noise coming from that haunted house.
  • Sheriff County Paranormal Society has had the honor to explore the haunted Merkins Old Place near Del Fort’s Bridge.
  • There was a zombie guarding the front door.
  • I dare you to spend the night in the haunted house by the woods!
  • The old house’s door swung open on its own.
  • There has been a rumor of the haunted house nearby. Many people went to it, but all of them vanished, and nobody knows why they did so.
  • Could the haunted house be using a child for their evil plans?
  • Something is terribly wrong at that haunted house where people are being killed and vanishing away.
  • A woman was murdered in a haunted house. She haunts the home today.
  • Someone came up to the haunted house and asked for help.
  • The front door of the haunted house creaked open.
  • I was never the same after the Halloween party last year.
  • I couldn’t sleep well one night because a haunted house was nearby.
  • My brother always got scared going past that haunted house.
  • I have visited a haunted house.
  • I heard strange noises from the haunted house next door.
  • Tell the true story about the haunted house.
  • There have been sightings of ghosts near my house.
  • He thought his house was haunted by a clown until he realized the man with the sad eyes in the mirror was real.
  • Everyone hears about haunted houses in this town.
  • Einstein thought that ghosts aren’t real until he went into a haunted house.
  • I heard a scream coming from the haunted house one day.
  • My roommates talk weirdly about a haunted house.
  • Write about the scariest situation ever.
  • A girl drowned in a ghost house’s lake.
  • Write about the scariest indoor haunted house ever.
  • A ghost girl peeks out from behind the curtain.
  • A haunted house nearby is abandoned by its inhabitants.
  • One hundred dollars is waiting for somebody who will explore the most haunted house in the town.
  • Everything about the haunted house across the street freaks me out.
  • Someone was found alive after an abandoned haunted house fire.
  • There is a painting of a haunted house hanging in the attic.
  • A girl had a terrible dream that a ghost haunted her home. She accused her parents. Five people died the next month.
  • Many claim it to be the scariest haunted house ever.
  • A haunted house was moved to the corner of my street. It’s not that bad.
  • Someone saw a ghost standing in one of the windows of a haunted house.
  • I saw a ghost standing in the doorway of the haunted house.
  • A group of teenagers went into the haunted house for fun and turned up missing.
  • Write about the scariest haunted house in your neighborhood.
  • I live in a haunted house.
  • Could M. Night Shyamalan admit that something is wrong with his haunted house?
  • I don’t go to haunted houses for fun, but that’s what everyone else seems to do.
  • A woman was murdered inside a haunted house nearby. The police are baffled by the mystery.
  • Someone murdered their best friend in a dark, haunted house.
  • I’ve tried going into a haunted house but was spooked out.
  • The people that live in the haunted house across the street from us are starting to disappear.
  • A family had the scariest experience in a haunted house nearby.
  • A tourist visited every haunted house in California. She encountered the scariest one in all of California.
  • An evil spirit roams my town and it must be inside the haunted house.
  • The Clowns are killing everybody, and we have to get out of here.
  • I dare you to stay in the next haunted house you see.
  • I refuse to die in a haunted house.
  • I stayed there for hours but suddenly ran out of the haunted house as if drawn by a force.
  • A boy goes into a haunted house and is never seen again.
  • I heard a man begging for his life from a haunted house.
  • Several people said they saw a ghost in the haunted house.
  • They said a haunted house was coming to the neighborhood. When it arrived, it was nothing like the stories I’d heard.
  • There’s a haunted house at the foot of the hill. It’s too dark in there.
  • If you were in a haunted house that had some ghosts, what action would you take?
  • Why are some haunted houses so much more scary than others?
  • Once on Halloween at midnight different ghostly events take place in a haunted house.
  • Nobody knows who the skull is…
  • I went to a haunted house that was supposedly haunted by a child ghost.
  • The young girl decided to investigate the haunted house around the clock, day in and out.
  • The haunted house was so hideous it needed to be kept in total darkness.
  • The streets nearby resemble a blood bath after the haunted house’s last outing.
  • A woman was found murdered in a haunted house. Police never had a clue.
  • Many people died in this haunted house.
  • It’s been a year and the boy from the haunted house is still missing.
  • They didn’t say anything when they saw the ghostly figure lurking in my house.
  • A janitor works at a haunted house.
  • Haunted House Interview
  • A neighbor of mine spends a lot of time on their rooftop staring at the house behind mine.
  • I saw the ghost of my dead friend at a haunted house.
  • Our town had its own haunted house.
  • A girl saw a real piece of human skin hanging on the wall of an abandoned
  • The inside of a haunted house wasn’t scary.
  • I saw an apparition outside the old haunted house across from my street.
  • A disgruntled resident died in my haunted house leaving a note behind.
  • The haunted house door opened all by itself.
  • By far, the most haunted house was the spooky Victorian mansion.
  • Skeletons were found in a haunted house near me. It was called The Bone Vault.
  • Two superheroes go into the haunted house to save the people trapped there.
  • A girl escaped from the Haunted House.
  • A man got lost in a haunted house.
  • A woman and her little girl moved into the haunted house next door.
  • A girl was feeling really creepy as she walked to a haunted house for a dare.
  • Haunted house living doesn’t seem very enticing until a person tried living in one.
  • I heard about the haunted house walking slowly.
  • Ghosts have been spotted in the haunted house at midnight.
  • I heard somebody say they saw a ghost in the haunted house on the hill.
  • A haunted house is for sale on the block. The owners are forced to live far away from it for the night.
  • A crew of paranormal researchers set up equipment around the haunted house.
  • A family got lost in the oldest haunted house in the world.
  • The haunted house next door is an old relic with a gruesome past.
  • You could see a pale face right above your bed.
  • The Haunted House
  • A man bought a haunted house from an old woman. He heard her cries
  • A real ghost haunts a family’s home.
  • A family moved into a haunted house by their new home.
  • We could hear a family screaming coming from the haunted house next door.
  • Read about haunted houses.
  • Our home was once a haunted house.
  • The stone gargoyle on my front porch made a noise every night.
  • The dad who lived in a haunted mansion was the personification of terror.
  • A war criminal was found hiding in a room in a haunted house.
  • I dare you to visit the haunted house on the corner.
  • A man’s brother disappeared when they were kids. The man grew up to be a famous sleuth. He investigated the haunted house and found his brother.
  • Write about a haunted house in Las Vegas.
  • I was awoken by screams and crashes from the haunted house next door.
  • I could smell the blood from a freshly killed animal in the haunted house down the street.
  • The ghost of a woman in labor was seen. This haunted house is not recommended for expectant mothers!
  • I wouldn’t go into a haunted house for fear that a ghost would get me.
  • A boy planned to cross the evil house of horror.
  • A lot of rattling doors and windows from that haunted house.
  • My grandma went into the haunted house at the end of the street. She hasn’t come out since.
  • I saw the ghost of a young girl standing at the door of an old house.
  • A boy moved into a haunted house. His parents heard strange noises the first night.
  • I saw a ghost outside from my window, it ran into the haunted house.
  • There was something moving in there.
  • Ghosts haunt the house every night. It’s too late. Everything is dark.
  • I went to the haunted house over my friend’s house.
  • The house was found abandoned.
  • A girl was found dead, and a day before she was laughing inside a haunted house.
  • Two people go into a nearby haunted house. One doesn’t come out!
  • There was a woman who got lost in a haunted house. Now her children are missing.
  • People get hungry and thirsty in haunted houses but they cannot eat anything or drink anything.
  • Someone broke into the haunted house that was just sold.
  • The house next door has a strange letter by the doorbell.
  • I saw a ghost in my living room.
  • A young girl was found while walking home late at night. She was dead.
  • I always avoided that haunted house that was on the side of a cliff.
  • I heard a story on the radio about the haunted house down the street.
  • Disturbing footsteps were heard coming from a haunted house.
  • A house suddenly caught fire and burnt to the ground. The ghosts still haunt the remains.
  • I heard rumors of a haunted house.
  • An old woman lived in a haunted house by the woods.
  • A haunted house was found in a construction site.
  • The haunted house where a hundred or maybe a thousand people died.
  • Something terrible is about to happen in the haunted house down the street.
  • The old man across the way told me that there was a monster in his haunted house.
  • There was a funeral held in a haunted house next door.
  • A haunted house appeared in my dreams.
  • What haunts this house?
  • There have been no signs of paranormal activity lately.
  • Everyone feared to enter a haunted house in the neighborhood.
  • A shared dream began at a haunted house.
  • The haunted house was built on top of an old cemetery.
  • A friend went into a haunted house.
  • A suspicious looking man has been hanging around the front door of the haunted house up the street.
  • I don’t know anyone brave enough to go in there. It’s just too scary to go in there.
  • My friend shared an unbelievable story with me about a haunted house.
  • Me and my friends went for a sleepover at a haunted house.
  • Phantom at a huge abandoned haunted house.
  • A ghost was seen in the house next door.
  • Inside the haunted house, there was a strange fog.
  • A group of explorers went into a haunted mansion looking for the ghost. They found him.
  • The lady of the haunted house was found dead in her bathroom.
  • An author went into a haunted house to experience the strange spirits there.
  • A vampire was annihilated in a haunted house nearby.
  • A haunted house might be the place where the writer dwells.
  • Children go into the haunted house of their own free will.
  • I know the exact location of a haunted house in my neighborhood.
  • The haunting knocked down the walls of the haunted house.
  • They say ghosts haunt that haunted house, let’s go and prove it.
  • My friend went into a haunted house and did not come out.
  • Once in my neighborhood there was a haunted house. It was seen sparking at night, and angry groans could be heard coming out of the windows of the house.
  • I’ve always wondered why that house was deserted.
  • Police were called to a haunted house. They never returned.
  • The family that lived there was murdered in the haunted house.
  • I went to the Haunted House and came out alive.
  • A group of children went into a house that was supposed to be haunted.
  • There were so many paranormal things happening in the house, my daughter never came home again.
  • A crazy person claims to hear the whispers. Which ones are on fire? If a regular person is hit by a bus, the bus wins. On the other hand, if a ghost is hit by a bus, the ghost wins. Both spectra and spectra are acceptable plural forms of the word “spectre”. Its use depended entirely on how spooky or scary the writer wanted the activity to be. There. No a bit spookier or scarier now, is it? Another example of the use of the word “spook” in reference to ghosts comes from the state of Maine, USA. It is apparently a local colloquialism for “ghost” or “spirit”, and is derived from the word “spook”.
  • It all started with a visit to an old mansion, now a haunted house.
  • A girl and her friends were abducted from a haunted house.
  • From the ghoulish things inside the cedar grove, a ghostly, wolf howl rose.
  • She was afraid of horror films but she finally got the courage to watch one. It was about a haunted house.
  • Who wants to live in a haunted house?
  • I heard screams in the haunted house on Halloween.
  • What manifestation did you encounter in your house?
  • A dark figure’s lurking in the depths of the haunted house.
  • I encountered what some might call a poltergeist in a haunted house in another country.
  • The neighbors were worried a strange man was living in the old haunted house.
  • People have seen ghosts in their nightmares after sleeping in a haunted house.
  • The dog wouldn’t stop barking. The police were called. They found…
  • An old, abandoned, haunted house.
  • I will never go into that haunted house.
  • Once one of my friend’s younger sisters played with an ouija board. She got spooked and said that she was going to stay at a haunted house to scare her friends who left her alone.
  • My traveling companion was kidnapped by the family ghosts in a haunted house.
  • A person was chased out of a haunted house by ghosts.
  • Don’t go into the haunted house!
  • There was a ghost in the mirror every night.
  • A group of teens go on a scavenger hunt and one of them sees a ghost in a haunted house.
  • “Anita, do not go to bed right now!” my mother insisted.
  • I saw a vision of a ghost in my haunted house.
  • A person saw an evil-looking spirit flying out from the top of the haunted house.
  • A light appeared from the haunted house.
  • A girl wanted to visit a haunted house on Halloween. The owner stopped her at the door and told her that it wasn’t safe.
  • The moonlight couldn’t even get into the haunted house.
  • Ghost feet were seen running past from a haunted house.
  • Please wait while the resource is being loaded.
  • A shadowy figure was seen walking into a Halloween haunted house after everyone was gone.
  • All kinds of mythology materialized after the ghost was seen.
  • She heard a dog crying in the haunted house next door.
  • I used to watch a haunted house on TV. It was amazing.
  • A local amateur ghost hunting group is having a convention about a haunted house nearby.
  • A group of friends accidentally opened the door of the haunted house.
  • Two friends went to a house on a dare and never returned to describe what they saw.
  • I saw what looked like a ghost in my neighbor’s house.
  • I hear screams coming from the haunted house at night.
  • A girl told me a ghost is coming after me.
  • My neighbor has a haunted house.
  • No one knows why the house is haunted.
  • A dead body was found in the house across the street. It turned out it was the murderer who committed the crime in the house.
  • Something from the haunted house flew out of the windows and settled on my car.
  • Write about a person who is forced to spend time in a haunted house.
  • A priest died in a completely haunted house.
  • A girl merely believed that a house was haunted. Nothing particularly happened, until…
  • A necromancer moved in nearby and brought ghosts with him to live in the haunted house.
  • There was a young woman who lived in a haunted house. One night, she died in her sleep. Now she haunts the house.
  • The spirits of those who once lived in this house returned.
  • A private detective organizes ghost hunts in haunted houses.
  • The strange howls coming from that haunted house make my dog run away.
  • There is a lost diary of a ghost hidden in a haunted house somewhere.
  • Neighbors say that the vacant lot was once a cemetery. They heard strange noises at night. One man thinks he saw something move in the shadows.
  • There are ghosts that have been spotted in this house.
  • No one knows why the ghost has chosen to haunt this particular house.
  • A police report suggests that an innocent couple lived in a haunted house. A researcher on a television show investigated the case. The house was unmoved and undetectable.
  • A white lady came and scared all the children in a haunted house.
  • Haunted houses make for great Halloween decor.
  • The haunted house is on fire…
  • The lights in the haunted house flickered on and off.
  • A group of friends decided to nuke a haunted house for fun.
  • Describe the last time you stayed at a haunted house.
  • I saw dozens of people go into the haunted house and never come back out again. What happened to them?
  • The people who live in that house are real evil.
  • Shortly before the murder the family saw a strange person in the backyard of their haunted house.
  • I heard they live in a haunted house near here.
  • My house is haunted, what’s going on?
  • My first date with my now love interest was at a haunted house on a dare from my friends. We went into the house five minutes after dark. There was a figure- it turned out to be my love interest- and we both screamed. We liked each other more after that.
  • I saw a ghostly figure in the woods around the haunted house.
  • Can you tell me about the haunted house?
  • A new family bought the haunted house on the corner.
  • I live in a haunted house that my neighbors think is haunted.
  • My friend said that he would be willing to have his blood drained after entering a haunted house.
  • Someone heard a scream from the haunted house.
  • I was told it would be my settlement if my family owned the land that the haunted house sits on.
  • I was told to look for the ghosts in the haunted house.
  • A creature was found in a haunted house. Nobody knows what it is.
  • An exorcism was going on in a haunted house across the street. There were horrible noises everywhere.
  • Two police officers went into the haunted house. Nothing was heard from them since.
  • A ghost is caught on a security camera in a haunted house.
  • A girl was trapped inside the haunted house. Who rescued her?
  • Ghosts of children were found in a haunted house nearby.
  • A broken doll with a torn cloak.
  • A real ghost was found in the haunted house at midnight.
  • My house is haunted by this old woman ghost, she’s not harmful and never bothers anyone.
  • It took several attempts to get the courage to go into the haunted house.
  • At night, when everyone is sleeping, you can hear a man screaming from the scariest haunted house in town.
  • A really cool place you just stumbled upon that is haunted.
  • The haunted house next door has killed a lot of cats.
  • My brother was kidnapped when he went into a haunted house to prove there were no ghosts.
  • My love is locked in a haunted house.
  • The haunted house author Robert E. Howard lived in.
  • An empty house is actually a haunted house.
  • He didn’t believe in ghosts, but after visiting the haunted house…
  • I could hear the screams from the haunted house just a few feet away.
  • People believe this house is haunted.
  • I dream of a haunted house by the bay.
  • My neighbor moved into this haunted house last year.
  • A haunted house with a pool inside.
  • The house was haunted, we found out because we saw a strange face in the window.
  • The old haunted house story was told by the kids back at school today.
  • The doll they found up in an abandoned haunted house looks just like my daughter.
  • My best friend claims there’s a haunted house where the spooky screams come from.
  • Someone has seen a ghostly lady in the haunted house.
  • Ghosts haunt post-apocalyptic worlds, too. Write about them.
  • I didn’t want to go into the haunted house.
  • What would you do if you had to live near a haunted house?
  • I dare you to go into the haunted house.
  • A haunted house in the city hides secrets.
  • A girl went into a haunted house. A week later, the girl arrived at home one day unharmed.
  • That is my neighbor, a 30-year-old woman who is confined to a wheelchair.
  • Are ghosts real?
  • Young boys break into the haunted house to try to solve the mystery as to why it’s haunted.
  • I heard a terrible scream coming from the haunted house.
  • The scary man lives in the haunted house year round.
  • All you can hear in the haunted house across the street is a little girl’s voice, saying, “Let me out! Let me out!”
  • The spirit in the haunted house is returning to haunt us! We must be careful not to wake it up.
  • So many people went into the haunted house and never returned.
  • I went into the haunted house to find everyone inside dead.
  • A skeleton was found inside a haunted house.
  • I heard that the heroine in the movie was screamed at by a ghost while inside a haunted house.
  • I heard they were keeping an old zombie in a haunted house down the street.
  • Tell them about the oddest childhood experience you or someone you know had.
  • An unsolved mystery happened at the haunted house.
  • A man had a doll that he claimed could move by itself. It would do a task and then it liked sitting in a rocking chair in the corner
  • Something sprang out of the haunted house, running down the street.
  • Someone died in a mysterious fashion that happened in the haunted house nearby. The police suspect that it was murder.
  • My dog John found an old bone on the haunted house lawn. He started barking at it and wouldn’t come to me. What was he barking at?
  • But what’s truly interesting about haunted houses are the cultures that surround them. Take Japan’s ghost cultures, for example, which started years and years ago. Way back during Japan’s dying days of the samurai era, Japanese diarists were documenting strange encounters with ghostly creatures. The result manifested itself throughout Japanese culture and society, with various cultures and societal practices revolved around spirits.
  • Deep in the woods there’s a haunted house.
  • Spooky trees grew around the haunted house. What’s in there?
  • A story of a boy who lived in a haunted house.
  • A girl was walking past a library when she heard crying. It was haunting.
  • A girl saw someone with white skin in the haunted house.
  • We found a note in the haunted house telling us to run.
  • I heard that there is a real ghost in this haunted house!
  • A police officer once investigated a haunted house and saw weird things inside.
  • My parents would not let me visit the haunted house across from us.
  • A group of school children saw a ghost-man in a haunted house far away from the town.
  • I was awakened by shrills that seemed to be from the haunted house next door.
  • My teacher looks like a monster.
  • The ghosts must have returned from the haunted house.
  • A famous horror writer lived in a haunted house.
  • A destructive ghost haunts the house.
  • There was a strange feeling in a haunted house that no one could ignore.
  • A guy went on a fishing trip to a haunted house.
  • The stairs in my house were not safe to walk anymore.
  • My father worked in a haunted house but he never told us what happened.
  • My city is infested with haunted houses.
  • My haunted house does not allow pets, but it is haunted by the ghosts of animals.
  • A girl visiting a haunted house had a vision of someone trying to kill her and left. Soon, she found a murdered body that was later the work of the killer she saw.
  • A crazed man in a haunted house murdered a family of four before disappearing.
  • Close by there is an old deserted house. People say it is haunted.
  • A ghost threw darts toward kids entering a haunted house.
  • The postman saw a ghost – right outside my haunted house.
  • An accident in a haunted house left me permanently disabled.
  • A myth about a ghost started in a haunted house at camp.
  • I stayed in a haunted house last night. The experience was fun.
  • A man dressed in all black is the owner of a haunted house.
  • The haunted house stands tall, silhouetted by the moon.
  • A house is haunted because of the mysterious deaths that have occurred within the walls of the home.
  • Write about what happened at the deserted haunted house.
  • I just saw a real ghost!
  • Someone paid to have a haunted house built for Halloween.
  • One of the ghosts just floated out of the haunted house.
  • A little girl knew someone lived in the Haunted House across the street.
  • Most people avoid talking about the haunted house next door.
  • Two girls were quite startled seeing a real ghost from a haunted house nearby.
  • The ghost child could be seen here.
  • A boy goes into a haunted house and appears on the news the next day.
  • A group of people went into a haunted house. They never came out.
  • Nobody would go near the haunted house at night.
  • What is the most terrifying haunted house scene you can think of?
  • The police are always called because this haunted house has a ghost following around the kids.
  • What if you were attacked by a ghost?
  • I heard there was a serial killer living in the haunted house across the street.
  • Ghosts were seen running out of the haunted house.
  • I went into a haunted house and never left.
  • Someone dared me to go into the haunted house so my friends went. We didn’t come back.
  • A haunted house that appears in Limbo Town every one hundred years during the month of Halloween.
  • Why is the place next door so frightening?
  • I sneaked into the house and tried to investigate, but something evil started chasing me.
  • My neighbors moved out of their haunted house.
  • A man found something in his attic from the haunted house down the street.
  • Do you believe in ghosts? It’s hard not to after what I’ve experienced in a haunted house.
  • I heard your voice from the haunted house.
  • If you don’t write a story about a haunted house, bad luck will befall you!
  • I think the house across the street from mine might be haunted.
  • The ghost of a little girl was sighted in a haunted house.
  • I wonder what they heard that caused them to flee from the eerie cabin in the woods.
  • I found my name written in the haunted house guestbook.
  • I needed to see if the haunted house labeled ‘do not enter’ was really haunted.
  • In the Spring, there was a girl’s head found in the haunted house.
  • There was a sign outside the haunted house that read, “Out of Business”
  • A girl has strange impressions in her old and haunted house.
  • When you walk in the haunted house, only your screams remain.
  • I will never forget the time that a real ghost attacked me in the haunted house.
  • A strange man wearing a top hat always stands outside the haunted house.
  • People can hear organ music coming from a haunted house.
  • A town was haunted by a haunted house for centuries.
  • I heard strange noises coming from the haunted house.
  • A ghost was seen to sneak out of a haunted house before sunrise.
  • A demon has carried away my girlfriend into a haunted house.
  • My mother used to live in a haunted house when she was young.
  • The haunted house was the scene of the final stand of the American revolution.
  • A girl who got lost in a haunted house never came out.
  • I went to an abandoned house once and heard voices inside.
  • A haunted house is rumored to have robbers.
  • A famous radio host was tortured and killed in a haunted house.
  • People are too afraid to live in the house across the street.
  • Write about the haunted house that you and your friend visited a few weeks ago.
  • A woman opens up a store in a most haunted place.
  • The people who once inhabited this house were very peculiar.
  • The haunted house reappears when the moon is full.
  • “We can move in until you get a new job!” he said.
  • The ghost of a woman was seen wandering the hallways of a haunted house.
  • I saw a ghost by a haunted house once.
  • Someone claimed to have seen ghosts in a haunted house.
  • An hour after your stay at the haunted house, you are seen in a dilapidated condition with clear burn marks and scratches on your body and become mute.
  • A girl was walking home alone in the dark when she saw a ghost on the other side of the street staring at her.
  • Someone drove into the haunted house in the fog.
  • Many people have complained about loud noises from a haunted house.
  • I love cheesy haunted houses. They’re a lot of fun.
  • I heard the scream from inside the haunted house.
  • A boy ran away from a haunted house. He returned days later, only he was the one screaming, not the occupants of the haunted house.
  • A girl felt a hand on her shoulder in a haunted house nearby.
  • The next door neighbour always puts up Halloween decorations and leaves out treats and stuff for the children in the neighborhood. They consider him a Grade A Halloween nut and a few rumors have surfaced, like he may be a vampire who likes stealing children.
  • A puff of smoke escaped from the old abandoned house across the street.
  • Ghosts who kill have haunted my house for a year.
  • The scary things you heard/saw in the haunted house in your neighborhood when you were seven.
  • I could no longer see the house. It must be haunted.
  • Something weird happened at the haunted house over the weekend.
  • A man throws a party in a haunted house.
  • The best haunted house is always the one we don’t go inside.
  • Write about a monster that lives in a haunted house.
  • A child saw the ghost of a dead man’s face in a window in a haunted house.
  • I need to show courage and face the Green Monster…a haunted house.
  • The people who live in this house are not from this Earth.
  • If you could live in a haunted house, would you? Why?
  • A group of people got together to tell ghost stories in a haunted house. What happened?
  • The haunted house in the town at the hill.
  • Describe the most haunted house.
  • My friend went to the haunted house down the road and never returned.
  • A wife is convinced that she sees ghosts from a famous haunted house.
  • The chained up door leads to one of the scariest haunted houses.
  • Want to suffer a sleepless night? Try staying in a haunted house for the night.
  • You are in a haunted house… alone.
  • I was running down the street when all of a sudden a ghost popped out from the haunted house.
  • Someone dared me to enter the old haunted house.

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Helping writers become bestselling authors

Setting Description Entry: Haunted House (inside)

May 23, 2009 by BECCA PUGLISI

creative writing of haunted house

Sight Dust, cobwebs, sheets on furniture, broken tables, chairs, windows, lamps, peeling wallpaper, gaps in the floorboards, holes in the walls, flickering lights (if there’s electricity) chandelier with broken strings of crystals, broken glass on the floor, spiders, cockroaches, rust, mildew, ripped curtains, shadows, gloomy staircases, old portraits & paintings, cracked…

footsteps on the stair, creaking doors, window shutters rattling on the outside, wind scattering/rustling paper through a broken window gap, words whispered in ear, screams, crying, wailing, laughter, glass smashing, the scrap of a chair moving, the scritch of tree branches scraping at the windows, rats squeaking, movement in the walls, a…

Phantom perfume or cologne, burning smells, pipe or cigarette smoke, mildew, rot, dank, rusty or metallic smells, wet wood and stone, rancid breath, yeasty beer smell, food, dust, dry rot, rat/mice feces, urine

Sour & dry mouth from fear, dust floating in the air and coating the tongue, salty tears

A phantom hand on the shoulder, the puff of breath on the earlobe or the back of the neck, the sensation of being grabbed on the arm, pushed, pulled, pinched, poked, slapped, burned, a feeling of light-headedness and nausea, hair rising on arms or the back of the neck, the body’s reaction to a drop in temperature (chills, shivering, breath puffing out…

Helpful hints:

–The words you choose can convey atmosphere and mood.

Example 1:  I cringed at each creak on the old warped stairs, but it didn’t sway my determination to make it to the bedroom on the second floor. Halfway up, a shadow flickered at the corner of my vision. I froze, and as I stood there, caught a woody scent lingering in the air. Tobacco smoke? A shiver curled through the hairs on the back of my neck then cascaded down my backbone. It was all I could do to not hurl myself back down the stairs toward the front door…

–Similes and metaphors create strong imagery when used sparingly.

Example 1: (Metaphor ) The dining room chair suddenly jolted back and tilted toward me, a gracious invitation by an invisible host…

Think beyond what a character sees, and provide a sensory feast for readers

creative writing of haunted house

Setting is much more than just a backdrop, which is why choosing the right one and describing it well is so important. To help with this, we have expanded and integrated this thesaurus into our online library at One Stop For Writers.

Each entry has been enhanced to include possible sources of conflict, people commonly found in these locales, and setting-specific notes and tips, and the collection itself has been augmented to include a whopping 230 entries—all of which have been cross-referenced with our other thesauruses for easy searchability. So if you’re interested in seeing this powerful Setting Thesaurus , head on over and register at One Stop.

creative writing of haunted house

On the other hand, if you prefer your references in book form, we’ve got you covered, too, because both books are now available for purchase in digital and print copies. In addition to the entries, each book contains instructional front matter to help you maximize your settings. With advice on topics like making your setting do double duty and using figurative language to bring them to life, these books offer ample information to help you maximize your settings and write them effectively.


Becca Puglisi is an international speaker, writing coach, and bestselling author of The Emotion Thesaurus and its sequels. Her books are available in five languages, are sourced by US universities, and are used by novelists, screenwriters, editors, and psychologists around the world. She is passionate about learning and sharing her knowledge with others through her Writers Helping Writers blog and via One Stop For Writers —a powerhouse online library created to help writers elevate their storytelling.

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Reader Interactions

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May 14, 2021 at 1:51 pm


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May 8, 2021 at 6:48 pm

Oh wow. It hadn’t occurred to me to make a list of all the things to do with my settings. Thank you for this. Brilliant!

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May 10, 2021 at 5:53 am

It’s so much easier to get the setting exactly where we want it when we know beforehand what to aim for :).

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March 12, 2021 at 5:58 pm

I really love this Thank you so much for doing this

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March 2, 2021 at 2:17 pm

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February 18, 2021 at 8:34 am

Thankyou soo much…it really helped me

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February 13, 2021 at 5:04 am

omg!! Thankyou so much, this helped with my assignment!!!

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February 10, 2021 at 6:25 am

thank you so much, helped me alot during lockdown!!

February 11, 2021 at 8:29 am

Well thank goodness for that!

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December 22, 2020 at 12:24 am

Thank You really helpful

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December 12, 2020 at 5:30 am

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December 4, 2020 at 11:38 pm

Thank you so much, there are totally enough ideas for me for my essay

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November 22, 2020 at 10:04 am

Very helpful

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November 10, 2020 at 5:41 pm

thank you so much i needed ideas and this gave me so much.

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October 21, 2020 at 4:50 pm

I am doing a descriptive writing project and this helped me so much! Thank You!

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October 21, 2020 at 7:01 pm

Glad it helped!

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March 20, 2021 at 6:59 am

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October 8, 2020 at 11:51 am

I love the website I had to write a paper about Halloween and I used this website to find my d Description Word I need . Who ever made this website I don’t know what I would tell him or her but it’s one of my favorite it gives me great description of what words I don’t understand and I then I can use it later if I could rate it 5 stars

October 8, 2020 at 1:07 pm

Zachary, I am so glad you like this website and it’s a help to you!

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September 26, 2020 at 5:48 pm

thank u a lot s helps me in my writing

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September 19, 2020 at 1:49 am

Thanks! It was quite helpful for my paragraph. 😊

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March 25, 2020 at 1:17 am

This was SOOO helpful. Thanks a lot. It was very helpful.

This was SOOO helpful. Thanks a lot.

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January 2, 2020 at 5:56 am

this helped me with my essay A LOT!!!!!!!!!!! 😊

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December 3, 2019 at 2:51 pm

This is awesome!👌

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March 31, 2021 at 11:41 pm

This awesome

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November 18, 2019 at 1:32 pm

This is so helpful for everyone . People can use them in essays while describing a haunted house .

November 10, 2020 at 5:43 pm

That is exactly what i used it for

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November 11, 2019 at 7:02 am

This is so helpful! Definately the best website for writing! Thanksssss❤️❤️

November 11, 2019 at 10:42 am

Happy this helps!

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November 3, 2019 at 7:28 am

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October 25, 2019 at 4:58 am

I really like it. It’s really good.for.young children and writers. I love it do much

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July 1, 2019 at 6:21 pm

wow I really needed this thank you sooo much

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May 25, 2019 at 11:22 am

Amazing. Im a 14-year-old writer and all these descriptions inspired me on how to write my mystery book. Thanks so much Becca

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February 9, 2019 at 6:29 pm

I really liked it because it helped me a lot to inspire me with my writing for greater depth.It was all very creative and amazing 😃👍🏻

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January 28, 2019 at 11:34 am

very good descriptions

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January 3, 2019 at 11:03 pm

This is too helpful

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November 11, 2018 at 4:21 am


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June 6, 2019 at 2:08 am

Good descriptive terms and phrases!!

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October 24, 2018 at 1:23 pm

Thank you so much you have helped me so much.

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October 23, 2018 at 10:49 am

This story describes the house and starts to leave an image of what the inside of the house looks like. I get shivers reading it.

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October 22, 2018 at 11:10 am

I love this website it helps me

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July 22, 2018 at 8:38 am

Thank you so much.. It helped me a lot… I am very happy about this web page😊

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November 19, 2018 at 11:04 pm

yeah me too it helped alot

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December 13, 2017 at 7:04 am

Thank you so much it really helped write my writing assessment and get full marks, don’t worry i didn’t cheat that much!

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October 25, 2019 at 12:17 pm

lmao “that much”

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November 9, 2017 at 5:32 pm

It Game Some Ideas What To Write

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April 4, 2017 at 1:37 pm

Its just awesome because I get a idea to write it in my suspense story??

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March 19, 2017 at 11:49 am

thanks alot it really helped me in my suspense story writing and it did really gave me some ideas to write it thanks 😉

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December 3, 2016 at 8:15 am

Thank you very much. This is helpful to do my English HW. Zabit Khwaja

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September 12, 2018 at 2:01 pm

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October 25, 2016 at 2:12 pm

Thank you !! This has really helped me to do my homework and to inspire me for different t ideas.

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October 6, 2016 at 9:45 am

this helped me do my English course thank u sooo much

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September 1, 2011 at 9:32 am

this is awesome! 😀 helped me do my coursework for English! thanks a lot 😀

October 14, 2010 at 8:47 pm

this story is awsome i want to read another one.

September 16, 2010 at 12:48 pm

Thanks Aloot It Helped Me In My English Homework:) But I Think It Would Be Better If There Were More Examples Of Haunted Houses:D x

April 3, 2010 at 4:53 pm

this has helped me a great deal with my story for my English class 🙂

May 27, 2009 at 11:34 am

I love the image of the child riding a phantom rocking horse — very effective.

May 25, 2009 at 11:48 pm

This one was so fun to do. There are so many unusual settings to explore–stay tuned!

May 24, 2009 at 6:08 pm

You gals cover some of the greatest topics!!! Hope you can get these out in book form soon or eventually! Keep up the good work!

May 24, 2009 at 7:21 am

I can hear the wind moaning around corners…whhoooooooooowhoooooo.

May 24, 2009 at 7:14 am

Fantastic! Thanks!

May 23, 2009 at 4:09 pm

Gives me the shivers too. =)

May 23, 2009 at 1:35 pm

Gives me shivers just reading it. 😉

25+ Ghost Story Prompts

Need a scary ghost story to tell over the campfire? Today we bring over 25 ghost story prompts to inspire you to write your own paranormal short story or novel.

A ghost story is a type of horror story that emphasises the theme of the supernatural, apparitions, and otherworldly ghost-like creatures. Generally revolving around death, hauntings or the afterlife. This genre often has an uncanny air about it, producing feelings of fear, dread, and the unfamiliar. A ghost story is one of the oldest forms of literature and can be found in all cultures.

If you’re looking for some new ideas for your next ghost story, these 25+ paranormal story prompts are perfect for writers of all levels. You might also find this ghost name generator useful.

The spookiest time of year is here, and that means it’s time for ghost stories! Whether you’re writing a ghost story for Halloween , a seasonal short story , or even a standalone novel, these ghost story prompts are a great place to start:

  • A young woman moves into an old house and finds herself in a terrifying situation with her new roommate, a ghost. The only way to escape is to get out of the house alive.
  • A man is haunted by his past and must face the demons that come back to haunt him.
  • A group of college students decide to spend their summer vacation in a cabin in the woods. But what starts as a fun vacation turns deadly when they realize that the woods aren’t quite as safe as they thought.
  • Use this story starter for a ghost story: The first time I saw it, I was only six. It was night and I was playing in my granddad’s garden when I heard this weird sound coming from the forest. I followed the sound and found myself in the middle of a circle of tall trees. It was so dark that I could barely see my hands in front of me. Suddenly, something grabbed my leg.
  • A woman is haunted by the ghosts of her ancestors, but she must learn to accept her fate and embrace the spirits before they are all gone forever.
  • An orphaned boy is taken in by a family of ghosts after his parents die in a fire. They teach him how to use his supernatural abilities to help people in need. But soon the boy starts using these powers for evil.
  • A group of teenagers visit their favourite haunted house during the Halloween season, but they never make it home again.
  • A couple gets married on Halloween night and discovers that their marriage is cursed. They must solve the mystery of the ghost bride to break the curse.
  • A boy finds a box of his grandfather’s old slides in the attic, and when he goes back to school, he starts seeing his grandfather’s ghost everywhere.
  • A man hears strange sounds coming from his attic, and he’s determined to find out what they are. He sneaks up to the attic to investigate, but when he does, he stumbles upon something much more frightening than he could have imagined.
  • An abandoned mansion on a lonely island is rumoured to be haunted by the ghost of a pirate who was hung for his crimes. A group of friends decide to spend the night in the mansion, and they quickly learn that there’s more than one kind of ghost in the house.
  • A family moves back into their old family home where their son died years ago. The father becomes obsessed with finding out who killed his son. He believes he knows who the murderer is but no one will believe him.
  • A man is tormented by a ghostly hitchhiker. He is forced to take them on a road trip until they reach their final destination…a mysterious abandoned town.
  • A family moves into an old Victorian home, where the previous owner mysteriously disappeared after getting locked in one of the rooms. Now the family is trapped inside by a malevolent entity.
  • A man is on his way home from work when he is attacked by a group of ghosts. He manages to escape, but now he has a few more problems than he started with.
  • Use this story starter for a ghost story: I woke up in the middle of the night, and I felt a cold hand touching my face. I tried to scream, but my voice wouldn’t come out. Then, I felt a sharp pain in my neck.
  • My father told me about his experience while we were driving home. He said he saw a dead girl walking towards him just after I was born, but when he got closer, she disappeared. He thought if was imagining things at the time.
  • My father used to scare me at night. One time he came into my bedroom and woke me up, telling me to come downstairs. He took me to the living room, and there he told me that a ghost had put a curse on me.
  • It was the most beautiful cemetery ever. People would come from far away just to walk through the grounds. There was a rumour about a ghost that roamed the graveyard at night.
  • A teenage girl is forced to spend her summer with her grandmother who believes she can communicate with ghosts.
  • A young woman moves into an apartment next door to an old house where she hears a woman screaming and sees a little girl standing in the window.
  • A woman hears a baby crying in her house, but she can’t find it. She keeps hearing it crying in another room, so she goes to check on it. When she opens the door, there is no baby there. But then, the door slams shut and locks itself.
  • A girl is staying at her grandmother’s house with her family for the night. She is sleeping in her grandmother’s bed, but she can’t get comfortable. Every time she falls asleep, she wakes up to see her dead grandmother sitting on the edge of her bed.
  • A woman is walking down a deserted road when she sees a figure standing in front of her. It turns out to be an old man in a top hat, holding a cane. He says to her, “Hello, young lady. My name is John Marley. I am a spirit from the other side.”
  • One night, a mother wakes up to hear her son crying in their room. When she goes into his room, he is not there. She looks everywhere for him and calls out his name. The only answer she gets is a terrible scream that echoes throughout the house.
  • In a small village, there lived a woman who was very lonely. Her husband had passed away and she was left all alone with her two sons. The boys were grown and had families of their own. The woman was so lonely that she began talking to herself. “I’m all alone,” she said to no one in particular. “I’m all alone.” And then she hears a voice.
  • There was once a man who lived by the beach . He loved the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. One day, he decided to go for a walk on the beach and ended up drowning. When he died, he came back as a ghost. Every night, he would come back to the place where he drowned, and stand there.
  • There was once a little girl who loved to play hide and seek. One day, while playing, she got separated from her family. She found a tree stump and went behind it, but when she peeked around the edge, she saw that no one was there. The stump began to move, and suddenly the girl felt herself being lifted off the ground and into the air. As she looked at the tree stump, she noticed that it had eyes. The eyes were staring right at her. Then, before she could scream, the tree stump opened its mouth.

For more spooky ideas, check out this list of over 110 horror story ideas .

How do you write a ghost story?

The basic structure of a ghost story includes an opening sequence that presents the reader with a situation that seems normal but is actually supernatural in nature. The protagonist then encounters the ghost and experiences events that are often strange and frightening, leading up to a climax where the ghost is defeated or disappears. Writing a ghost story is the same as writing a horror story . Before you start writing you need a good ghost story plot idea, like the list above. Both ghost stories and horror stories have a set of characters, a spooky setting, an opening, a middle part and a dramatic ending. 

What is the shortest ghost story?

The shortest ghost story is just two sentences long. It was written by Frederic Brown in 1948. The story reads: “The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door …” Just by reading these two sentences, we can imagine a scary situation. There are two key themes used here, the fear of loneliness and the surprise element at the end. Both these are important themes in ghost stories.

What makes a ghost story scary?

Ghost stories are typically scary as they focus on death and going into the unknown. But the key to a scary ghost story is fear. It is important to make the reader feel uneasy or frightened. Here are some key elements of a good ghost story:

  • An encounter with a ghost or spirit
  • A supernatural force that can be both good and evil
  • Sense of dread
  • The feeling of being watched or followed
  • Feeling helpless
  • Being lonely or lost

Just like all stories, a ghost story must include these basic elements of a story : Characters, Setting, Plot, Conflict and Resolution.

How do you finish a ghost story?

Most ghost stories end with the haunting being explained away as something natural. This explanation can be a spiritual one (the ghost was a real person who died), or it can be a psychological one (the ghost was a product of the protagonist’s mind). The ghost story can also end with no explanation at all. Some ghost stories don’t even bother to give an explanation for the haunting, but let the reader figure it out themselves.

Did you find this list of over 25 ghost story prompts useful? Let us know in the comments below! 

ghost story prompts

Marty the wizard is the master of Imagine Forest. When he's not reading a ton of books or writing some of his own tales, he loves to be surrounded by the magical creatures that live in Imagine Forest. While living in his tree house he has devoted his time to helping children around the world with their writing skills and creativity.

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Haunted House Writing Prompt: Explore Themes of Mystery

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My name is Debbie, and I am passionate about developing a love for the written word and planting a seed that will grow into a powerful voice that can inspire many.

Haunted House Writing Prompt: Explore Themes of Mystery

1. Discover the allure of haunted houses: Unraveling the captivating mystery⁣ behind ‌spooky abodes

1.⁢ set the scene:, 2. develop intriguing characters:, 3. setting ⁤the scene: ‌crafting a vivid and⁤ spooky atmosphere to enhance your haunted house⁤ narrative, 4. unveiling the secrets: building suspense and intrigue in your haunted​ house ⁣story, 1. character⁣ development is ⁤key, 2.⁤ perfect pacing​ for maximum impact, 5. digging deeper: ​using symbolism and foreshadowing to enhance the mystery in your haunted house tale, 6. unraveling the enigma: crafting a compelling​ plot twist in⁤ your haunted house narrative, 7.⁢ the power of character development: how to create memorable ​and ‌authentic personalities in your haunted house story, 8. concluding with a ‌chilling effect: crafting a satisfying resolution that leaves readers haunted by your ‍story, concluding with a ‌chilling effect, frequently asked questions, future outlook.

Haunted houses⁢ have long been‍ a source of fascination for thrill-seekers and mystery enthusiasts⁣ alike. These eerie abodes exude an undeniable allure, captivating even the most skeptical‌ minds. What is it about these⁤ spooky dwellings that draws us in?

One of the key factors⁤ that make haunted houses‌ so intriguing is the element of mystery. These spectral abodes often ‍have a rich history and a past cloaked in secrecy. ⁣From⁤ tales of gruesome murders‌ to unsolved mysteries, the stories behind haunted houses have a way of captivating our imaginations. Each creaking floorboard and flickering light bulb adds to the enigma, leaving⁣ us wondering about the unseen forces ‍that linger within.

  • Thrilling Spectral Encounters: Visitors⁣ to haunted houses often report⁤ spine-chilling encounters with apparitions​ and unexplained phenomena. These encounters provide a tantalizing glimpse into the supernatural and leave a lasting impact on‌ those who experience them.
  • Cultural and Historical Significance: Many haunted houses have ties to⁢ significant historical ​events, making them a window ⁣into the ‌past. Exploring these spooky abodes allows us to connect with history ​and gain a deeper understanding of the culture and traditions of the time.
  • Psychological⁣ Thrill: Stepping⁢ into a haunted⁤ house evokes a range of emotions, ‌from fear to excitement. The⁣ adrenaline rush that accompanies these ‍emotions is a powerful allure that keeps us coming back for more.

So, whether you ⁢are a‌ believer in the supernatural or simply‍ enjoy a good ​scare, exploring the captivating ⁢mystery behind haunted houses‌ is an​ adventure that should not be missed. Prepare to unlock the secrets of these spooky ⁢abodes, and​ be ⁢ready to embrace the thrill of the unknown.

2. Unleash your⁣ creativity: How to use a haunted⁤ house as a writing prompt to explore themes of mystery

2. Unleash your creativity:⁤ How⁣ to use a haunted house as‌ a writing prompt to explore themes of mystery

Want to immerse yourself in a world⁣ of mystery and⁣ suspense to spark your creative writing? Look no⁤ further‌ than a haunted house!‌ This eerie setting is the perfect writing prompt , allowing you to⁢ unleash your creativity as you ⁢explore themes of mystery ‌and the​ unknown. ⁢Here are some tips on how to ⁤effectively use a haunted‍ house as a writing prompt to ⁢bring your imagination to life:

  • Describe‌ the haunted house in ⁢vivid detail, using sensory language to create a spine-chilling atmosphere.
  • Highlight the creepy elements: creaking floors, shadowy corners, and flickering lights.
  • Engage multiple senses to make the reader ‍feel as if they are experiencing the ⁤eerie presence themselves.
  • Create a cast of⁢ diverse characters who are drawn to the haunted house for various reasons.
  • Include a mix of skeptics, believers, paranormal experts, and ordinary individuals.
  • Breathe life into your ⁤characters by giving them distinct personalities and backstories.
  • Contrast their reactions and motivations as they explore the mysteries within the haunted house.

By using a haunted house as ‌a writing ​prompt, you can delve into ⁤themes ​of‍ mystery and the ‌supernatural in a way that captivates readers. Embrace the unease and suspense that surrounds​ the​ haunted house,‌ and allow your imagination to run wild. Whether you’re writing a short ‌story, a novel, or a thrilling screenplay, the haunted house serves as a catalyst for exploring the depths of the unknown. So, grab⁤ your pen or fire up your⁤ keyboard, step⁤ into that haunted house, and let your ⁢creativity soar!

3. Setting the scene: Crafting⁢ a vivid‌ and spooky atmosphere to enhance⁣ your haunted house narrative

In ⁢order to create ⁤the perfect haunted house narrative, it is ‍essential to ‍set a vivid and spooky atmosphere that will captivate your audience. Here are some ⁣tips to help you craft an immersive experience:

1. Lighting: Opt ‌for dim, eerie lighting throughout your haunted house to create an otherworldly ambiance. Utilize flickering candlelight or strategically placed ⁢spotlights to highlight ⁤important scenes or props.

2. Sound effects:​ Sound is a powerful tool in setting the scene. Incorporate creepy and eerie sound effects like creaking doors, howling winds, or⁣ distant screams. This ‌will add an⁤ extra layer of fear and realism to your haunted house.

3. Fog and mist: Adding a touch of fog or mist⁢ in certain areas ⁢of your haunted house can ⁤create ⁣an unsettling atmosphere. Use fog⁤ machines or dry ice to create an ethereal and spooky effect.

4. Decorations: Pay attention to the ⁣details when it comes to decorating your haunted⁢ house.⁢ From cobwebs to fake spiders, skeletons, and eerie portraits, every element should contribute to the spooky ‍ambiance you’re ‌creating. Don’t forget to incorporate ‍props ​like gravestones,⁤ old furniture, and ⁣scattered, decrepit objects to enhance ‍the authenticity.

5. Actors and​ costumes: Your ⁣haunted house‍ would not ⁤be complete without the‌ presence of skilled actors dressed in eerie costumes. Encourage your actors to embody their characters and interact with visitors to enhance the narrative. Their presence will​ add an element of surprise and fear that will truly ​bring your haunted house to ‍life.

4.‍ Unveiling the secrets:⁤ Building suspense‍ and intrigue in your haunted ⁢house story

Creating a captivating haunted house story requires more than just jump scares and eerie settings. ⁢To truly captivate your readers⁣ and keep them on the edge of their seats, you need to master the art of building suspense‍ and intrigue. This post will delve into some effective techniques‍ and elements that you can incorporate into your narrative,⁢ ensuring an unforgettable and chilling⁢ experience for your audience.

In⁢ order⁣ to keep‍ readers engaged,‌ it is crucial to⁣ create⁢ well-defined and ​relatable characters. Take the time to flesh ‍out their backgrounds,⁤ motivations, and fears. Unveil their pasts gradually, allowing⁣ readers to connect with‌ them emotionally. ‌By making your characters distinct and relatable, you will heighten the sense of fear and suspense when they face the ghostly encounters⁣ in your ⁣haunted ⁢house story.

Pacing is everything in a haunted house story. It’s important to create a​ rhythm that alternates between‍ moments of calm and intense terror. Slow down the pace during quieter moments to build ⁤anticipation. This will make the ⁤readers’ ⁢hearts ‌race as they ‌eagerly await the next frightful event. Utilize short, ⁢fast-paced sentences and paragraphs ​to intensify the sense of danger when the characters ‍are ⁣faced with supernatural ‍occurrences.

5. Digging deeper:‌ Using​ symbolism and foreshadowing to enhance the mystery in your haunted house tale

When it​ comes to crafting a spine-chilling haunted house tale, symbolism and foreshadowing can be powerful⁤ techniques to amplify the mystery and​ intrigue within your story. These literary devices not only add depth and⁤ complexity but also engage your readers on a subconscious level, intensifying ‌their⁣ experience.

Symbolism ⁣enables you to imbue everyday objects or elements with deeper meaning, elevating the overall atmosphere of your haunted house tale. Consider incorporating recurring motifs ⁢such as clocks ticking, mirrors reflecting distorted images,⁤ or doors creaking open ⁣on their own. These symbols can represent the passage of time, hidden truths, or⁣ the blurred ⁤boundaries between ⁢the living‌ and the supernatural. Symbolism not only serves ⁣as⁤ a narrative​ device but also creates a sense of ⁢continuity⁣ and unity, adding layers of richness to your hauntingly atmospheric world.

Foreshadowing, on the other hand, allows you to tease your ⁢readers with subtle, yet ominous hints of what lies ahead. By foreshadowing ​key events or revelations in‌ your haunted house tale, you build anticipation and suspense. Consider employing foreshadowing⁣ techniques such as ambiguous dialogues, recurring nightmares, or unexplained phenomena in ⁣the initial ⁤stages ⁣of ⁤your⁣ story. ‌By ⁢cleverly planting these breadcrumbs, you create a sense of unease and curiosity within your readers,⁣ ensuring they are hooked throughout the unraveling of your⁣ hauntingly mysterious narrative. Remember, effective foreshadowing is a‍ delicate balance between opacity and ⁤clarity – provide enough hints to intrigue your⁤ readers, but not so many that you give away the story’s secrets.

6. Unraveling the​ enigma: Crafting a ‍compelling plot twist in ⁢your haunted house narrative

Plot twists are the key to keeping readers on the edge of their seats, and when it‍ comes to haunted house narratives, they can be the secret ingredient ⁣that takes your story from⁤ good to unforgettable. Injecting a well -crafted plot twist into your haunted house tale can leave readers shocked, astounded, and craving more. Here‌ are some ​valuable tips ‍to help you master the art of creating a captivating plot⁤ twist in your haunted house narrative:

1. ⁢Establish a Solid Foundation

  • Begin by setting the stage, carefully constructing a believable and eerie atmosphere within⁣ your haunted⁢ house. The foundation of your story must ⁤be strong, with well-developed characters and a haunting backdrop that captivates from ​the first page.
  • Introduce subtle clues throughout the narrative, foreshadowing the upcoming twist without giving too much away. These breadcrumbs ⁣will pique ‍readers’ curiosity and keep them⁢ engaged.

2. Challenge Reader Expectations

  • Avoid⁢ clichés and familiar tropes. Surprise⁢ your⁤ readers by subverting their expectations and defying‍ traditional haunted house narrative elements.
  • Introduce unconventional and ‍unexpected characters or motives. Convey their intentions in a way that challenges ⁣the readers’ preconceived notions and assumptions.
  • Layer the ⁤narrative with subtle inconsistencies, contradictions, and misdirection. This builds suspense and keeps readers guessing, making the final‍ plot ​twist all the more impactful.

By carefully⁢ weaving these elements together, you’ll create a haunted house narrative that‌ will‍ leave readers breathless. Remember, the⁣ best plot twists are the ⁢ones that catch ⁢readers completely off guard, making them question everything they thought they knew about your story. So go⁤ ahead, unleash your creativity, and embark on the thrilling journey of crafting a compelling plot twist for your haunted house narrative.

7. The power ‍of character ⁤development: How to create memorable and ⁤authentic‍ personalities in ⁢your haunted house story

In a haunted house story, one of the most crucial elements for engaging readers is the creation of compelling and authentic characters. Characters that ​are well-developed can breathe life into your narrative, making it more immersive and memorable for your audience.⁣ Here are some tips on how⁣ to create personalities that will stay with your readers long after they finish your spooky tale:

  • Give your characters depth: A great ‌haunted house ⁢story is not just about scaring your readers; it’s about evoking ⁣emotions and creating a connection. Develop well-rounded characters ​with unique backstories, dreams, ‍and fears. ⁤Think about their ⁢hobbies, quirks, and personal struggles. By giving ⁢your characters depth, you allow readers to relate to ​them⁣ and become invested ‌in their journey⁣ within the haunted house.
  • Create internal conflicts: Haunted houses often serve as a backdrop for characters’ internal struggles.⁢ Explore the conflicts your characters experience, whether it be overcoming⁤ a past trauma, battling their own demons, or facing their deepest fears. These internal conflicts add another layer to ‌your characters and make them more relatable.⁣ By ​delving into their emotional journeys, you create​ opportunities for personal growth and transformation, making your characters more dynamic.

Crafting a satisfying⁢ resolution that leaves readers ⁣haunted by ⁢your story requires careful consideration and ⁢attention to ‌detail. To create​ a lasting impact, you must immerse your audience in an eerie atmosphere that lingers long after they ‌have finished reading. Here are some tips to help​ you achieve a chilling effect:

  • Develop complex characters: Delve⁢ deep into the‍ minds of your characters, exposing their fears, desires, and weaknesses. Crafting ​multi-dimensional individuals allows ​readers to‍ form emotional connections and invest in their fates.
  • Build suspense: Slowly‍ tease ‌out the⁢ truth,‍ building‌ tension‍ with​ each passing ⁢page. ⁢Employing foreshadowing and withholding vital information will keep your readers on the edge ⁣of their seats, eagerly anticipating the final reveal.
  • Utilize sensory descriptions: Engage your readers by invoking their senses. Vividly‍ describe the eerie sound of‌ footsteps echoing in an abandoned hallway, the ⁣spine-tingling scent of decay wafting through the ⁣air, or⁢ the bone-chilling touch of a ghostly ⁣hand grazing the protagonist’s arm.

In addition, don’t be afraid to experiment with unconventional narrative structures. Shifting perspectives or incorporating non-linear timelines can add an extra⁢ layer of complexity to your story, intensifying the unsettling ⁢ambiance.​ Remember, the key to‌ leaving your ‌readers haunted is to ⁣strike a delicate ​balance between resolution and lingering unease. Leave just enough unanswered questions and unresolved​ mysteries ⁤to keep them pondering long into the night. By skillfully‌ crafting ​your story’s conclusion, you ​can ensure that your readers will be captivated and haunted by your narrative, even ⁣after they have reluctantly closed the book.

Q: What‍ is ⁤a haunted house writing prompt? A: A haunted ⁢house ⁢writing prompt is an exercise or a starting point ⁣that encourages writers ‍to delve into the theme⁢ of mystery within the context of ⁣a haunted house setting. It serves as inspiration to develop a⁤ unique story⁢ or explore compelling characters.

Q: Why is‌ the theme of mystery often associated ⁢with haunted houses? A: Haunted houses have long‌ been a popular symbol of mystery, mostly due​ to the eerie and spooky atmosphere they create. The unknown⁢ origins, strange occurrences,​ and potentially supernatural elements ⁣make ​haunted houses the perfect backdrop ⁢for mysterious narratives.

Q: How can writers explore themes of mystery in​ their haunted house stories? A: Writers can explore themes of mystery in their haunted house stories by incorporating elements of⁢ suspense, enigma, and strange⁣ phenomena. They ⁤can introduce puzzles, hidden secrets, or unexplained events that create⁤ an air ‍of intrigue and keep readers engaged.

Q: What are some⁤ tips for creating ​a compelling haunted house story? A: To create a compelling haunted house story, writers should focus on ⁣building a vivid and atmospheric setting. ⁤They⁤ can describe ⁢the details of‍ the house, its surroundings, and any paranormal occurrences to evoke a sense⁢ of unease. ​Additionally,​ developing complex and relatable characters, who are affected by the mysteries of the house, adds depth to​ the narrative.

Q: Can a haunted⁣ house writing prompt be used for​ different genres of writing? A:⁢ Absolutely! Although ⁣haunted⁢ houses are typically associated with ⁢horror or supernatural genres, the writing prompt can be adapted to⁤ various genres such as mystery, thriller, fantasy, or even romance. The haunted house setting can add ⁤an‌ intriguing twist to ⁣any genre, allowing writers to ⁤explore different avenues of storytelling.

Q: How can ⁣writers make their haunted house story unique and distinct? A: Writers ‍can make ‍their ‌haunted house story unique by incorporating ⁢their own personal touch. They can think outside the ​box⁣ and introduce unexpected plot ‍twists, complex​ characters,‌ or unusual explanations for the mysterious occurrences. Adding layers of depth,⁣ originality, and surprises will make the story⁤ stand out from ‌the rest.

Q: What are the benefits of using writing prompts like haunted houses? A: Writing prompts, such as the​ haunted house⁣ theme, ⁣provide writers with a starting point ⁤and can help ​overcome writer’s block. They offer boundaries that spark creativity and prevent aimless wandering ⁢ while writing. By exploring ⁤themes of‌ mystery within the context ‌of a haunted house, ⁤writers can develop ⁤their storytelling skills and create compelling narratives.

Q: Can a haunted house⁤ writing prompt be used by both‍ beginner and experienced writers? A: Absolutely! Haunted house writing ‍prompts are suitable for writers of all levels. Beginners can use ​them as a way to⁢ practice their storytelling techniques and experiment with different genres.⁢ Experienced writers can challenge themselves by delving into the complexities of mystery and further refining their craft.

Q: Are there any⁤ potential challenges writers may face ​when using a haunted‌ house writing prompt? A: Writers may face challenges when using a haunted house writing prompt such as avoiding clichés or predictability. It’s important to balance the elements of ‍mystery without relying too ⁢heavily on common tropes. Writers ‌should also strive to maintain the‍ suspense ⁣throughout‌ the story. Additionally, finding a unique perspective ​or an ⁣original twist can⁢ be challenging when working within a well-known theme.

Q: How can‌ writers overcome these ‌challenges and create a successful haunted house ‍story? A: To overcome ​challenges, writers ⁣can ​approach⁤ the‌ haunted house writing prompt with ⁤a fresh perspective. They can‍ brainstorm unique ​angles or settings, conduct research ‍for inspiration,⁣ or draw from⁢ personal​ experiences. Reading⁣ other successful haunted house stories or seeking ⁢feedback from ⁢fellow writers ‌can also provide‌ valuable insights to enhance their story.

In conclusion, delving into the world of haunted house⁤ writing prompts allows ⁣us to explore the captivating ⁣themes of ⁢mystery, suspense, and the​ supernatural.​ With endless possibilities, ‍it’s a thrilling journey that brings out our​ creativity and ⁢keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Explore the unknown and embrace the eerie allure of haunted house stories.

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creative writing of haunted house


Haunted House for Sale Writing Activity and Craft Ideas

If you are an elementary teacher looking for a haunted house for sale writing activity and craft ideas, then you found the right place! I came up with the idea for the Haunted House for Sale writing project as a first year teacher. After MANY years of use and improvements in my own second grade and third grade classrooms, I made it available for other teachers to easily download, print, and use too.

Since then, it has been used in over 10,000 classrooms!

Halloween makes October one of the best months for engaging and motivating students to improve their craft as authors. This is a great resource to help you do just that! Read below to learn more about this popular Haunted House for Sale writing activity and craft.

This post about the haunted house for sale writing activity answers the following questions:

  • What is the haunted house for sale writing activity?
  • Why should I use the haunted house for sale writing activity in my classroom?
  • How do I implement the haunted house for sale writing activity in my classroom?

creative writing of haunted house

What is the Haunted House for Sale Writing Activity?

This Haunted House for Sale writing activity and craft is a great way to engage your elementary students and get them excited about writing. It offers a fun, engaging, and creative way to teach descriptive writing and adjectives to your students. Even your most reluctant writers will enjoy describing and creating a haunted house!

This Haunted House for Sale writing project includes the following:

  • teacher guide that explains how to use all of the included printables
  • Halloween and October writing prompts and story starters you or your students can choose from, which increases student engagement
  • brainstorm activities to help your students generate strong word choice (nouns and verbs) for their writing
  • sensory details planner that guides students through using their senses to describe a haunted house
  • graphic organizers to help students plan out their writing in a strategic way
  • drafting pages that come in three different templates so you can choose which ones work best for your students
  • publishing pages that come in two different template papers so you can differentiate based on your students’ needs
  • class book covers so you can create a keepsake that students can refer to throughout the year and remember this fun activity
  • bulletin board resources that will help you create a beautiful classroom display showcasing your students’ work
  • art project directions and examples that walk you step-by-step through how to create five different art craft projects that can go with your students’ writing activities
  • digital resources so your students can complete this activity at school or for remote learning

5 Reasons Teachers Love this Haunted House for Sale Writing Activity

Here are 5 reasons elementary teachers love this writing project:

  • The printable resources are quick and easy to prep – just copy and go!
  • It is easy to differentiate using the different templates so you can meet the needs of all your students.
  • The brainstorming and planning pages help reluctant writers generate ideas and get started.
  • They help disorganized writers plan their writing, which leads to their future success with writing.
  • This resource includes a digital version so your students can access it at home or in school.

How to Implement the Haunted House for Sale Writing Project in Your Classroom

Here are 4 steps to implementing this October writing project in your classroom:

1. Build Schema for the Haunted House for Sale Writing Project

Although it is optional, I always love to start any activity by reading a related book. I used to opt for Inside a House that is Haunted by Alyssa Satin Capucilli or In the Haunted House by Eve Bunting. Both are great options.

collage of children's books about haunted houses

However, once I discovered, My Haunted House by Angie Sage it quickly became my favorite. It is a fabulous choice if you have a bit of time to work in a short chapter book read aloud. I also fill my seasonal thematic library with related titles to maximize their interest and motivation to read. Reading these books helps to get them engaged and to activate their schema, so they are ready for the activities that follow.

2. Engage Your Students with a Haunted House for Sale Craft

In the past, I always began with the writing portion and then we did a creative craft project to display with their final copies. In more recent years I found great value in starting with a Haunted House Art Project before introducing the writing portion. There were a few benefits to this.

  • It increases their interest in the project as a whole.
  • It gives their hands something to do while I read aloud the book.
  • I do not display individual artwork until the writing is finished which is a motivator for completing the writing portion.

There are so many fun options for October craftivities. Here are five I have personally done and recommend.

haunted house art project examples

These come out beautifully and look amazing when all displayed together. You could do these in your classroom. Another option is that you can ask your art teacher to collaborate with you and have the students work on them in the art room. 

Start by making a circle with white paint. Add a bit of color (blue, purple, or teal look best) to the white paint and make an outer circle around it. Continue adding a bit more color and making circles until reaching the edge of the paper with the paint becoming increasingly darker as you go.

haunted house writing piece and craft wall display

When the paint is dry, the students can add a paper cutout of a black haunted house with yellow paper windows and doors for an illuminated look.

haunted house for sale project example

If you don’t want to break out the full “roll up your sleeves” and paint kind of paints from the first project, but still want a really cool looking project these watercolor resists are a perfect option. 

Have your students outline a haunted house and moon lightly in pencil. Instruct them to color the house in with a black crayon and the moon in yellow. They may want to add details (like the tree and bat above) to the picture as well. Then they simply paint over the entire page with watercolor paints. The wax from the crayon prevents the color from sticking in those areas. 

completed haunted house for sale writing and art project examples

I love how these look like a cute, little, haunted town when displayed altogether because each looks a bit different. I opted to stand them up and place each writing sample in front of the house. Another option would be to make a reduced-size copy of the writing and attach it to the top so it opens like a card.

completed haunted house for sale writing and art project examples

This was my tried and true original craft activity that I used for many years as the complement to the Haunted House for Sale writing project. Have your students sketch a haunted house onto paper (brown, grey and purple look good) and then outline it in black Sharpie. This makes the project pop. Next, have them add elements to create a scene. Some suggestions include bats, pumpkins, cats, bats, trees, etc.

haunted house art project examples

I would love to say I was responsible for directing fantastic pencil drawings, but artwork is not my area of expertise. Instead, I had my kids follow along with a YouTube video. It worked out so well and they enjoyed the experience so much I made it a regular activity each week. It only takes a few minutes and being able to observe your students take direction from someone tells you a lot about them and their skills.

haunted house art project examples

3. Review Nouns and Adjectives With This Free Halloween Activity

Let’s be honest friends. Every single teacher on the entire planet teaches nouns, verbs, and adjectives. That is a fact. 

Another fun fact is that every single kid on the face on of the Earth who is asked about a noun, a verb, or an adjective will claim that no teacher prior to you has ever uttered any of those three words to them. My point is that you will probably need to review them. Use this free Halloween nouns and adjectives activity to do it!

Halloween-themed grammar sorting activity

Get the free Witches’ Brew activity !

Start by having your students listen to the song, “Witch’s Brew” by Hap Palmer. Use the lyrics from that song to identify nouns and adjectives. It’s chock full of those two parts of speech and has a fun, catchy beat. It’s perfect for kicking off some Halloween writing.

I like to also create an anchor chart with my students to brainstorm what is found inside and outside of a haunted house.

collage of Haunted House for Sale activities

Next, give the students the Haunted House for Sale nouns and adjectives brainstorming pages . I find it helpful to give them some time to come up with ideas independently and then work collaboratively as a whole group to expand on their thinking. This activity is great because it not only reviews the concept, but also develops vocabulary, helps the kiddos who struggle with idea generation, and serves as a word wall for spelling (which then enables them to write without getting caught up on how to spell words).

After the whole class lesson, the students can then add to their own pages or access the words from the reference charts we created together as needed.

4. Use the Printable Activities to Work Through the Haunted House for Sale Writing Process

Students’ struggles as writers typical stem from three reasons:

  • not having ideas to write about
  • getting caught up by wanting to spell words correctly
  • not knowing how to start and stop or even what to include

If you choose to use my Haunted House for Sale Resource Packet you will find it includes everything you need to take the project from start to finish.

As a teacher who has changed grade levels many times, and knowing that teachers typically have many levels of ability within their classroom each year, I strive to include differentiated options, so you can use the resource year after year in any grade level. This specific resource includes several styles of organizers and writing papers for that reason.

completed haunted house for sale art project examples

Additional Writing Resources You May Find Helpful

It is important to provide a lot of writing opportunities for your students throughout the school year and there is great value in documenting their progress by comparing similar writing samples over the course of the school year. I do this through a combination of:

  • Consistent weekly writing activities. I use Paragraph of the Week and Monthly Writing Prompts in journals that are ongoing all year.
  • Four seasonal pieces to assess and truly show their growth as writers. Check out my Seasonal Writing Bundle !
  • One monthly writing project complemented by a craftivity that is displayed in the classroom.  My September writing project is a descriptive piece based on the picture book, A Bad Case of Stripes. In October, I have them use this Haunted House for Sale writing activity to expand their descriptive writing skills.

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15 Haunted Halloween Writing Prompts

by Abigail Perry and Ruthanne Reid | 10 comments

BOO! Halloween is right around the corner—what better day to write some spooky stories? Sharpen your pencil and take a stab at one of these Halloween writing prompts !

halloween writing prompts

Scary Stories Connect With Readers in Big Ways

You write to get a reaction out of your readers. No matter the genre, you want your reader to feel  something when they read your writing.

For horror writers, that feeling is fear. But it's also so much more.

Great horror stories take the everyday creepy and turn it into something even  more  creepy (and often become a condemnation of injustices in society). The great thing is, horror stories teach you that those creepy things can be beaten. That's what keeps bringing the readers back.

And that's why horror writers keep churning out the fear.

Maybe you love writing scary stories. Maybe you don't, but I hope you'll give it a try, just for practice (we're fans of that around here!).

Just like reading outside your genre is valuable to mastering the writing craft, so is writing a scary story .

This story doesn't have to be long, it could be a short story . Try for something you can write in one sitting, like 1,500 words.

To get you started, use one of the Halloween writing prompts suggested in this article. Then let loose, and have fun!

Creepy Story Writing Prompts

1. It's late at night, and you hear footsteps in the cellar, but you're definitely home alone…or so you thought.

2. You've put that doll in the cabinet, in the closet, in the attic, but no matter where you tuck it, it always shows back up on the sofa. On Halloween night, you find it watching you…

3. A bad-tempered businessman is driving home after a long day of work. He thinks he sees his kids trick-or-treating and stops to pick them up but those aren't costumes.

4. It's Halloween night and you and your friends think it would be fun to visit the local town's annual corn maze. But when you're inside it, someone inside the maze doesn't look like an actor in a costume. And shortly after, your friends start to disappear one by one.

5. You don't believe in the rumors that say a certain scary book is cursed—and that anyone who reads it will meet their maker by the end of the week. So naturally, you read it. And then things start going wrong…

Monster/Ghost Story Writing Prompts

6. A young woman goes to her grandmother's house for tea on Halloween night. They have a wonderful time together, sharing stories, joy, and the best times of family. The next day, the woman learns her grandmother has been dead for a week and no one could get ahold of her to tell her.

7. A little boy is lost in the woods, but at least his faithful dog is with him. As they look for the way out, the dog defends his master against terrifying monsters and animals. But the closer they get to the escaping the dark forest, the more apparent it is that they'll need to face the person, or thing, releasing these monsters in the first place.

8. A farmer who dreams of being a scientist experiments on this year's pumpkins, hoping to enlarge them. He has a lot of success, until one of his potions is tampered with, and the cute pumpkin in his patch morphs into a monster that eats anyone who stumbles over its vines.

9. Your girlfriend/boyfriend brings over your favorite treat on Halloween, but when you eat it, you transform into a giant, poisonous snake that kills anyone who touches you. What do you do next?

10. You wake up on Halloween night, look outside your window, and see your sister sleep walking away from the house. You chase after her but can't catch her until she plunges into a dark lake, where there's a mysterious song that starts to pull you deep below the surface.

Not-So-Spooky Story Writing Prompts

Not all people love scary stories. If this is you but you'd like to try to write a scary story—and have a fun time writing it—try tackling a (not-so) scary story prompt that could turn a potentially scary tale into something that is fun (even funny):

11. You hate clowns, which makes it even worse when your husband secretly decides to hire a clown for you son's birthday party—which just happens to be on Halloween.

12. Aliens have just landed on Earth and boy, did they pick a weird day to come. How do they respond to Halloween, supernatural or otherwise? Do they decide this place is just too bizarre and get the heck out, or do they stick around and join in the fun?

13. On Halloween night, lovers get to come back and spend the evening together one more time. One couple from the Roaring Twenties decides to come back from the grave to help their extreme nerd great-grandchild or the kid will never get married.

14. You decide that this year you're going to crash the ten top costume parties in town—and prank each one while you're at it.

15. A mad scientist determined to destroy the world falls hopelessly in love with a not-so-wicked witch. As hard as he tries, he can't impress her.

Write Your Spooky Stories

Writing a scary story can be a fun exercise to give your students (regardless of age, elementary students to college graduates) around this time of year. It also can stir some exciting writing ideas in  any  writer, whether or not they're part of an entire class or their personal writing group.

As mentioned above, writing scary stories can also push you to better your creative writing skills, even if it's not normally in your genre lane. Bestselling author Neil Gaiman has some great insight about  why  this is true:

Fairy tales are more than true: Not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.

You don't have to love horror stories to write one, but you will learn about protagonists who face trialing, often life or death, situations when writing them. Challenge students or writers to become better at their writing craft by pushing them to write a short scary story with one of the writing prompts in this article.

Sit down with your favorite candy or flavor of candy corn and get ready to write. Pluck it from the list, and let your imagination free!

What is your favorite Halloween writing prompt from this list?   Why did it stand out to you?  Let us know in the comments .

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Abigail Perry

Abigail Perry is a Certified Story Grid Editor with professional teaching, literary agency, and film production experience. In addition to writing Story Grid masterwork guides, she works as a freelance editor and is the Content Editor for The Write Practice. Abigail loves stories that put women and diverse groups at the center of the story—and others that include superpowers and magic. Her favorite genres include: Smart Book Club Fiction, Women's Fiction, YA Fantasy, Historical Fiction, and unique memoirs. She also has a B.S. in TV, Radio, and Film and loves working on screenplays that are emotionally driven and/or full of action. You can learn more about Abigail on her website.

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Ruthanne Reid

Best-Selling author Ruthanne Reid has led a convention panel on world-building, taught courses on plot and character development, and was keynote speaker for The Write Practice 2021 Spring Retreat.

Author of two series with five books and fifty short stories, Ruthanne has lived in her head since childhood, when she wrote her first story about a pony princess and a genocidal snake-kingdom, using up her mom’s red typewriter ribbon.

When she isn’t reading, writing, or reading about writing, Ruthanne enjoys old cartoons with her husband and two cats, and dreams of living on an island beach far, far away.

P.S. Red is still her favorite color.

halloween writing prompts


William J. DeProspo

“Damn, I hate those busy bodies. Auditors, they call themselves. Pains in the ass is what they are.” said Joe aloud to no one who could hear. The radio blasted the nightly news and told a grisly story about three kids poisoned by bad candy. Joe, shaking his head from side to side and mumbling,

“For crying-out-loud. They’re just kids. Who in their right mind would do that to kids?”

The traffic became lighter and Joe took the off ramp to his street. As he drove toward his house, he saw his children walking down the sidewalk trick or treating. After hearing the news about the poisoning, he wanted his kids to go home. He stopped the car and walked over to them.

“Jeremy, Julian, why are you out here alone. Your mother was supposed to wait until I got home?”

He stood over the children waiting for an answer. When none came, he grabbed an arm, one child in each hand, and marched them to the car. He opened the back door and demanded they get in.

“In the car. Don’t stand there, get in… I’ve had a rough day, keep this up and you’ll get a Halloween to remember.”

Jeremy, the cutest little goblin, turned to Joe, jumped on top of him, opened his enormous mouth, and swallowed Joe whole. Julian, danced around Jeremy singing

“Remember, remember, a Halloween to remember, A-tishoo! A-tishoo! We all fall down”

To the children passing by, the song sounded familiar. They started to sing,

“Ring-a-round the rosie, A pocket full of posies, Hush! Hush! Hush! Hush! We’ve all tumbled down.”

Susan W A

William – I enjoyed your story. Nicely developed in such a short span.

Great lead-in to the story as a way to introduce taking his kids home. One suggestion in the first paragraph … not sure you need “from side to side” after “shaking his head”, and you could modify it to ” Joe, shaking his head, mumbled, …” or “Joe shook his head and mumbled, …”

While it could be viewed as too abrupt (I didn’t think so), I love how Jeremy “the cutest little goblin” got right down to business and “jumped on top of [Joe], opened his enormous mouth, and swallowed Joe whole”, with Julian dancing and singing along. Those two lines plus Julian’s clever integration of “Remember, remember, a Halloween to remember” made for a ghoulishly delightful twist.

Thanks for the Halloween treat.

– Susan

Thanks Susan. I already made the change (Joe, shaking his head, mumbled). It reads much better. William

anika sahunja

Hi thanks for writing this story it gave my students some ideas to write about since halloween is coming up

Thanks for the Halloween treat, Ruthanne. Great prompts.

Debra johnson

I love prompt #4 with the grandma, I was devastated when my grammy died…. this will be good to write about.

justin boote

Harold Saggerbob loves Halloween. Has his very own Pumpkin Club. But while the ‘pumpkins’ on his shelf, might be round, they are certainly not orange. And every Halloween, several kids disappear near his home…

Elmax fleur-de-lys59

It’s not really creepy but I tried it with my characters. English isn’t my first language so if you see any mistake, please let me know:

“Aymeric was eating alone in the kitchen. He didn’t have much appetite and spent more time looking at the dark sky through the window than eating. He sighed. He wished he had company. But that wouldn’t happen. Rose was back to his home and was probably already sleeping – flowers go to sleep with the sun, after all. The sky was covered in dark clouds so thick he couldn’t even see the Moon – and it was definitely up somewhere. He could feel it. It felt as if he had a knot in his throat. He covered his plate and put it in the fridge. He would eat it later, when he’d be hungrier. Suddenly, he stilled. He had heard footsteps. He closed the fridge slowly, careful not to make any noise. It wasn’t some kind of rodent. They were scared of lycanthropes. And Aymeric was able to recognize footsteps from rodents. With a hearing like his, no one could fool him. He put his fork and his knife in the sink, shrugging. It wasn’t as if the intruder could mess with his stuff unnoticed, anyway. What bothered him was that he didn’t heard the intruder enter. It was definitely strange. He didn’t know what or who it was but he’d better be careful. He grabbed a dagger and followed the noise. It definitely came from the cellar. He barged in there, determined to end all this quickly. The moon was rising and waxing, anyway, so he shouldn’t have any problem dealing with whoever it was. What he saw still surprised him. A tiny body in the middle of the room. Thick wavy blond hair, long ears, big grey eyes. Aymeric recognized the child immediately. When the little elf saw him, he rushed into his arms. “Hey, what’s wrong, champion?” He didn’t expect the kid to reply. The elf only hugged him tightly. Aymeric could feel his relief and his fear. The ability they had to travel between spaces and times was really something he couldn’t get used to…”


Noah was waking up. He had been knocked down while he was chased by a group of teens. It was Halloween. Noah left his home with Oscar his dog. He headed to park across the street where his friends were waiting for him for trick or treating around the neighborhood. As they got treats from the third house Noah and his friends headed for the next house. Suddenly a huge dark figure appeared and almost grabbed one of Noah’s friends. The group was actually chased by teenage boys who looked hideous beasts in their costumes. Noah and his friends were dispersed. Some managed to stick together, some made it back home. Noah lost the sense of direction and was running for a while now. Suddenly he stumbled and tripped over. He knocked his head hard on something and passed out. After he got up he could see dark figures with blazing eyes staring down at him. Noah jumped to his feet and fled into the woods that were the only easy hideout he could access fast. Oscar was behind him growling and barking at the dark figures that followed them into the woods. As he went farther it got more and more dark. The only thing that kept him going was Oscar who was right behind him keeping the dark figures at a distance. Noah saw bushes and managed to hide within. Oscar had stopped barking now and there was a deadly silence. Noah was panting and was trying to calm down. He was about to lie down when he saw a huge hand trying to grab him from within the bushes. Noah screamed in panic when Oscar jumped in between just in time to save him. Noah was running fast when suddenly he saw light piercing through the darkness. He ran towards the light fast. When he came near he couldn’t believe his eyes. The sun shone bright and there were beautiful flowers and trees. Far away he could see children playing. He quickly entered the garden as he had no better choice to escape the dark figures. Oscar slowly paced back and ran all the way home where Noah’s parents were mourning his death.

karamjit kaur

great Helloween

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17 Frightful Haunted House-Themed Writing Activities

June 22, 2023 //  by  Lauren Du Plessis

Unleash the creative spirits in your classroom with our collection of haunted house-themed writing activities. Each exercise is designed to spook and stimulate the imagination whilst teaching key writing skills. So, gather your brave little authors, and venture into the world of supernatural storytelling with 17 frightfully good ideas! 

1. Dreadful Dwellings: Spooky House Descriptions

creative writing of haunted house

Imagine creeping up to an old, abandoned mansion- creaking along with each step. Challenge your learners to imagine this trek and describe the chills running down their spines! They’ll need to craft a spine-tingling description that brings a haunted house to life!

Learn More: Twinkl

2. Ghostly Diary Entry

Tap into the whispers from beyond and task your students with imagining how a ghost would narrate a day spent inside a haunted house. This quirky task prompts your students to step into the ethereal shoes of a specter; penning diary entries that echo with otherworldly insight.

Learn More: Writers Digest

3. Crafting a Tale of Terror 

creative writing of haunted house

From the crackling fire comes a story… a story of terror! Here, students are tasked with writing a chilling short tale set in a haunted house that grips their readers with suspense. 

Learn More: Normanby School

4. Eerie Estate Agent Listings

creative writing of haunted house

Who’s ready to make a sale they’ll never forget? Challenge your students to write an alluring estate agent listing for the spookiest of houses. 

5. Spectral Speech Construction 

This activity tasks your students with crafting a tense dialogue between daring characters in a haunted house. Let the creepy conversations commence! We can’t wait to hear the whispered words and muttered curses they construct. 

Learn More: Imagine Forest

6. Ghoulish Graphic Novel

creative writing of haunted house

Unleash your students’ inner artists as you task them with designing a storyboard and sketching a chilling graphic novel that’s set in a haunted house. 

Learn More: Deviant Art

7. Pen Pal Poltergeist 

Pen pals with a poltergeist, anyone? In this imaginative task, students must write letters from the perspective of someone living in or visiting a haunted house. Snail mail just got a whole lot spookier!

Learn More: YouTube

8. Haunted House Reviews: Ominous Opinions

Ghostly roommates – a bother or a boon? Stir up a debate amongst your students by asking them to write an opinion piece on the pros and cons of living with the undead.

Learn More: Kids Puzzles And Games

9. Sinister Sonnets

creative writing of haunted house

Dare your students to channel the eerie atmosphere of a haunted house into the classic form of a sonnet. 

Learn More: Poem Hunter

10. Frightening Flash Fiction

creative writing of haunted house

Your students’ challenge is to write a brief yet bone-chilling piece of flash fiction that centers around a haunted house. 

Learn More: Letter Pile

11. Mysterious Metaphors

creative writing of haunted house

Have your pupils experiment with words to paint an eerily abstract picture of a haunted house. Can they make the ordinary extraordinary using chilling metaphors?  

Learn More: Nothing Here Is Vegetarian

12. Paranormal Playwright

Students, take your places! It’s time for a ghostly drama to unfold. Task your students with scripting a one-act play that brings a haunted house to life! 

Learn More: ESL Printables

13. Riddles of the Phantom

creative writing of haunted house

Challenge your learners to concoct riddles about a haunted house that will send a shiver down any reader’s spine! 

Learn More: Riddles

14. Creepy Codex

creative writing of haunted house

This one’s not for the faint-hearted! Have your students compile a spooky directory of rooms and their spectral inhabitants. The result? A must-have for any daring ghost hunters in the area!

Learn More: CN Traveler  

15. News from the Netherworld

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! What’s making headlines in the spirit world? Ask your students to take on the role of a reporter; jotting down strange occurrences from a haunted house. 

Learn More: Denver Library

16. Haunted House History

Every creak has a story! Encourage your students to pen a historical account that traces the transformation of their house from mundane to haunted. 

Learn More: Made By Teachers

17. Bewitched Biography

creative writing of haunted house

Every specter was once a person. Challenge your students to delve into the past life of a ghost; penning a biography that reminds us all that the undead were once alive, and living in houses just like us! 

Learn More: Examples

creative writing of haunted house

Scary House Story Starter

creative writing of haunted house

The Editors

  • February 8, 2021
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I love this story starter by Taylor Sapp. Also called unfinished stories or stories without end, or even story prompts, a story starter is a creative writing prompt in the form of the beginning of a story. Students read and then finish the story!

What makes them so great is that they give students a lot of support, more than a traditional one sentence prompt. A story starter creative writing prompt has a setting, characters, the beginning of a plot, maybe even a theme. So there’s a lot to work with. Even reluctant writers or students lacking confidence will have help. But there’s still room for students to take the story any way they want!

I’m going to be showing you our most popular story starter, “Scary House” which you can find on Teachers Pay Teachers . However, this will give you an idea how our Stories Without End story starters work and thoughts on using them in the classroom. Browse all the story starters on Teachers Pay Teachers or check out our two books of creative writing prompts :

What’s Inside

  • Four pages of teacher notes and suggestions for using the different parts of the activity (some of these ideas are duplicated here and on the Teachers Pay Teachers product descriptions, too). These activities are highly flexible and adaptable so you can easily fit them in your classroom. These are just a few suggestions to get you started. And if you want a low-prep activity, just follow our teacher notes and go!

creative writing of haunted house

Before You Read

The first thing you’ll see is a hero image and some Before You Read questions to get students thinking about the theme of the story, discussing some issues related to the story, and activating schemata.

creative writing of haunted house

This story shows an abandoned, maybe haunted house and asks students to describe what they see and talk about ghosts and haunted house. You can use this activity to see what vocab students have, how they feel about scary stuff, and what they think about ghosts. I always like to know what vocab my students might need (haunt, spirit, scream, creak, terrified) and their tolerance for horror.

A simple matching activity introduces some of the vocabulary in the story students may not know. We’ve kept it simple so you can supplement it how you like. I like pairing students off and seeing how many definitions they know between the two of them. They can also use process of elimination and part of speech to guess others. Follow-up by going over the answers and discussing answers.

The Story Starter: Reading in Class

The story itself is 282 words and approximately a 410 – 600L Lexile level or K/L in the Fountas Pinnell scale. It’s a fairly straightforward haunted house story. Three friends are walking past a scary old house when they hear a strange noise. After talking about some of the rumors surrounding the house, the new kid, Parker, decides he’s going to go inside!

creative writing of haunted house

What is waiting for him inside? Ghosts or criminals? A deep, dark secret or something ridiculous? Your students can decide. They are sure to have opinions and ideas after this set up!

Having students read in class can be tricky. Here are some ways to do it ensuring comprehension and not wasting class time!

  • Have students read the story for homework before class. Or have them do an initial reading at home and then read it again in class.
  • Divide the text into sections and ask students to read the first part to themselves. Then call on a student to summarize what happened. Ask a few students to make predictions about what will happen next. Then go on to the next section.
  • Put students in reading groups, organized by reading level, with stronger readers together and weaker readers in separate groups.
  • Read to the students out loud as they read along silently. Pause periodically to check comprehension or elicit questions.

After You Read

Each story is followed by after-you-read questions to ensure students understand the story, and also lead them toward deciding on an ending. In the case of Scary Hou se, students are asked about the characters and how scared they are!

creative writing of haunted house

Writing the Ending

Now students are ready to write. Notice that some guiding questions are provided which students can use or ignore, whatever they’d like! Depending on your classroom and what your students are used to, you can handle the writing in different ways. And you can have them do this in class or in a group-I’ve heard of students doing groupwork online independently, which is pretty impressive!

  • Students can write a short outline or summary and workshop it in groups before writing.
  • They can use a graphic organizer or story map to map out their story.
  • Have students brainstorm ideas or an outline in groups that they can then use individually. They can also write a group story by swapping ideas and choosing the best ones.
  • Start with a mini-lesson about a relevant writing skill, such as describing people, writing a coherent story, or building tension. Then ask students to practice that skill in their writing.
  • Have students being their ending and stop at another cliffhanger or key moment. Students switch papers, read what the last person wrote and finish the story. This adds an extra layer to the project!

creative writing of haunted house

Here’s two pages of my ending idea but there are hundreds of ways this story could go. The only limit is your students’ imagination. Let students share their endings

Besides finishing the story, there are other creative projects and students may want to do these before or after writing the end. Students can do a character analysis, taking information from the text but also from their own imagination.

Here’s one I did for Parker. I’ve underlined in red the questions that are not in the story. Doing this really helped me with my story. Once I decided Parker was a bit skeptical of ghosts and fantasy in general, I knew how he would act inside the house. That took me a long way in writing.

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creative writing of haunted house

17 Frightful Haunted House-Themed Writing Activities

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creative writing of haunted house


Haunted houses have long been a beloved staple of Halloween gatherings and events, sparking the creative imagination of horror enthusiasts and storytellers. To help budding writers embrace their spooky side, check out these 17 frightful haunted house-themed writing activities that can be both entertaining and educational!

1. The Haunting Backstory: Write a detailed backstory for a haunted house, including its sinister history and the reason for its malevolent presence.

2. Friendly Ghosts: Imagine a haunted house inhabited by friendly ghosts rather than terrifying ones. Write a short story conveying their efforts to help the house’s new owners.

3. The Creepy Tour: Create an eerie guided tour script for visitors walking through your haunted house.

4. Ominous Poetry: Compose a spooky poem inspired by the dark atmosphere and chilling events surrounding a haunted house.

5. A Night To Remember: Describe in detail what it feels like to spend a night in the haunted house, focusing on all five senses to immerse your reader in the experience.

6. Ghastly Dinner Party: Write a scene that takes place at an extravagant dinner party hosted by the ghastly spirits residing within your haunted house.

7. Sinister Repairs: Write about an unsuspecting repair person who gets more than they bargained for when they are called to fix something in the haunted house.

8. Ghoulish Character Interviews: Create character interviews with the ghosts or supernatural beings inhabiting your haunted house, revealing their true motivations and individual stories.

9. Eerie Personalities: Describe each room in your haunted house as if it were a living being with its personality, emotions, and motives.

10. Beware The Curse!: Invent a mysterious curse associated with your haunted house and write about how one might break it or suffer its consequences.

11. Diary Of Dread: Create diary entries from the perspective of someone living in the haunted house, documenting their increasingly terrifying experiences.

12. Unnerving Love Story: Write a love story that is set within the spooky confines of the haunted house, delving into the complications and fears that arise.

13. Ghostly Memoir: Write a memoir from the perspective of one of the ghosts who call the haunted house their home, recounting their life and experiences after death.

14. Scary House Rules: Come up with a list of daunting rules that visitors or inhabitants must follow when inside your haunted house, and describe the grim penalties for breaking them.

15. Terrifying Treasure Hunt: Design a treasure hunt that takes place within your haunted house, incorporating clues, riddles, and spooky obstacles along the way.

16. Chilling Escape Room: Create an escape room experience based on your haunted house, complete with puzzles, hidden objects, and supernatural interventions.

17. The Resolution: Write an unexpected twist or resolution for your haunted house saga wherein characters find closure, a new beginning or delve deeper into mystery.


Unlock your inner horror writer with these creepy prompts! Whether you’re hosting a Halloween party or just trying to stimulate your creative muscles, these haunted house-themed writing activities are sure to give you chills and spark some truly otherworldly tales. Happy writing and beware – things might just get spookier than you anticipated!


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Auden Johnson

Your Guide to Writing a Haunted House Story Ghost or Monster

writing a haunted house story

Many things can make your haunted house story fail? Flat characters. Bad writing. Boring spirits. Bad pacing.

People like to bring up The Turn of the Screw as the  ghost story to read. But, I really don’t get it. I was about a third of the way through the book and saw no signs of ghosts, or anything really. No conflict. I got bored and read something else. Check out Shirly Jackson or Richard Matheson instead. Maybe with The Haunting of Bly Manor hitting Netflix, I’ll give The Turn of the Screw another chance.

You can’t guarantee everyone will like your book but you can give it a fighting chance. How can you write a haunted house monster that’ll scare or even fascinate readers?

Research Myths and Legends

I listen to a lot of haunted house/myths and legends podcasts. For different blog posts like the one about Mont Saint-Michel , I’ve researched many haunted locations and mythical creatures. There’s a lot of paranormal information in my head that comes out when I write. You can base your ghost/monster on an “actual one.” I take bits of pieces of all the information I’ve gained to create something new. For inspiration, try the podcasts Lore , Myths and Legends and Haunted Places .

Broaden Your Idea of Monster

In one of my stories, Devdan Manor , characters get trapped in a Rose Red style house. For a good portion of the book, the house is the villain. Or you could go the American Haunting route where your ghost is trying to save the daughter from a real-world threat. In Hunter Shea’s Sinister Entity , a family was haunted by two ghosts. One was evil, the other was trying to save someone. In some stories, the villain isn’t a monster, it’s a curse.

Why’s Your Ghost Haunting the House

Sometimes a straightforward, vengeful spirit can be interesting. I like to make my monsters complex. Yeah, they’re doing bad things but for good or relatable reasons. In The Unburned Island , demons are terrorizing people but they’re doing so because they’re desperate. Generally, in my stories, I like to play with that gray area between good and evil.

Flesh out the monster’s backstory and motivation. Don’t just say they’re haunting because they’re mad. Why are they mad? What do they want from their victims?  If they just want them to suffer, why?

Be Unique in How They’re Haunting the House in Your Story

Objects moving on its own and dogs barking at darkness are scary. They’re also cliche. How about having your dog play with a friendly spirit while it’s protecting your character from a bad one? In The Dead Smile by F. Marion Crawford, people are haunted by a creepy smile. Don’t focus on objects moving, focus on how that’s affecting the person, family or team.

writing a haunted house story ghost

Do you have any questions any tips you want to add? Comment below. Check out my other post on The Characteristics of a Haunted House Story .

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Halloween Creative Writing Prompt #1: The Haunted House

Learners practice their creative writing with this suspenseful, Halloween-themed writing prompt about a visit to a haunted house! Using the prompt to inspire them, writers will draft a creative story that includes interesting characters, a plot with a clear conflict and resolution, and descriptive language to bring the setting and events to life. Designed for fourth through eighth graders, this worksheet is the perfect way to get in the Halloween spirit while honing and developing fiction writing and storytelling skills.

Be sure to check out the other worksheets in this series for additional prompts and inspiration: Halloween Creative Writing Prompt #2: The Trick-or-Treat Tale and Halloween Creative Writing Prompt #3: The Enchanting Costume !

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Here's a perfect creative writing worksheet for Halloween! Can the kids use our prompts to help them write a couple of sentences about the haunted house in the picture?

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Halloween Writing activity: In the Haunted House

Halloween Writing Kids will Scream About

This Halloween writing lesson called ‘In the Haunted House’ helps students build their vocabulary, use their senses, and practice their writing skills.

Halloween Writing: Prewriting

We start the Halloween haunted house writing lesson by using our imaginations and brainstorming Halloween words that we would see in a haunted house on Halloween night. We come up with a list of things we see, hear, and feel on Halloween night. I record our ideas on this anchor chart I created to look like a haunted house. The original anchor chart is from Fabulous in First .

Halloween Writing activity: In the Haunted House

This anchor chart helps students when it is time to write their sentences for their Halloween haunted house writing. We use this Halloween vocabulary list as a reference.

Halloween Writing: Process

We create our Halloween sentences on this writing template that starts each sentence with “In the Haunted House, I saw a …” For the first four sentences, they have to fill in a word or two from our vocabulary poster. For example, “In the Haunted House, I saw a cat on the roof .”

Halloween Writing activity: In the Haunted House

We are also practicing and building their knowledge of positional words. For each sentence we complete, we have to illustrate its position in the haunted house.

Halloween Writing activity: In the Haunted House

There are also two complete sentences to write and include their own Halloween vocabulary and positional words.

Halloween Writing activity: In the Haunted House

This is a valuable writing activity in my class because students are choosing their own words from the ready-made list and are feeling successful at it. We make sure to also use end our sentences with periods.

They also like being able to add the gruesome and spooky Halloween creatures and characters that kids love to their writing and pictures.

Halloween Writing activity: In the Haunted House

Once their sentences are complete and their pictures are done, they can colour their haunted house Halloween pictures. We usually hang our Halloween haunted house writing with some Halloween crafts and decor in the classroom.

FREE Haunted House Writing Template

Interested in completing this Halloween writing activity in your classroom? You can grab and download a FREE ‘In the Haunted House’ writing template pack HERE .

creative writing of haunted house

Halloween Activities Pack

Are you seeking engaging, educational activities to add to your October lesson plans?  This   Halloween Fun Pack  is filled with no-prep worksheets, classroom group games, math activities, literacy, reading, and poetry activities, a science experiment, and two crafts to be used all month.

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Make incorporating engaging, standard-based Halloween activities a breeze with this ready-to-use thematic resource.

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Reader Interactions

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I can’t access the first haunted house activity shown here. It’s not in the pdf.

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at 11:36 am

The pdf contains a variation of the template seen above.

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I home school, I love this idea so much. I know it’s similar to what teachers usually do but I think what made it click for me is the conjunction with sentences, and that the kids feel confident using vocabulary they decided on. Truly appreciate this post and the template.

You are so welcome! Happy Halloween!

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Haunted House 5 Senses Writing Prompt Craft

Haunted House 5 Senses Writing Prompt Craft

Review the 5 senses as well as adjectives , with this quick, easy and fun haunted house descriptive writing prompt.  

This craftivity will be available for a year, then it will be updated and put in my TpT shop.

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Click the link to view the new, 38-page updated version: Trick or Treating at a Haunted House.

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  • The Five Senses

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Haunted house narrative writing. The house stood on the top of lonely hill. There was no chance of taking the way through roads. I had to take the shortcut.

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13 Redwood Villa

It was cloudy and the first few specks of the rain were exploding on the dark gravel. I was in the park and I knew that I was going to get drenched if I didn’t make my way quickly from there. A major storm could be heard on the distance echoing through the silent night.

I had to reach there, as quickly as possible. Just a few moments ago, I had got the message from my friend, Lucy, to go there – 13 Redwood Villa. She had asked me to reach there by 7 pm and it was already half past six. Thunder clapped overhead and the clouds burst on the horizon.

The house stood on the top of lonely hill. There was no chance of taking the way through roads. I had to take the shortcut. “What shall I do”, I pondered over it the second and decided I’d go the hill way to the top. So, I moved forwards. It was dead chilling cold and the rain had made it even more difficult to walk. The cloud had obscured the moon in the dark night and the whole way filled with sense of anger and malice.

I took a deep breath of the cool night air and walked faster towards the house. My curiosity was already beyond its limits. Now, I was almost to the top. The flickering light of the house could be seen nearby.

Finally, I reached there – 13 Redwood Villa.

The house stood, 3 storeys high, with boarded up windows and a broken chimney, giving the house a menacing look. Its door had been boarded up too but you could easily push it open between the planks at the bottom.

“Am I sure this is the house”, I thought to myself. Lucy hadn’t told me about why she wanted to see me. I was not really excited now, not after the dreadful smell and the abandoned look the house gave. “Well, I couldn’t turn back now, after all I’ve come till here”. I was stuck between fear and excitement.

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But at last, a crack of thunder, a flash of lightning and slowly I pushed the door open. The rusty hinges gave a scary creaking noise. I took one last look at the outside of that fearsome house. The rain was splashing down around me. And then I had ducked under the planks of wood and was inside, peering about in the darkness.

This is a preview of the whole essay

As my eyes adjusted in the darkness, the room slowly came into the view, the long bare corridor with doors leading to unknown rooms. I then started even forwards. Suddenly I heard a squeak. I was totally daunted. And then I heard some footsteps as if someone was wandering around me.

My heart was accelerating. Thud, thud, thud... The rain was still pattering dismally on the window panes. Although petrified, I went to the door to see who it was. No one! I again heard the noise. I looked down. Thank god it was just a cat, an abandoned little black cat.

But its look was enough for me to give a fright. I had looked at the cat’s face in the gloom and I could see its dark hair, its perfect features and a ghastly eyes staring back at me. I slammed the door close and made a run. I could hear the cat meowing back as if trying to break inside. It all seemed stupid now. I should’ve never come to this house.

I was still running and just at the moment I saw a big door on the corner of the corridor. I went inside and entered a large bare room. It was all dark and smelled of sodden clothes and rotten fruits. Running through the side of the room I noticed a flight of stairs ahead of me. I could hear someone muttering on top of stairs.

Hurriedly, I ran up the stairs and reached the second floor. The windows upstairs were covered with large, black curtains which flapped along as the gust of wind rushed inside the windows. All the walls were covered with cobwebs. The floor creaked under my feet. That corridor had even more doors that led to unknown rooms. And I could still hear the voices.

Just then I saw someone hurrying inside one of the doors. It might have been the same person of whom I had heard footsteps of. I was shocked and shivered with frightfulness. “Who else could be inside? Was it Lucy?” I decided to follow the person. But the dim light of the moon flickered and the person darted away. I missed. That must have been my imagination.

Slowly I entered the room standing just behind me. That room was such a mess, as if someone had torn it apart in rage. All the things were tipped over on the floor. Through the bars of windows I could see the sky slowly clearing up. I looked at my watch. It was already ten to seven.

I still hadn’t seen Lucy yet. “If this was her trick to scare me then I would’ve never forgiven her, but what if she wasn’t playing a trick. She should’ve been here by now!”

I left the room and marched towards another room, and another. Through more doors and up another staircase and I realised I was totally lost. I swore I was. But I knew I was now on the topmost floor.

As I stood there, stiff, I heard the owl hooting and outside and also the rustling of leaves. But beneath all the noise, was the terrible silence that overpowered every other sound.

The voices were getting louder.

I checked through almost all of the rooms until I was really exhausted. I paused for a second and went towards the windows. I needed fresh air. Outside the windows I could see the whole city as dead as doornail. There was no trace of any sound, not even a single muttering or laugh. I again turned towards the corridors. I only had two more rooms to check.  

I stepped up to one door and slowly reached for the handle. Just as I was about to enter inside, a group of bats hovered outside from the room. That was scary. I screamed with terror. I closed my eyes and ducked down until every bat had flown away. Luckily it was all quiet again.

Hastily I grabbed out the torchlight from my pocket and set it alight. In the flashlight I saw a puddle of liquid on the floor. Drops were splashing into it. “Was that a blood?” I frowned.

As I looked up, I saw a large chunk of wood that had fallen out of the ceiling. The rain was seeping into through the crack. I sighed with relief. The puddle on floor was just a rain, not the blood.

Just then I noticed some white thing on the floor. I focused the light on the floor. The light shone vividly at a large pair of sharp fangs. My head snapped up. I tried to scream but no sound came up. I stumbled back, clutched my stomach and fell over on the floor. I was unable to rip my eyes away from the sight. It couldn’t have been a real Dracula!

Startlingly, I crawled forward to touch the fangs. It came off onto my hand. It was just a fake pair of fangs. I was confused for a moment. Was it any trick!

It was now already five past seven and I was still wandering around the house. I still had to check in through one more room. The door stood on the farthest corner of the corridor. It looked creaky and intimidating. The illusion made it look even more sinister. Standing there, watching the quiet patience of the door, I knew it was more than a fright inside. I knew something was there. Not evil or malicious, simply dangerous!

The muttering voices were now gone. The whole house stood dead quiet. The only thing I could now hear was my own breath. Through the windows, the pale light of the moon shone beneath the dark deep clouds. Everything seemed so ghastly and unrealistic. I got up and slowly made my way towards the final door. My knees were now too weak, I had to bend and walk.

Lastly, I reached it. I grabbed the door handle and pushed myself inwards.

Oh my God! The room was so dark and so creepy. No windows, no light, nothing! I stood there in the silent darkness for a moment, holding my breath. I knew there was something hidden behind this darkness. I was now too much scared. So, I started backing away. Suddenly, something touched my back. I swore it was a human hand. “I must run away”. All these creepiness was now too much for me to bear.

But a noise behind me made me stop. I turned around slowly and tried to adjust my eyes in the darkness. Bare feet hit the floor loudly as I heard someone running towards me. “Hello, who’s there”, I shrieked with fear.

Silence! But suddenly the lights flicked open and the balloons popped out. I saw all the faces I knew. Before I could even realise anything, everyone shouted “Happy Birthday, James!”

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Haunted house narrative writing.  The house stood on the top of lonely hill. There was no chance of taking the way through roads. I had to take the shortcut.

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  • Word Count 1578
  • Page Count 5
  • Subject English

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Home — Essay Samples — Geography & Travel — Haunted House — My Own Experience in a Haunted House


My Own Experience in a Haunted House

  • Categories: Haunted House Personal Experience

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Words: 686 |

Updated: 6 December, 2023

Words: 686 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

Works Cited

  • Bader, C. (2014). Paranormal America: Ghost Encounters, UFO Sightings, Bigfoot Hunts, and Other Curiosities in Religion and Culture. NYU Press.
  • Dickey, C. (2016). Ghostland: An American History in Haunted Places. Penguin Books.
  • Hargrove, R. (2013). The Haunted House: A True Ghost Story. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
  • Holzer, H. (2017). Ghosts: True Encounters from the World Beyond. Black Dog & Leventhal.
  • Klinger, L. (2014). The New Annotated H.P. Lovecraft. Liveright Publishing Corporation.
  • Michell, J., & Rickard, R. (Eds.). (2016). Paranormality: Why We Believe the Impossible. Overlook Press.
  • Radford, B., & Nickell, J. (2012). The Science of Ghosts: Searching for Spirits of the Dead. Prometheus Books.
  • Randles, J., & Hough, P. (2016). The Paranormal, the new guide to understanding and working with the unexplained. Watkins Media Limited.
  • Tucker, E. (2016). Haunted Halls: Ghostlore of American College Campuses. University Press of Mississippi.
  • Underwood, P. (2013). Haunted London. Amberley Publishing.

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Halloween Horror Nights 2024 Texas Chainsaw Massacre House's Film Tie-In Explained

Halloween Horror Nights 2024 creative director, John Murdy, gives a spoiler-free walkthrough of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Haunted House.

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If you're a long-time attendee of Universal Studios annual Halloween Horror Nights events in Orlando or Hollywood , then you're well aware that The Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise ( currently streaming on Peacock ) is a favorite of both the event creators and the guests. Both parks have celebrated the premise and characters multiple times inside haunted houses, as a part of the Terror Tram, with merchandise and food pop-ups. 

2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the original Tobe Hooper-directed movie. As such,  Halloween Horror Nights creative director John Murdy told NBC Insider in a recent press preview at Universal Studios Hollywood that they wanted to do something different with the property that would really surprise their guests and add to the mythology too. 

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"The people who I work with on [the franchise] had an idea they threw out which was: What if you take a multiverse approach to Texas ?" Murdy said.

And so was born this year's Hollywood exclusive haunted house: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Legacy of Leatherface .

HHN 2024's Texas Chainsaw Massacre  House relates to the films

A movie poster from The Texas Chainsaw Masacre in 1974

Despite the many iterations and reboots within  The Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise, Murdy explained that all of them are owned by and controlled by one license, and that meant he could reference all nine films to build this 50th anniversary haunted house. 

To start, Murdy said he watched the first film again and from that honed in on a specific line that the hitchhiker said to the teenagers after they pick him up. 

"They ask him if he worked in the slaughterhouse because there was a slaughterhouse in this town," Murdy explained. "And [the hitchhiker] says, 'I worked at the slaughterhouse. My brothers did too. Grandpa did too. He was the best killer there ever was.' He goes on this whole spiel about the slaughterhouse, but we know the slaughterhouse isn't operating. It's closed down and you never see it."

From that, a concept came to life.

What to expect from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Haunted House

Teri McMinn screams and is chained to a pipe in a scene from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

The infamous slaughterhouse then became the focal point of Murdy's concept for  The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Legacy of Leatherface .

"I wanted to create a parallel timeline, if you will, that runs concurrent to the events of the '74 film," Murdy said. "I basically researched the heck out of slaughterhouses in the turn of the century, especially when they became industrialized with the Chicago stockyards. That was really the first assembly line before Henry Ford got his idea. But this was the disassembly line. It was a factory designed to take an animal and go through all of these stages until every single byproduct had a purpose and was being sold for something. I took all of the roles that you would find in the slaughterhouse and I assigned them to iterations of Leatherface and his family."

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When guests walk through The Legacy of Leatherface, Murdy said they'll come meet in the flesh (gulp!) the family members all wearing their hyper specific leather masks as they work in their family's human slaughterhouse.  

"Leatherface, as defined by Gunnar Hansen who played him in the film, he always wore these skin masks because he has no personality of his own," Murdy said of the signature prop of the franchise. "He puts them on depending on what he's doing. If he's hunting, he puts on the killing mask. If he's going to the dinner table scene, he's wearing the pretty woman mask. If he's in the kitchen cleaning up after stuff, he's wearing the old woman mask that is more domestic."

In the various rooms of the haunted house, guests will experience all of the faces of death and try to come out alive on the other side. 

"At the very end, that story dovetails back to the original film in our house, and you come back to the farmhouse," Murdy said of the concept. "You come back to the steel door, into where the first murder takes place. So we took something totally original that we came up with as a way to do something new and exciting."

Halloween Horror Nights begins in Hollywood begins September 5 and runs through to November 3. You can purchase your Universal Studios Hollywood Halloween Horror Nights  tickets now !

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  10. 17 Frightful Haunted House-Themed Writing Activities

    Haunted houses have long been a beloved staple of Halloween gatherings and events, sparking the creative imagination of horror enthusiasts and storytellers. To help budding writers embrace their spooky side, check out these 17 frightful haunted house-themed writing activities that can be both entertaining and educational! 1.

  11. Your Guide to Writing a Haunted House Story Ghost or Monster

    Broaden Your Idea of Monster. In one of my stories, Devdan Manor, characters get trapped in a Rose Red style house. For a good portion of the book, the house is the villain. Or you could go the American Haunting route where your ghost is trying to save the daughter from a real-world threat. In Hunter Shea's Sinister Entity, a family was ...

  12. Halloween Creative Writing Prompt #1: The Haunted House

    Learners practice their creative writing with this suspenseful, Halloween-themed writing prompt about a visit to a haunted house! Using the prompt to inspire them, writers will draft a creative story that includes interesting characters, a plot with a clear conflict and resolution, and descriptive language to bring the setting and events to life.

  13. Haunted House Sentence Writing Prompt

    A haunted house is the perfect setting for a creative story, and we've started the kids off with a useful prompt at the beginning of each paragraph... Ghost Paragraph Writing Prompt You don't need to be scared of writing if you use our paragraph writing prompts to help you!

  14. Haunted House Descriptive Writing

    This haunted house descriptive writing extract is a fantastic way to introduce children to the common tropes and techniques associated with scary setting descriptions. To begin using this Spooky Haunted House Setting Description KS2 Example Text from 'Scare at Shadow Fair', sign-up and create your own Twinkl account today! Taken from the Twinkl Originals Halloween story 'Scare at Shadow Fair ...

  15. Halloween Writing Kids Will Scream About!

    Halloween Writing: Process. We create our Halloween sentences on this writing template that starts each sentence with "In the Haunted House, I saw a …". For the first four sentences, they have to fill in a word or two from our vocabulary poster. For example, "In the Haunted House, I saw a cat on the roof.". We are also practicing and ...

  16. Haunted House 5 Senses Writing Prompt Craft

    Haunted House 5 Senses Writing Prompt Craft. 4 pages. Review the 5 senses as well as adjectives, with this quick, easy and fun haunted house descriptive writing prompt. This craftivity will be available for a year, then it will be updated and put in my TpT shop. This activity has been updated.

  17. Haunted house narrative writing. The house stood on the top of lonely

    The house stood, 3 storeys high, with boarded up windows and a broken chimney, giving the house a menacing look. Its door had been boarded up too but you could easily push it open between the planks at the bottom. "Am I sure this is the house", I thought to myself. Lucy hadn't told me about why she wanted to see me.

  18. My Own Experience in a Haunted House

    Dark clouds always seem to hover over the house, situated on a dead end street. And then there are the stories. A man went mad and murdered his whole family in the house. One night, the house suffered a fire and a baby died in it. On and on, with a tragic death at the center. Because then come the other stories.

  19. 351:211 Introduction to Creative Writing (Fall 2024)

    Rutgers Writers House New Brunswick. Fall 2024. Introduction to Creative Writing (351:211 in fall semesters; 351:212 in spring semesters) is the foundational and prerequisite course to all other Creative Writing courses.

  20. Haunted House Descriptive Writing

    This haunted house descriptive writing extract is a fantastic way to introduce children to the common tropes and techniques associated with scary setting descriptions. To begin using this Spooky Haunted House Setting Description KS2 Example Text from 'Scare at Shadow Fair', sign-up and create your own Twinkl account today! Taken from the Twinkl Originals Halloween story 'Scare at Shadow Fair ...

  21. Category:Cities and towns in Omsk Oblast

    T. Tara, Omsk Oblast. Tyukalinsk. Categories: Cities and towns in Russia by federal subject. Populated places in Omsk Oblast. Hidden category: Commons category link is on Wikidata.

  22. Category:sh:Places in Omsk Oblast

    Serbo-Croatian names of places of all sorts in Omsk Oblast, a federal subject of Russia.. NOTE: This is a name category.It should contain names of specific places in Omsk Oblast, not merely terms related to places in Omsk Oblast, and should also not contain general terms for types of places in Omsk Oblast.

  23. Houses for sale in Omsk Oblast, Russia

    Find Houses for Sale in Omsk Oblast, Russia Large selection of Houses in latest listings Actual prices Photos Description and Location on the map.

  24. Category : en:Cities in Omsk Oblast

    English names of cities in Omsk Oblast, a federal subject of Russia.. NOTE: This is a name category.It should contain names of specific cities in Omsk Oblast, not merely terms related to cities in Omsk Oblast, and should also not contain general terms for types of cities in Omsk Oblast.

  25. HHN 2024 Texas Chainsaw Massacre House's Film Tie-In Explained

    Halloween Horror Nights 2024 creative director, John Murdy, gives a spoiler-free walkthrough of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Haunted House.