How to Make an Acting Resume With No Experience

How to Make an Acting Resume With No Experience for Actors

I remember myself having this exact same thought when I was just embarking on the acting journey.

In reality, almost every single actor has been in a position of having an empty actor resume. We’ve all started out acting with no credits.

As a newcomer, you’ll have to get comfortable with the idea that you’re a fresh face on the block, you won’t be signed by any top talent agencies in Los Angeles (yet) and you’ll have to work with what you have.

Below, I will quickly walk you through what an actor resume is, what purpose does it serve, what resume you need for voice over jobs , the standards for an acting resume in Los Angeles, and the best way to go about writing your actor resume when you have no experience to list.

Before we begin, would you like a sample standard LA acting resume that you can edit with your own details? Share some social love and you can download an editable PDF.

  • Download PDF: Acting Resume Sample (PDF)

Let’s start at the beginning. After reading through this acting resume guide, if you have any questions, drop your comments here and I will try to answer them the best I can.

What’s an acting resume, and why do you need one?

I’m sure everybody knows what a CV (curriculum vitae) is. It’s that piece of paper that people use to show to their potential employers.

Surprise surprise, an actor’s resume is the exact same thing that you use when they’re looking to book acting auditions in LA . It serves the same purpose, and is even structured similarly.

Alongside your headshot, an acting resume is one of the most important actor’s marketing tools that every aspiring thespian needs to have. It’s your calling card. You will list all of your acting experience, education, acting training and special skills that you have alongside your contact information, and a few physical stats.

LA Acting Resume Example

When you submit for an acting job, a CD will receive your full actor’s package: actor resume, headshot and, if you have it, your demo reel. The CD will look at your headshot first (!) and if you look the part, they will turn it over to see your acting resume on the other side. They’ll scan through your physical stats, your credits and, sometimes, your special skills if that applies.

Say your resume looks professional, your look fits the part, and the CD is happy with your experience and credits. In this case, you’re going to get a call about an audition. Congratulations! You just got your first audition. Now back to the real world…

Even if you have not done any acting work whatsoever, you can still put together an actor resume with no experience, and send it over to CDs with confidence .

Despite your worst delusional fears (we’ve all be there, trust me), nobody’s going to think of you poorly if you have little or no acting experience. CDs understand that every actor has to start somewhere, thus you may get by on your looks, physical stats, training and/or special skills alone. Most importantly, don’t get discouraged if you don’t. Simply move onto the next project.

Bottom Line : An acting resume is what every actor needs to put together as soon as they’ve decide to enter show business. It’s their calling card.

Basics of a professional actor resume

Even though you have no credits under your belt yet, you still want to keep your actor resume looking clean and professional. Here are some basics to go by when structuring an acting CV:

  • An acting resume is ALWAYS only one sheet of paper. No exceptions.
  • It must have enough white space to be read easily (hey, you’re perfect for it!)
  • It should be sized to fit a 8×10 headshot so that you can staple it to the back.
  • Use standard fonts such as Arial or Times New Roman.
  • Do not cram the resume with too many things. Keep it simple and relevant.
  • Do not use any colors. It’s just black and white, plus headings for sections.
  • Never lie on your resume. You’ll be surprised how quickly that gets out .
“ DON’T lie on your résumé. Actors do this all the time and they always get caught. If you claim to have booked a guest star role on “NCIS,” it stands to reason you would have footage from the show on your reel. If you don’t, I’m going to ask why. And that’s where the lie will start to fall apart. ” – Secret Agent Man ,

These are the primary “rules” for a professional looking acting resume. Follow them and you’ll be alright.

If you download the sample acting resume above , you’ll notice that it’s slightly different from the resume in the picture, but the difference is irrelevant. In fact, most casting directors prefer the simplicity because it’s easier to read and remember.

What matters the most in an acting resume is the basic information that’s easy to see: personal details at the top, followed by credits and then training. You can choose either format, just keep it clean and easy to read.

And now for the acting resume format technicalities. I suggest you opening that resume sample from above so that you understand better what’s what.

Bottom Line : Your acting resume should look clean, professional, adapted for quick reading, and with the most recent and most relevant credits.

Acting resume format

Your personal information . As you can see in the acting resume template I’ve linked to above, and the provided Los Angeles actor resume example, we’re supposed to start with some personal details. For the purpose of this article, let’s assume that you’re a non-union actor with no talent agent representation, which is most likely the case anyway.

  • Actor’s name . This is where your stage name (not your legal name) goes. Simple.
  • Union title.  If you’re not affiliated with any actor’s union, then skip this part.
  • Phone number . Always use the number by which you can be reached any time.
  • Physical stats . Self-explanatory. NEVER put your age or date of birth on the resume.

After the basic personal information, we’re moving onto the credits and what acting experience you have.

Your acting experience.  Normally, this is where you would list all your credits, from television to film to theater to new media. If you’re pursuing acting in Los Angeles, most of your work will be focused on Film/TV, thus one resume is usually enough. However, people in New York City, for example, will often have at least two actor resumes: one focused on screen work, one on stage work. If you don’t have much acting experience, then one acting CV will be enough.

Actor Resume Explanation Film

  • Film credits . In this section, start with the name of the show , followed by the type of role (NOT your character’s name; see below) you did, then production company and finally director’s name .

Actor Resume Explanation TV Web Series

  • Television credits . Similarly to film credits, start with the name of the show , then the type of role (different to film type roles; see below), followed by television network and the director’s name . The same applies to Web Series/Webisodes productions.

Actor Resume Explanation Theater

  • Theater credits . Again, begin with the name of the production/play , followed by your role/character’s name (this time it’s the other way around), then the theater company’s name and the location of where the production took place.

A few quick tips:

  • Always, always list film and television credits under separate sections. You’ll see some bad actor resume examples where they’re filled under “Film/TV.” DO NOT do this, because it will make your acting resume look very unprofessional. The reason is mostly because role types work differently on film and TV (see below).
  • Once you get more experience under your belt, try to remove some of the older and/or less important stuff from the resume. Keeping it clean will make you look more professional. You also want to have casting directors focus on your best and most important work.
  • You can list your credits any way you want. Some people list them chronologically, but I usually suggest listing your best work at the top so that it catches peoples’ attention.
  • Never put extra/background work on your resume. The reason being is that extra work is not considered acting. Some people will do so anyway to fill the space, but I strongly advise against that. If you’re ever asked about that part, and you have to say that you were actually a background on the set, that will make you look very unprofessional.
  • When listing theater credits, you don’t usually name the director. However, if the director’s name is really well-known, I would list that either alongside the theater company’s name, or instead of the location if you’re short for space (similar to Film/TV credit format).

Your training and education . In this section, list all the relevant acting training that you’ve had so far. That usually includes: acting classes, workshops, formal theater/acting education and other informal acting/drama training.

Begin by listing the name of your acting teacher (for private/group classes) or the institution where you’ve studied acting. Right next to it you’ll list what type of acting classes those were, which you’ll know after you’ve taken them. There’s too many for me to list, but the most common are Scene Study, Cold Reading, Audition Technique, Improv, and On-Camera Class. In the third column of this section, it’s the location.

Now in terms of what goes where vertically. Normally, you’ll have your formal and probably oldest acting education at the bottom, which is the college or drama school that you went to. Even if you think it’s the best type of training you have received, that’s usually not how casting directors and agents think.

Keep the classes that you’re currently taking at the very top of this section, and add “(ongoing)” right next to them. After that, list any other acting class or workshop that you’ve taken chronologically with the oldest class at the bottom of the list.

Your special skills . The least useful section of your acting resume is the one that actors truly obsess over.

You don’t have to, because agents rarely even look here, unless there’s something very specific that they want from an actor.

With that in mind, don’t over-complicate this part and list the things that you’re most proficient in.

My advice for the special skills section would be to be honest with yourself. If you’ve only strummed a guitar a few times in your life, don’t put Guitar on there. If you’ve played basketball in high school which was 10 years ago, don’t put Basketball in there. Also, don’t write down things like Running and Whistling, unless you’re a professional. The same goes for listing languages. Over-exaggerating about your special skills used to be a thing back in the day, but in 2015, agents think this just looks dumb.

Also, they will often test you , so you better be prepared:

“ I want all of you to look up the meaning of the word “fluent.” Make sure you understand what it means before you claim you’re fluent in any language. I’m fluent in three, and I always test actors when I see one of those languages listed on their résumé. Care to guess how many couldn’t respond to a simple question in the language they’re supposed to be fluent in? ” – Secret Agent Man ,

As you can see, agents do care and they do their due diligence.

Bottom Line : Always stick to the standard actor resume format, and don’t reinvent the wheel. Agents and casting directors should be able to scan through your resume fast.

Film and TV role types

Let me give you quick breakdown of film and television role types. This is something every aspiring actor in Los Angeles has to know. You’ll be surprised how often you’ll soon be using these terms.

TV role types

  • Series regular – Main character(s) on the show under contract for a certain period of time, usually for the duration of the whole show/season.
  • Recurring – Second most important TV acting role type. These are usually signed to appear on the show on multiple episodes.
  • Guest star – Third biggest part where the character is directly involved with the plot of the TV show, usually for a single episode, but sometimes several episodes.
  • Co-star – A small speaking part that will only be involved in one episode for a small period of screen time.
  • Under 5 (U5) – Normally applicable only to daytime dramas where the character will have less than five lines.

Film role types

  • Lead – Protagonist. Main character of the story on whom the whole film is centered.
  • Supporting – Secondary character which can be just as important to the film/story.
  • Principal – A small part with spoken lines where the character will usually interact with one of the above characters for a short period, but doesn’t add much to the story.
  • Featured – A non-speaking part where the character gets enough facetime. This is not the same as an Extra, but sometimes Extras are promoted to Featured roles.

And that wraps up the whole technical part of an actor’s resume. Please feel free to come back to this article when you’ll need help with structuring your actor resume format.

If you have no acting experience…

How to Make an Acting Resume With No Experience

So here’s where you can start.

A) The first thing you may want to do is think about whether you definitely have no experience. Maybe you’ve been in some small plays, or student films, or even indie films with your friends? List them all! Anything where you have actually done acting can go on your resume, even if it’s a small part in a silly project.

B) The next step is obvious: you need to search for opportunities to act. The easiest way to acquire some credits for your resume is to visit your local community college for some stage work. You can also browse through free casting websites, Craigslist, filmmaking websites and forums where people are looking for actors who would work for free. If you’re willing to do some work for no reward, that means you’ll find opportunities faster.

C) The third thing you can do is produce something yourself. I’ve already talked about the importance for actors to create their own projects , and the earlier you start, the better. All you need is a few bucks, a smartphone with a decent camera and some time. You can gather up a couple of friends, write a screenplay for a short film, shoot it on your phone and put it up on YouTube. That’s your first credit.

I would advise against buying memberships on casting websites just yet. If this is your first time venturing into the world of performing arts, give it some time, and see if you even like the craft of acting before spending money.

You will be surprised how quickly your resume will start growing if you dedicate some time to this, and if you’re willing to work for free. There are a lot of opportunities out there, especially if you move to a big city such as Los Angeles, New York City, Atlanta, Vancouver in Canada or London in England. Once you start receiving some acting work, remove your older, “silly” credits and replace them with the most recent stuff.

Finally, try to have fun. People often forget about this – myself included – but it’s an integral part of succeeding as an actor. After all, don’t we all want to become actors so that we can have fun instead of work?

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how to build an acting resume with no experience

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3 Beginner Acting Resume Examples Proven to Work in 2024

Stephen Greet

Beginner Acting Resume

Formal beginner acting resume, elegant beginner acting resume.

  • Beginner Acting Resume Writing 101

Stepping into the world of acting, you’re refining your storytelling talents and learning to create lifelike characters through your performances. You harness the power of emotion, connection, and expression, captivating audiences with your work.

It might feel easy to invoke a response when you act, but it’s much harder to do through a one-page resume . However, to land your next role, you need to frame your experiences and talents with a resume template that makes the reader want to see more.

No worries—we’re here to help. Our sample beginner acting resume examples have helped many budding performers like yourself create excellent resumes and land roles that propelled their acting careers forward. Check out our tips to get started!

or download as PDF

Beginner acting resume example with 8+ years experience

Related resume examples

  • Professional acting
  • Technical theatre
  • Musical theatre
  • Competitive dancer

What Matters Most: Your Acting Experience & Personal Skills

Your resume skills and work experience

In the acting world, every role, no matter how small, is different. As such, it’s crucial to read the job description and try to emphasize the skills that best align with it.

Throughout this section, focus on the skills you feel most comfortable with, as well as those that fit your acting style. Avoid including generic soft skills such as time management or adaptability, as they won’t leave a lasting impression, which is what you need!

As an example, to get you started, for entertainment roles, you could talk about your strong comedic timing and improvisational skills. For more dramatic roles, mention your mastery of emotional expression and character embodiment.

9 popular beginner acting skills

  • Emotional expression
  • Character embodiment
  • Improvisation
  • Dialect mastery
  • Voice projection
  • Line memorization
  • Musical singing
  • Basic stage combat
  • Voiceover work

Sample beginner acting work experience bullet points

The content of the work experience section of your resume depends entirely on the number of roles you’ve played at this point in your career. 

With limited acting experience, focus on workshops or school plays you had a part in. If you do have acting experiences to discuss, such as plays, TV shows, musicals, or web series, highlight them here. 

Keep it relevant—for example, if you’re applying for a role, playing an English character in a period drama, mention that you’re good with accents. Always include the name of the production, the character or role you played, and the director or theater behind it.

Here are a few examples:

  • Unseen Journeys , Anna, Dir. Barbara Taylor
  • Shattered Reflections , Emily, Dir. Ryan West
  • Macbeth , Lady Macbeth, Dir. Andrew Lipsky
  • The Crucible , John Proctor, Dir. Delia Scott

Top 5 Tips for Your Beginner Acting Resume

  • If you have any formal acting education or certifications, make sure to add them, as they can help assure casting directors that you’re passionate about your craft. This could be anything from a college degree to vocal training or improv school.
  • If you haven’t had much professional acting work to fill out your resume, don’t be afraid to showcase your work in student productions, whether these are school plays or student films. Prioritize including those most relevant to each role you apply to.
  • If you’re experienced or have been trained in any other arts, such as singing, poetry, dancing, or martial arts, mention these in your resume. While they may not always seem relevant, these are excellent job skills that can help enhance your overall profile as an actor.
  • Being able to accommodate various types of roles is crucial to success in the acting world. Show casting directors that this versatility is within your repertoire by highlighting your experiences across various genres of acting.
  • Consider putting together some video clips, headshots, or reviews that you can include to support your applications to each role. By doing this, recruiters can get a clearer sense of who you are as an actor, and this can help set you apart from other candidates.

Aside from voiceover roles, it’s crucial to include headshots and a role-specific full-body photo or video. Additionally, you should also include your height, weight, eye color, and your hair length and color. 

To show that you’re up to the collaborative challenge of acting, talk about instances where you successfully worked with directors, fellow actors, or production crews. Highlight how this teamwork contributed to the production’s success and how it helped you grow as an actor.

If you have a following of any size, it’s absolutely worth including links to your social media profiles. Add these underneath your contact information in your resume.

Create my free resume now

Actor Resume Example for 2024 [W/ Detailed Guide & Free Templates]

Background Image

Whether it’s on the stage or in front of the camera, you feel great in the spotlight.

You’re an actor looking for your next starring role, and you know you’ve got what it takes.

There are just a few lines you can’t seem to nail.

Try as you might, your resume just doesn’t convey your talent and devotion to the craft. You spend hours pacing and wondering if you’ll ever get past it.

But there’s no need to get dramatic just yet.

This article is here to teach you how to transform your actor resume into a role-winning calling card.

We’re going to cover:

  • What a Blockbuster Actor Resume Example Looks Like
  • 11 Steps to Writing a Flawless Actor Resume
  • What Your Actor Resume Should Include

…and so much more!

And enter, stage right.

Actor Resume Example

Actor Resume sample

This is a shining example of an actor resume.

So let’s look at what it does right:

  • Fits on one page. This actor resume uses every bit of space available to fit all the sections into one page.
  • Uses the reverse-chronological resume format. The candidate uses the resume format that shows their most recent roles first, so the casting directors have a clear view of their career progression.
  • Includes all the necessary contact details. The contact information here includes the candidate’s full name, phone number, email address, and a link to their Instagram.
  • Features an eye-catching resume summary. This great resume summary captures the hiring manager’s attention by mentioning the candidate’s years of experience, top achievements, and notable skills.
  • Quantifies achievements. Highlighting measurable successes like boosted ticket sales or nominations shows the true impact of this actor's previous performances.
  • Keeps the education section brief. A short education section makes sure that the candidate's roles and achievements are center stage, which is exactly what casting directors are interested in.
  • Adds other sections. This actor resume uses acting workshops, awards, and hobbies to give depth to their application.

11 Steps for a Stellar Actor Resume

You’ve seen what an actor’s resume is supposed to look like, so now it’s your turn to play the part.

Here’s how to fill in every section of your actor resume:

#1. Decide on the Format (and Layout)

Scene lighting directs the audience's attention to what matters most.

The format you choose for your actor resume plays the same role.

There are three primary resume formats you can pick from:

  • Reverse-chronological (also called chronological)
  • Functional (also known as the skill-based format)
  • Combination (which merges elements of both)

For 99% of cases, the reverse-chronological format is your best choice.

This resume format puts the spotlight on your latest roles and achievements, which is what casting directors want to see first.

Plus, it's the go-to format for hiring managers worldwide.

Here’s how it looks:

actor reverse-chronological resume format

Now that the lights are on, it’s time to set the stage. Enter, the resume layout .

Looks matter, and before a hiring manager reads your resume, they’re going to look at it.

Follow these tips to make sure your actor resume leaves a good first impression:

  • Set the font size. Your resume’s font determines its readability. Stick to 10-12 pt for the body of your text and use 14-16 pt for headings, so the hiring manager doesn’t have to squint.
  • Use bullet points. Avoid long paragraphs and organize the information on your resume into bullet points. It will make your resume more visually appealing and reader-friendly.
  • Adjust the line spacing. The line spacing on your actor resume should be set to 1.0 between text and 1.15 after subheadings and section titles. Anything outside these limits can make your resume look too cluttered or too empty.
  • Stick to one page. The best length for your actor resume is one page unless you have decades of relevant experience to list.
  • Save it as a PDF. The best format for your actor resume is always PDF, since it stays the same across any device or OS a hiring manager might use to open it. Only use a different format, such as a Word resume , if the job ad specifically requests it.

Or Use a Resume Template

Creating the perfect actor resume from scratch takes away valuable time that you could be using to learn your next lines.

You have to set the margins, fix the line spacing, try different font styles and sizes to see what works best, and keep everything from spilling over to a second page.

What if you could skip all of that?

Give any of our free, tried-and-tested resume templates a shot and save valuable time.

Our templates are designed in close collaboration with leading HR professionals from around the world to guarantee that your resume blends professionalism with style.

Take a look at how our resume templates compare to a standard text editor resume template:

novoresume versus normal resume

#2. Provide the Right Contact Information

The contact information is probably the easiest section to fill out on your actor resume.

All this section needs is to be factual - no matter how talented you are, you’re not getting an audition if your phone number has a typo in it.

Here’s what you need to include in this section:

  • Full Name. ( E.g. Constantine Dancy )
  • Title. ( E.g. Actor )
  • Phone Number. If you’re applying for a role abroad, be sure to include your country’s dial code in front of your phone number.
  • Email Address. Keep your email address professional and preferably related to your name. ( E.g. [email protected] , not [email protected] )
  • Location. Your city and state/country are usually enough, but if you’re looking to relocate for a role, be sure to specify that somewhere in your resume.
  • Social media (optional). You could include a link to a relevant social media profile, such as a dedicated Instagram or Facebook page.

When To Include Your Agent’s Contact Information

If you’re represented by an agent, that’s who casting directors should be talking to first.

Your agent is the first point of contact for anyone interested in you, so your contact information should reflect this.

Instead of adding your own phone number and email address, list your agent’s.

Here’s how this can look on your actor resume:

Contact information

Constantine Dancy

Represented by Todd Hughes

+44 7700 900907

[email protected]

Should You Include A Picture?

As a general rule, yes , your actor resume should include a clear picture of you.

You might choose to add a small headshot at the top of your resume, next to your contact information. This gives any casting director an immediate idea of what you look like, but you’ll likely be asked to submit a larger photo as an attachment.

Talent agencies advise that you attach a separate, high-quality headshot along with your resume. Contact a professional photographer and get a few great pictures you can choose from before sending in your application.

If you have to leave your application in person, make sure the photo is attached firmly to your resume so it doesn’t get lost.

#3. Write a Convincing Resume Summary (or Objective)

Stepping onto the stage, every actor dreams of captivating the audience from the start as they get lost in the character's world.

And you want your resume to invoke that “wow” factor from the start, too. This is why you should add a small paragraph at the top of your actor resume to grab casting directors’ attention from the get-go.

Think of this brief 3-4 sentence segment as a trailer for the rest of your resume. It should offer a sneak peek that makes the hiring manager want to explore the entire story of your professional journey.

You have two options to choose from:

  • Resume summary. If you’re an actor who already has some significant roles to their name, the resume summary is the perfect tool to highlight your years of experience, previous roles, and any significant achievements.
  • Resume objective. If you’re new to life on the set, like a recent drama school graduate, or are switching from a different field, go for a resume objective instead. It shines a light on your passion, professional aspirations, and qualifications, rather than acting credits.

Let’s look at some practical examples.

First, an experienced actor's resume summary:

Versatile stage actor with 4+ years of experience, eager to bring depth and nuance to roles at Shakespeare Theater Company. Notable performances in "Hamlet" and "Othello," receiving acclaim for embodying complex characters. Collaborative and dedicated, with a talent for both drama and comedy. Trained in Stanislavski and Meisner techniques.

Any casting director would think this resume is worth reading from the get-go. 

But even a student with no experience can make an impression. So, let’s see a less experienced actor’s resume objective:

Drama school graduate, passionate about joining the ensemble at Broadway Beginnings. Keen to bring fresh perspectives to classical roles and collaborate on innovative productions. Trained in physical theater, voice modulation, and improvisation. Grounded in theatrical history and performance theory.

#4. Describe Your Work Experience

The work experience section is the heart of an actor's resume.

It’s the section every casting director is going to read first, so you should be very careful when writing it.

Here's how to format the work experience section the right way:

  • Organize it in reverse chronological order. Always begin with your most recent roles and then move back to earlier ones. Skip anything that’s too dated or irrelevant - your summer gig in a community play when you were 12 won’t hold much weight.
  • State your exact role. Whether you played the lead, a supporting role, or even a background character, state it clearly. Avoid jazzing it up or downplaying it (e.g. "Lead Role" is straightforward and professional, while "Star of the Show" might come off as exaggerated and arrogant).
  • Give the production details. Say what the title of the production and its location are. If the show or movie isn’t well-known, you can give a brief description for context.
  • Note the performance period. Using the mm/yyyy format keeps things clean and consistent throughout your resume.
  • Detail your role and accomplishments. This is where you should dive into the essence of your character, the acting methods you used, and your role in the production’s success. Use bullet points to outline significant scenes, skills you portrayed, or achievements you contributed to.

Actors’ work experience is usually called “Acting Credits” and focuses on the roles they’ve held. If your acting experience includes coaching and other production work beyond acting, then writing “work experience” is more appropriate.

That’s all there is to formatting your actor resume’s work experience.

But if you want this section to shine, you have to push beyond the basics.

Follow these tips to rise above all other actors auditioning for the same role:

  • Tailor your work experience to the casting call. Carefully read the casting brief and find out exactly what they’re looking for. If the role needs a Shakespearean-trained actor with experience in improv comedy, your actor resume should center on your performances and training that highlight those skills the most.
  • Focus on achievements over small-time gigs. The casting director knows the standard responsibilities of a background actor or theater performer, and they won’t be impressed by them. So instead, highlight all roles or projects where you brought something unique to the table and the support your performance received.
  • Quantify your achievements. Be as specific as possible whenever you can. Mention the size of the audience, the run of the show, or the percentage of ticket sales. This provides a clear picture of the scale and impact your work has.
  • Use powerful verbs. Drop the boring “participated in” or “performed in" and choose more dynamic action words. For example, 'Led a cast of 20+ in a critically acclaimed rendition of “Hamlet”' packs a bigger punch than 'Acted in “Hamlet”'.

Let’s look at an example of an actor’s work experience section:

Supporting Actor

Flux Theater Troupe

Summerville, CT

03/2022 - Present

  • Played a pivotal role in 3 major theater productions, receiving praise for versatility and character depth.
  • Collaborated closely with directors and fellow actors, improving scene dynamics and overall flow.
  • Attended 10+ workshops for skill enhancement, focusing on method acting and improvisation techniques.
  • Took on the challenge of portraying a complex character in a modern adaptation of a classic play, leading to sold-out shows for two weeks straight.

What if I don’t have work experience?

If you're stepping onto the stage or set for the first time, not having a lengthy acting resume can seem daunting.

But your actor resume can still show your acting abilities and devotion to the craft!

All you have to do is list acting credits that aren’t contracted, such as school plays or club productions.

Here are some examples you can consider:

  • Drama school or acting classes
  • School or college theater roles
  • Volunteering for community theater
  • Personal or independent film projects
  • Relevant workshops and seminars

For example, if you volunteered for a role in your local community theater's production, that’s a valuable experience that can boost your actor resume.

Here’s how that might look in practice:

Lead Actor & Assistant Director

Mapleton Community Theater

03/2021 - 10/2021

  • Volunteered as the lead for a community production, receiving commendations for powerful performances.
  • Assisted the director in scene setups and scheduling, ensuring smooth rehearsal sessions.
  • Took charge of organizing a workshop for the cast, honing everyone's skills in voice modulation and body language.
  • Interacted with the audience post-shows to gather feedback, leading to better performances and tighter scenes.
  • Collaborated with local schools to host theater days, exposing students to the magic of stage acting.

#5. Mention Your Education

Actors do need formal training or workshops to refine their craft.

But if you've already landed significant roles, you don’t need to put too much emphasis on your education section .

Casting directors are more interested in your acting credits and specific skills. So, keep your education section brief and start with your most recent degree or course.

Here’s what you need to add:

  • Degree Name. E.g., Bachelor in Dramatic Arts, Workshop in Method Acting
  • Institution Name. E.g., The New York Acting Studio
  • Location (optional). E.g., New York, NY
  • Dates Attended. Stick to the mm/yyyy format for consistency (e.g. 08/2019 - 05/2022)

If you’re fresh out of acting school, you might want to delve deeper into your training. Describe specific courses or a standout performance to show off your acting prowess.

Here’s how this section would look on an actor’s resume:

Bachelor in Dramatic Arts, Specialization in Classical Theatre

The London Drama Academy

09/2019 - 07/2023

Courses: Shakespearean Performances, Voice and Movement Techniques, Improvisational Theatre, Character Development, Modern Drama Interpretation

#6. Mention Acting Workshops and Training Camps

In the acting world, honing your craft is the key to success. This is where acting workshops and training camps come in. 

These acting classes are usually taught by big names in the industry, so you get to learn from the best of the best and show it off on your actor resume.

Casting directors will be interested in seeing your skills, experience, and who you’ve learned from. Acting workshops and training camps show you’re always looking to improve.

Plus, you never know when a workshop you attended might catch a casting director’s eye or match a role they’re looking to fill.

Let’s take a look at an example of acting workshops on a resume:

Workshops & Training Camps

  • Shakespearean Acting Intensive - June 2023 London Theatre Workshop, London, UK Instructor: Dame Judith Harrow
  • Scene Study & Character Development - February 2023 New York Acting Studio, New York, NY Instructor: Michael Lorne

#7. List Your Relevant Skills

Another important section of your actor resume is dedicated to your skills.

Your talent and acting skills are your ticket to impressing directors and casting agents. Your skills as an actor can range from your ability to emote on cue to your knack for accents and dialects.

So, it's essential to highlight the right acting skills on your resume. You don’t need to jot down every single skill you have—just focus on the ones required by the role you’re after.

For example, if you're after a role in a historical drama, your singing skills might not be as crucial as your understanding of the era's language and mannerisms.

Here are some tips to create a standout skills section for your actor resume:

  • Cater to the role. Read the casting call or role description carefully. If it mentions any specific skills, add the ones you have to your actor resume.
  • Research the right skills and practice them. The world of acting is ever-evolving and diverse, and you never know what skills you’ll need for a role. Attend regular acting workshops to keep your acting skills sharp and stay updated on developments in the exact field you’re interested in. (E.g., if you’re looking to get into musical theater, practice your singing and dancing skills more than sword-fighting.)
  • Separate your hard skills from your soft skills. Organize your soft skills (like communication) separately from your hard skills (like dancing or martial arts). This way, it's easier for casting directors to find exactly what they're looking for on your actor resume.

So you know how to list your acting skills.

Now here’s a list of the 65 most in-demand skills for actors to help inspire you!

65 Most In-Demand Acting Skills

17 acting soft skills.

  • Active listening
  • Collaboration
  • Adaptability
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Observational skills
  • Self-discipline
  • Time management
  • Reliability
  • Problem-solving
  • Cultural awareness
  • Memory retention
  • Public speaking
  • Feedback receptivity

48 Acting Hard Skills

  • Stanislavski Method
  • Meisner Technique
  • Lee Strasberg's Method
  • Michael Chekhov Technique
  • Uta Hagen's Technique
  • Diction and pronunciation
  • Voice modulation
  • Breath control
  • Script analysis
  • Sight reading
  • Cold reading
  • Improvisation
  • Physical characterization
  • Vocal projection
  • Accent acquisition
  • Movement techniques
  • Stage fighting
  • Film acting techniques
  • TV acting techniques
  • Theatrical stage presence
  • Singing and vocal training
  • Comedic timing
  • Dramatic interpretation
  • Character development
  • Audition techniques
  • Monologue mastery
  • Classical training
  • Alexander Technique
  • Camera awareness
  • Voice-over technique
  • Motion capture technique
  • Dialect coaching
  • Period-specific training (e.g., Renaissance, Victorian, etc.)
  • Stage makeup application
  • Casting Networks
  • Commercial acting techniques
  • Scene study
  • Vocal warm-up routines
  • Memorization techniques
  • Self-taping and recording
  • Use of props and set elements
  • Ensemble work

You don’t need to be an Oscar enthusiast to know that awards make a difference.

As an actor, your awards show casting directors how endorsed your talents are and what you can bring to the table—applause, recognition, and sales. 

Just to give you an idea, casting directors and audiences alike want some of the most nominated actors .

Whether it’s a prestigious international honor or a local theater award, dedicating a section to these accomplishments in your actor resume helps set you apart from other candidates for the same role.

Here’s what your awards can look like on your resume:

Awards & Honors

  • Best Supporting Actor - 2023 International Film Festival for "Whispers in the Wind"
  • Outstanding Theater Performance - 2021 National Theater Awards for "Midnight's Lullaby"
  • Emerging Talent of the Year - 2019 Global Acting Guild Awards

#9. References

Unlike many fields, where references on your resume are optional and rarely checked, the acting world thrives on trust and reputation.

A director or casting agent might recognize a reference’s name, such as an actor who mentored you or a reviewer who’s written about you.

References on your actor resume don’t have to be limited to the names and contact details of someone you know. You can include links to your past work, testimonials, reviews, and more.

Casting directors or agents will likely recognize the name of your reference or the publication you’re mentioned in, and that can give you instant credibility. 

References from respected industry professionals can also back up your work ethic and reliability, which means no one will have to worry about you being unreliable.

Here’s an example of what references can look like on your actor resume:

  • James Langley Family friend and retired Broadway actor [email protected] (555) 123-4567
  • Theater Performance Review Stellar Performance in 'Moonlit Dreams' by Candice Terry Link:

#10. Consider Adding Optional Sections

If you have any room left on your actor resume, you can fill it up using optional sections.

These sections are like powdering your nose one last time before jumping onto the stage - they aren’t essential, but they can be a nice touch that helps your resume stand out.

Here are some optional sections you can include:

  • Memberships. Being a member of an acting guild or other organization can show dedication to your field, which might sway a hiring manager.
  • Certifications. Any certifications that might be useful for the job are a great addition, such as teaching qualifications if you want to be an acting coach.
  • Languages. Knowing a foreign language can help you land international roles.
  • Hobbies and interests. How you spend your free time can show casting directors that you’re perfect for a certain role. For example, if you play the guitar and you’re auditioning for the role of a rock star, that puts you ahead of actors who can’t.

#11. Create a Matching Cover Letter

When you’re auditioning for a job as an actor, you might wonder— do I even need a cover letter ?

In short, yes. Yes, you do.

Hiring managers don’t just like cover letters; they expect them. So skipping this final step could have consequences.

Writing a cover letter shows that you’re a dedicated candidate and that you truly want this specific role in this specific production.

Here’s an example of a great cover letter for an actor:

cover letter for an actor

Now that you know what a perfect cover letter looks like, it’s time to write your own!

Just follow these cover letter tips , and you’re sure to impress the director:

  • Match your contact information. Your cover letter should have a header with the same contact information as your resume. Add the contact information of the hiring manager or place you’re applying to, and keep an eye out for any typos .
  • Greet the hiring manager. If you can, find out who’s casting and address them by name. Personalizing your application gives a good impression.
  • Open with the highlights. You should always start with a paragraph to pique the hiring manager’s interest. Mention what role you’re writing for and an achievement or qualification that makes you perfect for the role
  • Get into the details. The main part of your cover letter should get into the nitty-gritty details of your career so far and elaborate on anything you think your actor resume didn’t give you enough space for. This is the place where your way with words should convince the hiring manager that you’re perfect for the role.
  • Wrap it up professionally. Always finish your cover letter with a call to action that invites the hiring manager to do something, like arrange an audition or contact you. And don’t forget to use an appropriate closing line before signing off with your name.

cover letter structure

Key Takeaways

And, scene!

That’s everything there is to know about writing your actor resume. Hopefully, now you feel confident about your upcoming audition!

But before you go get that applause, let’s recap what we talked about so far:

  • The reverse-chronological resume format is usually the best choice for any actor's resume since it’s a favorite across industries.
  • Your resume should include an interesting resume summary that can impress any casting director or hiring manager for the job you have your sights set on.
  • Keep your education section brief since your work experience and other achievements carry a lot more weight.
  • Tailor your acting skills according to the role you’re auditioning for. The more relevant your skills and experience are, the better.
  • Some sections that are usually optional, like workshops, awards, and references, carry a lot of weight to an actor’s resume, so always add them if possible.
  • Don’t forget to pair your actor resume with a matching cover letter and increase your odds of impressing the hiring manager.

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Acting Resume

How to make an acting resume.

An actor’s resume, along with an actor’s headshot, is your calling card. It’s there to not only inform casting directors or agents your credits but also your education, acting classes you’ve taken, physical stats and any special skills you might have.

Every resume has four sections: Personal and General Information, Credits, Training and Education and Special Skills. Below, you’ll see examples of what kind of information is needed in each section and the proper way to format it.

And before we start, you might be thinking, “Can I make an acting resume with no experience?” Absolutely! We all started somewhere, right? This acting resume is for actors, both professional and just starting out.


Acting credits.

In this section, you’ll list all of the acting roles and acting experience you’ve had, grouping them by Theater, Film, TV, web series and student films.


Training and education.

Here, you’ll want to list any type of school, colleges classes you’ve taken. Maybe you got an award for a short film or play you were in, add that here. Basically, anything that would have helped in your acting career, let it in this section.


Here’s another example: When I was finishing up my final audition for the film, Gods and Generals, Casting Director Joy Todd and director Ron Maxwell were looking at my resume. They didn’t think I was right for the role I had come in for but they saw that I did an Irish accent and asked if I could read a few lines. I did and got the part.

Download an Acting Resume Template Here

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Acting No Experience Resume Examples and Templates

Acting is a competitive industry, and breaking into acting when you have no experience is tough. You’ll need an acting resume to get started, but it isn’t easy to create an impressive resume when you don’t have any previous roles. Acting resumes shouldn’t contain any non-acting experience, so you may not have much you can use to fill up a page.

Fortunately, you can still land auditions when you have no acting experience. Everyone has to start from nothing. As long as you follow the standard acting resume format, attach a good headshot, and showcase the right skills, you can have your no-experience acting resume ready in no time.

Film Acting Instructor Resume Sample and Template

What is an acting resume?

An acting resume is a little different from a standard resume. In an acting resume, you list your acting credits and education only. You don’t include dates, job descriptions, or any experience unrelated to acting. You can include roles in film, television, theatre, and very little else.

Further, unlike in most resumes, your picture is one of the most important parts of your acting resume.

With most jobs, you would never include a picture with your application. When you are auditioning for acting roles, however, you won’t even be considered without a professional headshot. Casting directors will check your headshot first, then skim your resume to see previous roles and contact information.

Your specific skills and technical knowledge are not as important as your acting credits, your resume is less important than your headshot, and your headshot is less important than the audition. You still need a resume, but when you start auditioning for parts it’s important to make sure you have a professional headshot and real acting chops if you want to land a role.

How to write an acting resume with no experience

It’s difficult to write an acting resume with no experience, but every movie star had no credits when they first started out. As long as you have a great headshot and you follow the right acting resume format, you have a shot at landing your first role.

Here’s how to write an acting resume when you don’t have experience.

  • 1. Find the right resume template

A great resume template can be a huge boost for your acting resume. Acting is a very visual profession, and you need to show that you have good taste, right from the beginning. An simple but eye-catching resume template will show the hiring manager or casting agent that you have personality, before they even meet you.

Traditionally, acting resume templates are basic in design. The more visual aspects will come from your headshot and, if applicable, demo reel.

At VisualCV, a template like Monte or Monaco would work great for acting resumes with no experience. They allow for simple formatting, tasteful white space, and are easy to keep to one page. You can even customize the text with some subtle colour that enhances the design.

These templates also allow you to include a photo, right on the page. While you will have to attach a separate headshot for most auditions, including an additional picture directly on the resume can be a great way to ensure the casting director doesn’t forget your face, even if your resume is mistakenly separated from your headshot. This is also a great way to fill up space on your resume when you don’t have many credits to your name.

One thing to keep in mind when selecting a template is that your acting resume should not be longer than one page. In some cases, you will have to attach your resume to the back of your standard 8 x 10 headshot, so any additional pages will be ignored. Make sure to choose a template that you can easily edit and customize to fit on a single page.

Once you’ve chosen the right acting resume template, you can get started writing your acting resume.

  • 2. Include your personal details

The first thing you need to include in your acting resume is your contact information. The rest of your resume isn’t worth much if your contact information isn’t correct.

Include your name, phone number, email address, and city of residence.

If you have a professional online profile, you may want to include a link to it in your contact information section as well. A professional website, with your picture, credits, and a demo reel, can make you look like a credible working actor.

If you already have an agent or manager, you can include their contact information as well.

Many casting companies also require you to list your personal physical characteristics. List your height, weight, and eye colour on your resume. If you are underage you can also include your age, but exclude this detail if you are over 18.

In the past, it was common to list hair colour as well, but this is no longer necessary in the age of colour photography. The picture you include with your resume should make it clear what your hair looks like. Your full-size headshot should be attached to the back of your acting resume when you submit it for an audition, but you can also include a smaller one directly on the resume as well. This should help to take up space in your no-experience resume, and it helps ensure your face is closely associated with your resume at all times.

When you include a photograph, make sure it’s a professionally taken headshot that suits the requirements laid out in the casting call. Most casting directors have very specific guidelines about their submission process, so it’s important to get everything right. A selfie or a candid picture from your cousin’s wedding aren’t going to be good enough to include on your resume.

In some jurisdictions, you may also have to include your union membership or guild affiliation, like SAG or ACTRA. Add this to your personal details section.

  • 3. Write an intriguing summary

In an acting resume, a Summary is optional. Your headshot and previous roles are generally the only summary a casting director will be looking for. If you have no experience, however, a brief summary can help capture their attention.

As an actor, you should love to be the centre of attention. Whether you’re up on the stage or starring in commercials, you must be able to thrive when there are lots of eyeballs pointed at you. This is a great asset when writing an acting resume with no experience.

In a resume, your Summary section is your elevator pitch to an employer. It’s where you can quickly list some highlights from your skill set and career to showcase what you are capable of. Located near the top of your resume, your Summary section should be attention-grabbing enough that it convinces the casting director to keep reading.

As an actor with no experience, your resume summary should highlight what will make you perfect for the role. This could mean mentioning your performing arts education, participation in acting workshops or seminars, or your experiences on set in a non-acting capacity.

  • 4. Include any previous roles

Generally, a resume section listing your acting experience is a key part of an acting resume. If you have no acting experience, you may not have much to include in this section, but it’s still important to know the right format.

When listing previous experience, you can choose to list your roles in reverse-chronological order, with the most recent first, or in order of importance. Reverse-chronological resumes are more typical, but if you have one particularly impressive role you’d like to highlight, such as a starring role or experience with a well-respected director, you may want to list that one first so it can’t be missed.

When listing credits, you may want to create separate sections for stage productions, commercials, and television/film.

Listing film and television credits

For your film and television section, use three columns to list your roles. List the name of the production in the first column, the type of role you held in the second, and the production company and director in the third column. You don’t need to list the character name.

Film/Production title | Role type | Production company, director

Voice over roles can also be included. Voice acting is still acting.

Of course, if you have no acting experience, you won’t have roles in professional film or television productions. If this is the case, roles in student films and amateur productions are perfectly acceptable. In fact, acting in unpaid student films or online videos are great ways to gain experience.

Scene work from your acting classes and workshops can also be added here when you have no more substantial roles.

Listing theatre credits

For theatre roles, use three columns to list your roles. List the name of the show in the first column, your role in the second, and the names of the theatre company and director in the third. Here you can include school productions, community theatre productions, and broadway shows, as the case may be. Understudy credits are also acceptable here.

None of your theatre roles should include a date.

Show title | Character name | Theatre company/director

Listing commercial credits

If you have acted in commercials, you may want to include these in your resume as well. For commercials, you can list the ad agency in the first column, the role in the second column, and the production company and director in the third. You do not need to list the product that was being advertised, or the date the commercial was made.

What not to include

When you have no experience, you may not have any roles to list. If you have no roles in theatre, television, film, or commercials, don’t include that section in your resume.

You might be tempted to include your non-acting roles in the film or theatre industry in this resume section if you’ve worked as a member of the crew, but this isn’t necessary. While useful show-business experience, this isn’t acting experience. The Credits section of your resume should only include acting experience. If necessary, you could include a Related Experience section that includes some on-set roles, but only if you really have no acting experience to show.

Experience as an extra or background actor should be left off of your resume as well, unless these are your only roles. Acting in the background of a shot, when you have no lines, does not count as “acting” to a casting director.

Acting resume example: Previous roles

Short Films The Two Sams | Supporting | Toronto Fine Arts College, Samuel Smithe

Theatre A Midsummer Night's Dream | Puck | Theatre Acting Workshop, Toronto Fine Arts College Waiting for Godot | Vladimir (understudy) | Acting Workshop, Toronto Fine Arts College

  • 5. Include your acting training and education

If you are writing an acting resume with no experience, your training and education section is one of the most important parts of your resume. Because you don’t have roles or work experience to showcase, your acting education is an important asset.

Your acting education might include an acting degree from a credentialed arts university. If this is the case, list the school, the name of your degree or diploma, and the dates you studied. In the description of your acting degree, you could include specific classes or specializations that you want to draw attention to. You may also want to note awards, related extracurriculars, or some of the school productions you were involved in. If you studied under a well-known acting professor, you may want to note their name as well.

You can also list individual acting classes, workshops, and seminars, as well as any other acting training you may have completed. While you might not have professional acting experience, your experience in acting school can be an important asset.

Scene Study | Sam Sanders | Scarborough Acting Studio Iprov | Singing Shrimp Improv School BFA, Acting | Toronto Fine Arts College, 2021

  • 6. List your special skills

In an acting resume with no experience, your special skills are integral. Even if you don’t have experience, you might be the right person for a role if you have the right skills.

For an actor, special skills refers to performing abilities, like accents, language proficiency, dialects, musical ability, dancing, or level of fitness. You might not have acting experience, but the ability to speak another language, do a backflip, or sing classic broadway songs might be an asset for the specific role.

When listing your special skills, make sure they are all things you can do right on the spot. Don’t say you can imitate a Boston accent or do a handstand if you won’t be able to do it on demand, in the middle of an audition. Your special skills can be what get you a role, and failing to back up your claims can be what gets you rejected.

Special Skills

  • Fluent in French
  • Costume construction and cosplay
  • 7. Consider optional sections

Once you’ve included all of the mandatory sections in your acting resume, you can consider some additional sections to fill out the page.

Experienced actors might include an Awards section, if they have received any accolades or recognition for their acting work. Even if you have no experience, you might have some awards from your acting school, student film festivals, or community theatre participation that you can include in this section.

You may also want to include a References section. This is rare, and most experienced actors will not include references, but if you have no experience and you still have space to fill on your one-page resume, including a short list of references is acceptable.

  • 8. Attach your headshot

While all of the above is important, at the end of the day, you aren’t going to be cast if you aren’t right for the part, and casting directors won’t know if you’re right for the part if you don’t have a headshot. Make sure you have a professionally taken headshot that clearly shows your face. Traditionally, headshots are 8x10 inches, and stapled to the back of your resume in the top two corners. This makes it easy for casting directors to reference after you have auditioned.

In many ways, the headshot is actually more important than the resume. Casting directors are usually hunting for someone in the right demographic with the right look, so if you don’t fit the description, they won’t even read your resume.

If you have a demo reel, you may want to include this with your resume as well. Filmed evidence of your acting skills are a major asset, and is likely more impressive than your resume.

  • 9. Customize your resume

It’s important to customize your resume for every application. In an acting resume, this means making sure the right credits and skills are emphasized.

If you are hoping to land a role in a comedy, make sure you mention your improv classes or stand-up comedy skills in your resume. If you are auditioning for a serious indie drama, mention your acting classes with a well-known drama teacher.

If you can highlight the skills and experience that are most relevant to the role, the casting director will be more likely to give you a chance.

Acting no experience resume example

Acting Resume No Experience Example

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How To Make An Acting Resume With No Experience – Full Guide

An Acting Resume free resume template download

Table of Contents

What is an actor’s resume.

An acting resume is a document that you make use of when applying for a Job in the Movie, Television, Networks, Stage, and commercials as an actor. The structure of your acting resume can make casting directors and producers turn to your direction. So, you must do your best in making your acting resume Professional.

In creating your acting resume without experience as a beginner, there is no other short cut than to be experienced even if its a little bit, just so you are able to write your resume.

The below subjects are covered in this article
What To Put On A Beginner's Acting Resume?
How To Format An Acting Resume?
Important Tips For Building Your Acting Resume
Download Free Acting Resume With No Experience Template

What To Put On A Beginner’s Acting Resume?

Follow this guide thoroughly and you’ll be sure to make the most suitable resume for you, so 13 entities you have to put on a beginner’s acting resume ;

Union affiliations and Agency: Input the union affiliations or talent agency where you belong, if there’s none, move to the next. Don’t write “none” or “nill”, as that could make casting directors see you as an amateur.

Experience: Put down your experiences in the acting profession no matter how little. Here you can bring in your high school stage-acting , experiences in drama clubs, community theatres , acting classes , workshops , and even personal auditions. No acting experience should be overlooked, every time you had to play a role is a part of your experience. If you don’t have any experience you might want to have a rethink, how are you sure acting is what you want to do?. Don’t try to put down things that didn’t happen; you’ll definitely be caught.

Acting Brand: Putting Down your acting brand makes casting directors and Producers take you seriously. No, it doesn’t make you look desperate; rather, it makes you Professional.

Special Skills: This can be anything, Just to let your employers know your uniqueness. Your special skill can be putting a biro on your nose, playing musical instruments like the keyboard, guitar, saxophone, etc.

How To Format An Acting Resume?

Your actor’s resume must be in the right format. A poorly formatted resume shows that you are unserious about your career. I’ll show you the right pattern of formatting your actor’s resume.

Important Tips For Building Your Acting Resume

Download free acting resume with no experience template.

Free acting resume for potential career actors who Just finished from an acting degree or with no experience. Use this acting resume Template and Samples to create and Format your acting resume that will get you a Job.

After your resume is ready, your Talent manager should have a copy; you should never leave your house without a copy attached to your headshot, you never know who you’ll meet right there. You should always be ready at all times, just in case you receive a call for an audition or even a film shoot.

As you grow in your acting career, you may begin to have more than one acting resume with different formats to fit into the role the Producer wants. For instance, you are auditioning for a role in a TV show or film; you need your on-camera credits on top and your stage performance below, the most important credits for the auditions should always come first.

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How to Create Your Acting Resume

Last Updated: May 25, 2024 Approved

This article was co-authored by Patricia Chukerman and by wikiHow staff writer, Dan Hickey . Patricia Chukerman is an Image Consultant & Marketing Specialist and the Owner of Paperworks Image Consulting and Stoned on Rocks. With more than 36 years of experience, she specializes in helping companies decide how to market themselves. In addition to her work with businesses, she also has more than four years of acting experience and more than five years of crafting experience. Patricia earned her BA from The University of Illinois Chicago. Patricia is also the President of the Dania Beach Chamber of Commerce and the President of the Hollywood Florida Scholarship Foundation. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article received 16 testimonials and 100% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 430,935 times.

An acting resume is a snapshot of who you are and the acting experience you have—but what should you include, especially if you’re just starting out? Whether you’re a beginner actor with no experience or a seasoned thespian, a professional-looking resume that showcases your skills and talents can help you land your dream role. We’ve put together a guide with all the information you need to include and how to format it for success. If you’re ready to go out there and break a leg, read on!

What to Include on Your Acting Resume

Step 1 Include your name and contact information at the top of your resume.

  • Unions you might list include SAG-AFTRA or Equity/AEA.
  • List your union after your name ( John Smith, SAG-AFTRA) or on a separate line ( Union: SAG-AFTRA).

Step 3 Describe your basic physical attributes.

  • If you’re auditioning for a singing role, include your voice type (soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, or bass) and your vocal range if you know your lowest and highest notes (for example, C3–A4).
  • Do not list your age or date of birth unless you’re under 18 years old. Keeping your age vague increases the number of roles you could be a good fit for.
  • List your traits with the attribute bolded ( Height: 5’11” Voice Type: Tenor) in one line beneath your contact information.

Step 4 Include the most notable roles you’ve played.

  • Leave out the dates of your roles to avoid exposing your age.
  • Don’t include modeling or extra work—stick with relevant acting experience.

Step 5 List your role experience in a 3-column layout.

  • Only list the director if they’re very well-known (you can put their name alongside the company’s name or in place of the location if you’re short on space).
  • Types of roles in TV credits are series regular, recurring, guest star, or co-star.
  • Types of roles in film credits are lead, supporting, principal, or featured.

Step 6 Mention your acting education and training.

  • For example: “BFA, Acting — New York University — New York City, NY”
  • Mention any specialized training or certifications related to acting, like stunt coordination or choreography, and any well-known teachers or coaches you’ve studied with.
  • Your graduation dates are optional. To keep your age vague, leave them out.
  • List any training in acting-related fields like music (especially singing), dance, improv, or stunts.

Step 7 Highlight special skills that make you stand out from other applicants.

  • For example: “ Special Skills: aerial acrobatics, singing (classical and pop), dance (tap and contemporary), guitar, piano, French accent, German accent, juggling.”
  • Some more special skills casting agents might look for are crying on cue, voiceover acting, improvisation, stage combat or weapons handling experience, clowning, or miming.
  • The more unique or specialized your skill sets are, the more you’ll stand out. For example, instead of “dance,” you could put “ballet and samba.”

Step 8 Add any awards or accolades you’ve received for your acting.

  • Save your resume in an easy-to-access location on your computer for fast editing and updating. If you’re submitting electronically, save it as a PDF file so it’s readable on any device.

Acting Resume Format and Presentation

Step 1 Arrange your resume so it fits on one 8x10 inch (20x25 cm) page.

  • Stick with a clean, professional font like Times New Roman or Arial.
  • Stick with one font color (black).
  • Make your resume stand out by keeping it super clean and readable. Bold your headers and leave plenty of white space on the page so it’s easy to skim quickly.

Step 2 Include a good headshot with your resume.

  • Wear a simple, solid-colored shirt. Dark colors photograph better than light colors, and white should be avoided.
  • Wear your hair in a simple, everyday style and keep your makeup to a minimum (the photographer can make touch ups during editing if necessary).
  • Pose in a natural position. Your shot shouldn’t include your hands or any props.
  • Remember, casting agents want to see the natural you. Wild clothing, makeup, hair, or poses will distract them (and hurt your chances of getting the role).

Step 3 Staple your resume to the back of your headshot.

  • Stapling ensures your resume and headshot don’t get separated. Avoid using paper clips or tape.
  • Don’t print your resume on the back of your headshot. It’s costly and inconvenient to print large photos every time you update your resume.

Expert Q&A

Patricia Chukerman

  • Always be honest on your resume. Lies or fabrications will come out when you’re asked to demonstrate a special skill or if a hiring agent tries to speak with a director you listed but haven’t actually worked with. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Only list directors, teachers, or co-stars you’ve worked with if they’re very well-known or relevant to the role you want. Saving space is important, and too many names can make your resume look crowded and hard to skim. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Update your resume as you gain experience. When you’re first starting out, it might only contain college or community theater roles. As you grow into a professional, replace amateur productions with more high-profile or reputable ones. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

how to build an acting resume with no experience

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how to build an acting resume with no experience

How to Write an Acting Resume With No Experience

Acting resume tips

An ideal acting resume template starts with ordinary things. You tell some good stuff about yourself pointing at your uniqueness and abilities to do something different. Then you slightly go to the experience of performing or film acting and add a set of skills that might be very helpful.

However, most actors underestimate the resume value. They don’t think about it as about calling cards, which makes an audition or completely fails a try.

How not become overwhelmed while processing the information? How to focus on important details to be interesting and smart on paper?

Here are a few useful tricks from our actor resume writing service experts to make your next performance a big break in your career!

Acting Resume for Beginners: Proven Advice

First, never make it big. Can you imagine directors reading huge stories about all candidates? 1 sheet of paper is enough to make an acting resume – no experience doesn’t mean the absence of parts.

Besides, good people may have a few courses behind. Even if they haven’t embraced themselves as actors, allows them to play unbelievably great.

How to Make an Acting Resume Format Better?

  • Stick to the standard fonts, like Times New Roman or Arial, crazy fonts sound so unprofessional in the last 10 years;
  • Use an idea of differently colored headings (like TV, Theater, Skills, etc.), but remember to leave a lot of white space, so the document remains easy to read.

acting resume template

Ways to stand out in the acting resume with no experience are a demo reel, YouTube channel, etc. In other words show them any projects you’ve been holding on your own, like a blog or Instagram page. In that way, the agency you’re applying with will be able to reference you on something and make a resume just great for a position.

About height and weight – it’s okay to feel uncomfortable about that. Some actors recommend using a “Statistics Box” right after your contacts to focus a reader on your physical proportions.

You also can write a jacket size, by the way, to skip a part with numbers. Pick up an acting resume sample online to organize it as you like.

People struggling with how to write an acting resume don’t often give a shot to the other personal features, like hair and eye color or voice range if you’re able to sing.

The purpose of resumes in such a dynamic workspace is to be exactly the prototype casting directors are looking for. Don’t feel embarrassed to put these basic physical details making it easier for everyone.

Talking about a film acting resume, there’s a high demand for people who can do various things. Look at a list of 10 top skills that make you a better actor:

  • Doing dialects – you’ll be of utmost importance with this one. British, Brooklyn, or some of the European countries – there’s so much stuff to learn about and get the dream role. However, use only a definite accent for the role, don’t just make another list of one point;
  • Sports – start from a basic level of fitness. You may be required to work physically, and lose or gain weight in the short term, so show control over your body and don’t forget to list any gymnastics, circus techniques, or aerobics, you’ve done before;
  • Music-related – dancing, singing, and playing instruments are always among acting resume special skills. You can point it out in the Introduction Letter;
  • Combat training – well, don’t underrate it. Anything related to or describing stage combat (daggers, fencing, and swords), martial arts, or having general weapons experience is very helpful;
  • Improvisation – clearly, the best expertise, which is hard to get by the way. Whenever you decide to list an “improve” skill, treat it very seriously and prove it with some additional courses, if you can;
  • Horseback riding – for the last time, don’t hesitate to write, even if there are no such scenes in a movie or theater performance. With a good agency, special skills for acting resume are highly appreciated, and you’ll get the appropriate audition first;
  • Stunts – we haven’t forgotten about sky diving, cycling spills, mountain biking, etc. Save time for a stuntman, the acting thing is about everything you can do now and you’re capable to learn fast;
  • Driving – how many in-car scenes have you seen? How many actors used to drive on set? It’s no big deal, but can make you look professional;
  • Comedians – a lot of casting directors confess it gives the candidate a different shade;
  • Just something “unique” – these are the actual words of a casting director. Think deeper about a role. Maybe you’ve done something related, maybe you got a job that is non-acting and still helpful to understand your character.

Think carefully about your expertise and never lie. Use some additional skills to describe your personality . True professionals will find out.

Also, it’s great to have someone sign the Letter of Recommendation for you, to justify any of the skills or training you got and mention a few words regarding your personality.

There’s a detail left for a professional acting resume – the projects you’ve been working with. There are 4 main sections to pay attention to:

  • Television;
  • Commercials;

Here’s an acting resume example of listing filming expertise:

Name of the Film → Production Company or Director (or both, it’s even better!) → Role (lead, supporting, etc.) or Name of the Character

acting resume example

You may use the same scheme regards television or theater projects with one exception –be shy about telling about a school theater. It’s also an important experience to share.

Commercials are different. They’re not always necessary. So, just add “available upon request”.

So, take time to work on resume formatting and make it as good as you’re on stage. Don’t ever lose a chance to show your talent and get maybe the next big breakthrough in your whole career. Be respectful to casting directors and eager to get an audition.

how to build an acting resume with no experience

how to build an acting resume with no experience

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Acting Resumes: How to Write a Resume for Acting

Author: Ari Eisner

Expert Sources: Wendy Braun

Last updated: Apr 27, 2023

Reads: 10,275

Ari Eisner is a Los Angeles-based filmmaker and content creator, professionally active in the entertainment industry for over 20 years. He’s worked as a Writer, Director, Producer, Narrative Designer and Creative Director across a range of mediums. FULL BIO

Table of Contents

  • Introduction

Keep It Black and White

Use three columns, ensure there’s an ample amount of white space on the page, keep it to one page, include your personal information, list your relevant experience, build in your education and training, list your special skills, incorporate your awards and accolades, acting resume examples.

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People also ask

How do I write a resume for acting?

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While acting can often seem like one of the more glamorous aspects of filmmaking, the truth is, it’s first and foremost a job.

All jobs require interview and vetting processes and a resume can play an instrumental part in introducing you to the right people and eventually landing some work.

Components of an Acting Resume

Like any standout CV, an acting resume should competently describe your acting experience and skill set (as it’s relevant to acting).

You only get one opportunity to make a first impression and a resume is your big shot at an introduction to a potential employer. Whether it’s an agent , casting director , studio executive , producer or director reading over your work and experience history, it’s important to make this one count.

So let’s break down the components of the CV to drill down on some of the basic ideas you’ll want to include in your acting resume…

What do you put on a beginner acting resume?

It may seem challenging to create an impressive resume when you’re just starting out in the industry, but it can be done. In lieu of prior acting experience, focus on your education and skills that are relevant to your acting work.

And if you have minor roles outside of background work, include it!

Choose A Template

Before you dive into your background and relevant experiences and skills, you’ll want to select an acting resume template (a number of which can be found here ). While there are several templates to choose from, what’s crucial here is ensuring that the information you want to convey comes across cleanly and clearly.

Resumes aren’t the time to be cute and clever. This is where you need to deliver your essential information as quickly and lucidly as possible to your reader. Don’t waste time on fancy wording or unnecessary descriptions. Like being on stage, you want to grab your audience’s attention as quickly as possible. So choose a format that suits you, but also be sure that all the information you’d like to express is lucid. professional, and clearly presented.

Always use basic fonts that are readable and clear. Even though there are so many varied fonts to choose from, this is a situation where simpler is always going to work out better. Keep your letters plain and readable. The last thing you want is someone squinting at your words, trying to decipher what they are.

We understand that color can be tempting and potentially eye-catching, but it also screams amateurishness. Professionalism is essential when it comes to building a resume, so avoid the temptation to be flamboyant and flashy on your resume. Black letters on a white background are the easiest to read and the fastest way to reach your reader.

This means using three columns to organize and display your information (this should be evidenced in several of the resume templates linked above). Typically these columns are divided into: (1) name of the production, (2) the role you played in the show, (3) where the work was showcased (whether that’s a film studio, TV network or streamer, or playhouse).

This one sounds a little strange. But it’s true. Ideally, you want your black on white words to pop off the page and catch your reader’s eye. The most effective way to do this is make sure the black letters have enough white space around them to really grab your reader.

This is another one that gives some people pause. But the truth is, agents, casting directors, executives, producers and directors don’t have the time to go through every resume with a fine tooth comb. Even if you have experience that brings you to two (or even three!) pages, be judicious and make sure your resume keeps your most impressive and note-worthy work and experiences all on a single page.

Your personal information includes your name, contact information (phone number and/or email address), and any union affiliations you may have (if you don’t have any union affiliations such as SAG or AFTRA, don’t worry about it; everyone started somewhere without any union memberships. You’ll get there.).

Personal information also includes your overall look and physical features. In this section, you’ll list your height, weight, eye color, hair color, body type and any other physical characteristic that may stand out and make you a unique candidate for roles.

Your agent and manager’s contact information (if you have them) should also be included in this section. Confer with your representatives to see if you should offer contacts for both yourself and them, as oftentimes agents and managers would prefer all potential work correspondence to always go through them before it reaches their clients (read: you).

This is the nuts and bolts of your resume. It’s where you list the work you’ve done and are given a chance to shine by not only displaying the production you performed in, but also potentially offering up a recognizable title. And speaking of recognizable titles, it’s best to put your most potentially known work at the top. Let the first thing the reader sees be something that grabs them immediately.

In this section, everything that you’ve done as far as training and educating yourself counts. Whether it’s a four-year college degree or a six-week workshop or a one-day seminar, include it all. You want to showcase the discipline and schooling you’ve worked through in order to better yourself as an actor . And as a side note, the more diverse the schooling and training, the better. A broader range an actor can perform in, the more you increase your chances of landing diverse work.

What makes an Actor successful depends on the person. Tom Cruise is a wildly different kind of Actor than Robert DeNiro, and both of them are vastly unlike Tom Hanks. Yet they all have enjoyed hugely successful acting careers.

But between them all, there is a desire to realize the character they are playing to the fullest degree. As they say, each Actor “commits” to the role. There must also be a vulnerability to show emotion or embody a character who may not be entirely likeable. Most of all, there must be a passion to be part of this industry that often entails far many more lows than highs.

Each Actor has their own strengths. Lean into what yours are to make your talent and proficiency distinct from others. Most of all, commit not only to each role you take on, but also to your career as a whole so that you can successfully navigate this sometimes enigmatic profession.

You know you’ve got them. Now you just need to share them with the world. Whatever unique skills or abilities you can showcase on your resume, this is the section to do so.

Do you speak multiple languages? Can you perform in different accents? Are you a dancer? An acrobat? An athlete (if so, tell us the specific sport)? A martial artist? Do you sing (if you do, indicate your range, e.g. High D or Tenor)?

Listing out the abilities, talents and experience that makes you unique, allows this portion of your resume to be the ideal place in helping you stand out in a crowd. And considering the high level of competition in the Industry (specifically acting), you’ll want to take every opportunity you can to showcase any of your noteworthy and special skills.

Here’s the space to toot your horn and talk about your acting-related accomplishments and victories. Mention the name of the competition, the year you participated, and your specific placement within it.

Resumes should always be kept on hand and up to date. By “on hand” we’re talking hard copies. You never know when you’ll have an opportunity to pitch yourself to a potential employer. So keep copies around and easily accessible.

Because you’ll ideally be constantly updating your headshot, it’s a good idea to print your resume on a separate piece of paper (as opposed to printing it directly on the back of your headshot). This way, you can easily affix the updated version of your resume to your headshot. Otherwise, you’ll have to reprint everything with each new job you get! Don’t use glue or paperclips to attach your resume to your headshot; glue can get messy and paperclips tend to snag and catch on things they’re not supposed to.

What does a good acting resume look like?

A good acting resume is easy to read, and updated as often as you are working or training.

Credits should be listed by genre.  You’ll want to separate each genre: Television, Film, Theater, Education, Training. Special Skills, etc. If you’re just starting out, and don’t have any television or film credits yet, then adding any recent theater roles you played is a good place to start.

List experience with most recent credits at the top of each section.  Every time you get a new credit, add the name of the project, the type of role you played (For Theater – Lead or Supporting, For TV – Guest Star, Co-Star, etc), and the network/Director’s name (3 separate columns) to your resume.

For example: Grey’s Anatomy             Guest Star            ABC / Dir. Chandra Wilson

Include your education and training. . It doesn’t matter what age you are starting out as an Actor, training is essential and something to always highlight on your resume. List the name of any schools you’ve attended, what special acting classes you’ve taken (scene study, improv, etc), and if you did any specialized training (stage combat, etc).

Don’t forget your unique skills. After you list your education and training, highlight the unique skill sets that set you apart from other Actors. Make sure you can perform any of these skills at a pro-level, as you will be competing against other Actors in whatever special skills you mention here.

Highlight any awards or accolades.  If you did an independent film and won “Best Actress at Palm Spring International Film Festival,” put an asterisk “*” at the end of the credit, and denote the award at the bottom of the Film section.

Ask your reps for an example. If you already have representation, be sure to ask them for a sample of a great resume for you to model.

Prepare like a pro. If you don’t have representation, be sure to do your homework and research templates for layout and best formatting practices, before submitting to Agents or Managers.

Here’s an important one, but it’s something that should be included in this discussion and that’s to remember to always tell the truth on your resume (you’d be surprised how often this rule gets ignored).

Aside from the obvious issue of being immoral, getting caught in a lie on your resume (whether it be for a job you got, an award you won, or even an education you may have received) will more than likely destroy any shot you’d have at the gig, and further, could seriously affect your reputation.

Believe it or not, the fast answer here is no. You don’t necessarily need a resume for an acting audition because oftentimes your representatives will be speaking with casting directors to secure you auditions and work, but having a resume couldn’t hurt either.

It’s a great way to give someone looking to make a hire a quick snapshot into you and your work history and Industry experience.

Acting experience on a resume should date back a maximum of ten years. That includes work in theater, television and film. Any further than that, and things will start to feel dated.

A lot of people wonder if they should include their work as an extra on their acting resume. While extra work can give you some terrific stories to tell and put you in the same space as some renowned actors, directors and producers, it’s generally best to leave this off your resume. Extra work isn’t viewed the same way as a featured performance and listing it on your resume could potentially devalue the way you’re perceived.

Here are a couple of acting resumes we really like. Notice how they’re neatly organized, with separate sections for different types of credits, education, and special skills. You’ll also notice that these resumes include different info sections and have different formats. That’s great! You’re not a cookie-cutter Actor, and your resume shouldn’t be, either.

Courtesy of Sarah Halford.

Courtesy of Matthew Gerrish.

No, background work shouldn’t go on a professional acting resume.  It’s better to list great training and theater than a long list of Extra work. Doing background work can give a new Actor great behind-the-scenes experience on how things work on a set, so do it to gain a bit of knowledge, but not as a long-term game plan.

When I was first starting out, I made sure I was studying with great Acting Teachers, as well as taking improvisation classes and even stand-up comedy, too. Then I submitted myself for all kinds of work and started booking theatre, independent films, student films, and commercials.

Put in the work to train and know the craft.  Trying to get acting credits without first studying the craft is not going to fuel your career in the long run. To start auditioning, research the casting sites in your market that put out listings for independent films, student projects, commercials, theater, or whatever genre you want to work in.

Don’t get discouraged by rejection. You may have to send a lot of self-tapes before you get cast. Pursuing an acting career is a marathon, not a sprint. Stay at it, don’t let the setbacks derail you or defeat you, and be sure to learn from working pros who serve to empower you.

Want more insights from a working pro? Learn The 5 Secrets To Becoming A Successful Working Actor: Enjoy A Free Masterclass With Wendy Braun:

What should be on an acting resume?

An acting resume should reflect your capabilities to someone before you walk in for an audition. It should include your educational background if relevant to your acting work, as well as the most substantial roles you have performed.

Basics, such as your height, weight, eye color, and hair color should also be included on an acting resume. Also add any skills such as knowing other languages or specific physical abilities like sword-fighting on an acting resume.

Acting resumes aren’t necessarily required to secure auditions and work, but they are invaluable in terms of providing potential employers with a quick summary of your look, your abilities, and your work. Before you have agent or manager representation, resumes are the best way to get your experience across to someone looking to cast a role.

Wendy Braun

Accomplished Actress Wendy Braun is currently shooting her 4th season of Netflix’s Atypical . She’s also appeared recently on hit shows including Grey’s Anatomy, It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Documentary Now, Liza On Demand , and Criminal Minds .

With over 80 TV + Film credits, over 100 commercials + thousands of voiceovers, Wendy has combined decades of invaluable on-set experience with her passion for empowering other creatives.

She’s the CEO + founder of, where her transformational tools + powerful teachings have helped thousands of actors overcome obstacles + create breakthrough success. Download Wendy’s Free Self-Tape Success Checklist and be ready to go for your next audition:

Enjoy this article? Connect with Wendy on Instagram at @actorinspirit

Photo credit: Jeff Nicholson

  • 1 Ates, Alex. "Everything You Need To Know About Actors’ Unions" . Backstage. published: 2 March 2020. retrieved on: 30 April 2021
  • 2 Anandan, Rajesh. "You’ve Only Got 6 Seconds to Pitch, Are You Ready?" . Medium. published: 8 January 2020. retrieved on: 30 April 2021
  • 3 Daily Actor. "How To Make An Acting Resume" . Daily Actor. published: 2021. retrieved on: 30 April 2021
  • 4 Philips, Carmichael. "Never Do This on Your Acting Résumé!" . Acting Magazine. published: 11 July 2019. retrieved on: 30 April 2021
  • 5 McQuerrey, Lisa. "How to Make an Acting Resume With No Experience" . Chron. published: 1 July 2018. retrieved on: 30 April 2021
  • 6 Indeed Editorial Team. "How to Make an Actor Resume (With Template and Example)" . Indeed Career Guide. published: 9 April 2021. retrieved on: 30 April 2021

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    Acting No Experience Resume Examples and Templates Acting is a competitive industry, and breaking into acting when you have no experience is tough. You'll need an acting resume to get started, but it isn't easy to create an impressive resume when you don't have any previous roles.

  14. How To Make An Acting Resume With No Experience

    What Is An Actor's Resume? An acting resume is a document that you make use of when applying for a Job in the Movie, Television, Networks, Stage, and commercials as an actor. The structure of your acting resume can make casting directors and producers turn to your direction. So, you must do your best in making your acting resume Professional.

  15. Acting Resume Template & Examples for 2024

    Make a great resume for acting and get more callbacks by using our writing tips and acting resume templates.

  16. How to Create Your Acting Resume: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

    An acting resume is a snapshot of who you are and the acting experience you have—but what should you include, especially if you're just starting out? Whether you're a beginner actor with no experience or a seasoned thespian, a professional-looking resume that showcases your skills and talents can help you land your dream role.

  17. How to Write an Acting Resume in 2023 [w/ Examples & Tips]

    This complete guide with detailed explanations and expert tips will teach you how to write an acting resume in record time!

  18. How to Write an Acting Resume With No Experience

    An ideal acting resume template starts with ordinary things. You tell some good stuff about yourself pointing at your uniqueness and abilities to do something different. Then you slightly go to the experience of performing or film acting and add a set of skills that might be very helpful.

  19. Acting Resume Template + Examples for 2024

    An acting resume example better than 9 out of 10 other resumes. Acting resume template with exact formatting guidelines. How to make an acting resume that will land you more auditions. Tips and examples of how to pick special skills for your acting resume. How to describe your experience on a resume for an actor to get any role you want.

  20. Acting Resumes for Beginners with No Experience

    If you need a resume, but you don't have any acting credits to put on it, what do you do? In this video I'll talk about some things you can list on your resu...

  21. Learn How to Make an Acting Resume With No Experience

    Learning how to make an acting resume with no experience may help you start a career in the entertainment industry. You may create a document that focuses on your skills and education, along with your professional goals that you hope to achieve in acting.

  22. Acting Resumes That Get You Work: A How to Guide for Actors

    Whether you're an early career Actor or have no experience, you can create an acting resume that'll help you land work. Here's how to do it.

  23. How to Make an Acting Resume w/ NO EXPERIENCE!

    Wanna know how to make an acting resume with no experience? In this video you'll get a set by step tutorial on how to create a beautiful, professional lookin...