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How to Say Math Problems in Spanish: A Comprehensive Guide

Mathematics is a universal language that transcends borders, making it essential to be able to discuss math problems in different languages. If you’re here, you’re likely looking for ways to express math problems in Spanish. In this guide, we will provide you with formal and informal ways to talk about math problems, along with some essential tips and examples to help you master mathematical discussions in Spanish. Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents

Formal Ways to Say Math Problems in Spanish

When it comes to discussing math problems in formal settings, such as academic or professional environments, it is important to use the appropriate terminology. Here are some phrases you can use:

1. Los problemas matemáticos – The math problems Example: Necesito ayuda con los problemas matemáticos de mi tarea.
2. Los ejercicios de matemáticas – The math exercises Example: Los ejercicios de matemáticas en este libro son bastante desafiantes.
3. Resolver una ecuación – Solve an equation Example: Pude resolver la ecuación utilizando el método de sustitución.
4. Simplificar una expresión – Simplify an expression Example: Tenemos que aprender a simplificar expresiones en esta sección.
5. Calcular el resultado – Calculate the result Example: Usaremos la fórmula para calcular el resultado final del problema.

Informal Ways to Say Math Problems in Spanish

When discussing math problems in informal contexts, such as with friends or in casual conversations, you can use more relaxed and colloquial expressions. Here are some examples:

1. Las cuentas – The calculations Example: No puedo ayudarte ahora, estoy terminando las cuentas de mi tarea.
2. El problema de matemáticas – The math problem Example: ¿Ya resolviste el problema de matemáticas del ejercicio tres?
3. Echar números – Crunching numbers Example: Vamos a echar números para encontrar la solución más rápida.
4. Hacer cálculos – Do calculations Example: Necesitaré una calculadora para hacer los cálculos finales.
5. Resolver una cuenta – Solve a calculation Example: No puedo resolver esa cuenta mentalmente, necesito papel y lápiz.

Essential Tips

While knowing the specific vocabulary for math problems in Spanish is important, there are also some general tips you should keep in mind:

1. Practice Mental Math

Mental math can be incredibly useful when discussing math problems in any language. Practicing mental math regularly helps improve your speed and accuracy in solving problems, allowing you to participate in math discussions more confidently.

2. Use Visual Aids

Mathematical concepts can sometimes be complex, so using visual aids like charts, graphs, or diagrams can greatly enhance your ability to communicate effectively. Visual representations can bridge language barriers, making it easier for others to understand your explanations.

3. Review Key Formulas and Equations

Being familiar with common mathematical formulas and equations is crucial. Review and memorize important formulas relevant to your level of study. This will enable you to express calculations more accurately and precisely in Spanish.

4. Seek Conversation Partners

Find opportunities to practice discussing math problems in Spanish. Engaging in conversations with native Spanish speakers or fellow learners will help you improve your fluency and gain confidence in expressing complex mathematical concepts.

Being able to discuss math problems in Spanish opens up a world of opportunities for collaboration and learning. Whether you need to express math problems formally or casually, the key is to practice regularly and familiarize yourself with the specific vocabulary. Use the phrases and examples provided in this guide to enhance your math discussions in Spanish.

Remember, learning a new language takes time, so be patient with yourself. With dedication and practice, you’ll soon find yourself comfortably solving math problems and engaging in mathematical conversations in Spanish.

Related Guides:

  • How to Say Math Word Problems in Spanish
  • How to Say Breathing Problems in Spanish: A Comprehensive Guide
  • How to Say “No Problems” in Spanish: A Comprehensive Guide
  • How to Say Problems in Spanish: A Comprehensive Guide
  • Guide: How to Say Word Problems in Spanish
  • Guide: How to Say Mental Problems
  • How to Say Problems Professionally: A Comprehensive Guide
  • Guide: How to Say You Have Personal Problems

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Maurice Luis


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Math in Spanish: All the Spanish math terms you need


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Mathematics is a universal language that goes beyond any linguistic or cultural barrier. However, if you are planning to visit, study, or work in a Spanish-speaking country, knowing some Spanish math vocabulary will be of great help to you.

In this article, we will explore some of the most common and key math terms in Spanish. We’ll cover the basic Spanish math terms, and we’ll also go through algebra terms, geometry terms, and finish up with other vocab related to math in Spanish.

So if you’re ready to become a Spanish math whiz, buckle up and let’s dive in!

Basic math terms in Spanish

When talking about the discipline of Mathematics , Spanish speakers use Matemática or Matemáticas . You can use either the plural form matemáticas  or the singular form matemática ; both are correct.

  • Juan loves math . – A Juan le encantan las matemáticas .
  • When I was in school, math  was not my strong suit. – Cuando iba a la escuela, la matemática  no era mi fuerte.

Let’s start with some basic math terms in Spanish.

Number El número
Even number El número par
Odd number El número impar
Prime number El número primo
Ordinal number El número ordinal
Pi (3.14159…) El número Pi
Decimal number El número decimal
The point La coma
Operations Las operaciones
The solution La solución
Geometry La geometría
Arithmetics La aritmética
Algebra El álgebra
Calculus El cálculo
Greater than Mayor que
Less than Menor que
To count Contar
To measure Medir
  • Ordinal numbers are used to indicate the position of order of something. – Los números ordinales  se utilizan para indicar la posición y el orden de algo.
  • A prime number  is a natural number greater than  1 that is only divisible by 1 and itself. – Un número primo  es un número natural mayor que 1 que solo es divisible por 1 o por sí mismo.

Math symbols in Spanish

When talking about math operations, here’s our list of Spanish math symbols.

+ plus + más
– minus – menos
x  times x por
÷ divided by ÷ dividido entre
% percent % por ciento
√ square root √ la raíz cuadrada
X   X squared X   X al cuadrado
= equal = igual
≠ unequal ≠ desigual
( ) parenthesis ( ) los paréntesis
{ } brackets { } las llaves
/ fraction slash / la barra de fracciones
< less than < menor que
> greater than > mayor que
≤ less than or equal to ≤ menor o igual a
≥ greater than or equal to ≥ mayor o igual a
° degrees ° los grados

Now that we’ve gone through some math terms in Spanish, let’s see them in action! Note that rather than saying “equals” in Spanish, we can just say “is” using the verb ser conjugated : es . In case you need a refresher, we’ll also recommend our fundamental post on numbers in Spanish .

  • 2+2=4 – Dos más dos es cuatro.
  • 5-2=3 – Cinco menos tres es igual a tres.
  • 4×5=20 – Cuatro por cinco es igual a veinte.
  • √9=3 – La raíz cuadrada de nueve es tres.

Algebra terms in Spanish

Now we get more specific, as we dive into the world of algebraic terms in Spanish!

Addition La suma
Subtraction La resta
Multiplication La multiplicación
Division La división
Percentage La porcentaje
Equation El ecuación
Monomial El monomio
Binomial El binomio
Polynomial El polinomio
Trinomial El trinomio
Factoring La factorización
Terms Los términos
Variable La variable
Constant La constante
Exponent La exponente
Functions Las funciones
Cosine El coseno
Sine El seno
Logarithm El logaritmo
Sequences Las secuencias
Series Las series
Binary Binario
Graph El gráfico
Matrix La matriz
Vector El vector

To illustrate, let’s see an example that mentions several of these Spanish algebra terms:

  • A polynomial  is a mathematical expression that consists of variables , constants , exponents , and mathematical operations such as addition , subtraction , and multiplication . – Un polinomio  es una expresión matemática que consta de variables , constantes , exponentes  y operaciones matemáticas como suma , resta , multiplicación .

Geometry terms in Spanish

The following list will be helpful in dealing with geometry in Spanish.

Geometric shapes Las figuras geométricas
Square El cuadrado
Rectancle El rectángulo
Circle El círculo
Triangle El triángulo
Diamond El rombo
Trapezoid El trapecio
Pentagon El pentágono
Hexagon El hexágono
Dodecahedron El dodecaedro
Parallelogram El paralelogramo
Pyramid La pirámide
Sphere La esfera
Cone El cono
Cylinder El cilindro
Circumference La circunferencia
Radius El radio
Diameter El diámetro
Perimeter El perímetro
Area El área
Surface La superficie
Hypotenuse La hipotenusa
Leg, Side El cateto
Base La base
Height La altura
Angle El ángulo
Right angle El ángulo recto
Obtuse angle El ángulo obtuso
Acute angle El ángulo agudo
Reflexive angle El ángulo reflexivo
Concave Cóncavo
Convex Convexo
  • An acute angle  is an angle that measures less than 90 degrees . – Un ángulo agudo  es un ángulo que mide menos de 90 grados .
  • The teacher asked the students to calculate the perimeter  of a rectangular playground. – La maestra les pidió a los estudiantes calcular el perímetro  de un parque rectangular .

Other Spanish math terms

Finally, we’ll cover some math terms in Spanish that are commonly used in different situations.

Average El promedio
Derivative La derivada
Gradient El gradiente
Integral La integral
Interval El intervalo
Principle El principio
Probability La probabilidad
The Pythagorean theorem El teorema de Pitágoras
Quotient El cociente
Result El resultado
Rotation La rotación
Segment El segmento
Three-dimensional Tridimensional
Two-dimensional Bidimensional
Unit La unidad
Value El valor
  • A segment  in geometry is just a line that connects two points. – En geometría, un segmento  es una línea que conecta dos puntos.
  • The quotient  is the result  obtained when one number or quantity is divided by another. – El cociente  es el resultado  que se obtiene de dividir una cantidad por otra.

So far so good! In this post, we’ve covered a vast number of math terms in Spanish.

We started off with the most general math terms  in Spanish, and worked our way through more specific ones for geometry  and algebra . Between all of these Spanish math vocab lists, you should have all the terms you need to discuss las matemáticas !

Finally, we’ll leave you with links to a couple of related posts. Besides the post on counting in Spanish  we mentioned earlier, our post on units of measurement in Spanish  also has clear links to Spanish math terms. And if you’re heading back to school then you’ll be interested in our post on school supplies in Spanish !

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The exact strategies you need to become conversational in Spanish this year. Join the course now, before we come to our senses and charge for it!

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Legal Terms in Spanish, for non-lawyers: From Lawsuit to Verdict

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Vale in Spanish: Agreement, Acknowledgment, and more

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Parecer vs Parecerse: Learn these verbs for appearances

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how to say math problem solving in spanish

Terms of Arithmetic and Math

Making Spanish Numbers Add Up

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You can talk about math in Spanish by learning a few basic terms. Many of the words are ones you already may know from other contexts.

Spanish Terms of Arithmetic

Here are the words for the simple mathematical functions and how they're used with numbers :

Addition ( Suma ):  Dos más tres son cinco. (Two plus three is five.) Note that in other contexts, más is usually an adverb .

Subtraction ( Resta ):  Cinco menos cuatro son uno. (Five minus four is one.)

Multiplication ( Multiplicación ):  Tres por cuatro son doce. (Three times four is twelve.) In other contexts, por is a common preposition .

Division ( División ):  Doce dividido entre cuatro son tres. (Twelve divided by four is three.) Doce dividido por cuatro son tres. (Twelve divided by four is three.) Entre is another common preposition.

Note that all of these sentences use the verb son , which is plural, in contrast with the singular verb "is" of English. It is also possible to use es or the phrase es igual a (is equal to).

Other Mathematical Terms

Here are some less common mathematical terms:

  • el cuadrado de — the square of
  • el cubo de — the cube of
  • ecuación — equation
  • elevado a la enésima potencia — raised to the nth power
  • función — function
  • número imaginario — imaginary number
  • promedio — average, mean
  • quebrado, fracción — fraction
  • raíz cuadrada — square root
  • raíz cúbica — cube root

Sample Sentences

Solo un idiota que no sabe que dos más dos son cuatro le creería. (Only an idiot who doesn't know that two plus two equals four would believe him.)

Una fracción es un número que se obtiene de dividir un entero en partes iguales. (A fraction is a number that is obtained by dividing a whole number into equal parts.)

Pi se obtiene al dividir la circunferencia de un círculo del diámetro. (Pi is obtained by dividing the circumference of a circle by the diameter.)

El triple de un número menos el doble del mismo número son ese número. (Three times a number minus two times that number is that number.)

Una función es como una máquina: tiene una entrada y una salida. (A function is like a machine: It has an input and an output.)

Una ecuación es una igualdad matemática entre dos expresiones matemáticas. (An equation is an equality between two mathematical expressions.)

La ciudad está dividida en dos partes iguales. (The city is divided into two equal parts.)

¿Cuál es el resultado de dividir 20 por 0.5? (What is the quotient of 20 divided by 0.5?)

El cuadrado de un número menos el doble del mismo número son 48. ¿Cuál es ese número? (The square root of a number minus double the same number is 48. What is that number?)

El promedio de edad de los estudiantes es de 25 años. (The average age of the students is 25.)

La división entre cero es una indeterminación. Así la expresión 1/0 carece de sentio. (Division by zero yields an indeterminable number. Thus the expression 1/0 doesn't make sense.)

Los números imaginarios pueden describirse como el producto de un número real por la unidad imaginaria i , en donde i denota la raíz cuadrada de -1. (Imaginary numbers can be described as the product of a real number by the imaginary unit i , where  i denotes the square root of -1.)

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Supporting you and your child on your language learning journey

Math Practice In Spanish With Khan Academy

Math Practice In Spanish With Khan Academy

Table of Contents

The Khan Academy App

My daughter has been very interested in numbers for a long time now. She enjoys counting, thinking about how things combine, making patterns and creating designs. The Montessori preschool that she went to provided a strong foundation in number sense and allowed her to explore lots of different types of mathematical thinking, which was really great for her!

During that time it was still relatively easy for me to keep up with her number work in Spanish. I was able to provide Spanish activities at home that mirrored what she was doing in preschool to ensure that she was getting all of the Spanish vocabulary she needed to express her math thinking. We worked on counting in Spanish, shapes, patterns and designs.

After preschool, she started Kindergarten at our local elementary school and enjoyed all of the math work that they had there. It was basic number writing, addition, subtraction, geometric shapes and measurement.

When we started to work on math concepts at home, I quickly realized that my Spanish math vocabulary didn’t actually cover Kindergarten math – oh boy!

I was kind of making up ways to say “4 take away 1” without really knowing the Spanish terms for “subtraction” and “take away” and “less than”. When she was studying measurement, I realized that I had no idea how to say basic phrases like “lighter than” or “weighs as much as”.

Not only was it hard to look up these phrases to use in a pinch, but I also wasn’t sure that I was using them in the right way.

I decided to look for ways to support her math work in Spanish that included native speakers or written Spanish language (not just rote equation work that didn’t include any Spanish language).

The best resource that I found for this was Khan Academy . Khan Academy originated as a website and can still be used as that. We actually use the app version since it’s easier for my daughter to navigate. There are two versions of Khan Academy, the original Khan Academy and Khan Academy Kids. As of now, (Winter 2023) I have not found a way to change the kids app into Spanish to work on basic skills. Therefore, the app that we use is the regular Khan Academy.

This app doesn’t have many resources for younger (elementary aged) children and it mostly has math and science topics in Spanish (no literacy as of now). However, for our needs with math work, this was the best that I found.

how to say math problem solving in spanish

How To Switch Khan Academy App Into Spanish

When you’re in Khan Academy you can switch the language settings to Spanish.

We typically access Khan academy on the ipad since the interface is easier for my daughter. We also have the app on my phone, but it can be challenging for her to use since the whole word problem won’t appear on the screen at once and you need to scroll to see the whole image. Since she’s still learning to read, this makes it challenging for her to keep track of the sentence.

When you open your ipad, go to Settings – General – Language & Region.

Once you’re in “Language & Region” there should be an option to click “other languages”. We selected “Espanol EEUU” and then let the ipad reconfigure in Spanish.

Once the ipad loads again, you can go back into Settings – General – Language & Region.

If you’d like, you can obviously keep the ipad in Spanish all the time. You can also now go to the section “Preferred Language Order” and you can arrange the languages that you have selected. Since my daughter also uses her ipad for school, we put English first and then Spanish. Now her ipad will have things all in English, but the Khan Academy app will now recognize the Spanish language as an option that you can change to.

Now that your language preferences are set, go into the Khan Academy app. Once in the app, click the settings button is the upper right hand corner, then “Language & Region”.

Once you’re in languages it should show you that the current language is English. Touch the word “English” and it will allow you to change it to one of the preferred languages on your ipad, which we’ve already set to Spanish.

You’re now set to use Khan Academy in Spanish!

How We Use Khan Academy For Math

Now that the app is switched to Spanish you can look at the available sections (matematicas, ciencia, computacion, etc). We picked “Matematicas” and then picked, “Matematicas elementales”. Within that section we started working on “ grado”.

“ grado” is split into different sections of mathematical practice: “Valor posicional (place value)”, “Sumas y restas (addition and subtraction)”, and “Medicion, datos y geometria (measurement, facts, and geometry)”.

Each time that we work on math, my daughter picks a section that she wants to work through and we see what lesson she is on within that section.

For our family, Khan Academy is a nice supplement to working on math in Spanish at home. While it’s not a comprehensive curriculum, the videos and practice problems give me an idea of what math my daughter wants to work on and how to say it in Spanish!

From there, I can create my own games and activities that work on those skills and use the Spanish vocabulary that I learned from the Khan Academy video to support that.

Another way that we have supplemented math at home is by using the app Dreambox . This is a great app for practicing math skills and pairs nicely with Khan Academy which does a great job of giving lessons and explanations. Dreambox comes with English or Spanish audio and we have our switched into the full Spanish mode. For more information about how we use this, check out my post about it here: Dreambox math app for bilingual kids .

For more Spanish STEM, check out this article:

Microscope Activities For Kids In Spanish

What We Like About Khan Academy For Math

Instructional videos.

The instructional videos are one of the best parts of the Khan Academy app. The videos are all narrated by native speakers and they are a mix of male and female voices. The voices are clear, well spoken and easy to understand.

During the video the narrator explains the math concept while also using visual examples on the screen. As in the traditional Khan Academy, the visuals are often computer generated on a blackboard type screen, with basic pencil marks.

Each video also comes with a transcript so that you can read what was said in the video (this was much more helpful for me than for my daughter obviously! I could read along and memorize how the words looked so that I could use them in everyday conversation as well).

Practice Problems

After watching the instructional video there are example problems to practice independently. Most of the practice problems are multiple choice, though a few of them require users to type in numbers or equations, or manipulate the order of things on the screen.

Some instructional videos are shorter (2-3 mins) and others are longer (5-7). The longer videos often have more than one set of practice problems that go with them since they went over a more complex concept or gave more than one strategy for solving a problem. When we work on the practice problems, I help my daughter read the instructions in Spanish, and then she does the math work on her own.

As you go through a section you can gain points based on how well and how quickly you finished the practice problems. After each full section there is a “Prueba” or final quiz to test all of the parts of the section that you worked on. The quiz after each section is nice because it’s a longer set of practice problems that works as a review. My daughter enjoys getting all of the extra points from beating the quiz, too!

I have found that there isn’t a ton of opportunity for extra practice with Khan Academy. This is where the Dreambox app really comes into play for us. Once my daughter has a good understanding of a mathematical concept, she can practice it in Dreambox in Spanish. Dreambox offers a more game like experience and has a ton of ways to practice math (but not a lot of direct instruction or teaching).

In addition to the “pruebas”, there is also a final quiz/test at the end of the full course. You can take it at any time to “test out” of that level or to get some extra practice in. This final quiz is called, “Desafio de curso” and contains a mix of all of the different types of skills that were touched upon in that section.

how to say math problem solving in spanish

I’m always on the look out for new academic resources in Spanish. If you have anything that works well for your family, let me know about it in the comments!

Happy Learning!

Don’t forget to subscribe here so you can get my latest posts and resources delivered directly to your inbox!

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Spanish Dictionary | Diccionario Español Ingles

How to say add, subtract, divide, and multiply in Spanish?

In this lesson, we will learn how to say some basic math terms or arithmetic operations in Spanish. Let's find out how to say add, subtract, multiply, and divide in Spanish. These basic math terms might come in handy when you go shopping, measure, or plan a budget in a Spanish-speaking country.

Add, subtract, multiply, divide in Spanish

How to say basic arithmetic operations in Spanish

How to say add, subtract, multiply, and divide in Spanish?

Below are some basic arithmetic terms in Spanish

  • Math - Las Matemáticas
  • Arithmetic - La Aritmética
  • Addition - La Adición
  • Subtraction - La Sustracción
  • Multiplication - La Multiplicación
  • Division - La División
  • Plus - Más
  • Minus - Menos
  • Divided By - Dividido Por/Dividido Entre
  • Multiplied By - Por
  • Equals - Son/Es

For examples:

Dos más tres son cinco - Two plus three is five

Cuatro menos dos son dos - Four minus two is two

Tres por cuatro son doce - Three times four is twelve

Doce dividido entre/dividido por tres son cuatro - Twelve divided by four is three

You first need to know how to say  numbers in Spanish .

  • Unlike in English where we use the singular verb "is", the verb "son" which is plural is used instead of the singular verb, "ser". Though, it is still possible to use "es" or "es igual a" (is equal to).
  • Another thing that you should bear in mind is that son is used when the solution is plural. When the solution is just one or zero, use es instead. 

For examples: 

dieciséis menos quince es uno = 16-15= 1

Other less common mathematical terms

  • the square of - el cuadrado de
  • the cube of - el cubo de
  • equation - ecuación
  • fraction - quebrado, fracción

See also:  Fractions in Spanish

  • square root - raíz cuadrada
  • cube root - raíz cúbica
  • decimal - el decimal
  • total - el total

Learn Spanish

Spanish for beginners.

Translation of "solve" into Spanish

resolver, solucionar, solventar are the top translations of "solve" into Spanish. Sample translated sentence: I will try to solve the problem at any rate. ↔ Intentaré resolver el problema cueste lo que cueste.

To find an answer or solution to a problem or question; to work out. [..]

English-Spanish dictionary

to find an answer or solution [..]

I will try to solve the problem at any rate.

Intentaré resolver el problema cueste lo que cueste.

This is a problem for young people to solve .

Este es un problema que debe ser solucionado por la gente joven.

The problem was so difficult that I could not solve it.

Este problema era tan difícil que no lo pude solventar .

Less frequent translations

Show algorithmically generated translations

Automatic translations of " solve " into Spanish

Images with "solve", phrases similar to "solve" with translations into spanish.

  • to be solved resolver · resolverse
  • solve this problem resolver este problema · resuelva este problema · resuelvan este problema · resuelve este problema · soluciona este problema · solucionar este problema · solucione este problema · solucionen este problema
  • solving agent disolvente · solvente
  • problem-solving language lenguaje de resolución de problemas
  • solving problems resolución de problemas
  • solve the problem resolver el problema · resuelve el problema · soluciona el problema · solucionar el problema
  • to solve aclarar · descifrar · remediar · resolver · resolverse · sacar · solucionar · solventar · solver
  • problem solving skills la habilidad para resolver problemas

Translations of "solve" into Spanish in sentences, translation memory

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Numbers in Spanish: Addition, Subtraction, and Fractions

This post is dedicated to homeschooling parents who have to know a little bit about everything these days. 

Maybe you know about numbers, or perhaps you know about Spanish. But, do you know about numbers in Spanish?  

Today, we are going to explore the basic vocabulary about the arithmetic operations of addition and subtraction. Also, we’ll study fractions, which in Spanish are expressed in two different ways. 

Addition in Spanish

To start this lesson, you need to have at least a basic knowledge about numbers in Spanish. If you don’t, it might be a good idea to check out this blog post before you keep reading. 

You may think that learning math in another language must be really hard, but the truth is quite different. The logic behind the basic arithmetic operations is so clear and simple that all you need to do is learn a few terms in Spanish and apply them correctly. 

Addition Vocabulary

matemáticas – mathematics

aritmética – arithmetic

sumar – to add

suma – addition, sum 

más – plus 

igual – equals

So, if you know your numbers in Spanish and you know how to add, all you need to do is substitute the terms. Let’s do this in a simple sum like:

2 (dos) + (más) 3 (tres) = (igual) 5 (cinco) . – 2 (two) + (plus) 3 (three) = (equals) 5 (five). 

However, that literal translation is not completely correct in Spanish. The right structure would be as follows: 

Dos más tres es igual a cinco. – Two plus three equals five. 

The word igual in Spanish, can be used as a substantive, adjective, or adverb. In this case, it works as an adjective and it requires a verb ( es – to be) and a preposition ( a – to) to function correctly.

Another way to say it is: 

Dos más tres son cinco. – Two plus three equals five. 

This structure is less common but it also works. Instead of using the term igual , use son , the plural form of the third person of the verb ser “to be”. It’s simpler, but you need to remember to change it to singular when the result is one. For example: 

Cero más uno es uno. – Zero plus one is one. 

Using the igual structure would be in Spanish as follows: 

Cero más uno es igual a uno. – Zero plus one equals one. 

A good tip is to simply translate “equals” as a three-word term: es igual a . 

es igual a – equals

Addition Questions

Now, what about asking questions about addition? Let’s see an example: 

¿Cuánto es dos más dos? – How much is two plus two? 

Let’s analyze the different parts of this question:

¿ ? – ?

In Spanish, a question needs two question marks . One at the beginning of the question, and another one at the end of it. 

Cuánto – How much, how many

es – is 

In this case, it doesn’t matter if the result is a number that we usually associate as plural. The question is always the same, ¿cuánto es…?  

In theory, asking ¿cuántos son…? shouldn’t be wrong as the number will probably require using the plural. However, it follows the same logic as in English. You don’t ask “ how many are two plus two?”, you simply say “ how much is two plus two?” 

Same thing in Spanish. 

Subtraction in Spanish

Once addition is clear, the subtraction is easier to understand. It follows the exact same logic as addition, and the vocabulary is pretty much the same with only a couple of new elements .

Subtraction Vocabulary

restar – to subtract, to deduct

resta – subtraction 

menos – minus

Let’s do a resta and analyze it in Spanish: 

10 – 4 = 6

Diez menos cuatro es igual a seis. – Ten minus four equals six.

Using the second structure: 

Diez menos cuatro son seis. – Ten minus four are six.

Subtraction Questions

How do you ask subtraction-related questions in Spanish? 

¿Cuánto es diez menos cuatro? – How much is ten minus four?

A good way to teach kids to subtract is by using concrete things that they can imagine or touch. For example: 

Si tengo cuatro manzanas y me como una, ¿cuántas me quedan? – If I have four apples and I eat one, how many are left? 

Here, I’m using cuántas , not cuántos, because manzanas is a feminine noun. Also, I’m using the pronoun me because I’m talking in the first person, but the structure would vary accordingly. Let’s see: 

¿cuántas quedan? – how many are left? Feminine noun. 

¿cuántos quedan? – how many are left? Masculine noun. 

¿cuántas(os) me quedan? – how many are left for me?

¿cuántas(os) te quedan? – how many are left for you?

¿cuántas(os) le quedan? – how many are left for him/her?

¿cuánto queda? – how much is left? (Use for singular nouns such as money, time, etc.) 

Fractions in Spanish

Using numbers in Spanish correctly requires a series of steps. To start talking about fractions in Spanish, understanding how to use ordinal numbers is of great help. After number three, the term used for ordinal numbers and fractions is one and the same. 

Fractions Vocabulary

fracciones – fractions

números fraccionados – fractions

parte – part

1/2 half
1/3 a third
1/4 a fourth
1/5 a fifth
1/6 a sixth
1/7 a seventh
1/8 an eight
1/9 a ninth
1/10 a tenth

After 10 and all the way to 99, all you need to do is add the suffix – avo at the end of the number. 

1/11 an eleventh
1/20 a twentieth
1/50 a fiftieth

Then, if you have a fraction with numbers other than one , you only need to change un for the right ordinal number. For example:

2/4 – dos cuartos – two fourths 

3/5 – tres quintos – three fifths

Fractions as Partes

In Spanish, you can express fractions in a second way using partes which means parts or portions of something.  

After 10 and all the way to 99, you have to change the suffix – avo for – ava , as parte is a feminine noun: 

1/11 an eleventh
1/20 a twentieth
1/50 a fiftieth

For fractions with numbers different than one, you only need to change the article la for the respective number and add the letter s at the end of each word to make it plural: 

2/4 – dos cuarta s parte s – two fourths

3/5 – tres quinta s parte s – three fifths

Numbers in Spanish

Now that you know the basics of addition, subtraction, and fractions in Spanish, it’s time to practice them in real-time. Homeschool Spanish Academy offers flexible Spanish lessons covering all kinds of topics (yes, including numbers in Spanish!). Sign up now for a free trial class with one of our native Spanish-speaking teachers from Guatemala and improve your fluency in Spanish and maybe even your math skills, too!

Want more free Spanish learning resources? Check out these posts!

  • Top 10 Science Fiction Spanish Books for Adults (with PDFs)
  • 200+ Beginner Spanish Vocabulary Words PDF: Learn Spanish Fast!
  • How You Can Encourage Your Child To Speak Spanish at Home
  • The Most Extensive Guide Ever to House Vocabulary in Spanish
  • Keep Your Spanish Skills Sharp Over Summer Vacation 
  • Master All the Forms of Ser in Spanish: Your Ultimate Grammar Guide
  • All You Need to Know About Spanish as a Second Language
  • Discover the Joy of Learning Spanish with Summer Fun Activities
  • Recent Posts
  • All You Need to Know About Spanish as a Second Language - July 11, 2024
  • The Best Homeschool Spanish Curriculum at HSA - June 13, 2024
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Mathematical Operations Action Words - Spanish Version

Updated:  22 Aug 2024

Help your ELL and ESL students decipher math word problems using Spanish math keyword anchor charts.

Editable:  Google Slides

Non-Editable:  PDF

Pages:  5 Pages

  • Curriculum Curriculum:  CCSS, TEKS

Grades:  2 - 6

  • Color PDF (pdf) Sign up to Plus
  • Black and White PDF (pdf) Sign up to Plus
  • Google Slides Sign up to Plus


Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using drawings and equations with...


Solve two-step word problems using the four operations. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including roundi...


Multiply or divide to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparison, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem, distinguishing multiplicative comparison from additive comparison.

Math 2.4(C)

Solve one-step and multi-step word problems involving addition and subtraction within 1,000 using a variety of strategies based on place value, including algorithms; and

Math 3.4(A)

Solve with fluency one-step and two-step problems involving addition and subtraction within 1,000 using strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and the relationship between addition and subtraction;

Math 3.4(K)

Solve one-step and two-step problems involving multiplication and division within 100 using strategies based on objects; pictorial models, including arrays, area models, and equal groups; properties of operations; or recall of facts.

Math 4.4(H)

Solve with fluency one- and two-step problems involving multiplication and division, including interpreting remainders.

Math 5.4(B)

Represent and solve multi-step problems involving the four operations with whole numbers using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity;

Mathematical Operations Action Words - Spanish Version teaching resource

Boost Problem-Solving with Spanish Math Action Words!

Are your ELL/ESL students struggling with word problems? It’s a common problem seen in math classrooms around the world, and we know teachers are always looking for new ways to teach language learners to identify the operations in problems before they begin to solve math them. We’ve put together a handy set of printable Spanish Math Action Word anchor charts to help you get them started!

Teach Math Terms in Spanish and English!

Use these Spanish Math Keyword posters in your classroom if your students need help making sense of word problems! These math keyword posters help students identify Spanish keywords in word problems that indicate operations. There are four posters, one for each math operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), and one with keywords that represent ‘equals’. Words included are listed below:

The posters also come in color and black and white, which can be printed on colored paper to save on ink! The one-page sheets are great for students to use as reference sheets in their math notebooks or shrink them and use them as bookmarks in their math workbooks.

If you’re in a dual-language classroom, you can teach math terms in Spanish and English by pairing these posters with their English counterparts found here .

Need to change a word or spelling due to dialect? No problem! Download the editable Google Slides version to make changes as needed.

Download and print your spanish math action word charts.

You’re just a click away from getting your new resources! Use the dropdown arrow on the Download button to select the Editable Google Slides resource file or the quick-print PDF version.

This resource was created by Brittany Kellogg, a teacher in Ohio and Teach Starter Collaborator.

Even More Spanish/English Printables for the Classroom

Don’t go yet! Check out these printable resources to make your classroom a perfect learning environment for dual language learners.

Image of Dual Language Labels - Spanish Classroom Objects

teaching resource

Dual language labels - spanish classroom objects.

Label objects in the classroom in Spanish and English with printable classroom equipment labels.

Image of Classroom Equipment Signs - Spanish/English

Classroom Equipment Signs - Spanish/English

97 signs to label equipment in Spanish and English in your classroom.

Image of Emotions in Spanish Anchor Chart

Emotions in Spanish Anchor Chart

Help your bilingual students express their emotions in Spanish with a classroom poster.

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Bilingual Resources: Math

Bar Graph Maker to Analyze Data Construct and explain patterns with graphs   English  /  Spanish The Bottom Line: Write t o Explain Analyze and explain how to solve a problem English / Spanish

Chicago Geometry Book  Identify and describe shapes   English  /  Spanish  

Collect Data Organize Data English / Spanish

Five Ways to Make 5  Show number facts English  /  Spanish   Blank template: English / Spanish

Graph Changes Construct and explain patterns with graphs   English  /  Spanish

Graph to Compare and Contrast Relative Amounts Construct and explain patterns with graphs   English  /  Spanish

Graph Proportions  Construct and explain patterns with graphs   English  /  Spanish

Independent Math Learning Activities  All Skills   English  /  Spanish  

Math Knowledge Chart  Show number facts   English  /  Spanish  

Math Path  Solve and explain a problem.   English   /  Spanish  

Math Progression Learn new math skills English / Spanish

Multiple Choice Question Maker  Make up multiple choice questions   English  /  Spanish  

Math Reader Identify what's important when I read a math word problem English / Spanish

Math Skills with the Newspaper Construct a problem based on real information, solve a problem with real numbers English / Spanish Math That Grows  Model with mathematics--measure and analyze plant growth.   English  / Spanish Math Writer: Make Math Story Problems  Write a story with numerical information, construct a math problem based on a story   English  / Spanish  

My Own Math Vocabulary Guide Define and give examples of math terms English / Spanish

This Week's Math Identify and explain important math skills English / Spanish Math Vocabulary Words in English and Spanish Supports all math standards Grades K-6: Kindergarten   /  First Grade   /  Second Grade   / Third Grade / Fourth Grade / Fifth Grade   / Sixth Grade

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Math Symbols in Spanish

matemáticas = mathematics símbolos matemáticos = mathematical symbols

How To Talk About Math in Spanish

Whether you're still taking math classes in school or just need to figure out how to calculate the tip on your next restaurant bill, knowing how to talk about and do math is an important skill in any language. In this article, we've prepared a list of the most common math-related words in Spanish to help you with all your future calculations!

Common Math Words


Math Symbols

( )

Now that you know the vocabulary and the symbols, let's take a look at how you might talk about a typical mathematical equation:

1 + 1 = 2
4 - 3 = 1
4 ÷ 2 = 2
3 × 1 = 3
√4 = 2
3 < 5
7 > 5
6 ≠ 8

Would you like to read more about numbers? Check out the following articles!

  • Put yourself to the test with our interactive vocabulary lists about numbers!
  • Review Numbers in Spanish
  • Cardinal Numbers as Adjectives
  • How to Give Your Phone Number in Spanish
  • Dates in Spanish
  • How to Talk about Years in Spanish

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  2. Math Problem Solving Journal 4th Grade (Spanish) by Learning Bilingually

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  2. How to Say Math Problems in Spanish: A Comprehensive Guide

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  4. solve math problems Many translated example sentences containing "solve math problems" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.

  5. Math problem solving

    Translate Math problem solving. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.

  6. The Practical Guide to Math Vocabulary in Spanish

    At this point, learning math vocabulary is an excellent idea. Here, I'm not talking about the basic knowledge of numbers in Spanish, as that's everyday vocabulary that you need to learn even if you never do math in the language. The terms I'll cover in this article are subject-specific—math vocabulary for people who do math in Spanish.


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  8. Terms of Arithmetic and Math in Spanish

    Here are some less common mathematical terms: el cuadrado de — the square of. el cubo de — the cube of. ecuación — equation. elevado a la enésima potencia — raised to the nth power. función — function. número imaginario — imaginary number. promedio — average, mean. quebrado, fracción — fraction.

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    Math in Spanish. In this article, we'll be learning math terms that are common in the Spanish language. ... Three sevenths (3/7) is the solution to the problem. Note that the cardinal number has an s at the end to specify the fraction in plural, similar to English. Use a cardinal number to specify the numerator and a cardinal number to specify ...

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    la pantorrilla. Translate Solve a math problem. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.

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    solve (. salv. ) transitive verb. 1. (to resolve) a. resolver. In an attempt to solve the financial crisis, the government imposed new taxes.En un intento de resolver la crisis financiera, el gobierno impuso nuevos impuestos. b. solucionar. You must solve the problem yourself.Tienes que solucionar el problema tú mismo.

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    Many translated example sentences containing "problem solving" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. Look up in Linguee; Suggest as a translation of "problem solving" ... These people engage in creative problem-solving, drawing on complex bodies of knowledge to solve specific problems. america ...

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  16. math word problems

    Many translated example sentences containing "math word problems" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. ... demonstrate that she can solve the math problems. ... to say a brief word about the problems with the recognition [...] of qualifications.

  17. Problem-solving in Spanish

    sal. -. vihng. ) noun. 1. (general) a. la resolución de problemas. (F) Problem-solving is essential for people who aspire to work that is not repetitive.La resolución de problemas es esencial para las personas que aspiran a un trabajo que no sea repetitivo.

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    problem solving n. (process of finding solutions) resolución de problemas grupo nom. The right side of the brain is used in problem solving. El lado derecho del cerebro se encarga de la resolución de problemas.

  19. Numbers in Spanish: Addition, Subtraction, and Fractions

    For fractions with numbers different than one, you only need to change the article la for the respective number and add the letter s at the end of each word to make it plural: . 2/4 - dos cuartas partes - two fourths 3/5 - tres quintas partes - three fifths Numbers in Spanish. Now that you know the basics of addition, subtraction, and fractions in Spanish, it's time to practice them ...

  20. Mathematical Operations Action Words

    These math keyword posters help students identify Spanish keywords in word problems that indicate operations. There are four posters, one for each math operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), and one with keywords that represent 'equals'. Words included are listed below: La Suma (Addition): sumar. todo junto.

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    Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol). I loved solving math problems when I was a kid. De niño me encantaba resolver problemas de matemáticas. b. ... Say It like a Local. Browse Spanish translations from Spain, Mexico, or any other Spanish-speaking country. ...

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    Math Skills with the Newspaper Construct a problem based on real information, solve a problem with real numbers English / Spanish Math That Grows Model with mathematics--measure and analyze plant growth. English /Spanish Math Writer: Make Math Story Problems Write a story with numerical information, construct a math problem based on a story ...

  23. Mathematical Symbols in Spanish

    4 - 3 = 1. cuatro menos tres es igual a uno. four minus three is equal to one. 4 ÷ 2 = 2. cuatro dividido entre dos es igual a dos. four divided by two is equal to two. 3 × 1 = 3. tres por uno es igual a tres. three times one is equal to three.