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Nature Is The Best Teacher Essay

తెలుగు పిడిఎఫ్‌లో ప్రకృతి ఉత్తమ ఉపాధ్యాయ వ్యాసం

నేచర్ ఈజ్ ది బెస్ట్ టీచర్

ప్రకృతి మనందరికీ, ముఖ్యంగా పిల్లలకు పెద్ద, అద్భుతమైన గురువు లాంటిది. ఇది జీవితం మరియు మన చుట్టూ ఉన్న ప్రపంచం గురించి చాలా ముఖ్యమైన విషయాలను బోధిస్తుంది.

మొదట, ప్రకృతి మనకు జంతువులు మరియు మొక్కల గురించి బోధిస్తుంది. మనం బయటికి వెళ్లినప్పుడు ఆకాశంలో ఎగురుతూ పక్షులు, చెట్లపైకి పరిగెత్తే ఉడుతలు, తోటల్లో పూలు పూయడం మనకు కనిపిస్తుంది. వివిధ జంతువులు మరియు మొక్కలు మరియు అవి ఎలా జీవిస్తాయి మరియు పెరుగుతాయి అనే దాని గురించి మనం తెలుసుకోవచ్చు.

ప్రకృతి మనకు వాతావరణం గురించి కూడా నేర్పుతుంది. ఎండ రోజున సూర్యుడు ప్రకాశించడాన్ని మనం చూడవచ్చు మరియు వర్షం కురుస్తున్నప్పుడు వర్షపు చినుకులు అనుభూతి చెందుతాయి. పూలతో కూడిన వసంతం, సూర్యరశ్మితో వేసవి, రంగురంగుల ఆకులతో శరదృతువు మరియు మంచుతో కూడిన శీతాకాలం వంటి రుతువుల గురించి మనం తెలుసుకోవచ్చు.

ప్రకృతి మనకు బోధించే మరో ముఖ్యమైన విషయం ఏమిటంటే మన గ్రహాన్ని జాగ్రత్తగా చూసుకోవడం. మనం మన గాలిని శుభ్రంగా ఉంచుకోవాలని, మన నీటిని స్వచ్ఛంగా ఉంచుకోవాలని మరియు మన అడవులను జంతువులకు సురక్షితంగా ఉంచుకోవాలని మనం నేర్చుకుంటాము. భూమి పట్ల దయ చూపాలని ప్రకృతి మనకు గుర్తు చేస్తుంది.

మనం ప్రకృతిలో సమయం గడిపినప్పుడు, మనం కూడా ప్రశాంతంగా మరియు రిలాక్స్‌గా ఉండటం నేర్చుకుంటాము. గాలి, చెట్లు మరియు పక్షుల ప్రశాంతమైన ధ్వనులు మనకు సంతోషంగా మరియు ఒత్తిడిని తగ్గించగలవు.

ముగింపులో, ప్రకృతి పిల్లలకు ఉత్తమ ఉపాధ్యాయుడు ఎందుకంటే ఇది జంతువులు, మొక్కలు, వాతావరణం మరియు మన గ్రహాన్ని ఎలా చూసుకోవాలో తెలుసుకోవడానికి మాకు సహాయపడుతుంది. ఇది కూడా మనల్ని సంతోషంగా మరియు ప్రశాంతంగా భావిస్తుంది. కాబట్టి, బయటికి వెళ్లి మన అద్భుతమైన గురువు, ప్రకృతి నుండి నేర్చుకుందాం!

Also read:  Nature Is The Best Teacher Essay In Telugu 10 Lines

మానవాళి ఆవిర్భవించినప్పటి నుండి ప్రకృతి అంతిమ గురువు. దాని పాఠాలు లోతైనవి, శాశ్వతమైనవి మరియు అమూల్యమైనవి. మనం గ్రహించినా, తెలియకపోయినా, మన చుట్టూ ఉన్న సహజ ప్రపంచం నుండి మనం నిరంతరం నేర్చుకుంటూనే ఉంటాము. పర్యావరణ వ్యవస్థల యొక్క సున్నితమైన సమతుల్యత నుండి ప్రతికూల పరిస్థితులను ఎదుర్కునే జీవితం యొక్క స్థితిస్థాపకత వరకు, ప్రకృతి తరగతి గది యొక్క సరిహద్దులను అధిగమించే జ్ఞానాన్ని అందిస్తుంది. ఈ వ్యాసంలో, ప్రకృతి ఎందుకు ఉత్తమ గురువు మరియు దాని పాఠాలు మన జీవితాల్లో ఎలా మార్గనిర్దేశం చేస్తాయో మేము అన్వేషిస్తాము.

మొట్టమొదట, ప్రకృతి మనకు పరస్పర అనుసంధానం గురించి బోధిస్తుంది. జీవితం యొక్క క్లిష్టమైన వెబ్‌లో, ప్రతి జాతి మరియు మూలకం ఒక పాత్ర పోషిస్తుంది. ఉదాహరణకు, అడవి అనేది చెట్ల సముదాయం మాత్రమే కాదు, ప్రతి జీవి పరస్పరం ఆధారపడే సంక్లిష్ట పర్యావరణ వ్యవస్థ. ఇక్కడ పాఠం ఏమిటంటే, మనం కూడా మన చుట్టూ ఉన్న ప్రతిదానితో కనెక్ట్ అయ్యాము. మన చర్యలు పర్యావరణంలో అలలు, ఇతర జాతులను మాత్రమే కాకుండా మన స్వంత శ్రేయస్సును కూడా ప్రభావితం చేసే పరిణామాలను కలిగి ఉంటాయి. ఈ కనెక్షన్‌లను గౌరవించడం మరియు పెంపొందించడం నేర్చుకోవడం మన మనుగడకు మరియు గ్రహం యొక్క పరిరక్షణకు కీలకం.

ఇంకా, ప్రకృతి మనకు సహనం మరియు స్థితిస్థాపకత నేర్పుతుంది. చెట్లు రాత్రిపూట పెరగవు మరియు నదులు ఒక రోజులో లోయలను చెక్కవు. సహజ ప్రపంచం దాని స్వంత కాలక్రమంలో పనిచేస్తుంది, వేచి ఉన్నవారికి మంచి విషయాలు వస్తాయని మనకు గుర్తుచేస్తుంది. మా వేగవంతమైన, తక్షణ-సంతృప్తి సమాజంలో, ఇది స్వీకరించదగిన పాఠం. ప్రకృతి కూడా ప్రతికూల పరిస్థితులను ఎదుర్కొనే దృఢత్వాన్ని ప్రదర్శిస్తుంది. అడవి మంటల తర్వాత కాలిపోయిన అడవి తిరిగి పెరగడం నుండి కఠినమైన పరిస్థితులలో జీవించి ఉన్న ఎడారి మొక్క యొక్క దృఢత్వం వరకు, ప్రకృతి మనకు ఎదురుదెబ్బలు ముగింపు కాదని, పెరుగుదల మరియు అనుసరణకు అవకాశాలు అని చూపిస్తుంది.

ప్రకృతి యొక్క తరగతి గది పాఠ్యపుస్తకాలు లేదా నాలుగు గోడలకు పరిమితం కాదు. ఇది ఒక ఓపెన్-ఎయిర్ లాబొరేటరీ, ఇక్కడ మనం జీవశాస్త్రం, రసాయన శాస్త్రం, భౌతిక శాస్త్రం మరియు మరిన్నింటి యొక్క సూత్రాలను గమనించవచ్చు. జంతువుల ప్రవర్తన, రుతువుల చక్రాలు లేదా వాతావరణ నమూనాల చిక్కులను అధ్యయనం చేసినా, ప్రకృతి విజ్ఞాన శాస్త్రాన్ని సజీవంగా మార్చే స్పష్టమైన ఉదాహరణలను అందిస్తుంది. ఈ ప్రయోగాత్మక అభ్యాస అనుభవం సహజ ప్రపంచం గురించి లోతైన అవగాహన మరియు ప్రశంసలను పెంపొందిస్తుంది.

అంతేకాక, ప్రకృతి మనకు సరళత యొక్క అందం గురించి బోధిస్తుంది. సంక్లిష్టత తరచుగా సర్వోన్నతంగా ఉన్న ప్రపంచంలో, ప్రకృతి యొక్క చక్కదనం దాని సరళతలో ఉంది. ఆకుల అమరికలో ఫైబొనాక్సీ సీక్వెన్స్ నుండి సీషెల్ యొక్క సమరూపత వరకు, ప్రకృతి నమూనాలు సరళత యొక్క స్వాభావిక సౌందర్యానికి నిదర్శనం. ఈ పాఠం జీవితంలోని మినిమలిస్ట్ కోణాలను అభినందించమని మరియు సంక్లిష్టమైన వాటిలో అందాన్ని కనుగొనమని ప్రోత్సహిస్తుంది.

ప్రకృతి అనుకూలత మరియు వైవిధ్యం గురించి విలువైన పాఠాలను కూడా అందిస్తుంది. భూమిపై ఉన్న వివిధ రకాల జీవ రూపాలు అస్థిరమైనవి, ప్రతి ఒక్కటి దాని పర్యావరణానికి ప్రత్యేకంగా సరిపోతాయి. వైవిధ్యం అందంగా ఉండటమే కాదు పర్యావరణ వ్యవస్థల మనుగడకు కూడా అవసరమని ప్రకృతి మనకు బోధిస్తుంది. ఎప్పటికప్పుడు మారుతున్న ప్రపంచంలో అభివృద్ధి చెందడానికి అనుకూలత కీలకమని ఇది మనకు గుర్తుచేస్తుంది. వాతావరణ మార్పు మరియు పర్యావరణ క్షీణత వంటి ప్రపంచ సవాళ్లను మనం ఎదుర్కొంటున్నందున, అనుసరణ మరియు వైవిధ్యంపై ఈ పాఠాలు మరింత సందర్భోచితంగా మారాయి.

ముగింపులో, ప్రకృతి మనం ఆశించే ఉత్తమ గురువు. దీని పాఠాలు సైన్స్ నుండి ఫిలాసఫీ వరకు విస్తృత శ్రేణి విషయాలను కలిగి ఉంటాయి మరియు గమనించి నేర్చుకోవడానికి ఇష్టపడే ఎవరికైనా అందుబాటులో ఉంటాయి. ప్రకృతి మనకు పరస్పర అనుసంధానం, సహనం, స్థితిస్థాపకత, సరళత మరియు వైవిధ్యం మరియు అనుసరణ యొక్క ప్రాముఖ్యత గురించి బోధిస్తుంది. ఈ పాఠాలు తరగతి గదికే పరిమితం కాలేదు; అవి మన చుట్టూ ఉన్న ప్రపంచం యొక్క చాలా ఫాబ్రిక్‌లో పొందుపరచబడ్డాయి. నిజంగా విద్యావంతులుగా ఉండటమంటే ప్రకృతికి అనుగుణంగా ఉండటమే, ఎందుకంటే అది మనకు ఉన్న ఉత్తమ గురువు.

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Speech on Nature Is The Best Teacher

Nature is all around you, teaching valuable lessons every day. It’s a silent mentor, guiding you with its endless wisdom and patience.

Pay attention to the trees, the flowers, the birds, and the seasons. They each tell a story, offering insights on life and growth.

1-minute Speech on Nature Is The Best Teacher

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let’s talk about nature, our greatest teacher. Look around you. Trees, flowers, birds, rivers, mountains, and even the stars above. They all have lessons to teach us.

Trees can’t run away when it’s too hot or too cold, can they? They stand tall, brave every storm and blossom when spring arrives. They teach us to be strong and resilient.

Have you ever seen a river that stops flowing because it comes across a mountain? No, right? It finds a new route, goes around it, or sometimes even through it. The river tells us to keep moving. No matter what problems we face, we must find a way and carry on.

Ever seen a flower refuse to bloom because it’s not as big or colorful as the one next to it? Of course not. Each flower blooms in its own time, adding beauty to the world in its unique way. This teaches us to be ourselves, not to fear being different, but to embrace it.

Finally, the stars. No matter how dark the night, stars shine. They encourage us to be a light in the darkness, to be a source of hope and joy.

Ladies and Gentlemen, nature is the best teacher because it teaches us lessons of strength, persistence, freedom, individuality, and hope. Next time you step outside, take a moment to listen. You’ll be amazed at what you can learn.

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2-minute Speech on Nature Is The Best Teacher

Today, I stand before you to talk about a wonderful friend, a silent guide, and a wise teacher – Nature. Just like a tree with deep roots, nature stands strong and teaches us many valuable lessons. Let’s look at some of these lessons.

Firstly, nature teaches us about patience. Have you ever planted a seed and watched it grow? It does not become a tree overnight. It takes time. Days, weeks, months, and sometimes even years. This is nature’s way of telling us that everything has its own pace. You cannot rush things. You need to wait, to have patience.

Thirdly, nature instills in us the value of harmony. Look at a forest. Different types of plants, animals, and birds live there. They all live together, in harmony. They respect each other’s space and live in balance. This teaches us that we should also live in harmony with others. Respecting each other’s differences and living peacefully together is the key to a happy life.

In conclusion, nature is indeed the best teacher. It does not use words, but it teaches us many important lessons. It teaches us to be patient, to embrace change, to live in harmony, to be resilient, and to value silence. So, let’s open our hearts and minds to this wonderful teacher. Let’s learn from nature and apply these lessons in our lives. It’s time to step outside and let nature be our guide. Thank you.

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Nature: A Great Teacher

Nature is the fountainhead of beauty and solace. it soothes the heart, mind and soul; it refreshes with vigour and vitality. nature is a best….

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Nature is the fountainhead of beauty and solace. It soothes the heart, mind and soul; it refreshes with vigour and vitality. Nature is a best teacher, a great source of wisdom. It carries important life lessons for those who want to learn. Everything in nature teaches us something important. Be it changing of seasons, flowers or honey bees for that matter.

Rose is appreciated for the fragrance and beauty despite thorns. It has thorns to make us realise that we all are imperfectly perfect. We have both good and bad qualities; strengths and weaknesses. No one is perfect. We should adopt this approach towards life and appreciate goodness of others and stop breeding on flaws. We should neither claim nor seek perfection. Same is the case with honey bees. They stung us but give us honey as well, so when people hurt us we should not forget their goodness and all the good things they have done for us.

Seasons also come with lessons. In winter we see a transition from fruit laden orchids to withered trees. This teaches us that beauty is just nine days’ wonder. Nothing in this world is permanent. The beauty of spring fade away in  autumn. It teaches us that time is like a spindle. Yesterday’s richest can become tomorrow’s destitute. It teaches us humility. Whenever we are bestowed with power, fame, and success we should not look down upon others, rather be humble and down to earth. For no one knows what tomorrow will hold. Besides it teaches us that when trees have fruit and shade to give, people roam around and value them but once they are barren they lose value. Same way many people value us as long as we are useful to them. Sad, but bitter truth of life.

Spring is a sign of hope. It teaches us that those who endure hardships in winter are bestowed the blossom; withered trees again bloom. Just like autumn turns into spring and brings life to lifeless orchids and gardens; our misfortune  will turn into fortune, illness to wellness, failure to success. We just have to be  hopeful and  work  patiently.

Autumn comes with a lesson that hard work pays off and fruit of patience is sweetest. Farmers who work tirelessly for the whole year reap the harvest and all their hard-work pays off. Same way students and employees who work tirelessly and honestly reap at the end of the year.

Nature always teaches us patience. It takes nine months for a zygote to bloom into a baby and months for a seed to turn into sapling, and a sapling to turn into a full blown tree. It teaches us that process of growth requires patience and time. Good things take time to happen. We should not hurry. If a farmer harvests before time he will reap a poor yield.

In the darkness of night, moon and stars come out to teach us to be hopeful. We need to remember, it is not the moon that makes night beautiful but night that makes the moon beautiful. It is often adversity that teaches us more lessons and make us grow stronger and mature enough to cope up with challenges of life.

Trees bend during winds, if they don’t they will break. It teaches two important things. We should bow before the supreme power or else we will break, and we should bow our ego to prevent some beautiful relations from breaking.

Flowers bloom, fruits ripen and water flows silently. Same way we should learn to grow silently without boasting.

Nature made us realise that there is some supreme power working behind the scenes. Blooming flowers, dancing paddy fields, fruit laden orchids, huge mountains, oceans and rivers, ravishing springs, changing of seasons, alternating of day and night – all this makes a person fall in love deeply with the creator. Almighty Allah, whose creativity has no match. Heart and soul reverberate with appreciation and  triggers us to  exclaim:

“Fa bi Ayi Aala e Rabikuma Tukaziban”

Then which of your favours of the Lord you will deny?

Almighty Allah has always done miracles to give us hope. He saved Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) from fire, Almighty Allah created a way for prophet Musa (A.S) through sea. Prophet Younis (A.S) was brought alive from the belly of a whale. Prophet Zakarya was bestowed fatherhood in late 80s. Hazrat Maryam (A.S) gave birth to a son without any mate. Such is the power of prayer and Tawakal. Lord has the power to give us everything, provided we know how to seek.

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ప్రతీ ఒక్కరూ తమ పుట్టిన రోజును ఎంతో ఘనంగా జరుపుకుంటారు. కొందరు వేలు ఖర్చు పెట్టి గిఫ్ట్స్ కొంటారు. ఇంకొందరు లక్షలు ఖర్చు పెడతారు. తమ పుట్టిన రోజున ఒక మొక్కని పరిసరాల్లో నాటితే, ఆ మొక్క మీ వచ్చే పుట్టిన రోజుకి పెద్దదై మీకు మంచి అనుభూతిని కలిగిస్తుంది. పరిసరాలు పచ్చగా ఉంటేనే వాతావరణం ఆహ్లాదకరంగా అందంగా ఉంటుంది.

చెట్లు కార్బన్ డైయాక్సైడ్ ను పీల్చుకుని ఆక్సిజన్ ను విడుదల చేస్తాయి. నగరంతో పాటు ఊళ్లల్లో కూడా ప్రస్తుతం విషవాయువులు, రేడియేషన్ అధికంగా విడుదలవుతున్నాయి. వీటన్నింటినీ తట్టుకొని ఎదుక్కోవాలంటే పచ్చదనమే పరిష్కారం. చెట్ల వల్ల ఆక్సిజన్ శాతం పెరుగుతుంది, కాలుష్యం తగ్గుతుంది, వర్షాలు పడడానికి కూడా పరోక్షంగా సహాయపడతాయి.

ప్రాచీన కాలంనుంచి చెట్లకు, పచ్చదనానికి మన సంస్కృతి ఎంతో ప్రాధాన్యతనిచ్చింది. అందుకూ పండగ రాగానే వాకిళ్లు, ఇంటిగుమ్మాలని అరటి కొమ్మలతో, వేప ఆకులతో, మామిడి ఆకులతో అలంకరిస్తారు. గుమ్మానికి అరటిఆకులను కట్టడం ద్వారా కాలుష్యం ఇంటిలోపలికి రాకుండా ఉంటుంది.

వేపచెట్టు వల్ల ఎన్నో ప్రయోజనాలు ఉన్నాయని ఆయుర్వేద శాస్త్రం చెబుతుంది. వేపచెట్టుని పూజిస్తే మూఢనమ్మకం అంటారు. కానీ అదే వేపచెట్టు అక్కడ ఉన్నంతకాలం ఎంతో మందికి నీడని, ఆయుర్వేద ఔషదాన్ని, స్వచ్ఛని గాలిని, ఆక్సిజన్ ను అందిస్తుంది.

మనిషి దురాశే కాలుష్యం పెరగడానికి మూల కారణం అవుతోంది. లక్జరీ లైఫ్ ఎన్నో చెట్ల నరికివేతకు కారణం అవుతుంది. చెట్లనుంచి ఫర్నీచర్, ఔషదాలు, రబ్బర్ ఇలా ఎన్నింటినో తయారు  చేయవచ్చు. ఒక చెట్టును నరికితే, 5 మొక్కలను నాటాలన్నది పెద్దల మాట. కాని చెట్లను నరుక్కుంటూ వెళ్లిపోతున్నారు గాని మళ్లీ ఒక్క మొక్కను కూడా నాటడం లేదు.

ప్రకృతి మనల్ని రక్షించేది మాత్రమే కాదు, హద్దులు మీరితే శిక్షించేది కూడా. ప్రస్తుతం అక్కడక్కడా అడవులు కాలిపోవడం, అంటార్క్ టికా మంచు కిరిగిపోతుండటం, త్సునామీలు రావడం, భూకంపాలు రావడం, చెరువులు ఎండిపోవడం, వర్షాలు పడకపోవడం ఇవన్నీ పర్యవరణ హెచ్చరిక సంకేతాలు. కాబట్టి పర్యావరణాన్ని మీరు రక్షించండి, అది మిమ్మల్ని రక్షిస్తుంది.

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  • Plava Nama Samvatsara Panchangam Telugu: ప్లవనామ సంవత్సర పంచాంగం తెలుగు
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Essay on Nature: In 100 Words, 200 Words, 300 Words

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  • Updated on  
  • Oct 13, 2023

Essay on Nature

Nature is the intricate web of life that surrounds us, encompassing everything from the air we breathe to the majestic landscapes we admire. It includes the delicate balance of ecosystems, the diversity of flora and fauna, and the natural resources that sustain all living beings on Earth. Exploring the beauty and significance of nature is not only a pleasurable endeavour but also a crucial one, as it reminds us of our responsibility to protect and preserve our environment.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Tips to Write the Best Essay
  • 2 Essay on Nature in 100 Words
  • 3 Essay on Nature in 200 Words
  • 4 Essay on Nature in 300 Words

Tips to Write the Best Essay

Here are some tips to craft an exceptional essay:

  • Understand the Topic: Grasp the essence of the topic and its different aspects before you start writing.
  • Structure: Organize your essay coherently, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • Thesis Statement: Formulate a strong thesis statement that summarizes the main point you want to convey.
  • Use Vivid Language: Employ descriptive language to bring the beauty of nature to life for your readers.
  • Supporting Evidence: Back up your points with facts, statistics, and examples to make your essay more convincing.
  • Variety of Ideas: Discuss different perspectives and dimensions of the topic to showcase a comprehensive understanding.
  • Proofread: Edit your essay for grammar, punctuation, and clarity before submitting it.

Essay on Nature in 100 Words

Nature is a precious gift, encompassing all living and non-living entities. It provides us with air, water, food, and shelter. The beauty of nature soothes our souls and brings us closer to the marvels of creation. However, human activities are threatening the delicate balance of ecosystems, leading to pollution, deforestation, and climate change. It’s our responsibility to protect and preserve nature for future generations to enjoy its wonders.

Essay on Nature in 200 Words

Nature is the ultimate source of inspiration and sustenance for all life forms on Earth. From the smallest microorganisms to the tallest trees, every aspect of nature plays a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance of our planet. The diversity of flora and fauna, the intricate ecosystems, and the natural resources provide us with food, shelter, and even the air we breathe.

Despite its undeniable importance, human activities are wreaking havoc on nature. Deforestation, pollution, and excessive use of natural resources are causing irreparable damage to our environment. Climate change, triggered by human-induced factors, is resulting in extreme weather events and rising sea levels, endangering both human and animal habitats.

Preserving nature is not a choice; it’s a necessity. The responsibility to conserve nature lies in the hands of every individual. Planting trees, reducing waste, using sustainable resources, and raising awareness about the importance of nature are steps we can take to mitigate the damage.

Nature has provided us with boundless beauty and resources, but it’s up to us to ensure its survival. By respecting and nurturing the natural world, we can secure a healthier and more vibrant planet for current and future generations.

Essay on Nature in 300 Words

Nature is a symphony of vibrant life forms and dynamic ecosystems that create a harmonious and intricate web of existence. The lush greenery of forests, the tranquil blue of oceans, the diverse habitats of animals, and the breathtaking landscapes remind us of the sheer magnificence of the world we inhabit. It’s a world that offers us both solace and sustenance, making our survival intertwined with its preservation.

The ecosystem services provided by nature are immeasurable. The forests act as the lungs of the Earth, producing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide. Wetlands filter our water, providing us with clean and fresh sources of hydration. Bees and other pollinators enable the growth of crops, contributing to global food security.

However, the rampant disregard for nature’s delicate balance is leading to alarming consequences. The relentless deforestation for urbanization and agriculture is causing habitat loss, leading to the extinction of numerous species. The excessive emission of greenhouse gases is driving climate change, with rising temperatures and unpredictable weather patterns threatening vulnerable communities.

To ensure the well-being of our planet and future generations, conservation and sustainable practices are imperative. Afforestation and reforestation efforts must be intensified to restore lost ecosystems. Transitioning to renewable energy sources can reduce carbon emissions and mitigate climate change. Moreover, raising awareness and fostering a deep connection with nature can instil a sense of responsibility and inspire positive action.

In conclusion, nature is not merely a resource for human exploitation; it’s a complex and interconnected system that sustains life in all its forms. We must recognize our role as custodians of the environment and act with diligence to protect and preserve it. By embracing sustainable practices and fostering a profound respect for nature, we can secure a future where the world’s natural wonders continue to thrive.

Nature encompasses the entirety of the physical world and its components, including landscapes, flora, fauna, air, water, and ecosystems. It encompasses the natural environment and all living and non-living elements that shape and sustain life on Earth.

Nature is vital for our survival, providing resources like air, water, and food. It maintains ecological balance, supports biodiversity, and offers inspiration and solace. However, human activities threaten its delicate equilibrium, necessitating conservation efforts.

Saving nature requires planting trees, reducing waste, using sustainable resources, and raising awareness about its importance. Adopting renewable energy sources, practising responsible consumption, and fostering a connection with nature are crucial steps in its preservation.

We hope that this essay blog on Nature helps. For more amazing daily reads related to essay writing , stay tuned with Leverage Edu .

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Manasvi Kotwal

Manasvi's flair in writing abilities is derived from her past experience of working with bootstrap start-ups, Advertisement and PR agencies as well as freelancing. She's currently working as a Content Marketing Associate at Leverage Edu to be a part of its thriving ecosystem.

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Nature Is The Best Teacher (Essay Sample) 2022

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Nature Is The Best Teacher (Essay Sample)

Mother nature is a benevolent companion that accompanies us from start to beginning. Nature isn’t just a place to visit it’s home for all living things including us. Just like a mother it teaches us things like no one else can teach us. Plants, animals, and every other living thing carry a message that it has some meaning and purpose. Nature teaches us that we have a purpose in life. It teaches us to peacefully coexist and work for each other’s welfare. In this essay, we will discuss how nature is an amazing teacher for mankind.

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Essay On Nature Is The Best Teacher – 700 Word Long Essay

The famous proverb that reads ‘Nature is the Best Teacher appeals to us to explore and learn from everything around us. Nature not only provides us with everything we need but also teaches us things that we cannot learn any other way. Nature is indeed a blessing of God almighty and gives us great lessons like hard work, patience, motivation, and much more. In this essay, we will discuss how and why nature is the best teacher for humanity.

Everything present in nature teaches us some great lessons. For instance, hibiscus flowers only come to life for one day, and on that day its dances all the time until it dies in the evening. It teaches all of us that we should live life to the fullest even if we know that we will lose it all in small time. Similarly, trees that protect against the harsh sunlight give us a lesson that we should protect the poor and needy from these problems. The sun burns to provide light to all the people, through this act we learn that we should sacrifice our happiness to make other people happy. The river keeps on trying to clear its path and never turns away from its path. This shows that no matter how difficult things are you should never turn away and keep on trying until you crush all obstacles.

Animals show us how to teach our young ones. A lion teaches his cub how to hunt, an eagle teaches his child how to fly and kill in the air. Just like that teachers, parents, and guardians teach students and children to find solutions to problems. Nature is a great teacher and it shows us how we can survive through give and take. Plants give us oxygen and in return, we give them carbon dioxide to breathe. We give plants water and fertilizers, in return they give us fruit and shelter. Just like that humans learn how we can give and take from other people to peacefully coexist.

Observation, theory, and experimentation are crucial elements to learn any new thing in life. Nature in most cases has an inspirational technique to teach humanity. Nature gives all her wealth to human beings and does not expect payment in return. Nature is the best teacher with its perfect balance, cycles, and creations. Nature has inspired all big and small creatures and especially men to excel in the fields of science, agriculture, and technology.

The greatest lesson that mankind learns from nature is how to live life. Nature as a silent teacher reveals different secrets of life so that we all can learn from them. Such secrets include respect for everything living things. The different species of all the organisms usually live in harmony and have peaceful co-existence. This kind of peaceful coexistence is a lesson that is portrayed to mankind and should be embraced when living with one another.

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Life Lessons Nature Teaches Us Through Plants

  • Plants never limit themselves, they are limitless and they keep on growing and expanding until they die. Humans should not set limits for themselves
  • A lonely tree faces all harsh things in nature and keeps on becoming stronger by growing strong and thick roots. This shows that we become stronger when we face problems.
  • Plants adapt to almost all weather conditions. A mango tree that gives fruit in summer does not fall in winter. Humans should learn to adapt to challenges in life.
  • All plants add value to the life of all living things. They provide food, shelter, wood, and all sorts of things but don’t ask anything in return. Humans should learn not to be selfish.
  • Plants are happy as they are; they don’t copy other plants and neither should humans.
  • Plants grow slow and steady to reach glorious heights in their life span. Humans should learn the lesson of patience from plants.

In conclusion, nature is indeed the greatest teacher for mankind on this planet. In our day-to-day living nature teaches us real selflessness, true renunciation, and the desire to reach an elevated state. Nature shows that it gives all wealth irrespective of all the negativities in life which should mean a great deal for all of us. Nature shows how to become better and we should learn from it.

Nature Is The Best Teacher Essay 200 Words Custom Essay Service

Nature teaches humanity things that can’t be learned anywhere else. Nature teaches us how to live, how to survive, how to strive, and how to reach excellence in life. Animals, insects, and especially plants teach us things in their unique way. Plants are the unsung heroes they provide food, shelter, and all kinds of medicines but ask nothing in return. In this essay, we will discuss how nature is the greatest teacher on this planet.

Plants teach us many life lessons, by observing them we can also learn from them. Plants always look towards the sun while competing to get maximum exposure to sunlight. This teaches us that we should always work in silence to achieve excellence by fixing our sight on target. This also teaches us that we should ignore all other things that try to stop us from reaching our goal. Spiritually speaking, nature shows us that everything has a purpose in life and there is a creator who created all these things. The beauty and peace in animals and plants also show us that our creator is peaceful, beautiful, and praise-worthy.  Trees reach glorious heights by growing patiently while suffering from all the hardships. This shows that we should patiently face all problems to reach true glory in life.

Nature the best teacher teaches mankind about connectivity. Artists and influencers all around the world agree that nature is the basic source of influence. Nature is the basis of human survival, and it keeps on giving us everything it has to offer. It’s time we give something back to nature by respecting it, admiring it, and doing things that add to its beauty.

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FAQ About Nature the Best Teacher

How to write an essay on nature is the best teacher.

To write an essay on this topic first recall what you and other people have learned from nature. Discuss how nature is changing our lives and end it with a short conclusion.

How To Justify Your Answer About Nature Is A Great Teacher?

To justify your answer use examples from animals, plants, and other living things about what we have learned from them. Also present arguments about how nature is the source of motivation and inspiration.

essay on nature is the best teacher in telugu pdf

Nature Is The Best Teacher Expansion of Idea: Check The Meaning Here!

Nature Is The Best Teacher Expansion of Idea: Nature has always been a source of inspiration and wonder for humanity, with its vast landscapes, diverse ecosystems, and intricate systems of life. But beyond its beauty, nature can also teach us important lessons about the world and ourselves. The saying “Nature is the best teacher” emphasizes the idea that we can learn valuable insights and wisdom from observing and interacting with the natural world. In this article, we will explore the expansion of this idea, looking at how nature can teach us important lessons about life, sustainability, and our place in the world.

Table of Contents

Expansion of Idea Nature Is The Best Teacher

Expand the proverb nature is the best teacher, explanation of the saying nature is the best teacher, nature is the best teacher expansion of idea in 100 words, nature is the best teacher expansion of idea in 200 words, faqs on nature is the best teacher expansion of the idea .

The idea that “Nature is the best teacher” highlights the profound lessons that we can learn from observing and interacting with the natural world. Nature is an ever-evolving and complex system, and by studying it, we can gain insights and wisdom that can be applied to many aspects of our lives. For example, nature can teach us about resilience and adaptation. Plants and animals have evolved to survive in challenging and changing environments, and we can learn from their strategies for survival. We can also learn about sustainability and the interconnectedness of all living things. Nature operates in cycles and balances, and by observing these processes, we can gain a deeper understanding of the impact of our actions on the environment and the importance of preserving it.

Nature can also teach us about the power of simplicity and the beauty of imperfection. In nature, everything has a purpose and a role to play, and there is a certain elegance in the way that ecosystems function. We can learn to appreciate the beauty of the imperfect and the flawed, recognizing that it is often these imperfections that give things their unique character and beauty.

Furthermore, nature can teach us about the importance of mindfulness and being present in the moment. When we immerse ourselves in nature, we are forced to slow down and observe the world around us. We can learn to appreciate the small details and simple pleasures of life, such as the sound of a bird singing or the way that sunlight filters through the trees.

In conclusion, the idea that “Nature is the best teacher” highlights the valuable lessons that we can learn from observing and interacting with the natural world. From resilience and adaptation to sustainability and mindfulness, nature can teach us important insights and wisdom that can enrich our lives and help us become better stewards of the environment.

The proverb “Nature is the best teacher” emphasizes the idea that the natural world around us holds profound wisdom and knowledge that we can learn from. It suggests that by observing and interacting with nature, we can gain important insights into life and the world around us. Nature operates in an ever-evolving and complex system, and by studying it, we can learn about balance, harmony, and sustainability.

One of the important lessons that nature can teach us is the importance of resilience and adaptation. We see this in the way that plants and animals have evolved to survive in changing environments. For example, some species of birds migrate thousands of miles each year to find food and nesting sites. These adaptations allow them to thrive in challenging conditions and inspire us to be more adaptable in our own lives.

Nature also teaches us about interconnectedness and the importance of preserving the environment. Every living thing on Earth is connected and dependent on each other, and we can learn from this intricate web of relationships. We can also learn about the impact of our actions on the environment and the importance of sustainable living.

Additionally, nature can teach us about the beauty of simplicity and the acceptance of imperfection. In nature, there is a certain elegance in the way that ecosystems function, and we can learn to appreciate the beauty of the imperfect and the flawed.

The saying “Nature is the best teacher” emphasizes the idea that the natural world around us holds valuable lessons that we can learn from. It suggests that by observing and interacting with nature, we can gain important insights into life and the world around us.

One of the key lessons that nature can teach us is the importance of resilience and adaptation. We see this in the way that plants and animals have evolved to survive in changing environments. For example, some species of plants can adapt to harsh conditions such as drought or extreme temperatures, while animals have developed strategies for hunting, mating, and protecting themselves.

Another lesson that nature can teach us is the interconnectedness of all living things. Every organism on Earth is connected and dependent on each other, and by studying these relationships, we can gain a deeper understanding of the complex systems that make up our world. We can also learn about the impact of our actions on the environment and the importance of preserving it.

Furthermore, nature can teach us about the power of simplicity and the beauty of imperfection. In nature, everything has a purpose and a role to play, and there is a certain elegance in the way that ecosystems function. We can learn to appreciate the beauty of the imperfect and the flawed, recognizing that it is often these imperfections that give things their unique character and beauty.

Also, Read necessity is the mother of invention expansion of idea !

The expansion of the proverb “Nature is the best teacher” emphasizes the important lessons that we can learn from observing and interacting with the natural world. It highlights the importance of resilience, adaptation, and interconnectedness, as well as the power of simplicity and the beauty of imperfection. By studying nature, we can gain a deeper understanding of the complex systems that make up our world and become better stewards of the environment. Ultimately, nature holds profound wisdom that can enrich our lives and inspire us to live in harmony with the natural world around us.

The proverb “Nature is the best teacher” emphasizes the idea that the natural world around us holds valuable lessons that we can learn from. By observing and interacting with nature, we can gain important insights into life and the world around us.

One of the key lessons that nature can teach us is the importance of resilience and adaptation. We see this in the way that plants and animals have evolved to survive in changing environments. Nature also teaches us about interconnectedness and the importance of preserving the environment.

Additionally, nature can teach us about the power of simplicity and the beauty of imperfection. In nature, everything has a purpose and a role to play, and there is a certain elegance in the way that ecosystems function. We can learn to appreciate the beauty of the imperfect and the flawed, recognizing that it is often these imperfections that give things their unique character and beauty.

Moreover, nature teaches us about mindfulness and the importance of being present in the moment. Nature provides a sense of peace and tranquility that can help us reconnect with ourselves and with the world around us. We can learn to appreciate the beauty and wonder of nature, which can inspire us to lead more fulfilling lives.

In conclusion, the expansion of the proverb “Nature is the best teacher” highlights the profound lessons that we can learn from observing and interacting with the natural world. From resilience and adaptation to interconnectedness and mindfulness, nature holds valuable wisdom that can enrich our lives and help us become better stewards of the environment.


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Happy teachers day 2020: యుగపురుషుల గురించి ఉపన్యాసం ఇవ్వండని పిలిస్తే.. యుగపురుషుడే వచ్చి ఉపన్యసించారు అని కొనియాడారు హోవెల్. నాలో మామూలు మనిషిని దర్శించిన మహర్షి అని కీర్తించారు స్టాలిన్‌. అంతటి జ్ఞాన మహర్షి.. మన సర్వేపల్లి రాధాకృష్ణన్.

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Today Panchangam 22 August 2024 ఈరోజు బహుళ చతుర్థి వేళ ఉపవాస దీక్షకు శుభ సమయం ఎప్పుడొచ్చిందంటే...

Nature Essay

500+ words essay on nature.

Nature is the most precious gift of God to us. Nature is like our mother; it nourishes and nurtures us. All our basic necessities are fulfilled by nature. Whether it’s the air we breathe, the land we live on, the water we drink or the food we eat, it all comes from nature. God has only gifted earth with nature; that’s why life is possible on earth. Without nature, the existence of living things would not be possible. Other planets are not blessed with this gift. So, we should be thankful to God for this beautiful nature and the existence of life on earth. Here, students can find the 500+ Words Essay on Nature. This essay will guide them in writing a good Essay on Nature and work as a sample essay for them. By going through it, students can create their own Nature Essay in English.

Nature is the natural, physical, material world or universe. “Nature” can refer to the phenomena of the physical world, and also to life in general. It ranges in scale from the subatomic to the cosmic. Our planet is rich in nature. Natural things look beautiful and attractive. Nature has flowing rivers, beautiful valleys, high mountains, singing birds, the oceans, the blue sky, different seasons, the rain, the beautiful moonlight etc. The beauty of nature is matchless. The blessings of nature on human beings are innumerable.

Importance and Role of Nature

If there were no nature, we wouldn’t be alive. Humankind is dependent on nature. We get oxygen to breathe from plants and trees. Thus, our respiratory system is regulated by nature. Not only this, nature has some magical healing powers which help patients suffering from various diseases to recover faster. Every minute spent in the lap of nature gives a refreshing and rejuvenating feeling. It lowers the cortisol, commonly known as the stress hormone. Even placing some nice plants around the work window will lead to lower stress. Nature enhances our brain’s activity and makes us concentrate better and be more focused. This makes our brains more creative and imaginative. Spending time in nature will provide a healthier and longer life.

Nature is very powerful and unique. Nature is also considered a source of education. We can learn humility from trees, the sturdiness from the mountains, and to smile from flowers and buds to keep smiling in tough phases of life.

The natural cycle of our ecosystem is very necessary. Ecosystems contain biotic or living parts, as well as abiotic factors or nonliving parts. Biotic factors include plants, animals, and other organisms. Abiotic factors include rocks, temperature, and humidity. Every factor in an ecosystem depends on every other factor, either directly or indirectly. We must take care of all the components of the ecosystem as it fulfils all our needs.

Nature Conservation

The resources provided on the earth are limited. If we continue to deplete the resources at this pace, then they will soon exhaust. Urbanisation and development have resulted in excessive use of resources. For example, we are cutting trees to make houses, roads, and railway tracks. We are mining minerals and fossil fuels for transportation activities. We are extensively using water for agriculture and other activities. Our comfort has led to the destruction of nature. Deforestation, global warming, wildlife destruction, environmental pollution, ecosystem imbalance etc., are the consequences that threaten biodiversity and life on earth. To overcome them, we need to conserve nature.

Conserving nature means protecting, preserving and restoring biodiversity. We can do so by taking care of small things such as making use of: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle. It will help in reducing waste management. We should plant trees in our surroundings and increase the greenery around us. Conserving water and saving it is also a way of conserving nature. We can also conserve rainwater by adopting the rainwater harvesting method. We must use and promote alternative energy sources such as solar energy and wind energy and thus adopt sustainable development concepts. We can conserve nature by taking care of small activities at home. These activities include switching off the lights, fans, and AC when not in use, switching to public transport and carpooling, composting waste at home, using recyclable bags and containers, and educating our children about climate change and nature conservation.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Nature Essay

Why is the conservation of nature important.

Humankind is completely dependent on nature and we are now depleting nature of all its resources. It is extremely important to understand that without nature, it would be impossible for any species to thrive on Earth.

What steps can we take to conserve nature?

All of us need to take at least small, minimal efforts from our side like recycling plastic, reducing wastage of all forms and keeping our house and surroundings clean.

How can we control the depletion of nature?

As much as possible, avoid purchasing unnecessary items as this will lead to waste accumulation. Avoid goods made from animal skin(leather), etc and try to reuse and recycle plastic and non-biodegradable items

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Essay on Swami Vivekananda for Students and Children

500+ words essay on swami vivekananda.

Born as Narendranath Dutta on 12 th January 1863 in the holy and divine place of Kolkata, Swami Vivekananda was a great Indian saint. He was a figure with “high thinking and simple living”. He was a great pious leader, a philosopher, and also a devout personality with great principles.  His eminent philosophical works comprise of “Modern Vedanta” and “Raj Yoga”. He was a principal disciple of “Ramkrishna Paramhansa” and was an initiator of Ramkrishna Math and Ramkrishna Mission . He thus spent his whole life in the dispersion of the values embedded in the great Indian culture.

essay on swami vivekananda

Childhood Days

Swami Vivekananda , the son of Shri Vishwanath and mother Bhuvneshwari Devi was called by the name “Narendranath Dutta” in the early days. Narendra was a child of unquestioned expertise and intellectual capability who used to take grasp of all his school teachings at first sight.

This excellence was recognized by his Gurus and thus was named “Shrutidhar” by them. He possessed manifold talents and skills comprising of swimming, wrestling which were a part of his schedule. Influenced by the teachings of Ramayana and Mahabharata, he had bottomless respect for religion. “Pavan Putra Hanuman” was his ideal for life.

Narendra was a lover of heroism and mystical by nature. Despite his upbringing in a spiritual family, he owned an argumentative personality in his infancy. His entire beliefs were assisted by an apt rationale and judgment behind them. Such a quality made him even put a question on the existence of the Almighty. He thus visited several saints and asked each one “have you seen God?”His spiritual quest left unanswered until he met “Ramkrishna Paramhansa”.

Meeting with Ramkrishna Paramhansa and Harmonization of Indian Culture

Swami Vivekananda met Ramkrishna Paramhansa for the first time when the latter visited his friend’s residence in Kolkata. Conscious of the supernatural powers of Swami Vivekananda called him to Dakshineshwar. He had a deep insight that Swamiji’s birth was a boon to mankind for the upliftment of the universe. Fulfillment of his spiritual inquisitiveness made he finally acknowledge Ramkrishna Paramhansa in the figure of his “Guru”. He was moved from darkness to illumination by his “Guru”. As his deep gratitude and reverence for his Guru made him travel all the four directions for the diffusion of his Guru’s teachings.

Swamiji won the hearts of everyone by his incredible speech at Chicago by addressing the audience as “Sisters and Brothers of America”

Vivekananda quoted these words” I am proud to belong to a religion which has taught the world both tolerance and universal acceptance. We believe not only in universal tolerance but we accept all religions as true.” Thus, he set forward the worth of Indian religion exhibiting the values of universal acceptance, oneness, and harmony despite multiplicity in cultures.

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose once said,” Swamiji harmonized the East and the West, religion, and science, past and the present and that is why he is great.” He played a prominent role in ending India’s cultural remoteness from the rest of the world.

A figure of highest ideals and great thoughts, Swamiji was an inspiration for the Youth of India.  Through his teachings he wanted to fill the young brains with the powers of self-realization, character formation, to recognize inner strengths, service to others, an optimistic outlook, tireless efforts and a lot more.

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Other Great Works by Swami Vivekananda

His famous quotations include, “Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached.” He also added that anything making a child physically, intellectually and spiritually weak must be rejected as a poison. He also emphasized on an education that leads to character formation.

His establishment of “Ramkrishna Math” and “Ramkrishna Mission” was a sign of “Guru Bhakti”, his sacrifice, austerity, and service of the poor and the downtrodden people of India. He was also a founder of Belur Math.

He spread the message of divinity and the true aims of scriptures. This great patriotic monk of the Mother Earth took his last breath on 4 th July 1902 at Belur Math.

Swamiji carried the messages of the rich and varied heritage of Indian culture and Hinduism, non-duality, selfless love, and service towards the nation. His mesmerizing personality with the highest virtues illuminated the young minds. His teachings aroused the realization of the power of the soul in them.

Thus, we celebrate his “Avtaran Divas” 12 th January, as the National Youth Day with great zeal and enthusiasm.

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యోగా - యోగా ఆంటే ఏమిటి? (Yoga in Telugu)

essay on nature is the best teacher in telugu pdf

యోగా ఆంటే ఏమిటి?

యోగాఅనేది 5౦౦౦సంవత్సరాలనుండిభారతదేశంలోఉన్నజ్ఞానముయొక్కఅంతర్భాగము. చాలా మంది యోగా అంటే శారీరక వ్యాయామము, కేవలంకొన్ని శారీరిక కదలికలు (ఆసనాలు) ఇంకా శ్వాస ప్రక్రియ అని మాత్రమే అనుకుంటారు. కానీ నిజానికి మానవుని యొక్క అనంతమైన మేధాశక్తి , ఆత్మశక్తిల కలయిక.

విజ్ఞానశాస్త్ర ప్రకారము యోగా అంటేపరిపూర్ణ జీవనసారవిధానము .దీనిలోజ్ఞాన యోగము (తత్వశాస్త్రము ), భక్తి యోగము , రాజ యోగము మరియు కర్మ యోగములు ఉన్నాయి. యోగాసనాలు అంటే రాజయోగ ప్రక్రియలో పైనచెప్పిన యోగాలన్నిటిలో సమతౌల్యాన్ని , ఏకత్వాన్ని తీసుకువస్తాయి.

శ్రీశ్రీ యోగా:

శ్రీశ్రీ యోగా అనేది 3 నుండి 5 రోజుల వ్యవధితో జరిగే10 గంటల కార్యక్రమము .  శ్రీశ్రీయోగా శ్రీశ్రీయోగా అనేదిఆరోగ్య కరమైనశక్తినిపుంజుకునే ఆనందకరమైన అనుభూతి. ఇది సులభమైన మరియు కష్టతరమైన శ్వాసప్రక్రియతో కూడుకున్నటువంటి ప్రక్రియ. దీనిద్వారా శారీరక , మానసిక సమతౌల్యంఏర్పడుతుంది . ఇది ఒక బహుముక ప్రజ్ఞానాన్నికలిగించే కార్యక్రమము. ఇందులోయోగాసనాలు , శ్వాసప్రక్రియ , యోగాకి సంబంధించిన జ్ఞానము , ఇంకా ధ్యానము పొందు పరిచబడి ఉంటాయి. ఇది నేర్చుకునే విద్యార్థులకు తమను తాము ఇంటి వద్ద నే చేసుకోవచ్చు. ఇది క్రోతగా నేర్చుకునేవారికి , రోజు సాధన చేసుకునేవారికీ అన్నిరకముల వయసుల వారికి ఉపయోగ పడుతుంది. చేసేవారి జీవన విధానములో ఎన్నో గొప్ప మార్పులు చోటుచేసుకున్నాయి. దీర్ఘకాలికమైన అనారోగ్యాల నుండి బయట పడ్డారు. ఇంకొందరికి ఇతరులతో మసలుకొనా విధానంలో మార్పులు వచ్చాయి.  నెర్చుకునే వ్యక్తులు వారి అనుభూతులని వివవరించారు. వారు ఎంతో సంతోషంగా,ఆతురత తగ్గి,ఓర్పు పెరిగి,కుశల బుద్ధి కలిగి, పరిపూర్ణ ఆరోగ్యాన్ని శ్రీశ్రీ యోగాతో పొందారు.

అందరికి యోగ

ఈ యోగాలో ఉన్న అందమేమిట్టంటే యోగాసనాలు శరీరానికి ధృడత్వాన్ని,శక్తిని ఇస్తాయి. అందుకే పెద్దవారైన, చిన్నవారైన, ధృడంగాఉన్నవారైన,లేనివారైన ఆసనాలు వేయడానికి ఇష్టపడతారు. సాధచేస్తున్న కొద్ది ఆసనాల వెనకాల ఉన్న అంతరార్ధం బాగా అవగాహనకు వస్తుంది. ఆసనంలో ఉంటూనే బాహ్య కరమైన శారిరిక క్రమము నుంచి అంతరంగిక పరివక్రుత అనుభూతిలోకి వస్తుంది.

యోగ మన జీవితంలోని  అంతర్భాగమే కానీ అన్య భాగము కాదు. ఇది పుట్టినదగర నుంచి చేస్తున్న  ప్రక్రియే. పసిపిల్లల్ని చుస్తున్నట్లిత వారు రోజు మోతంలో మకరాసనం, పవనముక్తసనం ఎన్నో సార్లు వేస్తూనే వుంటారు. యోగ అనేది  ఒక్కొక్క రకంగా అర్థమవుతుంది. కానీ మాకు మాత్రం యోగ ధృడంగా “మా జీవనవిధానం” అని ఎదుటివారిచేత ఆవిష్కరిమ్పచేయడం మా లక్ష్యం.

ఆయుర్వేదమనేది ప్రపంచంలో సున్నితమైన, శక్తివంతమైన, మానసిక,శారిరిక, ఆరోగ్యవిధానము. కేవలం అనారోగ్యానికి చికిత్సని ఇవ్వడమే కాకుండా ఆయుర్వేద అనేది జీవనవిగ్ఞానము.  ఇది ప్రకృతిలో మిళితమైనటువంటి సూత్రాలను పాటిస్తూ మానవుని యొక్క శరీరము, మనస్సు, అంతర్ శక్తీని ప్రకృతిలో ఉన్నట్లుగానే సమతౌల్యానికి తీసుకువస్తుంది. ఆయుర్వేద వాడకం యోగ సాధనని కూడా అభివృద్ధి చేస్తుంది. ఈ రెండు సరైన గెలుపునిస్తుంది. ఈ తరగతిలో విస్తృతంగా ఆయుర్వేద చిట్కాలు, ఆరోగ్య జీవన విధానానికి కావలసిన సూచనలు చెప్పబడతాయి.

శ్వాస ప్రక్రియ (ప్రాణాయామము ) మరియు ధ్యానము

ప్రాణాయామము అనగా ఒకరి శ్వాస మీద పట్టు సాధించడం. ఇంకా శ్వాసను పీల్చే శక్తిని పెంచడం. సరైన శ్వాస ప్రక్రియ శరీరంలోని అధిక ప్రాణవాయువును రక్తంలోనికి, మెదడులోనికి ప్రసరింపచేసి ప్రనసక్తిని పెంపొందిస్తుంది. ప్రాణాయామము అనేక యోగాసనాలు వేయటంలో దోహదపడుతుంది. ఈ రెండింటి సమ్మేళనము ప్రాణాయామము, యోగాసనాలు శరీరము మనస్సుకు స్వత్చతను, వ్యక్తిగత అనుసాసనాన్ని ఇస్తాయి. ప్రాణాయామము యొక్క మెళకువ మనలను లోతైన లేదా ఘాఢమైన ధ్యానములోనికి తీసుకువెళుతుంది. అనేక విధములైన ప్రాణాయామముల గురించి ఈ తరగతిలో తెలుసుకుందాము.

పతంజలి యోగ సూత్రాలు

ఈ తరగతిలో శ్రీ శ్రీ రవి శంకర్ గురూజీ ద్వారా పురాతన రచన పతంజలి యోగ సూత్రాలు ప్రవచింపబడతాయి. ఇది మను పురాతన యోగ పరిజ్ఞానాన్ని, దాని పుట్టుకను, దాని ఉపయోగాన్ని వివరిస్తుంది. ఈ యోగ సూత్రాలను సరళంగా, వివరంగా, అందరికి అందుబాటులోనికి తీసుకురావటమే. అత్యంత లాభాన్ని నిజ జీవితంలో ఎలా అనుభవించగలం అన్న అంశం మీద కేంద్రీకృతమై ఉంటుంది.

ఆరోగ్య సమస్యలు గాని, భావావేశాలు గాని, వ్యక్తిగత జీవితం పైన ప్రభావాన్ని చూపుతున్నాయా? అలా అయితే ధరకాస్తుని భర్తీ చేసి యోగ గురించి మరింత జ్ఞానాన్ని, సహాయాన్ని పొంది, జీవన సరళి లో చిన్న చిన్న మార్పులతో మీ యొక్క సమస్యలని సహజంగానే అధిగామించండి.

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Essay on My Favourite Teacher

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Table of Contents

Essay on My Favourite Teacher: There is no doubt that teachers play a significant role in our lives. They are the ones who nurture and shape our minds, helping us to become the best versions of ourselves. They teach us the importance of hard work and discipline, and instill in us a love for learning.

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Also Check: Essay on Teacher in English

Without teachers, we would be lost. They are the guides who help us navigate through the challenges of life, and their impact extends far beyond the classroom. They are the unsung heroes who make a difference in the lives of their students every day. Teachers are the foundation of our society, and their importance cannot be overstated. They play a vital role in shaping the future of our world. Thank you, teachers, for everything you do.

In this article, we have come up with some sample formats on essay on my favourite teacher. You find both short and long essays on the same here.

Long and Short Essay on My Favourite Teacher in English

Below we are giving essay on my favourite teacher for your information and knowledge.

These My Favourite Teacher Essay are written in simple and easy English so that they can be memorized easily and presented when required.

After going through the essays you will be able to describe the qualities of your favourite teacher, why is he/she your favourite and how does s/he has transformed you.

You can use My favorite Teacher essays on occasions like Teachers Day or similar events.

Also Check: An Ideal Teacher Essay

My Favourite Teacher Essay in 100 words

My favorite teacher is Rajani mam. She is my class teacher too and takes attendance daily in the morning. Teacher is a strict teacher however very funny and caring in nature. She is very disciplined and punctual. She does her all the works and projects related to the class at right time without getting late. I like her very much as she tries very easy ways to teach us good things. We enjoy her class. She teaches us English subject. Teacher makes us laugh by telling lots of jokes in between when she teaches. She also guides us very well during any school or inter-school competition of dance, sports, academic, etc. Teacher teaches us to share things in class among our colleagues such as lunch or other needed things.

 My my Favourite Teacher Essay

My Favourite Teacher Essay 150 words

My favourite teacher is my class teacher. Her name is Nisha Gupta. She takes our attendance and teaches us Hindi, Maths and Art subject. Teacher is well educated and taken higher studies from the Banaras Hindu University. She follows very easy and effective teaching strategies to teach us all the subjects. I never miss her class and attend daily.

I like the way she teaches us as we do not need to study that subject at home again. We become very clear about the topic she teaches us in the classroom. After clearing the concept of topic, she gives us some exercises in the class and also home work for the home. Next day, she asks questions related to the yesterday topic and then start another topic.

In spite of the subjects, she teaches us good ethics and etiquette also to make us strong by character. May be; she will not be our teacher in next class however; her teachings will always be with us and show us way to difficult situations. She is very caring and loving in nature. Teacher has been the gold medalist in the university she got her higher education. She would always be my best teacher.

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My Favourite Teacher Essay 200 words

Ms. Geeta Goswami is my favourite teacher in the school. I study in class 4 th standard and she teaches me EVS (Environmental Studies). She is a good teacher. Teacher cares us a lot and teaches using easy ways. She never takes study very serious and teaches us with entertaining activities. Teacher always comes at right time in the class and never misses her class. We enjoy her class very much as she makes us happy too. Teacher loves me very much as I am her very disciplined and ideal student. I follow her all the orders and do my class work and home work in neat and clean manner daily.

I never become late or absent in her class. She motivates us to always follow right path in the life even we have to face much difficult situations. Teacher tells us that we never become hopeless in difficult situations and search some easy ways to get out of them. She also tells us that never think negative and always think positive as it always happens what we think and do. Teacher describes very well about all the topics of EVS. She wants us to talk in English in her class. She goes to her home with us in the school bus where we enjoy a lot by singing songs and reciting poems in the bus.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 250 words

My favorite teacher was Mr. Sunil Dutt who taught me English and Maths for 2 years when I was in class 3 rd and 4 th standard. He was from Varanasi however living in the vicinity of the school. Teacher took his higher studies from the Banaras Hindu University. He was very polite and kind in nature. Teacher knew well about how to handle small children in the class. I still remember him for his unique style of teaching.

What he taught to me, I still remember very well as he has made my Maths concepts very clear. Currently I am studying in class 5 th standard however still miss him very much. I meet him occasionally whenever I need to solve some tough questions of my Maths subject. He looks very smart with good physique, sparkle eyes and blond hair. I like his good personality and polite nature.

Teacher always smiled when entered to the classroom and first asked to us about our well-being. He also assisted us in the sports whenever our sports teacher was absent. Teacher has smiling face however very strict in the study. He always punished to the students who were with incomplete home works. Teacher is famous for making lots of fun during the class time however students get good marks in his subjects.

He is a teacher with good skills of teaching, friendly nature, good sense of humor, patient and easygoing. I am one of the obedient students of him. Sometimes he gave us chocolates on doing well in the class tests and exams. He never gave us lots of assignments at home. He is very enthusiastic and also always motivated us for doing our best in the study.

Also Check: Essay on Teachers Day Celebration

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My Favourite Teacher Essay 300 words

Mrs. Rashmi is my favourite teacher of 6 th standard in the school. She teaches us Hindi and Computer subjects in the class. She has very unique personality. Teacher is quite fatty but calm in nature. I always give her a greeting card on the teacher’s day every year. I also wish a good luck on her birthday. She is used to of reciting some jokes in between while taking class in order to make fun and draw our attention towards study. I am not so good in the Hindi subject however do very well in the Computer. She helps me a lot to improve my Hindi language. After taking the class, she always gives some questions to learn and ask for next day.

She takes us to the Computer lab to make us more clear and sure about the Computer. Teacher wants to keep quiet in her class when she teaches. She never leaves her weak students unclear about what she has taught. She makes everyone very clear about any topic and motivates us to ask questions in her class. Teacher never start next topic until we all understand the last one very well. She is very caring and loving in nature as she takes care of all students in the class. No one quarrel or fight in her class. She makes seating rotation of the students on weekly basis so that no one remains weak and unhappy. My all friends like her class and attend daily.

She supports some weak students by giving them over time outside the class. Teacher also helps us to solve the problems other than the study. Teacher promotes us to take part in the sports or other competitions organized in the school. She looks good with her smiling face and supporting nature. She helps us to get prepared for the event celebrations in the school such as Independence Day , Republic Day , Gandhi Jayanti , Teacher’s Day , Mother’s Day , etc. Sometimes, when topics over, she shares with us about her struggle period of the life in order to encourage us towards study. She is very friendly and easygoing teacher. We never fear with her however respect her a lot.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 400 words

My favorite teacher is my science teacher. Her name is Mrs. Sanjana kausik. She lives near to the school campus. She is the best teacher of school and liked by my all friends as she teaches very well. No one feels boring in her class as she makes some fun also. I like her strategies of teaching in the class. She asks us to go through the topic from home what she will teach in the class next day. Teacher teaches that topic in the class and asks many questions to get clear. She also asks questions about the same topic on next day. In this way, we get very clear about a particular topic. She takes test after teaching two or three topics. Teacher loves the teaching profession and also teaches us with enthusiasm and passion.

She is very friendly to us and never makes us fear from her. We ask her any question related to the subject in the class or her cabin without any fear. Teacher watches the activity of each and every student while teaching in the class and punishes the naughty ones. She tells us to concentrate on the study and always follow things what your teacher says in the class if you really want success in the life. She never makes partiality between weak and brilliant students in the class. Teacher supports a lot to her weak students and requests to brilliant students also to help their weak colleagues. She tells us to be passionate about our study and aim of the life.

Also Check: Paragraph on Teacher in English

She is very encouraging teacher, encourages us not only in study however also in the extracurricular activities. Teacher cheers personally to the student doing well in the school whether in academic or sports activities. She gives free tuition to her weak students at her home for one hour. Each student does very well in the science subject both in the class tests and exams. She is also the Vice-Principal of the school. So, she performs her all the responsibilities very well. She takes care of the cleanliness and greenery in the school campus.

She never looks serious as she has a smiling face. Teacher keeps us happy in the school like her own kids. She takes care of all the arrangements in the school during any event celebration or competitions organized in the school. She talks to all the students very politely and knows well to handle any difficult situation of the school.

My Favourite Teacher 10 Lines

My Teacher, Mrs. Anaya

  • Mrs. Anaya is my favorite teacher at Sunflower School. Here’s why I like her so much:
  • Every morning, she greets us with a big, warm smile. It makes my day bright!
  • She teaches us Math and English. But she makes it fun, like telling a story.
  • Mrs. Anaya went to a big school called Rosewood University. But she talks to us in simple words, so we understand everything.
  • She doesn’t just teach from books. She tells us to be good people and to be kind to our friends.
  • During break time, many of us stay in the class. We love hearing her tell funny stories.
  • If I don’t understand something, she helps me. She wants all of us to do well.
  • Sometimes, she tells jokes. We all laugh a lot!
  • Mrs. Anaya also tells us to play games and join fun school contests. She claps the loudest when we win!
  • I remember everything she teaches because she is so kind and fun.

I hope Mrs. Anaya is my teacher every year. She is the best!

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My Favourite Teacher Essay 10 Lines

  • Miss Ruby is my favourite teacher at Green Valley School.
  • She wears pretty dresses and always has a shiny pin in her hair.
  • Her room is filled with colorful charts and funny drawings.
  • Every morning, she sings a hello song with us.
  • Miss Ruby teaches us Science and Drawing.
  • I love when she shows us how plants grow from tiny seeds.
  • She has a big fish tank in our classroom with colorful fish.
  • We all get turns to feed them, and it’s so much fun!
  • During story time, she makes funny voices for each character.
  • If we do our work well, she gives us shiny star stickers.
  • Miss Ruby also reads us stories from big, colorful books.
  • She helps if we find any word hard to read or spell.
  • Sometimes, she plays the guitar, and we all sing along.
  • She tells us to always say ‘please’ and ‘thank you.’
  • Miss Ruby says being kind is the most important lesson.
  • On Fridays, we have a fun quiz, and she gives candies to everyone.
  • I once drew her picture, and she put it on the classroom door.
  • She loves all animals and tells us stories about her cat, Whiskers.
  • Miss Ruby always listens if we have something to say.
  • I hope to be in her class next year too because she makes school the best!

Below are the related topics to My self essay available at IL

FAQs on My Favourite Teacher

How do i write about my favorite teacher.

Begin by describing their qualities, teaching style, and how they made an impact on you. Use specific examples or stories to highlight your favorite teacher's unique attributes.

What is your favorite teacher?

Everyone has a different opinion, but a favorite teacher is often one who is caring, understanding, and makes learning engaging.

What is special about my teacher?

What's special about your teacher is their ability to inspire, motivate, and understand each student's unique needs and strengths.

What makes a Favourite teacher?

A favorite teacher possesses qualities like patience, knowledge, enthusiasm, and the ability to connect with students on a personal level.

What is a teacher best line?

A teacher's best line might be something like, I believe in you, which showcases their faith in a student's abilities.

How do I feel special to my teacher?

You might feel special to your teacher when they acknowledge your efforts, give personal feedback, or go the extra mile to help you succeed.

What makes a teacher happy?

A teacher is often happy when they see their students succeed, engage actively in lessons, and show respect and enthusiasm for learning.

Why am I thankful for my teacher?

You might be thankful for your teacher because of the knowledge they impart, the support they provide, and the positive impact they've had on your personal and academic growth.

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    500+ Words Nature Essay. Nature is an important and integral part of mankind. It is one of the greatest blessings for human life; however, nowadays humans fail to recognize it as one. Nature has been an inspiration for numerous poets, writers, artists and more of yesteryears. This remarkable creation inspired them to write poems and stories in ...

  7. చివరకు మిగిలేది (మొదటి భాగము) : బుచ్చిబాబు : Free Download, Borrow, and

    Telugu Ocr_detected_script_conf 1.0000 Ocr_module_version 0.0.13 Ocr_parameters-l tel+Telugu Pdf_module_version 0.0.14 Ppi 600 Scanner Internet Archive Python library 1.2.0.dev4 . Show More. plus-circle Add Review. comment. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Be the first one to ...

  8. Speech on Nature Is The Best Teacher

    Essay on Nature Is The Best Teacher; 2-minute Speech on Nature Is The Best Teacher. Ladies and Gentlemen, Today, I stand before you to talk about a wonderful friend, a silent guide, and a wise teacher - Nature. Just like a tree with deep roots, nature stands strong and teaches us many valuable lessons. Let's look at some of these lessons.

  9. Nature: A Great Teacher

    April 13, 2021 7:30 am. Nature is the fountainhead of beauty and solace. It soothes the heart, mind and soul; it refreshes with vigour and vitality. Nature is a best teacher, a great source of ...

  10. Environment Essay In Telugu ...

    Environment Essay In Telugu: పర్యావరణం ప్రతీఒక్కరి జీవితంలో చాలా ముఖ్యమైంది ...

  11. Essay on Nature: In 100 Words, 200 Words, 300 Words

    Essay on Nature in 100 Words. Nature is a precious gift, encompassing all living and non-living entities. It provides us with air, water, food, and shelter. The beauty of nature soothes our souls and brings us closer to the marvels of creation. However, human activities are threatening the delicate balance of ecosystems, leading to pollution ...

  12. Nature Is The Best Teacher Essay Sample 2022

    Nature is indeed a blessing of God almighty and gives us great lessons like hard work, patience, motivation, and much more. In this essay, we will discuss how and why nature is the best teacher for humanity. Everything present in nature teaches us some great lessons. For instance, hibiscus flowers only come to life for one day, and on that day ...

  13. PDF Nature Is the Best Teacher

    atureis the best teacher. Her variedness, through which she guides us to the realization of the inherent values of d. versity, is awe-inspiring. She is dutiful to the very end, unwaveringly following the l. ws and rhythm of creation. She is bountiful beyond measure, ofering her goods to humanity without the e.

  14. Nature Is The Best Teacher Expansion of Idea: Check The Meaning Here!

    The proverb "Nature is the best teacher" emphasizes the idea that the natural world around us holds valuable lessons that we can learn from. By observing and interacting with nature, we can gain important insights into life and the world around us. One of the key lessons that nature can teach us is the importance of resilience and adaptation.

  15. ఉపాధ్యాయ దినోత్సవ గొప్పతనం, (Teachers Day Essay in Telugu) విశిష్టతలను

    తెలుగులో ఉపాధ్యాయ దినోత్సవం వ్యాసం (Teachers Day Essay in Telugu): ప్రతి వ్యక్తి జీవితంలో గురువు పాత్ర చాలా ముఖ్యమైనది. పిల్లలకు ఏది తప్పో, ఏది ఒప్పో చెప్పి ...

  16. General Essays Topics In Telugu: Current Issues

    Get expert guidance for writing a college application essay, scholarship application essay, or class essay. Learn how to write effectively. General Essays Topics In Telugu: Current Issues | General Issues

  17. Teachers Day Speeches,గురుదేవో భవ: గురువుల గొప్పదనం.. ఉపాధ్యాయ దినోత్సవ

    Happy Teachers Day 2020: యుగపురుషుల గురించి ఉపన్యాసం ఇవ్వండని పిలిస్తే.. ... Telugu News App: ఏపీ, తెలంగాణకు సంబంధించిన లేటెస్ట్ అప్‌డేట్స్‌, జాతీయ ...

  18. Nature Essay For Students In English

    Here, students can find the 500+ Words Essay on Nature. This essay will guide them in writing a good Essay on Nature and work as a sample essay for them. By going through it, students can create their own Nature Essay in English. Nature Essay. Nature is the natural, physical, material world or universe. "Nature" can refer to the phenomena ...

  19. Essay on Swami Vivekananda for Students and Children

    Born as Narendranath Dutta on 12 th January 1863 in the holy and divine place of Kolkata, Swami Vivekananda was a great Indian saint. He was a figure with "high thinking and simple living". He was a great pious leader, a philosopher, and also a devout personality with great principles. His eminent philosophical works comprise of "Modern ...

  20. Essay on Nature in Telugu

    This video provides you with an Essay on Nature in Telugu. This video is created especially for students.The content in the video can be easily understood a...

  21. యోగా

    The nature of the mind is to seek happiness, joy, and ecstasy. Sometimes, the mind cannot find this in the area of the five senses. When it is not satisfied with just seeing, hearing, tasting, touching or smelling, it starts to crave. The mind longs for the highest peace and bliss. And in search of

  22. Essay on My Favourite Teacher

    My Favourite Teacher Essay for Classes 1 to 12. Find essays of 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 and 400 words on My Favourite Teacher. ... She is very caring and loving in nature. Teacher has been the gold medalist in the university she got her higher education. She would always be my best teacher. Also Check: Essay on Teacher's Day.

  23. Nature is our greatest teacher, says Chiranjeevi

    Taking to Twitter to express his wishes to teachers on the occasion of Teachers' Day, the top star of Telugu cinema said, "Besides 'Teachers', Nature is our greatest Teacher. Image courtesy: Ians