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Software Engineering – My Dream Job

Software Engineering – My Dream Job essay

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Essay on My Dream Job Software Engineer

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Dream Job Software Engineer in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Dream Job Software Engineer


My dream job is to become a Software Engineer. This role involves creating, testing, and improving computer software.

Why Software Engineering?

I am drawn to software engineering because of my love for computers and problem-solving. This job allows me to use both these interests.

What I’ll Do

As a software engineer, I’ll design and develop software applications. It’s exciting to create something that people use daily.

Software Engineers have a significant impact on society. They create tools that help people in their everyday lives.

250 Words Essay on My Dream Job Software Engineer

Every individual aspires to pursue a career that fulfills their dreams and passions. My dream job is to become a Software Engineer. This career choice blends my interest in technology and problem-solving, ultimately leading to the creation of innovative solutions.

Software Engineering is not merely about coding; it’s about making a difference in the world. It’s the backbone of every industry, from healthcare to finance, from education to entertainment. The ability to develop software that can transform lives and industries is what draws me towards this profession.

The Role of a Software Engineer

Software Engineers are the architects of the digital world. They design, develop, and maintain software systems, ensuring their efficiency and effectiveness. They also troubleshoot problems and devise software solutions that are user-friendly and meet the needs of clients and consumers.

The Impact of Software Engineering

The impact of Software Engineering is profound and far-reaching. It enables businesses to operate more efficiently, governments to provide better services, and individuals to enhance their daily lives. Software Engineers are at the forefront of technological advancements, driving innovation and progress.

In conclusion, my dream job as a Software Engineer is fueled by the desire to solve complex problems and contribute to the technological advancement of society. This profession offers endless learning opportunities and the ability to make a significant impact on the world. It’s a career that is challenging, rewarding, and constantly evolving, making it an ideal choice for me.

500 Words Essay on My Dream Job Software Engineer

The attraction of software engineering.

Software engineering is the art of applying engineering principles to the design, development, maintenance, testing, and evaluation of software and systems that make computers or anything containing software work. The allure of this profession to me lies in its perfect blend of creativity and logic. It requires one to think outside the box and devise innovative solutions, while also demanding a logical, systematic approach to problem-solving.

The Impact on Society

Software engineers are the architects of the digital world. They build systems that power everything from global financial markets to personal fitness apps. They are the unseen force that enables us to connect, create, and collaborate in ways we could not have imagined a few decades ago. The impact of their work on society is immeasurable, and being part of this transformative force is a significant motivator for me.

Personal Growth and Fulfillment

Challenges and opportunities.

Software engineering, like any other profession, comes with its challenges. The pressure to deliver within tight deadlines, the need to constantly update skills in line with technological advancements, and the complexity of problems to be solved can be daunting. However, these challenges are also opportunities for growth. They push a software engineer to strive for excellence, adapt to changes, and develop resilience.

My dream job as a software engineer is not just about coding or designing systems. It is about being part of a community that is shaping the future, pushing the boundaries of what is possible, and using technology to create a positive impact on society. The journey towards becoming a software engineer will undoubtedly be challenging, but the rewards – both personal and professional – make it a dream worth pursuing.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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My Dream Job Essay In 100, 150, 200 & 250 Words

This article explores the topic of “My Dream Job” from the perspective of a student who aspires to become a teacher, doctor, engineer and computer programmer. These essays describes the reasons behind the choice, the qualities required for the job, and the impact the job can have on society.

Table of Contents

1. My Dream Job Essay Teacher In 200 words

As a student, I have often thought about my future career and what my dream job would be. After much consideration, I have come to the conclusion that my dream job is to become a teacher. There are several reasons why I am drawn to this profession.

First and foremost, I believe that teaching is a noble profession. Teachers have the power to shape the minds of the next generation, to inspire young people to pursue their dreams and to make a positive impact on society. As a teacher, I would have the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of my students.

Another reason why I am drawn to teaching is that I enjoy working with young people. I find it rewarding to watch them learn and grow, to see them develop their skills and talents, and to help them navigate the challenges of life. Being a teacher would allow me to make a positive impact on the lives of many young people, which is something I find incredibly fulfilling.

In addition to a passion for teaching and a desire to make a positive impact, there are several qualities that I believe are essential for success in this profession. These include patience, empathy, creativity, and strong communication skills. A good teacher is someone who can connect with their students on a personal level, understand their individual needs and learning styles, and adapt their teaching methods to meet these needs.

my dream job essay paragraphs

Finally, I believe that teaching is a job that has a significant impact on society. Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the minds of young people, and in doing so, they help to create a better future for all of us. As a teacher, I would be contributing to this important work, and I would take great pride in knowing that I was making a positive difference in the world.

In conclusion, my dream job is to become a teacher. I believe that teaching is a noble profession that allows individuals to make a positive impact on society. I am drawn to this profession because I enjoy working with young people, I have a passion for teaching, and I possess the essential qualities required for success. I look forward to pursuing this career path and making a difference in the lives of my students.

2. My Dream Job Essay Doctor 100 to 150 Word

As a student, my dream job is to become a doctor. I have always been fascinated by the medical field, and the idea of helping people in their time of need is what draws me towards this profession.

Becoming a doctor requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and commitment. It is a challenging field that demands a high level of intelligence, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. However, I am willing to put in the necessary effort to achieve my dream of becoming a doctor.

As a doctor, I will have the opportunity to make a positive impact on people’s lives. I will be able to diagnose and treat illnesses, provide preventive care, and promote healthy living. I will also be able to comfort and support my patients and their families during difficult times.

One of the reasons why I am drawn to this profession is the constant opportunity to learn and grow. The medical field is constantly evolving, and doctors must stay up-to-date with the latest research and advancements in medicine. As a doctor, I will have the opportunity to continue learning and expanding my knowledge throughout my career.

Another reason why I am interested in becoming a doctor is the job security that it provides. People will always need medical care, and there will always be a demand for healthcare professionals. This provides a sense of stability and security for my future.

In conclusion, my dream job is to become a doctor. I am willing to put in the hard work and dedication required to achieve this goal. I am excited about the opportunity to make a positive impact on people’s lives, to continue learning and growing, and to have a sense of job security.

3. My Dream Job Essay Engineer In 250 Words

As a student, my dream job is to become an engineer. I have always been fascinated by the way things work and the idea of creating solutions to real-world problems. Engineering offers the opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives and to have a significant impact on the world.

Becoming an engineer requires a strong foundation in math and science, as well as critical thinking and problem-solving skills. As an aspiring engineer, I have worked hard to excel in these areas and have taken a variety of courses to prepare for a career in engineering.

One of the reasons why I am drawn to engineering is the wide range of fields within the discipline. Whether it’s civil engineering, mechanical engineering, or electrical engineering, there are many different areas of focus that I can pursue. I am particularly interested in the field of mechanical engineering, where I can work on designing and creating machines and systems that can improve people’s lives.

As an engineer, I will have the opportunity to work on complex projects that require collaboration and teamwork. This will allow me to work with people from different backgrounds and perspectives, and to learn from their experiences and knowledge.

Another reason why I am interested in becoming an engineer is the job security and stability that it provides. There is a high demand for engineers in various industries, and this provides a sense of stability and security for my future.

In conclusion, my dream job is to become an engineer. I am excited about the opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives, to work on complex projects, and to collaborate with people from diverse backgrounds. I am willing to put in the hard work and dedication required to achieve this goal and am excited about the many opportunities that the field of engineering has to offer.

4. My Dream Job Essay Computer Programmer In 300 words

As a student, my dream job is to become a computer programmer. I have always been fascinated by technology and the way it can be used to solve problems and make people’s lives easier. Programming is the language that allows us to communicate with technology, and the idea of being able to create software and applications that can have a positive impact on people’s lives is what draws me towards this profession.

Becoming a computer programmer requires a strong foundation in computer science, math, and logic. As an aspiring programmer, I have taken courses in programming languages, data structures, algorithms, and other related topics to prepare for a career in this field.

One of the reasons why I am drawn to programming is the constant opportunity to learn and grow. The field of computer science is constantly evolving, and programmers must stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and advancements. As a programmer, I will have the opportunity to continue learning and expanding my knowledge throughout my career.

As a programmer, I will also have the opportunity to work on a variety of projects, from developing mobile apps to building web applications to creating software for large organizations. This diversity of work allows me to explore my interests and find the area of programming that I am most passionate about.

Another reason why I am interested in becoming a programmer is the job security and stability that it provides. In today’s digital world, there is a high demand for skilled programmers, and this provides a sense of stability and security for my future.

In conclusion, my dream job is to become a computer programmer. I am excited about the opportunity to make a positive impact on people’s lives, to continue learning and growing, and to have a sense of job security. I am willing to put in the hard work and dedication required to achieve this goal and am excited about the many opportunities that the field of programming has to offer.

5. My Dream Job Essay Business Woman

Ever since I was a little girl, I have always been fascinated by the world of business. The idea of leading a team, making important decisions, and influencing the way our world works has always appealed to me. That’s why my dream job is to become a successful businesswoman.

In my eyes, a businesswoman is not just about owning a company or selling products. It’s about finding innovative solutions to problems, creating jobs for people, and contributing to the economy. Each day, a businesswoman encounters different challenges and opportunities. This dynamic and ever-changing environment is what keeps the job exciting and fulfilling for me.

My inspiration is drawn from powerful women like Oprah Winfrey and Sheryl Sandberg, who have broken glass ceilings and shown the world that women too, can rule the corporate sphere. Their problem-solving skills, ability to inspire others, and sheer determination to succeed against all odds are characteristics I strive to emulate.

I am aware that my dream job will require a lot of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. I am ready to commit to my education, gain the necessary skills, and work my way up. I am looking forward to learning about economics, marketing, management, and other aspects of business. I also plan to develop my leadership and communication skills, as they are essential in the world of business.

Being a businesswoman also means being a role model for other young women who aspire to enter the business world. I want to show them that with determination and hard work, they too can achieve their dreams. I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to pursue their passions, and I aim to help create a world where this is possible.

In conclusion, my dream job is to become a successful businesswoman. I am passionate about the business world and I am ready to work hard to achieve my dream. I understand that there will be challenges along the way, but I am prepared to face them head-on. After all, the road to success is never easy, but I believe that with passion, determination, and hard work, I can become the businesswoman I’ve always dreamed of being.

6. How To Achieve My Dream Job Essay

Becoming a successful businesswoman is more than just having a dream; it requires steadfast commitment, strategic planning, and an unyielding spirit. To achieve my dream job, I will need to follow a series of well-laid plans and continually evolve my skills and knowledge.

Firstly, I will focus on my education, understanding that it’s the foundation of my journey. I plan to major in business management or a related field, as this will provide me with the necessary insights into the world of business. My studies will cover crucial aspects such as economics, finance, marketing, and entrepreneurship, equipping me with the tools to navigate my business journey.

However, knowledge alone is not sufficient to become a successful businesswoman. Practical experience plays a crucial role in understanding the complexities of the business world. Thus, I will seek internships and part-time jobs in different sectors to gain first-hand experience. Working in various industries will provide me with a broader perspective and a more profound understanding of different business operations.

Networking is another crucial aspect of achieving my dream job. Building relationships with professionals in the business world can open doors to opportunities and provide valuable advice and mentorship. I plan to attend business conferences, seminars, and workshops to connect with like-minded individuals and potential mentors.

Another important step is developing my leadership skills. As a businesswoman, I will be expected to lead teams and make important decisions. Participating in leadership training programs and taking on leadership roles in school clubs and teams will help me develop these skills.

Additionally, I will continuously keep myself updated with the latest business trends and practices. The business world is dynamic, and successful businesswomen are those who stay ahead of the curve. Regularly reading business journals, attending webinars and conferences, and enrolling in continuous learning programs will help me stay at the forefront of business developments.

Lastly, resilience and perseverance are key to achieving any dream job. I am prepared for the challenges that lie ahead. I know the path to becoming a successful businesswoman is not easy; there will be hurdles and setbacks. But I am ready to face these challenges head-on, and I will not let failures deter me from my dream.

In conclusion, achieving my dream job of becoming a successful businesswoman requires a well-rounded approach that combines education, experience, networking, leadership development, staying updated with trends, and resilience. I am committed to following this comprehensive plan and am confident that with hard work and dedication, I will turn my dream into reality.

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My journey from first generation college grad to Software Engineer

My journey from first generation college grad to Software Engineer

By Maribel Duran

“If you really believe in what you’re doing, work hard, take nothing personally and if something blocks one route, find another. Never give up.” — Laurie Notaro

I am sharing my journey on how I learned the ins and outs of software development and how I finally landed my first Software Engineer role — so that others on a similar path will stay motivated to continue their journey. I hope to empower others to never give up on their hopes and dreams .

My progress was slow and steady because I was also improving other parts of my life that have helped me become a better person and ultimately a better developer. Now I am a Software Engineer working on a product that is helping people’s lives and I get to work with an amazing team. To wake up everyday knowing that I get to do what I love was worth the long journey.

The resources that I am going to cover helped me move forward towards reaching my goal while having a full time job with crazy on call hours, a relationship, family, friends, volunteering, and a few setbacks along the way. I really hope this post will bring value to you on your journey!

My Background

“Don’t bury your failures. Let them inspire you.” — Unknown

I am a first generation college graduate and the oldest out of my siblings.

My parents immigrated to the United States when they were teenagers and since then have been field workers. We weren’t sure why college was important, but we knew it was so I applied to universities with little knowledge of what I should be prepared for.

I first discovered programming while attending my undergraduate program. It took me two years of exploring engineering courses to declare my major in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). Our CSE program was very theoretical and introduced us to algorithms, computer designs/systems, and theories. However, having no prior experience with code, I felt lost and didn’t understand the value of these concepts. It felt as though the program was geared towards people who already knew how to code.

We completed projects, but I didn’t fully apply the new knowledge towards solving real world problems or building practical skills. As the projects became more challenging, I didn’t have the courage to ask for help when I was stuck. It seemed like most of my classmates knew what they were doing and had it figured out, so I was embarrassed to reach out.

One key thing I wasn’t aware about was the importance of internships. Instead, I would go back home during school breaks and work in the fields with my mom to help pay for college expenses. Nonetheless, I pushed through and received my CSE degree.

Once I graduated and started applying for Software Engineer roles, I came to realize that I wasn’t prepared. I didn’t have family or friends that could provide any insight on the interview process. None of them had received a higher education nor interviewed for a professional job. Those days, I didn’t know where to find the resources to help me prepare for the technical interviews. I didn’t know that interviewing itself was part of the learning process.

I ended up taking a different career path so my journey to becoming a developer was put on hold.

Motivation To Break into Software Development

“When you discover your mission, you will feel its demand. It will fill you with enthusiasm and a burning desire to get to work on it.” — W. Clement Stone

In 2015, I was feeling really lost and without a sense of purpose in my career. I wanted to align my mission of improving and empowering people’s lives with my career path. I also wanted to be a direct influence and a decision maker of the product I was supporting. In the role and company I was working for as a Technical Support Engineer, I didn’t see that being possible. I wasn’t getting enough project opportunities that could strengthen my software development skills.

One day it finally hit me. I wanted to build applications that improve and motivate lives. How could I accomplish this? I had the answer all along. I wanted to become the software developer I had originally set my intention to while in college and this time I wasn’t going to give up.

The 2 years of having worked as a Technical Support Engineer wasn’t enough to get me interviews for Software Engineer roles. Every company wanted at least a year of professional experience in building software. From then, I started researching where I could find the experience or education I needed to become a software developer. I could go back to school and get my master’s, but now days a degree in Computer Science isn’t necessary to land a developer job. People recommended to start building projects on the side. Ok awesome! But what was I supposed to program and in what language? Was I supposed to come up with a new big idea? Fortunately I found freeCodeCamp.

Working Through freeCodeCamp

freeCodeCamp is a free self paced curriculum where you learn web development and gain skills by building projects on your free time. What got me most excited about this curriculum was that it helped me focus my time on building instead of worrying about what to build. Also if you get far along the program, you get to build projects for nonprofits!


I didn’t complete the curriculum, but got far enough to build many front-end and back-end projects that boosted my portfolio. Being part of freeCodeCamp was also a gateway to joining an amazing community that helped me find other external resources that have led me to land my first software engineer role.

Attending Meetups

I started attending meetups early in my journey. Meetups helped me learn something new, meet others also trying to change career paths, and network. These are some of the groups I joined: Women Who Code SF , Girls in Tech , Write/Speak/Code SF , Girl Geek Dinners — Silicon Valley / SF Bay Area, and a freeCodeCamp group near your city .

Attending meetups always put me out of my comfort zone because I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to make conversations. But once I was there, I learned so much, shared tips and resources, and usually left inspired! Even after having attended so many meetups, I still get nervous before attending one.


Through meetups, I also got to meet creators of frameworks, courses, and platforms that have positively influenced my life and have been an inspiration.

Some meetups were motivational and others were more technical. Meetups kept me motivated since I didn’t have any friends that were developers. I met so many women also trying to break into software development and this is where my supportive community started.

Speaking of a supportive community…

Building a Supportive Community

It can get pretty lonely when learning to code so having people that understand what you’re going through and support you really helps. I couldn’t always make it out to meetups so having an online community was very convenient.

I decided to use Twitter as my main way of interacting with other developers and aspiring developers. I have been able to share learning resources, my struggles, accomplishments, and anything else that might benefit others in my field. Since I follow developers, my twitter feed mainly consists of tech news, articles, resources, and any other technical goodies.

Through my twitter community, I was able to receive the feedback needed to help convince myself that I had what it took to be a developer. I was able to get the mentorship to help me when I was stuck or felt lost in my coding journey. People in this field really want to help!


Listening to Engineering Podcasts

I started listening to engineering podcasts on my commute to work and I can tell you this is the best tip I have followed. You get to learn from developers that have been in this industry for years who are excited to teach and share their ideas and experiences.

Some people have said that engineering podcasts are dry, but not the ones I’ve been listening to! These developers are funny, caring, smart, and excited.

I was asked many times during my interviews whether I listened to podcasts. This was a great way to show how proactive and passionate I was about this field.

The following are a few of my favorite developer podcasts:

  • Developer Tea
  • FrontEnd Happy Hour
  • JavaScript Jabber

Attending a Hackathon


Attending my first hackathon helped me experience what being a developer was all about in a short amount of time and boosted my confidence. The following were a few things that I got to experience for my first time at the event:

  • Worked with designers
  • Used Git to collaborate with a team
  • Worked in a high paced development environment
  • Presented to an audience of designers and developers

All of these are skills that I use as a software engineer on a daily basis!

Attending a hackathon also helped me meet people with a common interest. The purpose of the hackathon I attended was to unite women to solve global challenges with tech. I met others that were also passionate about working towards solving global issues like Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking.

“By going beyond your own problems and taking care of others, you gain inner strength, self confidence, courage, and a greater sense of calm.” — Dalai Lama

Even though we didn’t fully implement our project at the hackathon, I took the extra effort to complete the app afterwards and added it to my resume. Interviewers loved that I attended a hackathon and asked what I learned during the experience. One fun question asked at an interview, was “If you could use our data, what type of project would you build at a hackathon?” My answer, “To build a platform that would help young students find colleges that would best benefit their career path”.

If you want to learn more about what to expect and the rest of the benefits you might get from your first hackathon, you can read about my experience here .

Contributing to Open Source Projects


I believe contributing to open source finally got me on the “I am ready for a developer job” mentality. It also helped me find a real world project that I was passionate about and ultimately helped me land interviews.

Contributing to open source was very intimidating so I kept pushing it off. Once I finally got the courage to figure out how to start contributing, Hacktoberfest came at the perfect time. Hacktoberfest is a month challenge in October where you get the opportunity to submit 5 pull requests and win swag all while raising awareness for open source and learning along the way.

This challenge motivated me to find meetups that would help me find projects that were helping the local community. I found a project that I was really passionate about. This project was brought up during every phone and onsite interview. Every interviewer asked me about the project, my contribution, and how we worked as a team.

If you want to learn more about the skills and values gained when contributing to open source, you can read about my experience here .

Having an Online Presence

Online was where I had the opportunity to share what I was learning and working on. It also helped me express what I was interested in, my mission for becoming a software developer, and who I am. Below is a checklist of what I covered to verify I was sharing as much as I could online:

  • Reviewed all Social Media accounts. Ended up creating a new Twitter account and dedicated it to sharing things related to software and personal development.
  • Updated my LinkedIn Profile (including asking my sister take a head-shot of me).
  • Transferred my CodePen projects to GitHub.
  • Wrote Medium posts about experiences related to my software development journey.
  • Iteratively updated my personal portfolio website’s design and content. (As I learned a new CSS trick or completed a project, I updated my website)

Most importantly, buying my own domain name and taking it live really helped me establish myself online. I highly recommend this. Companies will see that you are capable of setting up your own domain. I also recommend making your website secure, mobile responsive, and performant. I wrote about how I made my portfolio website blazing fast with Gatsby .


Reading Engineering Blog Posts

I started getting into the habit of reading engineering blogs and articles in the mornings and anywhere else where I had some spare time. Whether that was waiting for the train or standing in line at the store. It taught me how to communicate technical ideas by simply reading.

Below are a few engineering blog communities that I love:

  • freeCodeCamp’s Medium Publication
  • Twitter (Again, the people that I follow share great blogs from others)

I was also able to bring this up during interviews when asked how I kept up with the news in software development.

Writing Blog Posts

I have written a few blog posts related to my journey on becoming a developer as well as a recent technical blog post.

It is motivating to see what others have gone through. I sure wouldn’t have continued on my journey if it weren’t for all the amazing people that have shared their stories.

Share your experiences, perspectives, and values gained with others because you never know how you might impact someone’s life.

Other Technical Resources Worth Mentioning

The following are a list of other tutorials and coding challenges that were beneficial and recommend looking into.

Most of these resources are free or can get a good deal during a holiday sale:

  • Completed Watch and Code’s Practical Javascript course
  • Completed the 100DaysOfCodeChallenge Wrote about my experience here
  • Read Eloquent Javascript
  • Completed Udemy’s ES6 Javascript: The Complete Developer’s Guide course
  • Read The Road to Learn React I didn’t learn a front-end framework until I had the JavaScript fundamentals down
  • Completed MongoDB University’s M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers course 7 week course
  • Completed Udemy’s The Coding Interview Bootcamp: Algorithms + Data Structures course
  • Deployed my FCC back-end projects to Heroku and spent time writing descriptive README files. This wasn’t a requirement, but knew it would be a good learning opportunity. Deploying applications was definitely asked during the interview process.
  • Participated in Hacktoberfest . This challenge helped me find open source projects and open issues on GitHub that I could easily jump into.
  • Read Algorithms to Live By

Some Setbacks. One Step Back, Two Step Forwards

“The steeper the mountain, the harder the climb, the better the view from the finishing line.” -Paula Abdul

During my on-call weeks where I was on 24/7 support, I didn’t get to code much because I was taking late night calls on top of working 45 hour shifts. This took away lots of precious sleep and time. It got stressful, but was also a motivation to keep pushing.

There were weeks where I was able to spend 20 hours coding. There were some where only about 5 hours were spent and I have even gone weeks without coding. Whatever the setback was, it was okay. I was able to come back to my projects and work on them. I always managed to keep a developer mindset by reading a technical blog or book if I was on the road.

There were other personal challenges in my life where I had to step back from working on projects for an extended amount of time, but through my monthly goals and intentions, I reminded myself of my mission and kept moving forward.

Having stretched my journey really tested my patience, but I knew that any progress each month was better than none.


Landing interviews was easier than expected, but I believe that was mainly due to the work I put in over the years with setting up on my online presence by sharing what I have been learning and working on through different social media streams. GitHub, Twitter, LinkedIn, Medium, and my personal portfolio website were my bffs.

Most of the recruiters that reached out to me came from LinkedIn. A key move that helped me get noticed was adding my Headline to “Frontend Engineer” because that is what I believed I was ready for even though I didn’t have that title in my current position.

I do think having a CSE degree helped me get initial interviews. However, the interview process depends on the projects you’ve worked on and whether you can communicate them well. Of course I recommend getting a degree in this field, but having the degree won’t get you the job. I learned this the hard way.

You have to show that you’re dedicated, work on projects that really push you, and have a drive for this field.

Most of the recruiters that reached out to me (either in house or third party) were from companies with a mission I cared about. I didn’t spend time talking to companies where I didn’t value their mission or product. I was really honest with all the recruiters as to what I was looking for and what I had to offer.

I interviewed for different titles: Software Engineer, Fullstack Engineer, Front End Engineer, Front-End Developer, and Professional Services Engineer Role.

There were times were I was tempted to accept interviews for Support roles at really awesome companies, but had to stay true to myself and continue interviewing for roles that I really wanted. It was hard when I kept getting rejections of “not having enough development experience”.

I had a few take home tests that were very similar to freeCodeCamp projects and personally loved them because it allowed me to showcase my creativity and attention to detail when it came to documentation.

Below are some interesting questions that were brought up on most of my interviews

  • Talk about your current front-end experience?
  • What are some skills you can bring from your current Support position to the role you are interviewing for?
  • What was your contribution in xx project? How did you and your team decide on the tools and frameworks to use?
  • Can you describe your development workflow? Tip — Here’s a good episode on workflows: Our Workflows — Design, Development, Git and Deployment )

I started enjoying interviewing because it provided real insight on what type of skills companies were looking for. I really took seriously when interviewers asked me “Do you have any questions for me”? It was an opportunity to talk to engineers that worked at these companies. This was a great time to pick their brains and get a feel on how full time engineers work, how they think, and what type of tools they use. There were also topics that came up that I wasn’t aware of like “Accessibility” and knew these were topics I should start learning about.

Those 3 months of interviewing weren’t easy, but I stayed true to my mission and it was absolutely worth it.

Landing My First Dream Job

“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” — Paulo Coelho


Now I get to work on Worklete , an amazing product that is helping workers stay healthy, happy, and injury-free. It is a delight to come into the office everyday to work on a product that is making a positive impact on people’s lives while being surrounded by kind and motivating people.

I have close communication with the product team and since day one, have been able to make decisions, take on tasks, and present new ideas. I get to work on both sides of the tech stack and am enjoying everything that I am working on.

I am constantly learning and using all of the resources I have mentioned throughout this article to help me get tasks done and bring value to my company.

What’s Next

“Incredible things can be done simply if we are committed to making them happen.” — Sadhguru

I am going to continue building products that improve and empower people’s lives.

I am going to continue reading and writing technical articles, listening to podcasts, contributing to open source, attending meetups, and sharing my experiences with others. I want to continue being a better developer and person overall so that I can continue making a positive impact in the people around me.

One of my biggest goals is to help build a community and environment where every girl can have the opportunity to choose a career they love.

When you better yourself, others will want to do the same. I want to provide the guidance and support to help others achieve their full potential.


Main Advice To Others

“Every Great Dream Begins With A Dreamer. Always Remember, You Have Within You The Strength, The Patience, And The Passion To Reach For The Stars To Change The World” — Harriet Tubman

A few years ago, I gave up when I first started interviewing for software engineering jobs right out of college. Fortunately, I found my way back and couldn’t be any happier. No matter how long it takes you, don’t give up as long as you know why you’re in it. You might have a different reason for wanting to break into software development and that is totally okay.

The beauty of this field is that anyone has the opportunity to become a developer as long as they are determined, committed, and patient.

Trust yourself and enjoy the process :)

Again, a very special thanks to @freeCodeCamp , @developertea , @syntax , @ThePracticalDev , @_100DaysOfCode , and my Twitter community for all of the guidance through my learning process.

I’ve met so kind people along my coding journey and excited for what the future holds.

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Short Essay On my Aim in Life To Become a Software Engineer

If you are looking for Short Essay On my Aim in Life To Become a Software Engineer then here right website. In a world teeming with aspirations, defining an aim provides direction much like a compass steering a ship across vast oceans. My ambition is deeply rooted in the burgeoning field of software engineering, a profession that not only promises innovation but also has the potential to revolutionize industries. Software engineering stands as a pillar of modern technological advancement. It’s a domain where creativity meets complexity, driving the development of solutions that can transform everyday life.

My journey towards this goal began at a young age when I first became enchanted by the magic of programming. The allure of technology and the capability to build and improve software systems sparked a relentless passion within me. This profession excites me profoundly; it’s a realm where I can channel my technical acumen and creative instincts into tangible outcomes. The idea of devising software that could have a significant impact on societal progress fuels my dedication.

Becoming the number one software engineer in the world may seem a lofty goal, but it is the magnitude of such dreams that propels one forward. Each morning, I wake with a renewed vigor to advance closer to this goal, fueled by the belief that life without a clear aim is inherently devoid of purpose.

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Moreover, the respect and admiration garnered by accomplished software engineers inspire me to strive for excellence in this field. Achieving excellence in software engineering requires more than just an academic understanding; it demands resilience, perseverance, and a continuous thirst for knowledge. In Pakistan, where the tech industry is still burgeoning, carving out a niche requires exceptional effort and commitment. My daily routine is marked by hours of coding, studying new programming languages, and exploring the latest technological advancements.

my aim in life software engineering essay

The road is fraught with challenges, from mastering complex algorithms to staying updated with rapidly evolving technologies. Yet, each obstacle is a stepping stone towards greater expertise. My aim isn’t just to become a software engineer but to be a pioneer in this field, aspiring to reach the zenith of software innovation.

Short Essay on Software Engineering

I envision myself not merely as a participant in this field but as a contributor who aids in the technological elevation of my country. The software I dream of developing will address local and global challenges, improving efficiency and quality of life. This vision extends beyond personal achievement; it’s about making a meaningful impact on the community and contributing to national development.

In contemplating the lives of successful individuals, it is evident that having a clear and focused aim is indispensable. These achievers are not just beneficiaries of success but architects of their destinies. Their journeys inspire me to persevere against all odds and continue my pursuit with unwavering determination.

Choosing software engineering aligns seamlessly with my innate traits—creativity, problem-solving, and a penchant for detail. The prospect of sitting at a desk, translating abstract ideas into code, and eventually into functional software is profoundly satisfying.

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I am professional writer holding degree MA in Education consulting students for their career growth. I also have experience, focusing on new updates in all educational boards of Pakistan to help students.

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my dream to become a computer engineer essay

College Essay Tips for Software Engineering Programs

This article was written based on the information and opinions presented by Hale Jaeger in a CollegeVine livestream. You can watch the full livestream for more info.

What’s Covered:

“why this . . .” essays for software engineering, writing your essay.

For many college applications, you’ll write essays in addition to the Common App personal statement . These prompts will often ask you about what you’re planning on pursuing at the college. This article will give you practical advice for explaining your interest in software engineering. 

Many supplemental essay prompts are quite common, such as “ Why this major? ” and “ Why this school? ” If you’re sure about pursuing software engineering and know which college you want to kick off your career at, you should already know the answers to these questions. 

Certain schools have strong software engineering and computer science programs. If this is the case for your chosen college, it should be easy for you to say that you can identify with their program. You can add that you’re excited to use the specific resources there and how they will help you reach your goal of becoming a software engineer.

When talking about your major, bring up what attracts you to the field. Your eventual salary and career prospects are incentives, but you want to explain what specifically about the study of computer science and engineering makes you excited. Why do you like to learn about it? Maybe you’re fascinated by the inner workings of technology. Perhaps you’re interested in how specific tools on certain websites work. It’s also possible that you want to improve user experience and innovate existing software.

These reasons are a bit less shallow than money. They also get to the heart of why you want to pursue software engineering: you like to build things and solve problems. 

From Abstract to Specific

In general, when writing your essays, you should work on funneling these types of ideas about your major from the abstract to the specific. You can open with a particular anecdote or story to catch the reader’s attention, of course, but try to start with high-level interests. Fundamental things like identifying the inner workings of a website can lead to more niche topics.

Personal Experiences

When writing your essays, make sure you touch on any personal experiences that can help show why this subject is your passion. It can all add to the personal narrative that you’ve been building in your entire application and help make the admissions officers understand you better.

If you had an experience with technology that fascinated you, drew you into the subject, and made you want to learn more, then include that. Be sure to add the important details so the reader can get a good sense of the scene. Another way to go is if you had the opposite experience: you encountered a frustrating piece of technology and were desperate to figure out how to get it working. You realized that you wanted to go into the field to improve software and make people’s lives easier. You can try writing about your interests that way. 

Another way to write your essay is to back up an explanation of your passions with a personal story that will make your essay compelling. Try to draw on an anecdote, and if possible, explain what you’ve accomplished after your initial interest was sparked. 

How did you get involved in coding? If you found technology that was glitching all the time or something that excited you, did this inspire you to figure out how it all worked? Write about how you’ve developed your skills in coding and science and how much you’ve learned about good systems and malfunctioning systems. Then, write about what you want to accomplish and innovate in the field.

Plans for the Future

When you’ve discussed the past and present, you can begin to probe the future. For the sake of narrative, try to include how you’ve grown and what your ultimate ambitions are. If you’re not sure exactly what branch of software engineering you want to go into, that’s fine. You can name a few options, such as game design or mobile design, or you can just talk about how you want to build things and make better technology to improve people’s lives. 

When you’re talking about personal things, you should aim to be specific. Draw on stories when you can, and be honest about what interests you about this subject and what you want to do in the field. This is your chance to explore why you’re looking to go into software engineering, so you should come away from these essays feeling much more confident about your planned course of study.

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my dream to become a computer engineer essay

My Aim in Life to become Software Engineering – by Shanu

my dream to become a computer engineer essay

My aim in life has always been to become a successful software engineer. Software engineering is highly respected in the field of information technology as almost every field is associated with computers these days.

The role of a software engineer becomes crucial in tapping the available sources to provide the best solution for issues faced.

Checking out the latest software upgrades has to be considered as well. Software engineering will help me in realizing my dream of making it big in the severe competition involved in the corporate market.

Multiple Ways Software Engineering Helps in Career:


Understanding the impact of software engineering on a company, people and a product is important. Perhaps there are several phases involved with the process of designing a new software product. More preference is given to the security aspect as a unique key is included along with each and every software product. Taking care of the software requirements in every manner will help in the conceptualization of a perfect software product as per the desired needs.

Implementing Software Engineering Process in Detail:

Software engineering has gained deeper roots just because of the on-going requirements of the IT industry on a regular basis. The need to accomplish a given task in a more specific manner without consuming more time contributes to the development of software engineering. Though it is necessary to have a perfect software construction with all the modules included in a perfect manner, it is necessary to test the designed software product regarding its functionality through the software testing process. Apparently, the later stages of maintaining software too have influenced my aim .

Careful Aspects That Need To Be Considered:

The misuse of a software product can be prevented if the construction, software design, testing and maintenance modules are all well coordinated in a single unit. Modern programming concepts with respect to the corresponding software products too must be taken into consideration in order to manufacture an exact product as desired. On the other hand, the role of software configuration too determines the efficiency of the product with complete focus upon the software development life cycle. Complex tasks could be accomplished with relevant ease because of the proven approach.

Moving Ahead With Software Engineering Successfully:

Having a thorough focus on all the fields of software engineering is important so that more benefits of software could be realized. Imagine the kind of satisfaction a software engineer gets after successfully creating a product for a crucial purpose. By focusing upon several such aspects in detail, it has become possible to realize my aim in life without foregoing my career choice. Students who would like to choose software engineering as their career must work hard as there are multiple aspects involved in it.

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Essay on My Dream in 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 Words for Students

Everyone has a dream to achieve in their life. So do I and you. That’s why we are sharing some amazing essays on my dream in 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600 words for students of class 1-12. All students can find suitable my dream essay here for their study.

In This Blog We Will Discuss

Short Essay on My Dream in 200 Words

As a school student, I have a dream to fulfill in my life. I want to become a social worker. I love to work for people. As a career, I want to become a doctor, if possible. Because I think a doctor can help the people at his best. 

My dream is to help poor people. After being a doctor, I will go to some underprivileged area to serve them. There are lots of countryside areas where people don’t get proper treatment and they die due to very simple disease. They are not health conscious too. I will work for them. 

Social warfare is my major target. I won’t become a doctor to make money. I will make money to have a very simple lifestyle and most of my time, I will spend on the people. I think this is the best decision for me. My parents are very supportive and they welcomed my decision. 

I am studying hard to reach my goal. I need to get myself admitted to a medical college to become a doctor. It is not that easy, but I hope I will make it real with my hard work and proper study. I’m very honest and serious about my dream. 

My Dream Essay in 300 Words


The dream has no limits. You can dream anything in your life. All dreams shouldn’t come real in your life. But still, we have some productive goals and aims that are highly important to achieve. Today I am talking about my dream to become a pilot. It’s a huge thing and challenging for me. But still, I am hopeful that I will make it. Today I am going to share my dream and my preparation. 

My Dream to Become a Pilot:

My dream is to become a pilot. And I had this aim from my childhood. My parents are supportive and I hope I am going to make it. I know that it is a tough thing to do in life. And very few people succeed to become a pilot. I know it will be challenging for me. But I will try my best to get myself admitted to an aviation school. 

My Preparation:

I am very passionate about Physics and it’s an important subject for aviation learning. I am studying this subject with lots of attention. And I hope after completing my high school I will be able to get myself admitted into an aviation college. 

The process of being a pilot will be easier if I can get myself admitted there. My parents are very hopeful and they always tell me that I will make it. And I am a very serious and attentive student. I hope I will make good results so that I can be a pilot. 


This is my dream to become a pilot. I am very serious and honest about my dream. I am ready to work hard as much as possible to make my dream come true. I hope it won’t be hard to make this dream true. 

Essay on My Dream to Become a Doctor in 400 Words

At the early stage of life, everyone gets a dream to achieve in their life. But everyone can’t go to the goal. But still, people are aiming for their dreams and working for it. Why should you have a dream? Because it will keep you on track when you are looking for success. 

A specific aim is the most important thing to become a successful person. May all of your dreams won’t come true, but still, you shouldn’t stop or never stop dreaming. Here I am talking about my dream to become a doctor. 

How to Become a Doctor?

To become a doctor in my country, someone needs to get himself admitted into a medical college after passing the 12th. And then there is an MBBS course lasting for six years. That’s the process. And then some go for higher education and some start working in different places. 

But it’s very tough and challenging to take admission in medical colleges. There is a huge competition. Thousands of students participate in the admission test. But the seats are only a few. But I’m confident enough that I will make it. 

A student must have a science background in school and college to get a chance in a medical institute. The grade should be higher. And finally, he needs to be good at Biology. 

My preparation is pretty solid. Right now I’m studying as science is my topic. And I’m good in Biology. I hope that I will make a good result in my 10th and 12th. Both of my results will help me to get a chance in a medical college. 

I know it won’t be easy at all, but I am very confident. I’m an attentive student and I follow a strict daily routine for me. This routine helps me to schedule everything properly. 

What Will I Do After Being a Doctor?

After completing the medical degree I have a plan to serve the people of my village. People of my village are not rich. They can’t afford better treatment. 

And they face lots of fatal diseases. But there is no doctor to help them. I will be there to help my village people. I will try to make a small hospital there. 

My dream to become a doctor is an honest plan. I want to help and serve the people. I love to be with people always. That’s what my aim is. I hope that I will be able to make my dream real. 

Essay on My Dream in Life (500 Words)

Essay on My Dream in Life (500 Words)

Everyone has got a dream in their life. Dreams and desires help us to get success. When you have a specific dream and you are focused only on that thing then you have a higher chance to get success in life. 

Because you can focus and can be dedicated to a specific thing at the right time. That’s why getting an aim or dream is important. I have got a dream to become an engineer. Today I will talk about my dream here. I hope you will love it. 

My Dream to Become an Engineer:

When I was a kid reading in grade 2, my dad bought me a computer. The main reason was playing computer games. I was very passionate about video games. I wondered how people make these games. And I always wanted to learn more about this. 

When I grew up, I learned that computer engineers develop these games. And right on that moment, I fixed my aim to become a game developer. To be one I have to study computer engineering and need to become a CSE graduate. 

Why I Want to Become an Engineer:

The main reason is to become a game developer. And then I know the current world is based on technology and information. The person who is strong on these two things has a better opportunity to have a stable career. I think this time is so revolutionary for computer engineers. 

And it’s the perfect time to invest effort here. My plan and dream are really exciting for me. I am sure that this industry is my passion. And I enjoy spending time with the computer. I can spend all day long learning new things related to programming and others. 

I have a pretty good preparation for this dream. I have shared my future plan with my parents. They are really supportive with this. Even my father is an IT officer. I planned to get myself admitted into a university after 12th. 

I have plans to take part in the admission test for government universities. If I don’t get a chance there, I will be admitted to a private university and complete my CSE graduation from there. I am confident enough that I will get a chance at a good university. 

Right now, I am focusing on my current study. And I’m also learning different things related to computers. I’m planning to join an online course where I will learn Java Programming slowly. 

What Will I Do After Being an Engineer:

After completing my degree I have a plan to start my own gaming company. I will hire some similar minded people or take them as partners. It will depend on the condition at that time. But I will try my best to do some jobs before starting my own company. Starting a company is the biggest goal for me. 

That’s all about my dream to become an Engineer. I am hopeful that I will be one someday and my dream will come true. I am very honest about my dreams and I am working very hard to achieve it. 

Essay on My Dream in 600 Words

Essay on My Dream in 600 Words


A dream is a thing that keeps us focused and dedicated to our life. We all need to have a very specific dream to reach. Without a proper aim or dream, we can’t succeed in the end. Your dream will help you mentally and make you strong inside. Without any dream or desire, it will be hard to reach a goal. That’s why everyone gets a goal in their life, so do I. Today I am going to talk about my dream to become a teacher here. 

My Dream to Become a Teacher:

Different people have different types of dreams and I want to become a teacher in the future. Yes, that’s my dream. My thinking was always different. I wanted to do something productive in my life. The stage that I am at right now is not that challenging. 

I am a student and I have to study properly. But to run behind a goal or dream could be very hard. And I can realize that. From the beginning, I loved to teach the kids. 

And finally, I found that is my passion. It will be great if I can become a teacher. People might dream to become a college professor or university teacher, but I prefer to become a very normal school teacher. 

I love a very easy and normal lifestyle. I want to spend the rest of my life living in a calm and naturally beautiful place, teaching lots of kids and students. And I am working hard to make my dream come true. 

Why I Want to Become a Teacher:

There are so many reasons behind this dream. The first thing that I can mention is I love teaching. That’s the biggest reason. When I shared my passion with my parents, they were amazingly supportive. They told me to follow my passion and my dream. 

And then I got a huge boost in my desire. There are some other reasons to become a teacher. I love to live a very simple life. And I know a teacher is a person who can live a very simple life. 

I want to make a difference in our education system. As you know our education system is not great. I want to fix that. It is a hard part, but that’s my ultimate goal in my life. I want to bring some changes to the system of teaching style. 

I think this profession has pretty good job security and a good income too. And another thing that I forgot to mention is fun and excitement every day. There are new things every day and that’s a huge thing for me. 

My Preparation for My Dream:

As I want to become a teacher, I need preparation for sure. And yes, I am preparing myself for this. Right now I am a student and I need to focus on my education first. But in my leisure time, I love to do the teaching. 

I have some amazing cousins who come to my home to do maths and learn English. I teach them and I enjoy them a lot. After completing high school, I have my plan to study ‘English Literature’ for higher education. 

And that will be my subject in my teaching career. And finally, after being a teacher I will join a govt school and will serve the unprivileged kids. I have a dream to start my own school too for the street kids. 

Overall I am very serious and focused on my dream. I want to make my dream true. And I am working on it. I know teaching is a noble profession and teachers are the main person who leads the nation from the front. 

10 Lines Essay on My Dream

1. Everyone needs to have a specific goal or dream in their life. 

2. That’s why I also have a dream in my life. 

3. I want to serve the needy people and want to help them at every moment.

4. That’s my dream and that’s why I am trying to become a doctor. 

5. Because I think a doctor is the best profession to serve poor people. 

6. After completing my 12th, I will try to get myself admitted to a medical college. 

7. I want to open a clinic in an underprivileged area and want to treat the poor people for free. 

8. I will get lots of inner peace by doing this. 

9. My parents are really supportive and they inspire me always to do that. 

10. That’s all my dream.

What is your dream essay? 

Here we have got some beautiful ‘my dream essays’. These essays are very informative and super easy to learn. As a student, you can try to learn them for yourself. I can assure you that these essays are good for your academic study.

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Published: Aug 31, 2023

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A passion for problem-solving, fascination with innovation, impactful applications, interdisciplinary connections, personal growth and fulfillment, conclusion: a path of passion and purpose.

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    Emphasize "Why This College?". The "Why This College?" component of the essay demonstrates your understanding of the specific university and its Computer Science program. This is where you show that you've done your homework about the college, and you know what resources it has to support your academic journey.

  8. How to Write a Standout College Essay: For Computer Science and

    If you have a story to share demonstrating creative problem-solving skills - and as an aspiring CS or engineering student, you likely have many - you might want to consider using it as the basis for your college essay. Example Personal Statement. My online course, "How to Write a Standout Computer Science College Application" includes case ...

  9. My Goal to Pursue a Career in Computer Science and Engineering

    Masters in Business information systems will help me gain the skills required to become an expertise in my field of interest. ... I look forward to being a part of your prestigious university and turn my dreams into reality with your support and guidance. ... The Job in Computer Engineering Essay. Computer Engineering is a very precise and ...

  10. My Dream In The Future

    I started to begin to pursue my dream when I learned that engineers build different kinds of computers, softwares, buildings, and etc. I have always wanted to be an engineer that can build computers, and my wish that I can make them do the impossible. In order for me to pursue my career, I have to get a Bachelor's degree in Engineering, or in a ...

  11. My journey from first generation college grad to Software Engineer

    I first discovered programming while attending my undergraduate program. It took me two years of exploring engineering courses to declare my major in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). Our CSE program was very theoretical and introduced us to algorithms, computer designs/systems, and theories.

  12. Short Essay On my Aim in Life To Become a Software Engineer

    Short Essay on Software Engineering. I envision myself not merely as a participant in this field but as a contributor who aids in the technological elevation of my country. The software I dream of developing will address local and global challenges, improving efficiency and quality of life. This vision extends beyond personal achievement; it ...

  13. Why Computer Science Major [Admission Essay Example]

    Get original essay. One of the primary reasons for choosing computer science as my major is its undeniable relevance in today's digital age. Computers have become an integral part of our daily lives, permeating every aspect of society. By studying computer science, I hope to deepen my understanding of how these powerful machines operate and how ...

  14. My Dream Job Is A Successful Software Engineer

    My Dream Job Is A Successful Software Engineer. Satisfactory Essays. 2151 Words. 9 Pages. Open Document. Most people imagine their dream job is to become a famous actor or a job they have seen done many times. Though because of the progression of technology I feel I would be more suited in a field involving computers. My dream job is to become ...

  15. College Essay Tips for Software Engineering Programs

    Essays for Software Engineering. For many college applications, you'll write essays in addition to the Common App personal statement. These prompts will often ask you about what you're planning on pursuing at the college. This article will give you practical advice for explaining your interest in software engineering. "Why This . . .".

  16. An Essay on the Inspiration to Become an Engineer

    An Essay on the Inspiration to Become an Engineer. The man-made world which consists of machines and devices aroused my curiosity since I was a child. I used to always keep wondering of how a machine operates and how every part of a machine compliment with each other to function well. As a child, I thought that the creators of these machines ...

  17. My Motivation to Become a Software Engineer

    My interest in Computers started long back when I was in 6th grade and a new course, 'Computer Fundamentals', was introduced to my curriculum. It started with 'what is mouse' and 'what is windows' but the seeds of inquisitiveness and interest in the field were already sown.

  18. A Personal Recount on a Dream Job in Computer Software Engineering and

    My dream job in Information Technology (IT) is to become a computer software engineer design and develop software. I like it personally because it has been my longtime dream since I was young, and I know have learn more in school about it. My work as software engineer design and develop inc...

  19. My Aim in Life to become Software Engineering

    Article shared by: My aim in life has always been to become a successful software engineer. Software engineering is highly respected in the field of information technology as almost every field is associated with computers these days. The role of a software engineer becomes crucial in tapping the available sources to provide the best solution ...

  20. Essay on My Dream in 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 Words for Students

    1. Everyone needs to have a specific goal or dream in their life. 2. That's why I also have a dream in my life. 3. I want to serve the needy people and want to help them at every moment. 4. That's my dream and that's why I am trying to become a doctor. 5.

  21. Why I Want to Study Computer Science

    Conclusion: A Path of Passion and Purpose. In conclusion, my aspiration to study computer science is driven by a genuine passion for problem-solving, a fascination with innovation, and a desire to create meaningful impact through technology. The field's potential to contribute to various industries, its interdisciplinary nature, and the ...

  22. Building Virtual Worlds: The Creative Process of Game Development

    My dream job: Programmer (essay) I always was around computers. I can give credit to my sister who worked at an internet cafe. ... So my essay delves into the multifaceted nature of game development and highlights the essential qualities required to pursue a career in this field. ... My aim is to become a successful computer game developer. I ...