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Dieses Repositorium enthält Metadaten und Volltexte von seit 1965 an der Universität Wien approbierten Diplomarbeiten, Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen.

Seit 2008 gelangen alle wissenschaftlichen Abschluss-Arbeiten automatisiert über die verpflichtende Einreichung in elektronischer Form in dieses Archiv. Die Freischaltung der Volltexte erfolgt Lizenz-frei (d.h. mit größtmöglichem Urheberrechts-Schutz) ausnahmslos nach Zustimmung durch die jeweiligen Urheber.

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master thesis uni wien anglistik

Master’s thesis

On this page you will find information about the master's thesis, from finding suitable supervisors and topics, to writing and submitting your thesis, to the assessment and the public defence. Forms are also available here in the Downloads section. 

Master's Thesis

  • Finding a topic and supervisor
  • Writing your master's thesis
  • Submitting your master’s thesis
  • Formal requirements for the master's thesis
  • Restricting access to master’s theses (embargo)
  • Assessment of the master’s thesis
  • Public defence

master thesis uni wien anglistik

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Master Theses Supervision

If you want to write your Master thesis with us, we will happily consider your application. In order for you to make an informed choice whether to apply or not, please do note the following:

When supervising Master theses, we consider it our responsibility to ensure that a given topic

1) Addresses a relevant gap, which can

2) Feasibly be addressed over the course of (the equivalent of) six months full time work by a candidate at Master level.

We retain the right to decide whom we supervise. While we neither need nor do justify related decisions on a case-by-case basis, we do take them in the best interest of both the candidate and our Subject Area (see also below, “Allocation of Thesis Topics”). In this process, we do not apply a standard evaluation scheme but instead assess each case on its own. That being said, and in order for you to manage your expectations, it should be obvious that prior knowledge about the candidate’s skills in pursuing independent academic work – as obtained from observing her in prior courses during the “Strategic Management” specialization, notably during the Master seminar – factors in heavily. We therefore recommend that you only apply for supervision once you have passed our Master seminar.

Candidates pursuing the Minor in Strategic Management only, please find more information here .

Finally, we recommend that you only apply for thesis supervision if you can dedicate six months of your full capacity over the course of the coming 12 calendar months.

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Angewandte Linguistik (Master)

Zwei abstrakte Köpfe die sich anschauen


Infos zur Zulassung

Infos zu Vorstudien:

Jedenfalls fachlich in Frage kommen folgende Studien an der Universität Wien:

  • Sprachwissenschaft (Bachelor)
  • Master Access Guide

Zum Studienbeginn


Orientierung im ersten Semester


Zum Studium

Institut für Sprachwissenschaft

Studienvertretung Sprachwissenschaft

Das Studium

Das Studium besteht aus fünf Pflichtmodulen. Dabei ist das Modul vier entweder aus dem Studienbereich Diskursanalyse und Soziolinguistik oder aus Sprachlehrforschung, Sprachlernforschung und Sprachenpolitik zu wählen. Aufbau des Studiums: Modul 1: Diskursanalyse und Soziolinguistik I; Modul 2: Sprachlehrforschung, Sprachlernforschung und Sprachenpolitik I; Modul 3 Vertiefende Methoden der Angewandten Linguistik; Modul 4 alternativ Diskursanalyse und Soziolinguistik II oder Sprachlehrforschung, Sprachlernforschung und Sprachenpolitik II; Modul 5: Wissenschaftstheorie und Wissenschaftsgeschichte; Masterarbeit

Fünf Begriffe

mit denen Sie sich im Studium auseinandersetzen:

  • Gesprächsanalyse
  • Fremdsprachendidaktik
  • Sprachenpolitik
  • Soziolinguistik
  • Sprachlehrforschung

... und viele mehr.

 Einblick in die Studieninhalte

Hier finden Sie das aktuelle Lehrangebot für dieses Studium, damit Sie einen besseren Einblick in die Inhalte bekommen. Für weitere Infos bitte auf die gewünschte Ebene klicken.

Nach dem Studium

Die Absolvent*innen sind befähigt, in oben genannten Schwerpunkten selbstständig wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen und gegebenenfalls Beratungstätigkeiten durchzuführen.

Weiter nach dem Studium

  • Doktorand*innenzentrum - alles zum Doktorats-/PhD-Studium an der Universität Wien
  • Alumniverband der Universität Wien
  • Postgraduate Center - postgraduale Weiterbildung an der Universität Wien
  • Uniport - Karriereservice der Universität Wien

Das Studium aus Perspektive der Absolvent*innen

Studium im rückblick, absolvent*innen ....

  • geben dem Studium die Note: 2,1 (gut)
  • beurteilen das Anforderungsniveau mit: 3,3 (passend)

→ Diese Ergebnisse beruhen auf Rückmeldungen von 16 Absolvent*innen.

* Weitere Einschätzungen zum Studium aus Sicht von Absolvent*innen finden Sie in der Studienabschlussbefragung  „ Masterstudien der Sprachwissenschaft https://www.qs.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_upload/d_qualitaetssicherung/Dateidownloads/AbsolventInnenbefragungen/2021/Master/162_Master_Angewandte_Linguistik_public.pdf “.

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For more details, please choose the potentially supervising professor:

Prof. dörner, prof. ehmke, prof. fabel, prof. hartl, prof. rauner, ass.-prof. tilk, prof. vetschera, prof. windsperger, special focus: european dimension of international business.

  • Guidelines of the School of Business and Economics

When considering a research question for your thesis topic

The research proposal.

Find more details on topics, application and supervision here.

For a fair and transparent allocation of thesis supervision spots Prof. Fabel has the following rules for deciding which theses to supervise: There are exactly 10 thesis supervision spots available at any point in time. These spots will be allocated on 1 fixed date (deadline for handing in the proposals: 04.11.2024 in the winter semester; allocation follows a couple of days after the deadlines).

It is strongly recommended that students discuss their topic project idea in an office hour before entering into the final registration procedure! You are asked, to register not last minute for the office hour! Please also indicate your taken courses and your grades.

To apply for a free spot students have to submit a 3-5 page thesis proposal. The number of available supervision slots determines the maximum number of students that can be accepted for supervision from within the submitted thesis proposals.

The thesis proposal needs to elaborate on the following points

  •  the precise research question addressed by the thesis
  •  methods
  •  applicants prior knowledge regarding the research question
  •  a preliminary list of references
  •  (if applicable) information about possible access to data, business contacts, etc…
  •  risks that could lead to the failure of the project, and how those will be dealt with
  •  list of successfully completed courses in the Major/Minor
  •  what draws you to writing your thesis in our area of research

Proposals (.pdf or doc files) should be submitted by the dates indicated above :

Apply for thesis supervision here

Accepted proposals will be registered at the SSC with an acceptance of supervision form (Anmeldung der Masterarbeit  - Thema und Betreuung).

In preparation for a successful proposal submission and thesis writing process we highly encourage candidates to take at least one of the following two courses before applying for thesis supervision:

  • KU Data Analysis on Organization and Personnel (MA) (if thesis necessitates work with large data sets)
  • KU Empirical Methods in Decision Sciences (MA) (if thesis is to include experimental methodology)

Please be aware that Prof. Fabel is already supervising a considerable number of theses and will thus only be able to take on very few new supervisions. Therefore we recommend sending your proposal to all possible supervisors interested in the research area of your proposal. For a list please visit the SSC homepage .

For information on how to apply for supervision with Prof. Rauner please visit the Public and Non-profit Management page here . Please be aware that for supervision of topics on Public & Non-profit Management students are expected to attend the corresponding lectures!

Due to his imminent retirement Prof. Vetschera is not taking on new supervisions.

Please note

That prof. vetschera will retire on sept. 30, 2024, and supervision of master theses cannot be guaranteed beyond that date., students starting their thesis work during the summer term 2024 should therefore plan to complete their work by end of 2024 at the latest..

GENERAL REQUIREMENT Before you apply for a topic, you have to complete at least one of the following courses:

  • Theory of the international Firm
  • Global Strategy
  • International Market Entry

Rules for Scientific Writing Since you are in the process of submitting the final version of the master thesis, please remember to  submit a final version that consistently applies the formal rules of writing a research paper. Very often we receive a final study that has not consistently applied the rules of writing a research paper. Here are two references for preparing the thesis:

  • Karmasin, M., R. Rainer, Die Gestaltung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten, , 2015, UTB Facultas
  • Skern, T., Writing Scientific English, 2015, UTB Facultas

FURTHER INFORMATION on Prof. Windsperger's personal homepage .

We offer 1-2 supervision spots each semester for the students who want to write a thesis within the framework of the Jean Monnet Project “ International Business – Strategies for Integrated Europe ”. To apply please state in your proposal that you want to write your thesis within the Jean Monnet Project and send it (.pdf or .doc file) to [email protected]. If your proposal is accepted, the main supervisor will be assigned depending on the capacity and specific focus within the Organization, Personnel and International Management group. Dr. Oksana Galak would act as a co-supervisor on the theses. Successful completion of the course “ European Dimension of International Business ” prior to application is strongly recommended.

 Guidelines of the School of Business and Economics

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For STEOP exams, please print the forms available on the respective Moodle platforms .

Forms for all other lecture exams:

  • Registration for board exam ( Anmeldung zur kommissionellen Wiederholungsprüfung )
  • Minutes of the examinations board ( Prüfungsprotokoll - kommissionelle Wiederholungsprüfung )

Application forms:

Please choose a recognition form, according to the study plan you want your courses recognized FOR:

  • Application for course recognition (mandatory courses)
  • Application for course recognition (Alternative Erweiterung)
  • Application for course recognition (+M10 Wahlbereich)
  • Application for course recognition (AVO 369, courses from the old LA UF Englisch (344))
  • Application for course recognition (WoE 1, 124)
  • Application for course recognition (WoE 2&3, 125&126)
  • Application for course recognition (MEd 507, 406)
  • Application for course recognition (MA 812)
  • Application for course recognition (MA 844)

 Recognition regulations:

  • AVO 28: BEd 407/046 > BEd 407/046
  • AVO 370: BA 033 612 > BEd 407/046
  • AVO 369: Diplom UF 344 > BEd 407/046
  • AVO 19: MEd 507/046 > MEd 507/046
  • AVO 156: Diplom UF 344 > MEd 507/046
  • AVO 81: Diplom UF 344 > BA 033 612
  • AVO 54: Diplom 343 > BA 033 612
  • Style sheet for Linguistics
  • Style sheet for Literary & Cultural Studies (2024)  
  • Word limits
  • Assessment criteria for final theses
  • Curriculum (in German)
  • Module overview
  • Extension curricula
  • Survival Guide
  • Curriculum (English translation)
  • Survival guide

For students changing from the old (2008) curriculum to the current one:

  • Slides of info event (August 2017)
  • Summary of course recognition MA 066 812 [1] > [2]
  • Course recommendation  
  • Information on internship in Module 5

198 407 xxx / xxx 407 ( Verbund Nord-Ost ) and  193 046 xxx / xxx 046  ( Technisches/Textiles Werken ,  Bildnerische Erziehung  or  Musikerziehung  as 2 nd  subject)

  • Curriculum for UF Englisch (in German)
  • Curriculum for the entire Teacher Education Programme (in German)
  • Module overview (until 30.09.2022)
  • Module overview (from 01.10.2022)

Erweiterungsstudium für PH-AbsolventInnen 024 161 xxx / 024 xxx 161 ( Verbund Nord-Ost )

  • General information
  • Recommended course path

199 507 xxx / xxx 507 ( Verbund Nord-Ost ) and  196 046 xxx / xxx 046  ( Technisches/Textiles Werken ,  Bildnerische Erziehung  or  Musikerziehung  as 2 nd  subject)

  • Course recommendation
  • Study guide
  • Application for Issue of 1 st Diploma Examination Certificate ( Ansuchen um Ausstellung des 1. Diplomzeugnisses )
  • Application for Issue of 2 nd Diploma Examination Certificate ( Ansuchen um Ausstellung des 2. Diplomzeugnisses )

For students wanting to finish their diploma study:

  • Further information about the expiring diploma programme (SPL 12; last edit: 14.1.2021)
  • additional FAQs July 3rd 2019 (compiled by Büro Studienpräses)
  • Registration for partial exams (Anmeldung zu Teilprüfungen)
  • Registration for board exams (Anmeldung zur kommissionellen Prüfung)

For students changing from the diploma to the new bachelor's programme (BEd):

  • Notification of transfer to the current curriculum ( Meldung der Unterstellung unter das aktuelle Curriculum )
  • Curriculum World of English 1 (124) (in German)
  • Curriculum World of English 2 (125) (in German)
  • Curriculum World of English 3 (126) (in German)


  1. Masterurkunde kaufen, Masterabschluss, kaufen, Master in Business Administration (MBA) kaufen

    master thesis uni wien anglistik

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    master thesis uni wien anglistik


    master thesis uni wien anglistik

  4. masterarbeit / master`s thesis

    master thesis uni wien anglistik

  5. (PDF) Master Thesis

    master thesis uni wien anglistik

  6. Sanhi At Bunga Pangungusap

    master thesis uni wien anglistik


  1. Introducing Steuern und Rechnungslegung

  2. Master Thesis Topic Selection Guide Step 1a

  3. Mein Campus: Student Acting Shakespear Society

  4. Master Thesis CSDG NTNU 2024, case study 1, Automation in building design

  5. Master Thesis CSDG NTNU 2024, case study 2, Autmoation in building design

  6. Master Thesis |Meromorphic function and its application| #thesis #mathematics #@hbmathematics3540


  1. Thesis topics

    This list has been updated until 2021, but will not be updated any longer. For theses after 2021, please consult the u:thesis database. If you are looking for a specific thesis, you can find it via u: ... StudienServiceStelle Anglistik 1st floor, Room 3F-O1-02.A (turn left, 2nd door on the right) Dept. of English and American Studies,

  2. Thesis supervisors

    StudienServiceStelle Anglistik 1st floor, Room 3F-O1-02.A (turn left, 2nd door on the right) Dept. of English and American Studies, Campus of the University of Vienna Spitalgasse 2, Hof 8.3, 1090 Vienna T: +43-1-4277-451-13 sss.anglistik @ univie.ac.at. Icon instagram

  3. Finishing your studies

    Erweiterungsstudium für PH-AbsolventInnen (024 161) If you study one of our master's programmes and/or plan to write your final thesis for the teacher education programme as part of the UF Englisch, you may also be interested in the following pages: Potential supervisors for final theses. Past thesis topics.

  4. Anglophone Literatures and Cultures (Master)

    Im Masterstudium Anglophone Literatures and Cultures erwerben die Studierenden die Fähigkeit zur selbstständigen Forschung im Bereich der Literaturen und Kulturen der englischsprachigen Welt. Die Absolvent*innen sind befähigt komplexe Phänomene des englischsprachigen Kulturraums zu erkennen, zu analysieren, differenziert klarzustellen und ...

  5. Theses

    Language planning in India: the influence of English on the educational system and the media. MA Thesis, University of Vienna. (supervisor: Ute Smit) English as the medium of instruction in psychology lessons. Austrian and Spanish learners' motivation (s) to communicate in English.

  6. Anglophone Literatures and Cultures (Master)

    The master's programme in Anglophone Literatures and Cultures prepares students for independent research in the area of anglophone literatures and cultures. Graduates of the master's programme are qualified to identify and analyse complex phenomena of the anglophone cultural area, discuss them in a differentiated way and apply their ...

  7. English Language and Linguistics (Master)

    Das Ziel des Masterstudiums English Language and Linguistics ist, vertiefte Kenntnisse und Forschungskompetenzen in englischer Linguistik zu vermitteln, insbesondere in einem der alternativen Schwerpunkte Historical Linguistics, Functional and Cognitive Linguistics oder Applied Linguistics. Somit zielt das Studium darauf ab, die Fähigkeit zur ...

  8. u:theses

    This repository contains metadata and full text versions of diploma theses, master's theses and doctoral theses that have been approved at the University of Vienna since 1965. ... 1010 Wien T: +43-1-4277-15140 helpdesk. ub @ univie. ac. at. University Library ... u:search / My Account. Opening hours. Library card. FAQs. Library catalogues.

  9. u:theses

    u:theses. Das Hochschulschriften-Repositorium der Universität Wien. u:theses verzeichnet alle seit 2008 an der Universität Wien positiv beurteilten wissenschaftlichen Abschlussarbeiten sowie auf freiwilliger Basis hochgeladene Arbeiten aus den Jahren davor. Ein Großteil der Schriften ist online frei verfügbar.

  10. Department of English and American Studies

    Campus der Universität Wien, Hof 8.3 Spitalgasse 2-4 1090 Wien Austria T: +43-1-4277-42401 anglistik @ univie.ac.at. Icon instagram; Summer holidays: The library is open from 10 am to 4 pm (6 pm on Thursdays) Related links. English & American Studies library. Student Representatives (STV)

  11. Master Thesis & Completion

    4. Submission of the Master Thesis - NEW: on u:space! Steps 2 & 3 are a prerequisite! Then, two weeks AFTER having sent the complete record of exams to [email protected] (contact: Karin Neumann): . A) submit the thesis via the StudiesServiceCenter (follow the 3 steps: upload thesis to u:space, send the signed upload confirmation by e-mail, then bring/send two hardbound copies),

  12. u:theses

    Dieses Repositorium enthält Metadaten und Volltexte von seit 1965 an der Universität Wien approbierten Diplomarbeiten, Masterarbeiten und Dissertationen. Seit 2008 gelangen alle wissenschaftlichen Abschluss-Arbeiten automatisiert über die verpflichtende Einreichung in elektronischer Form in dieses Archiv. Die Freischaltung der Volltexte erfolgt...

  13. MA 066 812

    MA 066 812. Master English Language & Linguistics. ECTS: 120 (84 ECTS courses + 36 ECTS master's thesis and defence) Minimum duration: 4 semesters. Average duration: 6 semesters. Language of instruction: English. Language requirements: English C1+ (cf. Admission requirements) Specialisations: Historical linguistics, Functional & cognitive ...

  14. PDF Style sheet for papers in linguistics

    1 For MA/diploma theses and dissertations, remember to use double-page printouts and to leave a wider margin on the left/right for binding. Concerning the layout of the title page and for further guidelines, refer to the SSC of the Faculty of Philological and Cultural Sciences (Philologisch-Kulturwissenschaftliches StudienServiceCenter).

  15. English Language and Linguistics (Master)

    The programme consists of the compulsory modules Foundations, Language, Electives, Specialisation (possible specialisations are Historical Linguistics, Functional and Cognitive Linguistics or Applied Linguistics), Extension and Research Support. To complete the programme, students have to write a master's thesis and pass a master's examination.

  16. Master's Thesis

    7. Public defence. According to section 9 of the part of the Statutes of the University of Vienna governing university studies, the public defence is the last examination prior to graduating from a master's program or doctoral program and consists of a public defence of the master's thesis and an examination by an examination committee in the form of a single examination.

  17. PDF Guidelines for Writing a Master T hesis Exposé

    Guidelines for Writing a Master T hesis Exposé. An exposé for a master thesis should comprise between10- 12 pages plus a cover page and abstract. The main text should be structured as described below. Please use a common typeface like (sans serif) Arial or Times New Roman (serif). The font size is 11 pt, the line spacing is 1½.

  18. PDF Style Sheet for Papers in LITERARY and CULTURAL STUDIES Department of

    Print Version (master and doctoral theses only) Print on one side of the paper only. Make sure to keep a printed copy of your thesis. Refer to the SSC for the exact procedure for submitting your master thesis or doctoral thesis. master thesis. doctoral thesis. Style Sheet for Papers in Literary and Cultural Studies 4.

  19. Master Thesis

    Master Theses Supervision. If you want to write your Master thesis with us, we will happily consider your application. In order for you to make an informed choice whether to apply or not, please do note the following: When supervising Master theses, we consider it our responsibility to ensure that a given topic . 1) Addresses a relevant gap ...

  20. Angewandte Linguistik (Master)

    Angewandte Linguistik (Master) Das Ziel des Masterstudiums Angewandte Linguistik ist eine fortgeschrittene Ausbildung in verschiedene gesellschaftsrelevante Anwendungsgebiete der Sprachwissenschaft. Die Absolvent*innen erwerben Schlüsselkompetenzen im Bereich der empirischen Text- und Diskursanalyse, die es ihnen ermöglichen, gesellschaftlich ...

  21. SPL English and American Studies

    Anglistik Wien Englisch Wien. Anglistik. Contact StudienServiceStelle Anglistik 1st floor, Room 3F-O1-02.A (turn left, 2nd door on the right) Dept. of English and American Studies, Campus of the University of Vienna Spitalgasse 2, Hof 8.3, 1090 Vienna T: +43-1-4277-451-13 sss.anglistik @ univie.ac.at.

  22. Supervision of Master Theses

    There are exactly 10 thesis supervision spots available at any point in time. These spots will be allocated on 1 fixed date (deadline for handing in the proposals: 04.11.2024 in the winter semester; allocation follows a couple of days after the deadlines). It is strongly recommended that students discuss their topic project idea in an office ...


    StudienServiceStelle Anglistik 1st floor, Room 3F-O1-02.A (turn left, 2nd door on the right) Dept. of English and American Studies, Campus of the University of Vienna Spitalgasse 2, Hof 8.3, 1090 Vienna T: +43-1-4277-451-13 sss.anglistik @ univie.ac.at. Icon instagram