Discovery Play with Littles

Discovery Play with Littles

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15 Powerful Problem Solving Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers

I looked over to her table and she’s crying. Again. While everyone else is happily working away, she sat there, unable to move, just crying. 

Not asking for help.

Not trying to solve her problem.

Just crying.

I took a deep breath before heading over. We’ve already been at this for several months…isn’t it about time the problem-solving has kicked in yet?

One glance and I could tell what her problem was. She didn’t have her pencil.

Know how I knew?

It laid on the floor beside her. In plain sight.

As a kindergarten teacher, I don’t jump right in and solve problems for kids. It’s good for them to try to solve the problem themselves. This is something she struggled with. 

I reminded myself of the need for patience and empathy as I walked up to her. “What’s wrong, Amanda?” 

“I…can’t…find…my…pencil….” she sputtered out between sobs. 

“Ok, that’s a problem we can solve. What have you tried?” 

“I don’t know.” 

After a long time trying to first, calm her down, and second, come up with some strategies she could try, she finally found her pencil. At that point, everyone else had finished the project. 

Toddlers playing with wooden blocks

What is Problem Solving?

Problem-solving is the process of finding a solution to your problem . This can be quite tricky for some young children, especially those with little experience in finding more than one way to solve a problem.

Why is Problem Solving Important? 

Problem-solving skills are used throughout childhood into adulthood. As adults, we solve problems on a daily basis. Some problems we solve without thinking much- I wanted to make tacos for dinner but forgot to buy the ground beef. What are we going to have for dinner now?

Other problems are significantly more complicated. 

Problems for kiddos can be problems with friendships, the inability to find something that’s needed, or even what to do when things don’t go your way. 

Kids who lack problem-solving skills struggle to maintain friendships or even begin to attempt to solve their own problems. 

Children who lack problem-solving skills are at a higher risk for depression as well.

What Are Problem-Solving Skills?

Problem-solving skills are:

  • Breaking Down a Problem into Smaller Parts
  • Communication
  • Decision-making
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Perseverance

That’s a big list to teach toddlers and preschoolers. Where do you begin?

The Problem-Solving Steps

Sometimes kids are so overwhelmed with frustration that it affects their ability to solve problems.

Kids feel safe in routines, and routines help them learn and grow. After a few times of repeating this routine, you’ll find your kiddo starts to do this on their own. 

It’s important not to skip straight to solving the problem , because your kiddo needs to be in a calm state of mind to solve the problem, and also they need to know their feelings are valid. 

  • The first thing to do when your kiddo is struggling with problem-solving is to validate their emotions.

In doing this, they will feel more understood and learn that their emotions are okay. There are no bad feelings, and we must learn how to manage our emotions. 

This might sound something like “Oh, I can see you are really frustrated that the block won’t fit on there right. Let’s take some deep breaths to help us calm down before we think about what to do next.”

  • Next, work through your calm-down process . This may be taking some deep breaths together, hugging a stuffie, or giving your kiddo some quiet time to calm down their heart and mind.
  • Identify the problem . This sounds like something you may have already done (before the meltdown) but it’s important to be very clear on the problem you’re solving. Have the child tell you their problem out loud.
  • Move on to solution-finding . When your kiddo is ready, talk about what the problem is and three possible solutions. When possible, let your kiddo do all of the talking. This allows him to practice his problem-solving skills. It’s important to remind him that the first thing he tries may not work, and that’s ok. There’s always another way to solve the problem. If he’s prepared for this, solutions that don’t work won’t be such a frustrating experience. 
  • After you’ve done that, test your solutions one by one. See what works. If you haven’t found a solution yet, go back and think of different ways you might be able to solve your problem and try again.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Are you tired of hearing “It’s TOO HARD!” followed by a meltdown?

Using this one simple phrase you’ll get in this powerful lesson, you’ll not only be able to help your kiddo not give up but you’ll:

>Activate their superpower of perseverance so that they can turn around a meltdown and keep trying

>Inspire them to use perseverance …even when it’s hard

>Teach them to recognize the warning signs of giving up , and how to turn it around by taking control of their choices.

Grab your powerful FREE video lesson to teach your kiddo one of the most powerful keys to perseverance.

Powerful Activities that Teach Problem-Solving Skills to Toddlers & Preschoolers

These activities below may look simple, but don’t let that deter you from trying them. A lot happens in little developing brains and these powerful activities help toddlers and preschoolers make connections and develop {many} essential skills-more than just problem-solving.

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Puzzles are fun and a great way to encourage cognitive development in children. They are great for spacial reasoning and strengthening problem-solving skills. They also develop memory skills, critical thinking, and the ability to plan and execute the plan. Toddlers will enjoy the simple puzzles, and preschoolers will do great with floor puzzles with larger puzzle pieces.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Doing Simple Chores

Doing simple chores is a great way to teach children problem-solving skills, and it strengthens responsibility and perseverance as well. 

During the toddler years , you may start with just picking up their toys, or helping you put their dirty clothes in the hamper. 

Preschoolers can take their dirty dishes to the sink (or load them in the dishwasher), collect the trash, dust, wipe baseboards, and do their own personal care items like making their bed, taking care of their dirty clothes, and putting clean clothes away.

Stacking Rings

When watching a toddler play with stacking rings it doesn’t look like much is happening, but playing with these toys is full of ways to encourage development. It helps with visual and spacial perception and planning ahead, but it also with balance control, crossing the midline, creative play, and gross motor skills. Not to mention it’s a great opportunity to practice problem-solving. 

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Playing Hide-and-Seek

Hide and seek has many surprising benefits for kids. Playing hide and seek is like a treasure hunt that helps develop gross motor skills and encourages physical development, as well as problem-solving skills. It also helps young children develop visual tracking, working memory, and social-emotional skills.

Preschooler playing construction worker

Imaginative Play

Imaginative play (also called role-play) builds important skills. Through pretending to be in different situations, kids develop social skills, emotional skills, better communication, and problem-solving skills. Imaginative play is a great idea for young toddlers all the way to older children.

Free Play 

Many young children don’t have {enough} time for free play. Free play is important for healthy brain development , not only developing imagination, cooperation, physical skills, and independence but also providing a great opportunity to strengthen problem-solving skills. 

Playing with Wooden Blocks

Building blocks are a fun way for children to develop creative thinking, imagination, problem-solving, fine motor skills, and if working with others, cooperation, communication, and friendship.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Playing Memory

Memory games improve attention, focus, visual recognition, and concentration. It helps children recognize details and of course, strengthens problem-solving skills. 

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Ask Questions

When I see my son struggling with something, my first instinct is to give him choices or at least lead him in the right direction. The better thing to do is to ask very open-ended questions that lead his process, not his thoughts.

Questions like “What’s one way to solve your problem?” are much more effective in teaching problem-solving skills than “Well, where did you last see your stuffy?” 

Read Books and Social Stories

Reading books is one of my favorite ways to teach any skill. It’s extremely effective at teaching, and it’s also an amazing bonding time with kids.

When we read stories, our brain reacts as if we’re living in the story. This is why reading books about skills such as problem-solving is so effective. 

Kids of all ages learn from the people they love . (Yes, even those older kids who you don’t think are paying attention.) Often as adults, we’re too busy going through our daily routine to think about talking about the way we solved the problem at work that day.

Talking about how you use skills such as problem-solving, perseverance, and integrity is a great way to set an example, and an expectation that this is how we do things, and it will provide encouragement for your kiddo to do the same.

Scavenger Hunts

Scavenger hunts are a great group activity that can strengthen your child’s logical thinking and problem-solving skills.

When Your Kiddo is Ready, Add These Activities

Preschoolers would benefit from all of the fun activities on the list above and when they’re ready, feel free to add in the following activities.   

Mazes are great for problem-solving and perseverance, but your kiddo will need to have decent fine motor skills to do these activities. Mazes are one of our favorite activities. We love to take our activity book of mazes in the car with us for road trips. 

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Board Games  

Board games are a good way to strengthen problem-solving, teamwork, planning skills, patience, sportsmanship, and communication skills. They also strengthen family relationships by providing some intentional time of connection .

Any board game can also be turned into an academic game with just a deck of cards for whatever skill you’re working on. If you’re working on the alphabet, put one letter on each card. Before each player’s turn, they draw a letter card and say the letter’s name. (You may accidentally forget the name of a letter every now and then to see if your kiddo is really paying attention!) 

Allow Opportunities for Hands-On Investigations

Kids are tactile. They love to touch and explore things with their hands. This is a good activity for toddlers also, as long as they are out of the putting everything in their mouth stage. Hands-on exploration is great for language development, sensory exploration, and problem-solving.

Allowing kids to investigate with their hands allows them to see how the world works up close. It also gives them time and space to try to make things work…and problem-solve when it doesn’t go as they think it should.

The Most Difficult Way (and Most Important Way) To Strengthen Problem-Solving Skills

Watching our kids struggle is hard ! We don’t want to see them having a hard time…and most of the time we don’t want to deal with the impending meltdown. Standing back and giving our kids time and space to work through even simple problems is hard to do. It’s also the most important way to strengthen problem-solving skills. 

As parents, we’re like frogs in boiling water. When our kids are infants, they need us to recognize their needs and solve them immediately. As they get older, they can point to what they want, but we still have a lot of interpreting and problem-solving to do on our own. If we aren’t careful, we stay in this stage and don’t teach our kiddos the steps to problem-solving for themselves. 

The next most difficult thing? Allowing natural consequences to happen. (As long as your child is safe of course.) If your child saves their money for a long time to buy a new toy, but walks down the toy aisle and picks up something you know they’ll be disappointed with, let it happen. It will teach a valuable lesson that will last for years to come.

Another Essential Part of Problem-Solving

Perseverance is a big part of problem-solving. We are rarely able to solve problems the first time, and it’s essential that kids can find more than one solution to a problem. Studies have found that perseverance is actually the biggest predictor of success, even more than aptitude or raw talent. 

An entire module is dedicated to perseverance in our course for kids, Super Kid Adventures . Your kiddo will get 25 teacher-led lessons on character traits (perseverance, empathy, friendship, responsibility, and wellness) and activities that take their learning further. 

Super Kid Adventures

Want a free preview? Grab a FREE Perseverance video lesson that teaches your kiddo one of the most important secrets that help them use perseverance.

Want More? 

If you like this, you’ll love: 

The Ultimate List of Books that Teach Perseverance

7 Simple Ways to Encourage Independence in Young Children

How to Help Your Child Develop Self-Help Skills

Your Turn 

What are your favorite ways to teach problem-solving skills?

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About Elizabeth

Elizabeth is a mama of two boys, a former teacher, and the founder of Discovery Play with Littles. Her mission is to make raising kids with character simple and fun. Join us for our best learning through play ideas, character growth activities, and family connection ideas so you can watch your child thrive.

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As a SLP trying to guide parents as I work with their child. I would like to know what toys to recommend to my parents as I assist in guiding their child’s development in cognition and expressive language.

Free Perseverance Lesson

Perseverance is the biggest predictor of success, even more than raw talent or aptitude.

Grab a FREE lesson to teach your kiddo one of the keys to perseverance...which is how we talk to our brains.

They'll learn what to say when they encounter something difficult, and why it's so important.

PLAY is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood. -Mr. Rogers

The 14 Best Educational Toys For 3-Year-Olds & 7 Factors To Help You Choose

What kind of toys should a 3-year-old have.

Plenty of 3-year-olds love to socialize and play with new friends, but don’t be surprised if your little one prefers to play on their own. Kids develop at different rates and have varied personalities.

According to child development experts, preschoolers (3-4-year-olds) begin to develop their social skills at this age. When they notice other children playing, most are likely to readily join these other kids even if they don’t know them. (1)(2)

Toys for this age group are ideally those that can be shared and played with other children, such as jumbo building toys for little hands, simple board games, interactive toys for pretend play, and age-appropriate learning activities.

You might also notice that many developmentally friendly toys for 1-year-olds and 2-year-olds are still great for 3-year-olds.

These toys can grow with your child, and you might be surprised that they’ll find new ways to play with these old toys. Older kids (5-7-year-olds) might even find these toys interesting, especially educational toys that continue to challenge their problem-solving and critical-thinking skills.

Why Should You Choose Learning Toys For 3-Year-Olds?

Your child is getting ready for preschool or might already be in school at three years old. One way of encouraging them to learn is to make the experience fun.

The best learning toys can be used to develop their cognitive skills and learn basic math, science, and language concepts.

That’s why STEM toys (science, technology, engineering, and math) are among the best learning resources and toys you can pick for your child.

These will introduce them to the basic concepts and let them develop hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills as they prepare for preschool.

Our Top 14 Picks For The Best Educational Toys For Three-Year-Olds

You can find our top 14 recommendations for the best learning toys for three-year-olds and other young children, grouped based on:

  • STEM & Montessori -inspired toys
  • Educational building sets & blocks
  • Words, ABCs, numbers, & colors
  • Puzzles & matching toys
  • Imaginative play & role play
  • Musical toys
  • Toys for learning life skills
  • Creative & sensory toys for learning new skills

Continue reading to learn more about each toy below.

STEM & Montessori-inspired Toys

Melissa & doug my first daily magnetic calendar.

  • Pros & best features: Magnetic calendar with 80 magnetic pieces to teach kids the basic concepts of date, weeks, months, special events, and weather
  • Materials: Not disclosed on the company product page
  • Type of toy: Learning materials
  • Educational value: Basic math and time concepts,
  • Recommended age range: 3+ years (still ideal for up to 8-year-olds or even older)
  • Extra features: Fabric-hinged (sturdy cord), dry-erase boards (for the calendar template and magnet storage
  • Certification: FSC, US, and EU (European Union) conformity certificates
  • Product recall: None
  • Cons: Some complaints on Amazon about the magnets being too weak and the pieces easily falling off the board

Skillmatics Educational Game: Search & Find

  • Pros & best features: Set of learning materials (write and wipe activity mats) for different learning concepts
  • Product safety: Passed US child safety tests
  • Materials: Certified child-safe
  • Educational value: Reflective thinking, problem-solving , reading and comprehension, writing skills, focus, and attention
  • Recommended age range: 3-6 years
  • Extra features: Includes duster cloth and pens
  • Certification: ASTM and CPSIA (Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act)
  • Cons: Some complaints over the product being too pricey 

Osmo Little Genius Starter Kit + Early Math Adventure

  • Pros & best features: Introduces core kindergarten subjects (including shapes, counting, early literacy, language, and communication) with fun games for kids
  • Materials: Silicone, plastic
  • Type of toy: Learning material set designed for use with a compatible device (iPad or Fire)
  • Educational value: Fine motor skills, cognitive development, social-emotional skills, and early literacy
  • Recommended age range: 3-5-year-olds
  • Extra features: Learn 300+ words
  • Cons: The set can be pricey and requires a compatible electronic device.

Educational Building Sets & Blocks

Dado fat cube toys.

  • Pros & best features: Hollow building blocks that can be connected using slits along the sides
  • Materials: BPA-free plastic
  • Type of toy: Building blocks set
  • Educational value: Planning, engineering, visual-spatial skills, fine motor skills, creativity, experimentation, and self-esteem
  • Recommended age range: 3+ years old
  • Extra features: Deluxe pieces that add a twist to the classic building blocks
  • Cons: Some complaints about sharp edges. It’s made of plastic.

Soyee Magnetic Blocks (100pcs)

  • Pros & best features: 100 magnetic block pieces with different shapes, number blocks, and alphabet blocks
  • Materials: ABS plastic
  • Educational value: Architecture, STEM toys, hand-eye coordination, and physics spatial reasoning
  • Recommended age range: 3-6 year-olds or even older kids
  • Extra features: Ferris wheel components
  • Cons: Some complaints about weak magnets and missing pieces. It’s made of plastic.

Gigi Bloks 100 XXL Building Blocks

  • Pros & best features: Jumbo building blocks to create child-sized forts, castles, etc.
  • Materials: Strong, durable, and finished cardboard made of unbleached softwood pulp
  • Educational value: Imaginative play, architecture, engineering, gross motor skills, and spatial awareness
  • Extra features: Paper-based materials that your child can draw or paint on Certification: Certified food-safe
  • Cons: The blocks need adult assembly

Words, ABCs, Numbers, & Colors

Lego duplo my first alphabet truck.

  • Pros & best features: Building blocks set with 36 block pieces, a toy truck, and small people
  • Materials: ABS plastic (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)
  • Educational value: Role play, cognitive skills, and learning ABCs
  • Recommended age range: 1½ years old and over
  • Extra features: Small people and a bear are included in the set
  • Certification: US and EU standards
  • Cons: Some complaints about duplicates or missing letters. It’s made of plastic.

Inchimals by Fat Brain Toys

  • Pros & best features: Blocks with 12 pieces that have exact inch segments and cute prints for the representative animals
  • Materials: Wood
  • Type of toy: Wooden blocks and STEM toys
  • Educational value: Math and pre-algebra skills
  • Extra features: Comes with a write-on-wipe-off puzzle book with 100 puzzles
  • Cons: Some complaints about the wooden blocks arriving with some paint already chipping

Puzzles & Matching Toys

Thames & kosmos robot engineer (level 1) by kids first.

  • Pros & best features: Multi-award toy set with 53 pieces designed for STEM learning by making non-motorized but movable robots (with a matching storybook)
  • Product safety: With safety warning for choking hazards for kids under three years old
  • Materials: Plastic
  • Type of toy: Building set
  • Educational value: Fine motor skills, visual-spatial skills, science and math skills, and reasoning and concept development skills
  • Recommended age range: 3+ years old (can also be ideal for 6-year-olds or older children)
  • Extra features: Storybook
  • Cons: Some complaints about the pieces not staying together like they’re supposed to. It’s made of plastic.

Educational Insights Design & Drill Take-Along Toolkit

  • Pros & best features: 60 big, colorful bolt pieces with three screwdriver bits to create different patterns on the board
  • Product safety: With safety warning as a choking hazard for children under three years old
  • Type of toy: STEM toy
  • Educational value: Fine motor skills and creativity
  • Extra features: The screwdriver bits have different designs (flat head, Phillips, and socket)
  • Cons: The screwdriver piece requires batteries, but some parents complain on Amazon about the toy not working even with fresh batteries. It’s made of plastic.

Imaginative Play & Role Play Toys

Lovevery the storyteller play kit.

  • Pros & best features: Montessori-based materials to introduce different learning concepts
  • Materials: Sustainably harvested FSC-certified wood, water-based paint, and finishes
  • Educational value: Engineering, problem-solving skills, imaginative play, and real-life skills
  • Recommended age range: 40-42 months
  • Extra features: Puppet theater set and child-sized squeeze & spray mop
  • Certification: FSC
  • Cons: It can be pricey.

Musical Toys

Hape learn with lights electronic ukulele.

  • Pros & best features: Playable ukulele with flashing lights as a guide to teach your child how to play music
  • Product safety: Passed all toy safety tests (sharp point, bite force, tensile, small parts, drop, and chemical tests)
  • Materials: Solid wood, plastic toy finishes are non-toxic according to the brand’s product page
  • Type of toy: Musical toy
  • Educational value: Pretend play and musical learning
  • Extra features: With instruction sticker, booklet, and handle for easy carrying
  • Certification: ASTM
  • Cons: Requires batteries

Toys For Learning Life Skills

The big dig sandbox digger excavator crane.

  • Pros & best features: Working crane designed for little hands to shovel and move dirt, sand, snow, etc.
  • Materials: Metal, base with capped ends
  • Type of toy: Pretend play
  • Educational value: Logical thinking, reasoning, imaginative play, hand-eye coordination, and fine motor skills
  • Extra features: Seat for your little worker
  • Cons: Some complaints about the metal being too soft and easily bending

Creative & Sensory Toys For Learning New Skills

Step2 flip and doodle desk with stool & easel.

  • Pros & best features: Activity center with medium and large-sized bins for art supplies
  • Product safety: Free from heavy metals and phthalates
  • Materials: Polypropylene and/or polyethylene plastics
  • Educational value: Fine motor skills, creativity and visualization, self-expression, and coordination
  • Recommended age range: 2+ years but also ideal for 3-6-year-olds
  • Extra features: Easel flips down to turn into a desk
  • Cons: Requires assembly, made of plastic

How To Choose The Right Educational Toys For Three-Year-Olds?

Here are seven factors to consider in choosing your little one’s toys:

Recommended Age: What Does A 3-Year-Old Need?

Although kids develop at different rates, most toys tend to be ideal for different ages. Three-year-olds (or around the same age) need education toys and learning materials to introduce them to basic learning concepts while they’re having fun.

Child development experts acknowledge that kids can learn a lot through play. Your child can develop any or a combination of the following: (3)

  • Social skills
  • New vocabulary
  • Cognitive skills
  • Literacy skills
  • Physical abilities

Learning Ability, Interests, & Skills

It’s good to pick toys that fit their developmental milestones, learning abilities, skills, and interests.

Developmental milestones for 3-year-olds include the following: (1)(2)

  • Running and jumping easily
  • Stacking 10+ blocks
  • Walking upstairs unassisted
  • Easily drawing straight lines or copying circles
  • Concentrates on tasks for 8-9 minutes
  • Say around 500-900 words
  • Makes two or three-word sentences
  • Names colors
  • Knows some numbers and letters
  • Joins other kids in play

Kids also have different interests, sometimes depending on their gender. For example, some toys for 3-year-old girls might not seem interesting to boys of the same age.

Skills Development & Benefits

Kids this age might already recognize colors, shapes, numbers, and letters more quickly than younger ones. These new skills can make them more interested in educational toys.

Note that many educational toys for 2-year-olds can still be a great option for 3-year-olds and older kids.

Safe To Play

Although most toys with small parts have warnings that indicate they’re unsafe for children under three, avoid choosing them if your child still loves to put things in their mouth even at 3+.

Choosing toys made of child-safe materials free from toxic chemicals like lead and other heavy metals, phthalates, and BPA is also good.

Engagement & Fun

It’s tempting to give “advanced” toys to help your kids learn more. However, toys that offer too much information or have many different things going on might seem too complex for your child.

They could lose interest if they don’t grasp the essential elements of a certain activity. 

Sometimes, it’s best to pick a fun and engaging toys that are simple and fit for their age but let them use their imagination.

Educational Value

Consider offering your child toys with different educational values so they can develop various learning aspects and find new ways to have fun.

Building toys, musical instruments, crafting kits, and other learning materials can let them learn without sacrificing entertainment.

Value For Your Money

Will your kids outgrow the toys after just a few months? Thankfully, that might be true for some toys for 1-year-olds , but many educational toys for older children might still be interesting as they grow older.

It’s also good to check for the toy’s quality because some toys might be cheaper but can be unsafe or easily break and get damaged.

What Can I Buy My 3-Year-Old Daughter?

Dolls and toys for imaginative play are popular for 3-year-old girls, but you can also pick building blocks, musical instruments, learning sets, cooking sets, and other unisex toys.

If unsure, you can always ask them to pick the ones they like before you checkout.

What’s The Best Gift For A 3-Year-Old Baby Girl?

The answer will usually depend on the child’s interests. But because kids this age are getting ready for preschool, you can never go wrong with picking educational toys.

Is A 3-Year-Old A Toddler Or Preschooler?

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), 3-year-olds are preschoolers. Toddlers are kids starting from 1-year-old until they turn three. (4)

Can 3-Year-Olds Write?

Although some can already write a few letters or numbers, most 3-year-olds can’t do that yet. However, many might show interest in holding a pencil or any writing material to create lines. (5)

How Far Should A 3-Year-Old Count?

Most 3-year-olds can count up to four objects, while some can reach up to 10. (2)

What Should A 3-Year-Old Draw?

Kids this age can draw straight lines and copy circles. (2)

How Do Educational Toys For 3-Year-Olds Differ From Those For 2-Year-Olds?

Many learning toys for 3-year-olds can have more numbers, letters, or features than educational toys for 2-year-olds .

Toymakers might also design these toys for sharing and socialization because 3-year-olds are developmentally ready to improve their social skills by sharing and playing with others. (1)(2)

Other Learning Toys For Different Age Groups

  • Best educational toys
  • Best toys for a 2 year old
  • DIY Montessori toys
  • Educational toys
  • Educational baby toys
  • Educational toys for toddlers
  • Educational toys for 2-year-olds
  • Educational toys for 4-year-olds
  • Educational toys for 5-year-olds
  • Educational toys for 6-year-olds
  • Educational toys for 7- year-olds
  • Educational toys for 8-year-olds
  • Montessori baby toys
  • Montessori climbing toys
  • Montessori toys
  • Montessori toys for toddlers
  • Montessori toys for 1-year-olds
  • Montessori toys for 3-year-olds
  • Montessori toys for 4-year-olds
  • Montessori wooden toys
  • Outdoor toys for 1-year-olds
  • Toys for 1-year-olds
  • Toys for 2-year-olds
  • Toys for 6-year-old boys
  • Wooden educational toys

Toy Recalls To Monitor

  • Calico Critters recall (2023)
  • Kids Preferred recall (2023)
  • Target Toy recall (2022)
  • Haba recall (2022)
  • Kidoozie Play Tent recall (2022)
  • Monti Kids recall (2022)







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Entertain Your Toddler

Last Updated on 12/17/2019 by Karen

Best Puzzles and Problem-Solving Toys for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Puzzles, puzzles, puzzles!

We love puzzles and problem-solving toys. My three-year-old is a thinker. She has more fun working on a puzzle or problem-solving than most other toys. And now her younger sister is following a similar trajectory.

Puzzles and problem-solving toys are the last category on our foundational toys list, but by no means the least. Kids need puzzles and problem-solving toys in order to work on critical thinking skills, fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and well, problem-solving!

Stacking type puzzle where balance is needed

In this guide, I’ll walk you through some traditional and non-traditional puzzles, and lots of options for toys that encourage problem-solving and critical thinking.

I had a really hard time deciding what to put in this list because there are so many good options out there. I hope this guide can help you narrow down all those options and find the perfect gift!

As always, you need to be the judge of whether a toy is appropriate for your young child’s abilities and interests. I find it’s best to pick a puzzle that challenges but does not frustrate your child. This makes for us and our kids much happier.

After browsing our top puzzle and problem-solving toys, be sure to read my tips for extending puzzle play.

Disclosure: We use sponsored, or affiliate, links, which means that we could earn a small commission that helps fund our blog (at no extra cost to you!). All opinions are our own and we only recommend products we love. Thank you for your support and happy shopping!

Our favorite board puzzles with removable pieces

Sea Life Puzzle   //   Safari Animals Puzzle   //   Farm Animals Puzzle   //   Dinosaur Puzzle   //   Things That Go Puzzle   //   Construction Vehicles Puzzle

Melissa & Doug Wooden Chunky Puzzle 

We have just started collecting puzzles ever since we first played with the massive collection at our local library. She loves these Melissa & Doug wooden chunky puzzles, and I do too! 

Not only are they solid wood, durable, and hardwearing, the chunky pieces are easy to grab and can be played with as stand-alone figurines. 

These Melissa & Doug puzzles are perfect for young toddlers because under the puzzle piece is a picture of the piece that goes there to help little ones put the right shape in more easily.

First puzzle with picture displayed below where each piece goes

We started with the sea life puzzle, but I’ve got a few more I want to get this year and put links below in the order I’m planning to get them in. (Yes, these toy guides are just a glorified shopping list so that when birthdays and Christmases roll around, I’ve got my next thing ready to buy.)

If you are looking for more on your own, make sure to check that they are not the peg kind as some types with the peg in the middle have thin pieces that can’t stand up like these chunky pieces can.

Sea Life and Safari Animals puzzles

 1.  Sea Life Puzzle    

2. Safari Animals puzzle

Farm and Dinosaur puzzles

3.   Farm Animals Puzzle

4.  Dinosaur Puzzle

Things that go and Construction vehicles puzzle

5.  Things That Go Puzzle

6.  Construction Vehicles Puzzle

I would recommend getting two animal sets. That way you can mix up the pieces and sort them as you talk about animal habitats for yet another way to play!

Our library has this puzzle rack for storing their puzzles. Fits up to 12 puzzles (both the chunky puzzle size and larger).

Farm balancing block puzzle toy

Wooden Wonders Balancing Block Play Set  by Imagination Generation

I wrote about this game in my complete toy buying guide . These are cute little animal pieces that you can stack on a hard surface, or on the wobbly farm block.

This one was challenging for Elena at 18 months, so she mostly played with them as individual pieces . She was disappointed that she couldn’t put them in the barn, though.

Kids will work on fine motor skills, critical thinking, and (the reason for this post!) problem-solving.

Pile of colorful wooden balancing animal problem-solving puzzle toys

Here’s a few other options:   “Blockbeard” pirate set (though more difficult to play with individual pieces, like what do you do with the pirate heads? hmm….) Noah’s ark (2 of each animal, of course!) Lewo animal set (which we own and love!)

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Tomy Hide and Squeak Eggs

Someone gifted us these ADORABLE little Hide and Squeak eggs and Elena loves playing with them. There is so much to learn and play with in this little half dozen egg set.

The eggs have different shapes on the bottom that fit into the matching shapes in the carton.

Each little chick inside is a different color and matches with the colored faces on the outer shell.

Plus, when you push down on the chick, it squeaks! Squeak, squeak! 

Toddler plays with TOMY colorful toy egg shape sorting and color sorting

It was a challenge at first for Elena to even open the carton. Then she discovered the different shapes on the bottom. And finally, she played by matching the colors. Sometimes Elenawill play with these as actual eggs for pretend cooking. 

Elena was two when we got these, but I could see a one-year-old or younger wanting to play with this set as well.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Fisher-Price Stack and Roll Cups

This toy doesn’t look like much at first… just your standard nesting cups set right? WRONG!

These bad boys can be nested, stacked, or snapped together to make 5 different sized balls! The little smiley at the top has a bell inside and can be hidden inside one of the balls.

Get these for a baby and he will keep playing with them in new ways as a toddler.

I can already think of several different ways to play with these cups, especially in combination with other toys. Color sorting, pretend cooking and eating, matching games, rainbow drums, hide-and-seek games, um, yeah, I think these are a great foundational toy !

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Alex Discover Button Art

Fine motor skills will get a workout in this button art set. Toddlers will enjoy putting the buttons in the holes. As they become more interested, they can create the art by matching the colored buttons to the colors on the cards.

The pegs are more vibrantly colored than they appear here. They kind of remind of those food pouch lids that I like to save for color matching games and water play, so already there is another use for the pieces in this set!

It is under $10 right now, so although the cards are more flimsy than I would like, it still may be worth it even for just the buttons to be used as manipulatives in a variety of counting, patterning, and sorting activities.

Russian nesting dolls must be arranged by size for all pieces to fit making it a challenging problem to solve and rewarding puzzle for toddlers

Russian Nesting Dolls

Yes, there are tiny pieces once you get past the fifth or sixth doll, but Elena just loves our two sets so much and we’ve gotten several hours of play out of them , so I had to put the idea out here!

I know matryoshka (Russian nesting dolls) are not the first thing you think of when I say “puzzle” or “problem-solving toy,” but they really are.

The dolls need to be nested in the proper order for them all to fit together. The tops and bottoms need to be matched correctly, and you have to match up the designs so they look like one piece. There’s a lot of problem-solving going on!

Additionally, they can be played with as standalone dolls. Elena has also stacked these in numerous ways (like just tops in pyramid style, or just bottoms like nesting cups), so I believe these would make a lovely heirloom gift for a child.

This particular set from Amazon had good reviews and a lot of people mentioned how large they were (tallest doll is 8″ high), so I think this would be a good set for a child to play with.

I do like the bit of culture these matryoshka dolls bring. Russian nesting dolls were originally meant to be played with but have evolved into an art form. There are some very elaborate ones out there!

I also looked for a less delicate plastic set and found these little nesting penguins  and these fun little robots . Check them out if your child is not into dolls.

Shape sorters are classic problem solving toys

Top Bright Wooden Shape Sorter

How cute is this! It’s a cement truck shape sorter! Plus it comes with a little truck driver!

A shape sorter is for sure a good foundational toy , as you can obviously teach shapes, but you can also teach colors if you have brightly colored set, and do some stacking with the shape blocks.

This sorter has the added bonus of imaginative play and can be pulled around on the string. You can spin the barrel and tip it to dump out the blocks. All in all, a fun, educational toy!

**Note: The blocks are wooden, but the truck is a mix of plastic and wood.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Melissa & Doug Keys & Cars Wooden Rescue Vehicle & Garage Toy

One of my nephews is obsessed with firefighters and police officers, so I’m considering getting him this for Christmas.

It’s a wooden fire truck, ambulance, and police car that can be sorted in the color matching garage. What makes this a unique problem-solving toy is the addition of keys to lock and unlock the garage doors!

The keys will keep little toddler hands busy and working on their hand-eye coordination and color matching. When they tire of that, there is always the rescue vehicles to play with.

Woo-ooh-woo-ooh-woo-ooh! (I’m 99% positive that’s how you spell the sound a siren makes.)

A similar toy is this M&D Wooden Doorbell Dollhouse .

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Eric Carle Matching Game  by The Wonder Forge

Does your child like The Very Hungry Caterpillar ? This is one of Elena’s favorite books. We have also just discovered matching and memory games, so this would be game I think she would love.

The cards/tiles are a sturdy chipboard and feature art by Eric Carle (author of Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? The Tiny Seed, and more!). There are 72 tiles, so you’ll want to play with only 4 or 5 pairs to start with.

If you’ve never played Memory, basically, you mix up the cards and turn them all over. Then you take turns choosing two cards at a time with the goal of finding a matching pair.

For a young one, you could have the whole set face up and challenge them to find matching pairs or play I Spy .

You could also play Go Fish with these, though the chipboard could be tough to hold in one hand.

Afterwards, you can read an Eric Carle book and do a matching puzzle.

  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar book and jumbo puzzle
  • Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? book and simple puzzle pairs

I think these in combination with the matching game would make a perfect gift basket for an Eric Carle lover.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Grimm’s Water Wave Stacker

Grimm’s rainbow is a favorite among the Montessori/Waldorf people, but did you know there are other nesting sets in the “Elements of Nature” collection which are equally beautiful?

I decided to feature the water wave stacker because the shades of blue are so pretty and I like the ocean 🙂

These open-ended puzzle toys enhance a child’s creativity and imagination. The pieces can be laid on their side to make pretty patterns or stacked in different ways to create bridges or houses or fences for play with animal or doll figurines. It’s pretty amazing to watch a child play with these and get a glimpse into their creative brain.

I love how beautiful the Grimm’s sets are. They look like art pieces that I could display on a bookshelf in the living room. They are wooden and painted with child-safe non-toxic water-based paint and dyes.

Be sure to check out the fire flames nesting set  as well.

Grimm’s can be pricey, but Lewo makes a similar concept, but different style, colorful wooden puzzle set for less. Take a look if you’re interested.

Other Puzzles to Love

Here are a few  jigsaw puzzles that are adorable and perfect for toddlers and preschoolers.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

The Petit Collage Beginner Puzzles are lovely, unconfined animal-shaped jigsaw puzzles. I love this forest babies set of four puzzles.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Crocodile Creek Birthday Bear is a traditional rectangle jigsaw puzzle with 24 pieces and a whimsical illustration. Below are more floor puzzles from Crocodile Creek.

OK, here’s my favorite. I like these Mudpuppy Pouch Puzzles because they store neatly away in a zipper POUCH! Such a great idea for puzzle storage. You could easily toss one in your purse for play at the restaurant when you need to keep kids busy and quiet. Each pouch has 12 extra thick chunky pieces. 

One Last Tip for Extending Puzzle Playtime

Sensory bin!

Almost anything can be turned into a sensory bin, right? Fill a container with your favorite sensory bin filler (dry beans, rice, popcorn kernels, nothing wet of course) and hide the pieces of a puzzle in it . Let your child dig and scoop to find the pieces and then put it together.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

If you’ve got an older child who needs a challenge, why not mix up a few different smaller sets of puzzles and have them sort the sets!

Do you have any other tips for new ways to play with puzzles?

Building toys are also great for building critical thinking skills and hand-eye coordination. Check out our favorite classic building toys  and our favorite building toys for little ones.

I hope these toy guides and gift ideas help you find the perfect gift for any kid on your list!

For more on building a toybox of only toys your child will play with and love, read this complete toy buying guide .

The best puzzles and problem solving toys

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The 30 Best Toys for 3-Year-Olds to Channel All That Energy and Imagination

These gifts encourage 3-year-olds to be their best social, active, hilarious selves.

In This Article

  • Our Top Picks

Our Review Process

  • Factors to Consider

Parents / Alli Waataja

Three is a truly magical age, when toddlers transform into preschoolers with wild imaginations, impressive communication skills, and more control over their bodies. To maximize their potential, toys for 3-year-olds should help encourage their development through play . 

According to parenting expert and child psychologist Reena B. Patel , at 3 years old, children typically experience significant improvements in their language development . “Their speaking and ability to communicate more words will increase. They start saying more words strung together, ask for items by name, and understand you and your instructions,” she says. 

In addition, pretend play strengthens problem-solving and social skills , so doctor kits, dress-up costumes, play kitchens, tools, and other role-playing toys are all great picks. Building toys and games can help hone critical thinking and fine motor skills, while sports equipment and other active toys allow kids to get moving and burn off energy safely. 

To find the best toys for 3-year-olds , we interviewed parenting experts, surveyed more than 880 caregivers about their children’s favorite toys, and scoured the market to uncover the top-rated, best-selling toys that align with 3-year-olds’ developmental milestones . We assessed each pick based on its features, value, durability, quality, safety, materials, and engagement potential. Our list includes a variety of toy types at various price points, so we're sure there's something for everyone.

Playmobil Disney Junior Cinderella’s Castle Stacking Toy

This Cinderella toy combines a 3-year-old’s love of stacking with interactive elements and beloved Disney characters . They can create their own towers by stacking the pieces, pretend play with Cinderella and Prince Charming, have them go down the slide, and more. The large, chunky pieces are perfect for small hands and don’t present a choking hazard, and cute features, like Cinderella’s extendable skirt, make this more exciting.

Hape Sizzling BBQ Set

Encourage your little one to get more active in the kitchen with this pretend BBQ set, which gives endless fun play options. It comes with a bunch of different foods you might find on a real grill, including kebab sticks with all the fixings, condiments, and utensils. Realistic elements, like the fire underneath the grill and electronic sizzling sounds, make this one stand out . When they’re done playing, everything can get tucked back inside for convenience.

Fat Brain Toys Pretendables Backyard Pizza Oven Set

What 3-year-old doesn’t love pizza? This oven set comes with everything they need to “create” their own. There’s a six-piece pizza that comes apart into slices with Velcro attachments, felt toppings that can also attach to the pizza slices, cheese and pepper shakers, and realistic-looking utensils like a cutter and spatula. It also comes with two plates and an adorable menu. The best part? Everything can fit neatly inside the oven—AKA storage box—so cleanup is a breeze.

Battat Education Magnetic Fishing Game

This game is a great mix of fun and educational, and it’s versatile enough to grow with your child as they advance. A spinning tray contains 26 wooden fish and two magnetic fishing rods for pretend fishing, which helps with the development of hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills . Each fish features a color and a letter, and play cards allow them to match the fish with the corresponding number and color. Since everything is contained in the tray, you don’t need to stress over storage.

Morphle Magic Pet Mobile Playset

Based on the animated series Morphle , this playset is made up of a pet mobile with rolling tires, a spinning pod wheel, a colorful play space, and two play figures. The best part, though, is that it incorporates water play: a small tub can be filled with water and has a little working “shower” to clean off the figures—when immersed in water, one of them will even change appearance a bit. The tub is small enough that any spills made are minimal, but exciting enough that little ones will be captivated.

KidKraft Farm to Table Play Kitchen

It’s hardly a half-baked idea to search for the perfect kitchen set for a mini master chef . Kids can (pretend to) heat things up by stirring the pot and whipping up many make-believe meals made in this KidKraft Wooden Farm-to-Table Play Kitchen, which features lights and sounds from the stove and faucet and comes complete with wooden veggies and cooking utensils. According to feedback from our staffers who have tested this kitchen at home, the modern design is aesthetically pleasing for adults, and assembly isn’t too painful.

Bluey Hammerbarn Shopping Center Mega Set

For young Bluey fans ready to hit the shops, this Bluey Hammerbarn Shopping Center Mega Set offers tikes their first retail adventure with the popular pup. The towering hardware store stands 22 inches tall featuring four floors, a working elevator, lights, loads of stickers, 15 play pieces, and over 45 sounds activated by pressing the Paw Button. Just remember, “If your friend buys chippies, she has to pay for chippies!"  

Pottery Barn Kids Tool Box

As every handyman knows, the value of a terrific set of tools simply can’t be measured! This Pottery Barn Kids Tool Box may not actually repair your faucet, but it will do wonders for a preschooler’s fine motor skills. It includes a wooden wrench, washer, bolts, rectangles, a screwdriver, and a hammer. You can even personalize it with the child’s name or initials for an added special touch. 

B Is for Bellies

What 3-year-old wouldn’t be thrilled to celebrate themselves from A-Z—and head to toe? Little readers will love the bouncy, rhyming text and vibrant illustrations in this delightful picture book, B Is for Bellies: A Celebration of Every Body! by Rennie Dyball. This fabulous children’s book is about loving and accepting yourself exactly as you are . Grown-ups reading aloud will appreciate the body positivity reminders for both their kiddos and themselves .

Fat Brain Toys Ladybug's Garden Memory Game

Baby geniuses can put their newly formed memory skills to the test while enjoying the thrill of playing with this family-friendly Fat Brain Toys Ladybug's Garden Memory Game. The educational wooden puzzle board game comes with five double-sided puzzle cards for picture matching and large ladybug pieces sized just right for tiny hands. It’s just as fun for kids to play on their own as with another friend or grown-up, too.

Hasbro Gaming Candy Land

When it comes to the sweetest board game for kids, this is a classic that can’t be beat! Preschoolers will have their first taste of victory as well as learn how to cope with defeat when moving their characters along the Candy Land board, just like most of us and generations before us. Family time playing this colorful board game is an absolute treat!

Fisher-Price Sensory Bright Light Station

Looking for an activity toy guaranteed to light up your little one’s imagination? This super cool light station provides an interactive experience that stimulates all the senses , with textures, movement, lights, and music. Kids are in complete control here, customizing the colors and sounds on the board with textured buttons, dials, and switches. A fidget spinner and goo pack enhance the sensory play even more.

Fisher-Price Pretend Doctor Playset

This Fisher-Price Medical Playset has everything needed to equip your mini-medic with the necessary tools to mend their patients. They can play doctor and provide the best bedside care with this seven-piece set, which includes a fabric doctor bag filled with a stethoscope, syringe, thermometer, otoscope, blood pressure cuff, and a plastic bandage to tend to any ailing dolls and stuffies. It’s also a really great way to alleviate any anxiety about upcoming real-life doctor visits .

Disney Princess Dress Up Trunk

This Disney Princess Dress-Up Trunk is filled with a splendid 21-piece assortment of dresses and accessories , including looks from Sleeping Beauty, Belle from Beauty and the Beast , Cinderella, and Snow White that are sure to spark hours of imaginative play. The dresses in this collection are designed to fit sizes 4 to 6x.  

What Experts Say

“Dress up is great at this age. Costumes are wonderful to really allow them to tap into pretend play and actually BE what they are pretending to be.” — Reena B. Patel, parenting expert.

Klobroz Toy Building Blocks

Looking for a toy to tower above the rest? This safety-tested set of Klobroz Marble Run Building Blocks expands imaginations and helps develop practical motor skills and problem-solving abilities . The eco-friendly, educational set also strengthens hand-eye coordination and shape recognition.

Magna-Tiles Classic 32-Piece Set

Building sets play a big role in boosting creative development, and this certified STEAM-approved collection also helps to connect your child with their imagination in open-ended play—and yeah, it’s fun for grown-ups too. This colorful kit comes with an assortment of 32 transparent geometric shapes in a palette of six vibrant colors. 

Gabby's Dollhouse Purrfect Dollhouse Playset

There’s no place like Gabby's Purrfect Dollhouse, an interactive, colorful cat-shaped abode full of lights, sounds, and super cute furniture . Your kiddo can spend hours taking Gabby and Pandy Paws on plenty of imaginative adventures inside the seven-room house, which measures 2 feet tall and comes with the coolest working “Cat-A-Vator” to elevate between each of the four floors. That’s what we call a home sweet home!

Bixe Aluminum Balance Bike

Getting on a set of wheels is a significant milestone for adventurous preschoolers. Starting with this Bixe Balance Bike means they’ll start coasting around on just two wheels in no time, with no training wheels necessary . This awesome, aluminum balance bike features an adjustable seat to help them feel comfortable and steady while beginning to ride responsibly. 

PlaSmart PlasmaCar The Original

Littles can jump in the driver’s seat and see all the sights while joyriding through the neighborhood in this popular indoor/outdoor pedal-free car. We caution little racers to steer clear of any obstacles while taking a wild ride on this kid-friendly vehicle designed to develop balance, coordination, and motor skills while maintaining safe speeds of up to 6 miles per hour. The PlasmaCar is safe for kids 3 and up, and can even hold adults up to 220 pounds.

Crayola Coloring Pages

For the dinosaur-obsessed kids in your life, these Crayola Color Wonder Prehistoric Pals Mess Free Coloring Pages are a peaceful but still engaging way to pass the time. This non-toxic coloring book features a set of 18 dinosaur-themed coloring pages and a collection of five mess-free color wonder markers that only work on Color Wonder pages . Mickey Mouse, Paw Patrol, and other themes are also available. These are a big hit on airplanes, in restaurants, and other trips away from the house.

Melissa & Doug Paw Patrol Adventure Pack

Looking for exceptional equipment to help a 3-year-old “ruff” it in the great outdoors? With the Melissa & Doug Paw Patrol Pup Backpack Role Play Set, mini hikers can explore imaginary and real trails with everything they need for their next big adventure. This set comes complete with a compass, working whistle, magnifier, map, binoculars, badges, and, of course, pretend treats for the rescue pups. 

Upbounders-Sports Go Fish Cards Sports Go Fish Cards

Do preschoolers have a poker face? Probably not, but that just means you’ll be able to see the glee on their faces as they play Go Fish with these cards from Black-owned business Upbounders. Youngsters will love this sports-themed card game, which features 52 sturdy, laminated playing cards made for up to six players. It even strengthens memory skills while teaching about fairness and good sportsmanship.

Just Play Qai Qai Doll by Serena Williams

Tennis champion and mother of two, Serena Williams, created quite a racket when she first started sharing posts about Qai Qai, her daughters' favorite doll. And when she launched Qai Qai as a doll others could buy, it really took off. That could be thanks, in part, to Qai Qai’s stellar social media standing (she has 338,000 followers on IG!), but it’s also because the 14-inch doll is quite affordable, has captivating features, and comes in a frustration-free box that turns into a house that kids can color themselves.

John Deere Excavator Toy

We all know the fun digging up a little dirt can be! This Fat Brain Toys 15-inch Deere Construction Excavator allows budding builders to pave new pathways—either imaginary ones indoors or real ones in the sandbox . It’s a great combination of pretend play and motor skills.

Kinetic Sand Deluxe Swirl N’ Surprise Playset, 2.5lbs of Play Sand

This Kinetic Sand Deluxe Swirl N' Surprise Playset is great for getting little hands dirty—but not really! The kit comes with 2.4 pounds of moldable sand in six cool colors . It also includes sculpting tools for shaping. Kids can swirl the colors together to create beautiful designs or just squish it all in their hands for sensory-pleasing fun.

Little Tikes 3-Foot Trampoline

Tiny jumping beans can hop to their heart's content safely on this 3-foot trampoline . This version is a classic design, but we really appreciate that the handlebar folds down for more compact storage when jumping time is over.

Melissa & Doug Slice and Bake Cookie Set

If your precocious preschooler has a penchant for pastries, we're confident the Melissa & Doug Slice and Bake Wooden Cookie Play Food Set set will be a huge hit. The wooden cookies come in cylindrical “dough” form, which kids then slice apart into perfect round disks and place on the cookie sheet. Then they can decorate the cookies with colorful pats of icing, using the included oven mitt and spatula for serving.

Melissa & Doug Dust, Sweep & Mop Set

We can’t come up with a better way to keep the house clean than this Melissa & Doug Let's Play House Pretend Play Set. This colorful cleaning collection includes a mop, hand brush, broom, duster, and dustpan to promote imaginative play (and a spotless playroom) while teaching kids to be responsible for their space. What parents really love about this is that the broom really does work, and for some reason, kids enjoy sweeping!

Flybar My First Foam Pogo Jumper

While traditional pogo sticks are definitely too much for a 3-year-old to handle, this version is a safer way for them to hop around and practice their balance. The soft foam squeaks with every jump, and it’s even suitable to use indoors. Just be sure to clear some space before the bouncing begins!

Fat Brain Toys Pretend & Play Makeup Station

With this Fat Brain Toys Pretend & Play Makeup Station, littles can role-play like the grown-ups in their lives without actually messing with real makeup . This adorable wooden set comes with a pretty pink mirrored vanity packed with a perfume bottle, nail polish, handheld mirror, eyeshadow palette, lipstick, lip gloss, makeup compact, comb, and hair ties. Everything you need to get all dolled up for a fun playdate!  

To find the best toys for 3-year-olds, our editors spend all year learning about the latest toy trends and the hottest new toys from popular brands and smaller independent companies. As part of our research, we also interviewed parenting and child experts:

  • Reena B. Patel, a licensed educational psychologist and board-certified behavior analyst
  • Dana Oliver , CEO of Adventure Kids Playcare

In addition, we surveyed more than 880 caregivers to find out what their children’s favorite toys are, how they interact with them, and what it is they love about them. Finally, we researched the top-rated and best-selling toys that most closely align with 3-year-olds’ developmental milestones. To make our final picks for this list, we assessed each toy based on its features, value, materials, safety, durability, and engagement potential.

Factors to Consider When Buying Toys for 3-Year-Olds

  • Think About Developmental Milestones: By the age of 3, most children will start developing emotionally, form stronger relationships with others, and have more energy than ever before, says Oliver. Their imaginations will be bigger and their memories will get stronger. 
  • Encourage Imaginative Play: Opt for toys that help your child create a pretend scenario while playing, like dress up clothing and props. 
  • Encourage Associative Play: Sharing is a critical skill for 3-year-olds to learn, Oliver says. Toys and games meant to be played with others can help them work on this valuable skill. 
  • Encourage Active Play: Oliver notes that 3-year-olds are extremely active and are also working on coordination, balance, and depth perception. She recommends toys that encourage this, like balls, ring toss, bowling sets, or scooters. 
  • Keep Safety in Mind: “Make sure parts are size- and age-appropriate, so there is not a choking hazard,” cautions Patel, noting that caretakers should especially be aware of toys that have batteries or magnets, which can be extremely harmful if consumed.

Pricing can vary depending on the toy. The best thing to consider is the child's interest and whether the item falls within your budget. Above all, the quality and safety of the toy is what parents value most. 

"Three-year-olds are learning many new skills and are often proud to show off those skills and try new things," notes Patel. "They will love small bikes, building toys, coloring books, and crafting activities. Make-believe is also a milestone at this age, and kids will love these activities and may even start playing with others. Any toys that promote make-believe play are great as children learn to think creatively." 

Samantha McIntyre is an experienced writer and PR professional specializing in the parenting space and a self-proclaimed favorite "auntie." Her two amazing nephews and one niece keep her on top of her game when it comes to discovering the best products and toys for babies and kids.

Jessica Booth is a freelance writer who covers parenting, shopping, wellness, entertainment, and wedding content. She has written for sites such as Brides, People, Insider, Bustle, Romper, Refinery 29, Cosmopolitan, Delish, The Daily Beast, Reviewed, She Knows, Scary Mommy, The Knot, and What to Expect. She also has two young daughters and has been through her fair share of toys.

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23 Best Educational Toys & Gift Ideas for 3-Year-Olds

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

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23 Best Educational Toys & Gift Ideas for 3 Year Olds

Finding unique, educational toys and gifts for kids can be such a challenge. My daughter recently turned 3, and I was on a mission to find toys that were fun and educational.

At age 3, there are so many fun milestones, including the ability to follow simple instructions, show a wide range of emotions, and experiment more with imagination. 

By understanding important milestones for this age, you can find some amazing toys and gift ideas that will assist with healthy development. I’ve included some basic ideas to help you find your own gifts as well as a big list of gift ideas for the 3-year-old in your life .

What should I look for in educational toys for a 3-year-old?

When it comes to finding unique, educational toys for 3-year-olds, looking at cognitive milestones is really helpful. You can easily find toys and activities that will support these milestones and help the child build on them.

At age 3, a child should be able to:

  • Do puzzles with 3-4 pieces
  • Work with more complex toys (including moving parts, buttons, and levers)
  • Play make-believe with dolls, animals, and people
  • Copy shapes, such as a circle, with a pencil or crayon
  • Turn book pages one at a time
  • Build towers of 6 or more blocks
  • Screw and unscrew jar lids or turn door handles

And over the next year, children will start inching toward the 4-year-old cognitive milestones , which include:

  • Naming colors and numbers
  • Understanding the idea of counting
  • Starting to understand time
  • Remembering parts of a story
  • Understanding the concept of “same” and “different”
  • Drawing a person with 2-4 body parts
  • Using scissors
  • Starting to copy some capital letters
  • Playing board or card games

And physically, at 3, a child can climb well, run easily, and pedal a tricycle. By age 4, they can hop and stand on one foot for up to 2 seconds, catch a bounced ball, and maneuver food and drinks pretty well (pouring, cutting, and mashing food).

I’m sure that just reading these lists has already sparked some ideas for you – perhaps a puzzle of up to 24 pieces, which will be a big challenge at 3 but will become easier over the next 2 years. Or maybe a big colorful block set that encourages stacking, color practice, and sorting.

You can take these ideas and run with them, but I’ve done a lot of legwork to bring you a massive curated list of unique, educational gift ideas that will support cognitive development for the 3-year-old age range.

What is the best educational toy for a 3-year-old?

Before I get into the list of educational toy ideas, I did want to address a common question I saw – what is the best educational toy for a 3-year-old?

Questions like these are so hard to answer because it always depends – what’s the child interested in? Where are they developmentally? And for the parents, what’s the budget? And in regards to the size of the toy, do you have room in your home to store it?

And to add to that, most toys work on a small set of skills – how can you prioritize one ability or another?

So, with all of that said, my recommendation for the best educational toy for a 3-year-old is The Observer Play Kit by Lovevery, made specifically for ages 37-39 months. The Lovevery kits are good for both girls and boys. 

lovevery the observer play kit

I’m a massive fan of Lovevery because all of their play kits are backed by heaps of developmental research, everything is made sustainably, and the toys are the highest quality out there.

The Observer Play Kit is $120 and focuses on exploring routines with pretend play, practicing nesting with early exposure to architecture concepts, setting expectations by planning out the day, and encouraging independence and self-care.

The kit includes a Plan Ahead Weather Board, Modular Playhouse, Wooden Accessories, Two-Seater Speedster, Left & Right Shoe Stickers, Wooden Emotion Dolls, and an Emotion Book Set. 

This play kit hits on several important milestones, and most importantly, it’s fun! So, that’s my top recommendation.

What’s the best inexpensive educational toy for 3-year-olds?

If you’re shopping for another child’s birthday party, a $120 Lovevery play kit is likely out of the question, so my backup recommendation for the best 3-year-old educational gift idea is a Koala Crate from KiwiCo . 

These unique crates encourage hands-on learning and fun through enriching exposure to new materials, tools, techniques, and concepts. Each crate comes with 2-3 creative activities that the parent or caregiver can do with the child. As an example, the latest crate we got my daughter was rainbow-themed. We made a stained glass landscape, a rainbow pillow, and a rainbow tote bag.

koala crate rainbow box

It was so much fun to do together, no screens or batteries are required, and the crate was less than $20. (We got a 6-month subscription because there was a promotion, but you can buy a single crate – it just costs slightly more.)

KiwiCo also sells one-off crates, such as a walking robot project ($24.95), a baking and fractions project ($44.95), or a veterinarian starter kit ($29.95). 

These crates not only encourage learning, but they’re interactive and hands-on. We love these, and it’s so unique – I doubt anyone else will show up to the party or holiday with this!

1) Montessori Learning Color & Shape Slider Puzzle

Price at time of writing: $16.99

Between ages 3-4, counting, identifying colors, and naming shapes is a key cognitive skill to work on. The Monesttori Learning Color & Shape Slider Puzzle from the Auggie Store (sold on Amazon) makes it fun!

This wooden puzzle meets brain teaser game challenges your preschooler to match the wooden circles to the card. All the pieces store nicely in the base of this toy, which mom will truly appreciate.

montessori learning color and shape slider puzzle

2) Melissa & Doug See & Spell Wooden Educational Toy

Price at time of writing: $18.87

Identifying letters and starting to spell things is a skill children typically start around age 4. However, getting an early start doesn’t hurt! 

This Melissa & Doug See & Spell wooden toy (sold on Amazon) can help introduce letters. Even though your 3-year-old likely doesn’t understand how these letters come together to form words, they’ll still have fun putting the letter in the matching puzzle spot. 

Melissa and Doug See and Spell wooden toy

The best part is you can have fun introducing letters to your little one, and around age 4-5, this toy will have a whole new educational purpose in your home. I love toys that last!

3) Discovery Create & Paint Easel

Price at time of writing: $299

Toys that encourage creativity, going outside, and exploring nature are a win in my book!

The Discovery Create & Paint Easel from Plum (sold on The Tot) is this incredible nature-inspired easel that features an easy-clean painting screen and a mini gardening station.

Create and Play Easel

It’s definitely on the pricier side, but what a fun toy that offers up so many unique opportunities for play and discovery! To get $25 off, send us an email , and we’ll get you a discount code.

4) 24-Piece Puzzles

Price at time of writing: $36.99

Twenty-four-piece puzzles are a great gift for a 3-year-old. Even if they can’t do a 24-piece puzzle on their own yet, they will likely be able to master this by age 4. It’s a fun challenge that supports healthy development!

You can find a fun 6-pack on Amazon that features several scenes, including space, underwater, the jungle, construction, and more.

24-piece puzzles

5) Confetti Grand Piano

Price at the time of writing: $89.99

This Confetti Grand Piano by Janod (sold on Maisonette) is a great way to introduce a 3-year-old to music! It includes 18 keys and four wooden feet, and is ideal for ages 3+.

confetti grand piano

You can get 10% off your order by using this link and the code “HELLO10.”*

*Must be your first order with Maisonette; applies to orders $75 or more

6) Literati Book Club Box

Literati is a book club that costs $9.95 per month plus the cost of any books you choose to keep. 

Each themed book club box includes 5 books tailored to your child’s age (plus some fun additions like stickers and personalized surprises). Club Sprout, for ages 3-5, is all about beginning picture books. The stories are simple, the illustrations are beautiful, and storytime is so fun!

One of my 3-year-old’s favorite books, Hide and Seek In the House , came from a Literati book club box , and Literati typically beats Amazon prices, which is amazing.

Literati matches Amazon list price, and you only pay for the books you keep. You have a week to read and explore the books, and any you don’t want, you can send back with a prepaid shipping label. You can skip months or cancel anytime.

There are several ways to gift Literati, from gifting the subscription to giving a gift card or even choosing an age-appropriate themed box. The birthday-themed gift box for ages 3-5 is perfect!

happy birthday literati box

7) Lacing Cards

Price at time of writing: $10.99

Lacing cards (sold on Amazon) are a great educational option for when you’re on the go. My sister’s family uses them in church, at big sister’s softball games, while waiting at the restaurant, etc. They’re also great for fine motor development. 

Stay-at-home mom perspective: If your little one gets frustrated with the string falling through as they’re lacing, knot it to one of the holes, and it won’t get lost!

lacing cards

8) My Calendar by Moon Picnic

Price at time of writing: $115

My Calendar by Moon Picnic (sold on The Tot) is a great educational tool that will teach your 3-year-old about numbers, days and months, and planning ahead. It also has a puzzle-like feel, making it fun for your little one!

my calendar

To get $25 off, send us an email , and we’ll get you a discount code.

9) Melissa & Doug Magentic Wand Number Maze

Price at time of writing: $17.53

The Melissa & Doug Magnetic Wand Number Maze (sold on Amazon), featuring fun illustrations of barn animals, is a great educational activity for 3-year-olds.

You can slide the red apples with the attached magnetic wand over the acrylic surface, making it a great activity to develop number recognition, counting skills, and hand-eye coordination.

magnetic wand number maze

10) The Lovevery Block Set

Price at time of writing: $90

The Lovevery block set is the ultimate block set – it’s ideal for toddlers (18 months through 4+ years) and features over 20 fun learning and developmental activities ranging in complexity.

lovevery block set

The 70 wood pieces are made of sustainably harvested FSC-certified wood, and the paint is non-tox and water-based. All of the blocks store neatly in the wooden container, and there are many amazing ways to use this set for learning and fun.

11) Season Pass to Local Children’s Museum or Zoo

Gifting experiences is often the best type of gift! If you know of a local children’s museum or zoo, see if you could buy season or annual passes. 

Along those same lines, you could inquire about paying for a month or semester of dance lessons, music class, or art class.

12) Little Passports

Little Passports is an award-winning subscription for kids that provides hands-on learning opportunities.

The Early Explorers subscription, for ages 3-5, will introduce your preschooler to the world through activities and souvenirs. 

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

The subscription costs $24.95 per month, and you can save by choosing a 6-month or 12-month subscription. 

You can also gift a standalone activity kit – it might be fun to choose a theme you know your 3-year-old will love, like food around the world, animal tracks, or global art!

animal tracks little passports

13) Raddish Kids Cooking Club

Raddish is a cooking club for kids that delivers monthly boxes which encourage culinary fun.

A typical monthly box would include 3 recipe guides, a quality kitchen tool, collectibles (like a colorful apron patch and table talk cards), a creative kitchen project, 3 culinary skill lessons, and a complete grocery list.

One box included seasonal recipes, like apple harvest bread, chicken corn chowder, and frosted pumpkin cookies.

raddish kit example

While Raddish is advertised for 4-14+ years old, I know my 3-year-old loves helping in the kitchen. Whether it’s mixing ingredients in a bowl, measuring out some flour, or cracking an egg, she loves it!

If you think the 3-year-old you’re shopping for enjoys cooking or watching mom and dad cook, Raddish might be the most unique, thoughtful gift in the room!

Radish costs $24 per kit, and if you opt for a 6-month or 12-month subscription, you save and get a free apron. But they do offer some gifting options , including standalone cooking kits. Grab a backyard BBQ kit, a harvest party kit, or a cosmic cuisine kit for $24.

14) Writing and Counting Trays by Q Toys

Price at the time of writing: $32.99

writing and counting trays

Learning about numbers, counting, and literacy is all the rage at 3 years old, and these 10 counting trays by Q Toys (sold at The Tot) are ideal! You can fill the wooden numbered trays with colored sands or play dough as a fun way to learn about color recognition, counting, and tracing.

Plus, these trays are made from solid, sustainably sourced plantation timber.

If you happen to add at least $100 worth of items to your cart, you can use code referral-cdde3e10fa3ee8e to get $25 off at checkout.

15) Story Time Chess

Price at time of writing: $64.99

Story Time Chess , the 2021 People’s Choice Toy of the Year Award Winner, is a fantastic educational game, modified for starting at age 3!

Chess is immensely beneficial for young minds as it assists with critical thinking, problem-solving, and planning ahead. While teaching chess to a 3-year-old seems like a huge challenge, Story Time Chess makes it accessible with custom chess pieces and a storybook drawn by Disney illustrator Ryan Terry.

story time chess

These fun chess boards are also dual-sided, meaning you can also use them for regular chess or tournament play.

16) Windflyer Sleep Training Clock

Price at time of writing: $42.99

Understanding the concept of time is something a 3-year-old will master within the next year of their life.

Introducing a clock can be a great way to start having conversations about time and expectations around what happens at different parts of the day. This sleep training clock (sold on Amazon) uses fun facial expressions and soft lights so kids know if it’s time to sleep or time to be awake.

sleep training clock

At this age, routines are everything, and this clock is a fun way to help the 3-year-old on your shopping list thrive!

17) Candyland

Price at the time of writing: $12.99

Do you remember playing Candyland as a kid? Some of my fondest memories are going to my G&G’s house to play this game!

While this game is mostly fun, there are some educational components, like counting how many spots you should move, identifying colors, and following instructions. 

Candyland (sold on Amazon) is for ages 3 and up, so if you haven’t tried any board games yet with your toddler, this might be the perfect one to get!


18) The Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel Game

Price at the time of writing: $11.99

As long as we’re talking about games, The Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel Game (sold on Amazon) has been the best-selling preschool game for over 5 years.

It’s full of educational components, like learning colors, matching, strategic thinking, taking turns, hand-eye coordination, and fine motor skills. Plus, it’s so much fun!

The goal of this game is to help the squirrels find their acorns. You spin the spinner and pick up the matching acorn with your “squirrel squeezer,” placing it in your log. The first to collect 5 acorns wins!

squirrel game

19) AlphaDough TM Learning Bundle

Playing with dough is so fun for 3-year-olds, and adding in some letter practice makes learning even more fun!

alphadough learning bundle

This learning bundle includes the Alphabet Dough Book (featuring the adorable Parlour Pals mini mats to help with vocabulary and letter sounds), Alpha Mat and Parlour Pack of 6.

If you use this link and code “HELLO10,” you can get 10% off your order!*

20) KidKraft Waterfall Mountain Wooden Train Set & Table

Price at time of writing: $85.26

My younger brother first got into Thomas the Train around age 3, and he was completely infatuated for years! For every birthday and holiday, we’d add to his collection. While Thomas the Train is definitely nice, it’s very expensive.

I’ll include a link to a Thomas the Train set ($39.99 for a small figure-8 set), but if you ditch that brand name, you can get a lot more for your money.

KidKraft has this incredible train set & table for $85.26 (sold on Amazon), which includes 120 pieces and 3 storage bins.

train table

This train set offers up so many opportunities for imaginative play, something 3-year-olds are just starting to explore. 

21) Amazon Book Box

Price at time of writing: $19.99

This gift idea is more for mom and dad, as the Amazon book box is a subscription tied to your Amazon account.

I personally did this subscription for my daughter when she was younger so we could build up our library of books. Now, we have a great collection, and we supplement with our local library twice a month.

That said, new books are always a joy for kids, and it’s always a welcome gift!

Amazon Book Boxes cost $19.99 per month, and there’s a reading level for ages 3-5. This age group includes 2 hardcover books, and if you don’t like the two books automatically added to your box, you can swap them out for something else! While the subscription is monthly, you can change the frequency or cancel anytime.

amazon book box

22) Soccer by PlanToys

Price at the time of writing: $107.50

This little soccer game by PlanToys (sold on Maisonette) is a great game to play with a 3-year-old! It works on fine motor skills and following instructions. Plus, it offers up loads of fun for family time.

soccer game

It’s made in Thailand with sustainable rubberwood, and you can get 10% off this order using this link and code “HELLO10.”*

23) KidKraft Play Kitchen

Price at time of writing: $184.99

Last but not least is the KidKraft play kitchen, a great educational activity for toddlers. It’s great for pretend play, learning about foods, and talking about cooking. Both of my own kids (ages 1.5 and 3) can spend hours playing with their play kitchen. It’s magical.

There are some very high-end play kitchens out there, but I felt this option from KidKraft (sold on Amazon) bridged the gap between high-quality and affordable.

kidkraft play kitchen

Shopping for unique, educational activities and toys for a 3-year-old doesn’t have to be a big headache! There’s something in here for every budget – let me know if you end up getting something.

And please – share your suggestions and recommendations down below. Happy shopping!

2 thoughts on “23 Best Educational Toys & Gift Ideas for 3-Year-Olds”

What wonderful recommendations!! I can’t wait to pick some of these up (and add others to the wish list) for Finch’s 3rd!! I spotted so many he will absolutely dig. Thank you for the inspiration! 💛

Aww thanks for reading Kalli! Time flies… how old is Finch now??

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Rebekah Parr

Rebekah Parr

Founder of Two Mama Bears

Rebekah Parr  is a work-from-home mom with three kiddos under the age of 5. She’s always looking for mom hacks and the best baby and toddler products.

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Taming Little Monsters

45 of the Best STEM Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Categories STEM

Introducing young kids to STEM is incredibly fun. When I first started looking into STEM for Toddlers and Preschoolers , I was thrilled to see so many easy ways to do it.

If you’re a mom at home or early childhood educators, there are so many benefits to teaching your kids STEM. Use their natural curiosity to develop problem solving skills, and have a great time doing it.

34 of the best STEM activities for toddlers and preschoolers. Introduce the fun and excitement of science activities to your kids.

Disclosure: Adult supervision is required for all activities at all times.

Table of Contents

What is stem.

  • STEM Activities
  • FAQ’s

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Not sure what STEM stands for? It’s an abbreviation of S cience T echnology E ngineering and M ath. Or you may have heard of STEAM, where the A stands for arts. All toddlers (2-3 year olds) and preschoolers (3-5 year olds), can get involved with these amazing ideas.

STEM Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers

1. magic milk.

Bowl of milk with food coloring.

All you need for this science activity is some food coloring, milk, and dish soap. With those three ingredients you can watch the colors dance around the milk all by themselves.  Learn how to turn regular milk into magic milk here.

2. Coke and Mentos

Looking for science activities for kids? Try the coke and mentos experiment. A fun and easy STEM activity for toddlers and preschoolers.

This was one of the best science experiments I’ve ever done with my kids. The look on their faces is absolutely priceless and has become one of my favorite memories. The only thing I struggled with initially was getting all of the mentos into the bottle fast enough. Fortunately, I came up with an easy hack, which allows toddlers and older kids to drop all of the mentos into the bottle at once. Check out the coke and mentos reaction and learn the super easy hack to make it toddler friendly.

3. Fizzy Painting

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

This is another science activity that works because of chemical reactions. But in this play idea, you’ll be using it to make a painting that bubbles and fizzes.  Learn how to use chemistry to make fizzy art .

4. Straw Rockets

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

These straw rockets are a free printable that you can download and use for STEM learning. Children of all ages love propelling the rockets through the air using the power of their lungs.  Get your free printable rockets and start having fun.

5. Rain in a Jar

Rain in a jar is a fun science activity for toddlers and preschoolers. Start your day with some weather science for kids.

All you need for this weather science activity is a cup of water, shaving cream and blue food coloring. Watch as the blue food coloring falls through the clouds and looks like rain when it travels through the water.  Learn how to make the rain in a jar STEM activity with your toddlers and preschoolers.

6. Fireworks in a Jar

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

This is similar to the rain in a jar experiment, but has enough of a twist to make it new and exciting. Along with other easy STEM activities, you already have everything you need for this idea in your kitchen cupboard.  If your kids are too scared of real fireworks, then learn how to make them in a jar and still enjoy some colorful bursts.

7. Color Changing Flowers

Use this color changing flower experiment to turn a rose blue. Learn how capillary action works with this simple science activity that is perfect for Spring

This is a fun way to explore capillary action with young kids. They get to see how flowers “drink” water and how it travels from the bottom of the stem, all the way up to their petals. Learn how to make flowers change colors , and see it start working in about 30 minutes.

8. Walking Water

Learn how to make a walking water science experiment - a fun rainbow themed STEM activity for kids. Perfect for preschool or kindergarten.

Did you know that you can make water move and change colors all by itself? This is another fantastic STEM education activity that explores capillary action. Watch the water ‘walk’ and become a rainbow before your eyes. Click the link to see how it’s done.

9. Balloon Magic

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Kids of all ages love watching the balloon in this science activity inflate all by itself , just like magic. With a couple of common household ingredients, your kids can be magicians too.

10. Magnet Exploration

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Playing with magnets is the best way to explain the STEM concepts of magnetism. Learn what is magnetic and what isn’t, using whatever bits and bobs you have lying around the house or classroom.

11. DIY Magnetic Ball Run

Learn how to make a DIY Magnetic Ball Run. A fun and easy STEM activity for kids where they will experiment with gravity, angles and speed.

Learn how to turn regular cardboard tubes into a fun fridge door activity. Younger kids will love doing a bit of engineering while making their own magnetic ball run and learning about gravity.

12. Salt Dough Dinosaur Fossils

learn how to make DIY salt dough dinosaur fossils. They are a fun and easy STEM activity for kids who love to learn through play.

This is without a doubt one of my favorite preschool STEM activities. Use the DIY dinosaur fossils to create a real dino dig in the sandbox, or just as a dinosaur matching activity. All you need is some salt dough, and small toy dinosaurs. It’s so easy.

13. Planet Match Activity

Grab your copy of this planet match activity. This free printable is perfect for preschool science centers.

Do you have little astronauts running around at home? This matching activity is a simple way to let them explore the solar system. Get the free planet match printable to help teach your kids about outer space.

14. Butterfly Life Cycle

Learn all about the Butterfly Life Cycle with this Free Printable. A fantastic science activity for preschool and kindergarten classrooms.

When the weather warms up, and the butterflies are out, this is the perfect chance to explore some Spring themed STEAM activities. Learn about the life cycle of a butterfly , while creating some beautiful art at the same time.

This activity also comes with a free printable template for you to use for the art. In addition, it also contains a whole lot of interesting butterfly facts to use during circle time.

15. How to Grow Crystal Snowflakes

Grow giant crystal snowflakes with a bit of simple science. This winter STEM activity is a fun and easy project for kids.

These snowflakes can sit on your window and don’t melt. I love this science activity for older children, because it doesn’t snow where we live. But we still get to enjoy a bit of magic with this play idea.

Learn how to make crystal snowflakes for your windows.

16. Invisible Heart Activity for Kids

Need a Valentine's Day STEM idea? Try this Invisible Heart Activity for Kids. Toddlers and preschoolers will love this easy science activity.

The secret behind this science activity is homemade invisible ink. Instead of making secret messages, I made a secret cardiovascular system. You can do individual pictures for kids at home, or large ones that kids in your early years classroom can do as a small group project. Learn how to make an invisible heart science activity , or just write secret messages.

17. Snowstorm in a Jar

Learn how to make a Snowstorm in a Jar, one of the best science activities for kids. Perfect for winter or weather preschool curriculums.

If you’re looking for winter themed STEM ideas, make sure to try this snowstorm in a jar. Kids as young as toddlers can join in on this one. Not to mention it’s so much fun to watch no matter how old you are.

Learn how to turn a regular jar into an indoor snowstorm , using a bit of simple science.

18. Building Shapes

Building shapes STEM for kids is a fun and easy engineering activity for kids. Help toddlers and preschoolers learn their shapes with some play based learning.

This is a fantastic engineering and math activity for children. Toddlers can focus on building 2D shapes, while preschoolers can also explore 3D constructions. I used toothpicks for this activity. However, if you’re going to try this play idea with toddlers, then I suggest you use pipe cleaners or paper straws instead. What 2D and 3D shapes will you build with your kids?

19. Popsicle Stick Shape Mats

Popsicle stick Shape Mats - free printable for kids. Use them to teach toddlers and preschoolers math, fine motor skills, language and more.

Here is another way to build shapes, using craft sticks. These shape mats are a free printable that you can download and use today. Best of all, the craft sticks are the exact size on the mats, so everything fits together seamlessly.

Get your copy of the free craft stick shape mats printable , and do a bit of math with your kids.

20. Farm Animal Shadow Matching Game

free printable - farm animal shadow matching game. A fun and easy puzzle for todders and preschoolers. Get your FREE copy today.

This is one of the first simple STEM activities I did with my toddlers. In fact, it’s the exact one I used to get my kids interested in puzzles (they were hopeless before this). It’s such a simple puzzle, but you do need to recognise irregular shapes.

This game comes as a free printable. All you need to do is to match the farm animals to their shadows , and maybe make a few barnyard noises while you do. 

21. Parachute STEM Experiment

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Can you make one of your toys fly? When we did this activity, we had one very brave cow that got caught in the rose bushes a lot.

This science activity is a simple way to experiment with wind resistance, different materials and parachute designs . Perfect for older kids to make, but still fun for toddlers and preschoolers to play with.

22. Water Cycle STEM for Kids

Learn how to set up an indoor water cycle demonstration. This is a simple science activity for kids that will teach them about evaporation, condensation and precipitation.

Did you know that you can make a working indoor water cycle ? One where your kids can taste the difference because it actually turns saltwater into freshwater?

Believe it or not, you can. This STEM idea is a fun way to talk about the weather in a way where kids can get some hands on learning.

23. Car STEM Experiments for Kids

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Toddlers and preschoolers love playing with cars and ramps. Use their enthusiasm to learn a bit of rudimentary physics in easy ways. Don’t worry, it really is more simple than it sounds.

What happens when you let cars go down ramps? Kids learn about gravity. What happens when you adjust the ramps or the cars a little bit? Well that’s a whole afternoon of fun experimenting with toy cars .

24. DIY Pirate Ship: STEM Challenge

DIY pirate ship that kids can build themselves. This is a fun STEM challenge for children to try this summer.

This engineering challenge is perfect for elementary school children. All you need to do is give them a few basic materials and tell them to build their own boat.

I spent hours as a kid building my own forts in the backyard. Tying the sticks together, and hating when it was not tight enough.

So let your kids build their own ship in the backyard this summer. You’ll have pirates running around all holiday.

25. Sink the Egg STEM Challenge

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Simple STEM projects are always a treasure, and this one is no different. What does it take to make the egg sink ? What do you fill it with? What will your kids come up with?

26. Non Newtonian Fluid Science Activity

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

The non-Newtonian fluid in this play idea is also called Oobleck. Oobleck has the wonderful characteristic of changing form when pressure is applied.

Confused? Basically, when you push down hard on oobleck, it becomes hard and feels solid. But if you let it go and just hold it in your hand, it will flow like a liquid.

Can you imagine what a great time your kids will have playing with this amazing stuff? Learn how to make oobleck here.

27. Snowball Balance

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Do you save your large cardboard tubes? Make sure that you do because it’s amazing what you can do with them. 

Here you are using the tubes to balance crumpled up paper balls . This is a fantastic activity for toddlers because it’ll help with hand-eye coordination and other fine motor skills as well.

28. Easy Heart Pump Model

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

How does the heart work? Here you can explore how the heart pumps blood with a working demonstration. How amazing is that?

29. Seed Germination Experiment for Kids

Growing beans is a classic science activity for kids. A fun and easy STEM experiment for toddlers and preschoolers to enjoy this Spring.

Growing seeds and beans is a science classic for a reason. The kids will learn about how plants grow, where food comes from and hopefully a little bit of healthy eating habits at the same time.

I’ve done this experiment a few times with my kids and they just love looking at how the plants grow more and more each day.

30. Water Transfer Activity with Sponges

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Why do sponges hold water? Are they the best option when trying to transfer water from one container to another? Why?

Playing with sponges and water is a great summer time activity, especially if you’re trying to cool down.

31. Exploring Vegetable Seeds

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

What do you find when you cut open a capsicum (bell pepper)? A whole lot of tiny seeds that are perfect for exploring.

If you got excited about the idea of growing seeds, then imagine how excited your kids will be when they see where seeds come from .

32. DIY Balance Scales

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Have you ever thought about using a regular clothes hanger to make a set of scales? Exploring simple machines with your kids can be as easy as this play idea. 

This is a fantastic way for kids to explore the concept of weight, and experiment with heavy and light objects . Which side will go down and why?

33. Sink or Float

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Here is a science activity that you can try at bath time. What sinks and what floats ? Even toddler age children can explore this STEM concept while they splash around.

34. Static Hair

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

I definitely saved the best for last. At least I think so because I absolutely LOVED doing this as a child myself. 

Why does static electricity make your hair stand up ? You’re going to have a whole lot of fun and giggles while you’re finding out.

35. Floating City STEM Challenge

Can your kids build a floating city? This is a great engineering based STEM challenge for preschoolers and kindergarteners.

Your little engineer will love this toddler STEM activity at bath time. All you need to do is get some foam building blocks and put them in the bath. If your kids is a pro at making towers on dry land, see what happens to their creation once the water moves around. Build a floating city and develop problem solving skills at bath time.

36. Make a Book Invitation to Play

Make a book - STEM invitation to play for kids. A technology activity for preschoolers and kindergarteners who love to learn through play.

Learning about technology isn’t all about screens. Everyday tools like kitchen utensils and office stationary are technology too. In this make a book invitation , younger children can play around with different tools to make their own book. 

​37. Animal Sorting

Animal sorting activity for kids. Sort and classify the animals, this is a great STEM activity for toddlers and preschoolers who love to learn.

Where do the animals belong? This is a super simple science activity that toddlers and even older babies can enjoy. Sort and group (which is a math skills) the different toys by where you can find them. This sorting animals activity is a fun way to explore all of the amazing creatures we find on land, sea or sky.

38. Building Animal Towers

Building animal towers is a fun STEM challenge for kids. This zoo themed engineering activity is perfect for young children who love to play.

If you’ve got your toy animals out for the previous activity, then keep them around for some more fun STEM activities. Little kids will love trying to build the tallest tower out animals or other different items. Their irregular shapes adds an extra challenge that is fun for the whole family.

39. Free Color Match and Clip Cards

Grab your copy of these Color Match and Clip Cards. A free printable for kids to learn colors, perfect for toddlers and preschoolers.

Learning about the different colors is another essential math concept that toddlers can learn. These free printable color match and clip cards will help toddlers with their math and their fine motor skills at the same time.

40. Dinosaur Number Match

Dinosaur Number Match activity for kids. This is a great STEM and fine motor activity for preschool and kindergarten math centers.

This cute dinosaur number match puzzle will get toddlers and preschoolers to practice counting, number recognition, fine motor skills and more. This is a great STEM activity for kids who love anything to do with dinosaurs.

41. Fizzy Heart Bombs

Fizzy heart bombs, STEM activity for kids. Toddlers and preschoolers will love this easy science experiment this Valentine's Day.

You can use household items to make a chemical reaction that is safe for toddlers and preschoolers to play with. These fizzy heart bombs are a simple experiment that you can use to get kids excited about science.

42. Free Measuring Flowers Activity

Measuring flowers math activity for kids. Pasta, ruler, paper clips and buttons.

Grab your copy of this free measuring flowers activity . This activity will invite children to explore both formal and informal measuring, number formation and various other math concepts.

43. Snowman Shape Puzzles (Free Printable)

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Learn about different shapes with these free printable snowman shape puzzles . 2D shapes is a math concept that young children need to learn before they go to school. And these cute little guys are the perfect way to help you.

44. Free Feed the Shark Math Game

Feed the shark is a free printable math game for toddlers and preschoolers. Learn to count and read numerals with this summer themed activity.

Toddlers and preschoolers will have so much fun with this feed the shark math game . This free printable is a simple STEM activity that will get them to practice counting, one-to-one correspondence and even some simple addition.

45. Bauble Balance

Bauble Balance - Christmas STEM activity for kids. The perfect way for toddlers and preschoolers to practice math and fine motor skills.

Even babies can try their engineering skills with this Christmas themed challenge. Build your own Christmas tree out of pool noodles (or paper towel rolls) and see if you can balance the bauble on top.

Frequently Asked Questions

At what age can you start stem.

You can start exploring STEM with your child from day one. After all, we understand the world around us through STEM. All of our senses, like sound and vision, are all components of science that we experience very early on. As we get older we learn about nature and how the things around us work.

How do you teach a toddler STEM?

The best way to teach STEM is through hands on experience. Play based learning is the best approach when trying to explain concepts to kids. Keep it simple, age appropriate, and allow kids to explore and problem solve by themselves.

Do kids like STEM?

Absolutely. I have yet to meet a child who didn’t have a natural curiosity about the world around them. The key is to make it fun, without any pressure, because that is how they learn best. It’s also a great way to create toddlers and preschoolers who are intrinsically motivated to learn more.

Are you going to try any of these STEM activities for toddlers and preschoolers? Don’t forget to pin the idea for later.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

STEM Activities for Kids

Here are 25 water STEM activities for kids to try these summer holidays. Learn some science and cool off with these fun experiments.

Water STEM Activities for kids

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Home » Recommendations » Toys » 9 Best Educational Toys for 3-year-olds to Promote Development

9 Best Educational Toys for 3-year-olds to Promote Development

Preschool-aged children learn through discovery and exploration in their daily surroundings. Providing access to educational toys for 3-year-olds crates a natural teaching environment. This fosters developmentally appropriate situations where children encounter learning and discovery that promotes the development of cognitive, motor, social and emotional skills.

1. Bath Letters and Numbers by Munchkin

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Turn bath time into learning time with Bath Letters and Numbers by Munchkin . Incorporate learning into your 3-year-old’s bath routine with colorful foam letters and numbers.

These foam toys float in the bath and cling to tub walls when wet. Then they come off easily when dry and leave no residue. With 26 letters and 10 numerals in six fun colors, there is plenty of opportunities for children to learn names of the colors, letters, and numbers.

Why We Recommend:

  • 36 colorful, floating letters and numbers
  • Sticks to bathtub walls when wet
  • Made of soft, durable, non-toxic foam
  • Introduce colors, letters, and numbers
  • Incorporates learning into daily activity

Munchkin® Learn™ Bath Letters and Numbers 36pc Toddler Bath Toy

2. Dado Cube by Fat Brain Toys

Dado Cube

These educational toys for 3-year-olds and up are an exciting twist on classic building blocks. Dado Cubes are a set of 10 cubes scaled from 1 inch to 5 inches that nest, stack, and connect along slits in their edges. These unique blocks teach kids proportion, balance, structure, and color in a naturalistic teaching environment. Young imaginations engage with the slits in each block that interlock to create 3-dimensional structures.

You can construct vertically, horizontally, diagonally, or nest them together. Dado Cubes promote visual-spacial awareness and problem-solving skills through experimentation and play. These innovative blocks inspire art and STEM as kids explore architectural principals.

  • Great STEM toy for preschool classrooms and home
  • Open-ended play for individual or cooperative learning
  • Improves fine motor skills, hand strength, finger dexterity, and coordination
  • Encourages visual-spatial skills, creativity, experimentation, planning, self-esteem
  • Nests for easy storage
  • Made of durable, BPA-free plastic
  • Developed, manufactured, and assembled in the U.S.A.

No products found.

3. MightyMind by LeisureLearning


The innovation of Mighty Mind makes it a singularly amazing toy for 3-year-olds at home or school. This toy promotes the development of essential skills such as creativity, spacial awareness, logic, problem-solving, fine motor, and self-confidence.

Children can learn to solve these mind boosting puzzles before they ever learn to read. The brightly colored shapes can fit onto the shape card in various ways. These educational toys for 3-year-olds and up has received many awards, including Parents Choice Honor Toy, Teachers Choice Award, Dr Toys Best Vacation Toy, and more.

The sequence of numbered patterns gets increasingly difficult as children manipulate 32 geometric shapes and build pictures. The first 20 puzzles provide prompt and clues in the picture to assist a child in selecting the correct shapes, but the last 10 are without clues and are the most challenging of them all. Children can also get creative with their own designs using the 32 vibrant Mighty Mind colored shape tiles.

  • Teaches kids how to build and solve puzzles.
  • Unique program designed to build a child’s confidence
  • No reading or language required
  • Distributed worldwide in 26 countries
  • Develops essential critical analytical thinking skills
  • Structured or open-play for individual or cooperative learning

Magnetic SuperMind (Magnetic Edition)

4. Inchimals by Fat Brain Toys

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Inchimals by Fat Brain Toys take children on a mathematical safari adventure. These precisely-sized animal blocks help with learning math concepts such as measurement, numbers, addition, subtraction, and pre-algebra. These 12 beautifully crafted wooden blocks range from 1 to 12 inches in hight. Each features a different animal, inch line segments, written numerals, and representative dots corresponding to the actual hight of the block.

These fun, colorful blocks allow for measurement exploration and visual representations of addition and subtraction. The set comes with a write-on, wipe-off puzzle book to introduce pre-algebra concepts and balancing equations. Great for use in schools or at home for early math education.

  • Multiple ways to learn and explore – structured and open-play
  • Introduce vocabulary – shorter, taller, hight, length, distance
  • Teaches addition and subtraction concepts
  • Stacking blocks promotes motor control
  • Encourages creative thinking, spacial reasoning, and dramatic play
  • 12 animal blocks and a write-on, wipe-off puzzle book
  • Use in home or classrooms

Fat Brain Toys Inchimals - Animal-Themed Measuring Blocks, Math Learning, Ages 3+

5.Robot Engineer (Level 1) by Kids First

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Level 1 Robot Engineer Kit by Kids First includes a storybook and 51 large, colorful plastic building pieces that are easy for small hands to manipulate. Children can construct robots with arms that spin while they learn about simple machines. Kids can have a blast constructing the simple, non-motorized robot models based on the robots in the included storybook.

Little Engineers can follow along with Ty and Karlie in the silly storybook as they build and repair robots and solve problems in a candy factory. The book and construction kit are a fun way to introduce simple engineering concepts to 3-year-olds.

  • Introduces simple machines and gears
  • Develops STEM-related skills – science, math, visual-spacial, reasoning, and problem-solving
  • Engages children with simple engineering concepts
  • 53-piece building set
  • Durable Storage Case
  • 32-page storybook

Thames & Kosmos Kids First Robot Engineer Kit and Storybook

6. Rhyming Words Match & Learn Puzzle

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

This box set of Rhyming Words Match & Learn Puzzles make great educational toys for 3-year-olds. The self-correcting puzzles have real-life pictures with the associated word underneath. Flip the pieces over and the associated word only is on the back for more advanced gameplay for 2 games in one.

The rhyming part of each word pair is highlighted in matching colors to help early learners identify correct rhymes. Children improve fine motor skills through manipulating the puzzle pieces. Pieces are large enough for little hands to grip and manipulate.

  • Introduces rhyming words
  • Self-correcting puzzles
  • Fine motor skills
  • Real-life pictures and associated words
  • 2-in-1 game

Rhyming Words Match and Learn Puzzle

7. 2-in-1 LeapTop Touch by LeapFrog

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

The 2-in-1 LeapTop Touch by LeapFrog is a touch-screen learning toy for preschoolers that transforms from a laptop-style device to a tablet. The screen flips to convert from keyboard to tablet mode. This computerized toy comes loaded with 26 fun animals that teach letter recognition and letter sounds. Five learning modes include ABCs, numbers, games, music, and messages.

Children can also have a blast pretending to be mom or dad sending emails on the computer. The 2-in-1 LeapTop Touch introduces basic computer literacy skills to young children in an age-appropriate and entertaining way. Children role-play typing on a laptop and tapping on a tablet to play fun games and activities that teach letter sounds, counting, and animals.

  • Teaches Letters and Numbers
  • Encourages Social Skills
  • Makes learning fun with music and rhyme
  • Boosts basic computer literacy
  • Dramatic play and role-playing

LeapFrog 2-in-1 LeapTop Touch, Green

8. Wooden Latches Board by Melissa and Doug

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Keep your 3-year-old busy and entertained with the Wooden Latches Board for Melissa and Doug. Children can undo locks and latches to swing open the numbered doors. Fun pictures hide behind each door. Build fine motor skills while learning colors, numbers, animals and more with this educational toy.

  • Promotes fine motor development
  • Introduces colors and numbers
  • Encourages problem-solving
  • Learning to open latches promotes self-help and daily living skills
  • Promotes independence and self-confidence

Melissa & Doug Latches Wooden Activity Board

9. My Magnetic Daily Calendar by Melissa and Doug

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Maintaining their own calendar gives children a greater sense of independence, self-reliance, responsibility, and control. Each day your 3-year-old can help post on My Magnetic Daily Calendar by Melissa and Doug. This calendar provides a visual facilitation to talk to your child daily about the day of the week, date, weather, and special events.

There’s even a space to post their moon which encourages open communication and emotional awareness. Preprinted magnets make updating the calendar simple and fun. There are even two dry-erase magnets to make your own custom tiles.

  • Promotes independence and responsibility
  • Teaches calendar skills — days, dates, months
  • Teaches weather, seasons, and holidays
  • Promotes social-emotional wellness
  • Practice fine motor skills daily by moving the calendar pieces
  • Solid wood construction

Melissa & Doug My First Daily Magnetic Activities Calendar For Kids, Weather And Seasons Calendar For Preschoolers and Ages 3+ (Pack of 1)

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28 Educational Toys That 2 to 3-Year-Olds Will Love

June 16, 2022 · In: Learning Environments , Toys & Gift ideas for Kids

28 Educational Toy gifts that 2 to 3 year olds will love

Finding the best educational toys for toddlers (2 to 3-year-olds) that are both fun and beneficial can be tough. Most toddler toys are either too noisy and distracting or not very educational. And many of the so-called “educational” toys are nothing more than just glorified plastic toys. I've done the research for you and compiled a list of 28 of the best educational toddler toys. These toys promote growth and development while being fun and enriching.

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  • Lovevery Play Kits: What You Need To Know (Complete Review)
  • 8 Best Math Toys to Help Your Child Love Learning

What Are the Benefits of Educational Toys for 2 to 3-Year-Olds?

Educational toys help toddlers learn new skills and concepts.

They provide a fun way for 2 to 3-year-olds to explore the world around them while teaching them essential skills like counting, colors, letters, and more.

Educational toys can also help toddlers develop their fine motor and problem-solving skills. And last but not least, educational toys are more fun for toddlers than non-educational toys!

That's why every toddler should have at least one educational toy.

How to Pick the Right Educational Toys for 2 to 3-Year-Olds?

When choosing an educational toy for 2 to 3-year-olds, it's essential to consider their interests and what they're currently working on developmentally.

If your children are interested in animals, you might want to choose a wooden puzzle with animal shapes.

If your children are working on learning their colors, you might want to select a shape sorter with colored shapes.

The most important thing is that the toy is developmentally appropriate and that your children will enjoy playing with it.

Here are a few more tips for choosing the right educational toy for 2 to 3-year-olds:

  • Choose toys that are made of natural materials whenever possible. Wooden puzzles, shape sorters, and nesting blocks are all great choices. They're durable, safe, and environmental friendly.
  • Avoid toys with small pieces. Choose toys with larger pieces that are easy for toddlers to grasp. You don't want your toddlers putting small parts in their mouths and choking on them.
  • Look for toys that can grow with your children. They can start out simple and add more pieces or challenges as they age. Some educational toys, such as building sets and magnetic tiles, can be used differently as your children grow.
  • Avoid toys with a lot of battery-operated lights and sounds. These types of toys are often very distracting and not educational. Choose toys that are quiet and have a limited number of moving parts.

If you're not sure which educational toys are right for your 2 to 3-year-olds, ask your children's doctor or a developmental therapist. They can give you specific recommendations based on your children's needs.

28 Best Educational Toys for 2 to 3-Year-Olds That Will Make Learning Fun!

There are a variety of toys to teach your 2 to 3-year-olds. After that, I'll go through 28 toys that will encourage development while adding attractiveness to the room.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Best Building Blocks

1. educational building blocks for 2 to 3-year-olds.

Wooden blocks are a staple of early childhood education because they're versatile, durable, and perfect for little hands. Plus, they offer endless opportunities for creative play. Children can build towers, houses, pets, and more with wooden blocks. Your 2 to 3-year-olds can learn shapes, colors, and numbers using this educational toy set.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Best Posting Toy

2. learning play kit for 2 to 3-year-olds.

The 4-for-1 play kit includes Object Permanence Box, Montessori Coin Box, Carrot Harvest Game, and Matchstick Color Drop Game. These educational toys are also good for 2 to 3-year-olds.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Best Threading Toy

3. learning lacing beads for 2 to 3-year-olds.

Educational toys for 2 to 3-year-olds don't have to be boring! These lacing beads are great for helping toddlers with their fine motor skills. The bright colors and different shapes also help with shape and color recognition.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Tracing Boards

4. wooden alphabet & number tracing boards for 2 to 3-year-olds.

These educational toys for 2 to 3-year-olds are great for learning the alphabet and numbers. They come with a stylus and are wipe-clean, so your children can use them continuously. Your toddler will love tracing the letters and numbers, and you'll love watching them learn! These educational toys for toddlers are sure to become a favorite in your home.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Pegboard and Elastics

5. wooden geoboard material.

2 to 3-year-olds toddlers will love the challenge of getting the elastic through the tiny hole on the board. This educational toy is excellent for motor practice!

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Sorting Toy

6. stack and sort board.

This educational toy is a great way to teach your 2 to 3-year-olds about shapes, colors, and matching. It is also great for developing fine motor skills.

Your toddler will love stacking the wooden pieces on the sorting board. They can also use the sorting board to sort other objects, such as toy cars or blocks. This educational toy is a great way to encourage your toddler's creativity and imagination.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Matching Cards & Objects

7. farm animal toy figurines with matching cards.

This educational toy for 2 to 3-year-olds is perfect for helping them learn about animals. The Montessori Animal Match comes with 24 miniature farm animal figurines and matching cards. It's an excellent way for toddlers to learn about animals while having fun.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Balance Bike Toy

8. strider balance bike for 2 to 3-year-olds.

This balance bike helps 2 to 3-year-olds learn how to balance and ride a bike. It is also a great way to get them active and moving. The bike has a sturdy frame, adjustable seat, and foam tires. The padded seat and handlebars make it comfortable to ride. Remember to always wear a helmet!

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Best Movement Gym

9. triangle climbing ladder with ramp.

This educational toy is perfect for your 2 to 3-year-olds who loves to climb. The triangle climbing ladder with the ramp is a great way to encourage gross motor skills and improve coordination.

Your toddler will have hours of fun climbing up and down the ladder, and they will also be improving their physical development.

The ladder is also great for developing problem-solving skills as your toddler tries to figure out how to get to the top.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Balance Toy

10. wooden balance board.

This educational toy for 2 to 3-year-olds is perfect for helping them develop their sense of balance and coordination. The wooden balance board is also a great way to encourage active play.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

11. Pack of 4 Sports Balls

These balls are soft, safe, and perfect for toddlers to play with indoors and outdoors. I would recommend using the balls outside to have enough space to play. Taking different balls out encourages rolling, strength, coordination, kicking, and fun.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Art Supplies

12. pure beeswax crayons.

These eco-friendly and non-toxic crayons are 100% pure beeswax. They're perfect for toddlers just starting to explore their artistic side.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

13. Sidewalk Chalk

These non-toxic chalk sticks are perfect for your toddler to draw on the driveway or sidewalk. The chunky chalks can fit easily in your toddler's hands and provide a large surface like the sidewalk. A large surface can involve movement of the whole arm as they practice using the chalk.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Nuts & Bolts Toy

14. montessori screw driver board.

The Montessori Screw Driver Board is a great educational toy for 2 to 3-year-olds. It teaches them about screws and how to use a screwdriver.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Loose Parts

15. rainbow color wooden loose parts.

Loose parts are significant for 2 to 3-year-olds. Toddlers can use them to build towers, sort by size or shape, or play with them in whatever way they want. There are no rules with loose parts, which is why they're so perfect for educational purposes.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Building & Problem-Solving Toy

16. learning wooden train set for 2 to 3-year-olds.

This is a great way to teach 2 to 3-year-olds about colors, shapes, and numbers. The Tiny Land Wooden Train Set includes a locomotive, three cars, thirty-six track pieces, and seventy-five wooden blocks. Your 2 to 3-year-olds will love building the tracks and watching the trains go around. This educational toy is also great for developing fine motor skills.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Construction Toy

17. connetix tiles.

Connectix tiles are a fun and educational toy for 2 to 3-year-olds. They help to teach children about colors, shapes, and sizes. Plus, they're a great way to promote hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skills.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Best Puzzle Set

18. wooden peg puzzle – 6 pack.

These educational puzzles are perfect for 2 to 3-year-olds! The Melissa & Doug wooden peg puzzles are great for helping little ones develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. The six themes include animals, transportation, numbers, shapes, and more. Each puzzle consists of high-quality wood, and the pegs are sturdy and easy to grip.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

19. Sensory Bin Tools

Transfer, Scoop, and Play! This set of toddler-sized wooden kitchen tools makes a perfect addition to any toddler's sensory box. Play with these wooden toys, and your sensory bin favorites like beans and colorful rice support the development of hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, and a child's confidence.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Playdough Tools

20. playdough tools for 2 to 3-year-olds.

Complete Play Dough Kit Comes With Craft Board: No messy colored dough all over tables & floors. This Tools Set includes its wooden board – perfect for Playdough, cutting, rolling, stamping, etc.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Best Piano Toy

21. hape playful piano.

This educational toy for 2 to 3-year-olds is a great way to get them interested in music. It is made of wood and has a beautiful multicolor finish. It is also a great size for toddlers to play with.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Best Musical Instruments Set

22. music instruments.

This musical instrument set includes striking, shaking, and blowing! It is a great way to teach your toddler rhythm, melodies, and sound.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Pretend Play & Imagination Toy

23. sarah's silks enchanted playsilks.

Playsilks are inspiring toys that children will play with again and again. There are many purposes when playing with play silks, from dressing up and playacting to building forts and tents to creating beautiful art. The possibilities are endless!

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Pretend Play Toy

24. kitchen sink play set with running water.

This educational toy for 2 to 3-year-olds keeps them entertained while they learn. The running water feature is especially great for teaching cause and effect. Plus, it's just plain fun!

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

25. Hape Kitchen Toy

This educational toy for 2 to 3-year-olds is perfect for the budding chef in your life. The Hape Gourmet Kitchen Toy features an oven, stovetop, sink, and cupboards that open and close. It also comes with play food and utensils.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

26. Folkmanis Puppets

This Raccoon in a Garbage Can hand puppet is made with high-quality materials designed for 2 to 3-year-olds. It's perfect for stage and puppet theater, storytelling, teaching, daycare, pre-school playtime, or gifts! Your little one will love making this cute raccoon pop out of the trash can and wave its paws around.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Cleaning Set

27. toy cleaning set.

The 6-piece cleaning set is perfect for hours of pretend play housekeeping. It includes a broom, mop, duster, dustpan, brush, and storage stand. All pieces are durably made and sized for kids. The dust pan snaps onto all handles for easy storage. It is made from sturdy wooden construction.

Read more: Lovevery Play Kits: What You Need To Know (Complete Review)

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Best Subscription Kit

28. lovevery play kits.

Lovevery Play Kits are right for parents who are looking for a way to make playtime more educational and fun for their children (including 2 to 3-year-olds). Lovevery kits come with a variety of age-appropriate toys, books, and play guides that will help your child learn about the world around them. Lovevery Play Kits are also made with high-quality, sustainable materials

FAQ on Educational Toys for 2 to 3-Year-Olds

Having a wide range of toys that will assist your child in developing multiple skills is an excellent idea, but having too many toys might result in overwhelm—and children with fewer toys play with them more creatively, according to research.

To keep your playroom, store or give away toys your child has outgrown, put toys on display (and encourage little ones to put them away at the end of playtime), and make books and educational toys the most accessible.

Education and developmental toys  boost your children's IQ levels by better memory retention, coordination, and increased literacy . Learning toys and games aid 2 to 3-year-olds in challenging their minds. For instance, when the child stacks the blocks but misses to balance them, he sees them all falling into pieces.

There is no definitive answer to this question as wooden and plastic toys have their own benefits and drawbacks. Wooden toys are often more expensive than their plastic counterparts, but they can last many years if well-cared for. They are also generally more durable and harder to break. Plastic toys, on the other hand, are cheaper and often more colorful and fun-looking. They might not last as long as wooden toys, but they are often more lightweight and effortless for toddlers.

I'll try to keep our natural-materials toy collection neat since it's beautiful. However, I will not impose a stringent ban on plastic toys because I believe in certain toys, such as magnetic tiles, lego bricks, etc.

Conclusion: What You Need to Know About Educational Toys for 2 to 3-Year-Olds

We have listed 28 of the best educational toys for 2 to 3-year-olds.

While this list is certainly not comprehensive, it should give you a good starting point when looking for the perfect toy to help your little one learn and grow. And remember, the benefits of educational toys go beyond academics.

In addition, they can help promote social and emotional development, creativity, and imagination.

How do you pick a suitable educational toy for your toddler? It depends on their interests and what stage of development they are in. Overall, you can look for age-appropriate toys, encourage exploration and play, and offer lots of opportunities for learning through trial and error.

Do you have any personal recommendations to add? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

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Problem Solving Activities for Toddlers

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7 Problem Solving Activities for Toddlers

If you have a toddler, challenges like tough homework problems or social dilemmas are still a long way off. But their brains are already working to build the cognitive skills they’ll need to solve life’s “big” problems later on. For now, problem-solving activities – even ones that seem simple to us – can help them boost their cognition, resilience, and creativity. Best of all? These “problems” are actually fun! Here are seven simple problem-solving activities for toddlers and preschoolers you can start trying right away!

Memory Games

Those little memory card games with matching pictures are great for building concentration, memory, and problem-solving skills in your toddler! Many sets might come with a few too many pairs for a toddler to handle without help, so start with just three to four pairs and see if they can match them up! As they begin to master that, you can add in more and more pairs until they’re working with the entire deck. If you don’t have a deck, you can easily DIY your own with online printables or your own drawings.

Shape Sorters

Shape sorters are a classic problem-solving toy for young toddlers. In addition to matching the shapes to the correct holes, they’ll also need to figure out why the shapes don’t always fit into the hole, requiring them to rotate the shape or make subtle adjustments to their grip.

Sorting/ Grouping by Category

Sorting activities are excellent for toddlers’ problem solving and cognitive development, so there’s no need to stop with shape sorters! Set up simple activities that allow them to sort by a variety of categories. This can be as simple as letting them unload the dishwasher silverware tray into the silverware organizer. Or ask them to gather up all the yellow items they see in a room.

Rotating puzzles is a great way to keep the problem-solving challenge fresh for your toddler. Even a familiar puzzle can present a fun, “new” challenge for your toddler if they haven’t seen it in weeks.

Hide the Teddy Bear

One cognitive milestone for two-year-olds is the ability to find an object that’s been hidden under two or more layers. Once they’ve mastered that, they’ll be ready for more advanced hiding games. Try hiding a teddy bear or other toy when they aren’t looking and then give them clues to find it. You can start off with basic directions and then progress to tougher clues or games of warmer/ colder.

Help Mommy/ Daddy

Toddlers love to help, and helping Mommy or Daddy with a problem can be a lot less frustrating than solving their own. For example, if your little one has been determined to put on their own socks lately but always ends up super frustrated, try mimicking the same problem yourself and asking for their help. You can coach them through the process (“Now we need to stretch out the opening of the sock!”), and because their emotions aren’t already running high, they’ll be more likely to actually absorb your tips. You can model how to stay calm through frustrating situations and help them build confidence in their ability to tackle the same problem later.

Constructive Play Toys

The ability to build a block tower of four or more blocks is actually considered a cognitive milestone for two-year-olds. For three-year-olds, a tower of six or more blocks is the expected milestone. That’s because building anything, even a simple block tower, is a true problem-solving challenge for toddlers. Blocks, train sets, and other building toys let your child work out how to balance, fit pieces together, and deal with frustration as they learn to master the challenge.

44 Powerful Problem Solving Activities for Kids

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problem solving for kids

Inside: Tons of activities that will help boost kids’ problem-solving skills and make them super critical thinkers!

Table of Contents

Who doesn’t love a little challenge now and then? Especially if it’s for our kiddos! 

You see, problem-solving isn’t just for the puzzles and math sheets. It’s the magic stuff that shapes our little ones into big thinkers and doers. 

Yep, it’s pretty important!

With the right activities, we aren’t just sharpening kids’ brain muscles; we’re also enhancing their creativity, boosting their confidence and critical thinking skills, and (just maybe) buying ourselves five minutes to sip that coffee while it’s still hot. 

Stick around, and let’s dive into 44 simple activities to boost your child’s problem-solving skills while having a blast! 🚀💡

Mindfulness activities for kids preview set.

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Because we all want our kids to be happy and healthy — not just for right now, but for the rest of their lives.

Why is it Important to Learn Problem-Solving Strategies?

Importance of problem-solving abilities:

Navigating the maze of life requires many skills; it requires the ability to face challenges, find solutions, and adapt. 

This is where problem-solving enters the picture, and here’s why it’s so crucial for our kiddos:

Life is Full of Puzzles:  From tying shoes to understanding a new math concept, life constantly presents us with puzzles. Equipping our children with problem-solving skills ensures they can tackle each one confidently.

Boosts Independence:  As parents or educators, we won’t always be there to hand-hold. When kids can solve problems on their own, they gain a sense of independence, which is essential for their personal growth.

Develops Resilience:  Not every attempt to solve a problem will be successful. But with each try, children learn resilience, understanding that it’s okay to fail and important to try again.

Prepares for Real-World Challenges:  The real world isn’t a scripted playground. It’s unpredictable. By honing their problem-solving abilities, we’re preparing kids to face the unforeseen challenges of the world outside.

Enhances Cognitive Growth:  Otherwise known as cognitive development. Problem-solving isn’t just about finding solutions. It’s about thinking critically, analyzing situations, and making decisions. This cognitive workout helps in the overall brain development of our children.

problem solving activities for kids

Fosters Creativity:  There’s often more than one way to solve a problem. Encouraging kids to think outside the box helps them see things from different perspectives and nurtures their creative spirit, letting them see possibilities where others might see roadblocks.

Encourages Adaptability:  In the face of challenges, it’s important not just to find solutions but to be adaptable. As the world changes, kids with strong problem-solving skills can change with it, learning and growing along the way.

Builds Confidence :  Every problem solved is a victory, a testament to their capabilities. This builds a child’s self-esteem, making them believe in their ability to face and overcome obstacles.

So, while it may seem like just another skill on the list, problem-solving is a cornerstone for a well-rounded, resilient, and successful individual.

4 Simple Problem-Solving Steps We Should Know at a Young Age

Problem-solving steps can be thought of as the building blocks for tackling challenges. 

They’re like a set of instructions that  guide us  on our journey to finding different solutions. These steps provide a  roadmap  for kids, helping them break down big problems into smaller, more manageable pieces. 

By following these steps, children can learn  how  to think critically, make smart decisions, and even discover their own creative problem-solving superpowers. 

  • First, we need to understand the problem, just like examining the pieces before we start building. 
  • Next, we brainstorm – this is where we think of different solutions, like trying out various block combinations. Then comes the important part – evaluating the options. We must determine the best solution ,  just like choosing the right blocks for our structure. 
  • After that, it’s time to put the plan into action, just like assembling the blocks to create something amazing. 
  • Finally, we review and see if our solution works, making adjustments if needed. 

problem solving skills for kids

These problem-solving steps are like our trusty toolkit, helping us build our way to success with creativity and ingenuity.

Whether it’s figuring out a math puzzle, resolving a conflict with a friend, or coming up with a new game, these problem-solving steps will be a guide to helping kids take their next steps.

Heartsmart Curriculum bundle set.

Featured resource

HeartSmart Social Emotional Curriculum

If you want a program that guides you on how to teach problem-solving along with other essential skills like self-regulation, respect, teamwork, conflict resolution, and more, check this out!

Best Problem-Solving Activities for Kids

In this guide, we have a cool mix of fun problem-solving activities. There are activities for inside, outside, playing in groups, and even on the computer! So take deep breaths, and let’s get to it!

44 Problem-Solving Activities for Kids

Problem-solving games for kids:, card games:.

These are more than just fun; they are brain boosters. In  Go Fish , the hunt for matching cards sharpens memory. While in the classic game  Uno , it’s all about plotting the right move to take the lead.

4 problem solving steps for kids

The Memory Game:

This game isn’t just about remembering; it’s about strategizing. Matching pairs means we’re not just recalling but also paying close attention. This boosts concentration, focus, and, of course, memory – essential skills for everyday challenges!

Try this animal matching memory game.

Classic  Board Games:

Whether it’s Chess , where every move counts, or  Monopoly ,  where every decision can make or break your game, these games teach foresight and strategy.

problem solving games for kids

Maze Games :

Navigating a maze isn’t just about reaching the end; it’s about strategizing the route. These games enhance our ability to plan and foresee, invaluable skills in real-life situations.

Brain-Teasing Sudoku :

Sudoku   isn’t merely filling in numbers; it’s about using logic to deduce the correct sequence.

Tangram Puzzles: 

These aren’t your average puzzles. With Tangram, you shape a story, crafting images using geometric pieces.

Chess & Strategy-Based Games:

Think of these as mental workouts. Here, every step is a calculated decision, honing your ability to think multiple steps ahead.

For more fun:

  • 20 Best Games for 4-Year-Olds
  • 15 Board Games Every 9-Year-Old Will Love

Indoor Problem-Solving Activities for Kids

Complete simple tasks:.

Simple tasks are little jobs that you can do to practice problem-solving. 

  • Matching Socks:  Sort through a pile of laundry to pair up matching socks.
  • Grocery List Planning:  Help create a list for the week’s meals, considering everyone’s preferences.
  • Toy Organization:  Sort toys into designated bins by type, size, or color.
  • Packing Their School Bag:  Ensure they have all the necessary items for the next school day.
  • Setting the Table:  Consider where each plate, fork, and glass should go.

Ask Open-Ended Questions:

Open-ended questions are special questions that don’t have just one answer. They make you think! For instance, instead of asking, “What color is the sky?” you might ask, “Why do you think the sky changes colors?”

Puzzle Games:

Try simple puzzles with fewer pieces for younger kids and more complex puzzles with more pieces for older kids! You figure out how to fit the pieces together, which helps your brain get stronger!

Puzzle games are also great for hand-eye coordination!

Pattern Recognition:

This is all about finding the special patterns in things. Imagine a puzzle with colors or shapes. You have to figure out the pattern to solve it.

Dress-Up and Role-Play:

When you dress up and pretend to be someone else, it’s like stepping into their shoes. You have to think about how they would act and problem-solve what they would say if you were them.

Shape Sorters:

Shape sorters  are super fun for young kids. You have to match each shape to the right hole. It’s like a puzzle for shapes! This helps you learn about different shapes and how they fit together.

Building Challenges:

Use Wooden blocks or legos and give kids a theme or structure to replicate. Great for all age groups!

indoor problem solving activities for kids

Cooking or Baking:

Cooking and baking are like yummy science experiments! You follow recipes, mix ingredients, and even get to taste your creations. You must figure out how to follow and “solve” the recipe so that your creation tastes delicious!

“What If?” Scenarios:

Present hypothetical situations (e.g., “What if you were invisible for a day?”) and discuss possible solutions or actions.

Homemade Science Experiments:

Homemade science experiments are like being a scientist in your own lab! You get to try out cool experiments and discover how things work. 

Quick Experiment example:

Make Dancing Raisins:

  • Clear soda (like Sprite or 7-Up)
  • A clear glass
  • Fill the glass with the soda.
  • Drop a few raisins into the glass.

Result:  The raisins will initially sink, then start “dancing” up and down due to the carbon dioxide bubbles attaching and detaching from them.

Coding Activities: 

Coding is like giving a computer a set of clues to follow. Think of it as telling a story where the computer plays the main character, and your instructions guide its every move. It’s our way of communicating with machines to make them do amazing tasks!

Crossword Puzzles:

Crossword puzzles are fun little word challenges. You must fill in the blanks with the right words and use your smarts to solve tricky clues!

Complex Problems like Brain Teasers:

Brain teasers are like mental gymnastics, making you stretch and flex your thinking muscles. What’s fun about them? There’s often more than one way to reach an answer, so your imagination and logic both get a workout!

Goal Setting Activities:

Goal setting  is like making a special plan for what you want to achieve. 

Think of goal setting as charting out your very own treasure map, with no wrong answers! 

By laying out what you aim to achieve, you’re setting the course toward your treasure: success!

Goals, be they immediate or down the road, act like our personal compasses. They keep you on track and motivated. And every time you hit a goal? That’s you cracking a code and unlocking a new achievement in your adventure!

setting smart goals through problem solving for kids

Setting SMART Goals

This engaging kit focuses on teaching essential skills for setting and  achieving smart goals,  just like breaking down that LEGO set into manageable sections. We help kids understand the importance of clear objectives, staying motivated, overcoming obstacles, embracing adaptability and more.

Math Challenges:

Think of math challenges as your brain’s personal gym session. These aren’t just any puzzles; they’re crafted to push those thinking caps to the limit. 

Debates (Best for older children):

Debates are friendly arguments where you defend your ideas with strong reasons. They’re excellent for problem-solving and for our social skills because they teach us how to think critically and consider different viewpoints. By defending our thoughts in a debate, we learn how to express ourselves clearly, listen to others, and find strong arguments to support our ideas!

Use Worksheets (Teach the Size of the Problem Concepts)

Teach concepts like the size of the problem to help kids determine if their reactions to problems are appropriate and what suitable solutions might be. Use fun visuals and problem-solving worksheets.

You can get this worksheet and more in our HeartSmart curriculum.

size of the problem worksheets

STEM Challenges: 

STEM challenges are games that use science, technology, engineering, and math to solve problems. They’re awesome for problem-solving because they let us be like inventors and builders. Kids can engage in creative play and design and create things, like bridges or machines, using our smarts and creativity. 

indoor problem solving stem activities

Outdoor Problem-Solving Activities for Kids

Nature scavenger hunt or treasure hunt: .

Create a list of natural items for kids to find. For added difficulty, give riddles as clues.

We have some awesome free Scavenger Hunt Bundles you can snag!

Scavenger Hunt Printables

Free Scavenger Hunt Bundle

Download this set now, which includes four unique scavenger hunt games

Outdoor Obstacle Course: 

Use items like ropes, cones, and hula hoops to design a course that requires navigation.

Garden Planning & Planting :

Design a garden patch, deciding what to plant based on sunlight and spacing needs.

Map & Compass Orienteering:

Teach kids to use a map and compass, then set waypoints for them to find.

Water Relay Challenges:

Carry water from one bucket to another using a sponge or cup, navigating hurdles.

outdoor problem solving activities for kids

Campsite Setup Simulation Challenge:

Set up a mock campsite considering factors like wind direction, incline, and resource proximity.

Nature Art & Patterns:

Using twigs, leaves, stones, and more, create mosaic patterns or depictions.

Group Problem-Solving Activities for Kids

Tower of spaghetti:.

Using only spaghetti and marshmallows, groups compete to build the tallest stable tower.

Egg Drop Challenge:

Groups are provided with a set of materials (e.g., straws, tape, cotton) to create a protective casing for an egg, which is then dropped from a height.

Silent Line-Up:

Without speaking, kids must line up according to their birthdays or another criterion.

Group Story Time:

One child starts a story with a sentence or two, and each subsequent child adds on, weaving in unexpected twists and turns.

group problem solving activities for kids

The Human Knot:

Kids stand in a circle, reach across, and grasp two different hands. The challenge is to untangle the knot without releasing hands.

Escape Room:

Everyone is ‘locked’ in a themed room and has to solve a series of clues and puzzles to ‘escape’ within a set time. It’s fantastic for problem-solving because it challenges critical thinking, teamwork, and creativity. Everyone must work together, think outside the box, and use their wits to solve the puzzles and complete the mission before time runs out!

Role-Playing Social Situations:

Role-playing helps you practice how to react and solve problems in different situations. Present the group with a fictional but realistic scenario (e.g., stranded on an island) and brainstorm and act out solutions.

By pretending to be in different roles, you can figure out the best ways to communicate, understand others, and find solutions to problems in a safe and fun way!

Blindfolded Obstacle Course:

In pairs, one blindfolded child is guided through an obstacle course by their partner using only verbal instructions.

Online and App-Based Problem Solving Activities

When tech meets intellect, the digital realm becomes a treasure trove of problem-solving wonder!

Educational Apps:

Best Apps by Age:

  • Younger Kids : Dive into the mathematical world with “Moose Math” or kick-start programming concepts playfully with “Bee-Bot.”
  • Older Kids: Amp up programming skills with “Cargo-Bot” or embark on a critical thinking journey with “Rush: A Disney Pixar Adventure.”

Online and App-Based Problem Solving Activities

Online Escape Rooms:

Just like physical escape rooms, but from the comfort of your home! They’re digital adventures, demanding clues to be solved to advance to the next level.

Check out these 10 Family Friendly Online Escape rooms here! I’m especially looking forward to Hogwarts Harry Potter Escape Room .

Virtual Logic Puzzles:

Websites that present logic problems and puzzles, leveling up in complexity as kids solve them.

Top Picks:  “Conceptis Puzzles,” “Math Playground Logic Games.”

Benefits: Perfect for sharpening deductive reasoning and pattern recognition.

Interactive E-Books:

These are not your everyday e-books. They demand interaction, choices, and decision-making to progress the story.

Suggestions:  “This Book is Perfect” or I love this big list of the best interactive books for kids.

Benefits: Enhance comprehension, decision-making, and experience of how choices shape outcomes.

Online Strategy Games:

These games demand planning, strategic thinking, and foresight.

Check out: “Fish Sticks Strategy Game”

Benefits: Apart from being immensely fun, they teach patience, strategy formulation, and long-term planning.

10 Examples of Problem-Solving Skills Young Children Should Have

Each of these skills not only helps kids tackle problems effectively but also equips them with abilities they’ll use throughout their lives.

problem solving activities for 5 year olds

  • Critical Thinking:  Encourage young thinkers to examine situations, ask questions, and view things from different angles before reaching a conclusion.
  • Decision-Making Skills:  Help children practice making choices by offering them options and discussing the potential outcomes of each decision.
  • Creative Thinking:  Cultivate creativity by providing opportunities for imaginative play, artistic expression, and activities that encourage thinking outside the box.
  • Communication Skills:  Show children how to express their thoughts,  feelings , and ideas clearly and effectively – a vital skill for problem-solving in social situations.
  • Teamwork and Collaboration:  Foster the spirit of cooperation by encouraging children to work together on group activities or projects, which helps develop problem-solving skills as a team.
  • Resourcefulness:  Challenge children to find alternative solutions using the available resources rather than relying solely on adult guidance.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability:  Teach children how to adapt to changes and unexpected situations, which is crucial for effective problem-solving in real-world scenarios.
  • Persistence:  Staying determined, even when faced with challenges, and continuing to try until a solution is found.
  • Self-reflection:  Recognizing one’s own mistakes or misunderstandings in a situation and learning from them for future problem-solving.
  • Active Listening:  Paying close attention to details when others speak, helping them understand problems more fully and respond effectively. 

Must read post:

How to Help Kids with Inflexible Thinking THRIVE

Tips for Parents and Educators: Nurturing Problem-Solving in Kids

When it comes to fostering problem-solving skills in children, both parents and educators play pivotal roles. It’s less about giving the right answers and more about asking the right questions. 

Encourage Curiosity.  Let kids explore questions like, “What do you think would happen if…?” or “How would you do it differently next time?”.

Embracing mistakes as learning opportunities can be a game-changer.

Set Up Scenarios.  Create environments or situations where kids can think and act independently. Whether it’s setting up a puzzle station at home or a role-play corner in the classroom, these controlled scenarios can stimulate their problem-solving faculties. Remember, it’s okay for them to struggle a bit. It’s through overcoming challenges that real learning occurs.

Lastly,  Be a Guide, Not a Director.  Instead of directing them step-by-step, guide them by providing hints or asking probing questions. This helps them develop the ability to analyze situations and think critically. As they grow, they’ll be more equipped to approach challenges with confidence and creativity. 

So, whether you’re a parent or an educator, remember that each day presents countless opportunities to bolster these invaluable skills. Embrace them!

Final Thoughts: Problem Solving Activities for Kids

Being a pro at problem-solving helps us face all types of curveballs life throws at us.

From untangling math puzzles to making big decisions, this skill is our trusty sidekick. And when life changes? No sweat! We can adapt and shine.

In short, mastering problem-solving helps us face challenges, make wise choices, and truly succeed in whatever we tackle!

I hope you enjoyed these problem-solving activities for kids. Tell me, what one is your favorite?

simple problem solving activities for preschoolers

Because we all want our kids to be happy and healthy — not just for right now, but for the rest of their lives.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Tina Williamson is the published author of the growth mindset activity journal for kids - “ Amazing Me ” and the writer and founder here at Mindfulmazing. Passionate about raising mindful, resilient, and compassionate kids we are committed to sharing calming strategies, positive parenting tips, and growth mindset resources. Our resources are now used in over 10,000 homes, schools and counseling offices! Visit the shop here.  

Resources You’ll Love

Our shop is filled with printable resources to help you calm the chaos and assist your amazing little humans to believe in the amazing little humans they are!

Calm Down Corner Bundle.

Calm Down Corner Bundle

Mindful minute.

Mindful Minute

Feelings fun kit.

Feelings Fun Kit

Social stories bundle.

Social Story Bundle

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Fall SEL Resources

Now available.

Dive into fall with these fall-themed social-emotional learning activities

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BrightChamps Blog

Playful Learning: Best Educational Toys for 3-Year-Olds

Educational toys play a crucial role in the development of 3-year-olds, fostering their cognitive, social, and emotional growth during this critical early stage. 

Through interactive and engaging play, these specially designed toys stimulate curiosity, enhance problem-solving skills, and promote learning, making them an indispensable tool for a child’s holistic development.

In this brief article, we will explore the significance of educational toys in shaping young minds and the myriad benefits they offer for 3-year-olds’ overall progress.

Table of contents

Benefits of educational toys for 3-year-olds, building blocks and construction sets: building structures and skills, shape sorters and puzzles: exploring shapes and patterns, educational board games: fun learning in a group setting, art and craft supplies: nurturing artistic expression and fine motor skills, science kits for kids: introducing simple scientific concepts, math manipulatives: early math concepts made fun, musical exploration: introducing rhythms and sounds, sound puzzle boards: learning through auditory cues, engaging with educational toys: learning together as a family, encouraging independent play: fostering a love of learning, frequently asked questions.

Educational toys play a crucial role in a child’s development, especially during their formative years. For 3-year-olds, these toys offer a range of benefits that lay the foundation for their future growth. Let’s explore some key advantages:

educational toys for 3 year olds

1. Cognitive Development: Educational toys engage young minds in problem-solving activities, puzzles for kids, and online games for kids that promote critical thinking. As they explore and manipulate these toys, they sharpen their cognitive skills and develop a better understanding of cause-and-effect relationships.

2. Fine and Gross Motor Skills: Educational toys help 3-year-olds improve their physical coordination by encouraging them to grasp, stack, and move objects. These activities for kids contribute to the development of fine and gross motor skills, which are essential for daily tasks and overall physical development.

3. Language and Communication: Through interactive educational toys, children can enhance their verbal and social abilities. Engaging in pretend play with dolls, action figures, or toy sets fosters language development, as they narrate short stories for kids and engage in imaginative conversations.

4. Creativity and Imagination: Educational toys spark creativity and imagination in 3-year-olds. Whether it’s building with blocks, drawing for kids, or engaging in pretend play, these activities encourage children to explore their creativity and think outside the box.

Types of Educational Toys for 3-Year-Olds

educational toys for 3 year olds

Building blocks and construction sets are more than just fun games for kids for toddlers; they play a crucial role in their development. For 3-year-olds, these toys offer an array of benefits. As they stack blocks and create structures, they enhance their motor skills and hand-eye coordination. 

Shape sorters and puzzles for kids are fantastic tools for introducing children to the world of shapes and patterns. At the age of 3, toddlers are eager to learn and absorb information quickly. These toys provide an engaging way to improve their cognitive skills, spatial awareness, and logical thinking. Through trial and error, kids understand how different shapes fit into corresponding holes, honing their problem-solving abilities.

Board games for kids designed for educational purposes offer tremendous benefits for 3-year-olds. As they engage in gameplay, children learn valuable social skills like taking turns, sharing, and following rules. These interactive toys encourage cooperative play, making them ideal for group settings and family bonding.

Art hub for kids and craft supplies opens a world of creativity for 3-year-olds. From scribbling with crayons to molding clay, these activities nurture their artistic expression and imagination. While they create colorful masterpieces, children also refine their fine motor skills, improving hand dexterity and control. 

STEM Educational Toys for 3-Year-Olds

In the early years of a child’s life, their curiosity knows no bounds. As parents and caregivers, we have a unique opportunity to nurture their inquisitive minds and pave the way for a strong foundation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). 

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Science kits for kids offer a hands-on approach to learning and allow young minds to grasp basic scientific principles in a playful and engaging manner. These kits often come with easy-to-follow instructions and child-safe materials to conduct exciting experiments. 

Math can be an abstract subject, but math manipulatives are here to make it enjoyable and tangible for young learners. These toys come in various shapes and colors, helping children understand fundamental math concepts such as counting, sorting, and basic arithmetic.

Musical Instruments and Sound Toys

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

In the early stages of a child’s development, exposure to music and sounds plays a crucial role in fostering creativity and cognitive development. Musical exploration through age-appropriate instruments and sound toys can be an exciting and enriching experience.

Children are naturally drawn to the rhythmic patterns and melodies they hear in their surroundings. By introducing them to simple musical instruments like tambourines, shakers, and drums, we open a world of possibilities for them to discover and create their own rhythms. 

Sound puzzle boards are an innovative and interactive way to engage young minds while enhancing their auditory perception. These engaging toys combine the excitement of problem-solving with the joy of discovering sounds.

In a sound puzzle board, each puzzle piece emits a unique sound when correctly placed on the board. This auditory feedback not only reinforces the concept of shapes and colors but also sharpens a child’s listening skills. 

Parental Involvement and Educational Toys

When it comes to our children’s education, parental involvement plays a crucial role in shaping their learning journey. One powerful way to engage with our kids and foster a love of learning is through educational toys. 

educational toys for 3 year olds

Educational toys are not only fun factsfor kids but also serve as excellent tools for interactive learning experiences. By actively participating in playtime with our children, we can enhance their cognitive and motor skills while building a stronger parent-child bond. 

As parents join in the play, we can provide guidance and support, reinforcing key concepts and helping our kids grasp new knowledge. This shared learning experience strengthens communication and creates a positive learning environment at home, where children feel encouraged to ask questions and seek knowledge.

While parental involvement is essential, it’s equally important to encourage independent play. Educational toys can be a catalyst for nurturing a child’s creativity and self-discovery. When children engage in unstructured playtime, they have the freedom to explore ideas, solve problems on their own, and build confidence in their abilities.

By offering a variety of educational toys and allowing kids to choose their indoor activities for kids , we empower them to follow their interests and passions. Independent playtime fosters a love of learning, as children become active seekers of knowledge rather than passive recipients.

In conclusion, selecting the best educational toys for 3-year-olds is crucial for their cognitive and physical development. By engaging them with age-appropriate, stimulating toys, we can foster their creativity, problem-solving skills, and overall growth during this critical stage of early childhood. 

Encouraging learning through play sets a strong foundation for their future learning experiences and helps them explore the world with curiosity and excitement.

Join the revolution in education with  Brightchamps . Our courses in robotics, coding, and financial literacy empower kids to become confident and capable learners.

A1. Look for toys that promote problem-solving, creativity, and motor skills development. Educational toys often have age-appropriate learning elements and encourage exploration.

A2. Affordable options for educational toys include building blocks, puzzles, art supplies, epic book for kids , and simple science kits.

A3. Educational toys can complement traditional learning methods, but they may not entirely replace structured education. A balanced approach is usually the most effective.

A4. Quality matters more than quantity. A few well-chosen educational toys that cater to their interests and development are better than an overwhelming number of toys.

A5. Not all electronic educational toys are equally beneficial. Choose ones that engage children actively, promote critical thinking, and limit excessive screen time.

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8 Toys and Games that Build Problem Solving in Early Childhood

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What toys can you gift this season that build those critical problem solving skills in young children?

Toys for toddlers and preschoolers often light up, sing, and chirp. They’re designed that way to entertain children when parents want a moment away from playing, and they often throw in what look like basic pre-K skills (numbers, letters) to make you feel less bad about letting the sing-a-long number line babysit your kid. No shame. We’ve all been there.

But for those moments when you want a break from the bells and whistles, how can you (literally) cut through the noise and give your child toys that will challenge them to solve problems and have fun at the same time?

If you make it to the end of this list, you’ll see my #1 toy recommendation this year!

These are my favorite toys and games that teach problem solving. As a parent and an educator, these are also the toys that have multiple levels of challenge and engagement so your child can play with these for years and years as their cognitive skills grow.

Don’t forget to pin this (and any of these toys) to your Christmas Gift board!

1. haba wooden color pie arranging game.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

This game is beautifully crafted with a circular wooden frame and 27 colored pieces. It comes with full color cards that your child can copy in the frame to work on spatial matching.

Your two year old might arrange the pieces in the circular frame, your three year old will copy the color cards to practice matching, and your four and five year old can begin understanding how fractions work. Because of the way the pieces are sized and colored, you can talk about how two red pieces make a whole but also four yellow pieces make a whole.

My daughter has been playing with this for three years and is now fascinated with the idea that different sizes fit into the same space. Such a long-lasting toy in our house!

2. Suspend Family Game

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Players take turns hanging the notched rods on the stand, but every time a rod is added the balance shifts. Kids have to use their critical thinking skills to decide where to place the rod when it’s their turn.

This game is used at my daughter’s Montessori school as a “work” that students use to build spacial awareness and fine motor skills as well as problem solving. The big crash that happens when the child miscalculates the balance is an exciting interruption!

3. Peg + Cat Memory Game

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Lay out all the cards, take turns flipping them over to find a match, and watch your child develop their memory and visual discrimination skills!

This set comes with a great Peg + Cat poster of our favorite scene from Peg + Cat and The Chicken Problem.  What a bonus!

If books are your thing for gift-giving, come on over here to this post on 10 Feminist Children’s Books for the Next Generation. It features ten books with in-charge girls changing their world. Some of them are fighting for equality and some of them are just livin’ life, like Peg, solving problems and running things.

4. Marble Genius Marble Run

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

After constructing the run, your child can then drop the marble into the top and see if the run works! Because the parts are see-through, your child can see the progress of their marble and immediately problem-solve to make the run more effective.

What I love about this is that it’s an open-ended toy, meaning your child can create something of their own imagination and play with it in many different ways. It’s not telling your child exactly how to “win” the game or play with the toy. However, it’s still goal-oriented, and kids will delight in the thrill of making a successful run and all the creative paths they can send their marble through.

5. Take Along Wooden Doorbell Dollhouse

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

This is another toy we have been playing with for three years. At 2, she loved matching the color of the doll to the door and ringing the doorbells (and carrying it all over the house). Now, at 4 she’s fascinated with “tricking” me about which doll is in which door, and going through each key to open the doors over and over again.

The house has a handle on top and sturdily attached keys that, in three years, are still attached. We haven’t lost one key. The dolls are another story, but one week we gathered up all the small dolls in the house and sorted them by color into the house, so #problemsolved.

Don’t forget to pin this to your Christmas Gift board!

6. pattern blocks and boards.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

With five boards featuring pictures of 10 designs created from geometric shapes, your child matches the 120 wooden shapes to each picture. Utilizing problem solving skills, kids will match shapes to the mosaic or make open-ended designs of their own.

The whole thing is contained within a wooden box with two sides: one for the boards and one for the shapes. This makes it a perfect addition to any home, but it especially fits in with a Montessori environment where each “work” is self-contained and can be put back neatly in its box.

7. Magna-tiles

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

These tiles snap together and can combine to make incredible structures, including flat stacks of color combos, animals, houses, villages, and bridges.

This is a great example of open-ended play because your child can direct the play, use their imagination to create structures, and develop spatial, tactile, and construction skills. My daughter likes to place items inside that can be seen through their translucent sides, and the challenge of creating these fragile structures grows with your child’s imagination.

These are perfect when your child is ready to go beyond blocks and wants to create structures that float in mid-air!

8. Goldie Blox and the Spinning Machine

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

In this set, you get 34 pieces that make the spinning machine as well as 9 other possible build ideas. Your child doesn’t need to know how to read for this to be a meaningful experience, but she will probably need your help the first time she creates the machine. Once she understands the concept, she can make the machine in a myriad of ways, teaching her about the concept of a belt drive.

We love this set, though it is complex. If you’re interested in a simpler machine, try the GoldieBlox Girl Inventor Zipline Action Figure Set which includes either Goldie or her best friend Ruby and instructions and materials to make a zipline. When we got this set, my daughter set this zipline up in the bedroom, off the back porch, and through the chicken coop. Watching her create new ziplines all over the house meant she understood the concept of the pulley, and was able to internalize this slightly advanced concept for a three year old. What fun!

I love the GoldieBlox series as a parent and an educator because it includes so much for kids to engage with. The story includes a real-world problem that is solved by a machine, and your child will internalize this machine’s function and concept by building it. Along the way, you get to know the characters of Goldie and her friends, which enriches the play and the fun.

Though not open-ended to start, this kit does what very few toys can do: it teaches your child how to make something that then expands what kinds of open-ended play is now possible for your child.

Check out this list of all the best GoldieBlox kits and get your kids started building and inventing today!

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11 toys to build counting and sorting skills  , 22 gifts for the feminist mom smashing the patriarchy between carpool and bedtime, 10 busy books to keep your pre-reader occupied, 10 feminist books for the next generation, and for a fun surprise, download your free pdf gift guide for irreverent parents ..

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

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Best Open Ended Toys for 3 Year Olds & Preschoolers for Independent Play

Last Updated: February 15, 2024

Three year olds are such a wonderful age to experience. They have so many new skills to practice and still have the uninhibited enthusiasm of older toddlers. Three year olds are keen observers, learning to problem solve and analyze things. The best open ended toys for 3 year olds will help them observe and analyze their world, with a healthy dose of storytelling and practical life thrown in!

We want toys that engage their sense of story, creativity, engineering, comparing and contrasting, and collaborative play. All while hoping they still want to use the items in a year! So here are our favorite open ended toys for the 36-48 month range of preschooler.

What are Open-Ended Toys? Open ended simply means that it has more than one use – which is of course, open to interpretation. Yes, kids are great at reinventing toys and making anything into an open-ended toy. However, some toys are just more multipurpose than others. But “closed” ended toys are not “bad”! What is an example of an open ended toy vs a “closed” ended toy. A puzzle is a good example of a “closed” ended toy. It’s great for problem solving and spacial skills. But you do need to get progressively more challenging new puzzles as time goes on – so it’s not usually an example of open-ended toys that grow with your kids. But puzzles are still great toys! Vs Magna-Tiles are an example of an open-ended toy. They can be used in many different ways for many years.

best open ended toys 3 year olds

And as with my other toys lists – the toys listed here are typically when children might enjoy using them most and beyond . For example, you’ll find Magna-Tiles on this list. Can two year olds enjoy magnetic tiles? Of course, but we found age three to be much higher interest and ability. So here are our favorite open-ended toys for three year olds.

14 Best Open Ended Toys for 3 year olds

What toys do three year olds play with? Our favorite open-ended toys for three year olds are all about engineering, creativity, and problem solving. These toys will grow with your preschooler and still be useful in the years to come.

1. Magna-Tiles

Picasso tiles set

While Magna-Tiles can be used early than age three, 3 years old seems to be the tipping point for really digging magnetic tiles for most kids. As younger toddlers they can certainly connect the magnets and begin to understand how to build. But around three, they’re off and running with their engineering minds – building structures, and imaginative play. If they can think it, they can build it. And it seems to be just the right balance of satisfying work and challenge. It’s really fun to watch three year olds build and create with magnetic tiles! There are a few different magnetic tiles to choose from. Our top picks are Picasso Tiles and Magna-Tiles.

2. Balance board

Kinderboard balance board

Balance boards are a great open-ended toy for preschoolers. There are many different brands and options now, so check out my full round up of the best balance boards for toddlers and preschoolers . I compared the best boards from wobbel, kinderfeet, waldorf and some budget options. Whatever you choose, balance boards and rockers are great for balance and creative play. And so nice for indoor active play during long winters! A great Montessori style toy.

3. Kinetic sand

kinetic sand no color large pack

If Playdoh is king for two year olds, around age three Kinetic sand takes the throne! But a word of warning, although kinetic sand is amazing open-ended sensory play, it’s also super messy and if it gets on wood floors creates a super slick surface. But for us around age three it was worth the cleanup at our IKEA Flisat table bins. Playing with kinetic sand held our preschoolers attention for about an hour, when almost nothing else would that amount of time. By around four years old there were many other toys and activities that would hold his attention for long spans of time. And of course all children are different! So your mileage my vary. You could also use this outside. Kinetic Sand 3lb or mini packs ( Amazon  $14)

4. Duplos & Duplo marble run

Duplo Marble run

Duplos top our open-ended toys for two year olds list as well. And around age three, Duplo play continues to advance. At this point, preschoolers enjoy building more elaborate structures, pretend play, and can really do most of their building without help. Larger sets like the town or construction sets are great at this age as well. To up the ante for Duplos, a really fun set around age three or four is a Duplo marble run. They will need help to follow the more elaborate instructions, but after it’s set up, most three year olds really enjoy the challenge of modifying and learning how it works. We prefer this style of marble run for three year olds as it’s easier for them to modify and not accidentally ruin the entire thing by bumping it, like some of the wood ones. Duplo Marble Run ( Amazon $33 )

5. Art supplies

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Three year olds are suddenly much more advanced in their ability to use new art supplies. Things like threading, art kits, spirograph jr and other crafts are really fun for preschoolers. Koala Crates are another great way get interesting art supplies and projects for your preschooler. Check out my Koala Crate review here . Spirograph Jr Amazon $17

6. Buildable vehicle projects

Stanley Jr Cement Mixer building kit

Vehicles make just about all our open-ended toy lists, even for one year olds . But by age three, vehicle play is a bit more sophisticated. Most three year olds are still really into vehicles and transporting as a part of open-ended play. So a fun project are building kit vehicles. Now this isn’t a DIY project for a three year old. It will require your help, but depending on your kiddo, it can be a really fun project and then they have a toy to play with after! The Stanley Jr kits can be found at many craft stores and online. We have done the crane truck, catapult truck and cement mixer. It’s also a fun painting project after it’s built. Stanley Jr Cement Mixer Building Kit ( Amazon  $25)

7. Pretend play accessories

IKEA cash register toy

At this stage, most families already have some pretend play dress up costumes and accessories. So finding creative open-ended play upgrades are a fun addition around age three when they’re really observing life around them and incorporating new emotions and practical life in their story telling. Things like a shopping cart, more realistic costumes, or a pretend cash register to be used for imaginative play, play kitchen etc. I love that the IKEA cash register toy has a working calculator on top. Great for preschoolers as they start getting excited about being able to identify numbers. IKEA Cash Register Toy with Calculator (IKEA stopped selling, but plenty on Amazon )

8. Stepping stones and balance beams

Stepping stones national geographic

While many active play type toys are not really in the “open-ended” category. Stepping stones and balance beam type toys are so great for preschoolers. Yes, they will use them to create an obstacle course or for balancing. But you’ll also find that they use them in all kinds of pretend play! One day, they’re building mountains, another day it’s a tower, or a log or bridge for their vehicles or animals to cross over. There are a lot of different options now for stepping stones. National Geographic Stepping Stones ( Amazon $50+ )

9. Fat Brain Squigz

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Fat Brain makes some really fun open-ended toys for kids. One of their creative toys for the preschool age range, are Squigz. They are flexible silicone pieces of different shapes and colors that hook together, hook onto other surfaces and can be used a lot of different ways and places (windows, fridge etc). Fat Brain Squigz Amazon $26+

10. Treehouse building set

Tree house toy

I don’t know what it is about three year olds and their desire for all things tree house. Whether it’s a real life treehouse in their backyard (goals right?!) or a pretend treehouse for imaginative play. Most of the three year olds in my life, have gone through a tree house stage. So it’s fun to get something tree house related that is future forward for play. We’ve found items like LEGO Friends treehouse that is for younger ages, Duplo, Playmobile or Schleich treehouse to all be ways to incorporate a treehouse into your toy rotation that isn’t going to just be plastic junk that no one is using in a year.

11. Plus-Plus blocks

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Plus plus blocks are interlocking building blocks for unlimited open-ended play. They’re a really neat toy and have a very different feel than other types of building blocks . It’s a very clever design for creative play. They also have baseplates that you can build on. The big plus plus blocks are for ages 1-6. There are also Plus Plus minis for older kids. Plus Plus Big Blocks Amazon $10-30+

12. Wooden stacking “stones”

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

There are many different versions of stacking stones for kids. These wooden style ones are great and budget-friendly for open-ended play. They can be used in so many ways. Counting, a “parts kit”, as play money, boulders for construction, and even a stacking pattern play game. Even older kids and adults enjoy these for a zen-like stacking activity! Put them on your coffee table and see what happens. ;) Wooden Balancing Stones ( Amazon $15+ )

13. Puzzling pattern play and collaborative games

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

While we don’t typically think of puzzles as open-ended toys , around age three, preschoolers start to be more interested in patterns and a different type of puzzling with new skills of matching and visualizing with pattern play. Magnetic “paper doll” sets like Petit Collage animal band, robot, or little travelers. Petite Collage Animal Band  ( Amazon  $15). And pattern puzzles, like the hexagon shape puzzle, can be used for ages three to adult! Wooden Hexagon Puzzle Brain Teaser ( Amazon $8 )

14. Helper tools

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

While two year olds are eager to help and love tools too, around three they can actually be more useful with these items. So real tools like watering cans, rakes, wheelbarrow, push broom, spray mop, measuring tape etc are super fun at this age.

Best Open Ended Toys for 3 year olds

In summary, here are our favorite toys for the 3 year old preschooler stage.

  • Magna-Tiles
  • Balance board
  • Kinetic sand
  • Duplos and Duplo marble run
  • Art supplies – spirograph jr, threading, art kits
  • Buildable vehicle toys
  • Pretend play accessories – cash register etc.
  • Stepping stones and balance beam
  • Treehouse building set
  • Plus-plus blocks
  • Wooden stacking “stones”
  • Puzzling pattern play & collaborative games
  • Helping tools – wheelbarrow, watering can etc.

Happy shopping and I hope this has given you a few new ideas for toys that will grow with your child for years of open-ended play!

Looking for more three year old ideas? Check out favorite toys for three and four year olds and the best open-ended toys for 4 year olds .

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Siblings playing with the Modular Playhouse from The Observer Play Kit

Learning toys for 3-year-olds

Brush Stroke Narrow - Teal

Delivered every 3 months, each Play Kit includes stage-based playthings, activities, and expert tips that help your child learn through play.


Toys for reasoning & problem solving

Letter Sounds Animal Puzzle from The Storyteller Play Kit

Letter Sounds Animal Puzzle

A-Z letter pieces fit over each animal to reinforce the letter and first sound of each animal's name.

Wooden Wobble Puzzle from The Problem Solver Play Kit

Wooden Wobble Puzzle

With a base that tilts as pieces are placed, this STEM puzzle is an exercise in flexible thinking and mental rotation.

Pattern Match Boats & Cards Set from The Analyst Play Kit

Pattern Match Boats & Cards Set

Hand-eye coordination, visual-spatial skills, and more all go into translating 2D pictures into 3D objects.


Toys for social-emotional skills

Emotion Book Set from The Observer Play Kit

Emotion Book Set

Seeing peers in familiar scenarios in these stories can help your child understand and name what they're feeling.

Wooden Emotion Dolls from The Observer Play Kit

Wooden Emotion Dolls

Improves emotional literacy with these dolls who's facial expressions represent six different emotions.

Storytelling Puppet Set With Changing Emotion Eyes from The Storyteller Play Kit

Storytelling Puppet Set With Changing Emotion Eyes

Explore different emotions and scenarios your child might be worried about through play.


Toys for early STEM

Modular Playhouse from The Observer Play Kit

Modular Playhouse

Gain exposure to architectural concepts through nesting, deconstructing, reattaching, and reconfiguring this home.

Montessori Math Bars & Number Tiles from The Problem Solver Play Kit

Montessori Math Bars & Number Tiles

Learn fundamental math skills with visual quantities to count, line up, and compare.

Color Theory Puzzle from The Analyst Play Kit

Color Theory Puzzle

Using color matching, your child will learn to fit the pieces together, which will reveal how colors blend into one another.


Toys for real-life skills

Plan Ahead Weather Board from The Observer Play Kit

Plan Ahead Weather Board

With this hands-on tool, your child can learn to plan ahead and take ownership over their everyday life.

Squeeze & Spray Mop from The Storyteller Play Kit

Squeeze & Spray Mop

Sized just right for little hands, this mop empowers your child to clean spills and care for their home.

First Sewing Kit from The Analyst Play Kit

First Sewing Kit

Fine motor skills continue to strengthen as your child engages in this Montessori-inspired activity.

Board books for the 3-year old Play Kits

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2-in-1 Storage Shelf

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Right Toys, Right Time

Support your child’s learning during important developmental windows with play essentials that are tailored to their exact stage.

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Child-Safe & Sustainable

Our toys are built to last and made with materials like sustainably harvested wood, organic cotton, nontoxic paint, and bio-based plastics.

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Child reading a Lovevery board book

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Give the gift of purposeful play at every stage with The Lovevery Play Kits for ages 0–5. They’ll get the right toys, at the right time, delivered right to their door.

What parents are saying about Lovevery's 3-year-old toys

"These are quality toys that are safe, fun, and worthy of being saved for future generations. We cannot be more happy."

Jennifer A.

"Lovevery playacts are the most interactive, educational and stylish montessori-inspired toys we've ever had."

"My kids will play for hours together. These toys have them using their brains to create, solve and expand their minds."

Explore more toys

Baby with the Wooden Rattle from The Charmer Play Kit

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Child with the Drop & Match Dot Catcher from The Helper Play Kit

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Child holding the Wooden Emotion Dolls from The Observer Play Kit

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Good Toys for Young Children by Age and Stage

Baby playing with a toy

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In addition to being safe (see  Safety and children's toys  below), good toys for young children need to match their stages of development and emerging abilities. Many safe and appropriate play materials are free items typically found at home. Cardboard boxes, plastic bowls and lids, collections of plastic bottle caps, and other “treasures” can be used in more than one way by children of different ages. As you read the following lists of suggested toys for children of different ages, keep in mind that each child develops at an individual pace. Items on one list—as long as they are safe—can be good choices for children who are younger and older than the suggested age range.

Toys for young infants—birth through 6 months

Babies like to look at people—following them with their eyes. Typically, they prefer faces and bright colors. Babies can reach, be fascinated with what their hands and feet can do, lift their heads, turn their heads toward sounds, put things in their mouths, and much more!

Good toys for young infants:

  • Things they can reach for, hold, suck on, shake, make noise with—rattles, large rings, squeeze toys, teething toys, soft dolls, textured balls, and vinyl and board books
  • Things to listen to—books with nursery rhymes and poems, and recordings of lullabies and simple songs
  • Things to look at—pictures of faces hung so baby can see them and unbreakable mirrors

Toys for older infants—7 to 12 months

Older babies are movers—typically they go from rolling over and sitting, to scooting, bouncing, creeping, pulling themselves up, and standing. They understand their own names and other common words, can identify body parts, find hidden objects, and put things in and out of containers.

Good toys for older infants:

  • Things to play pretend with—baby dolls, puppets, plastic and wood vehicles with wheels, and water toys
  • Things to drop and take out—plastic bowls, large beads, balls, and nesting toys
  • Things to build with—large soft blocks and wooden cubes
  • Things to use their large muscles with—large balls, push and pull toys, and low, soft things to crawl over

Toys for 1-year-olds

One-year-olds are on the go! Typically they can walk steadily and even climb stairs. They enjoy stories, say their first words, and can play next to other children (but not yet with!). They like to experiment—but need adults to keep them safe.

Good toys for 1-year-olds:

  • Board books with simple illustrations or photographs of real objects
  • Recordings with songs, rhymes, simple stories, and pictures
  • Things to create with—wide non-toxic, washable markers, crayons, and large paper
  • Things to pretend with—toy phones, dolls and doll beds, baby carriages and strollers, dress-up accessories (scarves, purses), puppets, stuffed toys, plastic animals, and plastic and wood “realistic” vehicles
  • Things to build with—cardboard and wood blocks (can be smaller than those used by infants—2 to 4 inches)
  • Things for using their large and small muscles—puzzles, large pegboards, toys with parts that do things (dials, switches, knobs, lids), and large and small balls

Toys for 2-year-olds (toddlers)

Toddlers are rapidly learning language and have some sense of danger. Nevertheless they do a lot of physical “testing”: jumping from heights, climbing, hanging by their arms, rolling, and rough-and-tumble play. They have good control of their hands and fingers and like to do things with small objects.

Good toys for 2-year-olds:

  • Things for solving problems—wood puzzles (with 4 to 12 pieces), blocks that snap together, objects to sort (by size, shape, color, smell), and things with hooks, buttons, buckles, and snaps
  • Things for pretending and building—blocks, smaller (and sturdy) transportation toys, construction sets, child-sized furniture (kitchen sets, chairs, play food), dress-up clothes, dolls with accessories, puppets, and sand and water play toys
  • Things to create with—large non-toxic, washable crayons and markers, large paintbrushes and fingerpaint, large paper for drawing and painting, colored construction paper, toddler-sized scissors with blunt tips, chalkboard and large chalk, and rhythm instruments
  • Picture books with more details than books for younger children
  • CD and DVD players with a variety of music (of course, phonograph players and cassette recorders work too!)
  • Things for using their large and small muscles—large and small balls for kicking and throwing, ride-on equipment (but probably not tricycles until children are 3), tunnels, low climbers with soft material underneath, and pounding and hammering toys

Toys for 3- to 6-year-olds (preschoolers and kindergarteners)

Preschoolers and kindergartners have longer attention spans than toddlers. Typically they talk a lot and ask a lot of questions. They like to experiment with things and with  their still-emerging physical skills. They like to play with friends—and don’t like to lose! They can take turns—and sharing one toy by two or more children is often possible  for older preschoolers and kindergarteners.

Good toys for 3- to 6-year-olds:

  • Things for solving problems—puzzles (with 12 to 20+ pieces), blocks that snap together, collections and other smaller objects to sort by length, width, height,  shape, color, smell, quantity, and other features—collections of plastic bottle caps, plastic bowls and lids, keys, shells, counting bears, small colored blocks
  • Things for pretending and building—many blocks for building complex structures, transportation toys, construction sets, child-sized furniture (“apartment” sets, play food), dress-up clothes, dolls with accessories, puppets and simple puppet theaters, and sand and water play toys
  • Things to create with—large and small crayons and markers, large and small paintbrushes and fingerpaint, large and small paper for drawing and painting, colored construction paper, preschooler-sized scissors, chalkboard and large and small chalk, modeling clay and playdough, modeling tools, paste, paper and cloth  scraps for collage, and instruments—rhythm instruments and keyboards, xylophones, maracas, and tambourines
  • Picture books with even more words and more detailed pictures than toddler books
  • Things for using their large and small muscles—large and small balls for kicking and throwing/catching, ride-on equipment including tricycles, tunnels, taller  climbers with soft material underneath, wagons and wheelbarrows, plastic bats and balls, plastic bowling pins, targets and things to throw at them, and a  workbench with a vise, hammer, nails, and saw
  • If a child has access to a computer: programs that are interactive (the child can do something) and that children can understand (the software uses graphics and  spoken instruction, not just print), children can control the software’s pace and path, and children have opportunities to explore a variety of concepts on several  levels

Safety and children's toys

Safe toys for young children are well-made (with no sharp parts or splinters and do not pinch); painted with nontoxic, lead-free paint; shatter-proof; and easily cleaned.

Electric toys should be "UL Approved." Be sure to check the label, which should indicate that the toy has been approved by the Underwriters Laboratories. In addition, when choosing toys for children under age 3, make sure there are no small parts or pieces that could become lodged in a child’s throat and cause suffocation.

It is important to remember that typical wear and tear can result in a once safe toy becoming hazardous. Adults should check toys frequently to make sure they are in good repair. For a list of toys that have been recalled by manufacturers, visit the  Consumer Product Safety Commission  website.

Chalk Academy

10 Best Open-Ended Toys That Promote Creativity and Learning

10 Best open-ended toys for kids of all ages

As a pediatrician and mom of two, my selective list of best open-ended toys encourages communication , exploration, creativity, visual discrimination, and problem-solving skills for a wide age range .

This gift guide has been curated by what has entertained my children (ages 7 and 10) and their friends, my teenage nephews, and even myself. I wrote the first version of this post several years ago, and the recommendations have remained constant.

Therefore, I call these “ forever toys ” – toys that will grow with your toddlers, preschools, and elementary school-aged children!


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Minimalist’s guide to shopping for open-ended toys

Less is more: the benefit of few toys.

Clutter is the ultimate distraction, scarcity encourages creativity, and oceans are filled with plastic .

Over the years, I have decluttered and donated most toys …and we still have a lot!  But I strongly believe few toys are better than multiple mediocre ones.

As I wrote the first draft of this article, my kids were playing in an impressive chair and blanket fort. They’re still all about their DIY cardboard box house , too. And nothing beats going outside to the park and beach!

When loved ones insist on gifts

I have been trying to institute a “no gift” rule in our home for years. However, most friends and family still insist they need to gift something.

I can’t seem to change their minds, but at least some ask for recommendations. (Wink, wink – this article is the wish list!) It’s a win-win : they feel happy to give, while we are more likely to receive useful, quality, open-ended toys.

We now get fewer breakable plastic toys that would end up in the trash – whew!

Boy and girl playing with open-ended toys

What makes the ideal toy for kids?

My personal checklist for deciding whether to purchase toys reflects the  American Academy of Pediatric (AAP) guidelines  and includes the following:

[ ] Open-ended

Kids can play independently without instructions or guidance from parents. 

The same toy can be used in multiple ways, and their purpose can change as they grow.

These toys are gender-neutral, timeless, and free of commercial branding.

In addition, an open-ended toy should encourage critical thinking and questions such as:

  • I wonder how this looks if I put it here?
  • Does this fit together or not?
  • Will it roll or stay in place?

[ ] NO Batteries

The big downside of battery-operated, cause-and-effect toys is that they often interrupt focus and limit imagination.

On the other hand, toys without electricity allow your kid to make up their own sounds! 

Open-ended toys also encourage kids to feel and move different parts independently.

As stated by the AAP:

Electronic and digital add-ons increasingly found even in physical toys may actually hinder caregiver-child interactions. The harmful effects of screen time also are an important consideration, especially for young children.

BONUS: no digital toys means no annoying sounds to bother Mom and Dad!

[ ] Environmentally-friendly

My children have seen photos and videos of the consequences of plastic, which motivate our preference for natural materials like wood.

That being said, there are a few circumstances where we use plastic, but I will include alternative materials when available.

10 Best Open-Ended Toys That Kids Will Love For Years!

Send this list of the best open-ended toys to relatives and friends who insist on getting  something  for your kids!

You can also find many open-ended toys conveniently listed on our  Amazon Shop .

  • Magnetic tiles and blocks
  • Building bricks (Lego, Eco-Brick)
  • Plain wood blocks
  • Realistic toy animals
  • Mini vehicles
  • Jumbo droppers
  • Grimm’s Rainbow Stacker
  • Wood peg dolls
  • Runner up: 100 Board

1. Magnetic toys: Magnatiles, Tegu blocks

Child playing with magnetic tiles

Most of our friends agree that colorful magnetic tiles are among the best toys for kids. We have the original Magnatiles; my kids continue discovering new ways to explore building possibilities. They love using magnetic tiles for color mixing and light reflection. While playing and creating, they are learning about geometry, too.

If you want to compare prices with knock-off brands or look for wooden alternatives, I’ve included a few other options below.

Where to buy:

  • Magna-Tiles (also at Target )
  • PicassoTiles
  • Tegu wooden magnetic blocks: 24-piece ; 42-piece
  • Wooden EarthTiles

2. Open-ended toys: LEGOs and Eco-Bricks

Lego organization bins sorting by color

Whenever I ask parents of teenagers which toys were the last to be outgrown, they immediately reply, “LEGOs.” We used to gift our nephews a new set every Christmas, and they only recently outgrew them. Now, our children are busy building with the hand-me-downs. To promote creativity, consider open-ended creative brick boxes.

  • LEGOS – medium creative brick box , large creative brick box
  • Eco-Bricks Bamboo Blocks (if you prefer to minimize plastic)

Of course, building kits are a fun challenge, too! Check out our reviews of favorite Chinese LEGO sets for kids .

3. Play silks / Play scarves

Memory journal with letters to children: free, meaningful holiday or birthday gift

My kids have played with play silks almost daily since they were babies! Back then, my kids squealed with delight using the transparent fabric for peek-a-boo.

These days, they use the play silks to create forts and blankets for their stuffed animals. We also use play scarves as an eco-friendly way to wrap presents.

  • Polyester play scarves
  • 100% silk play scarves

4. Open-ended toys: plain wood blocks

playing with open-ended wooden block toys

The staple of all open-ended toys is the humble, plain wood block! Natural colors let kids focus on size and weight discrimination while building.

My kids have noticed that triangle blocks can be combined together to make bigger triangles, squares, or rectangles, depending on the orientation and shape.

Where to buy: Melissa and Doug Wood Building Blocks

5. Realistic toy animals

Schleich animals - best realistic toys for kids

I once debated between plastic toy animals versus wood toy animals, but the details of the plastic toys are impressive. Each animal looks so realistic. Even their footprints are different in play dough!

My children adore their toy animals, and my 7-year-old still makes roaring sounds with them on the weekends. (My 10-year-old is attached to her favorite animals, though playing less often.) We’ve also used them to learn geography, such as with our felt world map , animal atlas books , and animals of the world printables .

Although we’ve been collecting the Schleich brand, many parents have recommended the more affordable Safari LTD Toob animals. If you’re worried about plastic, keep an eye out for these toys secondhand in thrift shops.

  • Schleich toy animals
  • Safari LTD Toob animals

6. Mini toy vehicles

Use body language to enhance communication with bilingual kids

In our home, little vehicles and matchbox cars have been as popular as mini animals. My children have enjoyed sorting the cars by color and size, making engine sounds, and racing around the house. Whenever my son gets a new toy car, he gazes lovingly at the tiny details for hours, haha!

  • Mini construction vehicles
  • Mini helper vehicles and road signs

Melissa and Doug Easel - whiteboard & chalkboard

The easel is the centerpiece of our children’s play-and-learn area. We have had our Melissa and Doug Easel for nearly a decade!

It’s been amazing to see my children’s scribbles turn into decipherable doodles and messages over the years. I have also used the easel to teach my kids Chinese , and our former nanny used it to teach Korean .

Due to the adjustable height, the easel can grow with a child from toddlerhood to tweenhood. It’s currently at the highest position, just the right height for my big kids.

I’ll list other whiteboards that caught my eye so you can compare reviews to see which works best for your family.

  • Melissa and Doug Easel (also at Target )
  • Tabletop Easel
  • Quartet Magnetic Whiteboard
  • AmazonBasics – this set includes yellow

Recommended : Fun Ways to Learn Hangul with Korean Alphabet Toys

8. Open-ended toys: droppers and pipettes

Learning Resources Jumbo droppers pipettes for kids

Droppers and pipettes are affordable, and my kids have gotten so much use from them! Toddlers can practice simple transferring of water and will love squirting water out. Older kids can enjoy doing science experiments with droppers and pipettes.

Where to buy: Learning Resources jumbo eyedroppers

9. Open-ended toy: Grimm’s rainbow

Grimms rainbow stacker and pom poms

Ahh, the iconic Grimm’s rainbow! Relatives have generously gifted us various Grimm’s toys. If I had to choose one, the rainbow stacker is the best. My kids get so creative with these toys. It even looks pretty on our shelf when they aren’t playing with it.

I previously purchased a cheap wood rainbow from Etsy, but the wood was rough, and the pieces did not stack well.

On the other hand, Grimm’s toys are of amazing quality. The surface has a subtle texture so the pieces can balance, but there are no rough edges. Recently, my husband accidentally dropped our Grimm’s rainbow semi-circles down a flight of wooden stairs, but they were all intact. Whew!

However, beware of the Grimm’s addiction! The more Grimm’s blocks you get, the more you can build. The natural version allows my children to focus on size discrimination, while the colorful Grimm’s rainbow brightens our otherwise neutral room.

  • Grimm’s large 12-piece rainbow stacker – traditional colors versus knock-off brand with mostly good reviews
  • Grimm’s large 12-piece rainbow stacker – natural
  • Grimm’s semi-circles – traditional colors versus knock-off brand with mostly good reviews
  • Grimm’s semi-circles – natural

10. Wood peg dolls

Learning Chinese grammar and how to form sentences

When we first got wood peg dolls, I immediately regretted them. They sat on the shelf untouched until my daughter gave them all names one day; the rest is history!

Now, my son adores them just as much as his big sister. He’s used them for color matching, and they both use the dolls for imaginative play, such as with our cardboard playground .

Because diversity is important in our children’s toys, we have light and dark wood peg dolls.

  • Grapat – Dark Warm Nins and Dark Cool Nins
  • Grimm’s Rainbow Friends
  • Plain natural wood doll set

Runner-up: 100 Board

Montessori Hundred Board - Math toy count to 100

The Hundred Board is one of the best hands-on educational resources for kids between 3 and 9 years of age. It comes with colorful wool balls for color matching and pattern formation.

Toddlers past the mouthing (choking hazard) stage can improve fine motor skills and pincer grasp by putting the balls into different holes. Older kids can work on skip counting and other math exercises. My daughter also enjoys rolling playdough balls into the different slots. You can purchase number coins separately and pair the activities with our printable hundred chart .

Read our review of the Wooden Hundred Board for learning ideas and where to buy.

What are your favorite open-ended toys for children?

Which toys are your child’s favorite? What seems to capture their attention the longest? And which toys haven’t worked for your kids? Please share in the comments below. We’d love to learn from your experience.

More toy and gift guides for kids

What is your child curious about? Here are more educational gift guides for holiday and birthday shopping!

Best Puzzles for Kids

The Best Puzzles for Kids and Adults

best anatomy toys for kids

Favorite Human Anatomy Toys | Science Gifts for Kids

Chinese Gift Guide for Kids Culture, Language, and Fun Toys

The Ultimate Chinese Gift Guide for Kids

Favorite Korean Gifts for Kids, Friends, and Teachers

The Ultimate Korean Gift Guide for Kids

Dr. Betty Choi is a Harvard-trained pediatrician and mother on a mission to connect families through language and play. Chalk Academy was inspired by her trials and triumphs with relearning a heritage language and raising bilingual children in a monolingual community. Dr. Choi's advice has been featured in PBS, Parents, Healthline, The Atlantic, and VeryWell.


Hello! I love love your playmat! Where did you get it?

Grimms rainbow are a hit here too, we have the natural, pastel and they’re original.

Grapat are also a favorite of mine as well 😆

Hi Raisa! Thanks so much for reaching out. I think the mat in these pictures is currently not available, but here is a similar modern gray playmat that we have and love!

Hi again! I just noticed that the medium size of our playmat in the photos is back in stock on Amazon here.

Could you update the link for the knockoff Grimms semicircles?

Love this list and totally agree! Less clutter, less toys in the land-fill, more creative play! I would add play couches to this list as well as another fantastic option.

Cut pieces of yarn are great too. This was one of the best websites on the subject. Thanks

My kids love to play with legos. My son is constantly building the sets and then changing them up however he sees fit. My daughter loves to play dress up but is starting to get into the legos too! Building things and playing pretend seem to keep my kids attention the longest. So far I haven’t had much luck with board games, but they are still pretty young for that.

Hi, I have red a few of your posts which are all so inspiring! Are you able to write more about the early stages of your parenting and language learning, activities and toys you would recommend for under 3? My baby is now 14 months and I’d love to know where to start! Thank you

Hi Olivia! Thanks so much for reaching out! Yes, here are some posts that I wrote and hope they can help: 1. Raising a Bilingual Baby: 5 Things Parents Should Do 2. How I’m Learning Chinese as a Busy Parent: Speaking, Reading, Writing

As for toys, honestly my kids loved tupperware and the Swiffer a lot as young toddlers 🙂 I don’t think they need much at that age. Otherwise blocks can go a long way – my 7 year old still plays with them plus magnetic tiles. Let me know if I can help with anything else!

All of these toys seem really great for kids. Once my wife and I have our first, we’ll be looking to get some. Don’t know which ones yet, but probably at least one from this list.

Great ideas, we do have almost all of these and love them. We also love our mobilo here. My two boys (6yo and 3yo) play with it constantly and rarely pick up anything else. My daughter (1yo) carts the pieces everywhere and loves when her brothers build her something to play with too. It’s so incredibly open ended and is something we will keep collecting as our kids grow as I’m sure the possibilities will grow with them. Even I enjoy building with mobilo!

These are great ideas! Thank you! I especially love the rainbow.

Also, perhaps a strange question, but can you tell me what that flooring is? I’ve been on a quest to find it and I’d really appreciate your help if you know.

Hi Elizabeth! Sorry for the late reply. The floors are engineered wood, but I can’t remember the details. The slightly distressed look hides minor dents and scratches well, but the dark color is unforgiving for dust!

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Educational Toys for 3 Year Olds

Welcome to Educational Toys Planet’s selection of educational toys for your 3 year old! We offer a wide range of toys designed to help your child learn and develop new skills. From puzzles and building blocks to action figures and books, we have something for every toddler. Our educational toys for 3 year olds are guaranteed to engage, challenge and stimulate your child’s mind. With age-appropriate materials and activities, our toys are sure to keep your little one entertained and help them develop essential skills like problem-solving, creativity, self-expression, and fine motor skills. Let your child explore their imagination and discover the world around them with our educational toys for 3 year olds. Shop now and find the perfect gift for your little one!

Educational Gift Ideas for a 3 Year Old

Educational toys can be a great way to help young children learn and develop important skills. Here is a list of some of the best educational toys for 3 year olds:

  • Alphabet puzzles: These puzzles can help children learn their letters and the sounds they make.
  • Shape sorters: Shape sorters are a classic toy that helps children learn about shapes and spatial awareness.
  • Number and counting toys: Toys like counting bears and number games can help children learn to count and understand basic math concepts.
  • Block sets: Block sets, including wooden blocks , encourage children to use their creativity and problem-solving skills as they build structures and designs.
  • Musical instruments: Children love to make noise and musical instruments can help them learn about rhythm and sound.
  • Art supplies: Art supplies like crayons, markers and craft kits , and paint can help children express themselves and develop fine motor skills.
  • Books: Reading is an important part of a child’s development and there are many age-appropriate books available for 3 year olds.

Develop 3 Year Old’s Cognitive Abilities

Educational toys include a variety of different items that address different aspects of early childhood development to aid a child’s intellectual, emotional, physical and social growth. Items such as play dough, building blocks, crayons, paints, books and dress up clothing are common types of educational toys. Some consider dolls, cars and other items that develop fine motor skills to be “educational toys” as well. Educational toys for 3 year olds are typically associated with the development of an infant’s cognitive abilities. Cognitive abilities include problem solving, attention skills, pattern recognition, memorization and a wide variety of other basic skills needed to function in society. Educational toys for 3 year olds can help prepare kids as they grow and develop into adults.

Melissa & Doug Pattern Blocks and Boards - Wooden Classic Toy With 120 Solid Wood Shapes and 5 Double-Sided Panels, Multi-colored - STEAM Animals, Tangrams Puzzle For Kids Ages 3+

  • Educational wooden block set: The Melissa & doug pattern blocks and boards classic toy is a set of 120 wooden blocks in various shapes and colors, inspiring kids to assemble colorful patterns on 5 boards
  • Classic learning activity: Our pattern blocks and boards set lets kids enjoy a classic math manipulative and learning activity. It’s great for spatial awareness, color recognition, hand eye coordination, and problem solving
  • Double sided board: The Melissa & doug pattern blocks and boards set features double sided boards that provide kids with even more creative play options. Kids can create linear patterns, sort blocks by color, count pieces, and more
  • Gift for kids 3 to 6: The Pattern Blocks and Boards Classic Toy makes an ideal gift for kids ages 3 to 6 years. Add the Melissa & Doug 100 Piece Wood Block Set to round out the hands on, screen free play experience. Packaging may vary
  • “The gold standard in childhood play”: For more than 30 years, Melissa & Doug has created beautifully designed imagination- and creativity-sparking products that NBC News called “the gold standard in early childhood play.”

Begin Learning Alphabet

Alphabet puzzles can help 3 year olds develop a variety of skills, including:

  • Fine motor skills: Children can improve their dexterity and hand-eye coordination as they manipulate the puzzle pieces.
  • Letter recognition: Children can learn to recognize and name the letters of the alphabet as they fit the pieces together.
  • Vocabulary: Children can learn new words that begin with each letter as they work on the puzzle.
  • Problem solving: Children can practice their problem-solving skills as they try to figure out which piece goes where.
  • Memory: Children can improve their memory skills as they remember the location of each piece and try to recall it as they work on the puzzle.

Overall, alphabet puzzles can be a fun and interactive way for children to learn and practice important skills.

Hape Wooden Alphabet Puzzle| Wooden ABC Letters Colorful Educational Learning Puzzle Toy Board for Toddlers

  • Learn the alphabet with bright colored letters
  • Take the letters out of the puzzle to practice spelling new words
  • Promotes dexterity, hand-eye coordination, matching, and spatial relationships
  • Recommended for ages 3 years and up
  • Non-toxic finishes and child-safe materials

Learn Cause and Effect Relationships

Educational toys that help to develop cause and effect relationships for 3 year old kids are those that allow children to see the consequences of their actions. For example, toys such as shape sorters, where children can fit different shapes into corresponding holes, can help children understand that certain actions (e.g. placing the shape into the hole) have specific outcomes (e.g. the shape fits and stays inside the hole). Other toys that can help with cause and effect development include toy pianos, where pressing a key creates a sound, and toy cars, where pushing a button makes the car move. These types of toys can be especially beneficial for young children as they begin to understand that their actions can produce specific results.

Fisher-Price Stacking Toy Baby's First Blocks Set of 10 Shapes for Sorting Play for Infants Ages 6+ Months

  • Set of 10 colorful blocks for baby to sort, stack and drop through the shape-sorter lid
  • All blocks fit inside bucket for storage
  • Easy-carry handle for take-along play
  • Introduces baby to colors and shapes
  • Helps foster fine motor skills and problem-solving for infants and toddlers ages 6 months and older

While babies may benefit from educational toys, most research shows that the greatest benefits of early childhood education stem from the development of a child ‘s social, emotional and physical skills. By exposing children to activities that target these areas, a child’s intellectual development is also likely to follow. As infants grow older, they tend to develop a stronger sense of self-awareness and they learn how their own bodies work. This leads into a period when babies learn about cause and effect relationships. Some 3-year-olds are able to understand that they have the power to make things happen – like putting blocks into a box or making an action figure move. Educational toys for this age group should be geared toward these specific types of activities.

Fat Brain Toys Bugzzle - Match-The-Picture Fraction-Learning Brainteaser Ages 3+

  • PUZZLE OF ARRANGING SEMI-CIRCULAR PIECES to match pictures on puzzle cards; Debug your brain!
  • FLIP AND ARRANGE PUZZLE PIECES onto the bug tray to recreate the pictures on the challenge cards
  • GREAT FOR AGES 3 TO 7 YEARS; Quality ABS-plastic; BPA-free; 80 puzzle pieces, tray, 40 challenges
  • ENCOURAGES SPATIAL REASONING, fine motor skills, logic, critical thinking, problem solving
  • MEASURES 7.7 x 7.8 INCHES; Frustration-free packaging; Great for homeschooling!

Introduce Social Skills

Have fun playing.

Developmental play is a major part of preschooler’s life. Educational toys for 3 year olds stimulate child’s motor, physical, emotional and social growth. Parents’ and teachers’ main goal is to create the right environment for this multi-benefits play. By providing smart toys and games, creative projects and materials for this milestone age, we set the basis for child’s ability to keep discovering fun in learning for years to come. So what is the best gift for 3 year old? Taking a look at our selection it is not hard to see the appeal. The toys, games and projects are colorful, making them very attractive. The products also sneak in that educational element, like a Mom sneaking veggies into a meal. The child doesn’t even realize he or she is learning! The child just thinks they are playing and having a great time. What is also great about these products is that so many of the items give kids the opportunity to experience real life things like: baking, money, time, shopping, being a doctor, getting to explore the world, but with a “kid twist” on them, so the toy, game or craft is way more fun compared to “real life”! This type of play is called pretend play which opens up a child to all sorts of learning potential. And that is what it is all about, giving kids the opportunity to learn and grow!

Little Tikes Learn & Play 2-in-1 Activity Tunnel with Ball Drop Game, Windows, Silly Sounds, Music, Accessories, Collapsible for Easy Storage- Gifts for Kids, Toy for Boys Girls Age 1 2 3 Year Olds

  • TWO WAYS TO PLAY – Crawl through the soft tunnel or enjoy ball play with spiral ball drops. Two kids can even play at the same time.
  • ADJUSTABLE TUNNEL - Durable, flexible-fabric crawl-through tunnel has side windows for peekaboo fun, and it collapses for easy storage.
  • BALL PLAY – Kids will flex their fine motor skills and practice hand-eye coordination as they drop 5 multi colored balls into two ball drop towers.
  • SILLY SOUNDS - Balls activate sounds for added fun, or kids can press buttons to hear music.
  • PROMOTES DEVELOPMENT - Encourages crawling, reaching, grasping and color recognition.

USA Toyz Glow Trax Race Tracks and LED Toy Cars - 360pk Glow in The Dark Flexible Rainbow Race Track Set STEM Building Toys for Boys and Girls with Large Roundabout Ramp and 2 LED Toy Cars

  • STEM BUILDING RACE CAR TRACKS SET: Create your own race car track designs with this complete buildable race car track set for kids; includes 360 neon car tracks, 2 LED race car toys (batteries not included), 2 bridges, 2 slope frames, 2 lane connectors, and 1 large turnabout ramp
  • GLOW IN THE DARK TOY RACE CARS: Race your LED light up toy cars on various race car track designs that you create from donut-style speedways to long and winding slot car race tracks
  • FLEXIBLE RAINBOW RACE TRACKS: Easily snap these bendy race track for toddlers together and start racing; kids race track rolls up for travel and storage
  • LEARN WHILE YOU PLAY: These colorful STEM building toys help develop kids’s engineering and problem solving skills while enhancing cognitive skills as they play; rainbow racetrack combines hands-on fun with fine-tuning motor skills for kids ages 3+
  • KID-FRIENDLY AND QUALITY ASSURED: The Glow Trax glow in the dark car racetracks for kids is fun and brain challenging at the same time. This glow tracks racing set is crafted for an engaging experience.

It’s important to choose educational toys that are age-appropriate and engage your child’s interests. Look for toys that challenge your child’s developing skills and encourage creativity and imagination.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Puzzles for 3 Year Olds – Stimulating and Engaging Activity

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Craft Kits for 3 Year Olds – Creative and Educational Fun

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Wooden Learning Toys for 3 Year Olds – Safe and Engaging Playtime Fun

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Water Toys for 3 Year Olds – Fun and Exciting Playtime

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Travel Toys for 3 Year Olds – Portable Fun on the Go

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Train Toys for 3 Year Olds – Fun Imaginary Adventures

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Tractor Toys for 3 Year Olds – Cognitive Development and Fine Motor Skills

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Take Apart Toys for 3 Year Olds – Creative Problem Solving Fun

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

STEM Toys for 3 Year Olds – Fun and Educational Play

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Stacking Toys for 3 Year Olds – Colorful and Creative Learning Fun

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Sports Toys for 3 Year Olds – Active and Fun Playtime

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Speech Therapy Toys for 3 Year Olds – Encouraging Development of Speech an

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Sorting Toys for 3 Year Olds – Develop Cognitive Skills and Critical Think

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Smart Toys for 3 Year Olds – Develop Early Skills

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Sensory Toys for 3 Year Olds – Explore the World Through Touch and Play

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Science Toys for 3 Year Olds – Educational Exploration Fun

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Rocket Toys for 3 Year Olds – Exploring the Skies with Fun

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Robot Toys for 3 Year Olds – Foster Problem-Solving and Motor Skills

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Ride-on Toys for 3 Year Olds – Whimsical Mobility Fun

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Reading Toys for 3 Year Olds – Develop Early Literacy Skills

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Princess Toys for 3 Year Olds – Magical Pretend Play Fun

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Pretend Play Toys for 3 Year Olds – Develop Social Skills and Imagination

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Pool Toys for 3 Year Olds – Splashing Fun and Learning

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Space and Planet Toys for 3 Year Olds – Educational and Imaginary Adventur

Outdoor toys for 3 year olds – develop gross motor skills and explore natu.

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Alphabet Toys for 3 Year Olds – Develop Early Literacy Skills

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Construction Vehicle Toys for 3 Year Olds – Enhancing Visual Tracking and

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Musical Toys for 3 Year Olds – Foster a Love of Music

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Garden Toys for 3 Year Olds – Outdoor Activities and Discovery

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Lacing Toys for 3 Year Olds – Develop Motor Skills and Hand-Eye Coordinati

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Pirate Toys for 3 Year Olds – Develop Socialization and Roleplay

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Board Games for 3 Year Olds – Develop Social and Cognitive Skills

problem solving toys for 3 year olds

Dollhouses for 3 Year Olds – Role Play and Imagination Building Most Loved Toy Store of 2017


  1. Top 14 Problem-Solving Toys for 3-Year-Olds of 2023

    problem solving toys for 3 year olds


    problem solving toys for 3 year olds

  3. The Problem Solver Play Kit

    problem solving toys for 3 year olds

  4. Kids Mazes

    problem solving toys for 3 year olds

  5. Early Learning Centre Mini Wooden Activity Cube, Fine Motor Skills

    problem solving toys for 3 year olds

  6. The Problem Solver Play Kit

    problem solving toys for 3 year olds


  1. Best educational videos for toddlers

  2. Problem Solving Rissa

  3. Children's educational toys (054) 🌾☘ #Shorts #knowledgecreator #handmadeDIY #funny

  4. Children's intelligence boosting toys 064 🍁🌷 #Shorts #knowledgecreator #handmadeDIY #funny

  5. Abc And 123 Learning Videos For Toddlers

  6. Children's intelligence-boosting toys (083) 🌿🌴 #Shorts #knowledgecreator #handmadeDIY #funny


  1. 15 Powerful Problem Solving Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers

    Puzzles. Puzzles are fun and a great way to encourage cognitive development in children. They are great for spacial reasoning and strengthening problem-solving skills. They also develop memory skills, critical thinking, and the ability to plan and execute the plan. Toddlers will enjoy the simple puzzles, and preschoolers will do great with ...

  2. The 14 Best Educational Learning Toys For 3 Year Olds & 7 Factors

    Thames & Kosmos Robot Engineer (Level 1) by Kids First. Pros & best features: Multi-award toy set with 53 pieces designed for STEM learning by making non-motorized but movable robots (with a matching storybook) Product safety: With safety warning for choking hazards for kids under three years old. Materials: Plastic.

  3. Best Puzzles and Problem-Solving Toys for Toddlers and Preschoolers

    We love puzzles and problem-solving toys. My three-year-old is a thinker. She has more fun working on a puzzle or problem-solving than most other toys. And now her younger sister is following a similar trajectory. Puzzles and problem-solving toys are the last category on our foundational toys list, but by no means the least.

  4. Problem Solving Toys

    Toys for 3 Year Old Boys Birthday Gift - Large Race Track - 3 Year Old Boy Toys - Car Toys for Boys 3-4-5-6-7 - Montessori/Thinking/Fine Motor Skills/STEM Toys ... Develop Motor Skills and Problem Solving - Travel Toy for Toddlers 1-3. 4.8 out of 5 stars. 1,535. 200+ bought in past month. $16.99 $ 16. 99. List: $24.99 $24.99. FREE delivery Tue ...

  5. The 30 Best Toys for 3-Year-Olds

    Flybar My First Foam Pogo Jumper. PHOTO: Walmart. $15 at Amazon $15 at Walmart View on Lowe's. While traditional pogo sticks are definitely too much for a 3-year-old to handle, this version is a ...

  6. 23 Best Educational Toys & Gift Ideas for 3-Year-Olds

    15) Story Time Chess. Price at time of writing: $64.99. Story Time Chess, the 2021 People's Choice Toy of the Year Award Winner, is a fantastic educational game, modified for starting at age 3! Chess is immensely beneficial for young minds as it assists with critical thinking, problem-solving, and planning ahead.

  7. 45 of the Best STEM Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers

    Salt Dough Dinosaur Fossils. This is without a doubt one of my favorite preschool STEM activities. Use the DIY dinosaur fossils to create a real dino dig in the sandbox, or just as a dinosaur matching activity. All you need is some salt dough, and small toy dinosaurs. It's so easy. 13. Planet Match Activity.

  8. 9 Best Educational Toys for 3-year-olds to Promote Development

    3. MightyMind by LeisureLearning. Image Source: Mighty Minds. The innovation of Mighty Mind makes it a singularly amazing toy for 3-year-olds at home or school. This toy promotes the development of essential skills such as creativity, spacial awareness, logic, problem-solving, fine motor, and self-confidence.

  9. 28 Educational Toys That 2 to 3-Year-Olds Will Love

    2. Learning Play Kit for 2 to 3-year-olds. The 4-for-1 play kit includes Object Permanence Box, Montessori Coin Box, Carrot Harvest Game, and Matchstick Color Drop Game. These educational toys are also good for 2 to 3-year-olds. Hand-eye coordination.

  10. Seven Problem Solving Activities for Toddlers

    For three-year-olds, a tower of six or more blocks is the expected milestone. That's because building anything, even a simple block tower, is a true problem-solving challenge for toddlers. Blocks, train sets, and other building toys let your child work out how to balance, fit pieces together, and deal with frustration as they learn to master ...

  11. The Problem Solver Play Kit

    Visual instructions for the Montessori Math Bars & Number Tiles and Number Sense Nature Counters for your independent 3-year-old. Play Guide for Months 43, 44, 45 Ways to play, expert tips, development information, and at-home activity ideas during months 43, 44, and 45.

  12. 44 Powerful Problem Solving Activities for Kids

    By honing their problem-solving abilities, we're preparing kids to face the unforeseen challenges of the world outside. Enhances Cognitive Growth: Otherwise known as cognitive development. Problem-solving isn't just about finding solutions. It's about thinking critically, analyzing situations, and making decisions.

  13. Activities for 2-3 Year Olds

    This post shares close to 40 easy, hands-on, learning activities for keeping 2-3 year olds busy learning & playing! These activities include sensory play, fine motor & gross motor skill building, color sorting, shape recognition, problem-solving skills, & early numeracy & literacy activities. The post shares materials needed for each activity ...

  14. Playful Learning: Best Educational Toys for 3-Year-Olds

    Educational toys play a crucial role in the development of 3-year-olds, fostering their cognitive, social, and emotional growth during this critical early stage. Through interactive and engaging play, these specially designed toys stimulate curiosity, enhance problem-solving skills, and promote learning, making them an indispensable tool for a ...

  15. 10 of The Best Ways to Teach Your Preschoolers Problem Solving

    If we take a look at the steps involved in solving a problem, we can see that there are many layers involved and different types of skills. Here are the problem-solving steps according to the University of Ken. Step 1: Identify the problem. Step 2: Define the problem. Step 3: Examine the options.

  16. 8 Toys and Games that Build Problem Solving in Early Childhood

    6. Pattern Blocks and Boards. We love this game so much! With five boards featuring pictures of 10 designs created from geometric shapes, your child matches the 120 wooden shapes to each picture. Utilizing problem solving skills, kids will match shapes to the mosaic or make open-ended designs of their own.

  17. 14 Open-Ended Toys for 3 Year Olds & Preschoolers for Independent Play

    Our favorite open-ended toys for three year olds are all about engineering, creativity, and problem solving. These toys will grow with your preschooler and still be useful in the years to come. 1. Magna-Tiles. Best Budget Magnetic Tiles Set: Picasso Tiles 100 Piece Set: $48.

  18. Top 10 Toys that Encourage Creative Thinking and Problem-Solving

    All of these toys provide an opportunity for children to practice problem solving skills. Q2: What are the benefits of using toys to teach problem solving skills? A2: Toys can be a great way to help children develop problem solving skills. Through play, children can practice critical thinking and problem solving skills in a fun and engaging way.

  19. Best Developmental Toys for 3-Year-Olds

    See our our toys for 3-year-olds help your child count, understand routines, plan ahead, and so much more. The Play Kits; Shop All. ... Encourage independent table setting, creative problem-solving play, and even easy cleanup with these Lovevery essentials. The Block Set. 12 to 48+ months. Montessori Placemat & Utensils. 18+ months.

  20. Good Toys for Young Children by Age and Stage

    Good toys for 3- to 6-year-olds: Things for solving problems—puzzles (with 12 to 20+ pieces), blocks that snap together, collections and other smaller objects to sort by length, width, height, shape, color, smell, quantity, and other features—collections of plastic bottle caps, plastic bowls and lids, keys, shells, counting bears, small ...

  21. Best Open-Ended Toys According to a Pediatrician Mom

    8. Open-ended toys: droppers and pipettes. Playing with pipettes. Droppers and pipettes are affordable, and my kids have gotten so much use from them! Toddlers can practice simple transferring of water and will love squirting water out. Older kids can enjoy doing science experiments with droppers and pipettes.

  22. Educational Toys for 3 Year Olds

    Our educational toys for 3 year olds are guaranteed to engage, challenge and stimulate your child's mind. With age-appropriate materials and activities, our toys are sure to keep your little one entertained and help them develop essential skills like problem-solving, creativity, self-expression, and fine motor skills. Let your child explore ...

  23. Best Activities for 3-Year-Olds

    What you'll need: A simple board game designed for kids as young as 3, like Snail's Pace Race or The Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel. How to do it: Sit down with your child and play the game together according to the directions, or follow them as closely as you can. It may take several tries for your child to get the hang of it.